language programs for engineers - estp · pdf filebi-national programme within the following...

LANGUAGE PROGRAMS FOR ENGINEERS STUDY FRENCH IN PARIS EPF / ESTP GRANDES ÉCOLES D’INGÉNIEURS 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 WEEKS Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics, du Bâtiment et de l’Industrie was founded in 1891 as a private higher education institution and officially recognized by the French government in 1921. Today it has the legal form of a non profit making association with a status of ‘‘general interest’’ by the French government. Its degrees are accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education & Research and the ‘‘Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs”. Several training programmes have been awarded quality labels, such as EUR-ACE & RICS. ESTP Paris is an associate member of the higher education & research cluster (COMUE) UNIVERSITE PARIS EST. It participates in associations and networks : “Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie”, ‘‘Université Franco-Allemande (DFH-UFA)’’, ‘‘Conférence des Directeurs des Ecoles Françaises d’Ingénieurs”, ‘‘Conférence des Grandes Ecoles”, ‘‘Union des Grandes Ecoles Indépendantes’’, «n+i network», etc. In France, ESTP Paris trains the biggest student flow for the construction industry and has made its reputation as THE “Grande Ecole” for professionals in this area: design, construction, planning & development, project and facilities management, sustainable buildings & infrastructures, rehabilitation, maintenance, real estate, topography-surveying, materials, energy efficiency, building information modelling, etc. The main characteristics of ESTP Paris are its close links to industry, its strong international relations (79 partner universities in 35 countries), its equal opportunities policy and the emphasis put on sustainable development. ESTP Paris in figures: 2 200 graduate students 400 undergraduate students 1 000 adults in Continuing Education 900 foreign students in “international programs” 1 100 permanent and non-permanent teaching staff 75% professionals who participate in teaching activities 8 000 applicants at the entrance examination for the engineering degree course 35 companies and professional organizations members of the “association ESTP” 45 000 alumni, 28 000 practicing professionals ESTP Paris offers a large variety of training programs at all levels of Higher Education: two year diplomas, bachelor degrees, master degrees, “diplôme d’ingénieur-master’s degree”, PhD degrees, professional diplomas “mastères spécialisés ® ”, international certificates, Continuing education programs for professionals. ESTP Paris research activities are carried out in the framework of the “Constructibility Research Institute” (IRC). Research teams work transversely in the following fields: road and concrete materials; soil mechanics, scour & erosion; civil engineering structures; energy efficiency in buildings; geographical information system; building information modelling; risk management. PhD studies are available in these areas. ESTP Paris benefits from two locations: All undergraduate & graduate courses & research activities take place at the Cachan campus, in the inner southern suburbs of Paris. Linked to central Paris by a 10 minute ride by direct commuter express train ”RER B”, ESTP Paris benefits from the peace and quiet of its seven hectare campus, fully equipped for student life: computer & multimedia centers, library, laboratories, sports & housing facilities, cafeteria, etc. Several student residences and restaurants are also at the disposal of all ESTP students around the campus. Adult education programmes are organized in central Paris. Further information: International Relations Office ESTP Paris - information.fl[email protected] Tel: +33 1 49 08 24 66/ Fax: +33 1 49 08 59 40 A « Grande École » offering its students a degree in general engineering, located in Sceaux, a beautiful southern Parisian suburb. 3 bis rue Lakanal - 92330 Sceaux [email protected] / +33 1 55 52 11 00 A « Grande École » specialising in construction, planning and surveying, on two campuses: Continuing Education in Central Paris and all other teaching and research activities in the Cachan campus (inner suburbs of Paris). 28 avenue du Président Wilson - 94234 Cachan [email protected] / +33 1 49 08 24 66 Further information: EPF - information.fl[email protected] Tel: +33 1 55 52 11 00 / Fax: +33 1 46 60 39 94 STUDY FRENCH IN Founded in 1925, located in Sceaux, Troyes and Montpellier, EPF is one of the best post-secondary School for general engineering sciences. In 1991, EPF - Graduate School of Engineering - acquired the status of Public Foundation and became co-educational in 1994. EPF offers to its 2 000 students a year (including 15% of international students) a five-year post-secondary engineering sciences curriculum. First three years consist in a general curriculum. In 4 th year, students chose among 6 different Majors: Mechanics, Environment, Energy; IT Telecommunications, Urban Development, Engineering Management. Among the 12 specializations proposed in 5 th year, 3 of them are entirely taught in English: Environmental & Innovative Engineering Business Decision Engineering Innovation, Creation & Entrepreneurship A mandatory experience abroad of a minimum of a semester (internships or exchanges) is required to obtain the diploma. Bilateral agreements signed with more than 150 universities around the world enable the students to complete their experience abroad either in an exchange programme or in a bi-national programme within the following institutions: Hochschule Munich (Germany) Monterrey TEC (Mexico). University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Canada University of Sherbrooke, Canada Industry plays an active role in setting out the academic curriculum especially as 450 professionals are taking part in courses. These close relationships allow our students to complete internship projects supervised and evaluated by the company (12 months minimum). EPF offers in partnership with CEFIPA and Montpellier Business School, on Sceaux and Montpellier Campuses, 2 programs specialized in Industrial and Information Systems engineering for students with 2 year’s post-secondary experience and under 26 years old. Research is fast growing within the curriculum and through its own laboratories, thanks to a variety of partnerships with universities and institutes of research both in France and abroad. EPF is connected to the UTT doctoral department, Charles Delaunay Institute (ICD). EPF’s three diplomas are accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the «Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs». EPF is a member of both the «Conférence des Grandes Ecoles» (CGE) and the «Union des Grandes Ecoles Indépendantes» (UGEI). Our curricula favour a faster integration into the job market with one of the highest starting salaries amongst post-secondary schools. More than 9 800 graduated engineers from EPF are spread out within the industry and service sectors. EPF is located in a southern Parisian suburb called Sceaux. It is only a 20-minute commuter express train ride away from Paris. The school is situated right next to a 152 hectare park.

