layers of the abyss

Layers of the Abyss Pazunia By Eli Atkinson, Will Church, Serge W. Desir Jr., Marley Sage Gable, John Harris, Sam eer, A!am Sil"a#Miramon, Sean Sur$ace Currently Recognized Layer Number: % Name: a&unia Ruler: 'one Normal Gravity Normal Time  Avernus. Oinos. Lunia.  (hese are all names $or the $irst layers o$ their res)ecti"e realities. Much to the sorro* o$ the rest o$ Creation, the Abyss is no !i$$erent in ha"ing a single layer *hich allo*s access to the !ee)er an! more nightmarish terrors that lie beneath. +n the case o$ (he Abyss this $irst layer is kno*n as the Plain of Infinite Portals, or theLayer of a Thousand Closets. Ho*e"er, in the common tongue it is generally name! a&unia. or the "ast ma-ority o$ those that !are to enter (he Abyss it is the $irst layer they encounter. or those *ho are )articularly $oolhar!y it is the last layer they encounter instea!. History a&unia a))ears to be relati"ely unthreatening at $irst glim)se. Although there is neither sun or moon abo"e, a heatless an! $a!e! orange light emanates $rom the sky an! illuminates the lan!sca)e *ith no !iscernible !ay or night cycle. e!!is h#orange !irt the color o$ rust crumbles an! scatters un!er$oot. /utcro))ings o$ !un#colore! stone staine! *ith bloo!, bile, an! "iscera $rom en!less *ar$are break the sur$ace o$ the groun!. Sa"e $or the *astelan!s closest to the lakes o$ molten iron, a&unia is other*ise relati"ely though not uncom$ortably col! to mortals an! !emons. 0ike many o$ the other notable layers o$ (he Abyss, a&unia has a $ar more ancient history than any *oul! sus)ect. (he see!s o$ the layer in a recogni&able $ashion *ere $irst create! in the sun!ering o$ (he Abyss $rom (he Mortal Coil as a congeale! set o$ )ossibilities in *hich *orl!s remaine! $ore"er burnt. As (he rimal Coil !e"elo)e!, these )ossibilities *ere incarnate! in a layer $ore"er com)ose! o$ molten matter, yet connecte! to other layers through "ortices *hich coul! be )asse! through in or!er to reach other regions. (he !emise o$ (he rimal Coil an! its shattering into (he Abyss as *ell as )ortions o$ (he Mortal Coil trans$orme! the "ortices into regions *hich re)resente! in a minor *ay each layer to *hich they connecte!. (his )henomenon allo*e! those *ho hel! )o*er in these other layers to e1ten! a miniscule $ragment o$ their )o*er into a&unia aroun! each region, making it resemble the larger territory that they controlle!. When a&unia *as $irst !isco"ere! by the 2li))othim they use! their ability to mol! Abyssal layers an! their )ro!igious mental )o*ers to trans$orm these minor re)resentations into massi"e iron $ortresses. rom these cita!els the metal molten substance coul! be channele! into their o*n layers. (here it *as $use! *ith !emons in or!er to create )o*er$ul hybri! *ea)ons against the 3aati an! their myria! other enemies 4*hich, 2uite o$ten, meant each other as *ell as the rest o$ Creation5. 'or *as a&unia !uring this time the $irst layer o$ (he Abyss. ather, it *as regar!e! as a layer o$ interme!iate number an! minor im)ortance in those ancient tomes *hich recor! Abyssal geogra) hy !uring an! be$ore the Second War of Law and Chaos. (he uni2ue )ro)erty o$ a&unia to mimic in a minor *ay the )ro)erties o$ other layers le! to its alternate name as the Palace of a Thousand Closets 4*hich is a!mitte!ly a cru!e translation $rom beings *hose "ie*s u)on language *ere 2uite !istant $rom any mortal stan!ar!s, an! e"en most immortal ones5. a&unia only became the $irst layer o$ (he Abyss at the en! o$ the Second War of Law and Chaos. When the Rod of Law  *as triggere! it !i! $ar more than slaughter most o$ the )rominent 2li))othim an! $orce the 3aati into relati"e insigni$icance. +t also altere! the connections o$ those ealms Beyon!

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Page 1: Layers of the Abyss

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Layers of the Abyss


By Eli Atkinson, Will Church, Serge W. Desir Jr., Marley Sage Gable, John Harris, Sam eer, A!am

Sil"a#Miramon, Sean Sur$ace

Currently Recognized Layer Number: %Name: a&uniaRuler: 'oneNormal GravityNormal Time

 Avernus. Oinos. Lunia. (hese are all names $or the $irst layers o$ their res)ecti"e realities. Much to thesorro* o$ the rest o$ Creation, the Abyss is no !i$$erent in ha"ing a single layer *hich allo*s access tothe !ee)er an! more nightmarish terrors that lie beneath. +n the case o$ (he Abyss this $irst layer iskno*n as the Plain of Infinite Portals, or theLayer of a Thousand Closets. Ho*e"er, in the common

tongue it is generally name! a&unia. or the "ast ma-ority o$ those that !are to enter (he Abyss it isthe $irst layer they encounter. or those *ho are )articularly $oolhar!y it is the last layer they

encounter instea!.


a&unia a))ears to be relati"ely unthreatening at $irst glim)se. Although there is neither sun or moonabo"e, a heatless an! $a!e! orange light emanates $rom the sky an! illuminates the lan!sca)e *ith no!iscernible !ay or night cycle. e!!ish#orange !irt the color o$ rust crumbles an! scatters un!er$oot./utcro))ings o$ !un#colore! stone staine! *ith bloo!, bile, an! "iscera $rom en!less *ar$are breakthe sur$ace o$ the groun!. Sa"e $or the *astelan!s closest to the lakes o$ molten iron, a&unia is

other*ise relati"ely though not uncom$ortably col! to mortals an! !emons.

0ike many o$ the other notable layers o$ (he Abyss, a&unia has a $ar more ancient history than any*oul! sus)ect. (he see!s o$ the layer in a recogni&able $ashion *ere $irst create! in the sun!ering o$

(he Abyss $rom (he Mortal Coil as a congeale! set o$ )ossibilities in *hich *orl!s remaine! $ore"erburnt. As (he rimal Coil !e"elo)e!, these )ossibilities *ere incarnate! in a layer $ore"er com)ose! o$ molten matter, yet connecte! to other layers through "ortices *hich coul! be )asse! through in or!erto reach other regions. (he !emise o$ (he rimal Coil an! its shattering into (he Abyss as *ell as)ortions o$ (he Mortal Coil trans$orme! the "ortices into regions *hich re)resente! in a minor *ayeach layer to *hich they connecte!. (his )henomenon allo*e! those *ho hel! )o*er in these otherlayers to e1ten! a miniscule $ragment o$ their )o*er into a&unia aroun! each region, making itresemble the larger territory that they controlle!.

When a&unia *as $irst !isco"ere! by the 2li))othim they use! their ability to mol! Abyssal layers an!their )ro!igious mental )o*ers to trans$orm these minor re)resentations into massi"e iron $ortresses.rom these cita!els the metal molten substance coul! be channele! into their o*n layers. (here it *as$use! *ith !emons in or!er to create )o*er$ul hybri! *ea)ons against the 3aati an! their myria!other enemies 4*hich, 2uite o$ten, meant each other as *ell as the rest o$ Creation5. 'or *as a&unia

!uring this time the $irst layer o$ (he Abyss. ather, it *as regar!e! as a layer o$ interme!iate numberan! minor im)ortance in those ancient tomes *hich recor! Abyssal geogra)hy !uring an! be$orethe Second War of Law and Chaos. (he uni2ue )ro)erty o$ a&unia to mimic in a minor *ay the)ro)erties o$ other layers le! to its alternate name as the Palace of a Thousand Closets 4*hich isa!mitte!ly a cru!e translation $rom beings *hose "ie*s u)on language *ere 2uite !istant $rom anymortal stan!ar!s, an! e"en most immortal ones5.

a&unia only became the $irst layer o$ (he Abyss at the en! o$ the Second War of Law and Chaos.

When the Rod of Law  *as triggere! it !i! $ar more than slaughter most o$ the )rominent 2li))othiman! $orce the 3aati into relati"e insigni$icance. +t also altere! the connections o$ those ealms Beyon!

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most a$$iliate! *ith the 3aati6s nemeses. (he Abyss *as sun!ere! into t*o se)arate ealities an! thesmaller among them became an!emonium, *hile the more signi$icant )ortion *as )artiallyrearrange!. As a conse2uence o$ this nearly unimaginable catastro)he a&unia became the $irst layero$ (he Abyss an! the entry )oint $rom *hich those $oolish enough to attem)t to reach greater !e)ths*oul! enter the (orments. Ho*e"er, e"en this inter)lanar !isaster *as insu$$icient to $orce it into itscurrent state. (his instea! re2uire! the actions o$ Eltab, the Demon 0or! o$ uin, in one o$ the mostbrilliant stratagems e"er !e"ise! in the eternal battles o$ !emons against !emons.

Eltab *as the $irst !emon to reali&e that in shi$ting the relati"e location o$ a&unia to the rest o$ (heAbyss, the molten layer not only became closer to (he Gran! Abyss, but it also became "ulnerable to!ramatic changes in its basic geogra)hy. Both layers *ere 2li))othic stronghol!s !uring Madness andBile. As a conse2uence o$ this )ro1imity, Eltab came u) *ith a strategy that turne! the 2li))othimagainst themsel"es *hile !estroying se"eral o$ his balor ri"als an! granting him access to (he Gran!Abyss. irst, Eltab con"ince! the balors that there *as an arti$act that *oul! result in $ree&inga&unia, or *oul! $ree&e so much o$ a&unia that it *oul! irre"ocably lose its )o*er as a 2li))othicstronghol!. (he 0or! o$ uin then allo*e! kno*le!ge o$ the arti$act to leak to his enemies, *ho in

their attem)t to both !e$y an! set back Eltab $or their o*n gain, stole it $rom (he Hi!!en 0ayer.A$ter*ar!s, Eltab6s balor )a*ns brought the arti$act to a&unia *here the 2li))othim attacke! it as*ell as its balor !e$en!ers as the latter attem)te! to acti"ate it. Ho*e"er, the real trium)h o$ thebattle *as that the arti$act itsel$ *as a ruse. +t !istracte! the ancient !emons as *ell as the ma&&a6im$rom reali&ing that their true menace lay in the arti$act6s !e$en!ers an! not the item itsel$. Each time

the balors !ie! their !eath throes, *hich ha! been magically mo!i$ie! by their contact *ith the arti$actinstea!, !estabili&e! the boun!aries bet*een a&unia an! (he Gran! Abyss. When the $inal balor !ie!a miles#long gash o)ene! u) bet*een a&unia an! the latter layer.

Within moments billions o$ tons o$ *hite hot metal began )ouring !o*n $rom a&unia into (he Gran!Abyss. E"en beyon! being crushe! by the *eight o$ the li2ui! iron the heat in"ol"e! "a)ori&e! anunbelie"ably "ast number o$ 2li))othim 7 !ecimating (he Gran! Abyss as their stronghol! an! as oneo$ their ma-or remaining hol!ings a$ter the Secon! War en!e!. 8)on a&unia, only a $e* o$ the molteniron lakes remaine! a$ter the layer ha! mostly !raine!, an! they *ere *oe$ully insu$$icient to kee)su))lying the 2li))othim in their *ar against the ma&&a6im. (his molten $oun!ation o$ a&uniae"entually coole! an! ruste! o"er to $orm soil $rom the corrosion 7 gi"ing the layer the a))earancethat it retains into the )resent !ay. (he "ortices that le! to !ee)er layers o$ (he Abyss similarlychange! $orm, turning into black )ools that resemble! oil in a))earance an! "iscosity that still le!else*here in the (orments *ith a )ro)er )ortal key. (he metal itsel$ *as too "aluable a resource to be

allo*e! to remain in (he Gran! Abyss9 it in turn *as mo"e! else*here throughout (he Abyss by"arious $actions *here it *as use! $or other "icious )ur)oses.

Although the current $orm o$ a&unia *as $orge! through klurichir#originate! cataclysm, in no *ay !i!this moment o$ !estruction ha"e lasting in$luence u)on its rulershi). (he ra"ages o$ stri$e an!$actionali&ation a$$ecte! the klurichir as much as they a$$ect anyone else in (he Abyss#an! in many*ays, the trans$ormation o$ the Layer of a Thousand Closets into a&unia re)resente! the high )oint o$ Eltab6s in$luence *ithin (he Abyss as com)are! to the Mortal Coil. Bet*een the other klurichirchallenging (he 0or! o$ uin6s )o*er, an! e"en those other ma&&a6im *ho simultaneously loathe! the2li))othim, but also sought the !estruction o$ the klurichir 4)articularly :ar!um5, Eltab lost groun! tohis com)etitors an! those *ho other*ise sought his !o*n$all an! !estruction.

a&unia is currently the single most $racture! layer o$ (he Abyss in terms o$ *ho can be claime! tocontrol *hat at any gi"en time. More )o*er$ul beings can manage to control both a single iron $ortress

4or in the case o$ Gra&6&t, se"eral *hich he has manage! to consoli!ate into Male"olus5 an! theterritory aroun! it. Ho*e"er, not since the Second War of Law and Chaos has any single !emon )rincemanage! to control or, $or that matter, !estroy much more. E"en Eltab only succee!e! in $ragmenting

a&unia by bringing the stri$e o$ Ma!ness an! Bile to the layer. urthermore, the )resence o$ so manymortals an! !emons that get stuck u)on the layer has resulte! in the $ormation o$ massi"e !estructi"emobs. (hese hor!es roam the lan! !estroying all in their )ath that cannot !e$en! itsel$ $rom theirattacks. /n occasion they are )ai! or misle! into attacking a ri"al6s iron $ortress to cannibali&e them$or resources, $resh meat, or $ar *orse things. (his $ractious state also allo*s $or the )resence o$beings that are other*ise e1tremely uncommon *ithin (he Abyss as s)ies an! re)resentati"es $rom

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the other ealms Beyon! seek to either learn more about (he Abyss $rom a&unia or !escen! !ee)erinto its malign !e)ths.


a&unia is one o$ the least innately ha&ar!ous layers o$ (he Abyss, an! )ossesses no es)ecially

menacing )ro)erties. Mortals *hich !ie u)on a&unia arise as manes *ithin a !ay o$ their !eath, butthere are no s)ecial limitations against their being slain again an! resurrecte! back as a mortal.a&unia6s ease o$ access also means that se"eral arch$ien!s that belie"e in being com)arati"elyaccessible 4much to the sorro*s o$ those *ho encounter them5 are relati"ely likely to be encountere!there. +n )articular, the nether $ien! Charon, erryman o$ (he Sty1, an! the !emon )rince a&u&u arein$amous $or their relati"ely $re2uent )resence *ithin a&unia.

a&unian geogra)hy is generally !iscusse! *ith re$erence to its three most )rominent $eatures; theSty1, (he Gran! Abyss, an! its bor!ers *ith Carceri an! an!emonium. As a&unia becomes closer toan!esmos the outcro))ings an! blu$$s o$ stone gro* more common until the lan!sca)e is com)letelybroken a)art, $orming labyrinthine canyons an! regions close! o"er by bri!ges o$ rock until e"entually

nothing is le$t but tunnels. +n com)arison, *hen a&unia a))roaches Carceri. the Sty1 becomesabnormally *i!e as com)are! to the rest o$ the layer. (he groun! itsel$ becomes increasingly *orn!o*n an! s*am)y, *ith little change in altitu!e until it e"entually becomes in!istinguishable $rom

/thrys. +n either case, the transitions to both a!-acent ealities take )lace o"er a lan!sca)e o$ t*entyto one hun!re! miles, !e)en!ing on *hether tra"ellers are more or less attune! to the nature o$ their!estination.


Molten Iron Laes: Some o$ the only e1tant remnants o$ a&unia6s ancient history consist o$ lakes o$ *hite hot, molten iron scattere! throughout the layer. As a rea!y source o$ ra* material $or *ea)onsthey are highly )ri&e! by multi)le $actions throughout (he Abyss, *hether the $action consists o$!emon atrocities in"ol"e! in The Blood War  all the *ay to Demogorgon itsel$ 4*ho controlsDeathshore, one o$ the largest lakes, in!irectly, *hich is locate! mere hours a*ay $rom the )ortal toGa)ing Ma*5. Generally all o$ the lakes are guar!e! although the natures an! )o*ers o$ suchguar!ians "ary *il!ly !e)en!ing on the beings in"ol"e!. (hey range $rom hea"ily ra"age! re! or)yroclastic !ragons 4racono!icon5, bi&arre, 2li))othic monstrosities that are sentient relics o$ that

ancient era, or e"en lakes *here through long lost magicks, the molten metal itsel$ has been in"este!*ith some minor !egree o$ sentience an! *ill eru)t to immolate )otential "ictims that !o not a))earto share its $ickle loyalties or sim)ly becomes bore! an! !esires amusement. Still, in a realm in *hiche"erything is $ought o"er by e"eryone many lakes either ha"e their guar!ians !e$eate! or co#o)te!.ractically e"ery $action constantly scours the layer looking $or unguar!e! or ine)tly guar!e! lakes*hich they can con2uer $or themsel"es.

a&unian molten iron !oes not necessarily count as a s)ecial material an! a))arently in$uses nouni2ue bonuses or curses materials create! $rom it. (he 2li))othim, !uring the )erio! o$ time *henthey rule! a&unia, ha! s)ecial techni2ues that *ere ca)able o$ e1tracting $ar greater )o*er $rom themolten iron than anything subse2uently !one by any o$ the ma&&a6im or sur"i"ing 2li))othim a$tera&unia *as !raine!. +$ these techni2ues still e1ist, they are a))arently lost !ee) *ithin the layer orremain untol! secrets hel! by the 2li))othim.

Close )ro1imity to a lake o$ molten iron 4*ithin <= $eet5 !eals >!? )oints o$ $ire !amage )er roun! an!$orces a e$ sa"e DC <= in or!er to a"oi! catching on $ire *ithin the su)erheate! air an! taking %!?)oints o$ $ire !amage )er roun!. Direct contact 4much less immersion5 in a lake !eals <=!? )oints o$$ire !amage )er roun! instea!.

Most o$ the ma-or )o*ers o$ (he Abyss an! se"eral atrocities ha"e either !irect access to a&unia6s

molten iron lakes or ha"e minions that are res)onsible $or them. Among the notable controllers o$ oneor more o$ these lakes are Al"are&, lauros, Gra&6&t, :ar!um, 0issa6aere (he 'o1ious, an! (er#Soth.

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T!e "ty#: Although the Sty1 is one o$ a&unia6s most !istincti"e $eatures, it also at its least!estructi"e there. Within a&unia, the ort sa"e DC $or a"oi!ing amnesia is <=. 3ictims o$ the Sty1*ho make the sa"e only slumber $or a !ay u)on touching or $alling into its be$oule! *aters. (he Sty1has no !iscernible source *ithin a&unia, an! e1ten!s across the entire layer. (here are se"eralnotable branches o$ the i"er o$ Sin, *ith one o$ the smaller among them lea!ing !irectly into the le$tbank o$ (he Gran! Abyss an! another, $ar larger branch lea!ing to Durao instea!. +t )ro"i!es en!lesscruel humor to !emons an! other $ien!s to restrain beings, toss them into the ri"er in $limsy ra$ts, an!

then *atch them $all o"er the e!ge o$ (he Gran! Abyss *hile screaming in terror. (he Sty1 is alsonotable in a&unia $or its na"igability. At its *i!est a*ay $rom the bor!er *ith Carceri is nearly t*ohun!re! $eet *i!e across most o$ the layer *hile it can be only $i$ty $eet *i!e in some o$ its moreobscure tributaries.


Pazunian Hordes: /ne o$ the most uni2ue o$ a&unia6s ha&ar!s comes in the $orm o$ its )etitioners9chaotic e"il mortals *ho, u)on !ying, *ere resurrecte! in a t*iste! $orm u)on a&unia as manes.While in!i"i!ually, a mane )resents little threat e1ce)t to the *eakest o$ !emons, the )ros)ects o$

$acing hun!re!s or e"en thousan!s o$ them simultaneously are $ar more !aunting. (he smallesthor!es !o not last )articularly long in a&unia. (hey are !e"oure! by nal$eshnee an! moly!eus rai!ing)arties in or!er to ac2uire $resh ammunition $or The Blood War , $or $oo!, an! $or other, $ar more

male"olent )ur)oses. +n com)arison the largest o$ the hor!es are serious threats. Hun!re!s o$ smallersettlements, an! e"en some o$ the !emonic cam)s aroun! the lakes o$ iron or lesser kno*n iron$ortresses ha"e $allen to the largest an! most !angerous hor!es, their !emons slain an! any li"ingcreatures $oun! torn limb $rom limb $or meat.

ortunately, hor!es are easily "isible in the !istance !ue to the !in they create an! the clou!s o$ !ust$orme! by their )assage 4erce)tion DC <= allo*s $or the !etection o$ one *ithin $i"e miles an! its!irection5. As they are com)arati"ely slo*, they are $or the most )art easy to a"oi!. (he $astesta&unian hor!e e"er note! by those sur"i"ing such obser"ations tra"elle! at a rate o$ nearly t*o milesan hour, *hile the slo*est 4an! much more massi"e5 took nearly three hours in or!er to tra"el a singlemile. i1e! locations are more !i$$icult to !e$en! $rom )etitioner hor!es, but ty)ically s)ells an! othermeans o$ !ealing su$$icient amounts o$ massi"e !amage *ill !eter them, $orcing them to search $oreasier )rey.

Portal $ozes: 3irtually no $orm o$ li$e cannot be t*iste! an! )er"erte! by (he Abyss, $rom mortalsrelentlessly tem)te! to guarantee their souls $all into it to animals subtly incite! in such a manner asto !estroy li$e aroun! them. E"en oo&es are not immune to (he Abyss6 mutations. /ne o$ the betterkno*n an! in$amous#although not )articularly !angerous to those a*are o$ them among the (ogarin4Abyssal oo&es5 is the )ortal oo&e. A )ortal oo&e !e"ours any li"ing creature, !emonic or mortal,$oolish enough to $all into one, an! in all )hysical semblances looks almost e1actly like one o$ thenormal black )ool )ortals *ithin a&unia. E"en u)on magical e1amination, a )ortal oo&e can be!i$$icult to !etect as they subtly emanate an min!#a$$ecting aura that suggests to those that get *ithin<= $eet o$ one that they )ossess the )ro)er magical auras an! )ro)erties o$ the )ortal that one isactually looking $or 4Will sa"e DC <%5. alling "ictim to a )ortal oo&es6 !ece)tions an! attem)ting touse it allo*s the oo&e to !e"our its )rey, !ealing @!? )oints o$ aci! !amage )er roun! to suchcreatures 4e$ sa"e DC <%5 an! re2uiring a CMD check DC @= in or!er to esca)e $rom its !igesti"eslime.

(here are t*o nearly $ool)roo$ metho!s o$ !etecting )ortal oo&e. (he $irst is to ha"e a being )resentthat is sentient yet immune to min!#a$$ecting e$$ects. Most hor!es o$ !emon lor!s, )rinces, an!atrocities that e1)lore an! *ar u)on a&unia ty)ically carry at least one sentient un!ea! creature *iththem that can !etect a )ortal oo&e6s *eak trickery 4an! ty)ically annihilate the troublesome creature$or $orcing them to *aste time5. (he secon! is mere )atience. ortal oo&es mo"e across the )lains o$

a&unia at an incre!ibly slo*, yet )erce)tible rate 4erce)tion DC <5. Ho*e"er, )atience is in shortsu))ly on a layer in *hich most beings !es)erate enough to $lee into a )ortal ran!omly rarely botherto check *here they are going#ensuring that the oo&es are *ell $e! an! stably )o)ulate!, !es)ite thebetter e$$orts o$ most !emons to !estroy them. 8n$ortunately $or most o$ the !eni&ens o$ (he Abyss,e$$orts to trans)lant the oo&es to else*here in the De)ths Belo* ha"e so $ar $aile!. ortal oo&es are

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belie"e! to ha"e been a mil!ly success$ul attem)t by uggtmoy to re!uce the utility o$ a&unia to herenemies among the ma&&a6im.

Notable Locations

Iron %ortresses

a&unia has $e* )ermanent settlements an! it !oes not )ossess the !emonic or un!ea! metro)oli o$other in$amous layers such as A&6&agrat or (hanatos res)ecti"ely. Asi!e $rom its relati"ely small to*nsan! those settlements a$$iliate! *ith the molten iron lakes or The Blood War , the most )o)ulouslocations in the layer are its iron $ortresses. Some are remnants un!er continuous control since the!ays o$ the 2li))othim, *hile others are a$$iliate! *ith ne*er Abyssal lor!s. What all o$ them ha"e incommon is that they ha"e at their centers guar!e! )ortals to other layers o$ (he Abyss#an! that $orthose entities gi"en to casting or mani$esting the s)ell, they )ro"i!e rea!y access $or those *ho seekto use astral )ro-ection to reach (he Mortal Coil or other ealms Beyon!.(he s)eci$ic !etails to o)eneach iron $ortresses6 res)ecti"e )ortal or )ortals are generally !escribe! in the a))ro)riate cha)ter $orthe !emonic )ersonage that currently controls it.


'roen Reac!: or those beings lacking su$$icient )o*er to "laneshift  !irectly to their !estination4or *ho *ish to take a more circuitous route $or the )ur)ose o$ !ece)tion5, their $irst sights o$ (heAbyss come in the $orm o$ Broken each. (he gate#to*n connecting (he Abyss to the Concor!antDomain o$ the /utlan!s, its current ruler 4*ho insists that she has al*ays rule! Broken each#an! $e**oul! seek to challenge this claim to her $ace5 is the ambitious succubus an! skille! )oisoner e!Shrou!.

'roen Reac!CE 0arge (o*n#ualities notorious, strategically locate!e!o$ra"hics aces mi1e! 4!emons =, mortals %=, hal$#$ien!s , other 5%overn!ent  magical o"erlor! 4e! Shrou!5&ota'le &PCse! Shrou! 4CE $emale << HD succubusgestalt sorcerer5

Fgra1 Skullbiter 4CE male % HD nal$eshnee5&ota'le I!"orts( $oo!, )oisons, *ea)ons&ota'le )*"orts( incubi, succubi, *ea)ons

When seen $rom the sur$ace o$ a&unia Broken each looks singularly unim)ressi"e. Multi)le$orti$ications surroun! the entire to*n sa"e $or a cou)le o$ sa$e )assage*ays that are hea"ily guar!e!.(o*ers o$ !ecre)it an! cracke! gray stone emerge $rom the groun!, none o$ them scarcely taller than$i$ty to a hun!re! $eet tall. What other buil!ings are "isible are s2uat an! ramshackle in construction.Most o$ them seem to ha"e little )ur)ose e1ce)t $or *atchto*ers an! lo*er )rice! $lo)houses $orthose beings uncom$ortable *ith subterranean !*ellings. (his is a !eliberate mis!irection encourage!by the succubus hersel$#as most o$ Broken each is un!ergroun!. Although e! Shrou! has !onemuch to e1)an! Broken each6s subterranean s)aces, much o$ the gate#to*n still remains as her)re!ecessors e1ca"ate! it thousan!s o$ years ago.

Broken each6s $ar more e1tensi"e !*ellings consist o$ an interlocking series o$ ca"erns an! burie!halls that range $rom $i$ty $eet belo* the sur$ace o$ a&unia to as $ar !o*n as three hun!re! $eet.(here is no organi&ational system *hatsoe"er in terms o$ *hat is store! *here in the to*n. e!Shrou! $in!s it )ersonally bemusing that some o$ the most e1)ensi"e 2uarters an! meeting#halls canbe locate! near a room storing ale, o"erri)e cheeses, an! relati"ely li"e meat $or more a!"enturous or

bestial !emonic customers. A si!e a!"antage o$ this a))roach, not lost u)on the succubus at all, isthat lacking $i1e! locations also makes ma))ing the gate#to*n nearly im)ossible an! $ar more !i$$icultto "iably in"a!e.

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(he most im)ortant series o$ ca"erns contain the )ortal to lague#Mort in the /utlan!s itsel$. +t islocate! belo* the main hall, an! can be seale! *ith but a *or! $rom e! Shrou! hersel$ any*here inthe gate#to*n *ith a ten#ton single slab o$ basalt *hich rises $rom the groun! into a ceiling alco"e an!com)letely conceals its t*enty $oot !iameter an! height. As those )articular chambers also containe! Shrou!6s )ersonal resi!ences, they can also be seale! o$$ i$ necessary $rom the rest o$ Brokeneach, an! then re#e1ca"ate! a$ter a threat has )asse! or battle *on. /ther*ise, the )ortal itsel$re2uires no gate#key an! can be use! by anyone *ith little training in the *ays o$ the )lanes.

Broken each )ro!uces little in any con"entional sense. +t also lacks !e!icate! access to any o$ themolten iron lakes o$ a&unia, although ma)s in!icating ho* to $in! them are sol! *ithin the gate#to*n4truth$ul an!or current in$ormation as to their guar!ians re2uires e1tra cash, naturally in a!"ance5.Ho*e"er, its )ro1imity to the /utlan!s, as *ell as those other layers *hich ser"e as battle$iel!s$or The Blood War  make it an in"aluable crossroa!s bet*een "arying grou)s both )lanar an! mortal.'ot sur)risingly, Broken each has ac2uire! has a signi$icant an! "ery *ell#!eser"e! re)utation as a*ea)ons tra!ing station, although e! Shrou! )ersonally has "ery !i$$erent tastes in terms o$ *hata))eals to her in terms o$ )ersonal goo!s an! still takes a cut o$$ o$ )ro$its ma!e in the gate#to*n.

e! Shrou! hersel$ is a master )oisoner an! is not a"erse to either )ersonal !iscounts or 6encouraging6resi!ent tra!ers to grant !iscounts i$ she is )resente! *ith a )articularly to1ic "enom or secretion.

e! Shrou! tra!es in $ar more a))alling 2uanitites than mere in$ormation, *ea)ons, an! )oisons. +nor!er to su))lement her income 4an! )re"ent them $rom becoming )otential ri"als *ithout the

boun!aries o$ her kee)5, e! Shrou! has taken to selling o$$ her succubus !aughters by her currentnal$eshnee consort, Fgra1, to those intereste! in them $or )leasure or $or augmenting their )ersonalarmies. umors )ersist that e! Shrou! has $oun! some *ay to kee) track o$ her o$$s)ring sol! o$$ atBroken each6s auctions an! using the kno*le!ge gaine! to augment her )o*er an! in$luence. +$ so,none but the most $oolish an! short#li"e! s)eak o$ this *ithin Broken each6s boun!aries.

e! Shrou! has an e1tremely strict yet naturally in$ormal rule against $ighting *ithin the boun!aries o$ Broken each. Ho*e"er, $ights *hich take )lace outsi!e the boun!aries o$ the gateto*n are tolerate!4)ro"i!e! that neutral )arties are not accoste!5, an! sometimes e"en goa!e! on by e! Shrou! either$or her amusement, or to*ar!s the en! o$ in!irectly remo"ing someone *ho she !etests or got in the*ay o$ her *hims on that )articular !ay. urthermore, although many o$ the hi!!en !eals an!schemes o$ The Blood War  are )lanne! *ithin Broken each6s boun!aries, $ights bet*een $actions aresimilarly not tolerate!.

Similarly, e! Shrou! an! Broken each in general ha"e little )atience $or internecine con$lictsbet*een ma&&a6im an! 2li))othim, or ma&&a6im an! malei!olon. /ther*ise an! regar!less o$ subty)e,those !emons that !o not inter$ere *ith the scheming succubus6 mercenary interests are tolerate!.(hose that are too !isru)ti"e, *hether by in!ucing insanity u)on her guar!s or through other, moresubtle means, are ma!e into e1am)les. (he $iel!s an! *astelan!s imme!iately outsi!e o$ Brokeneach are stre*n *ith the cor)ses o$ many such e1em)lars. Moly!ei 6recruitment6 e$$orts an! chasmes)ies in su))ort o$ them are e2ually un*elcome. Although the $ormer are allo*e! *ithin theboun!aries o$ the gateto*n they are s)eci$ically !isallo*e! $rom coercing ne* recruits *ithin itsboun!aries, or getting so enthuse! *ith ki!na))ing or "ictimi&ing )otential "isitors in the area thattheir actions im)e!e e! Shrou!6s other*ise )ro$itable businesses. (he t*o#hea!e! ma&&a6im thatbreak her rule $in! themsel"es use! as e1)eriments $or the succubus6 e)ic )oison !e"elo)ments#orsub-ecte! to moly!eus "enom themsel"es.

Broken each is s)onsore! by no )o*er o$ (he Abyss !irectly. 'o atrocity more )o*er$ul than hersel$,

!emon lor!, or !emon )rince, is !irectly res)onsible $or e! Shrou!6s )o*er an! Broken each6ssuccess in terms o$ remaining at the )lanar crossroa!s o$ (he Abyss an! the /utlan!s. Ho*e"er, those*ho assume that this im)lies *eakness on the )art o$ Broken each or e! Shrou! hersel$ are $atally

un!erestimating both the to*n an! its ruler. e! Shrou! e1)licitly e1)ects all guests, regar!less o$com)etence or a$$iliation other*ise, to !e$en! the city in the e"ent o$ attack. Broken each also hasmulti)le caches o$ *ea)ons, )otions, an! an e1cellent collection o$ e)ic an! none)ic )oisons inclu!ingboth moly!eus "enom an! se"eral uni2ue )ro!ucts commissione! $rom the Carcerian glabre&u an!master )oisoner Sinmaker. Each cache has been in!e)en!ently )ro"isione! an! !esigne! so that nobeing, not e"en Fgra1, kno*s the $ull e1tent o$ e! Shrou!6s resources.

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Beyon! )hysical an! magical "iolence, the succubus merchant has a!!itional resources at her!is)osal. +n those cases *here e! Shrou! has to !eal *ith a threat nonlethally she has a sim)le, yete$$ecti"e nonlethal means o$ !oing so. She casts a mo!i$ie! 'estow $reater curse s)ell on her targetsthat makes them )ermanently inca)able o$ )assing through Broken each6s )ortal. Most o$ such"ictims, $orce! to e1)lain to those more )o*er$ul than them *hy they *ere unable to get to their!estinations reliably, en! u) being slain#an! in this *ay e! Shrou! is ne"er !irectly res)onsible $ortheir $ates.

Broken each $aces many o$ the normal threats common to those *ho !*ell *ithin a&unia, inclu!ing)etitioner mobs, rogue moly!ei !es)erate to em)o*er themsel"es an! kee) more )o*er$ul !emonssome*hat satsi$ie!, !emon atrocities attem)ting to bolster their armies, agents o$ goo!nessattem)ting to sabotage (he Abyss in some minor *ay, an! in$ernal saboteurs. urthermore, e!Shrou! an! Broken each6s mercenary attitu!es ha"e attracte! the malign attentions o$ multi)le$actions, inclu!ing a gith&erai sect an! a !emon lor! *hose attacks on the to*n *ere !e$eate!.Des)ite these ongoing threats, so $ar e! Shrou! has manage! to maintain control o"er her gate#to*n. (his is a situation that seems unlikely to change in the near $uture.

(he gate#to*n is ke)t in (he Abyss through the numerous )ara!o1es o$ e! Shrou!6s mannerisms9strict an! yet !isor!ere!, !eliberate! an! yet maintaining a su$$icient amount o$ !isor!er. By suchmeans Broken each has not shi$te! a))reciably $rom its location, !es)ite e$$orts by !e"ils to 2uietlyin$iltrate it on numerous occasions an! increase the amount o$ la* *ithin its boun!aries, an!

analogous e$$orts by some o$ the more bi&arre slaa! to*ar!s )arallel en!s through $ar more bi&arremeans.

"tyros: Broken each is not $ar $rom the only to*n *ithin a&unia, although it is the largest an! the

most amenable to "isitors an! ri"al $actions. ar less *elcoming than Broken each, Styros is a "italmarshalling )oint in The Blood War  an! a chronic menace to all that either a))roach it or $in!themsel"es notice! by its !emonic !eni&ens.

"tyrosCE 0arge (o*n#ualities notorious, un$rien!lye!o$ra"hics aces mi1e! 4!emons =, mortals , other 5%overn!ent  magical o"erlor! 40itra!aceus5&ota'le &PCs(arnsha$$ (he Grim 4CE male <= HD moly!eus5uoba 4CE male hal$#el$ sorcerer %50ittra!aceus 4CE male % HD nal$eshnee5&ota'le I!"orts( !retches, manes, shi)buil!ing materials

&ota'le )*"orts( !retches, manes, shi)s

/ne o$ the most !eser"e!ly ill#re)ute! locations in a&unia is Styros. A sullen marshalling )oint$or The Blood War , Styros is locate! on the shore o$ a relati"ely )laci! bay o$$ the Sty1, se"enteen!aysI tra"el a$oot $rom Male"olus. erha)s no )lace in a&unia is as !ismal as a )er)etual oily rain $allso"er the barracks#to*n an! its en"irons, turning the streets o$ into constantly churning mu! !ee)enough to s*allo* an un*ary soul or !retch. E"en the !emonic o"erseers o$ the garrison to*n must*atch their ste)s 4se"eral continually stay in the air, ato) $loating )lat$orms or by their o*n !e"ices or)o*ers5. Surroun!e! by cro*!e! barracks that are little more than corrals, Styros reeks *ith thetorment o$ conscri)te! souls an! the cruelty o$ the o"erseers, a stench that *hi)s the !emons into a$ren&y o$ unholy glee.

Babau an! mol!yei s*arm the regions aroun! Styros, her!ing conscri)ts they ha"e chosen an!bran!e! into )ri"ate )ress gangs to s*ee) u) $urther !esertersI an! hee!less tra"elers into theembrace o$ Styros. (he conscri)ts thus chosen might be sai! to ha"e a slightly better lot than thosemarshale! $rom Styros, e1ce)t that they en! u) as meals or $o!!er $or their !emonic sergeants moreo$ten than not. E"en so, a $e* ha"e attaine! a certain le"el o$ res)ect 4such as it is in (he Abyss5 an!ha"e control o"er their o*n gangs9 these are e1tremely $e*, an! in"ariably hea!e! by $igures *hosemalice an! cruelty are the e2ual o$ their Abyssal )eers.

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Styros, like most o$ the )urely Blood War #relate! cam)s an! settlements, is not un!er the control o$any o$ the )rimary Abyssal $actions or )o*ers9 the moly!ei, the Dooms o$ Darkness an! lame, an!e"en the 0or!s o$ Woe take a !im "ie* o$ inter$erence *ith the conscri)tion an! embarkation o$ souls,an! 2uickly launch re)risals against those $oolish enough to try. (he gangs themsel"es &ealously!e$en! their )ur)oseI, an! *hen rouse! by rai!ers or attackers 4mostly $rom hag or !aemon#s)onsore! e1)e!itions5 they ten! to cause serious trouble $or nearby cita!els an! $ortresses, $orcing

these to sullenly try to kee) such attacks $rom occurring to a"oi! the hea!ache o$ !ealing *ith thegangs.

0ittra!aceus 4% HD nal$eshnee5 is the token lor! o$ Styros, though his lea!ershi) boils !o*n to "erylittle more than ensuring that conscri)ts come in an! are mustere! out *ithout rousing any o$ theAbyssal generalsI ire o"er re)lacement troo)s. (his he accom)lishes *ell enough, !es)ite the $act thathis technical )osition o$ lea!ershi) makes him a sca)egoat more than anything else. 0ittra!aceus hasne"ertheless manage! to gain a measure o$ )restige !ue to his e$$orts, attracting the attentions o$se"eral more )o*er$ul !emons, inclu!ing (er#Soth, *ho has in"ite!I the nal$eshnee to take o"er

similar !uties un!er him e1clusi"ely. (his he has cautiously re$use! because he has a more )ersonalreason to maintain his mo!icum o$ authority. 0ittra!aceus is $ascinate! *ith using his !e$orm ability tocreate statuesI o$ creatures locke! in the moment o$ their !eaths an! has built *hat might be calle! amuseum o$ these master)ieces, a ta)estry o$ !eaths9 he calls it a true chronicle o$ The Blood War . +na!!ition, he uses this ability to scul)t cam) im)ro"ementsI, 2uartering $or more )otent !emons an!

guests $orge! o$ resha)e! !retches an! soulstu$$.

Styros can be sai! to ha"e a thri"ing in!ustry in shi)buil!ingKi$ one consi!ers a ramshackle ra$t a kin!o$ shi). Conscri)ts lash together *hat materials are on han! into sim)le barges an! )lat$orms to takethem !o*n the Sty1 to the battle$iel!s. (hose materials re2uire! $rom else*here are gathere! throughrai!ing nearby, *eaker iron $ortresses or other*ise *aylaying *eaker grou)s o$ tra"ellers or !emonsthrough the layer 4*hich a!!s consi!erably to the amount o$ loathing )ossesse! by all against themarshaling )oint5. More than hal$ )erish in the sluggish *aters !ue to the sho!!y cra$tsmanshi),though this is an acce)table le"el o$ attrition $or the most )art an! )ro"i!es the !emonic inhabitantso$ Styros a great !eal o$ amusement. /n a han!$ul o$ occasions, the Dooms o$ Darkness an! lameha"e commissione! s2ua!rons o$ minor *arshi)s at Styros be$ore ma-or o)erations *hen the greatershi)yar!s else*here are inca)able o$ )ro!ucing all o$ the nee!e! cra$t.

0ittra!aceus maintains his )o*er an! his re)utation by mani)ulating the gangs an! )laying them

against each other. (he babau#le! gangs are at a natural !isa!"antage against the mighty moly!ei,an! both !es)ise the $e* gangs le! by non#!emons. 0ittra!aceus kee)s the less )o*er$ul gangs athreat to the others, su))lying them *ith *ea)ons or other )ayments to kee) them $irmly un!er histhumb *hile )lacating the moly!ei *ith the !emonstrate! success he has ha! *ith kee)ing the $rontlines su))lie! through his e$$orts an! the occasional ai! *hen their e$$orts cause trouble *ith the otherto*ns an! $ortresses.

Press Gangs: (here are literally !o&ens o$ kno*n )ress gangs haunting the regions surroun!ing

Styros an! )ossibly -ust as many that )ly the tra!e secretly. Some are en!orse! or )atroni&e! by!emon lor!s an! )rinces 4one o$ the more in$amous moly!ei, White Sha!o*, is in the )ay o$ Gra&6&t5,but most are in!e)en!ent o$ o$$icialI status. Aroun! = o$ the gangs are le! by moly!ei, >= arehea!e! by other !emons 4mostly babau5, an! %= by !aemons, other outsi!ers, or mortals. Se"eralo$ the more notorious gangs are liste! belo*. (he lea!ers o$ these gangs )ossess uni2ue bran!s *hichmark the thralls *ith symbols that cannot be sim)ly erase!. (reat these bran!s as an arcane mark*ith a DC e2ual to the lea!erIs HD to success$ully erase.

T!e 'lac Hoos: (he largest an! most "icious ban! o$ babau surroun!ing Styros, the Black Hooksare le! by three in!i"i!uals9 Da"isaut 4barbarian 5, 3aolkis 4sorcerer 5, an! 0uyo1 4rogue ?5. (hehor!e is com)ose! o$ o"er <== babau, a $e* scattere! tie$lings, an! a solitary goristro name!Jha"olu! that ser"es Da"isaut un2uestioningly $or some unkno*n reason 4it is the )rimary reasonDa"isaut maintains o"erall comman! an! kee)s his ban! com)etiti"e5. Jha"olu! carries an enormouscage o$ col! iron on his back to hol! the conscri)ts the Hooks $in!, allo*ing them to s)rea!themsel"es out into se"eral smaller gangs to co"er more territory instea! o$ *asting their $orces

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corralling an! guar!ing their ca)ti"es at a central )oint. 0ittra!aceus, o$$en!e! by the arrogance o$White Sha!o* an! the other moly!ei, lure! the Hooks into the conscri)tion business by )ro"i!ing thethree lea!ers *ith mo!estly )otent magical items an! the enticement o$ $urther riches. Da"isautgaine! a magical tri!ent, 3aolkis gaine! a bauble that creates illusions that only moly!ei can see4!es)ite their true seein$5, an! 0uyo1 o*ns a bracelet that allo*s him to become invisi'le at *ill.0ittra!aceus can !estroy any o$ these items i$ he *ishes as long as they are on a&unia.

(he Hooks range along the Stygian ri"erbanks an! $ens, stalking rutterkin, Stygian#!ro*ne! &ombies,an! other minor horrors that lurk there. /n rare occasions the Hooks ha"e been kno*n to ambush thebarges that ha"e le$t Styros, reca)turing an! reselling as many souls as )ossible to )a! their )ro$its9the )otent bran!s o$ most o$ their com)etitors are generally too !i$$icult to remo"e, but e"en *henthere is nothing *orth reselling to Styros the Hooks $in! someone else to sell to. (hey ha"e contacts*ith t*o !i$$erent hag co"ens, a re)resentati"e o$ a&u&u, an! recently ha"e begun to tra!e *ithMale"olus.

