laterally loaded rigid piles in cohensionless soil

LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 1 Title: LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL Authors: Wei Dong Guo Affiliation and address: School of Engineering, Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus PMB 50, Gold Coast Mail Centre, QLD, 9726 Tel.: 617- 5552 8803 Fax: 617- 5552 8065 [email protected] Number of words: 12903 Number of tables: 13 Number of figures: 12

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Research report on pile foundation design


LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 1 Title: LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL Authors: Wei Dong Guo Affiliation and address: School of Engineering, Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus PMB 50, Gold Coast Mail Centre, QLD, 9726 Tel.: 617- 5552 8803 Fax: 617- 5552 8065 [email protected] Number of words:12903 Number of tables: 13 Number of figures: 12 LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2 ABSTRACTIn this paper, limiting force profile for laterally loaded rigid piles in sand is differentiated fromon-pileforceprofile,fromwhichelastic-plasticsolutionsareestablishedand presentedinexplicitexpressions.Nonlinearresponsesofthepilesarecharacterisedby slip depths mobilised from mudline and the pile-tip. At the states of tip-yield and rotation pointyield,expressionsforsomecriticaldepthsaredeveloped,whichallowtheon-pile forceprofilestobeconstructed.Thesolutionsandtheexpressionsaredeveloped concerning a constant subgrade modulus (k) and a linearly increasing modulus with depth (Gibson k), respectively. Capitalised on three measurable parameters, the solutions agree wellwithmeasureddataandnumericalpredictions.Non-dimensionalresponsesare presented for various eccentricities at the tip-yield state and in some cases at the rotation pointyieldstate.Nonlinearresponsesareobtainedfortypicaleccentricitiesfromelastic staterightuptofailure.Commentsaremaderegardingdisplacementbasedcapacity.A case study is elaborated to illustrate (i) the use of the current solutions; (ii) the impact of the kdistributions;(iii)the evaluation of stresses on pile surface; and (iv) the deduction ofsoilmodulus.Thecurrentsolutionsareeasytobeimplementedandsuitablefor general design. Keywords: piles, lateral loading, rigid piles, nonlinear response, closed-form solutions LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3

1.INTRODUCTION In-situfull-scaleandlaboratorymodeltests (Mayne et al. 1995) were widely conducted on laterally loaded rigid piles (including piers and drilled shaft etc.). They have enabled simple expressions to be established for computing bearing capacity. To assess nonlinear pile-soilinteraction,centrifugeandnumericalfiniteelement(FE)modelling(Lamanet al. 1999) were fulfilled previously. These tests and modelling uphold that the success of anydesignlargelyreliesoninputparametersusedfordescribinginparticular,the distributionsofsoilshearmodulus(Gs) and limiting force per unit length along the pile (puprofile,alsotermedasLFP).Naturally,varioustechniqueshavebeenproposedto gain these parameters, albeit generally for either elastic or ultimate state. The accuracy of theseexpressions,modellingandtechniquesisnotthemotivationforthecurrentstudy. However, it is not clear about the difference between the pu profile and the resistance per unit length along a pile (herein referred to as on-pile force profile). Its impact on design needstobequantified.Inaddition,astringentnonlinearmodelisindeedrequiredto uniquelyback-estimatetheparametersuponmeasurednonlinearresponse,tocapture overallpileresponseatanystage,asthemodelmaythenbeutilisedasaboundary element for simulating more complex soil-structure interaction. Available expressions are generally deduced in light of force equilibrium on the pile (see Fig. 1), and bending moment equilibrium about the pile-head or tip. The force in turn is calculatedutilisingapostulatedon-pileforceprofile,whichdiffersfromoneauthorto another (Brinch Hansen 1961; Broms 1964; Petrasovits and Award 1972; Meyerhof et al. 1981;PrasadandChari1999).Theon-pileforceprofileactuallycharacterisesthe mobilisationoftheresistancealongtheuniquepuprofile(independentofpile displacement). It appears as the solid lines shown in Figs. 2a-2c-left, which is mobilised alongthestipulatedlinearlyincreasingLFP(Broms1964)indicatedbythetwodashed lines. It is elaborated herein for four typical states of yield between pile and soil. (1)Pre-tip yield and tip-yield states: Tip yield refers to that the force per unit length at pile tip just attains the limiting pu [Fig. 2a-left]. Prior to and upon the tip-yield state, theon-pileforceprofilefollowsthepositiveLFPdowntoadepthofzo,below which,itisgovernedbyelasticinteraction.Thisgeneratesanon-pileforceprofile akin to that adopted by Prasad and Chari (1999), as explained later in this paper. LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 4 (2)Post-tipyieldstate:Furtherincreaseinloadbeyondthetipyieldstateenablesthe limitingforcetobefullymobilisedfromthetipaswellandtoadepthofz1.This induces a new portion of the on-pile force profile that follows the negative LFP over the depth l to z1. The overall profile is more or less like that illustrated in Fig. 2b. (3)Continualincreaseintheloadrendersthedepthszo and z1toapproacheachother. Thedepthstendtomergeeventuallywiththedepthofrotationzr(i.e.zo=zr=z1), whichispracticallyunachievable.Tothedepthzr,theon-pileforceprofilenow followsthepositiveLFPfromthehead;andthenegativeLFPfromthetip.This impossible ultimate on-pile force profile is referred to as fully plastic (ultimate) state andisdepictedinFig.2c.Itisadoptedpreviouslybysomeinvestigators(Brinch Hansen 1961; Petrasovits and Award 1972). Anysolutionsunderpinnedbyasinglestipulatedon-pileforceprofileunfortunately