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Report of the Self-evaluation Committee

Jelgava, 2001

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Introduction.....................................................................................................3Report of Self-evaluation Management Committee Part 1.........................7

1.1. The goal and tasks of study programme....................................................81.2. The acquirable qualification ......................................................................91.3. Comparison with the study programmes of European countries...............91.4. Study programme and plan......................................................................111.5. Inquiries....................................................................................................111.6. Perspective evaluation of a study programme.........................................131.7. Organization of studies and evaluation of knowledge.............................13

1.7.1. Criteria of knowledge evaluation..............................................141.8. Advertisements and informative materials about possibilities to study...141.9. Admission of students..............................................................................151.10. Graduation..............................................................................................151.11. Students’ scientific research work.........................................................161.12. Study financing......................................................................................181.13. Information about academic staff1.........................................................181.14. Study provision and management..........................................................191.15. System providing the quality studies.....................................................201.16. Participation in international projects....................................................20

1.16.1 Existing projects.......................................................................201.16.2 Future projects..........................................................................22

1.17. Advantages and drawbacks of FVM......................................................231.18. Development plans.................................................................................241.19. Transferring plan of annual activities....................................................251.20. Resume...................................................................................................25

Appendices to the first part of the report:

1. Comparison of the study plan.....................................................................412. Subordination of subjects in a special higher study programme.................48

2.1.1- 2.1.3 Inquiries of FVM students...............................................502.2.1- 2.2.3 Inquiries of FVM teaching staff.......................................532.3.1- 2.3.5 Inquiries of veterinarians – graduates..............................56

3. Number of students (study years 1995 - 2000)...........................................574. Number of graduates (study years 1995 - 2000).........................................585. Costs of “Veterinary Medicine” study programme.....................................596. Qualification of FVM teaching staff...........................................................607. Age and scientific degree of the academic staff of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine .......................................................................................618. Age and post of the academic staff of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.........................................................................................................639. Provision of Veterinary Medicine higher professional study programme with books....................................................................................6410. Working out of study programme and scheme of acceptance..................64


Page 3: LATVIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE - AIKNC · Web viewProfessor A.Jemeļjanovs – 1,0 CP (24h and 2 CP - 48h in lab.). In conclusion - examination. Compulsory. Andrology - fundamental

Report of the Self-Evaluation Committee for Accreditation of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) LUA


Veterinary medicine is a branch that deals with animal welfare, health surveillance, prevention of diseases, protects humans from zooanthroponoses, i.e., diseases common in man and animals, and ensures high-quality food products of animal origin for human consumption.

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) is a structural unit of the Latvian University of Agriculture (LUA) that provides higher professional education of high prestige and research. Activities of the Faculty are aimed at the training of specialists in veterinary medicine according to the increasing demands of society.

1. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) and curriculum

The FVM is one of the oldest faculties at the LUA. It was founded in 1919 at the University of Latvia, in Riga. In 1944 it was included in the Latvian Academy of Agriculture, at present Latvian University of Agriculture, and since 1964 it is situated in Jelgava.

The teaching and educational work is performed by 34 members of staff: 2 professors, 6 associate professors, 1 senior professor, 6 docents, 10 lecturers and 9 assistants. They deliver lectures, hold seminars and practical classes. The Faculty draws in expertise from other relevant faculties of the LUA, and 65 academic personnel are in charge of professional study programmes of veterinary medicine in total 55 staff positions (of them 27.5 are FVM staff members)

Outstanding researchers and practitioners from foreign countries are also involved in the teaching process as guest lecturers on a regular basis. Most of the academic staff of the FVM have improved their professional skills in either European or American veterinary colleges or schools.

In the beginning of the academic year 2000/2001 there were 240 undergraduate students, 49 master students and 13 doctoral students.At the FVM one can acquire the speciality of veterinary medicine. The course envisages undergraduate and postgraduate studies, including master and doctoral studies.

Undergraduate curriculum, master and doctoral study programme was approved by the LUA Senate on 7 June 2000, decision No 3-35 and on 6 December 2000, decision No 3-58.

The course of veterinary undergraduate studies lasts for 6 years. Graduates have the right to take a master’s course.

Full-time master studies last for 2 years and that of part-time master programme takes 4 years of studies. The main scientific trends of doctoral studies are the following:


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morphology, physiology, internal diseases, surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, infectious diseases and microbiology, parasitology.

Full-time doctoral studies last for 3 years, and part-time course takes 4 years of studies.

2. Goals and tasks of study programmes

Teaching at the FVM is aimed at preparing highly qualified specialists of veterinary medicine in accordance with the increasing demands of society. Its major objective is to develop many-sided educated personalities capable to make decisions independently as well as to solve problems in co-operation with other specialists.

Every of the study programmes has its own certain tasks:Higher professional education programme – its task is to obtain deep theoretic knowledge, professional skills and creative approach to work, to prepare students for further studies leading to the Master’s Degree;

Master’s study programme - its task is to ensure the acquisition of extended fundamental and theoretical course of the branch, to prepare many-sided educated specialists for scientific, pedagogic and leadership activities in the chosen branch as well as to prepare them for doctoral studies;

Doctoral study programme – its task is to reach the highest level of theoretical knowledge in the chosen scientific branch, to perfect skills in pedagogic work and to present a doctoral thesis according to the requirements.

3. Organisation of self-evaluation for accreditation

In order to organise a self evaluation for accreditation, 8 subcommissions were established by the Council of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine decision on 19 May 1999:

1. Evaluation of undergraduate studies.2. Master studies3. Research.4. Comparison of curricula.5. Questionnaires.6. The teaching and learning environment.7. Facilities and equipment. Finances.8. Strategy of the Faculty development.

Academic staff, support staff, undergraduate students as well as master and doctoral students were included in every subcommission.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Faculty had been analysed, and a perspective development plan of the FVM was elaborated.

A serious work has been carried out in the field of developing a new curriculum. Members of commissions have visited different higher schools (in Finland, Sweden,


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Norway, Germany, Lithuania and Estonia) and have analysed curricula of analogic specialities in details.

To evaluate the new curriculum of the FVM, a seminar of strategic planning was held within the framework of the TEMPUS project in October 2000.

Discussions were also held with the professional organisation of veterinarians – Latvian Association of Veterinarians.

The main conclusions: the FVM is able to ensure a high standard of higher professional education through undergraduate studies, master and doctoral studies. In order to acquire qualitative professional education, a half-year internship practice in the State Veterinary Service, State Diagnostic Centre, Sanitary Border Inspection and in private clinics is established.

It should be pointed out that commissions have worked actively in several directions with students and graduates. In 1997 the student self-government started its work at the FVM, and in 1998 its statutes were developed. Veterinary students have been awarded the K.Ulmanis scholarship (I.Lūsis) and the Senate of the LUA scholarship (A.Laizāne, J.Maneks, I.Dūrītis). Students take an active part in the maintenance of the FVM premises.

The FVM co-operates with the Latvian Association of Veterinarians that contributes to organising conferences, seminars and assists in ensuring places for students to practise. The results obtained of the questionnaire show that interrelationship of 77.2 % of the academic staff of the FVM is estimated as good 69.7 % of students and 66.6 % of master students are satisfied with the quality of the study process, 93 % of graduates share the opinion that the acquired knowledge and qualification have enabled them to begin their careers with confidence and autonomy.

Unfortunately, for the FVM, as for the most of Latvian higher educational institutions, the process of the change of generations is very painful. The reason of that is clear – low salaries for assistants and lecturers, high requirements for the Doctor’s degree (the great number of articles in publications referred by the Latvian Council of Science, small scholarship etc.), a chance to get a well-paid job in the State Veterinary Service, Veterinary Border Control, food processing enterprises, etc.

However, the FVM should pay more attention to these problems. Opportunities should be sought for drawing in young people who have acquired foreign experience and are interested in research and education. Administration of the LUA is concerned about these problems; therefore, salaries to the young perspective teaching staff are increased to the level of docent’s salary (till 3 years). In the recent years a lot of effort have been made to upgrade facilities and equipment at the FVM. Although, the funds allocated by the state for this purpose are insufficient and the FVM spends its incomes from research contracts, room rental agreements and international project funds (see Table1).


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Table 1Funds spent by FVM, Ls

Type of expenses Year1998 1999 2000

Movables (computers, laboratory equipment etc.)

1771.00 19395.92 25342.88

Capital repairsIncluding students hostel N0 9




Since 1998 great renovation of the Faculty has been carried out to upgrade the teaching premises and students hostel at the total sum Ls 244399.49 in 1998-2000, including Ls 17147.06 for the Hostel.

Equipment (computers, laboratory appliances, projectors etc.) and the newest veterinary medical literature is supplied at the total sum of Ls 46888 from the TEMPUS project.

Subcommissions have collected the relevant information from May 1999 till January 2001. The work is being continued. This report of self-evaluation is made on the basis of the reports presented by subcommissions.

The self-evaluation committee acted according to the Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine decision. The chairman of the committee is A.Mugurēvičs, doc., Dr. med. vet., Dean FVM.


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Latvian University of AgricultureFaculty of Veterinary Medicine

Report of Veterinary Medicine Study Programme Self- evaluation Management Committee

Part 1

Programme for higher professional studies “Veterinary Medicine”(code 45641)

Jelgava, 2001


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Higher professional study programme of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

1.1. Goal and tasks of study programme

Goal- to prepare specialists of high level - veterinarians, corresponding the increasing social economic and intellectual demands of society in order to create professionally educated, socially active, cultural and virtuous specialists in any of the veterinary medicine branches, being able to find solution of problems independently and together with other specialists, make decisions and function actively, applying the latest scientific achievements for perfecting their professional performance, continuing self- education and acquiring practical skills independently, specializing in any of the veterinary medicine subbranches.

Tasks- to give theoretical knowledge, skills and knacks expected in the study programme in order to be able:

to advance animal welfare, health keeping, productivity and usefulness for work, sports, to keep them for satisfying human ethic and aesthetic and other needs;

to evaluate animal’s health condition, to denote diagnosis of a disease, to give a professional and economic motivation for the purposefulness and usefulness of veterinary activities, to carry out animal’s individual and group treatment, veterinary sanitary, prophylaxis and other activities;

to organize and manage anti-epizootic, prophylactic and recovering activities in cases of infectious diseases in order to reduce people’s morbidity with the diseases common for people and animals;

to foster the production of high quality and harmless food of animal origin; to determine the quality of animal husbandry production and raw materials; to organize the veterinary sanitary supervision of food products in obtaining,

treating, storage and realization places; to evaluate the veterinary sanitary conditions of livestock farming, usage and

design of veterinary objects, animal hygiene; to carry out researches, accumulate experience and observation in the

professional work so that most effective methods and experience could be introduced into practice;

to work out activities for improving conditions in livestock farming and environment protection;

to control the production of veterinary preparations, storage and appliance and to use them correctly;

correctly perform record keeping of veterinary work, registration and survey documentation;

to acquire and handle veterinary and medical technics, equipment and apparatus.

Planned economic result: the study programme provides preparation of wide scale specialists in veterinary medicine which are able to act successfully in the following areas:

in Ministry of Agriculture, State Veterinary Service, regional, district and city veterinary boards;

in the State Veterinary Medicine Center of Diagnostics, district (zonal) veterinary laboratories;


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in the veterinary control institutions of the State border; in the enterprises of animal husbandry production, treatment and storage, in

their supervision, work organization and management; in the veterinary sanitary investigation laboratories of meat, milk, fish a.o.

product treating enterprises and market, in evaluating and investigating the quality of foodstuffs;

in the state self- government, private and co-operative hospitals, out-patient clinics, clinics, societies and farms specialized in horse, cattle, pig, sheep, goat, poultry, dog, cat, fur-bearing animal, fish, bee, exotic, wild and laboratory animal diseases, treating, prophylactic and professionally consultative work;

in the enterprises of pharmacy, medicine and biopreparation production and distribution;

in large-scale veterinary stores, depots and drugstores, in provision and commerce of biopreparations, medicine, instruments, apparatus, equipment a. o. materials;

in the institutions of animal artificial insemination, biotechnology and genetic improvement of livestock;

in animal protection, animal welfare and the organizations of animal care; in Latvian Association of Veterinarians a.o. organizations, in self-government

and state governing institutions; in the scientific and educational institutions in the scientific and pedagogical

work; in the international organizations in the sphere of veterinary medicine.

In the process of discussions of self-evaluation, it is acknowledged that the tasks of higher professional study programme is dynamic and changeable. Most of the potential changes are possible in connection with Latvia integration in the EU and with it connected restructuring of agricultural and food enterprises as well as with the increasing demands in the area of food control.

1.2. The acquirable qualificationAfter acquiring the higher professional study programme in the specialty of veterinary medicine- veterinary surgeon.

1.3. Comparison to the study programmes of European countries1998 and 2000 academic year study programmes of the LUA, FVM were evaluated comparing to 1999 academic year study programmes of the Helsinki University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the Hanover School of Veterinary Medicine. The study programmes of these schools have received a positive international evaluation. According to the directives of the EU Commission 78/1027/EEC the study Curriculum subjects are divided in the following groups: basic subjects, animal production, basic sciences, clinical sciences, food hygiene and practice (see appendix Nr. 1).The volume of subjects are evaluated in academic hours, not in credits as their value in various higher schools is different.The study year in all plans of the faculties is divided into two- autumn and spring semesters, the length of which is 16 weeks. On the whole the organization of study process in lectures, laboratory and practical works in individual and group work is alike.


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In the directives of the EU humanitarian subjects are not included. According to the resolution of the Senate of the LUA, philosophy, psychology, aesthetics, human protection, law principles and a foreign language are included in the study Curriculum of the FVM what makes 6,0% in 1998 and 4,6% in 2000 from the total amount of studies, physical training being not included. A foreign language is included because knowledge acquired in high schools is not sufficient. In the Helsinki University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine a foreign language makes 2.1% from the total amount of studies.Basic subjects- chemistry, informatics-biometry, zoology/ biology are included in the study plans. Physics/ biophysics is not planned in the Helsinki University, the FVM, but ecology/ environment protection- in the Hanover School of Veterinary Medicine. The volume of Basic subjects of the FVM is a little bigger.On the whole the volume of Animal production subject group is similar in all faculties. In Hanover a little bit more lessons are given to animal production and protection. In the Helsinki University, the FVM the total amount of this group of subjects is less than in the FVM of the LUA and in Hanover (8,4%).In the group of Basic sciences in the comparable higher schools all subjects are included approximately in the same volume.Subjects of Clinical sciences are very similar in all higher schools. In the plans of the FVM of the LUA the absolute and relative volume is even greater than in Helsinki and Hanover.The volume of Food hygiene in 1998 academic year plan of the FVM was smaller than in Helsinki and Hanover veterinary schools what is averted in 2000 academic year study plan of the FVM.The proportion of Optional subjects in the plans of Helsinki and Hanover veterinary schools is bigger. In the FVM of the LUA the greatest part them is included in the number of obligatory acquirable subjects.The practical work in veterinary clinics, laboratories and meat processing plants is of great importance in the training of professional veterinarians.The practical training of the FVM are planned in all courses, they are specialized. The volume of the practical training is approximately the same as in Hanover, but smaller than in Helsinki, the FVM. All veterinary schools have the similar problems providing patients with productive animals in the training clinics. Veterinary schools are obliged to send students in training practices to veterinary practitioners.Examination (tests) are planned in the programmes of all veterinary schools, the amount and procedure of them as well as an evaluation of knowledge is a little bit different.Therefore we come to the conclusion that the number of the lessons in subjects and training practices of the LUA, FVM, the Helsinki University, FVM and the Hanover School of Veterinary Medicine in the study plans is similar.The study programme of the FVM has been established according to the laws of Latvia Republic about the higher education and the current problems of veterinary medicine. In the comparison of study plans much was contributed by the teaching staff of the FVM, personally getting acquainted with the study process of the comparable higher schools during the visits as well as the consultative visits of the mentioned veterinary school professors to the FVM, the LUA.

1.4. Study programme and plan.


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The higher professional study programme to a large extent is directed towards acquiring special knowledge in veterinary medicine. The amount of Humanitarian and Basic subjects is 44 credits.Basic and humanitarian subjects and the subjects of economics studies ensure sufficiently high level of general education and provide basic knowledge of biological character for acquiring special subjects. See the subordination of the study programmes, plans and subjects in appendix Nr. 2. The current items of veterinary medicine are solved in course papers, literary investigations and practically performed experiments or clinical cases. Practical trainings from the first to the sixth courses ensure the connection between theoretical part of studies and practice. In the study process students have got chances to have in-service trainings abroad.

It is possible to acquire computer technics in the computer classes of the LUA, the Institute of Informatics and the FVM. More extended chances to acquire skills working work with a computer are in the frames of the study subject - Principles of biometry. On the whole it should be admitted that provision with computers is satisfactory and the Faculty manages to ensure possibilities of independent work in that direction. Internet web is also available to students.The higher professional study programme ensures the students the chances to perfect knowledge at least in two foreign languages- in English and German ( according to a student’s choice in total 6.5 credits) as well as the Latvian language in the courses for charge. It is possible to acquire the Swedish and French languages by choice.The possibility to go in for physical trainings and sports is also ensured in the Sports House of the LUA. For strengthening students’ health Physical training in the first and second courses is included in the study plan as a subject. For the students of the senior courses it is possible to indulge in sports in teams or groups, or groups for charge.

1.5. Inquiries.The students, teaching staff and graduates of the FVM were inquired. Students’ opinions about the proportions of lectures and laboratory works for perfecting professional knowledge and professional development were ascertained in the students’ surveys. Lectures seem to be interesting for 90.8% from the inquired students and 50% of the respondents are for that that they should be attended, 21% of the respondents have a neutral position. 52.6% of the students recognise that lecture digests are applied in the special subjects in order to acquire a subject and get a positive evaluation. 30.2% of the respondents say that they regularly use additional literary sources to acquire the study subjects. 88.7% of the students admit that laboratory and practical works are necessary to acquire the practical skills in the exact subject. 12% of the respondents are not ready to express their point of view.61.8% of the students acquire the programme of the study subjects regularly, but 19.7%- not systematically.The given information of the Information Center of the FVM is applied by 57.9%, but 26.3% of the inquired students use only the materials of lectures and laboratory works. The importance of course papers acquiring the subject is a question under discussion. 30% of the inquired students consider that elaboration of course papers give nothing important for professional development. The importance of practical trainings is great in the study programme and they have an essential meaning in the professional education, it is admitted by 100% of the respondents.In the 5th course 69.7% of the respondents highly evaluate the level of their professional preparedness; 18.4%- respond that it is satisfactory, but 11.8% of the


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respondents seem to have a low level of knowledge. It proves that the content of the study programmes of the FVM correspond the requirements of a competition (see appendices 2.1.1- 2.1.3.)

The inquired teaching staff in 77.2% of cases consider that the mutual relationship in the collective is good. 90.9% of the inquired teaching staff consider that it is possible to choose freely the teaching methods of the corresponding material. It is a very good indicator that 81.8% of the inquired acknowledge a regular renovation and perfection of the content of the subject. We tried to ascertain the impulses for perfecting the subject’s content. The latest literature should be mentioned as the main impulse (63.6%). Six teachers from the teaching staff considered that an impulse should be looked upon as the result of efficiency increasing. Five teachers admit that it is stimulated by students’ desire. Only a few of them think that an impulse should be searched in the changes of the legislation and development of the national economy. The teaching staff itself recognizes the necessity of obtaining the professional information in the subject to be their most important functions (86.3%). As one of the functions is considered to be a stimulation of students’ interests in the acquirable subject (54.5%). Less meaning is devoted to the activation of the students independent work. 80.3% suppose that they are practically satisfied with their results of work in the study process. The lack of money is supposed to be one of the drawbacks (63.6%), the lack of teaching aids is supposed to be a drawback by 27.2%, the lack of time is considered to be a drawback by 22.7%. To some of the teaching staff it seems that the students’ nonchalance and the great number of students in the groups are disturbing. Most of the teaching staff of the Faculty acknowledged that the study process is satisfactory provided with technical equipment (86,3%). Although 22.7% of the inquired consider that it is insufficient. The teaching staff of the Faculty are against the optional subjects because 77.2% of the inquired have not prepared any programme of an optional subject. The teaching staff of the Faculty is particularly satisfied with the provision of textbooks in the Information Center of the FVM. 86.3% of the inquired teaching staff think the directions of specialisation in the two last years are optimal. Most of the teaching staff has evaluated the international experience satisfactorily (77,2%) (see appendices 2.2.1-2.2.3.)

According to the surveys of veterinarians it can be concluded that the acquirable professional qualification (preparedness) in most cases has been evaluated as satisfactory (from 60 inquired - 70%) and in the high level (from 28-48%).A very great number of the inquired veterinarians (93%) consider that the knowledge obtained in the study process has ensured the development of their career. The career is realised mostly in the practices of private enterprises (from 58-62%), in the State Veterinary Service (from 25-38%) and in food processing enterprises -16%. It shows that the content of the study programmes of the FVM corresponds the requirements of practice.Among the inquired veterinarians are no special objections about the content of the study programme. Most of the graduates suppose that too large number of lessons is devoted to the subjects of general education (see appendix 2.3.1.)

1.6. The perspective evaluation of the study programmeLooking from the point of view of Latvia state interests the current study programme and the financing system of those who study ensure the preparation of specialists for


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the requirements of Latvia. Educating the country youths helps to stabilise social and economic situation in the country. The knowledge obtained during the course of studies allows the youths to start private practices after graduation thus ensuring new working places in the country. The most part of the unemployed in the country has got an insufficient level of education for successful work therefore the flow of new, up-to-date educated specialists in the country is essential. Although there is a succession of unsolved items in the scale of the state. An annual, precise state order for preparing students is necessary, the performance of this order should be paid from the Latvia State Budget. The charge for the studies of other students should be paid by the exact juridical or physical persons, using the crediting system or other chances. The requirements of the EU which are demanded from veterinary medicine as a regulated speciality should also be taken into consideration.The volume of separate humanitarian subjects should be reduced in the higher professional study programme. It is expected that the knowledge of foreign languages and provision of computers in the schools of secondary general education will be improved so the volume of foreign language studies in the study programme will be reduced and the content of the subjects in informatics will be changed. The content of the subjects in physics and chemistry during the next years should be perfected in the direction of appliance (biophysics, biochemistry a. o.).Each programme of the special subjects should be renovated according to the standpoint of the EU and the policy of agricultural development.

1.7. Organisation of studies and evaluation of knowledge.The planned distribution of time for acquiring study programmes is 6 years for full-time studies. In the first four courses the length of autumn and winter semesters is 16 weeks. But in the 5th course it is 12 weeks, in the 6th course the 11th semester is 16 weeks long. The theoretical studies in autumn and winter semesters are followed by three week individual studies and examinations (tests). The summer holiday in the first four courses is 8 weeks, the winter holiday- 2 weeks (+ 1 week Easter holiday). The volume of the practical training in the first three courses is 3 weeks, in the 4th course - 8 weeks, in the 5th course -6 weeks, in the sixth course - 12 weeks (internal practice). The working week for the students in the speciality of veterinary medicine is 50 hours long including approximately 26 hours in the auditorium. The total volume of studies in six years comprise 4732 hours. The proportions of the students independent work during the study process is 40-50%. Evaluating the organisation of the study programmes it is acknowledged that it is necessary to increase the proportion of the students independent work reducing the class time in auditoriums. Planning the classes more time should be given for the students independent work in the library and computer classes as well as in the clinic of the FVM and in the hospital. The internal practice is included in the study programme in order to increase the level of practical professional skills of the graduates. Its financing is not included in the total study budget.


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1.7.1. Criteria evaluating knowledge

A student’s ability to apply the obtained knowledge of the fundamental, humanitarian and special subjects in the further professional activity and in its perfection is taken as the basis for the evaluation criteria of the acquirable education as well as an ability to understand the developing tendencies of veterinary medicine in Latvia and the world. The study plan ensures a mutually subordinated system for acquiring the study disciplines where successful acquiring of one subject is on the basis of the previously given information.A regular control of the independent work takes place during the acquiring process of separate subjects, checking up the performance of laboratory and practical works; carrying out understanding of the questions in seminars as well as during the time of working out course papers and defending them.At the end of each subject a test or examination is planned. It the acquiring of the subject which is planned to last for several semesters, a test should be passed at the end of each semester, but an examination should be taken after completing a full study programme of the subject. Studies take place according to the system of courses, where a student’s enlisting in the next course is possible only after successful finishing of the previous course in all subjects envisaged in the study plan. In the conclusion of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th courses there are complex practical, in the 6th course- an internal practice (12 weeks), a test is received after the defence of a practical training test.

