launching your wordpress website

Part II: Launching Your WordPress

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Post on 10-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Launching your WordPress Website

Part II: Launching Your WordPress

Page 2: Launching your WordPress Website

AGENDA:5:00 - 5:15 Check-In

5:15 - 5:30 Part I: Why you need a website

5:45 - 6:15 Decisions, pizza, break into groups

6:15 - 6:30 Part II: Introduction

6:30 - 7:15 Part II: Setting up your WordPress (groups)

7:15 - 7:45 Part II: WordPress basics

7:45 - 8:00 Q&A

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What is WordPress?

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CMS (Content Management System) that is used to easily create and manage website content

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WordPress Ecosystem:


Theme Shops and Marketplaces

Plugin Developers & Providers

eCommerce, Developers, Designers, Consultants & More

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State of Mind

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Purchasing Your Domain & Hosting

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The server that holds the files and content of your website, rather that running it off of your personal computer

The URL that people use to access your website

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Control Panel used for most hosting services that lets you manage your files, applications, emails and more that are linked to your hosting account.

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Domain & Hosting Options

A Small Orange [deal]*

A Small Orange [regular]*




Domain Name



$5-15 per year

$6-20 per year


Website Hosting

$35 (first year)

$50 per year

$48(first year) - 84 per year

$86 per year

$48(first year) - 96 per year

*All of these are great options, we will be using A Small Orange for instructions, but you can pick whatever you’d like.

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Special Discount with A Small Orange

Annual rates: $36 per year $50 per year $120 per year $240 per year$35 for first year

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Setting up your WordPress (groups)

Things you should accomplish:

Free: create an account, brainstorm what you are going to use your website for

Paid: set up your hosting (with A Small Orange), log into your C-Panel, install WordPress, log into your dashboard …. then brainstorm what to put on content!

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Paid WordPress Instructions

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Hosting with A Small Orange● Visit this website for

our special deal: Click here

● Click “Start Today!”

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Step 1: Picking Your Plan● Hosting Plan -

“Shared Hosting - Small”

● Billing Cycle - “Annually”

● It will renew at $50 for us!

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Step 2: Choosing a DomainIf you don’t already own your domain:

● Enter your ideal domain and click “Check” to see if it’s available.

● If not, they will give you other suggestions, or keep trying other domains.

● Click “Save” UNCHECK THIS!

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Step 2: Choosing a DomainIf you do own your domain:

● Click on “I already own this domain”

● Enter the domain name you own

● Click “Save”

You don’t have to transfer it over.

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Step 3: Enter Your Other InformationEnter your billing info and security question

I do not recommend any add-ons (they cost extra)

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Step 4: PROMO CODEpromo code: UTAMA

Click “Apply”

Amount Due = $35

Click “Buy Now”

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Step 5: Verification Email

● Look for an email with subject line: “New Account Information From A Small Orange”

● Scroll down until you see your cPanel Login

● Write down your username, and temporary password

● Click on “Log In to cPanel”

Later you should:● Change your

password on A Small Orange

● Verify your email address

● Explore your hosting platform

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Step 6: Install WordPressWelcome to your cPanel!

Scroll down until you see the “Softaculous Apps Installer”

Click “WordPress”

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Step 6: Install WordPressThis page shows you the details about installing WordPress.

Click “Install”

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Step 6: Install WordPressUse the following settings

“Protocol”: http://

“Domain”: your domain

“In Directory”: leave this blank

“Database Name”: leave as default

“Site Name”: My Blog (or whatever you want, this can be changed later)

“Site Description”: whatever you want, can also be changed

“Enable Multisite”: leave unchecked

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Step 6: Install WordPressUse the following settings

“Admin Username”: admin

“Admin Password”: create a strong password, write it down!

“Admin email address”: your email address

Set your language

Check “Limit login attempts”

You don’t need to pick a theme here

Click “Install”

If you want to understand these steps more later, here is a good resource:

A Small Orange “Installing WordPress with Softaculous”


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Step 7: Sign into WordPressGo to

username: Admin

password: your password that you just made when installing WordPress

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Step 7: Sign into WordPressThis is your WordPress!

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STOP :) We will continue as a group.Send someone up to say you’re done.

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WordPress Platform (free) people can join in!