wouldnotguaranteecompatibilitywiththealteringprofiles(seeFig.2-left)recordedat different loading levels for a single pile. Capacity of a laterally loaded pile is defined as the load at a specified displacement, say, 20%pilediameteruponameasuredload-displacementcurve(Broms1964).Itisalso takenastheloadinducingacertainrotationangleuponameasuredload-rotationcurve (DickinandNazir1999).Thesetwoindependentdefinitionswouldnotnormallyyield identicalcapacitiesevenforthesametest.Toresolvethisartificialimpingement,new displacement-based solutions need to be developed. In this paper, elastic-plastic solutions are developed for laterally loaded rigid piles. They are endeavoured to be presented in explicit expressions, to facilitate the computation of:-The distributions of force, displacement, rotation, and bending moment down the pile;-The slip depths from mudline or pile tip, and the depth of rotation. The solutions thus allow (1) nonlinear responses of the piles to be predicted; (2) the on-pileforceprofilesatanyloadinglevelstobeconstructed;(3)thenewyield(critical) states to be determined; and (4) the displacement-based pile capacity to be estimated. By stipulatingalinearLFP,thestudyprimarilyaimsatpilesinsand,assumingauniform modulus with depth or a linearly increasing modulus.Aspreadsheetprogramwillbedevelopedtofacilitatenumericcalculationofthe solutions. Comparison with measured data and FE analysis will be presented to illustrate the accuracy and highlight the characteristics of the new solutions. An example study will LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 5 beelaboratedtoshowalltheaforementionedfacets,apartfromtheimpactofmodulus profile,theback-estimationofsoilmodulus,andthecalculationofstressdistribution around a pile surface. 2.ELASTIC-PLASTIC SOLUTIONS2.1Features of Laterally Loaded Rigid Piles Underalateralload,Ttappliedataneccentricity,eabovemudline,elastic-plastic solutionsforinfinitelylong,flexiblepileshavebeendevelopedpreviously(Guo2006). Capitalised on a generic LFP, these solutions, however, do not allow pile-soil relative slip to be initiated from the pile tip. Thus, theoretically speaking, they are not applicable to a rigidpilediscussedherein.Withregardtoarigidpileinsand,alinearLFPmaybe stipulated, upon which the on-pile force (pressure) profile alters as presented previously in Figs. 2a-2c-left. 2.2Coupled Load Transfer Model Modelling force (stress) development along the pile and in the surrounding soil in elastic state is critical to development of new solutions. Under lateral loading, stress distribution isunsymmetrical,andshowsthree-dimensional(3D)features.Itssolutionhasingeneral been resorted to complex numerical methods. The essence in the modelling, however, is to capture (1) the non-uniform distribution of force (pressure) on the pile surface in radial (PrasadandChari1999)andlongitudinaldimensions;and(2)thealterationofmodulus ofsubgradereactionduetonon-uniformsoildisplacementfieldaroundthepile.These two features nowadays can be well captured using a load transfer approach (Guo and Lee 2001)deducedfromasimplifiedsoil-displacementmodel.Theapproachrequiresmuch less computing effort than numerical modelling, it is thus utilised herein to model elastic response. Pertinent expressions/conclusions are recaptured herein: (1) Thestresseschangeinthesoilaroundahorizontallyloadedpilemaybe approximated by [also owing to Sun and Pires (1993)]: [1] ( )( )0 cos 21= = =z pb oo bobs rKr r Kru G o o u ou LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 6 ( )( )pb oo bobs rKr r Kru G u tusin1 = ( )( )( )( )pb oo b os zr pb oo b os zKr r KGKr r KG ue t ue tucos sin = =whereGsissoilshearmodulus;orisradialstress;ou,ozarecircumferentialstress, and vertical stress, which are negligible; u, and e are local lateral displacement, and rotational angle of the pile body at depth z; up is an angle between the direction of the loading and the line joining the centre of the pile cross-section to the point of interest; r is a radial distance from the pile axis; Ki(b) (i = 0, 1) is modified Bessel functions ofthesecondkind,andoforderi;roisanoutsideradiusofacylindricalpile.The factor b in eq. [1] may be estimated by [2]( ) l r ko b 1= wherelisthepileembeddedlength;k1is2.14,and3.8forpurelateralloading(free length or eccentricity, e = 0), and pure moment loading (e = ), respectively. k1 may be stipulated to increase hyperbolically from 2.14 to 3.8 as the free length e increases from mudline to infinitely large. (2)Radial stress or and shear stress tru are proportional to the local displacement u (see eq. [1]). The stress or can be well predicted (see Fig. 3) using eq. [1] compared with measured data, as elaborated later in the section entitled Case Study. (3)Apileisdefinedasrigid,shouldthepile-soilrelativestiffness,(Ep/Gs)exceeda critical ratio (Ep/Gs)c, where (Ep/Gs)c = 0.052(l/ro)4; and Ep is Youngs modulus of an equivalent solid pile. Given l/ro =12, for instance, the critical ratio (Ep/Gs)c is 1,078. In drawing the abovementioned conclusions, the pile-soil interaction is characterised by a seriesofspringsdistributedalongthepileshaftandwithinelasticstate.Inreality,each spring has a limiting force per unit length pu at a depth z [FL-1]. If less than the limiting valuepu,theon-pileforce(perunitlength),patanydepthisproportionaltothelocal displacement, u and to the modulus of subgrade reaction, kd [FL-2] (see Fig. 1b): [3]kdu p =(Elastic state)LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 7 where d is pile outside diameter or width [L]; p is force per unit depth [FL-1] for elastic zone.Thegradientk[FL-3]maybewrittenaskozm[ko, FL-m-3],withm=0and1being referred to as Constant k and Gibson k hereafter. (1)The magnitude of a constant k may be related to the shear modulus Gs by [4]]} 1) () ([) () (2 {2321 2 1||.|

