latin america: three factors holding back growth€¦ · latin america: three factors holding back...

1 Latin America: Three Factors Holding Back Growth 23 FEBRUARY 2015 BY ERIK NORLAND, SENIOR ECONOMIST, CME GROUP Three factors that will likely mean slow growth and weak currencies across Latin America in 2015: 1) Lower commodity prices: US Dollar (USD) prices for agricultural, energy and metals exports have fallen across the board and will reduce export revenue to varying degrees in the region. 2) Large current account deficits: In many Latin American nations, trade deficits are larger than historical norms and may require weaker domestic demand (less imports) in order to compensate for sluggish (or negative) growth in export revenue. 3) Rising inflation: most Latin American economies have experienced an increase in inflation. This may hinder the ability and willingness of the region’s central banks to boost demand by easing monetary policy and, in some cases, may lead to more restrictive monetary conditions. Against this backdrop, there is one countervailing factor: weaker currencies. Nearly all Latin American currencies have been depreciating. This will help offset some of the impact of the decline in commodity prices and may put Latin American countries on the path to smaller current account deficits by making imports more expensive and increasing the competitiveness of the region’s exports. Currency depreciation has its downside, however. With the exception of Mexico, inflation has been creeping up, even in countries where price increases have been relatively subdued such as Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru. Further currency weakness will likely increase inflationary pressures and may lead a number of regional central banks to tighten monetary policy, which may offset some of the gains from weaker exchange rates. While our overall outlook is for continued below-potential growth in Latin America in 2015, we emphasize that the region is highly diverse, and growth rates and inflation will differ greatly from one country to another. Among the region’s varied economies, we expect that Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Peru will be relative outperformers, while Colombia will slow substantially after many years of impressive growth. Finally, we expect difficult times for Argentina and especially so for Venezuela, where we anticipate a deep recession with the possibility of triple- digit inflation. Since commodity prices will be a major driver for the different outcomes across Latin America in 2015, this paper will first outline what the impacts are likely to be in the seven largest regional economies. Then we will look at each individual economy more in depth. Consequences of the Commodity Crash for Latin America Falling commodity prices will be a dominant theme in Latin America in 2015 and should contribute to a slowing of the region’s economic growth but with disparate impacts that will create interesting opportunities for investors. Oil and copper will trigger the greatest consequences. Oil: The collapse of oil prices will create highly varied outcomes for Latin American economies in 2015. It will be a boon for net oil importers such as Chile and neutral for producing countries like Argentina, Brazil and Peru that meet most or all of their domestic needs but never developed into net oil exporters. For the oil exporters, however, it’s a different story. By our estimate, if oil prices stay around $45/barrel in 2015, this will shave All examples in this report are hypothetical interpretations of situations and are used for explanation purposes only. The views in this report reflect solely those of the authors and not necessarily those of CME Group or its affiliated institutions. This report and the information herein should not be considered investment advice or the results of actual market experience.

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Page 1: Latin America: Three Factors Holding Back Growth€¦ · Latin America: Three Factors Holding Back Growth BY ERIK NORLAND, SENIOR ECONOMIST, CME GROUP 23 FEBRUARY 2015 Three factors


Latin America: Three Factors Holding Back Growth


Three factors that will likely mean slow growth and weak currencies across Latin America in 2015:

1) Lower commodity prices: US Dollar (USD) prices for agricultural, energy and metals exports have fallen across the board and will reduce export revenue to varying degrees in the region.

2) Large current account deficits: In many Latin American nations, trade deficits are larger than historical norms and may require weaker domestic demand (less imports) in order to compensate for sluggish (or negative) growth in export revenue.

3) Rising inflation: most Latin American economies have experienced an increase in inflation. This may hinder the ability and willingness of the region’s central banks to boost demand by easing monetary policy and, in some cases, may lead to more restrictive monetary conditions.

Against this backdrop, there is one countervailing factor: weaker currencies. Nearly all Latin American currencies have been depreciating. This will help offset some of the impact of the decline in commodity prices and may put Latin American countries on the path to smaller current account deficits by making imports more expensive and increasing the competitiveness of the region’s exports.

