laurbns, an brother toichingly melancholy€¦ · farmÄ beforeyoubuyor sell / any kind of...

FARM Ä Before You Buy or Sell / any Kind of Real Estate, or Business, Write us your wants. J. Y. üahun<;ton & Co., Laurens, S. C. VOL. XIX. LAURBNS, S.O.. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 14, 1903 Brigtles are very well in their Place. We havo them and keep them In their places. In our lino lino of Hair brushes, Tooth Brushes, Kto. Our stock is made up of the best Amerlom, English and lVrench Goods, and will be sold at popular prices. dodson's mim stork. NO. lO AN AGED LADY BURNED TO DEATH Miss Nancy Robertson Per¬ ished in Flames. SUPPOSED CAUSE. The House Destroyed by Fire. Lived Near Gray Court.Occurred at Midnight.Llyed Alone.12 Miles from Here. MissNauey Robertson, agod tevenly odd years, wai> burned to death Mon¬ day night in tlio destruction of her home by lire. She lived on a tract of land, in which sho had a life estate, which was ronted by Mr. Whitley, in a house of ante bellum oonstruotioo, about one hundred yards from the house occupied by Mr. Whitley and family. The fire was discovered about twoho o'clock Monday night by Mr. Zeno Wilson, who was siding up with a sie'e relative He hastened to the scono and aroused Mr. Whitley. When thoy reached the burning house they found it entlroly [onvcloped in flames. It was too late to rescue the lone in¬ mate, or save aoy of the contents. The afternoon before, Mrs, Whitley carried Miss Robertson, as washer cus¬ tom, her evening meal. It seems she was engaged in quilting, having on on hand a largo quanlty of batting. The lamp she used was without a chimney. Besides there was a great deal of other inllammlble material in the house. The reasonable supposition Is tbat In some way tho batting caught from the lamp, and Miss Robortson sultooated before she could efcape or give the alarm, it is easily conceived that her clothing may have caught from tho burnlDg batting, thus preventing her oxit from the house. It is said Miss Robertson's bones were exhumed yesterday. She had lived alone for years. Mr. John Robertson aud Mrs. Dock Armstrong of this county are her nearest relatives. MAKES A OLEAn'sWEEP. There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all tho Salves you ever heard of, liuckIon's Arnioi Salve is tho bost. It sweeps away and cures Burns, Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Bolls, Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's only 25 cents and guaranteed to give satisfac¬ tion by Laurens Drug Co. and W. W. Dodson. Report of Ihe Supervisor of Laurens County, for the Quarter Kittling, September, :10th, 1908. County Auditor, * 83 I!) County Commissioners and Clerk, 287 19 Clerk of Court, 200 00 Sheriff's salary, etc., «00 52 Magistrates and Constables, 330 30 Coroner's salary, etc., 00 00 Poor house and poor, 44<i 15 Roads and bridges, 94« 27 Public buildings, 5 50 Rooks, stationery and printing, 17!) 27 Contingent, 185 40 Chain gang, 1,508 45 Julylterm of Court, 1,002 20 Road work, 2,782 (i0 ?9,082 70 II. B. HUMBERT, Supervisor, L. C j. J). Mock, Clerk. Get the liest for iho Asking. Whoa you order a sack of patent flour from your grocer, do not tell him to send yon "a sack of good Hour," but tell htm to send you a sack of "Clif¬ ton," b?cause "Clifton" is tho best patent. Evory snck is sold with this guarantee, and if it does not prove as represented, your money will be re¬ funded. "Clifton" is an a'l-round flour, and is as good for cttko and pas¬ try as light rolls and biso jits. T. N. Barksdale, M. II. Fowler. bTÖMÄCH TROUBLE. "1 haye b3en troubled with my stom¬ ach fo* the past four yenrj." says D.L. Be ich, of Clover Nook Farm, Groen- liold, Mass. "A few days ago I was in¬ duced to buy a box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. I have tiken part of them and feel a great deal better." If you have any trouble with your stomach try a box of these tablets. You are certain to be pleased with the result. For sale by Laurens Drug Co. O -A. S 0? <3> 'JTL X -A. * i!r ,. th« Ih8 Kind Yen Havo Aj.vays Roik' THERE IS NO BETTER INVESTMENT than a home. In It you have a necessity and likowiso a luxury, with only the cost of tho necessity. I can sell you any kind you liko and located whero you wish, at a low price and on eaysy terms. 1 havo for sale: I 30 Acres, ono mile from Watts Mills. 188 acres one and one-fourth miles from "Stomp Sprinp", Jacks Township. 05 acres one and one-fourth miles from Watts Mills. 1ft acres fino bottom land, four miles North of Laurens. 53 acres i mile from corporates limits of Lauren.*. Several houses and lota in town, and larger plantations In the cotuoty. Come to see me and let me talk over some pvoposttions with ymj. Wanted.Six or seven room house wanted by a client. M. L. Cope land, 31KAli ESTATE, STOCKS AND BONDS, FIRE INSUHANCt:. niriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'i'ii iiiiiiji'iiiiiii nwiro A MONO OUK FRIENDS. Mr. L. S. Fuller was In Columbia last weok. Miss Nellie Poll Is visiting at Blacks- burg. Miss Nora McDaniol is vis'iing her sister. Mrs. W. P. Hudgons. W. Y. Eoyd, Esq., went to Spartan- burg Monday on professional business. Jobn T. Daniel of Mt. Gallagher was In the city yesterday. Dr.G. L. Martin of Greoavillo, well known in Laurens, was in tho olty yes¬ terday. Mrs. John Dowon returned to hor homo on Motiday, after a visit to friends In Columbia. Mrs. Josephine Watts, who bus been on a visit to the family of Prof. Evans, roturnod home last week. Mrs. II. Ii. Machen has been visiting Mr. J. T. Machen and other rolativos here for the past two weeks. Miss Mary Bowon, who has been teaching a class In stenography for the past four months In Dar'lngton, re- turned to her home Monday. Miss Pauline Andereon leaves for Washington on November 1st, as as¬ sistant secretary for her brother-in- law, Hon. Jos. T. Johnson. Mr. N. B. Dial, President Enterprise Bank and Ware Shoals Cotton Mill vis¬ ited Charleston and Columbia last week. Mls3 Margaret Young, of Union, ha3 been elected to a position in the city schools, and ontered upon hor duties Monday. Rev. Watson B. Duncan Riled the pulpit of the First Methodist Church at Union on last Sunday. Rev. J. B. 11 ugglns, pastor of tho Second Metho¬ dist Church, filled tho pulpit of the First Methodist Church at this place. Tho Wednesday Afternoon Club was entertained by Mrs. J. Wells Todd at tho regular bi-weekly meeting on last Thursday. Mrs. Todd served an elegant luncheon. Rev. and Mrs. S. C. Todd havo been on a brief visit to the mother of Mr, Todd. They will leave very soon for China, whore thoy will dovoto their time to Missionary work. No Prayermcetiug Thursday Night. Owing to the absence of the pastor, there will be no praycrmeeting ser¬ vice at Firs', Methodist Church on Thursday night. Called to Ueorgia. The Augusta Chronicle states that Rev. Oryon J. Woodward, of this city, has been called to tho Ileph/.ibah Bap¬ tist Charon near Augusta, Ga. It is not known whether ho will accept or not. Monster Adv. We print this week a big "adv." of the O. B. Simmons Go's, tremendous valueB In dry goods, notions, shoes and clothing. Special prices are made on every article they carry in stock and It will be well for everyone to call and see for thomselves some of lite big values for a little money . How many women have faikd to IInd the shoo suited to their own particular needs. It has boen discovered. It's "La Franco" and is sold only by Cope- land. Don't ask th-3 price until you see it. We'll guarantoo to p'easantly surprise yon. STATE SOUTH CAROLINA, . Laurens County, la Court Common Picas. J. C. Moon and Isabella Mauley, Plain¬ tiffs, against Sarah Heeders)», Henry Young Spoon, et al, Defendants. PURSUANT to decree in tho above- stated case, I will ecll at public outcry to tho highest bidder, at Laurons C. II., 8. 