laravel step 0 (introduction)

Laravel Step ZERO The introduction to Laravel

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Page 1: Laravel Step 0 (Introduction)

Laravel Step ZEROThe introduction to Laravel

Page 2: Laravel Step 0 (Introduction)


● Lecturer introduce

● PHP in Brief○ PHP Basic (Variable, Controls, Function)

○ PHP Intermediate (OOP)

● Web Application Development World○ CMS (Content Management System)

○ Application Frameworks

● Introduction to Laravel○ What is Laravel?

○ Why Laravel?

○ Prerequisites

● Development Environment

● Workshop & Assignments

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● Simply a full stack developers since high school

● Graduated MS from CPE@KMUTT

● Do research but still love application developments

● Dev everything from web to Android to iOS

● Feel free to discuss with me, I love knowledge sharing!

Hello! it’s me, Spicydog!

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A Quick Review for PHP

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● Established in 1995

● Zend Technologies and PHP communities

● Most popular version: 5.6

● Most recent version: 7.1 (recommend 7.0)

● PHP is a SCRIPT Language

● Designed for web development (I am good at string things)

● Almost dominate the internet,

supported by most hosting,

has so many CMS and frameworks

PHP is everywhere and now here!

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Let’s Rock with PHP Variable

$ for variable

$a = “1” // string(1) "1"

$b = ’1’ // string(1) "1"

$c = 1 // int(1)

$d = 1.0 // float(1)

var_dump() for variable information

var_dump($a+$b); // int(2)

var_dump($a.$b); // string(2) "11"

var_dump($a+$c); // int(2)

var_dump($c.$d); // string(2) "11"

var_dump($c+$d); // float(2)

So becareful!

PHP is dynamic type, it works most of the times but it always.

You must cast types with intval(), floatval(), and friends.. sometimes

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'string' and "string" are NOT the same!










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Functions in PHP are also similar to C and Java

function name($param1, $param2) {

return $param1 . $param2;


name(‘1’,’2’); // string(2) "12"

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Class in PHP <?phpclass Foo{ public static $my_static = 'foo';

public function staticValue() { return self::$my_static; }}

class Bar extends Foo{ public function fooStatic() { return parent::$my_static; }}

print Foo::$my_static . "\n";

$foo = new Foo();print $foo->staticValue() . "\n";print $foo->my_static . "\n"; // Undefined "Property" my_static

print $foo::$my_static . "\n";$classname = 'Foo';print $classname::$my_static . "\n"; // As of PHP 5.3.0

print Bar::$my_static . "\n";$bar = new Bar();print $bar->fooStatic() . "\n";?>

self for static

$this for object

:: call to static

-> call to object

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Web Application Development World

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In web application development world, we..

Do it easy

Do it quick

Do it simple

Do it readable

Do it secure

Do it extendable

We try to use less money and time to have things done!

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So we go for CMS and Frameworks

● CMS (Content management System)○ A web application for content management

○ Install and ready to go!

○ Work on most simple tasks

○ Not very flexible

● Application Framework○ A template for application development

○ Pattern the code

○ Avoid reinvent the wheel

○ Easy and dev on top and flexible for most tasks

○ Require programming skills

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Getting Started with Laravel

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Laravel, a super productive PHP framework

● Laravel first launched in 2011

● Current version is 5.3

● Developed on top of Symfony

● Aims: fun, productive, clean, extendable

● Relatively bad in performance (but not that bad!)

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Why Laravel?

● Easy to learn! (hopefully)

● Full of tools, ready for dev, tons of libraries

● We want our application to finish as fast as possible

● We want to work least

● We want our application easy to develop

● Our application is not user intensive

● Save time, save money, and done more things!

Say all of these in one word..


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Don’t Worry!I’m here to help you out :)

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CLI stands for Command Line Interface

Similar to Command Prompt and whatever Shell but this is PHP

Try this on your terminal! php -a

Are you using Windows? Good luck, help yourself! GOOGLE

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A primitive flow for software development

Client (Request) => Controller (Logic) => Model (Data Logic) => Controller (Login Again) => View (Display) => Client (Response)

Partitioning codesby its functionality

Easy to maintain

This is a must-knownthing in any software development

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The most popular dependency management tool in PHP

Get any libraries by typing in CLI

For example,

Install Laravel, we simply enter:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog

Add library to laravel we do:

composer require "laravelcollective/html":"^5.2.0"

Q: Where did I get these commands?

A: Google it man, they are on the website

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Artisan CLI

Artisan is a PHP CLI Tool help you manage Laravel components

Simply go to Laravel root directory and type: php artisan

We are going to talk about this later since we are going to use it a lot!

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Development Environment

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Make sure you can run..

php from your command lineOtherwise, install PHP (we use PHP 5.6+)

composer from your command lineOtherwise, install Composer

Web Server on your computerRecommend Apache for RookieYou can use XAMPP for Windows or MAMP for Mac or LAMP for Linux

PHP IDEI recommend PhpStorm, use your student status to claim a license

GitWe use Git here, you can use SourceTree if you want GUI client

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Workshop & Assignments

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The most valuable skill is the skill to learn new things, so here is your works have to make it done before next time

- Install development environment I have talked in last section

- Install your first Laravel Application

- Have a look at Directory Structure

- Try whatever you want


- Wanna in advance? Go watch to Laracasts

- Free public cloud you can get from AWS Free Tier

Or claim free DigitalOcean credit from Github Student

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Woo hoo!No more slides, let’s rock!