Pretending to obtain the qualification of a veterinarian the students take 3 state examinations: Infectious diseases, veterinary sanitary investigation of food products and organisation of veterinary service; Internal noninfectious diseases, clinical pharmacotherapy, animal hygiene; surgery, obstetrics and artificial insemination.

Knowledge is evaluated in 10 point system according to the criteria confirmed by the Senate of the LUA (decision of the LUA Senate on May 13, 1998 Nr.232), where 10 is bright, 9-excelent; 8-very good, 7-good, 6-almost good; 5-satisfactory, 4-almost satisfactory, 3-bad, 2-very bad, 1-not satisfactory.

In the course of self- evaluation it is acknowledged that evaluating knowledge, “bright” (10 points) is an evaluation which is used little what shows that the most part of students are not able to acquire knowledge above the demand level of programmes during the course of studies and because of the high and uneven criteria of demands of teachers evaluating students’ knowledge.

The evaluation system of knowledge should be improved, extending wider discussions as well as denoting strict evaluation criteria. The volume of students study work should be reviewed in acquiring different study subjects. For this purpose it is necessary to continue the started work developing the list of obligatory and recommended literature corresponding the credit volume.

1.8. Advertisements and informative materials about the study possibilities

There are the following main advertisements and informative materials about the study possibilities in Veterinary medicine study programme:


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“The Open Doors “”what are organised in the LUA and the FVM every year at the end of March, during pupils’ holidays. On March 31, 2000 the Faculty was visited by 35 potential students, the most part of the interested were from Riga and Valmiera;

The republican exhibition “School “ organised in the Exhibition Centre “Ķīpsala”, in which the LUA and the faculties take part every year;

The advertising booklet of the FVM is issued, it is supplemented and renovated every year (available in the Faculty);

The teaching staff of the Faculty publish their articles in the press of the republic and take part in radio and television broadcasts;

Internet Home page of the Faculty is established; Study informative material in the English language is prepared;Annotations of the study subjects are included in the subject catalogue of the LUA, and it will be available to all students in Internet.

1.9. Students’ admissionMatriculation in the FVM occurs according to the LUA admission regulations, which are confirmed in the Senate of the LUA annually (see admission regulations in the common appendices). Every year 50 full-time students are enrolled in the FVM for basic studies for the state budget means. The number of the enrolled students according to years see in appendix 3.The study payment is confirmed in the LUA Senate annually. In study year 2000/2001 the payment in the LUA was quoted in the amount of 300Ls. The contingent of the newly enrolled students of 2000 is formed by: school-leavers of the secondary schools - 73% graduates of the technical schools - 25% graduates of other secondary educational establishments - 2%See the students’ division according to sex in appendix Nr.3The number of full-time students in dynamics sharply reduces from the 1st to 5th courses (see appendix Nr.3)The main reasons for the reduction are: discharged for not filling the study plan (42.6%); discharged because of family circumstances (37.4%); discharged as not returned from the academic leave (19.4%); discharged because of the change of the study programme

A great number of drop-outs is because the students do not fulfil the study plan (unproficiency). It can be explained by an uneven quality of education in the fundamental subjects - physics, chemistry, mathematics. The reason of which is an insufficient competition in comparison with other study programmes of the LUA. An initial preparedness for a part of students does not correspond the demands as well as a low level of the study motivation.

1.10. GraduationThe length of veterinary medicine studies is 6 years. To get a veterinarian’s diploma and a diploma appendix, the study plan should be fulfilled in the volume of 273.5 credits (a sample of a diploma supplement is available in the Faculty).A student, which has passed all examinations and tests, which has defended course papers in the subjects foreseen in the study plan and which has collected the necessary number of credits, is allowed to take the state examinations according to the Dean’s


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order. In the conclusion of veterinary medicine study programme three state examinations are foreseen: Infectious diseases, food control and inspection, organisation of veterinary work; Internal diseases, special pathology, animal and environment hygiene; Small animal and large animal surgery, obstetrics, gynaecology and artificial insemination.The Faculty Council has confirmed the structure of the state examination papers (minutes Nr 8 May 17, 2000), the content of it is carried out by the teaching staff of the profiling (sectional) institutes. A sample of the state examinations paper is available in the Faculty.The extended programme of the state examinations before reviewing in the FVM Council meeting is approximated with the leading specialists of the State Veterinary Service and Educational Commission of Latvian Veterinarian Society.The goal of the State examinations is to check up a student’s ability complexly analyse problems of veterinary medicine, create a motivated and logical oral answer as well as denote if a student’s knowledge corresponds the attributable veterinarian’s qualification.The State examinations are accepted by State Examination Commission (SEC) confirmed by the LUA rector’s order and by the managers of the most important subjects invited to every state examination. The results of an examination are recorded in a special record-book of higher schools and in a control-list. Papers are evaluated with 100 points, preparing a special evaluating scale for a 10 point evaluation system. An examination is passed, if the SEC has evaluated a student’s answers higher than 4 points (almost satisfactorily). The decision of the State Examination Commission is absolute. In the case of inproficiency the repeated taking of an examination is possible only in a year. See the number of the graduates of veterinary medicine study programme in appendix 4.

1.11. Students’ scientific research workIn the course of studies each student has got a possibility to involve in the deeper scientific research of various themes of veterinary medicine. The directions of the scientific research and themes depend on students’ interests and desires as well as on the possibilities which can be ensured by the qualification of the teaching staff and material technical basis of the institute.

Most often the students’ research themes are diseases they have got acquainted with in training and production practices and with a deeper research of the problems connected with them. During the practices a student under the guidance of veterinarians practitioners acquires skills of clinical examining, treating, profilacting experiment objects, but under the guidance of a university teacher he/she theoretically analyses the exact case in order to create a general conception. The students are also involved in the scientific research which is carried out by the teaching staff – scientists in the frames of a grant. Here the students take part in the experiments, get acquainted with an essence of researches and turn more to the used objects, the analyses of methods. The teaching staff has an essential role in the choice of students’ scientific research work directions. The teaching staff has a good contact with the students, they are able to create their interest and encourage them to research. Thus, analysing activities of the students scientific research during the last 5 years, several main directions are clearly outlined: pathology, parasitology, surgery. These are the branches in which the leading teaching staff manages to attract students.


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Each study year the rector of the LUA announces the organisation of a students’ scientific conference and ensures premium for the best authors’ of the reports. In the scientific branch of veterinary medicine a conference traditionally takes place in spring. It is organised by the departments - institutes according to the principle of rotation, but the last five years it was organised by the Department of Infectious diseases. Reports on the results of the scientific research work are delivered in the conferences. The main research branches depending on the number of students involved in the scientific research in the period of time from 1996 to 2000 are arranged in the table:

Branches of sciences 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 In totalAnatomy 2 1 3Physiology 2 2 4Internal diseases 1 3 3 5 12Surgery 2 2 2 6 2 14Obstetrics 1 2 2 5Pathology 3 1 5 8 4 21Parasitology 1 3 5 7 16Veterinary sanitary investigation

1 3 1 1 6

Organisation of veterinary work

2 1 1 1 5

Infectious diseases 6 1 2 9IN TOTAL 15 14 18 21 27 95

The reports read in the conferences are evaluated by the participants of a conference, that is, students, teachers, taking into account several criteria. The most important of them are considered an actuality of a theme, an experiment, manners of performance, visuality, answers to the questions. All those who are interested can get acquainted with the compiled evaluation results and usually the authors of the best reports are awarded in the amount of several stipends. Each year the University gives chances to publish the theses of a students’ scientific conference what our students willingly do. The publications of the report theses should be prepared corresponding the draw-up regulations of the scientific research theses, what allows to obtain skills in this work and, of course, gives a student a satisfaction about the first printed work.

Concluding a year the University Rector announces a competition for the best designed students’ scientific work in the corresponding year. In the competition of the branch of veterinary medicine the works handed in are evaluated by a jury commission confirmed by the Dean of the Faculty in which all departments are represented. The authors of the three best works have a chance to receive premiums.

The students scientific research can not be imagined without the help of the state veterinary medicine organisations and private institutions. A very considerable collaboration is delivered by the Centre of the State Veterinary Medicine Centre of Diagnostics with the regional laboratories carrying out various examinations, the State Veterinary Service, the leading private veterinary clinics and warehouses of drugs, a. o.

1.12 Financing of studies


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Full-time studies of the FVM are financed from the state budget. Each year in the speciality of veterinary medicine 50 students are enrolled with a state financing. The costs of veterinary medicine higher professional programme are 351 010.84 Ls per year or 580.13 Ls per student, see appendix Nr. 5. The order of study financing is confirmed by the decision of the LUA Senate Nr. 280 “About the Order of Granting Stipends for the Basic Study students”, which is accepted on May 12, 1999. The amount of basic stipends for the successful full-time students from September1, 1999 is 8 Ls (Instruction of Ministry of Education and Science Nr 4 August 24, 1999), for good and excellent success additional payment can be received in the volume of 40%, but for excellent success – 80% additional payment from a basic stipend. A partial payment for studies is covered by full-time students, which are enrolled above the limit as well as by academic debtors (Decision Nr. 13 of the LUA Senate on April 8, 1992). The volume of the study payment is confirmed in the Senate of the LUA each year – in study year 1999/2000 a payment for full-time students was denoted 300 Ls per year.

The best students of a veterinary medicine speciality have received the stipends of the Senate of the LUA (Ilmārs Dūrītis in study year 1999/2000), K. Ulmanis stipend was given to Ivars Lūsis in study year 1995/1996 as well as the stipend named after L. Kundziņš of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Sigita Rubene – in study year 1996/1997, Ilmārs Dūrītis – in study year 1997/1998, Pēteris Dambergs – in study year 1998/1999, Māra Užule – in study year 1999/2000).

During the period of studies all the state financed students are being paid a partial compensation of travelling expenses. According to the Regulations Nr. 90 of LR Cabinet from 05.04.94 the amount of the compensation is denoted in the volume of 50% for two trips from the residing place to the higher school. The students have got a chance to receive two kinds of credits. It is denoted by Regulation Nr.251, by the Cabinet of LR, July 15, 1997 “Regulation of Crediting Students” and regulations Nr. 86 by the Cabinet, March 1999 “Regulations of Crediting Studies”. In study year 2000/2001 the students’ crediting (credits in the amount of Ls 35) was received by 8.3 % of the students of the Faculty, but the crediting of studies was used by 4.6 % of the students.

If the state financed students do not settle all the examinations, tests, course papers foreseen in the study plan, then they have got a chance to continue studies for payment or to stop them: after successful finishing the session the mentioned student can restore the state financing if there are free study places Senate for a state financing denoted by the Senate (the Senate decision Nr. 3-1; February 9, 2000).

1.13. Information about the academic staffThe teaching staff consists of 65 university teachers involved in providing the higher professional study programme, of which 20 % are professors, 32.5 % are associated professors, 26 % - lecturers and 21.5 % - assistants or evaluating according to the scientific qualification; 44.5 % are habilitatus doctors of science or doctors. (See the qualification of the academic staff in appendix Nr.6, see the list in appendix.7) The average age of the teaching staff of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is 46,3 years and from the total number of the teaching staff in the veterinary medicine study programme they comprise 55 % (See the age structure of the teaching staff of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in appendix 8)


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One of the habilitatus doctors of science is a real member of the Latvia Academy of Sciences (an academician), one is a corresponding member of the LAS; two of the professors are the members of Latvia Forest Science Academy, one professor is a chairman of the Promotion Council, three are the members of the Promotion Council, two of them carry out the duties of branch experts, 4 are the members of the Senate of the LUA. Several of them work as consultants in the various branch organisations. The teaching staff of the Faculty has had in service training or perfected their qualification abroad and in various courses and seminars in Latvia. Further it is envisaged to extend more the international co-operation, giving chances to the teaching staff to have in – service training in other higher schools and scientific institutions. During study year 2000/2001 the teaching staff of the Faculty and students take part in the international exchangeprogrammes ERASMUS/SOCRATES.The teaching staff of the Faculty deliver lectures and guide seminars in the activities of Latvian Agriculture Consultation Centres take part in various agricultural exhibitions.The teaching staff of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine give classes in other faculties of the LUA as well; giving basic knowledge to the students of Farm Engineering Faculty and the Faculty of Agriculture and Economy.In the course of self-evaluation it is recognised that a special attention should be paid to the renovation of the teaching staff’s structure. In all institutes of the Faculty the assistants or assistants – in - service trainees will be involved in the study process for a change of generation in the perspective. There is a reason for a forecast that a row of the young university teachers will perfect their scientific qualification, defending Master’s Degree of Veterinary Medicine or Doctor’s Scientific Degree.

1.14. Study provision and managementThe Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is located in the complex of buildings with a total size of 7979.06 m². The Faculty consists of three institutes – Preclinical, Clinical and Food and Environment Hygiene institutes. Twenty-one training laboratories are established in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, with a total number of laboratories working places for 335 students and 6 auditoriums with a total number of seats for 467 students.Grounding on the information given by the departments, the departments make effort to ensure the necessary material technical basis, nevertheless to ensure the qualitative study process the following activities should be carried out:

equip auditoriums with up – to – date technical equipment; supplement laboratories with more up – to-date; analytical apparatus; purchase computers in addition; carry out capital and cosmetic repair in the laboratories.

Thirty-one computers are at the disposal of the teaching staff and students in the premises of the Faculty, a special computer classroom with 10 places is established for students. All computers are connected to the common computer net of the LUA. In addition it is possible to use computers situated in the Institute of Informatics. The basis of study literature is the Fundamental Library of the LUA. The CD-ROM data basis are the most useful for students for searching information, e.g., AGRIS, AGRICOLA, CURRENT CONTENT. The library catalogues are available in the Internet web (see the provision of study literature for the higher professional study programme in the Fundamental Library of the LUA in appendix Nr.9).


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Decision Nr. 166, issued by the Senate of the LUA on March 12, 1997 denotes the regulations how to work out the study programmes. Working out of separate study programmes, investigation, co-ordination and acknowledgement is denoted in decisions Nr. 50 and 51, the Study Council, January 29, 1997 (see the working out of subject programmes and a scheme of acceptance in appendix Nr. 10. Informative documentation is worked out for all subjects of veterinary medicine study programme, where the goals of a subject, methods of study content, literature, requirements for the independent work, an evaluation system and check up questions are indicated. The study programme in the aggregate is reviewed in the Council and it is confirmed in the Senate of the LUA.The descriptions of all acquirable study programmes are established under the supervision of the study programme manager. There is given a general description , their characteristics, information about an academic staff and a subsidiary staff, a characteristics of the necessary material technical basis, costs of the study programmes and annotations of the subject programmes /see the annotations of the subject programmes in the appendix, but full programmes can be found in the Faculty. The study programmes are reviewed in the Faculty Council, confirmed in the Senate and the outer investigation of them is carried out. Complete set of the study subject programmes is available to students in the Dean’ s Office.

1.15. The system providing the study qualitySix faculties of the LUA and two institutes are involved in order to provide veterinary medicine study programmes.During the period of studies the students are offered a chance to take part in the evaluation of the study programmes. It is denoted by order nr.8 issued by the Vice Vice-rector of the LUA on January 4,1993 “ The Students’ Participation in Establishing the Content of Studies and Evaluation of Teaching staffs’ Work.” The students are regularly inquired about the quality of the delivered subjects and the work of the teaching staff. The sample of the inquiry form is available in the Faculty. Representatives of the students’ self-government take part in the membership of the Faculty Council, considering items on perfecting and provision of the study process. Co-operation with employers in the Ministry of Agriculture, the State Veterinary Service and in scientific institutions is advanced in the Faculty as well as collaboration with a veterinarians’ professional organisation the Latvia Veterinary Society of. The leading specialists of the branch are involved in the provision of the study process, specialists of Ministry of Agriculture and representatives of the companies connected with the production of various food products. During the training and production practices the students have got possibilities to work at privately practising veterinarians, in the State Veterinary Service and in food preserving enterprises, in the laboratories of State Diagnostics Centre.

1.16. Participation in the international projects1.16.1. The existing projectsTEMPUS PHARE Project AC_JEP-13194-98 “Restructuring of Higher Veterinary Education in Latvia”The project has been started on December 15, 1998 and it will last till March15, 2001. The project is being realized in close collaboration with the Helsinki University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the Hanover School of Veterinary Medicine. The Latvian University of Agriculture is a contractor of this project. The main goal of the project is to advance the reconstruction of veterinary medicine education in the


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Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. of the LUA corresponding the demands of the EU higher school standards and the directive requirements of the EU.The received financing in total 200000 EUR is being applied either for university teachers’or students’ exchange trips to the partner higher schools and vice versaor for purchasing the inventory important for the study process, computer technics, a special equipment for training laboratories, textbooks).Socrates/Erasmus programmeIn the frames of the project an agreement about students exchange is concluded with the Hanover School of Veterinary Medicine. Up to now the students’ exchange has been one-sided. In the summer of 2000 Master of Veterinary Medicine Evija Bečere had a practice in the clinics of the Hanover School of Veterinary Medicine.In the summer of 2001 the practical training for 5 students is foreseen in a partner higher school. The concluded agreement foresees the exchange of 5 students in the following study year - 2001/2002 as well.

Denmark - Latvia joint project “The Education Center of Veterinary Medicine.”Realizing Latvia-Denmark joint project in 1998, the Latvia Veterinarian Society and nonprofit organization (NO) Ltd “Support Fund of the University” established NO Ltd. Education Center of Veterinary Medicine “(ECVM) In the foundation of the LUA (ECVM) the participation was 11 statute capital parts from 20.During the period of time from 1998 to 2001, the reconstruction of the premises of the FVM Clinical Institute the area of which is 630 m2 for 81000Ls has been carried out, premises for the small animals have been arranged and equipped, horse clinics and the conference hall envisaged for organizing seminars have been arranged. At this time medical apparatus in the volume of 17145 Ls has been purchased or received as presents, including two gas anaesthetizing apparatus, an x-ray apparatus, an x-ray film developer, a set of arthroscopy, a sonograph a.o. In the clinic eight veterinarians of which 7 are habilitatus doctors of the FVM, carry out students’ instruction and veterinary care of animals. By opening the ECVM the number of animals which are taken care of has increased in 1998-199, but in 2000-537. The 3rd, 4th, 5th year students acquire practical skills in the ECVM.Norwegian-Latvian joint project ”Food Production, Agriculture, Society “.Since 1998 the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the LUA has been collaborating with the Norway University of Agriculture and the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science.The long-term goal of the project is to develop and perfect education in food hygiene, establishing a special instruction programme in this field either for students or the students studying for Master’s degree and the doctoral students or veterinary experts and inspectors.In the frame of the project the Food Hygiene laboratory is established in the FVM where the instruction of the 4th and 5th year students in Food Hygiene is envisaged.In 1999 and 2000 two intensive training courses about food hygiene problems and actualities in the EU countries were organized, where Prof. Magne Yndestad from the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science and Prof. Christian Ring and Dr. Victoria Atanassova from the Hanover School of Veterinary Medicine participated. The project has been prolonged till 2003, at that time it is envisaged to perfect and activize the work of the Food Hygiene laboratory as well as to improve the programme of the subject in food hygiene.Participation in the Technical Cooperation Programme of LR Goverment and United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).


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Institute of Food and Environmental Hygiene of the LUA, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine together with the State Veterinary Service are denoted as responsible executors in the project of LR government and Food and Agriculture Organization technical cooperation programme TCP (RER)0065 (A) “ Improved Meat Production in the Baltic Region, Grounding on Trichinellosis Parasitary Zoonosis Epidemiologic Control”. The national coordinator of the project in Latvia is associated professor P. Keidāns of the FVM. In the project it is envisaged to investigate species of trichinellosis initiator, their epidemiological situation in the country, improving the technology of meat inspection and methods in the diagnostics of trichinellosis and its control in order to reduce the number of people’s morbidity cases as well as improve the local food supply and pork export possibilities. Instruction courses for veterinarians are recognized and study programmes for students in diagnostics of trichinellosis and control are perfected. Explanatory- informative work is carried out among the inhabitants about the importance of trichinellosis invasion in order to observe the requirements of meat inspection and test meat. According to the results of investigations, the national legislation about hunting, inspection of a game meat and pork will be reviewed in the conclusion of the project.The length of the project 18 month- from March, 2000 to August, 2001.

1.16.2. The future projectsThe collaboration project in the area of education in food hygiene and safety (“Food Hygiene and Safety Education Network- for Reliable Food Control in the Nordic and the Baltic Countries”)Organizations/ institutions that have applied for collaboration project:

1) Norwegian School of Veterinary Sciences, Department of Food Hygiene (NVH);

2) Norwegian University of Agriculture, NORAGRIC (NLH);3) Denmark Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture Higher School (KVL);4) Helsinki University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Food

and Environmental Hygiene;5) Swedish University of Agriculture (SLU);6) Estonian University of Agriculture (EPMU);7) Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

The goals of the project: to perfect and improve the competence about the items of food hygiene and safety in Baltic countries as well as to establish sustainable collaboration not only among the above mentioned countries, but also among the state institutions, educational establishments in the exact country which are involved in the sphere of food control and safety ensurance. The planned activities: seminars on current items – in food control (inspection), legislative problems a. o. Perfect education in food hygiene, improving and advancing the work of the Food Hygiene laboratory in the Baltic countries, organise the activities of educating the staff in the Nordic countries. To start establishing common Master’s study programme in food hygiene where the students from all the Baltic states could participate.


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1.17. Advantages and drawback of the FVMThe advantages of the FVM: co-operation with the Latvian Association of Veterinarians in the reconstruction of

the clinics of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and in the realization of post-graduate educational programme;

co-operation with the Veterinary Medicine Support Fund of the LUA in students’ education;

training subsidiary farm “Kalnenieki”; possibilities of using the LUA training and research farm “Vecauce” as a practical

training basis; possibilities of using the LUA horsebreeding training centre “Mušķi” for studies; possibilities of using the State Veterinary Center of Diagnostics, the scientific

centre SIGRA and the Veterinary laboratory of Jelgava region for students study work and diagnostical examinations;

TEMPUS project – for improving the study plan of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, for introducing up-to-date teaching methods (in the frames of the project a computer class and Internet connection have been established, the faculty’s information centre has been provided with the latest literature of veterinary medicine);

co-operation in the associated professors’ exchange of experience and in the post-graduate education with the Hanover School of Veterinary Medicine, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the Helsinki University, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the Uppsala University of Agriculture, the Royal Veterinary and Agriculture University Kopenhagen, the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science and the Michigan State University;

co-operation with the Norwegian university of Agriculture in the frames of the project FPAS (Food Production, Agriculture and Society);

there is the Council of Science in the FVM that provides a chance to obtain the scientific qualification (Dr. med. vet.);

during the last years the number of students studying in order to obtain Master’s and doctor’s degrees has been increasing in the FVM.

The drawbacks of the FVM: training technical basis has grown out-of-date – there is no modern equipment for

diagnostics a. o.; students instruction in the clinic of the Faculty is not sufficient because the clinic

of the FVM cannot provide sufficient number of the productive farm animals which should be treated;

the study premises and the clinic of the FVM needs a reconstruction; complex perspective reconstruction and development plan of the FVM is not

worked out; the state financing for providing the study process is not sufficient as well as there

is insufficient differentiated financing per student in the frames of the LUA; there are no necessary material possibilities for scientific research; because of the insufficient pay the change of associated professors’ generation has

protracted; the scientific qualification of the young teaching staff is insufficient.


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1.18. The perspective development model of the higher professional study programme of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine for the following five study years

Study year 2001/20021. To reduce the proportion of the social subjects in favour of the special subjects in

the study programme of the FVM/2. To work out informative documentation for each subject and multiply them for

students.3. To increase the time of studies in food hygiene, increase the time for students’

practical training.4. To equip the laboratory of food hygiene with a modern equipment.5. To perfect training subsidiary farm “Kalnenieki” as a students’ training place in

animal husbandry.

