launch event - presenting the muslim network

Chair The Muslim Network Our objectives

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Page 1: Launch event - presenting the Muslim network

Chair The Muslim Network

Our objectives

Page 2: Launch event - presenting the Muslim network

A Persian, Arab and Roman were travelling through a desert and happened to chance upon one another and decided to share water and company. After some time they ran out of water and struggled along in the scorching desert heat. As they staggered along, they noticed the golden glint of a coin partially submerged in the desert. Their joy was beyond bounds when they dug it out and it gave them energy to struggle on to the nearest dwelling. After some time they came upon a tradesmen selling fruit, and on approaching him, they discussed what to purchase. The Persian said, “Angur!” The Arab exclaimed “ ‘Inab!” The Roman shouted out, “No, no – Grapes!” The stall owner smiled and reached down to collect a large bowl of a single fruit which satisfied them all. In fact, they had all been asking for grapes, just in language foreign to one another. [Adapted from a story by Rumi]

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Cultural dissonance?

Diverse expression Unified purpose

Universal values

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Our objectives Understand the needs of staff related to Islam

Raise awareness amongst the workforce

Support public health policy & objectives

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Understanding 1. Reflect 2. Guide 3. Responsibility

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Understand the needs of staff related to Islam

Objective Activities Outputs Multi-faith facilities are accessible at all sites

Liaise with HR & Site Leads to map out current facilities

Directory of multi-faith facilities available to all staff

Establish Network representation across national footprint

Identify and communicate with site leads nationally

Recruit Network site leads to facilitate staff representation

Ensure staff are aware about the Network

Work with HR to raise awareness through staff induction, diversity training & prominence on intranet

Provide accessible members sign-up process and signposting through HR touchpoints.

Understand workforce representation by faith

Analyse Diversity dashboard faith category

Commentary on Diversity dashboard by faith characteristic

Establish channels for communicating Network feedback to senior Management

Ensure Network representation at the Diversity & Talent board. Regular meetings with Exec lead.

Summary reports from D & T Board and Exec meetings for members

Understand staff needs and assess Network impact

Collaborate on designing Staff survey with other diversity leads

Diversity survey published to all staff for consultation & benchmarking purposes

Provide regular opportunities for members to meet

Establish calendar of meetings and yearplan

Publish terms of reference and minutes of meetings

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Managers Employees Public

Raise awareness

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Raise awareness and engagement amongst the staff community Objective Activities Outputs

Establish forum for discussing Islam and the Muslim community within the workplace

Organise events with thought leaders, Civil service and external specialists

- Lunch and learn sessions delivered nationally - Prepare and deliver training sessions on Ramadan and Hajj

Utilise available communications channels to raise awareness of Network activities and notices

Identify and set up channels in liaison with HR and Communications

Post updates on approved digital channels (e.g. Yammer, Weekly newsletter)

Develop policies which recognise faith and practise within the workplace

Prepare policy documentation with HR relating to Muslim staff

Policy and guidance for managers and staff

Develop opportunities for members’ career progression

Review shadowing, mentoring & coaching schemes with HR / BAME Network

Feasibility assessment for career progression activities

Identify and model good practise for diversity networks

Develop working relationships with similar organisations across Civil Service and industry to benefit from their experience

- Establish inter-organisational communications to share information about effective staff engagement

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Support public policy and objectives externally

Objective Activities Outputs Establish the organisation as a leading Health and wellbeing authority with subject matter expertise on the Islamic faith

- Engage HR, Policy and Communications stakeholders to draft materials for internal and external distribution - Develop relationships with faith leaders and authorities for review and distribution of materials

Publish resources about Health and Wellbeing in relation to the Muslim community for other networks and organisations

Support community engagement activities targeting the Muslim community

Identify corporate activities which require stronger community consultation or engagement

Support communications and stakeholder mapping to improve uptake of organisational campaigns or activities

Collaborate on joint activities with other networks

Develop partnerships with similar organisations across Civil Service and industry sharing resources and expertise

Participate in inter-organisational activities with partner organisations on matters of interest to the Network

Raise awareness of the Muslim Network across Civil Service

Establish contact with HR & Networks in all government departments and ALBs

Promote the Networks activities across Civil Service

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Recognise Muslim diversity

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Support organisational objectives




Cancer screening

Travel & vaccination

Mental health

Prevalence Diabetes Heart disease

Funerals Post mortem

Family Consanguinity Elderly care Childhood obesity

Religion plays an important part in supporting health promotion

Community engagement Collaborative working opportunities Build capacity of public health system

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Thank you
