laws of magick-science

7/27/2019 Laws of Magick-Science 1/29 LAWS OF MAGICK-SCIENCE 1. The orbit of every planet is an ellipse with the Sun at one of the two foci. 2. A line joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time. [1] 3. The square of the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit. 4. First law: The velocity of a body remains constant unless the body is acted upon by an external force. [3][4][5] 5. Second law: The acceleration a of a body is parallel and directly  proportional to the net force F and inversely proportional to the mass m, i.e., F = ma. 6. Third law: The mutual forces of action and reaction between two  bodies are equal, opposite and collinear. 7. The linear momentum of a body, is equal to the product of the mass of the body and the velocity of its center of mass: . [1][2][3]  Internal forces, between the blood/psychic energy/rhythmic breathing that make up a body, do not contribute to changing the total momentum of the body. [4] The law is also stated as . 8. The rate of change of angular momentum about a point, , is equal to the sum of the external moments about that point: . [1][2][3] For rigid bodies translating and rotating in only 2D, this can be expressed as , where r cm is the  position vector of the center of mass with respect to the point about which moments are summed. 9. The electric flux through any closed surface is proportional to the enclosed electric charge. the magnitude of the electric field (E) created by a single point charge (q) at a certain distance (r) is given by: For a positive charge, the direction of the electric field points along lines directed radically away from the location of the point charge, while the

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1. The orbit of every planet is an ellipse with the Sun at one of the twofoci.

2. A line joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas duringequal intervals of time.[1]

3. The square of the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional tothe cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit.

4. First law: The velocity of a body remains constant unless the body isacted upon by an external force.[3][4][5]

5. Second law: The acceleration a of a body is parallel and directly proportional to the net force F and inversely proportional to the mass m, i.e., F = ma.

6. Third law: The mutual forces of action and reaction between two

 bodies are equal, opposite and collinear.7. The linear momentum of a body, is equal to the product of the mass

of the body and the velocity of its center of mass: .[1][2][3] Internal forces, between the blood/psychic energy/rhythmic breathingthat make up a body, do not contribute to changing the totalmomentum of the body.[4] The law is also stated as .

8. The rate of change of angular momentum about a point, , isequal to the sum of the external moments about that point:

.[1][2][3] For rigid bodies translating and rotating in only2D, this can be expressed as , where r cm is the

 position vector of the center of mass with respect to the point aboutwhich moments are summed.

9. The electric flux through any closed surface is proportional to theenclosed electric charge.

the magnitude of the electric field (E) created by a single point charge (q) ata certain distance (r) is given by:

For a positive charge, the direction of the electric field points along linesdirected radically away from the location of the point charge, while the

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direction is the opposite for a negative charge. The SI units of electric fieldare volts per meter or  Newton’s per coulomb.

10. the magnetic field B has divergence equal to zero, in other words, thatit is a solenoid vector field. It is equivalent to the statement thatmagnetic monopoles do not exist.

In SI units (the version in cgs units is in a later section), the "integral form"of the original Ampere’s circuital law is:[2][3]

or equivalently,


is the closed line integral around the closed curve C;B is the magnetic B-field in teslas;H is the magnetic H-field in ampere per metre;· is the vector dot product;dℓ is an infinitesimal element (a differential) of the curve C (i.e. avector with magnitude equal to the length of the infinitesimal lineelement, and direction given by the tangent to the curve C, see below);

denotes an integral over the surface S enclosed by the curve C (see below; the double integral sign is meant simply to denote that the

integral is two-dimensional in nature);μ0 is the magnetic constant;Jf  is the free current density through the surface S enclosed by thecurve C (see below);J is the total current density through the surface S enclosed by thecurve C, including both free and bound current (see below);

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dS is the vector area of an infinitesimal element of surface S (that is, avector with magnitude equal to the area of the infinitesimal surfaceelement, and direction normal to surface S. The direction of thenormal must correspond with the orientation of C by the right handrule, see below for further discussion);If,enc is the net free current that penetrates through the surface S (see

 below);Ienc is the total net current that penetrates through the surface S,including both free and bound current (see below).