Currency depreciation has its downside, however. With the exception of Mexico, inflation has been creeping up, even in countries where price increases have been relatively subdued such as Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru. Further currency weakness will likely increase inflationary pressures and may lead a number of regional central banks to tighten monetary policy, which may offset some of the gains from weaker exchange rates.

While our overall outlook is for continued below-potential growth in Latin America in 2015, we emphasize that the region is highly diverse, and growth rates and inflation will differ greatly from one country to another. Among the region’s varied economies, we expect that Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Peru will be relative outperformers, while Colombia will slow substantially after many years of impressive growth. Finally, we expect difficult times for Argentina and especially so for Venezuela, where we anticipate a deep recession with the possibility of triple-digit inflation.

Since commodity prices will be a major driver for the different outcomes across Latin America in 2015, this paper will first outline what the impacts are likely to be in the seven largest regional economies. Then we will look at each individual economy more in depth.

Consequences of the Commodity Crash for Latin America

Falling commodity prices will be a dominant theme in Latin America in 2015 and should contribute to a slowing of the region’s economic growth but with disparate impacts that will create interesting opportunities for investors. Oil and copper will trigger the greatest consequences.

Oil: The collapse of oil prices will create highly varied outcomes for Latin American economies in 2015. It will be a boon for net oil importers such as Chile and neutral for producing countries like Argentina, Brazil and Peru that meet most or all of their domestic needs but never developed into net oil exporters. For the oil exporters, however, it’s a different story. By our estimate, if oil prices stay around $45/barrel in 2015, this will shave

All examples in this report are hypothetical interpretations of situations and are used for explanation purposes only. The views in this report reflect solely those of the authors and not necessarily those of CME Group or its affiliated institutions. This report and the information herein should not be considered investment advice or the results of actual market experience.

Page 2: Latin America: Three Factors Holding Back Growth€¦ · Latin America: Three Factors Holding Back Growth BY ERIK NORLAND, SENIOR ECONOMIST, CME GROUP 23 FEBRUARY 2015 Three factors

23 FEBRUARY 2015


approximately 1.3% off Mexican GDP growth, 4.0% in Colombia and over 10% in Venezuela. To see the details of our back of the envelope calculations, please refer to item 1 in the appendix.

For every $10 move up in oil, we would expect a marginal contribution of approximately +1.5% in Venezuela, 0.7% in Colombia and 0.2% in Mexico and -0.4% in Chile.

Copper will be a major issue as well, especially for Chile. While Chile will likely be a beneficiary of lower oil prices, the decline in copper prices may cancel out those gains if copper prices remain near current levels. Chile is the world’s largest copper producer, mining nearly one third of the world total and producing nearly 3.5x as much as China, the world’s next biggest producer. Just behind China, Peru is the world’s third largest copper producer, responsible for approximately 7% of the world’s supply in 2013.

Our estimates show that if copper prices remain near $2.50/lb, this will shave approximately 2.6% off Chilean GDP in 2015 and about 0.8% from Peruvian GDP, while having little impact on the rest of Latin America.

For every 10% additional decline in copper prices, we would expect to see approximately 1.3% to be taken off Chilean GDP and about 0.4% off Peruvian GDP.

Agriculture: Prices for corn, soybeans, sugar and wheat also plunged in 2014 and 2015. The decline in these commodities will be somewhat detrimental to Argentina, shaving about 1.4% off GDP before any second round effects are taken into account. The decline in sugar prices will also affect Brazil, trimming approximately 0.3% off growth should prices remain near early-February 2015 levels. The impact of the decline in agricultural goods prices should be fairly minor elsewhere in Latin America.

Overall, the drop in commodity prices will hit Venezuela by far the hardest owing to its reliance on energy but truth be told, it won’t be good for any country in Latin America. Colombia and to a lesser extent Mexico also are likely to take a hit from lower oil prices, although much more manageable ones than Venezuela. Peru will see some negative consequences from falling metals prices while in Chile the drop in copper will largely cancel out the gains coming from falling crude oil prices. Finally, the decline in agricultural goods prices will add some strain to Argentina’s already struggling economy while having a marginally negative impact in Brazil, which remains the best insulated economy in Latin American from the fall in commodity prices (see figure 2 for details).