(he HooksI bran! is 2uite naturally a hook, *ith a three#)ronge! $ork )ointing !o*n at the base o$ the


Tarns!a(( t!e Grim: /ne o$ the most success$ul her!ers in a&unia, (arnsha$$ is in$amous in )artbecause he is $ar more stoic than most o$ his brethren9 he brooks no nonsense an! is less im)ulsi"e inthe &eal his brethren !is)lay in their en!less task o$ )romoting The Blood War . He also ranges $arther

out $rom Styros than almost any other conscri)tion o$$icerI, occasionally sho*ing u) brie$ly on thestreets o$ Broken each an! the *astes beyon!. His long $orays bring him e1tremely large an! !i"erseher!s that ten! to be much more !esirable than those )rocure! by others *hile also limiting hisclashes *ith the other moly!ei an! the babau )ress gangs 4)articularly his bitter ri"al White Sha!o*,the Black Hooks, Ser)enem, an! uobaIs Ban!5. His tasks inclu!e both the general her!ing o$ soulsan! !eserters to Styros as *ell as re)lenishment o$ materiel, )articularly the e"er#in#!eman! molteniron. (his man!ate is a general one issue! $rom 0ittra!aceus, an! e"en *hen (arnsha$$ takes or!ers$rom another *arlor! or )o*er he tries to ensure a cut o$ both su))lies an! souls to han! o"er to the!ock masters o$ Styros.

(arnsha$$ is ser"e! by %@= minions. Most o$ them are tie$ling an! rutterkin guar!s. (he guar!s aresu)er"ise! by bar#lgura an! a !o&en "rocks, *ith a he&rou name! Foi o"erseeing the recruitmente$$ort. (arnsha$$Is lieutenant an! sometime#consort E!ri&a, a succubus, manages the caul!ron *agonsan! resu))ly missionsI )articulars. (arnsha$$ ne"er em)loys minions that he belie"es ha"e a"oi!e!

ser"ing on the battle$iel!, an! has occasionally $ollo*e! the careers o$ some o$ his conscri)ts in or!erto e"entually buy or ki!na) them back a$ter they ha"e e1)erience! the gloriesI o$ combat in TheBlood War .

(he moly!eus has unusually goo! relations *ith e! Shrou! !es)iute her limitations other*ise. (his is!ue to his elimination o$ se"eral ma-or threats to her reign that ha! menace! him as *ell. He hastaken se"eral success$ul contracts $or both 3ehnaremne an! :ar!um9 he a"oi!s !ealing !irectly *ithGra&I&tIs minions or those o$ his allies, as he !es)ises White Sha!o* tremen!ously an! assumes thathis ri"al is being su))orte! by his home layerIs master 4*hich is only )artially true5.

(arnsha$$Is bran! is a *a"y circle, *ith t*o sets o$ $ang marks 4lu)ine an! ser)entine5 in the center9the irons are mol!e! $rom his o*n teeth.

)uoba*s 'and: (hough rare, some mortals thri"e on a&unia. (he irst (orment is certainly one o$

the sa$estI layers o$ the Abyss $or mortals strong an! tough enough to sur"i"e !ealing *ith !emons.S)ellcasters, $or instance, $in! it use$ul to take charge o$ a )ress gang both to surroun! themsel"es*ith !emonic guar!ians an! to gain access to resources to $urther their research into (he Abyss or to

gain a re)utation to )e!!le $or in$luence *ith !emonic lor!s an! )rinces. (his is )articularly true $orthose *ith a s)eci$ic interest in The Blood War  an! its generals, because the soul im)ressmentmachinery is the $oun!ation $or gaining )o*er an! notoriety among the comman!ers.

uobaIs Ban! began this *ay, *ith the sorcerer uoba 4CE male hal$#el$ sorcerer %5 arri"ing $rom theMortal Coil to hi!e $rom his more righteous brethren a$ter betraying his )eo)le to the !ro*. Amoly!eus challenge! him, an! a$ter slaying the !emon uoba $oun! himsel$ in )ossession o$ a small

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mob o$ conscri)ts. (hey inclu!e! a cri))le! glabre&u name! Loc1 an! se"eral $ello* mortals *hosur"i"e! a )arty o$ mercenary a!"enturers that ha! $oun! itsel$ out o$ its !e)th. uoba use! his magicto set u) a !e$ensible )osition in the ruins o$ an iron $ortress some*here bet*een Gallo*sgate an!Styros 4the location is cloake! *ith illusions an! other magic5, an! *ith in$ormation )ro"i!e! by Loc1starte! making inroa!s into the conscri)tion tra!e. uobaIs Ban! manages to sur"i"e because o$uobaIs magic an! the tactical brilliance an! sheer hate o$ Warrick D"altok 4'E male !*ar$ ranger%?5, a "enge$ul socio)ath *ith a )articular hatre! $or !emonkin!. (he Ban! is entirely le! by mortals,

su))orte! by the a!"ice o$ Loc1 4*ho actually has $oun! *orking *ith uoba mostly )leasant $or themoment5. (hey are a))ro1imately %== strong, mostly mortals an! a $e* contracte! !aemons 4Warrickonly gru!gingly allo*s Loc1 to be )art o$ the grou) as $ar as !emons go5, *ith a contingent o$ si1 irongolems to )ro"i!e e1tra muscle.

uobaIs intention is to use conscri)tion to bolster his $orces as *ell as turn a )ro$it $or no* as he triesto establish his o*n king!om in a&unia. Although a )assable scholar, he is not s)eci$ically intereste!in (he Abyss as anything more than a secure 4to his tastes5 )lace to gather )o*er $or his o*n !esires.He has no gran! !elusions or ambitions beyon! ruling his o*n realm 4*hich may e"entually bore Loc1

into mani)ulating him5, an! though intelligent an! charismatic as things go he has yet to make anim)ression on any o$ the )o*ers in a&unia, other than arousing the hatre! o$ the other )ress gangs.uobaIs Ban! rai!s other gangs regularly, es)ecially the Black Hooks an! White Sha!o* 4Warrick ishesitant to attack (arnsha$$Is ser"ants o"ermuch !ue to his )o*er5, an! this is their )rimary means o$gathering souls an! conscri)ts.

uobaIs bran! is a crescent moon surroun!e! by t*o circles.

$t!er Locations

T!e Cage o( "ongs: +n the time be$ore Malcanthet trium)he! o"er her ri"als, other succubi "ie! $or)o*er against each other in *hat came to be calle! the War of Ri"e +lesh, in *hich lesser succubi also$oun! themsel"es either $ollo*ing their more )o*er$ul brethren or ina!"ertently sucke! into theirschemes. Among them, the succubus 'eshema $oun! hersel$ !ra*n to the siren song o$ 0ynkhab. 0ikethe 0a!y o$ egrets, the succubus 'eshema li"e! to $ul$ill the lusts o$ others, but her o*n !esires $elt$ore"er out o$ reach. 3ainly she searche! $or the sin$ul embrace that *oul! satis$y her *retche! soul,but her e$$orts *ere $ruitless. E"entually, her heart#)angs le! her to the Sighing Cli$$s, *here shecame to belie"e that her agony *as the result o$ unre2uite! lo"e#that as a mortal, her soulmate ha!

!enie! her a!"ances, !ooming her s)irit to eternally hunger $or intimacy, but ne"er $eel its satiation.

Seeking to $in! the creature that ha! so curse! her, 'eshema $ollo*e! a $leeting trail o$ e"i!ence thatsuggeste! that the $able! Harmonica o$ an!emonium *oul! grant her the name she so !esire!.Fet, like so many be$ore, her 2uest $aile! an! she neither $oun! the legen!ary site nor the i!entity o$her $ormer lo"e. 0ost, she *an!ere! among the Win!s*e)t De)ths until e"entually the ho*ling *in!sble* her into the Cage o$ Songs. Dra*n to the caco)honic cries o$ the oile! steel an! stretche! skinsu)on its s)herical $rame, 'eshema became enthralle! by it.

Since that time, 'eshema has ten!e! to the Cage an! its ho*ling song *ith an almost religious!e"otion. Much o$ *hat tenuous sanity she ha!, she lost lost !uring her stay in the Win!s*e)t De)ths.'o*, the ma! succubus only hal$#remembers her reason $or entering an!emonium, $or like an a!!ict,the song o$ the Cage assuages the *orst o$ her soul6s anguish, numbing it like a man burro*ing hissorro* in *ine. 'eshema clung to it e"en *hen the Cage o$ Songs migrate! to a&unia $or some

unkno*n moti"e shortly a$ter the layer change! sha)e.

A number o$ $ien!s an! similarly torture! souls ha"e $locke! to 'eshema an! her *ailing cage.+nclu!e! in this rag#tag $lock are a ban! o$ "rocks hi!ing $rom The Blood War 6s call, a sorro*s*orn!emon 4Monster Manual +++5 name! A"elemet, a )ack o$ $ien!ish gargoyles, an! e"en a )air o$ har)ies

that *ere originally )art o$ a grou) 'eshema o"erthre*. E1ce)t $or A"elemet, 'eshema largelyignores the rabble, lea"ing them be so long as they !o not !isturb her an! her ma!!ene! attem)ts tomani)ulate the Cage6s song.

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+n her )lace, A"elemet lea!s the motley ban!. Beyon! !e$en!ing the Cage $rom *oul!#be#usur)ers,the sorro*s*orn !emon !irects 'eshema6s minions to seek out an! ca)ture ne* )rey to )lace insi!ethe cage, as the succubus is e"er eager to su))ly the Cage *ith a gro*ing chorus o$ screaming souls.When not so engage! *ith 'eshema in her e1)eriments *ith the 2li))oth6s cra$t, A"elemet $in!s thecom)any o$ the succubus its o*n )ri&e #the !emoness6 melancholic soul a $eat to its $ien!ish a))etite.

Ho*e"er, A"elemet is not the only creature intereste! in the !emente! succubus an! her singing cage.

'ot so easily $orgetting the "rocks that esca)e! it an! its master6s nee! $or troo)s, the schemingmoly!eus Ghoskenai 4<= HDgestalt ranger5 *as still searching $or the runa*ay !emons until he!isco"ere! the )ossibility o$ a much greater )ri&e; the Cage itsel$. Since the Cage has "ast )o*ers toattract attentions an! comman! beings $or $rom its )hysical )ro1imity, Ghoskenai has also ascertaine!that it coul! )erha)s be use! to attract massi"e numbers o$ !retches an! other, lesser ma&&a6im in asimilar manner. With such numbers at his !is)osal, he belie"es that he coul! either ra"age ortrans$orm himsel$ into a much greater $orm as *ell as use their numbers to bolster his increase in)o*er. Ho*e"er, such ambitions as he has are 2uite a !istance $rom com)letion#gi"en that he *oul!nee! to slay or control those beings a$$iliate! *ith it currently, as *ell as $igure out ho* to control the

Cage himsel$ *ithout becoming another o$ its myria! )risoners.

Concurrently, the eye o$ a&u&u himsel$ has been caught by the recent acti"ities o$ the Cage. or no*,the 0or! o$ the Abyss6 Skies sim)ly *atches an! *aits, una*are that Abra1as is also intereste! in'eshema an! her e$$orts to unra"el the secrets o$ the cage an! an!emonium6s cries, es)ecially since

it *as the Guar!ian o$ 'ames that *as res)onsible $or !irecting the succubus to the Harmonica in her$ruitless search $or her )ast lo"er6s name. Mean*hile, 0ynkhab listens $rom a$ar, her !ark thoughtsincreasingly turning to the !emoness an! the )ossibility that the Cage6s )o*er might unlock morethan one succubus $rom its im)risonment.

A $antastically ancient arti$act e"en by the reckoning o$ the 2li))othim, the Cage o$ Songs ha! "ast)o*ers o$ im)risonment both s)iritual an! )hysical. (he least o$ its )o*ers in"ol"e! ensnaring a being*ithin its s)herical $orm, !ra*ing inten!e! "ictims into it through songs o$ tem)tation an!!issatis$action. Within ?== $eet the lure o$ the Cage is $ar stronger than the norm, re2uiring a Will sa"eDC >= in or!er to resist its )o*ers. Ho*e"er, e"en at a greater !istance, the Cage can sing to thosethat may be "ulnerable,detectin$ thou$hts o$ beings *ithin eight miles o$ its )hysical $orm, an!making su$$estions to beings *ithin $our miles o$ it instea! unless a Will sa"e DC @< is )asse!instea!. Greater )o*ers allo*e! it to steal the "oices o$ "ictims nearby, using them to $urther its o*n!ece)tions or to guarantee their return to the Cage an! )ersonal corru)tion.

+eat!s!ores: Although all o$ the molten iron lakes o$ a&unia are )ri&e!, e"en *hen they areunguar!e!, one o$ the best kno*n an! most in$amous is the one controlle! by the De"ourer o$ Souls;Deathshores. Deathshores6 most )rominent !emon is the 2uicksil"er#scale! marilith Lllistn 4<> HD5,*ho has been gi"en uni2ue )o*er o"er the metal o$ the lake, as *ell as metal in general by theDe"ourer o$ Souls itsel$ in or!er to ensure both that its control is maintaine! an! that the lake6s metalis al*ays accessible $or cra$ting. +t is also rumore! that shoul! she attem)t to betray Demogorgon, theancient magicks cast u)on her *oul! cause her to melt a*ay into nothingness an! that it is onlythrough its *ill that her li$e is )reser"e!.

Moly!ei rarely attem)t to rai! Deathshores itsel$ an! its !emonic !e$en!ers, inclu!ing a team o$ $ire#immune glabre&u 6smiths6, are more than a!e2uate to !e$en! against )etitioner hor!es. +$ they arein!e)en!ent then no )o*er *oul! )rotect them $rom the *rath o$ Demogorgon as e1)resse! throughthe actions o$ minions or allies such as Saint :argoth or e"en *orse, Daegoros. +$ they attack it

un!er the aegis o$ a !emon lor!, then such a lor! *oul! $ace re)risal $rom Demogorgon )ersonally.

urthermore, the s*arms o$ la"a an! $ire me)hits ai!ing its !emonic cra$ters make )oor $o!!er

$or The Blood War . Ho*e"er, ri"al !emon )rinces, )articularly /rcus o)enly an! Gra&6&t through moresubtle means, as *ell as some bol!er !emon atrocities, ha"e little com)unctions about hi-ackingcara"ans or !i"erting tele)ortations a*ay $rom Deathshores in or!er to steal its *ea)ons $orthemsel"es. Deathshores is locate! three !ays a*ay $rom the le$t bank o$ the Sty1 an! ten !ays a*ay$rom (he Gran! Abyss. Minions o$ Demogorgon or those other*ise $oolish or !e)ra"e! enough to seekhim out can $in! it in a !ay instea!.

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Glimpse: +n the most !istant regions o$ a&unia is rumore! to e1ist a region o$ insanity. e* beingssearch it out, an! those $e* that are claime! to ha"e actually $oun! it ty)ically en! u) in the BleakHouse o$ an!emonium e"entually#both insane an! homici!al in *ays that seem to be uni2ue to eachin!i"i!ual an! $ar beyon! the )o*er o$ mortal magic to cure. (his region is generally calle! theGlim)se. Although there are $e*er sources o$ in$ormation regar!ing this )articular region than thereare sur"i"ors o$ its e$$ects, *hat little has been )iece! together in!icates that at one time there *asan iron $ortress o"er the region an! that this stronghol! *as $ar more oriente! to*ar!s kee)ing

*hate"er *as beneath it containe! as com)are! to allo*ing any kin! o$ connection. As $ar back as the!isco"ery o$ a&unia e"en be$ore the Second War of Law and Chaos, there *as a))arently some kin!o$ blockage in or!er to )rotect the layer $rom *hate"er is res)onsible. (hose other !etails ha"e been)iece! together in!icate that there is a sentient creature immobili&e! at the other en! o$ the )ortalan! that its )o*ers a))ear to be $ar beyon! e"en the 2li))othic might in terms o$ in$licting ma!ness.Although it lacks su$$icient )o*er to $ree itsel$, it still )ossesses enough )o*er to !ri"e into ma!nessany being that gets too close to her at largely ran!om inter"als. Gi"en the incessant state o$ con$lictu)on a&unia, these !isa))earances an! suici!es ha"e o$ten been o"erlooke!.

Although the e1act location o$ Glim)se remains unkno*n 4an! in $act, might actually shi$t slightlythrough the inherent chaos o$ a&unia5, there !o a))ear to be a cou)le o$ gui!elines that hel) beingseither $in! or a"oi! it. 'o sur"i"or o$ Glim)se has e"er been encountere! closer than t*o *eeks6 tra"el$rom the Sty1 by lan! in any !irection. +t seems to be closer to the bor!er bet*een an!emonium an!a&unia, as its rare sur"i"ors ha"e mostly $oun! themsel"es in the Win!s*e)t De)ths.

urthermore, those *ho attem)t to $in! Glim)se o$ten encounter a bi&arre )henomenon calle! the+nterminable 3alley9 a geological $eature or an illusion in *hich beings a))ear to tra"el $or si1 !aysonly to $in! themsel"es e1actly *here they entere! it, or !o&ens or e"en hun!re!s o$ miles a*ay.A"oi!ing the Glim)se instea! 2uite thank$ully is a))arently a goo! bit easier, an! there are t*ometho!s by *hich this can be accom)lishe!. (he $irst is through a single "laneshift , e"en i$ suchin"ol"es a brie$ ste) into the ethereal )lane#*hich im)lies that the connection $rom the Glim)se hasmental elements. (he secon! is through backing a*ay $rom the +nterminable 3alley.

%ortress Malevolus: +t is calle! (he Je*el o$ the AbyssI an! it is one o$ the strongest an! most *ell#!e$en!e! o$ all the scattere! out)osts that litter the $ace o$ a&unia. Built o$ the black timber o$A&&agrat an! ebon stone car"e! in secret $rom the +n$inite 0abyrinth, it is )roo$ to nearly any assault,!es)ite the uncounte! !e"ils 4among others5 that ha"e thro*n themsel"es against its *alls. Most$amous o$ all is the $act that it is consi!ere! as neutral as any )lace in all the (orments can be so

calle!9 though the $ortress is claime! by Gra&I&t, it is )art o$ his )olicy that almost any lor!Is thrallsmay be a!mitte! to Male"olus as long as they !eclare their allegiances o)enly an! in no *ay try to!isru)t the o)erations *ithin the $ortress.

(his "ie* may seem naN"e consi!ering the nature o$ !emons in general9 !es)ite this, the intrigues$ostere! *ithin the *alls o$ Male"olus ha"e ne"er threatene! its strength. Male"olus is )erche! on to)o$ a )articularly large ne1us o$ )ortals, se"enteen in all, that reach to all o$ Gra&I&tIs )ossessions,Hollo*Is Heart, an! those o$ se"eral other )rinces generally not hostile to the Si1#ingere! 0or! 4intheory5 or those *ith no central authority but large numbers o$ lesser !emons an! resources "aluableto *ar. (hese )ortals *ere !isco"ere! by Gra&I&t, an! the $ortress *as constructe! in )art to stabili&ethem )ermanently. +t is there$ore both strategically im)ortant to the enemies o$ Gra&I&t an! asingularly !i$$icult target $or the same. Within Male"olus there are in!i"i!ual ser"ants an! embassieso$ many beings. 'ot all o$ them are o$ Abyssal origin. /nly those o$ Demogorgon, ale 'ight, an!/rcus are s)eci$ically barre! although some agents o$ all three e1ist 2uietly nonetheless, saboteurs

an! s)ies that seek a metho! to un!ermine the $astness or its true )ur)ose.

Male"olus is no center $or *hat )asses $or !emonic !i)lomacy, ho*e"er, nor is it truly anything more

than its $orbi!!ing a))earance im)lies9 it is a marshaling groun! an! strong)oint in The Blood War .0or! Gra&I&t may not ha"e his $ull attention solely $ocuse! u)on the eternal struggles bet*eener!ition an! the (orments, but he recogni&es more than some "alue to in"esting in its outcome 4an!certainly he has a more signi$icant in"estment than /rcus currently5. (o this en! he lai! the$oun!ations $or Male"olus "ery early in his rise to )o*er, *ith the s)eci$ic intent o$ cra$ting anim)regnable hol! against the incursions o$ Hell. or the most )art he succee!e!, a $eat in an! o$ itsel$in the e"er#changing Abyss.

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(his stability is not )er$ect, naturally9 Male"olus has ha! a long series o$ go"ernors an! lor!s, most o$them balors o$ mo!est )o*er an! cunning chosen as much $or their lack o$ !angerous ambitions asthey are $or their ability in battle. (he last such, aranhar, *as o$ no )articular note among this longroster e1ce)t $or t*o $acts9 he *as slain in the only seriously !amaging attack e"er attem)te! by theDark Ministry, an! thus that his !eath ushere! in the only truly illustrious master o$ the mighty$ortress; a1arus, Hero o$ The Blood War .

a1arus 4hal$#$ien! human rogue %Oassassin O5 is a cambion, consi!ere! by many be$ore his rise tobe a $airly talente! s)y an! agent $or aranhar but other*ise o$ no great stan!ing. (he )o*ersgrante! by his $ien!ish )arent, a mar2uis gloom ser"ing El!anoth, secure! him )ersonal )o*erenough to rise into his mo!estly im)ortant )osition. +t is sai!, ho*e"er, that he ha! one $ailing9 his)er"erse lo"e $or aranharIs mistress an! chie$ tactician, the marilith Alaman!a. Many sa* it as a*eakness $rom his human motherIs si!e9 his skills, ho*e"er, ke)t most o$ the inhabitants o$ the$ortress $rom attacking him out o$ s)ite, an! aranhar tolerate! his s)yIs $eelings *ith cruelamusement.

(he hal$#$ien!Is lo"e $or Alaman!a nearly s)elle! !isaster $or Male"olus, *hen at an arcano!aemonIsa!"ice he un*ittingly betraye! it to an unkno*n celestial that sought to ensure a success$ul attack byan army o$ Hell against the $ortress. +n return, ho*e"er, the angelic creature also betraye! itsel$. 8)onreleasing a1arus, it grante! the cambion an aura o$ heroism an! ins)iration, an! bran!e! him *ith

the title o$ HeroI. He returne! to Male"olus too late to sa"e aranhar an! Alaman!a but hene"ertheless rallie! the remaining !emons o$ the $ortress to "ictory. His s)irit, ho*e"er, *as shattere!by loss.

'o* the hal$#$ien!, $ormerly !es)ise! an! hel! in contem)t, is lau!e! as an in"incible *arrior an!hero by all !emons that come across his )ath9 this charisma has s*elle! Gra&I&tIs alrea!y huge $orcesan! attracte! many )o*er$ul $ien!s to his ser"ice, all o$ *hom ha"e s*orn utter loyalty to the !eath$or the great hero. a1arus no* rules Male"olus, but he takes little -oy in his e1alte! station. Haunte!by his betrayal an! the !eath o$ his belo"e!, he has no !ri"e to lea! or go"ern but cannot bringhimsel$ to lea"e *hat he consi!ers his -ust )unishment. +n!ee!, he has been change! in more *aysthan -ust his almost "isible charms9 his !emonic bloo! has begun to re)el his mortal si!e, causing hisa))earance to marble, consisting o$ s*irls an! ran!om )atterns o$ black, re!, an! *hite u)on his skin.By his ne*$oun! )o*ers, Male"olus has become more in"incible than e"er.

Male"olus is !e$en!e! by a multitu!e o$ !emons o$ many kin!s, most )articularly babau, armanites,an! chasme. +n charge o$ them are t*el"e generals, the 'ightmare 0ancers, that ha"e been restore!since their )re!ecessors *ere slain in a1arusI betrayal. (hese lancers, le! by :ausharon the Bloo!y#Han!e! 4armanite barbarian %5, *ere chosen by Gra&I&t but ha"e ha! their allegiances s*itche! toa1arus. With their lor!Is melancholy they $ocus *ith blin! $aith on !e$en!ing Male"olus until an!unless a1arus stirs himsel$ to some )lot !eman!e! o$ him by Gra&I&t.

More than !emons guar! the $ortress, ho*e"er an! some o$ the ol!est an! most )o*er$ul o$ Gra&I&tIs"i)er trees are )lante! outsi!e its gates in t*iste! gro"es. Demonic engines o$ innumerable !esignsline the *alls an! the outer $orti$ications. Some !ating back to the ages *hen the 2li))othim rule!*hile others are built an! !esigne! in A&6&agrat e1)ressly $or Male"olusI !e$ense. Blackstone gigants4+iend +olio5 car"e! into the $orms o$ goristroi an! $orge! o$ !emonic iron an! rock )atrol the)erimeter o$ the $ortress in en!less bloo!y circles, 0ast an! most !rea!$ul o$ all, the $ortress isguar!e! by t*in horrors in the $orm o$ 3iolent S)ite an! Mur!erous Grie$ 4nabassu rogue

Osha!o*!ancer %=5. Both *ere chaine! to Male"olus by Gra&I&t himsel$ *ith col! iron bin!ings thatsu)ernaturally allo* them access any*here *ithin the $ortress an! out to a limite! s)ace beyon! the*alls.

Male"olus is locate! a))ro1imately si1 !ays6 tra"el by con"entional means $rom the le$t bank o$ (heGran! Abyss. (he $re2uency o$ tra"el to the ortress means that there are ty)ically cara"ans carryingsu))lies to it *hich can be $oun! *ith little com)lication on a !aily basis.

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Recurring "laug!ter: a&unia has been marke! by *ar an! stri$e since Madness and Bile $irst cameto the layer in ancient !ays. /ne o$ the most bi&arre an! in$amous locations e)itomi&ing turmoil u)ona&unia is ecurring Slaughter.

Some time a$ter the !e$eat o$ (uraglas by /rcus an! Demogorgon both sent armies to a&unia inor!er to claim as much o$ its territory $or themsel"es as )ossible. Each o$ them use! bi&arre magicksu)on their res)ecti"e $orces in or!er to )rolong the li"es#an! unli"es#o$ their minions. +n /rcus6 case,

he use! the 0ash Embrar to actually create un!ea! *ith a semblance o$ true regeneration so thatunless they *ere totally !estroye! they *oul! e"entually reassemble themsel"es back into cor)sesan! skeletons. Demogorgon6s tactics *ere similarly unusual i$ more )o*er$ul an! it create! a mobileregion that !e)en!ing on ho* many o$ his !emonic minions *ere )resent *ithin it, *oul! allo* themto heal themsel"es an! e"en *ar) those *ho !i! not $ollo* Demogorgon until they *ere eithercom)letely inca)acitate! or e"en !estroye!.

'either !emon )rince6s tactics *orke! as they inten!e!. When the battle took )lace to*ar!s theboun!ary o$ an!emonium, their magicks *ere recombine! an! altere! by (he Abyss in an uni2ue

manner. Both armies utterly annihilate! each other#but instea! o$ the combatants on either si!eremaining )ermanently !ea! they *ere tra))e! in a loo)#$ore"er con!emne! to re)eat their battle but*ith no )ossibility o$ either $inal "ictory or utter !e$eat. (o this !ay at s)ora!ic inter"als the !emoniccor)ses an! broken bo!ies reassemble themsel"es, )ick u) their *ea)ons, an! )rocee! to slaughtereach other until they are all !ea! again#only to re)eat the cycle at some later time. E"en attem)ting

to esca)e the location )ro"i!es little relie$ $or those tra))e! *ithin it as those that attem)t to !o soare tele"orted  back into it i$ they get %!> miles a*ay or use "laneshiftin$. +t is a )hysical incarnationo$ the hatre! that Demogorgon an! /rcus )ossess $or each other.

Although ecurring Slaughter is e1tremely !angerous, it is still rai!e! irregularly by those attem)tingto steal the ancient magicks o$ the !emon )rinces res)onsible $or its creation $or themsel"es#as *ellas those seeking more mun!ane treasures in terms o$ the arti$acts o$ the combatants or e"en )ieceso$ their bo!ies $or s)ell com)onents. Although the latter ty)es o$ e$$orts ha"e generally )ro"e! moresuccess$ul, there is still a hi!!en risk to such acts o$ the$t. /n occasion the arti$acts taken $rom thelocation are tie! to it to such a !egree that they may actually !ra* *hoe"er currently o*ns them backto the battle$iel!#e"en across )lanes an! $rom (he Mortal Coil. +n such cases a Will sa"e DC @? isre2uire! to )re"ent the ina!"ertent )laneshi$ting.

(here is no ob"ious )attern as to *hat *ill trigger a recurrence. Beings that ha"e been able to e1)lore

the battle$iel! sa$ely u)on one occasion ha"e $oun! themsel"es hacke! !o*n the instant they set $ootu)on it or tele"orted  into it u)on other occasions. Still, the re*ar!s ac2uire! $rom the region continueto tem)t those either cle"er or $oolish enough to attem)t to )robe it.

T!e "carlet Promontory ising high $rom the a&unian *astes near the bor!ers o$ both the /utlan!san! Carceri is an enormous re! mountain an! one o$ the only notable mounts in this region o$ thelayer, the rocks staine! in a series o$ s*irling crimson colors sometimes see)ing an! $lo*ing like bloo!!o*n the si!es o$ the mountain an! surroun!ing blu$$s. (he Scarlet romontory is to))e! by asmashe! !ome an! a series o$ massi"e ruins that e1ten! !ee) *ithin the mountain. (he ruins arema!e o$ stone cut $rom Carcerian rock *hich makes them secure $rom !i"ination an! Abyssal 2uakes.

(he romontory is inhabite! by numerous !raconic un!ea!. (hey range $rom massi"e s)ectral *yrmsto hal$#!raconic skeletons9 among the most !angerous o$ all are the bo!aks, $or e"ery re)orte!s)ecimen o$ these horri! un!ea! is o$ uncommon si&e, male"olence, an! )o*er. E"en those terrible

monsters are !*ar$e! by silent ghosts o$ !rea! ma-esty, !ragons that in li$e must surely been ol! an!)o*er$ul. All o$ the !raconic un!ea! encountere! in the area aroun! the romontory thus $ar ha"ebeen o$ re! heritage, but there is no in!ication o$ their $ormer i!entities or a$$iliation. 'o creature that

rises in the area o$ the romontory is ca)able o$ communication in any *ay, an! it is ob"ious that thisconstraint in$uriates the alrea!y ma!!ene! unli"ing creatures, enhancing their maliciousness an!s)ite.

(he Scarlet romontoryIs rock an! soil are staine! a !ee) re! in marble! hues that s)eak o$ a great!o*n)our o$ bloo! that once raine! !o*n an! see)e! )ermanently into the area. +n ages )ast, *hen(iamat inhabite! (he Abyss an! $ought in the Secon! War on the si!e o$ the ueen o$ Chaos, a great

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many o$ her *yrms *ere slain by the "aati o"er the romontory, their bloo! staining the groun! belo*an! seare! into its $abric by the Dragon ueenIs *rath. or many ages the romontory *as ignore!an! uninhabite! in its relati"ely remote corner o$ a&unia. (his )erio! o$ silence en!e! some centuriesbe$ore the Great all *hen an army o$ re! !ragons an! their minions occu)ie! the mountain an! itsen"irons, ignoring their !emonic neighbors as they built the massi"e e!i$ice *hich house! theirnameless lor!, a re! !ragon o$ great si&e an! )o*er. With their )o*er$ul magic an! skille! sol!iersthey rebu$$e! all attem)ts by nearby )o*ers to in"estigate but they ne"er ma!e a mo"e beyon! the

boun!s o$ their small realm. Se"eral years a$ter the !raconic $ortress *as com)lete! some terrible butunkno*n catastro)he occurre! that sle* e"ery inhabitant an! shattere! the structure, raising all the!ea! resi!ents to guar! its secrets in eternal silence. Since that time, no creature has manage! to)enetrate the un!ea! )erimeter an! enter the ruin, though $lyo"ers ha"e re"eale! s*irling "ortices o$energy an! more un!ea! *ithin the !ome an! its broken outbuil!ings.

(he romontory is mo!estly obscure, ha"ing s)arke! little interest in general among the !emons. (heoccasional attem)ts to si$t the ruin in"ariably )ro"e too costly an! un)ro!ucti"e, an! since the un!ea!!o not stray beyon! the limits o$ the area or seem to ha"e any agen!a it is mostly le$t to itsel$. Asi!e

$rom the im)lications o$ !raconic hoar! *ealth hi!!en among the ruins, there is nothing to tem)t mosto$ the a&unian *arlor!s into !aring $urther in"estigation. (he romontory is se"eral *eeksI tra"el$rom the nearest signi$icant iron $ortress across mob#$ille! barrens an! the increasing )erils o$ the)lanar boun!aries as $actors *hich ren!er any e1)e!ition a largely un)ro$itable e1ercise but one stillattem)te! s)ora!ically $or the re*ar!s o$ treasure an! kno*le!ge.

+n more recent centuries the region has been the $ocus o$ some attention, as !ragons ser"ing (iamatha"e establishe! a small out)ost -ust beyon! the romontoryIs in$luence to !isco"er *hat occurre!*ithin. 0e! by Fuhorruluk 4$emale great re! *yrmunholy ra"ager o$ (iamat %=5, the grou) is ma!e u)o$ ten other re! !ragons o$ mature a!ult an! ol! age, roughly a thousan! sol!iers 4mostly S)a*n o$(iamat an! hal$#!raconic mortals5, an! a small clutch o$ $our umbral !ragons *hose e1)ertise in!ealing *ith the un!ea! ma!e them a "aluable asset to the e1)e!ition. Fuhorruluk has augmente! herminions *ith any !emons she can bully into ser"ice, but she has taken )ains to !o this beneath thenotice o$ the moly!ei an! any nearby *arlor!s an! thus has "ery $e* to call u)on currently. Whether(iamat or her ser"ants kno* anything about the $ormer inhabitants o$ the Scarlet romontory or thecircumstances that be$ell them is a *ell#ke)t secret. What seems clear is that the ueen o$ E"ilDragons )ursues this *ithout any a))arent man!ate $rom er!ition.

Agule!el-an, a re! !racolich 4@< HD5, *as attracte! by the necromantic aura o$ the romontory more

recently, an! has been care$ully *atching FuhorrulukIs acti"ities to $in! a means to e1)lore theromontory *ithout her inter$erence. So $ar, he has ha! no success in sub"erting or controlling theun!ea! o$ the region. (his has )i2ue! his curiosity but he has currently re-ecte! contacting ala&ure$or gui!ance. Because o$ the unusual nature o$ the romontoryIs e$$ects, he has been reluctant toraise minions o$ his o*n or bring those he has $rom his lair else*here in a&unia.

Another silent *atcher is the arcano!aemon Siumon 4% HDmaster enchanter ?5. A re)resentati"e o$another !raconic )o*er 4though he has no kno*le!ge o$ his true master, being a mercenary bought$or the task5, Siumon is taske! *ith !i"ining )recisely *hat occurre! at the romontory, *hilesimultaneously $rustrating the attem)ts o$ (iamatIs e1)e!ition. +t is the latter task that Siumon $in!sa))ealing9 a$ter losing most o$ his minions in the $irst $oray into the romontory, he has !eci!e!against $urther attem)ts on his o*n )art an! $ocuses on sabotaging FuhorrulukIs )rogress. He hasbeen attem)ting to *hee!le the ser"ice o$ other !aemons an! e"en !emons to un!ertake the moreha&ar!ous si!e o$ his mission, *ith little success.

Within the ruins lies only one creature that is not un!ea!9 the $ien! uesatchk 4<> HD glabre&unecromancer %5. /nce a $ar less uni2ue glabre&u, uesatchk has ac2uire! ra"ages that ha"e ma!e

him $ar more 6!raconic6 in nature such as a breath *ea)on, rele"ant immunity, an! a more )otent bitethan normal#im)lying that (he romontory itsel$ is being )artially assimilate! by (he Abyss intobecoming a ra"aging circumstance in its o*n right.uesatchk is able to sense things outsi!e the ruinthrough the un!ea!, an! can comman! them at *ill. As yet uesatchk has ke)t himsel$ hi!!en $romthe $actions obser"ing his !emesne, though he is more than a*are o$ them an! *hat their intentionsare.

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Pazunia .no&ledge /t!e planes0 Table

.no&ledge/t!e planes0


"ample In(ormation -c1uired

%=a&unia is the $irst layer o$ (he Abyss. (he )ools o$ oil u)on the layer are)ortals lea!ing to lo*er layers o$ (he Abyss.

%Many o$ the better kno*n layers that ha"e s)eci$ic rulers ha"e iron $ortresses*hich guar! their )ortals.

<='ot all o$ the )ools o$ oil are actual )ortals. Some o$ them are instea! a $orm o$ oo&e $oun! only in a&unia that im)ersonates )ortals to lure )rey.


a&unia has not al*ays looke! like it !oes currently. +t *as originally controlle!by by the 2li))othim, *ho )ri&e! the layer $or its myria! connectionsthroughout (he Abyss an! the molten metal *hich coul! be use! to make*ea)ons. /nly the lakes o$ molten iron no* remain o$ this original state, an! it*as change! )artially by Eltab.

@Fou are a*are o$ some o$ the more obscure an!or menacing locations *ithina&unia#an! -ust as im)ortantly, ho* to )otentially a"oi! them.

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The Grand AbyssCurrently Recognized Layer Number: >Name: (he Gran! Abyss(he Cess)oolRuler: 'oneNormal Gravity

Normal Time

Although a&unia is the best kno*n means by *hich lo*er le"els o$ (he Abyss may be accesse!, it ishar!ly the only layer *ith e1tensi"e connections to the rest o$ the (orments. A $ar more ancientmetho! is (he Gran! Abyss9 a "ast chasm !ating back to the )erio! in *hich the )o*er o$ the2li))othim *as at its )eak both in (he Abyss an! *ithin the rest o$ Creation.


(he Gran! Abyss *as $irst e1ca"ate! by (har&a1, the Demon 0or! o$ All (hat Cra*ls at the beginningo$ the 2li))othic !ominance. (he acts o$ e1)an!ing the layer )hysically also e1)an!e! its )ossibilitiess)iritually until it became simultaneously a boun!less chasm an! yet one *hich ha! the )otential toconnect myria! other layers to itsel$, allo*ing (har&a1 to $loo! those other layers *ith ti!es o$ insectile

an! 2li))othic monstrosities to e1)an! its )o*er. Ho*e"er, it !i! not retain control o"er the layer $or)articularly long !es)ite its ambitions. /thers both among the 2li))othim an! those rare yal!abaoththat sur"i"e! the Circle o$ 0a*6s e$$orts e$$ecti"ely !iminishe! its )o*er. Gi"en a choice bet*eenchallenging the still "ast )o*er o$ /bo1#/b, the Demon rince o$ the 0ost, an! the rising )o*er o$both Chaos an! the ueen o$ Chaos, gi"en that both $actions *ante! a much greater role in (heGran! Abyss, (har&a1 chose to retreat $rom it to )reser"e both its o*n li$e an! its o*n )o*er. AsChaos an! his consorts gaine! )o*er in (he Abyss, (he Gran! Abyss *as a )o*er$ul *ea)on $or theman! those 2li))othic lor!s an! )rinces on their 6si!e6. +t ga"e them great a!"antanges in reaching ne*layers o$ (he Abyss, an! slaughtering ri"als or other*ise con"incing them to attack la* instea! o$slaughtering each other.

During this )erio!, the layer *as gi"en much o$ its current $orm, as iron !oors an! other )rotections*ere inlai! into the !ull, re!!ish#black simulate! rock to block access to the )ortals by ri"als *herethe insectile horrors o$ (har&a1 ha! once use! bare tunnels *ith no ornamentation. Ho*e"er, (he

Gran! Abyss has al*ays been conteste!. 3ast battles *ere $ought there e"en !uring the 2li))othic)erio!.

(he en! o$ the Second War of Law and Chaos en!e! much o$ the struggle surroun!ing (he Gran!Abyss tem)orarily *ith the !eaths an! inacti"ity o$ most o$ the 2li))othim that ha! )re"iously use! itto such great e$$ect. When a single 2li))othic !emon )rince brie$ly became ca)able o$ controlling thelayer they )lace! a klurichir o$ e1ce)tional )o*er, the Guar!ian o$ Gates, *ithin (he Gran! Abyss.

8n$ortunately $or them the Guar!ian o$ Gates *as one o$ the most notable !emons to -oin in Madnessand Bile, !e$ecting to -oin others o$ its kin! an! ostensibly aban!oning its res)onsibilities to concealhis inten!e! treachery. A$ter Eltab $loo!e! the layer *ith molten metal the Guar!ian o$ Gates 2uicklytook a!"antage o$ the slaughter to !ecimate the sur"i"ors#es)ecially any a$$iliate! *ith the !emon)rince he once ser"e!. rom that time on*ar!s, the other klurichir use! (he Gran! Abyss to attack*hate"er 2li))othic layers remaine! connecte! through the chasm layer. Ho*e"er, the control o$ the

rebellious klurichir, e"en *ith the ai! o$ a !emon as )otent as the Guar!ian o$ Gates on their si!e, *asalso short li"e!. /nce the Guar!ian o$ Gates became a merely ran!om terror, as com)are! to a$ocuse! o))onent o$ all 2li))othim, this )ro"i!e! enough marginal sa$ety to allo* (he Gran! Abyss tobe generally use! by all !emons an! tra"ellers to those $arther !e)ths o$ (he Abyss.

(he Gran! Abyss is a chasm so "ast that $rom *ithin its boun!aries it is a))arently bottomless.Although it can be in$initely !ee), it is only ten miles long an! t*o miles *i!e. +t is !i"i!e! into threeregions kno*n as 3oragos. (he 8))er 3orago is the region closest to a&unia, *hile the Mi!!le an!0o*er 3oragos are those regions that are $urther an! closer to the Cess)ool at the bottom o$ (heGran! Abyss res)ecti"ely. Direction is $urther in!icate! by the $act that there are t*o si!es, or banks,

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o$ (he Gran! Abyss !e)en!ing on *hether one is either $acing to*ar!s or a*ay $rom (he Sty1 *henlooking at it $rom a&unia. Stan!ing on to) o$ the right bank o$ (he Gran! Abyss an! $acing a*ay $romthe chasm ensures that the Sty1 is "isible, *hile stan!ing on to) o$ the le$t bank o$ (he Gran! Abyssan! $acing a*ay $rom the chasm means that the Sty1 cannot be seen instea!.

Due to the $act that )ortals $rom (he Gran! Abyss ten! to be $ar more e1)ose! than those $roma&unia )roce!ures $or o)ening !oors ten! be both $ar more elaborate an! a$$iliate! *ith $ar !ea!lier

misha)s i$ accesse! im)ro)erly. /$ten !emons establish !oors u)on )ortals only to ha"e these)rotections sabotage! by ambitious ri"als or un!erlings in or!er to !estroy them an! take their )lace.+n some cases as !emons slaughtere! )re!ecessors in or!er to control layers, !oor controls ha"e beenestablishe! o"er )re"ious !oor controls to the )oint *here multi)le sets o$ controls ha"e ma!e !oorseither ino)erable or e"en *orse, set o$$ !eath tra)s, Abyssal ri$ts, or other*ise react horribly toattem)ts to o)en them. 0ayers are not limite! to )ossessing single a)ertures *ithin (he Gran! Abyss.Se"eral o$ the more in$amous layers )ossess three or $our *ays into them $rom the layer 4o$tenmagically mismarke!, or ma!e to look i!entical to each other5 that !e)osit those $oolish enough to usethem into !i$$erent locations *ithin a gi"en !estination.


While many )ortal entrances are hea"ily an! lethally tra))e!, (he Gran! Abyss, like a&unia,

)ossesses no s)ecial ha&ar!s that im)e!e sur"i"al. Although (he Gran! Abyss is e1tremely !ark by itsnature, its !arkness is not unnatural or magically )ro!uce! an! normal light sources $unction.urthermore, its "ast si&e means that at any gi"en time, it is com)arati"ely im)robable to encounterany o$ (he Gran! Abyss6 more !angerous 4an! rare5 )ermanent !eni&ens#in )articular the ancientklurichir Guar!ian o$ the Gates.


%alling "ouls: (he sheer number o$ )etitioners *hich $all into (he Gran! Abyss, attracte! by thebi&arre )ro)erties o$ its a)erture u)on a&unia, make the risk o$ encountering a $alling soul e"er)resent, although more o$ten than not, it is not actually lethal to those so un$ortunate to ha"e a!retch or a mane actually lan! on them. alling souls !eal @!? )oints o$ !amage u)on im)act 4e$sa"e DC % $or hal$5.

Leap Into T!e C!asm: /ne o$ the most bi&arre )ro)erties o$ (he Gran! Abyss is not )resent *ithinits boun!aries as much as it is )resent in the region abo"e it. (he Gran! Abyss attracts )etitionersthat get *ithin a %= mile ra!ius o$ it as a conse2uence o$ the consoli!ation o$ the Cess)ools into asingle Cess)ool at the bottom o$ the layer. etitioners so a$$ecte! $in! themsel"es com)elle! to tra"elto the best o$ their abilities to the e!ge o$ the chasm an! thro* themsel"es into it. (hey recei"e a ne*Will sa"e e"ery %= minutes that they are un!er (he Abyss6 in$luence. (he Will sa"e DC begins at %?an! increases by one $or e"ery hour that a )etitioner is *ithin range o$ the e$$ect, reaching a ma1imalDC o$ @<. (he )ro)erty o$ 0ea) +nto (he Chasm is )resent *ithin (he Gran! Abyss itsel$, an! as aresult $alling )etitioners that sur"i"e colli!ing *ith bri!ges, lan!ings, or other beings 4assuming theyare not slain $or the incon"enience5 *ill o$ten reco"er themsel"es#only to cast themsel"es back intothe chasm again.