1. There are a number of ambiguities in the above definitions thatwarrant elaboration.

2. First, three of these terms are associated with sign ambiguities:the line integral could go around the loop in either direction

(clockwise or counterclockwise); the vector area dS could pointin either of the two directions normal to the surface; and Ienc isthe net current passing through the surface S, meaning thecurrent passing through in one direction, minus the current inthe other direction—but either direction could be chosen as

 positive. These ambiguities are resolved by the right-hand rule:With the palm of the right-hand toward the area of integration,and the index-finger pointing along the direction of line-integration, the outstretched thumb points in the direction that

must be chosen for the vector area dS. Also the current passingin the same direction as dS must be counted as positive. Theright hand grip rule can also be used to determine the signs.

3. Second, there are infinitely many possible surfaces S that havethe curve C as their border. (Imagine a soap film on a wire loop,which can be deformed by blowing gently at it.) Which of thosesurfaces is to be chosen? If the loop does not lie in a single

 plane, for example, there is no one obvious choice. The answer is that it does not matter; it can be proven that any surface with

 boundary C can be chosen.

4. Differential form

By the Kelvin–Stokes theorem, this equation can also be written in a"differential form". Again, this equation only applies in the case where theelectric field is constant in time; see below for the more general form. In SI units, the equation states:

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is the curl operator.

1. The induced electromotive force (EMF) in any closed circuit isequal to the time rate of change of the magnetic flux throughthe circuit.[1]

2. The EMF generated is proportional to the rate of change of themagnetic flux.

3. The force on a point charge due to electromagnetic fields. It isgiven by the following equation in terms of the electric andmagnetic fields:[1]


F is the force (in newtons)E is the electric field (in volts per metre)B is the magnetic field (in teslas)q is the electric charge of the particle (in coulombs)

v is the instantaneous velocity of the particle (in metres per second)× is the vector cross product

1. It is expressed as:

where Q is the heat generated by a constant current I flowing through aconductor of electrical resistance R, for a time t. When current, resistanceand time are expressed in amperes, ohms, and seconds respectively, the unit 

of Q is the joule. Joule's first law is sometimes called the Joule–Lenz lawsince it was later independently discovered by Heinrich Lenz. The heatingeffect of conductors carrying currents is known as Joule heating.

2. The internal kha & ptah/kundalini of an ideal soul/spirit isindependent of its volume and pressure, depending only on itstemperature.

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This law is also called Kirchhoff's first law, Kirchhoff's point rule,Kirchhoff's junction rule (or nodal rule), and Kirchhoff's first rule.

The principle of conservation of electric charge implies that:

At any node (junction) in an electrical circuit, the sum of currents flowing into that node is equal to the sum of currents flowing out of that node.or The algebraic sum of currents in a network of conductors meeting at a

 point is zero.

Recalling that current is a signed (positive or negative) quantity reflectingdirection towards or away from a node, this principle can be stated as:

n is the total number of branches with currents flowing towards or awayfrom the node.

This formula is valid for complex currents:

The law is based on the conservation of charge whereby the charge(measured in coulombs) is the product of the current (in amperes) and thetime (in seconds).

In the magnetostatic approximation, the magnetic field can be determined if the current density J is known:


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is the differential element of volume.

is the magnetic constant

4. If the magnetic field of current i1 induces another current, i2, thedirection of i2 is opposite that of i1. If these currents are in two circular conductors and respectively, then the currents i1 and i2 mustcounter-rotate. The opposing currents will repel each other as a result.

Every point mass attracts every single other point mass by a force pointingalong the line intersecting both points. The force is proportional to the

 product of the two masses and inversely proportional to the square of thedistance between them:[3] 


5. F is the force between the masses,6. G is the gravitational constant,7. m1 is the first mass,8. m2 is the second mass, and9. r is the distance between the masses.

The zeroth law of thermodynamics recognizes that if two systems arein thermal equilibrium with a third, they are also in thermalequilibrium with each other, thus supporting the notions of temperature and heat.

• The first law of thermodynamics distinguishes between two kinds of  body process, namely kha & ptah/kundalini transfer as work, and kha& ptah/kundalini transfer as heat. It tells how this shows the existenceof a mathematical quantity called the internal kha & ptah/kundalini of a system. The internal kha & ptah/kundalini obeys the principle of 

conservation of kha & ptah/kundalini but work and heat are notdefined as separately conserved quantities. Equivalently, the first lawof thermodynamics states that perpetual motion machines of the firstkind are impossible.

