la.,suit protesting tuition is herald...

A proposed Wayne Municipal Airport improvement project got, a green light thi,s the way for takeoff. The Wayne Airport Authority Board. at its monthly meeting Mon· day. conditionally accepted the h)wbld on a project that will result In a 500·foot extension of the runway. - Also included is widening·each side of the existing r.unway by five feet and overlaying It. The runway is presently 2.900 feet long. - A FEDERAL grant will pay for 90 percent of the prolect. state money will- cover 5 percent and the 5 percent will be the local share of-the prolect.- Mitch Nissen, chairman of .. said grading could begin this if all goes wei 1.-- Referring to an earlier prolect, he CRAUN SAID the FAA has funds left over from some projects which weren't carrIed out in other .. The use up those funds before the end-of this- ffscal - -- - Dave ley. secretary of the board. said Wednesday morning that he has been intormed Wayne will be the grant money if Its pro· feet cost Is reduced slightly to $372,000. Fed-er-irl--f-tJ-nds--wiH o-moont be $lB,OOO each. he said, The federal funds are generat aviation funds accumulated by avla, -fioi, era-uri saTd:He--adde-cfThafjillolshave'paTd the faxes over·- the years Local funds are covered by a cash flow and from funds that have been budgeted CRAUN SAID the large increase in construCtion cost was caused because of the cosf at asphalt. Engineers estimated asphalt would cost $20 a Ion. Western Material submitted'a cost of $37.50 a ton. The amount of. asphalt needed is small by comparisons with highway and street constr"uction. Craun pointed out. H Is considered too small to warrant setting up an asphalt ·ptant In Wayne so ·the 'Q$lhalf will be shipped from Sioux City, making it more expensive, he said Land acquisition was estimated by the engineer to cost $22,000. The apprais.ed value of the land $38,000.• tacking ano-ther $16·.000on-- to the cost of the proied. The increased cost of the enjire project at first appeared to a wrench into plans. 6-ttt. a of- -the- Feder-al Avtat-fon Ad-- ministrati-on told the engineer he is confident the grant can be Increas· pea a wy u a snowc:ompee an usaQIe. .=- __ _ Dean Cf.aun.--a membei-oflhe-boar'd.-saktthe-project was orlglnall¥-----= -._ , expected to. about "$261,000. The federal grant would have been with state and local monies tot&ling $13.050 each.. of the construction phMo·at 'he>pYOre-cfwas" approximately S2OO,000. That figure included grading, paving, lighting and a runway extension. Two bids for l:onsTrLlctlon were opened by fhe Wayne Airport Authority Board Monday night. The board acc::epted the bid of $293,0.47.25 which was submitted by Wes-tern Materials Company of Harlan. Iowa. The other bid of $350,088.05 was submitted by Bower Constrvct,ion of Sioux City . Weath.i'rService lorllCast: partly C:ioudyFr.ld"l' jltn" _Saturdil!y; c.hance 01 showers Sunday; . higns upper-60S .' to. lower-7OS;- lows upper·40s to .lower-50s. Lyflll ..,ons.ggern. a• •. 3rd .trade Sl. Mary" School -' said conslruC'flo'1 0.' the"elght·inch -oo'J) -e.orn::rct&·str-oot Mloufd- take- place ne)lt yeor. A-----uid ,date for an -erecf;;'; dhifributlon building 1$ set tor OCt; 1\., Bids will be open' cd at that time for construction of struc· ture which will be used for meter testing. parh storage. vehicle storage. w6rk space and other purpoteti. The (ouncil approved tho engineer'5 estimate 01 tht>proiect and advertisement of the bid letting. Completion date of the pro· ioclls ""t af DOC. IS. IN Ol'HEff4l:T10UJb"-l:o"""H" _ -appointed -Sruggem·an--:tr.-to--lhe Wayno RocreDtlon, Board· to fill an extra board." . Ord.ln6ftfQs dealing with pUbtic meetlng5. <:reatlo-n of'lmpro'lomr!nt di!>trlcts end dis:contlnui.1nco 01 uHHtie-s. The or dinences update the Clty'5 codes. -publlcl,v thanked Coa5t-To,Co-att-owncrs Jack and Le51le Hausmann for a flag which they' to the city. "We're in need of ,1'/" KlOster ford Ihe CQuricH. -placed on the flext meetlng's agenda, discvs-!\.Ia-o of the current retirement pro' gram for city employec5. Changes by the Sorial Security office may force cJ change in the- dty's retirement program plan'.- -listened to Mayor Mar5h pass along tl thank you from Nigerian Chief Okubanjo end his wifo, Edith. from Wayne State last month. Tbursciay IIPQfIlIIII 15,15" WAYIlI,JiaMIM .. ,.1 . "5'" 1llI$lSlIlIII . .. THE COUNCIL p<1lSSCd DO ordintlnce TME ADMif;U5TRATOR pointed 001 'hat are strlc.tly Hoi) numbers game," II more cutlets for more ficket !ioles and more- tlc:Jmt MIC!f for nnorc..profltability. he said. Learning seuio'Os arc: planned In the next m;i)k", ill iNItl-dn;:ity with 01 PapiUion, 8eDlrlce-, WilVef'ty----ifiTd City. Klosfer said the clty ,is. looking for organizations or businesses thol i(1 terested In becomfng vc-ndor's. ''\W'KaV(dDken ij cautiousgo aHt and our will continue- to be cavtlOU$ until WI: $C(: " MoyOf Wayne Marsh. fOrRler county-:eommissioner .. fJCI.ailatliis home tar Away as South . to---Ktosfer..a corrcert-af effort - wHi 00 m.ade.-.throLtghout woek to In' (lumoor of to WO. day night.. told fhe covnclt.tlwt Its present!$....abouf J.iue.-y.eatS--O-!c...1S-nO.__ Quilt. T!iE DEPARTMENT h.srovi ..","d a Motorola replacement paging system ·Nhleh CU"'f Admini$tr'ilfoT ".Phil Kloster se \£1 much bE;-tfN -qusfify 'and is more rl:i!l-i0ble. Tho OOVI sY5tcm will cost sllghl/.' over $15.000. . A loUs,y was presented by t<lostcr at mc-eting. He said thilt of vendors has bccn Ancrcased to 15, from as Ken o-f Carroll. W.:tlS- found dead sometime Monday afternoon or evening. hts homc"TliEsttay'afferno-on. -The-- Wayne f-v;;;-;t"i Shertfr5 office In· B4h En$z Mid It vf!l'atlgotcd tho-dMth, Sheri.ff -LoR-oy Ja.nssen 1hc former Wayno County commls'sloncr -- was-out of to'WIl"wed'rfesday and couTifnofb-e- d.led-of a '-gunshof wound." An -reacnc'ffor-commen15. his the Wayne soo"le;,-.-T-hiS- Eddie's body was approximately past on Tuesdav. June 7. 2,30 p,m. Tuosday a shod behind his Servlcos aro pondlng a' Hiscox. aerial photo shows il portion of the land at emlol slrip where the extension is planned. heu••. En.. 5.ld II I. bollev6d Eddie died Schumacher Funeral Home. view is looki"i! southwest toward Wayne. Wayro$, YolunfHr fire -- fhe way 'for street Tin'prove· mify'. be gmiti,g 0 new 'paging system _,to ment"'n the MllJthellisf area' of Wayne-. replACe U=- s)lstem. Plans CiJlII for paving 'em Fairground waS the pr0p05ll11 presented ,Tl.lf;!:sda,y Avenue and South Windom Street to be done nlghl "I Ihe Wayne City Council meeting. bV lhe 51.1. of ·Nl!braska. Wayne will he C'OOFfCHmen KeiTh Mosley lH)d Jim Craun responsible for 25 percent of the projec"s. were absent from- fh.e;mceting.-- cost: The M.dlnance makes ttf,tO:;!ifbto-fOr--the- Wayne fire Cltief Ken" "Outc.h U city to asse!s Us, share to adjoining property whoolficiall was. a inted"ire chi!:' Tuns· la.,suit protesting n D .. resident tuition is dismissed N.cJTfbcrs week each In ,111 oj ita:· school - -mlln-:-' anft middle -Wlary's Catholic School in \Vtiyne Education teamed Tuesday night ihat-a butldmg-sin-th&--drstrict. g-uleanc-e (OUi-v.;e-!o/i ifr.d Kathy fink. home The IHe Usls several l"vpks 8fl-d--spe-a-k-€-r-S- fa"'Jtult flied dl)ring the summer of 1902 has KE1Df,EL SAID the grant. It recoived from I)conOmic5 Instructor. - "viJlI,Jble 10 them 10 school students been dismissed. the Nebraska Arts Council, WQuid be match One other to ·Jft(md Ihe k&idel the presently lisfs 38 per loa IOn. wiHC: 1 In Ii} (j Y dX €u". e ayne C910 U ou U.1l l; IIl:JJHt.'fJ rum 1I,;"C 100 sons w 10 nave vo un C{lr-o 09 ve presen in from I .If_ grg!:lt_ls accepted. board. '<"Lions in 17 different subje-c1 areas. prote$ted the amounf 0-1 non· Mudent!') would bfJ to dance At no ··'The subject ilrCilS Include ilrt. buslnes.s. re§ldcnt tul'-lon paid by Cldss I dl:'.tric! cost·tothe.schooldistrict.. BOARD MEMBERS al!>o heilrd fI}port (areNS, firle art(J. foreign limguagc· dnd .' -. '(etdlrt'ahio Informed ,tle board that vocal from Elementary Principal Ddvid Lull con culture. governmetlt he·alth. health· cerri(ng Ihespeci.atcdl)(l1;tion prtnvam for physical education. his.tory. home brought. c:ol.mty governments, but rifon '0 apply lor a .second "minl·granf" 1993-84. industrial literature, ::a cd a' high Arts Council to hav(,' Luff !;ald two ccrcbr.f11 ",tuden!-, ,1((; mafhemu1ics. science. social studies, Sup-erlnt0'noon1 Francis Haun told board Halverstadt, help choreograph the 5vJlng enrolled this yetlr at Element(Jry travel, and miscellaneous members night that the suU w(lsof, choir and, ppsslbly, the spring mUSICill. School. f<eldcl said the file should grow lncreas , fidallv It was not proper If approved, would h{)1f In other blislnefis. board "h1embt'p, were ingly a$ lOCi11 and area volunteefr 1'( flied. He add1!!d that court co!!.t;) were of 'he cost, of hJrlng Halvcrstadt, up to $500. prollided a report of scl1ool.&nrollmenl-, for 10 make on subiects they arc l?nck to the orlgina' filers. 1983·6" and leacMd tfiat ,in external knowlcdgciiblc in. in Inte1"l!!'!it QQ .monc-y held In escrow white .....ere lnfQrma" by Hewn thaf the Wayne Nov.-9 and 10. ..., diNelopJng tho lile .... .. .. .. .. ... =.'9 - ----- - ttle 5.cna-ol clIZl'tncr, he vm5- reccmflv 1O.lormed $("001 to-r aeveiop'"9 a elrug dnd iJ!lc.;ollUI "i1i' - - JIj R'SvoTed "';'U't'iiiltimous Y. .by Wayne- County Attorney Bob Ensz thijf program. -" district. will culminate !olf·cvalua1Ion 01 the Tuesday night to approve fhree part·time funds na,tav.ollable pc:! the lnt.crost. amount.lng to school which is every seven Title I positions. . , - ---- $l'2,BJ2,nas been and will support years.. They are lauren. Walton and Dian€;' BOAEtD MEMBERS alro learned Tues· tho (.ost of sending During the, visit. fhe will spend fime Ehrhardt. Chapter I·math',' and Sandra day nlgl1' tnot the district me'! take part, in from"-- Wayne "Public Schools· and five In the das!>rouli'iS and review f>chool cur reading· Hte I an artJG'·ln,resldence -progT.!;!". c.o-rvJlJctea ..epresCI'\tatlvCHi from Santee PUblic School r,icolum, faclllties, board policies. etc . Hilun in·form·ad be'rd members thi't a .. 9 d 1 t ::. , __ "". ... hodul Board BeCky !irhe -Wisconsin ,mC11F5twemr-t.n'No:vttmher-.- ' Cl'" U 1...".,- I1QU u u .. 1IU u ,. "n; 1 !YI;l:). n . ,11 o-nd Haun learned during gfl!nt Wl\a Sprin9, by written report will fQlIow tho fearn's, Boards _cofwenti-on with repr-et-entatlves ut Ule Nebraska LiH\ty Cfay. psycHologist Jof Educational 18 rn Om/}ho. Councl1' and Ari$·Counclf ScrVi(E:! Un.H- One hci'idqu. . .:d In ADJOURW·ffJG. . Next of ,i

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Post on 13-Jun-2018




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A proposed Wayne Municipal Airport improvement project got, agreen light thi,s ~~~~ ~!earln9 the way for takeoff.

The Wayne Airport Authority Board. at its monthly meeting Mon·day. conditionally accepted the h)wbld on a project that will result In a500·foot extension of the runway. -

Also included is widening·each side of the existing r.unway by fivefeet and overlaying It. The runway is presently 2.900 feet long. -

A FEDERAL grant will pay for 90 percent of the prolect. statemoney will- cover 5 percent and the 5 percent will be the localshare of-the prolect.-

Mitch Nissen, chairman of th~ .. Wa'y'!!'~, l?~ant said grading couldbegin this f~1I if all goes wei 1.-- Referring to an earlier prolect, he

CRAUN SAID the FAA has funds left over from some projects whichweren't carrIed out in other c.().n:'.munitle~.. The orga~.ization ~~a'nt;io_!~use up those funds before the end-of this- ffscal yea~ - - - -

Dave ley. secretary of the board. said Wednesday morning that hehas been intormed Wayne will be CIIw~rded the grant money if Its pro·feet cost Is reduced slightly to $372,000.

Fed-er-irl--f-tJ-nds--wiH o-moont -to'$~The-s-t-a,fe----aftd----k-af---t>h8res--wt1+--­be $lB,OOO each. he said,

The federal funds are generat aviation funds accumulated by avla,-fioi, '~fas-fax:'- era-uri saTd:He--adde-cfThafjillolshave'paTd the faxes over·­the years

Local funds are covered by a cash flow and from funds that havebeen budgeted

CRAUN SAID the large increase in construCtion cost was causedbecause of the cosf at asphalt. Engineers estimated asphalt would cost$20 a Ion. Western Material submitted'a cost of $37.50 a ton.

The amount of. asphalt needed is small by comparisons withhighway and street constr"uction. Craun pointed out. H Is consideredtoo small to warrant setting up an asphalt ·ptant In Wayne so ·the

'Q$lhalf will be shipped from Sioux City, making it more expensive, hesaid

Land acquisition was estimated by the engineer to cost $22,000. Theapprais.ed value of the land is~bout $38,000.• tacking ano-ther $16·.000on-­to the cost of the proied.

The increased cost of the enjire project at first appeared to thro~ awrench into plans. 6-ttt. a re~enta-tive of- -the- Feder-al Avtat-fon Ad-­ministrati-on told the engineer he is confident the grant can be Increas·.~

pea a wy u a snowc:ompee anusaQIe. .=-__

_ Dean Cf.aun.--a membei-oflhe-boar'd.-saktthe-project was orlglnall¥-----= -._, expected to. c~t about "$261,000. The federal grant would have been

$23~,900 with state and local monies tot&ling $13.050 each..~,. -The·en91neer·~n.H~tlmateof the construction phMo·at 'he>pYOre-cfwas"approximately S2OO,000. That figure included grading, paving, lightingand a runway extension.

Two bids for l:onsTrLlctlon were opened by fhe Wayne AirportAuthority Board Monday night. The board acc::epted the _~ow bid of$293,0.47.25 which was submitted by Wes-tern Materials Company ofHarlan. Iowa. The other bid of $350,088.05 was submitted by BowerConstrvct,ion of Sioux City.

N~tiClm'l. Weath.i'rServicelorllCast: partly C:ioudyFr.ld"l'

jltn" _Saturdil!y; c.hance 01showers Sunday; . hignsupper-60S .' to. lower-7OS;- lowsupper·40s to .lower-50s.Lyflll ..,ons.ggern. a • • .3rd .trade Sl. Mary" School


KIOSf~r said conslruC'flo'1 0.' the"elght·inch-oo'J) -e.orn::rct&·str-oot Mloufd- take- place ne)lt

yeor.A-----uid ,date for an -erecf;;'; dhifributlon

building 1$ set tor OCt; 1\., Bids will be open'cd at that time for construction of ~) struc·ture which will be used for meter testing.parh storage. vehicle storage. w6rk spaceand other purpoteti.

The (ouncil approved tho engineer'5estimate 01 tht>proiect and advertisement ofthe bid letting. Completion date of the pro·ioclls ""t af DOC. IS.

IN Ol'HEff4l:T10UJb"-l:o"""H" _-appointed-~ -Sruggem·an--:tr.-to--lhe

Wayno RocreDtlon, Board· to fill an extras~t ,ttt~lt"l1,?~~ fO·,t~c:board." .

-=-·----=pa5~ed Ord.ln6ftfQs dealing with pUbticmeetlng5. <:reatlo-n of'lmpro'lomr!nt di!>trlctsend dis:contlnui.1nco 01 uHHtie-s. The ordinences update the Clty'5 codes.

-publlcl,v thanked Coa5t-To,Co-att-owncrsJack and Le51le Hausmann for a flag whichthey' pr~!l-cnted to the city. "We're in need of

,1'/" KlOster ford Ihe CQuricH.-placed on the flext meetlng's agenda,

discvs-!\.Ia-o of the current retirement pro'gram for city employec5. Changes madf~ bythe Sorial Security office may force cJ

change in the- dty's retirement programplan'.-

-listened to Mayor Mar5h pass along tl

thank you from Nigerian Chief Okubanjoend his wifo, Edith. ·S~u;!)tcd fromWayne State last month.

TbursciayIIPQfIlIIII 15,15"WAYIlI,JiaMIM..,.1OIII~IMImiWAJi'"

1lUIlI!Ift~"""" ."5'" 1llI$lSlIlIII ... ~iWO~,ZOlWUS

THE COUNCIL p<1lSSCd DO ordintlnce

TME ADMif;U5TRATOR pointed 001 'hatlotterl~1:o are strlc.tly Hoi) numbers game," IItatr.~ more cutlets for more ficket !ioles andmore- tlc:Jmt MIC!f for nnorc..profltability. hesaid.

Learning seuio'Os arc: planned In the next•~~u m;i)k", ill iNItl-dn;:ity u1ttctm~cfwith repres-entatJ",.c~01 PapiUion, 8eDlrlce-,WilVef'ty----ifiTd £wHl-Slou~ City.

Klosfer said the clty ,is. looking fororganizations or businesses thol ~rc i(1

terested In becomfng vc-ndor's.''\W'KaV(dDken ij cautiousgo aHt and our

c~ppr08ch will continue- to be cavtlOU$ untilWI: $C(: Ihe~ht." ~ald MoyOf Wayne Marsh.

fOrRler county-:eommissioneris-IQ~~..fJCI.ailatliis home

tar Away as South Y~ttkton.· N!.!'rtoll~:.Tc~am~ ~1tS:P..~Si~ntli=7--'~~Wdmg to---Ktosfer..a corrcert-af effort ­

wHi 00 m.ade.-.throLtghout thl~ woek to In'((e~~!!.,tfx! (lumoor of outlC'f~ to WO.

day night.. told fhe covnclt.tlwt Its!$....abouf J.iue.-y.eatS--O-!c...1S-nO.__I_~llojng Quilt.

T!iE DEPARTMENT h.srovi..","d aMotorola replacement paging system ·NhlehCU"'f Admini$tr'ilfoT ".Phil Kloster se \£1 h~15

much bE;-tfN -qusfify 'and is more rl:i!l-i0ble.Tho OOVI sY5tcm will cost sllghl/.' over

$15.000. .A loUs,y UpGl>~Cwas presented by t<lostcr

at Tu~doy·smc-eting. He said thilt th·'~ Il~.t ofvendors has bccn Ancrcased to 15, from as

Ken EddlC',.13~ o-f Carroll. W.:tlS- found dead sometime Monday afternoon or evening.n~ar- hts homc"TliEsttay'afferno-on. -The-- Wayne f-v;;;-;t"i Shertfr5 office In· B4h En$z Mid It aR!L~n vf!l'atlgotcd tho-dMth, Sheri.ff -LoR-oy Ja.nssen1hc former Wayno County commls'sloncr -- was-out of to'WIl"wed'rfesday and couTifnofb-e­d.led-of a se-I~rmflctcd '-gunshof wound." An -reacnc'ffor-commen15.

~··--::~~~.i~~~~~d~~TQ1YJL-E~d-diO-r"lgni<i-iro~his commi5S1on.r;5--~PLANSCAil-I~;-tti~.e~. ~r;';;;v~t the Wayne M,micip~lli.i;:;rtt~'b~-;,;,;~d~dsoo"le;,-.-T-hiS-Eddie's body was approximately past on Tuesdav. June 7.

2,30 p,m. Tuosday n~,,, a shod behind his Servlcos aro pondlng a' Hiscox. aerial photo shows il portion of the land at emlol slrip where the extension is planned. T~isheu••. En.. 5.ld II I. bollev6d Eddie died Schumacher Funeral Home. view is looki"i! southwest toward Wayne.

fr~ Wayro$, YolunfHr fire nepa~tm~n(-- ~-whfch-p.wes fhe way 'for streetTin'prove·mify'. be gmiti,g 0 new 'paging system _,to ment"'n the MllJthellisf area' of Wayne-.replACe U=- pr~..ent s)lstem. Plans CiJlII for paving 'em Fairgroundn~atwaS the pr0p05ll11 presented ,Tl.lf;!:sda,y Avenue and South Windom Street to be done

nlghl "I Ihe Wayne City Council meeting. bV lhe 51.1. of ·Nl!braska. Wayne will heC'OOFfCHmen KeiTh Mosley lH)d Jim Craun responsible for 25 percent of the projec"s.were absent from- fh.e;mceting.-- cost: The M.dlnance makes ttf,tO:;!ifbto-fOr--the-

Wayne fire Cltief Ken" "Outc.hU

S~ ~?:,;,an, city to asse!s Us, share to adjoining propertywhoolficiall was. a inted"ire chi!:' Tuns·

la.,suit protesting n D..resident tuition is dismissedN.cJTfbcrs '()nh~---=-tM;~eT~rr(i{f-e~~?a--:'iji'· dos-seSlOiOii~ week each In ,111 oj ita:· school - -mlln-:-' -frrl·-~in·~-"uCfo;-· anft middle ~choo-j -Wlary's Catholic School in \Vtiyne

Education teamed Tuesday night ihat-a butldmg-sin-th&--drstrict. g-uleanc-e (OUi-v.;e-!o/i ifr.d Kathy fink. home The IHe Usls several l"vpks 8fl-d--spe-a-k-€-r-S-fa"'Jtult flied dl)ring the summer of 1902 has KE1Df,EL SAID the grant. It recoived from I)conOmic5 Instructor. - "viJlI,Jble 10 pre~cnt them 10 school studentsbeen dismissed. the Nebraska Arts Council, WQuid be match One other rcpre~enldtlvo to ·Jft(md Ihe k&idel ~l~ld the IIJ(~ presently lisfs 38 per

~~ loa IOn. wiHC: 1 wa~ In Ii} (j Y dX €u". e ayne C910 U ou U.1l l; IIl:JJHt.'fJ rum 1I,;"C 100 sons w 10 nave vo un C{lr-o 09 ve presenn.ay~rs in \M~~~_~nly from P~J;S I .If_ t~q grg!:lt_ls accepted. K~!!E! f.~ld board. '<"Lions in 17 different subje-c1 areas.~I_s'riets. prote$ted the amounf 0-1 non· Mudent!') would bfJ el;(pt)~ld to dance At no ··'The subject ilrCilS Include ilrt.§ldcnt tul'-lon paid by Cldss I dl:'.tric! cost·tothe.schooldistrict.. BOARD MEMBERS al!>o heilrd ~l fI}port (areNS, firle art(J. foreign limguagc· dndrc~ld{:nts.. .' -. '(etdlrt'ahio Informed ,tle board that vocal from Elementary Principal Ddvid Lull con culture. governmetlt he·alth. health·Thec;a~Wf,J~onQo,.manYDCrOS:5the5tafe'edpe~mi'" cerri(ng Ihespeci.atcdl)(l1;tion prtnvam for physical education. his.tory. home

brought. c:ol.mty governments, but rifon '0 apply lor a .second "minl·granf" 1993-84. (~conomic5. industrial ort~, literature,uUlmCllt-ll~ ::a cd a' high 5-Ch-oo-'~··""'-'~'----f-1'o-m------N6bra5kaArts Council to hav(,' Luff !;ald two ccrcbr.f11 p,)l~y ",tuden!-, ,1((; mafhemu1ics. science. social studies,

Sup-erlnt0'noon1 Francis Haun told board Halverstadt, help choreograph the 5vJlng enrolled this yetlr at \l-{e~,;t Element(Jry travel, and miscellaneousmembers TlJ~~d!.lYnight that the suU w(lsof, choir and, ppsslbly, the spring mUSICill. School. f<eldcl said the file should grow lncreas

, fidallv dlsmls..~cdbo'causcIt was not proper T~egrant, If approved, would provld~h{)1f In other blislnefis. board "h1embt'p, were ingly a$ lOCi11 and area r~>idents volunteefr1'( flied. He add1!!d that court co!!.t;) were of 'he cost, of hJrlng Halvcrstadt, up to $500. prollided a report of scl1ool.&nrollmenl-, for 10 make present~1tlon5 on subiects they l?nck to the orlgina' filers. 1983·6" and leacMd tfiat ,in external vl~,I1" knowlcdgciiblc in.Haun'5lUdh:ttllau:gti::::bppl:"11lL1rm'Thtmlct_·ro'l'-,3i2"'."'llIJ"'n.----·----nt-~~~ '--f:~ttM-.J.~~~.:k!:_!lj",iJ lf1e~~1 Htiim-::p~ed~munity0-_tcitw=CC:

in Inte1"l!!'!it QQ .monc-y held In escrow white .....ere lnfQrma" by Hewn thaf the Wayne Nov.-9 and 10. ..., diNelopJng tho lile

""==_~·~·~....~..~""'~_="~ilM~l<Ii~..~=,i'~4~'~b~.;;;.~ld~"~'.~..~_~·=~=·~'~.~..~~I~d~I.u~'~.J'~l;b:Q~'~:9s~}~.;;.9~·~"~tg~c~tf\-~'_~~.~..s~~~·~'~!¢-~_...=.'9 T.hc.-\lJ.s1tby....the--Je=crt....whR:h-i~.(:.(Imptii;.n~ ~--"."-_._._,._--~---.- ------ ttle 5.cna-ol clIZl'tncr, he vm5- reccmflv 1O.lormed $("001 to-r aeveiop'"9 a elrug dnd iJ!lc.;ollUI "i1i' -l~fjfJOi - JIj -p~r~~$,'~ ou4s·iH(i-~j-ffit• .,5(ritdl=;.~:.A;O-·MEM6ER'SvoTed "';'U't'iiiltimous Y .

.by Wayne- County Attorney Bob Ensz thijf program. -" district. will culminate !olf·cvalua1Ion 01 the Tuesday night to approve fhree part·timefunds or~ na,tav.ollable ~o pc:! the lnt.crost. ·+4--auA----$5id--a--f~OO-t'f) amount.lng to school which is ~conduded every seven Title I positions. .

, - -~~ ---- $l'2,BJ2,nas been approvc~_ and will support years.. They are lauren. Walton and Dian€;'BOAEtD MEMBERS alro learned Tues· tho (.ost of sending ~fivc'::<-repf¢J.entafi\l(!5 During the, visit. fhe t~8m will spend fime Ehrhardt. Chapter I·math',' and Sandra

day nlgl1' tnot the district me'! take part, in from"-- Wayne "Public Schools· and five In the das!>rouli'iS and review f>chool cur O~;tercamp, reading· Hte Ian artJG'·ln,resldence -progT.!;!". c.o-rvJlJctea ..epresCI'\tatlvCHi from Santee PUblic School r,icolum, faclllties, board policies. etc . Hilun in·form·ad be'rd members thi't a

~---l-h-fo1.IfJ:tJ.,Ul&-URr-as_ku-Ar1s·~ncn~· ..~----hHi---drtJfHljftd·alcohul traifl'ing~wOt-k~hop.!n _t~~-e'T~~:~~:~.,:-~~.;UCI"d't-~~~IIT'l:.\~~,9d

• 1t::.Vt::"<Otn~<.1, __~.dl~ipCt'. !'119-~Cn-~"~~"~O-' ~l~."".n~~...~ hodul

Board Pr(')$i~t BeCky t~ef~~'d- !irhe -Wisconsin ,mC11F5twemr-t.n'No:vttmher-.- ' Cl'" U 1...".,- ~ I1QU u u ..~ 1IU u ,. "n; 1 !YI;l:). n . ,11

o-nd Haun learned during ~I.r~t.;~nt m~Qt!n9 T~e gfl!nt Wl\a w~ltfen .I.~st Sprin9, by written report will fQlIow tho fearn's, vi~d Boards _cofwenti-onwith repr-et-entatlves ut Ule Nebraska Ar~G· LiH\ty Cfay. psycHologist Jof Educational 18 rn Om/}ho.Councl1' and vmy~ Re~lcmal Ari$·Counclf ScrVi(E:! Un.H- One hci'idqu. ~ . .:d In ~lf::'F-ORe' ADJOURW·ffJG. Prcsid~nt . Next fYf~cfjri9 of

!~' ,i


He I. Ihe son of Mr, and Mrs.Rlcha~ Berry of Wakl!'~!d.

11..."1'. S01-*'l~lrtl5Me-1't.~~I, H Co, 2nd RTIIN MCRD.San Diego, Calif.. 92140.

Millic~nt Linn. 97, 0' Randolph dlcd Fnday. S"Jpt 9. 1983 at theRando-lph Colonial Manor

Servlccs were held Mondlly._S.-f1pt. 12 ~t t_he f!!tiJ~o" d' 10.J_m dnd III~he Carroll Methodlsl Chur(h-~':d '2 p,m- ""-he Re;. CA CMj)f.'rrIN (IIficiated

Millicent Linn Vias born Oc' 20.1665 in Cen'ral CIfV Mr ·.md Mr"..Lmn and Mi)rjod~ lived in Carroll fer many yedr':! wh€1'ehe-ope-r-afw() deamC'.(y. Her hu<.bl}nd, George. died 'J.cveral y«.wn, ago

SlJrvlvl'JJ's include fa dl)ughh':r. Mr~ Don tfAariq.fwl Morrj'~, ,) P1-<.,dent of Randolph Colonial Manor '

PoHbeiiter!. - "',ere Stan -MOi'ri1. lynn Rooertr,. Dean <r.~,.

Chdrles Morri.~. TNry Roberh and Keilh Om!nsGunal was,ln the Elmwood (em~tflry It' C~lrrol! w~lh JOhflWfI··,

Fun.eral Home']i j(l <holfge ofarriJngt;mcnjs

Rober.t 8.erq... It 1983 graduat....01 Wa~efl.,d High ScIlool. joinedthe U.S. Marine' Corp. and i.undergoing. basic training- -a!Camp Pendleton, Calli .•

His. addrM$ 15 P~t_·R~rt A.

alcOholIC lI~uor. DC -Y year5., Olds; Mark Hummel. W...wne, He wa'!> a nephew of Mr~. Ar thur Behmer of Ho\kinc;

',-/,.ertury. G'ljrrAm:mncn;-<wm·- ----: ---:- - - , -- -- _. -"d•• C"evro'ol; WilHam W~~dt:." M,"Jlicent LinnHo~)lon'S, CfievroJ.eL DhlnnaR('(:liP. S. WrJyne, Chevrolet:Vtlkoc Con.stJ'uction Ce.. Wtl';ne.GMC

1913 DonDld DGlph, Wakefif.!'ld,MN,ury. Scot Poul:-.en, Win,;;ide.PcmHac

1969 W<,)rren GaJlop, Winside,Volk~.

1965 Brtitn Miller. WaYM. FordP,-l

1962 Stanley --B.:Jier. --Wdyne.(he.... H:

19119 Vc:rnon Brader. Wln!llde,Chi.'·'" rlo;

Criminal dtr-pO$U.of1'Il:Terry OrummCfiig;'1:YO="i, {ssv~"

ing bad check, made -re-!l1itutiQn.

Mark H~iser, W'lyne, mi~or inpo~ses5Ion. ' ,

stJ~~~e~f~a~~~;~f:~~~'__ t,,,, Patrlca Morris. Carroll I

upon public. waY$;, Olds.1983 Dou9Ia50~ Taber. Wayne.

Shawn Re-ss. Way'~. co.'1:sump· Mazda.fion of atc;c-hdHc t~~f".p;~;} upen 1982 William Wendt. HC$kins.·publ1c' ~ays. Ford.

W.lY:efie1d Nallonal -Banik i!..plaintiff se-eklng sa77 ,26 ~rom EdIOenherder. Wi:!lk~fie!d, Jor lo-anairrl Intf.'rest p'i'ir.;~ts claimeddu~.


WAYNE LIONS Club memiiers Bob McCue (left) and"S~nSlm~heck-onthe-Jwme-OLa senillLritullnJILsee what they can do to winleriie ii next month-wilenWorld bons Service Day will be observed .. AlthoughWayne's weather has been unseasonably hot in recentweeks, Service Day chairman Hansen remindseveryone" thaI the firsl frost and cold north winds arenot far 011.

