large-scale semantic 3d reconstruction: an adaptive multi … · 2017. 4. 4. · large-scale...

Large-Scale Semantic 3D Reconstruction: an Adaptive Multi-Resolution Model for Multi-Class Volumetric Labeling Maroš Bláha ,1 Christoph Vogel ,1,2 Audrey Richard 1 Jan D. Wegner 1 Thomas Pock 2,3 Konrad Schindler 1 1 ETH Zurich 2 Graz University of Technology 3 AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Abstract We propose an adaptive multi-resolution formulation of se- mantic 3D reconstruction. Given a set of images of a scene, semantic 3D reconstruction aims to densely reconstruct both the 3D shape of the scene and a segmentation into semantic object classes. Jointly reasoning about shape and class allows one to take into account class-specific shape priors (e.g., building walls should be smooth and vertical, and vice versa smooth, vertical surfaces are likely to be building walls), leading to improved reconstruction results. So far, semantic 3D reconstruction methods have been limited to small scenes and low resolution, because of their large memory footprint and computational cost. To scale them up to large scenes, we propose a hierarchical scheme which refines the reconstruction only in regions that are likely to contain a surface, exploiting the fact that both high spatial resolution and high numerical precision are only required in those regions. Our scheme amounts to solving a sequence of convex optimizations while progressively removing constraints, in such a way that the energy, in each iteration, is the tightest possible approximation of the underlying energy at full resolution. In our experiments the method saves up to 98% memory and 95% computation time, without any loss of accuracy. 1. Introduction Geometric 3D reconstruction and semantic interpretation of the observed scene are two central themes of computer vision. It is rather obvious that the two problems are not independent: geometric shape is a powerful cue for seman- tic interpretation and vice versa. As an example, consider a simple concrete building wall: the observation that it is vertical rather than horizontal distinguishes it from a road of similar appearance; on the other hand the fact that it is a wall and not a tree crown tells us that it should be flat and vertical. More generally speaking, jointly addressing 3D re- shared first authorship Figure 1: Semantic 3D model of the city of Enschede gener- ated with the proposed adaptive multi-resolution approach. construction and semantic understanding can be expected to deliver at the same time better 3D geometry, via category- specific priors for surface shape, orientation and layout; and better segmentation into semantic object classes, aided by the underlying 3D shape and layout. Jointly inferring 3D geometry and semantics is a hard problem, and has only recently been tackled in a principled manner [17, 25, 36]. These works have shown promising results, but have high demands on computational resources, which limits their ap- plication to small volumes and/or a small number of images with limited resolution. We propose a method for joint 3D reconstruction and se- mantic labeling, which scales to much larger regions and image sets. Our target application is the generation of inter- preted 3D city models from terrestrial and aerial images, i.e. we are faced with scenes that contain hundreds of buildings. Such models are needed for a wide range of tasks in plan- ning, construction, navigation, etc. However, to this day they are generated interactively, which is slow and costly. The core idea of our method is to reconstruct the scene with variable volumetric resolution. We exploit the fact that the observed surface constitutes only a 2D manifold in 3D space. Large regions of most scenes need not be modeled at 3176

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  • Large-Scale Semantic 3D Reconstruction: an Adaptive

    Multi-Resolution Model for Multi-Class Volumetric Labeling

    Maroš Bláha†,1 Christoph Vogel†,1,2 Audrey Richard1 Jan D. Wegner1

    Thomas Pock2,3 Konrad Schindler1

    1 ETH Zurich 2 Graz University of Technology 3 AIT Austrian Institute of Technology


    We propose an adaptive multi-resolution formulation of se-

    mantic 3D reconstruction. Given a set of images of a scene,

    semantic 3D reconstruction aims to densely reconstruct

    both the 3D shape of the scene and a segmentation into

    semantic object classes. Jointly reasoning about shape and

    class allows one to take into account class-specific shape

    priors (e.g., building walls should be smooth and vertical,

    and vice versa smooth, vertical surfaces are likely to be

    building walls), leading to improved reconstruction results.

