ladakh- gurpreet 2009

Welcome to Sunshine Himalayan Adventures. A company which since 1996 has been doing tours all over the Himalayas for people around the globe. Travel in Himalayas is magical……..the magic being very practical. 80 km can be done in 2 hours or in 5 or one may have to pitch camp just by the side of the road in a clean Himalayan wilderness. The distances and times are indicative as flexibility and a sense of humor to take everything in the stride are must for this tour. The jeeps comfortably seat five and so the groups should be in multiples of five for effective use of space. I have explained each day in detail using memories of umpteen numbers of tours one has done on this highest road of the world. Enjoy… DAY 01 Chandigarh to Naggar : A journey to Leh is one of the most memorable journeys. It gives you dramatic vistas from the lush Kullu valley to the dry mountain desert of Ladakh. Since this program has been incepted on the request of my great friend Gurpreet one has kept ample time for clicking pictures, enjoying the scenery and inspiring the remarkable artist in him. A stay in the quiet village of Naggar, the home of famous Russian artist Nicholas Roerich will be inspiring. One also needs to stop in Kullu for a brief halt for any last minute shopping and loading of tents, sleeping bags etc which may be needed on this adventurous journey. o/n Hotel Naggar Day 02 Manali to Jispa : Acclimatization Drive towards Ladakh KEYLONG-JISPA - Drive to Keylong, the district headquarters of Lahaul & Spiti via Rohtang Pass ( 13000 feet) . Keylong which can be described as an oasis of green fields, willow planted water courses, brown hills and snowy peaks. Visit three important monasteries enroute the Karding, Shoshun and Tayal, which are well worth a visit. Drive to Jispa. Overnight in mountaineering institute at Jispa.

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KEYLONG-JISPA - Drive to Keylong, the district headquarters of Lahaul & Spiti via Rohtang Pass ( 13000 feet) . Keylong which can be described as an oasis of green fields, willow planted water courses, brown hills and snowy peaks. Visit three important monasteries enroute the Karding, Shoshun and Tayal, which are well worth a visit. Drive to Jispa. Overnight in mountaineering institute at Jispa. DAY 01 Day 02 Manali to Jispa : Acclimatization Drive towards Ladakh Day 03 Day 04


Page 1: Ladakh- Gurpreet 2009

Welcome to Sunshine Himalayan Adventures. A company which since 1996 has been doing tours all over

the Himalayas for people around the globe. Travel in Himalayas is magical……..the magic being very

practical. 80 km can be done in 2 hours or in 5 or one may have to pitch camp just by the side of the

road in a clean Himalayan wilderness. The distances and times are indicative as flexibility and a sense of

humor to take everything in the stride are must for this tour. The jeeps comfortably seat five and so the

groups should be in multiples of five for effective use of space. I have explained each day in detail using

memories of umpteen numbers of tours one has done on this highest road of the world. Enjoy…

DAY 01

Chandigarh to Naggar : A journey to Leh is one of the most memorable journeys. It gives you dramatic

vistas from the lush Kullu valley to the dry mountain desert of Ladakh. Since this program has been

incepted on the request of my great friend Gurpreet one has kept ample time for clicking pictures,

enjoying the scenery and inspiring the remarkable artist in him. A stay in the quiet village of Naggar, the

home of famous Russian artist Nicholas Roerich will be inspiring. One also needs to stop in Kullu for a

brief halt for any last minute shopping and loading of tents, sleeping bags etc which may be needed on

this adventurous journey. o/n Hotel Naggar

Day 02

Manali to Jispa : Acclimatization Drive towards Ladakh

KEYLONG-JISPA - Drive to Keylong, the district headquarters of Lahaul & Spiti via Rohtang Pass ( 13000

feet) . Keylong which can be described as an oasis of green fields, willow planted water courses, brown

hills and snowy peaks. Visit three important monasteries enroute the Karding, Shoshun and Tayal, which

are well worth a visit. Drive to Jispa. Overnight in mountaineering institute at Jispa.

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Day 03

Jispa to Sarchu : From Jispa a level road leads to the checkpost to Darcha and further climbs to the

Baralacha pass over the Zingzingbar plains. The pass is 4883 meters high with snow bound stretch of

about 8 kms long and having a small lake at the top. This lake is source of both Chandera and Bhaga

rivers flowing out in different directions and finally becoming one river Chenab. From the pass the peaks

of Mulkila and Barashigri are clearly visible. The descend is gradual and barren all the way upto Sarchu

(3960 meters). Total distance covered is 85 kms. Overnight in camps at Sarchu

Day 04

Sarchu to Leh : - 97 kms from Sarchu , one has to climb the Gata Loopes - a series of 21 hairpin turns

which do not seem negotiable at all from the base. The Loopes climb to the Lachung-la-pass (16400 ft.).

