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Canada Labour Statistics Division, Statistics Canada Labour Force Survey, October 2015 [Canada] Study Documentation April 10, 2017

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Page 1: Labour Statistics Division, Statistics Canada Labour Force Survey, October … · Labour Force Survey, October 2015 [Canada] (LFS October 2015) Enquête sur la population active,


Labour Statistics Division, Statistics Canada

Labour Force Survey, October 2015 [Canada]

Study Documentation

April 10, 2017

Page 2: Labour Statistics Division, Statistics Canada Labour Force Survey, October … · Labour Force Survey, October 2015 [Canada] (LFS October 2015) Enquête sur la population active,

Metadata ProductionMetadata Producer(s) Data Liberation Initiative (DLI) , Statistics Canada

Production Date April 28, 2016


Identification LFS-71M0001-E-2015-October

Page 3: Labour Statistics Division, Statistics Canada Labour Force Survey, October … · Labour Force Survey, October 2015 [Canada] (LFS October 2015) Enquête sur la population active,

Table of ContentsOverview............................................................................................................................................................. 4Scope & Coverage.............................................................................................................................................. 4Producers & Sponsors.........................................................................................................................................5Sampling..............................................................................................................................................................5Data Collection....................................................................................................................................................6Data Processing & Appraisal..............................................................................................................................6Accessibility........................................................................................................................................................ 7Rights & Disclaimer........................................................................................................................................... 7Files Description................................................................................................................................................. 8

LFS-71M0001-E-2015-October......................................................................................................8Variables Group(s).............................................................................................................................................. 9

Children........................................................................................................................................... 9Demography.................................................................................................................................... 9Economic family............................................................................................................................. 9Education.........................................................................................................................................9Filler.............................................................................................................................................. 10Geography..................................................................................................................................... 10Industry and occupation................................................................................................................10Job status.......................................................................................................................................10Job tenure...................................................................................................................................... 10Labour force status....................................................................................................................... 11Multiple or single job holder........................................................................................................11Number of employees...................................................................................................................11Record number and survey date...................................................................................................11Relationship to reference person.................................................................................................. 11Unemployment.............................................................................................................................. 11Union membership........................................................................................................................12Weight variable............................................................................................................................. 12Work hours, pay and absence.......................................................................................................12

Variables Description........................................................................................................................................14LFS-71M0001-E-2015-October....................................................................................................15

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Labour Force Survey, October 2015 [Canada] - Overview

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Labour Force Survey, October 2015 [Canada] (LFS October 2015)Enquête sur la population active, octobre 2015 [Canada]


Type Labour Force Survey

Identification LFS-71M0001-E-2015-October

Version Production Date: 2016-07-28

Series The Labour Force Survey provides estimates of employment and unemployment which are amongthe most timely and important measures of performance of the Canadian economy.

AbstractThis public use microdata file contains non-aggregated data for a wide variety of variables collected from the Labour ForceSurvey (LFS). The LFS collects monthly information on the labour market activities of Canada's working age population.This product is for users who prefer to do their own analysis by focusing on specific subgroups in the population or by cross-classifying variables that are not in our catalogued products. This file contains both personal characteristics for all individualsin the household and detailed labour force characteristics for household members 15 years of age and over. The personalcharacteristics include age, sex, marital status, educational attainment, and family characteristics. Detailed labour forcecharacteristics include employment information such as class of worker, usual and actual hours of work, employee hourlyand weekly wages, industry and occupation of current or most recent job, public and private sector, union status, paid orunpaid overtime hours, job permanency, hours of work lost, job tenure, and unemployment information such as duration ofunemployment, methods of job search and type of job sought. Labour force characteristics are also available for studentsduring the school year and during the summer months as well as school attendance whether full or part-time and the type ofinstitution. These and more are available by province and for the three largest census metropolitan areas (Montreal, Toronto,Vancouver). This is a monthly file, and is available going back to 1976.

Kind of Data Survey data

Unit of Analysis Individuals

Scope & Coverage

Keywords Demographic characteristics, Demography, Jobs, Labour force survey, Labour force, PUMFFILE

Topics Employment and unemployment, Hours of work and work arrangements, Industries, Labour,Occupations, Unionization and industrial relations, Wages, salaries and other earnings

Time Period(s) 2015

Countries Canada

Geographic CoverageCanadaProvincesTerritories

UniverseThe LFS covers the civilian, non-institutionalised population 15 years of age and over. It is conducted nationwide, in boththe provinces and the territories. Excluded from the survey's coverage are: persons living on reserves and other Aboriginalsettlements in the provinces; full-time members of the Canadian Armed Forces, the institutionalized population, andhouseholds in extremely remote areas with very low population density. These groups together represent an exclusion ofless than 2% of the Canadian population aged 15 and over. There are no questions in the LFS that ask respondents whetherthey are temporary foreign workers. Therefore it is not possible to produce counts of, or employment numbers for, temporaryforeign workers from the LFS. If contacted for the LFS, temporary foreign workers will be included only if they identify theselected dwelling as their usual place of residence. In addition, they cannot be separated from a larger group of respondentswho were not born in Canada and who are not landed immigrants. In 2014, the 'other' category represented 2% of the

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Labour Force Survey, October 2015 [Canada] - Overview

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employed population and would therefore have a negligible impact on the overall employment numbers. Also included in thisgroup are: Canadian citizens by descent who were born elsewhere, foreign students with a study permit, claimants of refugeestatus or family members of immigrants who are not landed immigrants themselves. National Labour Force Survey estimatesare derived using the results of the LFS in the provinces. Territorial LFS results are not included in the national estimates, butare published separately.

Producers & Sponsors


Labour Statistics Division, Statistics Canada

Other Producer(s) Labour Statistics Division (LSD) , Statistics Canada


Sampling ProcedureThe LFS uses a probability sample that is based on a stratified multi-stage design. Each province is divided into largegeographic stratum. The first stage of sampling consists of selecting smaller geographic areas, called clusters, from withineach stratum. The second stage of sampling consists of selecting dwellings from within each selected cluster. The LFS usesa rotating panel sample design so that selected dwellings remain in the LFS sample for six consecutive months. Each monthabout 1/6th of the LFS sampled dwellings are in their first month of the survey, 1/6th are in their second month of the survey,and so on. One feature of the LFS sample design is that each of the six rotation groups can be used as a representative sampleby itself. Within selected dwellings, basic demographic information is collected for all household members. Labour forceinformation is collected for all civilian household members who are aged 15 and over. Recently, the monthly LFS samplesize has been approximately 56,000 households, resulting in the collection of labour market information for approximately100,000 individuals. It should be noted that the LFS sample size is subject to change from time to time in order to meetdata quality or budget requirements. With the recent increase in coverage in Nunavut, the sample for all three territories isrepresentative of the working-age population of each territory. Nunavut was initially designed to cover ten of the largestcommunities in the region, representing about 70% of all Nunavut residents aged 15 years and over. The increase in surveycoverage in that territory, effective in the spring of 2009 and retroactive to the winter of 2008, brings it on par with the othertwo territories (96% in the Northwest Territories, 93% in Nunavut and 92% in Yukon). The LFS sample is allocated toprovinces, territories and regions within provinces to meet the need for reliable estimates at various geographic levels. Theseinclude national, provincial, territorial, census metropolitan areas (large cities), economic regions and employment insuranceregions.

Response RateNon-response to the LFS tends to average about 10% of eligible households. Interviewers are instructed to make allreasonable attempts to obtain LFS interviews with members of eligible households. Each month, after all attempts to obtaininterviews have been made, a small number of non-responding households remain. For households non-responding to theLFS, a weight adjustment is applied to account for non-responding households. Sampling errors associated with surveyestimates are measured using coefficients of variation for LFS estimates as a function of the standard error and the size of theestimate.

WeightingThe final step in the processing of LFS data is the assignment of a weight to each individual record. This process involvesseveral steps. Each record has an initial weight that corresponds to the inverse of the probability of selection. Adjustmentsare made to this weight to account for non-response that cannot be handled through imputation. In the final weighting stepall of the record weights are adjusted so that the aggregate totals will match with independently derived population estimatesfor various age-sex groups by province and major sub-provincial areas. One feature of the LFS weighting process is that allindividuals within a dwelling are assigned the same weight. In January 2000, the LFS introduced a new estimation methodcalled Regression Composite Estimation. This new method was used to re-base all historical LFS data. It is described in theresearch paper "Improvements to the Labour Force Survey (LFS)", Catalogue no. 71F0031X. Additional improvements areintroduced over time; they are described in different issues of the same publication.

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Labour Force Survey, October 2015 [Canada] - Overview

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Data Collection

Data Collection Dates start 2015-10-19end 2015-10-23

Time Period(s) start 2015-10-12end 2015-10-16

Data Collection Mode Data collection for the LFS is carried out each month during the week following the LFS referenceweek. The reference week is normally the week containing the 15th day of the month. LFSinterviews are conducted by telephone by interviewers working out of a regional office CATI(Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews) site or by personal visit from a field interviewer. Since2004, dwellings new to the sample in urban areas are contacted by telephone if the telephonenumber is available from administrative files, otherwise the dwelling is contacted by a fieldinterviewer. The interviewer first obtains socio-demographic information for each householdmember and then obtains labour force information for all members aged 15 and over who arenot members of the regular armed forces. The majority of subsequent interviews are conductedby telephone. In subsequent monthly interviews the interviewer confirms the socio-demographicinformation collected in the first month and collects the labour force information for the currentmonth. Persons aged 70 and over are not asked the labour force questions in subsequent interviews,but rather their labour force information is carried over from their first interview. Starting in 2015,LFS respondents who met certain criteria were offered the option of completing the survey on-linefor subsequent interviews. In each dwelling, information about all household members is usuallyobtained from one knowledgeable household member. Such 'proxy' reporting, which accounts forapproximately 65% of the information collected, is used to avoid the high cost and extended timerequirements that would be involved in repeat visits or calls necessary to obtain information directlyfrom each respondent.