    So far, semantic 3D reconstruction methods have been

    limited to small scenes and low resolution, because of their

    large memory footprint and computational cost. To scale

    them up to large scenes, we propose a hierarchical scheme

    which refines the reconstruction only in regions that are

    likely to contain a surface, exploiting the fact that both high

    spatial resolution and high numerical precision are only

    required in those regions. Our scheme amounts to solving

    a sequence of convex optimizations while progressively

    removing constraints, in such a way that the energy, in

    each iteration, is the tightest possible approximation of the

    underlying energy at full resolution. In our experiments the

    method saves up to 98% memory and 95% computation

    time, without any loss of accuracy.

    1. Introduction

    Geometric 3D reconstruction and semantic interpretation

    of the observed scene are two central themes of computer

    vision. It is rather obvious that the two problems are not

    independent: geometric shape is a powerful cue for seman-

    tic interpretation and vice versa. As an example, consider

    a simple concrete building wall: the observation that it is

    vertical rather than horizontal distinguishes it from a road

    of similar appearance; on the other hand the fact that it is a

    wall and not a tree crown tells us that it should be flat and

    vertical. More generally speaking, jointly addressing 3D re-

    † shared first authorship

    Figure 1: Semantic 3D model of the city of Enschede gener-

    ated with the proposed adaptive multi-resolution approach.

    construction and semantic understanding can be expected to

    deliver at the same time better 3D geometry, via category-

    specific priors for surface shape, orientation and layout; and

    better segmentation into semantic object classes, aided by

    the underlying 3D shape and layout. Jointly inferring 3D

    geometry and semantics is a hard problem, and has only

    recently been tackled in a principled manner [17, 25, 36].

    These works have shown promising results, but have high

    demands on computational resources, which limits their ap-

    plication to small volumes and/or a small number of images

    with limited resolution.

    We propose a method for joint 3D reconstruction and se-

    mantic labeling, which scales to much larger regions and

    image sets. Our target application is the generation of inter-

    preted 3D city models from terrestrial and aerial images, i.e.

    we are faced with scenes that contain hundreds of buildings.

    Such models are needed for a wide range of tasks in plan-

    ning, construction, navigation, etc. However, to this day

    they are generated interactively, which is slow and costly.

    The core idea of our method is to reconstruct the scene

    with variable volumetric resolution. We exploit the fact that

    the observed surface constitutes only a 2D manifold in 3D

    space. Large regions of most scenes need not be modeled at


  • high resolution – mostly this concerns free space, but also

    parts that are under the ground, inside buildings, etc. Fine

    discretization and, likewise, high numerical precision are

    only required at voxels1 close to the surface.

    Our work builds on the convex energy formulation of

    [17]. That method has the favorable property that its com-

    plexity scales only with the number of voxels, but not with

    the number of observed pixels/rays. Starting from a coarse

    voxel grid, we solve a sequence of problems in which the

    solution is gradually refined only near the (predicted) sur-

    faces. The adaptive refinement saves memory, which makes

    it possible to reconstruct much larger scenes at a given tar-

    get resolution. At the same time it also runs much faster.

    On the one hand the energy function has a lower number

    of variables; on the other hand low frequencies of the solu-

    tion are found at coarse discretization levels, and iterations

    at finer levels can focus on local refinements.

    The contribution of this paper is an adaptive multi-

    resolution framework for semantic 3D reconstruction,

    which progressively refines a volumetric reconstruction

    only where necessary, via a sequence of convex optimiza-

    tion problems. To our knowledge it is the first formula-

    tion that supports multi-resolution optimization and adap-

    tive refinement of the volumetric scene representation. As

    expected, such an adaptive approach exhibits significantly

    better asymptotic behavior: as the resolution increases, our

    method exhibits a quadratic (rather than cubic) increase in

    the number of voxels. In our experiments we observe gains

    up to a factor of 22 in speed and reduced memory consump-

    tion by a factor of 40. Both the geometric reconstruction

    and the semantic labeling are as accurate as with a fixed

    voxel discretization at the highest target resolution.