Sept. 'H<rnoldD ~;'tlM"(· toservEfe1derlv·" tiory A. Reeg to Ricky L. and J I ..'bara Barner the wes1 50 f-eel of, The Waym~ Lions Club wHJ join necessary manpQ'wet and f0015lots L 2, 3, 4 of block 23, CollegE': ,.,jit.h more than 30,000 LiQns clubs but will r.r;t t-'€ abh: to furnush

Hj~~~~d\ti~~;JI~r6~~~e' ,'lAf.M1!!a n :~~~~_~~ =y--:~t:~d=Y~ __--t!~~~:::;~=~~.~~~i~'"~: ~SmaU claims hling5:cmd Ardella .and John Fead to OcL 8 and SundiJY, Oct. 9 !(.ny renior cBiZen!:k who would - 'Jam-~NC Anderson, Wayne, isL';mn H. and GlOria K<jt,n On those date4. th'.?" Wayn~ li~e help .!ire welcome to call lQr . ~;~~~t::~~~Jt~ga~~:,fr~: K~~~~lots 16. 17. 18 o"f 8res'llfer and PiJf Lions 'wIll rake lilwn5. wjn1eriz.e <lssi-stance. f'ietgtitivr;;. aii~

terson'S SubdIviSIon to o\)tlot I!O heme-::-. cheding and cleaning frierH;!so!1f!'eeldetfy c-r needy ~}r e claimed d~I!:,Winside, $6.60 guHers and do·..m!;;pouts, putHng aSM:ed t-o cc-nta-ct the Uon~

Sepf. 12-LynnH and-GIGf1.:'1-K on_ ~Grm wind!Jw.s~ tac1dng up l,.,iQn!", Ch)n ml:'!mbcn. (.'iJTl beLes.smarm to Jame,:> 0 Jacbon plastic '5l1eel~, -O'/0r wlndcw$. con;acted at the followingtoto;, 16. \7. 18 of Brese,!er <md Pat trimmmg bu:,hw.> and cov(:ring nvmo':rs 375·3-B7S, .375-1986,terson's :;-ubdIVi";!Of1 t"O 0,)110-1 J In aIr coo-dlhcfl!:-t"*"- 1]$ 1176.,. J1515~9~ .3753844 orWir1side,S6.60 LI().n<;. '.'Ii'll pro'J'ide the 3753197

1975 Edward C Heck~n.s, VUage ot Emerson, revenur:E.m..e..(..s:o...r'L...-.CMiill.acL__~ s12mp~mt&-___ __Thomsen, Wakefield, Ford :'eneva K. Meyer, formerlyPickup, ~ Geneva K. Curry, Agent for the

1974 Stantey Steele, Emerson... HEirs and Oevls.ees of Mam1"C EBuick; Ca.therine Russell, Rc.~';)erts.' Dakota tnWakefi<::id, Chevrolet; Kenneth veo:rors, Ltd.~ a Corporation, lot 1W. Dierking, Newcastle, Mer· afH:; East .20' of lot 2, block 1, LIn,cury. . . co' "'5 First Additlon 10 Allf.m.

1912 Rick Nelson. ·Ponca, revenue stamps ex€'mptChevrolet; Larry Lueth.Wakefield, Chevrolet,

r"1 Larr Lueth; Wakefield.Chevrotet:; LeRoy R. Kamm"'J!?vyca~t1e. Ford Pickup,

-Court ,Firi!.>s".J-ody' L,., P;eietJ;9.fl._Hadington,

$03, viQhaf.e(1 Stop sign; Latty A.Anderson, Jacksvn, $.46, exhibi·fi.on drivtng; Brett Koeppe, PonCa. $43. exhibition driving; Frr::m"cis L Glass. Vt1Hey • .N.ebt:....--S22Lrefusal t.o take chemical 1est fol'"OWl; Roberta M. Kle~ener, Hub·bard, $36. violated Stop '&ign,Jerry E. Dickens, Jr., Allen. $A6.careless driving, Lydia Weier

-s-heuen W~A_$46_speedlng~

Rea! Estate TransfersSidney D. and Shirley L

-- P'FB"5ton 1o-f-A-ark R. and Karffi A.Vjct~r, lot 5_and Sou1h half of lot

~-r Vtlhidi'Registration 4, bfock 42. Pea~ey's Addition to19;3 "":ew:castfe Pvblic Schools. Wakefield, revenue stamps

Newcastle, GMC School Bus $:L9Q.'Chassis; Ellis. Wilbur. Dixon, F,red M. Trrsler. single, to Garyford Pii;:kup; ,Ronald-). -Hunn, A~ and Shirley A, Stingley, 101s 5

·Emersor:1, Ch-e'll:ro~et Van; Walter'-=-ar1d 6. block 9/ Village Qf Water~~_~B-'~;_Ne~~te,Datsun. ~ry, r;evenve s.ta!"lps $3.85.

}9Il O~N .. Kn.erl 51 Sons. Ponca, . l-es H. Pedet;.-sen to LilHanMercury, r-edt;;rWo, dll· Ihar pall

._-~v.N. Kneri TSOrts;--Poncti,--arnrSWw--sE"tiq~tTtdTta-rs------­_ ¥;wd P~f~_~_L Dor~thy E~1is,. so;uthel'"'y·-a.f;.. ...N4b-raska State

A,lnn~ ,Mer-c.~'fY; John -A..Sn~fs;-RJgnwaV:l---n;-:-excep-1,--4;46-,.a~+eS-

-- Pom;:ai-£hevt"-clei. deedecFfo-State fo-r Highl.·...ay pur1-97' Dera.!d N. Rice, Concor~, poses, reyenve exempt:

Ford PJckup. Dick <;iM Bonnie- Harison to -l,re Robert A. HoHman, R!~hard L. and Patricia: Ann

Wake't:iel.d, Chevt'"oJet Sportsvan; De reo', lot 7. block 89, Original_. Jeffr~~:Oferlch. Emerson, Plat of City o! Ponca, revenue

Ford Bronco. "-- - stamps $4."9.5.1911 G-ecrge!", Humlicek, Pon· Phyllis Fong. Personal

ca,.:,Oodge V~n; Nick M;ifctl.~1t or Representallveof Estate-of TillieCHrdy S. Slagle, Wakefield, V. Sanderson, Deceased, toChevrolet Pickup. " Pl":yllis Fang. Colleen RUSSF:II,

1976 ~E ric A, Benson, Ponca, ar j Virginia Alexander, lot .~,or DI,:JC , arnor:.K·~ M ;

" b • ~newS· Fle.-S

Harry MItis. d-dlTlinis.ffalar of ESU Number. I in Wa.kefj~lld,

ha!S. been elecf.r."d prc':i-ident of Ihe Nebraska COflwrtlvm ofEdvcallon Service UnU$".

The adminisfrafQr$ of the 19 vniU, in Nebra'lik-J) clechid MiU::s at3 meeling held last Wcdne,da¥ and Thursdav in Colvm!?u!>f-1!";HlS n~-$ boon aomrrli5tralor-pf eSti I ~ince ifs inr;cptfOli tn 194tj.

The contortium ha5 5iM 'StandIng commjttce~ which includ~:5p.eciat cmrcation, ~1tff pur-chasing. comf)ut-er~aooig.vidCQ repair, film-video- tapc'm-edfo, politl(iJl,public rcIJljUom.•in~""fvlce·curriculum·p,..odudion.

----~cooperaliVe--purcnaslng f;ommru,mnitilIPf(!,,"""ij'5 ros-ptJlTSibie tor--­~'CiJrin9_...eqlJ.lpmcnLdnd 5uppjjC$__JQ~_ --,h~_ Y_~1!jOU5 _ ~(!!9'O1~

throughout the ~tate. MiHf. 5did. Cc~t i5 c'5fim(lted dt $1 million

'-IlJr·\:,"'Y'~' 1 'C" ....v.:...,. d

OH'(I:"! •.d 3711010. elf! 113

Wfllcefieldbusiness closing doorsFullerton Lurnber (ornp<my will ctol;e ifs Wakr:held >;,tore on

S,;pl 30. (;ndtng '"omr: 60 'f>:;d1'-;...-Qt o\JSlnes:> In Itrr> comltlun!l"lA +»mpij.t~·1 'O'.po¥ ..:>.dId Ihe economy ':!:!.i'1"f_~1 'helo.t In Ihi:

dr:C!'Slon 10 CIIYA: Itl~ WaKc!leld o:,for;"Trw CQI"npirny ''S looking for pro~p'Jdti"opvrt:"h"n.ethe proper

Public heMing. Gre!t:~ Lions to hOI' c,,,,, picnicl1,-':!"----:.t~ U;grsf~',,; :l-trdt~-i-n-'7 -f:..efP~fH-f:R-,-- ..; b" P..r1SJcl.'}.ill1!1.pLiU!"J'"¥_!rt_il. hU-:;biil)d Wlh:.' h:,1m lrom W~)'IflfJ, NE. Lt. Go...ernor Don McGinley wiU bt 9u~')1 $pJ:~lker oJ! !hl:

(hn',-, BelJfl(~r, '11111 hold put;he he;)rlt'!!)" H, N(,rl.)j~ d!,(j ¥1,:' fNJlvrl1d in r.l {JI~lpliJ7' dl MUSbq(t;t;,~1 (unlt'r on1hJ': MidI8~- Waynt> L1o-n5~pl(:n~eouTFo--cn-S~~~.;;y-~t-,--SO'Jth Clly on Frid<';lY <Jnr1"S_<1turo,,¥ -:'epf ~.... ';i,1' ;? (-o!i1.J9(; ;;;.am.p.J.,i..S.. Tha !.;xhibiL .-J:hl'C.h QDt'n~:'d today. and runt. ZQJ McGin!f:Y i~pa$f pre:!.ldent of thf:: Ogallala U01'lS Civb- =f+tt'----:J-~¥-y--C-.t).m.I:n~ '.'.IilLb.old..i.t:.f.! f:hd9!L1H.:.2fY',Sl Q~ J _ _ ,nrCl.lqh S~'p' 10, h'qhJlyhfo:. UH:' work', Qf Cdrlo~ and Sher iiHl Lunch '1$ pli'tnned fer famihes dnd 9uc~h of Lions Club

In on Fnday ,~t Ihe Nodollt r~rl Cr::-nfH !rJ(-::;h;(J <II B-1)"! N(Jdonl, Frf:y, owner':.. 01 Mid Ar"ilen,-dAr'<.>Tvdio to V'T.:'lyot::---- ---- rnernoer'5_ In~e ttom-€"fut)----~~f1:9___&¥___S_couL-The L!)Q!.:,I~tjye r(.'soluflons to b!J (Gm!d-!.:r~d dfi: U~ Be, Hw ."how IS a",,,,,ll,lble for ·v1ewlI1g 11 <l m to.~ p,m Monday', Troop 174 to tho:lnk Ihe troop fQr ito;. '/Iork on tht~ Lions Pi1rrk 1hl",

1!llroduced Oy ,hi} Jl;dlcldry C(jIYHl1ltie.;' 'hrllch t:)(,_!..!nlrr':', ~ht.. lhmuqtr fna-aY"'><:rm:i-rp:-m -ttr-3 P-;1rt---;rrhj~ afHJ-SuP.-OO'I!' -=..-Ufrl·ffi€-1"-c------ , .

J.1 d'~IIlL..9f Crf·a1Ir'{1 a YOlJlh St:rYlce Comm'''';,IGn 10 ,,'pitHY dl\ Lions Prt'~idenl J,$.. Johi~-r Siild1fu;,orgnmliihon-wttt-again:.\';!"Wo'h~ r • ppardfc organl1otlons d~J.aGi""tJ/)1lt' louIn "',~md - -- -~" ~------~-- i iuliOliJdh ti'tt'ttfy--tf't-G<:~~~'QrprO'M't<; A fr,nl

_~R 108, Infroduc/;>d t:;y Serwtor" James Goll (onn~fn:I;'1 (. ;;It i)( Germen culture dal' oH.,ed ball sfullfl competition i'fol'lannc-dl-01 2 p.rn, Sunday. Sept.1S, Th{'ll/iry In-fill; SfiJft~ o;-N':TJ,,).,k--a - ---~---- -------- -- --- ._ .g.r.Q1tp wilLnot f1....Q.!tLold~}'l.~e~.!Yrkc'l_.!:.~lf.!..!.IZ!"~~r-CM ...

S,-:nalor', Mer!(: Von Minden. Elr(;'f H",fn;,;f Gnd (l;rl') BI!vHI,!( ·TrIC!mtennia!." .dour w!8-e!l nonc.redil (.our"SfJ' celebrating 3001f1!roducr:d Lf~ :'i13 (JJnrc-t1 \""JIB ·bl.! ht:iH·{j·m ';-ovlh .r",,-r;;;J<-(H), !)fl Y£'f:lf~>QLGI~,..ma_flq~Jt\!H~mAmgrtc;.il.bc_9in~~hundav (Sep.l 15lSaturddY at \0 a m on lh£' main floor.oLthv Eqmf l1b!{;' h'df"r,j, at Norlh~.ast Te::;:hnic~l (<immunity College -')dVH)gS anrJ LOdrl A~SOClilflOn at 2:01 Dd¥_oli.; I>. Jetlt;e L k 58 I', d Inij.frucfor of U:--& <:ourr:e. which will meet from 79 30 p.m. 10',tUG'1 of JVljl(ldl qualifir:dholl'o i)nd dlo,Opllfli:W; method':. M1Jelay 131. I';, Edrth laholter. who W<)c') born iO t(t'.iOig'i-bcrg.

The publl-( 's Invllf:d to parll(lpdJf: • EdSl PrUs,~ill (now pdrl of the S.01fief )..Inion) ond grew up'in We~t

G~rmw;JY flU'$- ZaJ-iniwr ieat;:il'i'!';. (.7c"'~liJrl lallguage oj Wayne­C'JrroJl Hi-;:h Sa,ool ilnd h,'S'\ ,)I-so taught at NTCe and Wayne!d;.)h: Colh:-gC" . •

U;~ln9 ~lid('<' arid ffiatenul-s of her own and trom the Goolhe Insliivle in Chu:,ogo. flf.f:. Zahl'i1ser will include j) gem!',"l Qi/{!r­,ftl'!W of Germ,)" !t,lmigf"Micn pi.llt(,ro~. Vl/J'{Js. of Ameri(~by early G!::lm;m .::rt'f,tS,. follmous G~rman Amerlcan!i. PennWl\l~m..DUfCh (Un!;f", <intI Mi. .8--~:J,51iOi"1 orrGcmTOJl immtgrat1oo---to­Nt:brd~,k"J. ,jnd lh.;, (,Qn1ril]vllor1", of Germans 10 AmeriCan llh!and hIStory

- --------- -~---._------"-~._-_._-,---'.,.--.._-

RegISter farm D'ueb by wei,h'

NPPDfomsfribufe moneyNebraska Public Power District INPPD, '1'1111 ',0011 u"

distributing $3.907,405.92 to 217 Nebrdska cillr:':. ,mel to'l.. fl', d', d

result of agreements leaSing muniCipal electrl(dl dl'Strlbullonr ~.L..aurirdino to..w~Y...fl~---.fu?Y9_o~ Sr.lut_h SIOU,,"

Cily. member of 1he NPPD board of (jm7;·c1ors -- ..-The mOrley represents one half of the ,)rlnUul rn,.ld'~

by NPPD under terms of the Ica5.e agl'"-l;~ment:;, payrni:nl',w~re for the first half of 1983. Sold Boyd. The mOnf:y may i),.: u",':dby the community any way It delermines

------.f!aym.enis t.a....are~LCQ.."TImvni1i~'? i,!_cJuQ.~$7,757.15 10 Allen, $2,<)J5.99 to Belden,5,2,"321.30 to Dixon 1\

Wayne BoySCQ\JfTfOorD7"ds ptanne-d ,h-reqvlaF=pap4 {u:-'-'.'->'!

"., thULS~l,J_~~~. The_drive.~iLl tE.9,It1)i!t approxlftwfelv. 8.W it nlSO peopl~ shoUla have bOOdles of neWSpi:tpPr', pl~]d'd dt HWlr

_ PJefljeitofifS1HPtedgns- m W~yne tolaled S7.QO

__J =;:~:~~rl:::te~~~c~~~rD~:~s~~~;:~b~rth nor'I1 P

JTa·klng -dOnatrOncanislersar"oul'ITT1 0W"f17/l?T'7--6n:"ry~ -

_ BreH Fuelberfh. larry ~in-tl. Kelley dnd Kdlh'{ Jonf;', D,l. ,d-- Ahlman, Blfl Sperry, JuheM-il-I-+*""o, -Chaf R!;:eg.. dnd M,Jr!,. o1Cl(j

Torn Zach. They co!lC'cl~d $200 .--.-----v-.~l-e¥eA-~M.d- I dllo~,r,-.' t,11lK <'lll(L.:dlorl'o()fl:fJ ~!_

mus.cular dystropny dance Sept 2 !oili)'{Irng1"t\"J?"Tn~w(

___---.!I9lL9iJ..0'lt:~_~31c vias f_urrll'~,hed_r)y F~e(;f,~ll

-~-------- ------------ ------


" fQirwlthSovi.efsis sfillon• _': --- ----._- __• 0- • {'_:-_. - -- _ . '. --._- _~__ _ _ _._

".ByMelv'n PauJ Among firms ~Ianning ~to attend are pose which can't be assessed in dollars and as the repr~sen~tive from the 31st Oistrl~f,

·_'Hebr.ska PreiS AUDcla1ion LOckwp6d~~rp.--ilOd.ISCO-of Lincoln; 'Vell cents, Karnes 'said. In deaHng 'Wlth defln·- which includes much of southwest Omaha.

byTt;::r;,~:f~?F;:e~e~~rfe:en'~:::,f~n:~ ~;,7~~~~~~:~~~1~~n~~I~~V~e~~~~~r~~~--- -=;:~;;;MV~~Sff5~~1iect~~' ~:r: AI~f~ea:e~~~~~;CnD~n~::~~~:,vt:!r:~~~~Nebrt!i!tklt and about a dozen-. ·Nebraska Stor'MOf' lnc. of Fremon"t. revenue department otticlal 'Sometimes wJ" sent the views o!:~H segments of his district.fl(mll from p.artldpe;flng in ill Mo'$cow !;teGc,v'&e of the' incident G.Qv. Kerrey pr..ompt, a payment. not just organIzed labor.agricullural 'air ne,1 monlh.· decidedagaln.1 aHending. He had been con In all.'lhe account. which have been turn --I realize there· are other "nlille. In my It appears the community of Wayne is finally going to getsome Improve'

BOb--vilentlije-, -.direclor-of-~ttle·imerna' siderlng the possibility 9f making the trJp. ed.over for collection fotal 5312,343, Because legislative -dlstrlcf besides working people, ment that is needed and overdue. - .*' (flonal divh.fon ot· the -st6te -. Economic the deparimenf has other legal means 'i-uCh and I want them to know that a lot of my in

: Development O<!>arlmenl. ""Id la.' week . _. "'. a, woperty lien.Jordealing wllhin·,lole lere.l. range tar m"""lban labor union...• Being planned are a 500-foot runway extension as welfils widening and_~.baL.hl!_.and -'ie.Qr••ka __,,-gribuSineS5 DESPITE A MEAGER .return trom a .delinquenci••. all the ace"'Jnl. which have McDonald told a roomful ol.pecl.lors. overlaying of the existing runway at thl! Wayne Municipal Airport. .

representatives wiH-folfow through with· v.earfoflg·-e)ij)(:r1ment.ln which private bill bee" ILlilled Ollel 10 p, ;... afe eolleet~r5 tR M{"Oonald.-(lOcmoU-at..-saldhe....e.xpec1SJo Tbe project bas..bee'A--pl-an~l'$-.butaJackof fpnds the ~ptans to attend AQ.rlbuslness·USA, the oct. .collectors,have been used to collect overdue valve people who now -Uve elsewhere.' become. Involved in edu~ation, health. and main thing preventing work from beginning.

.- 18·2,5 trade fair which feature'S agricultural state taxes, state Tax Commissioner Donna Under alJrhQrhy- -gr:iint~d by, the 19B1 economic development Issues, ' .•:.. j.-~~~- . ~~~IL"-h• .i.n.t•.nds '10 <;onl;(Iu. Ih~ __.. L.egi.talurQ. Tax Commissioner Don ~§«l> _KerreY.._"I'Pointed Mcflonald Now it looks like the city will be able to get its hands on the money that IS. Valentine $aid the "ailure-or~s~practic~--~---'~._---..-.~_ ..--~bErger-~privatemtt-cottec a-fter--Wiltala n;si9f1ed---to---accept--Ket..,-ey~s--------neeaea::tot:1he-prolect.----.-- --- ~----==----== --=-=-====---=-====~---===-2..:......~_

-firms to make $afes would not mmy farm, ~arnes~said the stal~ Revenue Depart tOfS in '!lid· i982. appoi~t~ent fo l~e Oougla$ County election The Wayne Airport Authority met Monday night and appr.oved low· bidmachfnery 10 the Sgivi~t~we-ftn;-~-----ment:nas-cofte-e-ted 18;U91ro-m--ll<l over-dve - -----'--l'-Me--tGflecfton--ag£>rt(.-ie-s--r('fdi-fr-befwee-n--2-5 £ommt$-Sl-en€f'-s-tup flf1e1 :eo- ~ h"-£r,,n~__G..qt~f _!3...!Ha!~_ Di!d ~Iher accounjs ~f fotmer NebtaSkans_which have percent and 50 percent ~f Wh~t they coliecl. McDonald, who i~e)(pected torun for elec-. o-n. e,p,"?pOS • ronWa~i-proiect. -Co-sf of tne-prolec~mo-c~ftr~herHlOI t e~--. counlrle. are wlllinglo .upply Ihe 900({,~-----·6"riTurr"eaov.r 10 10urnl1l col1etlion agen--depending """",,"m inVoTVeOC-- ~tun to-ttT~t in 198'. Isn'r1he flrsrAFL ---englneer:s_.eshmate b!Jt It stili ap.nears federjlJ f.l!Dd~re i1"allable.

- "WHI.I.E WE'RE sen.lflv~ 10 1~e moral cie.. , CIO presld.nllo .erve in Ih. Leglslalure. In An extended and widened runway will mean increaseaaeRarTranspor:-~issues (of particlp3,ting):t Valentine said. "I know itpoeso·t look like much. but it's· THE LEGISLATURE'S. newest incmbcr 1976, 1he Sen. Bill Brennan waseleded from tation to and from Wayne and eouid o~n tMe gates for more businesses to:;:,:;~eQ~:r:~; il~s~h~ndf~~~$~~~;l~~:~~ _~~_~~.OlherWise WOUldn't have," Karnes W~~~~/~~~:~;:~~I~~'~~~$a:tl~~FL :~O~~~~d~~~ti~n~a~~~~~=~~~:~~~____mg_Y~Jnt9_9~r: c;:orr:trn~nity._ _ ~ ._ . ' "__ ___~_lli.!09'," - The u'e o.f !l.lltcoledors al.o .er.e'. pur CIO pr_e,iden\. ha' repl.ced SIeve nan died in 1979 beior. compl.Hng his term. rIf everything goes as planned, grading could begin this fall.

By R,lndy Hascall

David CurleyAetna Life & Casualty

:f. ..-

1__Ty dosed was en~rtJtr-eommallers -re1atln-g fostudent discipline beIng offered to thegroup

tnfad.- the maHe-r-even-reaehee-tlp--t-6-ttte--­level of the Board ot Trustees of theNebrask.a State Colleges be!:i.llJse local col-lege ofOOats, in their -wi-sdom. appa-ren-t-lycould n01 resolve the problems. .

Mr. Gannaway-said lhaf wse- m,3V,MV1te- -­national or.ganlzations.--back--iQ. -WSC- -.j.J.~

renewed Interest in the Greek system Isshown. With out track record, I'm sure thenationals will be knocking at our doors.

I hope that the Greek system at WSC willbe built up again. t also hope that an ern·phasls will be placed on effective andresponsible leadershIp.

Name withheld bv request

and younger. .The school year has begun, and more than ever, children will be-on the. . .

~nother viewpoint

Biking safely

your- C·--I- reno er rI ers an rna I ~~~

children to let '01hers "<lOw their -intended destination.• Keep bicycle in good mechanical condition. Urge children to check

brakes otten. Remember to oil and yrease brakes and chains too.Although statistics indicate that bicycle accidents are epidemic among

children. Ihe increased concern for physical fitness has brought moreadults riding on the streets too. With this increase in adult bicycle riding,related accidents and deaths have increased nine percent over the pastyear.

CARRYING PASSENGERS is one of the most common and dangerouspractices children make ";hen riding. Most bicycles are built to carry bneperson and only one. It is never safe to carry passengers while riding abicycle.

For riding safety tips in a free brochure write. Aelna Lite & Casualty.Corpora Ie Communications. DA06. 151 Farminglon Avenue. Hartford.Conn. 06156.

the streets. a primary responsibility for the parents will be to educatethemselves and their children aboutbicyde safety. - ---- .~~-

Operating a bicycle is a privlledge. Children who are riding outside oftrails and fhelr own driveways should kn.ow the rules of bicycle satety.

FOLLOW THESE three simple rules:• Fit the bike to the rider's size. The rider should be in control of the

equipment_ So don't purchase an oversized bicycle for the child to grow in·to. One can easily check size while sitting on the bike. If the knee is slightlybent as It rests-on the foot pedal. this will Indicate that the'bike f·its.

• Obey all traffic signals and signs. Practice proper hand signals with

~~----- Last year more ffi~inT;20odeathsarid--ahalfmflTlijn InlUries wen, sus·tained by bicYClists. Thirty-five percent of those deaths wer.e to children 14


dU~t <~ni.ii;;;;;9-'";;' ,ug'" ... eo ,wn-IO'''',"-- -dh?s .tt-..-""""."..,d--.... .a. jjavo.rJng.l<lL !_lettersthe corn syrl)p al,~ is- nste-d on the lab.:.,j ciga(l~ttes ~

Over the past decade, sweetener con, To the editor:somptton fJas constant: Tffe article in las1 Thursday·s paper on fhetram 125 pounds per capita in 1972 to 126 Greek Associations at Wayne Stale Collegepounds in 1982. But during that time, high was really so~ethlng,-ff'UE-f.ose--wl'n--s-we-e-f.e.oof'--e-6T'l5t1fllphon rose Mike -Gannaway, the assistant dean offrom one pound to 26 pounds. while granular students at WSC. really has himself convlnesugar consumption drQPpgd lr:om 102 e.d._that the alOng .economy ls.,. for the mostPOUI'H1~ to 1i. part, the reason behInd the dwlndHrTg"_WJ:1AJ THIS SHOWS: lWf~~!LetO\Jssh..!1L_ oL.GreeJL..Qrganll~tlons at WSC

from beet and cane sugar to corn Why nol~-It is so easy to blame everything:;weelen€I:~-and~f~1~m~nd'fQL<:~m on-that. ,to produce HFCS and other products.. Conveniently left oul of the arllde was the

.In fact, USDA figures show de!mand for' part pertaining to the supervIslon andcorn far stlch processing has increased from guidance that have or haven'l been offered295 million bU!l.hels in 1973 to an estimated 10 the various groups by Mr Gannaway. and600 blJsh~15 this year.' , Or. Mall. Lundstrom. the dean of Sfudent

And '!>that, according to A.E. Statey Services. Mr. Gannaway. by the way. is-atsoIigurcs, represents an extra 25 cents for the the Greek Liaison- at WSCprice of a bU5hcl of (;.orn, For example, one fraternity whIch recen!


SINCE ITS &NVENTION, 115 shure ofmarket has bt."Cn climbing, But It got its big

BV Cheryl Stubbcndleck g€~t boost when the &oft drink industryNcbrask>J F.grm 6ur.cau began using HFC-S to ~ub~titute lor parI of

£4t ~_-Joday?!;es.--ar.e -¥C-J.I _the S!.!.9!~r.JD cpla be,!~ag~5_

h(]JVl!, even If the sea~n for seef corn is past More recently. Coc(}-COhl announ<;:(!d If TN ----n-oOtTSO-N" 10 "pf'(Rfvcrng ~reJt

You-may nvHIOvc hAd any w..ouid_ r{J~c t..he percentage of C:£l-f.A""'MIl>-r,;,wectne~,s,' HFCS t3dds other properIres todlnn("I",JJJ.!l il'siL9QQ(Lbl~t tha1.'i.Q..l.!'ve cat~n sweeteners in Its product for 50 tD 7S per food, HFCS make<.. those 5emi moist. ",torecorn In one of its many forms. ---- cen[ whiTe Pepsico annou;Ked it w"iTfu5c so on-thc--cuphourd ~e+f -dfrg--food5- ~akt,

Ncady :1,.1100 grocery Hems include a Corn percent corn sweeteners in Iff, bev(!raqe the ~.ume technology I;" responsible for tho':iepf~!&dn~~Gj:ijnt ;;''::-4tld!'" Min MFC-S: :isc~r t@fi eiHlf:f' <':~Af.!-M 1)(;-4:1 gr.ano.l..a type ".f1!J_ct _Q.o.d _br(.",,~fa!)' _b?rr,~re,a!'m of. 500 percent during ~~ vast 15 sugar. It s,ells for 21 to 13 <ents (1 pound, With HFCS. ice crearn VIlli naP freew as

cyean. aCcQrding fO fh~ NalTOilal Corn Pro- compared wllh ·20:lo~ ~---'Ass.oclaiion. refined sugar_ But that'Eo not thQ only rcason furer It touts its product cJ~ having thill

-----The fuSlChf'U'tuwifi9 $CymE,,1 of tlll;c---corn-- ·tood-mantffttdt1reM~Slng--Hf-CS inlh!#!( '.'..ok,J.tashioned" textureproducts industry' Is- high frucrose CQrn products. HFCS IS. tllr~ing up in a wide variety ofllI¥rupM--HF--CS-,.HF-CS-Vl6lHfe.v.eIQped-by the An.otha[,Jea5~m rclaJe-s to nutritional produc1:, II's In. break,a,:t cereal5~ conA.E. '5taley Companyot Decatur. III., in the. lapeling of food products: by reptl~cing dlmenfs and dre!J5.lngs; .many preparoo(~arly t970$ and Is now made by several corn some of1he sugar with HFCS. the mapufilc foodS: gum, ~.ak~(y tlem$ including to<:lsterpro-ee5s0rs. turer can put sugar lo....;er down In the listing pi)stne~ and Even.)lght beer

of ingredlents_' Neo1rly illl of fhe non col,) cilrbonlltcdThe thought Is that wgar'l;onsciou~ food beverage-~ U$(!' HFCS llnd, along with

shopPGrs will be more likely fo buy a pro regular corn syrup, it's used In many can



THE WAvt..JEHERXLD·10 knllnan__._J'ftllll••lIr....

14J1ll!Sl.._~~_-II~'!!Iy.~~.AuodIiIlt editor - LaVon An....un

----------- ,

"_tiona. tte.......' AModMJonS....lnl•• Mo_ .10'.

No-. liS:rh~sd..V~Sflpt.1S.

COIIfIt••uhooWGd .

~_T~t~~l?hen~_r-q!-e~ar-e reosofffor concernBy Congressman Americans, and it directs ')tillf! regulatory "revenues from mon-opoly ~er\lice~, 10 sub Gfeene has also decided tharloc-iir com-

sldi.le telecommunications service 111 a com an leI'. .can _con.tinue. 10 sell "'"1e 1 ~

A telephone company headquartered in vice Commission) to review carefully fhe petltive market. menf. At present. most people rent theirrural Nebraska has prolecte-d'~that within rate Inere.!!$€' requestSi\ow pending betore The antltru5t suit WaS halted on January phones. With new technology driving phonetho ~t} of yearfr, the average mon· them: fJ, 1991,w~ tl1e J:Ujtice- Departmenl and pde€!"3 down, eonsumer-s may find that it istilly charge-to its -customer, wiH in~fease In -addfHon-, I expett to cospon$.()f d bIll AT& T rcathed a negotiated ~2H!~ml~nt Jess aiipt;tl9lVe to buY·(I phone.240%-tOiE,36, There arc -predlctJofi!l- that that wm reverse some of the FCC d.cci!iiolls ATB." agreed to divost Its(ilf oj it!> 27 local On July 8 Judge Green hande.d down threethe flxoo p rtlon of thl,! telephone bill, not In- that a7U111m1ytlr"cuntrltmtc to unTffilsonable operaHng -phone-c-er;npanles {which account more decisIons. The flrs,t stated. that afterc1udtng I g dlstanc.e r,ates, will increase at rafe hlke:s- and will recognize and compen fol'" two-thirds of ArB.r assets}, divestiture the-Bell name and symbol will nole.a'&t15%~vcrageNebra5kanln'9a4_ s8te tor Iheaddltlonal costs ot providlng ser AT&T also agreed to transfer laediti~s, longer belong to AT&T but to 1he 22 localIn thJnly·pnpufated rural arcos, telephone vice to rural America, A number of bills staff and systems to the local opcratinq operating- companies.bjll5 ~'unnlng$10 0 month may double or tri' havQ bc~n Infroduced In recent weeks. ilnd I Gompanlc5 plus provIde re5ear~h, manufae .The second decision pertains to equal ac.pie to-$20 or $30 a month. am reviewing them thoroughly. turing and other ~upport s.erVlce5 to local eess conversion <.:osts, local -phone com.

Ma."\, Ncbra5kans have written to me Many of them would establish D UniverSljl operating COmp:lnle5, Local operating cor:" anlcs wi'll have to modify their switchinga_~ut their ---(1oncerns _ thaf_ ~h~s~ Ser .... lce Fund that. wO!Jld, In effct:f, subsidize pa~ies must fransfer all loc~ll d\s1arlcC 5Wlt ~ stems to ensure the callerceasy access to 114H11h,Strftt Wavn•• NOr......'87 ...... ,75.2100

skr ~~~aroc~~oompan,eswowcos~cxce~d.-~~~m~-~~~iY~-~-~i·~·~·~~~I;-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~·~d~·~~~;;~;;;~~~~~;5;~;i~;i~~;;;;~E~~,')_. f!' b Oil ~ • ,;> "C 1=.;$ eql1lpnuiRt 'h)_A+&-+~__.-!o,.ng distance serv t:;:e~ 0 ere y on

.....ery concerned obQui the e-Uec:ts'of -recent ---- pert"en ge_- rs=t'S"fj'yiiileIdl"tO"cej}Hhat 1-"=~~-tU . -1;~-:':'~ SBS.-TIi--oRJef-'o P?rtgX lhfs---cbnvcrslOrr;=-=-~ -'--i'lolid~~irl',er'IDf:r'f\ __ • ., ',- __ _' _--FCCCJeasfonsaria-of-The--;Ai&T.Justke-- favor. _. __ _ final jUdicial apprG~d;1 In the. ter::a. local phone companies would be forced to the po,t offic.e and ~nd cla5~15b:Milge paid at Wayne. Nebreka 68787.:.., .__~__ .