Figure 2: Marginal Impact on 2015 GDP of the decline in commodity prices vs. 2014 averages Marginal Impact on 2015 GDP of the decline in commodity prices vs. 2014 averages

Source: CME Group Estimates based upon data from CIA World Fact Book,, US Grains Council, USDA, Energy Information Administration, US Geological Survey, British Geological Survey

-1.4% -0.3%

-0.1% -4.1%

-1.5% -0.8%

-10.2% -12.0%









Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Mexico Peru Venezuela

Oil Copper Agricultural Goods Net Impact

Figure 1: Estimated First Order GDP Impact of Decline in Agricultural Prices from 2014 Averages

Country Corn Soybeans Sugar Wheat Total

Argentina -0.2% -0.9% 0.0% -0.1% -1.3%

Brazil -0.2% -0.2% -0.1% 0.0% -0.5%

Chile 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -0.1%

Colombia 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -0.1%

Mexico -0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -0.2%

Peru 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% -0.1%

Venezuela 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

Source: US Grains Council,, CIA World Factbook

Page 3: Latin America: Three Factors Holding Back Growth€¦ · Latin America: Three Factors Holding Back Growth BY ERIK NORLAND, SENIOR ECONOMIST, CME GROUP 23 FEBRUARY 2015 Three factors

23 FEBRUARY 2015

Figure 3: Copper and Oil Prices: Rising Prices Lifted Boats, Falling Prices Can Sink ThemCopper and Oil Prices: Rising Prices Lifted Boats, Falling Prices Can Sink Them

Source: Bloomberg Professional, CL1 and HG1


























y 1,



= 1


Crude Oil Copper

Figure 4: Soybean, Corn and Wheat PricesSoybean, Corn and Wheat Prices

Source: Bloomberg Professional, S 1, C 1 and W 1


























y 1,



= 1


Soybean Corn Wheat

The above analysis only considers first order effects on the economy. The second order impacts are more complicated. Latin American currencies have already weakened versus the US Dollar over the past 12 months, partly as a result of weaker commodity prices. The decline in Latin American currencies, which began in 2013, will make the region’s goods and services more competitive. (Please see Figures 5 and 6 below for details.)

However, what is worrisome is that the currency weakness has boosted inflation rates in a number of Latin American countries. Thus far, the inflationary impact of weaker currencies has exceeded the disinflationary effects of weaker commodity prices. Inflation rates moving somewhat higher may limit the scope of Latin America’s central banks to respond to an economic slowdown by lowering interest rates.

In the charts below, we treat the low inflation countries (Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru) and the higher inflation countries (Argentina and Venezuela) separately. Paradoxically, falling oil prices are likely to send Venezuelan inflation soaring as the country may have to curtail its fuel subsidies and allow further depreciation of its currency in the face of depleted export revenues and currency reserves.

Figure 5: Latin American Currencies in DeclineLatin American Currencies in Decline

Source: Bloomberg Professional BRL, CLP, COP, MXN and PEN








Aug-11 Feb-12 Aug-12 Feb-13 Aug-13 Feb-14 Aug-14 Feb-15






Figure 6: Argentina and Venezuela's DevaluationsArgentina and Venezuela's Devaluations

Source: Bloomberg Professional, ARS and VEF























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23 FEBRUARY 2015


In contrast with the commodity price crash of the 1980s, for the moment the market grades the likelihood of sovereign default as fairly low, except in Venezuela where it appears to be a 55% probability, according to the sovereign CDS market ask price. Five-year default probabilities for Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru range from 1.1% to 2.1%. (Please see Figure 7 below for details.) Over the course of 2015 as the consequences of lower commodity prices become more apparent, the market might reevaluate some of these likelihoods upward. Our perspective is that a growing economy eventually leads to the acceleration of wage growth, but with a substantial lag, which works both ways. The impact of a recession appears in decelerating hourly wage growth for a number of years into the economic expansion. Because the Great Recession was particularly deep and also marked by substantial deleveraging in the consumer, business, and government sectors in the post-recession period, hourly wage growth deceleration did not end until 2012 and the subsequent acceleration has been slow. Even though some further acceleration of wage growth is likely in 2015, we would not expect this to result in any material inflationary pressure measured by the core consumer price index

