last meeting, massa marittima (italy) - portogallo dissemination plan tof


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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Slow Food is a global organization with supporters in 150 countries around the world who are linking the pleasure of good food with a commitment to their community and the environment It was founded to counter the rise of fast food and fast life, the disappearance of local food traditions and peoples dwindling interest in the food they eat, where it comes from, how it tastes and how our food choices affect the rest of the world. Slow Food believes food is tied to many other aspects of life, including culture, politics, agriculture and the environment. Through our food choices we can collectively influence how food is cultivated, produced and distributed, and as a result bring about great change. Slow Food Monteregio was born in May 2002, taking the name and the territory from this wine denomination. The Monteregio area is a territory with an identity consolidated in the last years, finding in Slow Food Monteregio a promoter of the good, clean and right expression of this country. SLOW FOOD INTERNATIONAL
  4. 4. D DISSEMINATION 1 Meeting In Rome- 13/6/2014 2 Terra Madre Toscana 10/10/2014 3 Salonedel Gusto Torino 24/10/2014 4 Koszalin Polnia Project Grundtvig Partnership Act for share Meeting 10/2014 5 Capodistria Prison and University Cosmesi Lubiana Meeting 6- 9/1/2015 - Ne Vale La Pena Gorgona Prison Director presentation Biblioteca Bagno a Ripoli- Firenze 20/2/2015 - Meeting Gorgona prison during KA1 3/2015 - Meeting in the ENO- Gastronomic Institut in Occasion of KA1 3/2015 6 Best practices in Toscanys prisons Bagno a Ripoli Florence library 7 Florence Europe Festival 5-6/5/2015 8 Epale Adults Education European Platform 6/5/2015 9 London meeting project Grundtvig Act for Share 7/2015 10 Slow food meeting in other italian regions 5/2015 11 Expo Milano 15/8/2015 12 Epale Platform 13 Website Slow Food Regional 14 Website Penitenciaries Institutions 15 - Blog GUSTO LIBERT
  7. 7. 3 International Meeting: Turkey
  9. 9. Cooperativa Beniamino & Slow Food Elba e Capraia
  10. 10. Cooperativa Beniamino & Slow Food Elba e Capraia Progetto Taste of Freedom Presso la Casa di Reclusione di Porto Azzurro Isola dElba Settembre 2014 Febbraio 2015
  11. 11. Cooperativa Beniamino & Slow Food Elba e Capraia From September to Febraury: We made 7 meetings with inmates of Porto Azzurro. We also worked with their educators to decide how to continue our project. We decided to make some meetings to choose the recipies and to meet the farmers. Now we have 23 inmates at the meetings!!!!!
  12. 12. Cooperativa Beniamino & Slow Food Elba e Capraia 1st meeting: 9 October 2014 1. Report for the inmates of the meeting held in Turkey; We brought the printed material to show him as in other prisons were playing the project We talked about the turkish food and our experience. The prisoners were very happy to see us after our visit in Turkey, they asked a lots of questions. We promise that we would brind to them the little present (Pastry) that we could not give to them now as we had not received the ok from the prison authority,some of them where a bit upset. 2. Choice of the logo of the project 3. We project the future meetings to choose the recipes for the e-book , with the layout that is required ..
  13. 13. Cooperativa Beniamino & Slow Food Elba e Capraia 2nd meeting: 16 October 2014 1. We presented to the inmates our intention to invite at the meeting some producers and farmers of the island. The local producers that we will bring with us have vegetables, Olive oli, Honey, Marmalade. 2. We chose 10 recipes of Elba with the inmates (2 starters, 3 first dishes, 3 second dishes, 2 desserts) that they will prepare for all of us. They will change the typical recipes with some idea form their land of origin (fusion cuisine). 3. We tasted the typical Turkish sweets that we had bought for them, and Carlo talked with them about the use of spices and dried fruit in Turkish cuisine.
  14. 14. Cooperativa Beniamino & Slow Food Elba e Capraia 3rd meeting: 20 November 2014 We had a very interesting day as the President of the Agricultural Union of Elba came to talk about the Olive oil and Honey. We had olive oil and some good bread and we tasted 3 kind of oil. The producer talked about the process to make olive oil and something about the olive cultivation. We taste also 3 kind ok honey that another producer has given us.