    Our hierarchical model is a direct extension of the fixed-

    grid convex labeling method [17] and emerges naturally as

    the optimal adaptive extension of that scheme, i.e., under in-

    tuitive assumptions it delivers the tightest possible approx-

    imation of the energy at full grid resolution. Both mod-

    els solve the same energy minimization, except that ours is

    subject to additional equality constraints on the primal vari-

    ables, imposed by the spatial discretization.

    2. Related Work

    Large-scale 3D city reconstruction is an important appli-

    cation of computer vision, e.g. [15, 29, 26]. Research aim-

    ing at purely geometric surface reconstruction rarely uses

    volumetric representations, though, because of the high de-

    mands w.r.t. memory and computational resources. In this

    context [30] already used a preceding semantic labeling to

    improve geometry reconstruction, but not vice versa.

    Initial attempts to jointly perform geometric and seman-

    tic reconstruction started with depth maps [28], but later re-

    1Throughout the paper, the term voxel means a cube in any tesselation

    of 3-space. Different voxels do not necessarily have the same size.

    search, which aimed for truly 3-dimensional reconstruction

    from multiple views, switched to a volumetric representa-

    tion [17, 2, 25, 36, 39], or in rare cases to meshes [9]. The

    common theme of these works is to allow interaction be-

    tween 3D depth estimates and appearance-based labeling

    information, via class specific shape priors. Loosely speak-

    ing, the idea is to obtain at the same time a reconstruction

    with locally varying, class-specific regularization; and a se-

    mantic segmentation in 3D, which is then trivially consis-

    tent across all images. The model of [17] employs a dis-

    crete, tight, convex relaxation of the standard multi-label

    Markov random field problem [42] in 3D, at the cost of high

    memory consumption and computation time. Here, we use

    a similar energy and optimization scheme, but significantly

    reduce the run-time and memory consumption, while retain-

    ing the advantages of a joint model. [25] also jointly solve

    for class label and occupancy state, but model the data term

    with heuristically shortened ray potentials [32, 36]. Yet, the

    representation inherits the asymptotic dependency on the

    number of pixels in the input images. [25] also resort to an

    octree data structure to save memory, which is fixed in the

    beginning according to the ray potentials, contrary to our

    work, where it is adaptively refined. This is perhaps also

    the work that comes closest to ours in terms of large-scale

    urban modeling, but (like other semantic reconstruction re-

    search) it uses only street-level imagery, and thus only needs

    to cover the vicinity of the road network, whereas we recon-

    struct the complete scene.

    Since the seminal work [13] volumetric reconstruction

    has evolved remarkably. Most methods compute a distance

    field or indicator function in the volumetric domain, ei-

    ther from images or by directly merging several 2.5D range

    scans. Once that representation has been established, the

    surface can be extracted as its zero level set, e.g. [33, 22].

    Many volumetric techniques work with a regular parti-

    tioning of the volume of interest [43, 41, 32, 12, 23, 24, 36].

    The data term per voxel is usually some sort of signed dis-

    tance generated from stereo maps, e.g. [43, 41]. Beyond

    stereo depth, [12] propose to also exploit silhouette con-

    straints as additional cue about occupied and empty space.

    Going one step further, [32, 36] model, for each pixel

    in each image, the visibility along the full ray. Such a ge-

    ometrically faithful model of visibility, however, leads to

    higher-order potentials per pixel, comprising all voxels in-

    tersected by the corresponding ray. Consequently the mem-

    ory consumption is no longer proportional to the number of

    voxels, but depends on the number of ray-voxel intersec-

    tions, which can be problematic for larger image sets and/or

    high-resolution images. In contrast, the memory footprint

    of our method (and of others that include visibility locally

    [43, 17]) is linear in the number of voxels, and thus can be

    reduced efficiently by adaptive discretization.

    [27] deviate from a regular partitioning of the volume,


  • and instead start from a Delaunay tetrahedralization of a

    3D point cloud (from multi-view stereo). The tetrahedrons

    are then labeled empty or occupied, and the final surface is

    composed of triangles that are shared by tetrahedrons with

    different labels. The idea was extended by [20], who focus

    on visibility to also recover weakly supported objects.

