ladies' hpme joumai bargains ottawa i...

' 'i&' £* * 11 t > 3 h f-TS m •'• u *''flwP"l- ');--'- |K-- U;!:; -; -'•5 i''; J i 1-- i .• -. F* A» Altironi Since *91, Some years ikgo- the &*wx£>t&i nub- llabed alist of Franklin Academy gradu- ates- up to 1897,, Recently w# have been renjoe«Mrf to publish * ^ « f gtaduatea ^eethaUime. through the cooties! of Muja&race ^IcKUIan, stenographer to toe faculty of 1 franklin Academy, who has prepared * ills* tor ns, we are enabled to publish, the tia* tins week, Ifcfaaa-fol? lows;— t !S»?. •ley* ... . •, , tabrooks, (Mrs. Fred Hc- wood (Mrs. Fwdna Wil- ^ (deceased) * " Halone, pton.N.Y. Trani & Fiik, Brashion, 5*. Y, Mabel I* SaWley, Malone, N» Y\ Jsraea £. Ptfee, MalpaSt K. Y* Herbert Donovan, t^roiine Garbenter, MaloneJS. Y. Ifinnia Ross,- .. Mrs.Wtn.Q'XeiMEiJa Wrlght>«reat Barrington, Uses. < '• Etf**r<i Grwjd* S e w York, Et, Y. Parke. i3f w$%". Woj.JlcQra6i, Floy \WiItiley. - Bailey BdrriJ*, Howard Taylor. -.,-,-' Carrie Burritt, Edith Cooney, (deceased) Maude L. ElSred. (married and lives in Barigor.) ] :^- Edith Everett, Albany, N. Y. ©race Plumb, N. Bangor, S. Yi ' (• Helen Plumb, (deceased) Erwin Learned, Boston, llaaa. .. Nelson McClary, (deceased) Albert D. Spinoer, Ialfp, N. Y, » : ••} isw, -..;• James Breedl "* Harry Everett, . • James Kilburn, LaMont Warren, Maude Slater, . Clayton Sumner, N. Bangor, N. Y. Bessie Barry; If alone, N.Y.- Bertha Knapp, (married) Earl Boardwkyy', Waiter Keeler, New York, ,N. Y. Louise KelleV, Malone. N. Y. Winifred McDermott, lialone. N; Y. Josephine Warren, (Mrs. Keeoott) Troy, SiK- ' •'. • ,1 ">.„.,." - 14 Grayer ... • ^ " Lucioa Palmer, New York, N* Y* Oeril Turner 1 , Brushton, K. Yv UnrjE. Untitle, Troj.N.Y. Alice Gleason, (deoeaaed) . '• ;• j. jgqo. Winifred Sparry, Malone, N. Y, . Wm. Cameron, *.-.-- Edna Carter, Arthur Mc LomseMerrit Howard 1 Bessie Van Wallace] Lain Hadle Mary Lynchj Alice Plumb* Edith Buell, •(deceased) Frederick MareiaDal; Frederick Maude A. Kenrie)N. EKsabeth cox), H Alta Hows, N. Y." ' Nekie^ teonird, (Mrs, «trjr Whipple) Malone, N.Y. | e«rWjA>pr Edward W IindaFoote] Samuel Levy, Ebie&niai,r . John CoVe*,tCdeoea»BdJf CleophasMoigan, (" AngiVNoke^O ••••* ' -J; twa,'" .";•".,-. ,; Florence Boice, Jessie Child^ ' Harriet Conley, Ethel Hadley, Eliabeth Hawley (Mra. S, C Colli- inan),: '.".•. -' :!•- "• .-' > ' .',.:"',: Harold Lawrence, •• ^ . Aliw Whittwy, Bniihton, N. Y., /.;•', Grace Gibao* (Mrs. Harold Townsend), Frances Whipple, Clifford Oakes, MUdrecf - * Florence , < AUeeM' SybttShi Francis Sherburne . Ralph Leonard, Elizabeth$%. (married), Laura Gr Grace A. Abbie Npl - Florence Saunders Stofnt), ...J . ...--'- Eunice Walbridg", , JeasieWriglit, Emma VanOrnum, Herbert S. Carter,:. •• Wm. Degon; Edward Kibttrn, ; * James Rutherford, Joseph Frechette. ' .'••••I';. -IMS. ..'. •;- ;:•;' KatherijjeButtrick, Margaret Elliott (Mrs, Leon Tonier, Malone), ••'!-V-'• •••... ,: '• ^Mahel.FerrM .;• .- Carolino French, ; . ., ; ; Delia Thompeon, - CarlCJark, Alton Da ' Banta Ke Robert Hunt: . Claude Hal RoyKellaa, JohnKelley, "; "" Leon Turner, . . ; ' > / .... Minnie Hogl0, », ,,, V Beatrice Moore (Hra. Foster Tarbell), EllaPaddock, : ; - - Anabel Smailroaa, .- .George Brand, , , Louise Gray; * Martha Hawley (Mrs, Daniel FUck), fS^'Ne^ 011 ' Florence Skinner, Henry Stiokney, .<. •'.-'{• 1804. ' '" •''.', ' V . -•• Wm. Frehott, ' ' Harold O'Neal, ^ . - Blanche Dickinson, Belle Dusting Eva Elliott, r / ' Edith Fay, ;-:- - -- EJizabeth Elnah, •; Harry Hadley, Jessie HorrijgaoV DaisyLaLirae, ' FrankXaw, ; .;'.o.". Gladys MaArthur, - Mary Gibson, Laura Drake, George Hastings, Minnie Holrnea, Elsie Jones^iMra* Albert Miller) Alice Kilburn, Martha Lytle^ ^married)' Inman Slarsliall, Sadie Paiiflef, . Albert PlopiK IrmaScaniori, •, Maude Boniri, Blanche Casey, Albert Paddock, Bruce Bathe^tord. WJS, Smith, i ' JlyraWood,! .• . Fred Band, j u FioreocftHydW (Mrs. Chester 1906. Humphrey Butlrick. AUaa Everett, Winfield Gray, Ray Merrill, Georsre Thomas, Jay Meeker, BftjaiaBoardsvaj*, Clara Clark, Mary Hadloyv SSaudeHyde, Elizabeth Maaafev Anna Allen. . - im% Harold i, Auhrey, , Ethel H, Harwood, - GertTOdeS. ffickofe 'Darius Watt* l4.wrrenee, fielen Eluabeth Meitim$n, Mary Elizabeth-Qliourfe^ Julia M. Paddock, Gladys Erskla Thomaa, Benjamin Boy Allison, l Charles Richardson Whipple, Harry HonroaBieknelL ., Henry Jay fiigelow + Cassie Ecoily Cooper^ EHzabel* Everett, •-'--. Maode> Catherine Murphy, ^ Clarence J. Patrick, ^ * Laura A. Patrick, "•' BeSsie Marie Bafferty,^ ' . Alice Endora Wood, ' Bothfc-Paddock. "-." . THeColden Role of Three. Three things to be^pore, josi' and honest. -. ;:."•''.. -».--. Three thingstolive—courage, affection and gentleness^ Three thinga to govern-^-Umper, tongue and conduct. r ; . Three thing* for which to flght—honor, Adlroiidack CainpH. It ia loo early yet to announce the pas«- jag of t»e log ahack a* the true t)p« *>t A4irt>odack "camp." But wa have com*? to the tim? when it hi no longer possible tossy what Istfaspretatlingtjpeof sum- mer .camp-in tne??ortb Woods, A vari- ety of coaatructlons v have ot-eo raised in that delijth.tfut wgion, and the oaly «hia»flbatmay be said ot all Gt litem w that tnejrlcoat a deal of maney and Imply a jteUauij «F ae«v*ntst a»3 * social rotttlne t,hat reader « l cainplng out" any- tblBgb.QSthat BtiatgMtorwata living,-ot the simple life that, aforetime it .was' supposedtobe# Soma ef the wealthy men who nave bad* themselves mountain homes In *M» region have, attempted to adopt the native-rusticity of architectnral modes to their social ffleeds. to one atyle largfe sptp.ce logs, stripped of their ba'tfc and varnish-coated, are used, and %hm treatedflt^^id^herftlJOJCale *»* <*»' ^traction *iO last- as long; a* Jbnck or ajone. In another style.cdbTbleatonea tornWiemountajta-aetlntdaclc cement are need. Oth«r weaKhy campert, how- ever,have acclimated the^Japaneie pa- goda, the S*faa chalet and the various erectiona familiar to Touraine and the hunting parks of Europe. * The North Woods ara loo near the greatciUei of toe Haft, and too well aerted with r^jcoad»,a||d:tl»y arethem^ •elTW too attractive alwaya to remain a Bomeajaicdontry. regibnin «Wca the rude aback otjOd Three things to cherishWUie true, the irapp«r»iBi»tba«haraBteriatio fiaoila- >f®gmm£mg*m®*m®?. s&xeBBm&m&vssQ beautiful arid: the good. Three things about which to think-r life, death and eternity. Three things to commend—thrift, in- dnatry and promptness. Three things to despise—cruelty, arro- ganoe and ingratitude., Threethingatolove-the wiaelthe vir- tuooa and the innocent. ThreeithiDgsfor which towiah—-health, friends and contentments Thre«things toadmire—dignity, grace- fulneas and intellectual power. Three things to attain—goodneaa of heart, integri^ of purpoae and cheerful- oeaaofdiaporition.^Ijeaderahip, } Hints. . Advertising ii no good without the =|{ooda.,vv •••• "'"^V! ; : '•'•'''. Vfiiti} aa if you were talking face to ice>witfc]peoplev- ; . v; - ! *"~ - '-' --*--•*»••''' -- - : Doa T t try to be too brilliant and origV oal to your advertisements. ' Advertise choirs things In the beet pa- pers; :ttf ^r^cfrtlie beat people. -,; '•;• j .All men who advertise are not sncoeas^ ful, but usually aUlsucceesful men adTex- jtlse." •• " - • - '"-', ,J'"" J 1'. : '.';': The netrBFaper ia pretty tore to reach ;eveq|biM^*fio*i' 'ii^%''0it^'}M^(>- A poor advertisement in a good paper may bring reeulU; a good advertlsemeot in a wortbleae paper ' is money ' thrown .away»^ThVJ^*eJli«OT*Aija.";' ; v; ; **;- " ' ' : gi»t«ra«wati»Ki>*e<wr»i. . «Learn to| laugh. A good laugh is better than medicine. ' '•''/-;• ,•.•;••'. ;*'.'' •' / Learn to attend strictly to your own busmeae—aveiy iniportantpoint. ; Learn to tel! a story. A. atoiy..wjatf,feld is as welcome as a sunbeam in a sick room. ; •'•- .- ^ • .*•••'"' v< - . -_"j Learn theartof aaying kind and en- couraging things especially to the young. Learn toavoidall iU natnred'•faq0lfc and everything calculated to create fric- tion, i .••:.'•-. , N '.l.:.. •;.', • ' • • ; ' <"•,-'••-•; J I^arn to keep your trpuble8_to.youraelf. The world ia too busy to carafor your ills Learhtofitop grumbling. If you can not see any good in the world, keep the j*»a*o~ (Mrs, John Zhwalen) A tekMriU •IJrt. tipn. With their numerous lakes and mountains—eome 1,000 of the one, some, 500 of the other—the «mf may o6me when they will preseB* some of the as- pect* of the Uke region of Northern Italy ft may be centuries ahead, and yet it Ja. not too ranch to expect that the larger lakes may yet reflect villas as pretentious those glassed "by Cfemow^Naw Yotfct Evening Mail. '..-'.*• «'Advertise All the Time." Theadvertiser in any line who meekly acoepta the notion that summer la a time when everybody is taking a rest, and llttla BK»ay ia btiag ^pent, and therefote atops advertlalnrr makea the error of shaping hia bosineea polioy Jby mething that is largely a popal^r il3Sa6y/-^aot well grounded in fact.