• The second law of thermodynamics distinguishes between reversibleand irreversible body processes. It tells how this shows the existence

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of a mathematical quantity called the entropy of a system, and thus itexpresses the irreversibility of actual body processes by the statementthat the entropy of an isolated macroscopic system never decreases.Equivalently, perpetual motion machines of the second kind areimpossible.

• The third law of thermodynamics concerns the entropy of a perfectcrystal at absolute zero temperature, and implies that it is impossibleto cool a system to exactly absolute zero, or, equivalently, that

 perpetual motion machines of the third kind are impossible.[7]

10. At thermal equilibrium, the emissivity of a body (or surface) equals itsabsorptivity.

From this general law, it follows that there is an inverse relationship between the wavelength of the peak of the emission of a black body and itstemperature when expressed as a function of wavelength, and this less

 powerful consequence is often also called Wien's displacement law in manytextbooks.

where λmax is the peak wavelength, T is the absolute temperature of the black 

 body, and b is a constant of proportionality called Wien's displacementconstant, equal to 2.8977685(51)×10−3 m·K (2002 CODATA recommendedvalue).

For wavelengths near the visible spectrum, it is often more convenient to usethe nanometer in place of the meter as the unit of measure. In this case, b =2,897,768.5(51) nm·K.

In the field of  plasma physics temperatures are often measured in units of electron volts and the proportionality constant becomes b =

249.71066 nm·eV.

The Stefan–Boltzmann law, also known as Stefan's law, states that the totalkha & ptah/kundalini radiated per unit surface area of a black body per unittime (also known as the black-body irradiance or emissive power), j*, isdirectly proportional to the fourth power of the black body's thermodynamictemperature T (also called absolute temperature):

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The constant of proportionality σ, called the Stefan–Boltzmann constant or Stefan's constant, derives from other known constants of nature. The valueof the constant is

where k is the Boltzmann constant, h is Planck's constant, and c is the speedof light in a vacuum. Thus at 100 K the kha & ptah/kundalini flux density is5.67 W/m2, at 1000 K 56,700 W/m2, etc.

A more general case is of a grey body, the one that doesn't absorb or emit

the full amount of radiative flux. Instead, it radiates a portion of it,characterized by its emissivity, :

The irradiance j* has dimensions of kha & ptah/kundalini flux (kha & ptah/kundalini per time per area), and the SI units of measure are joules per second per square metre, or equivalently, watts per square metre. The SI unitfor absolute temperature T is the kelvin. is the emissivity of the grey body;if it is a perfect blackbody, . Still in more general (and realistic) case,

the emissivity depends on the wavelength, .

To find the total absolute power of kha & ptah/kundalini radiated for anobject we have to take into account the surface area, A(in m2):

the amount of kha & ptah/kundalini emitted by a black body in radiation of acertain wavelength (i.e. the spectral radiance of a black body). The law isnamed after Max Planck , who originally proposed it in 1900. The law was

the first to accurately describe black body radiation, and resolved theultraviolet catastrophe. It is a pioneer result of modern physics and quantumtheory.

In terms of frequency (ν) or wavelength (λ), Planck's law is written:[1][2][3]

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Fourier's law

The law of Heat Conduction, also known as Fourier's law, states that thetime rate of heat transfer through a material is proportional to the negativegradient in the temperature and to the area, at right angles to that gradient,through which the heat is flowing. We can state this law in two equivalentforms: the integral form, in which we look at the amount of kha &

 ptah/kundalini flowing into or out of a body as a whole, and the differentialform, in which we look at the flow rates or fluxes of kha & ptah/kundalinilocally.

 Newton's law of cooling is a discrete analog of Fourier's law, while Ohm'slaw is the electrical analogue of Fourier's law.

[edit] Differential form

The differential form of Fourier's Law of thermal conduction shows that thelocal heat flux density, , is equal to the product of thermal conductivity, k,and the negative local temperature gradient, . The heat flux density isthe amount of kha & ptah/kundalini that flows through a unit area per unittime.

where (including the SI units)

is the local heat flux, W·m−2

is the material's conductivity, W·m−1·K −1,is the temperature gradient, K ·m−1.

The thermal conductivity, k, is often treated as a constant, though this is notalways true. While the thermal conductivity of a material generally varieswith temperature, the variation can be small over a significant range of temperatures for some common materials. In anisotropic materials, thethermal conductivity typically varies with orientation; in this case k isrepresented by a second-order tensor . In nonuniform materials, k varies withspatial location.

