landscape plane guidelines for site plan and subdivision ... · and site plan landscaping....

Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments Planning and Development Department April 2016 Development Control, Design and Technical Services Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, ON L1N 2M8 Telephone: 905.430.4306 Fax: 905.668.7812 [email protected]

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Page 1: Landscape Plane Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision ... · and site plan landscaping. Proposals which exceed the minimum submission requirements are encouraged. 1.1 The intent

Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments Planning and Development Department

April 2016

Development Control, Design and Technical Services Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, ON L1N 2M8

Telephone: 905.430.4306 Fax: 905.668.7812 [email protected]

Page 2: Landscape Plane Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision ... · and site plan landscaping. Proposals which exceed the minimum submission requirements are encouraged. 1.1 The intent

Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction and Intent __________________________________________ 1

2.0 Requirements for Landscape Plans _______________________________ 3

3.0 Checklist for Landscape Plan Submissions _________________________ 5

3.1 Title Block ___________________________________________________ 5

3.2 Existing Landscape ____________________________________________ 5

3.3 Proposed Landscape Plan ______________________________________ 6

3.4 Construction Details ___________________________________________ 7

3.5 Plant List and Planting Details ___________________________________ 7

3.6 Tree Preservation Plan (if applicable) ______________________________ 8

3.7 Required Notes _______________________________________________ 8

3.8 Drawing Submission Format _____________________________________ 9

4.0 Design Criteria for Site Plan Development Proposals ________________ 10

4.1 Requirements for Site Plan Developments _________________________ 10

4.2 Plant Material Requirements ____________________________________ 11

4.3 Pedestrian Walkways _________________________________________ 11

4.4 Parking Areas _______________________________________________ 12

4.5 Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) ___________ 12

4.6 Design of Public Spaces Ontario Regulation 413/12 _________________ 12

5.0 Design Criteria for Subdivision Development Proposals _____________ 14

5.1 Requirements for Plant Material Layout ___________________________ 14

5.2 Street Tree Requirements ______________________________________ 14

5.3 Buffer Planting Requirements ___________________________________ 15

5.4 Tree Preservation and Protection Plan Measures ___________________ 15

5.5 Fencing Requirements ________________________________________ 16

5.6 Pillars and/or Entry Feature Gateways ____________________________ 16

5.7 Stormwater Management Facility Block Requirements________________ 17

5.8 Edge Management and/or Restoration Plans _______________________ 18

6.0 Landscape Standards and Specifications for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments ________________________________________________ 20

6.1 Plant Material Standards _______________________________________ 20

6.2 Tree Pit Requirements ________________________________________ 21

6.3 Planting Bed Preparation ______________________________________ 21

6.4 Excavated Soil Requirements ___________________________________ 21

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

6.5 Planting Soil Requirements _____________________________________ 22

6.6 Backfilling Requirements ______________________________________ 22

7.0 Inspections __________________________________________________ 23

7.1 Requirements _______________________________________________ 23

7.2 Site Plan Landscape Works Inspections ___________________________ 23

7.3 Subdivision Development Street Tree Installation ___________________ 23

7.4 Required Planting Inspections for Administration of Warranty Periods in Subdivisions: ________________________________________________ 25

7.5 Subdivision Development Fencing Installation: ______________________ 25

7.6 Required Fencing Inspections for Administration of Warranty Periods in Subdivisions: ________________________________________________ 25

8.0 Letter of Credit Administration __________________________________ 26

8.1 Requirements _______________________________________________ 26

8.2 Site Plan Letter of Credit Release ________________________________ 26

8.3 Subdivision Letter of Credit Reduction and Release __________________ 26

8.4 Required documentation for Subdivisions __________________________ 27

8.5 Deficiencies in Landscape Works ________________________________ 28

8.6 Additional Conditions for Deficiencies in Subdivision Landscape Works __ 29

9.0 Additional Resources __________________________________________ 30

9.1 Tree Preservation and Clearing Guidelines for New Developments: Subdivisions and Site Plans ____________________________________ 30

9.2 Town of Whitby Accessibility Standards ___________________________ 30

9.3 Town of Whitby Lighting Guidelines ______________________________ 30

9.4 Brooklin Heritage District Conservation Plan _______________________ 30

9.5 Town of Whitby Design Criteria and Engineering Standards ___________ 30

9.6 Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual _______________ 30

9.7 Design of Public Spaces Ontario Regulation 413/12 _________________ 30

10.0 Appendices * _________________________________________________ 31

10.1 Notes, Details and Reference Information for Site Plan Development Proposals __________________________________________________ 31

10.2 Notes-Subdivision Development Proposals ________________________ 31

10.3 Town of Whitby Standard Details ________________________________ 31

10.4 Recommended Tree Species ___________________________________ 32

10.5 Information for Distribution to Residents ___________________________ 32

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

1.0 Introduction and Intent The Town of Whitby seeks excellence in the design and implementation of landscape works that maintain and enhance the quality of life. These shall be based on high-quality urban design principles and standards that ensure new developments are safe, attractive and environmentally sensitive. Landscape works unify the variety of elements included in a new development with its environment. Landscape works integrate the built environment with the natural environment, enhance the visual character of neighbourhood streetscapes and contribute to the long-term success of new developments. The submission of a landscape plan is required in conjunction with all Site Plan and Subdivision applications in the Town of Whitby. The following are guidelines for landscape works within new and existing developments. These guidelines should be applied subject to such adjustments as may be deemed reasonable and appropriate due to the proximity of site servicing requirements, setback requirements and in accordance with the associated Subdivision and Site Plan Agreement, Letter of Undertaking, Council resolution or other such direction. The Town of Whitby seeks excellence in the design and implementation of subdivision and site plan landscaping. Proposals which exceed the minimum submission requirements are encouraged. 1.1 The intent of the guidelines are to:

• assist Developers/Applicants in the preparation of landscape plans as one of the requirements for Subdivision and/or Site Plan submissions to the Planning and Development Department

• outline requirements for the provision of landscape plan submissions in Site Plan and Subdivision development proposals in the Town of Whitby

• establish objectives and performance standards for landscape works

• ensure that landscape plans are more uniform and the approval process is more efficient

• enhance communication between Developers, consultants and the Town of Whitby

• implement excellence in landscape plans for Subdivision and Site Plan development

• encourage landscape designs that support and complement the overall design intention and aesthetic qualities of a proposed development

• encourage landscape designs that support and enhance the existing and planned context of adjacent cultural and natural landscape features

• foster a sense of civic identity and pride

• enhance proposed developments in terms of aesthetics, pedestrian safety and accessibility, and screening of operational elements of the development (stacking lanes, driveways, parking, utilities, services, garbage enclosures)

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

• enhance and protect existing natural features and provide new ones where possible

• promote energy conservation and efficiency (provision of sun and wind protection, etc.)

• preserve heritage landscapes of historic significance, value or interest (if applicable)

1.2 Inquiries regarding and submissions of landscape plans may be directed to: Planning and Development Department Development Control Design and Technical Services Division 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, ON L1N 2M8

Telephone: 905.430.4306 Fax: 905.668.7812 Email: [email protected]

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

2.0 Requirements for Landscape Plans 2.1 The Developer/Applicant is required to engage the services of an accredited

Professional Landscape Architectural Consultant who is a member in good standing of The Ontario Association of Landscape Architects (OALA) to prepare the landscape plan for submission to the Planning and Development Department and facilitate the landscape plan approval process. The use of an alternate professional for Site Plan applications must obtain prior approval by the Town of Whitby.

2.2 The planning, design and documentation of landscape work shall be such that all by-laws, legislation, applicable codes, regulations and standards, including those set out within these guidelines, are met during the planning, implementation and maintenance phases and upon completion of the landscape works.

2.3 The Developer/Applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the provisions of 2.2 are met, and shall ensure that its consultants, agents and Contractors for the work, comply with all bylaws, legislation, applicable codes, regulations and standards including those set out within these guidelines.

2.4 All submissions shall include a cover letter outlining the submission content and advising of specific changes to the plan(s), if applicable.

2.5 All landscape plans should be submitted to the Town of Whitby Planning and Development Department for circulation, review and approval.

2.6 The Landscape Architect is required to undertake a minimum of one (1) site visit prior to initiating the design of the landscape plan, in order that they become familiar with the existing conditions of the site and the opportunities and constraints the site may present.

2.7 The potential for retaining existing site elements should be thoroughly examined during the initial site planning. Preliminary planning and subsequent design development shall include and be based on the findings of a review of the existing site elements.

2.8 Developers/Applicants and their Landscape Architect are encouraged to review their development proposal and the associated landscape plans with the Development Control, Design and Technical Services Division of the Planning and Development Department to discuss any site-specific issues prior to submitting their landscape plans for review.

2.9 All landscape plans for site plan and subdivision development proposals require approval by the Town of Whitby Planning and Development Department prior to implementation.

2.10 The approved landscape plan will form part of the Subdivision or Site Plan Agreement or Letter of Undertaking and should be read in conjunction with the associated Agreement.

2.11 In addition to the requirements of the Subdivision Agreement or Site Plan Agreement and the associated Appendices, Applicants, Developers, Contractors

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

and/or Builders are required to comply with these guidelines throughout the design and the development approval process.

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

3.0 Checklist for Landscape Plan Submissions The landscape plan must reflect the requirements of the associated Site Plan or Subdivision Agreement and, for subdivisions, the associated Schedule C: Appendices (Sidewalks, Fencing, Fencing Details, and Buffer Planting). The landscape plan must accurately reflect the most recent or approved Subdivision Plan or Site Plan and Site Servicing and/or Engineering Plan. The landscape plans shall include the following information:

3.1 Title Block • project name and the municipal address of the site (if applicable)

• Town of Whitby Site/Subdivision/Land Division Plan Development file number (SP-XX-YR) for site plan proposals; (SW-YEAR-XX) for subdivision proposals; (LD-XXX-YEAR) for land division proposals

• Applicant/Developer’s name, address, and telephone number

• indicate the drawing title and drawing number, preparation date, nature of and dates of revisions, north arrow oriented to the top edge of the page and metric scale of drawing

• drawings must be at a minimum scale of 1:500 or larger

• all measurements and statistics must be metric

• Landscape Architectural Consultant’s name (including address and telephone number) and professional seal with initials/signature

• Engineering Consultant’s name, address and telephone number (if applicable)

• provide a key plan at a metric scale of 1: 10,000 indicating the location of the site with appropriate street name labeling, a north arrow oriented the same direction as the landscape plans

• provide a Legend if abbreviations or symbols are used

3.2 Existing Landscape Illustrate the location of all existing natural features to remain by clearly labeling and/or locating the following:

• the location of all existing natural features to remain, including any vegetation, top of bank, watercourse features, valley lands, etc.

• all existing street trees abutting the proposed development within the adjacent road right-of-way and if they are to remain, be removed, or be replaced (refer to 3.6)

• the location of all adjoining property lines, underground servicing, above ground utilities, roadways, buildings, or existing features

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

3.3 Proposed Landscape Plan Landscape plans shall clearly illustrate, label and/or locate the following:

• limit of work, including separate phases of the landscape development, if applicable

• all boundaries/property lines and limits of the proposed development, including type and locations of easements, proposed widening (if applicable), daylight triangles, reserves, etc.