    In fact even the well-known PMVS multi-view stereo

    method [14] originally includes volumetric surface recon-

    struction from the estimated 3D points and normals. To that

    end, the Poisson reconstruction method [21] was adopted,

    which aligns the surface with a guidance vector field (given

    by the estimated normals). The octree representation of

    [21], was later combined [5] with a cascadic multigrid

    solver, e.g. [8, 16], leading to a significant speed-up. The

    framework is eminently suitable for large scale processing,

    but the least-squares nature inherited from the original Pois-

    son formulation makes it susceptible to outliers. In contrast,

    our formulation can use robust error functions to handle

    noisy input. The price to pay is a more involved optimiza-

    tion problem instead of a simple linear system. We further-

    more exploit that high precision is only needed at voxels

    close to the surface; representing large regions, that have a

    constant semantic label, with many voxels appears wasteful.

    A similar idea was utilized by [1] in the context of stitch-

    ing images in the gradient domain. Contrary to prior work

    [21, 5, 10], our octree structure is not predetermined by the

    input data, but refined adaptively, such that we can exploit

    the per-class probabilities rather than only a minimal energy

    solution. Compared to refining all voxels with data, we can

    avoid many unnecessary splits that would otherwise be in-

    voked by noise in the depth maps.

    One can interpret our method as a combination of multi-

    grid (coarse-to-fine) reconstruction on a volumetric pyra-

    mid [43, 41], and adaptive hierarchical refinement, e.g. [19].

    We also refine selectively, and initialize the solver from pre-

    vious results for faster convergence.

    3. Method

    To address 3D semantic segmentation and geometry re-

    construction in a joint fashion, we follow the approach of

    [17]. The model employs an implicit volumetric represen-

    tation, allowing for arbitrary but closed and oriented topol-

    ogy of the resulting surface. One limitation of that model is

    its huge memory consumption, which we address with our

    spatially adaptive scheme, without loss in quality.

    3.1. Discrete Formulation

    In [17] a bounding box of the region of interest is sub-

    divided into regular and equally sized voxels s ∈ Ω. Themodel then determines the likelihood that an individual

    voxel is in a certain state. The scene is described by a set of

    indicator functions xis ∈ [0, 1], which are constant per voxelelement s. As indicated by the respective function (xi = 1),

    Figure 2: Contribution to the data term of the ray r through

    pixel p observing class i and depth d, c.f . Eqs. (3a,3b).

    the voxels can take on a state (i.e. a class) i out of a prede-

    fined set C = {0 . . .M − 1}. For our urban scenario weconsider a voxel to either be freespace (i = 0), or occupiedwith building wall, roof, vegetation or ground. Additionally

    we collect objects that are not explicitly modeled in an extra

    clutter state. A solution to the labeling problem is found by

    minimizing the energy:

    E(x) =∑



    ρisxis +


  • ρis := σi if r(p, d+ δ) ∈ s ∧ i 6= 0 , and (3a)

    ρis :=

    β if ∃ d̂ : r(p, d̂) ∈ s ∧ 0

  • that the overhead introduced by the adaptive data structure

    is negligible.

    4.2. Discrete Energy in the Octree

    Other than in the regular voxel grid ΩLN :=Ω, voxels ofdifferent sizes coexist in the refined volume Ωl at resolutionlevel l ∈ {L0, . . . , LN}. Our derivation of the correspond-ing generalized energy starts from three desired properties:

    (i) Elements form a hierarchy defined by an octree. (ii) Each

    voxel, independent of its resolution, holds the same set of

    variables. (iii) The energy can only decrease if the dis-

    cretization is refined from Ωl to Ωl+1:

    El(x∗l ) ≥ El+1(Al,l+1x

    ∗l ) ≥ El+1(x

    ∗l+1). (5)

    Here, we have defined the linear operator Al,l+1 to lift thevectorized set of primal variables xl :=




    x(s) :=((xi(s))i=0...M−1, (xijk (s))i,j=0...M−1, k=1,2,3)



    to the refined discretization at level l+ 1. While the secondinequality in (5) follows immediately from the optimality of

    x∗, the first one defines the relationship between solutions at

    coarser and finer levels. In case of equality, we can observe

    that minimizing our energy w.r.t. the reduced variable set

    at coarser level corresponds to minimizing the energy of its

    lifted version in the refined discretization.