- * Neither the retailer nor the manufac-; :tnrari«n-'affiwoV*-ter, btrasvsoiii^ifc. tha dullneai fallacy.. Look.over the. papers and aee the live merchants in every town who continue their offerings through July and August. It doesn't appear $i$ 'iO^l^fWS^fJ^-it^ 0 ^^ town. Look, into the magarines and aee, not mertly the.campalgha of geiieral adver- tising that run straight through theauna- mex,t)utmany that ran heaviest in dog; dif*; people eatmg, drina^ag and smokmg through tha dog daya^ For tha retfdler, it ia a time to advertlae iof patronage that change of reaidence has 'a^ls^^or'^'wJcnaJMgg^. channets^ and f«'the toanufactorer » tinie to put forward everything in the line of a good specialty or staple that 13 dainty, tempts Wg, of high^nalityi * . " , • \ ' ,; I Through energetic advertwinf, com' jblned with >killful merchandiBing, ; Augturt 1 ^ been made an important s*le' month by modern Btore managers., .- Nowadayaall advertieers are wilKng to plan, advertising fn, the hot season, -whewis. A few fears ago-few wonldj think of it or discuss It until autumn. A few years from now the whole; advertia- in^worldniay havaJe«i^ r lik«.the-few more enterprising advertisers, that'siim- "oar js also an exoellaat tiraa to advtrtlse. If it iaa time of dullness, the merchant and', manufacturer are largely Inatru- jia5wta^1? r n^fclni|Jt»^., 1 '•'."' ."-v v , 1905. Grace Boyce, 1 Ann* Currierl Habel Bickok, Ethel Bider, . Hazel Brush,, Louva Harmon, Earie McArthur, Florence McDermott, Anna Foy, | ICUerTay, Hate Humphrey, Kenneth Huntington, Bessie Hyde, Florence Miller, Archie Merrill, Stella Mott, Edith Plumb, Markw Wrigkt, Mary aaboorin, Frances Whiae, Beaj. Dudley, . Maroia Eetabrooks, AttertHyda,. WSatfuad H. frelley, Jeaa McKaoale, AflMrtMerruT Among" the preeentw lately aha*a*ed' npon a Maryland bride was one that waa the gift of an elderly lady of the neigh- borhood wStf* whom b o ^ brld^in^ groom were prlmetavorites. *'';'. *'"" "'' '" •. *'" Some yeara ago, according the Woman's Home Companion, the dear old soul ao cnmulated a supply of cardboard mottoes, wliieh she wdrke|t;'Md;:^lri^e^^ $tt wUch she never failed to draw with the greatest fjcee^^0ii ! iSS8e.^ *. In cheerful reds and blues, soapended hya cord of the same colors over the table on which the other presents were was thSino^o; . "Fight on; fight ever," . \ . • ,:,.V> .^ : u.'H.mi^: I .-•"•• . Y •*"> Man Zan Pile Bimedj^ comes pdi d p & a collapsible tube with noale. Easy to apply right where Soreness and inflam ma- tipn crisis. J* reJieyal at, <s0!9^ Mhsd bleeding, itching or protruding piles. Guaranteed." Price "SdeT* )Gtei. IC*to-day Sold by Hyde Drug Co. ," - Pointed. Paragraphs. Your sons probably please you a* well asyou pleased your father. If you don't look carefully after yqur own affairs, who do you imaginei will? . ' A gcod many people try to administer fpregivene^B and punishment at the same .tiniej,' •_ ^ e greatest tTitunjpfrXQra>: boy l a t h e^ be^accepted as aa equal by boys somewhat older than himself. Pinenles for the kidneys strengthen these organs and assist in drawing poison from the blooa. Try them for rheuma- tiam-, tidoeyj bladder ^rohhfe, f$t lam- bago and tired w<5rn Ofat ffiellpg. They bring qoick relief- Satitfactidn: gnaran- iteed.. Hyde Dtag Co, Reflections -of m.- B«cl»eJpr. : Amah haa% good temper when hft ordy thinks Ills swear words. A^widow is awful cigver to want men to teach b,er thingsfihetaiOwst?etterlhan they do, Whettawomanwaata to get marrieii becameahe taasno illusions abont ft ahe*s a'wfdawv '.-.••...lil. n .>. M^^^imt^iH nil. f, Ifyoti suffer from bloating, belching, sour stomach, indigestion or dyspepsia, lake a King* Dyspepsia Tablet after each S eal, and overcome the disagreeable ouble. It will improve the appetite, ifidaid digestion. Bold by Hyde Drug 'Co. J-.i . u 1,-m, » « ».,, i . , . i. .,r _ A Pennsylvania man caught a fish that had swallowed a puppy, The- puppy moat have been about m long. " This ia not complete, my boy- '* "Oh yea, it ia, pop,'* '* Why, yoa hava drawn the horse, but where is the wagon ?" " Ob, Fm going to let the horse draw the wagon."—Yonkers Statesman. Tfce »e*^wl< »«tl«r. : apologies to the "Old Oaken f K Some Tempting Bargains la Carnages aad Haraess await yoor laspeetioB liere, . We iiaxre a new stock of t i e very latest veMoles and haraess of all kinds, selected witn care from "stocks of leading mann- factnrers. I^arge and close bny r wg enables ns to offer #on e^- . oeptional»fcargaias. v Bnbber tires, $6 5 and upward. (Horses taken in exchange for goods and for sale.) Farm wagons, one-norse wagons, milk Wagons; all kinds of ( wagons. All sold at low prices. Also j .« agent for tfee Osborne M<m$m / |S. | and Binders, .Hay Tedders and \ -Sakes> •••- .'-' ::: .* ." ]'' , - , . : -' Central Canada f EXHIBITION OTTAWA SEPT. 13 TO 2 1 , -<SOtH-Yj5AI& 1907 IT Wilt BE BITTHI momm THAU mmm fl5,Q0ain rVjmlonM, ^ithSTGold Medals as Special Sweep3take Prizes. Knabenshne's Airsfnp, the Wonder of the Century in Usf of Special Attractions, v Ifwo Trotting Races and one Running Event Every Day and Parses total Other H)gl»-<;las3 Attracrions in Front of "Grandstand.-, ARTISTIC TAIL6I^N0 WW ~v i tB to* partei yon dbri?fc M& tha, holds shapel in tajloring." We ddn^hrta^rda^wai^n^erev We^i^oryd'UTsnit just as con SQeijtTOuay—j^is^aa c ^ were slamding by the benph while these maKt« craftsmen of ours Careful Attention to Little " - , * TjBAT ^naa^gooa, |araT>Ie. and aatisfaotoryj^lojftig f - : - , ThesloHfultou^hof t h e a r t ^ ^ '^ilkin^ woricottlwalraiedE^t^ essential. ".-- ;';<[ %ery"aet^isfeTfe^in;CJot^:fha^ . J" J- G6n»,^^^^Woolans, •- ; ••\,_-,..J- ;y '-^ v ". i:iia» : :a# •'C. Popular With Backet:'* "How dear to our heart is the old silver dollar, when eome Jk$u$' subscriber pre-J senteit to view—the Uherty head wlfii- to^M oat nepktie or collar, and all the strange things that tonsseem so bewi the wide spreading: eagle* the arrows telow it,the stars aiad the words with the queer things to tell. The coin of oar fathers! We're glad that we know it, foe some lima or other 'twillcomeinrjght well—the wide spreading dollar,'the old sjlver dollar, l^e big, welcome dollar we all tovei so welL"—Kansas City Journal. \I~ tarUwrBOtt^trauwwffl leaT»(Blal«» o«ll]r «roeptSisKJMa«IoUowi:— ' wiOa^A*'JB.""Kanpa v a^e'W*ac^laa; atj pouttorptaurtjun*. :p^mWOhja Pnli«an aarldr can «ad esadiei Aliwrt* Jojllkaoy mdAlbmrto Mew York abo »Bo«ionrta v w!Ooar*3aii{e. - •• 3>45 F. M.—Faaaeaaer. Throngb trala Four small boys abont eight year* of «ge"were" before: 'B^corder AMnyof Og--^ denflbturg.Teoently.on complaint of citi-; zena who charged them with malicious- ness, such as driving cows on lilwhs,; throwing stohea, bending small trees in the park, and similar offenses.-" The recorder announced to them that at their next appearance in court they would he; publicly spanked by a policeman. Bis. admonition has had the desired effect. . The bites and stings of insects, tan, sun- burn, cats, burns and bruises an relieved atoBoe with FbMaatv* CarboUsed. Ants Uka a poultice, and draws oo« iaflanuaa Uoa. Try it. Price S9c Sold by Hyde Drag Co. A Peonaylvaaia saaa gave fl«« oaata to Ida ratoaw for imlUa« a i a owt'of a dvar, have f«H prattjr ebaap^ S100,000 Tor S r n f i n University. C»iancel!or v I>3y, of Syracuse iSoiversity has received a.check ftr |lG0,«)0-ftom Mrs. fcufisell Sa|e, j^qyidiBg tot the original cost, interest, improvements and maintenance of the Teachers 1 College of the University. The college was estab- lished one year ago and the building in which it id located was formerly Long- street Castle, thohome of Mrs, Sage. Three thousand fiageriing small mouthed black' bass were placed in Laice George recently by tht State- fish %n$ game. Inspector,. ORDER YOUR COAL NOW FROM inalone Uslt k POM Co. We are HOW accepting order* for coal at$7.0Uperton% We handle only tha famous Lehigh Tal- ley Coal, which WB believe to be the beat coal mined. Every ton is thoroughly soreened of all dirt. If you have never tried the Lehigh Coal do so this year and be convinced that it k the beat. mm lint 4 nwoF Co. Arrival ofTralna. •»***.. H>-KXTNM H a l l wtta «Uroo«b with SlM BtpresT tor Troy, .fftanr a»3 Hew Tort, also tor Boston tad all K« point*, ru Eaumd. jBejpmt inismatf si Trbi wd Boatoa^rfa BoBaSd wtthoot On^taatlu«»MPplat wjtlt JMt* mTasaiwMiwraaiiQ^SM —. i •*-'--. - atotra with &JX. aTo. jfc «.tor, at Honroolwtti H. T. o. a H. B... MlaH to«Ui and Mat. At OgapMsmrg^ toefw " •*a^s^^F*?» W"^W^"^Wa"«W^sjs»IM"lBp^ «*•»»•» U « t » tor annotate ww*. Ti*»;iP. jsVj^jtavHMMLfi* tba W^ «rritwOt«^mTt- Ml« «*^l^^*rrwata|w*«4a (oaUp«tMK«a«taii&wMt an me *t utr . .••'-•".• f- r Battt yo» mast havefire,goto 0.-ik7* JO&B8 CO.' who have the f -! Saattton Coat and all kinds of <t t m.. N. Y. CENTRAL, Going North—7:11 A. M. dailj iog Sunday. 8r3n P, Uy includ- 8:45 A. M. oata out at Ma- M. daily, inclodfng Sunday. 756 P. M. Going Sooth—«K» A. M- dally, includ- ing 8tt*dajr. 10.-00 A. M. «:45 P. M., starts at Malaaa. 8^5 P. M. stops at th«4JCaloiM. 10:» P. M. daUy, iaeJading Swaday. _ y RUTLArtD. Ooiaaj Bawt-^03 A. M., *M P. M., Uotoc Waat-^M A. aL, Mi P. M, •SET YOUR 0RDER3HH EARLY FOR YOUR New Silo taas fettlac •«•** (hat la hcltvr ••*••«•* «aa (ISM or «rwO*s ••**• (• •«!» v»«r •Ut»r| w»i*. IBOeHfH SHI 6WWY Grand Evening' I^tertairmjent -" Large New Auditorium. the Write Secretary m ItfCMAHO^ for price list ana all information. "Tte fieest te 5top &o64U?? ThiB applies to If As well ae anything else. Yott mwt tip $mt * ( > , > ' ' *She X<eaduig Firei Insor- mco A^ent of Northern -Hew---York." sY_--i '"s ;- Hone but the Strongest and best -- •. -"»• Represented.. • A a A M a t , BTBW T< ta,awlaeeaMUagtoa iaa i rov<t*C aaoes Is * at, te wiarMonja* P oascAirr ToaMoaoKa A.