Data Collection NotesThe current LFS questionnaire was introduced in 1997. At that time, significant changes were made to the questionnaire inorder to address existing data gaps, improve data quality and make more use of the power of Computer Assisted Interviewing(CAI). The changes incorporated included the addition of many new questions. For example, questions were added to collectinformation about wage rates, union status, job permanency and workplace size for the main job of currently employedemployees. Other additions included new questions to collect information about hirings and separations, and expandedresponse category lists that split existing codes into more detailed categories. The questionnaire was also extensivelyrestructured in terms of the order of the questions and the flows between questions. For example, the job descriptionquestions about the current (or most recent) job were moved near the beginning of the questionnaire so that this information(especially the class of worker) could be used to control some of the question flow, question wording and applicable responsecategories in later questions. As well, some questions known to be problematic were modified through rewording or theinclusion of additional questions (e.g., the hours of work question series and the identification of persons on temporarylayoff). Since the existing questionnaire had been designed as a paper questionnaire, the questionnaire redesign representedan opportunity to make extensive use of the power of CAI. This included the incorporation of question wording thatdepended upon answers to earlier questions, more complex question flows and an extensive set of on-line edits checking forlogical inconsistencies. The implementation of the new questionnaire followed an extensive process of user consultations,questionnaire development and questionnaire testing. The questionnaire was phased in over a five-month period betweenSeptember 1996 and January 1997.

Data Collector(s) Labour Statistics Division (LSD) , Statistics Canada

Data Processing & Appraisal

Other ProcessingSeasonal Adjustments - Most estimates associated with the labour market are subject to seasonal variation, that is, annually-recurring fluctuations attributable to climate and regular institutional events such as vacations, and holiday seasons. Seasonaladjustment is used to remove seasonal variations from almost 3,000 series, in order to facilitate analysis of short-term changefor major indicators such as employment and unemployment by age and sex, employment by industry, and class of worker(employee or self-employed). Many of these indicators are seasonally adjusted at national and provincial levels. Seasonal

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Labour Force Survey, October 2015 [Canada] - Overview

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adjustments are made using the X-12-ARIMA method. Main labour force status estimates are also seasonally adjusted forcensus metropolitan areas (CMAs), and published as three-month moving averages to reduce irregular movements causedby relatively small sample sizes. At the start of each year the seasonally adjusted series are updated and revised accordingto the latest data and information for seasonal models and factors. The seasonally adjusted series are usually revised backthree years. Adjusting estimates for population changes - Adjustments are also made to LFS data every five years after newpopulation estimates become available following the most recent census. At that time, all LFS data back to the previouscensus is re-weighted using the new population estimates (since the new population estimates will cover the inter-censalperiod between the two most recent censuses), and all corresponding historical LFS estimates are revised. Therefore, at thebeginning of 2015, all estimates were adjusted to reflect 2011 Census population counts and LFS estimates have been revisedback to January 2001. Also, Census metropolitan areas (CMAs), Economic regions (ERs) and Census agglomerations arebased on 2011 Census boundaries rather than 2006 boundaries. These and other changes are described in the research paperThe 2015 Revisions of the Labour Force Survey (LFS), Catalogue no. 71F0031XWE201501.

Estimates of Sampling ErrorSince the LFS is a sample survey, all LFS estimates are subject to both sampling error and non-sampling errors. Non-sampling errors can arise at any stage of the collection and processing of the survey data. These include coverage errors, non-response errors, response errors, interviewer errors, coding errors and other types of processing errors. Non-response to theLFS tends to average about 10% of eligible households. Interviewers are instructed to make all reasonable attempts to obtainLFS interviews with members of eligible households. Each month, after all attempts to obtain interviews have been made,a small number of non-responding households remain. For households non-responding to the LFS, a weight adjustment isapplied to account for non-responding households. Sampling errors associated with survey estimates are measured usingcoefficients of variation for LFS estimates as a function of the standard error and the size of the estimate.

Other Forms of Data AppraisalAll identified discrepancies, logical inconsistencies and missing information are resolved either automatically by the headoffice processing system or through manual intervention. This is accomplished through the imputation of logically consistentvalues. Where possible, deterministic imputation is used to resolve any inconsistent or missing information using otherinformation provided by the respondent. When this is not possible, information for an individual may be carried forward fromthe previous month (if it exists) under certain circumstances. In other instances hot deck imputation is used, which involvescopying information from another individual (i.e., a 'donor') with similar characteristics.


Access Authority Data Liberation Initiative (Statistics Canada) , , [email protected]

Distributor(s) Data Liberation Initiative

Access ConditionsDLI License Agreement

Citation RequirementsAll publications using Statistics Canada data should identify Statistics Canada as the author, the respective survey title,as well as the year. The publishing of analysis and results from research using any of the data products is permitted inresearch communications such as scholarly papers, journals and the like. The authors of these communications are requiredto cite Statistics Canada as the source of the data, and to indicate that the results or views expressed are those of the author/authorized user and are not those of Statistics Canada.

Rights & Disclaimer

DisclaimerThe original collector of the data, Statistics Canada, bears no responsibility for uses of this collection, or the interpretations orinferences based upon such uses.

Copyright Copyright © Statistics Canada, 2015

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Labour Force Survey, October 2015 [Canada] - Files Description

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Files DescriptionDataset contains 1 file(s)


# Cases 102131

# Variable(s) 81

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Labour Force Survey, October 2015 [Canada] - Variables Group(s)

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Variables Group(s)Dataset contains 18 group(s)

Group Children

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

1 AGYOWNKN Age of youngest own child(children)

discrete numeric-1.0 28704 73427 -

2 SCH1624 At least one child age 16 to24 in school

discrete numeric-1.0 8081 94050 -

Group Demography

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

1 AGE_12 Age of respondent (five yearage groups)

discrete numeric-2.0 102131 0 -

2 AGE_6 Age of respondent (two andthree year age groups)

discrete numeric-1.0 21528 80603 -

3 SEX Sex of respondent discrete numeric-1.0 102131 0 -

4 MARSTAT Marital status of respondent discrete numeric-1.0 102131 0 -

5 SP_AGE Age of spouse discrete numeric-1.0 59119 43012 -

Group Economic family

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

1 EFAMTYPE Type of economic family discrete numeric-2.0 102131 0 -

2 EFAMSIZE Number of individuals ineconomic family

continuous numeric-1.0 102131 0 -

3 EFAMEMPL Number of employed personsin economic family

continuous numeric-1.0 102131 0 -

4 EFAMUNEM Number of unemployedpersons in economic family

continuous numeric-1.0 102131 0 -

Group Education

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

1 ED76to89 Highest educationalattainment - From 1976 to1989

discrete numeric-1.0 0 102131 -

2 EDUC90 Highest educationalattainment - Begins 1990

discrete numeric-1.0 102131 0 -

3 SCHOOLN Current student status andtype of school

discrete numeric-1.0 80835 21296 -

4 SPED7689 Education of spouse - From1976 to 1989

discrete numeric-1.0 0 102131 -

5 SPED1990 Education of spouse - Begins1990

discrete numeric-1.0 59119 43012 -

6 SCH1624 At least one child age 16 to24 in school

discrete numeric-1.0 8081 94050 -

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Labour Force Survey, October 2015 [Canada] - Variables Group(s)

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Group Filler

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

1 FILLER_1 Filler 1 continuous numeric-2.0 0 102131 -

2 FILLER_2 Filler 2 continuous numeric-2.0 0 102131 -

Group Geography

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

1 PROV Province discrete numeric-2.0 102131 0 -

2 CMA Three largest CensusMetropolitan Areas (CMAs)

discrete numeric-1.0 102131 0 -

Group Industry and occupation

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

1 COWMAIN Class of worker, main job discrete numeric-1.0 68870 33261 -

2 NAICS_18 Industry of main job -NAICS 2007 (18 categories)

discrete numeric-2.0 68870 33261 -

3 NAICS_43 Industry of main job -NAICS 2007 (43 categories)

discrete numeric-2.0 68870 33261 -

4 SOC80_49 Occupation at main job -SOC80 - From 1984 to 1986

discrete numeric-2.0 0 102131 -

5 SOC80_21 Occupation at main job -SOC80 - Ends in 1998

discrete numeric-2.0 0 102131 -

6 NOCS_01_25 Occupation at main job -NOCS S-2006 - Begins 1987(25 categories)

discrete numeric-2.0 68870 33261 -

7 NOCS_01_47 Occupation at main job -NOCS S-2006 - Begins 1987(47 categories)

discrete numeric-2.0 68870 33261 -

8 SP_SOC80 Occupation of spouse - From1976 to 1986

discrete numeric-2.0 0 102131 -

9 SP_NOCS06 Occupation of spouse - NOCS-2006 - Begins 1987

discrete numeric-2.0 41330 60801 -

10 SP_COWM Spouse's class of worker atmain job, employed

discrete numeric-1.0 59119 43012 -

Group Job status

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

1 PERMTEMP Permanent or temporary job,employees only

discrete numeric-1.0 51973 50158 -

Group Job tenure

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

1 TENURE Job tenure in months,currently employed only

continuous numeric-3.0 61231 40900 -

2 PREVTEN Job tenure of previous jobin months, not currentlyemployed

continuous numeric-3.0 7639 94492 -

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Labour Force Survey, October 2015 [Canada] - Variables Group(s)

