landscape institute members prepare for egm battle - landscape juice

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  • 7/27/2019 Landscape Institute Members Prepare for EGM Battle - Landscape Juice


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    Landscape Institute members prepare for EGM battle

    The Landscape Institute is in crisis. In debt and detached from its members. That is the view of

    Gabino Carballo, a Spanish landscape architect and vociferous member of the Landscape


    Carballo has not minced his words and perhaps, without his dogged determination to get towhat he believes is the hidden truth, the crisis would have been swept under the carpet with

    maybe the LI limping along and staying in business by the skin of its teeth.

    Many support his actions - Tom Turner, another LI activist intent on change, stepped in by allowing his

    as a platform for Carballo to host his observations after Carballo was banned from the Talking Landscape site.

    At times it may have been uncomfortable reading but Carballo insists that at the heart of the crisis has been the way

    presidents and trustees have delegated way too much responsibility and authority onto LI's Employees while membershave been excluded from participation in the way their institute is run.

    Carballo forensically examined the Landscape Institutes accounts and found a number of anomalies that he says, suggest

    wrong doing and called for resignations.

    Chief executive Alastair McCapra wrote to Carballo on the 11th March 2009 saying that a deficit of 87,000 had been

    identified and as a result, the LI's financial controller was sacked in November 2008, with her line manager following

    shortly afterwards in the first round of redundancy cuts.

    In the letter, Alastair McCapra says: "The audited accounts for 2007-8 are attached as per your request. The extent of the

    errors in the management accounts was 87000. The responsibility for producing these figures rested with the Finance

    Officer. She was sacked for incompetence last November."A few weeks later her line manager was made redundant in the first round of cost cuts. My predecessor, (then called

    Director General) had already left the organisation last March. No legal action is proposed against any of these staff."

    McCapra concluded: "Resignations may satisfy a public sense of drama but they serve little purpose in practical terms."

    Before the financial crisis, the Landscape Institutes income exceeded 8 million over 5 years having risen steadily for the

    previous five years. In the same time, expenditure doubled along with the employee headcount virtually doubled along

    with the expenditure.

    Carballo says that the LI spent 25,000 on furniture but, only twelve months later were losing a high percent of its


    Now, close to bankruptcy and with a 500,000 liability hanging over it, after being forced to slash its budget by 900,000

    earlier in the year and lay off a third of its workforce, the LI has very little room to manoeuvre.

    A group of disillusion landscape architects, led by former President Brian Clouston and respected member Dominic Cole,

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    who place no confidence in the present incumbents, have now called an Extraordinary General Meeting in a bid to

    change, what many believe to be a self serving and undemocratic council, in time to save the Landscape Institute from

    self destruction.

    Motion 1.

    The membership has no confidence in the abilities of former executive committee members, now elected unopposed to

    form the Board of Trustees of the Institute, namely

    Jo Watkins CMLI - President Elect, Keith Rowe - Honorary Secretary, Colin Goodrum - Honorary Treasurer and Brodie

    McAllister, a former Council Member elected unopposed through the undemocratic and restrictive process currently in

    place, to properly discharge responsibilities set out in the Board of Trustees Terms of Reference briefing note. Members

    require those officers, listed above, to resign with immediate effect.

    Motion 2.

    The newly elected advisory council (or the executive committee and council whichever is in off ice at the time of this

    EGM) shall appoint an interim board of trustees drawn from Council and volunteer past presidents and fellows to

    assume the duties of the Board until such time as a new board of trustees is elected.

    Motion 3.

    The newly elected advisory council (or the existing executive committee and council, depending on timing) shall revise

    as soon as practicable, regulations determining eligibility for election to the board of trustees opening nominations up

    to all corporate members of the institute (CMLI FLI), dropping the requirement for a nominee to have served on Council

    or as a trustee.

    Council (or the advisory board or executive committee whichever is authorised) shall call an election to the board of

    trustees immediately the new unrestrictive regulations (coinciding with members instructions at this EGM in Motion 3)

    are put in place.

    Archive and Library

    One major contentious issue is the future of the Landscape Institutes's archive and library.

    Although it is accepted that the archive and library is of little drain to the LI financially at present, in time, as the new

    material is passed to the LI from architects who retire or die, the volume of space needed and the time and effort

    required to organise the material will become an increasing burden.

    Alastair McCapra told members of LI's North West branch at a questions and answers session at their AGM, held in

    Liverpool on 23rd April 2009, that no fewer than six institutions were interested in taking the collections but there

    would be an ongoing cost to the LI if they wanted to continue to benefit from using the archive and library.