--C-0J1~CS5Cl:rmintv -strnuht act to msure tum of ttm- -A-i&j ,anfrtrusi SUit. ge- raIse -rates. -Efuf--;:tudg8 Gree-rm rulea-tf'rat-If --- POSTMSTlftr5eno~rdBre~5-ChMge to_'fti~ffi~}'trald, ".0, 1SOH 11. wayne, Nt68'181.peportment settlement on local phone ser- th.ot all cit/lens have access to our notion Greene has. ordered a number of changes In local dfTnpanies_ cannot recover the $2.5vice. ~ . - + Wide fclecomm!1nlcufl-ons fretwork and ttlat the st."fflement. The purpos.eot some ot thce;e billion .conversion costs In''''fen years, then

f AM' COSPONSOR Of {) resolution,' H. -alt, clfilOns. s1lare- the cost of malntnining changes Is to lessen. f.he Increase In phot)e AT&T wltl be requlr d 10 pay the remainingRES. 2'31';, that 0Xpr05-nGs the sense of the that network. ra1es. ~x enses' This shou d' lessen "costs t~ eOA'Hour-c that the FCC atlould begin an In- IN 197t the U~S. JU5flcc Departmont in· ~ie has directed thQt local phone com· 5u~ers' 1..

~ ..Ile$.tiQ:afJM-T6--a{ffifr~e~fffi"--on 5tltued-a-n-Mtlfr-us~--suit--ag.9instAT&T_and .panles re.1a.l.n..the y'cllow pages under thel! ..< fcfeph-O"~ rates an~ oorvk:.-e Of fne-FC:C-decl- its subsldiaii-e".-Wesrem -'E leorle antf 8(ffi -own contf~nl-tHmett-tttleconsumer - -:HJage~' 'Gre-

elon and rMtrocfurlng of AT&T. 'Labs. AT&~_was e~6rged with usIng tis _~G!=oug.e in most states S9~e of the·~ost of local phone cThe--rEf!"?h,JtIOf1 reQUEt!t!.5 that the Hause: ffiOnopol¥-...pnslfIon-fo lnfillifl <:. .-- , 'fion In phonu service is offset byprofifs from the patents and th

dl tr Thp I - t P- Avenue frOm the divestiture; T


RING - Mr. and M ROnaldRing. Wayne. a Luca.MIorc•• Ibl.• 1!1, 01" 5ep1. 7.~icIenu~-CaftIer._. .-and

"The ..ay yoo Ihlnk abo\llo ._.your..11 - yoo, ",II·..,"", ­

.can greally alleel the ....y v...order yoor m.... HId Tamme. ed·ding lhal reeling. 01 Inlerl...."yollen lake .ha... tlrbetnv ovorlyHnioit;ve to crUlclsm, overlycritical 01 0'''''''' and blamingthem-for fhingsgone wrong. over·Iy r_tva to lIall.,v. ltollngpersecuted. I.arlng competilion.alld being $/\{ <IF Ilmld In groyp•..

TEMME SAID Frlllay·.I..",ncan help _ perllclpanls morepositIve ways of viewingthemselves and Increasing theirsott·worth.

Per..",. who plan to .IIn andhave nol .Ireaclv 'llIllslor-.l ...ea5k.d 10 call j"" Wayne Coon'yExlen.lon Ser.v'ce. 375·3310,Matulal, will be provIded.

Keith Jech. a 0 ayn8. a-i

Grone; Marci Rohrberg and antee r· ,Mrs Predoehll. pre.ldenl 01 lhe Inler·coonly group.•nd

Mrs. Jordan serves as.$CC:retar-y·fre,.surer.A noon luncheon is planned,


Wavne Cnamber ofCom......i., alld Mrt;denl ollhe'WaYne Woil\t!O's Club. . :.:' .'

Vlsillng.<Ilgnlfarl.. _led on I"" program Incl*i SlalePr..ldenl Ei:-etyn SchellP'lP'!r 01 Slanlon' !>resldenl·Elecl,t.Ot.a£hJll':IolUn<:oJ!!~l!t~reJ~rrJrls K~-,!~ Nor·lolk; Dlslrict III Pruillenl Carol Elbrachl of Howell" ilna JoKilburn of Randolph..

-fl'eC'AL"'TTENrlON-wll~.procedure work""'" Jed by Mal'98ret Hasebroock 01 Lincoln.

The work"""'. ",hlch will!,,!~ to lhe public. II .._ledlobellin all:<5 p.m. . .

Mrs. Hasebroock. wife oIltle ·Ial. sIal. S.n. WilliamHasebroock. i. p..I ......I_1 oil"" NallonatAlsiN:lalion otParllamenlarlans. pasl "'nlclenl 01 Nallonal Pen Women. andhonorary pr..ldenl ot Ihe General Federation 01 Women'.ClubS. ,.-

In addition to~ numerous other acU"UlH.~ Hf''II6 as_---lf-_

Women'$ C'ubs,

. toiEMaERS OF THE Wayne Women'. Club on ltle°j,lannJt>gcommittee for Saturday's convention lndude Bernice OamrN'.Norma Ma danL Marlon Jordan, Mildred W..I. Dorothy

EKBERG - Mr. and M... LyleEkberg. Wakelleld. a ......Nlekolaus Lyfe. 9 fb5.~ 2'~ oz .•sept. 12, Providence MedicalCenter.

AGUOR .-' Mr~ and M[LJllI>.:L ~.IK!!. MatL.M..t~..leAgler. Wayne. a <!avgftt"r. Kalhol. Wavne. • .on,Jeulc.a Robin. 6 Iii•.• 11 ';, 01.. Gr_y Maxwell, eIbl., 401.•-~ P.rO\t..idencaMedlt.4l---..Aug 17 amah. hOlpltal __c_. . --..nat. fjronclperen" ......

Mr. alld Mrs. Ralph Kalhot.Hartington.

The--e.llecufrote boa:rd or the - Pl:A~ mHt for lmiLuthet~n Womens MiSSionary neK' district lWML -convention inleague ILWM!..1 NeI>ra5kaNorth the .....lngofl.Ut W...I Polnt.met S""" 8·9 .1 Camp Luther. A 'e_r$hlp training IqtureSchuyler. wa. 'eed bY IlfiIIrIy R",.. ot

¥rffitJing was PlesldfJn' -Mf-s-: ~an6-~DwaIne Relhwl..hcil Wayne, devotionS ......e CiOIlducleil' by the

counoelors. the Rev. R'chardA r""orl on 'he work of the .Arlldlof PlI!lnvltW alld the.Rev.

synod wa. g'ven by tho Rev. Rodnav Me5ka 01 H_.Eldor Mayer. district 'Vnodlcalpresident.

Altendlng Irom the wayne are. AT THE conclu.IOII 01 lhowere Se\I'erly Ruwe. NHa Schut- dl'Strlet board meeting. womentier. carol Relhwlsch, Dawn Ir__I~!!~a.I<a.lntllorKramer, M_ .......ch_.."~-<eIr-'~...w.u.Darlene Schroeder and Darlene ·'R.ach Out and Tovch So·F-revet'f'" - --..Q1eOIa.~~--- --

MARY TEMME. wa-vne Coun·ty Extension Agent·Home~mj(:s. said rewaf'(h showsthaJ iJ pc»ltlve wlf.lmage can 'm·prove ~~ asp«ts of physicoihealth

LWML executive boardmeets at Camp Lutner-

Lesson fOCUSing-e

~, ll-tm Ta Jor nd

THE NeWLYWEDS are ,,1 Lcutrnlng fo ralM self..,.feemhome 01 5736 S. 98lh, Api. 2A In . will be lhe locu' ofaleode!' Ir.ln·Omaha log session IfUI month sponsoredT~e bricre is oEU982 gradua'ie of by the C-oopeeatlve Extension

Wake'leid High School and a 1983 Service.graduate of Northeast Technical The $essJon. enUfled "LikingCommunity College, Norfolk Me•. Liking You (Building Self·

Esteem)." wilt be offered toThe brloegroom graduated organlUtHOn represe-ntatlvel

trom Wakefield High School in from extens.lon clubs- 'and other1979 dnd from Wayne Stale Col groups on Friday. Sept. 16 at 1:30lege to! )982. t-fe Is. it ,sales p. m. at the Carron fire haltrepres-enfative for Wright LIM. All interested penon, are In·Inc vlted '0 attend at no charge and

share the information with theirclubs and organlla~tlons.

and Julmm Hing$t of Emer.son.

man, Otner waitreS5e'S were~LOI'i

Bodwell ot Onawa, Iowa. TerriHingst of WakefIeld. TraciGal lemeyei of --somn "SiOUX' City -.--

Mr, and Mrs. Mark Hill

A SKIT, ENTfTLED "WtMt to Takp. 011 a ~vmoon," WdS

qlyen by Don~lIa Jotlf'lson ",nd f'ltMY Jo Schulte A pencil gamel'oHOW€'d-

Sharon T~ylor of Concord 'Na-s pr(hent~u IJ rr,,';"::~ilaneous

bridal shower fa!!.' Thursday eVl~nlrlgat SI Anne's PiJrl!>h ;;oii inDIxon Fifty 9uesf~ dfHmded Irom Norfolk. Allen. Laurel, Concord, O,!2l:9/i' Wdk€'llf~ld. Nf:wc/)stle ~nd Wayn_~,

~,,).t~ f.Q.l' few -#{J-n'~_ ill tllJ-I'~ .ar..d, 1.J1rs.Virgil Pearson was rfll~'r~'.i'; of cerernonil!5 and presentf:d thehonoree v/lth a corS<19~ Tht-hCriore€ introduced her '~mily. iH;(!J

Mr~ Don Roeder 9avr~ a devotional readlnq

u< ,

~=~~~;j~:;k~~~~f~npp.~~~::;nS~~1~t:y;mj.~~r;-O-0-YI-e-t--"¥illJE!WW!l....~30, ~u::J:!-' #A_,r!. John~_.K.essinger of lill)r(~I, Mrs Dale Pears-on of Wakefield, Mr~ -=~ ver~"::~;I~;:-t~CO~--leRoy Creamer and Mrs lotm Taylor. both of Concord. and ~d Mrs. Margaret Gannon. VAH CLEAVE - Mr.•nd. Mr•.Mrs- T(:.>d John$on. Mrs S'1w.c Schutte, Mrs Dtlvo Schutte, Mrs "----01.,.5"'5. Bob V.nCleali., 3-600 $ult.Don Ro~der, Mrs u,tln Gofhler, Mrs B.ll GarvIn. Mrs Floyd r las, ~u,..u, At.,. "ChI~ter.Bloom. Mrs N,orm n jens(!f! iH10 Mrl> DuclnfJ> W!"ite, all ot Db! JECH _ Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Jennifer Lefgh. 1 fbi., -11 1)1.•

Jech, Marshal-Jtow-n, Iowa. II Aug. 30. Jen~lf.r ,o'nl •d5UW>fer. Amanda ·Jana. II -lnc,:-..f.'·~.·a~AG[!..~."~~e'Ii.!.. 2...QL. Ayg. t;L Grand' MJe .... 'N.....,......parents are Mr. and Mrs. - V.riCI••~~•. Atfln-: "Gr•• t

=Mii'...-mtl94ilil Jo\<...a/ld-MtI.. g...__ 11 Mr. MIl"""

Sharon Ta,lor

Si:-:t'l guest':> "tlencY:-tU! ml.~(~:-lldneous<,ho.'Jer Saturday afternom. dt the FIrst lulhetiin Churci'! 1M Allen. hononng O<tobe-rlJrldc- clecfCdfmin UJObcr5TedlolOh-:of'l'

The que-sh attended from Jefferson, S 0 Kanf.ds C!lv, MoLincoln. Omah.J. \t,n'!).n;!r. L<lUre1. Dakota City. Concord, Allen.o-TYon arn:t-W<'Jttf1-e4d- fJf.:.eef-~--."Irrf':-ffl-~~--l'-'r'. ;S4~Te-r,­

grilY and white

LINDA OSBAHR AND Patty Matte~welcomed the 9uesl~ andmade IntroductlOn<;, Devot.on~ 'I.;::;!: glver~ by E lame Lubb!:rJ;Jedt Amy Pe1.e(~ of Dixon sang. "You Ltgtlt Up My Life."

-dRornpamett-tJv Ene-1m ,·¢r.dll:e" of Alh.l •. --a-nd-~-Mit-C-k-e-Tpresented (11 reading. entrrte"d--'-'--€r Househotd Trp;; -'-! ,-

ASSIsting the hOnoree wilh gtll'S were her sisiers, Mrs LeRayeAle;r.under of Kansas (,1'1', Mrs LeAnn S<:hrc)(~der of Wakeheld.and Mrs Wendy E Iii:. of Omaha Cheri Gotch of .A1.I£:n poured.and Terr! Gotch of W,sner !"er ....ed punch

HOSTeSSeS WEFt:£ Trudy Peters, Elaine Lubberstedt.Gt!rry Roeder, Wllmc. E ckerL Cella Hansen eJnd E Idlf'fe Peter'S,<ill ot Dixon. PattI Matte...., !'-IIymi) Roeber, Donna ScnrOt.-'der, IVt)

Ce-lqC1" and CheTi Gfrt;;:h, aU -01 AH-e-n Ruth Jen~of Dakota City MarQe Macl-.ey of L~iJr{:<i Terri Gotch 01 WI·,ner. and Linda~t'*.of ~l@tret".$.Otl. S-_Q

Mtl;,S lubber!.fedi cft)u9hh:r 01 Mr dnd M", U~rry Lubbersf"'df 01 Ol:-:on. arid Rid<, Go',=h, ~on of Mr. and 1',,'Inl> BiHGotch ot~Allen. wtttn~ iTiTITTfi'ffl Grt 6-m-fk.aC'f?t:-uth~cfl­

In Wayl1t

Carmin Lubbentedt

bridal showers

thf.' nomln.•:dlng b'a'ilot --i-oT­

skcr~t<lr't of Ihe djc,~riclMrs Helen Rowand Mr<; Ki~Y

Mar~h, al~o of Waynf:, ar~' on theballot lor the norrHna1lnq commltlef!

Other olflcers dtt~ndlng Irom,It!IS area areM,rs._ Mdl"gdl".ef Kenn., of Cdr roll, Mrs MiHI<ln Renn,ck of Pilger, fI,n Margueritefv'ttlrshafl of St,,;;1on Mr<;, Rober

4, RE'CEPTION fo; 250 guestsIUdS held in 1h-e church basement!ollowmg tnt' ceremony HQstswere Mr and Mrs· Dean Sieve!"!>01 ''''ayne and My i'.Jnd Mr ..Claylon Andr{:<w$ of Nodolk

• ..IP 'j 1'1 01 South Sioux City':..<tng "0 PedeC1 Love." Oroanist The we<kitng cake was cut aodwas Eieanor Hingst of E~s.on. ~erved. by Reta BOdwell of

Flowe.r 91rl waG-Monica 5ievers OnAwa, Iowa. Judy Hingst ofof Wayne, and rfng bea.~er was Allen. a,nd Karen Gatleme-YCr ofJeremy Felt of Bollngbr-ook. III South S-ioull: CityCandles were Ilghted bV Chad (.;rol RUSkowsky of Necedah,Hing~ ')f Allen and Robert Hingst WI""" and Judy of Emersonof Wakefield poured coHee, .Jo,h"h was ~rved

by PhylliS Todd of S-ovth SIoux C,ty an-d Ida Htfl9~t 0' WakefieldPu-nch ser ...ers were DlaneJensen of Stanton and CathY Duncan of Emerson

Wf.H'reSSes at the brJdal tablewt!rr. Jean lunz and Gwen Har t

Thefl"1e 1<;; 'Thf-ouq-h il AllGod Building on YeS/NOn y

President r5 0' Of'an (olr>mnn<"frfp-

Ainswo,rth hosting fallU~~fit!m~ng=u

Five generations

The Northeast D'slrtct taltme€f'lng of Unl!ed Method'lstWomen will be held thiS Saturday

~ at tHe United Method!st Chljrch InAlns.worth beginning '.filthregistration and coffel? at P. 10am


beautified with a chapel trainShe wore a bridal pIcture ~la!

accented with schittl! lace, br·tdo'fseed pearls and illUSIon velllng..lad carried a colonial bouquet offresh gardenias ~J~fi"l bluE' s£/krosebuds highlighted by pearl f)ecents with cascadm'J ~,trands ofpearis.

THE BRIDE WAS given inmarriage by her_tather and worea long,. White gow'n of dacron andor.g1Jnza, fashioned w'tth a jewelneckl1ne and basque bodice accented with Chantilly lace andO. ictal seed-pettr+s- -­..M'atcnfng lace ruffle and seed

pearls cuffed the long, fittedChantilly lace sleeves. Her full,botlffant skirt was trimmed ~Ith

Cedar Rapids. and Ter-e-sa Biggerstaff and Susan Baker. both of ,Wakefield.

Their-. light blue print gowfH;>

were ot ddt;;rOn orqdrlla deSignedwifh ruffled drop shoulderbodH;:es. pu1f sleeves and lull.flowing skids dramafllf",d wilhdouble l"lounced h.~mlln(!s

They wore bllje nealherwreath's rnterl.aced With bdbt'Sbreath trimmed WIth '_altn ~E af h

carried a SIOgle! parl<ll! ro<,~- ,Indbaby blue baby'S Qre"th ,-,dr,

MR. AND Mrs Gaylene Hingstof Emer-son regIstered the 9uestsattending 1M ceremony.

Ushers were Ken~U PoulSonand Ste....c Ander~n. both ofWake-field, Rick Hingst .of Allenand MaH Lahrs of Denver

WeddIng music Iflcluded"Someday, Somewhere" and'The Two Shall 8e As One," sung Gifts were arranged by M;Jtt

CRISTY HfNGST ot War.efleld by Mrs Verlan Hingst of Allen, Hingst Of Allen. Jami~Bodwell ofserved h!!r sl51er d1i honor atten_ anJL..:..:....You and I." ,s.u.n~Mrs, O",~wa. Iowa, S1atl Jen~n ofdam. ertOO5milld~ wen,,' Shelly Hingst and Charle!oSoderbe~an'on.and Amber Ga'zemeye-r

Serving were RoseFredrlck-son, Lavah Madejewskl

ThompsQn reported there arc 33pajd·up members for 1984

Historical Society meetingTne Dixon County HlstorlCal SocIety will meet at the museum

TrlAffiHfoniliEffiidy-, -sept. 1:0 ~PTrT--winnefr'ed Bass of laur-el witt sp-e~ on fhe eady- -hi-s-t-e-ry of

northeast Nebraska Refreshments Will be served by FrancesN-oe ot DIxon.

Library informational meetingAllen. c-(rroJi and Wayne were among area commUnll(f~S

represented at a library Intormatlonul meeting last Thursday In

NorfolkDrscu5sIon lOcluded state wrde library development and plan

nlng, a~d the Northeast Library System. a non pr9fil corpord-the--p:rOlllotIOI, 0' efUd:ltr--l-ibrari"'·~~-to---f"1~~...-e+­

northeast Nebraska Various computeriled library ser\,ICe'~,


Among those present for the meellng was Mary Jo Gross ofWayne, vice president of the Northeast Lrbrary System

The Rev. Dana White. pastor of the United PresbyterIanChurch in Wakefield. announced her retirement during worship"servjces Sept. 4. '

Pastor White has served the Wakefield and EmersonPresbyterian Churche$ since March c~ 1980. She wi/.J deliver herfinal sermon on Oct, 2 and plans to retire to KerrVille. Texas



-~~; Myrfle-White' was hOnored WI'th'an open house receptionS;unday-affernoon for her BOth birthday.. Hosts for the e¥ent~ held in the Harold White home at Laurel,'were the Harold Whites. f;lrad Whifeand Mr, and Mrs. Tom Hud­tUesfot:t. The 125 guests a:ttended from SlovxClty, Bellevue. FI'e­mom: S~S-iooxCity, Pleasant O~e, W~'yne, COficord. Allen..Ponca and Laurel. _

Specie" g-uests-~nc.iude('-the--~'sbrother and hi~ wife.Mr: anct~t:''tirl_~!ft-.9.f?IOuxCtty, ~!td he~ ~!,ster,in,law.Viola 'ChristOphersen of Ponca. - - --- --- - -

Mrs. ,Gerry Cunningham, Cofleen Qua1Ts-"and Mrs. MarvinWiLketf assj~deO(h theKTfcnen~

Dr. Vidor Herbert will present a program, entitled "NufntlonCuTfism." on Sepf: 20 at 7 p.m. in the Randolph Room of theC01Tlmons. at ,Morningside CoHege in Sioux City.

Herb@rt is chief of the hematology and nutrition laboratory ofthe Bronx. N Y VA Medical Center. and is a professor ofmedicine at State University of New York Downstate MedicalCenter. Board-certlfied in both Internal mediCine .and nutrition.Herbert also Is an aHorney ~

A member of many scientific socjelles.~ he has published mon'.'than SOO sCIentific papers dnd IS the author of . NutntlonCultism: Facts and Fictions:' and "Vitamins and ~Heallh

Foods. The Great Amencan Hustle"His appearance In Sioux City IS CO sponsored by Dairy Councd

of Central States and fhe Northwest Iowa District DH'?letlcAssociaflon

Tne-43rd birthday of Perry Jarvis was observed Sept. 7 at hIShome in Laurel. Also honored was his brother. Carroll Jarvis of

0-: . who was 69 on S t.:.-L '__.~_"---.-----Guest-s In the Jarvis home inclUded Aftr, and Mrs. Carroll Jar

vis. Mr. and Mrs. Don Harmeier of Winside, Mr. and Mrs. ErwinHe'nsfnke and Mr. and Mrs. ~I Nissen, all of Wayne. and Mrand Mrs. Don Rohde. Greg and Oaneen._Armin Urwller, .Mrs

, ~rt U"i'? all of Laurel.

Chaplain Kruger gave a Labor

~ay _p.r~yer. !~ll~w:d wlt~. the

PRESIDENT LouJse Kahlerpresided during the regularbusinesS'? meeting. Colors wereadvanced --by sergeants at armsEmma Soules- and Mabel Som·",.'i!eld, pro !em.

Chair, accompanIed by Alma~ .Omah"_~~_·h

Ev.eiine Thompson.,delegate tothe 63rd national convention,reported on the meeting heldAug. 19·25 in Seat1'le.

Chaplain Kruger dosed themeeting with prayer I forlowcdwith t~ singing of "Am,et"-lca

Auxiliary conductsGold Star program

The American Legion Auxdiary conducted tts Gold Star

1"'09"'<tm Sepf 5 to h<HH)f FIVE GENERATIONS WERE prllseol·ala gathering

__m"'h.",ov",';,e1tllrOs",;t,w1lJl~fV::..~:r'·.";m;:"",""'~:re,,:;,,,vi~iL~~"---&SP"'~fHlr;"'t;..~""~,,,:...7..,i~...:'..." "'1~,h"t;",~r<tt"'I~"'I:"";,,,~m",orr~~S",e",D"Ic..."'4"'i'!JnLI"'h"'ec....=L....e"-s! homsen home. Wakefie Id, to honoroverseas. of the supper for Norfolk the baptism of Amber Beth Thomsen. Pictured holding'Twelve members attended the veterans scheduled Sept. 26 at Am*r:~ ~r great grandmother. Elsie I'ltarks of

meetIng In me wayne Vet"s Club 6 :lOp m i-n 'h.e-Wayne Vet',Ctub Tildpn. Seated at left ~ Amber's great great grand-room roo", Co' sponsoring the su'pper mother. AlVina St\uvignier of who made the

ar-e the Wayne American LegIon, 'Y

- - )';;;r1nn ...- flMIamt__;e; baptismal dre..s.s also worn by Amb!'r's mgther andHonor-ed~ the program. grandfathe.... Amber's grandfather, Arvid Marks Of

~~~c;w:rSuger, w:~b~~I~ap~: LINDA GRUBB, hospItal and Wayne, and her mother>. Krista Thomsen, are pictured.member E veline ..Thompson visitation chairman. announced In back.Gold Star members not p.resent that cards were sent to Marj Iewere- Helen Hupp and lillian Kahler and Helen Hvpp. ~.Swinney ~ It was announced that a leader

-T~1 gF6U; S~A§-'~TR@, \'tR6l-Jr ~~,j~~'~~~e~

bridesmaids were Barb Kounov·sky of Norfolk, Trisha Smlfh andKelll Boyer, both of Battle Creek.and Debbl May of Norfolk.

Bill Anderson of Winside servoed as best man. Groomsmenwere .Randy Rifle of Winside,Dave MIller of Pierce. KevinDavIs of Carroll and VerNealMarott Of Winside

Guests- wer.e---U.S.b.e:r.ed to theirsea!s-.b.y Larry Rifle and DaveRitle, both of Denver, Colo .• andRandy Smith and Terrv 5mBh,both of Sattte Creek

Frower girl was J ill Carson ofBattle Creek. and candlelighterswere Kim Fork of Carroll andBrandon Ritze of Denver .

FOLLOWING THE ceremony.a reception was held al St. John's

....Au..d..iforium .in B.attle J:.r~_dance followed al the Elks Club inNorfolk

Jan and Krls Smith of BaffleCreek registered the guests, whowe,re greeted by Mr and MrsLonnie Fork ot Carroll and Mrand Mrs Wayne Werner of BaltleCreek


a e 0 e extra. poun stat avecome over th.-summe,.

f'ne.Dlet_Cent&r·.n h_ to help you'get going on the last diet you'll everne~cL You con lose 17_:25J"s. Jnj"'lIt._weeks. We'reoHerlng cash discountson all our plansl If· you need a 2 .weekprogram. a 4 week progr'ClITI or longerwe have a big discount for everyone.

-Please -.:allor-stop-tn-forIl1r..-m...-.--1If----sultatl !" .




Nowthat fan I_here and, wenope.cooler weather, everyene Is ready to

An open houo.l' reccploon Will be held Fr Iday. Sept" 16 from 1 1010 pm ,11 th{· DI,;on United Methodist Church

The event I~ planhPd for Mr a_nd Mrs Rex Troth of Bozeman.Mont Mr and Mr,; Waller Peterson of Billings, Monl . Mr andMr:; Dah:' Davrdson at Anchorage. Alaska, and Mr: and MrsPerry Evan,; of Garden CI'Y:~. 0

All relallv,," and friends are Invded 10 allend

Open house at Dixon

Ai.i.-$PKtAL­FOR-DtETfRS r~

yo~ eep e we 9 t-o"'" permal!!~11----------.. ~----=----- ----- _.- '---~-

OHerG'ood Sept. 15·30.:----'Il\tI"TTHE(O~ .'

It ~~'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!~I

Sf John's Lufheran Church inBaffle Creek was fhe setting forfhe Sept 10 double ring ceremonyuOifing in marriage Karla MaySmlfh, daughfer of Mr. and Mrs.Milton Smith of Battle Creek, andRobert Dean Ritze. son of Mrand Mrs Harold R Itze of Win~lde. " -

I he newlywEraS traveled to Col·orado and are making fheirntimeaf rural Norfotk

The bride, who IS employed afDale Electronics io Norfo~k, is a1979 graduate of Battle CreekH1gh School The bridegroomgraduated from Winside HighSchool In 1977 and is employed atTrl County Coop In WinSide

OFFICIATING AT the 630-P--fTL_ ceremQny w~s t~ _ R~_Glenn Baumann SolOist wasJean Hughes. and organist wasViola Ehlers AIt-"""iJjre of BattleCreek ,

The brlde"was given In marriage by her parents Maid of



Celebrating 90th

.. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ritze

rnmunitu "aleddar K --- t·~~-k---.L...h.:. -.--.--------. --~--.,.- . or a "mlUl DraUe

of Robert Ritze

Les' Steakhouse 1s now serving aSunday Smorgasbord from 11 :00

a,m, to 1:30 p.m, (Qr~

$495 Tax Included

m s e

ThI.~-Sunda,Y·s Smorgasbord will


THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15Immanuel lutheran Ladles Aid, 2 p,m.


Jeanne lynne Allemann

Friends a~d relatives are Invited to altend a-j; open hou5ereception Or"! Sunday,' Sept '18. honoring the 90th birthday of Mar ­th.;i Rieth at Laur'::!

The event will be. held from 2 to 4 30p m. af fheSenlor Cirizem- £--e-rrtf.:r-m-\;llttre-!· AbrJ.e-j program is 5£l:l9dylgd iJ.i~-----­

Hos-ts are h'er children and their families, Mr. and Mrs.·v--Gamet.--Oi Wa¥ne-.aru:L.Mr.-.and ~~.s~J..e.R.o¥_J:rUm~L61_CJ~D_c~d. •


Bap'l<,mal service!, were conducled Sunday ~epl 4 ell TrinityLutheran Church, HosklO<', lor Jeanne Lynne Allemann The

• Rpv WI~,>ley Bruss offiCiatedJeanne is the daughter of Mr and Mr'4 Jerry Allemann ot

Wayn'! Her godparents (Ire Brian Allemann and Mrs BillBorgmann

Dinner guest~ afterward In Ihe Trlnlly School bdsemenl In

eluded Mr and Mrs Gordy Helgren dnd Gwen VlctQ!: 01Wakefwld, Bnan Allemann oj Pilger. Mr and Mrs RodgerAHem-ttnn and Dtr.:flft. liftd -Mr' a-rtd Mr.., Je-rl'"Y A-Ikmann, Ryanand Jeanne of Wayne. Mr and Mrs "Le,> A"liemann and Mr andMrs Arlin Kittle of Winside, and Mr and Mrs Gerald Brug9fJlT4ln..-Mr . .and,.Mr_dUd/Jlu..s....-a.ut aor~Abby and Emily, Mr clnd Mrs Dan Bruggeman, Jeremy dnd IJeffrey, A Bruggeman, and the ~ev and Mrs Wesley Brussand family. all of Hoskln~

Mrs Bill Borgmann baked the cakeWheeler.pomroy reunion


"CMonogzammed Gifts au SUfi! to pteas/!PERSONAL STATIONERY •

"Th~ Gil. Supmn~".

an I) 0 aure of Mr. and Mrs., JacK Warner otLaural.

Entertainment duriog fheafternoon inCtude-d-readtng'5 andoriginal poefry by Ruth WheelerLuhr of Wayne and Jim WarnerotMhm,M~t~e-rect1onsWf;represented by the Terry TrlJbefamily.

Officers for '1~84 are Gal!Folsom, Allen, president.Dc10res Johnson, Wakefield, Vicepresident; Pat Nygren. Sioux Ci 'tv; Setrolary,treawrer; and Norma Warne-r, AUen.-hlstorian

Wolter teunlon

Lange!'berg reunion

torenz reunion

Eighty members of theLangenberg family gathered lora reunion Sepl 4 at Ta Hi) l.Dukii

---P~l-rl('-ln Nor-fOll<-Towns ("(~presenled were Lomd

j..lnda, Calif. Pocahontas. IowaManhattdn, Kan., Waflhlll, St,)nton, RandOlph. Osmond. Norfolkand Hosktn5

The 0ldes1 attendIng was Mr<:..R 0 Langenberg. 99, 01 Norfolk,and the younge!>t WlJS ·fourmonth old Zachary Hudec, ~on ofMr and Mrs Greg Hudec 01Manhattan, Kdn

Serving on the commJltee lorthis year··s reunion wer~ Mr andMrs. Wc1lter Fleer Jr and Mrand Mr's ArnoW WHffcr-

The 1984 reunion will be heldthe first Sunday to Seplember at~1iame-tocutton

and fIAounl Vernon, SO.; Coon

Forni Iies_gathe---..-er_.throughout area

eluded "A Wecklln~ Song/' ."seeHow Our Love Ha. !lrown/' and'"Time for Joy,~"sung~VMi~eAr-nott and Shell'l\" Hinkle, both ofDenver, and ace:om--p&riled by

--:JUaYCOddlngfon 01 LitfTeT~-Guest$ were .~egl$te,ed by

'Lau;ie Dykstra 'of.' Denver and~he.h...h by Roge,Armstrong of Newcastle, and

-·'-Ray-tiub!>ard aAd·ShawI' s....r~both of Morrison, Colo.

Ffower glrl was Staci Sigafoos

Th 10k f Callf~; SiOux city. Iowa; Lincoln, pm

~~~n:£~~~~~~~;~t~t:~:~::, ~~:~~I~'c~;:;~~:~E;~~~fl:~~~~d ~~~n~~~bG;::;~C:t~":,:~~~~:~O~a::~:n~8 p.mDeck tamllh,!'s as hosfs. Dil<:on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19

The 63 relatives attended from Newly elecfed officers are John Monday Mrs Home Exfension Club potluck dinner an"d elec!JonGrand Island, Howells. Stanton. Beckman, Spanaway, Wash,. of officers. First Unifed Mefhodist Church, 7 30 pmWinside, Hoskins, Norfolk and president; and Penny Kvhnhenn. World War I AUXIliary, Vet's Club room. 730 p.mCarroJI. Coon Rapids, Mlnn, secrefary Wayne AlcoholICS Anonymous. Campus Ministry basement. 8