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Group Labour force status

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

1 LFSSTAT Labour force status discrete numeric-1.0 102131 0 -

2 SP_LFSST Labour force status of spouse discrete numeric-1.0 59119 43012 -

Group Multiple or single job holder

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

1 MJH Multiple or single job holder discrete numeric-1.0 61231 40900 -

Group Number of employees

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

1 ESTSIZE Number of employees atworkplace

discrete numeric-1.0 51973 50158 -

2 FIRMSIZE Number of employees at alllocations

discrete numeric-1.0 51973 50158 -

Group Record number and survey date

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

1 REC_NUM Order of record in file continuous numeric-7.0 102131 0 -

2 SURVYEAR Survey year discrete numeric-4.0 102131 0 -

3 SURVMNTH Survey month discrete numeric-2.0 102131 0 -

Group Relationship to reference person

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

1 RELREFN Relationship to referenceperson

discrete numeric-1.0 102131 0 -

Group Unemployment

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

1 EVERWORK Not currently employed,worked in past

discrete numeric-1.0 40900 61231 -

2 FTPTLAST Full or part-time status of lastjob

discrete numeric-1.0 7721 94410 -

3 DURUNEMP Duration unemployed inweeks

continuous numeric-2.0 4116 98015 -

4 FLOWUNEM Flows into unemployment discrete numeric-1.0 4234 97897 -

5 UNEMFTPT Unemployed, type of jobwanted

discrete numeric-1.0 4234 97897 -

6 WHYLEFTO Not employed, reason forleaving job - From 1976 to1996

discrete numeric-1.0 7721 94410 -

7 WHYLEFTN Not employed, reason forleaving job - Begins 1997

discrete numeric-2.0 7721 94410 -

8 DURJLESS Duration of joblessness inmonths, worked in past

continuous numeric-3.0 35228 66903 -

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Labour Force Survey, October 2015 [Canada] - Variables Group(s)

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# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

9 AVAILABL Identifies if available forwork in reference week

discrete numeric-1.0 4521 97610 -

10 LKPUBAG Unemployed, checked withpublic employment agency

discrete numeric-1.0 638 101493 -

11 LKEMPLOY Unemployed, checked withemployers directly

discrete numeric-1.0 1942 100189 -

12 LKRELS Unemployed, contactedrelatives

discrete numeric-1.0 704 101427 -

13 LKATADS Unemployed, looked at ads discrete numeric-1.0 2185 99946 -

14 LKANSADS Unemployed, placed oranswered ads

discrete numeric-1.0 1323 100808 -

15 LKOTHER Unemployed, other methods discrete numeric-1.0 946 101185 -

16 PRIORACT Main activity before startedlooking for work

discrete numeric-1.0 3953 98178 -

17 YNOLKOLD 1976 to 1996: looked inlast six months, reason notlooking last four weeks

discrete numeric-1.0 0 102131 -

18 YNOLOOK Wanted job in referenceweek, reason for not looking

discrete numeric-1.0 1561 100570 -

19 TLOLOOK Temporary layoff, job searchin last four weeks

discrete numeric-1.0 163 101968 -

Group Union membership

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

1 UNION Union membership status,employees only

discrete numeric-1.0 51973 50158 -

Group Weight variable

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

1 FWEIGHT Final individual or familyweight

continuous numeric-5.0 102131 0 -

Group Work hours, pay and absence

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

1 YABSENT Employed: reason absent fullweek

discrete numeric-1.0 4351 97780 -

2 WKSAWAY Weeks absent from work continuous numeric-2.0 4351 97780 -

3 PAYAWAY Paid for any time off, fullweek absence only

discrete numeric-1.0 3918 98213 -

4 UHRSMAIN Usual hours per week at mainjob

continuous numeric-3.1 61231 40900 -

5 AHRSMAIN Actual hours per week atmain job

continuous numeric-3.1 61231 40900 -

6 FTPTMAIN Full-time or part-time mainor only job

discrete numeric-1.0 61231 40900 -

7 UTOTHRS Usual hours per week at alljobs

continuous numeric-3.1 61231 40900 -

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Labour Force Survey, October 2015 [Canada] - Variables Group(s)

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# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question

8 ATOTHRS Actual hours per week at alljobs

continuous numeric-3.1 61231 40900 -

9 HRSAWAY Hours away from work,employees, part-week only

continuous numeric-3.1 48309 53822 -

10 YAWAY Reason for part-weekabsence

discrete numeric-1.0 25889 76242 -

11 PAIDOT Paid overtime hours inreference week

continuous numeric-3.1 48309 53822 -

12 UNPAIDOT Unpaid overtime hours inreference week

continuous numeric-3.1 48309 53822 -

13 XTRAHRS Number of overtime or extrahours worked

continuous numeric-3.1 48309 53822 -

14 WHYPTOLD Reason for part-time - From1976 to 1996

discrete numeric-1.0 0 102131 -

15 WHYPTNEW Reason for part-time - Begins1997

discrete numeric-1.0 11742 90389 -

16 HRLYEARN Usual hourly wages,employees only

continuous numeric-6.2 51973 50158 -

17 SP_UHRSM Spouse's usual hours at mainjob, employed

discrete numeric-1.0 38287 63844 -

18 SP_UHRST Spouse's usual hours at alljobs, employed

discrete numeric-1.0 38287 63844 -

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Labour Force Survey, October 2015 [Canada] - Variables Description

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Variables DescriptionDataset contains 81 variable(s)

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File : LFS-71M0001-E-2015-October# REC_NUM: Order of record in file

Information [Type= continuous] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-102131] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=102131 / 29377455 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ] [Mean=51066 / 51140.366 ] [StdDev=29482.825 / 29406.393 ]

# SURVYEAR: Survey year

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 2015-2015] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=102131 / 29377455 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ] [Mean=2015 / 2015 ] [StdDev=0 / 2.31e-05 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

2015 2015 102131 29377455.0 100.0%Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# SURVMNTH: Survey month

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 10-10] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=102131 / 29377455 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ] [Mean=10 / 10 ] [StdDev=0 / 0 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

10 October 102131 29377455.0 100.0%Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# LFSSTAT: Labour force status

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-6] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=102131 / 29377455 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ] [Mean=2.962 / 2.878 ] [StdDev=2.354 / 2.335 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Employed, at work 56880 16886058.0 57.5%

2 Employed, absent from work 4351 1208198.0 4.1%

3 Unemployed, temporary layoff 163 37152.0 0.1%

4 Unemployed, job searcher 3953 1160606.0 4.0%

5 Unemployed, future start 118 26031.0 0.1%

6 Not in labour force 36666 10059410.0 34.2%Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# PROV: Province

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 10-59] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=102131 / 29377455 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ] [Mean=35.334 / 36.274 ] [StdDev=14.766 / 12.919 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

10 Newfoundland 3763 442681.0 1.5%

11 Prince Edward Island 2665 121059.0 0.4%

12 Nova Scotia 5372 786649.0 2.7%

13 New Brunswick 5127 621885.0 2.1%

24 Québec 17505 6856263.0 23.3%

35 Ontario 28082 11425745.0 38.9%

46 Manitoba 9283 990592.0 3.4%

47 Saskatchewan 7380 864034.0 2.9%

48 Alberta 10952 3373471.0 11.5%

59 British Columbia 12002 3895076.0 13.3%Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

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File : LFS-71M0001-E-2015-October# CMA: Three largest Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs)

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-4] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=102131 / 29377455 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ] [Mean=3.754 / 3.234 ] [StdDev=0.707 / 1.103 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Montreal 3490 3363994.0 11.5%

2 Toronto 5561 5133040.0 17.5%

3 Vancouver 3522 2143618.0 7.3%

4 Other Census Metropolitan Area or non-CensusMetropolitan Area

89558 18736803.0 63.8%

Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# AGE_12: Age of respondent (five year age groups)

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-12] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=102131 / 29377455 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ] [Mean=6.995 / 6.737 ] [StdDev=3.5 / 3.491 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 15 to 19 7251 2023567.0 6.9%

2 20 to 24 7068 2397055.0 8.2%

3 25 to 29 7209 2411133.0 8.2%

4 30 to 34 7731 2454478.0 8.4%

5 35 to 39 7713 2365508.0 8.1%

6 40 to 44 7719 2299354.0 7.8%

7 45 to 49 8258 2360131.0 8.0%

8 50 to 54 9825 2711105.0 9.2%

9 55 to 59 9470 2573603.0 8.8%

10 60 to 64 8591 2217942.0 7.5%

11 65 to 69 7524 1902161.0 6.5%

12 70 or more 13772 3661418.0 12.5%Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# AGE_6: Age of respondent (two and three year age groups)

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-6] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=21528 / 6831755 ] [Invalid=80603 / 22545700 ] [Mean=3.592 / 3.717 ] [StdDev=1.703 / 1.664 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 15 to 16 2850 761871.0 11.2%

2 17 to 19 4401 1261696.0 18.5%

3 20 to 21 2875 942911.0 13.8%

4 22 to 24 4193 1454144.0 21.3%

5 25 to 26 2976 1007132.0 14.7%

6 27 to 29 4233 1404001.0 20.6%

Sysmiss 80603 22545700.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# SEX: Sex of respondent

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-2] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=102131 / 29377455 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ] [Mean=1.516 / 1.507 ] [StdDev=0.5 / 0.5 ]

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File : LFS-71M0001-E-2015-October# SEX: Sex of respondent

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Male 49433 14473237.0 49.3%

2 Female 52698 14904218.0 50.7%Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# MARSTAT: Marital status of respondent

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-6] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=102131 / 29377455 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ] [Mean=2.811 / 2.907 ] [StdDev=2.148 / 2.186 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Married 49978 13897307.0 47.3%