    Reference was made by Brian Clouston to an example of the Royal Institute of British Architects librarybeing handed tothe Victoria and Albert Museum with the RIBA remaining responsible for a cost, thought to be in the region of 270,000,

    in annual maintenance fees.

    A quick calculation by Clouston suggests a circa 35,000 annual fee to LI members if the same criteria was applied.

    In a letter written by Amanda Davey, to Chief Executive Alastair McCapra, Amanda expresses her fear for the library and

    archive if they should fall under the control of a university citing accessibility problems due to increased security.

    Amanda refers to a recent trip to Cambridge University Library archive and how she was nearly refused entry until she

    had been vouched for.

    In response, Alastair McCapra argued that the demand for actual visitors to see the archive at the LI's Great Portland

    Street headquarters currently runs at nil to three a month with postal request only just outdoing this.

    Annabel Downs (pictured), who's position of archivist was dissolved as part of the cost cutting measures and is now the

    Chairman of the Society of Garden Designers launched a passionate plea to save the archive as it became clear, in

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    November 2008, that the LI needed to make an instant saving of 200,000.

    In her article, - hosted on The Cultural Landscape Foundation website - which maps out the history of the LI's library

    and archive since the late 1940's, Downs states that the archive and library is now the largest single current and historic

    collection of books, journals, articles and original design drawings dedicated to landscape architecture in the UK.

    Annabel Downs

    Before I published this piece I had asked Annabel Downs if she had anything to contribute, fully aware that their maybelegal restrictions in respect of her ongoing employment dispute.

    I have since been contacted by Annabel, she says: "One of the most unexpected and significant benefits that have come

    from establishing the archive at the LI was its power to re engage disaffected members.

    "Since that irresponsible decision was made last October to transfer the library and archive away from the heart of the

    institute, it has been fantastic and heart warming to witness how fiercely and tenaciously a broad spectrum of members

    have come together and fought to save the library and archive.

    "I feel so proud of them all! The issues confronting us now are much bigger, but through the library and the archive the

    membership is engaged. I hope we can all look forward to a more enlightened and creative future for the Institute."

    Alastair McCapra

    I have contacted Alastair McCapra so that, in fairness to all of those mentioned and involved, everyone has an

    opportunity to put their side of the story and to ensure that all the information contained within this article is accurate.

    If Mr McCapra chooses to respond I will either write a separate article and link the two together or invite him to leave a

    comment below.

    Philip Voice on May 21, 2009 in News, The Landscape Institute | Permalink

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    Gabino Carballo CMLI said...

    I would encourage those at the helm of the Landscape Institute to join the debate. I favour exchange of ideas backed up

    by facts and figures, even if they prove my point of view wrong.

    The Landscape Institute Executive Committee must learn to accept Member's right to criticise them and scrutinize their

    actions. They must also learn to exercise care with regards to Members right to free speech.

    Reply May 22, 2009 at 10:28 AM

    anonymous said...

    Sack McCapra! He completely ignored the last council mandate, why do you think he will follow this one?

    What's the point in having a council if it is completely ignored? Who is the regulating body of LI? I have no faith in any

    of the full time members of staff, let alone the trustees.

    Reply May 23, 2009 at 02:30 AM

    Gabino Carballo CMLI said...

    WE HAVE 20! 20 requisitioners is the minimum required for the LI to have to call an egm! There will be more coming in

    I have no doubt!

    Reply May 26, 2009 at 02:32 PM

    Amanda Davey said in reply to Gabino Carballo CMLI...

    I would just like to add a comment with regard to the visitor figures referred to by Alastair McCapra in his letter to meand also referred to by me in my letter to him. While I was a volunteer in the archive (1 day each month from June to

    October 2008) I personally witnessed more than an average of 3 visits made to the archive in a month, so I am

    profoundly confused as to where Mr McCapra acquired his figures. I will also add that it is very far from the case that

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    personal visits are the only way in which a library and an archive are usually used and against which they should be

    tested. I am not aware of the real figures for telephone, email and personal contacts, but I would be very surprised if they

    did not reach into the hundreds on many occasions. It is not fair to the membership of the LI, nor to the wider public, to

    issue misleading figures in the way that Mr McCapra appears to have done.

    Reply May 27, 2009 at 04:11 PM

    Gabino Carballo CMLI said...

    The sad fact is that Members have been misinformed in every aspect in these months running up to election times.Those responsible for our state of affairs have decided to remain in positions of control and authority above any other

    consideration. It is a very grave mistake that will be severely judged in the future.

    Reply May 29, 2009 at 04:34 PM

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