• all hard surfaced circulation areas and surface treatments including reference to associated construction details including roadways, entrances, loading areas, parking areas, curbing (including depressed areas), driveways, walkways, patios, terraces etc.

• boulevards and swales

• sidewalk locations shall be illustrated and labelled in accordance with the requirements of the associated “Appendix I: Sidewalks” included in Schedule ‘C’ of the associated Subdivision or Site Plan Agreement

• all lots clearly labelled with Lot and Block Numbers, Street Names and designations consistent with the registered plans

• municipal address numbering wherever possible

• grading information sufficient to ascertain the location of grade changes that require distinct treatment by planting or provision of retaining elements. This may include existing and proposed elevations at property lines, tree preservation areas (or at the base of specific trees to remain) with spot elevations, as well as steps, ramps, retaining walls (including top and bottom of wall elevations), slopes, swales, berms, etc.

• existing and proposed building envelopes and overhangs, doorways, stairwells, and/or underground garages if applicable

• all proposed plant material, including proposed street trees, planting beds, sodded and/or seeded areas, and boulevard areas (to be labelled “Area to be fine graded, top-soiled and sodded”) (refer to 5.0)

• above and below ground utilities including but not limited to lighting (freestanding such as street lights, and wall mounted), catch basins, manholes, fire hydrants, valve chambers, cable, bell, gas, hydro transformer boxes, community mailboxes, stop signs, etc.

• garbage collection facilities

• street furniture (such as benches, garbage receptacles, bicycle racks, etc.) if applicable, including reference to associated structural details (refer to 3.4)

• snow storage areas

• adjacent bus bays, stops or shelters

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

• any significant landscape features included in the proposal (including reference to associated details)

• storm water management ponds (refer to 5.7)

• edge management/restoration areas (refer to 5.8)

• tree preservation and protection areas (refer to 3.6 and 5.4)

• landscape buffers (refer to 5.3)

• pillars and/or entry feature gateways (refer to 5.6)

• all fence locations and descriptions (refer to 5.5)

• any additional special features

• all applicable Construction Details (refer to 3.4)

• Town of Whitby Standard Setback Requirements and applicable Notes-(Site Plan OR Subdivision Standard Notes) (refer to 3.7 and Appendix A and Appendix B and/or Appendix E)

3.4 Construction Details Include construction details necessary to accurately convey the design intent of any landscape elements, with appropriate cross-references to landscape plan(s), elevations, cross-sections including, but not limited to:

• surface treatments for special paving materials (walkways, patios, terraces, pedestrian crossing areas, etc.)

• type, and height of all structures, such as fences (chain link, acoustic, privacy and decorative), pillars, screens, decks, steps, proposed pools or ponds, guard rails, handrails, planters, pergolas, etc.

• site furniture and amenities, such as benches, bollards, bicycle racks, garbage containers, tree grates, signage, etc. including detailed product information, if applicable (product reference number, manufacturer, finish proposed, warranty information and any other relevant information)

• retaining walls shall be shown with top and bottom of wall spot elevations; structural design of any wall over 0.6 m in height shall be provided on the approved Site Grading/Engineering Plan, and to be approved by the Consulting Engineer and Town of Whitby Public Works Department. Any such walls are also required to be illustrated on the associated landscape plans and reference the approved Engineering Drawing(s). The Developer’s Consulting engineer shall be responsible for the inspection during construction and certification of all retaining walls.

3.5 Plant List and Planting Details A plant list shall be provided that is organized according to type (deciduous, coniferous, shrubs, groundcovers, vines, perennials, seed mix, etc.) including

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

index/key, botanical species name, common species name, variety, size (caliper, height, spread) quantity, spacing, condition, general remarks, etc. Town of Whitby Standard Planting Details shall be included for coniferous trees, deciduous trees, and shrubs (including staking, guying, installation, etc.).

3.6 Tree Preservation Plan (if applicable) Subdivision and Site Plan Development proposals on lands which have existing trees and vegetation must provide a Tree Inventory and Tree Preservation Plan where requested by the Town. Refer to the Town of Whitby “Tree Preservation and Clearing Guidelines for New Developments (2004, or as amended)”. These plans shall accurately locate and describe existing vegetation to be retained or removed as follows:

• all trees to remain must illustrate extent of canopy (surveyed dripline) and be specified by species, diameter, condition and elevation at the base and in accordance with the requirements of the “Town of Whitby Tree Preservation and Clearing Guidelines for New Developments”

• groups of shrubs to remain (such as hedgerows) may be illustrated together

• existing trees within three (3.0) metres of the property line and for existing street trees within the adjacent public right of way

• dimensions, extent and type of protection measures for existing vegetation to be retained, including reference to construction details of recommended tree protection and preservation measures such as protective barriers and fencing

• vegetation must remain undisturbed until the Tree Preservation Plan and/or landscape plan has been approved by the Planning and Development Department

3.7 Required Notes 3.7.1 The following notes, as included in the attached Appendices, are required to be

included on all landscape plans submitted for review and approval as part of a Site Plan Development application: • General Notes for Site Development (refer to Appendix A)

• Standard Utility Clearances for Streetscape Planting (refer to Appendix B)

• Tree Preservation and Clearing Notes (if applicable- refer to the “Town of Whitby Tree Preservation and Clearing Guidelines for New Developments”)

3.7.2 The following notes, as included in the attached Appendices, are required to be included on all landscape plans submitted for review and approval as part of a Subdivision Development application: • General Notes for Subdivision Development (refer to Appendix E)

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

• General Sidewalk Notes (Refer to Appendix E)

• General Planting Notes (Refer to Appendix E)

• Plant Material Standards (Refer to Appendix F)

• Standard Utility Clearances For Streetscape Planting (Refer to Appendix B)

• Planting Inspection Notes (Refer to Appendix G)

• Buffer Planting Notes (if applicable, refer to Appendix H)

• General Fencing Notes (Refer to Appendix I)

• Tree Preservation and Clearing Notes (if applicable - refer to the “Town of Whitby Tree Preservation and Clearing Guidelines for New Developments”)

3.8 Drawing Submission Format • all submissions are required to be marked with the submission number

(1st, 2nd, etc.), and include a cover letter outlining the submission content and advising of specific changes to the plan(s)

• all submissions must be folded, size 8 ½” x 11” format and in numerical order with the title block exposed

• digital submissions shall be provided in .pdf format

3.8.1 Site Plan Development applications: • two (2) paper copies are required for the initial submission, (unless

otherwise indicated) with five (5) full-size copies, one (1) reduced copy at 8 ½” x 14” and one digital copy in .pdf format required for approval

• reduced copies can also be submitted by email in .pdf format or on disc

• a Landscape Cost Estimate is required for all submitted landscape plans that are part of a site plan application. This estimate will be used for Letter of Credit purposes. Format and information required to be included is provided in the attached appendices (refer to Appendix D)

3.8.2 Subdivision Plan Development applications: • seven (7) full-sized paper copies and one digital copy in .pdf format are

required for submission for landscape plan approval

• a Landscape Cost Estimate may be required for submitted landscape plans that are part of a subdivision application; this estimate will be used for Letter of Credit purposes

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

4.0 Design Criteria for Site Plan Development Proposals

4.1 Requirements for Site Plan Developments Landscape plans within proposed Site Plan developments are required to:

• focus on flankage and primary street frontages (between building faces and the street), main site and building entries, at corners facing intersections, those areas adjacent to residential neighbourhoods and those areas adjacent to proposed and existing buildings

• unify the appearance of the proposed development, soften the dominant building mass, contribute to the creation of a pedestrian-scaled environment, and complement the adjacent streetscape

• provide boulevard tree plantings within the town and/or regional boulevard across the full frontage of the subject property

• provide a minimum 3.0 metre width planted landscape strip adjacent to all public roads, residential zones or residential use, and parkland/open space, or as otherwise required in the relevant zoning by-law

• provide pedestrian amenities appropriate to the site and at building entrances, which could include planter boxes, seating, bicycle racks, fencing, garbage receptacles, etc.

• provide lighting in accordance with the Town of Whitby Lighting Guidelines

• provide perimeter and acoustic fencing adjacent to town and/or regional roadways with an upgraded design treatment (such as masonry pillars, decorative metal fencing, upgraded detailing, etc.) - all proposed fencing is required to be in accordance with the Town of

Whitby Fencing By-Law 4394-99, as amended - all proposed fencing and/or pillars are required to be installed on

private property

• provide acoustic fencing in accordance with the requirements in associated noise studies

• provide screening of loading and service areas from adjacent residential streets and adjacent residential properties

• specific screening requirements and locations will be determined by the Town and may include: - specific height and/or width of screens - specific planting, fencing and/or berming requirements in areas of

parking, utility meters, waste disposal, loading, and/or above ground utilities

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

4.2 Plant Material Requirements Vegetation shall conform to the Plant Material Standards contained within

Section 6.0 “Landscape Standards and Specifications for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments” with the following additional qualifications for proposed Site Plan developments:

• large deciduous shade trees shall be planted eight (8.0) to ten (10.0) metres apart

• small flowering deciduous shade trees shall be planted five (5.0) to seven (7.0) metres apart

• coniferous trees shall be planted four (4.0) to eight (8.0) metres apart

• shrubs shall be grouped in large continuous beds with a minimum double row of each species

• proposed plantings shall utilize a diverse variety of deciduous and coniferous plant species that provides year-round interest

• wherever possible, species native to southeast Ontario are encouraged to be used; refer to the Recommended Plant Species listing in the attached Appendix T

• vegetation may be required to be planted at closer intervals, with larger sized stock, and/or in greater quantities at the discretion of the Town of Whitby

• buffer planting within a Site Plan development shall consist of a vegetative screen or "edge" treatment to ground level and may be required by the Town. Buffers of this type are provided through mixed groupings of comprehensively designed coniferous and deciduous shrub and tree species. Buffers are to be used only in locations where a low branching structure is desirable, and no conflict exists with visibility, pedestrian safety or services. Such a location may be adjacent to long stretches of fencing where a visual break is desirable for aesthetic reasons, or adjacent to a railway corridor, or parking lot

• provision of a “Living Wall” may be considered where such buffer treatment may be desirable

4.3 Pedestrian Walkways Pedestrian walkways are required to:

• provide accessible, direct, safe, continuous and clearly defined access from public sidewalks, parking areas and transit stops to building entrances (refer to Town of Whitby Accessibility Guidelines; Design of Public Spaces Ontario Regulation 413/12)

• separate pedestrian circulation from vehicular traffic wherever possible

• provide specialty paving that compliments and enhances the architectural style and façade treatments of proposed and/or existing buildings, defines

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

arrival and entry areas, highlights roadway crossing areas, and helps to define amenity spaces

• provide connections between adjacent properties to support and facilitate circulation between sites (if applicable)

• provide minimum 2.1 metre overhead clearance and 1.5 metre clear passage outside of car overhangs, vegetation, signage, bicycle racks, benches, between bollards, etc. along any façade with a customer entrance or adjacent to parking areas, and between the main entrance and the public sidewalk

4.4 Parking Areas Parking areas are required to incorporate the Town of Whitby Accessibility Proposed and Retrofit Parking Standard 413.0, included in the attached Appendix C. Proposed landscaping within parking areas is required to: • provide variety and interest through plant material species that includes

trees and continuous shrub beds

• separate parking spaces from internal driveways for traffic movement using hard and soft landscaping through a minimum 1.5 metre wide landscape strip

• minimize the extent of paved surface devoted to parking areas through the use of curbed planting islands and walkway islands that separate and define large parking areas into smaller well-defined areas, while enhancing growing conditions for trees

• utilize drought and salt resistant trees/shrubs/grasses that do not block vehicular sight lines

• screen headlights from adjacent areas at the perimeter of the site where necessary

• maximize the extent of shade provided within parking area pedestrian walkways through tree planting

4.5 Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Landscape plans will be reviewed for compliance with Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles. Proposed landscaping must not interfere with the safety of pedestrians or vehicular traffic, or create areas that are hidden from public view. Landscaping is required to provide clear sightlines, sight triangles and views of signage.