\| =b obbb obbsKKKK Gkdt(Constant k) (2)TheaveragemodulusofsubgradereactionconcerningaGibsonkisko(l/2)d,for which the shear modulus Gs in eq. [4] is replaced with an averages Gover the pile embedment. This allows eq. [4] to be rewritten more generally as [5]]} 1) () ([) () (2 {23)2(21 2 1||.|

\| =b obbb obbsmoKKKK Gdlkt(Gibson k) In the use of eqs. [4] and [5], the following points are worthy to be mentioned. (i)The diameter d is incorporated into eq. [3], compared to the previous expression by Guo and Lee (2001). This d is seen on the left-hand side of eqs. [4] and [5]. The new introductiongreatlyfacilitatestheestablishmentofthecurrentsolutionspresented later on.(ii)The Gs ands Gare proportional to the pile diameter (width). For instance, given l = 0.621m, ro = 0.0501 m, the factor b was estimated as 0.173~0.307 using eq. [2] and k1=2.14~3.8.Thebwasrevisedas0.178givene=150mm.K1(b)/K0(b)was computedtobe2.898.Asaresult,thekd(Constantk)isevaluatedas3.757Gs, whereasthe0.5kodl(Gibsonk)calculatedas3.757 s G .Conversely,shearmodulus may be deduced from k via Gs = kd/3.757, ors G = 0.5kodl /3.757, as shown later in Case Study. (iii) Equation [5] is approximately valid. The average k (= 0.5kol) ands Grefer to those at the middle embedment of a pile; whereas the k (= kol) and the shear modulus GL refer to those at the pile-tip.(iv) Themodulusratiokm/kT(kmandkTareduetopuremomentloadingandlateral loading,respectively)wascalculatedusingeqs.[2]and[4],anditisprovidedin Table 1. The calculation shows that LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 8 -The ratio km/kT reduces from 1.56 to 1.27 as the slenderness ratio l/ro ascends from 1 to 10, with a highest value of 3.153 at l/ro = 0.-The ratio k/kT reduces from km/kT (e = ) to 1 (e = 0) as the free length e decreases. -Themoduluskmaybeunderestimatedby30~40%forapilehavingal/roof3~8, neglecting the impact of high eccentricity. Givenapile-headloadexertedate>0,thedisplacementisoverestimatedusingk=kT thanotherwise.Consequently,thesolutionsareconservativelydeducedusingk=kT in this paper. Influence of the e on the k is catered for by selecting the k1 in determining b via eq. [2]. The outmost difference can be obtained by comparing with the upper bound solutions capitalised on k = km. 2.3Limiting Force Profile (LFP)Upon reaching plastic state, the interaction force between pile and soil interface attains a maximum.Givenacohensionlesssoil,thenetlimitingforceperunitlengthalongpile-soilinterface(i.e.LFP),puvarieslinearlywithdepth,z,whichmaybedescribedby (Fleming et al. 1992):[6]zd A pr u=whereArzispressureonthepilesurface[FL-2]thatiscontributedbyradialandshear stresses obtained using eq. [1], which is shown later in Case Study; Ar is given by:[7] 2 'p s rK A =whereKp[=tan2(45o +|s'/2)]isthecoefficientofpassiveearthpressure;|s'isan effectivefrictionalangleofsoil;sisaneffectiveunitweightofthesoil(dryweight abovethewatertable,buoyantweightbelow).Equation[7]isconsistentwiththe experimental results (Prasad and Chari 1999), and the pertinent recommendation (Zhang et al. 2002), in contrast to other expressions for the Ar provided in Table 2. 2.4Critical States Displacement u of a rigid pile varies linearly with depth z (see Fig. 1), and it is expressed asu=ez+u0,inwhicheandu0arerotationandmudlinedisplacementofthepile, respectively.Itisrewrittenhereininotherformstoidentifycriticalstatesforpile-soil relative slip (yield) developed firstly from the mudline, and later on from the pile tip. LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 9 (1)Pile-soilslipdevelopedfrommudlinetoadepthzo:AsdepictedinFig.2a,there existsadepthzo (calledslipdepth),abovewhichthepile-soilinterfaceisinplastic state; otherwise in elastic state. At the slip depth, it is noted that (i)The pile displacement reaches a local threshold u* of [8] 0*u z uo + = e(ii)Thelimitingforceperunitlengthobtainedusingeq.[3]isequaltothatderived from eq. [6], which permits the threshold, u* concerning Gibson k to be given by [9] o rk A u =* (2) Pile-soil slip developed from pile-tip to a depth z1: As can be seen from Figs. 2a and 2b,pile-soilrelativeslip(yield)mayalsoinitiatefromthepile-tip(depthl),and expand upwards to a depth z1, at which the local displacement u just touches -u*. This warrants the following relationship, resembling eq. [8]. [10] 0 1*u z u + = e Uponthepile-tipyield(i.e.z1=l),thezoisrewrittenaso z .Theon-pileresistance per unit length is prescribed by eq. [3] regarding the portion bracketed by the depths zo and z1, and by eq. [6] for the rest portions of 0 ~ zo, and z1 ~ l. (3)Depthofrotationpointzr:Thepilerotatesaboutadepthzr(=-u0/e),atwhichno displacement u (= ezr + u0 = 0) is anticipated. Equations [9] and [10] are deduced using Gibson k featured by p = kodzu. Should the p be governedbyConstantkwithp=kdu,eqs.[9g]and[10g]arededucedinsteadas tabulatedinTable3.NotethattheresultsforConstantkarehighlightedusing[] brackets,andareplacedadjacenttothoseforGibsonk.Forinstance,assuminga Constantk,itisnotedinFig.2a-rightthatu*=Arz/k;andinFig.2b-rightthatthe displacementuatthedepthz1isgivenby u=-u*z1/zo,andthelimitingdisplacementat the pile-tip is equal to u*l/ zo in either figure. WithrespecttoConstantk,solutionsforarigidpilewerededucedpreviouslyfora uniform pu profile with depth (Scott 1981), and for a linear pu profile (Motta 1997). They are presented in new (explicit) form for a linear pu (Guo 2003), characterised by the slip depths(seeTable3).Thelatestexpressionsallownonlinearresponsestobereadily LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 10 estimated. They are therefore extended in this paper to cater for Gibson k, and to examine responses at the newly defined critical states. 2.5Nonlinear Solutions for Pre-tip Yield State The unknown rotation e and displacement u0 in eq. [8] are determined using equilibriums ofhorizontalforceonthepile,andbendingmomentaboutthepile-tip,aselaboratedin A1, Appendix A. They are expressed primarily as functions of the pile-head load, Tt, and the slip depth, zo. As a result, the solutions for a rigid pile prior to tip yield (pre-tip yield state) are simplified to offer the following expressions. [11] 3 ) 2 )( 2 () ( 3 2 16122+ + ++ +=l z l e l zl z l zdl ATo oo ort [12] 24 30) 1 ]( 3 ) 2 )( 2 [() ( ] ) ( 2 [ 2 3l z l z l e l zl z l e l zAk uo o oo oro + + ++ + += [13] 2) 1 ]( 3 ) 2 )( 2 [() 3 2 ( 2l z l z l e l zl el kAo o o or + + ++ = e [14] lulzre0=whereTt/(Ardl2)isthenormalisedpile-headload;u0ko/Aristhenormalisedmudline displacement;eistherotationangle(inradian)ofthepile;andzr/listhenormalised depthofrotation.Regardingthesesolutions,thefollowingremarksareworthytobe stressed. (1)Twosoil-relatedparameterskoandArareinvolvedintheexpressions.Thekois related to Gs; while Ar calculated using the unit weight s, and angle of soil friction, |s. Only the three measurable soil parameters are thus required. (2)Nonlinear responses are characterised by the sole variable zo/l. Assigning a value to zo/l,forinstance,apairofpile-headloadTtandmudlinedisplacementu0are calculated using eq. [11] and eq. [12], respectively. Note that e/l is a constant.(3)The Tt is proportional to the pile diameter (width) as per eq. [11]. The u0 implicitly involves with the pile dimensions via the ko that in turn is related to pile slenderness ratio (l/ro) via the b (eq. [5]). LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 11 (4)The free length e defined as the height of the loading point (Tt) above ground level may be regarded as a fictitious eccentricity (e = Mo/Tt), to cater for moment loading Mo at mudline level. TheseremarksareequallyapplicabletothesolutionsbasedonConstantkthatare provided in Table 3, in which eq. [xg] corresponds to eq. [x]. Nevertheless, a plastic (slip) zoneforGibsonkisnotinitiated(i.e.zo>0)frommudlineuntiltheTtexceeds Ardl2/(24e/l+18);whereasforConstantk,theslipisdevelopedimmediatelyupon loading. In general, elastic-plastic solutions are preferred to elastic solutions (Scott 1981; Sogge 1981).Features of the current solutions are highlighted for two extreme cases of e = 0 and . oAt e = 0, the usage of relevant expressions for zo s ozare provided in Table 4.oGiven e = , eqs. [11]-[14] do reduce to those obtained for pure moment loading Mo (withTt=0),forwhichthenormalisedratiosfortheu0,eandMoareprovidedin Table 5.For instance, the moment per eq. [11] degenerates to Mo (= Tte) given by: [15] lzlzlzdl AMoo oro++ +=2) ( 3 2 112123 2.6Solutions for Post-tip YieldState (Elastic-Plastic, and plastic State) Equations [11] [14] for pre-tip and tip-yield states are featured by the yield to the depth zo(beinginitiatedfrommudlineonly).Atasufficientlyhighloadlevel,anotheryield zone to depth z1 may be developed from the pile-tip as well. As load increases further, the twoyieldzonesexpandgraduallytowardsthepracticallyimpossibleultimatestateof equal critical depths (i.e. zo=z1=zr, see Fig. 2c). The advance of the z1 from depth l to zris herein referred to as Post-tip yield state (Figs. 2a-2c). Horizontal force equilibrium of the entire pile, and bending moment equilibrium about the pile-head (rather than the tip) were usedtodeducethesolutions(seeA2AppendixA).Theyarefeatureduniquelybya newlyintroducedvariableC(=Ar/(u0ko),whichisthereciprocalofthenormalised displacement, see eq. [12]). The variable C must not exceed its value Cy calculated for the tip-yield state (i.e. C < Cy, and u0 being estimated using eq. [12] and zo = oz ), to induce thepost-tipyieldstate.Theequations/expressionsforestimatingzr,Ttandu0are highlighted in the following: LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 12 (1) The rotation depth zr is governed by the C and the e/l [16]0 3 2) 1 ( 41) 1 ( 2322223=|.|

\|++ |.|

\|+++ |.|

\|leC lzleCClzr r Solution of eq. [16] may be written as [17]6 /13130D A A l zr + =[18] 2 / 1 312 31] 1728 / ) 2 27 [( ) 1 ( ) 216 / 8 / ( D D D D D Ao ojo j + = (j = 0, 1)[19] 2 22113 213Cl eDleCCDo++=++=(2) The normalised head-load, Tt/(Ardl2) is derived from eqs. [A15] - [A17] as [20]5 . 031222 |.|