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2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 WEEKS

Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics, du Bâtiment et de l’Industrie was founded in 1891 as a private higher education institution and offi cially recognized by the French government in 1921. Today it has the legal form of a non profi t making association with a status of ‘‘general interest’’ by the French government. Its degrees are accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education & Research and the ‘‘Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs”. Several training programmes have been awarded quality labels, such as EUR-ACE & RICS. ESTP Paris is an associate member of the higher education & research cluster (COMUE) UNIVERSITE PARIS EST. It participates in associations and networks  : “Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie”, ‘‘Université Franco-Allemande (DFH-UFA)’’, ‘‘Conférence des Directeurs des Ecoles Françaises d’Ingénieurs”, ‘‘Conférence des Grandes Ecoles”, ‘‘Union des Grandes Ecoles Indépendantes’’, «n+i network», etc.

In France, ESTP Paris trains the biggest student fl ow for the construction industry and has made its reputation as THE “Grande Ecole” for professionals in this area: design, construction, planning & development, project and facilities management, sustainable buildings & infrastructures, rehabilitation, maintenance, real estate, topography-surveying, materials, energy effi ciency, building information modelling, etc.

The main characteristics of ESTP Paris are its close links to industry, its strong international relations (79 partner universities in 35 countries), its equal opportunities policy and the emphasis put on sustainable development.

ESTP Paris in fi gures:✔ 2 200 graduate students✔ 400 undergraduate students✔ 1 000 adults in Continuing Education✔ 900 foreign students in “international programs”✔ 1 100 permanent and non-permanent teaching staff✔ 75% professionals who participate in teaching activities✔ 8 000 applicants at the entrance examination for the

engineering degree course✔ 35 companies and professional organizations members of

the “association ESTP”✔ 45 000 alumni, 28 000 practicing professionals

ESTP Paris offers a large variety of training programs at all levels of Higher Education: two year diplomas, bachelor degrees, master degrees, “diplôme d’ingénieur-master’s degree”, PhD degrees, professional diplomas “mastères spécialisés®”, international certifi cates, Continuing education programs for professionals.