4.6 Design of Public Spaces Ontario Regulation 413/12 Landscape plans will be reviewed for compliance with the Design of Public Spaces, Ontario Regulation 413/12. Proposed and/or redeveloped elements of public spaces that are included in these regulations are:

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

• recreational trails and beach access routes • outdoor eating areas for public use • outdoor play spaces (such as playgrounds) • exterior paths of travel (such as walkways between buildings) • accessible on-and-off street parking • service counters and waiting areas

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

5.0 Design Criteria for Subdivision Development Proposals

5.1 Requirements for Plant Material Layout Landscape plans are required to indicate the location of all proposed plant material and planting beds as per the requirements of the Subdivision Agreement, including the quantity and species of the proposed plant material.

5.2 Street Tree Requirements Street trees shall be located on the boulevards in accordance with the Design Criteria and Engineering Standards, Public Works Department, Section 400 Geometrics. Street Trees shall be spaced in accordance with the growth habits of the particular species, and in accordance with the following guidelines:

• generally, one (1) tree per ten (10.0) linear metres shall be provided

• small flowering trees shall be spaced five (5.0) to seven (7.0) metres apart

• large shade trees shall be spaced seven (7.0) to twelve(12.0) metres apart

• a minimum of one (1) tree shall be provided for every frontage considered for planting unless site conditions determine otherwise

• a minimum of two (2) trees shall be provided for every flankage considered for planting unless site conditions determine otherwise

• open frontages, service lanes, parks and open space/woodlot frontages shall be provided with a minimum of one (1) tree per ten (10.0) linear metres, unless otherwise identified as a required “buffer” planting area

• species biodiversity and the use of at least fifty percent (50%) native species is required unless otherwise approved by the Town

• monoculture arrangements are not acceptable for street trees; groupings of the same species shall be confined to provide a maximum of five (5) to eight (8) trees of the same species in one area

• a minimum of 2.5 metres is required to provide boulevard trees between adjacent driveways

• no trees shall be permitted within a drainage swale

• no trees shall be planted in municipal boulevards which are less than 1.5 metres wide

• trees may be required to be planted at closer intervals, of a higher caliper and in greater quantities if a desired effect or specific purpose is identified by the Town of Whitby (such as buffer planting areas, etc.)

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

5.3 Buffer Planting Requirements Landscape buffers shall be located in accordance with the requirements of the associated Subdivision Agreement Schedule C: Appendix III: Buffer Planting. Landscape buffer planting shall consist of one of the following:

• berming and planting consisting of “densely arranged” deciduous and coniferous trees only (i.e. no shrubs, unless indicated by the Planning and Development Department)


• planting of a mix of “densely arranged” deciduous and coniferous trees with a minimum of fifty percent (50%) coniferous trees

• “densely arranged” is defined as a more closely arranged spacing between trees than the typical ten (10.0) linear metre apart spacing required in a typical boulevard streetscape planting; spacing shall be in accordance with the growth habits of the particular species, and with consideration of on-site conditions

• deciduous tree shall be spaced at +/- six (6.0) metres apart depending on species and effect desired

• coniferous trees shall be spaced four (4.0) to eight (8.0) metres apart depending on species and effect desired

• a mixed species buffer that includes coniferous and deciduous shrubs together with trees may be considered for buffer planting in those areas that require additional screening

• arrangements of groupings of trees are preferred to more formal linear planting arrangements within buffer areas

5.4 Tree Preservation and Protection Plan Measures 5.4.1 Requirements for the preparation of Tree Preservation and Protection Plan

measures are determined at the Subdivision Agreement phase by the Town of Whitby Planning and Development Department in consultation with the requirements of Central Lake Ontario Conservation (CLOC) (refer to Planning and Development Department Publication “Tree Preservation and Clearing Guidelines for New Developments: Subdivisions and Site Plans”). Tree Preservation and Protection Plans shall include:

• the location and type of Tree Protection measures, including temporary protective fencing and/or additional measures

• surveyed dripline location of all existing trees to be retained, relocated or removed, including hazard trees

• existing and proposed grades shall be indicated at the base of trees that are to remain

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5.4.2 Where trees and vegetation are approved for removal, appropriate compensation measures in the form of rehabilitation and enhancement to the impacted area may be required. Acceptable replacement and enhancement plantings shall be determined in consultation with the Town, and through the review and approval of landscape submissions for development. Compensation may include:

• replacement tree planting, reforestation and/or naturalization within the limits of the proposed development

• a cash-in-lieu of contribution made to the Town for tree planting, reforestation and/or naturalization within the limits of the proposed development

• a cash-in-lieu of contribution made to the Town for tree planting, reforestation and/or naturalization on an alternate site within the Town

5.5 Fencing Requirements Fencing shall be located in accordance with the requirements of the associated subdivision Agreement Fencing Schedule C: Appendix II: Fencing and in accordance with Town of Whitby Fencing By-Law 4394-99. The location, type (privacy, decorative, acoustic, living wall), height and material of all fences, screen walls, retaining walls shall be included in the landscape plan. Labels shall include a reference (at each location) to the applicable structural detail associated with each. The following may be considered as guidelines in the location of fencing in a subdivision development:

• acoustic fencing shall be located in accordance with the requirements of the Noise Report for the associated Subdivision Agreement

• perimeter black vinyl chain link fencing at a minimum 1200 mm height is required around all Town of Whitby Parkland and Open Space unless otherwise indicated by the Town

• Durham School Boards generally require 1800 mm height black vinyl chain link fences around all property line edges adjacent to residential properties

• corner lots are generally not required to be fenced unless otherwise indicated by the Town

• when decorative metal fencing is included, the landscape plan should include detailed product information, including product reference number, name of supplier, finish proposed and any other relevant information

5.6 Pillars and/or Entry Feature Gateways The use of masonry pillars and gateways is discouraged within Subdivision Developments in the Town of Whitby and are not permitted within the public right-of-way. In the event a Subdivider chooses to implement gateway entry

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features, the private lots supporting the structures are to be sized to accommodate any proposed structures and/or landscaping.

5.7 Stormwater Management Facility Block Requirements The provision of a detailed landscape plan for proposed Stormwater Management Facility Blocks may be included as a condition of a subdivision agreement. This landscape plan shall be provided in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of the Environment Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual (2003, or as amended). The approved stormwater management facility block landscape plan shall be included as an integral part of the overall approved subdivision landscape plan package.

5.7.1 Stormwater Management Facility Block Landscape Plans shall: Illustrate and label locations and features including:

• stormwater inlets and outlets, emergency spillways, safety benches

• access roadways for cleanout and maintenance

• active pool and permanent pool elevations

5.7.2 Plant material layout: • trees and shrubs shall be planted above the five-year water level and no

shrubs shall be proposed below the permanent pool elevation

• plant material shall be provided in sufficient quantities to screen and discourage public access to these areas

• shrubs shall be planted in continuous, mulched planting beds with spacing appropriate to the ultimate size and form of the selected plant species

• spacing of shrubs shall be included on the Stormwater Management Facility Block Plant List

• bio-engineering measures may be proposed where appropriate

• spreading or suckering vegetation should be set back from private property and roadway right-of-ways a minimum of three (3.0) metres

5.7.3 Plant material shall: • provide a mix of plantings that includes a variety of ecologically

appropriate native species including deciduous and coniferous trees, shrubs, aquatic, sub-aquatic and seed species that conform to the following minimum standards outlined in Section 6.1, Plant Material Standards

• be native and be arranged to reflect natural plant associations

• suit the site conditions (slope, drainage, aspect, soil conditions, etc.) and be considerate of low maintenance

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• deciduous trees to be a mix of forty-five (45) to sixty (60) mm caliper, minimum

• coniferous trees may vary in height; a minimum height of 1800 mm is required to be provided for at least fifty percent (50%) of the proposed conifers

• shrub size to be minimum of 300 mm height for deciduous, and 450 mm spread for coniferous shrubs and is to be provided with potted material

• aquatic species shall consist of native, non-invasive species and include emergent and marginal perennials and submergent aquatics

5.7.4 Seeding in Stormwater Management Facility Blocks: • all stormwater management facility blocks shall be top soiled, fine graded

and hydro-seeded as a minimum

• sodding is typically not appropriate in stormwater management facility areas

• seeding shall be provided in any wet meadow areas and any areas not seasonally flooded

• terra-seeding may be required by the Town of Whitby as an application method

• rehabilitative and other appropriate native seed mixes shall be detailed, including species with botanical names, percentage composition and application methods and rates

5.7.5 Recreational Trails: Stormwater management facility blocks are not intended for recreational purposes. Trail connections through a facility will only be permitted by the Public Works Department when they are part of a larger overall planned recreational trail network, and will not be permitted to “loop” around the facility. If a trail through a stormwater management facility block is proposed, it shall be brought to the attention of Public Works staff at the early stages (draft plan review) to ensure that the block is sized appropriately to accommodate an area that is safe for pedestrian use. Where recreational trails are to be provided within stormwater management facility blocks, they are to be designed and located in accordance with Public Works, Community and Marketing Services and Town of Whitby Accessibility standards, as well as Design of Public Spaces, O. Reg. 413/12.

5.8 Edge Management and/or Restoration Plans The provision of a detailed landscape plan shall be provided for proposed Edge Management and/or Restoration Areas, if required as a condition of a subdivision agreement. Typically, this is required for all woodland areas where an existing edge will be disturbed by grading or construction.

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5.8.1 Required tree removal measures shall be indicated in accordance with the Tree Preservation and Clearing Guidelines for Subdivisions and Site Plans.

5.8.2 The Edge Management and/or Restoration plan shall provide a mix of plantings that includes a variety of native trees, shrubs, and seeded areas.

5.8.3 Sodding is typically not appropriate for use in edge management areas. Seed mixes are required to be detailed, including species, percentage composition and application methods and rates.

5.8.4 Review and approval of these plans will include consideration by Central Lake Ontario Conservation (CLOC) and the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) where required.

5.8.5 The approved Edge Management/Restoration Plan shall be included as an integral part of the overall approved subdivision landscape plan package.

5.8.6 Plant material in Edge Management Areas shall be located as follows:

• in sufficient quantities to screen and discourage public access to these areas

• shrubs are to be planted in continuous mulched planting beds with spacing appropriate to the ultimate size and form of the selected plant species and included on the associated Edge Management Plant List

• plant material to conform to the minimum standards outlined in Section 6.1, Plant Material Standards

• plant material shall be native and arranged to reflect natural plant associations

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6.0 Landscape Standards and Specifications for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments The following standards and specifications shall be adhered to. The Developer’s Landscape Architectural Consultant shall be required to provide Certification to the Town that these requirements have been fulfilled, and may be required to provide results of random soil testing.

