laparoscopic appendectomy in nonperforated appendicitis of

41 Vol. 9. No. 1. June 2003 Laparoscopic Appendectomy in Nonperforated Appendicitis of Children Dae-Yeon Kim, M.D., Seong-Chul Kim, M.D., In Koo Kim, M.D. Department of Surgery, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea Appendicitis is the most common surgical emergency in childhood. Open appendectomy has been the standard treatment. The minimally invasive techniques have been adopted in children after experiences in various surgical conditions in adults has accumulated. lt is debatable whether laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) is superior to open appendectomy (OA) in children. The goal of this study is to review the results of laparoscopy and laparotomy in the nonperforated appendicitis. The records of 22 patients under 15 years of age who were operated upon for nonperforated appendicitis at Asan Medical Center were analyzed between December 2002 and April 2003. Age, type and length of intervention, frequency of analgesic use, complication, length of hospitalization, and cost for each treatment groups (N=l1) were compared. Laparoscopy patients were older (13.0 vs. 10.1 years; p > 0.05), and operative time was longer (55.0 vs. 35.0 minutes; p < 0.05). There was no conversion (OA to LA). The median length of hospital stay was significantly shorter in laparoscopy (3.0 vs. 2.0 days; p < 0.05). The median cost for LA was more expensive (W833, 836 vs. W751,398; p < 0.05). Even though there were higher costs and longer operative times with laparoscopic procedures, the shorter hospital stay was an advantage. (J Kor Assoc Pediatr Surg 9(1):41-44), 2003. Index Words: Laparoscopy, Appendectomy, Children %y'i:j011 ;(1li-c 7B-l;j· L}. 1990\1 I:J1 7cJ °1 i'}011 'il-'8 ° 1.f-, 'i'i' oa 7B* *7J7cJ Correspondence : In Koo Kim, MD., Division of Pediatric Sur- gery, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Me- dicine, 388-1 Poongnap-Dong, Sangpa-Ku, Seoul 138-736, Korea Tel: 02-3010-3484, E-mail : [email protected] .:}Al101Jl o}yq. *7J7cJ %yAJ, Ad 'i'101jJ'i -c 1983\1 i'} Semm°l, o}-c 1988\1 Scottish Rite Children's Medical Center 011}'i ;(1 .f- %qi.2. *7J7cJ AB 71;Q°1 fi o }7.1Jl, .f- 3cjJl, * :r17} [:l iJ''i:j 01 3cjJl, %Ei7} TAJ -o}'\},q3-5. 01011 tfrtB }'1z}i'} AJ{J u1 u 1-o}Jl y-01t;] %y'i:j,g-

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Page 1: Laparoscopic Appendectomy in Nonperforated Appendicitis of

41 Vol. 9. No. 1. June 2003

Laparoscopic Appendectomy in Nonperforated Appendicitis of Children

Dae-Yeon Kim, M.D., Seong-Chul Kim, M.D., In Koo Kim, M.D.

Department of Surgery, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine,

Seoul, Korea

Appendicitis is the most common surgical emergency in childhood. Open appendectomy has been the standard treatment. The minimally invasive techniques have been adopted in children after experiences in various surgical conditions in adults has accumulated. lt is

debatable whether laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) is superior to open appendectomy (OA) in children. The goal of this study is to review the results of laparoscopy and laparotomy in the nonperforated appendicitis. The records of 22 patients under 15 years of age who were

operated upon for nonperforated appendicitis at Asan Medical Center were analyzed between December 2002 and April 2003. Age, type and length of intervention, frequency of analgesic use, complication, length of hospitalization, and cost for each treatment groups (N=l1) were

compared. Laparoscopy patients were older (13.0 vs. 10.1 years; p > 0.05), and operative time was longer (55.0 vs. 35.0 minutes; p < 0.05). There was no conversion (OA to LA). The median length of hospital stay was significantly shorter in laparoscopy (3.0 vs. 2.0 days; p <

0.05). The median cost for LA was more expensive (W833, 836 vs. W751,398; p < 0.05). Even though there were higher costs and longer operative times with laparoscopic procedures, the shorter hospital stay was an advantage. (J Kor Assoc Pediatr Surg 9(1):41-44), 2003.