*$mlmttm We are accused of beisti pride abont oar LAUNDRY WO Why shouldn't we pride ourselves at being able to launder shirts, collars and cuH* in aaob aj rerfeet and satiafactory way. IfWoy hot try ua on yoor work ? We will please you. FORTUNE'S Up-to-date MALONE 8TE AM LAtTNDRY Homa'Phooe*! 8Catheri«.at. Btttlfiwftf Oil* Water Color and CMaa "PaiTAts aad Briaihef, BcitTir^ Pa$S€^arfe€mt Mate^- ir4 Boards, -apra«,0aH- Tas, Noweljies, Ac. Fall line Gf |3i© cele- brated •« CJosnios Pic- A % A sraciAi. T E W or THB wmwtmx comtof the state of Mew ToricteW at the to*nlj«ll,taa»TUUWot8srslort Sprfnra.Ui ana tor^jsbBtirjr«48«r«toga,ott fls&«tt &sf of Itoy, ere*att: Hon,Junes W.^OTghfta,Joslies. In the matter of the appllauion of the SymoJiil* and AlUson Oomjwnj tor authorltj to eainee •«* naJnetoiUeKlrk-aktierCooiixuiy. Upou re«Miln«»nd filing uw peauoo of the 8y- ji^Maadj^on Wnwanj.a qmm «ock cor* ^rat^*arterifle4^jr,g^3rirlE,«a firesWent, wbwste»aWp*lUODerpr»y»Ior an onk* wiUiorir- {pjrjt towwanwanoteer fejrpowte; n«ne.«) wtti .aMMkaa^aatjSrt^sa^a^rnpon njlajttlie ^Hg«e<a«wsea«»rjabt»te »ni«««d i&r&a, cgrUfrttt; tbu Un name wUicb snch corporwlon tmAmmmmtm *» not naoa or aar ouwr aoc>s>ao«iorpor»Uopor» aaaw wwcn n» dsonssa mmttmmm»%mK>"H6 ctlcouted todeceire. and npon auec aoeproot ty affid&noi sbowuigUat dalypubUsi»o:tor«xweetslnUHi Albany Evening JpnrialjlMi paper a t Albany its which notices by anain tteJUJone PAtwwca, * neiCTpaper ot coonty otfrmniUn,ln wtiWt county raca oonwni- UDD Miltebuatoea>office, »nct Uie court being g»U»- nedby»U(lpeaU0D,»n(J6y««!»ffla»Tits ana ceru- OaLt«<prMeistediief C "jai,Ui*tiiie peuiton u true, and iuat tbere la so re«*0nabi« .objeeuun to me *£*0geof nkmspropaae&aocii&U tie t*atlon nks beeotJaiyamucrUBd, *natb»t n-ao.?«ttoepreeen- UttottoiiW'petaion.Mreq.atrea ly )**« n«a b«n made; - Kow, m »otton of $. A, Betasn, &<i^»Homej> tor «*i!l»aHoner,»»une«>i>pomig,ie is oraorM, tn»t said pt-UUoD D t i o J t t o s m a e &er«by it granted, and last Uie petlHgiiftr herein, ibe «T»OOM a auiaon Ct'iniiany, beacdlibtrcMbs A\xlhoriU'<i tot aaiamt anoUH-r corporate uan», town; iBfe BJtBwKfri-aaber Ci-rinpnDT, m Ma&iur Ui<- 15(b0*y "' August %9JT, «n« it t* lurOJtrr «rd«re4 im<J dirwtea Usat ttis or^ef &» entered, *n<X «w papfcts on wbfcb it. ia gwntaiw ow.*iuiiateaa«r*in?HiBK(.a»wiiei*c»f in tlie cjnc'e ot me cteric of muuuin county, uw OOBMJ in wnwtt <enlficaw o£ incorporation of BUd uurponuica a Sled, md low * cvruaed copy or ink order, within ten aarsafier m*«wy Uietvoi, b« Btedlatae uffice ot tee Secretary ot State, aad fufmer, inat * copy of tUto order be pabUabsd o e e e a «aet for four muxmmltt: weetsln the Malone Piixji- mrx, a newspaper la Uw county of tranktta, be- ginning wltbtn ua d«y» alter toe tnirj tbereor. J. W. Boogbtoa. JoiUce Suprt-nH- tJxirt. I. A. Beoan, AUurney fur PeuOomar. 47«c4 mm SCHOOL MEETING. 1WOTICE BHEnEBY GIVEN THAT THE AK- .^. "H 1 "*° o1 m ™* i wx»»« *ni«a« waooi di»- trk* at Iaa loan of l&teoe wUl be aeU to taa A %*55fe room ' ta Ule Osaui School bWldtag, ta < H"S!Sf'^ 0 T?f*«Jr.O>» «"> ««T aUwat, »jra*» to p«*«ot a A. BaWai, iraow SmS oatoe wta tbaa expire, a*4 tor taa IniairTVa et l^.?^ h,lrtn ^ M "^ «•*»***» «^ awaaaf^ 2^i?»b«ta«toa*9iauS[ MaKawat o* toTntoaw which will be roqiilrad for Mhoel parpoK* for tbe cawtog nar. exeliotra of pabnt Booty, to wlt- T^asawa* n p*. .7 .... T ItaOtO Janttor*'vacia.. l.aoo Oerk. tnaa^ truant oatar aa4 Uararian.. 1JB0 itwioaii|ilii« ill wtrtary •••• aw Wator „,. sat an The Way It Bead. The editor of alittte Western paper was in the habi: of icheering up bis sub- scribers daily with a oolomn of short pertinent comments on their town, their habits, and themselves- The department on account of its Intltnata personal flavor was the most popular in.fog in the paper- The'editor, as fee saw it- growing" in favor, graiiiaUy allowed humeil * *Wer and wider latitude in his j-emaakSrOntil the town passed much of its titne eon- jectnring "what he'd das'ttotsay aeitr' Oh a hot day, when the simoon whistled gE^ily op the streets of .the town, depositipg e*erywher? its burden of sand, thO editor brought forth this gem or thought: "Alt the windots's aio&g llain street need washing badly." * , The n e ^ morning he wa> waited: apoo by acomp3.nyof Indignant oitizsns w&o confronted him witn* the, paragraph In question fresh from the hands of tbe compositor ^and Informed him, fiercely that ho had gone too far. After a hasty andborrifiedglance headnJitfed that "he had. ' •- .'., " ' • "; •"--. •.'.- --.••'. Itcowread: ' ;'AU the widows along Main street need washing hiidfy."^**raaider the Spreading Chestnut Tree," in the August EverytJody*s. .. ... .. .;•• I'-,'., mm >"-' J i .r..-.. ." r»> . ' yrovoeatton lEwoBgh."'-' A deaf old gentlaman dined with a family,, where grass was:. always sa^ifc When the goests were seated the host bowed his head, and began to repeat the aconstomed vetse in a subdaed, reverent tone. "I2»? Wfaafs ttat?" demanded Ihe deaf old• gentleman who; sat beside bun. The host smiled patiently, and began again, jo"''» londer». mora deprecatory Voice. ' :.".•„' '.'Speak a little louder, I don't catch what you say,y the old gentleman per- sisted. A low ripple of Janghter went round the table. The host, his face .crimson with embarrassrner.t, raised his voice and repeated the verse. The deaf old gentle- man did his best to hear, but, railed, fle placed nis hand upon his host's arm. .** What did yon eay?f he demanded, irascibly. [ The host east him an angry glance, w B-^n sit, I'm saying grace," he Bnappsd.—Harper's Weekly. •"_ ; --. '•:-', Indian Froiferbs. - The coward shoots with shut eyes. Small thiogs talk load to the Indian's eye: ;•" ""*'.• ' '•. The palefaoe's arm is longer than word. '" " V ;. a ... Whenafox walks lame, the old rabbit jumps, A squaw'8tongae runs faster than the wind'slega r ••',:' There is nothing go eloquent as a rattle- snake's tail. * : '-' .;.••_':. •.. ;• TJie Indian scalps bis enemy. The pale- face skins his friends. ' "'"• Two men will live together in qalet and friendship, but two squaws never. When a pan prays one day and steals six, the Groat Spirit thunders and the evil one laughs. There are three things it takes a strong man to hold—a young warrior, a wild horse and a handsome squaw. l>o tbe rigbt thing if yon have Na- sal Catarrh. Get Ery'a Cream ]iitlm at once. Don't tench the catarrh jowdere and snuffs, as they contain cocaine. Ely's Cream Balm releKea the secretion3 th&t inflame the nasal passages and the throat, whereas common "remedies"made with mercury merely drive them oat and leave younobetter than you were. In a word, Ely's Cream Balm is a real core, not a de- lusion. All druggists, 50c., or mailed by Ely Bros., 56 Warren street, Hew York. .,,»,. i,.V >».« ' ii . ~—~ v ^ Jto Uti]LaHtirt. ITiy^ ana Oatbjo^ka which pnre^Tmloaa the bowels. « i d g l r e teraporKy reliet bot irritate, and weaken the tUgertivo and «Eip«lsjve orezms. fijiatiTO IroB^x Tablets are ajjaiffsrent ia raeet ,tmfliia bona falsehood. They nonxisb tb£btta^unt«^eaaadiBCTi»c!rtoatbc9astremed> anayigor to do the work nature intended. Sns effBctinga semaoent a m by perfectly safe and natnral owns.. Tbe best laxative for children. Chocolate coated tablet* easy to take, nerar gripe or nauseate. K»c X5e aad »!.« at all drng stores Sold by the Hyde Drug Co. Next!' A. champion /Bar in Bradford county, Pa., makes a complaint of losinga cherry tree growing in his orchard.. Cherries are not plentiful this year, and the birds were robbing him. So, catching up his double- barreled shot gun, he hastily loaded it, but, finding*e had no shot, he snbsti- tated tacks. He fired: both barrels and sttceeedfid in tacking every birdtothe cherry tree, but there were so many of them that they Sew away with it. ' Pinenles are for the kidneys and bladder. They bring quick relief to backache, rheumatism, lumbago, tired worn out feeling. They produce natural action of the kidneys in filtering waste matter out of the blood. 30- day's treat, mental. Money refunded if Pinenles are not satisfactory. Sold by Hyde Drag Co. - ". ..h-'B-mf* • 'i H I I. . »*YOn didn't run fast enough;" re- marked the cheerful bystander to tbe man who just mia8ed*his train. "Iran fast enough," replied the dis- appointed one, "but I didn't: start in .time.'*' - r •_ _. .- TlwBcst LtiafrtitorCWdrtn. FaretitssSotlldB^ to itlhat theorehilBrea&aTe oca Jiatitral, ess* movement of ih» bowMs <tach <Say. J>o cot do»eth«ehild with saltsj6rgti)pingpiu*,«ai thejraiw too : powerful in «efoet. sol Uterallf t4«r Pxew Utile tnsidw to jptece&.iearinc the bowels featewdan* fe«sabIetoafttnattt»Uy thaSbefore* -loXkUns IrcziHix Tablet* tone and Strengthen the bowels, »n4 stimulate all the little oxtans to health3<»cti»ity^. Choeolateeoat«t tablets, ««sy to take, nwrer gripe or nauseate. 10c, Sicaad<1.0i. Sold t»y the Hyde Wttus Co, —II 1 . i urn ', aii-a aL.i .-.-fn Under an oak tree on bis farm which has been struck by lightning a Stockport, Indiana, man picked op 390 dead black- birds. They bad been using the tree as a rooatiag place. •I" M. i, . ..»« • „ , , - i . i , Headache and constipation disappear when Dades Little Liver Pills are used. They keep the system clean, the stomach sweet. Taken occasionally they keep you well. They are for the entire family. Sold by Hyde Drag Co. Flower ot tae aTaamily. "Uncle 'Baetoa, how old are yoa? "Pas' sebenty-nine, boss. I'll soon be a aotogeraninm."