6.1 Plant Material Standards • all plant material to conform to the most recent version of the Canadian

Nursery Trades Association “Canadian Standards and Specifications for Nursery Stock”

• all sod is to conform to the Canadian Nursery Sod Growers Specifications and in accordance with OPSS 802 and 803 and amendments made by the Public Works Department

• seeding is to conform to OPSS 804

• the Developer’s Landscape Architect is responsible for assuring the quality of all plant material meets with the contract specifications and the Town of Whitby Plant Material Standards

6.1.1 All Trees shall: • be undamaged and disease free

• have a reasonably straight trunk, free of any decay, sunscald, wounds or mechanical damage

• possess a straight single central leader, with no multiple competing stems

• possess root balls that must be firm and securely wrapped, with little or no movement at the trunk and no girdling roots

6.1.2 Deciduous Trees shall: • be a minimum sixty (60) mm caliper, 3000 mm to 3500 mm height (60 mm

to 75 mm caliper should be wire basket or balled and burlapped (B & B)

• be specified with a minimum 1500 mm branching height clearance from grade at the time of planting, with an ultimate requirement of a minimum 2500 mm branching height

• have a balanced canopy with uniform branching all around and characteristic of the growth habit of the species

• have three or more main stems originating from a common base at ground level if they are clump form or multi-stem trees

• species requiring spring installation will not be accepted for fall planting

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6.1.3 Coniferous trees shall: • be 1800 mm height, evenly branched all around

6.1.4 Shrubs shall: • be sixty (60) cm /(600 mm) in height minimum

• display their natural form and a minimum of four (4) canes

6.1.5 Groundcovers shall: • have healthy tops and size proportionate to root requirements

6.2 Tree Pit Requirements • tree pits shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the

Town of Whitby (Deciduous/Coniferous) Tree Planting Standard Detail and any associated soils report recommendations

• tree pits shall be a minimum of twice the width of the root ball and not be deeper than the overall height of the root ball; trees shall be installed with the root ball seventy-five (75) mm above grade; trees shall be placed so that the main lateral branches are oriented away from the roadway

• sub-grade surface shall be loosened to a depth of twenty-five (25) mm

• sub-grade surface shall be free of vegetation and other debris, and free of stones over twenty (20) mm in diameter

• no tree pits shall be left open overnight

6.3 Planting Bed Preparation • areas where planting soil is to be placed shall be fine graded to a uniform

surface in accordance with OPSS 206

• sodded and/or seeded areas shall be provided with a minimum of 150 mm planting soil depth

• shrub beds shall be continuous and provided with a minimum of 300 mm planting soil depth

6.4 Excavated Soil Requirements • excavated soil must be fertile, friable, natural loam, free from any subsoil,

clay lumps, stones, roots over fifty (50) mm in diameter, and any foreign objects, and shall be reasonably free of weeds/weed seeds

• excavated soil shall be cultivated to remove any large clods or extraneous material

• in locations with poor quality excavated soil or lack of sufficient parent soil, excavated soil may be amended to meet planting soil requirements (6.5) and as per the soils report recommendations or supplemented with additional imported planting soil

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6.5 Planting Soil Requirements • planting soil shall contain not less than four percent (4%) minimum of

organic matter for clay loams and not less than two percent (2%) minimum organic matter for sandy loam, with an acidity value ranging from pH 6.5 to pH 7.5 and capable of sustaining vigorous plant growth

• planting soil for deciduous and coniferous trees shall conform to OPSS 802, and prepared in accordance with the Town of Whitby Standard Planting Details for Deciduous and Coniferous Trees

• planting soil for shrub beds shall be prepared by evenly mixing fifty percent (50%) sandy top soil, twenty-five percent (25%) well rotted horse manure with 500 grams of bonemeal (or nursery grade triple mix)

• any required additional imported planting soil must be screened prior to delivery

6.6 Backfilling Requirements: Tree Pits and Shrub Beds • tree pits and shrub beds shall be backfilled with excavated soil wherever


• backfilling shall occur in tamped 150 mm lifts for shrub bed and tree planting to remove all air pockets, and to ensure root ball is stable

• planting holes shall be watered thoroughly when two-thirds (2/3) full

• backfill shall continue to top of root ball and shall not fill around the trunk or above the root flare

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7.0 Inspections 7.1 Requirements 7.1.1 It is the responsibility of the Developer/Applicant /Consultant to contact the

Planning and Development Department to request any inspection that requires the Planning and Development Department’s Urban Design Landscape Architect to attend. Refer to Sections 7.3 and 7.4 for details regarding additional inspection requirements for Subdivision Developments.

7.1.2 All requests should identify the Site Plan or Subdivision development by its Town of Whitby development file number (i.e. SW-YEAR-XX or SP-XX-YR) and are required to include the following information:

• the purpose of the inspection

• the proposed date and time of the inspection

• the expected duration of the inspection

• who will be attending the inspection

• where the inspection is to take place (by lot number and/or street address) 7.1.3 Inspection requests are subject to time of year and weather conditions. 7.1.4 Plant material is required to be inspected while in full leaf. 7.1.5 It is the responsibility of the Developer to provide any Contractor or other such

sub-consultant with a copy of the approved landscape plan for use on site. 7.1.6 The Developer’s Landscape Architect is required to submit a detailed written

Inspection Report to the Planning and Development Department within ten (10) days of any Site Plan or Subdivision Development inspection.

7.2 Site Plan Landscape Works Inspections 7.2.1 Site Plan development inspections shall only be provided upon the full

completion of the required landscape works, unless otherwise agreed to by the Town.

7.3 Subdivision Development Street Tree Installation 7.3.1 Trees within subdivision developments shall be planted in accordance with the

following requirements:

• prior to the final top asphalt on town or regional roadways

• after buildings on pertinent lots or blocks are completed

• after lots or blocks, including boulevards are graded and sodded

• after curbs are complete

• after utility location stake-outs have been completed

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7.3.2 Prior to any trees delivered to site, an on-site “street tree locate” meeting must be held with the Developer’s Landscape Architect, the landscape Contractor, and the Planning and Development Department Landscape Architect to review planting locations, species and requirements for street tree planting.

• the “street tree locate” meeting will confirm individual locations for all street trees in accordance with the approved landscape plan and on-site conditions

• tree locations shall be marked with a painted ‘dot’ on the curb or sidewalk by the Developer’s Landscape Architect

• prior to planting, the Town of Whitby reserves the right to adjust the quantity, location, and species of trees based on on-site conditions such as available space, above ground utilities, intersection visibility, driveways, etc.

7.3.3 The Developer’s Landscape Architect and the Town of Whitby reserve the right to investigate, inspect and reject any plant material, tree or procedure that does not meet minimum requirements.

• any damaged trees, including trees damaged during shipment or installation shall be replaced or treated in accordance with proper horticultural standards as directed by the Developer’s Landscape Architect

• approval does not impair the right of inspection and rejection during progress of the work

• any trees showing signs of distress shall be treated or replaced immediately, as directed

• defects and deficiencies shall include but not be limited to dieback, disease, lack of vigour in 50% or greater amount of the crown, improper installation, etc.

7.3.4 It is the responsibility of the Developer’s Landscape Architect to ensure that trees are installed under ideal seasonal conditions and in accordance with the Town of Whitby Tree Planting Standard Detail and Plant Material Standards.

7.3.5 It is the responsibility of the Developer’s Landscape Architect to provide a detailed record of all marked street tree locations within ten (10) working days of the Street Tree Locate to the Planning and Development Department. This information should include:

• lot number

• municipal address

• location (front/flankage)

• site conditions that may prevent street tree installation (light standard, hydrant, hydro transformer opening side, easement, underground servicing, etc.)

• species and quantity as it appears on the approved landscape plan

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• species and quantity as per the locate

7.4 Required Planting Inspections for Administration of Warranty Periods in Subdivisions:

7.4.1 An Inspection for Completion is required after the installation of the street trees to initiate the required one-year warranty period. This inspection shall include the Planning and Development Department Landscape Architect and the Developer’s Landscape Architect. The leaves must be on the trees for this inspection to occur.

7.4.2 It is the responsibility of the Developer and/or his consultant to request an Inspection for Acceptance for Street Tree Planting by the Planning and Development Department Landscape Architect and the Developer’s Landscape Architect. This inspection is to occur prior to the expiry of the warranty period.

7.4.3 The following landscape planting works also require the inspections outlined in Section 7.4:

• stormwater management facility plantings

• edge management and/or restoration plantings and/or hazard trees

• buffer plantings

• tree preservation and protection areas

7.5 Subdivision Development Fencing Installation: 7.5.1 A fence initiation meeting is required on-site prior to any fencing installation

works, and should include the Developer, the Developer’s Landscape Architect, the fencing Contractor and the Town of Whitby Fencing Inspector (Public Works Department).

7.5.2 Prior to the fence initiation meeting, all property lines and 0.3 m municipal reserves are required to be staked by a certified Ontario Land Surveyor, including grade information.

7.5.3 All required fencing shall be installed prior to the final top asphalt on town or regional roadways.

7.6 Required Fencing Inspections for Administration of Warranty Periods in Subdivisions:

7.6.1 It is the responsibility of the Developer and/or his consultant to request an Inspection for Completion by the Public Works Department Fencing Inspector. This inspection is to occur after the fence installation to initiate the required fencing warranty period (two years).

7.6.2 it is the responsibility of the Developer and/or his consultant to request an Inspection for Acceptance by the Public Works Department Fencing Inspector. This inspection is to occur prior to the expiry of the fencing warranty period.

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8.0 Letter of Credit Administration 8.1 Requirements 8.1.1 As a condition of the subdivision or site plan Agreement process, the Developer

is required to provide securities to the Town of Whitby to ensure the proposed landscape works are completed in accordance with the requirements of the associated approved landscape plans in a timely manner.

8.1.2 The value of the required securities is determined based on the requirements of the associated development agreement.

• for Site Plan Agreements, this value is required to be provided at 50% of the value for the required on-site landscape works and at 100% of the value for the required off-site landscape works

• for Subdivision Agreements, this value is required to be provided at 100% of the value for the required landscape works; the estimated value of the required landscape works is based on quantities, unit prices and total costs

8.1.3 The Developer/Applicant will be required to provide these securities through an irrevocable, renewable Letter of Credit in accordance with the Town of Whitby’s policy for Letters of Credit.

8.2 Site Plan Letter of Credit Release • once the site has been developed in conformity with the approved

landscape plans and inspected to the satisfaction of the Town of Whitby, the Treasury Department will be notified to provide full release of the associated Letter of Credit value

• Site Plan developments are not required to provide a warranty period to the Town of Whitby for provided landscape works

• consideration for partial Letter of Credit value releases require prior approval by the Planning and Development Department

8.3 Subdivision Letter of Credit Reduction and Release Once the subdivision has been developed and maintained in conformity with the

approved landscape plans and inspected to the satisfaction of the Town of Whitby, the Treasury Department will be notified to provide a partial or full release of the associated Letter of Credit value.