"ty#(alls: A branch o$ the Sty1 $alls into (he Gran! Abyss on its le$t bank. Although $or ob"iousreasons it is untra"ersable e"en by marraeno!aemons, it is still a signi$icant ha&ar! *ithin the layer as

"arious )romontories an! shel"es ser"e to $ragment it $urther. Since the Sty1 in (he Gran! Abyss is aminor !i"ersion $rom the main course o$ the ri"er u)on a&unia, the Will sa"e DC to a"oi! amnesia isthe same 4DC <=5. +n some )laces, the Sty1 itsel$ is aerosoli&e! an! it is treate! as an inhale! )oisoninstea! o$ slightly lo*er !i$$iculty in terms o$ a"oi!ing its e$$ects gi"en its !i$$use! nature, an! the Willsa"e DC is % instea!. ortunately, these regions are recogni&able through their unnatural o)acity4erce)tion DC <5.

Notable Locations

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The Brittle Brid$e( An un$ortunate 2uirk o$ )ortal creation in (he Gran! Abyss )ut a bri!ge bet*eenurnace 4the layer o$ Gary15 an! (he +ron Wastes rule! by :ostchei. (he bri!ge is locke! in a constantstruggle bet*een $ire an! ice as $rost giants an! re! !ragons "ie $or a $oothol! an! beachhea! on theother si!e. (he bri!ge itsel$ is *i!e but brittle 4hence its name5 !ue to the e1tremes o$ tem)erature ateach en! but it continually regenerates an! cannot be utterly !estroye! !es)ite the !e!icate! e$$ortso$ minions $rom both )o*ers. +t has a >= chance o$ colla)sing un!er$oot each time it is *alke! u)onby a being, an! each %= $oot by %= $oot s2uare section can be treate! as ha"ing har!ness %!?. (he

Brittle Bri!ge is $oun! in the Mi!!le 3orago.

The evourin$ oor( +n most cases *hen beings use a )ortal *ithin (he Gran! Abyss an! ne"erreturn it is generally assume! that they met their en! as a conse2uence o$ their !estination. +n a!isturbingly signi$icant number o$ cases, this assum)tion is $alse. (hese in!i"i!uals ha"e instea! $allen"ictim to a creature kno*n as (he De"ouring Door. +n a manner analogous to the ortal (ogarin o$a&unia s)a*ne! by uggtmoy, 8gu!enk create! a "ast, *ormlike creature that mimicke! almosti!entically one o$ the "ali! )ortals in (he Gran! Abyss. hysically, it resembles a )ortal to another(orment an! it is able to )ro-ect images o$ these other (orments to lure in )otential tra"elers that get

*ithin %== $eet o$ it 4Will sa"e DC @= to resist5, *hich it )rom)tly consumes. As these images are!irectly im)lante! *ithin the min!s o$ )otential "ictims, stan!ar! )rotections against illusions are note$$ecti"e against them, although min! blank an! similar metho!s are e$$ecti"e i$ the )otential $or such!ece)tion is !etecte!. (he De"ouring Door *an!ers throughout (he Gran! Abyss *ith no a))arent)re$erence $or any )articular 3orago. (hus $ar it has a"oi!e! the Guar!ian o$ the Gates 4*ho may or

may not kno* o$ the beast5.

The ,allucination %ate( /ne o$ the most bi&arre )ortals *ithin (he Gran! Abyss !oes not lea! toanother location *ithin (he Abyss as much as it lea!s into a $ragment o$ time itsel$. (his )ortal *asname! the hallucination gate by the $irst ma&&a6im an! mortals to !isco"er it, an! it *as one o$ themany inno"ations o$ Cabiri at a time *hen the 2li))othim *ere both stronger an! $ar more numerousthan the )resent.

eering into the hallucination gate allo*s those *ho use it to ha"e a brie$ "ision o$ (he Gran! Abyss asit once e1iste! !uring the 2li))othic !omination. As esoteric a )o*er as this may seem, it has in $act)ro"e! in"aluable both to the sur"i"ing 2li))othim as *ell as their enemies, *hen the $ormer attem)tto reclaim layers that may ha"e been lost or become inaccessible a$ter Madness and Bile, *hile thelatter seek to e1)an! to ne* layers an! territories. (he "isions o$ the hallucination gate )ro"i!e a P%=)ro$ane bonus on :no*le!ge 4the )lanes5 an! S)ellcra$t checks in or!er to i!enti$y the )ro)er

$unctioning o$ any Gran! Abyss gate,an! a P> bonus on caster le"el checks *hen casting either!i"inations or )lanar s)ells to*ar!s the en! o$ o)ening one. Ho*e"er, as be$itting the bi&arre an!lethal 6blessings6 o$ Cabiri, those "isions )ro"i!e! by the hallucination gate e"entually )ro"e $atally!etrimental to their bene$iciaries i$ a Will sa"e DC @= is $aile! *hile attem)ting to use it. (he initialsym)toms o$ hallucination gate insanity a))ear as "isual o"erlays that gro* more !istracting an!!isturbing. (hese are accom)anie! by )hantom tele)athic noises, in$licting a cumulati"e #% )enalty to"isual an! au!itory erce)tion#base! checks as *ell as %!> )oints o$ Wis!om !amage )er !ay. A$ter atime, the "isions o$ (he Gran! Abyss as it e1iste! in the )ast come to com)letely o"er*helm thesenses an! memories o$ the being *ho use! it in the )resent. (he ultimate result is a sel$#*ith!ra*nstate o$ insanity not unlike the soli"sis! s)ell, e1ce)t $ar more !i$$icult to eliminate. (he mental!amage in$licte! by the hallucination gate can only be cure! in an eality not tainte! by chaos an!ma&&a6im are -ust as "ulnerable to it as mortals. 'ormal )rotections against min!#a$$ecting e$$ects aresu$$icient to )re"ent its !amage, ho*e"er, but they also ren!er a being inca)able o$ ac2uiring the!ubious bene$its o$ its ancient kno*le!ge. +t is only through the risk o$ ma!ness that insight can be

gaine!. li))othim are an e1ce)tion to this rule an! can use the hallucination gate *ithout a re2uire!sacri$ice or other troubles.

(he hallucination gate is locate! on the right bank o$ (he Gran! Abyss an! in the 0o*er 3orago. +t)ossesses no )lat$orm *hatsoe"er. +t instea! has a cou)le o$ cla*hol!s an! a)ertures he*n out o$ therock an! !esigne! $or the anatomies o$ creatures that *ere "ery !i$$erent $rom the ma&&a6im#muchless mortal $orms. light an! s)ells *hich animate ro)e or other attachment !e"ices are commonmeans o$ hol!ing onesel$ in )lace *hile the )ortal is accesse!. Acti"ating the hallucination gatere2uires tele)athic contact.

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Si* Tric-s( (his broa!, circular )lat$orm is sus)en!e! on bri!ges o"er the "ast sha$t, an! aroun! thee!ge o$ the )lat$orm are arraye! si1 )ortals *ith three on each si!e an! reachable by slen!er s)ansacross the "oi!. (he )ortals seem to connect to (he Ga)ing Ma*, a&unia, (*el"etrees, (he +n$inite0abyrinth, Smarag!, an! She!aklah. All o$ these, ho*e"er, lea! to Hollo*Is Heart instea!. Whene"erany o$ the )ortals to ra&I8rbI0uuIs layer is acti"ate!, a hal$#$ien!ish co)y o$ any non#e"il tra"eler iss)a*ne! on (he Gran! Abyss si!e, $orme! $rom Abyssal substance by an ancient s)ell o$ the rince o$Dece)tion. (hese co)ies seek out the )laces !ear to the original an! embark on cam)aigns o$ !eceit

an! !estruction there, until an! unless the original manages to esca)e Hollo*Is Heart 4the )ortals areone *ay only59 the co)y senses i$ the original has le$t Hollo*Is Heart, an! tries to $in! an! kill theoriginal at all costs so that it can continue *ith its e"il acts. Si1 (ricks are $oun! in the 0o*er 3orago.

Although ra& 68rb 0uu has constantly sought to make Si1 (ricks migrate throughout (he Gran! Abyssor e"en *orse, make most o$ the )ortals o$ (he Gran! Abyss actually lea! to Hollo*6s Heart instea!,his en!less search $or the Rod of +ra /0r' Luu has $orce! him to tem)orarily set asi!e this schemealong *ith many o$ his other !ea!ly an! annoying inno"ations.

(he )ortals o$ Si1 (ricks ha"e a minor !egree o$ sentience *hich enables them to !etect the !esires o$ those *ho a))roach them, an! to )resent the most a))ealing $alsehoo! in res)onse. +t is this minor"estige o$ intellect *hich enables them to be a"oi!e!. /ne metho! $or !etecting them is through theuse o$ the )sionic )o*er detect hostile intent 4*hich *ill correctly )ercei"e a lie5, as *ell as by casting!i"inations such as co!!une in or!er to $igure out *hether the )ortal is a "ali! one or a creation o$

ra& 68rb 0uu6s !erange! imagination.

Grand -byss Portals: (he layers that are accessible by (he Gran! Abyss ten! to be $ar more ancientthan those connecte! to a&unia. (hose that ha"e kno*n Abyssal lor!s as rulers also ha"e a higher)ro)ortion o$ 2li))othic control than those accessible $rom the $ormer layer. Some o$ the more notableentrances are the $ollo*ing;

Co$erron 40ayer >>>5; (he most $re2uently accesse! )ortal to Cogerron e1ists *ithin (he Gran!Abyss. +t $irst a))eare! in the "ast chasm shortly a$ter the en! o$ the Second War of Law and Chaos,an! seems to ha"e been !isco"ere! by Abra1as shortly a$ter*ar!s. Ho*e"er, as Abra1as *ishe! tokee) all kno*le!ge o$ Cogerron to himsel$ 4e"en !enying his 6allies6 among the other klurichirkno*le!ge o$ it5, the then Demon rince o$ Mysteries !i! his best to obscure both the location o$ the)ortal as *ell as the means by *hich it coul! be entere!.

(he Cogerron )ortal is !istincti"e through the incre!ibly elaborate !ra*ings an! markings car"e! intothe stone surroun!ing it. (hese )ro"i!e a "ital hint as to ho* to o)en the )ortal, *hich is other*ise aniron *all *ithout cre"ice or -oints, an! is other*ise nigh#unassailable. (he )ortal key consists o$ the!ra*ings themsel"es#*hich *hen looke! at $rom the right angle, $orm a "ast labyrinthine image.Whene"er they are e1)an!e! by those *ishing to enter Cogerron $rom (he Gran! Abyss, then the)ortal itsel$ o)ens, allo*ing such beings ingress. As *ith many such )ortals, there is a signi$icant an!lethal trick to o)erating it correctly. Any a!!itions to the labyrinth#!ra*ings must signi$icantly makethe !ra*ing in its entirety more com)le1 an! more !i$$icult to sol"e. ailing to a!! to the com)le1ity o$ the !ra*ing $orces the beings making the attem)t to make a ort sa"e DC @. (hose *ho !o notsuccee! at making this sa"e are tra))e! in the !ra*ings as the s)ell i!"rison!ent  an! the labyrinthre!ra*n slightly in or!er to recor! their !urance. Making the sa"e instea! !oes no out*ar!s harm tothe )otential "ictim, but also ren!ers them inca)able o$ using the )ortal $or the ne1t %!? !ays *ithoutacci!entally being sent to a ran!om layer o$ (he Abyss instea!.

Although "ital, it )ossesses no imme!iately threatening guar!ians locate! u)on the )lat$orm. Ho*e"er,it is monitore! by an a!"ance! an! highly mo!i$ie! blackstone gigant 4+iend +olio5 $rom an a!-acent)lat$orm. +t *as )lace! there shortly a$ter the Cogerron )ortal *as $irst !iscerne! to ha"e been

o)ene! by a *i!e array o$ Abyssal )o*ers, lea!ing many to sus)ect that either Abra1as or one o$ hisminions !uring the height o$ his )o*er *as res)onsible both $or its construction an! )lacement.Ho*e"er, it has been e$$ecti"ely sub"erte! by 3uron, an! *ill either $ollo* beings lea"ing through theCogerron )ortal to other !estinations throughout (he Gran! Abyss, or *ill try an! kill them in or!er totake anything $or the Alabaster Demon instea! i$ they are su$$iciently *eak.

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is"ersion 40ayer @5; /ne o$ the more bi&arre an! treasure! layers controlle! by Demogorgon isDis)ersion. +ts "alue to the De"ourer o$ Souls consists o$ its ability to !ismantle "irtually all creatures$oolish enough to enter the layer into their com)onents#their min!s, their anatomy, an! e"en$ragments o$ their souls#an! then allo*ing *hoe"er controls the layer to reassemble them in $ar morebi&arre *ays. (hrough such means, Dis)ersion has )ro"e! an in"aluable tool to the De"ourer o$ Soulsas he continues to create arti$acts, ne* $orms o$ li$e, an! e"en ne* $orms o$ !emons, as *ell as an!!estroying its ri"als. (he Dis)ersion )ortal can be o)ene! by a being that is simultaneously in t*o

)hysically !istinct )laces at once, or other*ise )ossesses a multi)licity o$ min!sets. +ts )rotectionsinclu!e a magical !e"ice )rototy)ical to the retrie"ers in that it )ro-ects an array o$ !e"astatingeyerays against o))onents, !ealing %! )oints o$ !amage each time it is triggere! o$ either $ire, col!,electricity, or aci! 4e" sa"e DC @=5. (he !e"ice also senses *hich, i$ any, attacks ha"e beensuccess$ul against o))onents9 i$ none o$ them are success$ul then *ithin %!> roun!s it alerts the!eni&ens o$ Ga)ing Ma* o$ the attacks against it unless it is other*ise sto))e! or by)asse!.

While Dis)ersion is an a))arently $airly ol! layer, the )ortal is locate! on the right bank o$ the 8))er3orago#as one o$ (he Gran! Abyss6 myria! anomalies !e$ying any generali&e! rule to the chasm.

Although there *as once a bri!ge connecting the Dis)ersion )ortal to another on the le$t bank o$ (heGran! Abyss, it *as a))arently !estroye! in ancient times. (here is no current e"i!ence that there*as e"er a !oor on the other si!e#or $or that matter, that there *as e"er a battle or other con$lict in*hich it *as !estroye!.

riller/s ,ives 40ayer <5; (he 2li))othic monstrosity (har&a1, Demon 0or! o$ All (hat Cra*ls stillretains a )ortal *ith (he Gran! Abyss. 8nlike most o$ the other !emonic sur"i"ors o$ the Second Warof Law and Chaos, in (har&a16s case, the )ortal is actually rele"ant to his current ambitions. Withouteither the ueen o$ Chaos an! the inci)ient ri"alry o$ the 2li))othim, or the irritations o$ the klurichir,(har&a1 no* co"ertly seeks to reclaim that *hich *as originally his. (his is an ambition that is tacitlysu))orte! by ahab, as by ai!ing him 4as s)ora!ic an! ran!om as such assistance might be5, shoul!(har&a1 gain su$$icient )o*er, (he Gran! Abyss *oul! no longer be an entry )oint into (he8n$athomable De)ths. (he ambitious an! ancient !emon lor! accom)lishes this through $in!ing those)ortals that ha"e not been use! $or hun!re!s o$ millenia an! )ermanently sealing them or res)eci$yingtheir o)ening con!itions so as to make them only accessible to (har&a1. +n this manner, it ho)es thatit can make (he Gran! Abyss increasingly insigni$icant to the rest o$ (he Abyss6 !eni&ens#*hile gi"ing(har&a1 more )o*er o"er the layer in its entirety until he can e"entually control it.

(he Driller6s Hi"es )ortal is a )ustulent mass o$ s*ollen $lesh nearly t*enty $eet tall an! at least as

*i!e *hich a))ears as i$ it ha! been stung untol! millions o$ times an! *as entirely $orme! out o$t*iste! regro*th. +t is accessible *ith a su!!oned  or actual s*arm, *hose multi)licity o$ se)arateentities can sting or bite the !oor in the ran!om )atterns necessary to o)en it. ailing to o)en the !oor)ro)erly or in a timely manner 4*ithin three minutes o$ intru!ers being !etecte! *ithin = $eet o$ it5causes it to s)e* !igesti"e bile an! rot on targets until they either !e)art $rom the )ortal )lat$orm orha"e been kille!, !ealing @=! )oints o$ aci! !amage an! <!? )oints o$ Con !amage on targets *ithin= $eet o$ it 4ort sa"e DC @= hal"es both5. +t is locate! in the 0o*er 3orago on the le$t bank o$ (heGran! Abyss.

+leshfor$es 40ayer 5; D*iergus *as a $re2uent target $or the klurichir !uring Madness and Bile an!the )ortal to +leshfor$es re$lects this !ue to the !i$$iculty in"ol"e! in entering it. (he )ortal key is acircle set u)on a lan!ing u)on *hich a being hea"ily mo!i$ie! by 2li))othic $leshcra$ting must stan!.As the 2li))othim ha! little use $or the most )art $or mortal languages, *hat minor !etails o$ the)ortal6s nature are in!icate! through tele)athic "isions in one6s hea!, an! a mil! sy!"athy  e$$ect 4Will

sa"e DC @=5 *hich attracts beings that )ossess any 2li))othic mo!i$ications *hatsoe"er that *an!er*ithin a hun!re! $eet o$ the )ortal6s )lat$orm. (he correct )ortal key is a li"ing creature that has been$leshcra$te! in a su$$iciently bi&arre *ay by the 2li))othim to stimulate the )ortal6s o)ening. +$

success$ully acti"ate!, then the groun! o)ens u) beneath them an! any other beings )resent an!s*allo*s them )iecemeal in a series o$ grotes2ue, )eristaltic motions that are e1tremely nauseating$or bystan!ers to obser"e, but are not actually harm$ul an! trans)ort them to the layer. +$ the )atterno$ $leshcra$ting is incorrect, then the $loor belo* them $orms a chrysalis aroun! the "ictim or $alse key,secretes aci!ic $lui! *hich !eals <=! )oints o$ aci! !amage )er roun! to "ictims 4ort sa"e DC @= $orhal$5, an! !issol"es them until there is nothing but gelatinous, semi#li2ue$ie! $lesh an! $ragments o$bone, or a )u!!le o$ highly ra"aging bile in the case o$ !emons. Creatures encase! through $ailing to

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o)en the +leshfor$es )ortal can attem)t to esca)e by breaking through a chrysalis, *hich has <== h)an! har!ness , but it other*ise )ossesses no s)ecial immunities e1ce)t against aci!. (he )ortal tolesh$orges is locate! in the 0o*er 3orago on the right bank.

The +or$otten Land  40ayer @5; As be$itting the )ara!o1ical nature o$ its ruler, &yc&esiya, a !emon lor!in$amous $or her anonymity, an! about *hom increase! kno*le!ge o$ her )o*ers con$ers ignorance,the )ortal to the orgotten 0an! can only be seen by those *ho can see )ractically nothing else. +t is

only "isible to amnesiacs, *hether the mental con!ition is in!uce! tem)orarily or )ermanently throughs)ells such as "ro$ra!!ed a!nesia, )sionic )o*ers such as min! leech, or through )oisoning *ithSty1#*ater. (he area aroun! the )ortal a))ears as a )lain stone )lat$orm *hich is only "isible *henseen *ith )eri)heral "ision, or through an in!irect means o$ sight such as a mirror. Success$ullyo)ening the )ortal re2uires the !estruction o$ a uni2ue )iece o$ kno*le!ge 4such as burning the singlescroll o$ a s)ell other*ise only kno*n to the being that *rote it, or erasing a single uni2ue memory$rom a being *ithin a @= $oot ra!ius o$ the !oor itsel$5. (arrying aroun! the )ortal by being *ithin %==$eet o$ it *ithout actually o)ening it in a $i$teen minute time )erio! in$licts %! )oints o$ +ntelligence!amage 4Will sa"e DC @<5 *hich can only be cure! outsi!e o$ a %== $oot ra!ius o$ (he orgotten 0an!

)ortal6s !oor. (he orgotten 0an!6s )ortal is locate! in the 8))er 3orago on the right bank, an! isother*ise an entirely unmemorable circular, col! iron !oor ten $eet in !iameter.

Incarnations of Ini1uity  40ayer %<=5; (he )ortal to the !e)ra"e! layer o$ Heramael, (he Demon 0or! o$ lesh is a !e"ice kno*n as a lasci"ious ori$ice. (he lasci"ious ori$ice has tele)athic )ro)erties like the

2li))othim themsel"es an! re$orms itsel$ into the ob-ect or )ersonage o$ the most intense carnal!esire o$ the beings be$ore it, although it ne"er has a singular a))earance i$ a grou) o$ beings looku)on it simultaneously. /)ening the lasci"ious ori$ice then re2uires mating *ith the ori$ice. (he )ortalis nastily a!!icti"e in the *orst *ay, an! those *ho ha"e touche! it once are 2uite likely to $in!themsel"es returning $or $urther satis$action, i$ not catching the malign attentions o$ Heramael himsel$ shoul! he $in! their lusts to be )otentially use$ul. An initial Will sa"e DC <= allo*s one to resist thesetem)tations. +$ the original sa"e is $aile!, then the sa"e DC increasingly com)els beings to return tothe ori$ice, increasing by one )oint )er !ay until it reaches a ma1imum o$ DC @=. (he 0asci"ious/ri$ice is locate! *ithin the 0o*er 3orago on the le$t bank.

Iyonda$ur  40ayer @5; /ne o$ the more $re2uently "isite! layers o$ (he Abyss is +yon!agur, thebi&arre an! eternally sha!o*e! layer o$ Ela&alag. Although +yon!agur )ossesses a )ortal u)ona&unia, Ela&alag as *ell as most beings that regularly tra!e *ith her actually )re$er to use theo)ening locate! in (he Gran! Abyss instea! because it is more obscure against mortal an! !i"ine


(he )ortal to +yon!agur is a !ece)ti"ely easily o)ene! !oor *ith t*o layers o$ )rotection. (he $irst isthat the !oor, ebon an! rectangular, re2uires an ony1 key. +n reality, the e1act )attern o$ notches an!ri!ges on the key is totally irrele"ant as com)are! to the intent to reach the layer. Any ony1 keys)eci$ically ma!e $or +yon!agur is su$$icient )ro"i!e! that it is ne"er use! $or another )ur)ose. /ncethis layer is o)ene!, the secon! )rotection u)on the !oor comes in the $orm o$ an a))arently unen!inghall*ay un!er the e$$ects o$ a da!nin$ dar-ness 4Bo25 s)ell, !ealing <!? )oints o$ !amage to anygoo!#aligne! creature that tra"els through it each roun! they are insi!e the )assage*ay. Any creaturethat takes more than eight ste)s into the !arkene! tunnel can *alk $or*ar! *ithout reaching+yon!agur or retrace their ste)s *ithout e"er reaching (he Gran! Abyss again until they satis$y thesecon! )roce!ure $or accessing +yon!agur#an! reali&ing that the )ortal al*ays re2uires a tra!e inor!er to be o)ene!. +$ there is no attem)t to make such a !eal *ith the )ortal, then the )ortal itsel$chooses something to take $rom the being that attem)ts to access it once e"ery $i"e minutes. +n the

case o$ mortals, this usually results in Ela&alag claiming their soul, *hile !emons may $in!themsel"es i!"risoned  by the )ortal until one o$ her subsi!iary abat#!olorin can collect them $rom it$or their male"olent )ur)oses. +n either case, the ort sa"e re2uire! in or!er to in"ol"e im)risonment

begins at DC <= an! increases by % )oint )er e"ery $i"e minutes until it reaches a ma1imal DC o$ @=.

Walking $rom (he Gran! Abyss to +yon!agur takes a minimum o$ thirty minutes, *ithtele"ortation an! magicks such as di!ension door  blocke! by the nature o$ the )ortal itsel$.

The Li$htless e"ths 40ayer 5; ahab is one o$ the ol!est !emon )rinces still acti"e *ithin (heAbyss, an! its layer is a re$lection o$ almost incalculable age. Gi"en (he 0ightless De)ths6 e1tremely

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ancient history in (he Abyss, the )rimary )ortal to enter the layer e1ists *ithin (he Gran! Abyssinstea! o$ u)on a&unia. (he 0ightless De)ths6 )ortal is locate! in the 0o*er 3orago. Although (he0ightless De)ths has ne"er been success$ully in"a!e! 4!es)ite multi)le !isastrous attem)ts!uring Madness and Bile5 as com)are! to in$iltrate!, ahab still !es)ises the conce)t o$ any )oint by*hich its layer can be entere! that it !oe not totally control. As such, ahab makes )oint o$ makingthis entry to his layer as !i$$icult as )ossible. (he )ortal to his layer consists o$ a hori&ontal tunnel o$ri))ling *ater, as black as the !e)ths o$ the seas themsel"es, *hich ne"er $lo*s out*ar!s $rom the

)ortal. (he *ater is sentient an! in a!!ition to being ca)able o$ e1ten!ing tentacles to !rag intru!ersinto it, can also s)ray -ets o$ itsel$ out*ar!s, !ealing %=!? )oints o$ )ressure !amage an! knockingthem o$$ o$ the le!ge so that "ictims )lummet to their !eaths 4e$ sa"e DC @5. Beings that are!ragge! into the *ater instea! take a $ar larger amount o$ )ressure !amage 4<=!? )oints )er roun!5,an! $in! themsel"es i!"loded  as the s)ell 4ort sa"e DC @5 i$ they are stuck *ithin the *ater $orlonger than > roun!s. (riggers $or the )ortal6s !e$enses inclu!e, but are not limite! to, the )resence o$ ma&&a6im nearby, a *i!e array o$ 2li))othic s)ecies that ahab !etests 4inclu!ing golab5, as *ell asse"eral other more obscure $actors. Mortals ra"age! by 2li))othim an! interaction *ith themyrmy1icus can sa$ely enter#although )ractically none that !o so e"er return.

Sa'rao*ot  40ayer @?@5; Abra1as ma!e s)eci$ic e$$orts to create a )ortal to his layer a$ter the2li))othim *ere !e$eate! in (he Gran! Abyss as a means o$ increasing his )rominence throughoutCreation. As the Demon 0or! o$ Mysteries is !e!icate! to restoring his $ormer glory, he actuallyencourages those *ho still $ollo* him to use the )ortal to Sabrao1ot in (he Gran! Abyss#es)ecially

since its !istance $rom Ba)homet6s iron $ortress u)on a&unia makes attacks $rom the ri"al !emon)rince $ar less $re2uent.

(he Sabra1aot )ortal is a col! iron, circular !oor *hich a))ears )ermanently o)en, re"ealing "istas o$Sabrao1ot that *hile $alse, are also tem)ting to those *ho look u)on them. +t can be o)ene! by a sigilgrante! to Abra1as6 *orshi)ers *hich must be )lace! into a series o$ alco"es in a seemingly ran!omor!er that, in actuality, can be !eci)here! *ith a S)ellcra$t check 4DC ??5, although any being that$ollo*s Abra1as or )ossesses a magic item constructe! by Abra1as himsel$ *ill also be able to entersuccess$ully. +t is locate! in the 0o*er 3orago on the right bank. Attem)ting to o)en the !oorim)ro)erly triggers $ar more )otent "ersions o$ both the sy!'ol of death an! $reater si$n ofwardin$ s)ells, *ith the ort sa"e $or the $ormer to resist !eath as DC @, an! the latter !ealing @=!?)oints o$ !amage. (he names o$ all *ho attem)t to im)ro)erly o)en the )ortal becomes kno*n toAbra1as as *ell, *ho is *ell kno*n $or taking $urther action against tres)assers.

Sheda-lah 40ayer <<<5; (he elimination o$ the klurichir 4$or the most )art5 as a menace to uggtmoyliberate! her to !irect more o$ her e$$orts, un$ortunately, to*ar!s restoring her once signi$icant an!!e"astating in$luence u)on (he Mortal Coil. /ne element o$ this scheme consiste! o$ making her layermore accessible *hile also ensuring that it coul! not easily be in"a!e!. (he )ortal to She!aklah in (heGran! Abyss is a minor, i$ !isturbing, re$lection o$ this ambition. As com)are! to uggtmoy6s mobilean! )re!atory $ortress u)on a&unia, the gate*ay to She!aklah is com)arati"ely easy to o)en. +t isma!e o$ a uni2ue s)ecies o$ $ungus that )ulsates an! *rithes, irregularly gro*ing an! shrinking. Asthe )ortal *as create! !uring the time in *hich uggtmoy *as in$luence! by an! in turn in$luence!the cults o$ Elemental E"il, it is accessible through casting any elemental s)ell that has been corru)te!or other*ise marre! by e"il 4such as corru)ting it, "iolating it an! causing it to !o "ile !amage, orusing an e"il s)ell com)onent to other*ise augment it such as a soul or Bile5.

While !ece)ti"ely sim)le in $orm an! $unction, the )ortal is also ali"e an! some*hat sentient. +t isca)able o$ recalling *hich beings ha"e transgresse! against the ungal Crone an! acting lethally

against them. (his is accom)lishe! by in$licting u)on them horrible an! semi#sentient contagions*hich both in$ect an! e"entually li2ue$y those $oolish enough to )ro"oke her *rath. (he attacks o$ theShe!aklah )ortal are treate! as breath *ea)ons *ith an = $t. range 4encom)assing not only the

)lat$orm itsel$, but the imme!iately a!-acent region5, an! ort a sa"e DC >= is re2uire! in or!er toresist these !iseases. urthermore, the semi#sentience o$ the )ortal enables it to !etect *hichcreatures are an! are not in$ecte! by its !e$enses. +t a!a)ts by blasting )otential intru!ers *ith!i$$erent !iseases until one or more are $oun! against *hich o))onents are "ulnerable. +nitially, such!iseases are only those that are relati"ely common. Ho*e"er, $or )articularly )ersistent or menacingintru!ers, the !iseases take e$$ect more ra)i!ly a$ter minutes, an! a$ter %= minutes o$ intrusion the)ortal *ill begin attacking them *ith e)ic !iseases.

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The Swallowed 2oid  40ayer ?5; /ne o$ the best !e$en!e! )ortals *ithin (he Gran! Abyss lea!s to alayer *hose original name an! resi!ents ha"e been lost to Creation. (his is not !ue to the $act thatanything )articularly "aluable seems to ha"e been containe! *ithin the layer as much as it is !ue toho* it *as !estroye! an! *ho !estroye! it. (he S*allo*e! 3oi! is belie"e! to be one o$ the $irstlayers that *as annihilate! by A)ollyon, (he Demon rince o$ Destruction.

(he !estruction o$ *hat became (he S*allo*e! 3oi! *as an e"ent *hich initially *ent unnotice! untila !erange! cultist o$ (he Dark Angel manage! to o)en its Gran! Abyssal )ortal some time a$ter*ar!s.An akrusi! hor!e s*arme! into (he Gran! Abyss, killing thousan!s o$ other !emons an! nearlycreating a ri$t bet*een layers large enough $or A)ollyon himsel$ to enter the chasm. (he e$$ort to!estroy (he Gran! Abyss $aile!. (he akrusi!s *ere slaughtere! by !emonic hor!es a$$iliate! *ith ri"al!emon )rinces an! the )ortal seale! by the e$$orts o$ the Guar!ian o$ Gates, as *ell as a *i!e array o$ !emons both )ersonally summone! by him or other*ise linke! to him in those ancient !ays be$ore hecame to )lague the layer. As A)ollyon takes no si!es in seeking the en! o$ all e1istence, )ractically no$action )resent *ithin (he Gran! Abyss or $or that matter, beyon! it, has any interest *hatsoe"er in

seeing the )ortal o)en once more an! letting the akrusi! s*arms o$ A)ollyon be unleashe! throughout(he Gran! Abyss or a&unia. A$ter that !ay, "irtually e"ery !emon )rince, !emon lor!, an! atrocitythat ma!e use o$ (he Gran! Abyss or *hat lay beneath it agree! u)on one issue; (he S*allo*e! 3oi!)ortal shoul! ne"er be o)ene! again.

(he result is a situation in *hich multi)le $actions ha"e )lace! multi)le layers o$ tra)s u)on the !oor inor!er to kee) it $rom e"er being o)ene!. 8)on se"eral occasions emissaries ha"e e"en been sent tothe Guar!ian o$ Gates in or!er to try an! con"ince it to kee) *atch o"er this )articular !oor o"er allothers. Ho*e"er, the horrible !eaths that ha"e come to all such re)resentati"es ha"e !isabuse! all!emons, e"en Gra&6&t, $rom making any $urther attem)ts. Currently, there are at least ten !i$$erentlayers o$ tra)s u)on the !oor, each a))earing as a slightly !i$$erent !oor *hich only becomes acti"e*hen the )re"ious layer o$ tra)s is by)asse!. Among the more notable o$ them are the $ollo*ing;

(he most recently a))lie! layer o$ )rotections *as create! by one o$ the most other*ise intransigent!emon )rinces *ith regar!s to most o$ the other )o*ers o$ (he Abyss; 0olth. +n her rage a$terA)ollyon !estroye! a Mortal Coil *orl! *ith se"eral o$ her $a"orite )riestesses 4an! *hose !eni&ensshe ha! been mani)ulating to*ar!s their !estruction $or millenia5, 0olth has )lace! multi)le uni2uecurses the )ortal aime! against anyone *ho sets $oot on the )ortal6s )lat$orm. (he most ob"iousreaction o$ this tra) is that itsu!!ons bebiliths. /nce e"ery %!> roun!s a$ter the )ortal is

a))roache!, a ne*, su!!oned , a!"ance! 4<> HD5 bebilith *ill a))ear *ithin %== $eet o$ it. By itsel$,this *oul! not a))ear to be e1ce)tionally !e"astating sa"e $or the $act that )ro1imity also triggers a!e"astating curse 4Will sa"e DC >= to resist5. 'ot only !o the su!!oned  bebiliths attack any creaturenear the )ortal, !ragging them o$$ through "laneshiftin$ to !e"our them, but the "ictims are)ermanently )enali&e! *ith a #> )enalty on both their armor class an! sa"es against bebiliths, *ith aWill sa"e DC >= to resist this e$$ect. urthermore, they also attract bebiliths $or the rest o$ their mostlikely !rastically shortene! li"es, *ith all bebiliths *ithin a ??== $oot ra!ius $orce! to make a Will sa"eDC >= or else be com)elle! to tra"el to the curse! "ictims an! attack them as *ell. All elements o$this curse can only be eliminate! *ith a wish or !iracle s)ell, but it is rumore! that 0olth sen!s heryochlol a$ter those )oor $ools that both sur"i"e these curses an! ha"e them li$te!#as *ell as anyone*ith the au!acity to challenge the Demon ueen o$ S)i!ers in her *rath by assisting such *retches.

/rcus has taken a similar a))roach.(he )ortal tra)s he has )lace! also summons creatures, causing ane* array o$ un!ea! to arri"e once e"ery %!> roun!s as the s)ell su!!on undead I3 . E"en i$ these

creatures are !e$eate!, once e"ery roun!s, the tra) that /rcus has lai! also emits a massi"e *a"eo$ negati"e energy *hich !eals @=!? )oints o$ !amage to all creatures *ithin %== $eet o$ the !oor an!$orces a secon!ary ort sa"e DC >= $or hal$ !amage, both healing any sur"i"ing un!ea! that are

a!-acent an! $urther !amaging any beings $oolish enough to !e$y /rcus6 *ill.

(he )ortal to (he S*allo*e! 3oi! is locate! on the right bank o$ the 0o*er 3orago an! the bri!geconnecting it to the other si!e *as !estroye! !uring the original battle to reseal it. (he lan!ing $or$lying creatures has been s)ike! *ith t*enty col! iron an! mithral s)ines that are *icke!ly barbe!.(hese gro* u) to t*enty $eet a*ay $rom the lan!ing !uring a single roun! an! im)ale creatures thata))roach them, *ith a e$ sa"e DC < to a"oi! them an! !ealing ?!? )oints o$ !amage )er roun! an!

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)er s)ine. +ts a))earance beyon! a = $oot ra!ius has been obscure! by multi)le layers o$ illusionsan! anti#!i"inatory s)ells cast by the same atrocities an! !emon )rinces that ha"e tra))e! the )ortal./utsi!e o$ this ra!ius the lan!ing is not e"en "isible. Di"inations *ill re$use to recogni&e either the)ro1imity o$ the )ortal or )ro"i!e any ans*ers as to its status or e1istence e1ce)t u)on a success$ulcaster le"el check DC =.

Torturous Truth 40ayer O5; Although Al"are&, the Demon 0or! o$ (orment, is largely itinerant through

(he Abyss as he seeks more "ictims his armies ha"e gro*n su$$iciently "ast $or him to control a layerin his absence. /riginally belonging to a minor 2li))othic atrocity, the )ortal to it can be $oun! in (heGran! Abyss. (he )ortal key is a )hysical re)resentation o$ su$$ering !estroye! u)on the )lat$orm, an!the entrance to (orturous (ruth is an arche!, iron !oor*ay ten $eet tall aroun! *hich s)ike! metalchains are *ra))e!. /ne o$ the most alarming elements o$ the entrance to (orturous (ruth is that it!oes seem to )ossess some minor !egree o$ sentience to the )oint *here it !etects beings that alightu)on the lan!ing to enter it. +$ they !o not scream to enter the )ortal o$ their o*n "olition *ithin aminute o$ close )ro1imity, the entrance can create !ancing chains that im)lant themsel"es in the $lesho$ beings u)on the )ortal, !ragging them to*ar!s to !oor an! s2uee&ing into their $lesh until they are

groun! into nothing an! their !ying screams o)en the )ortal *ithout any *ill$ul e$$ort. (he )ortal is$oun! in the 8))er 3orago on the le$t bank.

Twelvetrees 40ayer %<5; Although (*el"etrees has a )ortal u)on a&unia as *ell, the !ominant )ortaluse! by those beings *ho *ish to try an! ensure that Ga)ing Ma* is not imme!iately a*are o$ their

arri"al is $oun! in (he Gran! Abyss instea!. 0ocate! on the right bank o$ the 0o*er 3orago, the(*el"etrees )ortal can be easily $oun! !ue to the $act that it emits *a"es o$ su$$ering an! agony *hichcan be $elt by any goo!#aligne! creature that gets *ithin == $eet o$ it 4Will sa"e DC < or else take #>to all sa"es as long as they are *ithin the area a$$ecte!5. (he (*el"etrees )ortal )lat$orm is ma!e o$*oo! that *ill ne"er burn regar!less o$ the strength o$ the $ire a))lie! to it. /)ening the )ortal itsel$ isboth sim)le yet subtle. +t re2uires a scream o$ genuine anguish $rom a goo! aligne! creature *ithint*enty $eet o$ its sim)le an! una!orne! *oo!en !oors nearly thirty $eet tall. Ho*e"er, gi"en the rarityo$ goo! aligne! creatures 4!es)ite the en-oyment that !emons *oul! ha"e in other*ise tormentingthem merely to o)en the )ortal5, the most common metho! consists o$ recor!ing a goo! creature6sscream *ith a mimir an! then !irecting it to scream be$ore the a)erture.

2udra4The oorway To O'literation 40ayer @%5; When 3uron im)risone! Shaktari in the Wells o$Darkness, he un!erstoo! 2uite clearly that it *as insu$$icient to merely ren!er her obscure an!containe!. He nee!e! to also !e)ri"e her an! those mariliths incline! to $ollo* her o$ as many

resources as )ossible. /ne *ay in *hich this *as accom)lishe! *as by hea"ily tra))ing the )ortal to3u!ra, Shaktari6s e1traor!inarily to1ic layer, that *as locate! *ithin (he Gran! Abyss, along *ith all o$ its other entrances. A cou)le o$ these other !e$enses ha"e $allen by the *aysi!e through the "agarieso$ (he Abyss as *ell as Shaktari6s e$$orts no* that she has been $ree!. Ho*e"er, (he Gran! Abyss)ortal remains a source o$ in$uriating $rustration $or the klurichir an! a menace to those $oolish enoughto a))roach it *illingly, or !o so ina!"ertently because they *ere una*are o$ its history. (he tra)s lai!by 3uron ha"e )ro"e! so lethal that regar!less o$ *hat name the )ortal *as originally kno*n by, itsin$amy ha"e earne! it another title instea!9 one *hich is best translate! $rom Abyssal as the !oor*ayto obliteration.

(he Door*ay to /bliteration richly earns its title through both its e1treme sensiti"ity to tress)assersan! its lethality. Creatures that get *ithin three hun!re! $eet o$ it trigger its initial res)onse. A sha$t o$ light emanates $rom the )ortal, illuminating the entire area $or many times that ra!ius an! bathing theun$ortunate $uture "ictim in its col!, yet intense, glo*. 'either invisi'ility  or any ty)e o$ other

)rotection against !i"ination has so $ar )ro"e! e$$ecti"e at )re"enting this initial reaction, an! ita))ears to react in the same *ay regar!less o$ *hether nearby beings are !emonic or not. (y)ically!emons an! other creatures $lee as 2uickly as )ossible $rom anyone that has been marke! by the

Door*ay in or!er to a"oi! *hat occurs shortly a$ter*ar!s.

i"e minutes a$ter the Door*ay to /bliteration has !etecte! an! reacte! to a )otential tress)asser,they are immolate! in a brilliant burst o$ light, taking ?=!? )oints o$ !isintegration !amage 4ort sa"eDC >= $or hal$5. urthermore, not only are they a$$ecte!, but those beings that are either )hysically or)olitically )ro1imate take hal$ o$ this !amage as *ell, although at a much lo*er sa"e DC i$ they are*ithin @== $eet o$ the initial target 4DC <=5. (he only metho! so $ar !iscerne! $or a"oi!ing this

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!amage consists o$ a ra)i! series o$ )laneshi$ts a*ay $rom (he Gran! Abyss, an! $i"e or more esca)eattem)ts be$ore this $i"e minute )erio! en!s has allo*e! beings to sur"i"e the Door*ay to/bliteration6s reaction.

'either Shaktari6s ser"itors or Shaktari hersel$ ha"e ha! any success so $ar in eliminating 3uron6s!eathtra)s although they ha"e attacke! the )roblem in "arious *ays. (he !oor*ay to obliterationremains consigne! to another )ur)ose instea!; )ro"i!ing one o$ (he Gran! Abyss6 most reliable *ays

o$ annihilating beings that are either !i"erte! near it or !eliberately mis!irecte! there so a lethalacci!ent *ill erase them $rom e1istence.

 3houl  40ayer ??@5; As /bo1#/b is one o$ the most ancient acti"e !eni&ens o$ (he Abyss, it shoul!come as little sur)rise that his layer, Lhoul, can be accesse! $rom (he Gran! Abyss instea! o$ a&unia.+n his case, the entrance to Lhoul *ithin (he Gran! Abyss is a bi&arre structure kno*n as theCara)ace. +t consists o$ an o"erla))ing series o$ insectile scales inscribe! in the *all, *hich in turn isencircle! by a ring o$ com)oun!, insectile eyes an! e"ershi$ting arthro)o! limbs, gro*ing an! alteringto a))ear in one secon! manti!#like, *hile in another similar to those o$ a house$ly. (hose *ho

attem)t to attack the Cara)ace !isco"er that it is am)ly ca)able o$ !e$en!ing itsel$ through mo!i$yingits limbs into a multitu!e o$ "enom#in-ecting scor)ion stingers 4Atk P@=, ort sa"e DC >= Con!amage5, s)e*ing corrosi"e )oison 4!ealing %?!? )oints o$ aci! !amage5, or sen!ing *a"es o$insanity 4Will sa"e DC >=, %== $t. ra!ius5 $rom the layer itsel$ out*ar!s to !erange its attackers./bo1#/b6s )ortal can be o)ene! by any being that )ossesses both insectile an! 2li))othic as)ects to

their nature. Many $orms o$ 2li))othic gra$ts are su$$icient to trigger the a)erture, an! attaching themto other creatures is the most common means by *hich it is o)ene! by non#ekoli!. Whether theysur"i"e the )roce!ure or not is largely irrele"ant.

(he Cara)ace is locate! on the right bank o$ the 8))er 3orago, !es)ite /bo1#/b6s best e$$orts toactually make it more obscure. +nterestingly, both /bo1#/b as *ell as his )re#eminent minions seemto be una*are o$ both ahab an! (har&a16s e$$orts to*ar!s a similar en!#although $or entirely!i$$erent moti"es.