Study year 2002/20031. To perfect the system and content of the optional subjects.2. To prepare separate subjects in the English language. To work out informative

materials for the realisation of SOCRATES exchange programme.3. To perfect the programme of the internal practice, its content and performance,

envisaging the possible specialisation.4. To continue the started reconstruction of the FVM clinic and the scientific

laboratory.5. The accreditation of the study programme of the faculty arranged by EAEVE is

planned in 2003.

Study year 2003/20041. To work out and introduce methods and ways of problems based on teaching in

order to improve students’ independent work acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge.

2. To perfect organisation and methods of laboratory practices in the State Veterinary Medicine Centre of Diagnostics and other laboratories as well as the practice of food product investigation in the meat and milk processing enterprises. To increase the proportion of students’ practical training in the clinic of the FVM.

3. To increase the number of computers in order to improve the instruction of the subjects and knowledge check-up.

Study year 2004/20051. To prepare the study materials for a part of subjects in electronic form (floppy

discs and CD).2. To modernise training and scientific laboratories of the Preclinical and Clinical


Study year 2005/20061. To improve an equipment of the auditoriums and laboratories of the Institute of

Food and Environmental Hygiene2. To prepare documents for an ordinary accreditation.


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1.19. Transferring plan of annual activities

1. Perfection of the quality of the study process, establishing closer immediate feedback between a student and a teaching staff, stimulating qualified young specialists’ involvement in the study process, working out of the teaching methodical materials and renovation of them, advancing of the foreign language knowledge acquiring and applying it for studying foreign literature and perfecting qualification.

2. Improve the study process and practical training basis. Get information about the best veterinarians – training consultants for the students of all courses, co-ordinate the programmes and methods of performance of practical training. Increase the number of computers and analytical equipment which is necessary for working out scientific work.

3. Perfection of the study process, programmes and the content of subjects and a regular evaluation corresponding the social and economic needs and requirements of the Latvia State. The involvement of the Faculty students’ self-government active in those processes.

4. Advancing of collaboration with the higher schools of the world, Europe, Latvia, scientific institutions and professional societies.

1.20. Resume

Evaluating the higher professional study programme in the aggregate it should be admitted that the accreditable programme provides many-sided chance to obtain knowledge in veterinary medicine, it gives possibility for students to specialise in the chosen direction and is suitable in order to achieve the advanced goals. Simultaneously the students have got a chance to perfect them as personalities, acquiring the general and humanitarian subjects.Nevertheless, further perfection of the programme is necessary, establishing the blocks of the optional subjects.The students and the Latvian Association of Veterinarians should be involved more in the evaluation of the study programmes. The necessary preparation work should be done transferring to the subject planning and reducing the number of auditorium lessons.


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Faculty of Veterinary MedicineLatvian University of Agriculture

Report of Veterinary Medicine Study Programme Self- evaluation Management Committee

Part 2

Master study programme “Veterinary Medicine” (code 51641)

Jelgava 2001


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Master study programme “Veterinary Medicine


2.1. Objectives and tasks of master studies.................................................................282.2. Access to master studies......................................................................................282.3. Qualification degree.............................................................................................292.4. Content and volume of study programme............................................................302.5. Study programme, organisation, financing..........................................................302.6. Characteristics of academic staff.........................................................................312.7. Analysis of master studies at the FVM LUA.......................................................312.8. Analytic evaluation of master student’s work.....................................................322.9. International relations and traineeship.................................................................322.10. Summary............................................................................................................33


11. Table Analysis of Master Studies at the FVM LUA (1993–2000).......................8012. Table Master study curriculum at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine LUA 1999/2000..........................................................................................................8113. Questionnaire of master students FVM (1999-2000 ac. year)..............................8214. Table Presented Master thesis (1995-2000)..........................................................8315. Qualification, experience and achievements of master study supervisors............8516. Annotations of Master study subjects...................................................................90


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2.1. Objectives and tasks of master studiesThe objective of master studies of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) Latvian University of Agriculture (LUA) is to prepare highly qualified specialists in the branch of veterinary medicine capable to work creatively in science, pedagogic and veterinary medical practice. The major tasks of master studies are as follows: to extend master student’s general knowledge and develop creative and rational

thinking; to ensure extensive studies in the branch of veterinary medicine; to provide opportunity to acquire theoretic knowledge and practical skills in

research and educational work; to prepare master students for further doctoral studies, educational work at the FVM LUA or secondary specialized schools, work in the state institutions and local authorities, municipality or private economic enterprises and advisory services.

Having analyzed the further activities of master studies, we can see that their objectives and tasks are realized successfully: 60% of master students are still studying and 40% of them combine their studies with educational and scientific work at the FVM. Several master students work in institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science or in entrepreneurship.

2.2. Access to master studies Persons who have obtained higher education in veterinary medicine (diploma of veterinary surgeon) can apply for master studies of the FVM. Master studies admit persons on competition basis taking into consideration their average marks of studies, foreign language skills, results of interviews and recommendations of 2 academic staff. There is no age limit. More detailed information on master studies can be found in the following publications:

1. Master studies at the Latvian University of Agriculture. Edited by H.Tuherms, LUA, 1995, 43.p.

2. Master studies at the FVM, study regulations and programme. Edited by V.Antane, 2001.

In the master study programme it has been taken into account that only a versatile, educated specialists will be able to solve problems in veterinary practice, education and science in today’s economic circumstances. For this reason the master study programme contains the newest attainments of science both in Latvia and in the world. Outstanding scientists from Latvia and other countries are involved in the teaching process by delivering lectures and holding seminars. Questionnaire shows that 95.2% of master students are of an opinion that extensive studies in a particular direction promote abilities of decision making, 59% of them consider master studies as the start of a leading position that they strive for (see appendix 13). Most of master students do not think that their studies could increase their ability to compete in the labour market. Only 42.9% of respondents consider master studies as advantage in labour market competition. However, 66.6% of veterinary master students shared the same opinion that they have good relationships and co-operation with academic staff, they have access to the latest literature in the chosen branch of specialty. Some of respondents’ opinion is that master studies should be more


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practically oriented, the field of specialisation should be extended and volume of general subjects should be decreased.

2.3. Qualification, degree The obtained qualification is Master’s Degree of veterinary medicine (Mgr. med. vet.). Trends and sub–branches of master studies are formulated in the regulations on obtaining the Master’s Degree in veterinary medicine and they correspond to those of doctoral studies approved by the Latvian Council of Science (LCS decision No. 1-1, 17 February 1998).

Every study trend contains several courses that enable more detailed specialisation (see Table 1).

Table 1Trends of master studies at the FVM

Sub-branch, supervisor Special course MorphologyDoc. A.MugurēvičsPhysiologyProf. Dr.hab.biol. E.Birģele

Physiology of digestion Neuro - physiology

PathologyDoc. Mgr. med. vet. O. Parčinskis

LeucosisPathology of pancreas in cows Heart morphology of swine

Veterinary pharmacology and toxicologyDoc. A.Jakovskis

Veterinary pharmacologyVeterinary toxicology

Internal Ļ.Jemeļjanovs


Parasitology Assoc. prof. P.Keidāns


Infectious diseases and microbiologyProf. E.Liepiņš

Microbiology, Virology, Immunology, Epidemiology, Infectious diseases

Food hygieneDoc. G.Mičule

Food born diseasesFood born toxicologyFood inspection

Obstetrics and gynaecologyProf. Dr.hab.agr. A.Jemeļjanovs

Andrology and artificial insemination, Obstetrics and gynaecology, Pathology of glandular lactiferi Biotechnology Dr. A.Auzāns

Orthopaedics, Stomatology, Surgery of blood vessels, Surgery of soft tissues


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2.4. Content and volume of study programme Full-time master studies last for 2 years and that of part-time master programme

takes 4 years of studies. There is no time limit for external master students. The number of credit points (CP) required to complete the degree is 80. One credit

unit refers to an input of 16 hours or one week of academic work (lectures etc.) or 2 weeks of practical work. Out of them theoretic course makes 40 CP, practice – 15 CP and presentation of master thesis – 25 CP.

Master study courses comply with the requirements of Master’s degree. Course supervisors are academic staff of appropriate qualification. At the end of a subject, master students pass examinations or tests, which are lapsed in 5 years.

List of humanities and general subjects of master courses is decided by the LUA Board of Studies and approved by the LUA Senate, but general subjects of the speciality are decided by the Methodical Committee of the FVM and approved by the Council of the FVM.

Humanities and subjects of general education of 16 CP are organised together for all LUA master students and as conveyor system studies.

General subjects of the specialty –12 CP are compulsory for all veterinary master students.

List of the specific subjects – 12 CP is made up at the appropriate Institute where the master student specialises. Studies are organised as individual ones at the level of the Institute.

Pedagogic practical training – 5CP is carried out under the guidance of the master student’s supervisor or another academic staff member. It comprises preparing and holding laboratory and practical workshops, consultations on elaboration of course papers, and lectures.

Practical training (20 weeks) – 10 CP ensures development and extention of professional competence and experience in the field of the chosen branch of specialisation. Practical training abroad has a priority.

Master programme ends in master’s thesis – 25 CP. Master student presents a summary on his/her results of scientific research work. Master’s thesis can be either theoretic or practical investigation and its goal is to show the applicant’s abilities in creative application of science methodology accomplishing certain tasks. The student is working at the master’s thesis during the whole period of studies apart from the acquisition of theoretic knowledge. At the end of the course Master’s thesis is presented in the presence of the Master examination committee.

A supervisor can be an academic staff with a doctor'’ degree in the appropriate branch, in some exceptional cases it can be an experienced and competent person in pedagogic and research work holding a Master’s degree in appropriate branch of science. According to the proposals of the supervisor, master student selects subjects for the total programme and indicates all the elective and specific subjects, practical and pedagogic training. Master’s programme is approved at the meeting of academic personnel of the appropriate Institute.

2.5. Study programme, organisation, financingTo complete the course master students have an access to resources either in the LUA Fundamental Library or Information Centre of the FVM. Students can obtain information from 3 CD-ROM database and more than 20 issues of magazines of various veterinary branches.


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They can use international catalogues through electronic information links. The united library data net insures information access through Internet and interlibrary loan system. At present at the FVM 31 computers are used, out of them 24 are connected to Internet.Laboratory equipment and apparatuses of the FVM are at the students’ disposal. It should be pointed out that supply of modern equipment and reagents are insufficient; therefore, master students carry out their investigations also in laboratories of the State Veterinary Diagnostic Centre, human medical research institutions. There is not a special funding for master students. At present, the level of master’s research often depends on the supervisor’s success to get involved into grant themes of the Latvian Council of Science or other programmes together with his/her master students. Successful master students receive state scholarship of Ls 15. They have the right to use 28-calendar day leave and an additional paid vocation at the working place – 28 calendar days per year.

2.6. Characteristics of academic staffThe LUA has a high scientific and pedagogic potential as a prerequisite of carrying out the teaching process. There are 46 academic staff members involved in master studies – out of them 13% are doctors habilitatus, 57% doctors of science, 30% masters of science and professional personal of related qualification (see table 2).

Table 2Qualification of master programme supervisors

Scientific and academic degree Number Per centDr.habil. 6 13Doctor’s 26 57Master’s 7 15Professional qualification 7 15Total 46 100

Successful accomplishment of master thesis is ensured by its supervisor’s high qualification (see appendix 15). All master students have supervisors with Doctor’s degree of veterinary medicine or biology, or Doctor’s habilitatus. Supervisors conduct research work important for veterinary medicine and Latvian agriculture and involve in it their master students. Results of investigations are regularly published in local scientific issues “Proceedings of Veterinary Medicine” and abroad. Thus master students have a possibility to become co-authors.According to the obtained results of questionnaire, co-operation between master students and their supervisors is estimated as positive.

2.7. Analysis of master studies at the FVM LUAThe first 9 master students at the FVM were admitted in 1993. During the further years from 1993 till 1997 62 master students were enrolled (see appendix 11). By the year 2000 all the admitted master students had an opportunity to accomplish their studies, to work out and present master thesis.23 master students have succeeded in presenting thesis, that is 23% of the enrolled ones. Comparatively small proportion of graduates can be explained by the small


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scholarship they receive. Master students often do jobs unrelated to their profession. It is hard to combine job and studies; therefore, they cannot follow up the programme.In time period from 1993 to 2000 101 master students were admitted at the FVM. 29 (29%) of them were expelled from the master studies. As the most often reason was failure to succeed in completing curriculum and subject programmes and not resuming studies after academic leave.According to regulations on obtaining Master’s Degree at the LUA, one can be awarded Master’s Degree without completing the programme, but on the basis of scientific publications presenting their summary. There are 5 thesis presented in this way at the FVM.

2.8. Analytic evaluation of master students’ workResearch areas chosen by master students (see Appendix 14)) deal with up-to-date issues in veterinary medicine. They are closely related to investigations conducted by their scientific supervisors within the framework of the State Veterinary Service Ministry of Agriculture granted research projects.

Sub-branches chosen by master students are as follows: obstetrics and gynaecology – 6 theses, epizootiology and microbiology – 5 theses, internal diseases and pharmacology – 4 theses, parasitology – 3 theses, animal anatomy, physiology and pathology – 3 theses, surgery – 2 theses

Master’s investigations deal with different animal species. From farm animals the most often investigated species is Latvian Brown cows – 9 theses, pigs – 4 theses including wild boars, and goats – 1 thesis. Rather large number of master students perform investigations on small animal species: dogs, cats – 5 theses, laboratory animals – 1 thesis. Two papers deal with investigations of strains of microorganisms. One master student is a co-author of the textbook “Farm Animal Morphology and Physiology”. On the basis of this book the master student was awarded the Master’s Degree in veterinary medicine.The main research basis for elaboration of Master thesis is: FVM clinic and laboratories, training and research farm Vecauce, State Veterinary Diagnostic Centre, laboratories of human medicine – Central Laboratory, Ltd., Grindex laboratory animal farm, private clinics in Latvia. Two Master theses have been accomplished in Portago small animal clinic, USA (Inga Skādule, Ilze Kokina) and one experimental research work was carried out at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala.

2.9. International relations and traineeshipDuring the course of master studies students are to improve their professional skills in other higher educational establishments. The FVM has signed agreements

with Hannover Veterinary Higher School within the framework of which exchange of academic staff, undergraduate and master students take place and joint training courses and seminars are organised;

between universities of Nordic and Baltic counties where master students have opportunities to extend their qualification by attending continuing educational courses (NOVA-BA postgraduate research course).


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TEMPUS PHARE project on “Improvement of higher education in veterinary medicine in Latvia” in period of 1998 – 2001. Co-operation partners are those of Hannover Veterinary Higher School and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Helsinki University;

SOCRATES/ERASMUS programme; co-operation programme between Norway and Latvia that resulted in

establishing a food hygiene laboratory which will serve as research basis for master students.

Within the scope of master study programme “Economics and Agrobusiness” it is possible to attend and complete different courses. After passing examinations students receive certificates.Till now master students of the FVM have undergone professional training at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala, The Danish Royal Veterinary Academy, the Lithuanian Veterinary Academy, Hungarian Higher School of Veterinary Medicine in Budapest, Nord-Rein Westfal State in Germany, Hannover Veterinary Higher school, Michigan State University in the USA.

2.10. SummaryThe Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Latvian University of Agriculture is the only establishment in Latvia to educate veterinary surgeons. Academically educated and highly qualified specialists of veterinary medicine had become a necessity especially after regaining Latvia’s independence when radical changes affected its agriculture and forms of farm management. Master studies provide vast opportunities to specialize in research of particular issues in veterinary medicine and to choose relevant subjects to extend knowledge. Fields of master studies are in close relation of practice, and research results obtained give a real contribution to national economic. After receiving Master’s diploma one can continue his/her education at doctoral studies.


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Faculty of Veterinary MedicineLatvian University of Agriculture

Report of Veterinary Medicine Study Programme Self- evaluation Management Committee

Part 3

Doctoral study programme “Veterinary Medicine”(code 51641)

Jelgava 2001


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3.1. Objectives and tasks of doctoral studies.........................................................363.2. Organisation and evaluation............................................................................363.3. Perspective evaluation of the study programme.............................................383.4. Comparison with other European doctoral study programmes.......................393.5. System of quality ensureance..........................................................................393.6. Scientific qualification of academic personnel and supervisors

of doctoral students.........................................................................................403.7. Provision of informative basis, facilities and equipment................................403.8. Financing of doctoral studies..........................................................................403.9. Questionnaire of doctoral students FVM........................................................41


17. Doctoral study programme of the branch of veterinary medicine...................9918. Distribution of credit points for publications and conferences......................10219. Scheme of doctoral student’s research and study work.................................10320. Academic personnel of doctoral study programme........................................10421. Approximate expenses for doctoral study progamme

“Veterinary Medicine”..................................................................................10522. Results of doctoral student questionnaire......................................................10723. Annotations for study programmes of veterinary medicine science

sub-branches and trends of investigations ....................................................108


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3.1. Objectives and tasks of doctoral studiesThe objective of doctoral study programme “Veterinary Medicine” is to prepare a new generation of scientists of top-level international quality capable to solve scientific veterinary medical problems. The immediate goal of doctoral studies is focused on a successive change of generations among the academic staff and veterinary scientists of the FVM.

The major tasks of the doctoral studies are as follows: to acquire extensive knowledge in the veterinary branch; to promote the doctoral student’s abilities to formulate, investigate and solve

veterinary problems independently in accordance with the principles of research; to become competent to choose the proper problem solving methods; to promote the doctoral students abilities to analyse, compare and evaluate the

opportunities to be involved into national and international scientific projects; to acquire pedagogical experience and to be capable of presenting research results

to local and international audience; to elaborate and submit a doctoral thesis comprising their own original

contribution in the development of veterinary medicine for the obtaining of a Doctor’s degree (for details see appendix 17, 18).

The scientifically and pedagogically experienced academic staff of the FVM ensures a qualified tuition of doctoral students. At present, out of 13 doctoral students 4 are supervised by professors, doctors habilitatus, members of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, and 9 doctoral students are tutored by associate professors and doctors of veterinary medicine. During the period from 1994 till 2000 2 doctoral and 2 doctoral habilitatus thesis have been presented, and 2 Doctor’s degrees and 2 Doctor habilitatus degrees have been awarded respectively.

The trends of doctoral studies at the FVM comply with the branch of sciences and sub-branches in Latvia approved by the Latvian Council of Science.

Branch of Science: Veterinary MedicineSub-branches: Morphology

PhysiologyPathologyVeterinary pharmacology and toxicologyInternal diseasesParasitologyInfectious diseases and microbiologySurgeryObstetrics and gynaecologyFood inspection

3.2 Organisation and evaluation.Doctoral studies comply with the Statutes of the Department of the University Postgraduate Studies approved by the Senate on 8 November 2000. Doctoral studies are supervised by the LUA Vice-rector of sciences, organised by the Department of the University Postgraduate Studies, Promotion Board of the FVM, supervisors of doctoral programmes and the respective institutions.


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Doctoral studies on competition basis admit persons who have acquired the higher veterinary education and have the Master’s degree or adequate academic degree in full-time studies - not older than 35, in part-time studies - without age limit. Admittance is regulated by the Statutes of Postgraduate Studies. The length of doctoral studies is 3 years at full-time and 4 years at part-time studies. Study programme equals 144 credit points.

Doctoral studies are organised according to the individual plan elaborated at the beginning of doctoral studies by a doctoral student together with his/her scientific supervisor. Research theme and curriculum are discussed at the meetings of the Institution Board. The doctoral study plan should be approved by the study supervisor of the veterinary science branch and the Institution Board of the FVM. Then the curriculum is submitted to the Promotion Board of veterinary medicine and approved. After that it is submitted to the Department of the University Postgraduate Studies.

Results of the research carried out by a doctoral student are discussed at the academic meeting of an Institute, which is held 3 times during a study year. Report on the accomplished work during a definite time period has to be submitted at the Dept. of Postgraduate Studies. Certification for further studies takes place in the end of a study year at the academic meeting of an Institute with participation of a representative from the Promotion Board of veterinary medicine.

During studies a doctoral student passes examinations in biometry, foreign language (English, German or French) and examinations in the chosen sub-branch and research trend. During the study period lectures and practical studies are organised in biometry and foreign languages. These subjects have united programmes for all LUA doctoral students. Studies in special subjects are organised individually because the number of doctoral students in each sub-branch is very small and specialisation trends are specific.

Promotion (doctoral) examination programmes in the appropriate veterinary science sub-branch are decided by an Institute of the FMV and approved by the Promotion Board of veterinary medicine. Promotion examination programme in the chosen research direction is decided by the scientific supervisor and approved by the Promotion Board of veterinary medicine.

Promotion examinations in a sub-branch and chosen research direction are open and they are passed at the presence of an examination committee consisting of 3 doctors of sciences (Dr.Sc.) that is approved by the LUA Vice-rector of sciences.

After the accomplishment of the theoretic course of doctoral studies the doctoral student receives a certificate (see appendix 19).

The most essential part of doctoral studies is the experimental research work. For its accomplishment it is possible to use the FVM Clinic and laboratories, the LUA study and research basis, Fundamental Library. Sometimes, in order to conduct the research, research basis of the State Veterinary Medicine Diagnostic Centre, the LUA Research Centre “Sigra”, small animal private veterinary clinics and other Latvian scientific establishments can be used.


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Doctoral thesis is submitted in the Promotion Board of Veterinary medicine and approved by the Latvian Council of Science (LCS decision № 8-2-3, 19 October 1999). By the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia №134 “On the order and criteria of promotion” of 6 April 1999, theses before submitting at the Promotion Board are evaluated at the State Research Qualification Committee. After accomplishment of the thesis and its successful presentation, the doctoral student is given Doctor’s diploma.

Dynamics of the number of doctoral students in the branch of Veterinary Medicine.

Dynamics of the number of doctoral students at FVM in 1996-2000

1996 1997 1998 1999 200015 13 16 20 13

It should be pointed out that not all the admitted doctoral students study and fulfil the study plan. For instance, from 11 doctoral students admitted in 1996 4 doctoral students dropped out their studies in a few months. Many of them do not fulfil requirements envisaged in the regulations of Postgraduate studies and they are discharged. The main reasons are:

lack of motivation for further research because of the low remuneration (especially in comparison with other employed graduates);

insufficient financial support for doctoral students. Usually doctoral students have to be involved in other activities that hinder successful accomplishment of research;

not always character and personality of the doctoral student correspond to the character and personality of a researcher. She/he has to be an accurate, patient, creative, purposeful person with a strong will -power;

research in the branch of veterinary medicine is one of the most expensive and time consuming ; therefore, 3 years of doctoral studies is too short period of time.

During 3 years of doctoral studies 5 scientific articles based on research results should be published in issues, referred by the Latvian Council of Science. Most successful is research, which has been started already during master studies

3.3 Perspective evaluation of the study programmeHaving analysed “The state programme of scientific and academic personnel change” (elaborated at the Dept. of the higher education and science Ministry of Education and Science and Latvian Council of Science, 2000) as well as the Latvian Association of Higher School Professors, a conclusion can be made that doctoral study programmes should be evaluated as a necessity.For example, in the Danish Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University these are 12.7% doctoral students of the total number of students, in the Swedish University of Agriculture these are 29% while in the LUA FVM there were only 5.4 % doctoral students on 1 August 2000. It is important to ensure the motivation for doctoral studies to obtain the degree of a Doctor of veterinary medicine.


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Priority research directions in veterinary medicine in Latvia are the following (Latvian Agricultural and Forest Academy of Sciences, decision No 10, 11 October 1999): Prevention of disturbances caused by animal non–infectious diseases; Development and introduction of up-to- date diagnostic and treatment methods of

most dangerous contagious diseases in Latvia; Development of scientific system of veterinary medicine for high–quality and

healthy animal production.A comparatively new direction of research in Latvia is investigation of mechanism of pathological genesis of small animal diseases, their diagnostics, treatment and prevention.It is necessary to extend international co-operation of doctoral studies. The LUA, and also the FVM, has joined the NOVABA programmes. Courses for doctoral students are held regularly. ore widely should be introduced combined doctoral study programmes were part of them is studied in such a highly developed foreign higher education institution which holds internationally most recognised level of research in the appropriate sub – branch of veterinary medicine.