0., on Sa'esday in Novombor next, being Monday tho 2d day of the month, durinrc the legal hours lor such sales, the following described property, to wit: All that parcel or tract of land, con¬ taining one hundred aores more or less, situate in the county and state above named, and bounded by lands of W. L. Gray, Joseph H. Sullivan, Government place and estate of J. B. Johnson, and others. Terras of Sale.One«half cosh, tho balance with intorest from day of sale, secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the premises due at twelve months from day of sale, with leave to the purchaser to pay for papers, If the torms of sale are not complied with, the land will be ro-sold on the same or some subsequent Salesday on same terras, at risk of former purchaser. JOHN F. BOLT, c.c.c.p. October 9, STATE SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Laurens. Court of Common Piers. S. W Simpson, Plaintiff, against Dave Simpson, et al. PURSUANT to a decree of tho Court in tho above-stated case, will sell at public outcry to tho highost bidder, at Laurens C. H., 8. C, on Salesday in November, boing Monday the second day of the month, during the legal houra of sale, the following described properly, to wit: All that lot, piece or parool of land lying, being and situate in Laurens County, State of South Carolina, con¬ taining One Hundred and Ninetoen Aores, more or lets, bounded by land of John N. Wright, J. D. M. Shaw, Mrs. Mary Madden, Mrs. Doily Madden and other*. Terras of Sale.One-half cash, balance on credit of twelve months, with intor¬ est from day of sale, secured by bond and mortgage of the premises sold, with leave to tho purchaser to pay Ids entire bid in cash. Purchaser to pay for papers'. If purchaser fails to p.QhV ply with bid, premises will be re-sold on same or some subsequent Salesday at his risk. J. F. BOLT, o.c.o.r. Oot. 0, i90:l-td. Dcntli of Kr». A? II. Martin. Mrs. A. H. Martin died last Sutur- day at her home four miles west of this place after a lingering illness. She was (14 years of ago. She is survived by her husband and six children, Mrs. Arthur Hudgeus, Mrs. MoLaurln of Bennetts- vllle, Mr, Herbert Martin, Mr. Henry Martin, Miss Nan Martin and Miss Margaret Martin. Mrs. Mint in was a truo Chritian, and much loved by all who knew her. Tho interment was bad at Chestnut Ridge Sunday after¬ noon. Many attended from town. Tho bereaved family havo tho sympathy of all. Conservatism In Men's Fashions. Some men care little for tho chang¬ ing styles, yet always dross well and look well, because their clothes lit and arc made of good material. These are the men Davi*, Roper & Co., is address lug in another c iluinii. Tho Conserva¬ tive Sack will commend itself to men of rolined tasto who want quality. The suit is having a season of popularity all over the country. It is hand tail¬ ored and will hold its shape . Every bolt'o of Our Now Discovory guaranteed. ONE CENT A WORD. Fattcu Your Hogs, Still havo on hand plenty of hog corn. Have cut the price to (iO cents per bushel. Call before it's all gone. J. II. Sullivan. WANTED, Cotton Mill Hands for new Mill just increasing its plant.spin¬ ning, card, and weave-room help. All now machinery, good tenements, puvo water, and best of wages. No hoboes or shiftless hole desired. Apply to MOLLOllON MFG. CO., Sept. i8,1903.It. Newberry, s. C. To Bent.Farming lauds w thin the incorpora'o limits of the town. Apply to REV. \V. a. clark. Fink Ocronnu PKAOfiES..Lookout for John R. Fid ley, agent for three va¬ rieties of line October peaches. Repre¬ sents Monte Christo Nurseries, Max- eys, Ga. Foil Sale.300 bushe s of Red Apple- Rust Proof Oats. 80 cents per b.ishel. Wm. p. Harris, Rapley, s. C. For sale . 500 bishols red rust proof oats. J. I). Watts, Laurens, S. C. STATE SOUTH CAROLINA, Laurens County, In Court Common Pleas. Wilio Jones, Plaintiff, against W. T. Crews, A. R. Sullivan, -las. T. Crows, Piedmont Savinga and Investment Company, J. II. Wbarton, Stanyarne Wilson, Defendants. PURSUANT to decree of tho Court of Common Pleas in ubovo-sta'ed case, I will sell on Salesday in November next, it being the second day of the month, at public OUtory to the highest bidder during legal bouts of silo, all that lot, piece or parcel ol land, lyiug, being and situate within the incorpor¬ ated limits ol the city of Lfturons, con taining One and one-fourth Acres, more or less and bounded by lands of Col. J, W. Ferguson, N. B. Dial, Esq., J. C. Owings, John M. Hudgens, eta!. Terms of Sale--Ono-haU cash, Ihe balance on a credit of twelve months, with bond of purchaser and mortgage of premiees, with Interest from day of sale, with leave to pay the whole bid In cash. If purchaser failn to comply with his bid, tho same will bo resold at his risk on same or somo subsequent Sales- day, purchaser to pay for papers. JOHN F. BOLT, o.C.C.P. Oct. 0, l'JOi'.-td. Excursion Train FROM WATERLOO, LAüIiENS, And Intermediate Points To Spartun- burg, S. C, and RelUrc, November 3d. 1q03, Via Charleston & Western Carolina Railway, account Exhibition of tho Groat BARN UM & BAILEY SHOWS. Round-Trip rate from Watorloo $1.60 Laurens. $1.15, Enoreo 76 cents, Wood¬ ruff 65 cents. Correspondingly Low Rates from all intermediate Points. Special Train leaves Waterloo, 8 a. m. Laurens 8..'}) a. m.; Enorcc 8.55 a. m.; Woodruff, 0,10 a. m., arriving ftt Spar« tanburg 0 5"> fl. m. Returning leave Spartanburg 0 30 p. m, November 3rd, but for the CQnvenicnco of thoso de*lr Ing to remain to witno3s tho ovening perf irmance, all tickots will be good to return, leaving Spartanburg 12.01 noon, November 4th. For further information, apply to your Ticket Agont, or Ernest Williams, GenM Pass. Agt, Augusta, Ga. Geo. Ti Bryan, Greenville, S. C. Williamson Co., Jewelers. McCord Building, Lanrens,S. C. BROTHER BOB WRITE TOICHINGLY OF OLD BILL'S MELANCHOLY END. Mule of Rare and Lovable Virtues==Story of Romance Connected With The Event. Editor, The Advertiser, Sin: it is written, "Out of the abundance of the heart tho mouth spoakoth." »So, also, tho quill inovelli. This is ray only ex- ouso for burdening you with this per¬ sonal lamentation. The f ict is to ho plain and short, old 1UI1 is dead, Ho's sure dead, lie was a tfood old mule worth, say $lfi(). Heavy sot, blocky, good na¬ ture i. strong and quallttod. He was one of tho few mules that would mind you wheuyou npoke to him and that wouldn't kick, .loo Hunter can tell you all about Old Hill. 1 got him from him. Ho,was a good ono (I mein the mule, not Joe») But all this is neither hero nor there now, Va'se the mule, he's dead. He came up Monday eve¬ ning ailing hut we thought litt'o of it a? he had oftou shown signs of ail¬ ments bo'ore which soon passed off. Noxt morning f lound him still with¬ out appetite and still ailing. My rule in treating a sick horse is to turn him out and let him meander for himself, and I guess it's about as good luek as any since I have lost only two in thirty years under this treatment, hav¬ ing kopt from live to seven most of the time. Hut on this special occasion, be¬ ing it was old Hill, my wife, would have me drench him. This I did early in the day and he went on until night seemingly doing as well as if it had not been done. Thus encouraged she in- sistod that I repeat tho dose at night, which 1 did of course. But. to her dis¬ may and my astonishment it seemed to do him great hurl. Ho writhed and reared and plunged f arfnlly. So she hid mo stop ami lot bim alone. This I did to please hoi' and always will if it costs me a mule. But the mule never got over that shock. H-j kept up a restless tramping to and fro, forward and backward, slinging tho head and frothing till lotn in I lie nl^ht when I applied my remedy.turned him out in the pasture to moaudor. But, alas! it was us I foildd next morning ho had not meandered long. He Was dead and is dead yet Now in this sad bereave¬ ment after it was all over with the mule and \vc had lime for rellection it was hut natural that vve ge' the horse doctor hook and diagnose tho oase. Having determined the di-ease and the different causes for same, we bogan to «peculate as to what probably caused iIrs particularly case. Afior studying awhile to him what Bill had done to overtax his energies, the Madam spoke up with an expression of voice and feature that betokened a discovery. "Sa: !" say she, "what mule did Tone drive last Sunday." "I don't know," says F, but dodp down in my heart 1 foil sure that in that suggestion a dc:ul Bure clue had been uuearthed, He- oaiue, Tom you know is tho negro boy that tends our Oftttlo aad lias n't got muph horae sonse. lie is a big, burly, dashy, hustling negro, with no better idea of what a mule can stand than an ape might have. Boside6, up to last Sunday Tone wa9 a young widower and had for some months past boen court¬ ing a certain dusky damsel, having mcdo one or two futilo efforts lo elopo with her. Had I thought of all this lust Sunday when he