Index Words: Laparoscopy, Appendectomy, Children

~o}71 %y'i:j011 I:J1~ ;(1li-c 7B-l;j· %Y~Al1~o1 ~:31°1

~ L}. 1990\1 I:J1 ~PJ 7cJ ~~ ° 1 ~1 i'}011 ~ 'il-'8 ° 1.f-, 'i'i' ~ oa

~01jJ'i 71~.s1 7B* ~~01 *7J7cJ ~~~£ I:J1~115'jJl ~}-c

Correspondence : In Koo Kim, MD., Division of Pediatric Sur­

gery, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Me­

dicine, 388-1 Poongnap-Dong, Sangpa-Ku, Seoul 138-736, Korea

Tel: 02-3010-3484, E-mail : [email protected]

~01 .:}Al101Jl %Y~Al1~~ oj1~r;::: o}yq. *7J7cJ %yAJ, Al1~,g- Ad 'i'101jJ'i -c 1983\1 ~~.s1 ~Jf-'i'l i'} ~lJ'} Semm°l,

~ o}-c 1988\1 Scottish Rite Children's Medical Center 011}'i ;(1 g~£ },1'6~-'8 .f- 'i'i'~ ~Tfr01 ~}~7.1~ ~~-o}Jl 3cj"C-J~

y~£ .§:f~5'jD1 %qi.2. ~~ ~T011},i *7J7cJ ~~~£ AB

~ 71;Q°1 fio}7.1Jl, y~ .f- ~~01 3cjJl, ~AJ A~~£~1 * :r17} [:l tltl}~vj, ~JAJ iJ''i:j 01 3cjJl, %Ei7} iJ'~~qJl TAJ -o}'\},q3-5. 01011 tfrtB y~ }'1z}i'} ~li1:l1~ ~7}-o}Jl AJ{J ~

u1 u1-o}Jl y-01t;] w~~01 %7}~q-c tfr~~ '\l,~ ~01 ~

~01L}6,7. ~i'-s:171y. ~OJ% ~},d~ w~ %y'i:j,g- ~1.i!}3cj

Page 2: Laparoscopic Appendectomy in Nonperforated Appendicitis of


fc"loJl 1l711:l!°1 "H!;I~,ol :iqy, <;).i'jAj ~VI rrB-lC-oJl', AI

A}~.g. ~~1011 'Jf-~i:1 1:Jl~-~ .'f15A J:ll,{i-t~ %T-~ ~}% r1jJ'd-

2-'i. ~I\L 7,il~+{j-'B}'lJ,cl.

3'X)2\:l 12~-\,-E1 :ID3\:l 4~ lO'll?7}AI Al~IAJllI't! ~oI21:i'i

011),1 -~"T~~ -~"T~_A11{;~& ~-p-=- 9oIid91 ~lA} ~~ ~~dit} L~~l

i:1t'd- tll~-t %'T~ol9JSj 1?]- l?)"l] 01-6~ [W'J~~ il}~q.

'!l'r ~J'J'l

9-P'-71~.a- ~]!2-"O}C4 ~-7J-7J ~-)lic'(lii-7J-7J-,t):i!I- /~~- ~

9j[l T ~i{4'}2-1 tllJll~- SPSS2_~_~i."~-g- A}{}-t}O:j rvlann­

vvllitney 7a 'iJ % JH "'1'lJ, rl.

~~-7J-7d %-T1!l\ll~

T-~ ;;;i Zlz]Q} 1-UJn1-."}1,c 7~~~J!I- ~.g. tOJ-~~_s:_ ~J:ll

B}~ll T1~_AH~ :@-A}.Ql ~lft S:-T~~ Q.,'=-:!J'l ~-1~, ~~- ;;} ~A}ce 2-PH 6}"l"i'oJl ~r}. ~A}QI "B'ti- H}-", ofclloJl 1

em l}cd's>1 IfPf-~J~~ T{J--& Al=3r81-S3,l:j-. !}-p-=- ~tAc ~12f

% ~Jl ~.7J ~~% ~Cj~ 4- 1O-12mm Jf--tl~% 1s~t}

S3,]l, ~ ~lA~ \'crcss -1]-& A}-§-B}CJ:1 C02 7}~-s- ~:o.~11-

4- u]Al°k~ 1O-12mm !f-f-l~-g- Jj-~t}9Jr}. 5111111 ~-7J-:j

% A}-§-"6]-oj ~{!:fl-~1Cj ~-1 :rl-~-% A16~~- ':f, j;]~ AJ-1~]

5mm !f-~}1J~- -a<t1t}Jl 5mm If}Qr 7JA}(grasping forcep)~

%4-Q-] ~l7;lQ} Ad-[~_~ 2I}Q{ii]-9,j,r}, All~/)\~ ¥~-~.g. 5mms:­

*N ;Q--I', T-.i"oJl ~~B}s:l2-\..t ~lAt!'1 '<J-FI1 9} i>T!'1 ~I

Table 1. Results of Laparoscopic and Open Appendectomy

~loJl rrJ4 6·M!'1 c'(lol-l" ']"l-Je}. il'T~Hlfc°1 :~Pa"l\'i '"

YJ- t-11~lAl %T-~TI% :;<-1Jl~6f~t9_s:- 7;lcl~ 4-. -ty/J-7~%

5;hi 0~AJ-Y_~ ,,~-!ljl lJn~ e}~ o}?~~.Q1 -1f-l1:tJ2-~ -t=-~'C.

* ~.g. 4- BB ~-Lo_£ lJ1t-B,JI H i'-] zr~ 1.]0]:£ %4-:~A~l~

% AP~B}'lJ,c1.