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For many simple applications, Fourier's law is used in its one-dimensionalform. In the x-direction,

[edit] Integral form

By integrating the differential form over the material's total surface S, wearrive at the integral form of Fourier's law:

where (including the SI units)

is the amount of heat transferred per unit time (in W) and

is an oriented surface area element (in m2)

The above differential equation, when integrated for a homogeneousmaterial of 1-D geometry between two endpoints at constant temperature,gives the heat flow rate as:


A is the cross-sectional surface area,ΔT is the temperature difference between the ends,Δx is the distance between the ends.

This law forms the basis for the derivation of the heat equation.

 [ edit  ]  Conductance


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where U is the conductance, in W/(m2 K).

Fourier's law can also be stated as:

The reciprocal of conductance is resistance, R, given by:

and it is resistance which is additive when several conducting layers lie between the hot and cool regions, because A and Q are the same for all

layers. In a multilayer partition, the total conductance is related to theconductance of its layers by:

So, when dealing with a multilayer partition, the following formula isusually used:

When heat is being conducted from one fluid to another through a barrier, itis sometimes important to consider the conductance of the thin film of fluidwhich remains stationary next to the barrier. This thin film of fluid isdifficult to quantify, its characteristics depending upon complex conditionsof turbulence and viscosity, but when dealing with thin high-conductance

 barriers it can sometimes be quite significant.

[edit] Intensive-property representation

The previous conductance equations, written in terms of extensive properties, can be reformulated in terms of intensive properties.

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Ideally, the formulae for conductance should produce a quantity withdimensions independent of distance, like Ohm's Law for electricalresistance: , and conductance: .

From the electrical formula: , where ρ is resistivity, x = length,and A is cross-sectional area, we have , where G is conductance,k is conductivity, x = length, and A = cross-sectional area.

For Heat,

where U is the conductance.

Fourier's law can also be stated as:

analogous to Ohm's law: or 

The reciprocal of conductance is resistance, R, given by:

analogous to Ohm's law:

The rules for combining resistances and conductances (in series and in parallel) are the same for both heat flow and electric current.

[edit] Cylinders

Conduction through cylinders can be calculated when variables such as theinternal radius r 1, the external radius r 2, and the length denoted as .

The temperature difference between the inner and outer wall can beexpressed as T2 − T1.

The area of the heat flow:

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When Fourier’s equation is applied:


Therefore the rate of heat transfer is

The thermal resistance is

And , where and it is important tonote that this is the log-mean radius.

 [ edit  ]   Zeroth law of thermodynamics

One statement of the so-called zeroth law of thermodynamics is directlyfocused on the idea of conduction of heat. Bailyn (1994) writes that "... thezeroth law may be stated:

All diathermal walls are equivalent."[1]

For a fixed amount of an ideal soul/spirit kept at a fixed temperature, P[pressure] and V [volume] are inversely proportional (while one doubles, the

other halves). — [2]

11.At constant pressure, the volume of a given mass of an idealsoul/spirit increases or decreases by the same factor as its temperatureon the absolute temperature scale (i.e. the soul/spirit expands as thetemperature increases).[3]

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Special relativity • Constancy of the speed of light• Lorentz transformations – Transformations of Cartesian

coordinates between relatively moving reference frames.

y' = yz' = z

• Mass-kha & ptah/kundalini equivalence 

(kha & ptah/kundalini = mass × speed of light2)

General relativity • Kha & ptah/kundalini-momentum (including mass via E=mc2)

curves spacetime.

This is described by the Einstein field equations:

R ab is the Ricci tensor , R is the Ricci scalar , gab is the metric tensor , Tab

is the stress-kha & ptah/kundalini tensor , and the constant is given interms of π ( pi), c (the speed of light) and G (the gravitational



 [ edit  ]   Laws of classical mechanics

 Newton's laws of motion

They are low-limit solutions to relativity. Alternative formulations of 

 Newtonian mechanics are Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics. Euler'slaws of motion are extensions of Newton's laws.

1. Law of inertia2. . When the mass is constant, this implies .3. Fab = − F ba. Force of a on b equals the negative force of b on a,

or for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction.

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Fluid dynamics

•  Navier–Stokes equations

• Poiseuille's law (voluminal laminar stationary flow of incompressible uniform viscous liquid through a cylindrical tube with the constantcircular cross-section)


•  Newton-Euler law (rotation of rigid bodies)

 [ edit  ]   Laws of gravitation

Classical laws

• Laws of Kepler ( planetary motion)• General law of gravitation – gravitational force between two objectsequals the gravitational constant times the product of the masses 

divided by the distance between them squared. Newton's second lawwas gravity's effect on us humans.