asked me for a mule I certainly should have denied him. Hut as fate would have it 1 d'.da't think of It and the mule >'s dead. 1 found by inquiry that ho had borrowed a buggy from a neighbor, hitched my mule lo it and driven six miles down to Center Rftbun, caught up his prey and had hied away ten miles to Fountain Im to get a Notary to tie the knot that holds and loscns the two together or asundor as circumstances may suggest, thon four milts back home. This is not a long drive, but when we consider all the circumstances In tho case und how a frightened negro might speed in a case of elopement, we concluded that wo had logica'ly traced from effect back to cau^e, and that, the party be¬ ing insolvent, the only comfort loft us was to write up the hymonial and tho obituary. Thus: Married on Sunday, September 27 at .o'c'ork, Tono C'h'ldross to Miss-, -, Notory t'oblio, officiating, Died, on Tuesday following, being the *2!)th day of September, old Bill, Tone Child ress being aooossary to tho deed. But no; further Inquiry has devel¬ oped the fact that Tone drove (leorgo and not Bill, and that George shows no signs of maltreatment nor is hg any the worse by having aided and abetted in the elopement. So Tone is married, acqultedand happy. But old Bill is dead all tho same. Bröthen bob. A NEW LAW FIRM. Tho undersigned him* this day en- Loved into a partuorahlpfor tho practice !>f law in the Courts of this State, under Lhe name of Simpson it Cooper and will promptly attend to all buainees en¬ trusted to thorn. h. y. Simpson, It. a. cooper. W. B. KNIÖHT. R.E. IIABB. KNIGHT & BABB, Attorneys at Law. <1T Will practice in all the State and Federal Court*. Strict attention to all business intrusted to them Offloe up-stalrs, 810000008' Building. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxativ« Bromo Seven Mfflion boxe» sold In past 12 months. Curc3 Grip la Two Days. <b. oi\ every box. 25c. A Canl. Mr. Kditor: Please announce in your paper that all members of the Lyceum Association can get their seats re¬ served at the Laurons Drug Store, on October, 22nd, tho day boforo tho first at'raction. No scats will be reserved before that d*to. The Lyceum will be opened on tho evening of October, 23rd by Gen. John B. Gordon. Tho price of general ad¬ mission will be $1 00. We have a fow season tickets left ovor. Those desir¬ ing phase call for them at once. Price of the double season tickets for the live attractions $3.00. B. L. Jones, "La Prance" has begun her reigo at COPELAND'S. Her subjects are numerous and her domains aro increas¬ ing. Reasons: She Pules by Merit. < iuunbei Iain's Cough Remedy. No ono who is acquainted with its good qualities can be surprised at the great popularity of Ohftiüber!ftio.'ö Cough Remedy. It not only cures colds and grip effectually and perma¬ nently, but prevents tueso diseases from resulting in pneumonia. It is ulso a certain cute for croup. Whooping cough is not dangerous when this rem¬ edy is givcu. It contains no opium or other harmful substanoe and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. It is also pleasant (o take. When all of these facts aro taken into consideration it is not surprising that people in foreign lands, as well as at Imme, esteem this remedy vory highly and very few are willing to take any other after having used it. For sale by Laurens Drug Co. Trimmings to match every shade in dress at O. B. Simmons f'o. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the un¬ dersigned will llle in the olhce of the .Secretary of State, of tho State of South Carolin»«, on October, 20, 1903, a writ¬ ten declaration setting forth the neces¬ sary statements to obtain a charter for Mayllower Lodge, No. 4,2!l2 of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows in America, a lodge organized for social and fraternal purposes. A. E. Moreditb, G. W. Martin, P. H. Hunter, J. E. Davis. October, 11, 1003. State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF LAURENS, In Court of Common Plea?. J. J. Burnett, as Trustee, in Bank¬ ruptcy of John D, Garllngton, Plain* tiff, against J. Washington Watts, as surviving Executor of the will of John D. Will'ams, deceased, John D. Garlington, ct al. Defendants. Pursuant to Deoreos of the Court, passed in tho above stated cause, 1 will sell, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, at Laurens, C. IL, S. C , on Salesday In November, )!>03, it bting the second day of the month, in front of tho Court I louse door, at tho usual hour for such sales, tho following de¬ scribed real estate, all of which Is sit¬ uate in tho County and State abovo named; Tract No. 1 .Containing one hun¬ dred and twonty-om (121*) and one- half acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Ben Owens, W. C. liasor, Chappoll's road and tract No. 2. Tract No. 2.Containing one hundred and eight and three-fourths (lON'i) acres, moro or less, bounded by tract No. 1, Chappoll's road, Ninety Six road and lands of R. S. Grlllln and Mrs. Williams, Tract No. 3.-Containing seventy-five (7ö) acres, moro or loss, bounded by Hill lands, lands of R. S. Grifflo, Bath- ortnra Church and tracts Nos. 1 and 5. Tract No 4 .Containing ninety-seven (07*) and one-half acres, moro or less, bounded by ChappelPs road and Ninety Six ro.vd and tracts Nos. 3 and 5. Tract No. 5 .Containing seventy and one-half (70A¦ acre, more or less, bounded by Chappoll's road, Jones and Hill lauds and tracls Nos. !l and 4. Tract No. <>..Containing one hun¬ dred <md t»n (110) acres, more or loss, bounded by ChappelPs road, lands of S. D. Jones and tracts Nos. 8 and 7. Tract No. 7.Containing one hun¬ dred and fifteen and threo-fourths (lir>J) acvps, more or less, bounded by Cross Hill road, Milton road, and tracts Nos. 0, 8 and (>. Tract No 8.Containing ono hundrod and seventeen and one- half (117*) acres, nv>re or less, bounded by lands of S. I). Jopcs and tracts Nos. 0, 7, 0 and 10. Tract No. 0.Containing one hun¬ dred and fifty-four (lot) acres, moro or loss, bounded by lands of Mrs. Wil¬ liams, and tracts Ncs. 12, 11, 10, 8, 7 and 18. Tract No. 10 -Containing eighty-five and throe-fourths (80?) acres, moro or less, bounded by lands of S. D. Jones, S. T. Coats and tracts Nos. 11, I) and 8. Tract No. 11.Containing One* hun¬ dred and seventy threo and threo- fourths (173S) more or loss, bounded by Government land*, lands of S. T. Coats and tracts No*. 10, 0 and 12. Tract No. 1<5.Containing one hun¬ dred and eighty and one-tenths (180-one tonths) acres, mare or less, bounded by Govornmont lands, Mudllck Creok, Inivls of John Rudd, Mrs. Williams and tracts No*. 0 and 11. Tract No 13.Containing ono htm- drod and Ion and one-h.f (110J) acre:;, more or loss, bounded by lands of Dr. Miller, Mrs. Williams, negro church, Milton road and tract No. 14. Tract No 14. .Containing one hun¬ dred and three-fourths (I0.IJ) acres, more or less, bounded by Cro33 Hill road, lands of W. C. IVtsor and traoti Nos. 13 and 7. All of tho above Iraels conatituto what is kn wn as the John D. Williams Spring Grove place, and plats of each Iraot, and a plat of the whole, are on file In my office, where they can be in¬ spected. Terms of Sale.One-third cash and halanco on a credit of one and two years, with interest from tho day of eale, and with leave to the purchasor or purchasers to pay the entire bid or bids in cash. The credit portion to be secured by the bond of the purohaser or purchasers and a mortgage or mort¬ gages of the premises sold. If the pur¬ chaser or purchasers fail to comply with the terms of sale the premises will be resold at his risk on the same or some subsequent Salesday upon the same terms, Purchaser to pay for pa¬ pers. JOHN F. BOLT, C. 0, C. P. October, Otb, 1003-St. 1 TU10UTE OF RESPECT. The ladies of the Warrior Creek Missionary Society held a memorial service on September, 6tb, in memory of Dr. J, A. Martin. A goodly number of people attended, and to be there was to kuow how they loved and rev- errncd their pastor and organizer oi thoir society. It was with sad joy that we paid htm these last respects, llo was a noblo type of Christian man¬ hood. Whereas, The Reaper Death has borne hence one whom we loved. We fpel thst he is only gone before to that Ba't?r Land, and there "Life's journoy done wo hope to meet and frroet him and spend eternity together." Itosolved 1st: That in his seemingly untimely death we feel that tho Hand of God bis sorely smitten, yet we bow in submission, knowing that He who holds our destinies is "too wlee to err, too good to willingly nllllct. 