laws do not = justice

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  • 8/9/2019 Laws do not = Justice


     Restorative Justice Issue 1 – February 2015

    LAWS≠ JUSTICELegalized Terrorism

    How those entrusted with the laws terrorize the weak,and how you can fight back

    We live in a free society, thelaws of the land protect usyet many of our nation’slawyers are feverishlyexploiting their knowledgeof law to deprive others ofthe protections intended bythese very same laws. Worse

    yet, those that engage in thisbehavior do so without fearof recourse, accountability,prosecution or penalty. Justas global terrorists act withimpunity, so too do some lawyers, but at a far greaterprice.

    US Code, Title 18 Part I, Chapter 113B, Sec 2331 statesthe term “Domestic Terrorism” means activities thatinvolve acts dangerous to human life that are aviolation of the criminal laws of the United States;which appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce acivilian population; to influence the policy of agovernment by intimidation or coercion; or occur

    primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of theUnited States. Based on this definition alone, we canconclude that if a Lawyer, knowing the laws, deprivesa citizen protection from those laws while doing so ina way that is dangerous to ones life and in violation ofcriminal laws, an attorney can be, in fact, a Terrorist.

    What is Domestic Terrorism?

    Issue I Feb 2015

    No Justice – No Peace


    History teaches us that when a nationlacks equity through its justicesystem, violence and bloodshedfollow until it is corrected.

    Thanks to the rapid rate of

    technological advances, anyone that isliterate can learn the laws and seek justice when aggrieved.

    Never be afraid to speak up andagainst evil. Never be afraid to help aperson in need, especially if others arehurting them unjustly.

    “It does not require a law degree tochampion a cause when you witness aninjustice, just a pen. “ – Dan Gaita

    “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from timeto time with the blood of patriots and tyrants”

    – Thomas Jefferson

  • 8/9/2019 Laws do not = Justice


     Restorative Justice Issue 1 - Feb 2015


    One of the worst examples ofhow attorneys allegedly terrorizecitizens is through the State

    Probate Court system whereLawyers are blindly entrusted by Judges to serve in the bestinterest of people that are eitherelderly or mentally or physicallydisabled.

    In this article we will focus onthis very scenario.

    The example herein involves Mr.

    Louis J. Russo, a 96 year-old,U.S. Army, World War II combatveteran placed into aninvoluntary conservatorship byhis local New Fairfield, CT TownSocial Services office following afall that rendered himunconscious while living in his

    home that was in need of repairs.

    Since Lou had never been

    married nor did he have childrenor family members to look afterhim, he was appointed aconservator and an attorney tolook out for his person andestate by the probate court whilehe was hospitalized so his homecould be repaired and made safefor his return in a few weeks.

    However, the Lawyer and

    Conservator of Lou’s person andestate emptied Lou’s bankaccounts, squandered his lifesavings, disassembled his home,scrapped everything they couldfind, rented his home outillegally, and then once all his

    How Are Some U.S. Attorneys Carrying Out Terrorism?

    Every law that governsour lives are available for

     free online.

    Learn them!

    Or be terrorized by thoseentrusted with honoring


    One facet to domestic terrorism is the intimidationand coercion of citizens. In this case, Louis Russo,following many sleepless nights at Pope John PaulII nursing home, due to the screaming and crying ofresidents sought a quiet place to sleep. In his case, itwas a couch in the first floor common area.

    However, instead of letting him sleep he wasawakened, and told to go to his room. After he told

    the nurse why he was sleeping on the couch and notleaving it, the nursing home decided to punishLouis by strapping him down and transporting himto the Wallingford Masonacare hospital where heclaims he was stripped down, abused, locked upand made to feel like a criminal. Lou believes he

    Lawyer Intimidation and Harassment

    They scare you into believing youneed them or make you fear them if

    you speak up.

    Continued on page 4

    Continued on page 5

  • 8/9/2019 Laws do not = Justice


     Restorative Justice Issue 1 – Feb 2015


    History has repeatedly taught us that whenever those entrusted with protecting and carrying

    out justice deceive the result is almost always violence.

    In fact, the entirety of our national, social and global system of human behavior requires justicefirst prior to peace. After all, it is the promise of equity and fairness that precedes almost every“cease-fire” in any violent scenario.