—Chicago Tribune. * f Ubrary- Frtattat uxm oao«* , JTvf- . J <»*^*'. AGAIN St Ladies' Hpme Joumai * StBdiag troth after 018x111} that- "-a.;.. leagued while trnth !• on," aftd no donhi 'ii •. a of good peppleD.-ad i'r. malicious A t t a c k i;;»- : and bia w favort.te..Pj-e- in iH M&y.ttUM' n-„;: 'Holne Journal, with •play .Readings, Vbc :• hie, groveling reir&cv SpICOOUS beadlnc j. -^ ister. I|.wa3boM:v : eroos and Hbelot^ a r:.. Eavorita pyescTir:: -. woman's weakness-? talned alcoljol and o'.>. eats,' Ht. Pierce ;pr •: agarnst the public Hoiae Journal, fur £." > T/r. Pierce«d editor, maliciously p. containing &uch la:.- matter wljjr the ln^ buSlaessrfurtherm o r t other mjurious. or b a r S H w y e r jsrere, ooi vorlte ajreiMfrlption r ; at madjffjom native •ontaint/no harmful ever/s>M that Mr. Bo mPW? were wholly a: " fraction tir u Ifc. l-'^^'lisl ••:- vf- 1 ? " -mentB; ^1 - ~ '-Infe?.! ; ro <j«ht E5u| ute-utsij ~.j orlug fcijl •"•aicotoj,,,! S-4ld ^16^,; '•a' roots t^] '"' ; «»-*latJ 1 . cl ?H6t!»!«.l Om action in tfeo Suprec < < .n. Ban buslneatof Dr. Pierce WM gr- n,y j • -' Uie pabllcatlou of the 1:^ .> anldti iteireatdlsoUy bsadin^. - r ^ ' «qua ads who lead, tbe B ;««•'. y article never saw ths bun frovtU. tract4on.setlnsmall tyu- a-.: : &aeuli splcnons as possible Tl)« c .. r »* ever brought before a jury :L the 8tf Court e* New York ?<at« n: rendered a verdict in the I'-.^'.or'. Ibu&hls traducers can-e to tnel and i slanders were refuted PILLSBDRY Srain, Seed, etc. GFiDilifig a Sneciai O* S, aUawrencel 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ATENTS TRADE MftRKS OESIGNS COPYRIGHTS 4C Anyone Bending a sketch and dc~r~ •"man I (jnlekly aseertain onr opinion free »• «ser u J bwetrHon Is prohabty p»ientai>i«' i =ira» tfemastrietlyccmfidenlial. HASDECOfc • '•ansa j sent free. Oldest agency for sec^r • »- . . raa. 1 Patents taken t&roheb Mnnn A. rccete | fecial notice, wttaont cnargc. In IL.> Sdcndfic Jfmericaii, A handsomely illnstrated weekly. I^.-.«*. rti-| cnlalicm of any scientific Jonrnal. 1e.:'.$3ij .year; t onr tncaths, SI. Sold by an-ne^ -esisa. [ MUNN & Co. 36,B ™^«*- New Yori Branca Office. 625 F 8t» Washinai. D.u /CITATION XO PROVE \% I L L - \J People of tbe Slate of New Yo.-t To Horey, Kin, WeslrlHe, N. Y.: lrt-ce Pn-t- cao, St. BegU Sails, N. ¥.; IValter M^rr... * ^uaao, g U^gts raliB, B.Y.; Ida M. GoifU?. . .uiiogBi mcalnaan Center, rfi. V.; J<ts=ie i, daughter, 1/teklnsm Center. N. i Daniel, granddaughter, Saranac U-A- Hamilton, giauddaugnter. Si>n:.. Pean Boedeeker, grandoaugntrJ'. -^ . tsnren HaU,gianaaon,8aisnsc Lac- Storey, grandson. Gray, Sluiut. c „ ttnsTmwi, wife, beirsat law and c-J : jknnSojJilsJtoiey Uleol toe U>«L tbe county of KaakHn and State •: > oe*^ea,aeadgTcoUn^^- WnereaswE. S. Aldrlcn, tbe ese<: u latt win and testament of the say »•. atoreit deceased, has reaoanceta:.. testameaury cereln, and wiir.-^- Jlorey. oneof die resldnarj le^ai"-> fas lately applied lo our sariu s -.>.< Of Franiiin to B*Te tbe salt! wii , real and pezsonai pnjpeny. u ;• • Statnte- In sticb case made aco ; lettens otadmlnlstraaon t»iw iht . < granted to SpeUnjtn J.. Morey. Yon,andeacTioliou,are ther.' -• quired, personallj, to be and api>-^' surrogate at 'his of&t*- :. »'•• tn tbe county of CrankOn. September, nsxi, at tea o'eiocs :L :U I and'lbeine io aUend tne pro;^ • ' ^^. iaiu » a«2 .. iurt,4 < un ' •_ u>. 1 .. a vO'C JCCC ol -I : aca h (S| . tax,! -••; CIJ I ..p.aooa,!!" e^J (3 Trial desired to franttm Vat cons SiiminUtratcar witu ism v,;. a .ejtafe et <i»Cai Jtoi4 Ceceased. t-a: Htadrlcksaa. Jaanba^jt: : Uccar«:•»&.:. Hark 1^ aecdrSck*m, <tcfei;iiics. t^U»'ax»¥eiaaa*d tsejeE-iao-j: Voas.^ iasrtei samjetiea to n u plaint in t i l s actl<af«aK3 CJ is?rm a answer>tojaiecIattiHaT*au»a'cej' u.-. / after tee server ot tag «XJ£=V^. .,.-, 4ayciiserViceivtoJ, ittia«»'ar >>Kii r.i. oratswer, Joa>ri>ent smite<*=*<•--- >v •fiefaalttoriUH!. 'rt.*t 4epu^2ei" !.T " •. t~ J. Tt?»!i-aat,*latBuirs,a »:>;-. OaKe a»5 JSS4 office' acjiws, _ " XOT?-*'W^,'«. V. -'. : . . - To Jtark I* B»rlttar«:ksa&. Uerenii;: i Use Jor^sMcx siaartccs is- sa.w paniieatioa »w*aani. to kn o.-a.-.r. <. eemaa, tomay jajlge if' Fhaiai io - aatettUwtstinjayct jbw, ia<:, ai : .' uoajnlaiat ia iae effli* •«i-ii3 o-^t tuuutj, aiJialooe, N. V, Bated Jane lite i*.C. T.J.TCBN-EK,JW»fctarsAtt^. •-.• KorwooiS. u surai« oot -ledcM T.'k ^., .lie cas*l •" <-« 'd-«' -•«»' - . a '"'5 Wi "NiXiKl *• , n i.>S'. J'-l •6*1 USXhfll CiJtl« *| jyoTICB "jr;»iiii>iToHs-ri X.V toaaoHler oraion.s?>^iT- * ' l '.'•'•• gate of the coanty of ttwass^^-:' c ' f -'- ; " ; atauue to Micb case made &&t rr- v . : '-/" : : berefey Ktnta w aU pe«Me» biyira;. <;.:*.i2» Kliea Cala. b«e of Matuoe, In « 4 a '^ w-. d «jal U » y are re<aatrtd w ektit-lt-ibtf .&™ f •. fc^ J youeaan toeraof. h> UM aogerslSEf-J etoinlfaWJ^ waa tbe wlu anwiart. of luiarvab, «<' Kis ii*S 1 offlen ot titatse Sabtn. ia MalOce '•'••^'"-?JS.I cotuuy. oa or before uaruia day oti^pi*^"" *•*! Dated Harofe U. J8BJ. ai>ea«acairrwsu.anara«j!fc WILLIAM'S KIDNKY PILLS. Bare yoa amtliiaai nor sMaays? Bmr* yarn wB%fjaaTUsaa^aa4sa«Va*rT Has« yea fabM ta OajAa.«laa,a««^ayoMMandMaMw^ I M W . •MST Too f r u i n n -aWBa a> f a w w i a a f atsa. Hark Twain «M» retnraed frejaa bjq trip afaroidwitls a degree from Oxford Uni- TaraityaaHtaaaaalaaBdtiewjekee, ,w«ftcas—rvnsckirr to *s osi^ of W e U a«t}o(Fti«Uta > Mtaa«9ordta« to tte Wfil aa*(^Wa^ i aMps«Vawa,BoSet te«3V»2 \1 - -** *—- »-* ->«i n ^i Julia B. ""; may iaataf M.lwieria aaM eootay, * * * * t a t l naaaaad wtBBMaB. tkert, at tbe t.« ,^»t« f J 1 .! a paaayy,ja aaaaa vtil»««, fa «atd *«»»?•*«> naaaaa<toMa^att^twb«eo». ^ | Rf8UtT§FBQM I snow, V.OLUME j,\.\: BY THE FA flfiralonc Ipa[la| Esta»)li^li«-.l ,M i H ftlbHshe^ everv ". \ ",•' THK J'A: .... EBiSDERlcK .i - cm A., u A -.. - , Slanager, ,;PA 5 LLAI>I( M IM II I Cottter of M , . One Year, S i x Month*'; I»a\iil. I l.i:>ls : ni \ il \ a i Jtdverti>in^ l t ; t i « - - <>ii A p i a Advertibenit Dtf HI,'.U. I tx- n.n| leoKt'i 'f nine [,.. i»- II.^I ri- Jl allj stated to the j.\jI.':-'i»-r al - inserlioo; other« IM- iln-y « A\ tinunl till forbi'l • r ht t (,• • publisherv, ai.l <•hnr^r-'l H -<J Legal adveniririK it the rat't ] by law. BuMDexi cards, nut five rinea,.§o per year, E^ch line, 75 cents. •'. *> BUSINESS DIRECI WELLS & MOO) LAWYERS. i*dfH0*S 2nd ENTRANCE EAST 'i - Bank, Malone. N. V. Dra«in(t HHUI.I SlCay.UWKi.La. [^SUBBT M. CHA.JV1BEJ iiWE^BY. AND COCNSBLU)B AT "^alpraetlEe, loans and cvllm:! .gytnondS A Allison blor 6. ii>-J'. !>' i . v ^((a« Main stree . Mai.,ne. N. V t ig^llpERICK G- PA1 p Office to Stone bloot. "i,-!i^r Main » r i %.. ^ijtt|Plaoe. Boom 1 B.'iL 'pfafura. * IP^MEARs & COON; add if any of tte aforesaid ,• - •-• •>••• -=4*1 sge of tweaty-oae jeaa Jhej n. , --- -t&t mat tlvey are raqotred to appeu s . guardiao, if tliey ta*e one, aiai i: - - ^ ^ 1 mat they appear and apply for t i e b ,- • mc-ao-'. 8i«(Sal«uaitiiaii, or in tEe erMtex w<u fa$se "[ B^lecs to do so, a spe<fii ffttardao wtn be tpjq'.^wi by tbeKUTTOKate to represent and act lor asmin Use x»eed4ngsrorffie probate of said will. . in tesfflnjjny wfcereof, w e nave hereu • a2jed Q»J . sealol oarsaldsin-dra- nu Hon. Samael AL Ben * U-S.1 of said* eoSH«y. ol t: oaiee, to aialane. ». .- ewmtv, tte tab da * W*P.iUibXE»t3crJrei.tiie8uri .< B. W. BiRav, aa^ror Petfuacef "• kUloncS. V. UWKtftS. ^East Mam bt.. Maloi f,WijijtEAB6 A. K. BOTSFORJ tri'BiTlake N. V. £?W WILLIAM S. Wi ^HNEY AND CO0N8ELOB AT ! .... jrc. H. Y. Personal attention give p-.t»siyieroeflBld, Pausi, Aaton, ' ' "" ; |pijl Mood '•P B.N. PORTER, D. > JtaST MAIN 8TBEET. MALOSB. ttjone 47. , B. A. SO PER. R GBADDATE OF BOCHE8TEB SI HUO BtTJ. EkOluslye atienuor, g.TL :y] ISOa ot Uie eyes and adjusting <.f leiH block, over Lsprras ' .:'"~ '$$*, D- A. DILTZ, Dl OVHCE IN THE NEW JVKHSBS A . block. West Biain street. < >fflr>e boa 1*00M.,and from l.Ji 1. M. u CHARLES A. BU3 tAWTEB. V WE*T VAIN STREET:] - AlllaOn BWt k. next w court h'ui* FKANK E. TAY1 OJEMT18T, HAYES BUX'K. EA.-T Mi Malone, N. 7 . The new Poprelaln ltj ' 'well asqlber metbods ot tl'Mng. ~ T ~~ r ' B. W. BERRY| AtTOBNI? AND OOCNSELOB AT 1 T F.W. Uawrence 4 Oo.'s store ^ea a specially of drawing and ' j SetUing estates. DR. J. F. WALI YaTBBlNABY SCBOEu.N. i i * EA.-T ; lSenbone ooimectlonB. Spects.: atiel J^ELLAS & GENAJ aTTOBNEVP AND rJirvsRU'R 1 - »T HoBOTerClarlt a Son's store. &otraj i»l»*tHaoonal Bant. Maiont-. N v *J.».KMiAS. J- W.. & M^GLAR^Y O0UNSELLORS ! 0*^r IPeOple's Hank, JADGER & CANT 1 DBNIYS AND 00l'NSKUlB^ Al jSIWHf StbcSwell * Flanagan > stniy i KRtDOaS. - TBnS. t'ASTWBLI- J- ' ra.D/HICKOK. D. ih«JrfAli OFFICE. KIN>.'? r.;^<Tv iMaaonable and ai, wurs »a' 0ORDON H Mi MTOaNEV A.N1» mis.-t.. j fi^ H. STICKNEI fOySBATIVE AiJU HBCHAKICAL UE ,^ble, N. Y, R. J. & A. (Gr. W T L 3 'aTTQBNEV .'.'- Conn Boiw. Ma Doited State? i " - -PfiYSU'Ii"-" .'.ND Pt-EGEOSS,. OfBee mi- Huitrlck's bsmk stoiie* y»rk b u . « •• t iinrLt calls sfioald be| t^tone outnit^ ti.'ua. _ ' BEMAN, ~s«X;> 'R- O F Aiin'.itled't' . ; H E N R Y VI:* R N E| vfBYSiaAN AN: -•..'•• » iiptace and - i » . .> • > ' "• -' aatjtt calls'say .. " - 4»' B;"PAKMELEE at>iit(>Ni>A.K ::M' ' • \-\ ; VILLAIJE ,l'i. • r,:.:'. .«'. CBAI. 'BEAL EJ-T .'.: f ' •-"I'-N : eao. w . npsTis'. ttSlEfMEfW IMS! Ffatafiiasssurety fStcvvttt. Mtv Malone, •-»: jgivetsibe fm Saranac Lake, ***•-* Oawwata, . - - **»»tal aad ..bets "appointed private hatba. iO>antv gaeetaf