\|+ =lz Cdl ATrrt (3) The mudline displacement, u0 is obtained using the definition of the variable C. [21]) (0C k A uo r=(4) The slip depths from the pile head, zo and the tip, z1 (see Table 6) are computed using zo = zr(1-C) and z1 = zr(1+ C), respectively, as deducedfrom eqs. [8] and [10]. Equation [17] provides the rotation depth, zr (thus zo and z1) for each value of u0 (via the C and e). The zr in turn allows the rotation angle, e to be estimated using e = u0/zr. As for the Constant k, the counterparts for eqs. [17] - [21] are provided in Table 6, and those forzoandz1inTable7.ThevariableC[=Arzr/(u0k)],aspereq.[21g]becomesthe productofthereciprocalofthenormaliseddisplacementu0k/Arlandthenormalised rotation depth zr/l. 2.7Load, Displacement, Slope and On-pile Force Profiles 2.7.1Response at tip yield state Upon tip yield (zo =oz ), eq. [10] is transformed into the following form to resolve the oz , by replacing u0 with that given by eq. [12], e with that by eq. [13], and z1 with l. LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 13 [22]0 ) ( ) 2 ( ) 2 (22 3= + + + + + l l e z l l e z l e z o o oThe oz /lwasestimatedfore/l=0~100usingeq.[22],anditisillustratedinFig.4a.Regardingthetip-yieldstate,theresponsesofu0kolm/(Arl),andekolm/Arwerecalculated and are presented in Figs. 4b and 4c. Two extreme cases of e = 0 and are provided in the following. oProvidedthate=0,theoz /liscomputedas0.5437.ThenormalisedTt/(Ardl2)is thereby estimated as 0.113, u0ko/Ar as 3.383, ekol/Ar as -4.3831, zr/l as 0.772, and Cy as 0.296, in terms of eqs. [11], [12], [13], [14], and [21], respectively. These values are tabulated in Table 4. oGiven e = , the oz /l is 0.366. The normalised values are thus obtained (see Table 5) with Tt/(Ardl2) = 0, u0ko/Ar = 2.155, ekol/Ar = 3.154, zr/l = 0.683, and Cy = 0.464. The counterparts for Constant k were obtained, and are provided in the square [] brackets inTables4&5,aswell.Forinstance,eqs.[14g]and[22g]offer oz =0.618landzr= 0.764l (see Table 4) for e = 0; whereas oz = 0.5l and zr = 0.667l (see Table 5) for e = . As the e increases from mudline to infinitely large, the u0 reduces by 36% [38%]; and the e reduces by 28% [29.2%]. The estimated depths zr and ozpermit the normalised on-pile forceprofilesofp/(Aroz d)atthetip-yieldstatetobeconstructed.Thisisachievedby drawing lines in sequence between adjacent points (0, 0), (Aroz ,oz ), (0, zr), and (-Arl, l), whicharenormalisedbyAroz and oz ,respectivelyforthefirstandthesecond coordinates, as exemplified in the following for e = 0, and . oFigure5aprovidestheprofilesconstructedusingConstantk.The oz /l=0.618and zr/l = 0.764 for e = 0 offer a pressure at the pile-tip level of 1.6Aroz , which raises to 2Aroz , as the e increases to (accompanied by the reduction of oz /l to 0.5 and zr/l to 0.667). oFigure5bdepictsthenormalisedprofilesobtainedusingaGibsonk,inviewofthe oz = 0.544l and zr = 0.772l (Table 4) upon e = 0; whereas oz = 0.366l and zr = 0.683l (Table5)concerninge=.Thepile-tippressureincreasesfrom1.84Aroz to 2.73Aroz , as the e shifts towards infinitely large from 0.Theconstructedprofilesfore=0and(seeFig.5b)wellbrackettheTestdata providedbyPrasadandChari(1999).Thetri-linearfeatureoftheTestprofileisalso LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 14 captured using the Gibson k. Likewise, good comparisons with measured p profiles were noted for a few other cases (not shown herein). The profile is governed by the gradient Ar, the slip depths zo (from the head) and z1 (from the tip), and the rotation depth zr. Overall, Fig. 5 indicates the measured zo (Prasad & Chari, 1999) conforms to pre-tip yield state, as Fig. 4a does (and further confirmed by the reported capacity shown later in Fig. 9). It also reflects the impact of-The k profile, as a better match is observed using a Gibson k;-Lack of measured points around the critical depth (zo);-Ignoring the increase in the modulus owing to the free length (e) (see Table 1); -The nonlinear spring behaviour in reality vs the elastic-plastic spring adopted herein. 2.7.2State of yield at rotation point (YRP, Completely plastic state) Thepile-headdisplacesinfinitelylargeastheCapproacheszero,seeeq.[21].This ultimatestatefeaturedbyzr=zoisreferredtoasyield at rotation point (YRP). Despite practically unachievable, the state provides an upper bound, for which, it is noted that(1)Equation [20] reduces to that proposed by Petrasovits and Award (1972), as the on-pile force profile does (see Fig. 2c).(2)Thezr/lisindependentofthemodulusk.Itshouldbeestimatedusingeq.[17]by substituting 0, 2 + 3e/l, and 3e/l for the C, Do, and D1, respectively in eqs. [18] and [19]regardinge=;otherwiseusingeq.[16]directly.Thisisshownforthe following two typical cases. oRegarding e = 0,eq. [19] allows Do = 2, and D1 = 0 to be deduced. Ao = 0.5, and A1 = 0 are thus obtained in terms of eq. [18]. The zr/l is evaluated as 0.7937. oSubstituting for the e in eq. [16], the zr/l is directly computed as 0.7071.(3)On-pile pressure profile can be constructed by drawing lines between adjacent points (0, 0), (Aroz ,oz ), (-Aroz , zr), and (-Arl, l) (Fig. 2c-left). 2.8 Maximum Bending Moment and Its Depth 2.8.1Pre-tip yield (zo < oz ) and tip yield (zo = oz ) states The depth zm at which maximum bending moment occurs is given by eq. [23] if zm s zo, otherwise by eq. [24], in light of eqs. [A5a] and [A5b] (see Appendix A). [23]22dl ATlzrt m= (zm szo)LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 15 [24]) 3 2 ( 81 ) 2 ( ) ( 3] 11 16 ) 2 ( ) [( 3) 3 2 ( 81 ) 2 ( ) ( 3333l el e l z l zl e l e l z l zl el e l z l zlzo oo oo o m++ + + + + ++++ += (zm>zo)Equation [23] offers Tt/(Ardl2) = 0.5(zm/l)2. Following determination of ozusing eq. [22], thezm/lwascomputedforaseriesofe/lratiosattip-yieldstate.ItisplottedinFig.4d against e/l. The calculation shows that:(1)The zm may in general be computed by using eq. [23], satisfying zm < oz(regardless ofe/l).Nevertherless,alowloadlevel(pretip-yieldstate)alongwithasmall eccentricity e may render zo < zm (not shown herein). (2)The zm converges to mudline, as the e/l approaches infinitely large (see Table 5).Substitutingthezm/lfromeq.[23]forthatineq.[A7a]allowsthemaximumbending moment (Mm) for zm s zo to be gained. [25] t m mT e z M ) 3 2 ( + = (zm s zo)Otherwise, substituting the zm/l from eq. [24] for that in eq. [A7b] permits the Mm for zm > zo to be deduced as: [26]( )||.|