2 Living in common-law 12125 3532004.0 12.0%

3 Widowed 5662 1470330.0 5.0%

4 Separated 2581 697583.0 2.4%

5 Divorced 5143 1451576.0 4.9%

6 Single, never married 26642 8328655.0 28.4%Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# ED76to89: Highest educational attainment - From 1976 to 1989

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-5] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=0 / 0 ] [Invalid=102131 / 29377455 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

0 0 to 8 years schooling 0 0.0

1 9 to 10 years schooling 0 0.0

2 11 to 13 years schooling 0 0.0

3 Some post-secondary 0 0.0

4 Post-secondary certificate of diploma 0 0.0

5 University degree 0 0.0

Sysmiss 102131 29377455.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# EDUC90: Highest educational attainment - Begins 1990

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-6] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=102131 / 29377455 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ] [Mean=3.133 / 3.284 ] [StdDev=1.647 / 1.664 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

0 0 to 8 years schooling 5979 1564344.0 5.3%

1 Some secondary 13971 3500002.0 11.9%

2 Grade 11 to 13 graduation 21620 5988428.0 20.4%

3 Some post-secondary 6287 1836528.0 6.3%

4 Post-secondary certificate of diploma 33846 9258940.0 31.5%

5 University: bachelors degree 14055 4935155.0 16.8%

6 University: graduate degree 6373 2294058.0 7.8%Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# MJH: Multiple or single job holder

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-2] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=61231 / 18094256 ] [Invalid=40900 / 11283199 ] [Mean=1.056 / 1.054 ] [StdDev=0.23 / 0.226 ]

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File : LFS-71M0001-E-2015-October# MJH: Multiple or single job holder

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Single job holder, including job changers 57787 17121756.0 94.6%

2 Multiple job holder 3444 972500.0 5.4%

Sysmiss 40900 11283199.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# EVERWORK: Not currently employed, worked in past

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-3] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=40900 / 11283199 ] [Invalid=61231 / 18094256 ] [Mean=1.95 / 1.971 ] [StdDev=0.57 / 0.591 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Yes, within last year 7721 2137776.0 18.9%

2 Yes, more than 1 year ago 27507 7334606.0 65.0%

3 No, never worked 5672 1810817.0 16.0%

Sysmiss 61231 18094256.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# FTPTLAST: Full or part-time status of last job

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-2] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=7721 / 2137776 ] [Invalid=94410 / 27239679 ] [Mean=1.315 / 1.334 ] [StdDev=0.465 / 0.471 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Full-time (30 hours or more) 5287 1424625.0 66.6%

2 Part-time (1 to 29 hours) 2434 713151.0 33.4%

Sysmiss 94410 27239679.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# COWMAIN: Class of worker, main job

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-7] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=68870 / 20210438 ] [Invalid=33261 / 9167017 ] [Mean=2.18 / 2.206 ] [StdDev=1.247 / 1.236 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Public employee 15105 3970283.0 19.6%

2 Private employee 44129 13370090.0 66.2%

3 Private, self-employed incorporated withemployees

2275 666657.0 3.3%

4 Private, self-employed incorporated, noemployees

1742 573608.0 2.8%

5 Private, self-employed unincorporated withemployees

815 210043.0 1.0%

6 Private, self-employed unincorporated, noemployees

4716 1399149.0 6.9%

7 Private, unpaid family worker 88 20608.0 0.1%

Sysmiss 33261 9167017.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# FILLER_1: Filler 1

Information [Type= continuous] [Format=numeric] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=0 /-] [Invalid=102131 /-]

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File : LFS-71M0001-E-2015-October# FILLER_2: Filler 2

Information [Type= continuous] [Format=numeric] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=0 /-] [Invalid=102131 /-]

# NAICS_18: Industry of main job - NAICS 2007 (18 categories)

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-18] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=68870 / 20210438 ] [Invalid=33261 / 9167017 ] [Mean=10.39 / 10.548 ] [StdDev=4.764 / 4.503 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Agriculture 1879 346990.0 1.7%

2 Forestry, Fishing, Mining, Oil and Gas 2405 418272.0 2.1%

3 Utilities 555 142522.0 0.7%

4 Construction 5912 1613894.0 8.0%

5 Manufacture - Durables 3290 1025906.0 5.1%

6 Manufact - Non-Durables 2812 879981.0 4.4%

7 Wholesale Trade 2035 729042.0 3.6%

8 Retail Trade 8128 2358442.0 11.7%

9 Transport and Warehousing 3319 1006925.0 5.0%

10 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Leasing 3441 1181177.0 5.8%

11 Professional, Scientific and Technical Services 3811 1487784.0 7.4%

12 Management, Administrative and Other Support 2644 906278.0 4.5%

13 Educational Services 4994 1402601.0 6.9%

14 Health Care and Social Assistance 9109 2484162.0 12.3%

15 Information, Culture and Recreation 2809 907825.0 4.5%

16 Accommodation and Food Services 4794 1455276.0 7.2%

17 Other Services 3061 841520.0 4.2%

18 Public Administration 3872 1021841.0 5.1%

Sysmiss 33261 9167017.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# NAICS_43: Industry of main job - NAICS 2007 (43 categories)

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-43] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=68870 / 20210438 ] [Invalid=33261 / 9167017 ] [Mean=28.155 / 28.929 ] [StdDev=12.248 / 11.356 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Agriculture 1879 346990.0 1.7%

2 Forestry and Logging with support activities 373 62927.0 0.3%

3 Fishing, Hunting and Trapping 210 21543.0 0.1%

4 Mining and Oil and Gas Extraction 1822 333802.0 1.7%

5 Utilities 555 142522.0 0.7%

6 Prime Contracting 2725 704042.0 3.5%

7 Trade Contracting 3187 909852.0 4.5%

8 Food, Beverage and Tobacco ProductManufacturing

1254 344931.0 1.7%

9 Textile Mills & Textile Product Mills 69 24956.0 0.1%

10 Clothing Manufacturing, Leather and AlliedProduct Manufacturing

87 31071.0 0.2%

11 Wood Product Manufacturing 572 136361.0 0.7%

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File : LFS-71M0001-E-2015-October# NAICS_43: Industry of main job - NAICS 2007 (43 categories)

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

12 Paper Manufacturing 236 56246.0 0.3%

13 Printing and Related Support Activities 182 60286.0 0.3%

14 Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing 53 10733.0 0.1%

15 Chemical Manufacturing 289 120613.0 0.6%

16 Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing 303 103424.0 0.5%

17 Non-Metallic Mineral Product Manufacturing 200 60990.0 0.3%

18 Primary Metal Manufacturing 295 84022.0 0.4%

19 Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing 524 159256.0 0.8%

20 Machinery Manufacturing 414 117493.0 0.6%

21 Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing 149 65965.0 0.3%

22 Electrical Equipment, Appliance and ComponentManufacturing

131 54544.0 0.3%

23 Transportation Equipment Manufacturing 754 264205.0 1.3%

24 Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing 251 83070.0 0.4%

25 Miscellaneous Manufacturing 339 127721.0 0.6%

26 Wholesale Trade 2035 729042.0 3.6%

27 Retail Trade 8128 2358442.0 11.7%

28 Transportation 3147 949827.0 4.7%

29 Wharehousing and Storage 172 57098.0 0.3%

30 Finance 1460 553392.0 2.7%

31 Insurance Carriers, Related Activities, Funds andOther Financial Vehicles

915 286902.0 1.4%

32 Real Estate 871 287752.0 1.4%

33 Rental and Leasing Services, Owners amdLessors of Other Non-Financial Assets

195 53131.0 0.3%

34 Professional, Scientific and Technical Services 3811 1487784.0 7.4%

35 Management, Administrative and Other Support 2644 906278.0 4.5%

36 Educational Services 4994 1402601.0 6.9%

37 Health Care and Social Assistance 9109 2484162.0 12.3%

38 Information, Culture and Recreation 2809 907825.0 4.5%

39 Accommodation and Food Services 4794 1455276.0 7.2%

40 Other Services 3061 841520.0 4.2%

41 Federal Government Public Administration(including Defence Services)

1512 388045.0 1.9%

42 Provincial and Territorial Public Administration 1161 282137.0 1.4%

43 Local, Municipal and Regional PublicAdministration and Aboriginal, Inter & OtherExtra-Territorial Public Admin

1199 351659.0 1.7%

Sysmiss 33261 9167017.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# SOC80_49: Occupation at main job - SOC80 - From 1984 to 1986

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-49] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=0 / 0 ] [Invalid=102131 / 29377455 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Officials and Administrative, Government 0 0.0

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File : LFS-71M0001-E-2015-October# SOC80_49: Occupation at main job - SOC80 - From 1984 to 1986

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

2 Other Managers Administration 0 0.0

3 Management Administration Related 0 0.0

4 Physical and Life Science 0 0.0

5 Math, Statistics, Systems Analysis and Related 0 0.0

6 Architects and Engineers 0 0.0

7 Architecture and Engineering Related 0 0.0

8 Social Sciences and Related 0 0.0

9 Religion 0 0.0

10 University and Related 0 0.0

11 Elementary and Secondary and Related 0 0.0

12 Other Teaching and Related 0 0.0

13 Health Diagnosing and Treating 0 0.0

14 Nursing, Therapy and Related 0 0.0

15 Medicine and Health Related 0 0.0

16 Artistic and Recreation 0 0.0

17 Stenographic and Typing 0 0.0

18 Bookeeping, Account-Recording and Related 0 0.0

19 Office Machine and EDP Operator 0 0.0

20 Material Recording, Scheduling and Distribution 0 0.0

21 Reception, Information, Mail and Message 0 0.0

22 Library, File, Correspondence, Other Clerical andRelated

0 0.0

23 Sales and Commodities 0 0.0

24 Sales, Services and Other Sales 0 0.0

25 Protective Services 0 0.0

26 Food and Beverage Preparations, Lodging andAccomodations

0 0.0

27 Personal, Apparel and Furnishing 0 0.0

28 Other Service Occupations 0 0.0

29 Farmers and Farm Management 0 0.0

30 Other Farming, Horticulture and Husbandry 0 0.0

31 Fishing, Hunting, Trapping and Related 0 0.0

32 Forestry and Logging 0 0.0

33 Mining and Quarrying, Incuding Gas and OilFields

0 0.0

34 Food, Beverage Processing and Related 0 0.0

35 Other Processing Occupations 0 0.0

36 Metal Shaping and Forming 0 0.0

37 Other Machining Occupations 0 0.0

38 Metal Production, N.E.C. 0 0.0

39 Electrical, Electronic and Related Equipment 0 0.0

40 Textiles, Furs and Leather Goods 0 0.0

41 Wood Products, Rubber, Plastics and Related 0 0.0

42 Mechanics and Repairmen 0 0.0

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File : LFS-71M0001-E-2015-October# SOC80_49: Occupation at main job - SOC80 - From 1984 to 1986