8.3.1 Letter of Credit securities for performance provided under the Letter of Credit

value are reduced and released as follows:

• upon satisfactory Inspection for Completion, and once all required associated documentation has been provided, the value of the works completed will be reduced to 20% of their associated value for the

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duration of the warranty period (one year for plant material, two years for fencing)

• at the completion of the required warranty period, and upon satisfactory Inspection for Acceptance, and once all required associated documentation has been provided, the remaining value of the Letter of Credit for works completed will be fully released

• if any or all of the required works have not been completed within the terms of the associated Subdivision Agreement, the Town of Whitby may, after proper due notice, proceed to have the outstanding works completed using the posted securities to pay for this work in accordance with the terms and conditions of the associated Subdivision Agreement

8.4 Required documentation for Subdivisions It is the responsibility of the Developer to provide the following required

documentation to facilitate the reduction and release of Letter of Credit values associated with required subdivision landscape works.

8.4.1 Planting Works: • a Statutory Declaration is required to be provided to the Planning and

Development Department following a satisfactory Inspection for Completion confirming that the Developer has paid for the provided planting works. This is required to be provided prior to any reductions in the Letter of Credit value associated with the planting works

• a satisfactory Inspection for Acceptance of the required planting works is required at the completion of the warranty period (one year) prior to the final release of the associated Letter of Credit value

• prior to final acceptance of the installed planting works, the Planning and Development Department requires a letter from the planting Contractor on their letterhead confirming that they have been paid in full for the planting services and materials provided

• the Landscape Architectural Consultant is required to provide written certification to the Planning and Development Department confirming substantial completion of all required landscape works prior to providing a full release of the Letter of Credit value associated with planting works

8.4.2 Fencing Works: • a Statutory Declaration is required to be provided to the Public Works

Department following a satisfactory Inspection for Completion confirming that the Developer has paid for the provided fencing works. This is required to be provided prior to any reductions and the final release of the Letter of Credit value associated with the fencing works

• a satisfactory Inspection for Acceptance of the required fencing works is required at the completion of the warranty period (two years) prior to the final release of the associated Letter of Credit value

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• prior to final acceptance of the installed fencing works and assumption of the subdivision by the Town of Whitby, the Public Works Department requires the following additional documentation regarding fencing works to be provided by the Developer: - a Certificate and survey provided by an Ontario Land Surveyor

confirming the as-built location of installed fencing in relationship to the property lines and confirming the as-built elevations (top and bottom) of the installed fencing

- a letter from the fencing Contractor on their letterhead, confirming that they have been paid in full for the fencing services and materials provided

- a statutory declaration from the Developer confirming that they have paid for all the fencing works provided and that no liens have been filed

- if acoustic fencing has been provided, certification that this installed fencing meets the requirements of the associated noise report shall be provided by the acoustical engineering consultant that prepared the original noise report for the subdivision development

8.4.3 Additional Documentation Required for Final Letter of Credit Release: The following documentation is a requirement for the acceptance of required landscape works and the final release of any remaining Letter of Credit values associated with the required landscape works in a subdivision:

• “as-built” plans shall be provided to the Planning and Development Department by the Developer’s landscape architectural consultant prior to the full and final release of any remaining Letter of Credit values

• five (5) paper copies (seven (7) if the development is adjacent to or includes a regional road), folded to 8.5" x 11" format, in numerical order with Title Block exposed

• digital plans shall also be provided at this time: one (1) electronic (CD-ROM) copy shall be provided to the Planning and Development Department in .pdf and/or .dwg format

8.5 Deficiencies in Landscape Works 8.5.1 Should any deficiencies be found, the Developer/Applicant will receive a

deficiency letter and the Letter of Credit value will be retained until the deficiencies have been corrected.

8.5.2 Upon rectification of the listed deficiencies, the Developer/Applicant is required to contact the Planning and Development Department to arrange for a new Landscape Inspection.

8.5.3 At the completion of a satisfactory Landscape Inspection for deficiency works, the Treasury Department will be notified to release the associated Letter of Credit.

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8.5.4 Any proposed changes to the approved landscape plan are required to be approved by the Town of Whitby Planning and Development Department.

8.6 Additional Conditions for Deficiencies in Subdivision Landscape Works

8.6.1 Should deficiency works or the required landscape works remain incomplete in a subdivision development, a condition of non-compliance shall occur in accordance with the conditions of the associated subdivision agreement. In a condition of non-compliance, the Letter of Credit security value for the required landscape works will be drawn on by the Town of Whitby to complete the outstanding landscape works or deficiency works as necessary.

8.6.2 Any landscape works unable to be completed due to site conditions may require a cash-in-lieu contribution to be made to the Town of Whitby prior to the final acceptance and the full release of any remaining Letter of Credit values associated with the development Agreement. The value of this contribution will be determined in consultation with the Planning and Development Department. This value shall be held by the Town of Whitby in a reserve fund. These funds shall be used by the Town of Whitby to complete the intended landscape works as site conditions permit and in accordance with the conditions in the associated development Agreement.

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9.0 Additional Resources The preparation of proposed landscape plans shall consider the most recent editions (or as amended) policies, standards and guidelines of the documents referenced below:

9.1 Tree Preservation and Clearing Guidelines for New Developments: Subdivisions and Site Plans (Planning and Development Department, December 2004)

9.2 Town of Whitby Accessibility Standards (Planning and Development Department, June 2005)

9.3 Town of Whitby Lighting Guidelines (Planning and Development Department, November 2009)

9.4 Brooklin Heritage District Conservation Plan (Town of Whitby, July 30, 2007)

9.5 Town of Whitby Design Criteria and Engineering Standards (Public Works Department, July, 2011)

9.6 Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual (Ministry of the Environment, 2003)

9.7 Design of Public Spaces Ontario Regulation 413/12

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10.0 Appendices * 10.1 Notes, Details and Reference Information for Site Plan

Development Proposals A General Notes for Site Development B Standard Utility Clearances for Streetscape Planting (applicable for Subdivision

Development Proposals, as well) C Accessibility Parking Proposed and Retrofit 413 (January 2009) D Landscape Works Cost Estimate Requirements for Site Plan Development


10.2 Notes-Subdivision Development Proposals E General Notes for Subdivision Development E General Sidewalk Notes E General Planting Notes F Landscape Standards and Specifications G Planting Inspection Notes H Buffer Planting Notes I General Fencing Notes (General/Inspections; Footings; General Construction

and Materials; Layout; Wood Fence Stain)

10.3 Town of Whitby Standard Details 10.3.1Planting Details J Deciduous Tree Planting Detail (September 2012) K Coniferous Tree Planting Detail (February 2004) L Shrub Planting Detail (July 2003)

10.3.2Fencing Details M 1800 mm Acoustic Fence Standard 506 (July 2011) N Wood Acoustic Fence Notes 506.10 (July 2011) O 1000 mm Decorative Fence Standard P 1200 mm height Black Vinyl Coated Chain Link Fence 506.30 (July 2011) Q 1200 mm height Black Vinyl Coated Chain Link Fence Gate (March 2005) R 1800 mm height Black Vinyl Coated Chain Link Fence 506.40 (July 2011) S 1800 mm height Black Vinyl Coated Chain Link Fence Gate (March 2005)

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10.4 Recommended Tree Species T Recommended Tree Species for Use in Development Plan Proposals (2012)

10.5 Information for Distribution to Residents U Do’s and Don’ts Flyer for Distribution to Residents


Individual Appendices in pdf. format are available.

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General Notes for Site Development

1. All plant material shall be maintained by the Contractor or property owner immediately following planting until the date of acceptance.

2. Maintenance shall include all measures necessary to establish and maintain all plants in an acceptable, vigorous, and healthy condition including cultivating, weeding, watering when required, pruning and maintenance of all accessories.

3. The Contractor/Applicant shall be responsible for the protection of all trees and shrubs from rodent and other damage. Protective collars shall be installed prior to the application of shredded bark mulch. Collars shall be flexible plastic composition, a minimum of 400 mm high and 200 mm in diameter.

4. The Contractor/Applicant shall remove all burlap tree wrap, tags, ties, and T-bar tree stakes prior to Inspection for Completion by the Town of Whitby Planning and Development Department.

5. Boulevard area to be fine graded, top-soiled and sodded. 6. The Applicant or their Landscape Architect should request an appointment with

the Town of Whitby Planning and Development Department for all inspections. Minimum five (5) business days notice to the Town is required for all inspection appointments.

7. At the time of Inspection for Completion of the installation, all planting beds and tree pits shall be freshly cultivated, free of weeds, leaves, broken branches and debris.

8. Location of fences to be determined by the Town of Whitby Planning and Development Department.

9. Concrete footings for all fences are to be poured into sono-tubes for their full depth of 1200 mm and chamfered at the top.

General Notes for Site Development Appendix A

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

Standard Utility Clearances for Streetscape Planting* These clearance requirements are considered guidelines for the planning of new streetscapes, and are required to be included on proposed Site Plan and Subdivision landscape plans. On-site adjustments of spacing and/or species may be required in the field to suit specific site conditions. Any adjustments shall be approved by the Town of Whitby prior to their implementation. New street trees shall be planted to meet the following minimum clearance requirements: 1.5 m from driveways

1.5 m from utility pedestals

1.5 m from concrete base of any cabinets

2.0 m from community mailboxes (no evergreens permitted)

3.0 m from fire hydrants

3.0 m from hydro transformers

5.0 m from light standards for small or flowering trees

8.0 m from light standards for large or shade trees

15.0 m from stop signs or end of curb radii at intersections

• no planting of trees or shrubs within sight triangles at intersections

• no trees should be planted directly over any underground utilities, directly under any overhead utilities

• no trees shall be planted upstream of light standards mounted with traffic signs

• the Town of Whitby reserves the right to adjust the quantity of trees planted based on availability and space

• the Contractor/Applicant shall be responsible for locating all existing underground and overhead utilities and services prior to any excavation

• all relevant utility agencies shall be given required notice for stake outs prior to any excavation

*per G2.02 Utility Clearances: Street Tree Planting/Protection /Design Criteria and Engineering Standards, Public Works Department


Standard Utility Clearances for Streetscape Planting Appendix B

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

Accessibility Parking Proposed and Retrofit (Detail 413) Appendix C

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

Town of Whitby Site Plan Letter of Credit Cost Estimate: Landscape Works

Date: Project Name: (Project Title, Address) Town File Number: (SP-XX-YR) i.e. (SP-09-14) Prepared by:

Item Description Qty. Unit Unit Cost Total Estimated Cost

1.0 Planting Works:

1.1 Deciduous Trees @ 60 mm caliper each $ $

1.2 Coniferous Trees @ 1.8 m height each $ $

1.3 Deciduous Shrubs each $ $

1.4 Coniferous Shrubs each $ $

1.5 Perennials each $ $

1.6 Grasses each $ $

1.7 Vines each $ $

1.8 Topsoil, Fine Grade and Sod sq.m. $ $

1.9 Planting Works Sub-total:


2.0 Site Features:

2.1 Unit Paving sq.m. $ $ 2.2 Concrete Paving sq.m. $ $ 2.3 Precast Concrete Patio Slabs sq.m. $ $ 2.4 1200 mm height Black Vinyl Chain Link Fencing LM $ $ 2.5 1800 mm height Cedar Acoustic Fencing (or as per

associated noise report)

LM $ $

2.6 1000 mm height Decorative Metal Fencing LM $ $ 2.7 Tree Protection Fencing LM $ $ 2.8 Precast Concrete Pillars each $ $ 2.9 Site Features Sub-total:


3.0 Site Furniture

3.1 Benches each $ $

3.2 Waste Receptacles each $ $

3.3 Bicycle Racks each $ $

3.4 Bollards each $ $

3.5 Trellis each $ $

3.6 Entry Signage each $ $

3.7 Site Furniture Sub-total:


4.0 Total Estimated Cost 4.1 Total Estimated Costs $

• Items indicated as “by others” are secured separately under Engineering /Builder works • 13% HST not included • 15% contingency not included

Site Plan Letter of Credit Cost Estimate: Landscape Works Appendix D

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

General Notes for Subdivision Development: The following note shall be placed on all landscape drawings: “Any revisions to the approved landscape plans will be subject to the review and approval by the Planning and Development Department, Town of Whitby, prior to commencement of the landscape works”.