2nd: That we extend to the boroaved family and friends our tender, sincere sympathy in this sad affliction. 3rd! Tha*. a blank pago in our record book in our record book bo dedicated to his memory; that tho Secretary for¬ ward a copy of those resolutions to the family and have thorn published in the county papers and the Baptist Courier. Mrs. W. W, Ycargin, Mrs. J. 1 v. Fowler, Mrs. J. T. Power, Committee. A GREAT SENSATION. There was a big sensation in Loos- ville, Ind., when W. H. Brown of that place, who was expected to die, had his life saved by Dr. King's New Discov¬ ery for Consumption. He write?: ' I endured insufferable agonies from Asth¬ ma but your Ne* Discovery gave mo immediate relief and soon thereafter effected a complote cure. Similar cures of Consumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Grip are numerous. It's tho peerless remedy for oil throat and lung troubles. Price 50 cents and $1.00. Guaranteed by Laurons Drug Co. and W. W. Dodson. Trial bottles free. Two bottles of Our New Discovery euros Ec/.ema when 12 bottles of other medicines failed. Write Mr. S. L, Pa- vis, Laurens, S. C, about it. MERCHANTS NEWS. A glance at "La Prance'' Makes the ladies eyes dance. It costs but $11.00 to pay tho piper at Copeland's, Special values in Ladio* and child¬ ren cloaks, you save money and get tho best at Davis, Honor & Co. Seo tlie beautiful lino, of fancy pic¬ tures we arc now displaying;. They aro worth at least twice what wo aro sell¬ ing them for. The frames are in quar¬ tered oak, llimish finish, oval, round or square shape frames, good selection of subjects. Prices 26, 3o and 50 cents. S. M. & R. 11. Wllkea. For the host black silks seo Ü. 13. Simmons Co. Taffeta Silk tint will wear and posi¬ tively crush, ilti In wide. Ask to seo it. Davis, Roper & Co, We have received three car loads of chairs and rockers in the past ton days and aro in a position to offer you some of tho best values ever ottered in Lau¬ rens. Don't buy until von sec our line. S. M. & E. H. Wilkes. Tho throe bes1, lines of shoes on earth aro Ziegler Bros., Queen Quality and Drew Sclby. Ask to so.' thorn. Davis, II »per & Co. Sec our J,Anti Grippe" $3.50 Shoe for men. K«op your feet dry. J. E. Minter & Pro. Last week we received a shipment of fifty (50) dozen window shades. They aro in hollands and oil finish linen, and include a comploto assortment of 88 by 40 and 12. Inch by 7 foot shades, besides tho rogufar sizes. Thoy aro all in the most desirable colors. At any price you want. S. M. & E. M. Wilkos. Specialties in black dress goods. We have what you want. Davis, Roper & Co. School shoe1, t!ie kind that wear ami give satisfaction. J. E, Minter A: Bro. Come to our store. Thursday, and get a correct Idea of fall and winter fashions. Tho Hub. Ladles' Gloves 10 cents to $1.00 por pair at O. B. Simmons Co. See the new lino of bountiful decor¬ ated chamber sc!s and the new stock of plain iron stono china that wo have just received. We can sell you any thing you may want in this line for less monoy than you can buy anywhere. S. M. & E. H. Witkes. Seo us for Flannols Oatlngs and Flauneletts. Best goods; lowest prices. 0. B. Simmons Co. Our Hart, Schaffner & Manx tailored clothing is tho talk of the town. Why? Well see It. J. E. Minter & Bro. Now is tho time to buy your fall suit, where you cm have the choice patterns. Nobby suits at $10.00, $12,50, $15.00. J. E. Minter & Bro. Our prices aro low, but not at the exponse of quality. J. E. Minter & Bro. Now is the time to use International Stock Food to prevent your stock from dying by use of damaged corn. Every packago guaranteed. R. P. Milam A Co. Wo aro exclusivo ogents for tho famous Flörsheim shoe for men and are now showing a full line of these shoes. J. E. Minter <fc Bro. A THOUGHTFUL MAN. W. M. Austin, of Winchester, Ind., knew what to do in tho hour of need. His wife had suoh an unusual cAse of stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not help her. He thought of and tried Dr. King's New Life Pills and she. got relief at ouco and was finally curod. Only 25 conts at Laurens Drug Co. and W. W. Dodson. I TU HO UHU SOUTH CAROLINA. A negro Bend in Orangeburg County last week oommttto I tbo usual crime. Tbc Governor promptly ordered a spe¬ cial term of court for the 30th last., Judge r/.'r.r to preside. The human devil was safely lodged in the ponlt- entlarv for safe keeping. Arguments of counsel in the case of the State against James II. Tllliuan be¬ gan Monday and consumed two days. Twelve speeches in all were made., live for the prosecution and seven for tbo defense. As we go to presu (ho jury bad not retired. Mrs. Ij. J. Williams, wife of the Chairman of tbo State board of Con¬ trol, died at her home at Longmiros in EdgeQeld county, last week after a long i'loess. ROBBED THE GRAVE. A startling incident, is narrated by John Oliver, of Philadelphia, t»s fol¬ low?: ' l was in an awful condition. My skin was almost yellow, oyes sunk¬ en, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite, growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given mo up. Than I was advised to uso Electric Bitter.1, to my groat joy tho ITrst bottle made a decided im¬ provement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they robbed tho grave of an¬ other victim." No ono should fall to try them. Only öO cents, guaranteed, at Laurens Drug Co. and W. W. Dod- son's. For all Kidney Jladder troubles tako Ojr New Discovery. A guar- an'oc with each bottle at Laurens Drug Co., Dr. Dodson'a aud Young's Phar¬ macy. Price $1.00. Sick headache, backache and all Rheumatic Pains destroyed by Our New Discovery. A guarantee with each bottlo at Laurons Drug Co., Dr. Dodson's and Young's Pharmacy. Price *1.00. Our Now Discovery cures Sour Stom¬ ach and heavy feeling after eating. Guaranteed. Is a Joy Forever." Good Jewelry is not like every other thing, that has its day, and dies oul. What you buy from us we sell to last a lifetime, and a little thought and calculation prove our prices more than fair. flmT- FIRST-CLASS Watch and Jewelry repairing by an expert workman. Fleming Bros. NOTICE OF County Treasurer. Tho County Treasurer's Hooks will bo open for collection of State, Count/ and Commutation [load Taxes for fis¬ cal year l'.»;)2 at tho Troisurer's Office, from October 15<h t> December 31, 10)3, Tho39 wlio prefer to do so can pay in January, 1001, with one per cent, additional; those who prefer pay- lug in February, ll).)4, can do so with 2 per cont. additional; thosa who prefer to pay In Maroli, 1004, lo the liith of said moath, c m do so by paying an ad¬ ditional 7 per cent. After said dato the boo ts will close. Al persons owning property or pay- in r taxoj for others in more than one Township uro requested to call for re¬ ceipt; in each township in whicli tlioy live. This is Important, as additional co t and penalty may not bo attiehod. Prompt attention will bo glvon those who wish to pay their taxes through t ie uiiii by enecks, mmey orders, otc. Persons sending In iis'.s of minus to be taken Off, are urged to send in early as the Troasuror is very busy during tho month of December. The Tax Levy is as follows: State T x, 5 mills School Tax, W mills County Tax, 2? mills County Road, 2 mills Special county, t mills Speoial looil tax, I mill Railroad Tax, 2J mills Total, 152 mills Special School f.aurons, 3} mills Special School Clinton, l mill iSpeolal Sohool Fountain Inn, 4 mills Special School Mountvlllo, 2J mills Special School Cross Hillj 3 mills Special Sohool Gray Court, 2 mills Special School Waterloo, 2 mills All able-bodied m ile citizens between the ages of 21 and 00 ye \ra are liablo to pay a poll tax of $1.00, except old H.oldicrs, who are exempt at 50 yoars. commutation Uoad Tax $i.oo, in lieu >f working the pub'le roads, to bs paid .it the lime, as stated abovo. Come early and avoid tho rush. J. II. COPELAND, County Treasurer. Haui-cns, S. C, Sept, 25, 1003-td. Office Days. Persons having business with tho Supervisor will find him or his clerk in tho Ollioo Mondays and Fridays of each week. H. B. Humbert, Snp. L. 0. Jan. 29,1908. Office Hours. I will bo at my Ofllce ovory day do ring the week, except Thursday, and on that day also, If notified. O. G. THOMPSON, Prohato Judge.