3.4 Comparison with other European doctoral study programmesFor comparison doctoral programmes of Nordic countries have been used. Basically it is a programme of doctoral degree of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Helsinki University of Agriculture that is equivalent to PhD degree, the main difference is that the length of doctoral studies there is 4 years (even under these conditions not all the doctoral students obtain a Doctor’s degree within the time limit).In the International seminar of doctoral students at the LUA during 7-8 May 1998 opinions were expressed that the research work can be successfully accomplished and presented for the obtaining of Doctor’s degree in experimental sciences only after 5-6 years.At the Helsinki University of Agriculture doctoral theoretic studies are divided into general subjects – 5 credit points, and special subjects – 15 credit points (1 CP equals 40 hours of academic work).Theoretic studies are organised at the faculty, still mostly in abroad. In Finland and other agricultural universities of Nordic countries theoretic programmes of doctoral studies are more extensive. Prior to submission of the thesis 5 articles should be published in international magazines.Only a minor part of doctoral students at the Helsinki University of Agriculture are full-time ones. Most of them have the position of teachers, clinicists or other kind of job, in a word, most doctoral students are part-time students.Taking into consideration experience of Nordic countries, it would be reasonable to establish Doctoral Studies Board at the LUA (or at the FVM) which would deal with issues pertaining to study programmes, listen to doctoral reports and work out normatives.At the FVM, as in the LUA in general, doctoral are studies hindered by the limited financial support. Organisation of doctoral studies is in its transition stage, as Latvia is transferring to a one- stage scientific qualification system.

3.5 System of quality ensurance1. Individual plans of studies, their regular control in accordance with the

Statutes of the Dept. of Postgraduate Studies.


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2. Participation in international conferences with report deliveries on regular basis.

3. Publications in internationally acknowledged issues (referred by Latvian Council of Science).

4. Participation in international NOVABA and other courses and workshops for doctoral students as well as in scientific discussions and public lectures on latest research achievement in a particular speciality.

3.6 Scientific qualification of academic personnel and supervisors of doctoral students

Successful work of doctoral students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is ensured by the leading professors and associate professors, of which 3 are doctors habilitatus (one of them is a full member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences and one is a corresponding member of the above mention Academy) as well as 7 doctors of veterinary medicine. Supervisors of doctoral students participate in programmes (co-operative projects) granted by the Latvian Council of Science, in Market Investigation programmes granted by the Ministry of Education and Science as well as in projects granted by the Ministry of Agriculture (see appendix 20).

3.7 Provision of informative basis, facilities and equipmentDoctoral study programmes offer lists of recommendable literature that is completely supplied by the Fundamental Library of the LUA. Doctoral students have an access to international catalogues through electronic information links.The united library data net ensures information access through Internet and interlibrary loan system ( at present at the FVM 31 computers are used, out of them 24 are connected to Internet). Doctoral students have an access to articles in internationally recognisable magazines on the interested themes.It would be valuable to have VetCD and BeastCD data base at the FVM.Doctoral students can find programmes in study subjects at the Institutes, but information regarding organisational points is accessible at the Department of Postgraduate Studies, LUA.Research investigations are carried out in the FVM Clinic and laboratories of FVM. Institutes, Veterinary Education Centre, State Veterinary Medicine Diagnostic Centre, Research Centre “Sigra” LMA, small animal private veterinary clinics as well as in laboratories of research medical institutions.

3.8 Financing of doctoral studiesSuccessful full-time doctoral students receive state scholarship of Ls 50. Besides,

the doctoral student has the right to use annual 28 calendar day leave. Part-time doctoral students can have a LUA recommendation for an additional paid vocation at the working place – 28 calendar days per year. For the accomplishment of research work it is possible to use the Latvian Council of Science grants for doctoral students. From 1996 till 2000 they were granted to 5 doctoral students of the FVM:

to D.Upeniece in physiology,to A.Mednis in obstetrics and gynaecology, to A.Ozols in surgery of blood vessels,to I.Lūsis in obstetrics and gynaecology,to A.Ilgaža in physiology.


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The major part of finances doctoral students receive working within the framework of grant themes of scientific supervisors or international projects (see appendix 21).

3.9. Questionnaire of doctoral students FVMNine doctoral students participated in the questionnaire.77.7% of respondents consider that they have taken a doctoral course to raise their qualification, 22.2% of respondents have an opinion that doctoral studies will contribute to their career (see appendix 22), 88.8% of doctoral students have pointed out that there is insufficient recourses and equipment for elaboration of the experimental part of doctoral thesis 55.5% of respondents share an opinion that experimental investigations should be carried out in abroad. Desire to undertake doctoral studies has arisen observing authoritative personnel of FVM of 44.4% of the respondents, some of them were suggested by their relatives and acquaintances (for more details see appendix 22).

Scientific themes of doctoral students FVM

1995G. Avdoško – Heart biopotential changes in dogs during anesthesia.A. Ilgažs –Periodontitis in dogs, its etiothogenesis and general systemic health condition.O. Kozinda – Occurance of hip dysplasia, its affecting factors and diagnostic

problems in some fast growing breeds of dogs.D. Upeniece – Heart electrophysiological indices in some breeds of dogs.

1996A. Mednis – Oestrus, fertilization of ovum and early development of embryos in pigs in association with the functional condition of ovarium and semen DNS.D.Seraka –Investigations on causes of allergic reactions of different etiology and their

occurance in small animals in Latvia.J. Zinārs – Epizootiological investigations on infectious diseases in wild boars in the

Republic of Latvia and evaluation of results according to EU.B. Amoliņa – Changes in udder, milk and organism caused by mastitis of Staphylococcus aureus.D.Brizule – Development of standards for differentiation of blood formula of blood

smears and clinical interpretation of hemogram.A. Ellere – Development of system of veterinary statistics in the Republic of Latvia

and its integration in international organizations.N. Fjodorovs – Concentration of reproductive hormons in the blood of dogs and their

changes as a cause of skin diseases.A. Jesarēviča – Changes in gastrohepatoduodenal system in dogs in cases of disturbances of acid-alcali balance and dehydratation of the organism.J. Jesarēvičs – Diagnostics of vertebral pathology syndrome in dogs.L. Konopore – Improvement of diagnostics treatment and prevention of diseases of

the urinary tract in dogs and cats.I..Matveka – Retrospective investigations of avian infections diseases with IFAR and

epizootological interpretation of results.


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1997I.Lūsis – Evaluation of lactose content dynamics in Latvian Brown cows for udder

health monitoring.I.Rodze – Investigations on chlamidia found in urogenital organs in domestic animals.

1998D. Krastiņa – Etiology, epizootology and diagnostics of swine reproductive-respiratory syndrome.E. Riekstiņš – Serotypes and antigenous structure of E. coli – the agent of the oedema disease in piglits.S. Vanaga – Serotyping of Lyssavirus genus - an agent of rabies in the Republic of Latvia.I. Eglīte – Investigation of epizootic situation of toxoplsmosis.R. Joffe – Occurance of Staphylococcuc aureus enterotoxins A; B; C-1; C-2; C-3; D; E in foodstuffs and raw materials.A. Reine – Udder inflammation and microstructural changes of tissues caused by pathogen microorganisms

1999A. Ozols – Experimental apbrobation of a new type of material for blood vessel prothesation in calves.I. Kokina – Endocrinological etiopathology of keratopathies in small animals.R. Tamane – Early embryonic development and ovarium morphofunctional changes and their correlation.I. Skādule – Occurance of allergic skin diseases, their causes and development of diagnostics in small animals in Latvia.A. Rimeicāns - Epidemiology, diagnostics and pathomorphology of infectious hapatitis caused by Mastedenovirus genus Adenoviridae.A. Ilgaža – Adaption of gastro-hepatic functional system in calves in postnatal ontogenesis.A. Reine – Udder inflammation and microstructural changes of tissues caused by pathogen microorganisms.

2000I. Kociņa - Importance of some antibacterial factors of humoral immunity in pathogenesis of mastitis.D. Keidāne – Parasitocenoses in the goat intestines and their effect on physiological processes of animal organism.

Scientists of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine work at three projects granted by the Latvian Council of Science in 2001-2004

1. Adaptation mechanism of digestive process in calves during the transition period from prerumination to rumination. Supervisor professor E.Birģele.

2. Importance of antibacterial factors of humoral immunity for udder protection and etiopathogenesis of mastitis. Supervisor assoc. professor V.Antāne.

3. Epidemiology and control of productive animal and food born infections in the Republic of Latvia. Supervisor assoc. professor E. Liepiņš.


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Report of Veterinary Medicine Study ProgrammeSelf- evaluation Management Committee



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Approved by the Senate LUA December 15, 2000

Study programme of veterinary medicineCurriculum

No oforder



 Study subject



1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year 6th year

1 st.sem. 2.nd sem. 1 st sem.2 nd .sem. 1 st.sem. 2 nd sem. 1 st sem. 2nd sem. 1 st sem. 2 nd sem. 1 st sem. 2 nd sem.

CP control control control control control controlAcademic subject – part A                          

1FILO 102 PHILOSOPHY 2.0   E                    2PED 301 APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY 1.5 T                      3FILO 103 ESTHETICS 1.5 T                      4DVID 04 HUMAN PROTECTION 2.0       T                5EKON 104 PRINCIPLES OF LAW 1.5               T        

6VAL 101, 102 PROFESSIONAL FOREIGN LANGUAGE 6.5 T T T E                

7SPOR 001 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 3.0 T T T T                8FIZI 103 BIOPHYSICS 3.0 E                      9KIM 108 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 5.0 E                      

10KIM 112 ORGANIC SHEMISTRY, BIOCHEMISTRY 8.0   T E                  11INF 104 PRONCIPLES OF BIOMETRY 2.0   T                    12MEZK 112 BOTANY, PHARMACOGNOSY 3.0 E                      13PREK 306 ZOOLOGY 5.0 T E                    14VIDE 101 ECOLOGY, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 2.0     E                  15AUDZ 101 GENETICS 3.0   E                    16AUDZ 102 ANIMAL HUSTBANDRY 6.0+1.0     T T, C.P.                17EDIN 304 ANIMAL NUTRITION 4.5+1.0     T, C.P.                18PVHI 311 ANIMAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HYGIENE 5.0+1.5       T T E, C.P          19PREK 403 ANIMAL ETHOLOGY 1.5         T              20EKON 103 THEORY OF ECONOMICS 1.5       T                21PREK 304 Introduction to hystory of vet. med. and methology of research 1.0 T                      


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22PREK 303 LATIN AND TERMINOLOGY OF VET. MED. 2.0 T E                    23PREK 301 ANATOMY 9.5 T E E                  24PREK 302 CYTOLOGY, HISTOLOGY, EMBRIOLOGY 4.5   T E                  25PREK 319 PHYSIOLOGY 7.0     T E                26PVHI 301 MICROBIOLOGY 4.5+1.5     T E, CP.                27PVHI 302 VIRULOGY 3.5         E              28PVHI 303 IMMUNOLOGY 2.0           E            29PVHI 304 EPIZOOTIOLOGY 2.0             T          30PREK 320 GENERAL PATHOLOGY 3.0       T E              31KLIN 302 PHARMACOLOGY, TOXICOLOGY 5.0         T E         T

  Volume of part A, CP 116.5    Special subjects part B                          

1PVHI 321 SPECIAL PATHOLOGY, NECROPSY 9.0+1.5         T T E T C.P.      2KLIN 323 OBSTETRICS, GYNAECOLOGY 5.0+1.5           T E, C.P.          3KLIN 323 ANDROLOGY, ARTIFICIAL, INSEMINATION, VETERINARY GENETICS 3.0               E        4KLIN 301 CLINICAL AND LABORATORY DIAGNOSTICS 5.5+1.5         T E, C.P.     T      5KLIN 314 RADIOLOGY 4.0         E T            6KLIN 304 INTERNAL DISEASES, HERD HEALTH 9.0+1.5             T E T E, C.P. T  7KLIN 303 SMALL ANIMAL INTERNAL DISEASES 3.0+1.5               T C.P. E    8PVHI 323 INFECTIONS DISEASES 6.5+1.5               E T T, C.P. E  9PVHI 322 PARASITOLOGY, PARASITIC DISEASES 6.5+1.5           T T, C.P. E        

10PVHI 324 SMALL ANIMAL DISEASES 6.5+1.5                   T E, C.P.  11KLIN 311 OPERATIVE SURGERY, TOPOGRAPHY 4.5+1.5         T E, C.P.            12KLIN 312 SMALL ANIMAL, SURGERY 4.0+1.5             T E, C.P.        13KLIN 313 LARGE ANIMAL SURGERY 3.0+1.5                 T E, C.P.    14KLIN 305 CLINICAL PHARMACOTHERAPHY 1.0                     T  15PVHI 325 VETERINARY MANAGEMENT 6.0+1.5                 T T, C.P. E  16PVHI 326 FORENTIC VETERINARY MEDICINE 1.0                     T  17PVHI 331 PRINCIPLES OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY 2.5             T          18PVHI 332 FOODBORN INFECTIONS 2.0               E        19PVHI 333 FOODBORN TOXICOLOGY 2.0               E        20PVHI 334 FOOD HYGIENE AND INSPECTION 4.5+1.5                 T E, C.P.  21PVHI 335 FOOD MARKETING 3.0                     T  

  Volume of part B CP 111.0      


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Optional subjects part C      1  HUMANITIES 4.0       T     T          2   BASIC SUBJECTS 1.0             T          3   ANIMAL PRODUCTION 2.5   T                    4   BASIC SCIENCES 1.0           T            

5   CLINICAL SCIENCES 1.0                   T T      Volume of part C CP 9.5            Volume of parts A + B + C + CP 237.0 24.5 23.0 22.5 27.5 19.5 20.0 23.0 23.0 16.0 21.0 17.0  


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Practical training      

1PREK 001/002/MEZK 010ANATOMY, ZOOLOGY, BOTANY 3.0   T                    2KLIN 001 WORKING ON PRACTICE FARM TRF “VECAUCE” 1.0   T                    3PREK 003 ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY 3.0       T                4KLIN 002 HERD HEALTH AND REPRODUCTION 3.0           T            5KLIN 003 CLINICAL WORK ON TRF “VECAUCE” 3.0               T        6KLIN 004 SMALL ANIMAL DISEASES 4.0                 E      7PVHI 003 LABORATORY DIAGNOSTICS 2.0                   T    8PVHI 002 LARGE ANIMAL DISEASES 4.0                   E    9PVHI 001 FOOD HYGIENE AND INSPECTION 5.0                     T  

10KLIN 005 CLINICAL WORK 2.5                        11KLIN 006 INTERNSHIP 6.0                       T

    Volume of practical training, CP 36.5                            Volume of parts A + B + C, CP 273.5                        


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Appendix 1

Comparison of curricula of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and European higher schools

Group of subjects FVM - 1998 FVM - 2000 Helsinki - 1999 Hannover - 1999

h % h % h % h %Humanities 312 6.0 280 4.6 125 2.1 - -Basic subjects 464 8.9 464 7.6 315 5.2 350 7.0Animal production 392 7.5 392 6.4 275 4.5 420 8.4Basic sciences 974 18.6 968 15.9 991 16.4 1036 20.6Clinical sciences 1644 31.5 1966 32.2 1379 22.8 1358 27.1Food hygiene 188 3.6 350 5.7 410 6.8 322 6.4Choice 204 3.9 160 2.6 388 6.4 308 6.1Practice 1044 20.0 1530 25.0 2162 35.8 1226 24.4Total 5222 100.0 6110 100.0 6045 100.0 5020 100.0


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Appendix 2Subordinance of study subjects in thehigher professional study programme

“Veterinary medicine”

No Study subjects Subordinated subjects without passing of which it is impossible to acquire other

subjects1. Anatomy Biology(at secondary school), Latin and

terminology of vet. med.2. Latin and terminology of

veterinary medicineBiology, zoology

3. Cytology, histology, embryology

Anatomy, biochemistry, biophysics, genetics

4. Introduction to speciality and history of veterinary medicine


5. Zoology Zoology at primary school, biology at secondary school

6. Physiology Biophysics, biochemistry, anatomy, cytology, histology

7. General pathology Zoology, anatomy, physiology8. Ethology Zoology, anatomy, physiology9. Obstetrics, gynaecology Anatomy, physiology, cytology, histology,

embryology10. Andrology, artificial

insemination, veterinary genetics

Obstetrics and gynaecology, pharmacology,Animal hygiene, genetics

11. Clinical and laboratory diagnostics

General pathology

12. Internal diseases, herd health Clinical diagnostics, pharmacology, obstetrics and gynaecology

13. Radiology Biophysics, general pathology14. Operative surgery,

topographic anatomyAnatomy, physiology, general pathology

15. Small animal surgery Operative surgery, clinical diagnostics, Pharmacology

16. Large animal surgery Operative surgery , clinical diagnostics, pharmacology

17. Pharmacology(A part study subject)

Biochemistry, general pathology

18. Small animal internaldiseases

Clinical diagnostics, pharmacology

19. Clinical pharmacotherapy Pharmacology, clinical diagnostics, internal Diseases

20. Animal and environmental hygiene

Anatomy, physiology, genetics, animal husbandry, animal nutrition, ecology environmental protection


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No Study subjects Subordinated subjects without passing of witch it is impossible to acquire other subjects

21. Microbiology Anatomy, cytology, histology, physiology, Latin and terminology of veterinary medicine

22. Virology Biochemistry, microbiology, Latin and terminology of vet. med.

23. Immunology Anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, microbiology, virology

24. Epizootiology (epidemiology) Physiology, microbiology virology, immunology

25. Special pathology, necropsy Anatomy, cytology, histology, physiology, general pathology, microbiology, virology, immunology

26. Parasitology, parasitic diseases

Zoology, anatomy, Latin and terminology of vet. med., immunology, epidemiology

27. Infectious diseases Anatomy, physiology, microbiology, virology, immunology, epizootiology, special pathology

28. Small animal diseases (avian, fur-bearing, laboratory, exotic animals etc.)

Biology, zoology, physiology, microbiology, immunology, epizootiology

29. Veterinary management Applied psychology, aesthetics, theory of economics, principles of law, entrepreneurship, special pathology, necropsy, infectious diseases, parasitic diseases, internal non-infectious diseases, pharmacology

30. Forensic veterinary medicine Special pathology, veterinary management31. Principles of food technology Inorganic, organic and biochemistry,

biophysics, human protection, microbiology, principles of law

32. Foodborn infections Anatomy, physiology, microbiology, biochemistry, principles of food technology

33. Foodborn toxicology Animal and environmental hygiene, biochemistry, animal nutrition, principles of food technology

34. Food hygiene and inspection Anatomy, histology, physiology, biochemistry, principles of food technology, foodborn infections, foodborn toxicology

35. Food marketing Theory of economics, principles of law, veterinary management, principles of food technology, foodborn infections, foodborn toxicology, food hygiene and inspection


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Appendix 2.1.1.


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Appendix 2.1.2.


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Appendix 2.1.3.


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Appendix 2.2.1.


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Appendix 2.2.2.


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Appendix 2.2.3.


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Appendix 2.3.1


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Appendix 3

Number of students at theFaculty of Veterinary Medicine

Years ofstudies

Number of students at the beginning of study year

1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year Total Female Male1995/96 71 54 40 22 45 232 151 811996/97 67 63 32 31 21 214 118 961997/98 88 68 24 34 28 242 144 981998/99 88 86 30 20 30 263 169 94

1999/2000 75 82 48 23 27 255 165 902000/2001 89 60 45 25 21 240 180 60


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Appendix 4

Number of graduates of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Years GraduatesTotal Female Male

1995/96 52 37 151996/97 23 17 61997/98 21 14 71998/99 27 17 10

1999/2000 25 16 9


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Appendix 5

Costs of the study programme “Veterinary Medicine”

For higher professional programme full-time studies

F= n x knoz x fb

where: n – total planned number of students

In accordance with the Senate decision in 1999/2000 study year the limit of the number of students granted by the government is the following:

Total planned number of students is 240.

k – coefficient of study programme expenses – 1.0fb – basic funding – Ls 580,13 ( Regulations of the cabinet of Ministers,

no 42, 9 February 1999)knoz – veterinary medicine – 3.119 (1.659 in 1999 LUA)

Normative funding of the study programme far 1999:II F= 240 X 1.659 X 580.13 = LS 230984.56

Optimal funding of the study programme(Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No 42, 9 February 1999)

[(N1 + N2 + N3 + N4 + N5 + N6 + N9 + N10) x K1 x K2 + N7 + N8]x V

N1 – salary per 1 student a year;N2 - obligatory instalment of social insurance by employer per 1 student a

year;N3 – business travelling expenses per 1 student a year;N4 – service expenses per 1 student a year;N5 – resources, energy, water, inventory expenses per 1 student a year;N6 – supply of books and magazines expenses per 1 student a year;N7 – scholarship and compensation of travelling expenses per 1 student a

year;N8 – social provision (security) expenses per 1 student a year;N9 – supply of equipment and up-grading expenses per 1 student a year;N10- investments for science development of higher schools per 1 student a

year;V – average number of students of a year

Number K1 K2 Administrative value *(without N7 and N8)

N7 + N8 CalculatedLs

Undergra-duate studies

240 3.119 1.0 416.43 163.70 351010.84

* Administrative value – according to calculations of Division of Finances LUA


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Calculation: undergraduate studies ( 416.43 x 3.119 + 163.70) x 240 = 351010.84 Ls

Appendix 6

Qualification of academic staff in charge of higher professional study programme of veterinary medicine (academic staff of FVM)

Scientific and academic degree In figures % of totalDoctors habilitatus 3 9.0Doctors 10 29.0Masters of sciences 14 41.0Professional qualification 7 21.0

Total 34 100.0

Appendix 6.1

Posts of academic staff in charge of higher professional study programme of veterinary medicine (academic staff of FVM)

Scientific and academic degree In figures % of totalProfessors, state 2 6.0Associate professors 6 18.0Professors seniors 1 3.0Docents 6 17.5Lecturers 10 29.0Assistants 9 26.5

Total 34 100.0


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Appendix 7Age and scientific degree of the academic staff of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

No of order

Name, Surname Year of birth

Scientific degree Sex AgeFemale Male Until 40 41-50 51-60 Above 60

1. Edīte Birģele 1937 Dr.hab.biol. + +2. Jāzeps Rimeicāns 1946 + +3. Arnis Mugurēvičs 1959 + +4. Gunārs Pētersons 1959 Mgr. agr. + +5. Pārsla Apetjonoka 1942 + +6. Ilmārs Dūrītis 1976 - + +7. Dace Upeniece 1970 + +8. Guntars Avdoško 1968 - + +9. Aija Ilgaža 1967 + +10. Pēteris Keidāns 1938 + +11. Edgars Liepiņš 1935 + +12. Roberts Trubka 1939 + +13. Gundega Mičule 1952 + +14. Oļģerts Parčinskis 1928 + +15. Gunārs Cicers 1930 + +16. Irēna Keidāne 1945 + +17. Anna Krūklīte 1943 + +18. Ieva Rodze 1955 + +19. Lilija Javaite 1941 - + +20. Edgars Riekstiņš 1962 - + +21. Aivars Bērziņš 1975 - + +22. Vita Antāne 1949 + +23. Alberts Auzāns 1936 + +24. Aleksandrs Jemeļjanovs 1938 Dr.hab.agr. + +


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No of order

Name, Surname Year of birth

Scientific degree Sex AgeFemale Male Until 40 41-50 51-60 Above 60

25. Ļevs Jemeļjanovs 1942 + +26. Arvils Jakovskis 1961 + +27. Laima Liepa 1960 + +28. Agris Ilgažs 1966 - + +29. Oskars Kozinda 1960 - + +30. Aleksandrs Mednis 1967 + +31. Santa Buliņa 1970 + +32. Kristīne Drevinska 1973 + +33. Ilze Kokina 1972 + +34. Aleksandrs Ozols 1972 + +


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Appendix 8

Age and post of the academic staff of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Posts Until 30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-65 Above 65 Total %State professors and professors seniors 3 3 9Associate professors 3 3 6 17.5Docents 2 3 1 6 17.5Lecturers 1 4 1 3 1 10 29.5Assistants 5 3 1 9 26.5Total 6 9 4 7 6 2 34 100Total % 17.5 26.5 12 20.5 17.5 6 100


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Appendix 9

Provision of text books for the study programme of veterinary medicine

Subjects Number of book titlesFundamental library LUA Information Centre FVM

Published until 1990

Published since 1990

Published until 1990

Published since 1990

Humanities and basic subjects

93 58 - -

Specific subjects 2815 331 882 157

Total 2908 389 882 157

Appendix 10

Scheme of development and approval of subject programmes

Development and approval of subject programmes comply with the regulations approved by the Senate on 12 March 1997.