Figure 7: 5Y CDS Spread

Source: Bloomberg Professional, SOVR

7 5Y CDS Spread

2.1% 1.1% 1.8% 1.2% 1.4%









Brazil Chile Colombia Mexico Peru Venezuela

Brazil: Sector Outperform

After a significant slowdown from its post-crisis rebound,

Brazil’s growth may be set to pick up again in 2015. We

anticipate 1.5% real GDP growth this year, above the 0.5%

consensus expectation in a recent Banco Central do

Brasil survey of economists. Among the Latin American

countries, Brazil is the most insulated from the impact

of falling commodity prices. Moreover, its currency has

weakened more than most of its peers, which should boost

exports, especially to the US, which may replace China as

the biggest source of growth for Brazilian merchandise.

Finally, Banco Central do Brasil may have a little bit of

scope to ease policy, in contrast with many of its Latin

American peers.

There are, however, a number of risks associated with this


1) Water shortages in Sao Paulo could hurt manufacturing

and business more broadly if the drought is not

alleviated. New investments in water infrastructure

could boost output, however.

2) Weaker-than-expected demand from China could slow

Brazil’s recovery as well.

3) Tax increases and spending cuts that went into effect in

late 2014 and early 2015 might also slow the recovery of

the economy.

4) The rising current account deficit could be corrected

at some point with significantly weaker domestic

demand (i.e. a recession) if Brazil can’t export its way to

recovery. (Please see Figure 9 below for details.)

5) Rising inflation could limit Banco do Brazil’s ability to

ease in the face of soft domestic spending.

Figure 8: Brazil: Real and Nominal GDP YoY

Source: Bloomberg Professional, BZGDYOY% and BZGDGDPQ

Brazil: Real and Nominal GDP YoY






















Real Nominal

Page 5: Latin America: Three Factors Holding Back Growth€¦ · Latin America: Three Factors Holding Back Growth BY ERIK NORLAND, SENIOR ECONOMIST, CME GROUP 23 FEBRUARY 2015 Three factors

23 FEBRUARY 2015

Figure 9. Brazil: Current Account as % of GDP

Source: Bloomberg Professional, BZCA%GDP

Brazil: Current Account % of GDP










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Figure 10: Brazil: Short Rates and Inflation




2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Short Term Rate (Selica)

Source: Bloomberg Professional, BZSELICA and BZPIIPCY

Brazil: Short Rates and Inflation


Chile: Caught Between Copper and Oil

Chile appears to be skating on the edge of a recession.

(Please see Figure 11 below for details). The lag impact

of a weaker Chilean Peso (CLP) may help Chile avoid an

outright downturn but one cannot rule out the possibility.

Chile’s economy will benefit from the collapse in oil prices

but will be hampered by the drop in copper prices. For

the moment, the collapse in oil prices (-60%) has been

much deeper than the drop in copper prices (-30%). If

copper prices fall further and oil prices rebound, that could

be a toxic mix for Chile and could tip the economy into

recession. As such, Chile’s fate remains to some extent

in the hands of the Chinese and their demand for copper,

which is Chile’s main export. Slowing growth in China is

bad news for Chileans.

Banco Central de Chile will almost certainly have to

tighten policy in 2015. Short rates have fallen below the

rate of inflation, which has been increasing. (Please see

Figure 12 below for details.) The decline in oil prices will

put some downward pressure on inflation but this will

be counteracted to some extent by the lag impact of the

weakness of the Chilean Peso.

Unlike many of its peers, Chile’s current account deficit

has been shrinking but it is still relatively large by historical

standards. (Please see Figure 13 below for details.) The

lag impact of a more favorable exchange rate will help to

narrow the gap, but we expect some softness in domestic


Figure 11: Chile: Real and Nominal GDP YoY

Source: Bloomberg Professional, CLGDPSA% and CLGDYCUR

11 Chile: Real and Nominal GDP YoY

Real Nominal









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Figure 12: Chile: Short Rates and Inflation

Short Rates

Source: Bloomberg Professional, CHIBNOM and CNPISYO

Chile: Short Rates and Inflation








2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


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23 FEBRUARY 2015


Figure 13: Chile: Current Account % of GDP









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Source: Bloomberg Professional, EHCACL

Chile: Current Account % of GDP

Figure 14: Colombia Real and Nominal GDP YoY

Source: Bloomberg Professional, COCIPIBY and COCUPIBY

14 Colombia: Real and Nominal GDP YoY

Real Nominal












2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Colombia: From Success to Distress?