  15. 15. Cooperativa Beniamino & Slow Food Elba e Capraia The prisoner asked many questions showing great interest and looking forward to the next meeting, with other producer.
  16. 16. Cooperativa Beniamino & Slow Food Elba e Capraia 4th meeting: 4 December 2014 Today we have a Local producer of Fruit and Vegetable who will talk about the problems they have to keep the Market going considering the different number of population between Summer and Winter. Was a very good meeting, the Prisoner asked a lots of questions, and each one of them had his solution to the problems.
  17. 17. Cooperativa Beniamino & Slow Food Elba e Capraia 5th meeting: 11 December 2014 The prisoners made some cake, we also brought some local cake. It was an interesting morning comparying the different recipes, and the reasons for it. We also discussed the next event wich will take place in the month of January 2015. We will bring the ingredients and the prisoners will cook in their cells, and then bring the food to the class-room, that we will arrange, for the event, as we have done before.
  18. 18. Cooperativa Beniamino & Slow Food Elba e Capraia 12 January 2015 We participated in a meeting organized by the prison for planning activities during 2015. There were many associations and we have submitted the next steps of the project Taste of Freedom.
  19. 19. Cooperativa Beniamino & Slow Food Elba e Capraia 6th meeting: 15 January 2015 We could not bring the ingredients for the prisoner as we did not get permission from the Director of the prison for some burocratic reasons,we will do it next week,in the meantime we changed few recipe,we informed the prisoners and we are all looking forward to next week.
  20. 20. Cooperativa Beniamino & Slow Food Elba e Capraia 7th meeting: 22 January 2015 We had a great day to day the dishes made by the prisoner are fantastic ,well made, very good, it was a very good morning, and as we can see from the photo we took. It is incredible what they could do without a proper facility, never the less they did a fantastic job, well done.
  21. 21. Cooperativa Beniamino & Slow Food Elba e Capraia Rachele e Carlo organized the lunch in prison and they have aeten with them Sea Salad with octopus, mussels, clams..
  22. 22. Cooperativa Beniamino & Slow Food Elba e Capraia Meat rolls with bacon pinenuts and raisins
  23. 23. Cooperativa Beniamino & Slow Food Elba e Capraia
  24. 24. Cooperativa Beniamino & Slow Food Elba e Capraia
  25. 25. Dissemination plan 1. traveling exhibition of the project in the school of Marina di Campo , Porto Azzurro and Marciana Marina 2. Traveling exhibition in the public library of Campo nellElba 3. Traveling exhibition inside the area of the prison of Porto Azzurro 4. Traveling exhibition in the citadel of Porto Azzurro prison to allow schools to visit the exhibition
  27. 27. Dissemination plan -Plan de difusin- Sabor a Libertad Taste of Freedom (La informacin del proyecto en los medios informativos) (Proyect information in the media) Aula Adscrita de Personas Adultas AAPA - Centro Penitenciario de Las Palmas
  28. 28. Prensa digital Digital Press
  29. 29. Enlaces, Web pages. February 2015 : Medios de mbito estatal (Espaa): Agencia Europa Press: Diario La Vanguardia (versin digital): participa-en.html Diario digital: -canariasahora: Diario digital El Economista: europeo.html#.Kku8Aap8jvqPK3v Medios de difusin locales (Canarias): Diario Canarias7: Diario El Da: Diario Las Palmas (digital):
  30. 30. Entrevista en Televisin Canaria Canary TV Interview
  31. 31. Entrevistas en radios locales Local Radio interviews Radio ECCA
  32. 32. CanariasRadio
  33. 33. Exposicin en prisin Prisons Exposition
  34. 34. Exposicin en CEPA Las Palmas Cono Sur CEPAs Exposition
  35. 35. Otros enlaces Other links: C.E.P.A. Las Palmas Cono Sur:
  36. 36. Oficina de Programas Europeos en Canarias:
  37. 37. Centro de Profesores de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria:
  38. 38. AAPA - Prensa escolar. El Patio N 5:
  39. 39. Otros Enlaces Other links: CEPA Las Palmas Cono Sur: mard/2015/02/04/visita-de-los-socios-del-proyecto-europeo- de-colaboracion/ Oficina de Programas Europeos en Canarias: ec/saboreando-la-libertad/ Centro de Profesores de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: /scripts/default.asp?W=12 Prensa escolar. El Patio N 5:
  40. 40. Aula Adscrita de Personas Adultas AAPA - Centro Penitenciario de Las Palmas Gracias por la atencin - Thank you for your attention
  42. 42. PANEVEZYS CORRECTION HOUSE The project advertising stand in Panevezys Correction House (for the community of Panevezys Correction House and for the visitors) the information there is changed after each partner meeting; PROJECT TASTE OF FREEDOM DISSEMINATION PLAN
  43. 43. PANEVEZYS CORRECTION HOUSE PROJECT TASTE OF FREEDOM DISSEMINATION PLAN The dissemination of the project in the community of the Panevezys Correction House (sharing knowledge and experience after the international meetings among staff and inmates).