    In the light of (i), any proper prolongation must fulfill:

    Al+1,l+2Al,l+1 = Al,l+2. Then, with the choice El(xl) :=E(Al,LNxl), equality in the first part of (iii) holds:

    E(Al,LNxl) = El(xl) ≥ El+1(Al,l+1xl) =

    E(Al+1,LNAl,l+1xl) = E(Al,LNxl)(7)

    Prolongation Operator. Because of the hierarchical struc-

    ture it is sufficient to specify mappings only for a single

    coarse parent voxel s and one of its descendants s̄. We fur-

    ther assemble the operator from two parts, which individu-

    ally lift indicator and transition variables:

    A :=[

    (AI)T; (AIJ)T]T

    . (8)

    We start with the former:

    AIl,L(s, s̄) :=[


    , AIl,L∈RM×M ,0∈RM×3M



    AIl,L(i, j) = 1 iff i = j and 0 else.(9)

    The operator is already specified for general L ≥ l. Then,the data energy of a labeling xis for a coarse voxel s at level

    l becomes:∑

    s̄∈ΩLN∩s, i ρis̄A


    (s, s̄)xis =∑

    i ρisxis. In

    accordance with (1), we abbreviated the data term for the

    coarse voxel with ρs, summing over all its descendants.

    To define the prolongation of the transition variables

    xij(s), we first analyze the splitting of a single voxel. Thesituation is illustrated in Fig. 3, for simplicity restricted to a

    (a) (b) (c)

    Figure 3: Adaptive regularizer (2D case).

    2 label, 2D case. After splitting the coarse voxel (Fig. 3a),

    its refined version has to fulfill the constraints from (2). All

    inner constraints (Fig. 3b, blue lines) can be fulfilled by set-

    ting xiik = xi and x

    ijk = 0 else, which also avoids a penalty

    from the regularizer. Voxel with non-zero transitions are

    only found at the boundary (Fig. 3b, pink lines). Depending

    on the location at the border of the coarse voxel, different

    components of the argument of the regularizer φ can be set

    to 0 (Fig. 3b). Further, after additional splits (Fig. 3c), thesame functional forms occur with different frequency. This

    motivates the choice of a level-dependent regularizer. For

    a voxel at level l we use the weighted sum of functions that

    occur at its border after maximal refinement. Let ∂eks be

    the boundary of s in direction ek. We can now define our

    lifting of the transition variables from a parent voxel s ∈ Ωl

    to s̄ ∈ ΩL ∩ s:

    AIJl,L(s, s̄) :=[



    , BIl,L∈R3M2×M, BIJl,L∈R


    BIl,L((i, i, k), (i)) = 1 iff ∂ek s̄ 6⊂ ∂eks and 0 else

    BIJl,L((i, j, k), (i, j, k)) = 1 iff ∂ek s̄ ⊂ ∂eks and 0 else.


    Feasibility is preserved by construction and both conditions

    for (7) are fulfilled (proof in the supplementary material).

    Adaptive regularization. Our regularizer, Φijl (xijs − x

    jis ),

    depends on the resolution of a voxel and is of the form:

    Φl(z) := φ(z)+3




    Tekek). (11)

    At faces we measure φ(zTekek), at edges φ(z−zTekek) for

    some direction ek, k = 1, 2, 3 and in the corner we get φ(z).The weights reflect the occurrence of grid-level voxels at the

    boundary of the enclosing parent voxel (c.f . Fig. 3c):

    wle := 2LN−l − 1 and wlf := (w


    2. (12)

    All our (an-)isotropic regularizers are of the form φ(z) :=supn∈W n

    Tz, since T ij ||n||2 = supn:||n||2≤T ij nTz. Equa-

    tion (11) is then equivalent to:

    Φl(z) := supn∈W l


    W l := W ⊕3


    wlePHk(W )⊕ wlfPLk(W ) ,



  • where W l is the Minkowski sum of the respective setsand P denotes a projection onto the plane Hk := {x ∈R

    3|xTek = 0}, respectively the line Lk := {sek|s ∈ R}.