Colombia has been one of the great success stories of the

past fifteen years with falling rates of inflation and robust

economic growth spurred by dramatically lower levels of

violence. (Please see Figure 14 below for details.) In the

long term, we remain optimistic on Colombia but we do see

growth taking a stumble in 2015, with expansion slowing

into the 0-2% range. Lower oil prices will take a bite out

of Colombia’s economy. Some of this will be offset by the

weakening of the Colombian Peso versus the US Dollar.

Colombia’s central bank has been proactively tightening

policy for some time and for the moment the rate of

inflation remains under control. (Please see Figure 15

below for details.) Even so, the potential for further interest

rate raises remains. Colombia is running a large current

account deficit and the weakness in COP hasn’t yet begun

to correct it. (Please see Figure 16 below for details.)

Running a current account deficit is not a problem so long

as the corresponding capital account surplus is being

productively invested, but with the declines in commodity

prices foreign investors may be less forthcoming during

the next few years.

The combination of that deficit and the weakness in oil

prices may put further downward pressure on COP and

might induce the central bank to tighten policy further.

Colombia also has some delicate geopolitical considerations

to navigate. First, it has to deal with the increasingly chaotic

situation on its border with Venezuela. Second, it is still

in talks to end decades of on-and-off violence with FARC.

These factors also need to be monitored when looking at

Colombia’s markets and economy.

Figure 15: Colombia Short Rates and Inflation








2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Short Term Rate Inflation

Source: Bloomberg Professional, COMM30D and COCPIYOY

Colombia: Short Rates and Inflation

Figure 16: Colombia Current Account % of GDP

Source: Bloomberg Professional, EHCACO

Columbia: Current Account % of GDP









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

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23 FEBRUARY 2015


Mexico: Slow growth to remain slow

Mexico’s growth rate has been slow the past several years

and it appears likely to remain slow in 2015, perhaps in the

1.5-2.5% range as a base case scenario. (Please see Figure

17 below for details.) Fortunately, the country is not as

dependent upon oil as it once was. The collapse in oil prices

appears likely to shave more than 1% off economic growth

in 2015 but the good news is that some of that is likely to

be offset by the lag impact of a weaker currency, which

should boost exports to the United States, Mexico’s main

trading partner. Additionally, US economic growth appears

likely to be robust in 2015. (Please see our article on US

Economic Outlook 2015.) Moreover, Banco de Mexico has

done an exemplary job of containing inflation. Even so, its

policy rate is currently below the rate of inflation and one

cannot rule out a few rate hikes over the course of 2015,

especially if MXN were to weaken further. (Please see

Figure 18 below for details.)

Mexico’s current account deficit is near its historical

average and doesn’t appear to be alarming. (Please see

Figure 19 below for details.) That said, it may also serve as

a restraint on economic growth, though not to the same

extent as elsewhere in Latin America.

Finally, there is the issue of Mexico’s stability. The level

and pervasiveness of violence calls into question the

government’s control over large sections of the country as

well as the attractiveness of certain regions of Mexico as a

business and tourist destinations. This may also hamper

foreign investment and economic growth in 2015 unless

the government is able to improve the security situation.

Figure 17: Mexico Real and Nominal GDP YoY

Source: Bloomberg Professional, MXGDP and MXGRGDP

17 Mexico: Real and Nominal GDP YoY

Real Nominal








2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Figure 18: Mexico: Short Rates and Inflation

Source: Bloomberg Professional, MXONBR and MXCPYOY

18 Mexico: Short Rates and Inflation







2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Short Term Rate (Central Bank Overnight) Inflation

Figure 19: Mexico: Current Account % of GDP









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Source: Bloomberg Professional, EHCAMX

Mexico: Current Account % of GDP

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23 FEBRUARY 2015


Peru: Potential for a Currency Devaluation

Peru’s currency, the New Sol, has depreciated to a much

lesser degree than its Latin American counterparts. This is

problematic given Peru’s enormous current account deficit

(Figure 20), relatively slow growth (Figure 21) and the

likely impact of weaker commodity prices. As such, we see

economic growth remaining weak, probably around 1% real

growth in GDP, with a significant risk (35%) of a recession.