T!e Cesspool:

(he Abyss is a )lace o$ myria! )ara!o1es9 o$ realms *ith inter*o"en )aths such as the Demon*ebits or in$inite labyrinths beyon! mortal com)rehension such as (he En!less Ma&e. /ne o$ the bestkno*n among these )ara!o1es is the truth concerning (he Gran! Abyss9 that although a being may

$all into it $or an in$inite length o$ time, the un$ortunate, the malign, an! the $oolish, may actuallycome to the bottom o$ (he Gran! Abyss. (he Gran! Abyss6 lo*est )oint is kno*n as the Cess)ool.(he Cess)ool is *here those chaotic e"il souls that are not s)eci$ically claime! by a )o*er o$ (heAbyss arri"e. (hey )lummet $rom the im)enetrably !arkene! sky, !ealing >!? )oints o$ !amage to anycreature that they lan! u)on 4e$ sa"e DC <= $or hal$5 an! arri"e stunne! $or %!> roun!s. (he threato$ ha"ing a $alling soul lan! on a being is not )articularly !angerous to most beings. What is $ar moreha&ar!ous instea! is that because o$ the )resence o$ so many $resh e"il souls, the Cess)ool is o"errun*ith ma&&a6im in the thousan!s, i$ not millions.

(he Cess)ool is an en!less scene o$ horror. Although it not an area inherently connecte! to multi)lelayers like either (he Gran! Abyss )ro)er or a&unia, it is $ille! *ith nal$eshnee $rom throughout (heAbyss that are su$$iciently gi$te! at "laneshiftin$ to reach it. rom *ithin (he Cess)ool these ma&&a6imclaim the $resh souls those chaotic e"il mortals that are su$$iciently insigni$icant to not ha"e aninherent claim $rom a !emon )rince. (he groun! o$ the Cess)ool is co"ere! *ith *rithing, screaming,

manes as *ell as those other mortal )etitioners that ha"e yet to be claime!.

0ike much else about (he Abyss, (he Cess)ool *as originally a conce)tual incarnation o$ !isunity.

(here *as not originally a single Cess)ool but rather multi)le Cess)ools9 scattere! an! interlinke!throughout an Abyss that *as both com)ose! o$ that *hich most recogni&e as (he Abyss )ro)er incurrent times as *ell as an!emonium. Each o$ the Cess)ools *as controlle! by a !i$$erent $action o$the 2li))othim. Des)ite the !e!icate! e$$orts o$ Chaos an! his Consorts to achie"e greater control o"erthem an! so better control the lesser 2li))othim !uring the Second War of Law and Chaos, this *assomething that *as beyon! e"en their $erocious )o*er. (he amount o$ *ar$are necessary to *rench aCess)ool a*ay $rom the most )otent o$ the 2li))othim *oul! ren!er them useless against the "aati.

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E"en in the cases o$ those *eaker 2li))othim, other Cess)ools *oul! arise !e)en!ing on the "agarieso$ the *ar against la* in all its $orms.

+n a manner similar to a&unia, (he Cess)ool6s current $orm is strongly tie! to the rise o$ the ma&&a6imin (he Abyss. /ne o$ the e$$ects o$ Rod of Law  *as 7 unkno*n to all at the time 7 to !ra* theCess)ools into a single location. /nly one !emon )rince among the 2li))othim correctly ascertaine! ata later !ate ho* the Cess)ools ha! change!#an! un$ortunately $or it, its )re#eminent minion *as

Eltab. /nce Eltab reali&e! ho* he coul! turn this !isco"ery to his o*n en!s he sought tosimultaneously claim it $or himsel$ an! $or the Guar!ian o$ Gates through his scheme o$ !raininga&unia an! !e"astating (he Gran! Abyss. Ho*e"er, *hen Abra1as !isco"ere! Eltab6s scheme#an! -ustas im)ortantly, 2uickly reali&e! that Eltab6s machinations *oul! allo* the 0or! o$ uins to controlaccess both to Cogerron an! Sabrao1ot as *ell, massi"ely un!ermining his )o*er, Abra1as scheme! toha"e 0a&6bralthull 6!isco"er6 the Cess)ool $or himsel$#!enying Eltab his )ri&e. +nstea!, (he Butcher as*ell as hun!re!s o$ moly!ei an! nal$eshnee that $ollo*e! him !ragge! untol! 2li))othim there enmasse !uring Madness and Bile, slaughtering outright those !emons *ho )ro"e! too much trouble $orim)regnation, an! trans$orming the rest in or!er to bolster their hor!es against the still#massi"e

numbers o$ the sur"i"ing 2li))othim. (his *as an arrangement that *as naturally loathe! by much o$the rest o$ (he Abyss. /nly the )o*er o$ 0a&6bralthull, the Demon 0or! o$ Butchery, as *ell as thoseother ma&&a6im an! moly!ei in )articular more )ersonally 6loyal6 or more terri$ie! o$ him than they*ere o$ his ri"als, manage! to hol! it together. As *ith most such situations in (he (orments, it *asshort#li"e! !ue to t*o $actors.

oremost among these $actors *as 0a&6bralthull6s !e$eat by uggtmoy. His incarceration in the Wells o$ Darkness remo"e! the imme!iate threat that !isloyalty *oul! be )unishe! by (he Butcher )ersonally.Ho*e"er, by itsel$, this *oul! not ha"e been su$$icient to change the nature o$ )o*er *ithin the layer.Eltab, still allie! *ith the Guar!ian o$ Gates, acte! to reclaim his !isco"ery. He 2uickly took o"er *here0a&6bralthull le$t o$$, an! ensure! that most o$ (he Cess)ool6s resources continue! to be $ocuse!to*ar!s slaughtering the 2li))othim. +$ anything, his )o*er actually increase! at $irst *ithout thethreat o$ (he Butcher e1torting some measure o$ his )o*er an! strength $rom him.

ar more im)ortant, as it ga"e most o$ the atrocities an! rising !emon lor!s an! )rinces o$ thatancient time moti"e to change the situation, *as the rising signi$icance o$ The Blood War  in (he Abyss.(hose moly!ei most in$luential in (he Cess)ool *ere those most in"este! in 0a&6bralthull6s !erange!e1termination o$ the 2li))othim#an! to them, any mane, any !retch, that *ent to The Blood War  *asa soul not use! to slaughter their )re!ecessors. +n com)arison, to those ma&&a6im that rose to )o*er

a$ter the klurichir, those manes an! !retches that *ere lost on a largely irrele"ant internecine con$lictmeant !e$eats in The Blood War . A gro*ing array o$ Abyssal )o*ers !eteste! this situation. Amongthem :ar!um, alrea!y in$uriate! by Eltab6s trickery u)on a&unia, )ro"e! most success$ul in hisschemings to o"erturn the klurichir lor!6s )o*er. His )lots against the sur"i"ing moly!ei a$$iliate! *ith0a&6bralthull *ere t*o#)ronge! in nature.

(he $irst as)ect o$ :ar!um6s success$ul o"erthro* o$ the klurichir came in the $orm o$ $in!ing alliesthat loathe! (he Cess)ool6s current moly!ei almost as much as himsel$. A$ter some searching, :ar!um*as ultimately success$ul in reaching an accor! *ith the nal$eshnee o$ Woe$ul Escaran!. or theirassistance in !e"ising *ea)ons that *oul! allo* them to in$iltrate an! sub"ert their ri"al nal$eshneethat still $ollo*e! the klurichir, :ar!um ai!e! them *ith by )ro"i!ing them *ith the $irst o$ the 5ud$es/ %avels9 the signature arti$acts o$ the $uture 0or!s o$ Woe that not only augmente! their alrea!y$erocious )o*er to *ar) the $resh souls o$ the chaotic e"il !ea!, but also allo*e! them to 6-u!ge6 thosema&&a6im that *oul! attem)t to challenge them u)on the layer#gi"ing them a *ay o$ !e$en!ing

themsel"es $rom all but most )o*er$ul $orm o$ re)risal against their *hims.

(he secon! as)ect o$ :ar!um6s schemes came in the $orm o$ actually encouraging stri$e among his

o))onents. +t har!ly took much e$$ort $rom him in or!er to !o so, an! once the moly!ei began $ightingamongst themsel"es, bloo!she! s)rea! like a ra)i!ly mo"ing con$lagration throughout the region.Battle 2uickly ensue! in (he Cess)ool, as moly!eus turne! on moly!eus, an! nal$eshnee turne! onnal$eshnee. At the en! o$ this secon! era o$ "ast con$lict, those !emons that $ollo*e! Eltab or theklurichir in general in Madness and Bile *ere slain or they *ere turne! into manes an! sent againsttheir o*n brethren or the $ront lines o$ The Blood War .

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Ho*e"er, :ar!um himsel$ !i! not retain control o"er (he Cess)ool much longer than the moly!ei heannihilate! through treachery an! )o*er. +n actuality, his control *as e"en more brie$ than theirs *as,as :ar!um6s success con"ince! others to attem)t to $ollo* the same )ath to*ar!s gaining )o*er in(he Cess)ool as he himsel$ !i!. Shortly a$ter*ar!s, !emon )rinces *ho reali&e! the )o*er theCess)ool ha! to augment their armies starte! sen!ing nal$eshnee o$ their o*n to claim souls $rom it.

Both /rcus an! Demogorgon claim to be the $irst to !isco"er this $or themsel"es an! o"erthro*

:ar!um6s in$luence#a claim *hich most beings *ill *isely choose not to challenge *hile in their)resence. (heir initial successes soon ins)ire! $urther imitators both $rom their ri"als, an! $rom the!emon atrocities also in"ol"e! *ith The Blood War  *ho *ishe! to augment their o*n $orces. Withinmere years, (he Cess)ool came to be !ominate! by the nal$eshnee that became its most ob"iousin$luences#e"en *hile still su))lying those atrocities, !emon lor!s, an! !emon )rinces on theirres)ecti"e layers *ith a constant stream o$ $resh !retches, manes, an! rutterkin.

Entering (he Cess)ool is !ece)ti"e both in its sim)licity an! the ease by *hich one can $ail to enter itat all. eaching (he Cess)ool merely re2uires that one either )ossess a chaotic e"il soul 4*hether in

the $orm o$ a )etitioner or a store! soul5, or else be chaotic e"il themsel"es, an! sim)ly $all!o*n*ar!s in (he Gran! Abyss. etitioners or those *ho !esire to !eliberately reach it crash#lan! onthe 6groun!6 in the Cess)ool. +n com)arison, beings that attem)t to enter the Cess)ool *ithoutmeeting either criterion sim)ly $all $ore"er in the $ormer layer unless they either sto) themsel"esthrough tele)ortation, lan! some*here, or colli!e *ith a bri!ge across (he Gran! Abyss. +n such

cases, the 3oragos actually *ar) themsel"es aroun! the $aile! attem)t o$ the being to enter theCess)ool. Some un$ortunates ha"e been kno*n to $all $or hun!re!s or e"en thousan!s o$ years on en!bet*een the Mi!!le an! 0o*er 3oragos be$ore either !ying, colli!ing *ith something else, or beingslaughtere!. Death o$ten comes as a bliss$ul release to such un$ortunates, gi"en that $or those beingsthat !o not star"e or meet their en! through !ehy!ration, their en"irons ty)ically !ri"e them insane./ther*ise, $alling through (he Gran! Abyss to lan! in (he Cess)ool takes %=!> minutes *ith no $actora))arently able to either make the !escent slo*er or $aster.

Asi!e $rom the en!less mane#s*arms, the )re!ominant !emons $oun! *ithin (he Cess)ool arechasme, nal$eshnee, an! the occasional moly!eus. Most other $orms o$ ma&&a6im e"entually "isit (heCess)ool at least once#)articularly i$ they are trying to e1tort $urther $resh souls out o$ one or more o$the nal$eshnee that resi!e there.

Esca)ing $rom (he Cess)ool is more !i$$icult. (he most reliable, yet bi&arre, means o$ getting out o$

(he Cess)ool consists o$ 6cleaning6 an area aroun! the attem)te! )laneshi$t, ensuring that there areno )etitioners *ithin a = $oot ra!ius o$ it $or at least minutes. +$ this is success$ully !one then the)laneshi$t )ro"es success$ul. (y)ically this is accom)lishe! by s)eciali&e! re)ulsion or anti)athy s)ells,although other, $ar more unusual metho!s ha"e been !e"elo)e! by a multi)licity o$ !emons. (he most!irect a))roach is $or !emons to kill or other*ise $orce to $lee the creatures surroun!ing them longenough $or them to !e)art. +t also )ossesses a )ortal to Woe$ul Escaran! 40ayer >==5, the layer o$ thenal$eshnee 0or!s o$ Woe. (he )ortal key is a symbol o$ -u!gment or e1amination, such as a ga"el,balance, or s)ectacles#although $e* *oul! claim that entering Woe$ul Escaran! is in any *ay anim)ro"ement o"er the chaos an! terror o$ (he Cess)ool.

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T!e Grand -byss .no&ledge /t!e planes0 Table


(the planes) DCSample Information Acquired

20The rand A!"ss possesses portals to la"ers that are generall" older and

more o!scure than those upon #a$unia%


The most nota!le permanent deni$en of The rand A!"ss is the potent

and amnesiac 'lurichir 'nown as the uardian of ates% ortunatel" he isonl" encountered relati*el" infrequentl"%


The rand A!"ss while e,ca*ated !" Thar$a, was contested e*en

among the qlippothim% -ost of the qlippoth residing in The rand A!"sswere 'illed either !" the Second .ar or !" the chasm/s flooding with

molten iron%


ou are aware of which portals are so hea*il" trapped as to !e menaces

not onl" to those !eings that attempt to open them !ut those !eings that

are close to such attempts%


At the !ottom of The rand A!"ss is a region 'nown as The Cesspool

where hordes of nalfeshnee squa!!le a!out acquiring fresh e*il souls fortheir own foul purposes or those of more powerful demons%

1&ou are aware of the requirements necessar" to open most of The rand

A!"ss/ portals!oth well 'nown and o!scure%

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Wells of Darkness

By Eli Atkinson, Will Church, Serge W. Desir Jr., Marley Sage Gable, John Harris, Sam eer, A!amSil"a#Miramon, Sean Sur$ace

Currently Recognized Layer Number: O@

Name: (he Wells o$ DarknessRuler: 'oneNormal Gravity

Normal Time

When most beings think o$ issues such as $ree!om an! incarceration as concerning (he Abyss an!chaotic e"il, they think o$ !emons as 6$ree6 only in the sense that they are liberate! to !estroy,)er"ert, an! slaughter unless restraine! or $ocuse! by those more )o*er$ul than themsel"es.

Ho*e"er, e"en *ithout the conce)t o$ la* 4much less an obligation to )romulgate la*5, !emons !oha"e a conce)t o$ incarceration an! they certainly )ossess the *illingness to use it against those *hothreaten their ambitions an! their )o*er. (he Abyss itsel$ also has its o*n "ersion o$ a )rison. (his)rison takes the $orm o$ an entire layer, an! is kno*n as the Wells o$ Darkness.


(he Wells o$ Darkness are belie"e! to ha"e $orme! shortly a$ter the en! o$ the Second War of Law and Chaos, gi"en that many o$ its earlier )risoners such as Shaktari an! 0a&6bralthull ha"e more to !o *iththis )articular era in Abyssal history than any other. +n $act, its history is $ar more interesting an!bi&arre than most belie"e#$or the Wells o$ Darkness are an almost#li"ing layer, an! an e1am)le o$Demogorgon6s horri$ic e1)erimentation u)on the matter o$ (he Abyss itsel$.

Shortly a$ter (he De"ourer o$ Souls stirre! $rom its slumber it began to ben! !emons back to its $oul*ill. (o !isco"er the state o$ the creation that it ha! lost control o"er !uring its )rolonge! inacti"ity, itsent lesser !emons throughout (he Abyss to !isco"er *hat )ortions o$ its $ormer creation as (heDemiurge remaine! *ithin its boun!aries an! their current locations. Se"eral among these !emons!isco"ere! a bo!ak s)a*ning layer *ith a col! an! !istant blue sun. +t *as $ille! *ith black )ools thata))eare! su)er$icially similar to those o$ a&unia, but *ere $ar !i$$erent in that they coul! trick beingsinto entering them an! in turn !e"oure! those *ho !i! so. (hese )ools *ere not in!e)en!ent, li"ingcreatures like the )ortal oo&es o$ a&unia. +nstea! they *ere the interconnecte! ma*s o$ an entitythat *ithout !rastic inter"ention, coul! sel$ a*aken until it became a true rarity *ithin (he Abyss; a$ully sentient li"ing layer.

(ra"elling there )ersonally Demogorgon *as able to sub-ugate the layer an! interru)t its e"olutionbe$ore it reache! $ull sentience. +t then sub-ugate! (he Wells o$ Darkness until it became something$ar more use$ul. (he layer retaine! some o$ its entra))ing instincts to the )oint *here it *as ca)ableo$ im)risoning )o*er$ul !emons *ithout necessarily consuming them. Ho*e"er, it *as traine!I to onlyuse these instincts *hen the )ro)er ritual ha! been )er$orme! u)on it, an! only *ithin the imme!iate)ro1imity o$ a single )ortal, not much unlike a hunting )re!ator traine! only to ca)ture )rey *ithout!e"ouring it. urthermore, Demogorgon a!!e! a!!itional )rotections to ensure that in the e1tremely

unlikely e"ent that it *as someho* mani)ulate!, it *oul! be !i$$icult $or )risoners to be release!

sim)ly. (his )rotection consiste! o$ !e"ising the Ritual of the Wells, a )otent magical incantation thatcontaine! *ithin its casting a means to s)eci$y a uni2ue counter#ritual to $ree the same s)eci$ic)risoner. E"en $or Demogorgon, a mere brutal attack u)on the Wells *ithout the )ro)er counter#ritual*oul! )ro"e !i$$icult to liberate someone containe! *ithin them.

(he $irst )risoners o$ the Wells *ere either enemies o$ Demogorgon or e1)eriments that it *ishe! totem)orarily store outsi!e o$ Ga)ing Ma*. During this time it *as )o)ulate! by the likes o$ Shami#Amourae an! others. E"en beyon! those )risoners that *ere )lace! there $or either ser"ing (heDe"ourer o$ Souls6 ri"als or $or e"entually coming to be seen as an incon"enience to it, Demogorgonalso )lace! )risoners in the Wells that *ere inten!e! as sub-ects $or $urther e1)erimentation, or

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*hose release *oul! )ro"e so lethal to the beings that liberate! them that !oing so re)resente! atra).

or all o$ its in"estment in creating an! stocking the layer, (he Wells o$ Darkness !i! not remain inDemogorgon6s control $or "ery long. Challenge! both by (he Dark rince an! by (he Goat, it *asGra&6&t *ho $igure! out ho* to !o *hat *as !one only once in (he Wells o$ Darkness6 history; con2uerthe entire layer *ithout )ro"oking its $ull *rath. Although Demogorgon ha! sent other !e$en!ers to

the layer, they *ere slain by !emons $ollo*ing Gra&6&t *hile (he De"ourer o$ Souls *as )resse!against both A)ollyon an! (he Goat else*here. Ho*e"er, as Gra&6&t 2uickly reali&e! the utility o$ thelayer an! that its e1istence actually su))orte! his )ort$olio through the )otential $or !emoniccoo)eration 4as *ell as his stan!ing *ithin (he Abyss5, the Demon rince o$ Sha!o*s re$raine! $romeither $reeing Demogorgon6s )risoners 4an! in this manner a"oi!e! the tra))e! an! curse! )risonersthat it ha! )lace! there5 or alternately, attem)ting to establish )ermanent control o"er the Wellshimsel$. +nstea!, he )lace! his o*n array o$ )risoners *ithin the layer an! largely le$t the Custo!iansalone. Gra&6&t gamble! that by gi"ing other )o*ers o$ (he Abyss more moti"e to lea"e (he Wells o$Darkness intact, they *oul! actually hel) him )reser"e largely unconsciously the Wells6 status. (his

*as a brilliant guess on Gra&6&t6s )art that has $or the most )art been correct.

As more !emonic )ersonages !isco"ere! (he Wells o$ Darkness an! as the ritual o$ the Wells becamemore commonly kno*n, the com)osition o$ the Wells6 )risoners became a surreal menagerie o$enemies an! nemeses $rom )ractically e"ery ma-or $action *ithin (he Abyss an! e"en se"eral beyon!

it. All o$ these bene$iciaries ha! their o*n in!e)en!ent 4an! o$ten contra!ictory5 moti"es $or thro*ingbeings into the )rison#layer. ractically none o$ them, *ith rare e1ce)tion, ha! any reason $orattem)ting to totally !isru)t the o)eration o$ the layer. (his is a bi&arre situation that remains largelyconstant to this !ay *ith $e* e1ce)tions.

(he most o"ert threat to (he Wells o$ Darkness comes $rom A)ollyon. (he Dark Angel is com)letelyuna*are o$ its elaborate history an! is relentlessly a)athetic to the machinations o$ both its )risonersan! those *ho incarcerate! them. He merely sees the layer as another region he can !estroy in his2uest to annihilate (he Abyss as *ell as Creation in their entirety. ara!o1ically, it is because A)ollyonis such an ob"ious threat that he is less likely to actually be res)onsible $or causing (he Wells o$Darkness to tumble into Aba!!on, (he Bottomless it or other*ise subsuming the layer into hiscontrol. 'o other )o*er o$ (he Abyss *ill e"er ai! A)ollyon as $ar as (he Wells o$ Darkness areconcerne!. 'ot e"en Diabolos, the Demon rince o$ ro)hecy, su))orts him in this ambition. He $earsthat e"en i$ the Dark Angel *as success$ul, it *oul! uni$y the other !emon )rinces o$ (he Abyss in

their *rath to such an e1tent that they *oul! attack him as one, sub"erting Diabolos6 )ro)hecies $or(he Gathering Darkness by either resulting in A)ollyon6s !eath or more likely, the !eaths o$ those *hochallenge! him *ho might still ha"e roles to )lay in the $inal unra"eling o$ all Creation. Similarly,kno*n A)ollyon cultists are the only e1ce)tions to the Custo!ians6 some*hat uncaring attitu!esto*ar!s "isitors an! are kille! on sight. (he malei!olon ser"itors o$ A)ollyon kno*n as akrusi!s *erealso banne! $rom entering the Wells *hen Demogorgon $irst controlle! it. (his layer )ro)erty is onethat Gra&6&t an! all *ho came a$ter him *isely chose to lea"e unaltere!.

+n com)arison, Ba)homet is !ee)ly in"ol"e! *ith scheming to claim the layer himsel$ *ith an attacku)on (he Wells o$ Darkness that has been unusually subtle an! !ee)ly counterintuiti"e. +nstea! o$actually trying to sen! an army to (he Wells o$ Darkness an! con2uer it !irectly, Ba)homet has beenusing "arious interme!iaries to tra) enemies o$ his in (he Wells, in the )rocess e1)an!ing it in a morelabyrinthine $ashion. +n this manner he ho)es that the )aths o$ the Wells o$ Darkness *ill becomesu$$iciently con"olute! that the entire layer itsel$ can be absorbe! *holesale into (he En!less Ma&e in

the $uture. At that )oint, Ba)homet can use his o*n control o"er a layer in or!er to !e"our all o$ the)risoners o$ (he Wells o$ Darkness, $ueling his ascension into a $ar greater Demon rince than he iscurrently. Simoultaneously, Ba)homet is una*are o$ the risks in"ol"e! in his )lan an! the true nature

o$ (he Wells o$ DarknessI origins as a li"ing layer.


(he Wells o$ Darkness can be reache! by a sim)le an! una!orne! )ortal locate! in a&unia an! nomore than $i"e !ays6 tra"el $rom the le$t bank o$ the Sty1 an! three !ays a*ay $rom the right bank o$

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(he Gran! Abyss. +t takes the $orm o$ a )ool o$ black oil *hich, *hile "iscous to the touch, !oes notactually a!here to any being that !oes touch it or any being that tra"els through it. (he )ortal key is a)risoner intentionally carrie! by a grou) attem)ting to enter the layer, an! *ithout the intention tolea"e a being *ithin the Wells attem)ts to use the )ortal are not success$ul. (hey nee! not be)hysically restraine!, ho*e"er, an! the $orm o$ the )risoner is not )re!etermine!. Success$ul "ariantsthat ha"e acti"ate! the )ortal ha"e inclu!e! "oly!or"hed  "ictims, do!inated  mortals or other!emons, or souls store! in gems. 'obo!y can lea"e the Wells *ithout lea"ing a )risoner behin! an! all

attem)ts to "laneshift  or e1it (he Wells o$ Darkness $ail other*ise. Ho*e"er, this incarceration nee!not consist o$ the $ull ritual o$ consigning a being to a Well. +n the case o$ immobili&e! )risoners, mereaban!onment is su$$icient to satiate the Wells6 im)risoning instincts an! allo* other beings to !e)art.When an attem)t is ma!e to lea"e the layer, a )risoner must be *ithin @= $eet o$ the beings thatinten! to aban!on it $or the layer to correctly ascertain that a )risoner is )resent to satis$y it an! allo*their unhin!ere! !e)arture.

Prisoner of the Wells( (he risoner o$ the Wells ritual is necessary in or!er to entra) a being *ithin theWells o$ Darkness.(echnically, the ritual itsel$ !oes not )ossess the re2uisite )o*er to actually im)rison

any being beyon! an atrocity, much less the array o$ !eities, abominations, an! Abyssal )o*erscurrently interre! there. What it !oes instea! is allo* $or a limite! a*akening o$ the mouth o$ (heWells o$ Darkness to the e1tent *here the Wells itsel$ $inishes the ritual an! !e"ours the inten!e!)risoner, en"elo)ing them in a membrane o$ black, "iscous $lui! *hich lea"es as the only remnant o$its acti"ity a brie$ im)rint o$ the terri$ie! $ace o$ its )risoner in its sur$ace $or se"eral minutes a$ter the

act. or the )ur)oses o$ entra))ing "ictims, the Wells o$ Darkness is consi!ere! to ha"e rank %? $orthe )ur)oses o$ making rank checks. ailing to )er$orm the ritual correctly )laces the being that has)er$orme! it at risk o$ being im)risone! themsel"es. (hey must make a Will sa"e DC ?? an! a neutralrank check against the Wells 4DC %?5. Succee!ing at either ensures that the in!i"i!uals res)onsible $orthe $aile! ritual esca)e $rom the layer unharme!. ailing both sa"es incarcerates all in"ol"e! a Well*ith the layer itsel$ !etermining ran!omly the con!itions $or their release. Des)ite the !ireconse2uences o$ such $ailures they are in $act com)arati"ely rare. Most entities that inten! to thro* a)risoner into a Well ha"e su$$icient )o*er an! acumen to ensure that their initial attem)t succee!s.

(he $irst itual o$ the Wells *as !e"ise! by Demogorgon itsel$ an! use! u)on the original )risoner thathe committe! to the )rison layer. Ho*e"er, bet*een the treachery o$ Aha&u an! the brilliance o$Gra&6&t in !e"ising other "ersions o$ it 4an! o$ten !istributing these "ersions to other Abyssal lor!s an!atrocities $or )ersonal gain5, the itual has become kno*n to a *i!e array o$ Abyssal )o*ers, asigni$icant number o$ the more )o*er$ul atrocities *ithin (he Abyss, members o$ se"eral !i$$erent

)antheons, an! e"en a cou)le o$ notable mortal !emonologists. Although the !etails o$ the itual o$Wells !e)en! greatly on the s)eci$ic nature o$ each )risoner, there are some commonalities that hol!true. Generally, the itual takes one minute )er hit !ice o$ the target. Most success$ul castings o$ theitual take )lace *ith at least three ritualists, although some !emon )rinces such as Demogorgon an!uggtmoy ha"e su$$icient might to )er$orm it unai!e!, e"en *hen their targets *ere ri"al Abyssal)o*ers such as !emon lor!s or other !emon )rinces. (he itual o$ the Wells al*ays re2uires at leastone )risoner as *ell. +$ a )risoner is not )ro"i!e!, then the layer itsel$ ran!omly selects one o$ theritualists an! im)risons them u)on the same con!itions that *oul! other*ise be set $orth $or release.


Custodians o( t!e 2ells: (he Wells o$ Darkness are *ell guar!e! by an array o$ beings kno*n as theCusto!ians o$ the Wells. An a"erage Custo!ian is a > HD bo!ak. Custo!ians !o not inter"ene against

"isitors to the Wells unless they are attacke!, or unless an attem)t is ma!e to $ree a )risoner $rom theWells that !oes not match u) *ith the )ro)er ritual 4*hich they can sense instincti"ely, e"en thoughthey !o not kno* the s)eci$ics o$ the rituals themsel"es5. urthermore, Custo!ians seem to ha"e anuncanny sense as to *hen a being is brought to the Wells $or the )ur)oses o$ guar!ing a )risoner, an!*ill not attack such called  or e"en create! beings in situ base! on the im)lication that they are, in a

sense, )risoners o$ the Wells in their o*n right. Ho*e"er, their !ea!ly ga&e has been kno*n toina!"ertently slaughter "isitors to the Wells an! the Custo!ians seem to be una*are o$ the lethale$$ects o$ their eyes against those *ho "ie* them.

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+n com)arison, *hen Custo!ians are attacke!, the Wells themsel"es res)on! in a )rom)t an! !ea!ly$ashion. Eight a!!itional bo!aks are create! an! tele"orted  aroun! any threat each roun!. +$ these!e$en!ers )ro"e insu$$icient, then the Wells res)on!s by sen!ing $urther Custo!ians *hich may betreate! as )ossessing "arying arrays o$ innate class le"els until a combination is $oun! *hich can!e$eat the threat )resente! to the Wells. Ho*e"er, the *rath o$ the layer !oes not e1ten! to takingsi!es in battles bet*een !i$$erent !emons or "isitors. ro"i!e! that no Custo!ian is harme! or thesubstance o$ the layer substantially !amage! 4area e$$ect s)ells an! )o*ers are allo*e!, *hile

*holesale an! !eliberate! !estruction o$ the layer is not5, the Wells *ill not get in"ol"e! in any suchcon$lict. +n the battles in *hich Gra&6&t o"erthre* Demogorgon6s control o$ the )rison layer, asGra&6&t6s !emonic army ha! been *arne! in a!"ance by Aha&u not to attack the layer6s s)a*ne!bo!aks, no Custo!ian came to the !e$ense o$ those !emons an! un!ea! $ollo*ing Demogorgon an!(he Dark rince *as able to con2uer the Wells *ith relati"ely $e* casualties. urthermore, Custo!ianscan not interact *ith )risoners that are alrea!y *ithin a Well#a loo)hole that Aha&u again hasmassi"ely use! to his a!"antage.

Custo!ians are creations o$ the Wells6 )o*er as a li"ing layer. (hey )ossess no in!e)en!ent e1istence

or kno*le!ge sa"e $or *hat is gi"en to them *hen they are create!. (hey are !elete! *hen the layer!eci!es that they are no longer necessary, li2ue$ying into a )u!!le o$ Bile *hich is absorbe! ra)i!lyinto the layer6s col!, grey rock. As such, Custo!ians are inca)able o$ )ursuing attackers o$$ o$ the layeran! in $act !isintegrate into a )ool o$ liu2ui! an! a skeleton the instant they are remo"e!. (his is truee"en i$ the Custo!ian is someho* transmute! an! then taken o$$ o$ the layer by other means. /ne o$

the more notable attem)ts consiste! o$ tra))ing a Custo!ian in a gem#*hich *hen taken o$$ o$ thelayer, gushe! black bloo! until it *as nothing le$t but a hollo*e!, ruine! shell#an! the !emons thatattem)te! it *ere instantly attacke! the ne1t time they trie! to enter the Wells. Custo!ians alsotransmit *hate"er kno*le!ge they gain to the Wells. (his ability enables them to remember $or ana))arently in!e$inite )erio! o$ time the a))earance, )o*ers, an! *eaknesses o$ any being thatattem)ts to !amage the layer, !e$y its )o*er, or has attem)te! to !o either in the )ast.

Although their status as creations o$ the layer gi"es them the ability to both com)rehen! an! s)eaklanguages, the bo!ak Custo!ians betray as little com)rehension o$ any tongue as )ossible. (hey!emonstrate through their actions both their stature an! their )o*er to !e$en! the layer. 'or !o theys)eak, sa"e u)on those occasions o$ necessity *here a Custo!ian is create! that must be ca)able o$s)ellcasting.

Innate +e(enses: Beyon! the Custo!ians o$ the Wells the layer has multi)le *ays o$ !e$en!ing

themsel"es $rom those *ho *oul! attem)t to either con2uer it or im)ro)erly $ree its )risoners. (hegeogra)hy o$ the )aths can rearrange itsel$ in or!er to inter$ere *ith attem)ts to esca)e, an! ty)icallythe layer rearranges itsel$ in or!er to sen! 6hints6 to beings that attem)t to lea"e the layer *ithoutinterring a )risoner in a Well by )lacing an em)ty chamber *ithin sight o$ any "isitors. +t can also alter)ath*ays to block them o$$ in both !irections, shi$ting them in a manner analogous to the bi&arre anti#tele)ortation )ro)erties o$ 0olth6s Web. Custo!ians are immune to these blockages an! they cansurroun! ha&ar!ous intru!ers by )hysically a))earing both in $ront o$ an! behin! them.

urthermore, the layer can locally alter the rules o$ e1istence in )articular locations to !isallo* $light,generating the e$$ects o$ a win$'ind  s)ell that can only be o"ercome through the success$ul use o$Alter eality an! a rank check against the Wells itsel$ 4DC %?5.

inally, an! as a last resort, the Wells themsel"es can also rearrange s)atial geometry aroun! those*ho )ro"e )articularly o$$ensi"e against it, com)letely encircling "ictims *ithout actually !e"ouring

them or )lacing them in a Well. When this occurs, the "ictims o$ the layer $in! themsel"es tra))e!either u)on the )ath*ay or in the s)ace bet*een Wells in *hich they *ere )hysicallylocate!. Tele"ortation is not !irectly blocke! as much as it is sim)ly ren!ere! utterly useless, as the

Wells o$ Darkness merely creates a !estination $or its transgressors that looks )hysically i!entical totheir )re"ious location. Similarly, the air an! groun! aroun! such entra))e! "ictims is create! at asu$$icient rate as to totally im)e!e motion, resulting in either $light or burro*ing a))arently )ro"i!ingno meaning$ul )rogress. When the Wells resorts to these su$$iciently !rastic measures, there are $e*metho!s that are success$ul at allo*ing egress $rom the layer. Alter eality, wish, an! !iracle, along*ith analogous )sionic )o*ers, are ca)able o$ creating an esca)e#but only i$ the intent is to esca)e$rom the s)atial rearrangement. +n such cases the layer inter)rets the intent o$ the casting or su)ernal

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ability in such a *ay as to$reater "laneshift  those in"ol"e! back to their )re"ious location outsi!e o$the Wells.


$verloo: /nly one hill or blu$$ e1ists *ithin the Wells o$ Darkness. (hree hun!re! $eet tall, at its

)eak is the ruine! $ortress o$ /"erlook. /"erlook is the sole remnant o$ the Cult o$ Aha&u, *hich *asannihilate! by (he Goat in an attack u)on the layer !uring the )erio! in *hich Gra&6&t maintaine!some nominal control o"er it. 'o* all that remains o$ it are blaste! an! )artially !isintegrate! stones,an! mere im)rints o$ *here the $ormer $ollo*ers o$ Aha&u *ere !estroye! by /rcus in his *rath.Burnt out an! com)letely sacke!, there is no notable treasure that anyone has manage! to $in! *ithinit#e"en a$ter untol! thousan!s o$ years o$ scru)ulous e1amination, as tam)ering *ith /"erlook isallo*e! gi"en that it is not a Well )ro)er. Ho*e"er, besi!es its strategic )osition, *hich has beenhighly a!"antageous in those circumstances *here the Wells *ere attacke!, /"erlook also has onee1tremely uni2ue )ro)erty. Any being that stan!s ato) the highest s)ire o$ /"erlook can make aconcentration check 4DC @=5 an! see the shortest )ath to any gi"en )risoner6s )articular Well.

Prisoners o( T!e 2ells

Although the ruins o$ /"erlook are "aluable $or their bi&arre ability to res)on! to the *ill o$ *hoe"er

stan!s *ithin the ruins, it is the Wells o$ Darkness )ro)er that are the layer6s most !istincti"elocations. Most Wells ha"e a small grou) o$ !e$en!ers either incarcerate! *ith each )risoner or in thearea aroun! them. Among the layer6s most notable )risoners are the $ollo*ing;

-!azu T!e "eizer: Gra&6&t6s $irst an! most )otent )risoner consigne! to the Wells is Aha&u theSei&er. A )articularly scheming abat#!olorin o$ $ar lesser stature than Ela&alag, Aha&u (he Sei&er *asim)risone! *ithin (he Wells through Gra&6&t6s !eliberate! e$$orts in or!er to create a s)y or agent*ithin the layer against Demogorgon6s machinations. (his element o$ the )lot succee!e! in $act $arbeyon! Gra&6&t6s original intentions. +nitially, Gra&6&t merely inten!e! to use Aha&u to try an! ascertainthe true nature o$ Demogorgon6s schemes $or the layer. Ho*e"er, the Dark rince also came to reali&ethat there *as a !istinction bet*een the nature o$ the layer itsel$ an! the Custo!ians en!emic to it ascom)are! to the minions o$ Demogorgon. (hose !emons that Demogorgon ha! )lace! u)on the layer,*ho *ere tolerate! *ithin the Wells but not s)a*nings o$ it, coul! be slain *ithout )ro"oking the*rath o$ the $ormer. When Gra&6&t $inally in"a!e! the Wells o$ Darkness in or!er to *rest it $rom (he

De"ourer o$ Souls6 control, he !i! so *ith almost minimal losses on his )art an! the !e$en!ers o$ thelayer that Demogorgon ha! )lace! *ere slain *ithout mercy or 2uarter. Ho*e"er, shortly a$ter thea))arent trium)h o$ Aha&u an! Gra&6&t, the $ormer began to gro* increasingly o"ere1ten!e! in his)o*er. +n his hubris Aha&u ran a$oul o$ (he Goat. While /rcus ha! little interest in taking o"er theWells, he res)on!e! to the a$$ront !eli"ere! to him by Aha&u lethally an! !ramatically. (he /"erlook*as !estroye!, an! throughout Creation, all beings that $ormerly $ollo*e! Aha&u *ere butchere!.Aha&u *oul! ha"e $ollo*e! his minions into nothingness sa"e $or the $act that (he Sei&er ma!e t*oim)ortant !isco"eries, an! by !oing so $oun! a means $or )reser"ing himsel$.

(he $irst o$ these !isco"eries *as that although Aha&u ne"er $ully un!erstoo! the nature o$ the Wellsas a subsume! an! )artially li"ing layer, he gras)e! that it *as ca)able o$ 2uietly !e"ouring )risoners.(hose "ictims chosen by it *ere ne"er the most im)ortant#as on some abstract le"el, belie$ actuallyim)e!e! its !igesti"e )rocesses. Ho*e"er, there *ere times *hen the Wells themsel"es *oul! !e"oursuch un$ortunates, rearranging the layer so as to make in"isible an! nearly im)ossible *hat it ha!


Base! on his initial !isco"ery, Aha&u $igure! out ho* to become a "estige#an! as a "estige, he gaine!the ca)ability o$ mo"ing bet*een the Wells *ithout necessarily e"er $reeing himsel$. Although Aha&ucannot $ree any )articular )risoner o$ the Wells, he can certainly encourage the layer to !e"our them#an! by so !oing, gain some sli"er o$ )o*er $or himsel$. erha)s once e"ery t*o or three millenia,

Aha&u $easts u)on a lesser )risoner o$ (he Wells, an! in this *ay, he $orestalls the layer itsel$ !oing tohim *hat he has !one to so many others.

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-lba "imeul3 t!e Rose by -not!er Name: oses are $ascinating $lo*ers, abun!ant *ith symbolicconnotations among many mortal races, many o$ them noble or amorous or both9 the Si1#ingere!rince, ra"ager o$ lo"e in all its $orms, coul! not resist the notion o$ taming this "ery symbol. Gra&I&tse!uce! one o$ the $ey Hes)eri!es, the el!er sister#kin o$ the !rya!s, an! sire! Alba on her *hile!isguise! as a satyr. (he ose by Another 'ame *as born as a bu! in the sha)e o$ a mortal heart, an!*as aban!one! by her $lighty mother !ue to the unnatural sha)e o$ the o$$s)ring an! its !isturbingnature. Gra&I&t took the bu! back to (he Abyss, an! )lante! her in Abyssal earth among A&6&agratIs

"i)er orchar!s. +n time she gre* into an enormous an! beauti$ul rose *ith )etals o$ )ure *hite an!thorns as shar) as a s*or!9 at the center o$ the bu! she emerge! as a *holly beauti$ul, *hite#skinne!*oman merge! -ust belo* the hi)s *ith the $lo*er. Gra&I&t *as at $irst thrille!, then !isa))ointe!,*hen the au1 urity began to leach Abyssal essence $rom the groun!, an! $easte! on the bloo! o$anything that a))roache! her. 8ntameable, )oisonous, an! nearly una))roachable e"en by her $ather,Gra&I&t *as $orce! to trans)ort an entire )ortion o$ his realm into (he Wells o$ Darkness in or!er to ri!himsel$ o$ his !aughter until such a time as he coul! $in! a means to use her 4he has some notion o$turning her loose on uggtmoy some!ay5.

As the Dark rince inten!s $or his !aughter to some!ay be unleashe! u)on Creation, her guar!ianshi))artially consists o$ ensuring that she is *ell $e!. Although Alba Simeul cannot e1ten! her $ull)resence outsi!e o$ (he Well, base! on his stu!ies o$ Aha&u, Gra&6&t has $igure! out ho* to use AlbaSimeul6s hunger as a !e$ense o$ her o*n im)risonment. Any being that attem)ts to liberate her $in!sthemsel"es ensnare! by s)iny rose stems an! !ragge! into the Well *here she !e"ours them. Gi"en

the circumstances o$ the au1 urity6s incarceration, her Well is also encircle! by a ring o$ emeral!green $ire analogous to the $ire o"ens o$ A&6&agrat but intensi$ie! in its se"erity. (he Custo!ians an!Gra&6&t himsel$ !o not take any !amage $rom the green $ire ring, but all other beings that attem)t to)ass through it must make both a e$ sa"e DC @< or else catch on $ire, taking <>! )oints o$ $ire!amage )er roun! 4hal$ o$ *hich is "ile5, as *ell as make a $urther Will sa"e DC @< or else be hel!*ithin the ring, ensuring that they burn to !eath. (he ring itsel$ re2uires three roun!s o$ tra"el inor!er to )ass through it an! it blocks both tele)ortation in any $orm as *ell as )laneshi$ting.

-ree#: /ne o$ the most bi&arre )risoners o$ the Wells is the long#$orgotten 4by multi)le !eliberateintents5 !emon )rince Aree1. (he only t*o beings belie"e! to ha"e any clear recollection o$ *ho he*as or his )ort$olio other*ise *ere &yc&esiya an! Abra1as, both near the )eaks o$ their relati"e)o*er *hen Aree1 $inally began $a!ing $rom Creation. Although little in Abra1as6 archi"es s)eaks tothe bi&arre )unishment hea)e! u)on Aree1, an! &yc&esiya s)eaks to )ractically none at all, a$ragmentary account o$ Aree16s horri$ic $ate can still be )iece! together.

(hough Ma!ness an! Bile greatly !iminishe! *hat )o*er the 2li))othim ha! le$t in (he Abyss, it coul!har!ly be claime! that they $aile! to $ight back. +t *as to*ar!s the en! o$ the *ar, in a time o$!es)eration $or the sur"i"ing 2li))othim, the greatest might o$ the klurichir, an! the rise o$ ma&&a6im)o*ers an! the rea*akene! Demogorgon that the !o*n$all o$ Aree1 took )lace. /"er the course o$these brutal con$licts, &yc&esiya, the Demon 0a!y o$ +gnorance, *hile only a$$iliate! *ith the2li))othim, sought to $ight against Abra1as, then the Demon rince o$ Mysteries. /ne o$ the "ictims o$ these con$licts *as the !emon )rince Aree1, *hen in a contest bet*een her an! Abra1as, he sought tobring Aree1 o"er to his si!e by !i"ising a name by *hich he coul! be mani)ulate!. (he yal!abaothagainst *hich both Aree1 an! Abra1as $ought, in com)arison, reacte! *ith an e"en more bi&arretactic. She attem)te! to erase Aree16s name an! all !etails o$ his li$e entirely, in the )rocesseliminating any )ossibility o$ a $oothol! by *hich the hol!er o$ o*er coul! trium)h o"er her inten!e!"ictim.

+n the contest bet*een them, Aree1 $oun! himsel$ *orse o$$ $rom both tactics an! ill#)re)are! to!e$en! himsel$ $rom either o$ them. E"en beyon! hemorrhaging *orshi)ers an! minions to the )oint*here e"en his greatest ser"itors coul! barely remember him, the i!ea o$ being both something *ithin

Creation *hile being nameless *ithin it attracte! the attentions o$ a monstrosity $ar more alarmingthan either o$ his nemeses9 Bolothamogg, an Abhorrent /ne $rom the 3oi! beyon! Creation itsel$.Besiege! on all si!es, Aree1 ultimately resorte! to the most bi&arre tactic he coul! en"ision an!consigne! himsel$ to the sa$est )lace he coul! $in!.

He *illingly con!emne! himsel$ to the Wells o$ Darkness#*here he remains to this !ay.