    Numerical scheme. Equipped with prolongation operator,

    scale-dependent regularizer Φijl and data term, our energyfor an arbitrary hierarchical discretization Ωl of 3-space be-comes:

    El(xl) =∑



    ρisxis +


  • Figure 4: Input data for our method: oriented images

    (top), cutouts from 1 nadir and 2 oblique views (middle),

    depthmap and class probability map (bottom).

    Data set Error measure Octree Grid MB

    Scene 1Overall acc. [%] 92.8 92.3 89.1

    Average acc. [%] 92.2 91.7 87.0

    Scene 2Overall acc. [%] 83.9 83.4 82.5

    Average acc. [%] 80.6 79.9 81.4

    Table 1: Quantitative verification of our results with the grid

    model and the MultiBoost input data from [4].

    target resolution. The fixed grid requires 600 iterations to

    converge. In our multi-resolution procedure, we run 200

    iterations at every level, then refine all voxels that fulfill the

    splitting criterion, and run the next 200 iterations. When

    the first voxels have reached the target resolution LN we

    run 100 iterations, conditionally split voxels that are not yetat minimal size, and finally run another 100 iterations.

    One problem we face is the lack of 3D ground truth. To

    quantitatively check the correctness of the results, we use

    the following procedure: we select two representative im-

    ages from our data set and manually label them to obtain a

    semantic ground truth. For the corresponding scene parts,

    we then run semantic 3D reconstruction, back-project the

    result to the images, and compare them to the ground-truth

    labeling in terms of overall accuracy and average accuracy.

    Tab. 1 summarizes the outcomes of the comparison. The

    differences between adaptive and non-adaptive reconstruc-

    tion are vanishingly small (< 0.7 percent points) and mostlydue to aliasing. The comparison for one of the two scenes is

    illustrated in Fig. 5. The classification maps from the octree

    and the full grid are almost indistinguishable, which under-

    lines that the two methods give virtually the same results.

    We conclude that our refinement scheme is valid and does

    not lead to any loss in accuracy compared to the full voxel

    grid. Labels back-projected from the semantic 3D recon-

    struction are less noisy than the raw classifier output. How-

    ever, the reconstruction (both adaptive and non-adaptive)

    introduces a systematic error at sharp 3D boundaries, best

    Figure 5: Comparison of the labeling accuracy. Colors indi-

    cate ground (gray), building (red), roof (yellow), vegetation

    (green) and clutter (blue).

    Figure 6: Left: Two images from the Enschede dataset.

    Middle left: Semantic 3D models (Scene 3 & 4). Mid-

    dle right: Back-projected models overlayed on the images.

    Right: Pure volumetric 3D models [41]. Note errors such as

    deformed and fragmented buildings or flattened vegetation.

    visible along transitions between building walls and roofs.

    This bias originates from our data term, which forces the

    voxels behind the observed depth (in ray direction) to be

    occupied. This fattening effect was also observed in [36],

    and it was shown that complete ray potentials can remedy

    the problem, at the cost of much higher memory consump-

    tion. In spite of the fattening, the back-projected 3D models

    are still (slightly) more correct than the MultiBoost results.

    The gains are larger in the opposite direction, i.e. the se-

    mantic information significantly improves the 3D surface

    shape. Fig. 6 illustrates exemplary cases where our class-

    specific priors lead to superior 3D models compared to a

    generic regularization of the surface area [41]. Unfortu-

    nately that effect is hard to quantify.

    Performance Analysis. We go on to measure how much

    memory and computation time we save by adaptively refin-

    ing the reconstruction only where needed. As a baseline, we

    run the non-adaptive method at full target resolution. Even

    at 0.4m voxel size the storage requirements of the baselinelimit the comparison to four smaller subsets of our dataset.

    For a fair comparison, we cut the bounding box for the

    non-adaptive method such that it tightly encloses the data

    (whereas our octree implementation always covers a cubic

    volume). Since the city of Enschede is flat, this favors the

    non-adaptive method. In rough terrain or non-topographic

    applications the gains will be even higher.