Given the disinflationary influence of lower commodity

prices, a relatively strong currency (for the moment) and

slow economic growth, we don’t see much short-term risk

of the central bank tightening policy. This is especially true

given that the policy rate is already positive in real terms.

(Please see Figure 22 below for details.) Nevertheless, if

the New Sol does begin to weaken dramatically, it will put

upward pressure on inflation and may limit the ability and

willingness of the central bank to ease policy.

In this environment we see a significant risk that the New

Sol will catch up with its Latin American peers on the

downside during 2015. At its current level it will be difficult

for Peru to compete in the export market and to redress its

current account deficit.

Figure 20: Peru: Current Account % of GDP












2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Source: Bloomberg Professional, EHCAPE

Peru: Current Account % of GDP

Figure 21: Peru: Real and Nominal GDP YoY

Source: Bloomberg Professional, PRGDPYOY and PRDFYOY

21 Peru: Real and Nominal GDP YoY








2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Real Nominal

Figure 22: Peru: Short Rates and Inflation

Source: Bloomberg Professional, PSDR1T and PRCPYOY

22 Peru: Short Rates and Inflation










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Short Term Rate Inflation

Page 9: Latin America: Three Factors Holding Back Growth€¦ · Latin America: Three Factors Holding Back Growth BY ERIK NORLAND, SENIOR ECONOMIST, CME GROUP 23 FEBRUARY 2015 Three factors

23 FEBRUARY 2015


Argentina: Cry for Me

Argentina enters 2015 under challenging circumstances.

Inflation is soaring (notice the gap between nominal and

real GDP in Figure 23) and the central bank appears to

be behind the curve, having just begun tightening policy

during the last few months. (Please see Figure 24 below

for details.) Moreover, the country is once again in default

and appears to be unwilling to negotiate with its creditors

ahead of the 2016 elections. Finally, the government of

President Cristina Kirchner is enveloped in a scandal

involving an alleged cover up of Iranian involvement in the

July 18, 1994 attack on the Asociacion Mutual Israelita

Argentina in Buenos Aires. Irrespective of the veracity

of these allegations, the surrounding controversy could

hamper the government’s ability to deal with Argentina’s

economic challenges. As such, we expect a year of

stagnant to negative growth in Argentina accompanied

by further increases in inflation and significant currency


Although Argentina is largely insulated from the collapse

in oil and copper prices, declining prices for agricultural

goods will likely detract Argentina’s growth prospects in

2015. Additionally, although Argentina’s current account

deficit is reasonably small, since the country remains

largely cut off from the global capital markets, funding that

deficit is a challenge, especially in light of dwindling foreign

currency reserves and the large gap between the official

and black market exchange rates. (Please see Figure 25

below for details.)

Figure 23: Argentina: Real and Nominal DGP YoY

Source: Bloomberg Professional, ARGQPYOY and ARCUYOY

23 Argentina: Real and Nominal GDP YoY

Real Nominal
























Argentina: Real and Nominal GDP YoY

Figure 24: Argentina: Short Rates and Inflation

Source: Bloomberg Professional, BAIBAP2W and ARWPIYOY

24 Argentina: Short Rates and Inflation


























Two Week Buenos Aires Interbank Inflation

Figure 25: Argentina: Current Account % of GDPArgentina: Current Account % of GDP

Source: Bloomberg Professional, EHCAAR











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

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23 FEBRUARY 2015


Venezuela: Muy Duro (Very Difficult)

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro finds himself in an

unenviable situation. Inflation is soaring (Figure 26) and

real growth is stagnant (Figure 27). Officially, inflation is

around 70% and appears headed toward 100%. The price

of oil, responsible for the near totality (96%) of Venezuela’s

export earnings, has collapsed. Currency reserves are

running out so quickly that the central bank converted a

loan from China into foreign exchange reserves. In January,

Maduro visited China, Qatar and Russia to ask for loans

and aid to stave off an impending default on Venezuela’s

debt. Shortages of basic goods from toilet paper to

tampons are creating social unrest. To make matters

worse, Venezuela employs three official exchange rates

that apply to different kinds of goods. Officially, there are

6.30 Bolivars to the US Dollar. On the black market, one

US Dollar buys 175 Bolivars. Finally, the government’s

yawning budget deficit is being financed to a large extent

by the printing of money, in the vein of the Weimar Republic

(though not on the same scale).