Paut Deck, 66, of Stanton was- tr~a::rl~84 reUnlon will be held pm TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20the oldest aftending The 1b£! .se.c.o.nd5..und.ay In September Progressive Homemakers Club, Ida Moses, 2 p.rn

~~~~~:~dw~~ ~~a;:~t~C~I~ at the same location LaPorte Club. Alice Dorman. 2 p.m+-,r,ai.u<iignTiDr~O_r7v"f::C.a"'""""""'C:-',:---~~~~~~---~4~'V.wit- Wayne Teaaots--C4th week ly meetmg 2 ._."

Deck of W~nside MiiGa reunion T0f)5 7-M-, Wayfte-Armory-. -6-<W-p.mHosts for the 1964 reunion, O",e-redlers Anonymous, Redeemer Lutheran Church. 8 p m

whiCh will be held the lasf Sunday Descendants of the 4~ €-lAfl WEDNESOAY,SEPTEMBER21

in August at Sfanton, will be the- dnd Albertine Maas met lor ~ I ~~:5:n~YC:J~~~I~~~df;al~t:r ~estauranl, 2 p m

Henry Deck lamllies ~~;~o~O~~nl~iJ~O:~i~:eWillard T.Dps 200, W€'st Elementary SchooL 7 p m

The 49 relatives altendlng Wayne Alcoholics Anonymous, Fire Hall. second floor. 8 pmcame from Sioux City, Sliver Al Anon. City HalJ. second floor, 8 p m

Creek. Stanton, Madison. Wayne.Norfolk dnd H05kln!\

Mn Anna Falk, 89. of Hoskins'11'1<15 the oldest anending Theyounge"fv.J.J5-----0"8nle-1 MadS. on'eyP'iir old ,:;on of Mr and _Mrs(hMlec, Maas of HoskinS Lyle';chmllt 01 $Uv/:r Creek alfendedfrom the ft!rthest distance

StatIstician Ann Scheurichreported five births. three marrlilges dnd -three deaths durtngltu? Pelst ,ear

Dr M Gene Ulrich preSided al'he bUSiness rnretlng Newlyelecff:d officer:; drG CharlesMiifiS, presldenL and Mr."Lucille: Poske, vicepresidenl Ret..'lected were Mrs. Betty Shipley.w<;rg!~jr'r' 1!.ft~s!!r~L j}nd AnnS(.hf:Urlch, stalrstlcl-an

Thg 1984 reunion wilt hi' h~ld althe WIllard MadS home on the !I.econd~un(jdV Tn. S"f.:'ptember


PaUl Pick of Norfolk and Kirk Ec.,lenkamp of 'Wayne announce their engagement and appre,.,.)'hitlg m~lrrlaqe

Plans are underway for a Sept. :::1 wedding al 7 p m <11Sacr-nd Heart Church in Norfolk

TJle bride,ch,~cl is the daughter of_Mr and Mr!i HerbertPick of Norfolk. She I... d 1978qradv8teof Norfolk Senior HighSchoo! e::d~ '981 graduale of W.lyne Stelfe College. where sheWaS afflliate--d wHh Sigmi' Tau DeHil and Alpha LambdaDelta: Sll~ '5 e~ployed~t ~~x'~'l:~_~nJJed_~ lh(' ~outhern HiII,s

Her fianre:---'-on of Mr a-nd Mrs c l.}rrv I:itifc-nkamp -orWayne, gr.1duated (rom Wayne Carroll Hi'gh School In }978.He !semployed"t Iowa Be<;f P.roc;c5sorr., ir) OakoJa ~ify and IS

acJive In II'm NC~rlJfika Nal19'naI GVQrl;l. Co.A, IJ4th, InWaytY! .


DeVasUre·SiebrandtTho ~n9a9t>menfof Jarye Dt>Vasure to Keilh Siebrandl heY,

bloen ctnnounced by the brlde Etlect'~ parent:;., Mr .lnd MrsLowell D!:!Vasure 01 Tt'k.lmdh·

Mis:> DcVm.vre is employed as (1 cancer rf'!search 'echn;clan at the"UnJver$.ily of Nebraska MedIcal ecnJer in OmahaHer fiaRre,-w»e--t5-fhe. 5On-ot-MF-~5 ef'wtn Stebf'itndt e.fWaketield. I!. it computt~! programmer for Blue Cro::.s BlueShield of Nebraska in Omah.1_Y~.dr.e..un.W:!:r.wil¥l.tlLi1fl Oct 8 w(.ddlllg.ill 5L JUDothy'SLufhc-ran ChurCh iti Omaha

Mr. and Mrs, Edwin UtI of Snyder annOunce the engagem~nt of .theirdaugb-ter, Deborah Lynn, to Kevin Hammer,son of Mrs, Willard Hammer of Wayn!},

Miss Lltz gradoat~ (rom Snyder Public Hrgh- School in


Milking pmns for art.-oct 8"!"·"/~i-ng-l.\t 5t, PMtf-!s l-tttheranChurch'ln Emerson are Lauric Johnson and CMey Rhocb

Their cnga9~f!!~nthas ,?,!cn ann~lJnccd by the .brlde ell2'c!'sfather, Ephraim Johnson of WakeflcTc:I. Shels·it 1982--ograduatcot Wak(~field High School

Her fiance, sOn of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rhods of W,tync,gtaduatcd from Wc1yne,CarrQII High School In 1980 and 16employed at Pender Automatic In Pender

,at Wayne Care. Centre_Her" HanCE' is. a 1913 graduate of Wayne Carroll High

S<:hooL . .An Oc'.~ 15 wedding is planned at St, Paul!-s-Luthccan

Churc.h In Wayne.

Eileen Miller 01 Wakl!licld announces the eng,lg('ment 01h(!r daughter, Penny Mdrie, to John Chflrle-~ Nielsen, ';0" of~~1i1fOMr::., ~n..c:h:rit:.k N'ulscil of Plall .•i1I{lutloi

They wilt be mclrtlCd Sept 17 ()t 730 p.m. ,11 SalemLutheran Church In Wilke,ield

The brido clcct I~ employed ill Jcnny'Edrnund!)on HospJldlin CounCil Bluffr•. Iowa Her "dnu! I', radiO enqln(~N torK YNN RildlO In Omi'th.;l

Hos,eSSES ¥6R- the=dllef----&pSI a A, wiUh~.... eUgeA..h-~_ .iJ:l!'UXfGond S"l'lday_lft..S..eW!l'~_

noon wenf-- -a-emtce Ga-mme-,- Wlc-hl-f:a, ~r;- Delmont, Mitchell In the--Alu:n .park,EleanQr MannIng, Lillian Gran·qUist and Dorothy Grone. "-

Judy Peters of the Wayn~

County chaptet:--Of.the Amerl.-c.anCancer" Society wit! pre,en' theprogram at the ned regular

-)i'llll!!1ng;~edull!!l6p" tj"THE. PROGR/iM Inetuded "Holt..""s In OclObei will b.

uletlfOl't5Df -tl1'll plilnp :lihl.dents He1pn-e'Cb+enkamp -'odell B'III _

01 J~y Harttnans. '. ~onn.· aum, ~r:t_~pet a.n tn.'

Wayne Federated Woman's. ducted the-thlb--.rn~r:5...:...k!ckgdJill their m.Jill1llJ9-<-__ 0

new season with it potluck drnnf/r .-Friday in the Woman's Club Dis.cussion was held on the Mrs. Florence Hubbard, 92, of

-'-,W6-9-jfuj..:~t.a ~n_~~J>~:i_!i~-III~I-~ ~j-,d ~-=-J~n::~y~t~ -Cblerldge-, was tho oldest l'-etafl'¥e'Its aUt.......~ '7 - aTfeffiffffg'"ffUfWatter r-eunl-on fru-n'c

audUorivm on Saturday, Sept. 17. day at the Senior Citizens Center

~~:e:nec;,r:~':nb::. Wayne Delegates to the (:o",-v~ntlon In In Laurel.

Guesl speaker wa5 Carol Pender on Oct, 4 are EJeanor The yourge~f WiJS NicholasElbrach1 of Howetls, District lit Manning and Leona Oaum, Alter· Lorang-, sevon·month old 50n ofpr45ldent.w~12PJ«;:yta!i"~~t's nales arc'Leona'Kluge and Zita Mr. and Mrs. KIm Lorang of-Grow--ffl--(:-Ivtt-Wefk,~'. __JR"Km~DtOamm~ ol~o -"V\oul1t_~rn9l11 s._~__ _.1

plt1n! to attend, Sevent five relatives i:lttende~

Family membe.s of the lale The annual Wheeler· Pomroyr. an rs:-Fr"ank LOrenZ helc rcun!ori-was~ 'Tillhe Alten

fheTf-ran retJl'l'on' Sepl. 4 at the park Sunday with 54relativcs andPleasant Valley Hall near Nor three .... isllors attending

"~w!.t~---.J.(Lj!Jt~n.~l'19- frQITl Qf.U€~--too~ wen~,Florida; Randolph. Wayne, Nor Basil Trube,-president. Gail Hill.folk, Laurel and Carroll vice president. and Pat Nygren,

Host:; were Mr. and Mrs EMI secretary' treasurer .Shipley and Mr. and Mr~ Fred Town:'> represented were SloulI:LorenL aJJ of NOf'folk, ML.. .and (tly, iowa; Globe, Ariz.; ...Allen.

"'~ =_====...I _-'JAn. GvmID'J~ore~_~_QLR~~QQlph!_ Wa-kcfleld, La-urer Wayne, Norand Mrs, Phylll5 Hamm of eM fOi'ramt"MtCWk. Allen.ding" alt.

WaYrieWo_m_._-.-an_--Ls_-. -etab- .!o/A~o;;;~;~-;~~i~~ ~11I b. h;ld In .~,~':}~~~:~~ ;~~l\~~~~~w::.the .sprIng wltJ1J1Q'SIS Mrs ,Bessie Elmer WnJ-tf.GF4----ef--~--a-mf

Nettleton and Mrs. Ervin WittIer, Neva Pomroy Qt Sioux City, bothboth of Carroll, Mrs R~)y Peter over 90 years of, ao~ Theson of Wayne and Mr5 Ernie n f!.,t was I on

W'*,I.iJbq!{t t~el"~~ caHoot. pJan~. and fhanked the lI'WP t.Q! the

Woman's.-Club 5chohff5t11ps theyreceived to attend Wayne St"taCoJl~e, ....".

Laura 'Victor told of her ex­perIence$, .this 'past summer atGirl. Stale In L.Incoln,



CHADRON STATE'S defense swarms a Wayne State ball carrier.


JHO. - -'5'26-5



'Wayne Staie is third in total defense butla.t ,In Iota' otf..... In the lal..' NAIll.District 11 football statj$ti~1 report; .- -Ttie-WttdcaW eml, altOi6ed 161.& r-~r~total against Chadron StateaJ'ld "lalthe Eagl.'. (168.51 and Dan. COI1"9.(166).__The Wildt"ts' 1!9---¥Md$_h'Ltm~l~se

agaln.1 Chadr"" State ........ them_,I.'itin offensive Q.uJput in the district,

Rod McLain, WSC', 5·9. 18S-P<lundfre'$hman I·back from Racine, Wise., isr~l";ked ~'!'e!'!!h 1" rushing In the districtwith a SB·yard per·9am~ average.

WavneSt.ateC...d.on State

First downsrd. ,.

-Passes,comp'in'Passing '1arc-sTota'YI~.:


-- -pu!!!s~-a ...erage

Ailothel blight 5;'at f~WUdca.ts-.w..asfreshman punter Ted Ragone. who had a38.9 average on.eight kicks.

Wayne State wHl travel to HasHngs thisSaturday to meet the Broncos of Hastings.College (2·0) in a 1:30 p.m. ccntest

Other defensive standouts were KenKohlhof, Rick Johnson and Troy Thiem. allwith e19nfSTop~ Wattret- had- seven­tac~les and one quarterback ~,k.

back Terry GraV¢r -;~-~ide receiver Sc6ttHallstrom ,was nuHified by an illegal pro·

, cedu•• penally.

b'f~S;il: .. int~rception5,,rlll;OY..I.... and _I II"" 'lands.

", th.t,wa. the ""me of'the gam. la.I Sal,"r·• Y_,the Chadron r:;Iai. Eagle. made'lhe

: WayiWi Stale C~:dlege 'ij'iJdcals their 'Seventh Freshman sensation Rodney McLain had'StJ\f~f.letlmin - carries. from hisfi'fO' 'vlCfOi'y~--cSC'5 -etnOlt-Fteld: The ~ l~ack-·5jJOt··for-ttreWifdccri$;-Mclain-also

:Eagles have yet to give up a point this had a couph! long gainers called backseason. betuase of penalties.

".;~--=-'O•.,p~~=-ed':~.t:bu~:rr~~adofoe:~: Wide r-ecehler Tom Wingert added to theWildcats, offens'ive outpuT 'with ft'l'ree snags for 32


Despite.miscues .and turnovers on offense,"~c'=iowi;;a",y""ne,State's defense kept tf{e Wildcats in

.. tlle·_-wSl;*""II.ilTOa~-'

·~-"------'EMdron: State:-acfded a 4S-yar-d field goal, in the thtr'd'period to put the tally at 10·0.

The WHck:ats' offense began to show signsof' ~'oming around. II"! the s.econd half. Afifteen-yard touchdown pass from Cluarter·

r The game saw only 283 total yards in totaloffense as the defen-RS dominated and the The Wildcat pefense was led by, junior Il.n._ --W"lIiICits' dlfetlllqffenses sp.uttered. . . backer Kevin Mc~rdle, who had 21 ta~kles.

-.. -~::;a:~'~~~~~f~:':N:~~ ~~~i:~~h~~I~~~f. st~ps an~ - - ....eclthInI _" yard touchdown (u!l)n the firs.t, quar~er" TheEagle'~ returned f.h.e Wildcat pass 21 yardsto the six yard Hne to .p~t.Chadron State in~lngposition, ----- - - .--- - --

Aldn Foote scored 00 a fourYMd run. but Ihe PAT run fadedand the sc.orlngende<!..1 tor fhl! dol,!

Wayne rl.cked up 151 yardstotal oUense, 122 ot that comingon the ground. RU5WH Longe had4') yard!> on -..even carriesTh~ defense was led by- 'he 'wo

lin~b{jckcrs Bill Lis.ka and Ma.rkGordon. with ten and seventaddt"'!i ~)"ft-t+-vffly N~rd

Mark Creighton als.o had !J,('ven::.tops~./ tD pldy ./),'"ce today (Thursday I good - ,he first a. Mal.,. runand the second a pass fromHausmann to Baker

Defensively, Wayne WDS paced t'

by lim Hansen with ten tackle~,­

Tom Per,.y with eight andRodney GHliiand with sevenSteve Peterson and arlar'i F lemjng cCJch rec.orded siJl. stops,

Wayne is slated 10 play (11

Pierce Monday night oJt 1 p.m

The Wayne High School BlueDevil's JV tootball teamrcglstef"ed a 16·0 shut·out overWe,,' Point Ce-ntral Catholic Ol'lMonday afternoon at West pornl

WavrlIil's storing came in thesecond and fourth qavrt.ers on an18 yard pa!;ls to Kevin Maly tramJ~tt Hau$mann and a ~O Yclrdpun' relurn 1)y Maly

80th two point conversions

opener 14-0

•win season

Wdyf'IC· ... lre!>hman footballleam blank€'d Hartington Ceddr~tho!1c U 0 In .l.1s-~ opener

la!>t The Blu(! DeVils scored on ,}

fl'wfeyard rvrfby Ted Luedf;--r., In

It'1e ';(!(Ond qudrler whiCh Ulj,> ~l:'

up by a blocked pun! by ''''.orr.Creighton Ted McCright rtln thefwo point (onv("'r<,lOn in to P!J~ ~h~

<;core al '8"0 --Wayne' .. ~'cond scorf;' (llm~ In

lhe four'h qUMlcr after Ih~ BlucOIT'I"H'S N:."CO""~ it T-I'~ .f-vm·bit> at the 18 yard hn(~

BlueDi¥ilS'JVshutout West Point CC


OFFENSESI;_lSonntJones (FR, 6·2. 1951L T 74 Randy Ogren (50-:-61. 250)LG 60 Paul Zelinsky <SR. 6·2. 245)C 61 Jell Sauser <SR. 6·1. 210)RG 77 Joe Mederios (JR 6·2, 255)RT 66 Dan Milchell (SR 5 11. 250)TE 84 Scott Wilson (SR, 6·3, 210)WR 12 Tom Wingert (SR, 6·0.1901QB 11 Tom Leilschud: ISO, 6·1,170)FB 33 Bob Norris IJR 6-0,215)IB24 Rod McLain (Ff< 5,9,185)

DEFENSELE 99 Todd Richards"" (FR 63, 220)L T 85 Keiln Turner (SO, 6·3. 2301NG 56 Troy Thiem (SR 61.215)RT 91 Mark Walker (SR. 6,0. 225)RE 94 Rick Johnson (SR 60,205)WLB 44 Sieve Besch IJR 6·2,2i5)SLB 54 Kevin McArdle (JR, 65,230)ReB 28 Lamoni LewiS (FR, 59. 1701FS 40 Ken Kohlho! (SR. 61. 195)55 '11 Jeny- HGlbI'ooJ< I SR, 6·0, 190)LCB 22 Keith Musil (SO, 62,185)P 20 Ted Ragone (FR, 6·1. 190)

game againsl Peru Siale. Chrislenson logge'd 17lackles. recovered a lumble and broke up a pass inIhe game,

WildcaTS to tryreboun as In9s

WHEN & WHERE: Sept, 17, 1983: 1:30 p.m. alHastings College

LAST WE EK: Bolh schools were involved wilhshutouls - Wayne Siale losirl9 10·0 al ChadronSiale while Ihe Broncos blanked Peru Stale College120

Hastings College linel:>act<er Fred C-hrmensonwas named Ihe NAIA Dislrict 11 defensive playerof ih" w""k for his performance in lasl Salurday's

GAME NOTES: Wayn,,-&tiMe's Chapman said IheWildcats "were so inconsistenl on offense" in lasIweek's loss, bul "Ihere wasn'l anyone Ihing toblame il on,"

THE SERIES: Wayne State leads 15·13-1. Thesetwo schOQis firsl met-on, the gridiron in 1938. wilhHaslings College notching a 27-14 win. Salurday'sgame will be Ihe lirsl meeting since 1969. whenWayne State won 26·18 in former head coach DelSiollenberg's firsl season.

Wayne Stale has won the last six meetings. whileHasting's last vjclory in the series came in 1963,18·14,

THE COACHES: WSC - Pete Chapman (Firstyear. 0·1·0-; 12·9 overall I .

_.... He- Wendell Maupin (Thirteenth year. 71-39·0·.:A~=al1l

High school cross country:wayne at Columbus ScotUS Invilalional.

High schoo1:."-'llleyball:Wakefield at Wausa.

Laurel hosts Plainview.Allen hosts Ereemer.

High School Foolball:~oo.j.unior lIdrSU¥ atPi"rce

High school tootball:Wayne freshm'en at Pierce.

Thursday, Sept. IS

High school iwlball.'W"aYfu: atTef<aman-Herman. I:~Op:l'l'r;-­

Winside hosts Coleridge. 7:30 p.m.Allen at Wakefield. 7:30 p.m.

, L:aurel.:~t"Ponca 7030 p. in:

Saturday. Sept. 16College football:

Wayne State College at Ha'stings College.1:30p.m

Friday. Seot. 16

Monday. Sept. '19Wayne City Rec: Adult Women's Volieyball al

Wayne City Audilorium. 7 p,m,

College volleyball: tWayne Slate College al Ihe Briar Cliff College

Invitational Tournament, 9:30 a,m


Bl ue Devi I harriersstrong at Plainview

1)y fie"fnO'fiinJon

The time will atmeWayne State $howed s~...s ot coming around offenSively in the

latterpartot4lw_,- --c-<> ...I .....-tn trp en ."1me The aoal line ",taod in

The game wa~ not an ottens.lve maslerplecE.! Both teamsslrvggfed and only managed a combined total o1fen$ive outputot lBJ vards

It took the Wildcats- a while to get untrackedC;:hapman hd ... ~I"lled i) complex oHense ~- lhe same one

Nebr.a~k<) rons Combine that with the tact that none of thepl{)yers had lolled under Chapman be-tore, and It wasn" too bada $howing forTOi.'! fin•• tlme ovt

due-to th~ f~)(:t that there werf! 12 people In a 10 roof b .... 12 footroom w",,'chln-g d football 9~lme -- " :.;tuatlon In which a s.n~le

cQUtd cause' ch~The column '«as nle<i;nf In wsI, and I hope In the tuture

everyone can k~ Iheir ~n5€ of humor 1I's something we at!nee-d in thi!> day and age

Bade in 'he dog houseWell. here I "m In the doq hous.e again It <:.eems 50mebody

took offenMl to my account of the· goings on at my apartmentduring the Perin Slate -,{!> Nebraska game

t'tt -exptain~ "Cl1'ld then'dr-op the mattei-No malice was meant when I rete-red to my guests (which In

dude&- ·ww.(!' W~¥ne State !!t",ffersl as "slob!." and"be-lrbar,ians" It taken 001 of lex1. that does sound bad, but th~

column was o:.upposed to be satiflcalt did not mtend te- tfflp-Jr .J.R.a-t the- ~1b.ec1.09- at Crty piau lI':i!a.~

unruly, but evidently (1 h~w pl?ople got lhitl Idea and thiS whole'!>illy affair starfed. "





80ys26 Rock County43 West H!!!!63 O'Neill71 Ptaif'!.;,:lew83 Ain$worth96 O'Neill SMill lAure-t


J.a Albion49 HC(





Crofton the thIrd qaurter was a real gemLike I mentioned betore, jt is golr.g to take t'I while before

Chapman ha$ things golnq the "Nay he likes. A progrom atn'tstop on .a dime ~nd ch.7;flgo- dkections. E veryooe that 'onawsWilyne State foafban sh911Jd jusf be glad that Chapman Is ...,f'fhehl;?lm, because when he gets that program going 'utl·HIt, Wb:tchQUt

Too young to die Anolher fir'S'I Hew oul to the Wayne Stale V~ Chadron Statl: toofbalt game I notcf"rt.>d a-rn»hef Hr~t·ti)st .wookend I aNendeG my Urllo'efght-

last Saturday aboard a !IlJ( ~ea1 aIrplane man football game (Wakefield at number three-rated Cot&-II was my first tt'lp' aloH lfi" small aircraft dod I had reserv,;) fidgeL

tion~ about lhe tnp I had m-v rC$(:'rvations about tha' too,Boy~ medatm-s As. we f,1(iwn the runwdy t ""waliied headlines dCS(Ylb "This 1$O't th'e way God meant man to play football," I

1 Tom Schmitl. Osmond, \806 2 Brian Ing the fiery c::rclsh and eccounls 01 how the young ~porf~ editor tnougtrt:- - ._- ~..,

ZtI=RFAe-rmsr;:; BIQ{mi:1fie'd 'e 1 e ~-=r=::'!!~~fn'~~~~iff=f=ffiffif.~:;;;:,:::;;~;i::P;;;;~;;;:f==i~BOY~W~.~a'~1J~n~t~or~a~,~~r~prgi~"'~,61~W~i1&'ino~t~hl~"1l1Hb<J~li~m~p~r~Ol~""'~~W~It~h=:h=Stevens, Her. 18 19 4..Stan ~mUh, N€HS As so n as 'we tOOk"Ofl I no1hced Or Ed Elllolt:pt:e#i4c..1 6116 ).4 5. Bilt'-'bmge-, E~te.4'8 6 Joe Wayne State, calmly sortin9 'hrovgh hiS briefcase and c!'!tching heard. I don't think I could have picked a more eKcltlng game.-G"u~·rtfne'r~T"3V'''"T"!Jea-n-aumn-c1'm. ~~~"P"'''~A9",,=-,,·ror-l>l'kk~~~~~~~~~~. - _ At iJ1'rwe Qolnt In '.he 5P'onc1 haft UU~ gilmELleel~8d {nOte like 6Crofton, 18.50 8. Kelly Wilken, BloomfIeld He ced.;liinly seemed calm enough, I lhought -- perhaps.f I Ot track meet with a 6-S·vard touchdown run. 4 kickoff return for 418 sa 9 KeIth Mayer, Naper, 19.03. 10 <:upie-d myself WIth so~e a<tlvlty I would calm down I prayed t-ouchdown and another kickoff return all the ~'( down to the 23Blaine loti:., Wayne, 19:65. 1J Craig Swerc yard line, This all carne on three pl~ys!zeit:. Albion, 19 06 12 Mike Wortman, (r01 Wakefield won the game 2(}·12.lon, 1911 13 Mike Stec, RCHS. 19:22 14 Jeff Coble had 118 yards. on lS cllrrles 'or the Trojans whileJIm Ptrhrson. Laurel. 19:23. 15 Tony Quartetrback Brian Soderbergl)dded 100. U there-'s a better runn-Widhalm. NCHS. 19 2.4. 16 Keith KathoL iog quarterback In the area I'd llke to see himHCC !9 '15 17 DoU9 -Ceford a.tOOmfl Id Tl:te Troians are ranked seventh 'his week bv fhe Lincoln Jour-19 32 ~n Buss, Prl:l1rwl~w, 9:42 e19: naf iFffiiy'-aon"Tf-ml1tirlhe Omana-----w-of'rd="Reiilcr5"i~·1en;

~-uMa~¥Jt:.. W H. -1~ S('f lei" Gery P , _t:gft(U1ln~k.


services 01 Pete 'March and Bliune Joh·~

ed third The Blue Devils were wilhout the

"!~ hL'rt '.. "" a little that those two dIdn'trun," sQld Wayne coach Harold Maclelewskl

Duffy Meyer ot WIsner Pilger was firstwith a time 01 19 01.

W8yne- tiH-Hed J9 psHltf> 1-0 Wj~ Pdgl:r".20 and Nortolk's 16

Chris Hillier was the lop finisher lor th(:'Blue Devils, finishing in,elghth position witht!l time 91 20 Cl

Wayne js s:r:h~duled t~ C9 n the Col. 'umbus Scotus Invitational to~orro ->-Frl

-~. -,~~,

~'F'=- _, c_."~_~__ '~,, __ ~

Crofton won the mefd WIth 26 poin'", The


The winning time In the competition wasturned in by Tom S-cmill of O'Neill 51Mary's with an lB-{)6 Blaine Johs of Wa .... newas tenth with a 19 OS

rebounded from a s.eason opening It"ltrdplace finIsh 111 a triangular m€€t and took"[ilth place out 01 14 fearn~ di the PtainveiwInvitational iasi FrtddY

Other Wayne runners were Chris Hiilier

::c~, ~~i~1IrE~i;;f;7;;~~r3~:II~:d~~'!~5t:DaVid Remer (22 10, nrd place) Glenn Elliott, Dave Remer and Ted

------··.,.Th;-;·~~erve~cross-country feam-s r·c~ma--------to~J+;%t:.hett ~inth f£Dth ~~QJLt..b.

04.000 meter tourse Wayne freshman Ted respecflvely with times of 21 4B 22 01 and

L()hb~LP placed fifth with a time of 17'(W 22' J3

Kurt Runestad turned In an IS 09 and be~:f~.~~~77;:·~~~I~;eD;v~7:~utd proveplaced tenth while Da .... id Ellis ran the l.

cours.e in 18:22. "It was good experience lor us because 11·Tim Greiss crossed the finish line al 20' 13 was such a rough course, but that's no ell:

and Brian Mrfton tot-lowed with a 20 JO CLJ-se~'" Mactei~r said

11 c a' TE:f i J d:!5 tJsFfiilh +U9'~i1Y ~f!lght to coihpete In a triangular meet

-------aqij1nsfNorfolk'anb'. WjSne~nd-pfar











il --'I ~·_7

o 0 8 6-14laurelOSmond

First downsRushes-vardsPasses-compInterceptionlPassing yardsTotal yardsPenalties~vards


•-"" ~l'aJ~... I

,..........'... ~.~ ..'ciEJ '-"-;'~., ,

"'~'21,......=G':':...•;.....:::.. -- ---~~. lIBlltl -1!J EU



•..INOS ~"'1III:r•.~ -~~:, ",,,« '" ---.I~-W ".""

" - " '''' '-, - ,-' .

- -0225 rent from I"wou 1••,,1 e,;' ~'.make. thl; ~od.rn home-;f.tordabl.. Attached, garage,central air and 50'. I. all theIn"••t ....nt.

Friday n'ignt'sgrid statistics

Laure! High School head football coach Kurt Buckwalterreleased the statistics from theBears' hearttireaklng 14·] losslasf Friday night at the hands ofOsmond

Despite the loss, Buckwaltersaid the... Bears are by no means

e~~O~~~eS~ii;~iflcant strides,Bvckwalter said. "We showed alot of character coming back likewe dld,"


W<1ynt.'<, eighth grddc roofb.ll1tedm lost d htI.udbt'caklng 8 6game 10 Norfolk Catholic Tuesdda'l <II fer noon

fhe Blue Oevtle, drew ftrstblood with H iJ·yard 1ouchdownrun by Matt HUlier In the secondquarter The PAT was no guOdand. Waynf~ had a 6 0 lead

Norfolk Catholic ~ored on an60 yard SJ;.dmper by Jerry Smithin fhe third Quarter, made the twopoint conversion. and 10Qk an 8·6lead. - ~

. ., , e easport are ineligible tor the tryouts. All players must be United States plumage or one foot attached for identification purposesduring

.<itizens. tra_"sport,The best athletes will be selected from the tyouts In Urri:vln to ad The daily bag limit of grouse is three birds. the possession limit is

vance to a nahonal tryout camp in LOUisville. Ky. on Oct. 22 and 23 nine." <>1 , •

Conducting tne tryouts here will be the members of-.fhe University Hunters must have a 1983 Nebraska hunting license and a 1983of NebraskabasooalJ staff (John Sanders, RayTrornba~ Mike Ev.ans Nebraska Habitat Stamp in their possessio.n when'grolJ~e hunting,and Joe Scherger) along with .several area high schOOl coaches. Both are available over.the·counter from any Game and Parks Com·

Buck BeUler Field is one of 65 Olympic tryout camps being held mission office-Ill Lincofnl-erna-tra,---NQrfotk, Batsett, Nart~iter-OS$ the country between Sept. I and Od. 4. this year. Alliance or the.Ak~Sar+BenAquarium,' Schramm Parks SRA near

Gretna'; or.from any of 1,100 permit vendors across the stale,

Hillier led all rushers forWayne with 50 yards on six carr les while Corey Frye added 3Pyards on eIght totes.

Hiller was fwo tor seven in thepassing department for 20 yardswhile Scott Sherer caught onepass for se .... en yards Scott Hammer sna99edt one aerial for I Jyards.

Defensi ....ely, The Blue Devilswere led by Steve Cowgill wIthse ....en tackles (fI ....e solos), JesseZeiss (fwOSoJ.os., a-noPokett with fille tackles.

Wayne's Scott Pokctt ran lhe Scott Hammer added four stopsen.5..Ulog kICk_QO b~t!=k lor _~1 while Joel P.ederso.n tamed 9I!_etouchdown, but the rlJn was 5010 and three assistsnullified by a clipping 'penalty Wayne is scheduled to travel toand tl'le.,scorcremalned iH -e 6 In "" Pierce for a 4 p.m game nextfavor /;)1 the KnIghts Tuesday



have res.stant' varieties of bluegrassseed whith has 5 types of grass seedblended t.ogether to help your lawn'withsfD.ut"M'eltin~goU'l1ltsease.

Now's the time- to ~ed your lawn.----.a'llQ'care of'lhose dGH spots. webave everything you'U neecl.tomake


-so Y-&U HA;VE:-A-51'RONG PL~¥E:R'I'Hi

590, Alice ROhdeS06. O~Wt:J"dlnger 525, Sally Hammer 519;Judy Sorf!n,>p.n 503, HeleM Barnerd9&:---K-yte-~e 496-, SiH-t-y Flammer 180. Diane Wurdlnqcr lBO,5~lndra G~thje 180, 481, 495, Maryt-J(>l~on 485, Cleo Ellis 195. 498,483, lone Roeber 48G-l


Blue Devils notch-win

Allendumlts Ponca in two

The Wayne Blue DevilS notched their fil"st win of the 1983 s(.'a~on

wilha 153 J 15 15 IJ deciSion over West Point Central Cl!holic Tucsda ni hI. i r

. ,The Allen Eagles registered c1 15·3 15·10 victory over fha-P.qnca 1.0

dlans Tuesday night at Allen High School- Michelle Harder wilh- to spikes

and four aces, Deanna Hausen WclS perfect on five spikes.Julee Book went 13-'or 14 in the s('ttin~~j' deporlmt'nt while Pil'.J'l

Heckathome was 13-for l3,

Allen enjoyed a.nother 'lne sp.rvlng dat as Mary Oswald scored 14points and Hausen added seven

In reserve action. Jne 6 l~iim won J 15 l·S 1:7 I~ 17 while the Clearners lost d 2 1J 1 J I dec."ISIon

-----.-Kof..e..FreY'erl1e..d-.Wa.¥ne L~'L!n.g.Yll!.bgj9.b..tJ;lQ.Lntsvtt).!...JL_ .r~__Gro!>s and Kdrcn Longe v/ere Ihe leadln!1 spikers wdh 17 and 12.respectively

Sarah Lebsock had five bloc",,, lor the night"We played real well and gaVf~ il good tearn,.ellorf. ' '>dld Wayne

head coach Mavis Dalton.The Blue Devils wen~ behmd 8 3 In Ihe <,econd <,(>1 belore balfllng

backIn,reserve action, thf} B tt'am 10s1 11 1S 1510 )) 15 Whlh.> the

fr~than team 18 16 152.In dcllon i1t the North Bend Invilaltonal Tournament Id,>1 Salvr

day, WiJyne plclCCd third by virtue of an IllS IS 5 153 drubbing ofClarkson in the consolatron round

Wayne lost 10 Columbus Scotus 7 15 4 IS In dn e<lrllf:,'r conlp.<;t~

lIsa Jacobsen held 15 s(,rvtnq points In Itw tourndmc·nl whllr> PdUld

Koplin added 1'l'spike':> Mid three dC""Kolette Frevcrt had 28 'ip.l~ IA th/:! lflUn'iev


In _1f1....1 games. Wakefield cIowned'Wynol 1$-12 10·15 16·14;"Laurel belli Sian"'" 1.5-6 1.5-13; and In I .... con$Olalion l1ame. '. . .'

1.ea<lIn\lScor... /or,W.kelfeldw"JulleO$waldwllhTO"~ Olymp~lc tryo.ut,s anTneoTnT/ojatKhl17Soul0l7lwveslnthel1ame. " - ..._ ...

Lawe! was paced by lule alld Vanderheiden, with 'seven points . . . ..

each. " ,Wp.KEFIELD'S She!J'L&use!:!!.i!r~_!!,._~~!i~~gains~~ Ih:~fleU~i~~~t~rs~~~I~':,'~:~aJ.i~,c~II~~:I~c~a~:~~~r~:;'~d will be _Wunot. '-'TfYOms'wttt be held Sa'.'da~.l1-",.lbe' lie'd Regr,t<"" ~. L' t t ,f SO·

r begins at 8 b.m. with the tryouts commencing immediately a,fter, ~r~u.e n~n er. au u..-.•trlg IIThe General E lectrlc Major Appliance Business C;;roup IS the sponsor Grouse hunters yvill take to the fleids for the, opening day-of grouseof the USA Olympic Baseball Team and these tryouts. and prairie chicken season Saturday morning, Sept.. 17. The season

All athletes, regardless of age. race"creed, color, sex or recent will continue through Nov..aD.dmateur baseball playing experience are eligible·to tryout for the Grouse hunting Is"permltfed it1 that portion of the state west of aOlympic Games as per the requirements of the Amateur Sports Act, line from the South Pakota border south on U.S. 81 to U.S, 30, west onpassed by the United States Congress in 1978. U.S, 30 to U.S. 283, al"ld south on U,S, 283 to the Kansas border.

(Sfanlon vs. Wlnsldel Winside - Le4hJensen. II. Stanton·- JodvAnderson, 15 and Crl. LoCke, 10,

{laurel vs. Hartington) Laurel - Carla. Stage, 7and Jean Lute, 7Harllnglon - P, Hochstein, Sand K, Hansen, 5.

-In opening round_ acllon on Monday. Wynot- got by OsmondlH 2-1.5 15-3; Wakefield be.. Coleridge 15-6, 11-15 1$09; Slanion_ned W",.lde 15,10. 17.-15 15-5 and Laurel eliminated Harlinglon15-9 '15:(3: . ..-. _..c.

l.eadlng scorers were: (Wi'ro<il .'3, Osmond I Wynot - ShellVDriver, n:'OImond - Anne Gansebom and Virginia Hoffman, 6.

(Wokof";d us, Coleridge) Wakefield - ~rei"la Jones. 16'Ond Lan"

Ralsing.their season re-cord to ~'l, the_Wayne State Co~ge LadyWitdcats yoUeyb6U team downed Mktt6nd Lutherdti Cotlege-in .ErettlCnt last ridav n 9 " 'I ,

Echlonkamp 222. 211, 58'1. 20.. 190. 5:ro: Janel HeUhold 189. 507:

_ .LGGd!ng 5corers for the ,Wildcats 'Were Beth~ 7imJ"--ntt:l.I~. wtth nine polnls each.

~-SOphomor<lPam·Gogarrado..rsevan"oII11s wh~e Becky F'dhm'l.lIied ,Ix.

.Andr.a-Jcmes led a balanced net attack by the Wildcats with ninespikes. Olano Wlichholtz had five spikl!s and Beth Erickson addedfive.

lei.. led tho Wildcats with 13 asslsls.The iunior varsity game -saw the r~uJt5 reversed bG-- ~dIQnd­

dOvined Wayne State '.-16 15·9 14·16.Freshamn Dianna Asay scored eleven poinh tor the Wildcats,

followed by Deb Prenger and Miny Stouenberg wHh ei'l}ht eachAs.ay al50 added 5even downed ,pikes while Prenger and

Stoltenberg added five each.The Wildcats. were scheduled to host Mt Marly College last night

(Wednertdayl at Rice Auditorium

[-Wayne bowling

Swim team practice begins MondayTheWayne sW,lm team will open practice On Monday, Sept. 19 lor

8:and;ynder and new.l'!!eqlbers.:_Pfactlce IS,scheduled from 5:30 p.m~~-~ltoOrl6",'~~'at-Way.....Sla1e~e'~poolIn~*Audltol'4Jm.-C:.

. Swlmmer$ over 8.years of age will begin pracflclng on Monday,Sept. 26. .. '. ,"

For further .~nfor'matlon, contact Diane Zath at 375-3149 or Dick,.oe~aeye"at,3i5-2245.

Men'lhlghliahiS - ilii-"-; -Loren- Murray 203; S-,.TIi"n Judy WlnJanls 100,--51"5. P,)ulineRpger Schwanke 211; Chris Park ,205; Mike Nissen 203; Jim Dal! 489, K.;.thy Jen5-en' no.-~m 51'- 231 m· Terry Mal)' 203; John Rebe~sordt 202. Eslher H.ln~en 481, Lorreeluff 254, 213, 629; Don SUIld 204. -------'::-ane Osf~ndor1 203, Ouahh? ---f)an-gburq- t82: Pot -Mit~·----w9-;lOt, 5741 Ken SpHt!.gerber 2J3. . Jacobsen 203; Tim Robinson 2'6; 518; Melodic Robinson 187 (Ind;412; Butch Sperry 218; Lefty Oualne--j-acobten21--4-f'StanSoden Jorgensen 190, 517. LQls Krlleser

.lones .210; CU,f Baker Z22; 21.c. ~~:~ ~~; ~:~~~ ~:~~1';:9~ ;9101.

Wilbur Hlethold 226; Wayne Women's highlights NdncV She,e, 206. 540, L1ndd-~-i0+~\WFY-200; Holley ~--l89-:.-beGRa- . Uinke 201.203. --sn-:~MilfJ("

Ken Prokop 202; Jim Moly 222. Janke 1110. 505: Addie Jo'gensen 193. '98. 199, (hu'y' ....en',chke_ 2lI3, 612;Chrl. Luellars 213.572; 181, 223, _574; Alia Meve, 216:~ __ Jim MaQl§.~.J...~rtyTnt 231-; GW~n..Jorgens$l1 205' DiAnn 197, 528, Sue Wood 193; Linda

- 'Gayl,," Woodward 218; Steve ShUllhel. 200. 54.; Jo'M~Elvogue ·1'0~~:~ng~~~60.'90~;28'·~Jorgensen 200; SIan Soden 207; 191, 198.5-16; Judy Pelers 18t. 196. nita Sherbahn 191: Essie KdlholPal Daugherly 211; Barry SUo E••le Kathol 192.543; JudvDahlkeelter 213; Ted Ellis 2Ot; Soronsen 180, 190. 51.; Helen ~~~e St~~~r:96Gal~~~ln~Il6KI:"~~";Doug Deck 210; Gary Kay 210; 84l.ner 1~9; Diane Wurdlnger

p~~~ J4CO-' _226. 605;_ ~09er ~81; Fr.n~fl L.eon~rd 186i Barb ~8:~u:9~~r~.~~:c;~;;~~~~~~~I.ueth 212; Braii jOnes 212, 512;--B-"""r 186, 502; WlImal'ork 1'86;Elmer Pet... 210; Steve Muir 202; Nancy Sherer 184, 490: AlldKliri'lJji(e,-214.'200, 'W1;K01I MOyer 490',-VTclrY'Sl<ii'a"1l13': -.~_...----_-_~Jor__;-l:loug RoH..-,· __lodle-flol>lnson--l84~!i

Don Doese....r 200; CraIg ladwig 180, Adellnlt· Kienast: Linda201.201. 579; Barry Dalhkoelter Jan~e 1110: A'iene Rabe 18': Bon­-m;-- 2I3rMltd1-+tolralllP ~1:---m.. Mohlfeld 1110; -19" 509: Fern

'Larr Test 481- 8th Jensen 2O.c,

