lawkim · navnath jadhav who was awarded the gunwant kamgaar puraskar at the state level by the...

Celebrating 50 years of Specialized Motor Manufacture And 34 years WITH Godrej LAWKIM APRIL 2011 ISSUE 8

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Page 1: LAWKIM · Navnath Jadhav who was awarded the Gunwant Kamgaar Puraskar at the State level by the Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan on 9th February 2011. Navnath was already an awardee

Celebrating 50 years of

Specialized Motor



34 years WITH Godrej



Page 2: LAWKIM · Navnath Jadhav who was awarded the Gunwant Kamgaar Puraskar at the State level by the Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan on 9th February 2011. Navnath was already an awardee

Lawkim’s Prime Assets

Tobeginourmarchintothenew1inancialyearwetookstockofthoseassetsessentialtousto complete thismarchby reachingoverandbeyondthetargetswehave justaimedat.Andheadingthelistofthoseprimeassets–as,indeed,thoseofpracticallyeveryorganizations’–areourpeople.

Ofcourseeveryorganizationclaimsthis,butLawkim’speopleareparticularlyspecial.Because they are not justpositive,buttheyalsowanttoimprove themselves and thecommunityaroundthem.Andwe are not talking aboutourselves, it is G&B in itsannualLet’sTalkSurvey, theresults of the third edition ofwhichwereannouncedat theend of March. For the thirdyear in succession Lawkimscored not just the highestmarks in the Company, butwith100%participation.

Why is this so,wewondered,andworkedonanalyzingthis inmoredetailso thatwecanbuildonwhat isclearlyourPrizeAsset. Wewent to several of ourworkmen to formally record their ownthoughtsandwordsonwhytheythoughtLawkim’speoplerespondsopositivelytoan

external survey like G&B’s, whenclearly there is no pressurewhatsoevertodoso.Thetakeawayswillbeveryimportantforusnowtobuildanddeveloponfurther:

1.A strong sense of self­purpose –Manyofourpeopledohonestlyandstrongly believe that they need togrow inlife. That coming to workfor a salary is important ‐ but notthe‘be‐all’andthe‘end‐all’ofone’sexistence. Butourpeoplemanifest

this indifferentways – somedrivingthemselvestowardsachievinggreaterthingsinlife,whileothershavethesparkwithinwaitingfortherightstimulustoigniteit.

Thisperhapsexplainswhy5ofourworkmenhave,since2005,beenawarded8Gunwant Kamgaar Awards between them from the Maharashtra Govt. – 3 ofthematboththeSataraDistrictandtheStatelevel.

One Team, One Dream!



DhanajiJadhav Prajay

RautChandrakant Lohar

Our Gunwant Kamgaar Awardees

Page 3: LAWKIM · Navnath Jadhav who was awarded the Gunwant Kamgaar Puraskar at the State level by the Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan on 9th February 2011. Navnath was already an awardee

Andwhy 8morehavegonebeyondtheirrural backgrounds, 1inancialconstraintsandlonghoursoftravelafterworktocompletepart‐timeDiplomasinEngineering–with 2moreworkingatdegreesjustnow.

2. A strong  sense of L a w k i m  F a m i l y Culture ‐ Many of ourpeople have workedquite strongly withtheir teams and seniormanagersatnurturinga‘family’ bondingovertheyears,asharedculturegrowingstronger over time, that ‘allows’ and encourages a greater sense of caring abouttheir teammates. This is not only in good times butalso in dif1icult times ‐ thesharedfeelingandsupportfromthegroupofassociatesandfromtheCompanyhasbeendeeplyappreciated.

Whichcouldexplainpossiblywhy wehave su ch an am i c ab l e workatmosphere in the Plant – while allaround us new industrial growth intheareahasactuallyengenderedmore‘combative’ conditions in some of thenewplants.Ourpeopleactually takepride in thewayweare able to solveproblems internallywithout anyneedforexternalintervention.

3. Growing on the job is good–Itis interesting how strongly ingrainedthisfacetisinthepersonalityofmanyofourworkmen,whobelievethatthisgrowstheirdevelopment.Thusthedesiretoimprovetheirknowledgeoftheproduction

Hard work to achieve their Engineering Diplomas

Lawkim Turbines vs Appliances!

Kaizen Quiz on the ShopfloorMHE’s Vevaina trains Forklift operators

Page 4: LAWKIM · Navnath Jadhav who was awarded the Gunwant Kamgaar Puraskar at the State level by the Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan on 9th February 2011. Navnath was already an awardee

lineandtoimprovetheirskills–suchasimbibingtrainingonmachines,SixS igma, Kaizens , TPM, 5S andespeciallySafety.

Sotheteamhasrespondedstrongly to thevarious trainingopportunities thatareonofferinthebusiness.Theyhaveembracedproductivity improvementson a scienti1icand continuous basis. There is a wholetrustfactorthatgrowsstrongerasaresultofallthis.

4. Taking  Company  spirit  to  the  Community ‐ An exciting and energizingnew aspectthatwearenowbuildingonistotakethislatentprideintheTeam’scommunity,therealizationthatanobligationisowedto societyandallythatwithprograms the whole Lawkim Family canworktogetheron.And this comesoutofthe support that everybody in the teamhassharedovertime,motivatingthemtolookoutwardanddoingwork forgreatergoodintheexternalcommunity.Onesuchprogram inthe last coupleofweekswasour response to arequest fromanearbyvillage that 12 of our workmen comefrom, involved several of our workmenandmanagers spending3/4hours ‘afterwork’forthreeorfourdayscarryingouta‘Shramdaan’ planting grasses and plantsaroundtheirvillagetemple. Thenextphaseofthisprogramistoworkwiththemon improving thewaste‐watermanagementof thevillage.Wehope this leads tomoresuchinvolvementwiththeothervillagesourworkmencomefrom.

This short piece of self‐analysis leads us to believe thatmany opportunities lieahead to leverage the well‐developed feelings within Lawkim’s team ofcommitment, of a shared family spirit and of a general sense of well‐being andcomfort in working closely together within the Company and in the externalcommunity also. Wearesurethiswillgo onto enhancenot justLawkim’sgoodnamebutalsoGodrejinourentiredistrict!

CII trains Awareness & Safety!

Dr. Kakde gives First Aid Training

Shramdaan at Palshi Village

Page 5: LAWKIM · Navnath Jadhav who was awarded the Gunwant Kamgaar Puraskar at the State level by the Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan on 9th February 2011. Navnath was already an awardee

From the Editor’s Desk

I am proud at the way Team Lawkim progressed last year - especially in the way different sections applied themselves to the challenges at hand. And there were several challenges!

But the team kept going, despite all. That they performed so positively in a tough year underlines the potential capability of the team in the years ahead.

I have also been proud of the way that so many of our workmen have taken up the challenge of attaining part-time Diplomas in Engineering, even at the cost of long and hard hours of travel after work to their places of study, and then back again to their villages and homes. This is discipline that is really noteworthy, and I extend my warmest congratulations to all of them.

A n d , o f c o u r s e t o o u r Navnath Jadhav who was a w a r d e d t h e G u n w a n t Kamgaar Puraskar at the State level by the Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan o n 9 t h F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1 . Navnath was already an awardee at the District level earlier.

We now look forward to a tough new year with equally tough resolve in our hearts to reproduce our performance last year - and better it!

Warmly,Vijay Crishna