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

43 Excavating, Grading, Paving and Related 0 0.0

44 Electrical Power, Lighting and WireCommunication

0 0.0

45 Other Construction Trades 0 0.0

46 Motor Transport Operators 0 0.0

47 Other Transportation Operators 0 0.0

48 Material Handling 0 0.0

49 Other Crafts and Equipment Operators, andN.E.C.

0 0.0

Sysmiss 102131 29377455.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# SOC80_21: Occupation at main job - SOC80 - Ends in 1998

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-22] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=0 / 0 ] [Invalid=102131 / 29377455 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Managerial and Administrative 0 0.0

2 Natural Sciences, Engineering and Math 0 0.0

3 Social Science and Related 0 0.0

4 Religion 0 0.0

5 Teaching and Related 0 0.0

6 Medecine and Health 0 0.0

7 Artictic, literary, Recreational and Related 0 0.0

8 Clerical and Related 0 0.0

9 Sales 0 0.0

10 Service 0 0.0

11 Farming, Horticultural and Husbandry 0 0.0

12 Fishing, Trapping and Related 0 0.0

13 Forestry and Logging 0 0.0

14 Mining, Quarrying, Including Oil and Gas 0 0.0

15 Processing 0 0.0

16 Machining 0 0.0

17 Fabricating 0 0.0

18 Construction 0 0.0

19 Transport Equipment Operating 0 0.0

20 Material Handling 0 0.0

21 Other Crafts 0 0.0

22 Never Worked, Disabled or Worked more than 1year ago

0 0.0

Sysmiss 102131 29377455.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# NOCS_01_25: Occupation at main job - NOCS S-2006 - Begins 1987 (25 categories)

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-25] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=68870 / 20210438 ] [Invalid=33261 / 9167017 ] [Mean=12.299 / 11.749 ] [StdDev=6.939 / 6.819 ]

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File : LFS-71M0001-E-2015-October# NOCS_01_25: Occupation at main job - NOCS S-2006 - Begins 1987 (25 categories)

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Senior Management Occupations 158 52027.0 0.3%

2 Other Management Occupations 4772 1485262.0 7.3%

3 Professional Occupations in Business andFinance

1851 703492.0 3.5%

4 Financial, Secretarial and AdministrativeOccupations

3134 933679.0 4.6%

5 Clerical Occupations, Including Supervisors 6052 1794398.0 8.9%

6 Natural and Applied Sciences and RelatedOccupations

4388 1556811.0 7.7%

7 Professional Occupations in Health, NurseSupervisors and Registered Nurses

2235 650535.0 3.2%

8 Technical, Assisting and Related Occupations inHealth

2714 719075.0 3.6%

9 Occupations in Social Science, GovernmentService and Religion

3438 1056427.0 5.2%

10 Teachers and Professors 2756 821283.0 4.1%

11 Occupations in Art, Culture, Recreation andSport

1931 673278.0 3.3%

12 Wholesale, Technical, Insurance, Real EstateSales Specialists, and Retail, Wholesale andGrain Buyers

1798 643883.0 3.2%

13 Retail Salespersons, Sales Clerks, Cashiers,Including Retail Trade Supervisors

4383 1303634.0 6.5%

14 Chefs and Cooks, and Occupations in Food andBeverage Service, Including Supervisors

2413 733238.0 3.6%

15 Occupation in Protective Services 1000 289039.0 1.4%

16 Childcare and Home Support Workers 1084 259894.0 1.3%

17 Sales and Service Occupations N.E.C., IncludingOccupations in Travel and Accommodation,Attendants in Recreation and Sport as well asSupervisors

6625 1891592.0 9.4%

18 Contractors and Supervisors in Trades andTransportation

1287 334872.0 1.7%

19 Construction Trades 1689 476063.0 2.4%

20 Other Trades Occupations 3918 1012058.0 5.0%

21 Transport and Equipment Operators 2989 769150.0 3.8%

22 Trades Helpers, Construction, and TransportationLabourers and Related Occupations

1719 482765.0 2.4%

23 Occupations Unique to Primary Industry 3461 662540.0 3.3%

24 Machine Operators and Assemblers inManufacturing, Including Supervisors

2417 719276.0 3.6%

25 Labourer in Processing, Manufacturing andUtilities

658 186167.0 0.9%

Sysmiss 33261 9167017.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# NOCS_01_47: Occupation at main job - NOCS S-2006 - Begins 1987 (47 categories)

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-47] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=68870 / 20210438 ] [Invalid=33261 / 9167017 ] [Mean=22.622 / 21.641 ] [StdDev=12.555 / 12.383 ]

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File : LFS-71M0001-E-2015-October# NOCS_01_47: Occupation at main job - NOCS S-2006 - Begins 1987 (47 categories)

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Senior Management Occupations 158 52027.0 0.3%

2 Specialist Managers 1020 355527.0 1.8%

3 Managers in Retail Trade, Food andAccommodation Services

1668 483524.0 2.4%

4 Other Managers N.E.C. 2084 646211.0 3.2%

5 Professional Occupations in Business andFinance

1851 703492.0 3.5%

6 Finance and Insurance AdministrativeOccupations

997 285236.0 1.4%

7 Secretaries 620 175727.0 0.9%

8 Administrative and Regulatory Occupations 1517 472716.0 2.3%

9 Clerical Supervisors 631 206534.0 1.0%

10 Clerical Occupations 5421 1587864.0 7.9%

11 Professional Occupations in Natural and AppliedSciences

2167 860700.0 4.3%

12 Technical Occupations Related to Natural andApplied Sciences

2221 696111.0 3.4%

13 Professional Occupations in Health 928 291230.0 1.4%

14 Nurse Supervisors and Registered Nurses 1307 359305.0 1.8%

15 Technical and Related Occupations in Health 1204 341635.0 1.7%

16 Assisting Occupations in Support of HealthServices

1510 377440.0 1.9%

17 Judges, Lawyers, Psychologists, Social Workers,Ministers of Religion, and Policy and ProgramOfficers

1635 511149.0 2.5%

18 Teachers and Professors 2756 821283.0 4.1%

19 Paralegals, Social Services Workers andOccupations in Education and Religion, N.E.C.

1803 545278.0 2.7%

20 Professional Occupations in Art and Culture 779 267438.0 1.3%

21 Technical Occupations in Art, Culture,Recreation and Sport

1152 405840.0 2.0%

22 Sales and Service Supervisors 1212 334558.0 1.7%

23 Wholesale, Technical, Insurance, Real EstateSales Specialists, and Retail, Wholesale andGrain Buyers

1798 643883.0 3.2%

24 Retail Salespersons and Sales Clerks 2168 689270.0 3.4%

25 Cashiers 1512 425002.0 2.1%

26 Chefs and Cooks 1106 317924.0 1.6%

27 Occupations in Food and Beverage Service 1066 348545.0 1.7%

28 Occupations in Protective Services 1000 289039.0 1.4%

29 Occupations in Travel and AccommodationIncluding Attendants in Recreation and Sport

573 174424.0 0.9%

30 Childcare and Home Support Workers 1084 259894.0 1.3%

31 Sales & Service Occupations N.E.C. 5784 1638741.0 8.1%

32 Contractors and Supervisors in Trades andTransportation

1287 334872.0 1.7%

33 Construction Trades 1689 476063.0 2.4%

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File : LFS-71M0001-E-2015-October# NOCS_01_47: Occupation at main job - NOCS S-2006 - Begins 1987 (47 categories)

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

34 Stationary Engineers, Power Station Operatorsand Electrical Trades and TelecommunicationsOccupations

862 220972.0 1.1%

35 Machinists, Metal Forming, Shaping and ErectingOccupations

878 219819.0 1.1%

36 Mechanics 1625 419918.0 2.1%

37 Other Trades N.E.C. 553 151349.0 0.7%

38 Heavy Equipment and Crane Operators IncludingDrillers

724 162358.0 0.8%

39 Transportation Equipment Operators and RelatedWorkers, Excluding Labourers

2265 606792.0 3.0%

40 Trades Helpers, Construction, and TransportationLabourers and Related Occupations

1719 482765.0 2.4%

41 Occupations Unique to Agriculture ExcludingLabourers

1832 340973.0 1.7%

42 Occupations Unique to Forestry Operations,Mining, Oil and Gas Extraction, and Fishing,Excluding Labourers

1011 160183.0 0.8%

43 Primary Production Labourers 618 161384.0 0.8%

44 Supervisors in Manufacturing 466 128829.0 0.6%

45 Machine Operators in Manufacturing 1352 393396.0 1.9%

46 Assemblers in Manufacturing 599 197051.0 1.0%

47 Labourers in Processing, Manufacturing andUtilities

658 186167.0 0.9%

Sysmiss 33261 9167017.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# YABSENT: Employed: reason absent full week