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Page 1: LAURBNS, AN BROTHER TOICHINGLY MELANCHOLY€¦ · FARMÄ BeforeYouBuyor Sell / any Kind of RealEstate, or Business, Writeusyour wants. J. Y. üahun

FARMÄBefore You Buy or Sell

/ any Kind ofReal Estate, or Business,Write us your wants.

J. Y. üahun<;ton & Co.,Laurens, S. C.


Brigtles are verywell in their Place.

We havo them and keep them Intheir places. In our lino lino ofHair brushes, Tooth Brushes, Kto.Our stock is made up of the bestAmerlom, English and lVrenchGoods, and will be sold at popularprices.

dodson's mim stork.


Miss Nancy Robertson Per¬ished in Flames.


The House Destroyed byFire.

Lived Near Gray Court.Occurred atMidnight.Llyed Alone.12 Miles

from Here.

MissNauey Robertson, agod tevenlyodd years, wai> burned to death Mon¬day night in tlio destruction of herhome by lire. She lived on a tract ofland, in which sho had a life estate,which was ronted by Mr. Whitley, in ahouse of ante bellum oonstruotioo,about one hundred yards from thehouse occupied by Mr. Whitley andfamily. The fire was discovered abouttwoho o'clock Monday night by Mr.Zeno Wilson, who was siding up witha sie'e relative He hastened to thescono and aroused Mr. Whitley. Whenthoy reached the burning house theyfound it entlroly [onvcloped in flames.It was too late to rescue the lone in¬mate, or save aoy of the contents.The afternoon before, Mrs, Whitley

carried Miss Robertson, as washer cus¬

tom, her evening meal. It seems shewas engaged in quilting, having onon hand a largo quanlty of batting. Thelamp she used was without a chimney.Besides there was a great deal of otherinllammlble material in the house.The reasonable supposition Is tbat Insome way tho batting caught from thelamp, and Miss Robortson sultooatedbefore she could efcape or give thealarm, it is easily conceived that herclothing may have caught from thoburnlDg batting, thus preventing heroxit from the house.

It is said Miss Robertson's boneswere exhumed yesterday.She had lived alone for years.Mr. John Robertson aud Mrs. Dock

Armstrong of this county are hernearest relatives.

MAKES A OLEAn'sWEEP.There's nothing like doing a thing

thoroughly. Of all tho Salves you everheard of, liuckIon's Arnioi Salve is thobost. It sweeps away and cures Burns,Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Bolls, Ulcers,Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's only 25cents and guaranteed to give satisfac¬tion by Laurens Drug Co. and W. W.Dodson.

Report of Ihe Supervisor of LaurensCounty, for the Quarter Kittling,

September, :10th, 1908.County Auditor, * 83 I!)County Commissioners and

Clerk, 287 19Clerk of Court, 200 00Sheriff's salary, etc., «00 52Magistrates and Constables, 330 30Coroner's salary, etc., 00 00Poor house and poor, 44<i 15Roads and bridges, 94« 27Public buildings, 5 50Rooks, stationery and printing, 17!) 27Contingent, 185 40Chain gang, 1,508 45Julylterm of Court, 1,002 20Road work, 2,782 (i0

?9,082 70II. B. HUMBERT,

Supervisor, L. Cj. J). Mock, Clerk.

Get the liest for iho Asking.Whoa you order a sack of patent

flour from your grocer, do not tell himto send yon "a sack of good Hour," buttell htm to send you a sack of "Clif¬ton," b?cause "Clifton" is tho bestpatent. Evory snck is sold with thisguarantee, and if it does not prove asrepresented, your money will be re¬funded. "Clifton" is an a'l-roundflour, and is as good for cttko and pas¬try as light rolls and biso jits.

T. N. Barksdale,M. II. Fowler.

bTÖMÄCH TROUBLE."1 haye b3en troubled with my stom¬

ach fo* the past four yenrj." says D.L.Be ich, of Clover Nook Farm, Groen-liold, Mass. "A few days ago I was in¬duced to buy a box of Chamberlain'sStomach and Liver Tablets. I havetiken part of them and feel a greatdeal better." If you have any troublewith your stomach try a box of thesetablets. You are certain to be pleasedwith the result. For sale by LaurensDrug Co.

O -A. S 0? <3> 'JTL X -A. *

i!r ,. th« Ih8 Kind Yen Havo Aj.vays Roik'


than a home. In It you havea necessity and likowiso a luxury, withonly the cost of tho necessity. I cansell you any kind you liko and locatedwhero you wish, at a low price and oneaysy terms. 1 havo for sale:I 30 Acres, ono mile from Watts Mills.

188 acres one and one-fourth milesfrom "Stomp Sprinp", Jacks Township.05 acres one and one-fourth miles fromWatts Mills.

1ft acres fino bottom land, four milesNorth of Laurens.

53 acres i mile from corporates limitsof Lauren.*.

Several houses and lota in town, andlarger plantations In the cotuoty. Cometo see me and let me talk over somepvoposttions with ymj.Wanted.Six or seven room house

wanted by a client.



niriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'i'ii iiiiiiji'iiiiiiinwiroAMONO OUK FRIENDS.

Mr. L. S. Fuller was In Columbialast weok.Miss Nellie Poll Is visiting at Blacks-

burg.Miss Nora McDaniol is vis'iing her

sister. Mrs. W. P. Hudgons.W. Y. Eoyd, Esq., went to Spartan-

burg Monday on professional business.Jobn T. Daniel of Mt. Gallagher was

In the city yesterday.Dr.G. L. Martin of Greoavillo, well

known in Laurens, was in tho olty yes¬terday.

Mrs. John Dowon returned to horhomo on Motiday, after a visit tofriends In Columbia.

Mrs. Josephine Watts, who bus beenon a visit to the family of Prof. Evans,roturnod home last week.

Mrs. II. Ii. Machen has been visitingMr. J. T. Machen and other rolativoshere for the past two weeks.

Miss Mary Bowon, who has beenteaching a class In stenography for thepast four months In Dar'lngton, re-turned to her home Monday.Miss Pauline Andereon leaves for

Washington on November 1st, as as¬sistant secretary for her brother-in-law, Hon. Jos. T. Johnson.Mr. N. B. Dial, President Enterprise

Bank and Ware Shoals Cotton Mill vis¬ited Charleston and Columbia lastweek.

Mls3 Margaret Young, of Union, ha3been elected to a position in the cityschools, and ontered upon hor dutiesMonday.Rev. Watson B. Duncan Riled the

pulpit of the First Methodist Churchat Union on last Sunday. Rev. J. B.11 ugglns, pastor of tho Second Metho¬dist Church, filled tho pulpit of theFirst Methodist Church at this place.Tho Wednesday Afternoon Club was

entertained by Mrs. J. Wells Todd attho regular bi-weekly meeting onlast Thursday. Mrs. Todd served anelegant luncheon.Rev. and Mrs. S. C. Todd havo been

on a brief visit to the mother of Mr,Todd. They will leave very soon forChina, whore thoy will dovoto theirtime to Missionary work.

No Prayermcetiug Thursday Night.Owing to the absence of the pastor,

there will be no praycrmeeting ser¬vice at Firs', Methodist Church onThursday night.

Called to Ueorgia.The Augusta Chronicle states that

Rev. Oryon J. Woodward, of this city,has been called to tho Ileph/.ibah Bap¬tist Charon near Augusta, Ga. It isnot known whether ho will accept ornot.

Monster Adv.We print this week a big "adv." of

the O. B. Simmons Go's, tremendousvalueB In dry goods, notions, shoes andclothing. Special prices are made onevery article they carry in stock andIt will be well for everyone to call andsee for thomselves some of lite bigvalues for a little money .

How many women have faikd to IIndthe shoo suited to their own particularneeds. It has boen discovered. It's"La Franco" and is sold only by Cope-land. Don't ask th-3 price until yousee it. We'll guarantoo to p'easantlysurprise yon.

STATE SOUTH CAROLINA,. Laurens County,la Court Common Picas.

J. C. Moon and Isabella Mauley, Plain¬tiffs, against Sarah Heeders)», HenryYoung Spoon, et al, Defendants.PURSUANT to decree in tho above-

stated case, I will ecll at public outcryto tho highest bidder, at Laurons C. II.,8. 0., on Sa'esday in Novombor next,being Monday tho 2d day of the month,durinrc the legal hours lor such sales,the following described property, to wit:All that parcel or tract of land, con¬

taining one hundred aores more or less,situate in the county and state abovenamed, and bounded by lands of W. L.Gray, Joseph H. Sullivan, Governmentplace and estate of J. B. Johnson, andothers.Terras of Sale.One«half cosh, tho

balance with intorest from day of sale,secured by bond of the purchaser andmortgage of the premises due at twelvemonths from day of sale, with leave tothe purchaser to pay for papers, If thetorms of sale are not complied with, theland will be ro-sold on the same or somesubsequent Salesday on same terras, atrisk of former purchaser.