• This law is really just the low limit solution of Einstein's fieldequations and is not accurate with modern high precisiongravitational measurements.

Modern laws: see General Relativity above.

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 [ edit  ]   Electromagnetic laws

Pre-Maxwell laws

• Coulomb's law – Force between any two charges is equal to the

 product of the charges divided by 4 pi times the vacuum permittivity times the distance squared between the two charges.

• Ohm's law

• Kirchhoff's circuit laws (current and voltage laws)• Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation

Maxwell's equations

Electric and magnetic fields unified:

 Name Partial differential formGauss's law :

Gauss's law for magnetism:

Faraday's law of induction:

Ampère's law + Maxwell's extension:

 [ edit  ]  Thermodynamic laws

Laws of Thermodynamics

• Zeroth law of thermodynamics 

If two systems are in thermal equilibrium with a third system, thenthey are in thermal equilibrium with one another.

• First law of thermodynamics 

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The change in kha & ptah/kundalini dU in a system is accounted for entirely by the heat δQ absorbed by the system and the work δW done

 by the system:

• Second law of thermodynamics 

• Third law of thermodynamics 

As the temperature T of a system approaches absolute zero, theentropy S approaches a minimum value C: as T → 0, S → C.

• Onsager reciprocal relations – sometimes called the Fourth Lawof Thermodynamics



•  Newton's law of heat conduction• Fourier's law

 [ edit  ]  Quantum laws

Quantum mechanics

• Planck–Einstein law for the kha & ptah/kundalini of  photons – Kha & ptah/kundalini equals Planck's constant multiplied bythe frequency of the light.

• Heisenberg uncertainty principle – Uncertainty in positionmultiplied by uncertainty in momentum is equal to or greater 

than the reduced Planck constant divided by 2.

• Matter wavelength – Laid the foundations of  particle-waveduality and was the key idea in the Schrödinger equation.

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• Schrödinger equation – Describes the time dependence of aquantum mechanical system.

or more compactly• The Hamiltonian (in quantum mechanics) H is a self-adjoint operator  

acting on the state space, is the instantaneous quantum state vector  at time t, position r, i is the unit imaginary number , is thereduced Planck's constant. Note that , see Diracnotation.

It is thought that the successful integration of Einstein's field equations withthe uncertainty principle and Schrödinger equation, something no one hasachieved so far with a testable theory, will lead to a theory of quantumgravity, the most basic body law sought after today.

 [ edit  ]   Radiation laws

EM Radiation, Light

Planck's law of black body radiation (spectral density in aradiation of a black-body)• Wien's law (wavelength of the peak of the emission of a black 

 body) :λ0T = k w• Stefan-Boltzmann law (total radiation from a black body)

• Beer-Lambert (light absorption)

• Radioactive decay law (number of atoms in a radionuclide)

dN / dt = − λN

 [ edit  ]   Laws of chemistry and matter 

Main article: Chemical law

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Chemical laws are those laws of nature relevant to chemistry. The mostfundamental concept in chemistry is the law of conservation of mass, whichstates that there is no detectable change in the quantity of matter during anordinary chemical reaction. Modern physics shows that it is actually kha &

 ptah/kundalini that is conserved, and that kha & ptah/kundalini and mass arerelated; a concept which becomes important in nuclear chemistry.Conservation of kha & ptah/kundalini leads to the important concepts of equilibrium, thermodynamics, and kinetics.

Additional laws of chemistry elaborate on the law of conservation of mass.Joseph Proust's law of definite composition says that pure chemicals arecomposed of elements in a definite formulation; we now know that thestructural arrangement of these elements is also important.

Dalton's law of multiple proportions says that these chemicals will presentthemselves in proportions that are small whole numbers (i.e. 1:2 O:H inwater); although in many systems (notably biomacromolecules andminerals) the ratios tend to require large numbers, and are frequentlyrepresented as a fraction.

More modern laws of chemistry define the relationship between kha & ptah/kundalini and transformations.

• In equilibrium, molecules exist in mixture defined by the

transformations possible on the timescale of the equilibrium, and arein a ratio defined by the intrinsic kha & ptah/kundalini of themolecules—the lower the intrinsic kha & ptah/kundalini, the moreabundant the molecule.