General Sidewalk Notes

1. All sidewalks to be constructed as per Town of Whitby Public Works Standards. 2. All sidewalks should be constructed with minimum slopes to ensure accessibility. 3. All sidewalks to be a minimum width of 1500 mm unless otherwise required. 4. Cash in lieu of 1.5 m concrete sidewalk to be clearly indicated on plans.

General Planting Notes 1. Contractor is responsible for locating all existing underground and overhead

utilities and services. All relevant utility agencies shall be given the required notice for stake-outs prior to any excavation.

2. No trees should be planted under overhead wires or over underground services. All street-tree locations are required to be coordinated with above and below ground utilities.

3. No trees to be planted in the following locations:

• easements

• in between adjacent driveways unless otherwise approved by the Town

• on property lines

• in Hydro One corridors

• in swales 4. The Town of Whitby reserves the right to adjust the quantity, location, and

species of trees prior to planting based on on-site conditions such as available space, above ground utilities, intersection visibility, driveways, etc.

5. A ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ door hanger, provided by the Planning and Development Department is given to the affected home owner at the time of the street tree planting. This information is required to be distributed by the Developer’s Landscape Architect or Contractor.

6. The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of all trees and shrubs from rodent and other damage for the duration of the warranty, and in accordance with the associated Town of Whitby tree planting standards. Tree wrap must be removed prior to inspection.

7. Protective collars shall be installed prior to the application of shredded bark mulch. Collars should be flexible plastic composition, a minimum of 400 mm high and 200 mm in diameter.

General Notes for Subdivision Development Appendix E General Sidewalk Notes and General Planting Notes

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

8. All mulch shall be shredded bark. Wood chips will not be accepted. Mulch must not be placed against the trunk of the tree.

9. All plant material shall be maintained by the Contractor immediately following planting until the date of acceptance by the Town of Whitby.

10. Maintenance should include all measures necessary to establish and maintain all plants in an acceptable, vigorous, and healthy condition including cultivating, weeding, watering when required, pruning and maintenance of all accessories.

11. Corrective pruning shall be completed in accordance with accepted horticultural practices, prior to inspections, and include the removal of any dead or broken branches, suckers at the trunk, and co-dominant leaders.

12. Any leaning trees shall be straightened prior to inspection for completion and/or acceptance.

13. Boulevard area to be fine graded, top-soiled and sodded.

General Notes for Subdivision Development Appendix E General Sidewalk Notes and General Planting Notes

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

Landscape Standards and Specifications The following standards and specifications shall be adhered to. The Landscape Architect shall be required to provide Certification to the Town that these requirements have been fulfilled, and may be required to provide results of random soil testing.

Plant Material Standards 1. All plant material to conform to the most recent version of the Canadian Nursery

Trades Association “Canadian Standards and Specifications for Nursery Stock”. 2. All sod is to conform to the Canadian Nursery Sod Growers Specifications and in

accordance with OPSS 802 and 803 and amendments made by the Public Works Department.

3. Seeding is to conform to OPSS 804. 4. The Landscape Architect is responsible for assuring the quality of all plant

material meets with the Contract specifications and the Town of Whitby Plant Material Standards.

5. All trees shall be:

• be undamaged and disease free

• have a reasonably straight trunk, free of any decay, sunscald, wounds or mechanical damage

• possess a straight single central leader, with no multiple competing stems

• possess root balls that must be firm and securely wrapped, with little or no movement at the trunk and no girdling roots

6. Deciduous trees shall:

• be a minimum 60 mm caliper, 3000 mm to 3500 mm height (60 mm to 75 mm caliper should be wire basket or B & B)

• be specified with a minimum 1500 mm branching height clearance from grade at the time of planting, with an ultimate requirement of a minimum 2500 mm branching height

• have a balanced canopy with uniform branching all around and characteristic of the growth habit of the species

• have three or more main stems originating from a common base at ground level if they are clump form or multi-stem trees

• species requiring spring installation will not be accepted for fall planting 7. Coniferous trees shall:

• be 1800 mm height, evenly branched all around 8. Shrubs shall:

• be 60 cm (600 mm) in height minimum

• display their natural form and a minimum of four (4) canes

Landscape Standards and Specifications Appendix F

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

9. Groundcovers shall:

• have healthy tops and size proportionate to root requirements

Tree Pit Requirements 1. Tree pits shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Town of

Whitby (Deciduous/Coniferous) Tree Planting Standard Detail and any associated soils report recommendations.

2. Tree pits shall be a minimum of twice the width of the root ball and not be deeper than the overall height of the root ball; trees shall be installed with the root ball 75 mm above grade; trees shall be placed so that the main lateral branches are oriented away from the roadway.

3. Sub-grade surface shall be loosened to a depth of 25 mm. 4. Sub-grade surface shall be free of vegetation and other debris and free of stones

over 20 mm in diameter. 5. No tree pits shall be left open overnight.

Planting Bed Preparation 1. Areas where topsoil is to be placed shall be fine graded to a uniform surface in

accordance with OPSS 206. 2. Sodded and/or seeded areas shall be provided with a minimum of 150 mm

planting soil depth. 3. Shrub beds shall be continuous and provided with a minimum of 300 mm

planting soil depth.

Excavated Soil Requirements 1. Excavated soil must be fertile, friable, natural loam, free from any subsoil, clay

lumps, stones, roots over 50 mm in diameter, and any foreign objects, and shall be reasonably free of weeds/weed seeds.

2. Excavated soil shall be cultivated to remove any large clods or extraneous material.

3. In locations with poor quality excavated soil or lack of sufficient parent soil, excavated soil may be amended to meet planting soil requirements and as per the soils report recommendations or supplemented with additional imported planting soil.

Planting Soil Requirements 1. Topsoil shall contain not less than 4% minimum of organic matter for clay loams

and not less than 2% minimum organic matter for sandy loam, with an acidity value ranging from pH 6.5 to pH 7.5 and capable of sustaining vigorous plant growth.

2. Planting soil for deciduous and coniferous trees shall conform to OPSS 802, and be provided in accordance with the Town of Whitby Standard Planting Details for Deciduous and Coniferous Trees.

Landscape Standards and Specifications Appendix F

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

3. Planting soil for shrub beds shall be prepared by evenly mixing 50% sandy top soil, 25% well rotted horse manure with 500 grams of bonemeal (or nursery grade triple mix).

4. Any required additional imported planting soil must be screened prior to delivery.

Backfilling Requirements 1. Tree pits and shrub beds shall be backfilled with excavated soil wherever

possible. 2. Backfilling shall occur in tamped 150 mm lifts for shrub bed and tree planting to

remove all air pockets, and to ensure root ball is stable. 3. Planting holes shall be watered thoroughly when holes are 2/3 full. 4. Backfill shall continue to top of root ball and shall not fill around the trunk or

above the root flare.

Landscape Standards and Specifications Appendix F

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

Planting Inspection Notes 1. The Developer’s Landscape Architect should request an appointment with the

Town of Whitby Planning and Development Department to stake out all tree locations on the site. Minimum five (5) business days notice to the Town is required for all inspection appointments.

2. Possible conflict between trees and streetlights and other utility furniture may be addressed upon this stakeout and adjusted accordingly.

3. Final buffer and/or tree planting locations to be verified and approved by the Landscape Architect and the Town of Whitby Planning and Development Department to ensure sight clearances from roads, and intersections.

4. After completion of the installation, an Inspection for Completion is required to establish a warranty period of one (1) year for all trees. This inspection is to be completed by the Planning and Development Department and the Developer’s Landscape Architect at the request of the Developer.

5. Prior to expiration of the warranty, an Inspection for Acceptance is required. This inspection is to be completed by the Planning and Development Department and the Developer’s Landscape Architect at the request of the Developer.

6. Prior to providing the Inspection for both Completion and for Acceptance, the following conditions shall be in place:

• all planting beds and tree pits shall be freshly cultivated, free of weeds, leaves, broken branches and debris

• all tree wrap shall be removed by the Contractor

• all T-bar tree stakes shall be removed by the Contractor prior to Inspection for Acceptance

• leaves shall be on the tree 7. If a tree dies prior to acceptance, it shall be replaced by the Developer’s

Contractor. The replacement tree shall have a new one year warranty. 8. After acceptance by the Planning and Development Department, the Town of

Whitby assumes responsibility for the trees.

Planting Inspection Notes Appendix G

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

Buffer Planting Notes 1. Final buffer planting locations to be verified and approved by the Planning and

Development Department and the Developer’s Landscape Architect. 2. Deciduous trees to be planted preferably 2.0 m away from edge of sidewalks. 3. Coniferous trees to be planted preferably 3.0 m away from edge of sidewalks. 4. Shrubs to be planted minimum 1.5 m away from edge of sidewalks. 5. A minimum 2.0 m wide mowing strip shall be provided wherever possible

adjacent to walkways provided through open space areas.

Buffer Planting Notes Appendix H

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

General Fencing Notes General / Inspections 1. All fencing shall be provided in accordance with the fencing schedules included

in the associated Subdivision Agreement and as per the Corporation of the Town of Whitby By-Law No. 4394-99.

2. Minimum five (5)-business days advance notice to the Town is required for all inspection appointments, including fencing locates, unless otherwise noted.

3. The Developer’s Landscape Architect should request an appointment with the Public Works Department to stake out all fence locations on the site.

4. Prior to the fencing locate, the Developer or their agent(s) is required to provide the Public Works Department with documentation from a land surveyor (who is a member of the Ontario Land Surveyors Association) that property lines have been accurately staked in sufficient quantity to ensure the accurate location of the fencing to be constructed. This documentation shall be provided to the Public Works Department a minimum of two (2) days in advance of the scheduled fencing locate.

5. Location of fence returns to buildings to be determined in the field by the Public Works Department during the fencing locate meeting. Additional fence return locates require a minimum five (5) business days advance notice to the Public Works Department.

6. After completion of the installation, an Inspection for Completion is required to establish the warranty period of two (2) years. Inspection is to be completed by the Public Works Department Fencing Inspector and the Developer’s Landscape Architect.

Footings 1. All footings require an inspection by the Public Works Department Fencing

Inspector, and Soils Consultant (where required) with 48 hours notice (905.430.4307).