  • [email protected] [sec] [email protected] [GB] [email protected] [GB]

    Scene 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 3 4

    Octree 19883 19672 5488 4984 2.7 2.6 0.7 0.7 3.3 2.7

    Grid 430545 416771 91982 92893 54.3 54.3 13.6 13.6 108.5 108.5

    Octree (naive) 43174 43845 10603 11343 6.5 6.8 1.7 1.9 — —

    Ratio (Grid) 21.7 21.2 16.8 18.6 20.1 20.9 19.4 19.4 32.9 40.2

    Ratio (Octree naive) 2.2 2.2 1.9 2.3 2.4 2.6 2.4 2.7 — —

    Table 2: Comparison of run-time and memory footprint of our method (Octree), [17] (Grid), and a naive Octree. Maximum

    gains for processing time and memory consumption per refinement level are shown in bold. The target Grids feature a

    resolution of 512 x 512 x 256 (Scene 1 and 2) and 256 x 256 x 256 (Scene 3 and 4) at 0.4m.

    Figure 7: Evolution of the multi-scale semantic 3D model over five refinement steps. Top: Reconstructions at the correspond-

    ing refinement levels. Both shape and semantic labels gradually emerge in a coarse-to-fine manner. Bottom: Vertical slice

    through the scene, with color-coded voxel size (respectively, depth in the octree).

    The hierarchical scheme starts with voxels of size

    13.5m, and does 5 refinements to reach a target resolu-tion of 0.4m. The results are summarized in Tab. 2. In allscenes, the adaptive computation saves around 95% of bothmemory and computation time. To quantify the effect of

    the proposed splitting criterion (Sec. 4) we further contrast

    it with a simpler adaptive procedure which naively splits

    any voxel with non-zero data cost (Tab. 2). Our method,

    which takes into account the class likelihoods, uses around

    2.5× less memory and is more than 2× faster. For the twosmaller scenes 3 and 4 we refine one level further to a target

    resolution of 0.2m. At that resolution the baseline wouldrequire>108GB of memory, 33−40× more than our adap-tive scheme. We only had 64GB of RAM available, so wecould not compare computation time. Across our experi-

    ments, we observe an empirical gain of 1.9N over N refine-

    ments, for both processing time and memory consumption.

    Fig. 7 illustrates the evolution of our adaptive scheme

    over 5 refinement steps. The top row shows the interme-

    diate reconstruction, gradually improving in terms of ac-

    curacy and detail. The bottom row shows a vertical slice

    through the volume, with voxels color-coded according

    to their size, respectively refinement level. Colors range

    from blue (coarse, 13.5m3 voxels) to yellow (fine, 0.2m3

    voxels). One can clearly see the splitting near surfaces

    (class boundaries), while voxels in homogeneous areas like

    freespace or the inside of buildings remain big.

    Large-Scale City Reconstruction. Finally, we proceed

    to our target application of large-scale city reconstruction.

    We process the whole data set of 510 images and recon-

    struct an extensive semantic model of the city of Enschede

    (3km2) with a target resolution of 0.8m, respectively 12048

    of the bounding volume, see Fig. 1. Our adaptive scheme

    requires a moderate 27.9GB of memory, and completed thereconstruction in 40 hours on one PC. The same resolution(2048×2048×128) would require 434GB of memory with-out a multi-resolution scheme.

    6. Conclusion

    We have proposed an adaptive multi-resolution process-

    ing scheme for (joint) semantic 3D reconstruction. The

    method makes it possible to process much larger scenes

    than was previously possible with volumetric reconstruc-

    tion schemes, without any loss in quality of the results.

    In future work, we plan to extend the scheme to irreg-

    ular discretizations, such as the recently popular Delaunay

    tetrahedralizations, so as to adapt even better to the data at

    hand. Moreover, our basic idea is generic and not limited to

    semantic 3D reconstruction. We would like to explore other

    applications where it may be useful to embed the convex

    relaxation scheme in an adaptive multi-resolution grid.

    Acknowledgements. We thank Christian Häne and Marc

    Pollefeys for source code and discussions. This work was

    supported by SNF grant 200021_157101.


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