The descend from Lachung-la is through village which occasionally rise from horizon and diminish as if

an illusion rather than a reality. Drive further onto Pang through a rivulet without a bridge or a marked

road. Pang is a small army detachment with 3-4 pre-fabricated huts and one helipad. About 22 kms from

Pang the road levels off and one drives through the highest plateau of the world - THE MORE PLAINS -

which is approx 40 kms long and at a height of 16000 ft. The onward drive is on the steep loops of the

massive mountains of Tanglang-la (17476 ft.) which is complete breath taking and make one believe of

Rumtse. Drive along the river to Leh through the villages of Gaya Upshi, Karu, Thicksy and Shey, The

road is metal and therefore the driving is smooth and is relatively fast. Upon arrival check in the hotel.

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Day 05 Leh Rest Day : This day is for acclimatization. Since the groups is from a lower level of height its

very important for the group to acclimatize to the high altitude of Ladakh. The day would be spent

taking strolls in the interesting Leh market, going for a walk to the Stupa which overlooks leh town and

visiting the palace.

Day 06: Leh Pangong (290 Kms / 06 Hrs)

Early morning leave for Pangong Lake through Changla pass (5486 Mtrs.). Enjoy the beautiful panoramic

view of the villages below the Changla pass. After crossing the pass halt for picnic lunch at Tsoltak, the

summer pastureland of the yaks. Arrive Durbuk and from there a short drive takes you to thee western

shore of the Lake. Enjoy the landscape on the backdrop of the lake. This famous blue brackish Lake of

Pangong is 5/6 Kms wide and over 144 Kms long with half of its running the other side of the INDO

CHIANA BORDER. One rarely feels so close to nature and environment and the scenery is unforgettable.

In the late afternoon drive back to Leh. Overnight at Camp at lake side.

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Day 07: Pangong-Leh

Drive back from Pangong lake to Leh. Dinner and overnight at Hotel.

Day 08

Leh –Local Sightseeing : In the morning visit Spituk and Phyanag monasteries. Afternoon is at leisure.

Overnight at the hotel in Leh. Spituk monastery - 10 kms from Leh, there are 125 yellow cap monks at

Spituk monastery which stands on a small mountain above the Indus. Spituk head Lama is also the head

of the Shankar Gompa in Leh. The monastery or the Gompahas three chapels of which the highest, the

Paldan Lama Temple is the most impressive. The temple is approximately a thousand years old. The

monastery has a statue of "Kali" whose face is shown only once a year. Phyang monastery - 16 kms from

Leh towards Srinagar, Phyang monastery, with its 16th century gompa housing hundreds of statues on

wooden shelves and thangkas, has 15 Lamas and 7 'novices' of the red cap sect and possesses five


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Day 09

Leh Rest day: Full day excursion to Hemis monastery visiting Shey and Thicksey monasteries en route.

Return to Leh in the evening. Overnight at the hotel. Leh the capital of Ladakh, a vast highland desert

lying between the Karakoram and the Himalayan ranges. Leh is inhabited predominantly by Buddhists

and, accordingly, it is the centre of Buddhist culture. At an altitude of 3500 meters and a population of

approx. 10000, Leh today is an important military base and tourist attraction. Shey monastery is about

15 kms from Leh on the way to Hemis. This was the summer palace of the Old Raja of Leh and is situated

on top of a hill. There is a two storey high seated image of Buddha cast from copper, covered with gold

leaf and is about 80 ft. Kings of Leh were supposed to be born in the monastery. Shey along with

Thiksey, is also regarded as an auspicious place for cremation. Thicksey monastery situated on a hill top,

has a beautiful location and one can enjoy the splendour of Green Indus valley from its rooftop. This

monastery has a number of chambers full of statues and stupas of all kings. There are 60 Lamas in the

monastery. Courtyard murals are bright and interesting and provide the novelty of photography with

ample light. Thikse monastery is a good place to watch religious ceremonies (usually 0630 - 0730) Hemis

- 49 kms south of Leh on the road to Manali is the famous Hemis Gompa. This is the biggest and

wealthiest monastery in Ladakh. At karu one leaves the main road crossing the Indus and ascends a side

valley to a groove of trees that surrounds the main building. Hemis contains a large number of gold

statues, stupas and thangkas one of which is reputed to be the largest in existence and is exhibited once

every 12 years. Hemis was founded in 1600 AD. One can see striking paintings on walls of the monastery

known as the Great Renunciationí depicting Gautamís renunciation of the worldly life.

Day 10

Leh to Sarchu

Day 11

Sarchu to Manali

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Day 12

Manali Rest Day or overnight proceed to Bjatinda via Chandigarh.