2. All footings to be chamfered at top. 3. Privacy Wood screen fences and gates shall use 300 mm diameter concrete

footings @ 20 Mpa to a minimum depth of 1200 mm. 4. All decorative fencing to include concrete footings for all fence posts as per the

approved detail.

General Construction and Materials 1. Wood fence posts are to be constructed with No. 1 grade pressure treated wood,

selected for good appearance. Members with heavy knots and/or sap stain should be minimal and well distributed throughout the installation. Posts shall be plumb within 5mm/m.

2. All wood fence members shall be tight fitted and nailed at regular intervals to eliminate all gaps and rattling. Gaps between infill members shall not exceed 6 mm.

General Fencing Notes Appendix I

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

3. All hardware to be galvanized. 4. Sample of masonry or alternative fencing materials to be submitted to the Public

Works Department by Fence Contractor for review and approval prior to installation.

5. Acoustic fences shall be constructed:

• in accordance with the Public Works Standard Detail for Wood Acoustic Fence (506) and associated Wood Acoustic Fence Notes (506.10)

• at a minimum height of 1800 mm (the height of the fence shall be measured from the highest adjacent grade where there is a grade difference at each end of the fence)

• with posts located on the residential private property flush to the property line and in accordance with the associated Public Works standards

• with full fence boards set into notched groove of post 6. Privacy screen fences shall be constructed:

• at a maximum height of 1800 mm

• with minimum 150 mm x 150 mm pressure treated posts at a maximum spacing of 2400 mm on centre, evenly spaced over the length of the fence wherever possible

• with posts located on the residential private property flush to the property line, and in accordance with the associated Public Works standards and the approved construction detail

• with panels constructed with No. 1 grade pressure treated wood, selected for good appearance; members with heavy knots and/or sap stain should be minimal and well distributed throughout the installation

7. Decorative fencing shall be constructed:

• at a maximum height of 1000 mm in accordance with Town of Whitby Fencing By-Law No. 4394-99 2(1) and 2(2)

• with posts located on the residential private property flush to the property line, and in accordance with the associated Public Works standards and the approved construction detail

• with black metal, or approved equivalent

• to conform to CSA Standards Z614-03 with no openings between 155 mm and 225 mm

• with gates, where permitted; gates shall open into private property only 8. Black Vinyl Chain Link fencing shall be constructed:

• with posts centered on the property line

• with fabric installed on the municipal side of the property line

General Fencing Notes Appendix I

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

• in accordance with the associated Public Works standard detail 506.30 or 506.40, as applicable

Layout 1. The location of fence returns to buildings shall be determined in the field by the

Town of Whitby Public Works Department. 2. Gates in fence returns are to be constructed wherever rear yard access is not

possible through the opposite side yard of the residence, as follows:

• wherever such gates are required, they shall be in the same style as the surrounding fence, and shall provide a reasonable width for a person to pass through; this width shall be 107 cm (or 42 inches)

• it is the Developer's responsibility to ensure that gates built into an acoustic fence are constructed in the same manner as the acoustic fence to comply with the associated noise report

3. Gates are not permitted in divisional fences that are adjacent to walkways, open space areas, woodlots, trans-Canada pipeline (TCPL) or other pipeline corridors, hydro corridors, or other municipal properties.

4. All wood fencing provided in areas where a sloped-grade exists is required to be stepped versus sloped with a level and horizontal (zero gradient) top. The vertical distance of the slope should be divided evenly over the horizontal distance at the fence location. The bottom of the fence shall follow the grade unless otherwise approved by the Town of Whitby.

5. It is the responsibility of the Developer to ensure that the above conditions are met in order for the subdivision to be assumed by the Town of Whitby.

Wood Fence Stain 1. Prior to any stain application, the fence Contractor is required to notify the Public

Works Department Fencing Inspector for review and approval. 2. All acoustic wood fence stain to be applied in accordance with the Public Works

standard 506 and 506.10. 3. Stain shall be applied in two (2) coats on clean dry wood using spray, brush or

dipping methods to achieve full coverage of all exposed surfaces. Stain shall be applied outdoors only in suitable weather conditions during which the temperature is between 5 degrees Celsius and 21 degrees Celsius for a period of 48 hours following applications. A second stain coat shall be applied following the final fence inspection and acceptance, and prior to assumption of the subdivision.

4. Stain shall be applied on the exterior (municipal and/or regional road side) face of fence only.

5. Requirements for stain application on fence returns shall be determined in consultation with the Public Works Department.

General Fencing Notes Appendix I

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

Deciduous Tree Planting Detail Appendix J

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

Coniferous Tree Planting Detail Appendix K

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

Shrub Planting Detail Appendix L

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

Wood Acoustic Fence Detail 506 Appendix M

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Wood Acoustic Fence Notes 506.10 Appendix N

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

1000mm Decorative Metal Fencing Detail Sample Appendix O

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

1200mm High Black Vinyl Coated Chain Link Fence 506.30 Appendix P

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1200mm High Black Vinyl Coated Chain Link Fence Gate Appendix Q

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1800mm High Black Vinyl Coated Chain Link Fence 506.40 Appendix R

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1800mm High Black Vinyl Coated Chain Link Fence Gate Appendix S

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

Recommended Tree Species for Use in Appendix T Development Plan Proposals

Recommended Tree Species for Use in Development Plan Proposals (2016)

Town Of Whitby Tree Species List Parks, Open Spaces, Road Allowances, Edge Management/Restoration Areas, and Storm Water Management Ponds Our goal is to create and maintain a safe, healthy, diverse, and sustainable urban forest that reflects the needs of the community. Species selection is based on the following criteria:

• Hardiness Zones (5b-6a)

• Soil Chemistry

• Tree Inventory

• Experience The following is a list of recommended tree species for parks, open spaces, road allowances, edge management/restoration areas, and storm water management ponds developed by the Town of Whitby Public Works Department: Operational Services, Planning and Development Department, and Community and Marketing Services Department. This list will assist Developers in preparing landscape plans and Town of Whitby staff in tree planting services. Tree species diversity is a common measure of a community forest’s overall health. A broader diversity of tree species will guard against the possibility of large-scale devastation by both native and introduced insects and diseases. Ideally, in community neighbourhoods, tree species diversity should conform to the 10-20-30 rule of acceptable diversity proposed by Santamour (1990), whereby:

• no tree species exceeds 10% of the inventory;

• no tree genus exceeds 20% of the inventory; and

• no tree family exceeds 30% of the inventory. As a result, no monocultures are acceptable and groupings of the same species shall not exceed 8.

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

Recommended Tree Species for Use in Appendix T Development Plan Proposals

The use of native species is encouraged where site conditions are suitable to promote healthy growth. More information on native species is available from the Forest Gene Conservation Association, Ecodistrict 6E-13 (Oshawa-Cobourg) at

Plant material proposed for Storm Water Management Ponds shall reference the species recommendations and associated planting zones within the Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE) “Storm Water Management Planning and Design Manual” (current version).

Tree Specifications Trees shall be nursery grown in accordance with the Canadian Standards for Nursery Stock as published by the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association (Latest Metric Edition) and under climatic conditions similar to those in the locality of the project for the past two years.

• The recommended caliper for deciduous trees is 30mm to 60mm and the recommended height for evergreen trees is 100 cm to 200cm. Boulevard trees in new subdivision developments shall be provided at 60 mm caliper, typical. Plant material utilized for “Edge Management Areas” and “Storm Water Management Ponds” shall have a minimum 40mm caliper for deciduous trees and a minimum 120cm height for evergreen trees.

• Trees shall have one central leader. If the leader was headed, a new leader (with a live terminal bud) at least one-half the diameter of the pruning cut shall be present.

• Trees shall be structurally sound, healthy, vigorous, well-branched and densely foliated when in leaf; free of disease and insects, eggs, or larvae; and shall have healthy, well-developed root systems.

• A minimum of three structural roots reasonably distributed around the trunk (not clustered on one side) shall be present in each tree. Root distribution shall be uniform throughout the root ball, and growth shall be appropriate for the species.

• The root ball shall be sized according to the caliper of the trunk, as per industry standards. The root collar shall be visible above the soil line of the root ball.

• Root balls will be firmly wrapped with non-synthetic, biodegradable burlap and secured with heavy, non-synthetic, biodegradable twine.

This list will be reviewed annually. For additional information, please contact the Town of Whitby Public Works Department, Operational Services at (905) 668-3437 or [email protected]

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Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

Recommended Tree Species for Use in Appendix T Development Plan Proposals

Note: Pyramidal and Columnar tree forms shall not be planted on residential boulevards. Variegated species are not permitted.

Planting Location:

Nrb: Non-residential boulevard (park frontage, window boulevard, industrial boulevard, etc.) Rb: Residential boulevard (species in italicized bold) P: Parks Os: Open spaces H: Use under power lines SWMP: Storm Water Management Pond EM/RA: Edge Management/Restoration Areas * Limited use (Approval from Superintendent of Operations-Parks, or designate required)

Native Species

Species Planting Location Digging Time

Acer campestre Nrb, Rb, P, Os, H Spring, Fall

Acer X freemanii cultivars Nrb, Rb, P, Os Spring , Fall

Acer ginnala + cultivars (tree form) Nrb*, Rb*, H* Spring , Fall

Acer griseum P*, Os* Spring

Acer miyabei ‘Morton’ Nrb*, Rb*, P*, Os* Spring , Fall

Acer nigrum + cultivars Nrb, Rb, P, Os, SWMP, EM/RA Spring , Fall

Acer platanoides ‘Columnare’ Nrb* Spring , Fall

Acer platanoides ‘Crimson King’ Nrb*, Rb* Spring , Fall

Acer platanoides ‘Deborah’ Nrb*, Rb* Spring , Fall

Acer platanoides ‘Emerald Lustre’ Nrb*, Rb* Spring , Fall

Acer rubrum + cultivars P, Os, SWMP, EM/RA Spring

Acer saccharinum + cultivars Nrb, Rb*, P, Os, SWMP, EM/RA Spring

Acer saccharum + cultivars Nrb, Rb, P, Os, SWMP, EM/RA Spring , Fall

Acer tataricum + cultivars Nrb, Rb, H Spring , Fall

Aesculus X carnea Nrb*, Rb*, P, Os, (minimum of 5m from driveway)


Aesculus glabra Nrb*, Rb*, P, Os, (minimum of 5m from driveway)


Page 63: Landscape Plane Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision ... · and site plan landscaping. Proposals which exceed the minimum submission requirements are encouraged. 1.1 The intent

Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

Recommended Tree Species for Use in Appendix T Development Plan Proposals

Note: Pyramidal and Columnar tree forms shall not be planted on residential boulevards. Variegated species are not permitted.