Dean Students’evaluation

Leader of the discipline

Council of the Faculty

Outside reference


Subject programme developed by a teacher

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Annotations of study subjects

FILO 102 Philosophy. Dr. phil. Z.Andersone2,0 CP (32 h: lectures – 16 h; seminars – 16 h). Examination. Compulsory for the undergraduate program Faculty of Veterinary medicine. Semester 2.Philosophy, it’s history from ancient times to contemporary situation. The main problems of philosophy: mind, language, cognition, materiality, space, time, evolution, sense of life, power, non-traditional forms of cognition etc. The basics of social philosophy.

PEDA 301.Applied psychology : Doc.A.Ķirse, 1,5 CP (24 h) including 16 lecture hours and 8 practical work hours. The course ends with an exam. Compulsory for all specialities during the 1-st or 2nd semester for academic study programme.Self- and self-understanding. Structure of a personality and experience. Possibilities of the development of the personality in the countryside. Group-work skills. Kinds of groups, aims, tasks, norms, motivation. Interpersonal relations in the group. Solving of conflicts. Career development in accordance with the peculiarities of a personality. Management and its styles. Aptitudes and self-evaluation of a manager. Advisory work in the country. Development of client-centred attitudes. Adult education. Protection of psychical health. Psychological situation in the countryside. Psychical assistance. Optimisation of stress.

FILO 103 Aestetics. Dr.phil. K.Lūsis.1,5 CP (24 h: lectures – 16 h; seminars – 8 h). Test. Compulsory for the undergraduate program Faculty of Veterinary medicine. Semester 1.Aesthetics as a human science; their place in the system of Science, role in human life and society. Main categories of aesthetics: the beauty, ugliness, the meanness, loftiness, tragic, comic.The main genres of art, their development and the specific character in the history of European culture. Art as an aesthetic component of the cultural environment.

DVID 304 People protection. Assist. professor Z.Beķeris, J.Staša2.0 CP (48 h) including 16 lecture hours, 8 laboratory, practical and seminar work hours, and individual (independent) work hours and end with exam.Compulsory for 2 course students of VMF during the 4 semester.International and Latvian labour protection conventions, rules and regulations. Labour protection training order. Inspection of labour safety conditions. Dusts, toxical substances, noise, vibrations in labour environment, workers protection. Lighting of working places. Electrosafety.Emergency situations in Latvia (risk awareness, preventive measures, preparation, response, elimination of consequences).

EKON – 104. Basics of jurisprudence Lecturer Ā. Vitte 1.5 CP (24 h, including 16 h of lectures, 8 h of practical work). Test. Compulsory subject for the students of all specialities of all faculty (except Faculty of Economics). 5th , 6th semester.Understanding of national state and the rights, principles of the power division, branches of jurisprudence. Hierarchy of the legislative deeds. Constitution. Institutions of legislation and government, administrative action, administrative liability. Concept of the civil rights, family rights, business rights, heritage rights, liability rights. Compensation of losings. Juridical control of employment relations,


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VAL 101, 102 English for specific purposes/ Fach Deutsch Lecturer M. Pētersone-Parčinska, assistant O. Koberniks , 6,5 CP, 128 h practical works, test, examination. Compulsory.Students are tested and interviewed and divided into levels of the language competence before they commence the study course in foreign languages. Students have to know the four language skills stated in the Standard of Foreign Language Skills for Secondary Schools (LR IM, Riga, 1993). If it is necessary, the skills are improved.

SPOR 001 . Sports. Lecturer Inta Ozola. 3 CP ( 128h ) : lectures 8h, practical works 120h.Test. Compulsory for 1.year students – 1.semester( 0.75 CP, 64h ) 2.semester ( 0.75 CP, 64h ) Compulsory for 2.year students – 3.semester ( 0.75 CP, 64h) 4.semester ( 0.75 CP, 64h )The course provides theoretical knowledge and develops practical skills of the students. The theoretical knowledge deals with the physiological impact of physical exercises on the body, familiarises students with competition rules and principles of their proper organisation. The practical classes strengthen the students skills and habits which facilitate further development of their physical abilities. Taking into account the different levels of physical condition and health of students, the programme offers opportunities to go for different kinds of sport in accordance with the capabilities and interests of the young people.

FIZI 103 Physic Lecturer E.Budnovics 1st semester, 3,0 CP, 32h lec, 16 h lab, examination, compulsory for professional program of the biological FacultiesThe mechanics: motion, force, energy; flexibility and vibrator motion; the mechanical phenomenon’s fluids and gases; sound; the phenomenon’s on fluids surface and motions laws. The temperature and heat: the scales of temperature, the heat exchange; the laws of gases; the physical state exchanges of substances. The electrical and magnetic phenomenons: the electrical field and current; the electromagnetism and alternating current. The optics and elements of atomic structure: the light and other emissions, sources, properties, and importance.

KIMI 108 Inorganic chemistry.Doc. B. Ozola. 5,0 CP (80 h) –lectures 32 h , laboratory 48 h Compulsory course for first semester students of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, examination.Theoretical background of general chemistry. Biogene elements. Microelements. Review of biological important chemical elements, its biological significance and use in veterinary medicine. Introduction in the quantitative analytical chemistry. Instrumental methods of analyses.

KIMI 112. Biochemistry. Assoc. prof. Andris Morozovs. 8,0 CP (Total 128 h. Organic chemistry: 4,0 CP, lectures - 32 h, laboratory - 32 h, 2nd semester of 1st

course, control - final test. Biochemistry: 4,0 CP, lectures - 16 h, laboratory - 48 h, 1 st

semester of 2nd course, control - exam). Compulsory course.Introduction in the organic chemistry. Structure of organic compounds. Interaction of atoms in molecules of organic compounds. Reactions of organic compounds. Hydrocarbons. Derivatives with oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur containing monofunctional groups of hydrocarbons. Carbonyl compounds. Organic compounds with identical and different functional groups. Biologically significant heterocyclic


Page 68: LATVIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE - AIKNC · Web viewProfessor A.Jemeļjanovs – 1,0 CP (24h and 2 CP - 48h in lab.). In conclusion - examination. Compulsory. Andrology - fundamental

compounds. Hydrocarbons. Aminoacids and peptides. Proteins. Nucleonic acids. Lipids. Steroids. Steroid hormones. Lipid-soluble vitamins. Hormones and biologically active substances. The main structural principles of living organisms. Enzymes. Bioenergetic. Metabolism of hydrocarbons. Lipid’s catabolic and anabolic pathways. Metabolism of nitrogen containing compounds. Genetic information and their transformation biochemical pathways in animals. Integration and regulation of metabolism.

INF 104. Basics of biometry. Lecturer L.Ramute. 3,0 CP (48 h: lectures 16 h, laboratory 32 h). Pass with a mark. For first year bachelor programm students of faculty of Veterinary medicine LUA 2nd semester.Biometry as a branch of mathematics about mathematical processing of observation’s and trial’s data in biology. Samples, descriptive statistics, statistical indicators. Theory of probability. Statistical inference and hypothesis testing. Analysis of variance (single factor and two factors). Correlation. Regression.

MEZK 112 Botany and pharmacognosy.Docent I.Straupe3,0 CP.Exam.Compulsary for professional program of Faculty of Veterinary medicine,1st semester.Field seminar 1 KP(6 days),2nd semester.The structure and functions of plant cell. The classification and functions of plant tissues. The structure and functions of plants vegetative and generative organs. The classification, characterisation and importance of plant groups. The most important and widespread wild medical plants. Poisonous plants.

PREK 306 Zoology. 5,0 CP (80 h, lectures 32 h, lab work 48 h). Test, examination. Compulsory for academic study programm of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. 1st and 2nd semesters.Zoology is an introductionary subject in the curriculum of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. The course consists of two parts - general zoology and systematic zoology. The goal of the general zoology is to give the students knowledge on the main principles of the structure and the functions of the animal body and their evolution; to provide a basic understanding of the role of animals in natural and artificial ecosystems; to introduce in the evolutionary history of the Latvian fauna and it’s current composition and wealth; to draw attention on the influence of different agricultural methods on the biodiversity with main emphasis on the animals. Systematic zoology gives a knowledge on the main principles of the classification of the animals and on the diversity of the animal’s kingdom.

VIDE 101 Ecology and environmental Protection. Assoc. prof. J.Švarcbahs2 KP (48h: lectures – 32 h; seminars – 16 h). Examination. Compulsory for the speciality of Veterinary medicine.Studying the Environment. Classifying environmental problems. Environment and sustainable society. Environmental improvement – an interplay of social and technological problems.The ecological Background. The levels of organisation of ecology. Structure in ecosystems. The biotic and antibiotic components of ecosystems. Production and consumption in ecosystems. Productivity and energy flow. Biogeochemical cycles. Succession and stability of ecosystems. Diversity in ecosystems. The organisation of


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populations. Population dynamics. The ecological niche. The human population and urban problems. The biosphere.The Environmental Protection. Historical overview of resource use, resource conservation and environmental protection. Resources and resource management. Managing wildlife. Loss of biodiversity. Pollution. Chemicals in the environment. Solid wastes. Climate change and ozone depletion. Economics and environment. Politics and environment

AUDZ 101 Genetics. Ass. prof. Māra Jansone. Dr. agr. 3,0 CP (48 h) lectures 16 h, and laboratory 32 h. Examination. Compulsory for professional study of Faculty Veterinary Medicine 2 nd semester.The animal genetics included the heredity and variability in the molecular, cell, organisms and population level in this course. The main task of genetics is to investigate the action genes and possibilities of regulation this process. Our course explain complicated gene mutual and interactional action with environment. There are studied methods of hibridological analyses, mathematical statistics, population and quantitative genetics. Further are characterised immunology and protein polymorphism, genetics of animal behaviour traits.

AUDZ. 102. Animal Husbandry. Mag., asist. Prof. D.Kairiša. 6,0 CP (96 h including 32 lectures, 64 laboratory work). Test, examination. Compulsory for professional study line students of the Veterinary Medicine Faculty. Significance of animal husbandry in national economics, those situation and development perspective in Latvia and other countries . Species and breeds of domestic animals their forming history. Different animal raring technologies, methods of product safety estimation. Organisation of pedigree rounding system in Latvia.

EDIN 303 Animal Nutrition. Assoc. prof. U.Osītis, ass. Lecturer E.Selegovska 4,5 CP ( 80 h including lectures 32 h, laboratory 48 h). Project (1,5 CP), examination. Compulsory for the professional programm of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. 4 semester.Animal nutrition is a subject with the aim to acquire the student with knowledge in zootehnical and economical evaluation of foodstuffs. The proper feeding of livestock is for the most part a matter of supplying them with the right amount of those chemical elements and compounds essential for carrying on the different live processes - for different species, ages, sex and productivity groups to get maximal productivity and maintain animal health, reproduction abilities, longevity.

PVHI 311 Animal, environmental hygiene. Lecture I.Keidāne 5,0 CP (128h, including 48 h lectures, 80 h laboratory work). Pass, examination, course work.This course is designed to teach heath management and husbandry practices focusing or disease prevention and scientifically based technology designed to enhance livestock productivity and longevity. Topics include animal feeding, housing, handling, ecological problem salving, public heath and sanitary measures, and environmental factors meeting natural resistance, adaptations and acclimatisation.


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VFIZ 401 Ethology. 1,5 CP Doc.emeritus A.Garančs (36 h : lectures 16 h, laboratory work 16 h). Test with a mark. Compulsory subject of the professional study programmes for the speciality of Veterinary Medicine 5th semester.Ethology is a science of animal behaviour. Animal behaviour is a language, witch we need to understand. If we know animal behaviour, we can understand the animal is self - it needs, joy and sadness. Animal behaviour is the main factor for recognising the herd. If we better know the animal behaviour, we know better the Nature and better we know our selves.

EKON - 103 Theory of Economics.Lect.,Mg.oec.A.Bišofa, 1,5 KP (32 h including lectures - 16 h, seminars - 16 h). Examination. Compulsory for all faculty ( except Economics faculty).3rd , 4th semester.Introduction to Economics. Economics problems and analysis. Economic models, Economics System. The Price System; The Demand Side of a Market, The Supply Side of a Market. A Guided tour of the Business Firm. National Output, Income, and Employment. National Income and Product. Gross National Product. Unemployment and Inflation. Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply, and Business Fluctuation. Determining National Output. Multiplier Analysis and Changes in Output. Fiscal Policy and National Output. Foreign Trade, Business Fluctuations, and Economic Forecasting. Money, Banking and Stabilisation Policy. Money and the Economy. The Banking System and the Quantity of Money. Monetary policy. Controversies Over Stabilisation Policy. Inflation and Anti-Inflationary Measures. International Economics. International Trade. Exchange Rates and the Balance of Payment. Consumer Behaviour and Business Decision. Market Demand and Price Elasticity. Getting Behind the Demand curve: Consumer Behaviour. Optimal Input Decisions by Business Firms. Cost Analysis. Market Structure and Antitrust Policy. Perfect Competition. Monopoly and its regulation. Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly. Industrial Organisation and Antitrust policy. Government and the Economy. The Economic Role of the Government. Government Expenditures, Taxation, and the Public Debt. Government and the Environment. Distribution of Income. Determinants of Wages. Interest, Rent, and Profits. Income Inequality and Poverty. Economic Development and Alternative Economic Systems.

PREK 304. History of Veterinary Medicine. Assoc. professor J.Rimeicāns 1,0 CP 16h, lectures 16h. Test in 1st semester. Compulsory for academic study programm for students of Veterinary Medicine faculty.History of veterinary Medicine as science is studying formation and historical development of veterinary medicine, achievements of Veterinary Medicine on prophylaxis and eradication of diseases; protection of human, animal health an nature, as well as circulation and usage safe and harmless animal origin products for human consumption History of Veterinary Medicine summarises accumulation of knowledge about Veterinary Medicine, develops professional and general knowledge and shows links Veterinary Medicine with achievements of other sciences.

PREK 303. Latin language and terminology of veterinary. Doc. A.Mugurēvičs 2,0 CP (32 h; lab. Work 32 h). Test in 1st semester, exam. - 2nd semester. Compulsory for academic study programm for students of Veterinary Medicine faculty.


Page 71: LATVIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE - AIKNC · Web viewProfessor A.Jemeļjanovs – 1,0 CP (24h and 2 CP - 48h in lab.). In conclusion - examination. Compulsory. Andrology - fundamental

The terminology of veterinary has developed on the basis of Latin language, therefore for successful studies of special subjects (anatomy, histology, pharmacology and pat. Anatomy) there is needed knowledge of Latin language. The students must learn gramatics of Latin language, they must learn to use correctly termins of veterinary medicine. The connection of this subjects: without knowledge of special Latin terminology it is impossible to study the courses of anatomy, histology, pat. Anatomy and pharmacology.

PREK 301. Anatomy of the Domestic Animals. Doc. A.Mugurēvičs 9,5 CP (224 h; lectures 48 h, laboratory 176 h). Test in 1st semester, exam. - 2nd, 3rd semester. Compulsory for Academical Program for vet. med. speciality.Anatomy is the foundation for all biological knowledge. Anatomy of Domestic Animals is the science of the structure of animal organism. Anatomy of the Domestic Animals is very close connected with cell biology, histology, microscopical anatomy and physiology. Anatomy is the basis of medical science.

PREK 302. Cytology, histology, embryology. Assoc. pofessor J.Rimeicāns 4,5 CP (112h; lectures 48h; lab 64h.). Test in 2nd semester; examination - 3rd semester.Compulsory for academical programs for students of veterinary medicine faculty.Cytology, histology, embryology is one of basic science, which study microscopy and ultrastructural structure of cells, tissues and organs. Cytology, histology and embryology is very close connected with anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology. Together with those sciences cytology, histology and embryology form basis of veterinarians thinking.

PREK 319 Physiology. Professor E.Birģele 7,0 CP (168 h: lectures 72 h, laboratory 96 h). 3rd semester - test, 4th semester - examination. Compulsory for specialisation of Veterinary medicine.Physiology is the fundamental science of Biology. It study the principles of physiological processes of the organism - vital functional of the cells, organs and systems, its relationships and mechanisms of regulation.

PVHI 301 Microbiology. Assoc. prof. E. Liepiņš.4,5 CP (112 hrs, including 48 hrs lectures, 60 hrs laboratory work, 4 hrs practical control work ). Pass. Course thesis. Examination. Compulsory subject for students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. 3 rd and 4th semester.During the course of studies students are acquainted with agents of infectious diseases in various species of animals and birds - structure of bacteria (micro-organisms), their morphological, functional, biochemical and biological qualities, their multiplication, growing, feeding, classification and their connection with various processes of circulation in nature. Basics of the theory of infection and immunity, pathogenesis of infection in a susceptible micro-organism caused by extracellular, optional intracellular, obligatory cellular, cell association, bacteria, pathogenic fungi, their clinical signs, diagnostics, serum - prophylaxis and serumtherapy. Laboratory methods of identification of bacteria and pathogenic fungi.

PVHI 302 Virology. Lecturer I.Rodze. 3.5 CP (80 h : lectures 48 h, laboratory 32 h). Examination. Compulsory for professional study program of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in specialisation in Veterinary medicine, 5th semester.


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The students of the subject of virology study the pathogenic agents of the animal viral diseases – the virus structural and biochemical formation, the system, the genetics and its connection with definite ecological niche students acquire, the conception of the pathogenesis stimulated by viruses in the cells and in the whole body of susceptible animals. The development of immunity is inspected. The students study the laboratory methods of virus determination

PVHI 303 Immunology. Lecturer G.Cicers 2,0 CP (48 h. : lectures 32 h., laboratory 16 h.). Examination. Compulsory for professional study program of the Veterinary Medicine, 6th semester.The program of veterinary immunology contains following separate subjects organised in such a way that the student can follow the sequence of events beginning with the administration of a foreign antigen and subsequent host responses until the foreign material is destroyed.Introduction in the immunology : empirical period, recent discoveries in biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology providing a wealth of new information that expands and in many cases clarifies earlier knowledge. Non-specific defence mechanisms. antigens and antigenicity. Destruction of foreign material by the myeloid system. Macrophages and antigen processing. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC). The tissues of the immune system. Lymphocytes. The helper T- cell response. Lymphokines and cytokines. Antibodies. The clonal selection theory and the cellular basis of antibody formation. The complement system. Effector T- cellfunction. Tissue transplantation. Tolerance and regulation of the immune system. Immunity at body surfaces. Immunity in the foetus and new-born. General principles of vaccination. Resistance to bacteria and related organisms. Resistance to viruses. Immunity to parasites. Inflammation. Type I hypersensitivity. Type II hypersensitivity. Type III hypersensitivity. Type IV hypersensitivity. General principles of autoimmunity. Organ specific autoimmune diseases. The systemic autoimmune disease. Primary immune deficiencies. Secondary immunological defects. Drugs that affect the immune system (suppressing and stimulating drugs ).

PVHI 304. Veterinary Epizootiology. Lectures G. Cicers, 2,0 CP (48h. lectures 16h.,laboratory 32 h) Compulsory for academical and professional study program of the Veterinary Medicine, 7th semester.Epidemiology deals with the health triad “animal – environment – man” the mutual relationships are very complex and variable in nature. The major areas of concern regard: public health (zoonoses, food born diseases), macro – economics (epidemics, endemics, export related diseases) and diseases combat and prevention at farm level. Decision making in all areas to be based on adequate information about animal health status, the respective farming conditions and risks involved, meaning that there is an increasing need for quantitative data, and for proper analysis and interpretation of such data. Veterinarians are involved in field of animal production, with regard to the quality of products of animal production, with regard to the quality of products of animal origin, animal health, production method, food safety and animal welfare. Epidemiology describes methods to disease control, decision making and preventive action.


Page 73: LATVIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE - AIKNC · Web viewProfessor A.Jemeļjanovs – 1,0 CP (24h and 2 CP - 48h in lab.). In conclusion - examination. Compulsory. Andrology - fundamental

VFIZ 320 General pathology. Assistant G.Avdoško 3,0 CP (72 h: lectures 40 h, laboratory 32 h). 4th semester - test, 5th semester examination. Compulsory for specialisation of Veterinary medicine.General pathology is the fundamental science of clinic discipline, with study functions of ill organism, disease reasons, development of mechanisms, consequence, diagnostic and treatment reasons.

KLIN 302 Pharmacology, toxicology. Doc. A.Jakovskis5,0 CP (120 h: lectures 76 h, laboratory 44 h).5-th semester - test, 6-th semester - examination, 11-th semester - test with numerical grades.Compulsory for specialisation of Veterinary Medicine.Study subject Pharmacology, toxicology consist of two parts.Pharmacology - one of the special subject in Veterinary Medicine studies.General aims of study are following:- veterinary drug prescription;- pharmacodinamics of drug;- pharmacokinetics of drug;- side effects of drug (warning etc.);- pharmacotherapy;- pharmacoprophylasis;- veterinary phytotherapy.Veterinary toxicology is one of the special subject in Veterinary Medicine studies.General aims of Toxicology are following:- symptoms, diagnosis of poisoning;- prophylaxis, treatment of poisoning;- laboratory testing methods of poison substances;- toxicodinamics of drugs;- toxicological aspects of drug interaction with other medicines.

PVHI 321 Patological anatomy and necropsy. Doc.emer. Oļģerts Parčinskis,9,0 CP+1,5 CP (212 h lectures 60 h, labor. work 152 h) 1 exam., 3 tests with mark –3; 1 Course paper. Subject is obligatory course for Veterinary medicine students in 5,6,7,9 semester.Subject of veterinary medicine where morphology of animal pathology is considered at macroscopic and microscopic level in order to understand pathology. The General part includes general conceptions, morphology of types of the body responses, thanatogenesis, degeneration and necrosis, circulatory disturbances, inflammation and repain, disturbances of growth, neoplasia. The special part includes pathology of organs and systems, morphology of contagious diseases in animals of various species. Necropsy develops proficiency and skills in diagnostic of practical pathological anatomy.

KLIN 321. Obstetrics and gynaecology. Assoc. prof. V. Antāne. 5,0 CP+1,5 CP (120 h: lectures - 56 h, laboratory - 64 h), Test, examination, course work. Compulsory for the academically professional study programm of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. 6th and 7th semester.Course objectives are acquisition and development of problem-solving skills in veterinary obstetrics and gynaecology by: Providing a working knowledge of clinical reproductive phenomena in cattle, equine, ovine/caprine, and sows necessary for the


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diagnosis and treatment of reproductive failure in these species. Providing adequate description of the theorises and concepts of reproduction in above species. Emphasis will be on developing the ability to recognise the abnormal based on knowledge of the normal.Laboratory sessions, designed to afford the student opportunity to develop the skills and practice various diagnostic techniques in veterinary obstetrics and gynaecology.

KLIN 322. Andrology and artificial insemination. Professor A.Jemeļjanovs – 1,0 CP (24h and 2 CP - 48h in lab.). In conclusion - examination. Compulsory.Andrology - fundamental and applicable part of veterinary medicine science what investigates physiology of male reproduction, ethipathogenic processes, different diseases and possibilities of treatment.Artificial insemination - fundamental and applicable part of biotechnology science with wide utilisation in animal breeding around of the world. This part of science investigate, physiology and pathology of gamete’s formations, anabiosis, crioprotection, action and regulation problems of reproduction systems of animals, techniques and technology of artificial insemination. Cloning.