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Page 1: Ladies' Hpme Joumai Bargains OTTAWA I snow, · month by modern Btore managers., .-Nowadayaall advertieers are wilKng

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•'• u *''flwP"l-

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U;!:; -;

-'•5 i'';J

i 1--i .• -.

F* A» Altironi Since *91,

Some years ikgo- the &*wx£>t&i nub-llabed alist of Franklin Academy gradu­ates- up to 1897,, Recently w# have been renjoe«Mrf to publish * ^ «f gtaduatea ^eethaUime. through the cooties! of Muja&race ^IcKUIan, stenographer to toe faculty of1 franklin Academy, who has prepared * ills* tor ns, we are enabled to publish, the tia* tins week, Ifc fa aa-fol? lows;—

t !S»?.

• l e y * ... . •, , tabrooks, (Mrs. Fred Hc-

wood (Mrs. Fwdna Wil-^ (deceased)

• * " Halone,


Trani & Fiik, Brashion, 5*. Y, „ Mabel I* SaWley, Malone, N» Y\

• Jsraea £ . Ptfee, MalpaSt K. Y* Herbert Donovan, t^roiine Garbenter, MaloneJS. Y . Ifinnia Ross,- .. „ Mrs.Wtn.Q'XeiMEiJa Wrlght>«reat

Barrington, Uses . < '• Etf**r<i Grwjd* S e w York, Et, Y. Parke. i3f w$%". Woj .J lcQra6i , Floy \WiItiley. -

Bailey BdrriJ*, Howard Taylor. - . , - , - ' Carrie Burritt, Edith Cooney, (deceased) Maude L. ElSred. (married and lives in

Barigor.) ] :^-Edith Everett, Albany, N. Y. ©race Plumb, N. Bangor, S . Yi ' (• Helen Plumb, (deceased) Erwin Learned, Boston, llaaa.

.. Nelson McClary, (deceased) Albert D. Spinoer, Ialfp, N. Y , »

: • • } i s w , • -..;• James Breedl "* Harry Everett, . • James Kilburn, LaMont Warren, Maude Slater,

. Clayton Sumner, N. Bangor, N. Y. Bessie Barry; If alone, N.Y.-Bertha Knapp, (married) Earl Boardwkyy', Waiter Keeler, New York, ,N. Y. Louise KelleV, Malone. N. Y. Winifred McDermott, lialone. N; Y. Josephine Warren, (Mrs. Keeoott) Troy,

S i K - ' •'. • ,1 ">.„.,." - 1 4 Grayer ... • "

Lucioa Palmer, New York, N* Y* Oeril Turner1, Brushton, K. Yv UnrjE. Untitle, Troj.N.Y. Alice Gleason, (deoeaaed) . '• ;• j . jgqo. •

Winifred Sparry, Malone, N. Y , . W m . Cameron, *.- . --Edna Carter, Arthur Mc LomseMerrit Howard 1

Bessie Van Wallace] Lain Hadle Mary Lynchj Alice Plumb* Edith Buell, •(deceased) Frederick MareiaDal; Frederick Maude A.

Kenrie)N. EKsabeth

cox), H Alta Hows,

N. Y." ' Nekie teonird, (Mrs, «trjr Whipple)

Malone, N.Y. | e«rWjA>pr Edward W IindaFoote] Samuel Levy, Ebie&niai,r . John CoVe*,tCdeoea»BdJf CleophasMoigan, (" AngiVNoke^O

• • • • • * ' -J; t w a , ' " . " ; • " . , - . , ;

Florence Bo ice , Jessie Child^ ' Harriet Conley, Ethel Hadley, E l i a b e t h Hawley (Mra. S, C Colli-

i n a n ) , : '.".•. -' :!•- "• .-' > ' . ' , . : " ' , :

Harold Lawrence, :»•• ^ . Aliw Whittwy, Bniihton, N. Y., /.;•', Grace Gibao* (Mrs. Harold Townsend), Frances Whipple, Clifford Oakes, MUdrecf - * Florence

, < AUeeM' SybttShi Francis Sherburne . Ralph Leonard, El izabeth$%. (married), Laura Gr Grace A. Abbie Npl

- Florence Saunders Stofnt), ...J . ...--'-

Eunice Walbridg", , JeasieWriglit, Emma VanOrnum, Herbert S. Carter,:. •• Wm. Degon; Edward Kibttrn, ; * James Rutherford, Joseph Frechette. '

.'••••I';. -IMS. ..'. •;- ;:•;' KatherijjeButtrick, Margaret Elliott (Mrs, Leon Tonier,

Malone), • • ' ! -V- ' • •••... ,: '• • ^Mahel.FerrM .;• .-

Carolino French, ; . ., ; ; Delia Thompeon,

- CarlCJark, Alton Da ' Banta Ke Robert Hunt:

. Claude Hal RoyKellaa, JohnKelley, "; "" Leon Turner, . .; ' • > / . . . . Minnie Hogl0, », ,,,V

Beatrice Moore (Hra. Foster Tarbell), EllaPaddock, : ; -

- Anabel Smailroaa, .-.George Brand, , , Louise Gray;

* Martha Hawley (Mrs, Daniel FUck) , fS^'Ne^011' Florence Skinner, Henry Stiokney, .<.

•'.-'{• 1804. ' '" •''.', ' V. -•• Wm. Frehott, ' • '

Harold O'Neal, ^ . -Blanche Dickinson, Belle Dusting Eva Elliott, r • /

' Edith Fay, ;-:- - --EJizabeth Elnah, • ; Harry Hadley, Jessie HorrijgaoV DaisyLaLirae,

' FrankXaw, ; .;'.o.". Gladys MaArthur, -Mary Gibson, Laura Drake, George Hastings, Minnie Holrnea, Elsie Jones^iMra* Albert Miller) Alice Kilburn, Martha Lytle^ ^married)' Inman Slarsliall, Sadie Paiiflef, . Albert P lopiK IrmaScaniori,

•, Maude Boniri, Blanche Casey, Albert Paddock, Bruce Bathe^tord. W J S , Smith, i ' J l y r a W o o d , ! .•

. Fred Band, j u FioreocftHydW

(Mrs. Chester

1906. Humphrey Butlrick. AUaa Everett, Winfield Gray, Ray Merrill, Georsre Thomas, Jay Meeker, BftjaiaBoardsvaj*, Clara Clark, Mary Hadloyv SSaudeHyde, Elizabeth Maaafev Anna Allen. .

- im% Harold i, Auhrey,

, Ethel H , Harwood, -GertTOdeS. ffickofe 'Darius Watt* l4.wrrenee, fielen Eluabeth Meit im$n, Mary Elizabeth-Qliourfe^ Julia M. Paddock, Gladys Erskla Thomaa, Benjamin Boy Allison, l

Charles Richardson Whipple, Harry HonroaBieknelL ., Henry Jay fiigelow+ Cassie Ecoily Cooper^ EHzabel* Everett, •-'--. Maode> Catherine Murphy, ^ Clarence J. Patrick, ^ * Laura A. Patrick, "•' BeSsie Marie Bafferty,^ ' . Alice Endora Wood, ' Bothfc-Paddock. "-." . THeColden Role of Three.

Three things to be^pore, josi' and honest. -. ;:."•''.. -».--.

Three things to live—courage, affection and gentleness^

Three thinga to gover n- -Umper, tongue and conduct. r; .

Three thing* for which to flght—honor,

Adlroiidack CainpH.

It ia loo early yet to announce the pas«-jag of t»e log ahack a* the true t)p« *>t A4irt>odack "camp." But wa have com*? to the tim? when it hi no longer possible tossy what Istfaspretatlingtjpeof sum­mer .camp-in tne??ortb Woods, A vari­ety of coaatructlonsvhave ot-eo raised in that delijth.tfut wgion, and the oaly «hia» flbat may be said ot all Gt litem w that tnejrlcoat a deal of maney and Imply a jteUauij «F ae«v*ntst a»3 * social rotttlne t,hat reader «lcainplng out" any-tblBgb.QSthat BtiatgMtorwata living,-ot the simple life that, aforetime it .was' supposed to be#

Soma ef the wealthy men who nave bad* themselves mountain homes In *M» region have, attempted to adopt the native-rusticity of architectnral modes to their social ffleeds. to one atyle largfe sptp.ce logs, stripped of their ba'tfc and varnish-coated, are used, and %hm treatedflt^^id^herftlJOJCale *»* <*»' ^traction *iO last- as long; a* Jbnck or ajone. In another style.cdbTbleatonea tornWiemountajta-aetlntdaclc cement are need. Oth«r weaKhy campert, how-ever,have acclimated the^Japaneie pa­goda, the S*faa chalet and the various erectiona familiar to Touraine and the hunting parks of Europe. *

The North Woods ara loo near the greatciUei of toe Haft, and too well aerted with r^jcoad»,a||d:tl»y arethem^ •elTW too attractive alwaya to remain a

Bomeajaicdontry. regibnin «Wca the rude aback otjOd Three things to cherishWUie true, the irapp«r»iBi»tba«haraBteriatio fiaoila-

>f®gmm£mg*m®*m®?. s&xeBBm&m&vssQ

beautiful arid: the good. Three things about which to think-r

life, death and eternity. Three things to commend—thrift, in-

dnatry and promptness. Three things to despise—cruelty, arro-

ganoe and ingratitude., Threethingatolove-the wiaelthe vir-

tuooa and the innocent. ThreeithiDgsfor which towiah—-health,

friends and contentments Thre«things toadmire—dignity, grace-

fulneas and intellectual power. Three things to attain—goodneaa of

heart, integri^ of purpoae and cheerful-oeaaofdiaporition.^Ijeaderahip, }

Hints . . Advertising ii no good without the

=|{ooda.,vv •••• " ' " ^ V ! ; : '•'•'''. Vfiiti} aa if you were talking face t o ice>witfc]peoplev-;.v;-!*"~ - '-' --*--•*»••''' -- -: DoaTt try t o be too brilliant and origV

oal to your advertisements. ' Advertise choirs things In the beet pa­pers; :ttf ^ r ^ c f r t l i e beat people. -,; '•;• j

.All men w h o advertise are not sncoeas^ ful, but usually aUlsucceesful men adTex-j t l s e . " •• " - • - '"- ' , , J ' " " J 1 ' . : ' . ' ; ' :

The netrBFaper ia pretty t o r e to reach ;eveq|biM^*fio*i' 'ii^%''0it^'}M^(>-

A poor advertisement in a good paper may bring reeulU; a good advertlsemeot in a wortbleae paper ' is money ' thrown .away»^ThVJ^*eJli«OT*Aija.";' ;v;;**;- " '

': gi»t«ra«wati»Ki>*e<wr»i. .

«Learn to| laugh. A good laugh is better than medicine. ' '•''/-;• ,•.•;••'. ;*'.'' •' / Learn to attend strictly to your own busmeae—aveiy iniportantpoint. ;

Learn to tel! a story. A. atoiy..wjatf,feld is as welcome as a sunbeam in a sick room. ; •'•- .- ^ • .*•••'"' v<- . -_"j

Learn theartof aaying kind and en­couraging things especially to the young.

Learn toavoidall iU natnred'•faq0lfc and everything calculated to create fric­tion, i .••:.'•-. ,N'.l.:.. •;.', • ' • • ; ' <"•,-'••-•; J I^arn to keep your trpuble8_to.youraelf. The world ia too busy to carafor your ills

Learhtofitop grumbling. If you can not see any good in the world, keep the j*»a*o~

• (Mrs, John Zhwalen)

A tekMriU •IJrt.

tipn. With their numerous lakes and mountains—eome 1,000 of the one, some, 500 of the other—the «mf may o6me when they will preseB* some of the as­pect* of the Uke region of Northern Italy ft may be centuries ahead, and yet it Ja. not too ranch to expect that the larger lakes may yet reflect villas as pretentious

those glassed "by Cfemow^Naw Yotfct Evening Mail. '..-'.*•

«'Advertise All t h e Time."