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Although the Wells may )rotect Aree1 himsel$, they !o not )rotect those $e* remaining beings that*ere once a$$iliate! *ith him. Bolothamogg itsel$ a))arently seeks to $in! a *ay o$ $reeing Aree1 $romthe *ells in $or some )ur)ose simultaneously nigh#un$athomable yet most likely horrible. /ne elemento$ the Abhorrent /ne6s schemes a))arently seems to be sen!ing messengers o$ its intent throughCreation $rom (he 3oi!. (he most notable o$ these is a grou)#entity o$ gibberlings $oun! in (he Abyss*hich e"entually $oun! their *ay into the o*nershi) o$ a )ersonage in Sigil. Ho*e"er, they are not theonly ser"itors o$ Bolothamogg in Creation. erio!ically, bi&arre aberrations are seen aroun! Aree16s

Well#an! although they are slain on sight by the Custo!ians, e"en *ith slight ebbs an! gains in their$re2uency, as the millenia )ass, they gro* e"er slightly more numerous.

(he Well o$ Aree1 is !i$$icult to $in! because it can only be sought intentionally an! not !isco"ere!.(hose a))roaching the cul#!e#sac u)on *hich its )ath is locate! must make a Will sa"e DC < in or!erto e"en $in! it. /ther*ise the memory o$ e"en seeing it sli)s out o$ the min!. Aree16s Well also has noa))arent !ecoration or ornamentation *hatsoe"er. +nstea!, Aree16s obscurity has become so strongthat e"ery min! that sees the Well must make a Will sa"e DC < or else see )recisely *hat they *antto see, but no "ie*er e"er sees the same thing unless they are all immune to this bi&arre si!e e$$ect o$ 

Aree16s !isa))earance. (he most reliable means o$ $in!ing it consists o$ ha"ing a being *ithaugmente! sight stan! u)on /"erlook 4*hich is curiously una$$ecte! by this )articular )ro)erty5, an!then !irecting other beings to $ollo* the e1act )ath re2uire! to $in! the Well. Aree16s Well has noguar!ians other*ise, as any charge! to the res)onsibility *oul! e"entually $orget it an! *an!er thelayer i!ly. (he con!itions $or o)ening Aree16s Well are kno*n only to Aree1 4*ho !esigne! his

incarceration this *ay so nobo!y coul! come back an! later $ree him5. +n this *ay asi!e $rom a !irectattack on the layer6s )risons only a being that has !e"elo)e! means o$ contacting Aree1 can )ossiblylearn ho* to liberate him.

Cabiri3 T!e 4yes o( Madness: Some say that to )eer into (he Abyss is to allo* (he Abyss to )eerinto you9 to allo* onesel$ to become "ulnerable to its myria! taints an! tem)tations, an! ultimately, to)ut onesel$ at risk $or all eternity $or the sake o$ kno*le!ge o$ its $ell !e)ths. e* beings e1em)li$ie!the )otentialities o$ these sayings to a greater !egree than Cabiri, (he Eyes o$ Ma!ness. A 2li))othimo$ great an! nightmarish kno*le!ge, Cabiri *as bi&arre in both a))earance an! )ort$olio, !eman!ingboth mutilations o$ soul an! sanity in e1change $or "isions an! sights o$ (he Abyss that broughtsimilar )otency o$ $oresight an! ultimate !estruction to their allege! bene$iciaries. (o those !oome!seers $oolish enough to call u)on his kno*le!ge, much less summon him to their *orl!s, he grante!them both insight an! e"entual insanity.

or all his )o*er, the abstraction o$ Cabiri6s concerns ensure! that there *ere $e* beings that $ollo*e!him *illingly, or e"en sur"i"e! the !istortions o$ min! an! soul that such acts re2uire!, an! Cabiri *asa !emon atrocity 4although an e1ce)tionally )otent one5 throughout most o$ the Second War of Lawand Chaos. His )o*er ga"e him the ability to sur"i"e )o*er shi$ts throughout (he Abyss on multi)leoccasions9 he e"en manage! to sur"i"e both the o! o$ 0a* an! Ma!ness an! Bile relati"elyunscathe!. Ho*e"er, *hat $inally resulte! in his im)risonment *ere the schemes o$ ale 'ight#an! herthen consort, the rising !emon )rince Ba)homet.

Ba)homet har!ly nee!e! encouragement to im)rison Cabiri, as he alrea!y sa* (he Eyes o$ Ma!nessas a )otential enemy in his o*n rise to )o*er. Ho*e"er, Ba)homet *as har!ly alone in these !esiresan! a $ar more )o*er$ul an! ancient being than him ha! a similar agen!a in min! $or entirely !i$$erentmoti"es. +n the case o$ ale 'ight, the Eyes o$ Ma!ness6 "ast longe"ity an! uni2ue )o*ers cause! herto belie"e that he *as one o$ the only beings that might be able to )ercei"e some $ragment o$ hermassi"e schemes, both !uring the 2li))othic !ominance an! *ell a$ter Ma!ness an! Bile. Ho*e"er, as

*as her *ay, she $oun! a suitably )liant interme!iary to !o her *ork $or her; Ba)homet. Cabiri *asim)risone! by Ba)homet at the subtle urgings o$ ale 'ight#as *ell as a signi$icant amount o$ )ersonalassistance, in or!er to ensure that the Eyes o$ Ma!ness remaine! una*are o$ the attack u)on its

)erson until it *as $ar too late $or it to $lee, or trium)h against the ather o$ :no*le!ge.

/nce ale 'ight aban!one! Ba)homet, choosing a&u&u as her current Consort, Ba)homet slo*lybegan re#e"aluating many o$ the acts he committe! *hen she resi!e! *ithin (he En!less Ma&e.Among these !ecisions *as *hy he im)risone! Cabiri, an! *hat 4i$ anything5 ale 'ight gaine! $romthe !ecision that he once assume! he ma!e in!e)en!ently.

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Although the moti"e that some o$ Ba)homet6s more !e"ious cultists ha"e guesse! is that he inten!s toassimilate the Wells to augment his o*n )o*er, a hi!!en layer o$ the 0abyrinth 0or!6s agen!aunkno*n to all sa"e him consists o$ re"isiting all beings that may be connecte! to ale 'ight.Ho*e"er, Ba)homet6s changing attitu!es in no *ay e1ten! to actually $reeing Cabiri. +nstea!, shoul!Ba)homet6s schemes to incor)orate the Wells o$ Darkness into (he En!less Ma&e be com)lete!, heseeks to absorb all o$ Cabiri6s kno*le!ge *holly into himsel$ *ithout e"er risking the 2li))oth6sliberation.

/riginally, the Well o$ Cabiri *as guar!e! by a tria! o$ three ghours $ar more )o*er$ul than the norman! chaine! in )lace aroun! the bor!er o$ the Well. (hey ha"e been rumore! to be Ba)homet6so$$s)ring by the Mother o$ Darkness but this has ne"er been con$irme!. Ho*e"er, Ba)homet sus)ects4)robably correctly5 that the monitors *hich he )lace! o"er Cabiri6s Well ha"e been subtly corru)te!by ale 'ight, an! that they *oul! *arn her that someone is attem)ting to s)eak *ith the Eyes o$Ma!ness. Although he has not re)lace! these guar!ians so as to not )otentially con$irm ale 'ight6ssus)icions as to *hether he !etects their )otential $or treachery he has ma!e )lans $or killing them bytricking them into attacking the Custo!ians#eliminating a cou)le o$ the layers6 !e$en!ers *hile

concealing his o*n role in causing their !eaths#*hich i$ !isco"ere! might also alert ale 'ight, as *ellas causing more serious 2uestions to be aske! concerning Ba)homet6s ambitions by his ri"als.

(he con!itions necessary $or o)ening Cabiri6s *ell are su$$iciently com)le1 as to gi"e e"en most beingsthat are a*are o$ them )ause in making the attem)t. (hose beings making the attem)t must lea"e

three )risoners behin! by thro*ing them into Cabiri6s Well an! lea"ing them in Cabiri6s stea!. Each o$the )risoners must in turn be an in!i"i!ual cure! o$ blin!ness by the ser"ants o$ a )o*er o$ )ro)hecy.Although Diabolos only became a $igure in (he Abyss some time a$ter Ba)homet rose to )o*er an!im)risone! the Eyes o$ Ma!ness, he is some*hat a*are o$ this o)ening con!ition, an! is curious as tothe ather o$ :no*le!ge6s recent interest in Cabiri6s no* long#stan!ing im)risonment#as *ell as theconse2uences *ere Diabolos to $ree the 2li))othim in or!er to )ro"i!e a setback to Ba)homet.

4bulon: (he o$$s)ring o$ Gra&6&t are both nearly countless an! in$amous. E"en those lesser chil!ren o$ his, such as ule#o$#(hree, are some o$ the best kno*n an! sha!o*y $igures *ithin the ealmsBeyon! an! the De)ths Belo*, *hile his more )otent o$$s)ring such as +u& (he /l! are menaces totheir entire *orl!s, or conni"ers su$$iciently !ece)ti"e to ensnare beings $ar more )otent thanthemsel"es, such as Athu16s e"entually lethal mani)ulations o$ A!imarchus. /ne o$ Gra&6&t6s earliesto$$s)ring, an! one o$ the earliest )risoners o$ the Wells o$ Darkness, is Gra&6&t6s son Ebulon.

Ebulon *as born as a result o$ a cou)ling bet*een (he Dark rince an! a long#$orgotten go!!ess o$*ar, *hose a$$air *ith Gra&6&t not sur)risingly marke! the beginning o$ her en! as she *as con2uere!by both her be!mate an! her son, he *as one o$ the $irst success$ul mar2uis o$$s)ring that Gra&6&t)ro!uce!. As Gra&6&t6s )o*er e1)an!e! throughout Creation, Ebulon became increasingly in$amous asone o$ Gra&6&t6s most )otent !emonic ser"itors. Beyon! thri"ing in the lethal internecine )oliticking o$Gra&6&t6s innumerable sons, Ebulon success$ully manage! to !e$eat se"eral o$ Demogorgon6s lesserser"itors as slaughter an! bloo!she! bet*een the rising Dark rince an! the De"ourer o$ Souls cameto sha)e much o$ the current history o$ (he Abyss. E"entually, Ebulon6s rising )o*er *as su$$icientlynote! by Demogorgon to the )oint *here it sought to !e$eat Ebulon )ersonally, taking the $iel! againsthim u)on the ruine! layer o$ 3allanshan.

Weighing the o!!s o$ con$ronting Demogorgon at that time, Gra&6&t o)te! to sim)ly aban!on Ebulon tohis $ate at the De"ourer o$ Souls6 tentacles. (he Demon rince o$ Sha!o*s re$use! both to sho* u))ersonally in battle or to sen! any $urther rein$orcements into *hat *oul! clearly ha"e been a

!e"astating rout. E"ery other !emon an! creature that !i! not ser"e Demogorgon u)on that !ay *asslaughtere!, annihilate! in Demogorgon6s ma*, or com)letely rema!e. (he only sur"i"or *as Ebulon#an! $or him, Demogorgon concocte! a s)ecial terror.

Ebulon *as thro*n into the Wells o$ Darkness. Ho*e"er, e"en this *as insu$$icient to satiateDemogorgon6s bi&arre im)ulses an! so as is normal $or it, (he De"ourer o$ Souls thought o$ something$ar *orse to !o to him. Demogorgon instea! sought to !e"ise a ne* *ay o$ utterly consuming Ebulonthat in the )rocess, *oul! not only result in the total annihilation o$ Ebulon, but *oul! in a manneranalogous to ho* (he De"ourer o$ Souls coul! !erange all $ollo*ers o$ a )o*er by !estroying that)o*er, also slaughter all o$ Gra&6&t6s hal$#$ien!ish chil!ren e"ery*here in Creation largely

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simultaneously. 'ot only *oul! this )ro"e a !e"astating blo* to the Dark rince, but it *oul! allo*Demogorgon to surge $or*ar! in his "icious ri"alry against /rcus. Both Demogorgon an! (he Goatsought to !eli"er setbacks to the Demon rince o$ Darkness through )er"erting an! slaughtering hiso$$s)ring. +t *as only mere millenia earlier in *hich /rcus ha! create! the $irst atro)al $rom one o$Gra&6&t6s !aughters, inciting (he De"ourer to !e"ise a tactic e"en more "icious an! male"olent.

Demogorgon6s schemes $or Ebulon $aile! to come to $ruition *ithin any reasonable time )erio!. When

Gra&6&t con2uere! the Wells o$ Darkness (he (*in (error6s schemes concerning him *ere shattere!.Ho*e"er *hen Gra&6&t took o"er the Wells o$ Darkness, annihilating those beings s)eci$ically a$$iliate!*ith Demogorgon *hile lea"ing the Custo!ians untouche!, he 2uickly reali&e! that he ha! a )roblem.He coul! not a$$or! to release Ebulon gi"en that his resentment o$ Gra&6&t ha! gro*n to the )oint*here he coul! $eel it outsi!e o$ the Well, an! as much as he loathe! himsel$ $or $eeling such, he coul!not bring himsel$ to slay Ebulon either. E"en though the )erio! o$ Gra&6&t6s outright control o$ the Wellshas also long since )asse!, Ebulon still remains in his Well#alone an! i$ anything, e"en more enrage!by Dark rince6s un*illingness to ai! his ca)ture! son. At the same time, Gra&6&t, a*are o$ Ebulon6se"er#increasing resentment, reali&es that the best outcome $or him *oul! be Ebulon6s !eath, an! he

has slo*ly been goa!ing Aha&u into !e"ouring Ebulon in the near $uture.

(he original guar!ian o$ Ebulon6s Well has long since been !is)ose! o$ by Gra&6&t !uring the brie$)erio! in *hich he con2uere! the layer. 'o*, his Well is instea! guar!e! by a )air o$ eyes as green asGra&6&t6s o*n. (hey ho"er o"er the center o$ the Well, e"en *hile )ro"i!ing the im)ression that they

are staring at *hoe"er a))roaches the Well regar!less o$ *hich !irection they !o so $rom. Ane1tremely so)histicate! illusion that combines elements o$ a "ro$ra!!ed i!a$e an! an eye of "ower6S"ell Co!"endiu!7, these eyes allo* Gra&6&t to )ersonally monitor any being that a))roachesEbulon6s *ell, as *ell as take limite! actions against them !irectly. (he other ornamentationsurroun!ing Ebulon6s Well consists o$ an im)rint $or a si1#$ingere!, 0arge han! inlai! "ertically in a*aist high ony1 caern, an! the touch o$ Gra&6&t is re2uire! to $ree Ebulon. Ho*e"er, so $ar in the entirehistory o$ (he Wells no being has attem)te! to liberate him. +$ anything this $urther contributes toEbulon6s rising $ury.

Hacamuli3 T!e Grey Horse: A )o*er$ul ser"ant o$ /rcus *as the tenebrae Hacamuli. Alternatelykno*n as the Grey Horse or the Messenger o$ (he Goat, Hacamuli *as closely associate! *ith theconce)ts o$ unnatural senescence an! !ecre)itu!e. (hrough luck at $irst an! then skill, he esca)e! theslaughter in (hanatos an! :iaransalee6s subse2uent )urges throughout Creation. When (enebrousarose, Hacamuli *as one o$ the $irst beings that he contacte!, an! base! u)on the stark moti"e o$

sel$#)reser"ation, Hacamuli remaine! one o$ the Sha!o*#(hat#Was6 staunchest su))orters an! agents.

Although Hacamuli $oun! himsel$ success$ul in his cam)aigns alongsi!e the Sha!o*#(hat#Was an! the"isages his loyalty *as unre*ar!e!. (he resurrecte! /rcus ra)i!ly came to !es)ise Hacamuli an!turne! *hat other cham)ions he ha! u)on him. Barely esca)ing, the Grey Horse manage! to slaythem 4$urther in$uriating (he Goat5, but he *as also $orce! to think o$ a )otential solution to alle"iatethe !emon )rince6s *rath. (he o)tion that Hacamuli settle! u)on *as attem)ting to )lacate /rcus by!eli"ering to him another, ri"al, minion that ha! also !ra*n /rcus6 ire; El!anoth, the $ormer assassino$ (he Goat.

Hacamuli sought to ca)ture El!anoth an! bring him to (hanatos. (he $irst hal$ o$ Hacamuli6s )lansuccee!e! in that he *as able to $in! an! enter El!anoth6s layer, (he Arc o$ Eternity. Ho*e"er, *hereHacamuli $aile! *as that he un!erestimate! Ser)ent$ingers. Although El!anoth *as an e1tremely)otent atrocity *hen /rcus *as assassinate!, !uring the time in *hich El!anoth *as in!e)en!ent he

a*oke the s)ark o$ cosmic )o*er *ithin him an! rose in status to become a )otent, i$ recent, !emonlor!. Hacamuli barely esca)e! $rom El!anoth6s layer *ith his li$e *hen he, in turn, ha! the *il!ly ba!luck to encounter another !emon that ha! largely similar i!eas $or a"enging a )ast *rong; the balor

(er#Soth (he Des)oiler. +n (er#Soth6s case, he assume! incorrectly that Hacamuli ha! in$ormation thatcoul! allo* him to track !o*n an! slaughter Gly)himhor $or betraying him. (he Grey Horse tol! (er#Soth the truth as best he kne* it about Gly)himhor9 that the balor ha! been restore! to e1istence bythe resurrecte! Goat, an! that *hen the three o$ them still resi!e! *ithin (hanatos, he ha! notthro*n in *ith Gly)himhor to cause (er#Soth6s !eath. (er#Soth re$use! to belie"e him an! cast thetenebrae into the Wells o$ Darkness in his misgui!e! *rath. El!anoth, eager to $inish slaughteringHacamuli, only $oun! the Well scant minutes a$ter (er#Soth ha! $inishe! the ritual necessary to

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im)rison the tenebrae. As El!anoth !oes not kno* the ritual re2uire! to $ree Hacamuli, El!anothmerely le$t Hacamuli in the Well until he can $igure out ho* to $ree him, but he inten!s to kill him)ersonally the instant that the tenebrae gets out.

Although El!anoth )robably ha! the )o*er to ensure Hacamuli6s )ermanent !eath, shoul! he $ail themost likely outcome *oul! be $or Hacamuli to re$orm himsel$ on (hanatos. Shoul! this occur, then (heGoat *oul! not only be kno* ho* to reach the Arc o$ Eternity, but he *oul! also kno* ho* success$ul

Hacamuli *as at by)assing El!anoth6s !e$enses an! *arnings against in"a!ers.

(he Well o$ Hacamuli )ossesses t*o !istinct layers o$ )rotection )lace! there by El!anothSer)ent$ingers an! by (er#Soth be$ore him. (he $ormer consists o$ three a!"ance! glooms 4@ HD5sent by El!anoth !isguise! as other*ise inert an! )etri$ie! statues. (hese are locate! in a cru!elytriangular $ormation aroun! the circum$erence o$ Hacamuli6s Well, an! are only release! $rom the)rison o$ their )etri$ication i$ anyone attem)ts to !isturb the Well or takes actions *hich may liberateHacamuli $rom their Well. (er#Soth6s layer o$ !e$ense is both sim)ler an! more insi!ious. (he key tothe itual necessary to liberate Hacamuli is to use (er#Soth6s "or)al s*or! to slice o)en the membrane

hol!ing Hacamuli in his Well. Ho*e"er, using the *rong *ea)on o$ any ty)e, or e"en a "or)al s*or!belonging to another balor, causes the membrane to s*allo* u) the being that )er$orme! the ritualincorrectly#tra))ing them *ith the im)risone! an! in$uriate! tenebrae unless a e$ sa"e DC < is)asse!. Hacamuli6s Well )ossesses no signi$icant ornamentation other*ise.

Laz5bralt!ull3 +emon Lord o( 'utc!ery: (he acts o$ slaughter an! bloo!she! committe! by0a&6bralthull !uring Bile and Madness earne! him the *ell#!eser"e! re)utation as one o$ the most!estructi"e an! lethal klurichir e"er s)a*ne!. He resiste! ca)ture, much less !estruction, $or hun!re!so$ thousan!s o$ years. His en! $inally came *hen out o$ all o$ the ri"al !emon lor!s an! )rinces that!es)ise! him, uggtmoy, outrage! at his slaying one o$ her $a"orite creations, the "ast !emon treeMalgarius, caught u) *ith him an! )ersonally !ragge! him screaming to the Wells mere millenia a$terGra&6&t $ree! it $rom Demogorgon6s control.

E"er since that !ay 0a&6bralthull has remaine! *ithin his Well. Although there *as one being $oolishenough to attem)t to $ree Ma Fuan, none ha"e come to the Well o$ the Butcher to make any attem)tto $ree him. +n $act, the most $re2uent "isitors to the Well are those 2li))othim an! malei!olon thata))ear in or!er to gloat at his misery an! en-oy his ho*ls o$ im)otent *rath an! $ury. (hese aretele)athically broa!cast to any being *ithin @== $eet o$ the Well an! can also be hear! by mun!anesensory ca)abilities by any being *ithin %== $eet )ro)er o$ the e!i$ice aroun! it.

(he Well o$ 0a&6bralthull is guar!e! by a sentient an! mo!i$ie! genius loci 4)"ic Level ,and'oo- 5 *hichis !isguise! as the t*enty#$oot tall to*er an! s)iral staircase lea!ing u) to the a)erture $rom *hichthe Well can be reache!. (he bi&arre oo&e not only allo*s the Demon ueen o$ arasites to monitoranyone *ho a))roaches the Well by trea!ing u)on the territory aroun! it but also !e"ours anyone thatattem)ts to $ree 0a&6bralthull. (his *as allo*e! by the Custo!ians o$ the Wells because the creature!oes not !isturb anyone or anything else in )ursuit o$ its 6res)onsibilities6. (he ritual necessary to $ree0a&6bralthull incor)orates imbibing a )otion create! $rom uggtmoy6s uni2ue s)ores *hich causes the!rinker to li2ue$y 4!ying in the )rocess5, an! then )ouring the resi!ue into the Well )ro)er. /nly i$ the!rinker is $ully !igeste! is the ritual success$ul an! in all other circumstances, the guar!ian o$0a&6bralthrull6s Well animates to !estroy them.

Ma 6uan: /ne o$ the most !angerous )risoners o$ the Wells o$ Darkness is Ma Fuan. Also kno*n asthe :iller o$ the Go!s, the su)erlati"es use! to !escribe his mis!ee!s, i$ anything, un!erestimate the

horrors $or *hich he *as res)onsible *hen he *as $ree! u)on Creation.

/ne o$ the $e* elements o$ those tales tol! concerning (he :iller o$ the Go!s is that he is ancient.

Beyon! this !etail nigh#uni"ersally agree! u)on, $urther !etails become $ar more nebulous. Someclaim that he *as create! by the go!s in or!er to )unish hubris among their o*n kin! 4*hich lea!s to!isturbing im)lications about Creation *ith his incarceration5. /thers claim instea! that he *as a*ea)on born o$ the 2li))othim that, as many *ea)ons create! in such *ays are *ont to !o, becamein!e)en!ent an! menace! his creators nearly as much as the rest o$ Creation. +n this )articular case,the truth itsel$, as elusi"e as it is, is "ital both to un!erstan!ing him as *ell as $reeing him $romim)risonment.

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(he original e"ents belie"e! to ha"e been res)onsible $or the origins o$ Ma Fuan are so surreal as to!e$y most mortal com)rehension o$ the history o$ the )lanes. /n a *orl! no* long#obscure an!em)ty, it *as not a single o"ergo! that arose to attem)t to !etermine the $ormation o$ a *orl! in itsmost $un!amental elements as much as it *as three. Each o$ them once hel! !omain o"er one s)hereo$ e1istence, an! they *ere o$ roughly e2ual )o*er o"er their )articular element, although "astlymore )o*er$ul than those lesser go!lings that their !ee!s 4an! mis!ee!s5 s)a*ne!. Ho*e"er, stri$e

came e"en to them o"er their *orl! an! $rom their struggles e"entually there *ere no clear "ictors.(*o o$ them !ie! in the con$licts, *hile the thir! in turn came to slumber *ithin the nature o$ the*orl! itsel$. +t *as a con$lict best $orgotten )rior to the Da*n o$ the Go!s.

+n actuality, the *ar *oul! ha"e been $orgotten#sa"e $or the $act that thousan!s o$ years a$ter*ar!s,*hen the *orl! ha! become a settle! )lace reco"ering $rom such inter!i"ine tensions as best it coul!,!e"elo)ing entirely ne* $aiths among the mortals )resent, a horrible monstrosity arose. S)a*ne! bythe tensions o$ that *orl!6s inert or !ecease! o"ergo!s, the most )otent tenebrae create! by (heAbyss returne! to stalk the )lace res)onsible $or its creation. 'one o$ the *orl!6s mortals coul! stan!

against it. E"en the go!s themsel"es seeme! to not be ca)able o$ !e$eating it, an! in $act, it seeme!to ha"e an e"en more signi$icant gru!ge against them, an! greater e$$icacy in terms o$ utterly!estroying them than it !i! against mortals. +n its *ake, it le$t a largely !e)o)ulate! an! ruine! *orl!./nly its name, Ma Fuan, seeme! to sur"i"e its )assage as other !eni&ens o$ the ealms Beyon! )iece!together *hat ha! trans)ire!.

ar *orse *as that its trail o$ !e"astation har!ly en!e! there. A$ter Ma Fuan !e)arte! the ruine! *orl!*here it *as create!, it s)rea! across Creation, slaughtering !o&ens o$ !eities. +t )ro"e! sonettlesome that e"entually, those )o*ers relate! to those that it slaughtere! calle! u)on the thenhol!ers o$ the Man!ate. the 3aati, in or!er to !e"ise a *ay o$ containing an! controlling the tenebrae.(hey )ro"e! no more success$ul than other e$$orts to eliminate Ma Fuan. E"en *orse, thesha)eshi$ting *ea)on that they ha! inten!e! to use against the !emon *as ca)ture! by it,em)o*ering its alrea!y "ast an! $erocious might. When the 3aati *ere $orce! into insigni$icance bythe en! o$ the Second War of Law and Chaos, e"en this )otential check against the :iller o$ the Go!s6)o*er *as eliminate!.

Ma Fuan *as $inally im)risone! !uring the era o$ the Da*n o$ the Go!s, shortly a$ter Gra&6&t became aless o"ert )resence u)on the Wells. +n $act, no !eity or )o*er o$ the original grou) that once $oughtagainst Ma Fuan *as res)onsible $or his incarceration, as none sur"i"e! his attacks. +nstea!, the $inal

res)onsibility $or his elimination belonge! mostly to t*o unrelate! )o*ers, *ho $ought him intosubmission, took the 3aati *ea)on a*ay $rom him to claim it $or themsel"es, an! then thre* him intothe Wells o$ Darkness.

When Ma Fuan *as $ree his )hysical a))earance *as that o$ a ten $oot tall creature that *as a hi!eousamalgamation o$ re)tilian, !emonic, an! mortal $eatures. His hea! *as that o$ a tyrannosaur *hile hisbo!y *as co"ere! *ith black an! blue scales that shi$te! in both )osition an! $orm e"ery secon!. Hiseyes *ere the most telltale clue as to his true nature as they *ere $ille! only *ith a !istant re!)in)oint that seeme! to emanate $rom the lo*est !e)ths o$ (he Abyss itsel$. His "ery )resenceins)ire! $light an! brought terror in a manner analogous to the klurichir although the source o$ MaFuan6s )o*er *as "ery !i$$erent $rom theirs.

Ma Fuan6s *ell is guar!e! by three stone monoliths that are boun! to the act o$ im)risoning Ma Fuan,an! are car"e! in the $orms o$ three o$ Ma Fuan6s "ictims. So long as Ma Fuan is still im)risone!, the

monoliths are ca)able o$ reassembling themsel"es back into their current $orms. (his is true e"en i$they are disinte$rated , as the !ust $rom them *ill e"entually coalesce until they are com)letelyre$orme!. Ho*e"er, as Ma Fuan is one o$ the most in$amous )risoners *ithin the Wells, e"en the

e"ents surroun!ing 3ucarik6s intrusion !i! not !isturb Ma Fuan6s guar!s#a $act $or *hich many *ithinan! *ithout (he Abyss are grate$ul. Although all o$ them are no taller than t*enty $eet tall, they)ossess the hit )oints an! )o*ers o$ Stone Colossi 4)"ic Level ,and'oo- 5, sa"e that those crushe!un!er their $eet are simultaneously utterly )ul)e! by the $orces in"ol"e!, killing any creature *ith a!iscernible anatomy instantly unless it makes a ort sa"e DC ?= as *ell.

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/ther*ise, the *ell o$ Ma Fuan is ornamente! by a caern into *hich his ancient *ea)on can beinserte!. +t is si1 $eet tall an! is com)ose! o$ stones u)on *hich symbols an! gly)hs *hich translateto 6!eath o$ the go!s6 ha"e been *ritten in a multi)licity o$ languages, many o$ *hich are long e1tinct.A single keyhole is other*ise the only signi$icant marking or alteration )resent u)on it.

(here is no com)le1 ritual re2uire! to o)en the *ell o$ Ma Fuan. +nstea!, it re2uires the 3aati *ea)onu)on *hich the true history o$ Ma Fuan must be inscribe!. By changing $orms *hile )lace! *ithin the

keyhole in the )ro)er se2uence, the Well o$ Ma Fuan can be o)ene! by the !e"ice. Ho*e"er, i$ the*rong se2uence o$ trans$ormation or a counter$eit !e"ice are use!, the caern reacts by annihilatingthe being attem)ting to $ree him, $using them to the $ake !e"ice 4or the real !e"ice5 an! !ealing ?=!)oints o$ !isintegration !amage 4ort sa"e DC ?5 )er roun! until they are !ea!, in a!!ition totriggering the *rath o$ the Guar!ians an! the stone statues. urthermore, the *ea)on must be*iel!e! by a sentient being that hol!s it in their han! 4or other a))ro)riate a))en!age5 an! cannot berelease! until a se2uence o$ at least t*o $ormshi$ts ha"e been entere! in the keyhole. So $ar in theentire history o$ Ma Fuan6s incarceration, this has only occure! once *hen a )articularly $oolish !emonattem)te! to counter$eit the 3aati *ea)on.

"!ami7-mourae3 +emon Lady o( Pleasure: Malcanthet6s $irst notable "ictim in the War of Ri"e+lesh, the )otent succubus Shami#Amourae *as her initial obstacle to becoming the ruler o$ thea&ore! (hrone#an! i$ anything, the single obstacle that *as !ealt *ith more !e$initi"ely than almostany o))onent that came a$ter*ar!s. Shami#Amourae *as !e$eate! by Malcanthet *hen the latter

succubus con"ince! Demogorgon that the $ormer *as scheming to betray an! sub"ert him. e$usingto take any chances on the )otential o$ her betrayal, (he De"ourer o$ Souls thre* her into the Wells o$ Darkness instea! o$ consuming her#)lacing Malcanthet one ste) closer to*ar!s her ultimate ambitions,an! re2uiring only the elimination o$ 0ynkhab. (he 0a!y o$ leasure has remaine! im)risone! e"ersince, an! e"en Gra&6&t a))arently took no ste)s to*ar!s $reeing her $or reasons that remainun!isco"ere! by all.

Shami#Amorae6s Well is guar!e! by a *i!e array o$ bi&arre !e$enses )lace! there by Demogorgon)ersonally, *hich inclu!e, but not limite! to, an a!"ance! an! highly intelligent retrie"er an! se"eralother bi&arre creatures. 'e1t to Ebulon, she is one o$ the ol!est )risoners *ithin (he Wells o$Darkness, ha"ing been im)risone! !uring its $irst )erio!. (he Well o$ Shami#Amourae is other*ise$airly un!istincti"e, as e"en *hen the De"ourer o$ Souls controlle! the Wells, he !i! not *ish to !ra*attention to it.

T!e 2ell o( "!atari: During Madness and Bile, Shaktari *as one o$ the most "icious cham)ions theklurichir )ossesse!. A$ter aban!oning the layer an! )ersonal )o*er o$ 3uron, she *as one o$ the $irstto -oin 0a&6bralthull in his !erange! cam)aign to annihilate his !emonic )re!ecessors. 0ea!ing massi"earmies o$ mariliths, each o$ *hich in turn *as tens o$ thousan!s strong, she !ecimate! the 2li))othim.

Shaktari6s trail o$ bile, am)utations, an! !eca)itations en!e! abru)tly *hen !uring an unusually ill#concei"e! rai! on a layer *here 3uron, the Demon rince o$ 0ight, *as )resent, she con$ronte! hercreator an! *as soun!ly !e$eate!. Ho*e"er, as 3uron !etecte! a hint o$ a $ar greater being6smachinations in Shaktari6s actions 4as *ell as being curious ho* Shaktari reache! the e1tremelyobscure layer *here the Alabaster Demon *as currently locate!5, 3uron o)te! instea! to im)rison his$ormer klurichir in the Wells o$ Darkness instea! o$ killing her. (here, $or thousan!s u)on thousan!s o$years, the Demon rince o$ 0ight tormente! her to get as much in$ormation as he coul! o$ any)otential threats to either him or Gra&6&t#an! in this *ay, many threats to their combine! )o*er *ereeliminate!.

(his status 2uo only en!e! *ithin the last century. As a result o$ one o$ his itinerant tra"els through(he Abyss, 3ucarik manage! to liberate Shaktari $rom her Well be$ore he *as !ri"en o$$ by the

combine! actions o$ the layer an! the Custo!ians. Although Shaktari has re$use! to take u) her$ormer interests in mass slaughtering 2li))othim again, $in!ing the battles o$ The Blood War  moresatis$actory, e"en those beings that *ere ina!"ertent bene$iciaries o$ Shaktari6s original ram)ages $in!her current $ree!om !isturbing in the !egree to *hich 3ucarik6s in"ol"ement hints as to the )ossibilitythat there may be *eaknesses in the bin!ing o$ the Wells o$ Darkness.

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Shaktari6s *ell *as guar!e! by a )ermanently in"isible arasero)h, a no*#rare $orm o$ 2li))othim!ating back to the Second War of Law and Chaos. (he $act that all ma&&a6im coul! see it *ith theirinnate )o*ers ser"e! as a *arning as to the nature o$ both the )risoner an! the )o*er o$ the $ien!sthat )lace! them there. Ho*e"er, since 3ucarik6s arri"al shattere! its bin!ings to the Well an! $ree!Shaktari simultaneously, the arasero)h *as slain shortly a$ter*ar!s by the Custo!ians as it )ro"e!e1cessi"ely !estructi"e. Since that !ay, the Well o$ Shaktari has been "isite! by multi)le beings $or"arious reasons, *hether they are beings stu!ying (he Abyss )ro)er, or "arious )o*ers o$ (he Abyss

*hose )ort$olios themsel"es concern !isastrous liberation. So $ar, ho*e"er, most o$ those beingsin"estigating the Well are "arious )a*ns o$ 3uron, the Demon rince o$ 0ight#an! Gra&6&t6s closest ally.

Tulet na -!m: (he "ast ma-ority o$ the )risoners in the Wells o$ Darkness are not sur)risingly!emonic in origin. Ho*e"er, as *ith most things *ithin (he Abyss there are notable e1ce)tions *hich!e$y normal e1)ectation. Deities an! cosmic entities una$$iliate! *ith any alignment *hatsoe"er ha"ealso been im)risone! in the layer. (he most in$re2uent o$ all are mortal )risoners. (ulket na Ahm4better kno*n as Ahm throughout Creation5 is an e1treme rarity *ithin the Wells o$ Darkness in thathe is one o$ the only mortals !eeme! both su$$iciently in$amous to be thro*n into a Well#as *ell as the

conse2uences o$ slaughtering him outright consi!ere! unacce)table.

(he true story lea!ing to (ulket na Ahm as *ell as the Boo-s of Ah! is one o$ the most bi&arre *ithinboth (he Abyss as *ell as (he Mortal Coil. +$ anyone *ere to look at the early history o$ (ulket, he*oul! seem to be one o$ the least likely can!i!ates $or one o$ Creation6s most in$amous

!emonologists. (he highest le"els o$ the Cult o$ Ahm actually belie"e that (ulket *as originally note"en e"il, an! *as only gra!ually corru)te! by his o*n sub-ect matter *hile he researche! means by*hich )ossessing#!emons coul! be containe! an! i!enti$ie! *ithin "arious hosts, although gi"en theiro*n male"olent biases they are $ar more incline! to re$er to his corru)tion as his enlightenment.

+nstea!, (ulket6s $irst inno"ation *as to $in! a s)ell that *oul! not necessarily )re"ent !emonic)ossession, but *oul! actually cause )ain to any !emon $oolish enough to in"a!e the s)ell6s caster.Although bi&arre, an! "eering !angerously close to the limits o$ *hat *oul! other*ise be consi!ere!tolerable $or beings o$ goo! to !o e"en to the !eni&ens o$ (he Abyss, by itsel$, this *oul! ne"er lea! toany inci!ent *hich *oul! case (ulket6s nightmarish !escent into the *orl! o$ !emonology. Anin!i"i!ual casting that )articular s)ell u)on themsel"es coul! merely be re-ecte! $or !emonic)ossession, *ith little to no measurable mental or )hysical !amage !one to them.

Where (ulket instea! began to go !isastrously *rong *as *hen he began using such s)ells to

e1)eriment u)on himsel$. rom this initial s)ell, he in"ente! a ritual that *oul! actually torment a)ossessing !emon shoul! it $ail to ans*er the caster6s 2uestions. rom that $irst inci!ent others$ollo*e!, until *hat began as bi&arre an! horri$ic acci!ent turne! into something $ar *orse; habit.A$ter (ulket6s initial success, he became more !aring an! less reluctant to use himsel$ as bothe1)erimental sub-ect an! bait $or the !eni&ens o$ (he Abyss, teasing an! e1torting more an! morein$ormation out o$ them in sessions that only took )lace once a month#because it ty)ically took him amonth to attem)t to heal the !amage !one both to his min! an! bo!y $rom the )re"ious e1cursion.

Sometimes the results *ere transcribe! in mimirs. /ther times Ahm barely returne! to consciousnessan! a semblance o$ sanity only to $in! the *alls o$ the summoning chamber co"ere! in *ritingcom)ose! o$ the bloo! o$ sacri$icial "ictims. /"er the course o$ years, Ahm )iece! together almostmore o$ *hat *as kno*n about !emons than )ractically any mortal be$ore or since#an! as he !i! sohis )o*er gre* in other *ays as *ell. (he s)ell )rotections he !e"ise! e"entually allo*e! him to healat a "astly accelerate! rate $rom )ossession an! to ensure that e"en *hile )ossesse!, no ability that

*oul! allo* him to be !ragge! to (he Abyss coul! be success$ully use! u)on him. He e"en !e"ise! a*ay o$ ensuring that !emons that he summone! into him *ere in some le"el boun! to him, !e"ising abi&arre $orm o$ contingency that *oul! actually kill a )ossessor long a$ter they le$t him shoul! he !ie

un!er their cla*s or $rom their s)ells. +n this *ay, Ahm gra!ually became )rotecte! $rom the more!irect $orms o$ *rath that *oul! other*ise a$$ect a mortal that use! an! mani)ulate! !emons.Although Ahm kne* better than to attem)t )ossession by a !emon )rince, as e"en the least *oul!ha"e been $ar beyon! those )o*ers he ha! access to, many an atrocity an! e"en se"eral !emon lor!ssuch as Bayemon 4*ho nearly kille! him in the )rocess5 $ell "ictim to his bi&arre tactics $or learningsecrets best le$t to (he Abyss.

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3engeance $inally caught u) *ith (ulket na Ahm *hen, out o$ the myria! $oes that he ha! accumulate!in the brie$ s)an o$ his mortal li$etime, the balor Wen!onai $igure! out ho* to trick him an! lure! himto a&unia. (here, (ulket na Ahm *as sub!ue! an! thro*n into a Well#*here he remains to this !ay.Wen!onai6s ca)ture an! im)risonment o$ (ulket na Ahm re)resente! a signi$icant increase inWen!onai6s )o*er *ithin (he Abyss#as by !oing so, he linke! (ulket na Ahm6s release $rom his Well toWen!onai6s !eath. +n this *ay, many beings that *ere other*ise isolate! $rom Wen!onai6s gro*ing*eb o$ in$luence ha"e been $orce! to subtly ai! him in or!er to )re"ent Ahm6s release or his !eath at

the han!s o$ their o))onents#*hich *oul! in turn trigger $ar more se"ere conse2uences.

(he Well o$ (ulket na Ahm6s guar!ian is only "isible *hen someone a))roaches the Well o$ Ahm, as itis triggere! by )ro1imity to rise $rom *ithin the Well. +t consists o$ an a))arently sentient yetuns)eaking s)here o$ black $ire that acts as a li"ing s"here of ulti!ate destruction 4ort sa"e DC >5*hich also re$lects s)ells cast u)on it i$ they $ail a C0 check DC =. (o make matters *orse, the Well isalso tra))e! *ith a chaine! disinte$ration 4ort sa"e DC %5 tra) *hich recasts the s)ell once e"ery%!> roun!s *hene"er a tress)asser is near it. Although (ulket na Ahm6s *ell only )ossesses theguar!ian sent by Wen!onai, a *i!e array o$ )o*er$ul atrocities an! !emon lor!s ha"e a!!itional

monitoring systems aroun! his Well. (arrying aroun! the Well o$ (ulket na Ahm is likely to attract theattentions o$ these )o*er$ul $ien!s. (o be *ithin = $eet o$ it $or longer than minutes carries anincreasing )robability o$ one more o$ them noticing the intrusion an! reacting to it. +nitially, thisbegins *ith a <= chance o$ a res)onse being sent, an! increases e"ery minutes by %= until thereis a ma1imal )robability o$ = )er minute )erio! that the intrusion *ill be !ealt *ith harshly.

/ther*ise, the o)ening con!ition $or (ulket na Ahm6s Well consists o$ the immolation o$ a mortal*i&ar! *ith Wen!onai6s incineratin$ 'olt  s)ell an! scattering the still *arm ashes u)on the Well6smembrane. Incineratin$ 'olt  s)ells cast by any other balors only trigger its !e$enses, as *ell as theattentions o$ the )otent balor himsel$.

2ells o( +arness .no&ledge /t!e planes0 Table


(the planes)DC

Sample Information Acquired

20The .ells of Dar'ness ser*es as an informal /prison/ for some of The A!"ss/

most loathed and unfortunate deni$ens%

2&.hile entering the .ells of Dar'ness can !e comparati*el" eas" the portal'e" to lea*e the .ells consists of a prisoner or other sentient !eing left

 !e"ind in the la"er%

+0ou ha*e a general grasp upon who the most nota!le prisoners of the .ellsare and who was so aggra*ated !" their !eha*ior as to throw them in a

.ell and lea*e them there%


The Custodians of the .ells are creations of the la"er which are capa!le of

recalling all who gi*e offense to them for an apparentl" indefinite period oftime% urthermore the la"er resists those who gi*e it trou!le !ut will not

interfere in fights !etween !eings upon the la"er as long as the" do not

distur! either .ells or Custodians%

10Aha$u the Sei$er possesses a unique histor" and status with regards to the

.ells of Dar'ness%

1&The .ells of Dar'ness is a semisentient la"er modified into its current

form !" Demogorgon The De*ourer of Souls%

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Currently Recognized Layer Number: %%@Name: (hanatosRuler: /rcusProperties: minor negati"e#!ominant

Death is easy to $in! in (he Abyss, e"en i$ its ultimate cause can be subtle. +t can come about throughmere )hysical !estruction, *hether $rom being $ro&en *ithin the Iron Wastes, utterly !issol"e!

*ithin Sheda-lah, annihilate! in A'addon8 The Botto!less Pit , or sim)ly ri))e! a)art an! !e"oure! by!emons. Ho*e"er, there is one layer o$ (he Abyss most )rominent among those that o$$er $ar *orsethan !eath o$ the bo!y. (here, !eath is merely a transition into a more !e)lorable state. (here, anen!less morass o$ hatre! an! su$$ering is aime! at remin!ing its "ictims o$ the one thing that they *illne"er truly ha"e again; li$e. (here, the li"ing are an alien )resence greete! *ith nothing but loathingan! ra* hunger. /nly the most t*iste! mortals an! !emons that are themsel"es )ur"eyors o$ thecurse o$ unli$e truly consi!er this )lace home. +t is both the !*elling )lace o$ un!eath6s creator an! itse)itome; (hanatos.

E"ery as)ect o$ (hanatos re)resents im)lacable hostility to*ar!s the li"ing. (he air is too thin tosustain mortal li$e in any con"entional sense yet it carries the moans an! hisses o$ the !ea! *ith ease,

as *ell as the occasional screams o$ li"ing )rey that is ca)ture! an! !e"oure! like a $ine !elicacy atbest, an! )reser"e! ali"e in or!er to be use! or trans$orme! by the un!ea! at *orst. (he chill o$ thegra"e 2uickly makes itsel$ $elt u)on $lesh an! soul. (hanatos, o$ten re$erre! to as the Belly o$ Death orthe Mausoleum o$ Hate, is a "ast, shattere! lan! consisting o$ $iel!s o$ rubble an! barren rock,labyrinthine gra"eyar!s, an! catacombs only interru)te! by sanguinary glaciers an! ri"ers, causingthe layer to stink o$ the co))ery aroma o$ $resh bloo! an! !eath.