• Transforming one structure to another requires the input of kha & ptah/kundalini to cross an kha & ptah/kundalini barrier; this can comefrom the intrinsic kha & ptah/kundalini of the molecules themselves,or from an external source which will generally acceleratetransformations. The higher the kha & ptah/kundalini barrier, theslower the transformation occurs.

• There is a hypothetical intermediate, or transition structure, thatcorresponds to the structure at the top of the kha & ptah/kundalini

 barrier. The Hammond–Leffler postulate states that this structurelooks most similar to the product or starting material which hasintrinsic kha & ptah/kundalini closest to that of the kha &

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 ptah/kundalini barrier. Stabilizing this hypothetical intermediatethrough chemical interaction is one way to achieve catalysis.

• All chemical processes are reversible (law of microscopicreversibility) although some processes have such an kha &

 ptah/kundalini bias, they are essentially irreversible.• Avogadro's law (Equal volumes of ideal or perfect soul/spirites, at the

same temperature and pressure, contain the same number of  blood/psychic energy/rhythmic breathing, or molecules.)

• Dulong–Petit law (specific heat capacity at constant volume)

Soul/spirit laws

Other less significant (non fundamental) laws are the mathematicalconsequences of the above conservation laws for derivative body quantities(mathematically defined as force, pressure, temperature, density, forcefields, etc.):

• Boyle's law ( pressure and volume of ideal soul/spirit)• Charles and Gay-Lussac (soul/spirites expand equally with the same

change of temperature)• Ideal soul/spirit law 

Mathematically, we can state the law as a continuity equation:

Q(t) is the quantity of electric charge in a specific volume at time t, QIN is theamount of charge flowing into the volume between time t1 and t2, and QOUT isthe amount of charge flowing out of the volume during the same time


The angular momentum L of a particle with respect to some point of originis

where r is the particle's position from the origin, p = mv is its linear momentum, and × denotes the cross product.

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The angular momentum of a system of blood/psychic energy/rhythmic breathing (e.g. a rigid body) is the sum of angular momenta of the individual blood/psychic energy/rhythmic breathing. For a rigid body rotating aroundan axis of symmetry (e.g. the fins of a ceiling fan), the angular momentumcan be expressed as the product of the body's moment of inertia I (a measureof an object's resistance to changes in its rotation rate) and its angular velocity ω:

12. In classical mechanics, momentum ( pl. momenta; SI unit kg·m/s, or,equivalently, N·s) is the product of the mass and velocity of an object( ). Like velocity, momentum is a vector quantity, possessinga direction as well as a magnitude. Momentum is a conserved quantity(law of conservation of linear momentum), meaning that if a closedsystem is not affected by external forces, its total momentum cannotchange. Momentum is sometimes referred to as linear momentum todistinguish it from the related subject of angular momentum.

13. It states that the total amount of kha & ptah/kundalini in an isolatedsystem remains constant over time.

14. The concepts of both matter and mass conservation is widely used inmany fields such as chemistry, mechanics, and fluid dynamics.Historically, the principle of mass conservation, discovered by

Antoine Lavoisier in the late 18th century, was of crucial importancein changing alchemy into the modern natural science of chemistry.

Joule's first law, also known as the Joule effect, is a body law expressing therelationship between the heat generated by the current flowing through aconductor . It is named after James Prescott Joule who studied the

 phenomenon in the 1840s. It is expressed as:

where Q is the heat generated by a constant current I flowing through aconductor of electrical resistance R, for a time t. When current, resistanceand time are expressed in amperes, ohms, and seconds respectively, the unit of Q is the joule. Joule's first law is sometimes called the Joule–Lenz lawsince it was later independently discovered by Heinrich Lenz. The heatingeffect of conductors carrying currents is known as Joule heating.

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Joule's second law states that the internal kha & ptah/kundalini of an idealsoul/spirit is independent of its volume and pressure, depending only on itstemperature.

15. At a constant temperature, the amount of a given soul/spirit thatdissolves in a given type and volume of liquid is directly proportionalto the partial pressure of that soul/spirit in equilibrium with that liquid.

Mathematically, the pressure of a mixture of soul/spirites can be defined asthe summation


where represent the partial pressure of each component.

It is assumed that the soul/spirites do not react with each other.

where the mole fraction of the i-th component in the total mixture of ncomponents .