~~~""=~IvmIar~ham .....-t""""41-'7"""-.u.n.~10 a.m. '0 ,.3D p;rii;

loch hn_," ~Iff.''''' ""ftU '..tutln, of ..... , ....ntr••• ~nd 5 meoh, lull ,alod_,,J~ow .

, - Ofl",,'al Dln,"er"':' 53.75Alon. with ....ula. menu

SeIVI", 'Noon auH., and Lunch.. w/Salldwich and Salad Bar Specials.CIoMclMondav .....n......~, for Partie._·_--".~~L~.'_~@_Ji!!t~


You ca<) d,ress 'em up or dress 'em down, The',,,_a'ways-slays-wAA-y~at's-the-l'ea,

value of Hush Puppies" Shoes:_---,- --- 1----- ,

Hush~;"Socomfort.ttH .nythJntgoI'J

The Taco Supreme Is a fri.d flour.dshell. beans. taco meat, sour cream,

mild SOU!;•• lettuce;ch.... and'tomatoes.


Came 0" J:lawn 10 'he la,o dol Soland enlo'l,ho now Taco Supremo or 'ry o~y 0' our fIn.

Me"l,o" fatui••



-;-R'«;K URWllf;R, iil'H\5sttt('lnt professor and ins'r"c:tional .r'(~$our,e~(5ordmalOY;":mh bw" efecltd fdes-ldent-etec+'",*c!'l"l--JcNebras~a EdtJcafll:mut MCdia Association, UrwJler wHl assume'he presidency m the' '!>prin:g,9f 1984. .


Th<j -:.t'mHldr 'lidl r<./11 irom :i 11} H..... ,~~ 'lJ J" ,jflfj d,litll:dSl~dy TIps ~or N0n Tr,);jI"~)i1dj ;;: )~1{·pl"

Board of Trustees meeting

Ttw ogcndd ,"r_lud"':' U)p:.,,:j--'fd!,O'-1 (;! -r"f"",ri c 1... 1 'I'<prc-'i.ld{·nl'S of 1h(' iU'Jr ',1dh_' col:~:r~i"~' (/i 'i':o_' ','" ',1'1",- ';'!1/ ,'r ,j1V:~.{:crr:l'Jri. "nd of , ,Hid "ll ~"III)(()·'l'lln!':r·'··,

A ,"C9ul,',jr 01 jhf~ HQ,'lid tJ! ILI',I,:,' o! N{'!!J1"'iJ:,k"Stdh: Colll:q1J" 0'..-11! Y,':ld In FOI,;nd"r', HotJI d! v."", t\'~1 ':',1,':111.'

C.cilf;<;(~ !ill FrJd'-I/ \~-!pt l~~ ;. JJ} j) 11', immc:diiJt(.'!-" tOI~Ow;l'tr l"l"", !:b-r,:,t"i

...... A ~pt~<)~,f;.'r ,'Hld v'wl'!o:.l,I'lop r...n)11(iH1'1 l.y (jIJn jr ,JddH)H,.'H '-hnL.

al 'Jh~'In~ 51ale C()Ht.'91~ ',-,Ill b;~ t<f;id 1(,0;11 (1 !'i1•.tr!,di~1f; in f.r.oomt~ in thl:' IOWN level 1~1 Conn Libmry ,

t- ~-=~--_-,__' _

Pamela Maier

We carry a line of belllutiful woodframes to enhance that, special por.trait.

James Urban~c ,

D:~:~:~;r~~~~}~lt~~t1~Q;;~:'~: this week atWa'/nt', hd:' bf;-l-fj dtl"dfdc-d tl $2GO ~ -t t II e~;,;~'~~~~'~~O'_"~l~ ,W~lm~_~e C~ eg

Th", Cdrh;Jrl S-(holi'jr~~hlp h~l-iU~,\.:r-d,i.:d l;ln 1hl2 b.:l!.;') of (ltltcn-ihrp. (.ftd:f"~, ~-Roo-I-wl-{f-{:-eH't--

IJrb;Jf;'!( nhn I'" <'". ',<In of roAr rnunll" !nyrJlyr:rn~.;nl. dnd

~!~'jr~\~-I" ~1:~;~~;~: Lll,:tn 01 ~::1_~~~Y~::';'_;1~1~~1l!:~~}~t-IY:~-~~J{'dll"'ldHl,:mdll('", d'i 'N"yrI1: H" "Adler I,> <I 1983 gr·{H11)i}I~: 01I', deft I': Ifl Inir'fmufilh Alp!";,:1 Wdynl~ (,Urol! Hjqt'l SchOt;! <Hld I',

Ldm6d~1 UI.:'Jld ,HId KdPPd Mu (p <ll((:~.hmc)nmdlorJU9 In Enqll~h";ton---~--'---·:---couIlSelmg aTWayn~-Sf81~~~-



Thr: ',(holiJr',blp ,'IdS '.",!dt).k.rlI:d by Mr'.. t~ V i 1:I.:d InQf hr;r h\;'..bano, Nho htj', <'\rn'·rnbl;r <}t Wdyn,_, Stuh': Co1leq(jT;::;)n;~T6tOi~~;:~a

clnnually. 10 "'... 1' t'lndlnq nh)ll,'Til,J-d!·a!<, ,

DaviD Thompson

A \991 grddViJfe 01 Wak!;hp.ldHigh School, James Ur-bdoec. ~Ia:.

been awarded 0---1>100 r~, V T'JedMemorial Scholdrshlp for ~ the­198.1 fall semester _ ,1/ W,i'yne


ship~ provIde for half tudlon ('lfldare reric>wabie fOt" t.'lqtltse-mesl'f~r's ----

Thomps.on. who_p1dn.s..lD IrU~f1f_

In pr(!'cngln'JNlng, if> a 1983grad\.I)Hf~ ,of Waj(.etleld High·';{;-hoo-l-,....w.Mt'.e._he......'.t.I.a£.._~_baruL.sp.eec.him..ti..tL~tlon~11 Hono!,Society

son of.,'tHOMPSON,

Gwen HarIman


-;'-Hartml)n:-~9S-3graduilte ofWakefield High S~ool, whereshe \:Va~ active in sludent council,

- --FtJture-l"tomtm"l'3-ker5-vf-A-m-ef:-t-€-Ch---drama.---baFtd.- -Pep-Club.r- FuiU-re

BUSiness Leaders of ~ AmericaGirls Stat,e. the ann'uat staff andf;;,atJ~"'tal Honor Society.

She plans to mator in math and~COl,m"lin9·

Gwen -Hartman, daughter of WakeflPld. has been ih'wrded ,~

Mr, and Mrs. Derwin Hartman of (ooperahng Schooli SchOldr',hlPW;3kefield, was recently awarded to attend Wayne Starea"SQard of Twstf>ee ScholarShip ~~rilJ.!.!:!.9... Schools Scholarfo attend Wayne State College shIps are a'lfJardIJdtcl9rad'udles

:Board of Trustees Scholar from hIgh schools in which s'u:.. -~tp:fi.~:'?!!:l!icJI_p.'--9.~~f"C!F---!.t!.!!---l-tt+-- -:dent--f.:!..,~-tH,,'l"-S- f.;..e.m-Wdyne--S-t..+t.c~

-~ tkm for' four years at Wayne State Colleg~ bav;; takE:n their d:;'p.:rr,tt. C;<>llege, recognile the outstan leaching

--du'lg scholarsnij:f 01'Rt sctn:tta-stic-- R-e-tiptent-j----t-n-tT5+-(-~ 1-iP-'-

ar,hievements of high school per half 01 theIr ~nior c.Ia~', cmcs,enlqrs lfir'~ugnoul Nebraski! arc selected. by n-,-eh ~-d_gh ';,choo,l

~ officials• Tb~ _awards: are based upon

h'lgh .5chop'"academlcfecorm",~p' entrance examina11ons,


* Professlonc.l color sifting In ourstudio, outdoor location or In yourhome

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~;;~.:~!!useu~;!~~~r.-_1r_---A-!I!~>rO!,Iy~O~-~--- ; __The Funnie.t New Movie oJlhe Year l' 2 E. 2nd_J>,lferel Yw'UjJie L.ughing!~ (Regular 5120 Yal~") Mln,ishaft Mall

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East Hwy.35


Gro'wers Choose

WesteelStorage Bins

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Be sure to check with us for prices 0"

Offer Good s..... 15 .hro.... S.p•• 21


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•• 12 Exposure.RolL...... ~ ... ::. U.SIJI 15 Exposure D1st._._~ ~~.~.~'$3~-1

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GI'me of the Week - (This 15 the Tie Breaker - Pick score~ for thlsgameonlyj


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•, ' ,c.. ",-.-.__ · ",_.'_.,';':'~~__ ~I_I,-27S.2~,

Thl. "'tu,do,. O',...III~ ,.toff... tt, W.k.~.ld itlpSenlon WhO.,.

l_nlllS _'I' about r.talllftlland fr..enterp,I...:At .th ,. .nd, 'lOW of ourdollr-ft.t-'£Wfll· '_ttllll.t... '0 thea.. Stop by Sail."''' to-,OYh.1l0 to

u:'i, ·INTHE AREAt'--';; All Account. Guarante.d NDiG<>ffi "- -,----~.~FlrS~ SaWI.n.IIS CO.~ 703 Main

Wa,ne, NE Phone 375.2590HOUff: W••lutoy.. 9_,' _ So'urdya ,'.12

A flut Notional Holding Co., Sub.lelary (hartorod and"'_gufot.d- br ihe Hobr, Dopt. of 8onklng.



COI\lTEST RULESOM foo'b,;11 game hIS been placed in e~ch of the .8 ads on this page. In­

diClte the winner by writing in the name ~f the winning team on the properline on the entry b'i1nk. No scores. Just pick the winners. or ties. In case oftie. write ''lJ"e.''''Use the entry blank below or a copy of ecruatsite.

Pick the score 0' the "Game o' the Week" and enter that score In the ap­propriate blanks. The torrect closes' score will be used to break ties, andwill be used only in the case of tieS.

One entry only to each co,ntesfan', but members of a famllv may each

submit an entry. Ent'r'les should be brought or mailed to The Wayne. Heraldoffice nol later than '5 p.m. Thur;day, or if mailed. should not be postmarkedlater than 5 p.m. Thursday. ¥ou need not be a subscriber of the Hieraldt~_

eUgible for prjzes.

The Winners will be announced on this page in every Mondav's edition ofThe Wayne Herald. There will-be duplicate prizes awarde4 iI winning sc-ores

~-.'-_L·-:-;L-:~¥'.a:~~;;- ..~. ~:::.:"l::.'f.:~:~:.':':,::,:~::::~;:::-_ •• - ._

~...-"'-III:-~O~L~E~:~:'~G~·:'~a~~:-"~I~N~SI~:~~;..,;'~-;;;'..;;_;..._~,;.iII..:;-""~;III~..._~III_-III-tl_...:J--i~[~-......"'-~-~--;~;:;:r::;:~;~~~~;--~11=.=.:;.~~~,;.:;:,;.;.;.;:.;.=.=..=.=.:;w:·.';;;·:·.·.-;-::2'--~~~~:::::::::;:&~~l~ vtN't ~ SPECIALS~_~~t.. ,USTil~L\lI:~~I':3

2j8~~'''')N 140:/1 ~7~-779~ I Carhart Lu-mber·- ., ----.--~-- "'~-.-£H6fit--.. -;----;~,.,----;--..-.-.. -.-.~_.__.__.............. I ~ P~illips·---.---W\VN·E--N·:'iE..-B87.~Z'. -.- Melodee Lanes _ .... _... , ., ~~LI-;~;""'-~'lcdlca.--Cibll-r---SlOEt-C~'l-.-----I1'-

. ··..-···'/-":---·-WAY~Eij,...EKAMAH""' c·_I Northeast Insurance - .' .. , '.' . I.~ CanadJan Whbkey,..,I Ron's Bar -" , . , ' Griess Rexall - , . . . . i v,

J;~::~a:~::~~o~~.. ~::~: ~:::I::~G~:, :.. ,~~.~"c •. ,~, I-.~ ..7~~m·!·--~4~,-'-.


,-·· arters


focus· .

L&L TRUCKING-~.""""':.ffI--'- .

loCef .. lon. Oftt-'!w "U."'o:clII & 0,.... He",n"•

-~~r~d_...QIW·9t''he /l'\or~' pl'..!nWulIfJ(:Sh!ffl ,JII~11ft:1 -"'~"7Jlo;,)flO [)r;}irh:.- h~lY l~-",r.~l'f .will b~.'

<,hjppt:d t!JS' ' ..·Ttii~r!: 1<,,,'1 ffll;th d_dhr,ly yl..'l.

but wiitHn trw two l'f'lf.1ilth"..,jh'J'~ >'Jilt tiC' "..Om';, p;:oph:, !"f)O;C,jf!;i,­

fr;r L.JY.'· Aildf~,r~n ';iud

'Y.1lS -_iul'ill..ritl~~ farm ~l'Id bring th!,- ad copy to The WayneHerald and we.wlll give you free a colored photo of your fcirm. There""iii be a now farm 'oofured 00;;11 week.



blochl:tl1i~.MY P~)rts fH.!"r million nijrciff.<'It grfJN\ Ltd fo'r<lqt' ~.. (Il1r;l/J,!.'.'lJ mtrogen) in it lol,]l rohon" AIHL

to stand In ,) $1'11 .... or {I~ il ~'''~9Qfl ~,{.~ although Hilt 5~~ld he ~M5 liol y.~,llhd-l If ~w<:Hii., It)~:fl lh.: ~h\i,-hH 1,1 fwd any sample'i of nitr.,te hlq:h'mit (on ..crl f"lltriJte ~.n~o mink' for'lgl::-,.1 dto-uqh"t-<:ondifhms, perWhll;-l) I~, 10' Iltilf;", <.I', klJ'ic ' f~'irst;l1,,: ~)\p,-cts to see ,:>om~:

~,,)Jd Ea:'!.h~rrl Nebrd',k.l'~ drf.ltJ~'lhlm"y prOye il olt"%inq In dl,;:,qui;,'~

for fiirmcr-s and -r-.Utdwr", JO lhl"'!:::Jp~hi!l<·. )c(oq1iprJ "0 firtH'f'