Theadvertiser in any line who meekly acoepta the notion that summer la a time when everybody is taking a rest, and llttla BK»ay ia btiag ^pent, and therefote atops advertlalnrr makea the error of shaping hia bosineea polioy Jby

mething that is largely a popal^r il3Sa6y/- aot well grounded in fact.- * • Neither the retailer nor the manufac-;

:tnrari«n-'affiwoV*-ter, btrasvsoiii^ifc. tha dullneai fallacy.. Look.over the. papers and aee the live merchants in every town who continue their offerings through July and August. It doesn't appear $i$ 'iO^l^fWS^fJ^-it^0^^ town. Look, into the magarines and aee, not mertly the.campalgha of geiieral adver­tising that run straight through theauna-mex,t)utmany that ran heaviest in dog; dif*;

people eatmg, drina^ag and smokmg through tha dog daya For tha retfdler, it ia a time to advertlae iof patronage that change of reaidence has 'a^ls^^or'^'wJcnaJMgg^. channets^ and f«'the toanufactorer » tinie to put forward everything in the line of a good specialty or staple that 13 dainty, tempts Wg, of high^nalityi * . " , • \ ' ,; I

Through energetic advertwinf, com' jblned with >killful merchandiBing,;

Augturt 1 ^ been made an important s*le' month by modern Btore managers., .-

Nowadayaall advertieers are wilKng to plan, advertising fn, the hot season, -whewis. A few fears ago-few wonldj think of it or discuss It until autumn. A few years from now the whole; advertia-in^worldniay havaJe«i^rlik«.the-few more enterprising advertisers, that'siim-"oar js also an exoellaat tiraa to advtrtlse. If it iaa time of dullness, the merchant and', manufacturer are largely Inatru-jia5wta^1?rn^fclni|Jt» .,1 '•'."' ."-vv,

1905. Grace Boyce,1

Ann* Currierl Habel Bickok, Ethel Bider, . Hazel Brush,, Louva Harmon, Earie McArthur, Florence McDermott, Anna Foy, | ICUerTay, Hate Humphrey, Kenneth Huntington, Bessie Hyde, Florence Miller, Archie Merrill, Stella Mott, Edith Plumb,

Markw Wrigkt, Mary aaboorin, Frances Whiae, Beaj. Dudley, . Maroia Eetabrooks, AttertHyda,. WSatfuad H. frelley, Jeaa McKaoale, AflMrtMerruT

Among" the preeentw lately aha*a*ed' npon a Maryland bride was one that waa the gift of an elderly lady of the neigh­borhood wStf* whom bo^ brld^in^ groom were prlmetavorites. *'';'. *'"""'''" •. *'"

Some yeara ago, according the Woman's Home Companion, the dear old soul a o cnmulated a supply of cardboard mottoes, wliieh she w d r k e | t ; ' M d ; : ^ l r i ^ e ^ ^ $tt wUch she never failed to draw with the greatest fjcee^^0ii!iSS8e.^ *.

In cheerful reds and blues, soapended hya cord of the same colors over the table on which the other presents were was thSino^o; . "Fight on; fight ever," .

\ • . • ,:,.V> .^:u.'H.mi^: I .-•"•• . Y •*"> M a n Z a n P i l e B i m e d j ^ c o m e s p d i d p &

a collapsible tube with noale. Easy to apply right where Soreness and inflam ma-tipn crisis. J* reJieyal at, <s0!9^ Mhsd bleeding, itching or protruding piles. Guaranteed." Price "SdeT* )Gtei. IC*to-day Sold by Hyde Drug Co. ,"

- Pointed. Paragraphs.

Your sons probably please you a* well asyou pleased your father.

If you don't look carefully after yqur own affairs, who do you imaginei will? . '

A gcod many people try to administer fpregivene B and punishment at the same .tiniej,' •_

^ e greatest tTitunjpfrXQra>: boy la the^ be^accepted as aa equal by boys somewhat older than himself.

Pinenles for the kidneys strengthen these organs and assist in drawing poison from the blooa. Try them for rheuma-tiam-, tidoeyj bladder ^rohhfe, f$t lam-bago and tired w<5rn Ofat ffiellpg. They bring qoick relief- Satitfactidn: gnaran-iteed.. Hyde Dtag Co,

R e f l e c t i o n s -of m.- B « c l » e J p r .

: A m a h haa% good temper when hft ordy thinks Ills swear words.

A widow is awful cigver to want men to teach b,er things fihetaiOws t?etterlhan they do,

Whettawomanwaata to get marrieii becameahe taasno illusions abont ft ahe*s a'wfdawv

'.-.••...lil. n .>. M ^ ^ ^ i m t ^ i H n i l . f,

Ifyoti suffer from bloating, belching, sour stomach, indigestion or dyspepsia, lake a King* Dyspepsia Tablet after each

Seal, and overcome the disagreeable ouble. I t will improve the appetite,

i f idaid digestion. Bold by Hyde Drug 'Co.

J - . i . u 1,-m, » « » . , , i . , . i. .,r _

A Pennsylvania man caught a fish that had swallowed a puppy, The- puppy moat have been about m — long.

" This ia not complete, my boy- '* "Oh yea, it ia, pop,'* '* Why, yoa hava drawn the horse, but

where is the wagon ?" " Ob, Fm going to let the horse draw

the wagon."—Yonkers Statesman.

Tfce »e*^wl< »«tl«r. :

apologies t o t h e "Old Oaken



Some Tempting Bargains

l a Carnages aad Haraess await yoor laspeetioB liere, .

We iiaxre a new stock of t i e very latest veMoles and haraess of all kinds, selected witn care from "stocks of leading mann-factnrers. I^arge and close bnyr wg enables ns to offer #on e^-

. oeptional»fcargaias. v

Bnbber tires, $6 5 and upward. (Horses taken in exchange for goods and for sale.) Farm wagons, one-norse wagons,milk Wagons; all kinds of (wagons. All sold at low prices. Also j .« agent for tfee Osborne M<m$m / |S. | and Binders, .Hay Tedders and \ -Sakes> •••- .'-':::.* ." ]'',-,.:-'

Central Canada f


OTTAWA SEPT. 13 TO 2 1 ,



IT Wi l t BE BITTHI m o m m THAU mmm

fl5,Q0ain rVjmlonM, ^ithSTGold Medals as Special Sweep3take Prizes.

Knabenshne's Airsfnp, the Wonder of the Century in Usf of Special Attractions, v

Ifwo Trotting Races and one Running Event Every Day and Parses total

Other H)gl»-<;las3 Attracrions in Front of "Grandstand.-,


WW ~v

it B to* partei yon dbri?fc M& tha, holds shapel in tajloring." We ddn^hrta^rda^wai^n^erev We^i^oryd'UTsnit just as con SQeijtTOuay—j is aa c ^ were slamding by the benph while these maKt« craftsmen of ours

Careful Attention to Little • " - , *

TjBAT naa^gooa, |araT>Ie. and aatisfaotoryj^lojftigf - :- , ThesloHfultou^hof t h e a r t ^ ^

'^ilkin^ woricottlwalraiedE^t^ essential. ".-- ;';<[ %ery"aet^isfeTfe^in;CJot^:fha^ .

J" J- G 6 n » , ^ ^ ^ ^ W o o l a n s , •- ; ••\,_-,..J- ;y ' - ^ v " .

i:iia» ::a# • 'C.


With Backet:'*

"How dear to our heart is the old silver dollar, when eome Jk$u$' subscriber pre-J senteit to view—the Uherty head wlfii- to M oat nepktie or collar, and all the strange things that tonsseem so bewi the wide spreading: eagle* the arrows telow it,the stars aiad the words with the queer things to tell. The coin of oar fathers! We're glad that we know it, foe some lima or other 'twillcomeinrjght well—the wide spreading dollar,'the old sjlver dollar, l^e big, welcome dollar we all tovei so welL"—Kansas City Journal.

\I~ tarUwrBOtt trauwwffl leaT»(Blal«» o«ll]r «roeptSisKJMa«IoUowi:—

' wiOa A*'JB.""Kanpava e'W*ac laa; atj pouttorptaurtjun*. :p^mWOhja Pnli«an aarldr can «ad esadiei Aliwrt* Jojllkaoy mdAlbmrto Mew York abo »Bo«ionrtav

w!Ooar*3aii{e. - •• 3>45 F . M.—Faaaeaaer. Throngb trala

Four small boys abont eight year* of «ge"were" before: 'B^corder AMnyof Og-- denflbturg.Teoently.on complaint of citi-; zena w h o charged them wi th mal ic ious­ness, such as driving cows on lilwhs,; throwing stohea, bending small trees in t h e park, a n d similar offenses.-" The recorder announced to them that a t their next appearance in court they would he; publicly spanked by a policeman. B i s . admonition has had the desired effect. .

The bites and stings of insects, tan, sun­burn, cats , burns and bruises a n relieved atoBoe with FbMaatv* CarboUsed. Ants Uka a poultice, and draws oo« iaflanuaa Uoa. Try it. Price S9c Sold by Hyde Drag Co.

A Peonaylvaaia saaa gave fl«« oaata to Ida ratoaw for imlUa« a i a owt'of a dvar,

have f«H prattjr ebaap^

S 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 Tor S r n f i n U n i v e r s i t y .

C»iancel!orvI>3y, of Syracuse iSoiversity has received a . c h e c k ftr | lG0,«)0-ftom Mrs. fcufisell S a | e , j^qyidiBg tot the original cost, interest, improvements and maintenance of the Teachers1 College of the University. The col lege w a s estab­lished one year ago and t h e building in which it id located was formerly Long-street Castle, thohome of Mrs, Sage.

Three thousand fiageriing small mouthed black' bass were placed in Laice George recently by tht State- fish %n$ game. Inspector,.


inalone Uslt k POM Co. We are HOW accepting order* for coal


We handle only tha famous Lehigh Tal-ley Coal, which WB believe to be the beat coal mined. Every ton is thoroughly soreened of all dirt. If you have never tried the Lehigh Coal do so this year and be convinced that it k the beat.

mm lint 4 nwoF Co. Arrival ofTralna.

•»***.. H>-KXTNM Hall wtta «Uroo«b with SlM BtpresT tor Troy, .fftanr a»3 Hew Tort, also tor Boston tad all K« point*, ru Eaumd. jBejpmt inismatf si Trbi wd Boatoa rfa BoBaSd wtthoot On^taatlu«»MPplat wjtlt JMt* mTasaiwMiwraaiiQ^SM —. i •*-'--. -

atotra with &JX. aTo. jfc « . tor , at Honroolwtti H. T. o. a H. B . . . MlaH to«Ui and Mat. At OgapMsmrg^ toefw " • * a ^ s ^ ^ F * ? » W"^W^"^Wa"«W^sjs»IM"lBp^

«*•»»•» U « t » tor annotate ww*. T i * » ; i P . jsVj^jtavHMMLfi* tba W ^ « r r i t w O t « ^ m T t - M l «

«*^l^^*rrwata|w*«4a (oaUp«tMK«a«taii&wMt an me *t utr

. . • • ' - • " . • • f- r

Battt yo» mast have fire, goto

0.-ik7* JO&B8 CO.' who have the f -!

Saattton Coat and all kinds of

<tt m..

N. Y. CENTRAL, Going North—7:11 A. M. dailj

iog Sunday. 8r3n P,

Uy includ-8:45 A. M. oata out at Ma-M. daily, inclodfng Sunday.

7 5 6 P. M. Going Sooth—«K» A. M- dally, includ­

ing 8tt*dajr. 10.-00 A. M. «:45 P. M., starts a t Malaaa. 8^5 P. M. stops at

th«4JCaloiM. 1 0 : » P. M. daUy, iaeJading Swaday. _ y


Ooiaaj Bawt-^03 A. M., *M P. M.,

Uotoc Waat-^M A. aL, Mi P. M,



New Silo t a a s f e t t l a c • « • * * (hat la hcltvr • • * • • « • * «aa ( I S M or « r w O * s • • * * • ( • •«!» v»«r •Ut»r| w » i * .


Grand Evening' I^tertairmjent -" Large New Auditorium.


Write Secretary m ItfCMAHO^ for price list ana all information.

" T t e fieest te 5top &o64U??

ThiB applies to

If As well ae anything else.

Yott mwt tip $mt • * ( > • , > • ' • ' • • •

*She X<eaduig Firei Insor-mco A^ent of Northern -Hew---York." • sY_--i '"s • ;-

'£ Hone but the

Strongest and best

-- •. -"»• Represented..

• A a A M a t , BTBW T<

ta,awlaeeaMUagtoa iaa i rov<t*C aaoes Is

* at, te wiarMonja*

PoascAirr ToaMoaoKa A.*$mlmttm

We are accused of beisti pride abont oar LAUNDRY WO

Why shouldn't we pride ourselves at being able to launder shirts, collars and cuH* in aaob aj rerfeet and satiafactory way. IfWoy hot try ua on yoor work ? W e will please you.

FORTUNE'S Up-to-date

M A L O N E 8 T E AM L A t T N D R Y Homa'Phooe*! 8Catheri«.at.


Oil* Water Color and CMaa "PaiTAts aad Briaihef, BcitTir^ Pa$S€ arfe€mt Mate^-

i r 4 Boards , -apra«,0aH-

Tas, Noweljies, Ac. Fall line Gf |3i© cele­brated •« CJosnios Pic-

A % A sraciAi. T E W o r T H B wmwtmx comtof the state of Mew ToricteW at the

to*nlj«ll,taa»TUUWot8srslort Sprfnra.Ui ana tor^jsbBtirjr«48«r«toga,ott fls&«tt &sf of Itoy, ere*att: Hon,Junes W.^OTghfta,Joslies.