JOHN F. BOLT, c.c.c.p.October 9,


Court of Common Piers.S. W Simpson, Plaintiff, against DaveSimpson, et al.PURSUANT to a decree of tho Court

in tho above-stated case, will sell atpublic outcry to tho highost bidder, atLaurens C. H., 8. C, on Salesday inNovember, boing Monday the secondday of the month, during the legalhoura of sale, the following describedproperly, to wit:All that lot, piece or parool of land

lying, being and situate in LaurensCounty, State of South Carolina, con¬taining One Hundred and NinetoenAores, more or lets, bounded by land ofJohn N. Wright, J. D. M. Shaw, Mrs.Mary Madden, Mrs. Doily Madden andother*.Terras of Sale.One-half cash, balance

on credit of twelve months, with intor¬est from day of sale, secured by bondand mortgage of the premises sold,with leave to tho purchaser to pay Idsentire bid in cash. Purchaser to payfor papers'. If purchaser fails to p.QhVply with bid, premises will be re-soldon same or some subsequent Salesdayat his risk.

J. F. BOLT, o.c.o.r.Oot. 0, i90:l-td.

Dcntli of Kr». A? II. Martin.Mrs. A. H. Martin died last Sutur-

day at her home four miles west of thisplace after a lingering illness. She was(14 years of ago. She is survived by herhusband and six children, Mrs. ArthurHudgeus, Mrs. MoLaurln of Bennetts-vllle, Mr, Herbert Martin, Mr. HenryMartin, Miss Nan Martin and MissMargaret Martin. Mrs. Mint in was atruo Chritian, and much loved by allwho knew her. Tho interment wasbad at Chestnut Ridge Sunday after¬noon. Many attended from town. Thobereaved family havo tho sympathy ofall.

Conservatism In Men's Fashions.Some men care little for tho chang¬ing styles, yet always dross well and

look well, because their clothes lit andarc made of good material. These arethe men Davi*, Roper & Co., is addresslug in another c iluinii. Tho Conserva¬tive Sack will commend itself to menof rolined tasto who want quality. Thesuit is having a season of popularityall over the country. It is hand tail¬ored and will hold its shape .

Every bolt'o of Our Now Discovoryguaranteed.

ONE CENT A WORD.Fattcu Your Hogs,

Still havo on hand plenty of hogcorn. Have cut the price to (iO centsper bushel. Call before it's all gone.

J. II. Sullivan.

WANTED, Cotton Mill Hands fornew Mill just increasing its plant.spin¬ning, card, and weave-room help. Allnow machinery, good tenements, puvowater, and best of wages. No hoboes orshiftless hole desired. Apply to

MOLLOllON MFG. CO.,Sept. i8,1903.It. Newberry, s. C.

To Bent.Farming lauds w thin theincorpora'o limits of the town. Applyto REV. \V. a. clark.Fink Ocronnu PKAOfiES..Lookout

for John R. Fid ley, agent for three va¬rieties of line October peaches. Repre¬sents Monte Christo Nurseries, Max-eys, Ga.Foil Sale.300 bushe s of Red Apple-

Rust Proof Oats. 80 cents per b.ishel.Wm. p. Harris,

Rapley, s. C.For sale . 500 bishols red rust

proof oats.J. I). Watts, Laurens, S. C.


In Court Common Pleas.Wilio Jones, Plaintiff, against W. T.Crews, A. R. Sullivan, -las. T. Crows,Piedmont Savinga and InvestmentCompany, J. II. Wbarton, StanyarneWilson, Defendants.PURSUANT to decree of tho Court

of Common Pleas in ubovo-sta'ed case,I will sell on Salesday in Novembernext, it being the second day of themonth, at public OUtory to the highestbidder during legal bouts of silo, allthat lot, piece or parcel ol land, lyiug,being and situate within the incorpor¬ated limits ol the city of Lfturons, containing One and one-fourth Acres, moreor less and bounded by lands of Col. J,W. Ferguson, N. B. Dial, Esq., J. C.Owings, John M. Hudgens, eta!.Terms of Sale--Ono-haU cash, Ihe

balance on a credit of twelve months,with bond of purchaser and mortgageof premiees, with Interest from day ofsale, with leave to pay the whole bid Incash. If purchaser failn to comply withhis bid, tho same will bo resold at hisrisk on same or somo subsequent Sales-day, purchaser to pay for papers.

JOHN F. BOLT, o.C.C.P.Oct. 0, l'JOi'.-td.

Excursion TrainFROM

WATERLOO, LAüIiENS,And Intermediate Points To Spartun-

burg, S. C, and RelUrc,November 3d. 1q03,

Via Charleston & Western CarolinaRailway, account

Exhibition of tho Groat BARNUM& BAILEY SHOWS.

Round-Trip rate from Watorloo $1.60Laurens. $1.15, Enoreo 76 cents, Wood¬ruff 65 cents. Correspondingly LowRates from all intermediate Points.Special Train leaves Waterloo, 8 a. m.

Laurens 8..'}) a. m.; Enorcc 8.55 a. m.;Woodruff, 0,10 a. m., arriving ftt Spar«tanburg 0 5"> fl. m. Returning leaveSpartanburg 0 30 p. m, November 3rd,but for the CQnvenicnco of thoso de*lrIng to remain to witno3s tho oveningperf irmance, all tickots will be good toreturn, leaving Spartanburg 12.01 noon,November 4th.For further information, apply to

your Ticket Agont, orErnest Williams,

GenM Pass. Agt, Augusta, Ga.Geo. Ti Bryan, Greenville, S. C.

Williamson Co.,Jewelers.

McCord Building, Lanrens,S. C.


Mule of Rare and Lovable Virtues==Storyof Romance Connected With

The Event.Editor, The Advertiser, Sin: it is

written, "Out of the abundance of theheart tho mouth spoakoth." »So, also,tho quill inovelli. This is ray only ex-ouso for burdening you with this per¬sonal lamentation.The f ict is to ho plain and short,

old 1UI1 is dead, Ho's sure dead, liewas a tfood old mule worth, say$lfi(). Heavy sot, blocky, good na¬ture i. strong and quallttod. He wasone of tho few mules that would mindyou wheuyou npoke to him and thatwouldn't kick, .loo Hunter can tellyou all about Old Hill. 1 got him fromhim. Ho,was a good ono (I mein themule, not Joe») But all this is neitherhero nor there now, Va'se the mule,he's dead. He came up Monday eve¬ning ailing hut we thought litt'o of ita? he had oftou shown signs of ail¬ments bo'ore which soon passed off.Noxt morning f lound him still with¬out appetite and still ailing. My rulein treating a sick horse is to turn himout and let him meander for himself,and I guess it's about as good luek asany since I have lost only two inthirty years under this treatment, hav¬ing kopt from live to seven most of thetime. Hut on this special occasion, be¬ing it was old Hill, my wife, would haveme drench him. This I did early inthe day and he went on until nightseemingly doing as well as if it had notbeen done. Thus encouraged she in-sistod that I repeat tho dose at night,which 1 did of course. But. to her dis¬may and my astonishment it seemed todo him great hurl. Ho writhed andreared and plunged f arfnlly. So shehid mo stop ami lot bim alone. This Idid to please hoi' and always will if itcosts me a mule. But the mule nevergot over that shock. H-j kept up arestless tramping to and fro, forwardand backward, slinging tho head andfrothing till lotn in I lie nl^ht when Iapplied my remedy.turned him out inthe pasture to moaudor. But, alas! itwas us I foildd next morning ho hadnot meandered long. He Was dead andis dead yet Now in this sad bereave¬ment after it was all over with themule and \vc had lime for rellection itwas hut natural that vve ge' the horsedoctor hook and diagnose tho oase.Having determined the di-ease and thedifferent causes for same, we bogan to«peculate as to what probably caused

iIrs particularly case. Afior studyingawhile to him what Bill had done toovertax his energies, the Madam spokeup with an expression of voice andfeature that betokened a discovery."Sa: !" say she, "what mule did Tonedrive last Sunday." "I don't know,"says F, but dodp down in my heart 1foil sure that in that suggestion a dc:ulBure clue had been uuearthed, He-oaiue, Tom you know is tho negro boythat tends our Oftttlo aad lias n't gotmuph horae sonse. lie is a big, burly,dashy, hustling negro, with no betteridea of what a mule can stand than anape might have. Boside6, up to lastSunday Tone wa9 a young widower andhad for some months past boen court¬ing a certain dusky damsel, havingmcdo one or two futilo efforts lo elopowith her. Had I thought of all this lustSunday when he asked me for a muleI certainly should have denied him.Hut as fate would have it 1 d'.da't thinkof It and the mule >'s dead. 1 found byinquiry that ho had borrowed a buggyfrom a neighbor, hitched my mule lo itand driven six miles down to CenterRftbun, caught up his prey and hadhied away ten miles to Fountain Im toget a Notary to tie the knot that holdsand loscns the two together or asundoras circumstances may suggest, thonfour milts back home. This is not along drive, but when we consider allthe circumstances In tho case und howa frightened negro might speed in acase of elopement, we concluded thatwo had logica'ly traced from effectback to cau^e, and that, the party be¬ing insolvent, the only comfort loft uswas to write up the hymonial and thoobituary. Thus:

Married on Sunday, September 27 at.o'c'ork, Tono C'h'ldross to Miss-,-, Notory t'oblio, officiating,

Died, on Tuesday following, beingthe *2!)th day of September, old Bill,Tone Child ress being aooossary to thodeed.But no; further Inquiry has devel¬

oped the fact that Tone drove (leorgoand not Bill, and that George showsno signs of maltreatment nor is hg anythe worse by having aided and abettedin the elopement. So Tone is married,acqultedand happy. But old Bill isdead all tho same.