ESTP Paris research activities are carried out in the framework of the “Constructibility Research Institute” (IRC). Research teams work transversely in the following fi elds: road and concrete materials; soil mechanics, scour & erosion; civil engineering structures; energy effi ciency in buildings; geographical information system; building information modelling; risk management. PhD studies are available in these areas.

ESTP Paris benefi ts from two locations: All undergraduate & graduate courses & research activities take place at the Cachan campus, in the inner southern suburbs of Paris. Linked to central Paris by a 10 minute ride by direct commuter express train ”RER B”, ESTP Paris benefi ts from the peace and quiet of its seven hectare campus, fully equipped for student life: computer & multimedia centers, library, laboratories, sports & housing facilities, cafeteria, etc. Several student residences and restaurants are also at the disposal of all ESTP students around the campus. Adult education programmes are organized in central Paris.

Further information: International Relations Offi ce

ESTP Paris - information.fl [email protected]: +33 1 49 08 24 66/ Fax: +33 1 49 08 59

A « Grande École » offering its students a degree in general engineering, located in Sceaux,

a beautiful southern Parisian suburb.

3 bis rue Lakanal - 92330 [email protected] /

+33 1 55 52 11 00

A « Grande École » specialising in construction, planning and surveying, on two campuses:

Continuing Education in Central Paris and all other teaching and research activities in the Cachan

campus (inner suburbs of Paris).

28 avenue du Président Wilson - 94234 [email protected] /

+33 1 49 08 24 66

Further information:

EPF - information.fl [email protected]: +33 1 55 52 11 00 / Fax: +33 1 46 60 39


Founded in 1925, located in Sceaux, Troyes and Montpellier, EPF is one of the best post-secondary School for general engineering sciences.

In 1991, EPF - Graduate School of Engineering - acquired the status of Public Foundation and became co-educational in 1994.

EPF offers to its 2 000 students a year (including 15% of international students) a fi ve-year post-secondary engineering sciences curriculum. First three years consist in a general curriculum. In 4th year, students chose among 6 different Majors: Mechanics, Environment, Energy; IT Telecommunications, Urban Development, Engineering Management. Among the 12 specializations proposed in 5th

year, 3 of them are entirely taught in English:

✔ Environmental & Innovative Engineering✔ Business Decision Engineering✔ Innovation, Creation & Entrepreneurship

A mandatory experience abroad of a minimum of a semester (internships or exchanges) is required to obtain the diploma. Bilateral agreements signed with more than 150 universities around the world enable the students to complete their experience abroad either in an exchange programme or in a bi-national programme within the following institutions:

✔ Hochschule Munich (Germany)✔ Monterrey TEC (Mexico).✔ University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain✔ University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Canada✔ University of Sherbrooke, Canada

Industry plays an active role in setting out the academic curriculum especially as 450 professionals are taking part in courses. These close relationships allow our students to complete internship projects supervised and evaluated by the company (12 months minimum).

EPF offers in partnership with CEFIPA and Montpellier Business School, on Sceaux and Montpellier Campuses, 2 programs specialized in Industrial and Information Systems engineering for students with 2 year’s post-secondary experience and under 26 years old.

Research is fast growing within the curriculum and through its own laboratories, thanks to a variety of partnerships with universities and institutes of research both in France and abroad. EPF is connected to the UTT doctoral department, Charles Delaunay Institute (ICD).

EPF’s three diplomas are accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research and the «Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs». EPF is a member of both the «Conférence des Grandes Ecoles» (CGE) and the «Union des Grandes Ecoles Indépendantes» (UGEI).

Our curricula favour a faster integration into the job market with one of the highest starting salaries amongst post-secondary schools. More than 9 800 graduated engineers from EPF are spread out within the industry and service sectors.