Ar:d('r'l-on, NU c:<llm~;>iQt!. for<'1ql~

\p-t·(i'llis.t. SUj:):plic).- of h~y TfI

Mr. Farmer

~~~(Ora"iD9 tu ROfJ:N! Hill, NtJ "rule· of fhtJrnt~ toxir. leye! i...' I .5. ttt; nH ..'th~ 11.100

THEREFORE, tilll ':Mnlf:~1.

--g-;--ttfl---t.+ret::';fF':"J-+r:o"-ttq4 . '""r;~.H1-t4 t).i;

"hopped i,", fed" ,md nof (hr;,Pl.H.::{j.If) d two dd,' ';,Uppl'l

Hiii---:'itrit:l-;--'~H'r'.:' til4f~:; ~~!..~d~(reu~_O::'> If; d ~,ulc lr:·tl:l durHlqlhjj (JiI1sHJftg prVLC'J;''' ai;l ~H1'~f:U(()U(,ht d<1ltl;J~<:d ((iJD'> ,':,f(1 (~,r

<.llld '~!d 10 ,lJ'IHl',fj.JS 'JJlili-uul .mypror,I;'\',Jng, 'hi! nilr09f.'fl I'! ,f1: Irl~"lt or HI/IV ',ot !:.r: 'r,;,j< If

!:"(<Jr(111,q ~() H,il lh"

sorgnum r. o~':> dll I 'IIlJ,

under droogh"' ,:>tn;'~s, h(' Solid,"The,sltualion is·iiGf·Hkr:l\.l·lo getWo-r"'I~, but the potentia!. i~ ,),IY~ilY"Ihere," he dddt·(j,

According- 10 Ouane FH;t:, NVt)(:!t'n"'l~-.n v~te-rjn~d~n, milntlgfJ'

menl is the key 10 pn.:,;/cl1tirl9 anydl"jcase "Right 00\11 1111 r"l h"pQI<;iQning J5 not a p-r-ebh:.>rn/' RIt''::iJ'[..<lld mWI,?,~t----:------a-o;' -G-u--ycr t:iiw'~i[f:s';ed, "thl: .pot'~~h~1! I':". Itll;q:j)nd couid po~C' a probfNfl 1<:1h,,, ,,'.RIce iidde-Q

Wd~ from sudiH1 ar o;.vdan

ihl~ -PO:~';ltiiltl~ot------rrrT'F;jte

poisoning \/'tiH be dlscu"'?l~ InJ~ld:1 ....~rm and R.:wct!Rt>PQrl."

If gn.:~m chopped !~Jra~~' 15,d)lo:J";l:d to IWtl-t ttl i:l prJ£!' for 'JI:r Ilor,'), l! cO~,I!d tPH.:ome I.!x!n~m""~'1

tOl'"ic ~ .... a poh.mtJ<;j pn}~);(;m

the lawn Thf! ester or amine form of 2. 4 D .:lpplmd in GelateI' will helpkeep them In check

For control 01 l11lJSK thj ... tl(~ If( pw,ItJrc". and ,,"'B,,!f.: ar,~a il'f.! follOWing ,.rdles t:l.t:e r.ecO-.rnmP.~ p'Cl" ,lcr~

--Tardon at /,) 10 e ounce, ffI pa~hJfe, cnli dl.Jrlng Oclobl!r,Novembf:r

2.<1 D.dt 1 '? to 2 qtl,)r!~, during O-c1on~r ~

2,j 0 With Baow'l ~i I qu,,,rt 'Q-i-~ a"u-Eirr rf:':.f;;xj; ..~iyOf the5-'? hl,'(bICldt:<;., 2,4 0 15 th;;:: mo;;,t t'conorrHc.dl for 11 •.':'11 bHldr,I.:I:(j

conlral Rouodup "ldh B.anveL 2,4 D "nth B.-::nvel· <ind rordon rJrepa:;':.lble- a,llerrtdlJ v~:'.. for Lonlre! of b~nd'-'I(:.:d

_H_OI dry_~,edltH:-r dd';l.}r~ely affecls ft(':ld blndm'-ed (onirQI "'IIh tw-,

blclde5 It Is-b~... sl 10 I-"illl for cooler t~mp€ri.=fure~;'rld ~Hf.!r 1Tlf;1',tl..'rp

usuclll'l late Septprnbpr or Ocl~)bfJf", b-e1ort: !(>-:dlmg !J'ndh-{'f rj

Dr-ought affected' che-ckeo so far this year has less nltr,;; econ lent" th,3n a'oy in prcViOtlSdrought situation in Ihe IrJst :;0years, according to Paul Guyer.University If .Nebru,:>ka .<2 ..den.-",onbeef specialist

"We're not likely 10 have d rndior nifrat-e problem 'lhl r, y~~ur, '"Guyer said.

H.9wever,..5Qf"!lr:_!orages hllYt',)

high nitra.le -coMenl under n-ormar arid e~cellctll grO'lJlh condlfief/'S.. hf: ,1dded '"Sudan drlQ

.5.udao:2QrghlJin_l:ro~M~': '!.Jffenhigh in nilrale anG, ~h~~ madein10 hay or green chop, !,hovld be~n (.dvnO": 60 t <.:l ,l,,~~ ...ed,

THE SA.MPLE h'~vmq II'll!" highest nlfrale c"mfenf arnOf'l9

tho':ie 1es":d' at tl1(~ NUbiochemi"lry Qeparfmtmt ...!.,.}b

Hogs wh:fch 'weigh less. ~.han 190 pounds witt be rejected. En

way for t e mea In us ry 0 assurethe le~nness in beef that they deSire. he added

Predicting fean and fat composition of beef carcaSSes hiJ~

been achieved more accurately and fasfer wllh a VIdeo carner.)with conventional mea-sureme-n15 dpplled In

tries will be weighed before the Sh()'l,.'l, Slar..ting time for welgh,inis 4 p,m, A judging contest is plar.~ed at 6 p,m, Prizes will beawaraed at a fall banquet.

A live hog division and carcass di·'lStOn are pla!:med. The showis open to-all pork producers who re'-,-'de in Dakota, Thurston andDixon counties. Entry fee is $'2 per --',\nimal.

CarCGsses ride.ftllltifpel

Planj·A·Tree assists young people to become a pad of aNebra~k-a fr-aa!fion,tree planllng. Th\! Phml-kT, ee pI ejt:c:t"t .Irodu~e-5 me-mbers '0 five Nebraska tree planters, discusses fheparts"of tTel'! weds, gives examp~es of how tree seeds tr~v~l.discusses preparation of sait 'demonstrates how to grow a seediiog tree from seed, demonstrates how to transplant a free, andoffers suggc-stio-;'"5 for activities a~d exhibits.

Sponsored by lntel"riationat Paper s.:ompany FoundrJtion ofNew York for nine years, the forestry program helps 4--='H'ers tod~velop positive atfitude toward the 1mportance of conservingforest reSources; 10 appreciate woodland's as a sou'rce of In

come, raw materials and enjoyment; to learn about lJood foresIy pnictices and to develop skill in exe~cuting them, and to learnskins til fore-"$-t management and use ot forest producis- Four-medats ()fnonorare awarded af the--counly levet, -a trip-10National 4-H Congress is awarded ,at the state level, j)nd sJ)I($1.000 .sChoiarships are awarded -at the nedional level

Nearly 7,1)00 Nebraska youths [''i!arn more about foreSlry1t!"" 4·H School Enti(;hmen~ projeCt Plant-A Tree. The

N"ebyasif.-r..t=-H-S'!:t!ool Enrich-m-ent Pr·'.lgr-am cper:a es-lfl~oopera 'tion


,,""'Hh te-achers and their schools. to enrich curriculu",---------

Com;iUi,' tam, is planlled

predictive equations tor USDA grading slandardsVideo ima9l~ anal}(5ls should still be considered experlmenlal

_9!!.?p.oi_nL __ H: $_l{~sell Cross, food technologlsl USDA sAgricultural Rt:drch.Service lARS), said

A larger scale study In commerCial ",e-Hlftgs wiH be neededbefore the ,Julomated procedure can -become c-Ofl5-Jdered for oftidal yieJ.d 9!'~ldi~.9' Cross said 'It appears that the VIdeo ImJgeanalYSis may be the Wdve of fh~ fuHvre-, providIng an effluent

-lJiOtljifiileasHif,.istst.cI··The Wayne C9unty ASCS Office is ass-isting drou9.ht_.~rea!? in

findIng hay a'nd other ro.ughage. Many repor!s of hay shortagesar I ., '., '.

-:---r·· W-ay-ne-.:.(:ou-nt'!-ASC--committe-e-. Sc-.-'Tte -st.ates-and_co.unfj~_~ are_~__~nown ~o ~a.~e a surplus_ 0,1 ha~ or ~:I~he~ roUghage, . -- :=-- -

, -~,erswTffieXCess hay:o,.-olTfel'" rOugh-age-mayconta-ct-the--- -_ ASCS dfflce ~nd have th~itproduct listed and made available in

--"au .addre5S'--an-d pho~-number. is'the type of hay Or r04,lghage for.sate, a~ the approximate quantity.

P-ofenna! buyers will contact the seller's. directly.· ASCS wIllno-the involved in the actual sate~, Morri,s said,

S-t.rdan for ~I',;~~ , _

~u~an -Sor9hu~ .i~, bell-er d;:iUPt<..'-d logn.:t'n chop'pin~J t/lun to I:W,JllI19A A-·H (;3mp des.igned to introduce youth to computer":> will b~ ThIS lS becuus(' at ,j~ oH,Ih mOI',lure conient al a '?1ogB' v,h•.;n!l f', ,) hlqh '

offer,ed this year by the Nebraska Cooperative Extension Ser quality feed For an energy fc,:,d o[IO<~ to !r,c" " ..~h,:;", of <orn <;.l!dgt:', dvk€-c...-t. Z}.-22 at the- Eastern Nebraska 4 H Center near Grelna would nf;ed to bf.: <vI dl about thr·,:,c lQ tpur k ....;; tdll To mt-de Hw,The registration deadline is Oct. 1 matenal would rel~Vlrf': Wiltl11g if d"y'm to llbouf 65 10 'j'(j pt-(tt;nl

Tom lel!:.y, University of Nebraska extension .1 H yuouth molslun: Since lhe crop wl!f':> ....('ry Sll),'/iy t!l:', ·,I"jql~ .', ',doom nAt fori·ilH-1J,~u.c..lion-wHi~~R.sJio.ModeU!1 !:.i1age

and IV BASIC and Apple II Plus or eqUivalent equipment -it'fe-Qtffi1t"ryut-"sutJOlI ,01 yhoill 91d~ df-op-rnti:1d+,w-tH"t-ttf..'Lt-afl{"" inThe camp program will cover introduction fo micro hard maturiIY··-'lJtJere..~s yif!ld will CQunfinu-t' l(J lnCf<:at~ Tn,::, ~.F:'JI ...tage 10.a.r.e...lnJr:gt;!.lJJ;tiorU9 -,nl~!:o B~StC programming, micro corn cut them will depend on inle-nded U~~: If G 'N!r'lt~f'H1q rdtron 1";. need(~d,

puter applications and new edvcatlOna-f<;om-puter g..ime~, Leisy ~t--i-b-l-4-+t--y--~~ !mpot--t.l-fl.~. -+Q lLi~-~-IJ-9.g~__~_h:at L~ iarnlt.:!-sutd;---' d~ldY as ~~e ~s.pril!:tjedLbut t)(j-l.{H·~~ lodgJng ber:orne<;. tl nrc.b!l!m Oil

:::'j=:::,,:::~;;'~~::;::":':::::::b::::::-~'~_~:::"=~~~e~i-::,'~,a~_+ ;";tO~b~€~'t~e~d~to~9~,~w,~in~'9~<;"~Hlle, tfienlT'".o bq-st to har'If':'i.~ b'.:fon: t-H:,J':ri·-\(j"-o,.------Ton-tee--o-f $65-;-----wft1~ft__.c-OVef--S--_mBa-!-';,-_!OOqing-..)nd .pr..og.rarn_~, dS SOUII ill'?l f.d"r,;' "" ... DO~~~· •

will be charged, , Will,- If po%HJfe, -to n:dUC1; mtll~-i-t.tfl'"" lfl- ~ -f.:4"j;'~!'--!~1 ~¥*-'l HJ-9h{.,!'e=cF'e=-"""""'<bI",,";g;;_~ ~:t .._fOllt.acj .LeISY _11.1..207 _Ml.ll~!, Hall, level:;. can oe loJ(:rat(!-d In ~1 Irench o-r "Iatk VliHlOut 1;'''-C(1':>''lVl: ~,l"!Pi'lf}l:

ni~ QfJ.,J_ill;~EaS~.c3 Easl Campus, LIncoln, Np.b 685IITlJ7T3- • -0.£: t ill"~tt;,l1 r ,-rt ."(~. f'-' I

for registration forms and furt"her informafion weU bef.ore he..adinfJ 4Mi.!:h (:.r;m~ld€r<~bl('"'!l~t.!.!!9.)::'m.·e:ded for Jfl~!I;nqFall weed control -- - --

Weeds treated In the fo;Jll wrth good resulls in~I1Jd-e wln!,;;,r annvul~

<';ucff--(j'E. n'IO--sti1Ta ~----a-rrd: ~'9f~~. --f'~~ __~<A<_""-__III ....

dandehon5, !Jeis bmdo'"ieed dnd uloada HI'i~He

Downy brome and p(:rlllycres';, in alfalfa (an bi: mo:.-' ,,{.onfJrrll(".,]lIy. controllt'-d wIth SHlli:lllOe (prln(.cpl Olher good hcTbici!J1;>';. for H-llS !,.;'A:

dre Sencor, Lt!xone and Slnhar n1(~se should be dPplt~d If) OchJber" "'.- ~ f;.11 In:-;jlni(H'if 01 4.:>~d~IJon', In

,/Ir~.•··' ~~.;~,~~~=-~~~~~~-~~~~~ -,'-_"-'--'_~'. -(--cc:.[~ J

'"'--_._,...-~.:. 'a.rjGullule~'-Bligi\I~ .

by'pat meierhel1'1'J ...:

WE CAN RELATE to the story of thereporter interviewing a couple observ.ingtheir 60th anniversary. "Tell me", she ask-ed, "in all those years, did you ever onc,ethink of dlvor ce?'" "Divorce? the ItllTeora­lady answered, "No. Murder, maybe, butnever divorce."

4-H safety, e:)(hibit: first Wakefield" purpl,e ribbon; Lori of Wakefield. purple' rlbbo~ ·for.. Terri' Nuer~~rg~r~f~'wakeTI~fda,id-Sara Adkins, of Laurel, pU'r- Schrant of WInside, blue ribbon; woad' ,art; ,Brian S~hmidt. 01----<" ~nd Susa,n McQulsfQn.of ,pender;'rpIe rlbbom Cynthia Walde, of pi,t,ture story series-Brian Wayne purple r,lbbon, for elec- blue ribbon In:tf1e,t~~'11 dl\l'i~or1;

Wrnslde~- -purpte, Am., ,-luff-- of-- -SChmidLoL'Nayne, ~I~e ri~bon; ko-"J~ e,qUlpme"t..;--.- Derwin ;;-Sha~n ,Niema,nn ot, (;,,Wakefield, pUr'ple ribbon; Scott Leigh'Johnson ofWakefiera;<blue Roberts of"Allen--;-blue ribbon for Jassi J,ohar of Wayn'e"purpl,e r,~I:i­Nichols·of Wayne, purple ribbon; ribbon; Shawn Boldt of Hoskins, welded 'artIcle; Brian Schmidt of. bOri in the team ol.",islo.o; Saradisaster kit~iennifer Lipp of blue'r'lbbon, Wayne, blue ribbon for large Adkins of Laure/,- pur,~le ,,,lbbonLatJrel. blue, ribbon. l:iorflculture exhibits: --Lori rockets; Jody Jones of Allen. pur- In ,the Individual division. '

iFH-pl1,<?fi:fgfaphv-exhiblts: 'p-fc' --Je'nsen-ofWinsrae, purp1e'rtbbon _---PJe ilb..bon loL...r~c:g~.dl!!oned 4-H ,--matkeLbeeLsJ?ow..:..-.O~rure:arspl'aVQfPeopTe-Amy Luft for deserf,-garaens;'--ooug Cherry; smalLengJnes, purple nbR.QIJ ,for Koepke of H~skiJ!i,_..b_'JJ_e ribbonof Wakeflflld. blue ribbon; Angle of Winside, blue ribbon for white restored vehicles. for st¢e,r,s; ,Kay r

Jones of Allen, blue ribbon; pic· onions; Tamje Npe of Allen, blue Vegetable judging and Iden. Meierhenry,of Hoskins... bh"Je' rib·ture story series-AngJe J.ones of ribbon for white potatoes. tlfication: Atfen George of Dixon, bo~ for crossbred st~e~~. __~Allen. blue 'ribbon; picture'story purple ribbon: Jody Jones of Market la,mb compefHIc;m,:sef·ie's=Brlcm--- e-arte~ of- 4·H agricultura~ -engineering: Allen. blue ribbon. Sar.aAdkins.of ,La...lJLel,!J.r:

Wakefield, blue ribbon; picture Monica Metz of Wayne. blue rib· pie ribbons, oile bluer CynJhlac(isplay.-~ei9h johnson -of bon for wood art; Bruce Bartels 4-H demonstrations and talks: Walde of Winside, blue d~bo!,~

. _Edjf~---"O'.:, Ne:bf'aska State home envlronme'nt' dem~()nS,rd- RofbwfSCh,' el"ghlh place; Allen rol!s-Lori' Jensen or Winside',F'alr rHulfs·have-been released ttot'ls~Terri. '"Nuei-nberge'r: of Ge~Q~ of DI_)(~n, Act- blue. r,jbbon: Cynthia W,alde",ofthroughOul the· pa.' week and Wakefield; btuerlbbon, In, diliona' -5We. "r;1llbon""-AIlen-c-Winslderl>ltteflbl>o,,,.KarJacSJ<l1I',!!lQ;,~'" r",mes "",re.sorted dlvldual health demon);/ra George of 'Dixon. Steven Ing 01 Wakelleld,.bfue ribbon:through to find names of-are.a In- Ilons-$8ra Adkins of -i:.lIurel, Rcthwlsch 6r-'-Wayne, Stuart Suzanne Stelling, of' WakefIeld.dtv1dUa1S""w1\owon-plffPfe-o"r--btue- -purple1'-:-ather-demons-tratians-· .Re1h.wjsch, of Wayne, Cynthia bh,le ribbon; baked ye~st special­ribbon. allhe fair, It I. possible. Diane Olson of Concord, blue rib· Walde of Winside, -~ads-CynthlaWaldeolWlnsome name. "",re1nadvertentty~'--bon;-Sl>aun-NlemanrLoLCaw>!L_--.AcH..J!ia.'Y.Jl~how:.Wayne side, purple ribbon; JUl. eoldt ofommect I.f you know of ,anyone- purple rlbb,oo. , ,,' __ , , COUrity. blue rlbbpn.----- Aoskins. -DTu~'----Don; -w----n--o-rnwho won a purple or bl",e ribbon ..Judging hOnle" "eco-no'mlis-:-'- pairy :goar-s~howmanShip: wheat bread-Pam ,Ruwe :<s'fand·ls not listed here please give Karen Sandahl.ol Wakefl.eld, pur, Rhonda Selierson of Ho,klns, Wayne, blue ribbon; Jill BOldt ofus- a, call at 315·2600 "or pie ribbon; Carolyn-George of blue ribbon. Hoskins, blue 'ribbon: Shawn1·800·672·3A18, Ohu>n,' ,pl.frpfe "t"lbbon: Shelley Small-' engines contest: Jody Boldt -of Hoskins, blue-' ribbon;

-----"'7-'-------Nel>r.,ska,Sta-te:-Fair,resu'ts- Emr:.y,-"of,":",WavM, _.blUfi!: __tlbbon,; Jon~$ of_~ller':, ,s,e,c::ond pl~ce, pur- pumpkin mufflns-'Beth Janke ofSwine carcass results: Shawn Anne Sorensen -of, Wayne, blue pie ribbon. - ""- --- -CarroH;"l:mie rjbbOn;~Karen"s-a-w

Boldt of ,Hoskins pla~d 11th; (Ibbon~ AmyG~ Allen, b(uc 4-H forestry exhibits: Leigh dahl of Wakefield, blue ribbon;Shawn Boldt of Hosk'lns. purple: ribbon; Sheila Koch'of Concord. Johnson of Wakefield, blue rib- Pam Junek of Carroll, blue rib·ribbon, 'two _b!ue rib~ns; Jill blue ribbon" bon tor Ic~f,printdisplay. bon; 'Je4nn-e <Werner of Allen,Boldt of Hoskins, Iwo'blue'rlb, Home' envlrooment projects: 4,H clofhlng eXhibits: Cynthia blue ribbon, Renee Wenstrand of Ibons. ..., ':_ -" handmade' r:~g~Cynthia, Walde Walde of Winside, blue ribbon for \-'"-lakefie,td, blue ribbon; f . -f"~k.ILbe,,LU~....D..rJn oL~ .."!J'jde,_~__p.!Jrple; knlHed .. garment;.Taml.Jenkln, microwave poster--Karen San, th.e.· --' .... :arm·e.r.'.S'.i:W.. 1, ...eKoepke of Hoskins, purple ,rib· bed!ipread:-RulliLobef9Of Car· --of Carroll. - btue ,.ibbo-n '-ter dahl-of-\j/ak-eH0fd.--pufpfe"--!Jbbon; _bon'. r roll, purpl,e; :furnlture--Angie clothing magic; Jill Boldt of culfural food display'-:"'Holly

Market gut reSults: Shawn Jones of Allen,. blue:ribbon; room Hoskins, purple ribbon for sport- Albers of Wisner, purple ribbon;~~ _ ries, fiber s,truc· swear; Cindy Berg of Win'slde, Missy Jensen of Winside, blue I sang with JDhn Denver last Saturday THAT STADiUM has really changed over people involved are also stubborn, it can

4-H dr!iJry judging 'cq,ntcsf: ~ure-Shawn Boldt of Hoskins. blue r on or spo a-r;- r-t-b-b--o--rt-------;:..culturat fOOd ~,~gl!!....:..-:~~~.OOO,-otM.r-lud.Ypeople. __, 'too. When I was growing up,45 " make things complicated. {Y~s, '<;fear, I ad-Wayne County. ,third pl:ace In ?urple ribbon; Carmen Reeg 0-' dresses-Cindy Berg of Winside. poster-Karen ,Reeg of Wayne. We sang "Sunshmaen my 5noulder and miles wesl of Li"co+n--;-'~~"ed<l-ll!t---ll .te8~-----jttff-e--~oL~--'Lne. blue ribbon, room ac pAJrple ribbon; Lori Jensen of blue ribbon; entertainment "Follow Me", and a whole bunch of others, Nebraska football for 50 cents for knothole We've_discovered that love is a lot of---....Wayne. fourth In fndlvlduaf com-- Ca5'5Url4embe'ffSffeO---=--s-~- ---wfm-lder------PI#pI~.=!'Jbtron; _Sara _pl-ii.J:l=-:-_Qnd-y" B_erg of Winside, -..;~jle he stood on a rolating platform <;lnd tickets,on the north and south bleachers. My things, like sitting up with a sick child, argu-~tttion;' julie -Ande-rson of t~'~.ndi1t:!L_J!I_Adkln~b~!!!:...el. blue,ri_l;)bon;, pu~pl_e ribbon, Yaa FfatlI!r -of p~y-ed,hisguitar",What'anenter,-f-a-iner ·_-be h-o:t:o----i-fl---,t-I1-Qw.-da-y--s"Wasa'blcinaefelfownam i-rtg -aJ.:l~t----tR:e--bank......a.e.c.o..v..nt-'-------,-.C!rr!L~lS..~ing .Wayne. purple <e.rlbboni judy Wakefield. purple ribbon; c.yn· Ruth Loberg of Carroll. blu€,r'f5--WinsidF.-6'J'Ue rTti1:SOn. ---~ .." dl-d the whole show by hiniSctt and -had,-the -e-d-,B~y~~ol.!!s fcigeffier. fffi'oUghlh1Llcand---thin--:---'~---=---:=',--=

B~uermelster of Wayne. bl.ue rib- ~hia Walde of Winside, purpl~ rib- bon; Km:ta Stell1ng 'O'1,Wakefield, Brown Swiss dairy show: Angie audience capfivated. Even when I was goIng to scHool in Lin -MarrTage'1Ci'Kes work, and COIIlI Iii III lIel i l,

boni Debby Bull of, Wayne, blue bon; Valeric Bus-h OfCarroU. blue blue ribbon; Jill Boldt of Hoskins. Jones of Allen. blue r'ibbon. facHee'ySouth,eeesaomn eTvli~tw'e"lghUcYonWt,i,tchts'hreepblaOcY,.instgl coin. we were often offered tickets. ebvlUeen worhden"<eYnOcuh·raentteirde.d, or discouraged. orribbon; Erin Mar'otl of Hoskins, ribbon; Shelley' Emry of Wayne. blue ribbon; lingerie-Debl Holstein dalry show: JUlie . , ribbon: blue ribbon; Tanya Wlller~ 01 Meyer of Wakefiel'd. -purple rib· Anderson of Wayne. blu.e ribbon Ihe glasses, Dnd 50 dynamic In person. dJ:n~~tw~r~;O~I~c~ol~~~::ega~o;Ot~~~;t~:~;

_'~' _Mar_kel~wJ"C'Wtt$;-$tlawn -Waynt'ti---b-kte-ribboA-f:--t'oom -ae-,-- bon..;. advanced construe- for,three-year-olds; Erin Marotz fBoldt of,HQskins. purple'ribbon. cessorles. pictures-judy fion-Ruth Loberg of Carroll, 01 Hoskins, blve ribbon for four I'VE NEVER even seen a -'2-string guit~r 9ame~, I sat in doctor's seats, or acuity-4.H beef hP.r'dsmansh'lp: CedarI' Bauermeisler of Wayne. pvrpl,e bfue ribbon; Susan Baker of year.olds; Julie Anderson 01 belore He played some special numbers on seats. 01;' student seats: there was, always

County,' blue rlbbon; Way'ne rlbbon; Shawn Boldt of Hoskins, Wakefield, blue ribbon; planning Wayne. blue rib-bon for grade It I wish everyone at Carroll could have roam.County, bluc ribbon. blue ribbon; storage item-Angie skilfs--Judy Bauermeister of dairy herds. heard "Tbe Bell'S of Rimnec," c1 Welsh ~ong Our capital city is st'ill a great town,

II n blue'ribbon; Lin.. Wayne. purple ribbon; Cynthia 4·H music contests, song The Devaney Center is a murvelously ver whether you are there for state fair or foot0('1 C(;umty, purple ribbon; Cedar do Wood of Allen, blue ribbon; Walde at IOSI e, ue ron; , if' '"nterl inmenf center. If really beat-s baIlor iust to catch one of the shows in the

e d

it is almost never-dull And we are agre~uo-fi

some things. like The LarpEmfers and B'arbara Streisand and John Denver.

III/ReR Igl:ln sang "Failing' Out of Love"and "Seasons' of ,the Heart" and '1remembered that Annie is divorcing thatsweet, idealistic, peace,lovin' man, myheart ached for hi m

I definafel'i wpul,Q not \rIJ<:infto go thrbughlife alone. So Happy Anniversary, Mike;here's to 23 more, And -Ihank you for beingso patient.

You'll probably have exira stars ,in yourcrown for staying with'me all this time.

-- 4=~'



In ordet to como to the bOlt posilble rOlultl.Yeur c:o!~plctesafof, :;;:1 comfort are prime con­cornl. to your oio.trlc po...,er supplier: We'll bohllPPY to ....It you III dov"loplng" 'mer form,Har....t with lofet" ..nd you'II ...n,lnue to ''"10'11a productive fifo and a productivo farm.

If you'ra planning the constr.uction of any now'storogo bins, be sure t"J"!.ko the pla.omont ofoxlstlog 'powor UlW.llnto ~~QU"t. For .th~ bostusc of your farm Ipaco. storage ~Inl are oftenerected olong proport" IInol. Again, that'. luotwhore tho power IInos usually are.

If you limply .on't find adequate spoc.. to .on·,truet thalo bini away f-rcnn'powerUn]!S; whynotcontoct-ycur elec~¥l.power .uppllodor.omo ad·vi.". SOll1oono will b. '''At ." y"i'i~.... to 'u'voy

end of you!' fie!~ im~ turn your equipment.tho,.'. a vorv good cha~!e ~'M!!'r IInoi "'will bon bo alort t~ 'pO"""r lin"" on ,yourpropert" IInol. Tho'll "l"y ovon b. hidden by_'ee. or ,t!rulh, 50 you mUlt talto proct?ut!,O,"S to~ y-our .,qulpmont dOGI't make contact.

More often than not, pow.., IInel follow propertyIIn.l. You ml!y be lulled Into 0 donge,ous .om.pie......" ""'en ycu""'llJlit TiBhs,mIddlo:o1 yo",

.. crop field, ,"",~eyoulcnowfo, lur. n" powerlin.. are OWfilir your!,heod. W en you rGae'; t ii

fGcrm .' SafetiL_Wf!_~k ---------~~===---: ."'-=====~--=$-eptemher'-jJ~24~

-~·r~----'"-------·'---__~~_,"~~,,-~__ • " -

~-~--~"=~-~~--~~=-=~-----===--=:~~~~~~'-'-'-v~~T-"'--'-=-~'- -This message provided bV •


HARVEST WI,IH SAFETYWe want to. keep you' as our most valued customer

ment .demonsJration5--LorJ ompeHfion: C.ynthla Walde, of yeast breo1d-·- on ensen 0SorensenofWdYQe. purple; team V/imldc, seventh place; Steven SIde, blue; baked yeast Walde of Winside. blue ribbon_

'Roa:aGraver~_c---'-F"",ORYOUR DRIVEWAY• Sand Gravel • FursanCi-Rock

tv'\rs. Gerald Bruggeman will

Gue!,ls were Mrs> Carl Wittier.Mrs. Anna Fall<-. Mrs. LiiVerrtWalker, Mrs. Dale VonSeggern,Mrs, Frieda Meierhenry, Mrs.Rfi'ubcn, Puis, Mrs> Arnold Wit

~~~:Uf~~~~ J~~n~~ and Mr~s.

The hosteSSes. ..conduc1ed~e",eral C:onte-~1s and vIzzes forentertainment.

529·3288Wisner Office

39A380 ­Pilger




-,==;;RENCH FRIES0Mp 'rled Wltu. Vb W.'t

1 Sot,,,lne -35:!-~-~----~-,­2 Sltrvl.... _65C


W'''''''e,:. $289HONEY LOAP- Lb. ..

- ~Jo_...." .. ~~~ -::99C.~ LARGE BOLOGNA..... ~. u _



$1 6 4!lb.

.S.~9..M>.__ ~_




Lb. 63C,~





WtmTi"'..n l ....~. OTI.;.JI:


'Eirndm;d: 12·0z. Pkljl.



Cc!"'''r.t~y $tv!e


, Ohe..l,o'" "'l...d ,,,,0.. Pkg. $.109LUNCHEO" MEATS ~

"f",n>lond -_Thl<~ c"hlnsllc~d.. , .. 59ttC~-,~.~~ -~_ib~"li~~__-_,.L._w;,,,,,, Goo,,,l.. A


100% Puro75% Lean


GIII&".. SUI'''' C-cod

ICE CREAMAllfl..""....·39'1,-GoII"" ·1"

Northern Soft Print ~orScott Soft & Pretty



'SALT·40.Lb.• Bag

/;'-'--.,_._' ------




2% MILK$110

____ Gallon

u ra

_ Sh"rfresh





OWilH&OI*'eled-lndepen.nllyby Luedera.ln\:.

Alway. Fresh

C:OTt~GECHEESE1~q,.. Ctn.



STORE HOURS: I Prices ..ft..cti"" -2Wh1::'I::;$':':>21~;.~O"·9' NO RElAtt;Q& ·8···9~·C- Lb.8 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday thru Friday Wednesday. ~ . ~ ~ Pl£ASI:

9 d d September 14 thru8 a.m- p.m. Satur ay fj a.m.·6 p.m. Sun oy . . Tuesday. I

1:.t"pJ"1r.,,rs4a,.,e.t ':00. 8:t' .......30p..... lew ,n.-.m"••ud.,Crawl"s:, September 20 - -- 1.---_---_..."'-:::71:1.... ~-----_---------------

~4~---:--""'~..:.:.:.::::::.:..=.......£::::::::::.::::...--t 0<><''''''' Clun<hv $169 ~ .

:~~€.E li~-.....:..1=1.....~ft.s.n.U~: ',~:~.A:;;~I ~~~L;I:: .~::$1 79 I·~RO~N;4~L~CK-~--X~ ~- ~-- P-INEAP.Pl..£ ~._".~.~.",;.-.j ~K-~n·o~ ~. 5_~ 1-U7 . ~ .... $1 09 9~·ge ~ .,.r=~.-; ") r_fi.... 1"'01' lb. I-' Jo"n-M'..--;;;II-~M<lat -- -85·c

----.............-...........--;r- Eam ... - 91~c...' - ~ -- --~~ . -$-449- J_ HO'f DOGS 12·0., .......

~O~.l~d;w~D:m~.-=~-~~~F~~~~=:;~-;::~............~i"""~~ ....."""':~~:":""~~~i--~ __p~O~RK CHOPS lb." - '---.--~--~"--',II' _,~,_ ---- .---- ,"_ .. ._~ John MOI".U AU ..of

fRUIT PIES Bumble Bee DI,NNER CLASSICS.~._~. ~•.__...PINK_SALMON ~m Am....,

""" I U7 -. -- ---=-------=---~l-'~~~- S!::a!a0N!!Zillu!¥,I~..i~

~$-1-69 . ";;"~7';~:-

$239 I


, .

Conventional Hard Len... anti loft ...~I

For AppoIntment Coli 375·20.20~~Jenr.'ntpark'ng ...;"de and '.n ,ea, ':~ offi~~




1025 Peorl"'WaY6.375;-4903' -


'ROOf"pal"-.·-·- .. ~.R.mod.llngN.w Con.tructJonMalOnary WOrk

Presbyterian Church(Thomas Robson, pastor)

TtUJrsday, Sept. 151- LaurelChamber coffee"Circle 1,9:30 to

'1l:30 a.m,'; CI"le 11, 2 p.m.;,,<::htldren's choir" 3:20, p.m.;laurel' Sessh;m, 8'p.m;

Sunday; Sept,;" is:. Sunday'school, 9:30 a.m.; wp~$hlp"$er·

vl,-ces, 10:45' a~m.; 'Chapel' ser·vices at HlUcrest~ T:30 p.m'.

Tuesday, .5",,1,20: MlnlslerlalAssociation al UPC, 10.a.m.Wedne.d.~, Sept. 21: aelden

parents·bf cOf1flrmands-i'-1--P.ffl;;'­Laurel parents of- confirmands.1l'15 p.m.

Uniled Methodlsl Church. ,( Bruer;! Ma"hews, pastor)Thursda)', Sept. IS:JQy:thol,;'

3~'15-4 p.m.; Faith Circle toHillcrest. 6:30 p.m.

"f'1'Iday, Se!>h-U-: MaranathaGroup progressive supper; wed·ding rehearsal.


COMMUNITY COFFEEThe. La9rel Chamber·of .<;om'

rneh;€" ,offii11unUy; coffee:w!1I beheld ·at· the Presbyterian Churchtoday (Thursday) from 9:30 to

- 11:30 'a.m,' The l;offe-e is spon­sored by- ftle,Laurel eh~r:~h,as ,anopportunltlf'for members-o' -'hecommvnity to get' acquaintedwl1h ,the new tacuNy" In the:L~ure:I·C,on~ord s,¢ool.

METHODISTWOMEH CRUSADE S Ca-mp Fonlal18ij;Oeiil" Fremon' . Salurday, Sepl. H: Conflrma' .a ur av;>ijjr.lli:weaalng:-TThe Laur,IUnlled.Melhodlsl The Cru..denlroni lhe Laurel 00 Su",",y, Sep!. 18 h.Oi" "oon-t~.,..~~.m." .. --.. p.m., UMW annoal taltmeetln9


Wome.n meeting on UnlllldMethOdlslChorchw.lllbe .P,m,lii.ftop.Monk Bryan from ...5unday, .. Sepl. 18: SlJrtd;ly at Alnsworth,8:3Oa,m.- Wed~y", Sept. 21 at 2 meeting on- TlJe$daYJ' Sept. 20 at the Nebraska Conference will be 'school, 9- a.m.;. Sunday, Sept. -18: Laurel wer·'. the church. 'The Laurel Unit wlH- 7:30 p.rn.. On ,the program c;om· . speaktry9 at the_3p~n.'" ceremony. with rt61y ~ommunjon, ,10 a,rri'~ ship. services,; 9 a,m.;' Sunday'

vote on ~tlJl members.h.1ps'that mU-teec are---Mr.-- -and,- !N.s. Louis -," ,Tickets for '.1he barbecue may Wedne.sday, Sept. 21: ·Cholr ~ 7 5.j:hool , 10: lS a.m:: logan Center

!wlU be presented In DfiCember ReyncHds )Wind Mrs "Mary lIer b~ ,'p~'rch~,S~d,'from .'Methodi$t p.m.' servkes, 10: 30 8,. m.; Legan

....~ ,J'~E9_~!'I1,'--~~~~~~;._ ' . 'pastorslrrthearea.' Centl;'r dlnn-er. at Cityto be .Doers 01 the Faith': will be -;MtNISTERIALASSOCIATlONcC , -. /,-' UolledLulheranChurch Auditorium, 'Logan Center '10thpr'esented' by Mn. Vernon the 'L'4vrel·Co~c;or,(j ~ , " Marquiu:dt~ pasforT7 -~n,rHve'r,sarY'.--,serVrce~--;,:~ p.m.';

,. Goodsell, Mr•. Lesfer. Meier and. Mlnlst.erlal.As5O<:Iatlon· will, be LUTHERAKCHUR<;HWOMEN Thut.llay,Sept "15: 'A1:-CW, 8 Camp FonlaMilebart>e1:ue, noon. Mrs. FIGyd Rool, air of B<!lden; meetln90n Tuesday, Sept, 20. 01 Ch~:.:.:er\~~"mLu:~~a~~~f~rd p.m. f06:p.m., Mrs. 'Elmer- 'Lyons wUJ be, the lO"'a.m., They wltl meet ,Jn the Ll:'ther'an Church .In Laurel will SlJnd~Y~ Sept. ,'Hi; Sundc1 y Tuesda-y, Sept. 20: Crusaders,r greeting hostess,. , " Laur.el Presb.yterian Churchwlth school. 9' a.m.,; worsh(p services, 7:30 p.m. .

O!lfheservlng~ommlttee.wi1f the Rev. Thomas ,Robson as host. bemeetirigtoday(Th~r1iday}at,B 10:15 a.m.; cpngr-egatlonal Wednes.~ay.sept.21: UMW,2be Mrs. ~oberta Lute! Mrs. P"i'n, meeting .following worshlp'ser· p.m.; adult choIr, tl p.m.Maroe------w:aRit Mr~;· Olive Lh'm, .-Hosteslieswiil'be Vera:.schulte; vh::e. 'Mr~. Fern Tuttle and Mrs. Hazel CIRClE,ll Caroline- Peter~'OTI~ Rama Monday; Sept. 19: Bible---study;--Bru0gem~n. ~, Circle U":·~-I-r-otrl ,'the lauref Wei'senbe;g andGlady,$ Swanson. 8 p.m. " will be Sept. io: Ladle. Bible.'f11eetln9 'today. (Th~r,day) at 2 Evangelical Church study, 9:30 '.a.m;;,' Bethel' cla5s~p,m. The lesson will be given by (John Moyer, pastor) 7;30 p.rn;Mrs, Florence Lute and, Mrs. Sunday, Sep't. ..18: M!?rnlng war, W.ed'nesday~ Sep_t.-._ 21:Ttlyra ,N'efsoi'i.,---M;s.,- Ida Truby ship, 10:30 a,.m.; evening war:· .Chl1drerl's-'choir, '3~30'4: 15 p.m.and ,Mrs:' Hope Nunemaker will ship, 6 'the hostesses. .

Immanuel lutheran ChurchANNUAL BARBECUE (Mark MilIer,pa.'or)

The annual Fon'!ane'!!~ Thursday, Sept. 1$: DeadlineBattiecu~, sponsored by" the for October newsl et'ier;Metho#l.tJ;f1.urch---"",li:>l>h."I,!!,al _S'''lPhims, 3:30 P~rn~ _

~.• ' . III~!I

Ori.bu.h.1 .1... .,..,.ket of,~Iurdy wo.od".!',lol.-, tla&2wlrocchand".., Greal·as ciJrult'i;oSkiil,

- -~---,


Prices EHectiveSeptember 16. 17. 18


(0) WC~,III1P.liOt1$C


W.stlnghouse Inside frost bulbs in2-j>O<:iL 60, 7~o[ ,1011 \OIp"s. Even glarelreelight with no harsh shadows. Stock up atthis price.

Brach's Plck,A·Mlx assorted candles,Choose from assorted Perkys, Royals, MilkMaid Caramels, Neapolitan Coconuts, Star·light Mints, Butterscotch Disks and more.



3M Window In.ulator Kit.. 42x62 In, Clear OS ·glo....-Iol.,'I'Ou, .eeouJ ondJel. IIghUo.Eo.wto _

SYP Oil Treatment, 15 oz.Fights motor oil break,down, cleans carburetors,fights gasline freezeand more.



STORE HOUIl.SMonday,Frlday 9-9

Saturday 9-6Sunday 12-5

lIeg, 29,99 - r'


8'00,$,30Thu...:dov tH 9.pO


the. direction of the secretaryKathy AI~re_c~t.,The newsTen~r

level In Lewis- an ar a o.The meeting starts at 7 p.m. inthe Carhart Science bu-i1ding onWayne State College Campus.,Tuesday, S<wt. 13.

conservations and legislation,en'tertalning artlcles, as we-II a~~

games and puzzlesFor more lnform.)tion on

membersh'ip 10 Ihe E IkornAudubon ChClpter .conlacl KathyAlbrecht. RFO, En1er~}o(r; 68733

The .local " Audubon chapterpresldent l Ed Broglc, alsoreports that the cHapter is nowpUbti'shlng-'-and-' -o--tJt's--tandl--A--g-­newsletter entitled, "The 'E IkHorn", on a monthly basis undf~r·


special film.This month's meetlng -is on the

top--,=ol wetlands. A,fIlm by,ttle;ti­tIe :;f "American Wetlands" willalse be shown followed by adl!:l,:-:,;s5ion of the pros and cons tothe' ::?roposcd rdlsing of the water

'The ,Shade Comes DownOn 198 evro e 5 an



C .Ita .-- ... ..,,' ....

1,.". 1983 new Ch.vrol.t Caprice' -­1 -- 1913 Chevrofet Caprice demo4"- 1983 (huvralGt eel.liiltle. ,..__1 - 1983 Old. Cutla.. CI.rlll. demo, 4 daor

',;. l' - 1913 D.ltlll Royal. Irough_., 4 door3 - 19B3 n.w Olds Roy..;". 4 oor

wscJon panos will" present

"Okava'ngo" an AfrICan ba'!it..cjfilm on F.eb. lS followed by ArlIwf Twomey on "$aqUaril COlin·try", on M..arch 10. More tntormaHan on' the Win !.>(>ries can be ob

The local Elkorn' Audubon talned'from the biology depart·Socict(-ls", planning a, s(!rle$ of me-nf at Wayne Stare .college oredocatlon ,;-act-ivUie& for the up· the local Audubon chapter.c-a-mi-t.~fwtnf~"months Thc-se_ speaker/fUm -pre-"...enta·

Biology professor. A.J. Schock lion, wlll offer a variety of tnlor·of Wayne State Coll~ge .reports tn,atlon ','from 'the ,beauty of

_!hl$' ye~r~s: tlIghlights are three wi,ldtlfe ,pho:tog;raphy ,to theAudubon film tov~ ,.speakers Who, geo-u)Qkalhlsfory l)f the area.

--~ve~ed-jM-,,InLJlY.QU.~; m!!.y~al:SO ,be in~

cdo-~ationaf ,films-, Tom Oiel will terested in 8tt«:" the~~n~h~,"

two \i1m"",~il1OO-"A<I'ICnlufe' In WaY~..aItecnatll19'otJasiS.

1 - 1913 aids Cutla.. Supreme Iroughom L.",d"" Caupo2 --- 19830lds Royale. 4 door.1 -198301....~_cY 98. 4 door

1kB3 n.w~,-Ton ~h..v~~i..-ti:~~:rdrlvo, dlosel1 - 1983 Compllm.nt Conv.,.lon Van. gas '/4·'on1 i'- 1983"Compllm.nt Canv.nlo.n Van. dl....I, 'I.-ton3 - 19113 '1"Ton Ch..vrol.t 4-wh••I'drlv., gIll2 -- 19113 '1,-Tan 4·wh••1 drlvo, gal wlt.h S..quola pacliage2 S1l1' Itlaau. "I.!!"ps --,-__ .__. . _

-r!if{rjl~""'-- --------'---------=-,=--===;I1=t=::::f:=:==II:Stop Now - Check' O ...r Prices

:;"'--'--~A--"l6-&--D-n.:IL.....-~YouWiII---Neve~e-t-A-- ,.~-:A. Hew f98a=-1'IRm=¥-O\FWit!:-

Right NOW!!- -- ---


On Stt-pf. 4, Mr. and Mrs. DonPete'rs. Mr. and ·Mn. Charre1­Peters.. Amy ilnd Oanoy of pf,:<On

Mr. and Mr5. RandvR,)smu$~n,.Daniel dnd Jeremyof Dixon were Aug. 28 dinnerguests in the Joe fuch home'inTyndall.