KLIN 314 Radiology Assoc. professor A.Auzāns, 4,0 CP (96 h: 32 h lectures, 64 h practical works, examination, compulsory for 3.year students 1-th semesterQualities and categorisation of radiation (ionizing, artificial, corpuscular, elektromagnetic); light physics (origin and activity, units of measurement, instruments of measure); biological aspects of radiation (effects on cells, tissues, organism, radiation syndrome, safety); question of contamination and incorporation of radioactive markers (uses, metabolism); using radiation contaminated animals and food; contamination and incorporation of radioactive substances (biocycles of important radioactive substances, metabolism); legal aspects of radiation; X-ray physics and technology, taking radiographs; additional technologies; radiation therapy.

KLIN 304 Internal Medicine, Herd Health.Assoc. professor L.Jemeljanovs, docent L.Liepa, lecturer I.Lusis.9,0 CP+ 1,5 CP (224 h: lectures 112 h, laboratory 112 h).7-th, 9-th and 11-th semester - test, 8-th and 10-th semester - examination, 10-th semester - course work.Compulsory for specialisation of Veterinary Medicine.Study subject Internal Medicine, Herd Health consists of two parts.Internal Medicine is the basic clinical study subject of Veterinary Medicine. General aims of study are following:

- definition of internal non - infections diseases, epidemiology;- etiology, pathogenesis, clinical findings;- diagnosis, differential diagnosis;- gait of disease, prognosis;- treatment and prophylaxis (control).

During the studies of Herd Health (new integrated part of the veterinary education curriculum in Latvia) students acquire scientifically knowledge’s about health care in production animal units.

KLIN 303 Small Animal Internal Medicine.


Page 75: LATVIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE - AIKNC · Web viewProfessor A.Jemeļjanovs – 1,0 CP (24h and 2 CP - 48h in lab.). In conclusion - examination. Compulsory. Andrology - fundamental

Assist. I. Kokina. 3,0 CP +1,5 CP (80 h: lectures - 40 h, laboratory - 40 h, course work 1,5 CP).Academic standings: 7-th semester - test, 8-th semester - course work, 9-th semester - examination. Obligatory course in veterinary medicine speciality.Small Animals Internal Medicine deal with diseases of organ systems: Cardiovascular disorders, Respiratory disorders, Gastrointestinal disorders, Genitourinary disorders, Neurological and musculoskeletal disorders, Endocrine and metabolic disorders, Dermatological disorders, Behavioural problems in the Dogs and Cats, Diet role in a health of companion animals - nutrition of different species and breeds, ages.Ocular disorders and emergencies.Emergencies and critical care in the small animal practice

PVHI 323 Infectious diseases Professor E. Liepiņš, asoc pof. R. Trubka 6,5+1,5 CP (162h: lectures 81 h, laboratory work 81 h) 2 pass, 2 examination, course work. Compulsory subject for professional study program of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 8.,9.,10.,11.semesterInfectious diseases (bacterial, viral, rickettsial, hlamidial, mycotic) transmitted between, or common to humans and other animals. Infectious diseases of horse, cattle, pig, young animals, dog, cat, fur animals and poultry. Actuality and prevalence of infectious diseases in Latvia and European countries. Etiological factors, contagio-sity, epizootiology and pathogenesis, clinical signs, pathologanatomical lesions, diagnosis, treatment, immunity and immunisation programs, control measures.

PVHI 322 Parasitology and parasitic diseases, Assoc. prof. P. Keidāns, 6,5 CP +1,5 CP (160 h, including 64 h lectures,96 h laboratory work). Test, course paper, examination. Compulsory subject of the professional study programme for the speciality of veterinary medicine. 6th and 7th semester.Parasitology and parasitic diseases is a subject that gives knowledge to veterinary students of the place of animal parasites in the zoological system, their morphology, biology, way of life relationship with the host organism and environment, as well as animal parasitic diseases caused by them. Causes and spread regularity of these diseases, pathogenesis, clinical signs and pathological changes, diagnostics, treatment and prophylaxis are explained.

PVHI 324 Diseases of Small Animals. Asoc prof. R.Trubka 6,5+1,5 CP (160 h: lectures 68 h, laboratory 92 h) Pass, course work, examination . Compulsory. 10-11 semesterStudents are acquainted with the anatomical and physiological properties of fur-bearing animals (foxes, mink, rabbits), laboratory animals (mice, rat, hamster, guinea pig), of most popular exotic animals (snake, lizards, tortoises) and pet birds (canaries, parakeets, parrots), with the principles of husbandry and feeding; with the methods of handling and diagnostic procedures; with the management and treatment of most widespread and dangerous infectious, invasive, not invasive diseases and surgery.Diseases of bees is the special subject in the curriculum of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. During the course of studies students must acquire anatomy and biology of bees, veterinary hygienic measures taken at apiary, diagnostics and disease control, examination of bee-keeping products and their hygienic treatment in cases of bee diseases.


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The subject deals with anatomical and physiological peculiarities of poultry basic issues of its nutrition, management and tending on various types of farms – small, medium and large. It also deals with metabolic disturbances, pathology of digestive tract, respiratory and reproductive organs, most important infectious diseases and their diagnostic. In necropsies it is especially focused on morphological diagnostic. General issues on prevention and treatment of poultry diseases are discussed.The students of the subject of fish diseases get acquainted themselves with the breeding of freshwater fish in ponds, with the artificial incubation of salmon fries in Latvia, with different kinds of food (natural and combined), optimal water hydrochemical qualitative indices in fish breeding places. The students acquire the anatomy and biology of fish and the most dangerous infectious diseases in Europe and Latvia, fresh-water fish, sea-water fish and aquarium fish invasion diseases causing mass morbidity and the methods in the course of treatment.

KLIN 311. Surgical techniques. Lecturer Agris Ilgazs. 4,5 CP +1,5 CP(112h : lectures 32h, laboratory 80h). Examination. Compulsory thing for the academical study programm of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. 5th and 6th semester.Surgical techniques investigate anatomy of topography, rule of surgery interference and method, so that renew production and power of sick animals or increase production of healthy animals. Part of surgical techniques in veterinary medicine are the prophylaxis of surgical sick and its complication, treatment of sick animals and work out of the new power method, mass carry out of economical and cosmetical operation, as also use of the urgent surgical manipulation in veterinary medicine. In course of surgical techniques inspected the prophylaxis of surgical infection, principle of surgical work, fixing and narcosis of animals, element of injection and operation techniques in different region of body.

KLIN 312. Small Animal Surgery. Lecturer O.Kozinda. 4,0 CP + 1,5 CP (96 h: lectures - 32 h, laboratory - 64 h), Colloquy, examination. Course work.For the academically professional study programm of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. 8th and 9th semester.Small animal surgery deal with aetiology of surgical diseases, pathogenesis, diagnosis, differential diagnosis of diseases and principles of treatment. Students are introduced with development of surgical bacteriology, infection, open and closed tissue injuries, diseases of skin, muscles, bones, joints and tumours.

KLIN 313. Large animal surgery. Assist. A.Ozols. 3,0 CP + 1,5 CP (72h: lectures 24h, laboratory 48h). Colloquy, course work, examination. Compulsory thing for the academical study programm of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. 9th and 10th semester.Large animal surgery to present a concise, practical and systematic review to etiology and patogenesis, diagnostic and differential diagnostic properties of the diseases and they treatment in all parts and tissues of large animal body.

KLIN 401. Clinical pharmacotherapy. Doc.A.Jakovskis. 1,0 CP (24h: lectures 12h, laboratory 12h), 11-th semester- test with numerical grades. Compulsory.One of the most important subject in Veterinary Medicine studies.General aims of study are following:- drug interactions with other medicines;- pharmacological (in vitro, in vivo) and toxicological aspects of drug interaction;


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- adversal, secondary effects and warning;- warnings of drug prescription for new-born animals, in cases of hepatic and renal pathology; for treatment of mastitis, skin diseases etc.

PVHI 325 Professional knowledge. Prof. E.Liepiņš, doc. G.Mičule. 6,0 CP + 1,5 CP (144 h, including 84 h lectures, 60 h laboratory work, 36 hrs course project). Colloquy. Examination. Compulsory subject for professional study program of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. 9th ,10thand 11th semester.Professional knowledge. During studies students are got acquainted with the veterinary legislation of Latvia and EU, organisation of state veterinary supervision, including official food control, the organisation of diagnostic and testing of animal diseases, as well as organisation of control of infectious diseases of animals, control of manufacturing and distribution of veterinary drugs and it’s supervision by competent authorities, animal welfare, the main rights and responsibilities of animal and animal product owners. Important part is also description of aims, tasks and activities of professional veterinary organisations ( Latvian association of veterinarians), including international organisations. Separately are studied different aspects of private veterinary practise, as well as veterinary information and veterinary records and reporting systems.Students are practising in fulfilling of veterinary documentation, recording and reporting of their practical findings.Professional ethics is important to be prepared for veterinary work in different fields of veterinary medicine, especially private practical. It teaches moral behaviour regarding animals, clients, colleague, society and environment in modern socio-economical circumstances. It presents information on human psychology, types of personalities and optimal behaviour both in verbal and optimal behaviour both in verbal and non-verbal communication. Evolution of moral beliefs, the absolute and relative of moral categories. Basic principles of veterinarians’ moral behaviour. Moral behaviour at veterinarian’s professional work in various situations and fields. Moral code. Ethical education and self-education of veterinarians.Actualities in veterinary medicine as subject is studying newest actual problems of veterinary services in Latvia and whole world, as well as drafting and implementation process of veterinary medicine legislation.

PVHI 326 Forensic veterinary medicine. Doc. emeritus Oļģerts Parčinskis, 1,0 CP ( 24 h; lectures 12 h, lab./pract. Work 12 h); 1 test with mark. Subject is obligatory course for Veterinary medicine students in 10 semester.

Important subject for veterinary practical work. General conceptions of forensic veterinary medicine expertise. General methodology of expertise. Order of expertise appointment and making of judgement in cases of violation of labous law and administrative code, civil law and criminal case Expert’s rights and duties. Expertise in cases of purchase and sale, in cases of mechanical and electrical trauma, infectious and noninfectious diseases. Veterinarian’s legal and ethical responsibility for violation, errors, accidents, crime at professional work and their expertise.

PVHI 331 Food Technology. Docent G.Mičule, assistant R.Rafaēla 2,5 CP (64 h: 32h lectures, 32 h laboratory work). Pass. Compulsory subject in 7th semester.

During the course of studies students are acquainted with different groups of foodstuffs of animal origin, its basics of technology, including meat, meat products, milk, milk products, fish and fishery products, eggs and honey. During the studies


Page 78: LATVIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE - AIKNC · Web viewProfessor A.Jemeļjanovs – 1,0 CP (24h and 2 CP - 48h in lab.). In conclusion - examination. Compulsory. Andrology - fundamental

students are acquainted with basics of processing technologies, including chemical, biochemical, fermentative processes in foodstuffs as well as natural food microbiology. Additionally information about food processing plants is given (situation, equipment etc.)

PVHI 332 Foodborne infections. Assistant A.Bērziņš 2 CP (48 h: 16 h lectures, 32 h laboratory work). Examination. Compulsory subject for students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in 8th semester.

During the course of studies student are acquainted with different foodborne infections (Salmonella, Escherichia, Proteus etc.) and intoxications (Clostridium, Listeria, Campylobacter etc.) They study properties of these micro-organisms, detection methods in foodstuffs as well as epidemiology of these micro-organisms.

PVHI 333 Food toxicology. Assistant A. Bērziņš 2 CP (48 h, including 16 h lectures, 32 h laboratory work). Examination. Compulsory subject for students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in 8th semester.

During the course of studies students are acquainted with different chemicals in the environment and veterinary drug residues which can be found in the foodstuffs of animal origin, its accumulation in animal or foodstuffs of animal origin. Analyse its riskiness to human health. Study basic methods which are necessary to detect these residues in the foodstuffs and to evaluate the product safety

PVHI 334. Food Hygiene and Product Inspection. Assistant A.Bērziņš. 4,5 CP + 1,5 CP (110 h, including 44 h lectures, 66 h laboratory work). Pass. Examination. Compulsory subject for students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 8th, 9th and 10th semester.Food Hygiene and Product Inspection. Food Hygiene and Product Inspection is the special subject in the Curriculum of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Ways of production, treatment and processing, transportation, storage and distribution of foodstuffs of animal origin for human consumption; meat hygiene and methods of meat inspection in order to draw conclusions that the product is harmless to human health from the epidemiological point of view.

PVNI 335. Food products marketing. Doc. G.Mičule 3,0 CP (80h: lectures 48h laboratory 32h). Colloquy. For professional study programm of the faculty of veterinary medicine 9th semester.

Annotations of practice for 1st to 6th year students in higher professional study programme “Veterinary medicine”.

PREK 001. Practical training in Anatomy of Domestic Animals. Docent Arnis Mugurēvičs, lecturer Pārsla Apetjonoka, lecturer Ilmārs Dūrītis, 1 CP, 1 week (24h). Test. Compulsory in professionals studies programme in veterinary medicine in 2nd

semester.Student practical training programme contains tasks doable under the guidance of lecturers, to make it possible to use the knowledge obtained in lectures and practical works in anatomy in interface with animals.


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PREK 002. Training in zoology. 1 CP, 1 week (24 h). Test. Compulsory for professional study programm of the Veterinary Medicine, 2 semester.The practical training in zoology is continuation of the theoretical course. It gives knowledge on the diversity of animal species and their occurrence in different terrestrial and freshwater habitats. The students obtain skills in identification of the most common animal species in the field.

PREK 003. Practical training in Physiology of domestic animals. Docent Artūrs Garančs, 3 CP, 3 weeks (72h). Test. Compulsory in professional studies programme in Veterinary Medicine in 4th semester.Student teaching practical training program in Physiology contains task which can be fulfil with living animals using knowledge’s obtained in lectures and laboratory works.

KLIN 002. Practical training program in herd health and reproduction. Assistant professor Vita Antane and assistant Santa Bulina, 3 CP, 3 weeks. Compulsory for professional study program of the Veterinary Medicine, 6th semester.Practical training program herd health and reproductionThe program contains tasks for the 3-rd year students of veterinary medicine carried out in supervision of experienced veterinarians in different regions of Latvia. Students are acquainted with the field veterinary work organisation, they improve their practical skills in gynaecological, clinical examination of animals and different therapeutical, surgical and preventive manipulations. Students collect material during practice for course work in obstetrics and gynaecology. Students should perform individual task in herd health and reproduction (collect data of subclinical and clinical mastitis, postpartum endometritis, retained placenta prevalence and incidence and prophylactic steps in dairy herd ) or performed questionnaire between dairy herdsmen about dairy herd health and reproduction. Students should keep diary of everyday work performed and in the end of training course they write report.

KLIN 004. Practice in Small Animal Diseases. A.Auzāns, asist. K.Drevinska. 3 CP, (90 h). Examination. Compulsory for professional study programm of the Veterinary Medicine.The practical work in small animal diseases of fourth course take place in veterinary enterprises ( out-patient clinics, hospitals etc.) under supervision of veterinary practitioner. During practice students get acquainted with specific features of work with small animals and obtain practical knowledge in diagnostics, treatment and prophylaxis of small animal diseases. Simultaneously they acquaint with veterinary management, documentation, expenses of treatment and prophylaxis and further perspective of veterinary enterprise.

PVHI 002. Training in diseases of Farm animals. Professor Edgars Liepiņš and lecturer Gunārs Cicers, 4 CP, 4 weeks (120 h). Examination. Compulsory for professional study programm of the Veterinary Medicine, 10th semester.Student practical training programme contains: work done under supervision of private practitioner to get acquainted with veterinary management of farm animals in the countryside conditions, clinical and pathological diagnostics, treatment, control and prevention of contagious, internal, gynaecological diseases, as well as veterinary obstetrics and veterinary inspection of healthy and forced slaughtered animals.


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KLIN 005. Practical Clinical Work. . A.Auzāns, assist. K.Drevinska. 2.5 CP. Test. Compulsory for professional study programm of the Veterinary Medicine.1st – 11th semester.Practical clinical work of all courses veterinary students take place in stationary of Clinical institute and Veterinary hospital under supervision of the teaching staff and veterinarians. During clinical work students get acquainted with animal husbandry, diagnostic, treatment and prophylaxis of animal diseases and work with animal , s owners. Clinical work is organised individually according to schedule during theoretical studies.

1st and 2nd courses – work in animal husbandry.3rd course – laboratory work.4th - 6th courses- work in veterinary hospital.

KLIN 006. Internship in Veterinary Medicine. Assoc. prof. A. Auzans, assist. K.Drevinska. 12 CP, 12 weeks ( 360 h ). Examination. Compulsory for professional study programm of the Veterinary Medicine. 12th semester.

Twelve week internship in any area of veterinary medicine – large and small animal clinics, food hygiene enterprises. 6 weeks practice in area of student choice ( example: small animal clinic ), another 6 weeks is divided in 2 parts and take place in other areas of veterinary medicine (example: large animal clinic and food hygiene enterprise). During practice in large and small animal clinic students participate in clinical examination, diagnosis, treatment and autopsy. During practice in food hygiene enterprise students participate in food inspection and evaluation, hygiene control in all phases of processing, cleanliness and disinfection. Reinforcement of material already learned and practical application of theoretical knowledge is the goal.


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Appendix 11

Analysis of Master Studies at the FVM LUA 1993 – 2000

Year of admittance

Number of Master students

Presented master thesis

Ongoing studies

(number of


ExpelledTotal Did not

complete curriculu


Did not start


Did not resume studies after academic



1993 9 2 1 6 3 2 1 -1994 13 4 1 8 1 - 4 31995 5 2 1 2 1 - 1 -1996 14 6(3) - 8 5 - 3 -1997 21 8(1) 8 5 4 - - 11998 10 1 9 - - - - -1999 10 - 10 - - - - -2000 19 - 19 - - - - -Total 101 23 (23%) 49 29

(29%)14 2 11 4

*) 5 master thesis presented on the basis of summarised scientific publications without completing the master programme (Anna Krūklīte, Santa Baumane, Vitolds Dzenis,

Aivars Dedziņš, Biruta Amoliņa).


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Appendix 12Master study curriculum at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine LUA


Subjects Subject volume

Number of lectures, labs, total/per week

I study year II study year

h CPautumnsemester 14 weeks


3+8 weeks

autumnsemester12 weeks

spring semester 8 weeks

1 2 3 4 5 6 71. Humanities, obl. course 4 CP1.1. Foreign language 32 2 20/1.5 12/1

ex- -

1.2. Philosophy of science 32 2 32/2,5ex

- - -

2. General education, obl. course 2 CP2.1.Biometry 32 2 32/2,5

ex- - -

3. Humanities and general education elective course 10 CP3.1. Psychology 32 2 - 32/4


-3.2. Adult education 16 1 - 16/2 test - -3.3. Management 32 2 - - 32/2,5


3.4. Sociological investigations 32 2 - 32/4 test - -3.5. Rhetoric 16 1 - - - 16/2 test3.6. Current issues of national economic

16 1 - - - 16/2 test

3.7. International economic relations 24 1,5 - - 24/2 test -3.8. Regional economics 18 1,5 - - 18/23.9. Agricultural policy in European Union

32 2 32/3

3.10. Foreign language, supplementary course

24 1,5 - - 12/1 12/1,5test

3.11. Informatics (block system in 3 weeks in January)

48 3 48/3 ex

4. Obl. general subjects in speciality 12-14 KP 4.1. Methodology of investigation, extended course

32 2 - 32/4 ex - -

4.2. Biochemistry 80 5 32/4 48/6 ex4.3. Cell biology 72 3 - - 72/6 ex4.4.Immunology 48 2 - - 48/2 ex5. Special course (Department decides subjects to be studied for its master students) 10-12 CP6. Pedagogic practice 5 CP 5 2CP 2CP 1CP7. In-service practical training, 20 weeks 10 CP


8.Elaboration and presentation of master thesis

25 4 CP 6CP 5CP 10CP

Total 80 CP 80


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Appendix 13


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Appendix 14Presented master thesis 1995 – 2000

Nr Name, surname Theme Supervisor Year

1. Dace UpenieceGnRH synthetic conjugate

administration to regulate animal reproductive functions

Z. Politisdoc. Dr. med.


2. Inguna Bekere The diagnostic perspective of eye diseases in veterinary medicine

A. Jurdzs,doc. Dr. med.

vet. 1995

3. Diana Seraka

Complement activity in guinea-pigs depending on their age, sex, gestation phase of animals and

keeping conditions

E. Liepins,assoc. prof., Dr.

med vet. 1996.

4. Aleksandrs Mednis Boar training for collecting semen

V. Antane,assoc. prof., Dr.

med vet. 1996

5. Juris Zinars Developing of methods of fluid therapy in small animals

L. Jemeljanovs,assoc. prof., Dr.

med vet. 1996

6. Biruta AmolinaInflammation of the bovine teat

after infection with Staphylococcus aureus

I. Afanasjevs,prof. Dr. habil.

vet. med. 1996

7. Anna KrukliteInvestigation of the distribution of zooanthropohelminthoses in


P. Keidans,assoc. prof., Dr.

med vet.1996


8. Santa Baumane Summary of book “Farm animal morphology and physiology”

Z. Bruveris,prof., Dr. hab.

med. vet.1996


9. Ieva RodzeUsing of the polymerise chain reaction (PCR) in diagnosis of

animal infections diseases

E. Liepins,assoc. prof., Dr.

med. vet. 1997

10. Santa BulinaComparative analysis of

Reproductive Indicators in a Dairy Herd

V. Antane,assoc. prof., Dr.

med. vet. 1997

11. Vitolds DzenisOrganization of Diagnostics of

Enzootic Bovine Leucosis in the Republic of Latvia

O.Parcinskis,doc. mgr. med.



12. Inga Pinne (Skadule)Achievements in clinical and

allergical diagnosis of flea allergy dermatitis in dogs

L. Jemeljanovs,asoc. prof., Dr.

med. vet. 1998

13. Ineta EgliteDistribution of toxoplasmosis

among different domestic animal species of Latvia

P. Keidans,assoc. prof., Dr.

med. vet. 1998

14. Aleksandrs Ozols Experimental blood vessel prothesation in animals

A.Auzans,asoc. prof., Dr.

med vet. 1998


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15. Aivars DedziņšDiagnostics of microorganisms

of genus Salmonella from biological substrates in Latvia

E.Liepins,assoc. prof., Dr.

med vet.1998


16. Ilze KokinaCommon endocrine systemic diseases in small animals and their manifestations in the eye

L. Liepa,doc. Dr. med.

vet. 1999

17. Aija Ilgaza

Obomosus pH and dynamics of some blood biochemical indices

of new-born calves in the transitional age to status of


E. Birģele,prof., Dr. hab.

med. vet. 1999

18. Aldis RimeicansWild boars contact with Swine

Fever agent Togaviridae Pestivirus in Latvia

E. Liepins,assoc. prof., Dr.

med. vet. 1999

19. Regina TamaneEmbryonic mortality, its

frequency in the herd of dairy cows

V. Antane,assoc. prof., Dr.

med. vet. 1999

20. Dace Keidane Goat Eimeriosis in LatviaP. Keidans,

assoc. prof., Dr. med. vet. 1999

21. Iveta Kocina Somatic cell count and dynamics in cow’s milk

V. Antane,assoc. prof., Dr. 1999

22. Kristine Drevinska

Clinical evaluation of efficiency of the “ Tilosanum” in

management of otitis externa in dogs

A. Auzans,assoc. prof., Dr.

med. vet. 2000

23. Vladislavs Smulko

Influence of fructooligosacharides and

glucosis in vitro to Salmonella typhymurium ATTC 14028 strain


E. Liepiņš,assoc. prof., Dr. 2000


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Appendix 15Qualification, experience and achievements of master study supervisors

Preclinical InstituteSub-branch of science PhysiologyEdīte Birģele, prof. Dr. biol., Dr. habil. biol. member of the Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, member of the Board of the Latvian Council of Science, member Expert Committee of agricultural branch of the Latvian Council of Science, member and chairperson of the Council of Habilitation and Promotion of Veterinary Medicine LUA, member of the Council of Habilitation and Promotion of Animal Husbandry Sub-branch of Agricultural branch LUA, member of editorial board of the LUA Proceedings, deputy dean of research of the FVM LUA, member of Education Committee of Latvian Association of Veterinarians, member of Presidium of the Latvian Professor’s Association.Research areas1. Physiology of digestion2. Neurophysiology

Professor E. Birgele in the recent 5 years has supervised 3 scientific projects and participated in 2 scientific projects. She has practised in the Department of Physiology of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Swedish Royal University of Agriculture and Scientific institutions in Uppsala, 19 – 23 November 1992. Within the framework of TEMPUS programme – in Great Britain, Wales, at the faculty of Animal Husbandry of Bangora University, 19 – 26 June 1994.