  44. 44. PANEVEZYS CORRECTION HOUSE PROJECT TASTE OF FREEDOM DISSEMINATION PLAN Disseminating all project activities on the website of Panevezys Correction House (in a special section Projects Grundtvig Project and in the section News as well) the descriptions off all the project activities as well as photos, films, etc. are published there. This website is a part of the website of Prison Department of Lithuania, so the information is available for all prisons of Lithuania.
  45. 45. The information about the project is disseminated by the organizations and volunteers participating in project activities (they are sharing the information about project in their organizations, communities, etc.). PANEVEZYS CORRECTION HOUSE PROJECT TASTE OF FREEDOM DISSEMINATION PLAN
  46. 46. PANEVEZYS CORRECTION HOUSE PROJECT TASTE OF FREEDOM DISSEMINATION PLAN Project disseminating event was organized in January, involving the community of Panevezys Correction House and the community of the Professional Training Centre, functioning in our institution (when the logo exhibition was open in Lithuania).
  47. 47. PANEVEZYS CORRECTION HOUSE PROJECT TASTE OF FREEDOM DISSEMINATION PLAN The information in the media we are planning to send the article about the project to our National Agency to publish it on their web-site.
  49. 49. DURING THE PROJECT Between February and June
  51. 51. 1.To Send project details to local newspaper and magazines We have sent project details to the newspaper called AYAn Sesi and they published it. We will also send them again in April and June.
  52. 52. 2.To publish project news on our website and prison's website We published and will publish project news on our website and prisons website after the mobilities and activities.
  53. 53. 3.To organize a short meeting for the schools in Aya and give information about Slow Food and Taste of Freedom We held a meeting and gave information about our project and Slow Food to the headmasters of the schools in Aya. We will continue it and will spread the project within teachers and students.
  54. 54. 4.To send project details to Slow Food Ankara Group. We are in touch with our Slow Food group. We inform them about the project and will go on disseminating.
  55. 55. AFTER THE PROJECT After on July
  56. 56. 5.To send project details to the other prisons in Ankara We have only one prison in Aya but a few in Ankara. We will let them know about our project in order to be a good example.
  57. 57. 6. To prepare a project "Signboard" for our directorate and the prison We will prepare a huge sign board for our directory and everybody visiting us will get an idea about the project.
  58. 58. 7. To send mails to the other directorates of education and inform them about the project There are 25 directorates like ours in Ankara. We will inform them about the project.
  60. 60. 65 CONFIAR Associao de Fraternidade Prisional Prison Fellowship PORTUGAL
  61. 61. 66 CONFIAR Associao de Fraternidade Prisional Prison Fellowship Portugal DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES 1 Publication and distribution of the periodical newspapers Grito de Paz & Folha de CONFIAR in the project TASTE OF FREEDOM disseminating its activities with inmates in order to publicize its impact on civil society.