/"erhea!, a bloo! re! moon $ills most o$ the sky, changing )hases ran!omly, )ro"i!ing rare an!s)otty moonlight to the layer an! barely breaking its !arkness. During the $e* hours o$ the Q!ayR*hen it is missing, a bale$ul, heatless light emanates $rom abo"e, bathing (hanatos in crimsonillumination that allo*s one to see the layerIs most !istincti"e an! !ea!ly $eature; its nigh#uncountable "arieties an! s*arms o$ un!ea!. estless !ea! o$ almost e"ery concei"able "ariety, someo$ *hich are uni2ue to the !*elling )lace o$ (he Goat, can be $oun! here. (he least )o*er$ul orintelligent among them o$ten gather in hor!es numbering many thousan!s, creating "alleys o$ ghouls,

legions o$ shambling &ombies, an! clou!s o$ sha!o*s an! other incor)oreal un!ea! large enough toblot out the moon itsel$. (he more )o*er$ul an! *ill$ul o$ the restless !ea! buil! bi&arre necro)oli*here they engage in 2uests to e1tract e"er more necromantic )o*er $or themsel"es.

(hanatos is a))arently a $airly ol! layer o$ (he Abyss, although scholars $ail to agree as to its origins.(he earliest tomes that !escribe a layer "aguely resembling it recor! a "ast, rocky )lain haunte! byclou!like !emons *hose attacks *ere tainte! by obli"ion itsel$. /nce /rcus s)a*ne! as a !emon)rince, one o$ his $irst acts in controlling (hanatos *as allege!ly to cause the skies themsel"es to rain$ree&ing bloo! $or untol! years, until the layer came to resemble its current $orm, i$ only as a$oun!ation $rom *hich he *oul! e1tract e"en greater horrors later. /ther scholars claim that (hanatos*as s)a*ne! $rom the $irst *orl!s that /rcus con!emne! to the su$$ering o$ unli$e in their entirety.

Direction in (hanatos is in!icate! relati"e to three !i$$erent ma-or lan!marks; the inal Hills, the Seao$ Bloo!, an! the i"er Sty1. (he inal Hills encircle E"erlost *here (he Goat mostly resi!es an! the

Bone Meal Desert, also kno*n as /bli"ion6s En!. Ho*e"er, as one o$ the more bi&arre geogra)hical$eatures o$ a ealm Beyon! *here the terrain itsel$ can res)on! to the *hims o$ its t*iste! masters,no matter ho* $ar any being tra"els )arallel to the inal Hills, they seem to e1ten! themsel"es so asto maintain the same se)aration bet*een (he Goat6s necro)olis an! the rest o$ (hanatos. (he Sty1$lo*s $rom a subterranean source in the inal Hills !o*n to the Sea o$ Bloo!, an! !irection is generallyin!icate! as to *hether a necro)olis or location lies on the le$t or right bank o$ the i"er o$ Sins *hile$acing the inal Hills.

8n$ortunately $or its untol! "ictims, (hanatos is com)arati"ely easy to enter. (he ma-ority o$ )ortalsinto the Belly o$ Death can be $reely accesse! by the restless !ea!9 li"ing creatures can also $reely

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enter i$ they are in the )resence o$ at least one un!ea! creature. Another common means by *hich(hanatos )ortals can be o)ene! is through bloo! s)ille! *ith mur!erous intent in their imme!iate"icinity 4= $t.5. inally, )ortals may also be entere! by beings that ha"e use! magic to simulateun!eath, )ossess un!ea! gra$ts, or are other*ise in$use! *ith the energies o$ the unli"ing. +n a!!itionto )hiloso)hical reasons, the ease o$ entering (hanatos also makes it a )o)ular !estination $or theDustmen an! grou)s o$ similar interests 7 )articularly i$ they are hunte! an! nee! a )lace to hi!e*here most *oul! $ear to $ollo* them. Generally, these )ersonages ha"e little in"ol"ement in the

$ierce an! lethal ri"alries o$ the Mausoleum o$ Hate an! e1ist on either the )hysical or )olitical marginso$ the necro)oli, un!erstan!ing 2uite *ell that they are barely tolerate!.

(hanatos can be consi!ere! to )ossess the $ollo*ing geogra)hical $eatures an! )ro)erties;

G4$GR-PHIC-L %4-T8R4"

T!e %inal Hills: (hough $light an! tele)ortation are easy metho!s o$ entry, E"erlost can only bereache! by lan! in t*o *ays, both o$ *hich are e1tremely !angerous. (he best kno*n consists o$tra"ersing the inal Hills9 a lo* mountain range com)ose! entirely o$ broken an! shattere!

hea!stones an! $ille! *ith a series o$ narro* )asses in$amous $or their sheer number an! "ariety o$incor)oreal un!ea!. Beyon! the greater sha!o*s, !rea! *raiths, umbral creatures 4LM 5, crimson!eath mists 4MMII 5 an! other horrors resi!ing *ithin the inal Hills, these )aths are also threatene!

by the eality o$ /bli"ionIs touch more than almost any other )lace in the Mausoleum o$ Hate. Aconstant stream o$ minor earth2uakes an! $umaroles $rom *hich clou!s o$ !isease#in$licting gasin$use! *ith negati"e energy constantly "ent are the results o$ this in$luence. Any li"ing creature*hich inhales these "a)ors, in a!!ition to taking ?!? )oints o$ negati"e energy !amage )er roun!,must also make a ort sa"e DC ?= or else catch li$e blin!ness 4see Boo- of 2ile ar-ness5. eachingE"erlost through the inal Hills ty)ically takes three !ays by mortal reckoning, an! li"ing creaturesthat !ie *ithin (he inal Hills arise $rom the !ea! as greater sha!o*s o$ e2ui"alent hit !ie to theirclass le"els, or as umbral creatures.

"ea o( 'lood: Although (hanatos )ro)er !oes not connect to the Sty1 throughout its entirety, the)laces *here the bloo!#seas are e1)ose! to the $rigi! air but ha"e not $ro&en soli! )resent their o*n!angers. Horrible un!ea! monstrosities li"e *ithin the bloo!9 a )hysical mani$estation o$ the !eathan! su$$ering that (he Goat has s)rea! throughout Creation as he slaughtere! the li"ing. Cor)se Sty1!ragons 4racono!icon5 an! $ar *orse things that may e"en be ol!er than /rcus6 !ominion o"er the

layer s*im *ithin its o)a2ue !e)ths, bent to his *ill since his rise to )o*er. +n a!!ition to the normal!angers )resente! by !ro*ning in the bloo!, it !eals !? )oints o$ negati"e energy !amage u)on!irect contact, an! <=!? )oints o$ negati"e energy !amage u)on $ull immersion 4ort sa"e DC ?= $orhal$ !amage5 )er roun!. Hal$ o$ the !amage in$licte! by either contact or immersion is )ure "ile!amage, an! cannot be heale! e1ce)t u)on consecrated  groun!. 8n!ea! creatures are immune to theSea o$ Bloo!6s )o*er to in$lict "ile !amage u)on all other beings. Mortals that !ie *ithin the Sea o$Bloo! arise as !ro*ne! 4MMIII 5 *ith $ull h) an! e2ui"alent HD to their original total character le"el,!renche! in e"er#!ri))ing bloo!.

T!e "ty#: A branch o$ (he Sty1 enters (hanatos an! mean!ers across much o$ its territory until$inally entering the Sea o$ Bloo! about a !ay6s tra"el a*ay $rom 'aratyr. Due to the layer6s geogra)hy,normal means o$ Stygian tra"el are ty)ically una"ailable. /rcus generally !es)ises !aemons, an! icingthe Sty1 o"er throughout most o$ its course in (hanatos *as an act he )er$orme! relati"ely soon a$terestablishing total control o"er the Mausoleum o$ Hate. Still, in some )laces *here the Sty1 $lo*s

un!erneath the glaciate! bloo! an! through catacomb#grottoes, rare marraeno!aemons can o$$er atleast some trans)ort to those *ho can a$$or! their rates, an! )isco!emons ha"e been kno*n to use its$oul *aters to s)y either $or those ser"ing (he Goat or $or his enemies !e)en!ing on *ho is currentlyo$$ering them more *ealth. (he Sty1 is not unusually )otent *ithin (hanatos an! the Will sa"e DC inor!er to a"oi! memory loss is <.

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(he City o$ Cor)sesE"erlostGolmin (hur0achrymosa

0ash Embrar3a!rian


C!ill o( t!e Grave: (he chill o$ the gra"e threatens to o"er*helm all but the !ea! themsel"es in(hanatos. (he layer is treate! as unearthly col! to li"ing creatures, !ealing <!? )oints o$ col! !amage)er minute *ithout a sa"e.

Minor Negative +ominant: (he "ast ma-ority o$ (hanatos is minor negati"e#!ominant, !ealing %!?)oints o$ negati"e energy !amage )er minute to any li"ing creature *ithin its bor!ers. Ho*e"er, this isnot al*ays the case. +n certain areas 7 usually, but not al*ays, those o$ great im)ortance 7 the Belly

o$ Death is ma-or negati"e#!ominant, *hile in other locations o$ten those )laces 4$e* as they are5/rcus $in!s it necessary to allo* mortals or )ositi"e energy access 7 the layer is not negati"e#

!ominant at all. (he Demon rince o$ the 8n!ea! can change the !egree o$ negati"e#!ominance in a)articular area at his *him. Such changes take one minute )er s2uare mile an! gra!ually take e$$ect<!> minutes a$ter /rcus6 *ill in$luences the layer.

T!in -ir: (hanatos is treate! as high )eak terrain $or the )ur)oses o$ in$licting altitu!e sickness an!$atigue u)on creatures that nee! to breathe, sa"e that the ortitu!e sa"es must be ma!e once e"eryhour instea! o$ once e"ery si1 hours.

8ndeat!*s +ues: Any mortal that !ies *ithin (hanatos arises as an un!ea! creature *ithin %!?minutes o$ !eath. Any attem)t to bring an un!ea! creature back into li$e *ithin (hanatos re2uires acaster le"el check 4DC O?5 in or!er to be success$ul. ar more !isturbing an! lethal is that bringing ali"ing creature back $rom the !ea! *ithin (hanatos also alerts e"ery un!ea! creature *ithin a %> milera!ius o$ the success$ul resurrection. (he restless !ea! *ill almost al*ays sen! minions to )unishthose res)onsible $or not only bringing the hate! )resence o$ li$e into (hanatos, but un!oing the

layer6s e$$orts to e1)unge it. re"enting this secon!ary e$$ect re2uires a success$ul rank check against/rcus. ailing such attem)ts causes the mortal to instea! arise $rom the !ea! as a mane a!a)te! tothe layer6s hostile con!itions. (hese *retche! souls are usually her!e! by the chasme also ca)able o$sur"i"ing (hanatos an! loyal to Slee)less to the nearest Blood War  battle$iel!. As a mani$estation o$/rcus6 massi"e )o*er o"er un!eath, not all regions con!emn those *ho $all *ithin (hanatos to ariseas the same ty)es o$ un!ea!. Each necro)olis, "alley, an! sea has its o*n uni2ue combination o$un!ea! creatures that arises as a conse2uence o$ !eath *ithin its boun!s. (his is !enote! in eachs)eci$ic entry.

Citadel $steous: erha)s the most in$amous )assage*ay into (he GoatIs realm is $oun! *ithin thelane o$ +n$inite ortals. 0ike most o$ the )rominent )ortals in a&unia, it is surroun!e! by a massi"e$ortress. (his $ortress, kno*n as /steous, a))ears as a hal$#burie! skull constructe! out o$ bone,submerge! u) to the u))er -a* in the rust#re! soil o$ (he Abyss6 $irst layer. (he eyesockets an! othera)ertures are close! by )eculiar, ri))ling *in!o*s ma!e o$ magically enchante! bloo!. (hese macabre

barriers re$lect bi&arre, un!ea! semblances o$ any beings that ga&es *ithin them7i$ not $ar more!isturbing an! morbi! imagery. or those $oolish or ma! enough to bra"e the malice o$ /steous6guar!ian an! the )o*er o$ its other !eni&ens, it is al*ays locate! at least si1 !ays tra"el $rom theChasm lea!ing into (he Gran! Abyss9 thus, only the truly )o*er$ul or truly !es)erate use mun!ane)hysical means to reach the )ortal. While there are many )aths into (hanatos besi!es its )rimary)ortal in a&unia, one thing remains constant regar!less o$ *hich )ath one takes; $e* !o not 2uickly

regret their !ecision to enter, an! e"en $e*er esca)e to tell the tale.

Ptaliss( Because o$ a&unia6s connections to the 0an! o$ Dreams, /steous )ossesses a uni2ueguar!ian; an ancient an! "icious ghost *hose i!entity has all but lost to the li"ing sa"e its name;

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taliss. (ra))e! against its *ill to remain *ithin the $ortress $or all eternity, taliss *as belie"e! toha"e been curse! to haunt /steous as )unishment $or a long#$orgotten transgression committe!against /rcus in a !istant )ast.

So tenacious *as her )resence an! malice, that e"en :iaransalee6s attem)ts to get ri! o$ the ghost*ere met *ith o"er*helming !isaster. Whene"er the e"enancer attem)te! to )urge taliss, the ghostsim)ly rea))eare!, $or *hile the !emon that *as /rcus *as !ea!, the sins o$ her son still )ersiste! as

*ell as her torture! e1istence. 8nable to se"er talissI s)ite$ul gri) on reality7an! ignorant o$ thesource o$ the sha!eIs angst, :iaransaleeIs attem)ts to !estroy the $ortress like*ise $aile! *hen itsomeho* manage! to rebuil! itsel$ through the ghost6s )o*er. +nca)able o$ )ermanently annihilatingeither taliss or /steous, :iaransalee e"entually settle! on buil!ing a $ortress o$ her o*n7though,u)on /rcusI trium)hant return to (he Abyss, her $ortress !i! not $are as *ell.

As one o$ the $e* sur"i"orsI o$ the e"enancerIs urge, taliss, in a )er"erse *ay, is no* accounte!as one o$ /rcus6 most 6loyal6 ser"ants. Conse2uently, $e* an! $ar bet*een are those *ho make it to/steousI )ortal, sa"e it be the *ill o$ (he Goat7$or nothing short o$ his o*n *ill can shiel! those *ho

*ish to enter $rom the ghostIs !rea!$ul *rath.


(the planes)


Sample Information Acquired


Thanatos is ruled !" 3rcus% It is minornegati*e dominant and otherwise

deepl" hostile to the li*ing% The la"er/s portal on #a$unia can !e accessed

through spilled !lood or the presence of an undead creature%


The most prominent deni$ens of Thanatos reside in necropoli% Among the

 !etter 'nown necropoli are the Cit" of Straight Cur*es 4*erlost olmin Thur

5achr"mosa 5ash 4m!rar 6arat"r 3rcusgate and 7adrian%


4ach necropolis presents special ha$ards e*en !e"ond their a!ilit" to createspecific *arieties of undead from those mortals that die within their !oundaries%

.hen "ou successfull" ma'e this chec' "ou !ecome aware of the specificha$ards of each necropolis as well as the !etter 'nown regions !etween them

such as The 8one -eal Desert or the Sea of 8lood% ou can also !ecome awareof what t"pes of undead are produced !" d"ing in each 'ind of region%


.ith the e,ception of 4*erlost (where 3rcus himself resides) and 7adrian

necropoli are factionali$ed% The preeminent !eings in the necropoli arelursid*al 9arthoon l"phimhor and 6ilos% urthermore "ou reali$e that the

necropoli themsel*es are not geographicall" unified either and 'now the names

and appro,imate locations of the !etter 'nown districts%


The two most prominent factions in Thanatos are the liches of 9arthoon and

the undead:demons of l"phimhor% These two factions ha*e minions withinmost of the ma;or necropoli and spies or other !eings to act upon their hungers

and lusts for power elsewhere%


.ith the e,ception of 7adrian !eings within each necropolis ha*e ri*als% ou

are aware of their names their general agendas and ha*e some idea where

these ri*als can !e found within their respecti*e cit" of the dead%

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By John Harris, Sam eer, Cal!er ooney, Sean Sur$ace

Currently Recognized Layer Number: <O>Name: Durao

Ruler: Conteste!Normal GravityNormal Time

Certain layers o$ (he Abyss seem to )ossess no other "alue sa"e $or their connections to other, $armore im)ortant locales. /ne )articular layer that comes "ery 2uickly to min! is Durao 7 a layer *ithabsolutely nothing in its $a"or unless the !in o$ $ighting !emons an! $oul Sty1 *ater coul! be sai! toha"e "alue. At the same time it is one o$ the most cro*!e! layers in (he Abyss, an! in"aluable to TheBlood War  because it is a branch#)oint $or the Sty1, )ro"i!ing easy access to many !i$$erentbattle$iel!s throughout (he De)ths Belo*.


Durao has com)arati"ely $e* natural ha&ar!s $or a layer o$ (he Abyss. (he hue o$ the sky is a sicklyyello*ish#green "aguely reminiscent o$ bile or !iscolore! s)ittle. While the Sty1 has $loo!e! most o$the layer an! *hat )arts o$ Durao that are not $loo!e! are a boun!less $eti! s*am), the s*elteringan! humi! air is at least tolerably breathable, although $oul $rom the stenches o$ !ecaying "egetation,*ar$are, an! rotting bo!ies. or the most )art, the layer itsel$ !oes not contribute imme!iately to the!emise o$ any beings that reach it. +t is, ho*e"er, )ro$oun!ly !ecre)it. ickety !ocks an! sca$$ol!sconnect those remaining )yrami!s, to*ers, an! other structures -utting out o$ the blackish#bro*n*aters o$ the i"er o$ Sin. /ccasionally 4an! *ithout being acti"ely sabotage!5, they colla)se into the)ollute!, amnesia#in!ucing *aters, sen!ing those un$ortunate enough to be trea!ing u)on them at thetime to their !eaths. Most structures ne*ly constructe! u)on Durao are ma!e out o$ ironma* an!"i)er tree *oo! brought in $rom other layers, gi"ing such buil!ings a !isturbing, $leshy te1ture to thetouch. +n those regions *here atrocities an! Abyssal )o*ers *ith comman! o"er the restless !ea!hol! s*ay, &ombies an! constructs o$ necromantically linke! bones $orm isles o$ the !ea! thatconstantly *rithe an! shi$t un!er$oot.

+nstea!, the menace o$ Durao arises $rom the hor!es o$ !emons resi!ing there. As one o$ the ma-orembarkation )oints $or The Blood War , moly!ei en!lessly treat any !emon that they can $in! that isnot clearly on its *ay to a barge or shi) lea"ing $or else*here in the De)ths Belo* as recruitmentImaterial. (his is usually accom)lishe! by slicing into them at best, or biting into them until they arenothing but mane cannon $o!!er shoul! they )ro"e too troublesome. (he !rones o$ ambitious an!"enge$ul chasme o"erhea! are omni)resent. Where"er a being *alks or $lies *ithin Durao, they al*ays$eel as i$ they are *atche! an! obser"e!#*hether by the skies, by their ri"als, or by the monstrositieslurking beneath the sickly an! )oisone! *ater.

urthermore, *ith se"eral ma-or e1ce)tions 4Gra&I&t being the best kno*n among them5, most o$ thema-or )ersonages o$ (he Abyss, *hether Atrocity, 0or!, or rince, control some amount o$ territoryu)on Durao in or!er to get *hate"er !emons they controlI at the moment else*here in The Blood

War . Since many o$ them in"ol"e! ha"e $ought each other as o$ten as they ha"e $ought !e"ils an!

!aemons, not sur)risingly, Durao is almost as much o$ a battle$iel! bet*een "arious !emonic grou)sas *ell. As a result#$or those !e"ious an! )otent enough to attem)t to !o so#Durao is one o$ the best)laces *here any $action can be sabotage! in The Blood War , by either attacking that $action6s bases*ithin the s*am) layer, in$iltrating it, or by con"incing its ri"als to attack it either !eliberately orthrough mis!irection.

Beyon! constant )hysical combat, Durao is a))arently $racturing un!er the strain o$ so many !is)arateelements an! Abyssal )o*ers challenging each other. (his is an element that remains )oorly kno*n to"irtually all in both its e1istence an! its cause, much less use! by any )arty to e1)an! their )o*er atthe e1)ense o$ their ri"als. (o those *ho !o ha"e some marginal un!erstan!ing o$ this issue, they

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belie"e that it *as the rising o$ the Sty1 that originally altere! its com)osition, an! only *ith theorigins o$ The Blood War , an! Durao6s im)ortance to it !i! this !egeneration accelerate as more an!more !emonic $actions sought to occu)y the layer an! claim its territory $or themsel"es. (he outcomeo$ this $ragmentation similarly remains in !oubt, *ith some )lanar scholars 4)articularly thosea$$iliate! *ith Diabolos, *ho ten! to see !isaster in all $utures5 claiming that the layer *oul!e"entually slough o$$ those regions that are more strongly a$$ecte! into myria! other layers, *hileothers claim that the layer itsel$ *oul! $a!e into nothingness.

'o single $action rules Durao. So much o$ Durao is continuously conteste! that at any gi"en time it is)ractically im)ossible to ma) out *ho )recisely rulesI *hat among the !ecre)it barracks, )ens $ormonstrous allies an! li"e $oo!, an! ruste! )iers. Generally, 6!irection6 4to the e1tent that the conce)te"en e1ists5 is !etermine! through t*o !i$$erent metho!s. What *as $ormerly the most reliable meansconsiste! o$ a series o$ gaslights originating $rom the s*am) "a)ors *hich *oul! catch on $ire in the$oul air o$ Durao, *ith the "arying )atterns o$ the $lames )ro!uce! in!icating ho* to reach any gi"enlocation. Ho*e"er, e"en beyon! the )resence o$ *ill o6 *is)s throughout the layer, this techni2ue *as)roblematic $or other reasons. +t is no* increasingly unreliable e1ce)t $or the most obscure regions

*ithin Durao as once one )articular $action o$ !emons starte! using $ake lights to lea! ri"als to their!eaths or into ambushes the tactic gaine! so much cre!ence among )ractically all $actions thatnobo!y but the most !es)erate an! no"ices e"en attem)ts it no*. As *ith most such techni2ues o$)ointless !ece)tion, ra& 68rb 0uu *as originally accuse! $or !e"ising this ruse originally althoughmore o$ten than not, e"eryone blames e"eryone else $or it no*.

Currently reliable, although $ar more bi&arre are means that utili&e intent in or!er to $in! location.Generally, these metho!s entail $in!ing !e"ices or bo!y )arts that bear a symbolic attachment to a!estination an! using them to am)li$y )ersonal !esire to reach a s)eci$ic )lace. Gi"en that no !emonlor!, )rince, or atrocity rules much more than a miniscule amount o$ Durao6s total sur$ace area, thismetho! has so $ar )ro"e! im)er"ious to means o$ $ooling it.


/nly a "ery small )ro)ortion o$ Durao is actually use! by the !emons that are ty)ically !escribe! ase1isting there. (he rest o$ DuraoIs s*am)s an! mires remain une1)lore! both because most !emonsare $orce! to be $ocuse! on Bloo! War !etails, an! because most !emons are actually a$rai! o$ thes*am)s surroun!ing the )ortions o$ Durao that are use! as *ell as *hat may actually be submerge!

un!er their cla*s. (hose !emons that esca)e $rom the *ell#kno*n areas return insane i$ they returnat all. (he occasional ambitious *astrilith has attem)te! to e1)lore the submerge! buil!ings in the)ast. When this *as last trie! *hate"er it $oun! allege!ly triggere! an e)i!emic o$ a )articular !iseasethat ha!nIt been seen $or the better )art o$ a hun!re! millennia an! kille! millions o$ !emons./ther*ise, 3ehnaremne seems to kno* the most about *hat lies submerge! beneath the *ater6ssur$ace#an! she guar!s her kno*le!ge *ith lethal -ealousy.

(his inci!ent re"eals an im)ortant truth concerning the layer. Durao, other*ise kno*n as +ron Shores,has a $ar ol!er history than most *oul! sus)ect. +n $act Durao e1iste! !uring the era o$ 2li))othic!ominance. During this )erio! it *as $ar !i$$erent an! it *as not $loo!e!. +nstea!, Durao *as a layer#s)anning cityI ma!e entirely o$ enormous, iron e!i$ices. (he nature o$ *hat cause! the transition toits current $loo!e! an! s*am)e!#out state remains unkno*n, although the one )oint that all sourcesagree u)on concerning Durao is that it occure! shortly a$ter the ma&&aIim starte! to become common*ithin (he Abyss. Certain sources claim that the Sty1 *as al*ays )resent at the bottom o$ +ron

ShoresI $errous chasms. Accor!ing to this theory, the ri"er sim)ly began rising slo*ly an! iron 2uaysan! buil!ings, at $irst inten!e! to be an a!a)tation against its insi!ious surges, e"entually became theonly remnants o$ +ron Shores le$t abo"e an e"er#rising ti!e o$ amnesia#in!ucing *ater. /ther sourcesclaim that the cause o$ +ron ShoresI current state *as an e1ten!e! battle bet*een a long#lost Demonrince o$ *ater, an! other entities o$ similar )ort$olio#*ith Charon being most $re2uently name!. Still

other sources 4most o$ten a$$iliate! *ith those mortal an! immortal $oolish enough to )robe Durao5,claim that the layerIs $loo!ing out *as the result o$ a massi"e magical or su)ernatural backlash#an!that the )o*er su$$icient to trans$orm the entire layer remains submerge! an! unreco"ere! beneathits amnesia#in$licting !e)ths.

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Bet*een the $loo!ing o$ Durao an! the general *eakness o$ the 2li))othim as com)are! to thema&&a6im a$ter the Second War of Law and Chaos, the layer $ormerly kno*n +ron Shores *ere one o$the $irst targets $or the latter to con2uer $rom their )re!ecessors#es)ecially gi"en the strategicim)ortance o$ Durao in The Blood War . By the time that the initial *a"es o$ ma&&a6im in"a!ers $igure!out ho* to enter the layer en !asse it *as only *eakly !e$en!e! by *hat $e* 2li))othim remaine!an! the con2uest o$ its better kno*n regions )rocee!e! *ithin a matter o$ months. (he initial $actionsthat establishe! a )resence u)on Durao, inclu!ing such in$amous $igures as Shaktari, 2uickly *ere

 -oine! by others until the layer reache! its current an! "iolently $actionali&e! state.

(he closest that Durao e"er came to being rule! by a single !emon )rince *as in the )erio! a$ter The%reat +all . (he rising )o*er o$ Balan an! his 2uest to become the $irst !emon )rince largelysynonymous *ith !emonic "ictory *ithin The Blood War  in!uce! him an! his minions to control asmuch o$ the layer as they coul!. During this )erio!, e"en those territories controlle! by such notablesas /rcus an! Demogorgon shrank u)on the layer greatly. Ho*e"er, as Balan6s )o*er colla)se! a$ter(he our Cross most o$ his con2uests *ere as taken back by "arious enemy $actions, as *ell as thosethat ha! $ormerly ser"e! Balan an! *ishe! to not be a$$iliate! *ith his grotes2ue $ailures at the han!s

o$ er!ition an! Bael in )articular. Balan ha! al*ays been !ee)ly resente!, but his !e$eat, in a!!itionto !e"astating the )ersonal armies o$ most o$ those $orce! to $ollo* him, $urther instigate! thesur"i"ors to *rath an! re)risal. Durao *as the e)icenter $or most o$ these con$licts.

Des)ite Durao being hea"ily guar!e! it is actually $ar easier to lea"e Durao than to enter it. (his is !ue

to multi)le tributaries o$ the Sty1 currently branching out o$ it an! lea!ing to "arious other )ointsthrough (he Abyss as *ell as the De)ths Belo* as a *hole, )articularly Gehenna. ortals lea!ing toDurao ho*e"er ten! to be $ar more tightly guar!e!. A$ter an unsuccess$ul in$ernal attack re)elle! atenormous cost that use! a&unia as a beach#hea! a$ter the our Cross, the o"er*helming ma-ority o$)ortals lea!ing $rom the lain o$ +n$inite ortals to Durao *ere seale!. or reasons that no !emonreally com)rehen!s, )ortals to Durao $rom a&unia kee) on re#o)ening at "arious ne* )oints u)on thelatter layer !es)ite their best e$$orts to seal, or e"en !estroy them. ortal keys into Durao consist o$ asmall amount o$ bilge or Sty1 *ater )oure! onto the )ortal itsel$, or a )iece o$ +ron Shores e!i$ice#ironor rust. Certain !emonic *ea)ons contain enough Durao#iron to ina!"ertently act as )ermanent)ortal#keys, but Durao#iron is other*ise $airly useless. /ther*ise, most layers that )ossess asigni$icant connection to the Sty1 can also access Durao as *ell.


The Sty*( (he Sty1 is slightly more )otent *ithin Durao than it is u)on a&unia an! the Will sa"e DCto resist amnesia is @= u)on Durao. /ne interesting obser"ation about +ron Shores is that since thelayer6s $loo!ing, the Sty1 seems to be gra!ually becoming less )otent. As this is largely un)rece!ente!it contributes to the theory that the current nature o$ the layer stems $rom the !irect inter"ention o$Charon in ancient times.

Sty$ian Maelstro!s( (he Sty1 is a$$ecte! by the ran!omness o$ (he Abyss as *ell *ithin Durao. Each!ay, *hirl)ools s)ontaneously $orm *ithin it, !estroying *eaker structures an! Sty1#cra$t as *ell ascrushing to !eath any being un$ortunate or $oolish enough to get caught in one 4or $or that matter,tosse! into one $or amusement or to eliminate a ri"al5. Stygian maelstroms !eal %=!? )oints o$!amage )er roun! an! last $or %!> roun!s. +n a!!ition to the normal array o$ ha&ar!s in"ol"e! *hen"essels get caught in maelstroms, Stygian maelstroms also ha"e a < chance o$ sen!ing "ictims toa&unia or other De)ths Belo* *here a signi$icant )resence i$ they are sucke! !o*n to the bottom o$

the "orte1 an! are unable to esca)e $rom it 4e$ sa"e DC <5. Some o$ the layers o$ other ealities orother locations in (he Abyss are chosen $rom the chart belo*;

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Dice roll Plane

= Khalas ehenna

2 3inos The re" .astes of Despair  

+ #a$unia1 A$/$agrat

& Slug!ed

< 3thr"s The .retched Depths of Carceri

A Stygian maelstrom has a chance o$ a$$ecting any gi"en area *ithin a <== $oot ra!ius u)on asingle !ay 4rolle! once an hour5.


-byssal Mos1uitoes: /ne o$ the more common threats in Durao are massi"e s*arms o$ Abyssalmos2uitoes. (his "icious $orm o$ Abyssal $auna has $oun! a ne* source o$ sustenance in the $orm o$!emonic bile#making it one o$ the $e* li$e $orms that can ingest it *ithout being lethally )oisone! inthe )rocess. An Abyssal mos2uito s*arm !eals ?!? )oints o$ !amage )er roun! to all creatures caught*ithin it 4!? )er roun! to !emons instea!5, an! their attacks are treate! as both magical an! col!iron $or the )ur)oses o$ )enetrating !amage re!uction. Although e$$orts ha"e been ma!e to someho*use them as a *ea)on against other !emons or reliably !irect them to*ar!s o))osing cam)s theyha"e generally $aile!. (he smallest Abyssal mos2uito s*arms are merely %= $eet in !iameter as they$ly across the layer, searching $or bloo! an! Bile. (he largest s*arms in com)arison can be nearly athousan! $eet *i!e an! !amaging enough that all !emons sa"e balors take co"er against theirattacks.

Although Abyssal mos2uitoes can be !e"astating to *eaker masses o$ !emons caught *ithin them orstronger !emons inca)able o$ using tele"ortation or $light to esca)e, they are less !angerous than

*oul! initially a))ear. +n no *ay are the s*arms 2uiet an! a erce)tion check 4DC %5 *ill )ro"i!e atleast %!> minutes6 *arning as to their a))roach. (he nature o$ their li$ecycle also )ro"i!es somein!icators as to *hen an! *here a s*arm is about to arise. Abyssal mos2uito lar"ae are one o$ the $e*li$e $orms that can sur"i"e in (he Sty1 an! are !e)en!ent on it $or their sur"i"al. (heir bloo! re! eggsan! rise to the sur$ace *hen they are about to start hatching#causing the Sty1 itsel$ to a))ear as i$ ama-or battle ha! -ust took )lace at that )articular location. ortunately 4or at least, so $ar5, no Abyssalmos2uito s*arm has e"er been !isco"ere! that is immune to )oison e1ce)t $or Bile. +n this *ay,regions that ha"e been mo!i$ie! to e1u!e )oison, such as the (o1ic Miasma, are un)lague! by themos2uitoes, an! any s)ell such as cloud-ill  that can mass into1icate them is su$$icient to con"ince thesur"i"ing insects to $in! less combati"e 2uarry.

4ig!t %old +eat!: e* creatures incarnate the ha&ar!s o$ e1)loring Durao to a more signi$icant!egree than a nightmarish creation *hose name, best translate! $rom Abyssal, is the Eight ol! Death4Eight#hea!e! Abyssal Dracohy!ra @= HD5. /ne o$ the largest !racohy!ras in e1istence, the Eight ol!

Death *as $irst unleashe! u)on the layer shortly be$ore The +our Cross. Although it cannot !estroyany o$ Durao6s larger $action#regions or more signi$icant armies, it is certainly ca)able o$ !e"astatingsmaller grou)s o$ !emons an! !emonic thralls, an! )ossesses an uncanny !egree o$ *ariness in termso$ ambushing those beings that it can success$ully slaughter *ithout gi"ing a*ay its true location an!strength. Both 3a6a&huun an! Demogorgon are currently seeking it not to kill it, but to control it an!a!! it to their roster o$ !e$en!ers $or Shi)yar!s Macabre an! (he Ma*s an! res)ecti"ely.

T!lollut!: (he $loo!ing o$ Durao *as not initially seen by all o$ the 2li))othim as a loss $or them.Some o$ them took a!"antage o$ the gro*ing !i$$iculties o$ using Durao by the 2li))othim an! its losso$ lan!mass to e1)an! their )o*er. Among the most notable o$ these ina!"ertent bene$iciaries *as the

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!emon )rince ahab. He sent one o$ his most )otent minions, the myrmy1icus (hlolluth 4>> HD5 inor!er to *rest as much control o"er Durao as )ossible. +n this manner, ahab ha! inten!e! to use theStygian connections o$ Durao to s)rea! myrmy1ici an! other 2li))othim not only throughout (heAbyss, but else*here in the De)ths Belo*. Ho*e"er, ahab6s schemes *ith regar!s to (hlolluth *erenot entirely success$ul. (hrough a series o$ machinations that neither (hlolluth or e"en ahab $ullycom)rehen!, the )otent myrmy1icus $oun! himsel$ tra))e! not only *ithin one o$ the )yrami!s o$Durao, but in a submerge! e!i$ice com)letely surroun!e! by *aters that *oul! be memory#sa))ing

e"en to the )otent a2uatic !emon.

Ho*e"er, because (hlolluth *as )hysically entra))e! !i! not ren!er it inca)able o$ e1erting anyin$luence o"er the layer. (he myrmy1icus *as not *ithout resources *hen it began lurking u)on thelayer. E"en *ith its isolation, it *as able to trans$orm itsel$ into a being that coul! remotely in$luencethose !emons an! li"ing creatures un$ortunate enough to !ra* its malign intentions. (he most$ortunate *oul! $in! themsel"es ha"ing horri$ic !reams $rom *hich they *oke screaming or *aking"isions, com)elling an! yet threatening their "ery sanity. (he less $ortunate ga"e in to (hlolluth6smagicks an! *ere ne"er hear! $rom again.

(hlolluth slo*ly schemes to get himsel$ release! u)on a layer that has change! !ramatically since hisim)risonment#although his ambitions ha"e not, an! his )o*ers ha"e, i$ anything become more subtlean! !e"ious using its !es)eration as their $uel. His ultimate goal is to become immune to the memory#sa))ing *aters *hich other*ise limit his mo"ement an! then to $ree himsel$. (o this en!, o"er the

course o$ the countless millenia in *hich he has become tra))e!, he has !e"elo)e! the ability to lure)otential "ictims into his )rison *ith a *i!e array o$ bi&arre min!#a$$ecting e$$ects 4some o$ his o*n!e"ising5. (he *eaker o$ these "ictims he !e"ours in or!er to increase his chances o$ ac2uiringra"ages, *hile the strong among them may be release! tem)orarily n or!er to !o his bi!!ing#an!a$ter (holluth steals e"erything "aluable that may hel) him esca)e.

Togarin: /ther common ha&ar!s that e1)lorers are likely to $ace, *hether those $oolish enough toseek out its secrets *illingly, or beings attem)ting to $lee the *rath o$ one or more o$ the s*am)layer6s $actions, are its *i!e array o$ Abyssal oo&es. Durao )ossesses se"eral uni2ue s)ecies o$ a2uatican! Abyssal#a!a)te! oo&es. Among the more signi$icant are the glo*ing stranglers, colossal oo&es*hich are name! $or their )hos)horescent an! corrosi"e tentacles *hich they shoot out o$ the *ater,*ra))ing them aroun! "ictims6 necks an! limbs, an! then !rag them into the !e)ths o$ the Sty1.

Another )otent menace comes in the $orm o$ the !ro*ning "oices, *hich emit a tele)athic suggestion

that causes beings to lea) into the Sty1 *ater. A$ter !i"ing in, the oo&e immobili&es "ictims notimme!iately $orce! into slumber through altering the *ater aroun! them an! then !e"ours its "ictimsat its leisure. 8nlike the )ortal oo&es o$ a&unia, the togarin o$ Durao seem to be nati"e to the layeran! *ere ne"er )lace! there as a $orm o$ re)risal or means o$ e1ten!ing any )articular Abyssal lor!6s)o*er


(he $ollo*ing are among the best kno*n regions a$$iliate! *ith )otent !emons u)on Durao;

'oilmire: (he territory controlle! by :ar!um, Boilmire is one o$ the easiest embarkation )oints to $in!*ithin Durao !ue to the $act that as one a))roaches it, the tem)erature gets both hotter, an! the airbecomes $ille! *ith e"er increasing amounts o$ steam. Within Boilmire )ro)er an! a mile aroun! it, the

su)erheate! *ater can actually harm creatures, !ealing <!? )oints o$ $ire !amage )er roun!, *ith thestone 2uays an! bri!ges connecting Boilmire !ealing <!> )oints o$ $ire !amage 4e$ sa"e DC %5 u)on)hysical contact each roun! instea!. Boilmire is controlle! by one o$ :ar!um6s most ambitious an!cle"er moly!ei Grayscale 4@= HDgestalt *arbla!e5, *ho because o$ his com)etence is allo*e! tomanage a signi$icant )ortion o$ the 0or! o$ the Si1th yre6s military cam)aigns#*hile kee)ing him $ar

too occu)ie! an! s)ie! u)on by :ar!um6s other minions to attem)t to re)eat Al&rius6 success$ulo"erthro* o$ his )re!ecessor.

+n a!!ition to Grayscale, Boilmire6s $orces are all $ire#*ar)e! or ra"age! !emons that can sur"i"e in itsen"irons *ithout taking signi$icant !amage themsel"es. (he most notable among them are the Ashen

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Death, a massi"e hor!e o$ babau *hich generate to1ic an! aci!ic smoke in battle in or!er to !issol"etheir $oes, as *ell as using the co"er to slaughter their hellish an! !emonic o))onents. (he AshenDeath are by no means the entirety o$ :ar!um6s $orces u)on Boilmare, an! they also inclu!e a *i!earray o$ $ire#a!a)te! "rocks, mariliths, an! e"en se"eral balors o$ $ar lesser stature than the ambitious!emon lor!.

Boilmire can be reache! by )lacing a small amount o$ !emonic bile or other e1cretion into a container

like a mortar, an! then heating it until most o$ the li2ui! e"a)orates. (he resi!ue )attern remaining onthe bottom o$ the container *ill in"ariably )oint the correct !irection in or!er to reach the territory o$:ar!um.

4ig!t 'lades: /ne o$ the ne*est regions *ithin Durao is that belonging to the recently $ree! an!e1tremely in$amous klurichir Shaktari. (he territory $ormerly belonge! to Asklariri, a allen that *as)re"iously a$$iliate! *ith Balan until the !emon )rince6s !e$eat by Bael !uring the our Cross. (he $inal!e$eat o$ those allen that sur"i"e! !eath enable! Malicious 0uck to e"entually take it o"er $orhimsel$#an! by the time that anyone reali&e! the true nature o$ the atrocity that the glabre&u mage

ser"e!, he *as too !ee)ly entrenche! $or )ractically any other )o*er in Durao to !islo!ge e1ce)t atgreat cost.

(he Eight Bla!es6 most )rominent !emon is the e1tremely ancient glabre&u kno*n sim)ly asMalicious 0uck 4< HD glabre&ugestalt sorcerer$ien! o$ corru)tion 5. +t is o$ten rumore! that

Malicious 0uck *as actually one o$ the original !emons a$$iliate! *ith Shaktari !uring her original reigno$ terror *ho *an!ere! $or en!less millenia an! *ith her liberation, has chosen to re#associate himsel$ *ith her $or reasons o$ his o*n. An e1traor!inarily )otent mani)ulator, he has been res)onsible $orrestocking the Eight Bla!es *ith !emons suckere! into ser"ing Shaktari6s agen!a, or other*iseattracting those !emons that are $leeing $rom other )o*ers o$ (he Abyss, an! *ish to use theconstant *ar$are o$ Durao an! The Blood War  to conceal themsel"es or increase their )o*er.

Although the glabre&u has a long an! in$amous history ruining mortal li"es, he is $ar more ill#re)ute!*ithin (he Abyss $or his )re$erre! habits; tem)ting !emons instea!. +t remains unkno*n )reciselyho* he came to ac2uire his )o*ers#but those *ho ser"e him 4an! by e1tension, Shaktari5 $in!themsel"es bene$itting $rom a nearly en!less array o$ $ortuitous coinci!ences that ai! them in battlean! in their other taskings. +n com)arison, aban!oning them, or merely acting incom)etently lea!s toa similarly en!less an! !isastrous array o$ $ailures#*hich usually )ro"e lethal $or the !emons in"ol"e!.(hrough these )o*ers o$ tem)tation he has gra!ually accumulate! an array o$ !is)arate ma&&a6im

minions $or Shaktari.

(he Eight Bla!es has not been )art o$ Durao long enough to be a$$iliate! *ith a no"el means o$ $in!ingit#*hich has as both a!"antage an! !isa!"antage that anyone *ho *ants to $in! it, can !o so#*hethertheir intentions are su))orti"e o$ Shaktari6s, or antithetical to her ambitions. Ho*e"er, it is generallyconsi!ere! to be t*o !ays6 tra"el a*ay $rom a region calle! the Strangle! en, a )articularly!angerous s*am) o"ergro*n *ith hostile Abyssal )lant li$e that is in turn a !ay a*ay $rom the mainStygian branch into Durao.

%uture5s 4bb: Although Ela&alag !oes not !irectly )artici)ate in The Blood War , many o$ her !emonicclients !o so. (heir iron shi)s nee! $resh souls in or!er to )o*er the s)ells trans)orting themthroughout the De)ths Belo* or (he Abyss. Souls as s)ell com)onents are al*ays in !eman! $or$uture battles. 'ot sur)risingly, Ela&alag6s minions )artici)ate in selling souls *ithin Durao an! in anen"ironment as )rone to slaughter an! betrayal as Durao, such sales must be guar!e!. (he region in

*hich Ela&alag6s abat#!olorin )ly their nightmarish *ares to other !emonic )ersonages *ithin Durao iskno*n as uture6s Ebb.

Generally, uture6s Ebb is the closest that Durao )ossess to anything a))ro1imating a market#althoughthe goo!s sol! there are uni"ersally male"olent in both construction an! utility, an! geare! to*ar!sthose )ur)oses that are most imme!iate to the eternal con$licts o$ the layer6s !eni&ens. uture6s Ebb!oes not !eal )articularly hea"ily in *ea)ons or !retches. (he $ormer are mostly han!le! by each$action in!e)en!ently, *hile the latter *oul! make uture6s Ebb a com)etitor to the chasme an!moly!ei roaming the layer looking $or 6recruits6. What it !oes tra!e instea! are souls $or s)ellcasting,)ersonal augmentation an! trans$ormation, negati"e le"els $or sustenance, Bile, an! a massi"e array

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o$ )oisons#many o$ *hich ha"e been s)ecially cra$te! to a$$ect !e"ils, !aemons, an! other beings that*oul! other*ise be immune to such. While the )oison markets o$ uture6s Ebb are no*here near as!i"erse as those $oun! in A&6&agrat, their con"enient location *ith regar!s to the $ront lines o$ TheBlood War  gi"es them a signi$icant mercantile a!"antage#es)ecially $or those in!i"i!uals an! $actionsthat are other*ise barre! $rom seeking more con"enient resources.