We forecast a deep recession –possibly -10% for GDP in

real terms—for 2015, with hyperinflation and a massive

devaluation of the Bolivar. Oil traders be warned: the

potential for unrest in Venezuela raises the very real

specter of supply disruptions.

Figure 26: Venezuela: Short Rates and Inflation

Source: Bloomberg Professional, VNBOPROM and VZCPYOY%

26 Venezuela: Short Rates and Inflation








2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Short Term Rate Inflation

Figure 27: Venezuela: Real and Nominal GDP YoY

Source: Bloomberg Professional, VNGGYOY and VNGRYOY%

27 Venezuela: Real and Nominal GDP YoY













2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Real Nominal

Conclusion: Slow Growth with Diverse Economic and Currency Outcomes

2015 will likely be a subpar year for Latin America as the

region grapples with lower commodity prices and large

trade deficits. That said, outcomes will vary significantly

across the region. Among the relatively low inflation

countries, we look to Brazil as being the most likely to

outperform, followed by Mexico and Chile, while Colombia

and Peru will be more challenged.

Latin American currencies have weakened a great deal

since early 2014 as a result of weaker commodity prices, a

generally stronger dollar, as well as generally slow growth

in the region. If 2015 proves to be a “risk-off” environment

(global equities decline), then Latin American currencies

are likely to remain weak. If 2015 proves to be a “risk-on”

environment, Latin American currencies might be in a

position to rebound. In the latter case, BRL might be

the biggest beneficiary for two reasons: 1) it has by far

the highest interest rates among traded Latin American

currencies, and 2) BRL has underperformed its peers and

therefore might have the greatest potential to rebound.

Although they would benefit, to varying degrees, if carry

trades return to favor, we would be comparatively less

optimistic about the remaining Latin American currencies.

Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru all have much lower

interest rates than Brazil, making them relatively less

attractive than Brazil from a carry trade perspective.

Peru’s New Sol looks particularly challenged in light of

the country’s enormous current account deficit, relatively

low interest rates and the fact that the currency hasn’t

declined versus USD.

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23 FEBRUARY 2015


Appendix: Back of the Envelope Calculations for Commodity Price Decline GDP Impacts

Figure 1: Latin American Oil Consumption, Production and GDP

Production Millions of Barrels/ Day

Consumption Millions of Barrels/Day

Production - Consumption mb/d

Production - Consumption Annualized

Value of -$60 Change from High (Millions USD)

GDP (Millions USD)

GDP Impact of a $60 drop in the price of crude to $45/barrel (Millions USD)

Argentina 0.72 0.7 0.02 7.3 -438 484600 -0.1%

Brazil 2.65 2.81 -0.16 -58.4 3504 2190000 0.2%

Chile 0.02 0.36 -0.34 -124.1 7446 291700 2.6%

Colombia 0.97 0.29 0.68 248.2 -14892 369200 -4.0%

Mexico 2.94 2.14 0.8 292 -17520 1327000 -1.3%

Peru 0.16 0.17 -0.01 -3.65 219 210300 0.1%

Venezuela 2.49 0.78 1.71 624.15 -37449 367500 -10.2%

Source: Energy Information Administration and the CIA World Factbook with CME Group Calculations

Figure 2: Latin American Copper Production and GDP

Copper Production by Millions of Tons

$ Value of Production (Millions of USD) at 2014 Average Price of $3.10/lbs

$ Value of Production (Millions of USD) at Current Price of $2.50/lbs Difference

GDP (Millions USD)

GDP Impact of copper price decline

Argentina 134 916 739 -177 484600 0.0%

Brazil 220 1504 1213 -291 2190000 0.0%

Chile 5700 38956 31416 -7540 291700 -2.6%

Colombia 1 7 6 -1 369200 0.0%

Mexico 480 3280 2646 -635 1327000 0.0%

Peru 1300 8885 7165 -1720 210300 -0.8%

Venezuela 0 0 0 0 367500 0.0%

Source: US Geological Survey, British Geological Survey, CIA World Fact Book, CME Group