\|+ + + + +||.|

\|++ + + + =) 2 3 ( ) () ( ) ( 32 ) (63 26 ) 2 3 ( ) (4 2 2 32 2 23 2 5 3222 2 24 3 3 3 4o o om o o om m orm o ort mo o om o o m o mmz lz l z ll z z z l z lz z zd Az z zdAT z ez lz l z lz z l z z z z lM(zm>zo) Valid to a high load level, eq. [25] is independent of pile-soil relative stiffness. Therefore, it is essentially identical to that for a flexible pile (Guo 2006). Likewise, the counterpart expressions for the zm and Mm were derived regarding a constant k, and they are provided in Table 3. In particular, eqs. [23] and [23g] are identical for either k profile, so are eqs. [25g] and [25g], although they all are still mentioned later. Withrespecttothetip-yieldstate,aszm3isnormallyencounteredin overhead caternary systems. (3)The solid circle dotted line of e = in Figs. 6a or 6b denotes the upper limit of the tip-yieldstateforthecorrespondingk.Theywereobtainedusingeq.[15]or oz /l/6 (see Table 5), and overlap with those from eq. [25] [eq. [25g]] as anticipated. The bending moments are subsequently compared with those induced at yield at rotation point. 2.8.2Yield at rotation point (YRP) At the YRP state, the relationships of Ttversus zm, and Tt versus Mmax are found identical to those for pre-tip yield state (zmsz0), respectively. Responses at rotation point (see Fig. 2c) may be obtained by substituting C = 0 for that in the solutions addressing the post-tip yield state, e.g. eq. [20] is transformed into [27] 22) ( 5 . 0lzdl ATmrt=in which the depth zm is related to the zr given by the following relationship [28] 5 . 0 2] 1 ) ( 2 [ =lzlzr m where zr/l is still calculated from eq. [16] or [17], as discussed previously in the section entitled State of yield at rotation point. Equation [28] was derived utilising the on-pile forceprofiledepictedinFig.2c,andshearforceT(zm)=0atdepthzm.Thenormalised maximum bending moment is derived using eqs. [A7a] and [27] as [29] 32 3) (31lzledl ATdl AMmrtrm+ =ThenormalisedMmwascomputedusingeq.[29].ItisplottedinFig.6aasbothkat YRP, as eqs. [27] ~ [29] are all independent of the k profiles. The moment of Mo (= Tte) is LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 17 also provided in the figure.Equation [29] may be converted into an identical form to eq. [25] using eqs. [27] and [28]. About the YRP state, it is noted thatoThe zo/l (= zr/l) of 0.7937 (e = 0) and 0.707 (e = ) allow the zm/l to be evaluated as 0.5098 and 0; upon which Tt/(Ardl2) is calculated as 0.130 (e = 0) and 0 (e = ). oEquation [29] permits the Mm/(Ardl3) to be computed as 0.0442 (e = 0) and 0.0976 (e = ). In particular, the Mm/(Ardl3) for e = (see Fig. 2c) is deduced as [1-2(zr/l)3]/3, in light of moment equilibrium about ground line and the on-pile force profile. Finally,eqs.[23]and[25]aresupposedlyvalidfromthetip-yieldstatethroughtothe ultimate YRP state (with zm oz ) tip yield states. It thus may be obtained pragmatically via two steps: (1)Regardingthepre-tipyieldstate,aseriesofslipdepthzo( zo). LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 24 As zo/l increases to 0.5, Tt increases to 0.783 kN, Mm to 0.248 kNm, and zm to 0.251 m. The two points, each given by a pair of Mm and zm, are plotted in Fig. 11a. (3)Post-tipyieldstate(e.g.C zo)LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 25 Local shear force T(z) ~ displacement u(z) relationships were predicted using eqs. [A5a] and [A5b], for the normalised depths z/l of 0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.62 and 0.9. They are plotted in Fig. 12 (6)Thes G is estimated as 0.1549 MPa (= 0.518.642 MPa/m2 0.612m0.102m/3.757) asperthediscussionforeq.[5],intermsofk0=18.642MPa/m2inTable9.The shear modulus GL (at the pile-tip level) is thus inferred as 0.310 MPa (= 2 s G ). (7)The measured or on the pile surface was mobilised by a local displacement u of 21.3 mm, at a head-displacement u0 of 57 mm (after tip yield, and with zo = 0.361 m, and zr = 0.470 m). Thediscussionabouteq.[5]indicatesb=0.178andK1(b)/K0(b)=2.898.These values along withs G= 0.1549 MPa, and u = 21.3 mm allow the maximum or (with r =ro=0.051mandup=0)tobeobtainedusingeq.[1],withor=2154.9 0.02130.178/0.0512.898.Therationaleofusingtheelasticeq.[1]isexplained later on. The stress or across the diameter is predicted as or = 66.85cosup (compared totru=-33.425sinup)inlightofeq.[1].Itcompareswellwiththemeasureddata (Prasad and Chari 1999), as shown previously in Fig. 3.The maximum or may be cross examined using eq. [6]. In the loading direction, the netforceonthepilesurfaceperunitprojectedarea(netpressure)duetothe components or and tru are determined, respectively, as:0 . 105 cos0=}p p rdu u ot (kPa) } =tuu u t0 5 . 52 sinp p rd (kPa) Thereby, the total net pressure is 52.5 kPa (= 105.0-52.5). On the other hand, the net pressureatthedepthof0.276misestimatedas67.6kPa(=244.90.276) using eq. [6].Theformerislessthanthelatter,asisthemeasuredforcecomparedtothe predictedone(seeFig.10a),showingtheeffectofkprofile(discussedlater)and neglecting the tzr and ou.Other features noted herein are: (i) The moment Mm occurs below the slip depth (zm > zo= 0.3l = 0.1836 m) under Tt = 0.605 kN; or within the depth (zm < zo = 0.5l = 0.306 m) at Tt = 0.783 kN (see Fig. 11). (ii) The rotation depth of zr is largely around 0.62l, indicating by a negligible displacement of u(zr = 0.62l) ~ 0 (see Fig. 12). The force below the depth hasanoppositedirection,asisobservedinsomefieldtests.Finally(iii)Thenon-dimensionalresponses,e.g.Tt/(Ardl2),areindependentoftheparametersArandko,and are thus identical concerning the three piles tested in different Dr. LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 26 4.1.2Analysis using Constant k The solutions for a Constant k (see Tables 3 and 7) were utilised to match each measured pile-headandmudlinedisplacementTt~u0curve,thekwasthusdeduced(usingthe sameArasthatforGibsonk).ThisresultedinthedashedlinesinFig.10,theshear modulus Gs (= GL) and the angle at tip-yield furnished in Table 9. The predicted curves of Mmax~Tt,andMmax~zm are also plotted in Figs. 10b and 10c, respectively. This analysis indicates: -The shear moduli deduced for Dr = 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 are 0.105 MPa, 0.327 MPa, and 0.461MPa,respectively,showing-45.6%,3.5%and-1.9%differencefromthe revised measured values of 0.193 MPa, 0.316 MPa, and 0.470 MPa, respectively.-Thetip-yield(thuspile-headforceTo),asillustratedinFig.10a,occursata displacementfargreaterthan0.2d(=20.4mm),andatarotationangleof10~15 degrees (see Table 9) that are ~5 times those inferred using a Gibson k.InparalleltotheGibsonk,thecalculationforthepileinDr=0.25isagainpresented herein(withAr=244.9kN/m3,andk=3.88MN/m3),andisfocusedonthedifference from the Gibson k analysis. (1)The ratioo z /l at the tip-yield state was obtained as 0.5885 using eq. [22g]. It allows the following to be gained: Tt/(Ardl2) = 0.0885, and u0k/(Arl) = 2.86 in terms of eqs. [11g]and[12g];zm/l=0.4208viaeq.[23g](zo/l>zm/l);andMm/(Ardl3)=0.0465 using eq. [25g]. Accordingly, it follows Tt = 0.8285 kN, u0= 110.4 mm, zm= 0.257 m, andMm = 0.266 kNm. (2) Responses for the pre-tip yield state are tabulated in Table 10 for zo/l = 0.3 and 0.5. Givenzo/l=0.3,Tt,u0,andzmwereestimatedas0.462kN,21.3mm,and0.193m, based on eqs. [11g], [12g], and [24g], respectively. Mm was calculated as 0.129 kNm via eq. [26g] (with zm>zo). As the zo/l increases to 0.5, Tt increases to 0.723 kN; u0 to 65.3mm;zmraisesto0.241m(aspereq.[23g]withzm u* = 13 mm = 244.9/18640 m) for inducing the measured or was associated with plastic response, as the u = 31.3 mm for aConstantkwas(u>u*=18.6mm=244.90.276/3880m).Incontrast,thestress hardening exhibited (see Fig. 10) beyond a mudline displacement u0 of 57 mm implies a higher value of Ar (thus pu) than 244.9 kPa/m adopted herein, and a higher local limit u* than the currently adopted 13.0~18.6 mm. The derived k from eq. [1] needs modifications in view of the following: -Anyplasticcomponentofdisplacement,u-u*,mayrenderthemodulusktobe underestimated.Thedisplacementuexceedtheelasticlimitu*by64%[=(21.3-13)/13] using Gibson k; or by 68% [= (31.3 -18.6)/18.6] using Constant k. With stress or ku (i.e., eq. [1]), the k may be supposedly underestimated by ~ 68%, even if the or has been well mimicked using the k profiles. The hardening effect may render less LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 28 degreeofunderestimation,whichthenseemstobeconsistentwiththe19.5~45.6% underestimation of the measured modulus (Table 9, Dr = 0.25), with a predicted GL = 0.105~0.31 MPa. Incontrast,overestimationofthe(Gibson)kisnotedforDr =0.5~0.75,althoughthe displacement of 0.2d and the angle (slope) for the capacity To are close to those used in practice. Real k profile should be bracketed by the constant and Gibson profiles. 