Bröthen bob.

A NEW LAW FIRM.Tho undersigned him* this day en-Loved into a partuorahlpfor tho practice!>f law in the Courts of this State, underLhe name of Simpson it Cooper and willpromptly attend to all buainees en¬trusted to thorn.

h. y. Simpson,It. a. cooper.

W. B. KNIÖHT. R.E. IIABB.KNIGHT & BABB,Attorneys at Law.

<1T Will practice in all the State andFederal Court*. Strict attention to allbusiness intrusted to themOffloe up-stalrs, 810000008' Building.

To Cure a Cold in One DayTake Laxativ« BromoSeven Mfflion boxe» sold In past 12 months.

Curc3 Gripla Two Days.

<b. oi\ everybox. 25c.

A Canl.Mr. Kditor: Please announce in your

paper that all members of the LyceumAssociation can get their seats re¬served at the Laurons Drug Store, onOctober, 22nd, tho day boforo tho firstat'raction. No scats will be reservedbefore that d*to.The Lyceum will be opened on tho

evening of October, 23rd by Gen. JohnB. Gordon. Tho price of general ad¬mission will be $1 00. We have a fowseason tickets left ovor. Those desir¬ing phase call for them at once. Priceof the double season tickets for thelive attractions $3.00.

B. L. Jones,"La Prance" has begun her reigo atCOPELAND'S. Her subjects are

numerous and her domains aro increas¬ing. Reasons: She Pules by Merit.

< iuunbei Iain's Cough Remedy.No ono who is acquainted with its

good qualities can be surprised at thegreat popularity of Ohftiüber!ftio.'öCough Remedy. It not only curescolds and grip effectually and perma¬nently, but prevents tueso diseasesfrom resulting in pneumonia. It is ulsoa certain cute for croup. Whoopingcough is not dangerous when this rem¬edy is givcu. It contains no opium orother harmful substanoe and may begiven as confidently to a baby as to anadult. It is also pleasant (o take.When all of these facts aro taken intoconsideration it is not surprising thatpeople in foreign lands, as well as atImme, esteem this remedy vory highlyand very few are willing to take anyother after having used it. For sale byLaurens Drug Co.Trimmings to match every shade indress at O. B. Simmons f'o.

NOTICE.Notice Is hereby given that the un¬dersigned will llle in the olhce of the.Secretary of State, of tho State of South

Carolin»«, on October, 20, 1903, a writ¬ten declaration setting forth the neces¬sary statements to obtain a charter forMayllower Lodge, No. 4,2!l2 of theGrand United Order of Odd Fellows inAmerica, a lodge organized for socialand fraternal purposes.

A. E. Moreditb,G. W. Martin,P. H. Hunter,J. E. Davis.

October, 11, 1003.

State of South Carolina,COUNTY OF LAURENS,In Court of Common Plea?.

J. J. Burnett, as Trustee, in Bank¬ruptcy of John D, Garllngton, Plain*tiff, against J. Washington Watts,as surviving Executor of the will ofJohn D. Will'ams, deceased, John D.Garlington, ct al. Defendants.Pursuant to Deoreos of the Court,

passed in tho above stated cause, 1 willsell, at public outcry, to the highestbidder, at Laurens, C. IL, S. C , onSalesday In November, )!>03, it btingthe second day of the month, in frontof tho Court I louse door, at tho usualhour for such sales, tho following de¬scribed real estate, all of which Is sit¬uate in tho County and State abovonamed;Tract No. 1 .Containing one hun¬dred and twonty-om (121*) and one-

half acres, more or less, bounded bylands of Ben Owens, W. C. liasor,Chappoll's road and tract No. 2.Tract No. 2.Containing one hundred

and eight and three-fourths (lON'i)acres, moro or less, bounded by tractNo. 1, Chappoll's road, Ninety Six roadand lands of R. S. Grlllln and Mrs.Williams,Tract No. 3.-Containing seventy-five(7ö) acres, moro or loss, bounded byHill lands, lands of R. S. Grifflo, Bath-

ortnra Church and tracts Nos. 1 and 5.Tract No 4 .Containing ninety-seven(07*) and one-half acres, moro or less,bounded by ChappelPs road and NinetySix ro.vd and tracts Nos. 3 and 5.Tract No. 5 .Containing seventy and

one-half (70A¦ acre, more or less,bounded by Chappoll's road, Jones andHill lauds and tracls Nos. !l and 4.Tract No. <>..Containing one hun¬dred <md t»n (110) acres, more or loss,bounded by ChappelPs road, lands ofS. D. Jones and tracts Nos. 8 and 7.Tract No. 7.Containing one hun¬dred and fifteen and threo-fourths

(lir>J) acvps, more or less, bounded byCross Hill road, Milton road, andtracts Nos. 0, 8 and (>.Tract No 8.Containing ono hundrodand seventeen and one- half (117*) acres,nv>re or less, bounded by lands of S. I).Jopcs and tracts Nos. 0, 7, 0 and 10.Tract No. 0.Containing one hun¬dred and fifty-four (lot) acres, moro orloss, bounded by lands of Mrs. Wil¬liams, and tracts Ncs. 12, 11, 10, 8, 7and 18.Tract No. 10 -Containing eighty-fiveand throe-fourths (80?) acres, moro orless, bounded by lands of S. D. Jones,S. T. Coats and tracts Nos. 11, I) and 8.Tract No. 11.Containing One* hun¬dred and seventy threo and threo-fourths (173S) more or loss, bounded byGovernment land*, lands of S. T. Coatsand tracts No*. 10, 0 and 12.Tract No. 1<5.Containing one hun¬dred and eighty and one-tenths (180-onetonths) acres, mare or less, bounded byGovornmont lands, Mudllck Creok,Inivls of John Rudd, Mrs. Williams and

tracts No*. 0 and 11.Tract No 13.Containing ono htm-drod and Ion and one-h.f (110J) acre:;,

more or loss, bounded by lands of Dr.Miller, Mrs. Williams, negro church,Milton road and tract No. 14.Tract No 14. .Containing one hun¬

dred and three-fourths (I0.IJ) acres,more or less, bounded by Cro33 Hillroad, lands of W. C. IVtsor and traotiNos. 13 and 7.All of tho above Iraels conatituto

what is kn wn as the John D. WilliamsSpring Grove place, and plats of eachIraot, and a plat of the whole, are onfile In my office, where they can be in¬spected.Terms of Sale.One-third cash and

halanco on a credit of one and twoyears, with interest from tho day ofeale, and with leave to the purchasoror purchasers to pay the entire bid orbids in cash. The credit portion to besecured by the bond of the purohaseror purchasers and a mortgage or mort¬gages of the premises sold. If the pur¬chaser or purchasers fail to complywith the terms of sale the premiseswill be resold at his risk on the sameor some subsequent Salesday upon thesame terms, Purchaser to pay for pa¬pers.

JOHN F. BOLT,C. 0, C. P.

October, Otb, 1003-St.


The ladies of the Warrior CreekMissionary Society held a memorialservice on September, 6tb, in memoryof Dr. J, A. Martin. A goodly numberof people attended, and to be therewas to kuow how they loved and rev-errncd their pastor and organizer oithoir society. It was with sad joy thatwe paid htm these last respects, llowas a noblo type of Christian man¬hood.Whereas, The Reaper Death has

borne hence one whom we loved. Wefpel thst he is only gone before to thatBa't?r Land, and there "Life's journoydone wo hope to meet and frroet himand spend eternity together."

Itosolved 1st: That in his seeminglyuntimely death we feel that tho Handof God bis sorely smitten, yet we bowin submission, knowing that He whoholds our destinies is "too wlee to err,too good to willingly nllllct.2nd: That we extend to the boroaved

family and friends our tender, sinceresympathy in this sad affliction.3rd! Tha*. a blank pago in our record

book in our record book bo dedicated tohis memory; that tho Secretary for¬ward a copy of those resolutions to thefamily and have thorn published in thecounty papers and the Baptist Courier.