In the matter of the appllauion of the SymoJiil* and AlUson Oomjwnj tor authorltj to eainee •«* naJnetoiUeKlrk-aktierCooiixuiy. •

Upou re«Miln«»nd filing uw peauoo of the 8y-j i ^ M a a d j ^ o n Wnwanj.a qmm «ock cor* ^rat^*arterifle4^jr,g^3rirlE,«a firesWent, wbwste»aWp*lUODerpr»y»Ior an onk* wiUiorir-{pjrjt towwanwanoteer fejrpowte; n«ne.«) wtti . aMMkaa^aat jSr t^sa^a^rnpon njlajttlie ^Hg«e<a«wsea«»rjabt»te »ni«««d i&r&a, cgrUfrttt; tbu Un name wUicb snch corporwlon tmAmmmmtm *» not u » naoa or aar ouwr aoc>s>ao«iorpor»Uopor» aaaw wwcn n» dsonssa mmttmmm»%mK>"H6 ctlcouted todeceire. and npon auec aoeproot ty affid&noi sbowuigUat dalypubUsi»o:tor«xweetslnUHi Albany Evening JpnrialjlMi paper at Albany its which notices by anain tteJUJone PAtwwca, * neiCTpaper ot 0» coonty otfrmniUn,ln wtiWt county raca oonwni-UDD Miltebuatoea>office, »nct Uie court being g»U»-nedby»U(lpeaU0D,»n(J6y««!»ffla»Tits ana ceru-OaLt«<prMeistediiefC"jai,Ui*tiiie peuiton u true, and iuat tbere la so re«*0nabi« .objeeuun to me *£*0geof nkmspropaae&aocii&U tie t*atlon nks beeotJaiyamucrUBd, *natb»t n-ao.?«t toe preeen-UttottoiiW'petaion.Mreq.atrea ly )**« n«a b«n made; -

Kow, m »otton of $. A, Betasn, &<i »Homej> tor «*i!l»aHoner,»»une«>i>pomig,ie is oraorM, tn»t said pt-UUoD Dt ioJ t tosmae &er«by it granted, and last Uie petlHgiiftr herein, ibe « T » O O M a auiaon Ct'iniiany, beacdl ib trcMbs A\xlhoriU'<i tot aaiamt anoUH-r corporate uan», t own; iBfe BJtBwKfri-aaber Ci-rinpnDT, m Ma&iur Ui<- 15(b0*y "' August %9JT, «n« it t* lurOJtrr «rd«re4 im<J dirwtea Usat ttis or^ef &» entered, *n<X « w papfcts on wbfcb it. ia gwntaiw ow.*iuiiateaa«r*in?HiBK(.a»wiiei*c»f in tlie cjnc'e ot me cteric of muuuin county, uw OOBMJ in wnwtt u» <enlficaw o£ incorporation of BUd uurponuica a Sled, md low * cvruaed copy or ink order, within ten aarsafier m*«wy Uietvoi, b« Btedlatae uffice ot tee Secretary ot State, aad fufmer, inat * copy of tUto order be pabUabsd oeeea «ae t for four muxmmltt: weets ln the Malone Pi ixj i -m r x , a newspaper la Uw county of tranktta, be­ginning wltbtn u a d«y» alter toe tnirj tbereor.

J. W. Boogbtoa. JoiUce Suprt-nH- tJxirt. I. A. Beoan, AUurney fur PeuOomar. 47«c4

mm SCHOOL MEETING. 1WOTICE B H E n E B Y GIVEN THAT THE AK-.^. "H1 "*°o 1 m™*iwx»»« *ni«a« waooi di»-trk* at Iaa loan of l&teoe wUl be aeU to taa A % * 5 5 f e r o o m ' t a U l e Osaui School bWldtag, ta 5 £ <H"S!Sf'^0 T?f*«Jr.O>» «"> ««T a U w a t ,

» j r a * » to p « * « o t a A. BaWai, iraow S m S oatoe wta tbaa expire, a*4 tor taa IniairTVa e t l ^ . ? ^ h , l r t n ^ M " ^ « • * » * * * » « ^ awaaaf^ 2 ^ i ? » b « t a « t o a * 9 i a u S [ MaKawat o* toTntoaw which will be roqiilrad for Mhoel parpoK* for tbe cawtog n a r . exeliotra of pabnt Booty, to w l t -

T^asawa* n p * . .7. . . .T ItaOtO Janttor*'vacia.. l.aoo Oerk. tnaa^ truant oatar aa4 Uararian.. 1JB0 itwioaii|ilii« i l l w t r t a r y •••• a w Wator „ , . sat


T h e Way It B e a d .

The editor of alittte Western paper was in the habi: of icheering up bis sub­scribers daily with a oolomn of short pertinent comments on their town, their habits, and themselves- The department on account of its Intltnata personal flavor was the most popular in.fog in the paper-

The'editor, as fee saw it- growing" in favor, graiiiaUy allowed humeil * *Wer and wider latitude in his j-emaakSrOntil the town passed much of its titne eon-jectnring "what he'd das'ttotsay aeitr'

Oh a hot day, when the simoon whistled gE ily op the streets of .the town, depositipg e*erywher? its burden of sand, thO editor brought forth this gem or thought:

"Alt the windots's aio&g llain street need washing badly." * ,

The n e ^ morning he wa> waited: apoo by acomp3.nyof Indignant oitizsns w&o confronted him witn* the, paragraph In question fresh from the hands of tbe compositor and Informed him, fiercely that ho had gone too far. After a hasty andborrifiedglance headnJitfed that "he h a d . ' •- .'., " ' • "; •"--.. •.'.- - - . • • ' .

Itcowread: ' ;'AU the widows along Main street

need washing hiidfy."^**raaider the Spreading Chestnut Tree," in the August EverytJody*s.

. . ... .. .;•• I'-,'., mm >"-'Ji.r..-.. ." r»> .

' y r o v o e a t t o n lEwoBgh."'-' A deaf old gent laman dined wi th a

family,, where grass was:. a lways sa^ifc When t h e goests were seated the host bowed his head, and began to repeat the aconstomed vetse in a subdaed, reverent tone.

" I 2 » ? Wfaafs ttat?" demanded Ihe deaf old• gentleman who; sat beside bun .

The host smiled patiently, and began again, jo"''» londer». mora deprecatory Voice. ' • :.".•„'

'.'Speak a little louder, I don't catch what you say,y the old gent leman per­sisted.

A low ripple of Janghter went round the table. The host, his face .crimson wi th embarrassrner.t, raised his voice and repeated the verse. The deaf old gentle­man did h i s best t o hear, but, railed, fle placed nis hand upon his host's arm.

.** W h a t did yon eay?f h e demanded, irascibly. [

The host east him an angry glance, w B-^n sit, I'm saying grace," he

Bnappsd.—Harper's Weekly.

•"_;--. '•:-', Indian Froiferbs. -

The coward shoots with shut eyes. Small thiogs talk load to the Indian's

e y e : ; • " ""*'.• ' '•.

The palefaoe's arm is longer than word. • '" " V ;.a ...

Whenafox walks lame, the old rabbit jumps,

A squaw'8tongae runs faster than the wind'slega r ••',:'

There is nothing go eloquent as a rattle­snake's tail. * :'-' .;.••_':. •.. ;•

TJie Indian scalps bis enemy. The pale­face skins his friends. ' "'"•

Two men will live together in qalet and friendship, but two squaws never.

When a pan prays one day and steals six, the Groat Spirit thunders and the evil one laughs.

There are three things it takes a strong man to hold—a young warrior, a wild horse and a handsome squaw.

l>o tbe rigbt th ing if yon have Na­sal Catarrh. Get Ery'a Cream ]iitlm at once. Don't tench the catarrh jowdere and snuffs, as they contain cocaine. Ely's Cream Balm releKea the secretion3 th&t inflame the nasal passages and the throat, whereas common "remedies"made with mercury merely drive them oat and leave younobetter than you were. In a word, Ely's Cream Balm is a real core, not a de­lusion. All druggists, 50c., or mailed by Ely Bros., 56 Warren street, Hew York.

• .,,»,. i , . V > » . « ' ii . ~—~

v ^ Jto Uti]LaHtirt. I T i y ^ ana Oatbjo^ka which pnre^Tmloaa the bowels. « i d g l r e teraporKy reliet bot irritate, and weaken the tUgertivo and «Eip«lsjve orezms. fijiatiTO I r o B ^ x T a b l e t s are ajjaiffsrent i a raeet a« ,tmfli ia bona falsehood. They nonxisb tb£btta^unt«^eaaadiBCTi»c!rtoatbc9astremed> anayigor to do the work nature intended. S n s effBctinga s e m a o e n t a m by perfectly safe and natnral o w n s . . Tbe best laxative for children. Chocolate coated tablet* easy t o take, nerar gripe or nauseate. K»c X5e aad » ! . « at all drng stores

Sold by the Hyde Drug Co.

N e x t ! '

A. champion /Bar in Bradford county, Pa . , makes a complaint of l o s inga cherry tree growing in his orchard.. Cherries are not plentiful this year, and the birds were robbing him. So, catching up his double-barreled shot gun , he hastily loaded i t , but, finding*e had no shot, he snbsti-tated tacks. He fired: both barrels and sttceeedfid in tacking every bird to the cherry tree, but there were so many o f them that they Sew away with i t . '

Pinenles are for the kidneys and bladder. They bring quick relief t o backache, rheumatism, lumbago, tired worn o u t feeling. They produce natural act ion of the kidneys in filtering waste matter out o f the blood. 30- day's treat, m e n t a l . Money refunded if Pinenles are not satisfactory. Sold by Hyde Drag Co.

- ". ..h-'B-mf* • 'i H I I . .

»*YOn didn't run fast enough;" re­marked the cheerful bystander to tbe man who just mia8ed*his train.

"Iran fast enough," replied the dis­appointed one, "but I didn't: start in .time.'*' - r • •_ _. .-

TlwBcst Ltiafrti tor CWdrtn. FaretitssSotlldB^ to i t lhat theorehilBrea&aTe oca Jiatitral, e ss* movement of ih» bowMs <tach <Say. J>o cot do»eth«ehild with saltsj6rgti)pingpiu*,«ai thejraiw too: powerful in «efoet. s o l Uterallf t4«r Pxew Utile tnsidw t o jptece&.iearinc the bowels f e a t e w d a n * fe«sabIetoafttnattt»Uy thaSbefore* -loXkUns IrcziHix T a b l e t * tone and Strengthen the bowels, »n4 stimulate all the little oxtans to health3<»cti»ity^. Choeolateeoat«t tablets, ««sy to take, nwrer gripe or nauseate. 10c, Sicaad<1.0i.

Sold t»y the Hyde Wttus Co, — I I 1 . i urn ', a i i -a aL.i . - . - f n •

Under a n oak tree on b i s farm which has been struck by l ightning a Stockport, Indiana, man picked op 390 dead black­birds. They bad been using the tree as a rooatiag place.

• I " M . i, . . . » « • „ , , - i . i ,

Headache and constipation disappear when Dades Little Liver Pills are used. They keep the system clean, the stomach sweet. Taken occasionally they keep you well . They are for the entire family. Sold by Hyde Drag Co.

F l o w e r ot t a e aTaamily.

"Uncle 'Baetoa, how old are y o a ? "Pas' sebenty-nine, boss. I'll soon be a

aotogeraninm."—Chicago Tribune.

* f




, JTvf- .J<»* *'. AGAIN S t

Ladies' Hpme Joumai * StBdiag t r o t h after 018x111} t h a t - " -a . ; . . l e a g u e d w h i l e t rn th !• o n , " aftd no donhi ' i i •. a o f g o o d peppleD.-ad i'r. m a l i c i o u s A t t a c k i;;»- : and biawfavort.te..Pj-e-in iH M&y.ttUM' n-„;: 'Holne Journal, with •play .Readings, Vbc :• hie, groveling reir&cv SpICOOUS beadlnc j.-^ ister. I|.wa3boM:v : eroos and Hbelot^ a r:.. Eavorita pyescTir:: -. woman's weakness-? talned alcoljol and o'.>. eats , ' Ht. Pierce ;pr •: agarnst the p u b l i c Hoiae Journal, fur £." >

T/r. Pierce«d • editor, maliciously p . containing &uch la:.-matter wljjr the ln^ buSlaessrfurtherm o r t other mjurious. or b a r S H w y e r jsrere, ooi vorlte ajreiMfrlptionr; at madjffjom native •ontaint /no harmful ever/s>M that Mr. Bo mPW? were wholly a:

" fraction tir

u Ifc.

l-'^^'lisl ••:- v f - 1 ™ ? " -mentB; ^ 1 - ~ '-Infe?.!

• ; ro<j«ht E5u|

ute-uts i j

~.j orlug fcijl •"•aicotoj,,,!