4.2Comments on Current Predictions (1)Thecurrentsolutionsweredevelopedtocaterfornetlateralresistancealongthe shaft only. Longitudinal resistance along the shaft, and transverse shear resistance on thetipareneglected.Theshearresistancemaybecomeapparentregardingvery short, stub piers such as pole foundations (Vallabhan and Alikhanlou 1982). In these circumstances, use of the current solutions will be conservative. (2)Themoduluskwasstipulatedasaconstantorlinearlyincreasewithdepth(Gibson type), along with a linear pu profile. The two k profiles should bracket well possible k profilesencounteredinpractice.Alongrigidpiles,thelinearpuprofileisnormally expected, whereas along flexible piles, the pu may be proportional to z1.7 (Guo 2006). Givenapileinamulti-layeredsand,thepumayevenbecomeuniform,forwhich pertinent solutions published previously (Scott 1981) may be utilised. (3)Equations [1] and [5] are rigorous for the constant k, but approximate for the Gibson k. The modulus deduced incorporates the effect of pile diameter.(4)Theelastic-plasticload-displacementcurvecannotcapturetheimpactofstress hardening as demonstrated in the pile in Dr = 0.25. 5.CONCLUSIONSElastic-plasticsolutionsweredevelopedforlaterallyloadedrigidpilesusingtheload transfer approach. They are presented in explicit form regarding pre-tip and post-tip yield statesrespectively.Simpleexpressionsaredevelopedfordeterminingthedepthszo,z1, and zr used for constructing on-pile force profiles, and for calculating moment Mm and its depth zm. They are generally plotted against e/l, and are elaborated for e = 0 and . The solutionsandexpressionsareshowntobeconsistentwithavailableFEanalysisand LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 29 relevantmeasureddata.Theyareimplementedintoaspreadsheetprogramcalled GASLSPICS, which was used to conduct a detailed investigation into a well documented case.Commentsaremaderegardingestimationofcapacity.Inparticular,thefollowing features about the current solutions are noted: (1)Thepuprofileisdifferentiatedfromon-pileforceprofile.Theformerisunique, whereas the latter is mobilised along a specified LFP and may be constructed for any states (e.g.pre-tip yield, tip-yield, post-tip yield, and rotation point yield states). (2)Characterizedbytheslipdepthszoandz1,thesolutionsallownonlinearresponse (e.g.load,displacement,rotationandmaximumbendingmoment)tobereadily estimated,usingtheparameterskandAr.Conversely,thetwoparameterscanbe deduced using two measured nonlinear responses. The back-estimation is legitimate, asstressdistributionsalongdepthandaroundpilediameterareintegratedintothe solutions. (3) For the investigated piles, the deduced Ar is with~15% error from eq. [7]; whereas shear moduli have ~3.5% discrepancy from the measured data (except for the ~46% underestimation noted for stress hardening case). (4)Maximumbendingmomentraises~30%asthetip-yieldstatemovestotheYRP state. It increases 2.1~2.2 times as the e increases from 0 to 3l at either state (N. B. Mmax ~ Mo given e/l >3). (5)Theimpactofkprofileisbracketedbythesolutionsconcerningauniformkanda Gibsonk.Withoutcateringfortheinfluenceoftheeccentricity,thekis underestimated by ~40% for a rigid pile (l/ro = 3~8). Thecurrentsolutionscanaccommodatetheincreaseinresistanceowingtodilationby modifying Ar, while not able to capture the effect of stress-hardening. 6.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSTheworkreportedhereinwassupportedbyAustralianResearchCouncilResearch Fellowship(F00103704),andtheDiscoveryGrant(DP0209027).Thisfinancial assistanceisgratefullyacknowledged.Theauthorwouldliketoacknowledgethe reviewers comments. LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 30 REFERENCESBalfour-Beatty-Construction, L. 1986. Report on foundation design for overhead catenary system. U.K., Rep., Tuen Muen Light railway Transit. Brinch Hansen, J. 1961. The ultimate resistance of rigid piles against transversal forces. Copenhagen, Denmark, The Danish Geotechnical Institute Bulletin No. 12. 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Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 33 List of Symbols The following symbols are used in the paper: Ar= coefficient for the LFP [FL-3];C= Ar/(u0ko) (Gibson k), or Arzo/(u0ko) (Constant k), used for post-tip yield state; Cy= value of the C at the tip yield state; d(ro)= outside diameter (radius) of a cylindrical pile [L];Dr= sand relative density;Ep= Youngs modulus of an equivalent solid cylinder pile [FL-2]; Es= Youngs modulus of soil [FL-2]; e =eccentricity(free-length)[L]i.e.theheightfromtheloadinglocationtothe mudline; ore = Mo/Tt; Gs, s G= shear modulus of the soil, and average of the Gs [FL-2]; GL = shear modulus of the soil at pile tip level [FL-2]; k, ko =modulusofsubgradereaction[FL-3],k=kozm, m=0and1forConstantand Gibson k, respectively; and ko, a parameter [FL-3-m]; Ka = tan2 (45o - |s'/2), the coefficient of active earth pressure; km, kT = modulus k due to pure bending moment, and pure lateral loading [FL-3]; Kp = tan2 (45o + |s'/2), the coefficient of passive earth pressure; k1 =parameter for estimating the load transfer factor, b; Ki(b)= modified Bessel function of second kind of i-th order; l= embedded pile length [L]; LFP= net limiting force profile per unit length [FL-1]; Mm= maximum bending moment within a pile [FL]; Mo= bending moment at the mudline level [FL]; p, pu = force per unit length, and limiting value of the p [FL-1]; s= integration variable; T(z)= lateral force induced in a pile at a depth of z [F]; Tt, To = lateral load applied at an eccentricity of e above mudline, and Tt at a defined (tip yield or YRP) state [F]; u, u0 =lateral displacement, and u at mudline level [L]; u*=local threshold u* above which pile-soil relative slip is initiated [L]; YRP= yield at rotation point; z= depth measured from the mudline [L]; zm= depth of maximum bending moment [L]; zo(z1) = slip depth initiated from mudline (pile-base)[L]; zr= depth of rotation point [L]; o z = slip depth zo at the moment of the tip yield [L]; b= load transfer factor; 's = effective density of the overburden soil [FL-3];up= angle between the interesting point and the loading direction;vs= Poisson's ratio of soil; or= radial stress in the soil surrounding a lateral pile [FL-2]; ou= circumferential stress in the soil surrounding a lateral pile [FL-2]; LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 34 oz= vertical stress in the soil surrounding a lateral pile [FL-2]; tru= shear stress in the r-u plane [FL-2]; tuz= shear stress in the u-z plane [FL-2]; trz= shear stress in the r-z plane [FL-2]; |s'= effective frictional angle of soil; e = rotation angle (in radian) of the pile LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 35 Appendix A:Solutions for Gibson k profile A.1Pile Response at Pre-tip Yield State Theforceperunitlengthpgainedfromeqs.[3]and[6]allowsthehorizontalforce equilibrium of the rigid pile subjected to a lateral load, Tt at the pile-head (see Fig. 1) to be written as[A1]0 ) (0= + } }ds u s sd k sdds A Tlzozor tooeTheintegrationismadewithrespecttos.Themomentequilibriumaboutthepile-tip offers [A2]0 ) )( ( ) ( ) (0= + +} }ds s l u s sd k dds s l s A l e Tlzozor tooeEquations [A1] and [A2] along with eq. [8] allow the e and u0 to be determined as: [A3a] 3* 33) )( (2) )( () ( 12o o o o otz l z lu lz l z l ke l T + ++= e[A3b] *34 3 430) )( (2) )( () ( 12uz l z ll l z zz l z l ke l T zuo oo oo o ot o ++ + + ++ =The solutions prior to tip yield are obtained from eq. [A1] to eqs. [A3a] and [A3b]. They are recast in the normalised form of eq. [11] for the Tt, eq. [12] for the e, and eq. [13] for the u0. The shear force at depth z, T(z)is given by: [A5a]) (z T sdds A Tzor t= } (z s zo) [A5b]) ( ) (0z T ds u s sd k sdds A Tzzozor too= + } }e (z > zo)At z = l, T(z) = 0, eq. [A5b] is identical to eq. [A1].Furthermore, T(z) is rewritten as: LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 36 [A6a]||.|