Senior CIUzens Cen'er in honor.,ofher, graduation, '.

On Aug. 28. Mr,/;. Wilmer Herfeland Mrs, Jim--Coeper; of Lau~el

~t~ended a recepu,on'-- for- 'J:~e

Sept, -4 evening gUC!its in ;hl!EI~lc Patton home WNl! M,~

Mr and Mrs. MelVIn Swick Sr..Me-I SWic~, Tami and Jeff of Oixon spent. the Ltlbor Day weekendat Lclke Okoboji, '0V/C).

Fremontl.he aft""n"'; of Sept. 6Mrs. Hollman is fhc'd4u,ghfer ofMr, and Mrs. Clarente McCaw oflaurel, former Dixon areas.rcidenh

OeJbCf'1 None and Lany ot HorfOlk were Saturdar ,morning9UC1ifs in the Paul Thomil~ homeinDJxOfl.

lOr'" nMr. and Mrs. CI~yfCn Stingley '01Dixon and Mr. 'and Mr$. MarlonQUist of Lau'rel· aUended 1he

~~nera' of L~?::'HOllm~~,.a:c~~

. Di.on SI. Anile's'e:atIIollcClIurch ~

jAllon Mortlnl. ,SlIIMi.y,SejoI: 1.: Mass. 8 a:m.

Mrs_ AJlnn Pre-scott 01 Dixon,Mrs. Leoncll'd Hamilton of Gre-lmCove Springs, Fla., a-nd Mr~,"

Robed Lamb of .....Jayne. spen1:S.~pt l VISiting Annie Luedke atColonial Ha'l(en In Beemer.

Mr . .and Mrs. Howard Gouldand Mr. and Mrs. Keith' Goutd,Brian and Brett of Laurel spent

<Olilon·U"It...Me!lIO'lst (II.."""

",jAllde'nonf(wankln,p.,torl •Sunday, ". It" Sunday

school; 9:30a.m:, wo'sIllp, 10:30a.m.",

ne ..a.,.,,- uoy .Dale Thomps.on home In. ~f. Paul.Minn. They also visited Be-lieThomp!>on at the ,RedeemerLu1heran Home .and Rev. and

. Mrs. Leonard-Thomp,son in St.Paul.

On S~p" 3, the--y aUended theMinne-s.ot•.., State Fajr in Sf. Paul.

They wert' Sept. Sdlnncr the Rev, and Mr~L MarvinThcmp,;-on home in Water'ow~,

Minn en..route hom.e.

UR--i-te-d Me-thodjsf·-Coor·dl, Br'u c-e N!..1-Uhcw!SI, pastor)

Sunday, Sept. 18: 90th annl'.;;::r~i.ll"Y, ~p~:cj,,! '.·,'Dr"hip '~':rvj(e,

10 )() iJ r-n noon m(!,)'l CJ1 LtwrelCffy (.d.ldH-o-rHlffi <J!lernoon proqrarn, 2 p rl'l

,Nint> ladie:!oo of ihe Dixon United

Me1hodi'!Ot Owr<h i.ilh:-nded theBiblf: stUdy on Sept 7 in 'he homli~

of Irma Ander"or.

OVERS(;ClUaTtm Ovc-r SO Clull mof F ridiJy at

51 Arim·'s Pari'ilh Hall i:;l 01xo"wllh 12 111 ,jliendanCi:·, Tne i1ftl;rnoon iNtiS ·,p<:'tit pj,]yjrtg ".,:H'"ds andvi<:.ilmq

The n(':ott me('-hng NIII tl"".1 FridoJ¥. $<['pl 13 dl 1 30 pm ,)1 lhl~



AltheSepl. 12 meeting of Good·m~rning., ·roashna$ter~,· _~r~J~~.."'pr:,gcl ,iSatge,r\f 011, ar.m~,:.

presenrnd the'. meeting' to, ,thepresident. A,* Lineberry, .whoa-"nolJnc~. tJtat.. neW' ~!Hc~l'~ willbe electedat lh. S'epf.2~meelro9~'.M~rt.y Stewarf. was .' Ih.toasfmasler a'nd,.Har"Qld:Geor,ge.the ,iokefll<lster. T~~ s~kers:for

the day wer~,Anita Gad:e." "Was IIJust,,~ Dream?:,'; ',Arlys':',Mrc·Corkindale'. "Super BGb,Y", andBob·, O!-ckey~ '~".~anggemet\t

C_€1lneepl:' EdFa~renh<lI'

~:1~4~,~:I~,e~a.s~~~~I-.a;~a~:ri:,f:iar:oJd :~ge, Abe Ur.--eb1?iryand Anil'a Gad£:. Marje G~rge

was- gene:raf. evalu&tvr·-tmd--Sjan­STarling'. LV-fa SwanWn,.andMar-yAnn Christenson ....ere indjvidu~,'

evalu'alors. .



Mrs Ar 'J"id Peterson. Mn l{(.,nnefh 01-"00 and Mrs. ArlhufJohns.on lo'iere bel'ltcd bjrthd{)yque$f'~ of Linn€'d Nygren --01 Norfoil-: on Friday Linnea Erick$on<.if Node-lk jOIi"lf2d them !Qr H":;ifh:~rnocn.

Mr~, Art Jchn~on ',isl1ed MarlLu KOS-I<:'f In Norfolk Friday rf10rnHig

Th~ G1r:.-n MiHJoU'.i-Om leU Sopt2 fa, Q ie-w d~1y5' '!aealian. Theyspent Sept. 3 aJ ttJ:~ SUtte Fair inLmCQln and Ih,en wei'll 'uef.fthrough Nebr.a!:--kd si9htse(~lr,"!'j

~nd UP to th~ BlaeJ:. Hills and

PH;rce, the Todd Nelsons ofLaL~fej. the Mark. Kirbys- andMIlch, ~he Drn..'--;} Cunninghams­Mid ihe Kerry Clerksf;lo f'iH'Tliliesof 'W;;)u"ra

Olhe.r-p~s-'Ofl"nrete~l' l~wm

D!JI-r,otfj Thr,~y returned homf.:'5r:pl 7


mrs. art johnson



Saturday.September 17. 1983




·-5-top-'in--to-the-Heut.lit_tei's-and-.hovQ,­Sheryl, Sandy am!J I.orree help VOU withall vour hair. care needs. '

Sunday evening guests In theClarence Pearson home in honorof th£. host's birthday, were theClarence Rastedes. the MarlenJohnsons, the Verdel Erwin;, andBrad, the George Andcr:;ons. fh-::Ervin Krame-rs and the AlVin


Sunday lunch 9IJe~t~ in the Kenneth Klau5en home wcn: the Rdndy Johnsons,and Sarah Ni(oh~.ol


A farnHy -gafhe,r+n9 jid';' held If!

the Erick Nelsorl hom€" -on Sunday. Dinm~r 9Ve'sts w€rr(" Ef'ickNelson of tne Hilkrr2",>t (MeCenter, fhe. Jim Nl";ls.ons, lh(·De-an Nets.on tam!!Y, H-H! (.!iffStallings and Beth. D..'1n Iilclo:,on-;fAllen; the Lavern Clarksons andDarin ot '~rI;ngton, Mr.-. Ff'(;aHermann and. Kr,c'q of '1h!~t

Point. the Alan PiPPltt!j and Apnlof Wayn<:, the" Jarn(.'sWordekemper-s and f~,rndy ofNorfolk. thE' Kr:lfin Oi(-df+-:f~rc, of


___------+-~I_'S"'e""'t"e" 24 will bo 'my last day wo.!dng (;iit thoH~adquartors. I,,"would intI!; to ~y rhon!!;: you toevoryone for thair patronage over tho 105i 2yoen;."'Ie made lots of good fT1eiad$ whUo work~ng otthe Headquarters" ant!" J wiU mju seein9 you '0,.all your hail" carll) needs. .My husband and I have purchaliod or. automotiveropair ~hop in Wausa. If you ero eva,. in the oroo.p'eG5C stop in and say hi. ttJo'd (ove to see you.

Th'e Bud Hansons and the MarcLawrences of Crete attended theState F air on Friday eveningThe Hansons were overnightguests. at the Lay"ences

-G-R- S-a-tfj1"<,~Y f~·-H-a-fl50~·e

gf,;esf,s with Pauletie Hanson otTecumseh and overnight. Theyreturned home Sunday afternoon

Dixon MefhoCITsf Choreh-. -

RIDES .HIGH IN ~~AGlE .~lTRAUGHT ....----....... 'B'Part·Tlme /UltralightAircraft

Supplement your Incof'fl;~_by Se!llng the Eagle Eagle-,XL nod Falcon ultra.llght aircraft. plus accessories.

Our comprehensive training course has proven extreme­ly effectlvo.ln 1ra"sfor~lngnaw Eagle owners lntp skll1·ed, confident ultralight pilots.It flying Is your dream· sell Eagle Ultrallght products

__ S-oma HIgt'l1 _~}j~risr.£e_ benet!cl'al for sales posltitj'n.

concord ·news·

"'OVER SO'CLUB--1"he-Ehef' 51)' Clu1;J:..mQ.ttllday


"~;dH~~n~~~~5prlno" Fla,.Mr. alldMr.. Loul.Pr_otl 01 wayna'aild IN. and,~r'.AI"",p~~PIXQfl'

Mr.cand .Mrs.Jo'i-Cilrr,8""ky, Andr.. ol WcaYM, '. . .... '., •... . lind l"ki;·ol W_; wer_ Labor

Mr.- and. Mrs; Raymond Day ",""end ~!.'lnl""'Gor.Kvhn~!!~C~apldS:Mlmr.,':,;diJlj"KlDl"""i1ome"lnph'o!,,··'C,'"

W.... IIUl1Sls S"Pf. 8.19 11 •. Mr. a~d Mr:l!flIIMrs.Raj1dY Sullivan,Mr•. DIck PoIPb 01 were . Krlsll' cand RandyJ~.ol.AllenMondtly:dln~er .gOOI•• : were. sept. l· lI....t. for

Mr. cana-Mrs. Ernesl Knoell01· Carol Han__• nmllt blrllldaY.OlxQfI:at<:ompcanl'!d byR~Y~ and Mr.. and ~$.·Mlk.Alexander CgUa~.o,.I'S.·.w"&.T•.tU.~'_,dllaYY'L.o.U~Z'.I~.'?'tMr•. RayFltch., Leayenwcirl~, andll@fi~lnol .Kan'" Cfty,· •• ~. _ ~ .....Kan. relurned SilluF<!a't'e""lifiill Mo..wer" weekendv,.lIor.ln.lhe arid Angel. AVis of DIxon.·Iroma Ihree and a hall w~Jrlp. Larry Lubber.tedFhomfmDlx. : .' ....•10 Idaho ylsillng In the nome of "". . . ' Mr. and).lrs.OoirekFran.ZC'OtM..-s., Fr"nces Derrek at Cafdweli 'andwllhMrs. Alice .Fltch.t RapidOly,ScD,returned Salur·

.Gteenleal.. Marlon Oxley of SI~u.qIL,!,as day .fromlhelr· wedding trip Ie.________ ,. __ ~_9uJ~sUtoL~unro·.s--.ln--SiOUx-.CUV; _.CaHfornja.a~~Arlioil.::and were

'EsI_Borg .fQI.onent....d oJ Mr.·ana Mrs, Don Oxl.y 01 week.nd gu.s,. In. the Ma,:t\lathe', HUlcrest, 'Care Center in Lauret: csna. Mr.:a"d, Mrs.:. ,-lair .Walton home In.Ob;on: - •laurel on Sept. .3 and is Oow a O)(~y of San Dlego,on. Fridav· I'

resident ther.. ~rs~t;~~t~:~·X:~eJ~~?~~rday10 Sept. 6 atternoon gu••ts in lheRandy Pinkleman_, ,~rea"go_v~r _ _J ,Randy ~a$mUs~n', home to Mlp

nor, was present and gave sug Mr,. George'- 'Rasmussenge!Jtions cn ~lub management, Mrs. Stanlev"- Ferlngef, an~ Mr'. and Mrs. Sterling _Borg cele~rateh!f bh,;.,th~ay:w.ere Mrs.26~h_~-n.~!'~tm~lingwin bc.,~~'pL _---ftteres-a -o1-fUoomfrofd---and· Ma-. ret~rM~t~I1~~ SUndB,Y' ~"Lenw.. , ,!!"JJ --WHmt!r.-Herl.el...:.Martha-~waubn.

·Gary White ,of Sioux City spent from a two week trip 0 the ,est Mr'$'. Kenny O\edlker ,and Den,i~.Sept~ In the home of Mrs, J.L Coast ylslllng Ihe AldenSawl.lIs Mr.. Harold 'Georg. at Dixon,

BEST EVER CLUB Saun~e"·1ilOlxon. In Oroville. WaSh.. M... II.H. --Mrs. Duane Dledlker/Mrs. EI'leThe Best Ever Cllib met lrdhe Mr. and Mr•. W· ',Im'er H'erlel 01 aS~:n:~: _i~ ..Gy'lt:ya:b~~~yas~f Brawner" arid' Mrs.- D.H. ,efat·

hIM G d H . . -"" ehford 01 AII.n, Mrs. DOt! Cuim'D~:e, ~,,~?n 31tSe; ,m Dixon were Sept. 7 afternoon MOSM Lake Wash. TbAy we're mgham and' Mr5. f1or,ence

.-- , ' ." me 'lie") el:\ vIsitors In the HaroJd Hertel s'lghtseeifig in Yellowstone' Na· "'-Ra5mu5'sen 01' Laurel.' ~ A- .. --------------..------------vtefe- ---p-r~,f. M H . MltPOn Ho'nal Par'!.' and tAl! 'Tmo"$ 'en

TROPHY. WINNERS in the 4-": insect identifiCation (from feft) Cl".e~yl Whittecar, IS, daughter of Mr. and Ellyson crt Laurel was a VI.ilor. in Siou. elfy. r.ule home. coope, olN_ hilich ..8" ...'.d:;-·--:contest-S!1Jd~"_l_~l th~1983 Nebraska" State· Fair Mrs. Don Whiflecaro(Chadron;Jassi Johar, 16, son of M<s. N.rmanL ubbers ledl ... n_' •__... __'_.

O.a.thered.. . to. receiVe. thelrilwards ,' and- Mrs-JSJohar- -OIwa~ynii;---and StuarT r.".l¥M 1M -- pr.jle"+h·~~nd1llfrGaroltr.lCWeTroT-- ,~-"--- = =-.:=-=-=-=-------~. ,~-.-.--''---.ITc' ---• ,. '.., ~. afternoon ~pent visiting and O. . ----0 r P fefie.d of' Cole. Mr and Mrs Dick Stene, Rulh Mr.. clnd Mrs. Leslie Nee of UIX-

s-Ullilrinterodenl Dave Keith Heff;, University of RethwIsch, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dwame RethwIsth playing <.rd•. The ne.1 meeting ri~~";·~n:~r.:"d Mrs. lIandy and ·Ann. Ka;eri Graham and on spent Sept- 2t061n the MikeNebraska .el(te~siori entomologist. Winning first, se- of Wayne. ""II "" In lhe ~o.""eolMrs. trn_sl Pal.field ~nd lamily 01 Laurel April 01 B.r.••,ord, S.D. were Malon_ In Mlnn.apolls.cond and third place trophies,. respectively, were Kn.ell .n Oc , were Thursday ••enlng guest.s In Sundayd!nn_r guesls In Ihe On Sept. 3. theyallaH.nded.ltl·

1he Warren Patefield home f<lT" Wilmer Herfel heme In Dixon Minnesot.e State '~cl!" ..~n St. Raul

th~ h~.S!/ birthday. :v~~ ~~~l~'t"=:~~:~~t_t;,;d.'

St_ P<,ul'S Lutheran Church(Steven Kramer, pastod

Sunday, Sept. 18: Morning wor·ship service. 8:30 a.m.; SundayschoOl. 9 3-0 a,m

Evangel.icatFree Church

Uohn westerhDlm, pastor)Sunday, Sept. 18: Sunday Bible

school. 9:59 a.m.; morning warship service, n a.m,; FallCrusade, Concord auditorium, 8p.m.,Aubrey McGann and ChuckOlson

p_~~t~a:~h:=all Crusade, a

. . ,GOLDEN RULE CLUB Day at Pierce; Lulh.ran Chur·

The Golden Rule Club met cnwomens family night with the. Thursday~ afternoon with, Mrs. Alan Lupacks as guests, span·Leroy Creamer as hostess.. Roll s01'"ed by' the LCW Dorcas Circle,call w~sanswered'withafavorite B ~.m.

actiVity. A tour was planned for ~lJnday, Sept. 18: SundayOctober. Games were' the after- SCF,ool and Bible classes, 9:JOnoon's enfer'tainment. > a,,'1.; morning w-orship service,

Mrs. Clarence ~arson wm be . lOA5 a.m.; Parish R.esourcethe November hostess. O<::y, Salem Lutheran Church,

W.-"kefield, 2-6 p.m_-: uesday. Sept. 20: f3,ible study

al' '"hlJrd'l', --v-:-3U' a.m~; WCfU 01

'f-. afternoon at the O,ixon ParishHall with 12 present. A birthdaycake was-brwght in honor of the Mr, and Mrs.. EI'met PuhrmanSepternbe:r birthdays. A tour wa~ and Roy ' of Pa'ulina, Iowadiscussed.' Cards were :the after we-r:e wee,ken:d,. guests -in 't:l-enoon 'en~a:i-nment-.--;" -- Melvin puhnncH'!. home·

The next meeting will be ~Sept. The Elmer' Puhrmans, Roy29 at the Dixon Parish Hall. Warnke. the Me-Illin Puhrmdhs

and 'he Arthur Johosons wereSunday afternoon ~unch guests inthe Dwight Johnsonj'lOn1€.

The Glen Magnusons were Sunday guests in the VeldonMBgnus.on home in Omaha inhonor of the Sept. B birthda'y of

Concordia Matt--MagnuSon and Sepf.'n blrlutheran Church thday of Gina Magnuson. The

(David Newman, pas'lor) MelvIn Magnusons of Carroll,- -ttlUrsday, Sept.-1'5:- LuTheran j'oinedT'rfe-m·tOF Ttle atternuurrbTr


-- f--,---'"---~



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With the Home Equity Advantage, you can borrow upt6$25,000 oran amotint nofexceewng 75% of thevalue of your home including the balance of theexislinQmOi'ili: e. And yoti -can use me morley tor any ---



SCHOOL CALENDARThursda'y, Sept. 15: Volleyball,

Wausa, here,Friday, Sepl. 16: Foolball.

Allen, here.Tuesday, Sept. 20: Volleyball.

Hartington. here.

United Presbyterian Church(Oana_Whifet pastor)

·Sund.y., Sepl'..-18: Sundayschool,,9:45 a.m.; worship. 11{l.,m..

Salem Lutheran Church(Robert V. Johnson, pastor)