';'lAlI ~A}ce 22'l1-",-", 'JA}7} 14"J, ojA}7} 8D,J°I~rl-. T~

;,1 L]ol;c G.9-15.S"11 (""o,Bk 12.2A11J:lJ.cI. 711,,\-;c.i1} ,,\-7J'iI;c,"­

.Lj-Lj- ll'i3 0I9.lJl,Lj- ~-2 ';JA}l} 7'i3, ojA}7} 4'i3'ljol~r}. II

,,\-;7-!'1 LJo!'c 7.7-15.4AlI (""oJiIl: 1O.1'11l, ,,\-7J'i1;7-,Oc G.9-15.S

All (%O,Hk J:l.OAlll'lN. "11%-2 /l';,~ol 29.0- 72.0kg (%oJiiJ;

40.0 kg), "j-J,J:;J,;r°1 24.0-77.0kg ('t°,JiiJ; 47.0kg)ol~rl. y',c­A];;'}.g. /B~-i'o] 20-00* (~oJ~- ;{).O*), ~-7J;,;:Ji-o] ;-)()-7G*

(c-:5'0JiiJ; 55.0{,'-) 0,-"_ -,\-!J7,Jrol 711-'\-roJl 81<>1 t!~rl­

(p<OH51. Tfc ·f "H!;I{H', 71,*,,'01 2 4'l1 (%oJ~k :l.O'l1I,

-'\-WJr-2 2-3<;) (c-:5'0JiiJ; 2.0'll)-", -,\-/J·:;Jrol 7i1-'\-r"ll *1

!l~clJ]:(1-°1 ri9}t:] (p<O.05). T~ '~-;zH\'J11 /+1h"- 711,,\-;c"ll

;,1 5"11, 'i7J7U-2 6"1]o1I}'i ;'1-ilt}9!.-o_L} -\'i-lIIW'i "iulce (fJ Sic]-, *7J~ {2-~~]Al 7B* ~~2-~ ~~t.0-=- fct~"[1-, 'T1z- -=}

'~~~.g. ,,';-7J;::r~{~]Al 7d-AJ1f-~~ ~71~~-~~1 Ql~ §Fd-o] 1

oj] ~]5irl-, ~-~r-Jl, l,:J?J ~~jl ):}~. ~l[l]{t A11.2-1~- ,~lir-Jl-~

T- ~,'oJl "I,ii["t~.h": uJi, WJ1,j~-2 74£).244-l,(m,ffil~ (%

:QiiJ; 8.13,8.13), 711-'\-r-2 5S1,14'2-ffii,ffi}-'[i (c-:5':QiJ; 751,3ffi-'[i) 0,-", ,*7J':l ;,'!'I ~l""-"I!} \li;l)A (p<O.05)

Open appendectomy (n-11) Laparoscopic appendectomy (n-11)

Age (years) 10.1 (7.7-15.4)

Sex ratio (M:F)

Weight (kg)

Operative time (minutet

Hospital stay (days)'

Cost (It

Values are median * statistically significant, p<O.05


40.4 (290-72.0)

35.0 (20-80)

3 (2-4)

751,398 (581,142-906,695)

13.0 (6.9-15.5)


47.0 (240-77.0)

55.0 (30-75)

2 (2-3)

833,836(749,244-1,037,661 I

Page 3: Laparoscopic Appendectomy in Nonperforated Appendicitis of

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Page 4: Laparoscopic Appendectomy in Nonperforated Appendicitis of


\i!~! q-"N4oJiAi cO:"}9]CO} ':l"l9i'PH T~coJl 41~}

};ljl'c UiUliiijl, 26}5'1"i 2iA} \1'+".S'. tBiiiaJ:;:l'il-i'·'c

c6-~11Jljl ~'C.~~1 ~ol ~i~_olclJ010. /l~~l Jljl~lS:}lJ ~6}

aliAl"i -'PJ-7J %T1!Ali~ali [II~ ~'i'c 2 oi-"i"i"i Ai7} °i LJ 91-"} 9i)H *11 °i-Y-"1~1 'F'J"l '?ir-~ cO:6}9Iit} 9]"} oJ1 2-1~ _~<5J0~ ZhL Ad:!!}/']- ~-~W ~olr}. -hPJ;;:J T~oJl

[11~ Jl'T-c 91"'} 9]),}"'-,'i ~Ai~ol Ll k:'c 01 0 1 <lj"S'. },~-~,:t Al~ojl Al~l-:J!-} <tiAa~' !f-7:}W lIB Al~-?'~c;>J ~l-~ol V

% 3l *}.

~O}712-1 tll1!-i %'T~ojl rH~ ~~-7J;;:l %'T-TIA11~,g- !B -"l- 'ii'~"!!Ali;:CoJi 81tll c'~~ "Wol 't)ol"ijl {lli817} %,7}

il}Al~-, ;;zili':! 71~l-Ql 4-~s. ~A}ojl}ll 1?l-~4--g: T~- ~~_~

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