EPF is located in a southern Parisian suburb called Sceaux. It is only a 20-minute commuter express train ride away from Paris. The school is situated right next to a 152 hectare park.

EPF and ESTP are two Engineering schools with a very high reputation of their degree programs. They organized French Language Courses in order to better prepare their students for their courses in France. A 20-year experience in teaching French Language courses has shown a compelling adaptation to our students’ expectations.

The seminars include not only numerous cultural and linguistic aspects but also scientifi cally oriented curriculum. Although this program is highly recommended for computer and engineering students, it is also open to other students, administrators and teaching staff who are interested in improving their French.

At the end of this program, students had learnt solid French Language basic skills and a great amount of lexical knowledge as well as methodological skills in science and engineering technology.

A program awarded with two renowned labels:✔ The European Language Label since 2006✔ The Label Qualité FLE granted by a tripartite Commission

(Minstry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Higher Education, and Ministry of Culture) since 2009, and renwed in 2013.

From July to mid-September. The program consist in a 25-to-30-hour language training per week, from Monday to Friday with cultural activities.

The course contains regular classroom-training sessions or one-on-one mentoring. Computer rooms are available for students who wish to study for themselves.

LEVELSOur courses are in line with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: from Absolute beginners (A0) to Advanced students (C1).

Students will take an oral and written test at the beginning of the course to evaluate their level and join the relevant group. (Maximum 16 students per group).

PROGRAMOur courses include:

✔ French Language Course ✔ French for University Studies (methodology of university

works). ✔ Scientifi c and Engineering French Language courses (Math,

physics, Mechanics and so on). ✔ Phonetic, role-playing, debating✔ Cultural activities: visits, movies, wine-tasting… ✔ French tutoring sessions and Self-studying (Multimedia


During the program and at the end of the course, students will be tested by ongoing assessment and by a TCF-type test before their departure, in order to certify students’ progress in French.

ECTS CREDITS: 1 per weekAll courses are compulsory to earn the total amount of ECTS credits.

TEACHERSThe language professors are university graduates with solid experience in teaching French as a foreign language to international students from graduate schools of engineering.

Many of them are also qualifi ed in scientifi c subjects so that they are able to provide students with scientifi c vocabulary needed for their engineering curriculum in France.


RATESPlease see the attached leafl et for the relevant rates and contact us for further information about the programs*.

PRACTICAL INFORMATIONCAMPUSCourses take place both at EPF and ESTP, linked by direct public transportation. (RER B, Bus). ✔ EPF campus address: 46/60 rue du Lycée - 92330 Sceaux,

France✔ ESTP campus address: 28 avenue du président Wilson - 94234


ACCOMMODATIONHousing can be provided for students either in a student’s residence or within a family. (See prices on the attached leafl et). MEALSMeals are at your charge. Restaurants, bakeries, grocery stores and students’ restaurants are available in Paris, Cachan or Sceaux (depending on the period).

WEEKLY EXTENSIVE COURSES: We provide international students with French classes every Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6.30 to 8.30 pm at EPF campus in Sceaux.

OFFICIAL TEST CENTER: TFI (International French Test): Our school is an offi cial test center authorized by ETS Global Company and organized offi cial TFI test sessions during the year. TCF-type test training sessions depending on the program.

SPECIFIC INTENSIVE OR EXTENSIVE PROGRAMS SET UP ON REQUEST, FROM SEPTEMBER TO JUNE:✔ Programs for Doctorate/PhD or engineers students✔ Programs dedicated to Business French and Engineer’s

Professional Activities.

Feel free to contact us for a customized offer*.

Course duration 2 to 10 or 11 weeks, from July to mid-September*

Absolute beginners starting day

fi rst day of July session and fi rst day of August session

Other levels starting day

every Monday of the week during the period indicated above

Total amount of hours per week

25 to 30 hours




*For further information and application: - (International)

*2 weeks minimum