    Therefore, whenever an attorney uses his or her knowledge of the laws to deprive others of thesame protections of those laws I would argue that he/she is knowingly engaged in a very directform of domestic terrorism.

    Moreover, I would argue that corrupt, oath violating lawyers are the cause of more death, loss,suffering, misconduct, violence, economic hardship, crime and social degradation then any

    other form of social misconduct or criminal entity.

    It is due to the intentional and negligent corruption of laws, that the world finds itself with astagnation of trust in its various institutions and agencies tasked with carrying out the will ofthe people. The result continues to be tragic.

    But will the good lawyers of America square away their ranks before they become the targetsand scape-goats of our nations collective frustrations? – Only time will tell.

    There Can Be No Peace Without Justice 

  • 8/9/2019 Laws do not = Justice


     Restorative Justice Issue 1 - Feb 2015


    How some attorneys carry out Terrorism(Cont. from Pg. 2)



    Good Will

    In Louis Russo’s case, itwas not the court

    appointed attorneys that

    helped, but rather agroup of unpaid, tirelessvolunteers that worked

    around the clock toreturn a WWII Veteranback to his home. And

    they did just that.


    Local media stories arevital to broadening pubicawareness and assistingothers in championing

    the cause of social justice.Lou’s story appeared on

    the front page, top fold ofthe Danbury News Times

    a half dozen times. Theexposure was critical to

    getting him home.

    money was gone, attempted to obtain a reverse mortgage on his homeso they could squeeze every penny out of him until he quietly died ina nursing home while racking up bills when he should have beenplaced into a Veterans hospital free of charges. Bad, right? – And thisis only the beginning.

    Rather than the process taking a few weeks, 16 months would passand Louis found himself with a $108,000 bill due to Pope John Paul IInursing home in Danbury, CT. Remember, he was eligible for FREE care at any Veterans Hospital in the nation.

    Instead, Mark Broadmeyer, the appointed conservator and AttorneyCandace Fay, the appointed attorney, after Louis was sued by thenursing home entered into a Pre-Judgment Remedy (AKA – PJR)

    which agreed to a $40k repayment that was to be taken out of his$550/month Social Security check. Everything thus far was donewithout Louis’s approval, request, or consultation.

    With all of Lou’s money now gone, and a judgment against him, a lienwas then placed on his home.

    Right now, at this point, I would argue that Louis Russo is a victim ofDomestic Terrorism, and this is still the tip of the iceberg in his story.

    In October 2014, the judge replaced both the conservator and attorney.As of February 2015, Lou still awaits the day when he can be freedfrom the binds of the Probate Court Conservatorship system.

    He is studying the laws and has filed complaints with the StatewideGrievance Committee, the CT State Police, and the Probate Court.

    Lou is now in his home again yet his newly appointed Attorney andConservators have repeatedly interfered and obstructed Lou’sadvocates efforts and have failed to turn over evidence to theinvestigating State Trooper.

    As a result, legal action may now need to be taken against the newly

    appointed attorneys that have themselves created cause for furtherconcern over their alleged misconduct when yet another act ofintimidation meant to divide Louis from those truly helping himoccurred when his newly appointed attorney’s claimed that Louis’sadvocate was practicing law illegally.

  • 8/9/2019 Laws do not = Justice


  • 8/9/2019 Laws do not = Justice


     Restorative Justice Issue 1 – February 2015

    120 Greenwood AveBethel, CT06801

    Operation Vet Fit is an IRS, IRC 501 (C)(3), CT Public Charity serving combat veterans and their family members.

    Visit us online at

    In October 2014, our agency wascontacted about a WWII Veteraninvoluntarily stuck in a nursing

    home for sixteen months with noend in site.

    Within 6 weeks our agency, withthe help and generosity of over

    twenty volunteers, repaired hishome, returned him home, andhave been by his side fighting for justice ever since.

    Here is the video of the project to

    bring him home: 

    Prior to providing any assistancewe first had to conduct an intakevideo of Louis’s personal, firstperson testimony of the eventsthat unfolded. Here is the videoof our initial intake meeting: 

    On January 8th, 2015 Lou would

    stand up from his wheel chair todeliver this testimony to the Judge.This was the first time in 19 months

    that Lou had been granted this

    latitude to speak on his own behalf.And he did! 

    The Louis J. Russo Project: For Restorative Justice

    Volunteers gather with

    Louis Russo followinghis home coming onVeterans Day 2014