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-3] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=4351 / 1208198 ] [Invalid=97780 / 28169257 ] [Mean=1.757 / 1.855 ] [StdDev=1.092 / 1.072 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

0 Other 684 158384.0 13.1%

1 Own illness or disability 1201 318927.0 26.4%

2 Personal or family responsibilities 955 270566.0 22.4%

3 Vacation 1511 460321.0 38.1%

Sysmiss 97780 28169257.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# WKSAWAY: Weeks absent from work

Information [Type= continuous] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=4351 / 1208198 ] [Invalid=97780 / 28169257 ] [Mean=11.598 / 11.58 ] [StdDev=19.012 / 18.802 ]

# PAYAWAY: Paid for any time off, full week absence only

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-2] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=3918 / 1094829 ] [Invalid=98213 / 28282626 ] [Mean=1.54 / 1.526 ] [StdDev=0.498 / 0.499 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Yes 1803 518811.0 47.4%

2 No 2115 576018.0 52.6%

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File : LFS-71M0001-E-2015-October# PAYAWAY: Paid for any time off, full week absence only

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

Sysmiss 98213 28282626.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# UHRSMAIN: Usual hours per week at main job

Information [Type= continuous] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0.1-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=61231 / 18094256 ] [Invalid=40900 / 11283199 ] [Mean=36.143 / 35.825 ] [StdDev=12.5 / 11.967 ]

# AHRSMAIN: Actual hours per week at main job

Information [Type= continuous] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=61231 / 18094256 ] [Invalid=40900 / 11283199 ] [Mean=30.619 / 30.312 ] [StdDev=15.937 / 15.187 ]

# FTPTMAIN: Full-time or part-time main or only job

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-2] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=61231 / 18094256 ] [Invalid=40900 / 11283199 ] [Mean=1.192 / 1.193 ] [StdDev=0.394 / 0.394 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Full-time 49489 14608936.0 80.7%

2 Part-time 11742 3485320.0 19.3%

Sysmiss 40900 11283199.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# UTOTHRS: Usual hours per week at all jobs

Information [Type= continuous] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0.1-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=61231 / 18094256 ] [Invalid=40900 / 11283199 ] [Mean=36.901 / 36.539 ] [StdDev=12.895 / 12.368 ]

# ATOTHRS: Actual hours per week at all jobs

Information [Type= continuous] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=61231 / 18094256 ] [Invalid=40900 / 11283199 ] [Mean=31.276 / 30.932 ] [StdDev=16.302 / 15.554 ]

# HRSAWAY: Hours away from work, employees, part-week only

Information [Type= continuous] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-84] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=48309 / 14305825 ] [Invalid=53822 / 15071630 ] [Mean=4.906 / 4.975 ] [StdDev=5.882 / 5.773 ]

# YAWAY: Reason for part-week absence

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-4] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=25889 / 7866623 ] [Invalid=76242 / 21510832 ] [Mean=2.863 / 2.875 ] [StdDev=0.531 / 0.507 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

0 Other reasons 281 79101.0 1.0%

1 Own illness or disability 1181 321630.0 4.1%

2 Personal or family responsibilities 438 124328.0 1.6%

3 Vacation or civic holiday 23904 7317139.0 93.0%

4 Working short-time 85 24425.0 0.3%

Sysmiss 76242 21510832.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# PAIDOT: Paid overtime hours in reference week

Information [Type= continuous] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-90] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=48309 / 14305825 ] [Invalid=53822 / 15071630 ] [Mean=1.059 / 0.926 ] [StdDev=3.987 / 3.614 ]

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File : LFS-71M0001-E-2015-October# UNPAIDOT: Unpaid overtime hours in reference week

Information [Type= continuous] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-70] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=48309 / 14305825 ] [Invalid=53822 / 15071630 ] [Mean=0.816 / 0.861 ] [StdDev=3.216 / 3.302 ]

# XTRAHRS: Number of overtime or extra hours worked

Information [Type= continuous] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-90] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=48309 / 14305825 ] [Invalid=53822 / 15071630 ] [Mean=1.875 / 1.786 ] [StdDev=5.015 / 4.795 ]

# WHYPTOLD: Reason for part-time - From 1976 to 1996

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-7] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=0 / 0 ] [Invalid=102131 / 29377455 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

0 Other reasons 0 0.0

1 Own illness or disability 0 0.0

2 Personal or family responsibilities 0 0.0

3 Going to school 0 0.0

4 Could only find part-time 0 0.0

5 Did not want full-time 0 0.0

6 Hours under 30: full-time 0 0.0

7 Not asked, multiple job holder, total hours morethan 29

0 0.0

Sysmiss 102131 29377455.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# WHYPTNEW: Reason for part-time - Begins 1997

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-7] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=11742 / 3485320 ] [Invalid=90389 / 25892135 ] [Mean=4.468 / 4.472 ] [StdDev=1.698 / 1.671 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

0 Other reasons 311 88911.0 2.6%

1 Own illness or disability 457 124169.0 3.6%

2 Care for own children 1051 298392.0 8.6%

3 Personal or family responsibilities 344 101245.0 2.9%

4 Going to school 3431 1107347.0 31.8%

5 Personal preference 3450 955913.0 27.4%

6 Business conditions or could not find full-time,looked for full-time

993 313301.0 9.0%

7 Business conditions or could not find full-time,did not look for full-time

1705 496042.0 14.2%

Sysmiss 90389 25892135.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# TENURE: Job tenure in months, currently employed only

Information [Type= continuous] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-240] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=61231 / 18094256 ] [Invalid=40900 / 11283199 ] [Mean=93.811 / 90.364 ] [StdDev=84.566 / 82.926 ]

# PREVTEN: Job tenure of previous job in months, not currently employed

Information [Type= continuous] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-240] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=7639 / 2116182 ] [Invalid=94492 / 27261273 ] [Mean=47.682 / 44.809 ] [StdDev=74.415 / 71.149 ]

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File : LFS-71M0001-E-2015-October# HRLYEARN: Usual hourly wages, employees only

Information [Type= continuous] [Format=numeric] [Range= 2.88-128.85] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=51973 / 15330258 ] [Invalid=50158 / 14047197 ] [Mean=24.868 / 25.385 ] [StdDev=12.88 / 13.412 ]

# UNION: Union membership status, employees only

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-3] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=51973 / 15330258 ] [Invalid=50158 / 14047197 ] [Mean=2.351 / 2.396 ] [StdDev=0.926 / 0.907 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Union member 16339 4477641.0 29.2%

2 Not member, covered by collective aggreement 1041 310490.0 2.0%

3 Not member or covered 34593 10542127.0 68.8%

Sysmiss 50158 14047197.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# PERMTEMP: Permanent or temporary job, employees only

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-4] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=51973 / 15330258 ] [Invalid=50158 / 14047197 ] [Mean=1.283 / 1.281 ] [StdDev=0.749 / 0.751 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Permanent 44665 13242304.0 86.4%

2 Not permanent/seasonal 1854 418377.0 2.7%

3 Not permanent/temporary, term or contract 3522 1115001.0 7.3%

4 Not permanent/casual or other 1932 554576.0 3.6%

Sysmiss 50158 14047197.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# ESTSIZE: Number of employees at workplace

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-4] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=51973 / 15330258 ] [Invalid=50158 / 14047197 ] [Mean=2.083 / 2.129 ] [StdDev=1.003 / 1.011 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Less than 20 18008 5028590.0 32.8%

2 20 to 99 17814 5241325.0 34.2%

3 100 to 500 9995 3111529.0 20.3%

4 More than 500 6156 1948814.0 12.7%

Sysmiss 50158 14047197.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# FIRMSIZE: Number of employees at all locations

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-4] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=51973 / 15330258 ] [Invalid=50158 / 14047197 ] [Mean=2.947 / 2.969 ] [StdDev=1.195 / 1.184 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Less than 20 10015 2822666.0 18.4%

2 20 to 99 8526 2524256.0 16.5%

3 100 to 500 7656 2285647.0 14.9%

4 More than 500 25776 7697689.0 50.2%

Sysmiss 50158 14047197.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

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File : LFS-71M0001-E-2015-October# DURUNEMP: Duration unemployed in weeks

Information [Type= continuous] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-99] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=4116 / 1197758 ] [Invalid=98015 / 28179697 ] [Mean=16.487 / 17.41 ] [StdDev=21.045 / 21.714 ]

# FLOWUNEM: Flows into unemployment

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-8] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=4234 / 1223789 ] [Invalid=97897 / 28153666 ] [Mean=4.199 / 4.335 ] [StdDev=2.08 / 2.064 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Job losers, temporary layoffs 163 37152.0 3.0%

2 Job losers, permanent 1321 357707.0 29.2%

3 Job leavers 421 115569.0 9.4%

4 Job leavers and losers (status unknown), workedmore than 1 year ago

362 111870.0 9.1%

5 New entrants 450 132372.0 10.8%

6 Re-entrants - Worked 1 year ago or less 725 213844.0 17.5%

7 Re-entrants - Worked more than 1 year ago 674 229244.0 18.7%

8 Future starts 118 26031.0 2.1%

Sysmiss 97897 28153666.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# UNEMFTPT: Unemployed, type of job wanted

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-3] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=4234 / 1223789 ] [Invalid=97897 / 28153666 ] [Mean=1.31 / 1.303 ] [StdDev=0.519 / 0.504 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Full-time 3039 879599.0 71.9%

2 Part-time 1077 318159.0 26.0%

3 Future start 118 26031.0 2.1%

Sysmiss 97897 28153666.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# WHYLEFTO: Not employed, reason for leaving job - From 1976 to 1996