\| +||.|


\| +||.|


\| |.|

\|=2*03*2 2212135 . 0) (lzuulzullzlzdl Az To o ore (z s zo) [A6b] ||.|


\| +||.|


\| =2*03* 21213) (lzuulzuldl Az Tre(z > zo)Maximum bending moment, Mm occurs at a depth of zm at which the shear force, T(zm) is zero. The moment, Mm is determined from the following expressions: [A7a]} + =mzm r m t mds s z s dA z e T M0) ( ) ( (zm s zo) [A7b] } } + + =moozzm ozm r m t mds s z u s sd k ds s z s dA z e T M ) )( ( ) ( ) (00e(zm > zo) Equations [A7a] and [A7b] are similar to those given previously (e.g. Scott 1981). They were used to derive the depth zm, and the moment Mm. A.2Pile Response Posterior to Tip Yield Asyieldexpandsfromthepile-tip,thehorizontalforceequilibriumofthepile,andthe moment equilibrium about the pile-headrequire: [A8]0 ) (110= + + } } }ds sd A ds u s sd k sdds A Tlzrzzozor tooe[A9]0 ) (11202= + + +} } }e T ds d s A ds s u s sd k dds s AtlzrzzozorooeThese expressions may be integrated to give: [A10]) ( 5 . 0 3 / ) ( ) ( 5 . 0 5 . 0212 3 312 21 02z l A z z k z z u k z A d Tr o o o o o r t + + = e[A11]0 / ) (31) (31) (4131313 3 31 04 413= + + + d e T z l A z z u k z z k z At r o o o o o reEquation [A10], together with eqs. [8] and [10], gives: [A12]) ( 21*oz z u = e[A13]) ( ) (1 1*0 o oz z z z u u + =LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 37 [A14]e0u zr =[A15]) 2 3 2 2 (612 2121*o o o tz l z z z du k T + + =Given C = Ar/(kou0), it follows that: [A16]) 1 ( C z zr o =[A17]) 1 (1C z zr+ =[A18] o rCk A u =0

Equation [A15] can be simplified to the form of eq. [20], in terms of eqs. [A16]~[A18]. LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 38 Table at various slenderness ratios of l/ro l/ro12345678910 km/kTa1.561.471.411.371.351.321.311.291.281.27 Note a km/kT =3.153(l/ro=0);1.27~1.22(10~20);1.22~1.19(20~30); 1.14~1.12 (100 ~ 200). Table 2.Capacity of lateral piles based on limit states MtdsTo/(Ardl2)Ar (kN/m3)References 1Using equilibrium against rotating point 's qzK aBrinch Hansen (1961) 2( )1] 1 6 [+ l e 3's pK Broms (1964) 3 1] ) 5 . 1 1 ( 13 . 2 [+ l l eb(28 ~ 228) kPa bMcCorkle (1969)4( ) ] 1 2 [ 5 . 02 l zr( )'7 . 3s a pK K Petrasovits and Award (1972) 5( )1/ 4 . 1 1+ l e ( )'s a p bu bK K S F cMeyerhof, et al (1981) 6 1] ) 5 . 1 1 ( 8 [+ l l eb(80 ~ 160) kPab, d Balfour Beatty Construction (1986)7 d e d ll d/ )] / ln( 333 . 0 1 [/ 1 '167 . 4sDickin and Wei (1991) 8|.|

\|1 59 . 1 51 . 0lzlzr r 3 . 0 tan 3 . 1 ''10 8 . 0+ss|Prasad & Chari (1999) 9 l e / 146 . 1 11181 . 0+ ' 2s pKDerived using zo/l = 0.618 in eq. [11g] Note a Kqa = also passive pressure coefficient, but it depends on l/d ratio, etc. b Dimensional expressions, as a uniform pu is adopted, and Ar unit is kPa.c Fb = lateral resistance factor, 0.12 for uniform soil; Sbu = a shape factor which depends on the depth l and the angle of |s'. d Smaller values in presence of water. LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 39 Table 3.Responses of piles in k = constant soil (Pre-tip yield state) ExpressionsReferencese/l = k z A uo r=*eq. [9g] 0 1 1*/ u z z z uo+ = eeq. [10g] ] 3 2 [ 22l e l zl zdl AToort+ +=eq. [11g]0 20) 1 ]( 3 2 [) 3 2 (l z l e l zl z l el Ak uo oor + ++=eq. [12g] 2) 1 ( l zl zoo 22) 1 ]( 3 2 [3 ) 2 ( 3 ) (l z l e l zl e l z l zlzkAo oo o o r + + += eeq. [13g] 2) 1 (2l zl zlzkAoo o r l u l zt re = eq. [14g] 2) ( 9 12 5 5 . 0 5 . 0 5 . 1lelelelzo+ + + |.|

\|+ =

eq. [22g]0.5 22dl ATlzrt m=( )( ) ( ) l z l e l z l el z l e l zlzo oo o m3 2 1 33 1+ ++ +=eq. [23g] eq. [24g] 0 l zl zlzoo m=2 ( )t m mT e z M + = 3 2( )( )( )( ) ( )( )( )( )( )(((

+ + + + + +|.|

\|++ =o om o m o m o rm o orm torto oo mmz l z lz z l z l z z z dAz z zdAz e TzdAe Tz l z lz zM2223 26322 22323 eq. [25g] eq. [26g] Tte N/A Note: Equations [3] and [6] are adopted for the derivation. LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 40 Table 4. Response at various states (e = 0, Gibson k / [Constant k]) Items Tt/(Ardl2) ] / [/00l A k uA k urr o ] / [/rr oA kA l kee Mm/(Ardl3) zo/lsl zo )] 11 .( [) 11 .(g EqEq )] 12 .( [) 12 .(g EqEq )] 13 .( [) 13 .(g EqEq ] (26g) or) 25 .( [(26) or) 25 .(g EqsEqsTip yielda ] 118 . 0 [113 . 0 ] 236 . 3 [383 . 3 ] 2352 . 4 [3831 . 4

] 038 . 0 [036 . 0

YRP b ] 130 . 0 [130 . 0 ] / 5 . 0 [/ 5 . 0rr oA kA l ktt ] 0442 . 0 [0442 . 0

Note al zo = 0.5437 /[0.618],l zr= 0.772/ [0.764],l zm= 0.4756/[0.4859], andyC = 0.296 /[0.236]. b At the YRP state, all critical values are independent of k distribution. Thus,l zo=l zr= 0.7937/[0.7937], andl zm= 0.5098/[0.5098]. Also Mo = 0. Table 5. Response at various yield states (e = , Gibson k [Constant k]) Items u0ko/Ar / [u0k/Arl]ekol/Ar / [ek/Ar]Mo/(Ardl3) zo/ls l zo) 2 ( ) 1 () ( 223l z l zl zo oo+ + [Table 2] ) 2 ( ) 1 (32l z l zo o+ [Table 2] ) 2 ( 12) ( 3 2 12l zl z l zoo o++ + [ l zo61] Tip yield a 2.155 /[2.0]-3.1545 /[-3.0]0.0752 /[0.0833] YRP b0.5tkol/Ar/ |0.5tk/Ar|0.0976 / [0.0976] Note al zo = 0.366 / [0.50],l zr= 0.683 / [0.667],l zm= 0/ [0], andyC = 0.464 / [0.333]. b l zo=l zr= 0.7071 / [0.7071], andl zm= 0 [0]. Also Tt = 0, and Mo = Mm. LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 41 Table 6. Responses of piles in k = constant soil (Post-tip yield state) ExpressionsReferences (((