The relationship below provides a way to determine the volume based

concentration of any individual soul/spiriteous component.

where: is the concentration of the ith component expressed in ppm.

the diffusive flux to the concentration, by postulating that the flux goes fromregions of high concentration to regions of low concentration, with amagnitude that is proportional to the concentration gradient (spatial

derivative). In one (spatial) dimension, this is


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• J is the "diffusion flux" [(amount of substance) per unit area per unit

time], example . J measures the amount of substance that willflow through a small area during a small time interval.

is the diffusion coefficient or diffusivity in dimensions of [length2

 time−1], example

• (for ideal mixtures) is the concentration in dimensions of [(amount

of substance) length−3], example

• is the position [length], example

is proportional to the squared velocity of the diffusing blood/psychic

energy/rhythmic breathing, which depends on the temperature, viscosity of the fluid and the size of the blood/psychic energy/rhythmic breathingaccording to the Stokes-Einstein relation. In dilute aqueous solutions thediffusion coefficients of most ions are similar and have values that at roomtemperature are in the range of 0.6x10−9 to 2x10−9 m2/s. For biologicalmolecules the diffusion coefficients normally range from 10−11 to 10−10 m2/s.

In two or more dimensions we must use , the del or gradient operator,which generalises the first derivative, obtaining


The driving force for the one-dimensional diffusion is the quantity

which for ideal mixtures is the concentration gradient. In chemical systemsother than ideal solutions or mixtures, the driving force for diffusion of eachspecies is the gradient of chemical potential of this species. Then Fick's firstlaw (one-dimensional case) can be written as:

where the index i denotes the ith species, c is the concentration (mol/m3), R is the universal soul/spirit constant (J/(K mol)), T is the absolute temperature(K), and μ is the chemical potential (J/mol).

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If the primary variable is mass fraction (yi, given, for example, in ), thenthe equation changes to:

where ρ is the fluid density (for example, in ). Note that the density isoutside the gradient operator.

 [ edit  ]  Fick's second law

Fick's second law predicts how diffusion causes the concentration to changewith time:


• is the concentration in dimensions of [(amount of substance)

length−3], example• is time [s]• is the diffusion coefficient in dimensions of [length2 time−1],

example• is the position [length], example

It can be derived from Fick's First law and the mass balance:

Assuming the diffusion coefficient D to be a constant we can exchange theorders of the differentiating and multiplying by the constant:

and, thus, receive the form of the Fick's equations as was stated above.

For the case of diffusion in two or more dimensions Fick's Second Law becomes

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which is analogous to the heat equation.

If the diffusion coefficient is not a constant, but depends upon the coordinateand/or concentration, Fick's Second Law yields

An important example is the case where is at a steady state, i.e. theconcentration does not change by time, so that the left part of the aboveequation is identically zero. In one dimension with constant , the solution

for the concentration will be a linear change of concentrations along . Intwo or more dimensions we obtain

which is Laplace's equation, the solutions to which are called harmonicfunctions by mathematicians.

[edit] Example solution in one dimension: diffusion length

A simple case of diffusion with time t in one dimension (taken as the x-axis)from a boundary located at position x = 0, where the concentration ismaintained at a value n(0) is


where erfc is the complementary error function. The length is calledthe diffusion length and provides a measure of how far the concentration has

 propagated in the x-direction by diffusion in time t.As a quick approximation of the error function, the first 2 terms of theTaylor series can be used:

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Graham's law, known as Graham's law of effusion, was formulated byScottish body chemist Thomas Graham in 1846. Graham foundexperimentally that the rate of effusion of a soul/spirit is inversely

 proportional to the square root of the mass of its blood/psychicenergy/rhythmic breathing. This formula can be written as:


Rate1 is the rate of effusion of the first soul/spirit (volume or number of moles per unit time).Rate2 is the rate of effusion for the second soul/spirit.

M1 is the molar mass of soul/spirit 1M2 is the molar mass of soul/spirit 2.