S-4ld ^16^,; '•a' roots t^]

'"';«»-*latJ 1 .cl?H6t!»!«.l

Om action in tfeo Suprec < < .n. Ban buslneatof Dr. Pierce WM gr- n,y j • -' Uie pabllcatlou of the 1:^ .> anldti iteireatdlsoUy bsadin^. - r ^ ' «qua ads w h o lead, tbe B ;««•' . y art ic le never saw ths bun frovtU. t r a c t 4 o n . s e t l n s m a l l tyu- a-.: : &aeuli splcnons a s poss ib le Tl)« c .. r »* e v e r brought before a jury :L the 8tf Court e* N e w York ?<at« n : rendered a verdict in the I'-.^'.or'. „ I b u & h l s traducers can-e to tnel and i

s landers were refuted


Srain, Seed, etc.

GFiDilifig a Sneciai

O* S , aUawrencel



O E S I G N S C O P Y R I G H T S 4 C

Anyone Bending a sketch and dc~r~ •"man I (jnlekly aseertain onr opinion free »• «ser u J bwetrHon Is prohabty p»ientai>i«' i =ira» tfemastrietlyccmfidenlial. HASDECOfc • • '•ansa j sent free. Oldest agency for sec^r • »- . . raa. 1

Patents taken t&roheb Mnnn A. • rccete | f ec ia l notice, wttaont cnargc. In IL.>

Sdcndfic Jfmericaii, A handsomely illnstrated weekly. I^.-.«*. rti-| cnlalicm of any scientific Jonrnal. 1e . : ' . $3 i j .year; t onr tncaths, SI. Sold by an-ne^ -esisa. [

MUNN & Co.36,B™^«*- New Yori Branca Office. 625 F 8t» Washinai. D.u

/ C I T A T I O N X O P R O V E \% I L L -\J People of tbe Slate of New Yo.-t To Horey, Kin, WeslrlHe, N. Y.: lrt-ce Pn-t- cao, St. BegU Sails, N. ¥ . ; IValter M^rr... * ^uaao, g U^gts raliB, B.Y.; Ida M. GoifU?. . .uiiogBi mcalnaan Center, rfi. V.; J<ts=ie i, daughter, 1/teklnsm Center. N. i Daniel, granddaughter, Saranac U-A-Hamilton, giauddaugnter. Si>n:.. Pean Boedeeker, grandoaugntrJ'. -^ . tsnren HaU,gianaaon,8aisnsc Lac-Storey, grandson. Gray, Sluiut. c „ ttnsTmwi, wife, beirsat law and c-J : jknnSojJilsJtoiey U l e o l toe U>«L tbe county of KaakHn and State •: > oe*^ea,aeadgTcoUn^^-

WnereaswE. S. Aldrlcn, tbe ese<: u • latt win and testament of the say »•. atoreit deceased, has reaoanceta:.. • testameaury cereln, and wiir.-^-Jlorey. oneof die resldnarj le^ai"-> fas lately applied lo our sarius-.>.< Of Franiiin to B*Te tbe salt! wii , • real and pezsonai pnjpeny. u ;• • Statnte- In sticb case made aco ; lettens otadmlnlstraaon t»iw iht .< granted to SpeUnjtn J.. Morey.

Yon,andeacTioliou,are ther.' -• quired, personallj, to be and api>-^' • surrogate at 'his of&t*- :. »'•• tn tbe county of CrankOn. • • September, nsxi, at tea o'eiocs :L :U I and'lbeine io aUend tne pro;^ • ' ^^.


» a«2 .. iurt,4

< un ' •_ u>. 1

.. a vO'C JCCC ol -I

: aca h ( S |

. tax,!

-••; CIJ I ..p.aooa,!!"


( 3 Trial desired to franttm Vat cons SiiminUtratcar witu ism v,;. a .ejtafe e t <i»Cai J to i4 Ceceased. t-a: Htadrlcksaa. Jaanba^jt::Uccar«:•»&.:. Hark 1^ aecdrSck*m, <tcfei;iiics.

t^U»'ax»¥eiaaa*d tsejeE-iao-j: V o a s . ^ iasrtei samjetiea to n u

plaint in t i l s actl<af«aK3 CJ is?rm a answer>tojaiecIattiHaT*au»a'cej' u.-. / after t e e server ot t a g « X J £ = V ^ . .,.-, 4ayciiserViceivtoJ, ittia«»'ar >>Kii r.i. oratswer, Joa>ri>ent smi te< *=*<•--- >v •fiefaalttoriUH!. 'rt .*t 4epu^2ei" !.T " •.

t~ J. Tt?»!i-aat,*latBuirs,a »:>;-. OaKe a » 5 JSS4 office' ac j iws ,

_ " XOT?-*'W ,'«. V. -'. : . . -To Jtark I* B»rlttar«:ksa&. Uerenii;: i Use Jor^sMcx siaartccs is- s a . w

paniieatioa »w*aani. to kn o.-a.-.r. <. eemaa, tomay jajlge if' Fhaiai io -aatettUwtst injayct jbw, ia<:, ai : . ' uoajnlaiat ia i a e effli* •«i-ii3 o-^t tuuutj, aiJialooe, N. V,

Bated Jane l i t e i*.C. T.J.TCBN-EK,JW»fctarsAtt^. •-.•

K o r w o o i S . u

surai« oot - l edcM

T.'k ^., .lie cas*l

•" <-« 'd-«' -•«»'

- . a '"'5 Wi "NiXiKl * •

,n i.>S'. J'-l



CiJtl« * |

j y o T I C B T » " j r ; » i i i i > i T o H s - r i X.V toaaoHler oraion.s?>^iT- * 'l'.'•'•• gate of the coanty of ttwass^^-:'c 'f-'-;";

atauue to Micb case made &&t rr-v.:'-/":: berefey Ktnta w aU pe«Me» biyira;. <;.:*.i2» Kliea Cala. b«e of Matuoe, In « 4 a ' ^ w - . d

«jal U»y are re<aatrtd w ektit-lt-ibtf .&™f •. f c ^ J youeaan toeraof. h> UM aogerslSEf-J etoinlfaWJ^ waa tbe wlu anwiart. of l u i a r v a b , « < ' K i s i i * S 1 offlen ot titatse Sabtn. ia MalOce '•'••^'"-?JS.I cotuuy. oa or before u a r u i a day oti^pi*^"" * •* !

Dated Harofe U. J8BJ.

a i>ea«acairrwsu.anara«j!fc

WILLIAM'S K I D N K Y PILLS. Bare yoa amtliiaai n o r sMaays? Bmr* yarn

wB%fjaaTUsaa^aa4sa«Va*rT Has« yea fabM ta OajAa.« laa ,a««^ayoMMandMaMw^ I M W .

• M S T Too f r u i n n -aWBa a> f a w w i a a f atsa.

Hark Twain «M» retnraed frejaa bjq trip afaroidwitls a degree from Oxford Uni-TaraityaaHtaaaaalaaBdtiewjekee,

,w«ftcas—rvnsckirr to *s o s i ^ of W eUa«t}o(Fti«Uta>Mtaa«9ordta« to t te Wfil a a * ( ^ W a ^ i a M p s « V a w a , B o S e t te«3V»2 \ 1 - -** *—- »-* ->«in^i Julia B. ""; m a y iaataf M.lwieria aaM eootay, * * * * t a t l

naaaaad wtBBMaB. tkert, at tbe t . « ,^»t« f J 1 . ! a paaayy,ja a a a a a vtil»««, fa «atd *«»»?•*«> •

naaaaa<toMa^att^twb«eo». ^


I snow,

V.OLUME j , \ . \ :


flfiralonc Ipa[la| E s t a » ) l i ^ l i « - . l ,M i H

ftlbHshe^ everv ". \ " , • ' T H K J ' A : . . . .

EBiSDERlcK .i -c m A., u A -. . -, Slanager, ,;PA5LLAI>I( M IM II I

Cottter of M, .

One Year, S i x Month*';

I » a \ i i l .

I l . i : > l s :

ni \ il \ a i

J t d v e r t i > i n ^ l t ; t i « - - <>ii A p i a

A d v e r t i b e n i t Dtf HI,' .U. I tx- n . n | leoKt'i 'f n i n e [,.. i»- II.^I ri- Jl a l l j s t a t e d to t h e j.\jI.':-'i»-r a l

- i n s e r l i o o ; o t h e r « IM- iln-y « A\ t i n u n l ti l l forbi'l • r ht t (,• • pub l i sherv , a i . l <•hnr^r-'l H -<J

L e g a l advenir ir iK i t t h e r a t ' t ] by l a w . BuMDexi c a r d s , nut five rinea,.§o per y e a r , E^ch line, 75 cents. •'. *>


W E L L S & MOO)

LAWYERS. i * d f H 0 * S 2nd ENTRANCE EAST 'i

- Bank, Malone. N. V. Dra«in(t HHUI.I SlCay.UWKi.La.

[ ^ S U B B T M. CHA.JV1BEJ i i W E ^ B Y . AND COCNSBLU)B AT "^alpraetlEe, loans and cvllm:! n» .gytnondS A Allison blor 6. ii>-J'. !>' i

.v^((a« Main stree . Mai.,ne. N. V t

i g ^ l l p E R I C K G- PA1

p Office t o Stone bloot . "i,-!i^r Main » r i %.. ^ijtt |Plaoe. Boom 1 B.'iL 'pfafura.

* I P ^ M E A R s & COON;

add if any of tte aforesaid ,• - •-• •>••• -=4*1 sge of tweaty-oae j e a a Jhej n. , - - - -t&t mat tlvey are raqotred to appeu s . guardiao, if tliey ta*e one, aiai i: - - ^ ^ 1 mat they appear and apply for t i e b ,- • mc-ao-'. 8i«(Sal«uaitiiaii, or in tEe erMtex w<u fa$se "[ B^lecs to do so, a spe<fii ffttardao wtn be tpjq'. wi by tbeKUTTOKate to represent and act lor asmin Use

x»eed4ngsrorffie probate of said will. . in tesfflnjjny wfcereof, we nave hereu • a2jed Q»J

. sealol oarsaldsin-dra- nu Hon. Samael AL Ben *

U-S.1 of said* eoSH«y. ol t: • oaiee, to aialane. ». .-ewmtv, t t e tab da *

W*P.iUibXE»t3crJrei.tiie8uri .< B. W. BiRav, a a ^ r o r Petfuacef

"• k U l o n c S . V.

UWKtftS. ^East Mam bt.. Maloi

f ,Wij i j tEAB6


t r i 'B iT lake N. V.


.... jrc. H. Y. Personal attention give p-.t»siyieroeflBld, Pausi, Aaton, ' ' "";|pijl Mood

'•P B . N . P O R T E R , D. > JtaST MAIN 8TBEET. M A L O S B .

ttjone 47.


BtTJ. EkOluslye atienuor, g.TL :y] ISOa ot Uie eyes and adjust ing <.f leiH — block, over Lsprras ' .:'"~

'$$*, D- A. DILTZ, Dl O V H C E I N T H E N E W J V K H S B S A . block. West Biain street. < >fflr>e boa

1*00M.,and from l.Ji 1. M. u


- AlllaOn BWt k. next w court h ' u i *


M a l o n e , N. 7 . The new Poprelaln ltj ' ' w e l l a s q l b e r metbods ot tl'Mng.


— T F .W. Uawrence 4 Oo.'s store ^ea a specially of drawing and ' j SetUing estates.

D R . J. F. WALI YaTBBlNABY SCBOEu.N. i i* EA.-T ;

lSenbone ooimectlonB. Spects.: atiel


HoBOTerClarlt a Son's store. &otraj i»l»*tHaoonal Bant. Maiont-. N v * J . » . K M i A S . J- W..


! 0*^r IPeOple's Hank,

J A D G E R & C A N T 1

DBNIYS AND 00l'NSKUlB^ Al jSIWHf StbcSwell * Flanagan > stniy

i KRtDOaS. - TBnS. t'ASTWBLI- J- '

r a .D/HICKOK. D. i h « J r f A l i O F F I C E . K I N > . ' ? r.;^<Tv

i M a a o n a b l e and ai, wurs » a '

0 O R D O N H Mi MTOaNEV A.N1» m i s . - t . .

j fi^ H . S T I C K N E I f O y S B A T I V E AiJU HBCHAKICAL UE

, ^ b l e , N. Y ,

R . J. & A . (Gr. W T L 3

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Conn Boiw. Ma D o i t e d State? i " -

-Pf iYSU'I i"-" .'.ND Pt-EGEOSS, . OfBee m i - Huitrlck's bsmk stoiie* y » r k bu . « •• t iinrLt calls sf ioald b e | t^tone outnit^ ti.'ua. _ '

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Ffata fiiass surety

fStcvvttt. Mtv

Malone, •-»:

jgivetsibe f m Saranac Lake, * * * • - * Oawwata , . - -

**»»tal a a d ..bets "appointed

private hatba. iO>antv gaeetaf