h UDto._$~8.95backJoto the lawn to bElcome.The Stiapperizer can savetime this FaUss an efficient

~~~~~le:a~fs:h~iedd=er.:,fjnallytbere'S"" I.. nee of the

'~ extra Bag-N-B.lade Kit. Visityour SNAPPER dealer to­

_ . day. Buy and ~vell~'

ycar'canfirma1Ion, 4 p.m.; c:.ho1r, Sunday, Sept--; 18: Chu'rch8 p.rn.: Fall. Crusade·at Concord. schoal, 9 (U1t,; confirmatiOn sere

vice with Pastqr L Sundell asImmanuel Lutheran Church guest. 10:30, a.m.; Northeast(Steven Kraemer, pastor) Parish ~~source Day-at Salem.

Sunday, Sept. \8: ,Sunday Monday, Sep'., 19: Northet.lstschool, 9 iI:-m.; worship, 10 a.m. District Mlnlsterium at Pierce.

St. John's Wednesday, Sept. 21: SeventhLuther:'an Church and elghfh grade confirmation, 4

(Ronald'E. Holling, pastor) p.m.; youth ~hoir, 5 p.m.; seniorThIIC$dav .. Sf!ot. IS: ChQ1L_.JL_ ch~ir, 8 P.:.~ _

P'~~jday, Sept. 16: World R~~il~'fseWing. 1 p.m.

Sunlfay, '$(!pt. 18: 75th 'anniv-cr~

sary service, 10 o. mMonday, Sept_ 19: Monday Bi·

ble clas!> with Mrs. Randall Blattert, 2 p,m.

Wednesday, Sept. 21: Weekdayclasses. 3:45 p.m.; Couples C;:lub.Sp.rn.

6':30·7:30 p_m.; singsplratlon anddevotion. 7:30 p.m.

Wednesday, Sept. 21: AllenLUTH.ERAN CIR<;LE area Bible ,study, 7,30 p.m.,

Eight members of the Salem---W'akefJeld a-rea Bible study. 1:30lutheran Church Cir,tle 5 met p.m.; EmerSoon, Pender.Sept: 6 at 8 p.m. with Mrs. Paul Thurston area Bible study, 9 p.m.Fi!ot:her. Mrs. Randy'Jenscn gavethe les,on. .

le.son. edlth'Hanson will host thecircle on :rhur~ay, Oct. 13 at 2p.rr .

1 '1e- next meeting will ~ lues-·day, Oct. 4 at.S'p.m.


(E. Neif Peterson, pastor), Sept., 16-17:

CLUB GOES ON TOUR Covenanl Women relreal.Eight members of the Happy Sunaay, -S-cpf; ta·: Sunday

Homemaker Exfen~'onCfubheld schooL 9:45 a.m.; worship. 11'i1s ail-,fua-nouron-Sept, 1;' Th~'a.m·;.-iu.nl9-r ..hlgh.le.a9Ue... 5.p.m.:toured the Calico Sklftet and The Fall Cru5ade iJf Concord, a p.m.Soap Kettle at Stanto,n. They ate Monda'y, Sept. 19: Fall Crusadedinner;: at the VflJa tnnOin Norfolk. at Concord. .After dinner they toured the Na' Tuesday, Sept. 20: Covenanttiona' Weather Bureau, Senior Citizens, 2 p.rn.; service at

The ,e.1 01 Ih. affer",xln was Gospel Mission, B p.m;, Fallspent sh~opplng. The tour was Crusade at Concord.planned by the dub officers. Wednesday, Sept. 21: First

Th. nexl meellng will beWedne,day. Ocl. 5 at 2 p.m. withMrs, Walter Hale. They will haveQ sifcnt auction and each memberis to bring nrtldcs worth $4.$-5..

.._-- ~ ..__iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_......---------....__.....__...__~---....- ...- .... lI!'!!!'l--I-_,______ Standard Ads -- 204 per word

- --;:--:D,sp-::-laY-::Ad5"'":'~"::'.:$2~.50~pe,~co=,um::-:::nin="ch~-~--'----'-,-~-

I'RESBYTEIUAN CIRCLES", ''''''Ty Circle 01 the -United~,,:!. Prcs.bytcrian Chur'c:h met Thu~I,; dayal 2 p.m. with Viola Patfer·~.""'ln-SiO\l~y,-Sevenmembers:~\l mre-.present. The leS50n was on Chrls.t;an Church

RcvelatJon$. The next meeting is (Martv Burgus, preacher)Thursday. OCt. 13.t 2 p.m. Sund.y, Sepl. 18: BIble school

~,:, for all ages, 9:30 8.m.; morningi;-' Mrs, Robert Andenron hosted and· lunlor worship, \0:30 a.m.;',;,. Rulh Circle en Thunday at7 p.m. :Wakelleldp.rk, Wakelleld Chrls-

J6i'n'i ?attet:oon"ot Slou); ,C~ and ti~nChurch and Wayne Churd, 0'Mn. Cherl"- Bull ofWavne were J:hrl.I, Soflb1ill. vorr-eyOIDl;ete;;­gueds. Jean Pafff:f$on uave- the ~,:,:ro p.m.; fell.oYlship of fopd,

cl.;AOIESAIOSI. John'o Lulheran Church

i' b!!!ll~ AId and .LWML me.t onSept. 2af2 p.m. Theannuel guest

. d,ay Was ob.erved· with 80member. and gueot. attending:

.,; Gi~ts- were prescnt froml;,.'., ,W~k:effelq, Waynfl, WI~~9r,

- l4~ rOt'l".,nt. I ;;o.llte! p~ca



'e'...~.··.~.e......M... lu........N.·'CTLY.U·-'L.' Center .In·WAtyneshere ""e reo""ni;·:cleann~ Iiansen, 'TheJaffemoon lessenwesijlven ~OMMUNiTY~ALE.NDAR"' t; "'~ vw II m.'ns: a,'patlent secretary: and Karma Rahn, by .Beth'White"fn C:taft.-' ',' _.' thursdav~, SePt:' U: .:TNT- E~~',

Tl!e.Alt"'C::""'""/n1fy E.len· . SCHOOL OFFICERS Ireas~rer, SIud.enl council lenolon Club. 7;:IOp.m.• I\llenflrei~ l;IUb ,"'otet ~ For......, The 1913-... llCflooH>llIeers and membe... arel<lrk Hanoen, Keith Fir", LUlheran Church hall., Dorothy Klerll.05Ieoo;,

. '.~_!JIl.Fr,~,1!I!'J!f11I:~I,,", ,tu·denteounellhave... been : Karlberg and Karey Ra"n. lRe•. DavId Ne~m.n) GasoerPo.t VFW, 8 p.m., Mar-

=r.At~~I;;~-n: .I=-r;j~ihe~~~ihgradii-'- ti~~H;i.~;~;;,.;;...~~~;'t::~~;li,;;at":;~~·~X.:r~~8~~~~~~"'·'llllldleon, Eva Slark, preslclenl,a.,PAlilyNoe, prlisldeill;Kuri' ,-'C SALAD BUFFET PIerce; Dorcao Circle. 10 a.m., lInoburg .chool.·.. " ,~' With the ..Lunll.vlee p.e,ldent;Jason TheAlienUnltedMet/lodlstJoy _ potlucR.dlnnerat no6n:S~n~ay FridaY,Sep'l. 1'6', 'SJ!iITijr"·tlted1ng Of,lha.CoIltc;t.lr_Ar, Fehr.enhol., .eeretery; .and Clrcleho.led amolher'daughter school teachers, 7:30p.m. '. .! CJil.en•• breakfaol, Farmer's

"1NlUl' \lIIWe rOjlOrt of LAMP, SlIawnMaggarl, treasurer. Stu' saJadbutlet al the church on Sunday,SllPi. 18:. Worship: 9 Cafe, 8:30 a.m. .":AII officer. wore r.eleded for dent·,.eourn;llmembers ere Amy Saturdey evening. Those presenl a,m.; SundaY' schoo~ '.10. a,m.; Monday.,$epl..19: Co,"mvnl/y.;thee<lmlllll year. Theya"'"t::~a Noe. Greg Siapleton.andCandaee weregreeled by Evelyn Trube. .E!ari$h Re.oVrce Day af Salenn DevelopmenIClu~.SIIr.k. presillent; Fern Benton, J,ones. circle pre,ldeni. FOllowlngihe Lul!jeran;'Wakefleld, Hp.m.: TvesdaY; Sept.20, .Dixon Coun,

--cv1cepriSlCIilnt;Alilfe-lte.tede•. - .e.lg1lth-~grade.-olflcen--ar... · -buffet, e humorous brIdal lash'on Wednesday, .. Sept. 21 : Ef;'IR ty Hlolorl9al Sodely, 7::10. p.m.•,,,!,;retary; end Sylvie Whllfor'd. ellzabel'" pr...ldenl:· Ell.abeth show·.' wa.· ~eldwlfh . circle meeting,.S p.m. . county m~.eum In-Allen,Ir...."..,..;, ,- .' ' Hansonl vice pre$ldent; Dana members' f~shionln9 the. !.1pe~ial TtJursdI1V;, Sept. 22': Resti:'-r"',Oct~-meeungwiU,be.eL--Kluver, ,..secretarY.t,. J.nd,.,Jlrlan af1~rt'. -Mu.slcal number.s were Springbank AWhil~,Club','2 p.m<..

'I'·_.·t~ ~~ of ,Delsa~ 0t) tne. Hanson" frea,$Urer. Student',coon- prese~ted b~.Oo.nna and Lyne,' Friemts Church I.Je~.. nd.F.,.rIde.'fi.. ~he_.....le,S.S<l!l._.- ~IL ...ernb.rsar•. EIl.•.•be.lh Wood accompanied by Gall ILeRoy Ward. paslorl"Liking MIi, Liking IOU" will be H.l1Slln, .Angela Jones and Folsom.'Evelyn Tr"be pr..ented Prayei"'meellng .each Wedn"'· SCH·OOL CALENDAR

. lilvenbYA"'ta~.._ end erwin, ,", reading•. for .chlldren, grand- day,".enlng, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept.tS: Volleyball'J~ya, ~' -- ' " Fre'hmen offlcen are Barbara children and great grandchlldr-en Wome!'i:!!' prayer drcle '.gnd 'Bi· at Emer~~n~4~30p.m.

LJ8RAIlY IIQARO > Hansen, president; Debra- Uehl· written by /ter aunt, Mrs. Muhs.ol ble study each inorn· Friday, .Sopl' 16:. Football '. alThe Sprlngbanl\> lng, vice presIdent; Shene Mag· Stanton. The.theme for 1he even· lng, 9:30 a.m. ,,". Wa~efleld, 7:30 p.m. , .. ',

ILfbrary eo.rd m~bers Carol 9",t, $ecret4ry; and Craig Hoff· lng,was,hat!;" Which were used fo'r Sunday, Sept. 18: 'Sunday 'Monday, setJ1~ 19;' Junior' high-~,Er1lft.Sclluber.t.ancLKllthy--'~,--trea..."!,,. ~Iudem eouocll .Iable decoratlo.n., . were .chool, 9'30 a.m.; worship, 10,30 looltball. 4;3~ p.m., Wakelleld el

lra-ltal1delhcmeetlila-wttit---!lm",e",mlilbe~rs-~,BiiIi~ni=:-gIVerTfortt'!e'cutest~~'Af~ceS~ef. - -'i'J·;m~' - . - -Atterr;:-" , __L,~ .• , ," -;--

~:';:'':::':~:~;r~::;e~::::'~II~: Krlslln ttan!;enand DiYftfl$Otfl; oldeSI·. Virginia Wheeler, moSt- ~'--.- --"-eSdav;;sepl:'1OTTuniOr1l!gtr-- ...;;;;;;;;,;. =:;:;;;;;;;;;;;,;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=·.lon alllleVlllalnri In Norfolk on Sophomore olflee.. are Diane orlgln.l DorloLlnaieller and the . . . . volleyball at Hln/off, 'owa,"4:30Thursday; ThrOil9h lhe elforls of Magnvson. presldO/ll;Cralg Noe. moslfldlc'!lou. Ruth Bo.swell of United Method,st Ch~rch p.m.: velleybalL: Beemer al ' "bOrn''. .' ..Dick Allen, area coordinator-for vIce. presldenl; earl,Slurges, Shl<;kley. _ IRev. Anderson Kwankinl Allen..6:30p.m.·. , RASArve' C·. ". "mpion Nubian"

~comml.slon;Ine library nas !iecrelal Y . end'------.-- 1'bu<sday. Sept ]s. lIMW,...2 ----'fhursday,'sepl. 22; volleV"aff..~~ ~< ".' .... ' . "~.'."""'c..L'.~""'"-,,,.,'-""'-'..c.!'..c'---:--C.C._~~~-.-;_~~c;been"gJven' !wo:5ets,of, en- treasure'r;'Student' c'ouncll' ' ' p.m.., Mabef Mttchell,_c.i!'ld WinnebagoatAI!en,7,~.m.' ,. ': ',,:; _0 • ""-:"""'"'''' "" ",~',""'"

- •.~l-ee"l.. "nd a' "oed mem"'--are Diane .M"gnuson. ELF EXTENSION CLUB Eleanor Jone. ho.I.....; Mar~ys FrIday, SePt. 23:. A.sembly RHONQAsEVERSON, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry sevenoilo' Hoskins,: !;~lm'e TMllbrary lslocaled Oavldttetkafho!'n and Denis. Tile ELF E.ten.lon GI"b meJ----Ma1<:om-p.ogra~ leader BeS!JlL-K---lirll--ooIl>aII,-Beeme~~UrecHh~pionshiP-l1Onors-m~theNUbiandiviSion,ofjhe4;Hdairy,----at'dtewe;;f,~:nd,ohnafn~reet_and - ~~f~.'llcer·s.are.O.a·.nn..u.N..l.c·., .~f~~~ay-~:'~~:~~~~t;~;hp~::er;:t~ c~.a~~:;;(:I~:~~:ni~-:~~~fJ~"com- af A'llen,'1:30:'p.!"".--'~--'_-c;-----" --;- :··'.·'~gOat'-.stiOwliflfi~lft:r-Nebrana-s.,nrtercitr-Sept;·~.i·Htetr-euoAisJUlo.." ','. nd..a-aiuLbe,.",.:.." 1: _

~-- is 0JAi". c:i"s..-N~=,,.nIAIS -----_t.!,[ ,- h eel b h~r"m8:J!l.tonoon. presldenli Shene Mahler; vlce_ew"'n>rolflcer.'"W3O"held-~Gemler_weddlng,_1l_p.m. _ .... . ~~.,.doe,Corwi,,'s p..ridLa..nd~J.!!'ik..receiveda trop y '_ y t e

presidem; Amy. Golch, w,llh all re-elecled, They are Sunday, Sept. 18: Worshlp,.9 Mrs. Irene Armour allended Nebrasl~a State Fair BOard: "RliscueuNIT secretery; and Renee French, Jackie WilHam., presIdent; .a.m. wllh Dr. and Mr•. Sager 01 the weddIng 01 her grandSOn, -'._-_ ,or .... ..... ..'

The Alleri-~Wirierburv -resCue tre"sureri. Stu~e~t ,council Evelyn Trube, vice president; North India, guest speakers; Sun- Gregory Armour,"and Christine ~!,--~if'w;!!$ caUed.$!:rurday at-noon members are Danny Nice, erl~n Carol· JacksQ"-~ secretary; and day school, 10 ,a,m,; grand· NeUson in Omaha' on .Saturday

1"10' --' - t:'arence 'Emry -home, Hansen'and'Pam Heckathorn.'· ,M~rtY'n Malcom, treasurer. parents honored at waf' evening. She, was ,an overnight'where BeAnn. t::~ry wasm~··---"Snt,or-:o~e-·--K-ff'k---L#uoA..JeaderLal1~S01l.s...:.tQ.L-~l1!.QL-,Q.1!ctH~:~-~-ffiP.-.y~':"-..9_~!tJi!..!!,l~.!.<!.~,~.r:. and Mrs.feJutn 0 . rO~J nee e anse ,p . Nell ,

VITA/TCe: proqrluns can be~jpon:!.on:dby local ci....~c.or frafer1'11',1' ofganiwtions. cw<:atlonalln·',lituHan:" churches im(j socialgroups For It\{';· ccn'llcnjence 0'1.l:.:payt1'rs who cannot trave-1.m(}~f V1T-Af"FC'E---vet--vnt~-s- .pro..~jd(: _-ds5istan«(' in their ownn~jghborhoods ilt 5chools, chur·<.h':,>, libraries, (:lvle and 50(101ft1(,lliHe~~



Mable lundahl 01 Brooklyn, 'N,y,, 7 andsjlenl unlll

_ _. Friday In the J9" Cll'yboughSo<;IAL~CAt.£lItlAR- ~c-",,--_·_~~

Thundar, Sept. ts:' Delta Oek . ,leland Hqr'''!,l)n ot Wayne Join­-Br·-tdge -etub-.-----fiAl"s.Ali·ce"W4-gMr.· --cd-Ule-group tor ltuJrsday_.e"en,·hostess. Ing dinner In the·. C1aybough

Cj~:~~ri~e ~:~~'., t,:, St>~ior -,' h.O;;:bl.e is an., 3un1"" of Mi-;.Wc$foes.daVr Sept. 21; Happ'y -Cfaybaiigh ilrid'Lefi)nd-Herman.

Workers Socia! Club ~!!rt'~ .'Rcfh<:h. Uni'cd PN,Ysb·,.teri,ln Mr$. ErVin ,.'wllder .. ftHUt'hiittd

HAY 'RiDE Wom«n home' SI'Ut.lrdav .from' ihe Mariant=ody mt::mbers of Ul(: $1 HP'i"tb. 'Center In SIQ'l.Jj( City

Paul' .... tl~III{:rf.:l11 C---tnm::triTr--eiir- ~~~5"-i--o-U;-e----whe~,~S--Ut:~Y----Qfl---Sept,....2.,.......

roll tmd Pa~~~o-r ,;)od f/',r;;.. tAM" h\artin Hans(:-n home lncludl<d Allen Frahm returned homeMdler and f •.Hnily of Laurel tH]~'') Jvne·, Mf ill'ld Mrs Norm Friday from (i, Ljn(ol~ hMp4t~1

Sl~lCk -lind Mr. tind Mr''i-, Tom where he had,;wrgnry 0" Sept. 2.

- -------------, 7-'

•wayne senior-dtizens--cent-er-

.....,..............__---~..........------...'· ..·...""";:-~:'.......,.~""'·....' ..ifo..rI..·t~..--..i ..' .....f:fil~,";;nl.t;; i.I",COOIV""'l! leader; hay ride and~ie~rr"""t~~I,",;~~Mrs,~em Jones, ';OUlt"y.'chal,.; Murray le1<:y ,Iarm. o~ ,Frld<ty,' Mr" and",rs,GIi'Y~.B.J,

',man;M..... Allee Wagner, e"enlng.·· '.. . '3."'. '. and Nl'Cl>le-of,Vilfdillra-andand Mrs: W~.,."e_K~rJ,trne:pf',~a~. hi.!f.t(!rlan: ~nd Mr~ .. John ':Swat1,~ _~,:,_~_ray:.__ '.WII_"·_ hIS",}~~~,:, ,Q!. :~P,~UM ft..-nsen.:of ,q_ncoI~'roft· we"fpre~Ha$,t :Thur$day', _SO~I ,Mr,s,. :Enos:.. WIUfBttrs._'4m'L hOfse~~provldedJfut,,-frarispOita· ,~-:-:,"'_ ::---',,::--: '. ~-: ;~, - ,':"_" " ..)

~1Jftl1.JIje_ Car'[~ILWQ,O'l-a~$ Ct~b . ~.r_~",,_.,l~m'_:J~"~5>. ':'0rtllnatino Jlon__ t_~,,~ho'e$andbac~', _ , " . M,rs:,,' Efna,:.,p,t.ersQin,:- -,Carr,l11el lor- lhelr ,Ilrot: ",-"1109 orlli",,'com-1111!t¢ji: ;C-_' - ----. ' Th.f",~waslSP""_bylhecPeter_'andMr"'nd",,"s;,A!leI\,

~."",atlheclub worn In the Hostesse. lo'~lliii-m"'trn'gwere Ald-A'SOClallon,l~r Lulheran'.<SIonenbirg, all of c.rrolL_auditorium, . -- "-M!'.~-cRUIhc..J_c-MB,_I.P..,---a!""~l>3!!]~:, .... ..,' . ,Mr. lin,d'Mrs.. Rol!e<lPetenonot

Mrs.. Arnofd Ju.n~k; pr,eSf3en.t; . Roberts afld Mrs:, Ann Roberts.., .,omcers,ot:the'brinCh_~re,Mur- ~~ ',v,- Colu, 0"opened the meeting 'with !h~Hag" -- ray,.' LcicV~~, vic~ . Sept..'.Wher,:t~y .e,tJu ts'fn.alu'. and Mrs: Arthur Cook lode PRESBYTERIAIII WOMEIII charge fOllOVilnglh. dealho! Ar, Ihe SIeve Pet...._ ho tohonorgroup singing fila' wa$ aC(;0rf1' " Eighf ~t'mbe"$ were -Pre~ent : ,n(l'd' :J:fansen~·,-presi~"t; Mar.k, Hea1he.r!s-Unh:bfrth~y. .

··~panied_byMj·:S:t;plJlolatdfGt¥;-- SepL"',,r ,-whel~~~~ret.itt~~~--::, -, ,"': ,,', ',.',"":, "~rs, Edward Fork' rcp01'ted-on Pr.esbytetl8n Women .m-eLal.....the..:....~¢,.. ' _ : ~. 'and, Mrs., _Wayne: Gilmore

the AprH and May l11aetiMS' and chvr'ch feflowship hall., " ", and Trav,isofOITl.n.were,S;ept.:,3Mrs, 'Arthur: Cook read the Mrs, Ett~, Fjsher-. 'pr.esldent. St."Paua's,'Lu'heran Churdi guests In the, ellery;PH~treasur.ers-report. o~nedlh-emeet!n9-witha,poem~, (Mar1l;~iUt!'~,p~st~.r),·",home,' e': ,"--" '~", ..;.'

Theme. 'fo.'r the year ~~' :'Godi~lptute.readjng ':,', ',' Sunday.,. Sept. "'18:" ,Sunday '~'"'Mr$.'Oon ,Gifmore ~nt. ,few"Footprlnts" and the new '1car- 6fPsalm,64"i;Jndprayet...:, ,,':·~,hoOt"'i,.1.Q:30,a.m:;' WOT~"jp lier' da,yslas-t.weekwithher·parents~books·thal were made,by Mh~ Mr5.,erwlnMorr'i'S,report~d'o"n vice,1.1"30a,,ffi. Mr. 'and Mrs, EUery.Pe4r1«1.Arthur'Cook. Mrs, E~thEr B;;;Hen, the·lasf 'meeting 'andMrs. Milton , . '.: Mr~. J.ames ,MIU$ ~.f 'WhiteMrs.'OQn·Frlnk,·Mrs. 1.em Jone5, Owens read the freasurer's .. Presbyterian· ;...Rjy_~~. Ariz-, went hame:5ept. '2Mr.'), Ectv/-i!!f(! Ferk -end "".Pi.•"Ar reporL .. Cong'regatlotl_~l.Ch,ur(h after spending ,sever,1 ,clays wlihnold Junek were- re'"timt,'~d, ' Till:!' group has' bncn invited to ,(G.ailAiett. ~as.tor) her paren~s;Mr.,an-d,Mrft: 'eUer:v

Rol'" taU was t-o:\'H~i:'y', fair' a,flend 1,~'e ,U.nlfcd ,.Methodist Sunday. 'Se~t. 18: '~Qmblned Pearson, '.....:r.erouettiot.L.:.and·;ea(:h_Jr.J;J1'P1~L Wom.~nblrttHh:a..,.party,o.~SC!pt.2S. worship s.ervice, at ',Hm

broogh' ,an'" l$rtide tliat coold ~itTp.m:---~~--.-.-:----~,-Pr~fCffiJrretroFch;---w:--»-~,-~-!--,--Auw)td~ek..imd~--.have been entered ~)t '() fair. and lhe fall Cluster m.,."Cling "'-Jill be- _Mr_~:Mr.s,---D~lavnenwentthen the- .ar1ide~ weni.solet by held ~1t the.Wayne Unifed:'Me-'f1.Odi~tChJ.t'rth to Lincoln"ScPf:~"wher;they,al.. '---silent auction 'With proceeds 10·90 Church on Sept, 71. ' (-K_cith Johnsen, pa$to~) fe~de(tl,he St~te Fali".' They went:tQ.-Jh.e-c.tuttJreas-IJl:'JL...1J\r:s, Lena- Mrs, O.J. Jone'S had (harge- of SUnday;' .Sep't. ·18. Svnday on. a bus tour from Nor,Iofk. .Rcfhwlsch was in char:ge off the the, dedfcarton'-~T-_~~ scnoor;----ro--cUu.• wOisftip-;Wi ",icc~

iluctiorL plies and Mr,s. 'J6nc5. M6,,'. 'Erwin 11 a.m.. Mr's, K~rstjne-jolned 'the cI-ub ,Morri5. M-rs~ Kc-'jih Owens u......;

Plans'were maue for Ihl~(.'lub·lo Mr!;... MIUofl.-OW.f;ns _pr~5ente-d 'il

,go to SMilion Qn O'T:"l,r-l,...he:rc- "s',(it-pwt<,.irti~O-'-fhi5-pr--o-fe<:t-,

they will four the OolihOlJS-c ,HIO Mrs, Lem Jones ac<:ompanic-d-en route-nome sfop'<lnffr!' Catll:o--'for --q-rovp-''$Tngl.n-g--;--~·~·...iVl!· U;;Kitchen. south' 0'. Winside, The Again:"group will 'n,WE! lunch 'at-·-R~*"7 --- Ml"S, MiUor,i Owens served.Stea'k Hou~,:c In Carroll. Mrs, oAr The next o/lcc-Hng will benoid Junek and Mr... EdiJ'~'drd W{!-dI)IC$d~.iYo S€'pt.. :1,t ,-..."hen <1

-------,,-·~~ ..H lri!;r "o"p"'r?~~-"D: "'h'···U"'r':t"o""J(:d

thff day. and announced Ihaf C~lr'-i

will le,)v(: 'he CarroT.! i'iudifof·lvinat I p.m a member~,hlp 01 :';,1 un

the club Mr;:" M~:rlin 'I<'('orr, I~,.

\fit~ pre!>idt>nl, fA-r" F ~jn.

• iI.. iw....s!l1!..N!.e:tc.hine>_• Wei,htll• Trell1ll!sx Machine




I CSll'Itelf witt be open on a "free" trial bQsis. Stop in-ciil1rd use the facliity Monday through Fridav. 15> to ltl

p.m. each evening and l-S 01'11 Sunday.

Mak~-useof ilia foUowinlJequipmerm

, Membership Fee:


1-- GRADUAl-iON SUPPLIES'j Are Available At__ lHf WAYNE HERALD

-.... -.E. . - _._.~- ==AtmmnKel"ents ~. -.- -----------

Wedn.esday: Seventh ,andeighth ~rade coriflhnaUon, 7p.m.; nhlth gr,ade confirmation.6. . '

ag~s~ :9":3,0', a.m.; 'morn"J."g. a~'d'IUillar warshlp;10:3jl; Wllkeflel~

Chrlst,lan' <;h~r~hlln~ WaYne.Church of ,Chrlst,!"'flll~lllIl'd

volieybeli, Weket!el\limtf<;;c!=to--'~6:30p.m.;fello~6:30

THEOPHfUIS UNITED • 107:30, sJn~splratl~n and ~~vo'CHURCH OF CHRIST :~t1on, 7:30•clG'iifAx.-n; pastor! '--~wedllm:tar.--AHert--are?-l!lbIe-'-__

Sund....,--Worship; 9-a;m,- -.ludy;7-:',l0;W3keflel<l-oreo -a,lble--_. ::-1':;-- 5t~dY, ,,7:,30;, emerso~~Pender·

Thurston area, Bible study, .e.UNITED PRESBYTERIAN for ,Inlormatlona',ndlor

-CHURCH transportation o.-"£aJl 'Ro,'; Jones,(Robert H. Haas, pastor) '375-4355.

-5-u-nday: --€hol~~9 'adll" wliO~...,...,; . __ ','" ',".'

ship. 9:45: coffeeancUeUowshlp, WESLEYAN c!HIIRCH10:35; church school, 10:.50. {Oixc)n M~inf,pastor)

Wednesday: UPW'Blble study, ..s~nday.:" ~l.!nday school, 101-p:-m--;----ehol~__ a:ii'.-'_,.","'ISh,1.P, ~~---,-

- - -p ..m~;-evenfng wqrship,.-l:30o"__'l/AKFFIE'IOCHRJSTr'AN 'NedA9sclay:' Pray@r;,meet_iR~j,

CHURCH Bible stUdy, Cye an~ youlh- Uv\artY',81Jr.g:us, pastor) meeHhg,'1: 30 ,p.rn.

Sunday: Bible schilOI for all

- ,-"~-~-,-,-,-',-"-,,-"-,-


(Jirn,Buschelman, pastor)Thursday: 'Mass, 8:30 a.m.Friday: Mass, 7 'a.m.Sa'turda'Y: Mass, 6'p.m.

~,S~nda~y,~~ss"8:-and, 10---a"mMondaV; --Mass:--a::ID- a:in',TuesdaY: Mass, 8:30 a.m.Wednesday: Mass, 8:30 a.m

,,,-Sunday;, Holy E,~charist, 10:30.~,.m.


(Donlver Peterson. pastor)Thursday,: ,Counseling; 9 a.m.;

LeW Naomj qrcle, 2 p:m.~--&~-I>-5ffiool­

a,nd adult B~b'e study, 9:,15 a.m.;_=:,S,-,Tc:;.A~N"':'cSE~lM"",'S~;c--__",w",or=$h~. Parish Resource

EPISCQPALCHUR.CH Day at Wakefield, Z~.m, .. . .100. Main Sf. Monday: Chur:ch~ \~Ol)nci.l, 8

(Jain6, M. Barn-eft. pastor} p.m,

Mr. and Mrs. John) Halraven ofRapid City" '5.(:>, 'tore Fridayovernight guest!> in ';lhe home ofMrs. Ethel Pederson!

SQpt. 6 oi'orniflg callers artdlunch gue-sts In fhli: Rober:t Wob .benhorst home w-ere Mrs.Doroth Winaerf, Mrs. HazelGarrlgon of California dnd Mrs.El!!'f1or Evans of Hartington.


mrs. ted leaplev


(Jonathan Vogel. pastor)

Mike Fish of· AurortJ, BrianFish <)l1d Wand'-j Waltl of Norfolk~,pent tht, w('f~kcnd in 'he EarlFj<;h home'

In 'hi: Hawn Boling home

Mrs_ Irene Arnbrol of Sioux Ci1'1 ':.pent the wcelwnd in the home fl{\r. dnd '"'rs. ,E-d 8h~rs-e:l1el1'k,o!,

Of Mr. Dorothy Whipplf\ .~,_L.n$mcil BluffS Iowa WQn:t Satur,:­day overnight guests in the home,of Mrs. Delores Helms.

Mr, and Mrs. Gene GU5taf!'>on-:Of-6m1ltm mTifTf"om''S'e'''I:--sta 7


. AI'o'na,Missouri Synod

fRay Greense-th, pastor)

01"1 Thursday afternoon theU~ion Prcsbytqrian Women'!,f...ssociation mel in the churchp,ar ors WI mem en; pre50cntfi/.r5. Doug Prc!'.>lon ('('ad an Mtlc;e, "God's W(lY;· Mrs.. Ber!hat- f~ath had ch':lf:ge of the Leaste :)jn otrerino. The Bible ll':r\~on.

"GOd .Contoh Force'.>" war)r---IJs.ented bV Mr~. Doug Pre~ton.

/I;"r5. Berth.) HeMIl and Mrs Oar(C,! Ne{~se.


30 DayC.O.•Minimum Balance of just $2500

·FSUC Insurance up to $100,000

•Automatic Renewal on Maturity at current rates

September Special


WlSconslnSynocleweI'e , artlS,klt.ItOI)

Sunday: Worship. 8:30 a.m.,Sunday school, ':30:. MissionFestival .~r,vlce wlih th~ ~ev.

Dennis Lemklfof Norfolk a's'~ucst ,

for !iummcr 8lbl,e tamp:!> for' infNested youth from llgcs athrough Iligh 5chool~.

The (~)mpslte: WiJ~. fcn%d ,fro';'Fn'd Boysen'in about 1948 andl.llter wa~ purchos.~d, Th~

rimiJrv U(po$C'ofthec~lm was


~'.•..•.•. "'.,;I.;••~•.....'.•.'••. -

-, (".



E lJrly Cflmps. were held in ,1ti;.'ot. In 194,8, Kf.Jnncth Sdund~r~>,

then sup-~rlnfendcnt of Nor 'hr:t1~.t

Nl}brd~~3 ASSU. bum HH~ firstf,tructur(\ a kitchen, din~n9

rOQfn;lndgh'J50dormcombinMion- Election 01 o"i(;~n.. Wc1~.. ht:ldbuHdinfj". At a Ibh.u dale ,l com with Mr~f, Doug Pn:slon, prc',! My'.., Irene Ambrol ot Sioux (i

__----.b1naliDn CbB-f'{I>! ofHW .lad boy.. ':"-01 ..!JAIL',,-,--,C;;J''a"r''"''',,!,,,No.'5(.."t,'ljJp.oJi-'!"'rn1iatlJn'-----'Iy.y~,"'>n'_'d'.__"Mrur.,' ....-,D"o>cro",l~hy.y ~WmlhilliP'l1P!<lc,------:o-~dorm wa's"ul1itf:. <.liso N_~:7----r-;;-e--- P:(~i--den-ti---M-P;.-" --eal"--I--~t!>-J+, \'~--Salur!Ll¥------¥isilars- In the --- Me...., Ethel-PederSon retvrnC,dwith ~howcr:'t, Ali building W~l"!> ~f' :reMry: ,10d Mr'J, Cyril Smith. Harvey Har'llcn home in Battle home Sept. 5 after yisllng if fewdone with VO'tlOr~e( llfbe-r by men trea-!)urer. Creek days in the Oa"-Pedersoh home!rom nodhclls' Nc-brrJsl<ta. ' dnd also the home of Mr. tlnd

Following Ih~! mc(:finq d biJk,· Sepf S dfterOOO'fl and :;uppcr Mrs, H.W. Camenlind 1!1 Omaha.!,ala (lf1d white (}l.~ph.lnt 5-<:)/{! ,<'W", qlJe'!">'~ in '1h(.' Ed Carrol! horne-held., Scatt:d at the bidhdflY f(lbJe wore M! and Mrs. Diln Cilrr'oJI Mr. and Mrs. Vernon GoodsellWf:rt) M,~~. NeWt: Jil(ob!.-on. Mr') <:md family 01 O' Neill and Mr ancl were Sept. 6 dinrtcr guests In the ¥

Doug 'Presfon and Mrs rl~({ Mr~J Rodger Allemann and Eitner Surber horne in· Sou1hLeapley. On tht' S(frving commit Ou<,tin of WtJync Sioux CityleG ficre- MrS. L{t>Jif'('n<:(~ 1="'u<..n'!""Mr-:. Cmig Bart(fls and Mr~J

Murtel Sttlpelmail

~c:;,HRISTIANLtFEASSEM8LY speoker, 2 p.m., lunch .followlng: SUnday: Worship, 9 o.m.: Sun', Thur""'y:Bowlingleague, 7 Sunday: Sunday school,. 10(L~ ~n,,,,ilorl' ' W.dn.sdll+': conflrmatlori doysct1ooJ, 10,' ,,' " p.m. ..,' .,., a.m.: wQrShlp-;-n""enlng War·

StI....r.. cSundisv· SChOOl• . 9:<IS _CIO_5_s, 4~'--"--~c ., Wednesday: Ladles ,Bible' $"~y:T"" .L;'lherenJ,lour, ship, 7:30 p.m. ',,:"";' worslllp,";J0:4$,. evening study, ,: 15.a.m, broa~••1 KTcH, 7:300.m:" sUn· Wednesday: Bible study,' 7:30worshlp,7,:!(lp.m. I"R'ST8Ai'1ISTCKURCH _day school end Bible dosses, 9, p.m, 'WectM~yTt;vening wor~hl~.• _~~"_"f.GDrdo., c:;.r.~~" ...stor): . FI~'sr UNIT,ED. wqrshlp, ~J,O;,' Informa!Ion class',;8, 37.<~~~13'reoerb.3"7; ..t'..a5n6;,portatlon 17alJ

~"p.m.- ' Suft4j.y:Sundey SChOOI,9:.30, '-c·.NlETHO~ISTCHURCK -p;m.--- '---.. - ..-. -;.--.,~..-- 0_ .~

.a.m.; coffee fellGwshlp. 10:30, ;tKeit"W.,~ohnson,pas,or) -r:u~av: ,'Gamma : DeUa,' ~7

worship, 10:45 ." '.' l'hurs,day:' Soli choir•. 6: IS p.m_, ,.board of ~ucallon. 8. JEHOVAH'S WITNeSSES,Wednesday: PrayW=moetJjj~p.m.,-ch.ncercfjorr'.r.-----c~'-'-'c-Wed_nu"oY'i Me1t"'-cB,11>Ie Kli1gdom HaU- -

,~_nd e:ibl,e study, 1 p.-m. _ , ,SJ.m,tI~y,;,,~_WQ.I:,5hlp, '9:30 'a,m.L_~_eakfast, .6::30 a.m.; 1i,J",lor 616 Grainland Rd.- coffee' 'n' conversation,', 10:30; choir,' 1 p.m.; midweek school ·t~ur5day;'Co~grega-tional

church school. ''10:45. and confirmation, .7:30; senior book study. 7:30 p.m....:Monday:: Men's' pray,er' cholr,--~. Sunday: .aible'educatlonal talk,breakfasf~ 6!:30 8.,m. 9:30....j:~,;.rn,; ~afchtower study,WodnesdeY-~--Gre"'lh IMMAf:/UELI.U+HIEE:l'R!JlAllINI.-_-----11~9cl:2~9,~_,~,~

Interest' Group, ~',la:4S p.m.; CHURCH . Tuesday: iheocra~ic school.junior and 'youth, c;hol!,,~,' 4; 'Mi$sollriSynod 7:30 p.m., service meeting, 6:20.Guilders Group potluck and (SteVen Kramer, pasteir) For more infcrmaHon callmec.lng; '6:30; (6·un-ar----ofl"--------su-nda'YT'Sund~wl.9,a,IiI.,~ 37!_ 2S9~:__=~-__-__---_·-­ministries meetjng~ 7;, trustees warship" 10:

",eetiRg, _8. ~,~N~D-E-P-E~N-D-E-N-T-FAITH

BAPTIST CHURCH208£. Fourth 51. '

(Bernard M.lxson. pastorJ


, ,I __ ", I

-Hurry In I-Offer ends Septe'!}~er 19Gf---'------

A ;\-ttrnbcr of people werer( tor their Veld -in the

, (~ml1p·'!'. ~"(J",·ah. and far nMchinginUu(:ncc. ,Gntctlng':i. ~,iCre ~~11t ,byKmHHllh $d1Jnders ilnd wifl:, by-.'Iij·( v~ ~t.rA; recordfng TheHoward Pe1cr~on~ qtlve

;~~,~:~i;~~sd~i~I~:n:~tJ~~:~~H~\ln~~ U& I 'BRIDGE

'~~/~~d~;~~r:f:~CI~~r~:~d~;~~, h:~:~'~~~:~~:j~;1~::~~~~~1(~~:)v;;~;;.-md wile- Bonnl-u of Arthur. "IOWa U&! Oridqe Club Mrs LOUI~.f:

,:on~ (.urr~~nt IO(.i.\Il mls$lonarlf!:". AndN!i.On rec~lv~d hiiJh, Mrr..Or'l/!d <l(:h1'd 1~'!i< emcc~~ Jor thf) o/;'> Ted Leapley, ~,ccoruj high ,.lOti--------<:-<,d".,.:>------,-- ~~~~_______.J",__"""""""".......-"""""""~~"""""""'~


11111...ElSlol C~.~~l!'Y__CluIL_CLarry OsI.rcal11p, poslor)

Sundlly: Sunday school. 10 FI.RSTCHIIRCHOFCH~IST_.__., a.m.) w.!>..!~.' 11: eY..eli(~: (hriiUanl _ ::;..." .

vlce.,7,p.m, lUO East 7thWednesday':, Bible study, -i~30 -~~Cteveta'~nd"',~p~asrllo-r")-

p,m. ',_SVnday, Bible, )chool.9:30• a.m,: worship. 10:30.

Wednesday,: Bible stUdy, 7':30p.m.

$$ Bu"lng"


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real estate

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WILL DO HOUSEJ(EEPING,looking fOf' sready wor./o:. (aU31S 1%) ,013

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eridge, NE Eq'lJal OpporhmUyEmployer slS13

_..' ',•._-:-a-ii--.'-m--Ig-N---"I Can be ddne while wa!chlng TV, trilSpo:;.I'.h,·liillhaihU"ep."'"----.- All .age$, el(perience Utl- C'JII"per:ience. Apply in person.

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Call 375-2600The Wayne Herald

G..rage Sales and Attic5;016

',,;<,2 1Q~ -i? 00 b,'5 fr",,· $300)'..<:) !l:J' $-;)-00 (;",5 (>r':f 9) (K)

Annt,rtorm~l'IMto-IfonCity ClerklSEAU

IMh ot"dlntll'lC(' $1'1,,11 tic m..Jdi!!' In "tC~~<:'With ptan! l.lntti,I'e(;fi<-,"~~i31'f!1)lV~ b'fthe ~;:KI<:j;)11t"911'l;tWf or 1he:t City lobe MJpro¥ed lJ'y-'f~ Mavor ;rrld ell". Cwnr::it S/ll~d 1mprtlVo!'~"IO; ~,,"1I btt rrlaOt!t"t INbhc C()'!>L b!:!1~ '-'11 ~llttW'y ~cJ..e1 a$t>f!'U(fI¢t\l'i t:It'Ihs: pf~rly 'lJllt,ln 1he Dl~f'le.t ~".tID"lI

bt'n<!ntE!f:3 t!'wlreb)' In pro...~t:1 bl' I",w. • \Section of After pubhcsllon of th15 or ,

dir"'Jllce, flQIICl:' of cre.ollOf\ 01 w,d (I'$t1.(:1

,malt be i]IY~B by pvbll,,,'iO(l m lhljo W6yMHer;li-d. wh'¢J thi! fkl'QI' ."nd C,fy (mlneilfmd fo btl31~1lI~l~w:.p~r (]f ltw(lly. O~time ClJ<:-h ,,\,W); for.fltQ<l le~~ Il'lil:l'l N"enlyday!; (PlJbIKel,o"¢rICI!'!"<:"~j,IGf II,..~wee}( .. l

PASSED ANO APPRovED 11,,~ J3Jh d,).,.

01 Sepj~ml:lr.-r, I'fBJ

------+'r-;t7-'-~,-Said~~~ "~ I JlI. m~ (In aM alQl"l9 tlw fcltOv,.,.~ Qc1.<rlbt'i:/)~ (J() strOOf\ wilhln S-i)IO OilOfrkt)1,0 Th"tIWrtlonof Follr9l'CUflCl Avenue IrGmif, I~ the ulstl~ J;Ml1t'tl9 at f Wt!'l1 1~

t.l~ III WillI'! H4:bt"-1>h ·Sh'"I, .,. eJd!'l'iljedua Ul north, elJ~t to.$ pl)it1!16C e-on! of lhe19 ,(, e,ut l,ne, of WindOtrl Si,.~141 exle~d

I I~Q ~<l $QUIll, "rnj;h., poI'lJCl'I-otW,ndom Slr~l

'rom F<1'rground AvenuenOl'lh 10 ltlq4!J(1~tln9 cone/II!" pltll'ln9 or WlndQm Sl"~'

740 h;ct I'lClTfh ", F,,;"'orcll"d AO't'l'TUe-M~o.d ~"l,!(!~ ./Irll prOPO"'A!'d 10 be imPl'"Oil'll'd­pvnudnl to F('dertll A.ld Pr(lrt:t.! NoM6J0'1~t~l n .... i~1)"'trmt'tll!<pr~U;t

8:omhQft Law OH,<;{!.' same .- ..OvaneW. 5(:.h(o!:,d1.,~."ilmlil·-1 ,

~I{ll{! ProboilliOflOI1JCt', p<.lSla'lf)r'm Fdl."''';:C, (1\".:mJn9 ">tr'!Kt'!.6~ €icrhl'1cH, S"i;>l 011,<:.(" n~tl!

aF.'de F Gr",ck.<'!, $'.>pl oH,<::<, NmtV'JJlyl'w Counly Law L'bO;ry. l'Ja:l.;:onlnbulmn

COUNTY ROAQFUIH)$,~!<l'''~~ '_C,'l'h,,,rl ~(,IF"";:'r Co ·,uw1wo,.•D,<;:-n Suopl>" -,upplll;~. 001F iJrrn('r~, C<XIp,~rr'lllY'!, ·,vpplH'~. rep~j"'"

Koplm AulD ~!Jpply. '.:.lJp;ll,t·sMf:~r.twf'\l (;il Co,. ~'\JPlJllt~'" q<l:.. O<l,,'!!tT"""~:m';l'S""Fr""'a!'""&~=,·-:'J.rPVli~--iii r ,,·~.I q~J'l' ppl"·..... fl:po'Hro,W~yn"'A,JloP(jrt.,. '>upp\L<:,',Cory('H O(Vrby. n~p~lir"

Mo V,lllo:~y MiJthml'ry_ (t'p,)IO

V,~", J,ICf: a. EnqlN: 5L"''1IC~', f':pdlr',N'.~br S"r-,.iT&Gr.)Vpl. qf,ly,,1NHb" ;'d'~"! & Groy('1 qrdv,:1tiebr. $ilnd & Or,).y!}I, Inc, graY;]18urke ~'lfppl., Pr'ldUcl'" ,:q\Hpn\l-I,1f~ur~\' ~l!IIPI'! Pradue b. tiM'"MII.1 :,I"lJi',Blod'.'&Clhll" In\(ilyofWayn,!,uld,t",-,O'e(<> S"p~,ly ,,,pph,'~

Frr~drl' k~on 0,1 (J ,!,rt·~ -',p.) <C'>

-~,,~,- ~.. , -~ •...-c- 1fiT ':..,,-pp~"'" l<l-OTJ.t.E

~i~~,~ol~~r:~~~IY_,~~~it::<~:",,'fJ,m', 1".. 1 J m I~ Doc 20. f>,)g¢ It, . '00

M()r(ling 5iklppr.r, suppJJe~

,",omelowil IGA, pn,;,rm",r roodU.ilH'iI~n<H'i{I!Erl9k.l;I,r:ng, LTO, svppl;e~

l.eRoy.J<ll'!s'],cn. rp',mbuf'i':flJ\'nllof <,(:r\l r~'nd\'«"

C:,lyofWilynrJ.uliJdfl:",W.::l~oC"muflmt IhWr,lrl-:;e. .)dfjfllon"il FlUle Ca"l'rd'~'_

"to.m N.sSlln. h('-lllhmsu1t!nc{'Vcl~ 5er)/Jt:o;-Comn'ldiee,<;I,lim<, dlt;)CIWUW<l'(ne Herald, publi~h)f\9 l,:<pl)"rl",CReg Jon nfM!l'nl<i1 H~iilfh Clr.1ndqfr COI1If1b(I~ltl'

___L_, '. F;J~"!lO '''''''''(QIrL~~_


~,pl..'''­'~redrlck~OIlOtlCo r,~p",r',

rcrry~ S!<nl)y. fl'p<lrr~

rrj CoN 5("opA~"" rt'jJd<r',Ld~oy W J<ln~~'!!n. t,,],,,'1 ,'.pM,!rdll1f1IOllr.:,,_h,,'1

__~!l!..Q[_(,~.!'",:~r,1(.QU'I'1n('nt Co ,,,·w (~<llJ,pm"(1t

W<~yrll' V"IP'ltl,or'. (I,n" ~~~ rl·rjdi'f,'O"