  62. 62. 67 CONFIAR Associao de Fraternidade Prisional P.F./Portugal 2 - Exhibition and dissemination of the project at the School Consortium D. Carlos I in Sintra from 22/11 to 3/12/2014 enlivened by the students choir
  63. 63. 68 CONFIAR Associao de Fraternidade Prisional P.F./Portugal2.1 - Display panels on the project LOGO designs of all partners
  64. 64. 69 CONFIAR Associao de Fraternidade Prisional P.F./Portugal 2.2 - Exhibition of more than 75 recipes written and hand- painted by the project participants
  65. 65. 70 CONFIAR Associao de Fraternidade Prisional P.F./Portugal 2.3 - Workshop for students, teachers, ex-inmates & guests disseminating the project, the Slow Food concept and our activities
  66. 66. 71 CONFIAR Associao de Fraternidade Prisional P.F./Portugal 2.5 - The exhibition raised great interest in the local community and was also visited by parents. 2-4 - Deputy Director General of the Reintegration and Prison Services and Director of the School Consortium opened the event and actively participated in it with more than 60 people present, including a local producer
  67. 67. 72 2.6 - These activities are documented in PowerPoint presented at the 4th meeting in Las Palmas. 2.7 - we divulged all these actions to inmates through photos and power point. 3 - Project Dissemination in the social networks of Confiar trust, associates, friends and family. 4 - Project Dissemination in Sintra market among local producers, leading to their active participation in the EP (workshops on fresh and dry cheese, strawberries and vegetables). DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES CONFIAR Associao de Fraternidade Prisional P.F./Portugal
  68. 68. 73 5 - Ex-offenders are identified as having participated in the project and have their experience. 6 - Project Dissemination to friends and relatives of inmates to obtain traditional recipes for the e-book. 6.1 - These activities are documented in the power point presented in the 2nd and 3rd meetings held in Lithuania and Turkey, respectively. DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES CONFIAR Associao de Fraternidade Prisional P.F./Portugal
  69. 69. 74 7 - Trying out recipes for the e-book in School Consortium D. Carlos I in Sintra: "Cachupa" recipe from Cape Verde (11/03/2015) Bacalhau Brs" recipe from Portugal (24/04/2015) Sweet Rice from Portugal (24/04/2015) Chicken Moamba recipe from Angola (07/05/2015) DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES CONFIAR Associao de Fraternidade Prisional P.F./Portugal
  70. 70. 75 7.1 - We prepared the dishes with students; 7.2 - Then we shared the meal with all stakeholders, talking about the recipe, its tradition and customs, where students asked questions which were answered by the project participants (ex-offenders. ) SHARING TASTES & EXPERIENCES AT THE TABLE
  71. 71. 76 7.3 - At each session, the Director of the School Consortium, teachers, students of the courses of "Hospitality and Services", "Community Support" and discipline "Social Inclusion", ex-offenders and other guests were present in a session where tastes and experiences were shared at the table. SHARING TASTES & EXPERIENCES CONFIAR Associao de Fraternidade Prisional P.F./Portugal
  73. 73. 78 B - MAY 2015 TO AUGUST 2015 8 Exhibition of the recipes of the project participants inmates and students work on the activities in EPSintra as well as in the school. 9 - Dissemination of our activities in the project Green Pirates & Princesses and social networks of School Consortium D. Carlos I in Sintra. 10 - Project Dissemination - Taste of Freedom in the regional media. 11 - Participation in Milan EXPO - dissemination of the project. 12 - Project Dissemination in International School. 13 - Further dissemination of the project in the sector and in our social networks. CONFIAR Associao de Fraternidade Prisional P.F./Portugal
  74. 74. 79 In general all the plans have already been implemented or are predicted to run until the end of August - dissemination of the project in line with the development of their activities as follows: A) - Newspapers, radio, television, magazines B) - Meetings - Teachers, Students, Staff, Volunteers, communities C) - Events, exhibitions, workshops D) - Information to other prisons E) - Inside prison to staff and inmates F) - Local producers G) - Contact - Slow Food Groups CONFIAR Associao de Fraternidade Prisional P.F./Portugal
  75. 75. 80 CONFIAR Associao de Fraternidade Prisional P.F./Portugal
  76. 76. 84