Mrs. W. W, Ycargin,Mrs. J. 1 v. Fowler,Mrs. J. T. Power,


A GREAT SENSATION.There was a big sensation in Loos-

ville, Ind., when W. H. Brown of thatplace, who was expected to die, had hislife saved by Dr. King's New Discov¬ery for Consumption. He write?: ' Iendured insufferable agonies from Asth¬ma but your Ne* Discovery gave moimmediate relief and soon thereaftereffected a complote cure. Similarcures of Consumption, Pneumonia,Bronchitis and Grip are numerous.It's tho peerless remedy for oil throatand lung troubles. Price 50 cents and$1.00. Guaranteed by Laurons DrugCo. and W. W. Dodson. Trial bottlesfree.

Two bottles of Our New Discoveryeuros Ec/.ema when 12 bottles of othermedicines failed. Write Mr. S. L, Pa-vis, Laurens, S. C, about it.

MERCHANTS NEWS.A glance at "La Prance''Makes the ladies eyes dance.It costs but $11.00 to pay tho piper atCopeland's,Special values in Ladio* and child¬

ren cloaks, you save money and gettho best atDavis, Honor & Co.

Seo tlie beautiful lino, of fancy pic¬tures we arc now displaying;. They aroworth at least twice what wo aro sell¬ing them for. The frames are in quar¬tered oak, llimish finish, oval, round orsquare shape frames, good selection ofsubjects. Prices 26, 3o and 50 cents.

S. M. & R. 11. Wllkea.For the host black silks seo

Ü. 13. Simmons Co.Taffeta Silk tint will wear and posi¬tively crush, ilti In wide. Ask to seo it.

Davis, Roper & Co,We have received three car loads of

chairs and rockers in the past ton daysand aro in a position to offer you someof tho best values ever ottered in Lau¬rens. Don't buy until von sec our line.

S. M. & E. H. Wilkes.Tho throe bes1, lines of shoes on

earth aro Ziegler Bros., Queen Qualityand Drew Sclby. Ask to so.' thorn.Davis, II »per & Co.

Sec our J,Anti Grippe" $3.50 Shoefor men. K«op your feet dry.

J. E. Minter & Pro.Last week we received a shipment of

fifty (50) dozen window shades. Theyaro in hollands and oil finish linen, andinclude a comploto assortment of 88 by40 and 12. Inch by 7 foot shades, besidestho rogufar sizes. Thoy aro all in themost desirable colors. At any price youwant.

S. M. & E. M. Wilkos.Specialties in black dress goods. We

have what you want.Davis, Roper & Co.

School shoe1, t!ie kind that wearami give satisfaction.

J. E, Minter A: Bro.Come to our store. Thursday, and

get a correct Idea of fall and winterfashions. Tho Hub.Ladles' Gloves 10 cents to $1.00 porpair at O. B. Simmons Co.See the new lino of bountiful decor¬

ated chamber sc!s and the new stock ofplain iron stono china that wo havejust received. We can sell you anything you may want in this line for lessmonoy than you can buy anywhere.

S. M. & E. H. Witkes.Seo us for Flannols Oatlngs and

Flauneletts. Best goods; lowest prices.0. B. Simmons Co.

Our Hart, Schaffner & Manx tailoredclothing is tho talk of the town. Why?Well see It.

J. E. Minter & Bro.Now is tho time to buy your fall

suit, where you cm have the choicepatterns. Nobby suits at $10.00, $12,50,$15.00.

J. E. Minter & Bro.Our prices aro low, but not at the

exponse of quality.J. E. Minter & Bro.

Now is the time to use InternationalStock Food to prevent your stock fromdying by use of damaged corn. Everypackago guaranteed.

R. P. Milam A Co.Wo aro exclusivo ogents for tho

famous Flörsheim shoe for men and arenow showing a full line of these shoes.

J. E. Minter <fc Bro.

A THOUGHTFUL MAN.W. M. Austin, of Winchester, Ind.,

knew what to do in tho hour of need.His wife had suoh an unusual cAse ofstomach and liver trouble, physicianscould not help her. He thought of andtried Dr. King's New Life Pills andshe. got relief at ouco and was finallycurod. Only 25 conts at Laurens DrugCo. and W. W. Dodson. I

TUHOUHU SOUTH CAROLINA.A negro Bend in Orangeburg County

last week oommttto I tbo usual crime.Tbc Governor promptly ordered a spe¬cial term of court for the 30th last.,Judge r/.'r.r to preside. The humandevil was safely lodged in the ponlt-entlarv for safe keeping.Arguments of counsel in the case of

the State against James II. Tllliuan be¬gan Monday and consumed two days.Twelve speeches in all were made., livefor the prosecution and seven for tbodefense. As we go to presu (ho jurybad not retired.Mrs. Ij. J. Williams, wife of the

Chairman of tbo State board of Con¬trol, died at her home at Longmiros inEdgeQeld county, last week after along i'loess.

ROBBED THE GRAVE.A startling incident, is narrated by

John Oliver, of Philadelphia, t»s fol¬low?: ' l was in an awful condition.My skin was almost yellow, oyes sunk¬en, tongue coated, pain continually inback and sides, no appetite, growingweaker day by day. Three physicianshad given mo up. Than I was advisedto uso Electric Bitter.1, to my groat joytho ITrst bottle made a decided im¬provement. I continued their use forthree weeks, and am now a well man. Iknow they robbed tho grave of an¬other victim." No ono should fall totry them. Only öO cents, guaranteed,at Laurens Drug Co. and W. W. Dod-son's.

For all Kidney Jladder troublestako Ojr New Discovery. A guar-an'oc with each bottle at Laurens DrugCo., Dr. Dodson'a aud Young's Phar¬macy. Price $1.00.Sick headache, backache and all

Rheumatic Pains destroyed by OurNew Discovery. A guarantee witheach bottlo at Laurons Drug Co., Dr.Dodson's and Young's Pharmacy.Price *1.00.Our Now Discovery cures Sour Stom¬ach and heavy feeling after eating.Guaranteed.

Is a Joy Forever."Good Jewelry is not like everyother thing, that has its day, and

dies oul. What you buy fromus we sell to last a lifetime, anda little thought and calculationprove our prices more than fair.

flmT- FIRST-CLASS Watchand Jewelry repairing by an

expert workman.

Fleming Bros.NOTICE OF

County Treasurer.Tho County Treasurer's Hooks will

bo open for collection of State, Count/and Commutation [load Taxes for fis¬cal year l'.»;)2 at tho Troisurer's Office,from October 15<h t> December 31,10)3, Tho39 wlio prefer to do so canpay in January, 1001, with one percent, additional; those who prefer pay-lug in February, ll).)4, can do so with 2per cont. additional; thosa who preferto pay In Maroli, 1004, lo the liith ofsaid moath, c m do so by paying an ad¬ditional 7 per cent. After said datothe boo ts will close.Al persons owning property or pay-in r taxoj for others in more than one

Township uro requested to call for re¬ceipt; in each township in whicli tlioylive. This is Important, as additionalco t and penalty may not bo attiehod.Prompt attention will bo glvon thosewho wish to pay their taxes throught ie uiiii by enecks, mmey orders, otc.Persons sending In iis'.s of minus to betaken Off, are urged to send in early asthe Troasuror is very busy during thomonth of December.The Tax Levy is as follows:

State Tx, 5 millsSchool Tax, W millsCounty Tax, 2? millsCounty Road, 2 millsSpecial county, t millsSpeoial looil tax, I millRailroad Tax, 2J mills

Total, 152 millsSpecial School f.aurons, 3} millsSpecial School Clinton, l milliSpeolal Sohool Fountain Inn, 4 millsSpecial School Mountvlllo, 2J millsSpecial School Cross Hillj 3 millsSpecial Sohool Gray Court, 2 millsSpecial School Waterloo, 2 mills

All able-bodied m ile citizens betweenthe ages of 21 and 00 ye \ra are liabloto pay a poll tax of $1.00, except oldH.oldicrs, who are exempt at 50 yoars.commutation Uoad Tax $i.oo, in lieu>f working the pub'le roads, to bs the lime, as stated abovo.Come early and avoid tho rush.

J. II. COPELAND,County Treasurer.

Haui-cns, S. C, Sept, 25, 1003-td.

Office Days.Persons having business with

tho Supervisor will find him or hisclerk in tho Ollioo Mondays andFridays of each week.

H. B. Humbert, Snp. L. 0.Jan. 29,1908.

Office Hours.I will bo at my Ofllce ovory day doring the week, except Thursday, andon that day also, If notified.

O. G. THOMPSON,Prohato Judge.