launching a district virtual school: featuring tips for success from florida virtual school

Wednesday May 27, 2009 Phyllis Lentz, Director of Global Services, Florida Virtual School (FL) Mike Petersen, Manager, K-12 Solutions Engineers Launching A District Virtual School: Featuring Tips for Success from Florida Virtual School

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District leaders are facing mounting pressures to improve and expand educational programs to ensure that students graduate and that they do so prepared for workforce and college-level challenges. But with scarce budgets, student scheduling conflicts, and limited teacher availability, districts are looking to online learning for cost-effective and flexible student learning opportunities that are interactive, connected and personalized. However, as districts look to start a virtual school, they often do not know where to begin or how to demonstrate early success of the program. The time and resources necessary to create courses may seem overwhelming and districts often need to build expertise necessary to bring learning online. Phyllis Lentz, Director of Global Services at Florida Virtual School (FLVS), describes how districts are expanding learning opportunities through online courses and shares recommendations on how you can get started at your district. With over 90 courses, 54,000 current students, and 100,400 enrollments,* FLVS has the proven experience to offer insight on how districts can efficiently move courses online and build a successful virtual school. Also shared in the presentation is how Blackboard Learn and the Blackboard Virtual School Quick Start Solution are helping districts achieve their goals. * As of April 13, 2009, based on the 2008-2009 school year thus far. FLVS completions are measured as half-credit enrollments, based on student completions during a 12-month period.


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Wednesday May 27, 2009

Phyllis Lentz, Director of Global Services, Florida Virtual School (FL)

Mike Petersen, Manager, K-12 Solutions Engineers

Launching A District Virtual School: Featuring Tips for Success from Florida Virtual School

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Born from education

in 1997

20 million users

1,000+ of us, working with 5,200+ of you

Extended by 2,500

developers and partners

9 global offices across 4 continents



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• Close the gap between the way students live and the way they learn

• Deliver a 21st Century educational experience that is engaging, individualized and effective

Our Vision:

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• An open, web-based teaching and learning platform for engaging and assessing learners in and beyond the classroom

• 3,000+ clients, 15+ million estimated active users, at all levels of learning

• Local or hosted deploymentEngaging and assessing learners at all levels


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Client Community

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FLORIDA VIRTUAL SCHOOLBlackboard Client Spotlight


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Launching A District Virtual School:

Featuring Tips for Success from Florida

Virtual School

Phyllis Lentz

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“In our current system, time is the constant and achievement the variable.

We have it backwards. Achievement should be the constant, and time the variable.”

1992 SCANS Report

Opportunity of Online Learning

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In Prisoners of Time, the Commission recommends that we "fix the design flaw" in American schools and that "state and local boards work with schools to redesign education so that time becomes a factor

supporting learning, not a boundary marking its limits.”

The 1994 National Education Commission on Time and Learning (NECTL) report,

Prisoners of Time, p. 31

Opportunity of Online Learning

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The Internet and education are the two great equalizers in life. Put them together as e-learning and they have the potential to level the playing field for organizations, companies and countries worldwide.”

John Chambers, CEO, Cisco

Opportunity of Online Learning

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Which Labels fit today’s students?

Gen YGen YMillennialsMillennials

Digital NativesDigital Natives


Digital Immigrants

Digital Immigrants

Baby BoomersBaby Boomers

911 Generation

911 GenerationGen XGen X Net Generation

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“Technology has been completely transparent to the Net Gen. It doesn’t exist. It’s like the air.”

“At their fingertips they have access to

much of the world’s knowledge.

Learning for them should take place

where and when they want it.”

Net Generation

Don Tapscott – Grown Up Digital

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Today’s classroom

““Ours is a world of 24 hour news Ours is a world of 24 hour news cycles, global markets, and instant cycles, global markets, and instant messaging. Our education system messaging. Our education system [our classrooms] should reflect the [our classrooms] should reflect the times we’re living in.”times we’re living in.”

Rod Paige, former U.S. Rod Paige, former U.S. Secretary of EducationSecretary of Education

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If you build it, will they come?

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• Florida TaxWatch


• Annual Surveys

Accountability and Evaluation

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What do you hope parents and students say about your teachers?

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Policies for Success

Grade Earned in Subject Traditional School (2005)

FLVS (2006)

A 39% 55%

B 28% 27%

C 17% 12%

D 8% 3%

F 8% 3%

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Course Rigor and Quality

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Continuous Professional Development

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“In 10 years, computer-based, student-centric learning will account for 50 percent of the ‘seat miles’ in U.S. secondary schools.”

Trajectory of Online Learning

Disrupting Class

“About 80 percent of courses taken in

2024 will have been taught online in a student-centric


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BlackboardCase Study

Innovative and Digital Learning in New Mexico: IDEAL-NM

• State wide online learning system

• 500,000 students

• New Mexico

Challenge: State-Wide Online Learning Opportunities

Connect teaching, learning, and training forthe state’s K-20, adult education, and government communities.

Blackboard Solution: Anytime, Anywhere Access to Learning

The IDEAL-NM initiative partnered with Blackboard to replace 22 different technology systems with a statewide integrated implementation of Blackboard Learn.• NM is the first state in the nation to deploy

such a comprehensive, highly-connected, and scalable K20 and adult education system that facilitates life-long learning

• Expanding professional development and training for state agencies

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Case Study

Cobb County School District

• Rapidly growing community

• 107,000 students

• 8,800 teachers

• Georgia

Challenge: Providing an alternative to classroom instructionAnytime, anywhere learning for students who need the flexibility to complete required courses but are not able to take them during the normal school schedule.

Blackboard Solution: Personalized and Connected Learning

Using Blackboard Learn, CCSD created eHigh School, which allowed students to complete required courses anytime, anywhere.

• eHigh School now offers 61 courses—from middle school Latin to personal fitness—to more than 1,800 students each year.

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Blackboard Learn

Common Challenges:• Expanding course offerings for all students• Keeping students engaged in their learning• Operating within limited and declining budgets

• Raising graduation rates


Blackboard Learn provides the foundation for a district-

based virtual school that engages students with

personalized and connected learning opportunities and

optimizes district resources.

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Quick Start Solutions: Virtual Schools

Challenge:“Developing online courses takes time and resources but I need to make the courses available right away.”

--Director of Instructional Technology

Solution:• Blackboard Quick Start Solutions will

help you get started quickly and achieve early success

• Enroll up to 50 students in Florida Virtual School courses

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Quick Start Solutions: Virtual Schools

Challenge:“I don’t know how to start an online program at my district. Who can I turn to?”

- Director of Instructional Technology

Solution:• Participate in the Florida Virtual Leadership

Course (1 seat)• Become certified to teach and learn online

with 1 seat in 3 Blackboard Training Courses: Teaching and Learning Online Certification Series (Building Courses, Enhancing Communication, Assessing Learners)

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“Online learning is about extending class days

and class time for struggling students who many not have gained competency across the

curriculum and for students who need

additional courses that are not locally available.”.

Susan Patrick, President and CEOInternational Association for K-12 Online Learning

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Thank you! Questions?

Phyllis Lentz

Director, Global Services

Florida Virtual School (FLVS)

[email protected]

(866) 424-9299 ext. 2427