At the Helsinki College of Veterinary Medicine, European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE) 8th General Assembly on European education standards in veterinary medicine. In recent 5 years 26 publications in scientific issues and proceedings, 4 conference thesis, 2 articles in periodicals. Has presented reports in 9 international and 15 local conferences in Latvia.

Sub-branch of science MorphologyArnis Mugurēvičs, FVM dean, docent, Dr, med. vet., assistant of a member of parliament of the Republic of Latvia, chairman of the Board of Rainis and Aspazija Fund. Research areasComparative osteology, morphologyDelivers lectures in anatomy and morphology to FVM students.Has practised in Sweden, Denmark, Belorusia, Finland, Germany.Scientific supervisor of 1 master thesis. In recent 5 years 4 scientific publications.

Jāzeps Rimeicāns, assoc. prof., Dr. habil. vet. med.Director (1990-1999), deputy director of the Latvian State Veterinary Service,

official representative of Latvian Government at the World organisation for animal health, representative of Latvia at the European Rabies Collaboration Centre, chairman of Advisory Convent LUA, member of the Council of Latvian Food, chairman of the Licensing Committee of veterinarians and veterinary pharmaceutics, member of Presidium of Latvian Sport Veteran Federation.Research areasLiver histology, histochemistry and pathology of cows, problems caused by hepatoses in cows.


Page 87: LATVIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE - AIKNC · Web viewProfessor A.Jemeļjanovs – 1,0 CP (24h and 2 CP - 48h in lab.). In conclusion - examination. Compulsory. Andrology - fundamental

Delivers lectures in histology and cell biology to undergraduate FVM students, master students and participants of continuing education courses.Has practised in Canada, France, the USA, Italy, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Sweden.He is the author of 113 scientific publications and 2 patents, regularly reports at scientific conferences in Latvia and abroad.

Clinical InstituteSub-branch of science Obstetrics and gynaecologyAleksandrs Jemeļjanovs, professor, Dr. med. vet., Dr. habil. agr., full member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, full member and vice-president of the Latvian Agricultural and Forestry Academy of Sciences, member of the New-York Academy of Sciences, member of the Council of Chemistry, Biology and Medical Division of Latvian Academy of Sciences, member of the Committee of Young Scientists’ Work Evaluation at the Latvian Academy of Sciences, member of the Promotion Board of the LUA Council in the branch “Veterinary Medicine” and “Agricultural Science” sub-branch “Animal Husbandry”, member of the Latvian Council of Science, member of the Committee of Promotion Board of the Latvian Council of Science, member of the Classification Committee of Branch and Sub-branches of Science, deputy head of the Experts Committee of Agricultural Branch of the Latvian Council of Science, member of the State Council of Emerited Scientists, member of the Advisory Council of the Ministry of Agriculture, member of the advisory Council of State Veterinary Service, member of the Latvian Professor’s Association, expert of the European Committee of “Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development”, EAEVE European System of Evaluation of Veterinary Training.Research areasVeterinary genetics, reproduction, incl. andrology and its relevance to immunology, immunobiology and selection.Under his supervision 3 doctoral thesis have been presented. Delivers lectures in veterinary genetics, andrology, artificial insemination to the FVM and Faculty of Agriculture undergraduate and master students. In recent 5 years 52 scientific publications.

Vita Antāne, assoc. prof., Dr. med. vet. Research areasAnimal insemination, embryology, embryo transplantation, histology of uterus, reproductive organs and udder in cows.Supervisor of 2 projects granted by the Latvian Council of Science and 1 project of doctoral studies.Delivers lectures in obstetrics and gynaecology to FVM students.Supervisor of 7 master thesis (of them 4 thesis presented), 2 doctoral thesis.Has practised in the Hannover Veterinary Higher School in Germany, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Helsinki University in Finland, Veterinary Academy in Lithuania, University of Agricultural Sciences in Sweden, 5 weeks in different veterinary schools in the USA.In recent 5 years 13 scientific publications.

Gunārs Preinbergs, docent emeritus, Dr. med. vet.Member of the Board (since 1996) and Honorary member of the Latvian Association of Veterinarians. One of the founder of Latvian Popular Front in Jelgava and LUA,


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chairmen of the Board of the Latvian Popular Front LUA, member of the Council of Latvian Popular Front Jelgava District (1988-1990), deputy of Jelgava City Council (1989-1992), deputy of the Supreme Soviet LR (1990-1993), supervisor of the work team for elaboration of law On Veterinary Medicine (1992) and On Activities in Pharmaceutics (1993). Participated in elaboration of law On the Order of Food Circulation and Surveillance (1995), supervisor of the work team for elaboration of law On Animal Protection and On Veterinary Medicine (new wording), deputy of Riga city Council (1994-1997), head of the Coordination Centre of Entrepreneurship at Riga City Council (1996-1997).Research areasHas investigated blood morphological and biochemical changes in cows affected by leucosis, treatment of gynaecological diseases in cows, development of new medicine, cultivation of cow oocytes and fertilization the obtained ovum in vitro. Currently investigates history of veterinary medicine in Latvia.Had delivered lectures and held laboratory classes to FVM and Zootechnical students (1966-1997).G. Preinbergs is the author of 172 scientific and scientific popular publications, including co- authorship of 1 book and 3 inventions.

Igors Afanasjevs, professor emeritus, of the Council of Habilitation of the Branch Veterinary Medicine (1992-1997), member of the LUA Convent (1991-1998), Honorary member of the Latvian Agricultural and Forestry Academy of Sciences (since 1992), Honorary member of the Latvian Association of Veterinarians (since 1996), secretary of the Board of the State Emerited Scientists Club “ Emeritus” (since 1999).Research areas Infertility and pathology of udder of cows, embryo transfer. He has constructed a set of instruments for parturition assistance in large farm animals, has participated in development of preparations Mastisan, Jodoksid, Holinol. I.Afanasjevs is the author of 199 publications, 8 books on obstetrics, gynaecology and artificial insemination. Supervised 1 master thesis and 5 doctoral thesis.

Sub- branch of science SurgeryAlberts Auzāns, director of FVM Clinic,, areasRadiobiological investigations on migration of nucleodivision products in biological chains. Participated in 2 grant projects, supervised 2 master thesis, 1 doctoral thesis. Delivers lectures in radiology to FVM students. In recent 5 years 14 publications.

Ādolfs Jurdžs, docent emeritus, areasHealing and treatment of wounds. He was the first to apply ultrasound in the treatment of surgical diseases. Leading researcher on eye tonometry in small animals. Delivered lectures in general and special surgery, eye diseases and orthopaedics to FVM students. Supervised 1 master thesis.Retired since 1998.

Zigurds Polītis, docent emeritus, areas


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Development and improvement of new surgical operations, surgical diseases of cow udder. Supervised 1 master thesis. In recent years (1996-1997) 7 scientific publications.

Sub-branch of science Internal diseasesĻevs Jemeļjanovs,, areasOptimisation of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of small animal diseases. Development of prescription of new veterinary drugs, clinical and laboratory approbation, improvement of content. Investigation of humoral immunity deficiency in small animals.Delivers lectures in clinical diagnostics, internal diseases, small animal diseases. Supervisor of 3 master and 3 doctoral thesis. In recent 5 years 12 publications.

Laima Liepa, docent, areas Metabolic diseases in farm animals.Delivers lectures and holds practical training to FVM students in metabolic diseases in farm animals. Recently holds a position of veterinarian and lecturer at the Veterinary Education Centre, Ltd. Supervised 2 master thesis.Practised in Danish Royal Veterinary Academy, Missouri State Agricultural University USA, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala, Hannover Veterinary Higher School in Germany.In resent 5 years 33 publications, incl. 6 scientific publication.

Arvils Jakovskis, docent, of the Council of Veterinary Pharmacology of the State Veterinary Service.Research areas Correction of membrane digestion by drug administration in case of gastrointestinal diseases in monogastric animals. Phytoterapy in veterinary medicine.He is the author of 3 teaching aids in pharmacology, clinical pharmacology and toxicology.Delivers lectures in pharmacology to FVM students.Participated in seminars in Berlin, Brussels, Paris on issues of distribution, registration and administration of veterinary drugs. Participated in screening in Brussels on introduction of requirements of ES Directives on circulation and administration of veterinary drugs.In resent 5 years 8 publications. Presented 7 reports at local and international conferences.

Sub-branch Infectious diseases and microbiologyEdgars Liepiņš, professor, Dr. med. vet., Director of the Institute of Food and Environmental Hygiene.Research areasAnimal infections diseases, organisation and structure of veterinary service. Delivers lectures in 4 study subjects. Supervisor of 10 master and 8 doctoral thesis. Supervisor of 2 grant projects and 4 agreement projects. In recent 5 years 32 publications.

Branch of science Immunology


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Roberts Trubka, assoc. prof., Dr. med. vet.Research areasInvestigations on etiology, diagnostics and treatment of non-infectious diseases and metabolic disturbances. Delivers lectures in epizootology, infectious diseases, exotic laboratory animal diseases. Participated in 3 grant projects. Supervisor of 2 doctoral and 1 master thesis. In recent 5 years 10 publications.

Gunārs Cicers, lecturer, Mgr. med. vet.Delivers lectures in epizootology, immunology to FVM undergraduate students and master students.In total 111 publications.

Sub-branch of science PathologyOļģerts Parčinskis, docent, Mgr. med. vet.Head of the Department of Pathology and Parasitology (1988 -2000), member of the Licensing Committee of Veterinarians LR (since 1992), member and head of the Court of honour and court arbitration of the Latvian Association of Veterinarians, member of editorial board of "Veterinārais žurnāls" (Veterinary Magazine) LAV, head of the FVM division of the Latvian Association of Veterinarians.Research areasSpread, epizootology, clinic, hematology and morphology of leucosis in cows in Latvia, heart morphology and morphometry.Participated in 5 different scientific grant projects. O. Parčinskis is the author of 2 textbooks, 8 brochures, more than 150 scientific and methodical publications on leucosis of cows, swine cardiopathy and other animal morphology of pathology, teaching methods, issues in history of veterinary medicine in Latvia and professional ethics.Delivers lectures in pathological anatomy, forensic veterinary medicine and professional ethics.Practised (2 months) in morphology of pathology in Leningrad Veterinary Institute, Moscow Veterinary Academy. Introduced in teaching and scientific research work and presented reports in Kaunas (Lithuania), Tartu (Estonia), Moscow, Leningrad, Voronezh, Novocherkassk (Russia), Kazan (Tatarstan), Lvov (Ukraine), Tbilisi (Georgia), Szczecin, Olzstyn, Warsaw (Poland), Uppsala (Sweden) Veterinary Higher Schools.

Sub-branch of science ParasitologyPēteris Keidāns, assoc. prof., Dr. med. vet.Research areasEffect of nutrients and different additives on digestive and absorption processes in cow (sheep) forestomach, animal metabolic and productivity indices. Investigations on pathogenesis, diagnostics, epizootology, treatment and prevention of parasitoses. Participated and supervised 4 grant projects.Supervisor of 6 master and 1 doctoral thesis.Delivers lectures in parasitology. In recent 5 years 45 scientific, methodical and scientific popular publications.


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Appendix 16Annotations of the master study subjectsHumanities obligatory course

VALO 501 English for Master StudentsDoc., Dr. paed. L. Maļinovska, doc., Dr. paed. S. BremzeVALO 502 German for Master StudentsDoc. Dr. paed. Kaltigina, doc. Mgr. paed. V. Pavlova2KP (32 h practical training)Compulsory for the Master’s academical study program of the Veterinary medicine faculty.Foreign language skills are a compulsory prerequisite for the successful participation in the labour market, for continuous/ permanent scientific and professional growth, therefore, foreign language skills are the means for the development of research literature in the corresponding field of science.The course involves the study of authentic materials for specific purpose to develop academic foreign language, scientific reading and writing skills, Master’s paper writing and presentation skills on the research carried out. The syllabus envisages the development of Master students study skills in foreign languages, personal characteristics and at the same time the skills of independent work.

FILO 503. Philosophy of Sciences. Doc. L. Leikums, doc. K. Lūsis2KP (48 h lectures – 24, seminars –24 h)Report. Examination. Compulsory for the Master’s academical study program of the Veterinary medicine faculty.Philosophy of science, it’s place in the system of philosophical knowledge. The main historical periods of development of science. The history of ideas on scientific epysthemology and methodology. The main characteristics of the investigation. Scientific theory, its structure. Levels, forms and methods of scientific investigation Contemporary problems of development of science: productivity, role of personality and team work, ethical problems of science, science and development of technical sphere.

General education obligatory course

MATE 503 BiometricsProf. R. Ozoliņš2CP (48h - 24 h lectures, 24 h practical training)Compulsory for the Master’s academic study program of the Veterinary medicine faculty.Evolution of number conception. Constant and variable quantity. Functional and stochastic connection. Basic elements of probability theory. The theoretical distributions of probabilities. Analysis of correlation and regression.

Humanities and general education elective course

PEDA 501 Applied psychologyProf. I. Pēks, doc. A. Ķirse, asist. I. Liepiņa, doctor psychologist A. Leitāne1 - 2 CP


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Optional course for the Master’s academically study program of the Veterinary medicine faculty.1. Neurolingual programming2. Transactional analysis3. socionomy4. body psychotechniques5. family psychology

PEDA 510 Adult education (Andragogy)Prof. Dr. hab. G. Rudzitis1 CPOptional course for the Master’s academically study program of the Veterinary medicine faculty.It is intended to acquaint Master’s degree students with the term of andragogy and it’s specific. According to the demands of nowadays life the employees of everyday life area should master their knowledge and skills. Necessity to involve in further, uninterrupted, continuous life – long education. It means that a new aim is emerging for adults and their learning: dependent studies in the area of self education and self – upbringing (particularly it concerns will – power and character) to be able to continue creatively his/her personality and gain the development or more good – natured and educated society.

SOCI 509 ManagementDoc. J. Ābele 2CP (32 h – 16h lectures, 16h practical training)Report or SWOT analysis assignment. Test. Optional course for the Master’s academically study program of the Veterinary medicine faculty.Management Origin and development of management. Organisations, structure types. Process of management and leaders. Personality in management structure. Planning. Decision-making. Power, authority and delegation of power. Motivation. Communication. Innovations. Styles of leadership. Conflicts. Management of staff. Etiquette of leaders. Personal management.

SOCI 501 Sociological investigationsLecturer V. Kronberga, lect. L. Barisa 2 CP (32 h; 16 h lectures, 16 h practical training)Optional course for the Master’s academically study program of the Veterinary medicine faculty.The aim of the course: to study the survey research methods of public opinion.The task: to introduce students with empirical sociological research, with the skills that are necessary for data collection – quantitative and qualitative data obtaining techniques, how to summarise, to process and to analyse survey data. To instruct how to carry out the sociological survey programme, how to use research tools and prepare a survey report. In that way to form students understanding of sociology as an applied science.

FILO 506 Rhetoric Prof. Dr. phil V. Bariss 1 CP; 6h lectures, 18 h seminars


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Choice course for the Master’s academically study program of the Veterinary medicine faculty.The objective of a course – to develop better verbal communication skills. The rhetoric course imparts knowledge about structure and functions of communication process, gives introduction in psychological (“soft”) side of communication and train appropriate skills, and helps to accomplish presentation and argumentation techniques by modelling practical situations. The main study method – learning from experience, approximately 70% time is devoted to practical exercise (case study, role playing e.t.c.)

EKON 503 Actual Problems of Economic development Prof., Dr. agr. E. Grinovskis1CP (24h, including 16 h lectures, 8h seminars) Test.Optional subject course for the Master’s academically study program of the Veterinary medicine faculty.Assessment of situation analyses results. The categories and parameters of macrostructure of economy. Prognoses of structure of agriculture. agrarian policy. agrarian area and rural life style. agrarian protectionism. Market conceptions and models. Monetary and fiscal policy. Social policy. Scientific and cultural policy.

EKON 512 Regional economicsDoc. J. Kaktiņš1,5 CP (36 h)Concepts and types of self- governments. Competence of self – governments. Organisational forms of municipal administration in the world and Europe. The process for decision making at council. Regional Economics. Regions and the conditions to create them. Economics background for self – governments. Finances, budget and taxes of self – governments. Social and economics development planning of region/territory. Concepts, programmes, general plans. Country side as a totality of inhabitants. Country side as a social and economics establishment and characteristics of its population. Labour market.

UZN 500 Agriculture policy in the European UnionProf. Dr. hab. agr. K. Spogis, Mgr. oec. M. Krams, A. Miglavs 2CP (48h; 24h lectures, 24 h seminars)Optional subject course for the Master’s academically study program of the Veterinary medicine faculty.Role of agriculture in EU. Specific trends of agriculture. Stages of development of agricultural policy in Europe. The common principles and main direction of agricultural policy in EU. Common instruments of agricultural policy in EU. Types of prices in the EU and it’s economical role in CAP. Structural policy, goals and development. Regional policy. Structural founds. Budget of EU. The “ White paper” and strategic paper of EU. The organisation of cereals, sugar beets, oilseeds, potatoes, milk and other products market within EU. Directions of development in the sphere of agricultural politics of associated countries in the context of integration. The profit of harm for Latvian agriculture potentially determined by joining the EU.

EKON 508 International Economic RelationsDoc. Dr. oec. J. Kaktiņš, mgr. oec. S. Ancāns 2 CP (48h; 24 h lectures, 24 h seminars)


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Optional subject course for the Master’s academically study program of the Veterinary medicine faculty.The content and forms of international economic relations. World market conjuncture and its research principles. Types, structure and particularity of the world market prices. Operation, functions and importance of Stock and Merchandise Exchanges. Importance of Latvian Exchanges in market economy. Exports and imports, foreign trade turnover and its structure.International transport operations, vehicle insurance, merchandise transit via territory of Latvia. Transport documents. Incoterms 1990. International agreements, responsibility and competence of the parties and legal proceedings in case of default. Monetary system and international currency. International loans. Payments. The content of ecpnomic integration. Customs procedures. Documents. WTO (GATT).

INFO 510 Statistical dates analysis systemsDoc. I. Arhipova 3 CP (48 h; 16 h lectures, 32 h practical training)Optional subject course for the Master’s academically study program of the Veterinary medicine faculty.Sample distribution and this properties. statistical measures estimation. Theoretical distributions. Fitting the theoretical distributions. Testing hypothesis: significance levels (type 1 error rate ) and the power of a tests (type 2 error rate ). Statistical tests correct using. Testing hypothesis two methods of approach: confidence intervals and p – value. Comparing two samples with X2 tests. Contingency tables. One – way analysis of variance. Two-way analysis of variance without replications and with replications. Simple linear regressions and correlation. Formal forecasting methods. Time series analysis and seasonal indexes. ARIMA modelling. Seasonal decomposition. Linear multiple regression and correlation. Unlinear regression. Analysis of covariances. Econometric models.

INFO 501 Data baseEngineer-programmer S. Sproģe 1,5 CP(24 h; lectures 8h, practical training 16 h)Optional subject course for the Master’s academically study program of the Veterinary medicine faculty.Data base control system Access. Development of data tables, their structure – fields, fields types and their properties. Data entering in the table, structure modification. Moving along the data table records, arrangement of records, information search and selection, filters. Relation joins between the tables. Joins type. Query formation for the data stored in the tables. Query parameters and calculations. Queries type. Form development and correction. Form elements and their properties. Report formation and correction. Report elements and their properties. Calculations and grouping of information in the report. Data import in the data base and export to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel.

VALO 508 English for beginnersVALO 505 French for beginnersVALO 507 Swedish for beginnersVALO 506 German for beginners1,5 CP (24 h practical training)


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English for beginners Lecturer mgr.paed. L. Turušova, lecturer mgr. filol. I. BlusanovičaFrench for beginners Lecturer mgr. filol. T. GasūnaSwedish for beginners assistant I. SičevskaGerman for beginners KoberņiksOptional course for the Master’s academically study program of the Veterinary medicine faculty.The aim of the course is to acquire English or German, or French, or Swedish for beginners, to create preconditions for independent mastering of this language, as well as for reading professional literature with the help of a dictionary. the program is aimed at developing the basic reading skills (to learn the alphabet, to master the reading techniques to read authentic texts that are adapted for the beginners level and the themes which are related to everyday life and provide general information), the basic listening skills (to catch and to understand texts read by the teacher or authentic records for beginners), the writing skills (to write separate words and simple sentences, informal letters and short descriptions) and the basic conversational skills (to acquire conversational topics about everyday life, to form dialogues in short simple sentences).

Obligatory General subjects in specialities

KIMI 510 Biochemistry (with analysis of animal origin products)Assoc. prof. A. Morozovs 5CP (80h)Compulsory for the Master’s academic study program of the Veterinary medicine faculty.This program of biochemistry consists of two parts: Selected chapters of biochemistry will deepen and expand knowledge of biochemistry that was gained on learning biochemistry by foregoing program of academic and professional studies. The successful study is impossible without adoption biochemical knowledge scheduled in previous program. Second one is devoted to analysis of biological substances.In selected chapters of biochemistry are included analysis of relationship between composition, structure and functions of biopolymers. Cognition and application of kinetics, tie-up and regulation of biochemical process in understanding of biological process and diagnostic elimination of pathological process. Program schedules adoption of genetics disease models molecular background and understanding of unity of organism structure, function and regulation mechanisms.Program of analysis of biological substances gives knowledge in theoretical and practical aspects of different analytical methods, their facilities and restrictions, predicts to develop comprehensive skills in sampling, and sample treatment, preference of analytical method, and interpretation of obtained experimental results.

PREK 503 Cell biologyAssoc. prof., Dr.hab. med. vet. J. Rimeicans 3 CP (72h; lectures 72h) Test – examCompulsory for the Master’s academic study program of the Veterinary medicine faculty.


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Cell biology approaches the problem of the cell at all levels of organisation – from molecular structure on. Cell biology is therefore the modern science in with genetics, physiology, biochemistry and biophysics. The knowledge of cell biology promotes to understand the living organism at norm and pathology. Today cell and molecular biology have become the basic pillars on which all biological and medical sciences are based.

PVHI 501 Immunology. Lecturer Mgr. med. vet. G. Cicers 2 CP (48h.:lectures 32h., laboratory 16h) Examination. Academic study program is compulsory for MSc degree studies at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. 1 St year.Immunology. Immunology is one of the most rapidly changing and expanding fields in applied biological science. The program of immunology for graduate students is intended to update their immunological knowledge. The three main aspects of this program deal with the main aspects of adaptive immunity – how the immune system recognises and discriminates among different molecules; how individual cells develop so that each bears a unique receptor directed against foreign, and not at self, molecules; and how these cells are activated when they encounter microbes, and the effector mechanisms that are used to eliminate these microbes from the body.

EKON 509 Methodology of ScienceProf., Dr.lauks., E. Grinovskis, asist. I. Pučure 2 CP (48h; 24 h lectures, 24 h seminars)Compulsory for the Master’s academical study program of the Veterinary medicine faculty.Science as a system, methodological content of its classification. The source for development of science and the relationships. The system: “ machinery – production – science” and its revolution. The theory and experience, their mutual irreplaceability. Scientology. The limits of science and prognoses of the development of science. Methodological and methodical content of scientific research. System theory and the methods for making discoveries. Methodological particularity of researching economy. Efficiency of science and the form of an effect. Organisation of science as a system and the role of government institutions.