A *i!e array o$ abat#!olorin lay claim to being the true rulers o$ uture6s Ebb. All such claims are

$alse, an! instea!, Ela&alag has )lace! a kel"e&u, ang ecur"e! 4%? HDSouleater 5 in charge to thee1tent such matters. He also s)ies $or Gra&6&t since although Gra&6&t is intereste! in other )ursuitsthan The Blood War , he still maintains a com)elling interest in ensuring that it is !irecte! a*ay $romcausing too much !amage to his goals, an! encouraging his most )rominent an! intransigent ri"als to$ight each other *ith little ho)e o$ )ermanent "ictory 4a not )articularly !i$$icult tasking5, although he!oes not )artici)ate in encouraging such stri$e !irectly. He has also been 2uietly in$orme! to kee) aneye in )articular on the rising )o*er o$ Eight Bla!es an! Shaktari6s minions by 3uron.

'either uture6s Ebb nor ang ecur"e! take any interest in si!ing *ith any $action in Durao, lest by

!oing so they make themsel"es a target $or ri"als beyon! the )ros)ects o$ robbery an! generali&e!anti)athy. (he last 6ruler6 in charge o$ uture6s Ebb that !i! so 4against Ela&alag6s *ishes an! in)ursuit o$ si!e )ro$its $or hersel$5 $oun! themsel"es $acing the bla!es o$ Ela&alag6s most )rominentmarilith, 3iracthuth, as )unishment an! their cor)se *as car"e! a)art an! hung on stakes aroun! thebor!ers o$ uture6s Ebb as a "ery e1)licit *arning against taking si!es. Generally, uture6s Ebb6s $orces

are relati"ely small, an! they are oriente! more to*ar!s either !i"erting )otential combat challengersa*ay $rom the region or !ro*ning them in the Sty1 as 2uickly as )ossible.

uture6s Ebb can be reache! through the use o$ a bloo!#staine! coin carrie! by one or more o$ thebeings that are attem)ting to see it. As they get closer to the region sha!o*s gro* unnaturally longerregar!less o$ the time o$ !ay, an! e"entually bri!ges across the Sty1 an! buil!ings *ill a))ear that areother*ise in"isible.

Hell5s 'ane: /ne o$ the $e* remnants o$ one o$ (he Abyss6 most ill#$ate! !emon )rinces is the Duraoregion controlle! by Balan; Hell6s Bane. Be$ore the our Cross, an! be$ore Balan6s rise to )o*er metan abru)t en! through the treachery o$ the then#Warlor! Bael, Hell6s Bane *as one o$ the most)o)ulous an! )otent regions *ithin the layer. Balan6s in$luence u)on it *as su$$iciently strong thatin$ernal in$iltrators an! saboteurs $oun! themsel"es !rastically *eakene! by the "ery )rocess o$a))roaching it, making them easy targets $or those !emons an! allen that $ollo*e! him.

Hell6s Bane *as hea"ily sabotage! e"en be$ore the our Cross, as Gra&6&t $oun! Balan6s acti"itiesagainst Hell largely antithetical to his o*n agen!as. He !i! e"erything that he coul! in!irectly to$rustrate Balan6s ambitions *ith regar!s to The Blood War  using minions that *ere not "ulnerable toHell6s Bane6s )o*er. (he !e$eat o$ Balan at the culmination o$ the our Cross not only le$t Balan)o*erless $or a time, but it also accurse! him *ith a re)utation o$ incom)etence an! a "astly*eakene! army *hich his ri"als eagerly )ounce! u)on in the interests o$ both "engeance an!regaining their strength. (hose $e* !emons that still remain loyal to the Demon rince o$ Carnage4mostly because most other !eni&ens o$ (he Abyss *ill kill them e"en i$ they aban!on him at this)oint5 are constantly occu)ie! *ith !e$en!ing themsel"es against attacks $rom !emons an! !aemonicmercenaries to the )oint *here they ha"e $ar less time to attack the !eni&ens o$ Hell any more. WithinDurao itsel$, Hell6s Bane is )articularly threatene! by :ar!um 4*ho o$ten attacks it $rom Boilmire5, (heMa*s $or some )articularly obscure o$$ense taken by Demogorgon, an! the gro*ing )o*er o$ +llsen!eran! the Ja!e iggurat. Hell6s Bane6s increasingly !es)on!ent *arlor! is the $allen o)hanim ab!os (he

Blin! Strangler 4% HDea)ing Mauler 5, a $ormer cham)ion o$ the De$en!er o$ Strength *ho$ollo*e! Balan in (he Great all through the )romise o$ combat in *hich to )ro"e himsel$#an! no*$in!s himsel$ $acing the )ros)ect o$ en!less slaughter *hen he *ill e"entually be com)letely o"errun.

+ts $orces other*ise consist o$ a "ariety o$ allen, as *ell as those minor !emons 4none more )otentthan a nal$eshnee5 *hose )o*er is other*ise insu$$icient $or them to break a*ay $rom Balan, orother*ise kno* that their $ates *oul! be *orse by aban!oning him than by remaining *ith himinstea!.

Hell6s Bane can be reache! *ith the se"ere! hea! o$ any creature o$ la*$ul e"il alignment. (he mouth*ill o)en u) an! moan *hen it is )ointe! in the correct !irection to reach one o$ the $e* remaining

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stronghol!s o$ Balan *ithin (he Abyss#or any*here else in Creation $or that matter. (he region has nos)eci$ic )ro)erty a$$iliate! *ith it#as a re$lection o$ the !iminishing )o*ers#an! )ros)ects $or sur"i"alo$ Balan himsel$.

T!e ade 9iggurat: /ne o$ the choicest locations in Durao 4as *ell as one o$ the more "isuallynotable5 is the Ja!e iggurat. A "ast structure constructe! entirely o$ green stone long#scarre! bybloo!she! an! "iolence, it e1ten!s se"eral hun!re! $eet into the air an! much $urther !o*n*ar!s

beneath the murky Stygian *aters. (he Ja!e iggurat once belonge! to 0araie (he Hunter, a )otentan! chaotic allen that $ollo*e! Balan both into (he Abyss an! in his lust $or the annihilation o$er!ition6s minions. Ho*e"er, *ith the re"olt o$ the balor atrocity +llsen!er an! those other notable!emons that lashe! out against the broken )o*er o$ Balan a$ter the our Cross, 0araie *as $orce! outo$ Durao an! is still $orce! to $lee $rom +llsen!er6s e$$orts to hunt him !o*n an! slaughter him.

+llsen!er e1tir)ate! all traces o$ the Ja!e iggurat6s $ormer occu)ants shortly a$ter*ar!s an! took o"erthe Ja!e iggurat himsel$. +ts "alue to the mighty balor atrocity consists o$ the $act that it connects tosome o$ the most continuously conteste! regions *ithin Gehenna that are relati"ely )ro1imate to (he

Sty1. +t is $or this reason that Balan an! 0araie ca)ture! it relati"ely 2uickly in their rise to )o*er#an!*hy those that came to loathe them $or their incom)etence took it back $rom them as soon as theo))ortunity to !o so arose.

Asi!e $rom +llsen!er himsel$, *ho en-oys rallying his armies o$ !emons into Blood War  battles

)ersonally, silist (he aithbreaker 4marilith ur#)riest %=5 is the most common !emon loyal to therising atrocity res)onsible $or hol!ing onto +llsen!er6s territory, an! !e$en!ing it $rom all threats#!emonic an! in$ernal. (he $orces o$ Ja!e iggurat are mostly com)ose! o$ rutterkin, "rock, an!he&rou, *ith nal$eshnee an! mariliths res)onsible $or larger grou)s. Beyon! Blood War  in"ol"ement,the !emons o$ Ja!e iggurat mostly $ights against Hell6s Bane in an attem)t to both annihilate anyremaining traces o$ Balan u)on the layer an! in to ca)ture the )ortal lea!ing to the !emon )rince6slayer $or +llsen!er himsel$. Ja!e iggurat can be $oun! by sticking a -a!e nee!le or bla!e into the $lesho$ another creature, *ho *ill in turn $eel a burning sensation u)on their skin as they get closer to it.

Pat!s o( Trut!: Although Ba)homet an! his minions easily ha"e su$$icient )o*er to create a semi#)ermanent base $or themsel"es in Durao, the ather o$ (ruth has o)te! against !oing so. +nstea!,Ba)homet an! his minions embrace! the $ickleness o$ geogra)hy in Durao, creating a mobile regionsimultaneously !ea!ly an! e1ce)tionally !i$$icult to assault kno*n as the aths o$ (ruth. (he aths o$(ruth are largely migratory through Durao, annihilating any lesser $actions un$ortunate enough to get

in their *ay *hen their !emonic !eni&ens are $orce! to ser"e Ba)homet in The Blood War  or againstFeenoghu, or are sim)ly crushe! to !eath by the changes in s)atial structure in$licte! by the aths o$(ruth6s )ro1imity. (his is entirely !eliberate, as Ba)homet announces his gro*ing might#an! also useshis actions as a co"er $or getting closer to eeking 0ar!er an! !eliberately )ro"oking Feenoghu into acon$rontation *ithin Durao.

(he aths are a "ast, s)ora!ically constructe! labyrinth o$ *oo!en )lanks an! bones. Gra"ity is)er)en!icular to e"ery sur$ace, hori&ontal an! "ertical, *hich is other*ise large enough to su))ort acreature6s *eight. (his has ma!e the aths#much to the increasing $rustrations o$ both Feenoghu an!Sgro1#a )henomenally !i$$icult target $or them to attack success$ully e"en *ith Sgro16s army o$"rocks. (hey are also notorious $or being one o$ the most mobile locations *ithin Durao, as in or!er tosimultaneously a"oi! the other $actions such as the Wrath o$ the Dea! or (he Ma*s an! eliminate*eaker com)etitors, lagging areas o$ (he aths are !estroye! *hile ne* areas are constantlycon2uere! an! altere!#making it an e1ce)tionally !angerous region $or those *eaker !emons an!

$actions un$ortunate enough to be caught in its )ath.

(he region !oes not )ossess any kin! o$ clearly recogni&able lea!er. /$ten it seems as i$ those

res)onsible $or its e1)ansion an! !econstruction act *ithout any e1ternal in)ut *hatsoe"er $romanyone or anything. At the same time, one o$ the most )otent in!i"i!uals a$$iliate! *ith it is (he 0eer4hal$#$ien! giant $ighter %barbarian %=5, an bo"ine#horne! giant *hose $ace has been t*iste! into a)ermanent, t*iste! smile an! is one o$ the most )otent combatants a$$iliate! *ith the region.(he aths o$ (ruth6s $orces are mostly minotaurs an! giants as $ar as their mortal com)onents areconcerne!, *ith a signi$icant )o)ulations o$ ghours, glabre&u, goristroi, nabassu, an! e"en somebalors. (hey can be $oun! *ith any item, mun!ane or other*ise magical, car"e! out o$ the horn i"ory

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o$ a minotaur or ghour. Both creatures gi"en their a$$iliation *ith Ba)homet historically are ca)able o$$in!ing the region innately.

T!e Recurved "cimitar: (here are "ery $e* !emons, ma&&a6im or 2li))oth, that can claim to benati"e to Durao or e"en close to such since the layer6s immersion. /ne o$ the rare e1ce)tions an! oneo$ the ol!est an! most )otent marilith atrocities in e1istence is 3ehnaremne. A$ter her e1ten!e!a$$iliation *ith Shaktari 7 an! the !isastrous en! *hich came to her mistress, she sim)ly !eci!e! to

a$$iliate *ith no )articular )o*er o$ (he Abyss *hatsoe"er $or any )erio! o$ time, an! easily ha!su$$icient )o*er to su))ort hersel$, betraying both the other !emons that remaine! 6loyal6 to theklurichir $action a$ter Shaktari6s incarceration, an! also ensuring through her "ictories that the Abyssallor!s that su))orte! The Blood War  $oun! her sur"i"al )re$erable to her !emise. +t is thus notsur)rising that she maintains a si&able region *ithin Durao#*hich in $act, is some o$ the largestterritory that she controls any*here in (he Abyss. 3ehnaremne6s success in The Blood War  an! hermastery o$ Durao6s geogra)hy ser"e! her *ell $or most o$ her history.

Ho*e"er, it *as !uring the rise o$ Balan in *hich she *as more sorely teste! in her kno*le!ge as

Balan sought to bring nearly all atrocities an! other Abyssal )ersonages un!er his cla* in The BloodWar . 3ehnaremne *as seen as too un*illing to ser"e him an! so she *as targette! $or assassinationby the rince o$ Carnage. She only sur"i"e! through hi!ing *ithin a !emi)lane *hose only entrance*as *ithin Durao. With the colla)se o$ Balan6s )o*er 3ehnaremne $ree! hersel$, using the chaos o$Balan6s retreats to car"e out more territory an! )o*er $or hersel$ u)on#or rather, belo*#Durao than

e"er. (his region is the ecur"e! Scimitar.

(he territory generally recogni&e! as belonging to 3ehnaremne consists o$ a series o$ unassuminglimestone an! obsi!ian to*ers, !ee)ly encruste! *ith un*holesome gro*ths an! *ith little in the *ayo$ connecti"e )iers or structures bet*een them#an! most o$ these are only use! to release *arbeastsan! other massi"e creatures $or $uture battles. (his is an entirely intentional !ece)tion#as 3ehnaremneis the only !emon atrocity to succee! *here no others ha"e, an! most o$ the ecur"e! Scimitar6s truestrength o$ arms lies *ell un!erneath the *ater6s sur$ace an! is e"en subterranean in nature. Ca"ernshol! su))lies an! troo)s, *hile tunnels !ug into buil!ings $rom belo* an! the buil!ings themsel"esem)tie! o$ *ater allo* the ecur"e! Scimitar to a))ear to be )hysically !iscontinuous, *hile inactulaity $orming a "ast net*ork *here $e* can obser"e her actions#or her strategems.

(he bulk o$ ecur"e! Scimitar6s $orces are com)ose! o$ he&rou an! babau, *ith the ty)ically massi"enumbers o$ rutterkin )ro"i!ing su))ort in terms o$ sheer numbers $or 3ehnaremne6s hor!es. Stygian

*ater elementals controlle! by one o$ 3ehnaremne6s magical items an! "arious togarin are use! to !omost o$ the e1ca"ating an! to !estroy "essels that may come to close to $iguring out the secrets o$the regions. Besi!es the marilith atrocity hersel$ the most notable )ersonage is the *astrilith atrocityFle)tist 4@= HD5, *ho aban!one! Demogorgon an! Ga)ing Ma* shortly be$ore Balan6s rise to )o*er,*hose ability to e"a!e ca)ture *as !eliberate!ly ai!e! by 3ehnaremne, an! *hose continue!in!e)en!ent e1istence hel)e! to e1acerbate tensions bet*een (he De"ourer o$ Souls an! the allen!emon )rince *hen Balan sei&e! control o$ much o$ Durao.

Beyon! )artici)ating in The Blood War , ecur"e! Scimitar6s other notable interest is in s)ying on mosto$ the other $actions. (his is accom)lishe! through 3ehnaremne6s uni2ue metho!s o$ using the layer6sgeogra)hy itsel$ to her a!"antage, occu)ing buil!ings that are a!-acent an! unoccu)ie! or aban!one!as "antage )oints. Such in$ormation that 3ehnaremne gathere! seems to be mostly use! to ai! herallies u)on the layer, *hich are )rimarily the Shi)yar!s Macabre an! the Ja!e iggurat. Ho*e"er,those *ho kno* 3ehnaremne sus)ect that her goals go $ar beyon! merely *inning "ictories in The

Blood War  an! bolstering other !emon atrocities in the eternal con$lict.

(he non submerge! region o$ ecur"e! Scimitar can be $oun! *ith a kni$e or e!ge! *ea)on *ith any

signi$icant cur"ature staine! *ith the bloo! o$ either 3ehnaremne or a being that loyally ser"es her.A))roaching the region causes a )ersonali&e! hallucination, slightly !i$$erent $or all *ho )ercei"e it,that the bloo! intensi$ies in color an! $reshness.

Reeing Larder: Among the $e* "aguely mortal clerics to ha"e much in"ol"ement in The BloodWar  is the cannibalistic cham)ion o$ Feenoghu Sgro1 4mar2uis gnoll ranger %=cleric %?sca"enger o$Feenoghu %=5. (he o$$s)ring o$ a )articularly )otent gnoll sorceress an! a "rock )ro1y *ith a long

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history o$ association *ith the rince o$ Gnolls, Sgro1 earne! the !ubious "alue o$ recognition by the0or! o$ Carrion by slaughtering an! !e"ouring most o$ his tribe $or being insu$$iciently $aith$ul to the!emon )rince. Shortly a$ter*ar!s, he *as re*ar!e! by being allo*e! to come to Maggot6s east, an!cla*e! his *ay u) into being )o*er$ul enough to )artici)ate signi$icantly in Feenoghu6s cam)aigns inboth The Blood War  an! against Ba)homet throughout the ealms Beyon!.

(he eeking 0ar!er is name! as much $or its stench as his Sgro16s 6tro)hy taking6 habits#*hich largely

consist o$ taking cor)ses o$ )risoners $rom *hiche"er ri"al $actions or $ien!s are !e$eate! in the mostrecent battles, staking them, an! then letting them rot until they are either )ro)erly e!ible or hegro*s bore! *ith seeing their su$$ering an! reanimates mortals as ghouls in or!er to bolster hisarmies. Sgro1 is not kno*n $or his )atience as much as he is kno*n $or his hunger. e* cor)ses lastlonger than t*o *eeks at best u)on the *icke!ly recur"e! metal s)ikes an! other im)lements o$agony !ra)e! across the bloo!#re!, ruste! iron structures o$ the region.

eeking 0ar!er6s troo)s are com)ose! o$ hor!es o$ hal$#$ien!ish an! e"en mar2uis gnolls 4some o$*hich are rumore! to be Feenoghu6s other "ile o$$s)ring5, Abyssal ra"agers, armanites, "rocks, an! a

*i!e "ariety o$ gruesome un!ea!. eeking 0ar!er also )ossesses the secon! largest $orce o$ lace!ons4a2uatic ghouls5 in Durao a$ter /rcus6 Wrath o$ the Dea!. (hese are o$ten use! to annihilate ri"als thatstray too close to the region an! to !estabili&e his ri"als. /$ late#gi"en his lack o$ success at!estroying the aths o$ (ruth through con"entional attacks an! the increasing threat this )resents tohis continue! sur"i"al#he has begun to a*aken the lace!ons. His goal is to buil! a $orce ca)able o$

attacking the aths6 troo)s an! un!erlying $oun!ations *hile remaining submerge! in the Stygian!e)ths, an! i!eally causing the entire e!i$ice to colla)se into the sentience#stealing *ater. Shoul!Sgro1 succee! *here his )rece!essors ha"e $aile! lethally, it *oul! greatly raise his status inFeenoghu6s yello*e! eyes an! signi$icantly set Ba)homet back.

eeking 0ar!er can be reache! by any being that carries a )iece o$ $lesh car"e! li"ing $rom their o*ns)ecies 4*hether mortal or outsi!er5, an! the scent o$ Feenoghu6s territory *ill gro* stronger as theya))roach it regar!less o$ the )articular !irection in"ol"e!.

"erpent5s %angs: (he territory controlle! by the largest moly!eus $action in Durao, (he Ser)ent6sangs mostly hires itsel$ out to *hiche"er si!e is o$$ering the most money#an! *hich it !etermines,largely through unkno*n means, to be ha"ing more success in The Blood War  at any gi"en time.Beyon! the moly!ei, all o$ *hich are com)etent cham)ions o$ The Blood War , (he Ser)ent6s angscontrols a signi$icant )ortion o$ the chasme in the layer not a$$iliate! *ith any other $action an! has

e1tensi"e reach else*here in (he Abyss#)articularly as $ar as $in!ing in!i"i!uals that it regar!s asha"ing aban!one! The Blood War , or ha"e acte! )articularly incom)etently an! so *ill be )unishe!lethally $or their *eakness.

(he Ser)ent6s angs *ere $oun!e! a$ter (he our Cross by a core o$ moly!ei that ha! )ri"ate !oubtsabout both Balan an! Bael, but success$ully manage! to a"oi! both the !ebacle o$ Bael6s betrayal#an!the subse2uent re)risals by Balan against those *ho he coul! accuse o$ being res)onsible 4sa"e $orhimsel$5 an! success$ully get a*ay *ith it. (he most notable moly!eus an! chasme *ithin the angsare lerii1 4<? HD moly!eus5 an! Li& 4% HD chasme5 res)ecti"ely. lerii1 is the closest that the angsha"e to a 6lea!er6, although gi"en that the other moly!ei among the angs are o$ roughly e2ui"alent)o*er to her, she trea!s care$ully aroun! them $ar more than "irtually any other being *ithin Durao.+n com)arison, Li& is res)onsible $or !oing much o$ the s)ying#both $or the angs6 themsel"es an!against o))onents#necessary to kee) them $rom being subsume! into any o$ the larger $actions. So$ar, this arrangement has laste! $or centuries an! !oes not seem )articularly likely to change in the

near $uture, although Li& has been ma!e multi)le o$$ers $rom other $actions $or ai! in trans$ormationan! ra"aging that coul! make him e"en more )o*er$ul. (hat it has re-ecte! them im)lies that it hassome greater scheme unkno*n to all but itsel$.

(he Ser)ent6s angs occu)ies a series o$ slen!er yet tall to*ers so as to allo* the chasme to launchthemsel"es o$$ both $or ease o$ !e$en!ing the region an! looking $or in!i"i!ual !emons su$$iciently*eak to be success$ully accuse!. Although the Ser)ent6s angs is one o$ the smaller territories *ithinDurao, they ha"e in$luence $ar beyon! territory that is )hysically controlle! both by the "ast s)yingca)abilities o$ the chasme an! their *illingness to *ith!ra* su))ort#or e"en incon"eniently change

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si!es 7 in Durao i$ they !eem another $action6s e$$orts to be insu$$icient. (hey can be $oun! mosteasily by any being that inten!s to )ay one o$ the angs $or troo)s an! !retch 6ammunition6.

"!ipyards Macabre: Gi"en Durao6s status as a nautical marshaling )oint $or those Abyssal $actionsthat use the Sty1 e1tensi"ely, shi)buil!ing !oes take )lace u)on the layer. (he most notable o$ its$acilities is kno*n as the Shi)yar!s6 Macabre, base! on the metho! by *hich these 6cra$ts6 as *ell asthe shi)yar!s are constructe! 7 namely out o$ "irtually any material *hich can be !ismantle! an!

carte! there, !emonic, li"ing, !ea!, or un!ea!.

(he Shi)yar!s MacabreIs e1tremely in$ormal ruler is the nal$eshnee 3a6a&hun (he Bile*right 4< HDgestalt sorcerer5, *ho is generally belie"e! to ha"e been thro*n out o$ the 0or!s o$ Woe $or beingo"erly obsesse! *ith *ar)ing rutterkin an! !retches into entertaining yet increasingly im)lausible$orms to the )oint *here it inter$ere! !eleteriously *ith their e$$orts other*ise. His )re!ecessor, also anal$eshnee *ho ha! a gru!ge against the 0or!s o$ Woe base! on their attem)ting to s)urn Balan,)ro"i!e! 3a6a&hun a relati"ely sa$e )lace to )ractice his t*iste! arts. (his relationshi) laste! right u)utnil the moment *hen 3a6a&hun !eci!e! that his s)onsor *oul! be better as ornamentation than as

mentor#an! turne! the nal$eshnee into the masthea! o$ his )ersonal "essel.

3a6a&hun is notoriously mercenary 4although to maintain business an! sel$#)reser"ation, he *ill notty)ically break an assignment that he has alrea!y been o$$ere!5 an! has create! "essels $or "irtuallye"ery ma-or $action *ithin Durao. He e1)ects )ayment $or his kno*le!ge an! his *ork in the $orm o$

other creatures *hich he can a!! to the shi)s or )ersonally !e"our. ailing to o$$er su$$icient )aymentto him or attem)ting to go back on ones6 tenuously "alue! *or! to him causes him to sen! out one ormore o$ the many )otent moly!ei that $ollo* him.

Although the Shi)yar!s )ossess consi!erable $orces o$ their o*n, as *ell as numerous moly!eus runrai!ing )arties to )ick o$$ $resh 6material6 an! )lun!er *eaker territories $or resources, their most)otent !e$en!ers come $rom a grou)ing o$ atrocities an! !emon lor!s, )articularly :ar!um an!3ehnaremne, that agree! that it *oul! be better $or them to ensure that neither (he Ma*s nor theWrath o$ the Dea! claime! the Shi)yar!s $or themsel"es instea!#an! ha! su$$icient $orce o$ arms u)onDurao to ensure that their threat is a cre!ible one. (he Shi)yar!s are also notable $or )ossessingDurao6s secon! largest $orce o$ *astriliths#*ho are either sent out u)on rai!ing )arties or other*isema!e into shi) com)onents !e)en!ing on ho* *illing they are to coo)erate.

(he Shi)yar!s Macabre are one o$ the $e* stable regions *ithin Durao, !es)ite multi)le attem)ts by

other $actions to either !is)lace it, con2uer it, or in the case o$ both the !aemons or the Denominationo$ Es)ionage#to sabotage it *ith "arying !egrees o$ success. (hey can be $oun! *ith a )iece o$!ri$t*oo! or other a2uatic $lotsam !i))e! in the bloo! or other bo!ily $lui!s o$ a !emon. A))roachingthe Shi)yar!s causes the stains u)on the *oo! to gro* $resher an! more intense *ith increasing)ro1imity.

T!e Ma&s:Most o$ Durao is largely un!er tem)orary control. As *ith most such rules, there is at leastone notable e1ce)tion, an! among these e1ce)tions, the most in$amous is the region kno*n as (heMa*s9 the Durao territory controlle! in!irectly by Demogorgon, (he Corru)t Creator. (he Ma*sconsists o$ )air o$ Sty1#*ater maelstroms each hun!re!s o$ $eet *i!e, *ith a $urther massi"e areaencircling both in or!er to )re"ent the buil!ings $rom being sucke! in, an! an e"en more massi"e areaaroun! both o$ these in *hich the !emons embarke! to The Blood War  stay tem)orarily. (he!estinations o$ (he Ma*s is controlle! by $ee!ing the "ortices in "arious *ays. urthermore, the areaon both si!es o$ the )ortals can be a$$ecte! by the creatures *hich are $e! into (he Ma*s are $e!,

)ro!ucing the e$$ects liste! belo*. E$$ects that take )lace on the other si!e o$ the )ortal a$$ecte"erything *ithin a @== $oot ra!ius o$ the )ortal, an! the sa"e DC is @<.

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Ma&s Results Table

Sustenance Destination esult


/ther layerscontrolle! byDemogorgon in (heAbyss

Minions o$ Demogorgon arri"e on the other si!e o$ the)ortal *ith P> Str an! P> Con $or the ne1t <!? roun!s,but are *eakene! $or %!? roun!s a$ter*ar!s.

Daemon (he Grey Wastes

Daemons an! other creatures o$ neutral e"il alignment

must make a Will sa"e or else be !ri"en tem)orarilyinsane $or the ne1t <!? roun!s.

De"il Gehenna0a*$ul e"il creatures on the other si!e o$ the )ortal are*eakene!, taking a #> )enalty to their sa"ing thro*s aslong as they are in the area a$$ecte!.



(he area on the other si!e o$ the )ortal becomesincreasingly ran!om. (argette! s)ells ha"e a <chance o$ re!irecting an! hitting an ally o$ the casterinstea! o$ their inten!e! target.

By "irtue o$ the $act that Ma* !estinations are controlle! by $ee!ing them, the !emons associate!*ith this )articular location are is also notorious $or ca)turing other beings o$ belie$ !eliberately tomani)ulate its bi&arre )o*ers.

(he Goat *oul! har!ly nee! a reason to attack (he Ma*s gi"en the mutual an! legen!ary loathing/rcus an! Demogorgon )ossess $or each other. Ho*e"er, the $act that (he Ma*s )ossesses a stable4an! some*hat e"en controllable5 )ortal to other !estinations *ithin (he De)ths Belo* $urther

moti"ates him to steal the arti$act res)onsible $or controlling (he Ma*s an! claim it $or himsel$,bolstering his )o*er an! *eakening his ri"al. +n the era o$ /rcus6 $irst rise to )o*er !irect in"asion an!re)risal *as ho* he e1)resse! his ambitions. Har!ly a !ay )asse! *ithout hun!re!s o$ cor)sess)iralling a*ay uncontrolle! into (he Ma*s $rom the constant bloo!she!. Ho*e"er, as (he Goat is $armore )reoccu)ie! no* *ith a"enging himsel$ against (he e"enancer an! other )riorities as com)are!to $ighting in The Blood War , his attacks against (he Ma*s ha"e turne! into increasingly subtle an!bi&arre $orms o$ sabotage instea! !one through e1)en!able interme!iaries. Still, some !irect con$licts

bet*een (he Ma*s against Wrath o$ the Dea! occur )erio!ically#creating miles long s*aths o$!e"astation in the territory that se)arates both regions !uring massi"e, running battles.

Belcheresk ten!s to be $oun! in (he Ma*s on irregular occasions an! on more s)ora!ic occasions the8ngorthia1 are also here, inciting those !emons a$$iliate! *ith Demogorgon into e"er greater horrors.Ho*e"er, *hen none o$ them are )resent, the being most o$ten a$$iliate! *ith the ma*s is the $lying*astrilith o)halar 4@ HD5. /ther*ise, (he Ma*s6 $orces consist o$ a massi"e array o$ hea"ily ra"age!*astriliths, )ractically all manner o$ a2uatic an! terrestrial !emons other*ise, an! smaller numbers o$aboleths an! "am)iric i1i1tatichitl clerics.

(he Ma*s can be $oun! *ith any container $ille! *ith Sty1 *ater $rom Durao. E"en a small cu) issu$$icient $or this )ur)ose. As the Ma*s are a))roache!, a )air o$ e!!ies *ill s)ontaneously $orm*ithin the $oul li2ui! an! begin rotating aroun! each other *ith e"er increasing s)ee! *ith increasing)ro1imity, or slo* !o*n to the )oint o$ !isa))earing entirely by mo"ing a*ay $rom the Ma*s. +ts

location *ith res)ect to the rest o$ (he Abyssal Mire is about a !ay6s $light a*ay $rom the Wrath o$ theDea!. (he inter"ening territory in all !irections is a no !emon6s lan! create! by re)eating battles an!by se"eral inci!ents in *hich Balan incite! minor $actions to !estroy the territory as )art o$ a longerrange scheme to control more o$ Durao that ne"er came to $ruition.

To#ic Miasma: Barely "isible through the shimmering heat o$ the layer, )oisonous $ogs, an! clou!s o$ aerial "ermin are the s2uat, aci!#)itte! grey stone to*ers an! !ocks belonging to the atrocity0issa6aere (he 'o1ious. A )articularly in$amous an! bi&arre cham)ion o$ (he Abyss, she ten!s to bee1tremely e)hemeral in her comman!s to her troo)s, !e)en!ing both on their $ortunes in battlein The Blood War  an! their ability to !e$en! themsel"es com)etently $rom ri"als that are -ust as *illing

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to kill them as they are !e"ils an! !aemons. (o1ic Miasma earns its name through the *i!e "ariety o$corrosi"e an! )oisonous gases that eru)t $rom its sur$ace at the comman! o$ the region6s6comman!er6, the "iri!ian#eye! succubus Aly&rien 4% HD succubus5, *ho is *i!ely belie"e! to be0issa6aere6s !aughter by an unkno*n $ather. (he least "irulent o$ its emanations are merely corrosi"e,!ealing ?!? )oints o$ aci! !amage to any creature that inhales or other*ise contacts them 4ort sa"eDC <=5. es)on!ing to the *ill o$ its succubus lea!er or 0issa6aere *hen she is )resent, the Miasmacan e1u!e min!#!estroying "a)ors *hich !eal %!? )oints o$ Wis!om !amage )er roun! instea!, or $ar

more to1ic aci!s *hich can selecti"ely !estroy certain creatures or can !eal %!? )oints o$ aci!!amage 4hal$ o$ *hich is "ile5 )er roun!. (he (o1ic Miasma6s Stygian access connects it to a series o$)articularly $oul "olcanoes *ithin Gehenna, an! its troo)s mostly consist o$ aerial !emons such asa!"ance! succubi an! "rock atrocities, as *ell as some mariliths an! balors.

(o1ic Miasma can be $oun! by )lacing the $lesh o$ a being that !ie! $rom )oison in a bo*l o$ *ater.(he )iece itsel$ *ill )oint in the correct !irection in a manner analogous to a lo!estone $or anim)rom)tu com)ass. +t also nee! not be $resh, an! many o$ 0issa6aere6s minions or those !emonicmercenaries closely a$$iliate! *ith her use )ieces o$ magically )reser"e! $lesh or "iscera in or!er to

$in! the Miasma *ith relati"e reliability.

To&er o( 'loods!ed: (he atrocity arshanti1 is one o$ the most )otent mariliths in (he Abyss,immortali&e! not only through the "ast battles she has *on but through her !aughters; the in$amous8ngorthia1 minions o$ Demogorgon, each nightmarishly )otent in their o*n right. Within Durao, the

territory o$ arshanti1 is e2ually in$amous an! is kno*n as the (o*er o$ Bloo!she!. (he (o*er o$Bloo!she! earns its namesake through the myria! cor)ses hung u)si!e !o*n $rom hooks an! ro)esacross the e1terior o$ the buil!ing, their throats or other a))licable anatomies slit so in this manner,bloo! an! other $lui!s constantly rain !o*n u)on those beings un$ortunate enough to be un!erneaththem, or so t*iste! by arshanti16s in$luence as to consi!er their bloo!s)latters a blesssing. (he (o*ero$ Bloo!she! is occu)ie! by a hor!e o$ battle#cra&e! mariliths, an! those lesser !emons su$$icientlyterri$ie! o$ them to be res)onsible $or maintaining the rust#re! iron "essels trans)orting them $rombattle$iel! to battle$iel!. (he (o*er o$ Bloo!she! has no s)eci$ic lea!er 4although some mariliths arenaturally more )otent than others5, as arshanti1 is there enough to su)er"ise an! !e$en! it 2uiteo$ten, an! she res)on!s lethally to the i!ea o$ any other !emon challenging her )o*er there. +t can be$oun! by any being that has an o)en, blee!ing *oun!#*ho *ill instincti"ely kno* the correct !irectionto the location.

2rat! o( t!e +ead: Wrath o$ the Dea! is that region o$ Durao *hich is currently controlle! by /rcus.

When (he Goat *as slain by :iaransalee, Demogorgon an! those other )otent !emons *ith signi$icant$orces in The Blood War  took the o))ortunity to either slaughter all minions o$ /rcus they coul! $in! or6in!uce6 them to s*itch si!es u)on risk o$ !eath instea! o$ e1ten!e! torment. Ho*e"er, *ith therestoration o$ (he Goat to )o*er, he has reclaime! a region o$ Durao $or the use o$ those !emons an!un!ea! that are )rominent in his current, yet relati"ely minor )ursuit o$ The Blood War . Wrath o$ theDea! can be $oun! by any un!ea! creature, *ho can $eel a )ull attracting them to the region,although this im)lies no )articular com)ulsion to reach the region.

More than the hi!!en im)ulses o$ the restless !ea! to $in! the Wrath o$ the Dea!, the region can alsobe recogni&able by one other notable yet hi!eous $eature; the massi"e stench emanating $rom theregion. (he charnel "a)ors generate! by Wrath o$ the Dea! can be !etecte! by any creature *ith thescent ability *ithin a ten mile ra!ius, an! the normal array o$ mortal senses is su$$icient to $in! it*ithin a $i"e mile ra!ius instea!. Much closer 4*ithin a three mile ra!ius5, the smell o$ rotting bo!iesan! s*am) gasses becomes so )otent that they nauseate the li"ing 4ort sa"e DC %5, )otentially

inca)acitating them as *ell as making li"ing creatures rea!ily !etectable by the ra"enous ghouls an!"icious !emons ans*ering ho*e"er in!irectly to (he Goat. Many o$ the !ea! bo!ies are reanimate! aslace!ons *hich )ro"i!e $urther !e$enses to the region. (he most )otent are instea! reanimate! as

!ro*ne! 4MMIII 5 *hich -oin the shi)s o$ the !ea! or other*ise !e$en! it.

Wrath o$ the Dea! is ostensibly !i"i!e! in control bet*een the mature nabassu Gra1 4% HDgestaltscout5, an! Ca)tain A1sikor 4cor)se human sorcerer %?sea *itch %=5. (he un!ea! mage controlsthe All ,ands Lost , the "ast $lagshi) o$ his un!ea! $leet cre*e! entirely by !ro*ne! mortals $romDurao as *ell as those he creates *hen he brings the shi) to (he Mortal Coil, ca)tures other nautical"essels, an! ritually slaughters their )assengers an! cre* to augment his o*n $orces. A1sikor s)ent

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most o$ the )erio! in *hich /rcus *as !ea! u)on (he Mortal Coil to e"a!e re)risals $rom /rcus6myria! enemies but returne! to Durao in )articular once he learne! o$ (he Goat6s restoration to)o*er. +n reality, it is the single )lace *ithin (he Abyss *here the Slee)less moly!ei e1ert the mostin$luence#as they can slaughter other !emons here *ith $e* issues in terms o$ re)risals back in(hanatos.

,aults o( t!e )lippot!: (he ancient nature o$ Durao means that there are e1tremely !angerous

creatures an! arti$acts locate! !ee) un!er the Stygian *ater, an! in those )yrami!s that *ere seale!by the 2li))othim, as *ell as in those !istant *il!s o$ the layer *here $e* creatures, e"en among the!emons, !are to go. Although no being is )articularly enthuse! *ith $in!ing these )risoners an!treasures, care$ully cast !i"inations ha"e re"eale! ha&ar!s inclu!ing at least one other )otent an!im)risone! 2li))othim beyon! (hlolluth, se"eral ma-or arti$acts, an! a )ortal lea!ing to a layer u)on o$ *hich no other in$ormation, other than it is a layer o$ (he Abyss, coul! be !etermine!.

(he immersion o$ Durao *as har!ly instantaneous or e"en $ast, an! the 2li))othim ha! am)le timebet*een *hen the Sty1 $irst began rising an! its con2uest by the ma&&a6im to remo"e most items o$

"alue an! minions $rom it. Ho*e"er, their e$$orts to e"acuate the layer *ere har!ly carrie! tocom)letion, much less coor!inate!. Within some o$ the $loo!e! buil!ings an! other remnants o$ the2li))othim there still e1ist treasures that *ere either $orgotten, or *ere not able to be mo"e! easily.

Although most !emons *ithin Durao are too busy $ighting *ith their ri"als to e1)lore these "aults, an!

alternately, remember 2uite *ell the conse2uences o$ !oing so, on occasion "aults either o)enin!e)en!ently or are acci!entally o)ene!. +n such cases, !isco"eries such as the bebilith#mani)ulating Li!' of Is1ilith ha"e been ma!e by those $ortunate#or un$ortunate#enough to beres)onsible. Generally, reaching a 2li))othic "ault in"ol"es !i"ing to the greatest !e)ths o$ the Sty1 inDurao 4*hich can be any*here $rom one hun!re! to $i"e hun!re! $eet !o*n*ar!s5, attem)ting to $in!a !oor, an! then *orking out *hich con!itions are necessarily to o)en it. li))othic "aults aregenerally e2ui"alent in !i$$iculty o$ o)ening to those $oun! *ithin (he Gran! Abyss, as Durao originallyuse! many o$ its same techni2ues in construction.

+urao .no&ledge /t!e planes0 Table

:no*le!ge 4the)lanes5 DC

Sam)le +n$ormation Ac2uire!

<= Durao is a ma-or marshalling )oint $or (he Abyss in The Blood War .

<Durao can be reache! through )ortals acti"ate! *ith small amounts o$ irontaken $rom a Durao structure, or through )ouring bilge or Sty1#*ater onto a)ortal.

@= Durao *as $loo!e! com)arati"ely recently in Abyssal history.

@Fou are a*are o$ the most )otent $actions that control territory in Durao an!ho* to reach their res)ecti"e regions#or -ust as im)ortantly#ho* to a"oi!them.

>=(he 2li))othim controlle! a geogra)hically !istinct Durao !uring the )erio! o$ 

their greatest )o*er an! lost items o$ theirs may be belo* the *aters.


Durao as a layer may be $racturing bet*een its original change as a layer an!

the constant struggles taking )lace bet*een $actions u)on it currently.

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By John Harris, Sean Sur$ace

Currently Recognized Layer Number: >>>

Name: Cogerron, (he athless 'ightmare, (he (orment o$ the 8nsha)e!Ruler: 'one Currently :no*n,ariable Gravity

Normal Time

Secrets aboun! *ithin (he Abyss. A )hysical incarnation o$ secrecy as a conce)t is the labyrinth, *iththe )otential o$ hi!!en )assage*ays an! "aluables long lost#an! )erha)s better o$$ $or ha"ing beensuch. Among the many labyrinths o$ (he Abyss, one o$ the most in$amous an! mysterious is thema&e#layer Cogerron. 0acking a kno*n master, the con$licts that rage o"er Cogerron ha"e s)rung asmuch $rom the great hatre! bet*een the !emonic )o*ers re)resente! there as the tantali&ing secretscontaine! *ithin the layerIs embrace. (hat it once *as a )art o$ some eminently )o*er$ul beingIs!omain is e"i!ent in the ruins that !ot its lan!sca)e, in its terrible guar!ians, an! in the incre!iblycom)le1 mechanism that lies beneath its sur$ace. (hat this lor! *as also )o*er$ul, e"il beyon!measure, an! alien in thought beyon! most !emonic reckoning is -ust as ob"ious. +n a )lane o$

mani$ol! !angers Cogerron is one o$ the most )erilous locations o$ all.


Cogerron is anything but barren. Most o$ its sur$ace is a limitless -ungle co"ere! in "ines an! gro*thso$ im)ossible colors an! sha)es. (his $lora ma!e seemingly o$ some manner o$ )ul)y $leshI ratherthan genuine "egetable substance. +t blee!s, it *riggles, an! it is in"ariably male"olent. E"en *hen it)oses no ob"ious !anger, it mo"es o$ itsel$ to hin!er anything *ithin reach. (he roughly $lat groun! iscom)ose! o$ similar material, though har!er an! !enser9 the lan!sca)e is broken u) by numerous!e)ressions an! sinkholes, many o$ enormous si&e as *ell as great mountains o$ black basalt thatstan! alone, eru)ting $rom the groun! as though they ha"e no real connection to the simulate! earth.

(he layer seems to lack any "olcanic acti"ity, though the groun! is kno*n on occasion to hea"e,o)ening an! closing sinkholes at ran!om or tearing o)en to s)e* out $eculent gases or other horri!!ischarges. /"er it all a )ale sea#green, hal$#t*ilit sky stretches, $ille! *ith alien celestialarrangements, moons an! stars an! )lanets that colli!e an! !ance aroun! each other9 there is norecor! o$ the )henomena in the sky resembling any kno*n )attern o$ stars. (o !ate $e* ha"eattem)te! to in"estigate the strange "ista an! none ha"e success$ully !isco"ere! its !istance. (hehori&ons are illuminate! by green aurorae shi$ting in ma!!ening *alt&es. (he light o$ Cogerron isal*ays !usky an! no actual sunI has e"er been seen to she! any bright illumination on the layer.

What 2uickly becomes a))arent to e"en the most !ull#*itte! obser"er is that there is no consistencyo$ sha)e, color, or acti"ity in Cogerron other than it is all strange, an! "ery little is e"en nominallyharmless. E"erything is !isconcertingly ali"e an! menacing an! there is an omni)resent an! )al)able$eeling o$ *atch$ulness an! male"olent intention. Whether mortal or immortal, any "isitor to Cogerronlikely $eels an unen!ing, min!#gna*ing !rea! s)a*ne! by the unkno*n male$ic )resence that once

resi!e! here.

Beneath the sur$ace o$ Cogerron stretches a labyrinth arguably more intricate an! "ast than any so $arcatalogue! in Creation. Much o$ it has yet to be e1)lore!. /n its sur$ace are ruins such as $reestan!ing*alls an! occasional structures, many o$ e1traor!inary si&e an! all o$ $orebo!ing, t*iste! sha)es.(errace! )yrami!s, al*ays constructe! *ith une"en numbers o$ si!es an! ste)s an! ne"er 2uitea!hering to so sim)le a *or! as structureI, huge e!i$ices that a))ear to be shrines o$ some sort, an!ma&e*orks o$ basalt an! the )seu!o#"egetable li$eI are most o$ten obser"e!, but again there is)erha)s no *ay to call any $eature o$ Cogerron common in any sense. 3ines gro* o"er nearly e"eryruin, )iercing the *alls an! *ra))e! tightly aroun! them, e1)osing only !etaile! man!alas an!multicursal )atterns as i$ their "ery e1istence re)els the )lants. +ntricate stelae are nearly e"ery*here,

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many o$ them com)le1 )u&&les that can be arrange! *ith little e$$ort !es)ite their incre!ible age9these stelae mani)ulate the layer itsel$ in *ays that are rarely imme!iately a))arent 4*hen they arenot also imme!iately !ea!ly59 *hile some a$$ect local $actors, there are numerous e1am)les o$ stelaecausing layer#*i!e a!-ustments an! u)hea"als, or e"en im)lie! changes that are clear only in theshaking o$ the groun! an! the soun! o$ the mechanism un!ergroun!. (he mechanism *hich a$$ectsCogerronIs con$iguration has ne"er been glim)se! !es)ite numerous attem)ts at !igging beneath an!aroun! the stelae 4an o$ten suici!al act as such attem)ts almost in"ariably attracts the attention o$

CogerronIs !eni&ens5.