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-5] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=7721 / 2137776 ] [Invalid=94410 / 27239679 ] [Mean=3.16 / 3.085 ] [StdDev=1.472 / 1.481 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

0 Left job, other reasons 863 259383.0 12.1%

1 Left job, own illness or disability 482 131664.0 6.2%

2 Left job, personal or family responsibilities 335 97285.0 4.6%

3 Left job, going to school 1807 543657.0 25.4%

4 Lost job, laid off 3348 892087.0 41.7%

5 Left job, retired 886 213700.0 10.0%

Sysmiss 94410 27239679.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

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# WHYLEFTN: Not employed, reason for leaving job - Begins 1997

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-13] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=7721 / 2137776 ] [Invalid=94410 / 27239679 ] [Mean=7.296 / 7.229 ] [StdDev=3.44 / 3.489 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

0 Left job, other reasons 233 67917.0 3.2%

1 Left job, own illness or disability 482 131664.0 6.2%

2 Left job, caring for own children 100 28545.0 1.3%

3 Left job, pregnancy 106 29626.0 1.4%

4 Left job, other personal or family responsibilities 129 39114.0 1.8%

5 Left job, going to school 1807 543657.0 25.4%

6 Left job, dissatisfied 508 157152.0 7.4%

7 Left job, retired 886 213700.0 10.0%

8 Left job, business sold or closed down (self-employed)

122 34314.0 1.6%

9 Lost job, end of seasonal job (employee) 855 182267.0 8.5%

10 Lost job, end of temporary or casual (employee) 1084 307209.0 14.4%

11 Lost job, company moved or out of business(employee)

179 48796.0 2.3%

12 Lost job, business conditions (employee) 935 259531.0 12.1%

13 Lost job, dismissal or other reasons 295 94284.0 4.4%

Sysmiss 94410 27239679.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# DURJLESS: Duration of joblessness in months, worked in past

Information [Type= continuous] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-240] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=35228 / 9472382 ] [Invalid=66903 / 19905073 ] [Mean=100.477 / 96.967 ] [StdDev=90.094 / 89.462 ]

# AVAILABL: Identifies if available for work in reference week

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-2] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=4521 / 1314237 ] [Invalid=97610 / 28063218 ] [Mean=1.975 / 1.973 ] [StdDev=0.155 / 0.163 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Not available 111 35741.0 2.7%

2 Yes, available 4410 1278496.0 97.3%

Sysmiss 97610 28063218.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# LKPUBAG: Unemployed, checked with public employment agency

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-1] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=638 / 184544 ] [Invalid=101493 / 29192911 ] [Mean=1 / 1 ] [StdDev=0 / 0 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Yes 638 184544.0 100.0%

Sysmiss 101493 29192911.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# LKEMPLOY: Unemployed, checked with employers directly

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-1] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=1942 / 574907 ] [Invalid=100189 / 28802548 ] [Mean=1 / 1 ] [StdDev=0 / 0 ]

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# LKEMPLOY: Unemployed, checked with employers directly

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Yes 1942 574907.0 100.0%

Sysmiss 100189 28802548.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# LKRELS: Unemployed, contacted relatives

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-1] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=704 / 223074 ] [Invalid=101427 / 29154381 ] [Mean=1 / 1 ] [StdDev=0 / 0 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Yes 704 223074.0 100.0%

Sysmiss 101427 29154381.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# LKATADS: Unemployed, looked at ads

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-1] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=2185 / 655954 ] [Invalid=99946 / 28721501 ] [Mean=1 / 1 ] [StdDev=0 / 0 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Yes 2185 655954.0 100.0%

Sysmiss 99946 28721501.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# LKANSADS: Unemployed, placed or answered ads

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-1] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=1323 / 404489 ] [Invalid=100808 / 28972966 ] [Mean=1 / 1 ] [StdDev=0 / 0 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Yes 1323 404489.0 100.0%

Sysmiss 100808 28972966.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# LKOTHER: Unemployed, other methods

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-1] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=946 / 289618 ] [Invalid=101185 / 29087837 ] [Mean=1 / 1 ] [StdDev=0 / 0 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Yes 946 289618.0 100.0%

Sysmiss 101185 29087837.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# PRIORACT: Main activity before started looking for work

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-3] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=3953 / 1160606 ] [Invalid=98178 / 28216849 ] [Mean=1.479 / 1.511 ] [StdDev=0.934 / 0.952 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

0 Other 395 121003.0 10.4%

1 Working 2104 585146.0 50.4%

2 Managing a home 620 194595.0 16.8%

3 Going to school 834 259862.0 22.4%

Sysmiss 98178 28216849.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

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# YNOLKOLD: 1976 to 1996: looked in last six months, reason not looking last four weeks

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-5] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=0 / 0 ] [Invalid=102131 / 29377455 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

0 Other 0 0.0

1 Own illness or disability 0 0.0

2 Personal or family responsibilities 0 0.0

3 Going to school 0 0.0

4 Waiting for recall or reply 0 0.0

5 Believes no work available 0 0.0

Sysmiss 102131 29377455.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# YNOLOOK: Wanted job in reference week, reason for not looking

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-6] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=1561 / 421264 ] [Invalid=100570 / 28956191 ] [Mean=2.388 / 2.371 ] [StdDev=1.961 / 1.971 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

0 Other 374 107183.0 25.4%

1 Own illness or disability 323 81810.0 19.4%

2 Care for own children 139 36639.0 8.7%

3 Other personal or family responsibilities 91 22372.0 5.3%

4 Going to school 418 115101.0 27.3%

5 Waiting for recall or reply 115 32693.0 7.8%

6 Believes no work available 101 25466.0 6.0%

Sysmiss 100570 28956191.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# TLOLOOK: Temporary layoff, job search in last four weeks

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-2] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=163 / 37152 ] [Invalid=101968 / 29340303 ] [Mean=1.626 / 1.605 ] [StdDev=0.485 / 0.489 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Yes 61 14686.0 39.5%

2 No 102 22466.0 60.5%

Sysmiss 101968 29340303.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# SCHOOLN: Current student status and type of school

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-9] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=80835 / 23813876 ] [Invalid=21296 / 5563579 ] [Mean=1.405 / 1.47 ] [StdDev=1.231 / 1.333 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Non-student 69648 20213444.0 84.9%

2 Primary or secondary school, full-time 4288 1171488.0 4.9%

3 Primary or secondary school, part-time 222 69986.0 0.3%

4 University full-time 3156 1143855.0 4.8%

5 University part-time 737 249928.0 1.0%

6 Community college or CEGEP full-time 1829 621789.0 2.6%

7 Community college or CEGEP part-time 462 153034.0 0.6%

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# SCHOOLN: Current student status and type of school

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

8 Other full-time 236 94033.0 0.4%

9 Other part-time 257 96319.0 0.4%

Sysmiss 21296 5563579.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# RELREFN: Relationship to reference person

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-6] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=102131 / 29377455 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ] [Mean=1.731 / 1.777 ] [StdDev=1.027 / 1.081 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Self (reference person) 54787 15514182.0 52.8%

2 Spouse 29561 8173938.0 27.8%

3 Son or daughter 13067 4019551.0 13.7%

4 Parent (or in-law) 2213 823757.0 2.8%

5 Son/daughter in-law 238 84644.0 0.3%

6 Other relative 2265 761383.0 2.6%Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# EFAMTYPE: Type of economic family

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-18] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=102131 / 29377455 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ] [Mean=6.018 / 6.044 ] [StdDev=5.193 / 5.281 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Unattached individual 18809 5463274.0 18.6%

2 Husband-wife dual earner couple, no childrenless than 25

13969 3884841.0 13.2%

3 Husband-wife dual earner couple, youngest childless than 18

18840 5535748.0 18.8%

4 Husband-wife dual earner couple, youngest child18 to 24

5351 1715323.0 5.8%

5 Husband-wife single earner couple, husbandemployed, no children less than 25

5566 1418839.0 4.8%

6 Husband-wife single earner couple, husbandemployed, youngest child less than 18

5032 1576971.0 5.4%

7 Husband-wife single earner couple, husbandemployed, youngest child 18 to 24

1269 435916.0 1.5%

8 Husband-wife single earner couple, wifeemployed, no children less than 25

3945 1001104.0 3.4%

9 Husband-wife single earner couple, wifeemployed, youngest child less than 18

1369 422190.0 1.4%

10 Husband-wife single earner couple, wifeemployed, youngest child 18 to 24

682 238241.0 0.8%

11 Husband-wife non-earner couple, no children lessthan 25

12988 3292938.0 11.2%

12 Husband-wife non-earner couple, youngest childless than 18

811 246309.0 0.8%

13 Husband-wife non-earner couple, youngest child18 to 24

355 120403.0 0.4%

14 Single-parent family, parent employed, youngestchild less than 18

3449 942983.0 3.2%

15 Husband-wife non-earner couple, youngest child18 to 24

1546 506301.0 1.7%

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# EFAMTYPE: Type of economic family

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

16 Single-parent family, parent not employed,youngest child less than 18

1291 348637.0 1.2%

17 Single-parent family, parent not employed,youngest child 18 to 24

448 151922.0 0.5%

18 Other family types 6411 2075515.0 7.1%Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# EFAMSIZE: Number of individuals in economic family

Information [Type= continuous] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-5] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=102131 / 29377455 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ] [Mean=2.67 / 2.748 ] [StdDev=1.268 / 1.302 ]

# EFAMEMPL: Number of employed persons in economic family

Information [Type= continuous] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-3] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=102131 / 29377455 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ] [Mean=1.364 / 1.425 ] [StdDev=0.99 / 0.988 ]