Special coursePREK 501 MorphologyResponsible teaching staff: J.Rimeicāns, A.Mugurēvičs Amount of study subject 12CPThe study subject is mastered in the 1st and 2nd semester in master study programme. Compulsory for master programme students of faculty of Veterinary medicine.This study subject is planed for veterinary master study programme as one of the study subject from biology study subject block. The study subject aim is to deepen the theoretical and practical knowledge of master programme students about the structure of organs and tissues as well as it microscopic and sub-microscopic structure and to acquire original methods of morphology research and to use them in scientific studies.

PREK 503. Physiology. Professor E. Birģele10 CP. Examination.


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In the MSc degree study program Animal physiology students have to improve and deepen their theoretical knowledge about physiological processes and regulation mechanisms in a different structural levels – cells, tissues, organs and organ systems. Additionally students have to study and fulfil their knowledge in studies of body physiological functions and interpretation of obtained results.

KLIN 501 Obstetrics and gynaecologyProfessor Dr. hab. agr. Dr. med. vet. A. Jemeļjanovs, Assoc. prof., Dr. med. vet. V. Antāne12 CP, examination Master studies programme is advanced to knowledge deepening and systematisation in obstetrics and gynaecology and andrology and artificial insemination. During the studies master are acquainted with the latest references, periodicals, information in internet acquires and deepens the knowledge in methodology, carries out an experimental work. Master studies is a training period for the highest studies degree – doctorate too at the same time. Master is doing his/her work without assistance. At the conclusion the report is prepared in prescribed way on accomplished work, where biometrically calculated results of experiment or investigations with conclusions and recommendations are presented.

KLIN 502 Pharmacology, toksicologyDoc. Dr. med. vet. A. Jakovskis12,0 CP..Study subject Pharmacology, toxicology is necessary to improve and to make deeper knowledge in pharmacology and toxicology, especially about the problems, which are included in the scientific work.

KLIN 504. Dermatology Assoc. prof. Dr. med. vet. L. Jemeljanovs, 12,0 CP.The goal of study program of Dermatology is:to acquire structure and function of the skin, basic diagnostic methods and some of often diagnose bacterial, allergic skin diseases, seborrheic syndromes, cutaneous parasitology etc. One of aim is to obtain major skills in clinical examination, in routine diagnostic procedures, make of diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment plan (medicament treatment, diet etc.)

KLIN 504. Gastroenterology Assoc. prof. Dr. med. vet. L.Jemeljanovs, 12,0 CP.GastroenterologyThe program summarise most significant moments of etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of gastric, gut, liver, pancreas diseases, the main and most modern methods and measures for treatment and prophylaxis of these diseases main attention is paid to research for masters degree. .

KLIN 504. Hemathology Assoc. prof. L.Jemeljanovs,


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12,0 CP.This study programme summarises and systematises the latest opinions in haematological tests of internal diseases and clinical interpretation of indices.The aim of this programme are to use obtain knowledge in theoretical basis and experimental part of scientific work and as well there is good possibility to improve haematological course of lectures and laboratory works for teaching of students.

KLIN 504. OphthalmologyAssoc. prof. Dr. med. vet. L.Jemeljanovs, Doc. Dr. med. vet. L.Liepa, 12,0 CPThe goal of study program of the Ophthalmology is : to obtain a major skills in ophthalmological examination of the eye (vision testing, fluorescine test, Shimmer tear test, intraocular pressure - JOP determination direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy the pricipes of a differencialdiagnosis of ocular diseases the treatment of ocular diseases (specific diseases - KCS, Pannus, Glaucoma, Cataract

KLIN 511 Surgery12 CPAsist. prof. Dr. med. vet. A. AuzansCompulsory for the Master’s academic study program of the Veterinary medicine faculty. Master program deals with processes and development of surgical diseases and principles of treatment. During the course students can get information about latest diagnostic methods and treatment of surgical diseases and about use of these methods in practice. Master program also deals with dentistry, orthopaedics, vessels and soft tissue surgery.

PVHI 505. Food Hygiene. Doc. Dr. med. vet. G. Mičule 12credits Examination. Academic study program is compulsory for MSc degree studies at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in speciality Food Hygiene. 2nd year.Food Hygiene. The study program includes topics related with different risk factors and risk analysis in foodstuffs of animal origin. Food borne infections and intoxications, its agents, their properties, epidemiology and detection methods. Program covers topics about laboratory detection methods for veterinary drug residues, its control at slaughterhouses, meat processing plants, dairy plants and others as well as farmacodynamics of drug residues in food animals and possible influence to human health. The studies includes issues related to different laboratory methods in food microbiology its possible use in the Latvian food processing plants according to the international and EU legislation.

A special emphasis in this program is laid to the role of the immune system in causing rather than preventing disease, focusing on allergy, autoimmunity and graft rejection, as examples. Finally the course of lectures consider methods how the immune system can be manipulated to the benefit of the host, the possibility of vaccinating not only against infection, but also against malignancies and immunological diseases.


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PVHI 504 Infectious diseases and microbiology Assoc. Professor Dr. med. vet. E. Liepiņš 12 credits. Examination. Academic study program is compulsory for MSc degree studies at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in speciality Infectious diseases and microbiology. 2nd year.Infectious diseases and microbiology. Masters degree students study morphology, nature, growth, feeding, systematisation of pathogens (bacteria, viruses) of different animal species and birds and correlation of these pathogens in different natural circulation processes.Study of micro-organisms (aerobic qrampositive cocci, enterobacteria, aerobic grampositive rods, sporulating rods, anaerobic and facultative aerobic microorganisms, mycoplasma, rickettsia, chlmydia, pathogenic fungi) and infections diseases if animals and birds caused by these microorganisms.Study of RNA containing viruses (reoviruses, birnaviruses, togaviruses, flaviviruses, coronaviruses, paramixoviruses, rabdoviruses, ortomycsoviruses, retroviruses, caliciviruses, picornaviruses, arteriviruses), DNA containing viruses (paroviruses, herpeviruses, poxviruses, papoviruses, adenoviruses) and diseases of animals and birds caused by theses viruses.

PVHI 503. Parazitology Asoc. prof., Dr. med. vet. P. Keidāns 12 credits. Examination. Academic study program is compulsory for MSc degree studies at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in speciality Parasitoology. 2nd year.Parazitoology. Study programme for Msc course in a veterinary parazitology includes important issues about parasites, their relations with an environment and their hosts, parasitic diseases-protozootic diseases, helminthoses, acaroses and enthomoses etiopathogenesis, epidemiology, diagnostics and differential diagnostics, treatment and preventive methods and means. Issues related to Mnc work have a special importance.

PVHI 502. Pathology. Docent O. Parčinskis 12 credits Examination. Academic study program is compulsory for MSc degree studies at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in speciality Pathology. 2nd year.Pathology. Subject of veterinary medicine where morphology of animal pathology is considered at macroscopic, light and electronic microscopic and molecular level in order to obtain a deep understanding of pathology. The General part includes general conceptions, morphology of types of the body responses, thanatogenesis, degeneration and necrosis, circulatory disturbances, inflammation, disturbances of growth, neoplasia. The special part includes pathology of organs and systems, morphology of contagious diseases in animals of various species. Necropsy extends proficiency and enforce skills in diagnostic of practical pathological anatomy.


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Appendix 17

Discussed and approvedat the LUA Senate

meeting 14 June 2000,decision No 3-35

Latvian University of AgricultureBranch of Veterinary Medicine Science

Doctoral study programmeCode of Education qualification of the Republic of Latvia – 51641

The objective of doctoral study programme “ Veterinary Medicine” is to prepare a new generation of academic personnel and scientists of high international quality capable to solve scientific veterinary medical problems.

The main tasks: to acquire extensive knowledge in the veterinary science branch; to promote the doctoral student’s abilities to formulate, investigate and solve

veterinary problems independently in accordance with the principles of research;

to become competent to choose the proper problem solving methods; to promote the doctoral student’s abilities to analyse, compare and evaluate the

opportunities to be involved into national and international scientific projects; to elaborate and submit a doctoral thesis comprising his/her own original

contribution in the development of veterinary medicine for the obtaining of a Doctor’s degree.

The trends of doctoral studies at the FVM comply with the branch of sciences and sub-branches in Latvia approved by the Latvian Council of Science

Sub-branches of science:MorphologyPhysiologyPathologyVeterinary pharmacology and toxicologyInternal diseasesParasitologyInfectious diseases and microbiologySurgeryObstetrics and gynaecologyFood inspection

The obtained degree: doctor of veterinary medicine (Dr. med. vet.) to award of which is authorised the Promotion Board in veterinary medicine approved by the Latvian Council of Science ( LCS decision No 8-2-3, 19 October 1999).


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The programme is developed on the basis of the Council of Higher Education decision No 62, 18 June 1999 Regulations “ On the order and criteria of promotion” ( CM decision No 134, 6 April 1999); Regulations of the Department of the University Postgraduate Studies approved by the LUA Senate 14 October 1998.

Volume and length of doctoral studies

For a full-time doctoral student – 3 years : 48 weeks × 3 = 144 weeksFor a part-time doctoral student – 4 years : 36 weeks × 4 = 144 weeksStudy volume: 1 CP per week × 144 weeks = 144 CP

1. Content of doctoral studies

1.1. Theoretic and optional course – 44 CP

Theoretic course :

1.1.1. Biometry 4CP – examination;

1.1.2. Foreign language 4CP – examination;

1.1.3. Theoretic course in Speciality – 12 CP

In accordance with the Senate decision No 245 of 14 October 1998 doctoral student passes 2 examinations:

promotion examination in one of the sub-branches of veterinary medicine science – 7 CP;

promotion examination in the field of the chosen scientific research – 5 CP.

At the end of the theoretic course the doctoral student receives a certificate.

Elective course – 24 CP

1.1.4. Elective courses (10CP) should be co-ordinated by the doctoral student and his/her scientific supervisor in order to extend knowledge in the field of veterinary medicine. As elective courses can serve, different international seminars, courses, in-service training in other Latvian higher schools or abroad, LUA course “Data base and informatics”.

1.1.5. Doctoral student collects 14 CP during the course of studies by writing scientific publications and participating in congresses, conferences, symposia in accordance with the ”Regulations on the order and criteria of promotion “ (CM regulations No 134 of 6 April 1999):

Publications in internationally acknowledged issues referred by the Latvian Council of Science – 2 CP, number of publications is 5;


Page 102: LATVIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE - AIKNC · Web viewProfessor A.Jemeļjanovs – 1,0 CP (24h and 2 CP - 48h in lab.). In conclusion - examination. Compulsory. Andrology - fundamental

Reports at conferences on the chosen theme – 2 CP, number of publications is 2.

1.2. Independent elaboration and accomplishment of research work comprising scientifically new, reliable results , or writing, designing a doctoral thesis and submitting it to the Promotion Board in accordance with the “Regulations on the order and criteria of promotion” – 100 CP.

2. The main requirements and regulations for the programme accomplishment

The programme is a regulating document for doctoral studies in the science branch of veterinary medicine that determines the order and content of studies.

Requirements and regulations formulated in the programme are mandatory to doctoral students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine LUA, their scientific supervisors and academic personnel who participates in the accomplishment of the programme.

Persons who have acquired the higher veterinary education and have the Master,s degree have rights to participate in the competition for doctoral studies in the branch of veterinary medicine science.

During the course of doctoral studies the volume of the performed work should refer to 144 CP of which 100 CP are constituted by elaboration and design of doctoral thesis, but 44 CP should be collected during the process of studies.

Person who has fully accomplished a doctoral study programme and has passed 4 promotion examinations in biometry, foreign language, in appropriate sub-branch of veterinary medicine and in the chosen field of research.

The main research results obtained should be published at least in 5 scientific issues referred by Latvian council of Science.

The results of doctoral work should be reported at least in 2 international conferences.

Doctoral thesis should comprise investigations appropriate to international requirements with important contribution to further development of veterinary science approved in scientific conferences, congresses and publications.

Scientific supervisors of doctoral thesis can be doctors habilitatus and doctors of veterinary medicine who carry out investigations in veterinary medicine, who have publications in scientific issues approved by the Latvian Council of Science and who present reports in Latvian and international scientific conferences.


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3. Evaluation of accomplishment of doctoral study programmeIn order to accomplish doctoral study programme successfully doctoral student together with his/her scientific supervisor works out an individual plan for the whole period of studies and for each year separately. Research theme and individual curriculum are discussed at the meetings of the Institute Board and they are approved by the Council of the Faculty. Certification of doctoral work takes place 3 times a year at the academic meetings of the Board of an Institute where the performed work is evaluated.

Theoretic course subjects are evaluated by a 10-grade system. Promotion examinations are open and they are passed at the presence of an examination committee consisting of 3 doctors of sciences that is approved by the LUA Vice- rector of sciences.

Doctoral thesis is submitted and discussed by the Promotion Board of veterinary medicine approved by the Latvian Council of Science ( decision No 8-2-2, 19 October 1999; LUA Rector’s order No 04-283, 24 November 1999). Thesis is evaluated at the State Research Qualification Committee (CM Regulations No 134, 6 April 1999 “Regulations on the order and criteria of promotion”). After its successful presentation and on the basis of decision of the Promotion Board about the obtaining of the Doctor’s degree, Rector of the Latvian University of Agriculture gives the order on the issue of the state approved doctor’s diploma of the University to the doctoral student.Doctor’s diploma is signed by the Rector of the University and chairman of the appropriate Promotion Board.

Appendix 18

Distribution of credit points for publications and conferences

In accordance with the developed doctoral study programme and “Regulations on the order and criteria of promotion” (CM regulations No 134, 6 April 1999) during the course of studies doctoral student should obtain 14 CP for publications and participating in conferences. CP distribution is the following:

Publication in acknowledged referred scientific magazines enlisted in the issues approved by the Latvian Council of Science – 2 CP;

Oral presentation or a poster report at an international conference on the investigated theme – 2 CP.


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Appendix 19

Dr. med. vet.

Presentation of the thesis Certificate for the Production of scientific accomplishment of the articles for publication theoretic course Promotion examination. Theoretic studies Experimental research

Discussion of the doctoral student’sresearch work at the Institute 3 timesin a study year; report according to theindividual plan

Approval of the theme Elaboration of theof thesis individual plan

Admittance in doctoralstudies

Scheme of doctoral student’s research and study work.


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Appendix 20

Academic personnel of doctoral study programme



Sub-branch of science


Edīte Birģele

Jāzeps Rimeicāns

Aleksandrs Jemeljanovs

Ļevs Jemeljanovs

Alberts Auzāns

Vita Antāne

Pēteris Keidāns

Edgars Liepiņš

Roberts Trubka

Dr. habil. biol.,LAS

coresp.member, prof.

Dr. habil. med., vet. assoc. prof.

Dr. med. vet.,Dr. habil. agr.

LAS full member, prof.

Dr. med. vet., assoc. prof.

Dr. med. vet., assoc. prof.

Dr. med. vet., assoc. prof.

Dr. med. vet., assoc. prof.

Dr. med. vet., assoc. prof.

Dr. med. vet., assoc. prof.



Obstetrics and gynaecology,


Internal diseases, Veterinary

pharmacology and toxicology


Obstetrics and gynaecology


Infections diseases and Microbiology

Infectious diseases and Microbiology

Preclinical Institute

Preclinical Institute

Clinical Institute

Clinical Institute

Clinical Institute

Clinical Institute

Institute of Food and

Environmantal Hygiene

Institute of Food and

Environmantal Hygiene

Institute of Food and

Environmantal Hygiene


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Appendix 21

Approximate costs of the doctoral study programme “ Veterinary Medicine”

F = n × knoz × fb

where: n – total planned number of studentsb – basic funding – Ls 580.13 (regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No 42, 9

February 1999)k – coefficient of study programme expenses – 1.0knoz – veterinary medicine – 3.119 (1.659 in 1999 LUA)

Optimal funding of the study programme( Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No 42, 9 February 1999)

[ ( N1 + N2 + N3 + N4 + N5 + N6 + N9 + N10 ) × K1× K2 + N7 + N8 ] × V

N2 - obligatory instalment of social insurance by employer per 1 student a year;N3 - business travelling expenses per 1 student a year;N4 - service expenses per 1 student a year;N5 - recourses, energy, water, inventory expenses per 1 student a year;N6 - supply of books and magazines expenses per 1 student a year;N7 - scholarship and compensation of travelling expenses per 1 student a year;N8 - social provision (security) expenses per 1 student a year;N9 - supply of equipment and up-grading expenses per 1 student a year;N10 - investments for science development of higher schools per 1 student a year;V - average number of students of a year.

Approximate expenditure for doctoral study programme (CM regulations No 42, 9 February 1999)

Number K1 K2 Administrative value* (without N 7 and


N 7 + N 8


Full-time doctoral students

Part- time doctoral students
















*Administrative value – according to calculations of Division of Finances LUA


Page 107: LATVIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE - AIKNC · Web viewProfessor A.Jemeļjanovs – 1,0 CP (24h and 2 CP - 48h in lab.). In conclusion - examination. Compulsory. Andrology - fundamental

Calculation: Full-time doctoral students

( 416.43 × 3.119 × 4.0 + 713.50 ) × 12 = 70906. 75 Ls

Part-time doctoral students

( 416.43 × 3.119 × 0.4 + 17.50 ) × 1 = 537.04 Ls


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Appendix 22

Results of doctoral student questionnaire


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Appendix 23

Annotations of the Doctoral Study programmes

PREK 601. Morphology. Professor emeritus Z. Brūveris, 7 CP. Promotion examination. Compulsory for doctorates studies in a Veterinary Medicine course “Morphology”.In the process of study PhD student has to obtain highest theoretical and practical knowledge in a clinical anatomy, functional histology, functional embryology and morphological methodology as a basis for understanding functional processes on organ system tissue and cell level.

PREK 602. Physiology. Professor E. Birģele, 7 CP. Promotion examination. Compulsory for doctorates studies in a Veterinary Medicine course “Physiology”.By means of that doctoral programme should get the highest theoretical level of knowledge in animal physiology. Should deepen knowledge in a law-governed nature of influence in processes of different internal and external environment of physiological processes. PhD students have to study about of functional systems in a different levels to maintain homeostasis of animal body.

PREK 602. Field of investigation – Digestion Physiology. Professor E. Birģele, 5,0 CP. Examination.This study programme summarise and systematise the latest opinions in physiology.The aim of this study is to utilise obtained deepen knowledge in organisation of experimental work and in a competence to choose the methodology of possible salvation of study program.To obtained materials should be used in theoretical motivation of experimental results and as a basis for writing the promotion work.

PREK 602. Field of investigations – Cardiophysiology. Professor E. Birģele, 5 CP. Examination.In the doctoral studies the young PhD student have to fulfil and summarise latest conclusions in a physiology of heart, blood circulatory system and electrocardiophysiology. PhD student should use obtained, deepen knowledge in the organisation of experimental work and in a competence to choose the best methodology to theoretical motivation of experimental results and to use them as a basis for writing the promotion work.

KLIN 604. Internal Medicine. Assist. prof. L.Jemeljanovs, 7,0 CP. Promotion examination. Compulsory for doctorates studies in a Veterinary Medicine course "Internal medicine".The goal of doctorates is to obtain deeper knowledge in the internal diseases.The studies have to be obtaining according to well-known: definition, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical finding, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, course of disease, prognosis, treatment and prophylaxis.For better and rational diagnostic work it is very important accordingly to a clinical examination results to make a appropriate choice for a laboratory tests and obtain tests results for differential diagnostics in the Internal diseases.


Page 110: LATVIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE - AIKNC · Web viewProfessor A.Jemeļjanovs – 1,0 CP (24h and 2 CP - 48h in lab.). In conclusion - examination. Compulsory. Andrology - fundamental

KLIN 604. Internal Medicine. Field of direction – Haematology. Assoc. prof. L.Jemeljanovs, 5,0 CP. Examination.This study programme summarise and systematise the latest opinions in haematological tests of internal diseases and clinical interpretation of indices.The aim of this programme are to use obtain knowledge in theoretical basis and experimental part of scientific work and promotion work writing.This study programme is basis for second promotion examination.

KLIN 611. Surgery. Assoc. prof. A.Auzans, 7,0 CP. Examination. Compulsory for doctorates studies in a Veterinary Medicine course “ Surgery”.Doctoral thesis programme in surgery deals with pathogenic development of surgical diseases in order to extend knowledge about biochemical, microbiological, hystological, hystochemical processes in body. Additional complete knowledge is obtained in dentistry, orthopedics, vessels and soft tissue surgery during doctoral thesis programme. Candidates for a doctor's degree are doing research in one specific branch of surgery using newest information sources about chosen problem, its research and ways of solution in Latvia.

KLIN 630. Obstetric and Gynaecology. Professor A. Jemeļjanovs, Asoc. prof., V.Antane, 7 CP. Examination. Compulsory for doctorate studies in a Veterinary Medicine course “Obstetric and Gynaecology “.Research in field of obstetrics and gynaecology is aimed at increasing our knowledge in female and male reproductive physiology, clinical anatomy, breeding soundness evaluation, gynaecological health control and methods of pregnancy diagnosis. Evaluation of management, production and reproductive parameters together. Investigation cattle and sow herds fertility and mastitis problems. These areas are included in routine doctoral study programme according to which examination in speciality should be passed.

KLIN 631. Field of investigations - Gynaecology. Asoc. prof., V. Antāne, 5 CP. Examination.Doctoral studies program in the field of gynaecology deals with disorders of animal reproduction. To understanding the factors which affect animal fertility studies should be more deeply in embryology, biochemistry, histology, microbiology and clinical subjects. Obtained knowledge give to doctorate a possibility to carry out research work.

KLIN 632. Field of investigations: Andrology and artificial insemination. Professor A.Jemeļjanovs, 5 CP. Examination.Doctorate studies programme is advanced to knowledge deepening and systematisation in andrology and artificial insemination. During the studies doctorate acquires the newest information in a subject, learns to use its in a research work. He/she uses the latest references, Internet, local and international conference materials’ as the sources of this process and takes part in the scientific conferences.The studies goal is competently and purposefully to select the research work field, to determine the methodological solution of the work as well as to apply correctly and effectively obtained knowledge during organisation of scientifically experimental work.


Page 111: LATVIAN UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE - AIKNC · Web viewProfessor A.Jemeļjanovs – 1,0 CP (24h and 2 CP - 48h in lab.). In conclusion - examination. Compulsory. Andrology - fundamental

Obtained knowledge give to doctorate a possibility to carry out research work, incl. experimental work in a high theoretical level by applying the newest data recording methods with computers, to make adequate with definite credibility degree conclusions and if necessary recommendation for practice.

KLIN 633. Pathology of Mammary gland. Profesor A. Jemeļjanovs 5 CP. Examination.The goal of study program in the pathology of mammary gland is:

1. Up-to date principles about functional anatomy of mammary gland.2. Etiology and pathogenesis of the mammary gland diseases.3. Comparative study of mastitis detection methods in dairy cows.4. Complex treatment and prophylaxis programs against mastitis in dairy


PVHI 603. Infectiones diseases and microbiology. Profesor E. Liepiņš, 7,0 CP. Examination. This promotion study subject is compulsory for the study program for obtaining degree of Doctor of science in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine –specialisation-Infections diseases and microbiology. Infections diseases and microbiology. Candidate for a doctors degree study morphology, nature, growth, feeding, systematisation of pathogens (micro-organisms-bacillus, bacteria, rycoplasma rickettsia chlamydia pathogenic fungi viruses containing RMA and DNA, prions) of different animal species and birds and correlation of these patohogens in different natural circulation processes.

PVHI 602. Parazitoology. Asoc. prof. P. Keidāns, 7,0 CP. Examination. This promotion study subject is compulsory for the study program for obtaining degree of Doctor of science in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine –specialisation-Parasitology.Parazitology. Doctoral students summarise and extend knowledge about different parasites, their ability to adapt in the environment and animal and endurance against veterinary drugs et al. Doctoral students investigate and analyse origin and disappearance regularity, epizootiological situation and economical prejudice, pathogenesis, biochemical processes and pathological morphology on a macro-and microscopic level, clinical manifestation of animal parasitic diseases in a close coherence with clinical practice as well as afforce knowledge, professional skills in diagnostics, differential diagnostics of diseases, treatment and prevention.