\|= 1125 . 022 2lzC dl ATrrt where C = Arzr/(ku0) ) (0kC z A ur r=eq. [20g] eq. [21g] The ratio zr/l is governed by the following expression: ( ) ( ) 0 ) 1 )( 75 . 0 5 . 0 ( ) 1 ( 5 . 12 2 2 2 3= + + Clel zleC l zr r Thus, the zr/l should be obtained using ( ) ( )( ) 0 ) 75 . 0 5 . 0 ( ] ) 5 . 1 1 ( 5 . 1 [] ) 75 . 0 5 . 0 ( 5 . 1 [2 23 4 4 2= + + + ++ + lel z Clelel z l z CleCler gr r g gwhere Cg = Cl/(kzr). zr/l may be approximated by the following solution (Guo 2003)) )( 1 ( 5 . 031302o rD A A C l z + + =(Iteration required) 2 / 1131 13)] 2 ( [ ) 1 ( ) ( D D D D D Aojo j+ + + =(j = 0, 1) leDCl eDo =+=211/ 3 2 It is generally ~5% less than the exact value of zr/l. Note that eqs. [27g], [28g] and [29g] are identical to eqs. [27], [28] and [29], respectively. eq. [17g] eq. [18g] eq. [19g] Table 7.Expressions for depth of rotationuDepth of rotation Slip depths Figure l zo deduced using eqs. [11]~[14]2a e0uzr =)] 1 /( ) ( [) 1 (11C l z l zl z C l zrr =+ =

)] 1 /( ) ( [) 1 (C l z l zl z C l zr or o+ = = 2b u= ez + u0 z1/l = zo/l = zr/l2c Note u0, e, zr, zo, z1 refer to list of symbols. C =Ar/(u0ko) (Gibson k), C = Arzr/(u0k) (Constant k) LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 42 Table 8.Pile in dense sand reported by Laman, et al. (1999) Input parameters (l = 2 m, d= 1 m) Output for tip yield state (Test 3) Ar (kN/m3)k (MN/m3)s (kN/m3) Angle (deg.)zr/lM (kNm) 621.734.42a/51.63b16.43.830.523338.4 a Test 3;b Test 2. Table 9. Parameters for the model piles (Gibson k/ [Constant k]) Dr0.250.500.75 Notes Ar (kN/m3)244.9340.739. ] [kko (MPa/m2) ] 88 . 3 [64 . 18 ] 05 . 12 [2 . 48 ] 96 . 16 [43 . 81 Predicted GL (MPa) ] 105 . 0 [31 . 0 ] 327 . 0 [801 . 0 ] 461 . 0 [353 . 1 Measured GL (MPa)a,b

ba] 193 . 0 [385 . 0] 316 . 0 [631 . 0 ] 47 . 0 [94 . 0 Angle atl zo / (deg.) ] 0 . 14 [94 . 3 ] 6 . 10 [11 . 2 ] 4 . 14 [72 . 2 Numerator: Gibson k Denomitor: Constant k a Viamultiplyingthe values of 3.78, 6.19 and 9.22withthediameter d (0.102m), orb Viamultiplyingby 0.5d. Table 10. States of yield for model piles (valid for any Dr, Gibson k/ [Constant k]) Items zo/l ] / [/00l A k uA k urr o Tt/(Ardl2) ] / [/rr oA kA l kee zm/lMm/(Ardl3) 0.30 ba] 5517 . 0 [695 . 1] 0494 . 0 [0647 . 0 ] 8391 . 0 [318 . 2 ] 3151 . 0 [364 . 0 ] 0225 . 0 [031 . 0 Pre-tip yield0.50 ] 691 . 1 [005 . 3 ] 0773 . 0 [0838 . 0 ] 382 . 2 [005 . 4 ] 3931 . 0 [409 . 0 ] 0392 . 0 [0434 . 0 ] 5885 . 0 [535 . 0dc ] 86 . 2 [426 . 3 ] 0885 . 0 [087 . 0 ] 86 . 3 [530 . 4 ] 4208 . 0 [4171 . 0 ] 0465 . 0 [0453 . 0 YRPzr/l = 0.774, zm/l = 0.445, Tt/(Ardl2) = 0.099, and Mm/(Ardl3) = 0.0536. Note: aNumerator: Gibson k; bDenominator: Constant k; c Post-tip yield; d Tip yield state. LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 43 Table 11.Effect of k profile on predicted responses (Gibson k/ [Constant k]) zo/lu0 (mm)Tt (kN)e (degree)zm(m)Mm (kNm) 0.30 ba] 3 . 21 [3 . 22 ] 462 . 0 [605 . 0 )] 03 . 3 ( 053 . 0 [) 85 . 2 ( 050 . 0oo ] 193 . 0 [223 . 0 ] 129 . 0 [181 . 0 0.50 ] 3 . 65 [5 . 39 ] 723 . 0 [783 . 0 )] 61 . 8 ( 15 . 0 [) 93 . 4 ( 087 . 0oo ] 241 . 0 [251 . 0 ] 224 . 0 [248 . 0 ] 5885 . 0 [535 . 0dc ] 4 . 110 [0 . 45 ] 8285 . 0 [814 . 0 )] 95 . 13 ( 244 . 0 [) 57 . 5 ( 097 . 00o ] 257 . 0 [255 . 0 ] 266 . 0 [261 . 0 YRP0.926t/2 (90o)0.2720.307 Note aNumerator: Gibson k; bDenominator: Constant k; cPost-tip yield; dTip yield state. Table 12.Calculation of zr/l for post- tip and YRP states (Gibson k) Eq. [19]Eq. [18]Eq. [17]Eqs. for Gibson k (valid for any Dr)CDoD1AoA1zr/l Post-tip yield0.29192.52050.69680.627 3.91210-60.756 YRP02.7350.7350.680 4.96910-60.774 Table 13.Calculation of zr/l for YRP state (Constant k) Eq. [19g]Eq. [18g]Eq. [17g]Eqs. for Constant k (valid for any Dr)CDoD1AoA1zr/l YRP0-0.2452.7355.44053.97510-50.774 LATERALLY LOADED RIGID PILES IN COHENSIONLESS SOIL W. D. Guo (2007) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 44 Figure Captions Fig. 1 Schematic analysis for a rigid pile. (a) Pile - soil system. (b) Load transfer model Fig.2Schematiclimitingforceprofile,on-pileforceprofile,andpiledeformation.(a) Tip yield state. (b) Post-tip yield state. (c) Impossible yield at rotation point (YRP) Fig.3Comparisonbetweenthepredictedandthemeasured(PrasadandChari1999) radial pressure, or on a rigid pile surface Fig.4Effectoffree-lengthonresponsesofpilesattip-yieldstate.(a)Normalisedslip depth,zo/l.(b)Normalisedu0kolm/(Arl).(c)Normalisedekolm/Ar.(d)Normaliseddepth zm/l Fig.5Predictedvsmeasured(PrasadandChari1999)normalisedon-pileforceprofiles upon the tip yield. (a) Constant k. (b) Gibson k. Fig. 6 Normalised moment Mo (= Toe) and Mm Fig. 7 Normalised responses under various ratios of e/l. (a) Pile-head load Tt and mudline displacement u0. (b) Tt and rotation e. (c) Tt and maximum bending moment Mmax Fig.8Comparisonamongthecurrentpredictions,themeasureddata,andFEAresults (Laman,etal.1999).(a)Moversusrotationanglee(Test3).(b)Ttversusmudline displacement u0. (c) Mo versus rotation angle e (Effect of k profiles, Tests 2 and 1). Fig. 9 Comparison of the normalised pile capacity at various critical states Fig. 10 Comparison between the current predictions and the measured (Prasad and Chari 1999)data.(a)Pile-headloadTtandmudlinedisplacementu0.(b)Ttandmaximum bending moment Mmax. (c) Maximum bending moment Mmax and its depth zm Fig.11Effectofkdistributionsontheprofilesof(a)bendingmoment,and(b)shear force Fig. 12 Local shear force ~ displacement relationships at five typical depths