# EFAMUNEM: Number of unemployed persons in economic family

Information [Type= continuous] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-2] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=102131 / 29377455 ] [Invalid=0 / 0 ] [Mean=0.0997 / 0.104 ] [StdDev=0.326 / 0.332 ]

# SP_AGE: Age of spouse

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-7] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=59119 / 16352363 ] [Invalid=43012 / 13025092 ] [Mean=5.128 / 5.025 ] [StdDev=1.418 / 1.421 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 15 to 19 86 18120.0 0.1%

2 20 to 24 1056 324228.0 2.0%

3 25 to 34 8319 2532643.0 15.5%

4 35 to 44 11046 3329286.0 20.4%

5 45 to 54 12812 3571734.0 21.8%

6 55 to 64 12848 3310730.0 20.2%

7 65 or more 12952 3265622.0 20.0%

Sysmiss 43012 13025092.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# SP_LFSST: Labour force status of spouse

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-5] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=59119 / 16352363 ] [Invalid=43012 / 13025092 ] [Mean=2.13 / 2.074 ] [StdDev=1.37 / 1.351 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Employed full-time 32532 9280545.0 56.8%

2 Employed part-time 5755 1620843.0 9.9%

3 Unemployed 1679 468290.0 2.9%

4 Not in labour force 18936 4930420.0 30.2%

5 Out of scope (military) 217 52265.0 0.3%

Sysmiss 43012 13025092.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# SPED7689: Education of spouse - From 1976 to 1989

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-4] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=0 / 0 ] [Invalid=102131 / 29377455 ]

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# SPED7689: Education of spouse - From 1976 to 1989

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

0 0 to 8 years of education 0 0.0

1 Some or complete high school 0 0.0

2 Some post-secondary 0 0.0

3 Post-secondary certificate or diploma 0 0.0

4 University degree 0 0.0

Sysmiss 102131 29377455.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# SPED1990: Education of spouse - Begins 1990

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-5] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=59119 / 16352363 ] [Invalid=43012 / 13025092 ] [Mean=3.32 / 3.47 ] [StdDev=1.498 / 1.489 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

0 0 to 8 years of education 2811 697277.0 4.3%

1 Some secondary education 5672 1316374.0 8.1%

2 Graduate from high school 11847 3083789.0 18.9%

3 Some post-secondary 2390 621802.0 3.8%

4 Post-secondary certificate or diploma 22236 5764862.0 35.3%

5 University degree 14163 4868259.0 29.8%

Sysmiss 43012 13025092.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# SP_SOC80: Occupation of spouse - From 1976 to 1986

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-21] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=0 / 0 ] [Invalid=102131 / 29377455 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Managerial and Administrative 0 0.0

2 Natural Sciences, Engineering and Math 0 0.0

3 Social Science and Related 0 0.0

4 Religion 0 0.0

5 Teaching and Related 0 0.0

6 Medicine and Health 0 0.0

7 Artistic, Literary, Recreational and Related 0 0.0

8 Clerical and Related 0 0.0

9 Sales 0 0.0

10 Service 0 0.0

11 Farming, Horticultural and Husbandry 0 0.0

12 Fishing, Trapping and Related 0 0.0

13 Forestry and Logging 0 0.0

14 Mining, Quarrying, including Oil and Gas 0 0.0

15 Processing 0 0.0

16 Machining 0 0.0

17 Fabricating 0 0.0

18 Construction 0 0.0

19 Transport Equipment Operations 0 0.0

20 Material Handling 0 0.0

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# SP_SOC80: Occupation of spouse - From 1976 to 1986

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

21 Other Crafts 0 0.0

Sysmiss 102131 29377455.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# SP_NOCS06: Occupation of spouse - NOC S-2006 - Begins 1987

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-25] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=41330 / 11672980 ] [Invalid=60801 / 17704475 ] [Mean=11.753 / 11.13 ] [StdDev=7.108 / 6.932 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Senior Management Occupations 122 40959.0 0.4%

2 Other Management Occupations 3544 1056788.0 9.1%

3 Professional Occupations in Business andFinance

1319 482594.0 4.1%

4 Financial, Secretarial and AdministrativeOccupations

2256 641391.0 5.5%

5 Clerical Occupations, Including Supervisors 3562 1003557.0 8.6%

6 Natural and Applied Sciences and RelatedOccupations

2978 1024630.0 8.8%

7 Professional Occupations in Health, NurseSupervisors and Registered Nurses

1648 470330.0 4.0%

8 Technical, Assisting and Related Occupations inHealth

1652 428640.0 3.7%

9 Occupations in Social Science, GovernmentService and Religion

2199 654441.0 5.6%

10 Teachers and Professors 1930 569271.0 4.9%

11 Occupations in Art, Culture, Recreation andSport

924 312872.0 2.7%

12 Wholesale, Technical, Insurance, Real EstateSales Specialists, and Retail, Wholesale andGrain Buyers

1286 436636.0 3.7%

13 Retail Salespersons, Sales Clerks, Cashiers,Including Retail Trade Supervisors

1727 464682.0 4.0%

14 Chefs and Cooks, and Occupations in Food andBeverage Service, Including Supervisors

892 264820.0 2.3%

15 Occupation in Protective Services 666 186444.0 1.6%

16 Childcare and Home Support Workers 652 147642.0 1.3%

17 Sales and Service Occupations N.E.C, IncludingOccupations in Travel and Accommodation,Attendants in Recreation and Sport as well asSupervisors

2892 793333.0 6.8%

18 Contractors and Supervisors in Trades andTransportation

996 249994.0 2.1%

19 Construction Trades 981 269249.0 2.3%

20 Other Trades Occupations 2497 624811.0 5.4%

21 Transport and Equipment Operators 1929 468707.0 4.0%

22 Trades Helpers, Construction, and TransportationLabourers and Related Occupations

745 194262.0 1.7%

23 Occupations Unique to Primary Industry 2134 373895.0 3.2%

24 Machine Operators and Assemblers inManufacturing, Including Supervisors

1524 442980.0 3.8%

25 Labourer in Processing, Manufacturing andUtilities

275 70052.0 0.6%

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# SP_NOCS06: Occupation of spouse - NOC S-2006 - Begins 1987

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

Sysmiss 60801 17704475.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# SP_UHRSM: Spouse's usual hours at main job, employed

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-7] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=38287 / 10901388 ] [Invalid=63844 / 18476067 ] [Mean=4.407 / 4.374 ] [StdDev=1.516 / 1.481 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 1 to 14 1635 451111.0 4.1%

2 15 to 29 4120 1169732.0 10.7%

3 30 to 34 2859 810602.0 7.4%

4 35 to 39 8492 2552994.0 23.4%

5 40 14759 4260229.0 39.1%

6 41 to 49 2454 654892.0 6.0%

7 50 and more 3968 1001828.0 9.2%

Sysmiss 63844 18476067.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# SP_UHRST: Spouse's usual hours at all jobs, employed

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-7] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=38287 / 10901388 ] [Invalid=63844 / 18476067 ] [Mean=4.491 / 4.454 ] [StdDev=1.534 / 1.5 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 1 to 14 1522 419124.0 3.8%

2 15 to 29 3865 1102377.0 10.1%

3 30 to 34 2779 786929.0 7.2%

4 35 to 39 8368 2519538.0 23.1%

5 40 14284 4131082.0 37.9%

6 41 to 49 2821 758429.0 7.0%

7 50 and more 4648 1183909.0 10.9%

Sysmiss 63844 18476067.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# SP_COWM: Spouse's class of worker at main job, employed

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 0-7] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=59119 / 16352363 ] [Invalid=43012 / 13025092 ] [Mean=1.56 / 1.61 ] [StdDev=1.517 / 1.513 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

0 Spouse present, not applicable 17789 4679383.0 28.6%

1 Public employee 10168 2598058.0 15.9%

2 Private employee 23999 7031615.0 43.0%

3 Private, self-employed incorporated, withemployees

1891 536364.0 3.3%

4 Private, self-employed incorporated, noemployees

1331 419163.0 2.6%

5 Private, self-employed unincorporated withemployees

640 161344.0 1.0%

6 Private, self-employed unincorporated, noemployees

3255 915351.0 5.6%

7 Private unpaid family worker 46 11085.0 0.1%

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# SP_COWM: Spouse's class of worker at main job, employed

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

Sysmiss 43012 13025092.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# AGYOWNKN: Age of youngest own child (children)

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-6] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=28704 / 8562071 ] [Invalid=73427 / 20815384 ] [Mean=3.235 / 3.26 ] [StdDev=1.731 / 1.755 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 Youngest child less than 3 6186 1847169.0 21.6%

2 Youngest child 3 to 5 4082 1208528.0 14.1%

3 Youngest child 6 to 12 7846 2329637.0 27.2%

4 Youngest child 13 to 15 3160 878217.0 10.3%

5 Youngest child 16 to 17 2258 643070.0 7.5%

6 Youngest child 18 to 24 5172 1655450.0 19.3%

Sysmiss 73427 20815384.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# SCH1624: At least one child age 16 to 24 in school

Information [Type= discrete] [Format=numeric] [Range= 1-1] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=8081 / 2488273 ] [Invalid=94050 / 26889182 ] [Mean=1 / 1 ] [StdDev=0 / 0 ]

Value Label Cases Weighted Percentage (Weighted)

1 At least one child age 16 to 24 in school 8081 2488273.0 100.0%

Sysmiss 94050 26889182.0Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

# FWEIGHT: Final individual or family weight

Information [Type= continuous] [Format=numeric] [Range= 3-1896] [Missing=*]

Statistics [NW/ W] [Valid=102131 /-] [Invalid=0 /-] [Mean=287.645 /-] [StdDev=276.762 /-]