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What we’ll cover➔ Pages➔ Posts➔ Menus➔ Uploading Media➔ Themes➔ Plugins & Widgets➔ HTML & Development➔ Learning More

Additional Resource: WordPress Basics

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PagesPages → Add New

● Visual/Text● Draft, Schedule, Publish● Parent Page● Templates (some themes)● Featured Image

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PostsPosts → Add New

● Visual/Text● Draft, Schedule, Publish● Format● Categories, Tags● Featured Image

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Pages vs PostsPages:

Static content on your website

Mostly used for Contact, About, and other non-timely pages

Organized in a page hierarchy (parent pages, menus)

Pages are not social


Tied to publish dates and listed in reverse chronological order

Mostly for blogging purposes

Add categories/tags to posts to help visitors find them

Visitors can comment/share posts

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MenusAppearance → Menus

Type in Menu Name → Create Menu

Add pages, links, categories to menu from left side by dragging

Drag and drop to create sub-menus

Some themes let you pick your menu location - “main menu” “social menu”

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Uploading MediaMedia → Add New

Click on image

● Change Title● Add a caption● Alt text: if image doesn’t

load/SEO● Description - SEO

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The design/layout of your WordPress website

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Finding Themes1) Pre-Installed Themes:

● Appearance → Themes

2) Google it! “Best Free WordPress Themes Portfolio”

● Find a theme, click “Details”, click “Download” → downloads ZIP file

3) Other places to find great themes:

● Etsy - simple, custom made themes● premium, business and

professional themes

Finding Themes | Choosing Themes | Uploading Themes | Customizing Themes (self-hosted) only!

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Choosing ThemesFree or Premium Themes

● Customizability● Support


● How it looks● Page styles that it offers● Headings/fonts/menus/buttons

Responsiveness & Mobile Friendly

More about What to Consider When Choosing Themes

Finding Themes | Choosing Themes | Uploading Themes | Customizing Themes

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Uploading ThemesAppearance → Themes → Add New → upload zip folder → Install and activate

Finding Themes | Choosing Themes | Uploading Themes | Customizing Themes (self-hosted) only!

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Customizing ThemesAppearance → Customize

Options will vary with different themes

Simply play around :)

Click “Save” to Publish!

Click “X” to go back to the WordPress Dashboard

Finding Themes | Choosing Themes | Uploading Themes | Customizing Themes

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Small pieces of code that can be easily uploaded to your website to add functionality

Sections of your blog (sidebar, footer) where you can add content

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Finding Plugins1) Existing Library of Plugins

● Plugins → Add New● Searching through these avoids

having to upload

2) Google it! “Best WordPress Plugins”

● Find a plugin, Download it → downloads ZIP file

Sometimes your theme will also come with recommended plugins, install those!

Finding Plugins | Uploading Plugins | Recommended Plugins | Using Your Plugins (self-hosted) only!

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Uploading PluginsPlugins → Add New → Upload Plugin

Wait for it to show “Installed Successfully”, then “Active Plugin”

Finding Plugins | Uploading Plugins | Recommended Plugins | Using Your Plugins (self-hosted) only!

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My Recommended PluginsJetpack by WordPress: gives you basic website analytics about traffic, clicks, etc.

Google Analytics by Yoast: lets you connect Google Analytics to your website for further insights

Contact Form 7: basic contact form, instead of listing your email address on your website

Custom CSS: easy way to customize your website design without having to edit the source code

Other types (lots of options!):

● Social Media (sharing buttons, Twitter/Instagram feed, Pin it button, Facebook like, etc.)● Newsletter sign ups (Mailchimp, HelloBar - if you’re doing a blog)● Language editors, Calendars, Forms, & more!

Finding Plugins | Uploading Plugins | Recommended Plugins | Using Your Plugins (self-hosted) only!

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Using Your PluginsPlugins → Installed Plugins

Configuration will vary:

● “Settings”● Some will appear on the

sidebar of your WordPress dashboard

● Read the documentation for the specific plugin

○ Installation instructions, documentation, screenshots, etc.

Finding Plugins | Uploading Plugins | Recommended Plugins | Using Your Plugins (self-hosted) only!

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Setting Up Widget AreasAppearance → Widgets

List on left of all available Widgets

Box on right shows where you can use widgets (Sidebar)

Each widget usually has a description and instructions to help you set it up (add widget)

Can customize all of them

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HTML & DevelopmentEdit using HTML in the Text Editor

● <h1> header styles● <ul> unordered and <ol>

ordered lists

Learn more HTML

Edit CSS using plugins

Theme Code is editable through Appearance → Editor (but proceed with caution!!!) (self-hosted) only!

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Learning More … Google things!

Codecademy has courses on HTML and CSS has WordPress tutorials

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Your WebsiteAn Example Plan

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Where do I start?1) Define your website2) Pick your theme and plan out your structure3) Buy your domain, set up technical aspects of website DONE! :) 4) Build the structure5) Choose your plugins6) Build out your content7) Edit, review, publish!

More information about each step in the Website Crash Course Packet

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Thank you!& Questions