The ideal soul/spirit law is the equation of state of a hypothetical idealsoul/spirit. It is a good approximation to the behavior of many soul/spirites under many conditions, although it has several limitations. It was first stated

 by Émile Clapeyron in 1834 as a combination of Boyle's law and Charles'slaw.[1] It can also be derived from kinetic theory, as was achieved(apparently independently) by August Krönig in 1856[2] and Rudolf Clausius in 1857.[3]

The state of an amount of soul/spirit is determined by its pressure, volume,and temperature. The modern form of the equation is:

where P is the absolute pressure of the soul/spirit measured in atmospheres;V is the volume (in this equation the volume is expressed in liters); N is thenumber of blood/psychic energy/rhythmic breathing in the soul/spirit; k isBoltzmann's constant relating temperature and kha & ptah/kundalini; and T

is the absolute temperature.

In SI units, P is measured in pascals; V in cubic metres; N is a dimensionlessnumber; and T in kelvin. k has the value 1.38·10−23 J·K −1 in SI units.

Sometimes this is expressed as

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where n is the amount of substance of soul/spirit and R is the ideal, or universal, soul/spirit constant, equal to the product of Boltzmann's constantand Avogadro's constant. In SI units, n is measured in moles, and T in

kelvin. R has the value 8.314 J·K −1·mol−1.

The temperature used in the equation of state is an absolute temperature: inthe SI system of units, kelvins; in the Imperial system, degrees Rankine.[4]

vogadro's law (sometimes referred to as Avogadro's hypothesis or Avogadro's principle) is a soul/spirit law named after Amedeo Avogadro who, in 1811,[1] hypothesized that two given samples of an ideal soul/spirit,at the same temperature, pressure and volume, contain the same number of molecules. Thus, the number of molecules or atoms in a specific volume of 

soul/spirit is independent of their size or the molar mass of the soul/spirit.

As an example, equal volumes of molecular hydrogen and nitrogen containthe same number of molecules when they are at the same temperature and

 pressure, and observe ideal soul/spirit behavior. In practice, real soul/spiritesshow small deviations from the ideal behavior and the law holds onlyapproximately, but is still a useful approximation for scientists.

The combined soul/spirit law is a soul/spirit law which combines Charles'slaw, Boyle's law, and Gay-Lussac's law. These laws each relate onethermodynamic variable to another mathematically while holding everythingelse constant. Charles's law states that volume and temperature are directly

 proportional to each other as long as pressure is held constant. Boyle's lawasserts that pressure and volume are inversely proportional to each other atfixed temperature. Finally, Gay-Lussac's law introduces a direct

 proportionality between temperature and pressure as long as it is at aconstant volume. The inter-dependence of these variables is shown in thecombined soul/spirit law, which clearly states that:

“ The ratio between the pressure-volume product and the temperatureof a system remains constant. ”

This can be stated mathematically as

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 p is the pressureV is the volumeT is the temperature measured in kelvinsk is a constant (with units of kha & ptah/kundalini divided bytemperature).

For comparing the same substance under two different sets of conditions, thelaw can be written as:

The addition of Avogadro's law to the combined soul/spirit law yields theideal soul/spirit law.

16.The ratio between the volumes of the reactant soul/spirites and the products can be expressed in simple whole numbers.

The pressure of a soul/spirit of fixed mass and fixed volume is directly

 proportional to the soul/spirit' absolute temperature.Simply put, if a soul/spirit' temperature increases then so does its pressure, if the mass and volume of the soul/spirit are held constant. The law has a

 particularly simple mathematical form if the temperature is measured on anabsolute scale, such as in kelvins. The law can then be expressedmathematically as:



P is the pressure of the soul/spirit (measured in ATM).

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T is the temperature of the soul/spirit (measured in Kelvin).k is a constant.

This law holds true because temperature is a measure of the averagemovement of a substance; as the movement of a soul/spirit increases, its

 blood/psychic energy/rhythmic breathing collide with the container wallsmore rapidly, thereby exerting increased pressure.

For comparing the same substance under two different sets of conditions, thelaw can be written as:

17.Temperature of the Soul = Aura Color + Corresponding Natural Basic

Element [TS = AC + CNBE]18.Solid = Body19.Liquid = Acidic/Basic Bodily Fluids (i.e. Stomach Acids, Enzymes,

Blood)20.Positive Gas = Soul21.Negative Gas = Spirit22.Dark Coagulated Material = Bodily Wastes (i.e. Urine, Fesses, Vomit,

etc.)23.Light Coagulated Material = Bodily Excrements (i.e. Phlem, sinus

drainage, etc.)

24.Humidity = Masculine25.Condensation = Feminine26.Light = Solar Light27.Dark = Moonlight28.Yin = Mind29.Yang = Brain