Planting Location:

Nrb: Non-residential boulevard (park frontage, window boulevard, industrial boulevard, etc.) Rb: Residential boulevard (species in italicized bold) P: Parks Os: Open spaces H: Use under power lines SWMP: Storm Water Management Pond EM/RA: Edge Management/Restoration Areas * Limited use (Approval from Superintendent of Operations-Parks, or designate required)

Native Species

Species Planting Location Digging Time

Aesculus hippocastanum Nrb*, Rb*, P, Os, (minimum of 5m from driveway)


Aesculus hippocastanum ‘Baumanii’ Nrb*, Rb*, P, Os Spring

Alnus incana Nrb*, P, Os, (tree form on boulevards) Spring

Amelanchier arborea + cultivars P, Os, EM/RA Spring , Early Fall

Amelanchier canadensis + cultivars Nrb, Rb, P, Os, H, EM/RA (tree form on boulevards)

Spring , Early Fall

Amelanchier grandiflora +cultivars Nrb, Rb, P, Os, H, (tree form on boulevards)

Spring , Early Fall

Amelanchier laevis + cultivars Nrb, Rb, P, Os, H, (tree form on boulevards)

Spring , Early Fall

Betula alleghaniensis SWMP, EM/RA Spring

Betula nigra ‘Riversii’ P*, Os* Spring

Betula papyrifera P*, Os*, SWMP, EM/RA Spring

Carpinus betulus ‘Fastigiata’ P, Os Spring

Carpinus caroliniana P, Os, SWMP, EM/RA Spring

Carya cordiformis P*, Os*, SWMP, EM/RA Spring

Carya laciniosa SWMP Spring

Carya ovata P*, Os*, SWMP, EM/RA Spring

Page 64: Landscape Plane Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision ... · and site plan landscaping. Proposals which exceed the minimum submission requirements are encouraged. 1.1 The intent

Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

Recommended Tree Species for Use in Appendix T Development Plan Proposals

Note: Pyramidal and Columnar tree forms shall not be planted on residential boulevards. Variegated species are not permitted.

Planting Location:

Nrb: Non-residential boulevard (park frontage, window boulevard, industrial boulevard, etc.) Rb: Residential boulevard (species in italicized bold) P: Parks Os: Open spaces H: Use under power lines SWMP: Storm Water Management Pond EM/RA: Edge Management/Restoration Areas * Limited use (Approval from Superintendent of Operations-Parks, or designate required)

Native Species

Species Planting Location Digging Time

Catalpa speciosa Nrb*, Rb*, P, Os, (minimum of 5m from driveway)

Spring , Fall

Celtis occidentalis + cultivars Nrb, Rb, P, Os, EM/RA Spring, Early Fall

Cercidiphyllum japonicum P*, Os* Spring

Cercis canadensis P*, Os*, EM/RA* Spring , Early Fall

Cladrastis lutea Nrb*, Rb*, P*, Os* Spring

Cornus alternifolia P*, Os*, EM/RA* Spring

Cornus florida P*, Os* Spring

Corylus colurna Nrb, Rb, P, Os Spring, Early Fall

Crataegus spp. SWMP Spring

Crataegus crusgalli var. inermis P*, Os* Spring

Fagus grandifolia P*, Os*, EM/RA Spring

Fagus sylvatica + cultivars P*, Os* Spring

Ginkgo biloba + cultivars (male only) Nrb, Rb, P, Os Spring, Early Fall

Gleditsia triacanthos cultivars Nrb, Rb, P, Os Spring , Fall

Gymnocladus dioicus + cultivars Nrb, Rb, P, Os Spring , Early Fall

Juglans nigra Nrb*, Rb*, P, Os, (minimum of 5m from driveway)


Juglans cinerea P*, Os*, EM/RA Spring

Page 65: Landscape Plane Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision ... · and site plan landscaping. Proposals which exceed the minimum submission requirements are encouraged. 1.1 The intent

Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

Recommended Tree Species for Use in Appendix T Development Plan Proposals

Note: Pyramidal and Columnar tree forms shall not be planted on residential boulevards. Variegated species are not permitted.

Planting Location:

Nrb: Non-residential boulevard (park frontage, window boulevard, industrial boulevard, etc.) Rb: Residential boulevard (species in italicized bold) P: Parks Os: Open spaces H: Use under power lines SWMP: Storm Water Management Pond EM/RA: Edge Management/Restoration Areas * Limited use (Approval from Superintendent of Operations-Parks, or designate required)

Native Species

Species Planting Location Digging Time

Liriodendron tulipifera Nrb, Rb, P, Os Spring

Liriodendron tulipifera ‘Emerald City’ Nrb, Rb, P, Os Spring

Liriodendron tulipifera ‘Fastigiata’ P, Os Spring

Magnolia acuminate Nrb*, Rb*, P*, Os* Spring

Malus ‘Harvest Gold’ Nrb, Rb, P, Os, H, (minimum 4m from a driveway/sidewalk)

Spring , Fall

Malus ‘Prairefire’ Nrb, Rb, P, Os, H, (minimum 4m from a driveway/sidewalk)

Spring , Fall

Malus ‘Robinson’ Nrb, Rb, P, Os, H, (minimum 4m from a driveway/sidewalk)

Spring , Fall

Nyssa sylvatica Nrb*, Rb*, P*, Os* Spring

Ostrya virginiana P*, Os*, SWMP, EM/RA Spring

Phellodendron amurense ‘Macho’ Nrb*, Rb* Spring

Platanus X acerifolia Nrb, Rb, P, Os Spring, Early Fall

Platanus X acerifolia ‘Exclamation’ Nrb, Rb, P, Os Spring, Early Fall

Platanus X acerifolia ‘Bloodgood’ Nrb, Rb, P, Os Spring, Early Fall

Platanus occidentalis Nrb, Rb, P, Os, SWMP Spring, Early Fall

Populus balsamifera P*, Os*, SWMP, EM/RA Spring

Populus deltoides P*, Os*, SWMP, EM/RA Spring

Page 66: Landscape Plane Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision ... · and site plan landscaping. Proposals which exceed the minimum submission requirements are encouraged. 1.1 The intent

Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

Recommended Tree Species for Use in Appendix T Development Plan Proposals

Note: Pyramidal and Columnar tree forms shall not be planted on residential boulevards. Variegated species are not permitted.

Planting Location:

Nrb: Non-residential boulevard (park frontage, window boulevard, industrial boulevard, etc.) Rb: Residential boulevard (species in italicized bold) P: Parks Os: Open spaces H: Use under power lines SWMP: Storm Water Management Pond EM/RA: Edge Management/Restoration Areas * Limited use (Approval from Superintendent of Operations-Parks, or designate required)

Native Species

Species Planting Location Digging Time

Populus tremuloides P*, Os*, SWMP, EM/RA Spring

Prunus nigra EM/RA Spring

Prunus pennsylvanica SWMP, EM/RA Spring

Prunus serotina SWMP, EM/RA Spring

Pyrus calleryana + cultivars P, Os Spring

Pyrus calleryana ‘Chanticleer’ Nrb, Rb, P, Os, H Spring

Quercus alba P*, Os*, SWMP, EM/RA Spring

Quercus bicolor P*, Os*, SWMP Spring

Quercus macrocarpa Nrb, Rb, P, Os, SWMP, EM/RA Spring

Quercus muehlenbergii Nrb*, Rb*, P, Os, SWMP, EM/RA* Spring

Quercus palustris SWMP Spring

Quercus rubra Nrb, Rb, P, Os, SWMP, EM/RA Spring

Quercus robur Nrb, Rb, P, Os Spring

Quercus robur ‘Fastigiata’ Nrb, P, Os Spring

Quercus velutina P*, Os*, SWMP*, EM/RA* Spring

Rhus typhina EM/RA Spring, Fall

Salix nigra SWMP Spring

Page 67: Landscape Plane Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision ... · and site plan landscaping. Proposals which exceed the minimum submission requirements are encouraged. 1.1 The intent

Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

Recommended Tree Species for Use in Appendix T Development Plan Proposals

Note: Pyramidal and Columnar tree forms shall not be planted on residential boulevards. Variegated species are not permitted.

Planting Location:

Nrb: Non-residential boulevard (park frontage, window boulevard, industrial boulevard, etc.) Rb: Residential boulevard (species in italicized bold) P: Parks Os: Open spaces H: Use under power lines SWMP: Storm Water Management Pond EM/RA: Edge Management/Restoration Areas * Limited use (Approval from Superintendent of Operations-Parks, or designate required)

Native Species

Species Planting Location Digging Time

Sassafras albidum P*, Os*, SWMP*, EM/RA* Spring

Sorbus thuringiaca ‘Fastigiata’ Nrb, Rb, P, Os, (minimum 4m from a driveway/sidewalk)

Spring, Fall

Syringa reticulata + cultivars Nrb, Rb , P, Os, H Spring, Fall

Tilia americana + cultivars Nrb, Rb, P, Os, SWMP, EM/RA (minimum of 5m from driveway)

Spring, Fall

Tilia cordata + cultivars Nrb, Rb, P, Os, (minimum of 5m from driveway)

Spring, Fall

Tilia cordata ‘Summer Sprite’ Nrb, Rb, P, Os, H, (minimum of 5m from driveway)

Spring, Fall

Tilia tomentosa ‘Sterling’ Nrb, Rb, P, Os, (minimum of 5m from driveway)

Spring, Fall

Ulmus americana ‘Princeton” Nrb*, Rb*, P, Os, SWMP Spring, Fall

Viburnum lentago Nrb*, P, Os, H* (tree form on boulevards)


Zelkova serrata + cultivars Nrb, Rb, P, Os Spring


Abies balsamea SWMP Spring, Early Fall

Abies concolor Nrb, P, Os Spring, Early Fall

Juniperus virginiana SWMP Spring, Early Fall

Larix decidua Nrb, P, Os Spring, Early Fall

Page 68: Landscape Plane Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision ... · and site plan landscaping. Proposals which exceed the minimum submission requirements are encouraged. 1.1 The intent

Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

Recommended Tree Species for Use in Appendix T Development Plan Proposals

Note: Pyramidal and Columnar tree forms shall not be planted on residential boulevards. Variegated species are not permitted.

Planting Location:

Nrb: Non-residential boulevard (park frontage, window boulevard, industrial boulevard, etc.) Rb: Residential boulevard (species in italicized bold) P: Parks Os: Open spaces H: Use under power lines SWMP: Storm Water Management Pond EM/RA: Edge Management/Restoration Areas * Limited use (Approval from Superintendent of Operations-Parks, or designate required)

Native Species

Species Planting Location Digging Time

Larix laricina Nrb, P, Os, SWMP Spring, Early Fall

Metasequoia glyptostroboides Nrb*, P*, Os* Spring

Picea abies Nrb, P, Os Spring, Early Fall

Picea glauca Nrb*, P, Os, SWMP, EM/RA Spring, Early Fall

Picea mariana SWMP Spring, Early Fall

Picea pungens Nrb, P, Os Spring, Early Fall

Picea pungens ‘glauca’ Nrb, P, Os Spring, Early Fall

Pinus nigra Nrb*, P*, Os* Spring, Early Fall

Pinus strobus Nrb, P, Os, SWMP, EM/RA Spring, Early Fall

Pinus sylvestris Nrb*, P*, Os* Spring, Early Fall

Pseudotsuga menziesii Nrb*, P*, Os* Spring

Thuja occidentalis Nrb, P, Os, SWMP, EM/RA Spring, Early Fall

Tsuga canadensis SWMP, EM/RA Spring

Page 69: Landscape Plane Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision ... · and site plan landscaping. Proposals which exceed the minimum submission requirements are encouraged. 1.1 The intent

Landscape Plan Guidelines for Site Plan and Subdivision Developments

Do’s and Don’ts Flyer for Distribution to Residents Appendix U