Figure 3: Latin American Corn Production and GDP

Metric Tons of Production (000s)

Conversion Metric Tons to Bushels

Production in Bushels (000s)

2013-2014 Average Price in Cents

February 2, 2015 Price in Cents

Lost Value in USD Millions

GDP in USD Millions

Marginal GDP Impact

Argentina 23000 39.37 905464 496 370 -1141 484600 -0.2%

Brazil 75000 39.37 2952600 496 370 -3720 2190000 -0.2%

Chile 1400 39.37 55115 496 370 -69 291700 0.0%

Colombia 1750 39.37 68894 496 370 -87 369200 0.0%

Mexico 23000 39.37 905464 496 370 -1141 1327000 -0.1%

Peru 1800 39.37 70862 496 370 -89 210300 0.0%

Venezuela 1300 39.37 51178 496 370 -64 367500 0.0%

Page 12: Latin America: Three Factors Holding Back Growth€¦ · Latin America: Three Factors Holding Back Growth BY ERIK NORLAND, SENIOR ECONOMIST, CME GROUP 23 FEBRUARY 2015 Three factors

23 FEBRUARY 2015


Sources for Agricultural Goods:

Index Mundi

US Grains Council

Additional Sources: Bloomberg Professional and CME Group

Copyright © 2015 CME Group. All rights reserved.

Figure 4: Latin American Soybean Production and GDP

Metric Tons of Production (000s)

Conversion Metric Tons to Bushels

Production in Bushels (000s)

2013-2014 Average Price in Cents

February 2, 2015 Price in Cents

Lost Value in USD Millions

GDP in USD Millions

Marginal GDP Impact

Argentina 29575 39.37 1164309 1320 960 -4192 484600 -0.9%

Brazil 29000 39.37 1141672 1320 960 -4110 2190000 -0.2%

Chile 43 39.37 1693 1320 960 -6 291700 0.0%

Colombia 272 39.37 10708 1320 960 -39 369200 0.0%

Mexico 3325 39.37 130899 1320 960 -471 1327000 0.0%

Peru 2 39.37 79 1320 960 0 210300 0.0%

Venezuela 257 39.37 10118 1320 960 -36 367500 0.0%

Figure 5: Latin American Sugar Production and GDP

Metric Tons of Production (000s)

Conversion Metric Tons to Pounds

Production in Pounds (000s)

2013-2014 Average Price in Dollars

February 2, 2015 Price in Dollars

Lost Value in USD Millions

GDP in USD Millions

Marginal GDP Impact

Argentina 2000 2204 4408000 16.91 14.22 -119 484600 0.0%

Brazil 36800 2204 81107200 16.91 14.22 -2182 2190000 -0.1%

Chile 300 2204 661200 16.91 14.22 -18 291700 0.0%

Colombia 2300 2204 5069200 16.91 14.22 -136 369200 0.0%

Mexico 6890 2204 15185560 16.91 14.22 -408 1327000 0.0%

Peru 1200 2204 2644800 16.91 14.22 -71 210300 0.0%

Venezuela 490 2204 1079960 16.91 14.22 -29 367500 0.0%

Figure 6: Latin American Wheat Production and GDP

Metric Tons of Production (000s)

Conversion Metric Tons to Bushels

Production in Bushels (000s)

2013-2014 Average Price in Cents

February 2, 2015 Price in Cents

Lost Value in USD Millions

GDP in USD Millions

Marginal GDP Impact

Argentina 12000 36.74 440880 637 493 -635 484600 -0.1%

Brazil 6300 36.74 231462 637 493 -333 2190000 0.0%

Chile 1620 36.74 59519 637 493 -86 291700 0.0%

Colombia 15 36.74 551 637 493 -1 369200 0.0%

Mexico 3660 36.74 134468 637 493 -194 1327000 0.0%

Peru 230 36.74 8450 637 493 -12 210300 0.0%

Venezuela 0 36.74 0 637 493 0 367500 0.0%