(he labyrinths beneath the sur$ace !rink u) all light an! strangle the soul almost $rom the $irst ste).(he intricacy o$ its roughly he*n )assages is staggering, an! the halls themsel"es "ary in si&e $rommammoth chambers to minute arteries im)assable by anything larger than an insect. (he "aguemale"olence o$ the sur$ace becomes an o))ressi"e an! all#encom)assing )resence, almost )al)able,almost as soli! as the *alls. (he most imme!iate !angers besi!es its )lant li$e are the "ile huntersthat kill an! eat anything they $in! roaming the halls calle! the /nes Blin! Beneath. (here are someother !eni&ens o$ (he athless 'ightmare. S2uamous s)e*ers 4racono!icon5, chokers, an! sentient

*oo!en statuary *ith )o*ers similar to those o$ el!er an! rogue ei!olons 4Lords of Madness8 MMII 5are among the most common. With the e1ce)tion o$ the ei!olons, none o$ the mobile creatures o$Cogerron seem to be nati", although they all seem to be e2ually inca)able o$ )ro"i!ing any meaning$ulin)ut as to *hen they arri"e!, or *ho or *hat *as res)onsible $or their settling *ithin the layer.

Direction in Cogerron, $ar more than most layers, is a con$using an! com)le1 issue as it )ays littlehee! to mortal conce)tions o$ such. (he most o"ert re)resentation o$ this comes in the $orm o$ e"enreaching it in the $irst )lace. (here is no central )oint *here beings *ho "laneshift  into the layer arri"ee"en i$ they use its )ortals in (he Gran! Abyss or a&unia. +nstea!, !estination *ithin Cogerron iscontrolle! by the com)osition o$ the grou) o$ beings inten!ing to reach the layer, or i$ they )ossesscertain items *hich a))arently s)eci$y *here they are su))ose! to arri"e. (ele)ortation *ithinCogerron is similarly bi&arre. (he re2uirements to reach each location are inclu!e! in each s)eci$icentry.

egar!less o$ *hether Cogerron is entere! $rom a&unia or else*here in (he Abyss, the )ortal key toenter Cogerron is an unsol"e! )u&&le. (he unsol"e! )u&&le nee! not be )articularly com)le1, ho*e"er,an! it can be as sim)le as a chil!6s toy le$t incom)lete or as genuine as a ri!!le aske! o$ another beingto *hich they are genuinely inca)able o$ guessing the ans*er. (he one hol!ing the )u&&le u)on entrymust be unable to sol"e the )u&&le itsel$9 a minion may be use! to o)en the )ortal in the )lace o$ the

one genuinely !esiring entry, or s)ells or abilities *hich !rain +ntelligence in or!er to be acce)te! maybe use!. Cogerron can be !e)arte! by making a contribution to the layer6s com)le1ity an! then)laneshi$ting normally either through one6s o*n )o*er or through the ai! o$ a magic item. (his canconsist o$ anything as sim)le as a!!ing a!!itional in$ormation or e"en sim)ly triggering any stelae an!!e)arting *ithin $i"e minutes. Ho*e"er, gi"en the )otential lethality in"ol"e! in triggering the stelae,in )ractice there are a small number o$ stelae o$ limite! in$luence use! s)eci$ically $or this )ur)osethat are also hea"ily guar!e! !ue to their utility.


/ne o$ the )ara!o1es o$ Cogerron is that $or all its "ast age it has only become kno*n to the morecommon array o$ Abyssal )ersonages relati"ely recently. +t is Abra1as that is cre!ite! *ith $irstreaching Cogerron since *hate"er lost age it *as rule! by its o*n )rince, entering it "ia (he Gran!

Abyss Abra1as *as ama&e! by the anti2uity o$ CogerronIs $eatures, *hich *ere ancient e"en to thereckoning o$ his $ormer 2li))othic masters. +n the ages since, he has ne"er yet kno*n o$ a single2li))oth entering Cogerron until recently, nor ha"e any o$ the remaining 2li))othic lor!s seeme! totake interest in the struggle o"er the layer *ith the e1ce)tions o$ 3uron in!irectly 4*hose )resencemay be an in!ication o$ general 2li))othic !isinterest or other*ise uni2ue kno*le!ge o$ the layer5 an!

uggtmoy, *hose interest is e1tremely recent, $urti"e, an! as yet unkno*n to the 0or! o$ Mysteries.Although Abra1as *as the $irst ma&&a6im to enter Cogerron, he *oul! har!ly be the last. Abra1asmanage! to conceal the e1istence an! his kno*le!ge o$ (he athless 'ightmare $rom *hat 2li))othimha! sur"i"e! the Second War of Law and Chaos. Some time a$ter*ar!s, such sur"i"ing 2li))othim ase1iste! e"entually !iscerne! through magic that Abra1as, as *ell as most o$ the other )rominent

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klurichir o$ Madness and Bile, such as Shaktari, Siragle, 0a&6bralthull, (he Guar!ian o$ Gates, an! theGuar!ian o$ ealms, all ha! "isite! the layer u)on the same !ay an! shortly be$ore the ma-or battleso$ that titanic con$lict began. recisely *hat trans)ire! u)on that !ay remains unkno*n as *ell.

Des)ite Abra1as6 great interest in the layer he *as not able to !e"ote all o$ his attentions to itbet*een attem)ting to maintain his )o*er as a !emon )rince, ensuring that he *as not betraye! bythe other klurichir !uring Ma!ness an! Bile, an! $ighting against the sur"i"ing 2li))othim. 'or *as he

e"er *illing to attem)t to sei&e control o$ Cogerron !irectly an! turn it into a secon! layer that he!irectly rule! out o$ $ear o$ some conse2uence that is as yet uns)oken. +nstea!, he turne! to anambitious, yet un$ortunately $or him, un!erestimate! !emon lor! *ho ha! alrea!y !e"elo)e! a)ort$olio relate! to labyrinths an! those that s)a*n *ithin them in or!er to )rotect Abra1as6 hol!ings*ith Cogerron; Ba)homet. Ba)homet, in turn, seeme! to make his o*n array o$ !isco"eries u)onCogerron *hich allo*e! him an! those *ho $ollo*e! him to e"a!e any conse2uences o$ their betrayalan! ma!e their o*n bi! to claim the secrets o$ the layer $or themsel"es, using a secon! entrance u)ona&unia to co"ertly enter an! lea"e it. :no*le!ge o$ this secon! entrance e"entually became $ar morecommon to the )oint *here it coul! no longer be hel! by any single )arty reliably, an! e"entually the

array o$ $actions that occu)y the layer currently came to be )resent u)on it. or all o$ Abra1as6stu!ies, he no* only controls a small but )otent $orce in the layer *hich is strong enough to maintaina "iable le"el o$ contention against e"en the $orces o$ Demogorgon.

Hazards-byssal %lora: (he least )otent o$ Cogerron6s 6$lora6 can best be re)resente! as $ien!ish or e"enCorru)te! assassin "ines. Stronger "ersions are acti"ely ambulatory or *orse still, can alternatebet*een ambulatory an! sessile li$e cycles !e)en!ing on *hich stelae an! *hich beings are acti"earoun! them. (he $lora o$ Cogerron ne"er actually attacks the /nes Blin! Beneath 4*hich again, isanother sub-ect that is acti"ely being researche! as to ho* they are not recogni&e!5. Due to theuni2ue nature o$ Cogerron6s 6$lora6 it rarely reacts to the normal array o$ s)ells an! )o*ers aime!to*ar!s )lants, an! *hen it !oes so, such reactions are o$ten ran!om in nature. Some o$ the betterkno*n s)ells that are success$ul, ho*e"er, inclu!e the antilife shell8 re"ulsion8 an! "rotection fro!evil  or other s)ells that incor)orate elements o$ such. (o the e1tent that there is an e1)lanation $orthis it seems to be that these s)ells *ork in the general case *ithout assuming that the $lora beingre)elle! is actually con"entional )lant li$e.

A"erage s)ecimens o$ Cogerron6s Abyssal $lora slo* mo"ement !o*n by <= $eet )er roun!, !o*n to ama1imum o$ ten $eet )er roun! *hen *alking or slithering along the groun!. (hey also !eal <!? )ointso$ !amage to creatures that they constrict or bite at a minimum, although there are regions that are$ar more !angerous an! can e"en s)e* !igesti"e -uices an! corrosi"e to1ins u)on those *ho tres)assu)on its territory.

Cartograp!ic +e(iance +t is not merely the substance o$ Cogerron that !e$ies con"entional ma))ing,it is an innate )ro)erty o$ the layer itsel$. Ma)s o$ Cogerron are literally incom)rehensible to the )ointo$ threatening the sanity o$ mortals an! *hat "ague ten!rils o$ coherency are e"en )resent *ithin!emons. A ma) that is ma!e o$ any )ortion o$ Cogerron using a !urable substance such as )a)er,)archment, or e"en stone only lasts $or %!> roun!s be$ore the *riting itsel$ becomes in!eci)herable byany means. (he single time in *hich magic *as use! to create a ma) it instea! create! ali"ing sy!'ol of insanity  4MMIII 5 s)ell.

Li(e and +eat!3 $ne and t!e "ame E"erything on Cogerron a))ears ali"e. Any s)ells, abilities, ore$$ects *hich are meant to seeI li$e energies or !i$$erentiate bet*een subty)es as one e1am)le kin!s$ail because o$ the o"er*helming an! omni)resent in$luence o$ the layer. Detecting any creature,s)eci$ically or by ty)e, is im)ossible *ith the e1ce)tions o$ !i"inations targette! to*ar!s a s)eci$icin!i"i!ual by name, *ith )ersonali&e! )arameters an! com)onents, an! any !i"ination meant to

!etect un!ea!. (he layer a))ears unable to res)on! to the )resence o$ un!ea! creatures, though the/nes Blin! Beneath, the All#Watcher, an! all mobile in!igenous creatures still track to their mo"ementsor )hysical )resence normally.

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Living "in!oles (hroughout the "ast ma-ority o$ Cogerron the lan! itsel$ is a)t to o)en u) beneathany creatures an! structures ato) o$ it. (he li"ing sinkholes o$ Cogerron o)en o"er the course o$ asingle roun!, allo*ing a e$ sa"e DC <% to either get out o$ the *ay o$ the colla)sing groun! or take$light in or!er to a"oi! $alling into them an! taking %?!? )oints o$ !amage in the )rocess. (he /nesBlin! Beneath seem to ha"e no s)ecial in"ulnerability or )reternatural senses as to *hen the sinkholes*ill a))ear either an! they are -ust as "ulnerable to $alling into them as e"erything else *ithinCogerron. Beyon! the innate !angers o$ the sinkholes they also )resent a secon!ary ha&ar! in that

se"eral $orms o$ Cogerron6s $lora ha"e a!a)te! themsel"es to germinate an! gro* ra)i!ly in the ho)eso$ !e"ouring inca)acitate! or *eakene! creatures by their $all, an! such sinkholes are o$ten ra)i!lyconceale! by such gro*ths $ertili&e! by the !ea! an! *oun!e!.

Madness 2it!in +n any )lace *here the skyI cannot be seen, *hether *ithin a structure or in thema&e*orks, the male"olent )resence o$ the layer is most )otent. Each roun!, any non#in!igenouscreature must succee! at a Will sa"e 4DC <%5 or be shaken. (his e$$ect takes )lace regar!less o$immunities not !eri"e! $rom cosmic or !i"ine status, an! )ersists only in each roun! the sa"e is $aile!.(he sa"e DC increments by % )oint )er hour until it reaches a ma1imal "alue o$ DC ><. A creature that

is shaken $or three consecuti"e roun!s becomes con$use!, an! no matter *hat action it takes !ue tothis e$$ect it begins to babble gibberish lou!ly, )erha)s alerting nearby creatures 4in the ma&e*orks,the /nes Blin! Beneath are almost sure to arri"e *ithin %!> roun!s. +$ this initial insanity is cure!*ithin a !ay or a "ictim tem)orarily lea"es Cogerron, then this minor !erangement !isa))ears *ithin a!ay an! lea"es little $urther e$$ect. A$ter this )erio! o$ time the insanity becomes )ernanent, an! can

only be cure! through more !rastic metho!s such as !iracle or "ro$ra!!ed a!nesia 4S"ellCo!"endiu!5.

Malign "entience /ne element o$ the ma!ness inherent to Cogerron is its ability to im)ose itsel$u)on constructs. Although constructs that are alrea!y a*akene!, or )ossess some le"el o$ inherentintellect such as !emon$lesh golems or most )lanar golems in general are immune to this e$$ect,other*ise min!less constructs are not, an! they recei"e a Will sa"e DC >< an! are not consi!ere! tobe immune to this )articularly malicious e$$ect. Golems a$$ecte! by the Malign Sentience o$ Cogerronare "isually !istincti"e $rom una$$ecte! statuary in that they )ossess insanity#in!ucing, e"er#shi$ting)atterns an! etchings across their e1terior 4Will sa"e DC %= P %< HD P Charismamo!i$ier5. Insanity in$licte! by the constructs in$ecte! by Malign Sentience lasts $or one roun! )er hit!ie )ossesse! by the construct in"ol"e!.

T!e Inco!erent "ies -bove (he $urther one $lies into the skies abo"e, the more reality itsel$#as

*ell as those *ho intru!e u)on this region o$ tenuous Creation#becomes incoherent. (he $arthest thatany being has gotten into the skies so $ar has been se"eral !o&en miles, e"en *ith tele)ortation. (heinitial signs o$ this )ro)erty a))ear bene$icial in that this incoherency allo*s beings to a$$ect largerthan normal regions. (he s)ace an! reach $or those a$$ecte! increases by $i"e $eet $or e"ery t*o milesu)*ar!s that a being tra"els until it reaches the )oint *here a being is treate! as t*o si&e categorieslarger in terms o$ the territory they can a$$ect. Ho*e"er, a$ter this initial region the !eleterious e$$ectsbecome more rea!ily a))arent an! e"en !amaging. Beyon! this region, all beings are slowed  4ortsa"e DC @5 as they are too scattere! to e$$ecti"ely control their o*n bo!ies or e"en thoughts. urtheru)*ar!s, the e$$ect starts to becoming !amaging, $orcing a ort sa"e DC >< or else take <=!? )ointso$ !amage )er roun! as their bo!ies are annihilate! by the skies themsel"es. (his region can besuccess$ully scryed  u)on remotely. (his is rarely !one !ue to the im)robability o$ encounteringanything *ithin the skies#but it is still attem)te! $rom time to time.

PropertiesStelae: Scattere! throughout Cogerron are innumerable stones *ith long#$orgotten symbols,man!alas, an! )u&&les o$ basalt, gem, an! most !isturbing o$ all, e"en $lesh. (hese are the stelae o$(he athless 'ightmare.

(he only !iscernible 6rule6 is that success$ully triggering a stelae al*ays !oes something#*hether it isimme!iately !etectable to the being that triggere! it or i$ its e$$ects become rea!ily a))arent throughtheir o$ten bi&arre lethality. Stelae ha"e been classi$ie! by Abyssal scholars accor!ing to ho**i!es)rea! the e$$ects that result $rom their triggering are *ithin the layer. 0esser stelae a$$ect

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e"erything *ithin an %== $oot ra!ius *hile greater stelae a$$ect e"erything *ithin an % mile ra!ius.Ma-or stelae take e$$ect o"er the entire layer that is rele"ant to the nature o$ *hat is triggere! bythem, e"en i$ the e$$ects resulting $rom a ma-or stelae triggering are e1tremely minor, such as onlymo"ing the )osition o$ a grou) o$ stelae by one notch throughout the entirety o$ Cogerron. Anysentient creature, inclu!ing the un!ea!, can trigger stelae. Ho*e"er, the restless !ea! cannot cause)assi"e e$$ects or trigger )ortals. Some o$ the better kno*n lesser, greater, an! ma-or stelae are the$ollo*ing;

Itinerant Stones 4lesser stelae5; Some o$ the most !angerous lesser stelae are the itinerant stones.When triggere!, they create a small amount o$ an e1tremely short li"e!, yet )ortable substance thatcan be use! to trigger other stelae throughout Cogerron. By itsel$, this *oul! not seem so !angerous,sa"e $or the $act that itinerant stones ha"e a nastily malign *ill *hich allo*s them to kee) themsel"esin e1istence by literally sucking the li$e out o$ e"ery creature aroun! them. E"ery being *ithin a = $t.ra!ius o$ an itinerant stone must make a ort sa"e DC >< or else take % negati"e le"el e"ery %=minutes. Each negati"e le"el taken by a "ictim o$ an itinerant stone hel)s to )reser"e its e1istence $oranother %= minutes. urthermore, i$ an itinerant stone gets belo* >= or <= o$ its original hit

)oints, then it starts becoming ca)able o$ charming or e"en !ominating beings *ithin the same ra!ius4Will sa"e DC ><5, mani)ulating them into range o$ more )otential "ictims until it heals itsel$. /nce anitinerant stone triggers a stelae then it becomes )ermanently inert. Although reacti"ating the materialo$ *hich itinerant stones are ma!e has been a sub-ect o$ much e1)erimentation, so $ar none o$ thesee$$orts ha"e )ro"e! success$ul.

9nowled$e for 9nowled$e 4greater stelae5; 'ot all stelae in Cogerron ha"e )hysically obser"ableconse2uences *hen they are triggere!. /ne e1am)le o$ these more abstract stelae is generally kno*nas kno*le!ge $or kno*le!ge. (he kno*le!ge $or kno*le!ge stelae o$$er hints an! "isions as to "ariouscon$igurations o$ the layer an! its labyrinths. 'ot sur)risingly, this in$ormation !oing so comes at a)otentially stee) )rice. (o trigger the stelae re2uires $ee!ing it *ith a certain !egree o$ kno*le!ge#*hich is in turn !e)en!ent on the )o*er stela in"ol"e!. urthermore, there is no guarantee that thebeing that triggers the stelae en!s u) recei"ing the kno*le!ge in"ol"e!, an! the stelae themsel"esseem to ha"e a certain array o$ bi&arre limitations u)on *hich beings can an! cannot be theirbene$iciaries at any gi"en time. /nce a being is *ithin @= $eet o$ one o$ these stelae 4*hich can takemany $orms, making them )articularly !angerous5, it cannot again be !e)arte! until it has beentriggere!. (he least )o*er$ul stelae may only remo"e a !ay or a *eek6s *orth o$ memory, $orcing thebeing to slee) $or a !ay as their min!set rearranges itsel$ to accomo!ate the lost. (he most )o*er$ulo$ this ty)e o$ stelae can instea! totally erase the kno*le!ge that its triggerer contains, lea"ing them

a catatonic husk unless they are cure! *ith either a *ish or a miracle#an! !oing so in turn results inthe loss o$ *hate"er kno*le!ge *as gaine!. (he best kno*n kno*le!ge $or kno*le!ge stela is locate!*ithin the lo*er !e)ths o$ the layer, an! it is controlle! by the (etra!.

Livin$ 9ey  4lesser stelae5; 0i"ing key stelae actually turn the triggerer or some other being into anentity that can in turn acti"ate $urther stelae. Demons or constructs are more o$ten than not use! $orthis )ur)ose, as the act o$ turning a mortal into a li"ing creature seems to be incom)atible *ith their$un!amental nature#!ri"ing them ra)i!ly insane but also making the resulting li"ing key in"iablethrough causing %!> Wis!om !rain )er hour 4Will sa"e DC >< to resist5. (his is o$ten cite! as e"i!encethat the creator or creators o$ Cogerron !istantly )rece!e! mortal li$e altogether.

Restructure 4greater stelae5; A restructure stelae *hen triggere! buil!s ne* *alls an! e"en e!i$ices.Ho*e"er, the manner in *hich such things are built makes restructuring stelae some o$ the most!angerous *ithin Cogerron. +t is not through the *holesale creation o$ ne* stone an! "egetation that

such things are built. +t is instea! constructe! out o$ *hate"er is nearby#o$ten inclu!ing other !emons,*hich are horribly trans$orme! once the stelae is triggere!. /$ten, the only remnants o$ theire1istence are $aces hi!!en *ithin the *alls, arms )rotru!ing $rom $loors, or minor craters *here

beings *ith !eath throes *ere instantly slain by the stelae6s triggering an! e1)lo!e! as a result.3ictims o$ restructure stelae gain a ort sa"e DC >< in or!er to resist its e$$ects.

Over$rowth 4greater stelae5; (he triggering o$ an o"ergro*th causes all o$ the )lant li$e *ithin thera!ius o$ its triggering to gro* an! mutate at a "astly accelerate! rate. (he best case scenario in suchcases is that the "ines merely entangle the beings that are tra))e! *ithin them. More "icious e$$ectsthat ha"e been note! inclu!e actually a*akening the )lant li$e in a region, or e"en causing to gro* so

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2uickly that the $loral burst crushes those beings un$ortunate enough to be caught *ithin it, simulatingthe e$$ects o$ theverdi$ris e)ic s)ell but i$ anything, !oing $ar more !e"astating !amage. (he most)otent o$ the /"ergro*th stelae !eal >=!%= )oints o$ !amage 4e$ sa"e DC >< $or hal$5. Gi"en thesee$$ects, it can be aske! *hy these )articular stelae are e"er triggere!T (he ans*er comes in the $actthat these $loral bursts are e1traor!inarily short li"e!, to the )oint *here e"en beyon! the massi"ely!estructi"e e$$ects that can be )ro!uce! against ri"als *ith them, *hen the )lant li$e *alks o$$ or !iesback o$$, o$ten ne* )ath*ays into the labyrinths belo* are re"eale!. (his lea!s those *ho trigger the

stelae to the )ossibility o$ ne* arti$acts#)ro"i!e! that they sur"i"e the original e$$ects.

Pattern A$ainst Pattern 4greater stelae5; A )attern against )attern stela )ossesses the )o*er to!estroy another )iece o$ in$ormation *ithin Cogerron. +t can be use! against a creature, in *hich casethey recei"e either a ort sa"e DC >< i$ they are to be entirely !estroye!, or a Will sa"e DC @ i$ a)iece o$ in$ormation is to be a$$ecte! instea!. +n either case the target or targets to be a$$ecte! mustbe locate! *ithin (he athless 'ightmare. Pattern a$ainst "attern stelae stelae are "aluable becausethey are the only kno*n stelae that )ossess the )o*er to actually !estroy other stelae. Ho*e"er,!oing so in"ariably in$uriates the /nes Blin! Beneath to the )oint *here they *ill relentlessly hunt

!o*n any being that attem)ts to use a stela in this manner. More o$ten than not, Pattern A$ainstPattern stelae are use! to instea! reset other stelae or alternately, to hi!e in$ormation concerningeither the location or the triggering o$ stelae so they can be use! e1clusi"ely by one $action oranother. Pattern A$ainst Pattern stelae are uni2ue in that they e1ist in all "ariants o$ ma-or, minor, an!greater stature throughout Cogerron.

Gi"en the )o*er o$ Pattern A$ainst Pattern stelae the e$$ects o$ misusing them are )articularly !ire.(riggering it against a creature that is not )resent *ithin Cogerron, or $or that matter, attem)ting toeliminate a )iece o$ in$ormation that is not entirely containe! *ithin the layer causes its )o*er toreboun! u)on the being that attem)te! to use it. (he result $orces them to make a ort sa"e DC >< orelse be erase! $rom e1istence themsel"es. (his )ro)erty has been use! on occasion to slay ri"als#an!it has been re"erse! through a success$ul rank check DC %@ only in one kno*n inci!ent in the entirelayer6s history. (hat it re2uires cosmic )o*er to re"erse#an! that the layer !oes seem to ha"e some*ay o$ kno*ing *hen the stelae has been misuse!#)ro"i!es tantali&ing hints as to the )otency o$ thebeing that once !*elle! here.

Two Tri$$ers 4ma-or stelae5; /ne o$ the most )otent an! ha&ar!ous stelae, ironically, acts in a mannerthat is most com)rehensible to mortals. (hese are the t*o triggers stelae *hich as the namesuggests, sim)ly a!-ust other stelae by t*o )ositions. Although t*o triggers stelae are among the

most ob"ious an! easy to !escribe *ithin the (orment o$ the 8nsha)e!, they are some o$ the most!angerous stelae because they can resha)e much o$ the layer *ith minimal e$$ort. Two Tri$$ers stelaeare turne! on by )er$orming t*o se)arate actions u)on the !e"ice largely simultaneously such asturning one stelae clock*ise an! another counterclock*ise, or linking t*o man!alas together in such a*ay that their t*o )atterns become linke! into a single, )attern o$ lesser symmetry than the $irst. Dueto the massi"e !estruction that some Two Tri$$ers stelae ha"e been kno*n to *reak across the layer,*hene"er they are !isco"ere! they ten! to be e1ce)tionally *ell guar!e!.


-bra#as: 'ot sur)risingly, the Demon 0or! o$ Mysteries retains interest in Cogerron. Abra1as seeks torestore his $a!ing )o*er by $in!ing arti$acts u)on Cogerron that ai! him in his goals. 'ot lost on him isthat any )o*er that he gains through $rom the layer is )o*er lost to Ba)homet in his ambitions to

become $ar more )o*er$ul than he alrea!y is. (he )resence o$ Abra1as u)on Cogerron is notsigni$icant in numbers9 it more than makes u) $or this !e$iciency in terms o$ the )o*er o$ thein!i"i!uals res)onsible; (he (etra!. (his grou) o$ $our glabre&u mages is so )otent not only in normalmagic but also in the use o$ Abra1as6 !emonic names that t*o o$ them *orking in tan!em ha"e gi"enbalors )ause, an! $e* ha"e stoo! be$ore all $our *ithout being bent to their )o*er. (he least among

them )ossesses e)ic might, an! the most )otent is rumore! to be one o$ the $irst glabre&u e"ercreate! an! a stu!ent o$ Siragle himsel$9 so a!e)t at !eceit an! magic that they o)te! to re-ect$urther trans$ormation in or!er to continue to use their skills in the $orm $or *hich they *ere bestkno*n $or them. (he least )o*er$ul o$ (he (etra! )ossesses < HD, *hile the most )otent amongthem has >< HD instea!.

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Although Abra1as an! (he (etra! control some o$ the smallest amount o$ territory *ithin Cogerron,they are belie"e! to kno* more about its intricate con$igurations than almost any other $actions sa"e$or Ba)homet an! Demogorgon 4though these t*o kno* more )recise in$ormation about certain local$actors *hile Abra1asI kno*le!ge is more generali&e! an! com)rehensi"e5. or this reason, other$actions o$ten seek to strike tem)orary !eals *ith them 4*hich are broken by both or either )arty assoon as it becomes con"enient5 or, alternately, to steal their kno*le!ge an! treasure. (he minions o$

(he (etra! are glabre&u s)ellcasters an! magi o$ lesser )otency, babau, an! bar#lgura, an! theys)eciali&e in using controlling an! name#magicks in or!er to *rest in$ormation an! loyalty out o$ theminions o$ ri"al $actions *hene"er they are ca)ture! ali"e.

'ap!omet: 'e1t to Abra1as, Ba)homet is generally consi!ere! one o$ the most kno*le!geable beingsconcerning the nature an! treasures o$ Cogerron. Mor&a1 the ghour 4<= HDBloo! War Cham)ion %=5,an ol! an! *icke! s)a*n o$ the Beast, o"ersees the e1)e!ition. Ba)hometIs break *ith Abra1as an!his re"ision as an abstract entity ha"e a$$or!e! him a great !eal o$ intuition regar!ing the secreti"eas)ects o$ Cogerron, allo*ing him to make 2uicker )rogress than most o$ his com)etitors. (hrough

Mor&a1 an! his other minions, Ba)homet has learne! a great !eal about the basic $unctions o$ themechanism as *ell as the locations an! $eatures o$ a number o$ stelae an! structures. Ba)hometIs$orces ha"e manage! to remain intact to a much greater !egree than his com)etitors, *hich bene$itshim greatly gi"en his status com)are! to many o$ them, as *ell as his !i"i!e! attentions.

Ba)hometIs $orces are com)rise! o$ numerous teams o$ minotaur scouts9 !es)ite lacking the bene$itso$ !emonic troo)s, their mortal#hone! skills an! strength are e$$ecti"e in !e$en!ing the mobilecam)sites, an! they are e1cellent at cutting through the brush on the sur$ace. (heir intrinsic a$$inity$or ma&es hel)s them in the ma&e*orks as *ell, an! though the /nes Blin! Beneath ha"e e1acte!their toll an! Ba)homet has ma!e no !isco"eries e2ualing those o$ Demogorgon or 3uron, his ser"antsha"e a more com)lete kno*le!ge o$ certain local net*orks o$ the ma&e.

(*el"e ghours lea! the e1)e!ition beneath Mor&a1, an! *ith him )ro"i!e gui!ance to the scouts as*ell as correlate an! analy&e their $in!ings. All thirteen are blin!, each ha"ing )lucke! out its eyes atthe comman! o$ Mor&a1 himsel$, *ho $ollo*e! suit. (heir blin!ness, *hen combine! *ith Ba)hometIs)o*er, someho* has ma!e them su)remely a!e)t at negotiating the layerIs ha&ar!s. Mor&a1Is eyesremain $unctional an! he )asses them along to the other ghours *hen sight is nee!e! *hich allo*shim to see *hat they see through his eyes. (his *as !one not only to increase their e$$ecti"eness butalso as a )ractical measure. Cogerron has numerous symbols an! other tra)s *hich are oriente! to

sight, an! three ghours *ere alrea!y struck !ea! or ma! by them be$ore blin!ness *as institute!.Moreo"er, their blin!ness gi"es Ba)homet a $urther as)ect o$ control9 ho*e"er )o*er$ul they are, ablin! ghour that *as com)elle! to lea"e or betraye! its master *oul! not be able to sur"i"e on its o*nin the *il!s o$ Cogerron.

Ba)homet an! Mor&a1 in )articular seem to be searching $or stelae *hich control the general s)atialarrangement o$ Cogerron6s labyrinths. +n this e$$ort they ha"e been )artially success$ul an! theycontrol $i"e Two Tri$$ers stelae that allo* them access to a signi$icant )ortion to Cogerron6s moreobscure !e)ths, in a!!ition to ca)turing se"eral arti$acts that ha"e been sent back to The )ndlessMae $or Ba)homet6s )ersonal collections. Beyon! these, Mor&a16s most notable !isco"eries so $ar areinclu!e the +"ory S)ire, a )otent *ea)on *hich he uses as *ell as an arti$act. +t allo*s its hol!er totrans$orm its "ictims into statuary )ortions o$ the layer 4ort sa"e DC >< to resist5, as *ell as allo*ingits bearer to )ass through the *alls an! stone*ork o$ Cogerron, but only Cogerron, unhin!ere!./minously, the Ivory S"ire "aguely resembles a tooth or s)ine o$ some $ar more massi"e creature

e"en than Mor&a1 himsel$.

+emogorgon: Demogorgon has al*ays ha! a ma-or interest in Cogerron. What this says about the

layer6s origins as *ell as Demogorgon itsel$ is a 2uestion that only Demogorgon seems to kno* theans*er to an! it s)eaks o$ it to )ositi"ely no one. Among his many signi$icant $in!ings *ithin theathless 'ightmare is the horri$ic !e"ice kno*n as the Soul Consu!in$ 2iscera#a )articularly $oularti$act that literally !ismantles !emons o$ "arying ty)es an! recombines elements o$ both o$ them.Most o$ the results o$ such combinations are lethal. Ho*e"er, the $e* times that the combinationsha"e been "iable ha"e been )articularly horri$ic an! )o*er$ul, creating gru!ging satis$action in theDe"ourer o$ Souls an! bringing !e"astation to his $oes.

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Similarly, the De"ourer o$ Souls is al*ays a*are o$ the )ossibility o$ betrayal an! in!e)en!ence amongthose beings that claim to ser"e him. Demogorgon6s instincts $or horri$ic inno"ation ha"e $oun! a *ayo$ sol"ing this )articular issue9 create a minion *ithout the $la*s. (his )articular entity is one o$ themore )otent constructs in e1istence; Lulith 4awa-ened  @? HD retrie"er5. Although the construct hasbeen augmente! in numerous *ays, inclu!ing gi"ing it $ar more signi$icant intellect an! insight,Lulith6s most in$amous mo!i$ication $rom the (*in (errors is the one that is the least likely to be

imme!iately lethal, but the most likely to be !ea!ly o"er the long term. /ne o$ Lulith6s eye rays hasbeen mo!i$ie! to "laneshift  beings to a ran!om location in Ga)ing Ma*, Demogorgon6s )re#eminentlayer#a )ro)erty that has brought many o$ Lulith6s enemies to !eaths that it $in!s )articularlyamusing.

E"en be$ore Lulith *as sent to Cogerron, Demogorgon ha! ma!e great stri!es in un!erstan!ing boththe mechanisms o$ Cogerron as *ell as e1tracting some o$ its more obscure arti$acts an! secrets.Ho*e"er, Lulith6s interests ha"e been $ar more $ocuse! since his arri"al; to*ar!s un!erstan!ing an!e"entually coming to control the /nes Blin! Beneath. 8n$ortunately $or Lulith6s ri"als, !e"elo)ment

has )rogresse! to the )oint *here although the ruhin are not entirely controllable, they can at least betem)orarily immobili&e! in the )resence o$ Lulith, an! can e"en be re!irecte! to*ar!s attackingLulith6s targets. +t is entirely )ossible that this is a minor achie"ement com)are! to *hat the De"ourero$ Souls truly inten!s. +$ this is true, then it )orten!s $ar more ominous !e"elo)ments to be ma!e inthe $uture by a being *hose inno"ations routinely horri$y an! mar Creation.

Most o$ Lulith6s $in!s are sent by the bi&arre construct back to Ga)ing Ma*. Gi"en Cogerron6s intricatehistory o$ betrayals an! *ay*ar! minions, there are !e$inite limits to ho* much the De"ourer o$ Souls*oul! trust e"en a minion that he create! himsel$. Ho*e"er, there are a cou)le o$ arti$acts *hoseimme!iate utility are such that Lulith retains )ersonal control o"er them. Among the most )rominentis the Seven:+old )ye9 a gra$table !e"ice *hich allo*s its reci)ient to bene$it $rom the e2ui"alent o$an antici"ate tele"ort s)ell *ith regar!s to the /nes Blin! Beneath, an! $urthermore )rotects them*ith a locali&e! e2ui"alent o$ an anti"athy  s)ell e$$ecti"e *ithin a t*o hun!re! $oot ra!ius. Beyon!Lulith6s )ersonal $in!s, his $action in general 6controls6 an area o$ a))ro1imately t*enty s2uare milesu)on the layer 4not continguous to each other5, in$luences a $ar larger area in terms o$ territory)atrolle! an! scryed  u)on, an! has rea!y access to t*enty !i$$erent stelae, inclu!ing three TwoTri$$ers an! an Over$rowth in a!!ition to relati"ely reliable routes to !o&ens o$ others. Lulith6s6$action6 contains a consi!erable number o$ bebiliths, "rocks, bar#lgura, mariliths, an! other retrie"erso$ lesser but notable )o*er, *hich use their mobility in or!er to gain a!"antage o"er an! !estroy their


%raz 58rb Luu: E"en more than aggra"ating his ri"al !emon )rinces 4e"en Gra&6&t5 into inchoate $ury,ra& 68rb 0uu seeks to regain one o$ the most )otent arti$acts o$ (he Abyss; The Rod of +ra /0r'Luu. As a conse2uence, ra& 68rb 0uu sent an e1)e!ition in or!er to search $or it an! !etermine*hether it is or is not )resent in Cogerron or not. Although !es)eration !ri"es her 2uest, at the sametime, she is gra!ually coming to the conclusion that The Rod  either !oes not e1ist u)on Cogerron atall, or it may ha"e )erha)s been !estroye!. ra& 68rb 0uu6s minion in Cogerron is the kel"e&u sorcerer#assassin Blue!agger 4% HD kel"e&uassassin %<5, *ho has gaine! his kno*le!ge o$ the layer *ith thesame le"el o$ subtlety an! malice that has ma!e his current )aymaster in$amous both *ithin an!beyon! (he Abyss; by ri))ing it out o$ e"eryone else aroun! him. His lack o$ success, although he hasmanage! to sur"i"e the layer itsel$ an! Akaris6 constant attacks u)on him, is increasingly con"incinghim to*ar!s going com)letely in!e)en!ent like :la"ikus, or e"en taking u) *ith some other )o*er*ithin (he Abyss entirely an! $acing ra& 68rb 0uu6s *rath 4ho*e"er remote5 as com)are! to returning

to Hollo*6s Heart an! $acing him !irectly.

Blue!agger is less intereste! in controlling territory than he is in gaining access to *hat the other

$actions kno* about Cogerron#in the ho)es that i$ his sus)icions concerning the absence o$ the Rod of+ra /0r' Luu are *rong, he *oul! be able to act u)on them 2uickly an! ac2uire the Rod  be$ore anyother $action either can !o so#or e"en reali&es )recisely *hat they ha"e $oun!. (he $action is other*isemostly com)ose! o$ "rocks an! he&rous, an! is magically su))orte! by babau an! glabre&us)ellcasters o$ "arying ty)es.

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Graz5zt: Although Cogerron in its en!less internecine *ar$are *ith little )ros)ect o$ meaning$ul "ictoryre)resents much that the Dark rince seeks to eliminate $rom (he Abyss, he still maintains an interestin ensuring that nothing that can o"erturn his lusts $or se1 an! )o*er emerges $rom the layer. Assuch, Gra&6&t has agents u)on Cogerron, but )artici)ates to no signi$icant !egree in hunting $orarti$acts there. Mostly, Gra&6&t6s agents )re$er to *aylay any beings that make signi$icant !isco"eriesu)on the layer#es)ecially those that coul! )otentially threaten his )o*er. (hese hi-ackings an!mur!ers are mostly accom)lishe! through the )o*er o$ k6Ssl 4<< HD (agheron5 *ho ans*ers )rimarily

to 3uron in A&6&agrat.

.lavius: E"en in the )erio! o$ his !eca!ence, (he Goat still $oun! an interest in Cogerron an! thearti$acts !isco"ere! *ithin the layer. Although the rumors that the 0ash Embrar in $act originate! hereare $alse, the $act that Demogorgon has o$ten $ought (he Goat o"er )ossession o"er the !e"ice cause!him to be sure that Demogorgon coul! not $in! something u)on the layer that might allo* him to stealthe 0ash Embrar, !es)ite the layers o$ magical )rotection an! !e"ious tra)s that he ha! )lace! u)on itin or!er to )re"ent such. As a result, /rcus has almost al*ays ha! minions sent to Cogerron to $ight$or its s)oils.

During this tumultuous )erio!, a )articularly ambitious balor kno*n as :la"ikus 4@ HDgestaltnecromancer5 attache! himsel$ to (hanatos an! (he Goat in )ursuit o$ greater )o*er an! in$luence.Ho*e"er, his !esires *ere $rustrate! by the )resence o$ those o$ $ar greater might than himsel$ in theBelly o$ Death. :la"ikus reali&e! both that he coul! neither stan! against (er#Soth, or $or that matter,

e"en Gly)himhor in his )o*er. Base! on this insight, he *isely chose to e1ile himsel$, as *ell as those!emons that *ere *illing to $ollo* him in the )romise o$ greater )o*er 4an! items5 $or themsel"es, orsim)ly attache! themsel"es )arasitically to his mercenary cause $or )ersonal gain or in the ho)es o$betraying him to his many ri"als later.

Although he ha! no *ay o$ )re!icting the en! that came to (he Goat, he *as e1tremely *ell)ositione! to take a!"antage o$ it. /nce he hear! o$ /rcus6 assassination, :la"ikus com)letely tookcharge o$ the $action u)on Cogerron, killing all beings that may ha"e cause! him trouble, or those thatmight be incline! to betray him to his enemies. Since then he has !isco"ere! enough arti$acts tobecome an in!e)en!ent $action u)on the layer. He *orke! mostly to ser"e his o*n )o*er, an! onoccasion, $or those beings that coul! either )ay him enough to be *orth his 4tem)orary5 loyalty, or*ho it might amuse him to betray *hene"er it became more a!"antageous $or him to !o so. Althoughhe ha! his share o$ near#esca)es *ith the $actions sent by Demogorgon an! Gra&6&t 4both o$ *hichha! )ersonal gru!ges against :la"ikus5, generally his tenure in Cogerron has been )ro!ucti"e an!

amusing, o$$ering him both treasure an! a more or less constant stream o$ $oolish lesser !emons $orhim to $east u)on an! abuse.

:la"ikus6 )leasures laste! u) until -ust about the *orst )ossible thing that coul! ha))en $rom his)ers)ecti"e actually trans)ire!. /rcus came back $rom the !ea!, resurrecte! an! i$ anything, more*rath$ul than e"er. Although (he Goat has been )rimarily intereste! in regaining groun! lost *hile he*as !ea!, /rcus still maintains an interest in claiming arti$acts $rom Cogerron, i$ $or no better reasonthan to s)ite three o$ his most notable a!"ersaries *ithin (he Abyss in terms o$ ra& 68rb 0uu,Demogorgon, an! to a lesser e1tent, Gra&6&t. (hat /rcus can simultaneously a!"ance his o*n interestsan! )unish a traitor $urther moti"ates him u)on Cogerron an! against :la"ikus, an! gi"es the balor)ause as to ho* much o$ a $uture he has *ithin the labyrinthine layer unless he can either $in!su))ort $rom some other )o*er 4unlikely5 or $in! an arti$act o$ such sur)assing )o*er as to allo* himto !e$en! himsel$ $rom /rcus6 imminent attacks 4*hich is slightly more likely5.

Although :la"ikus has ma!e many notable $in!s u)on Cogerron, the one *hich has hel)e! kee) himali"e 4as best the term a))lies5 is a horri$ic !e"ice that seems to be relate! in some *ay to the SoulConsu!in$ 2iscera !isco"ere! by Demogorgon an! the ma&&a6im s)ell calle! the !osaic of a$ony .(

his !isco"ery is a )articularly "icious anti!emonic *ea)on that seems to o)erate in a *ay that )arallelscertain 2li))othic )o*ers. +t $uses any li"ing creatures caught *ithin each blast *ith each other,slaughtering them in a manner so )ain$ul an! !ramatic that e"en other !eni&ens o$ (he Abyss areo$ten sickene! by its grotes2ue !is)lays o$ might. Beyon! the arti$acts *hich he )ossesses, :la"ikus6$action controls ten stelae, inclu!ing a Pattern A$ainst Pattern *hich he uses to eliminate in$ormationu)on his )ersonal acti"ities as *ell as those o$ his $action#an! also acce)ts )ayment in or!er to )rotect"ictims *ith su$$icient *ealth $rom the *rath o$ (he Watcher.

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:la"ikus6 $action contains the highest )ro)ortion o$ un!ea! *ithin Cogerron. (hese ser"e him as scoutsan! *arriors )articularly in regions *here the local $lora an! $auna *ill not tolerate an o)enly !emonic)resence. (hese are create! $rom the cor)ses o$ any mortals or other suitable creatures by :la"ikushimsel$ 4*ho has some measure o$ necromantic might5 an! his other more )o*er$ul minions#an! ingeneral, )ro"i!ing :la"ikus *ith $resh cor)ses is one o$ the easiest *ays $or outsi!ers to ingratiatethemsel"es to the other*ise -usti$iably )aranoi! balor. (he most notable among them are a cabal o$

si1 liches bet*een 'eonate an! Magister in )otency. (hey ha"e !e!icate! themsel"es to :la"ikus inor!er to a"oi! being )ermanently slain by Harthoon as )unishment $or transgressions or $or sim)lyannoying him in the )ast.

9uggtmoy: A$ter uggtmoy *as liberate! $rom the (em)le o$ Elemental E"il, she returne! to (heAbyss an! She!aklah in )articular, seeking once again to establish her )rominence a$ter the !ebacle o$ the (em)le an! the setbacks !eli"ere! by Madness and Bil e. +ncreasing her in$luence in (he Abyss isone )articularly "ile ten!ril o$ this goal. (o*ar!s this en!, uggtmoy has in$este! a small region o$Cogerron *ith the au!acious goal o$ accom)lishing that *hich no $igure, !emon )rince or other, has

a))arently succee!e! at !oing; taking o"er the entire layer an! a))en!ing it to She!aklah orestablishing !irect control o"er it. (hrough such means, not only *oul! her layer become $ar moremassi"e, but she *oul! also ha"e access to *hole ne* li$e$orms to mo!i$y as *ell as all o$ Cogerron6s!ee)ly corru)ting arti$acts.

(he en!game o$ uggtmoy6s schemes has t*o )arts. (he $irst element is to control all o$ theestructure stelae o$ the layer simultaneously. As $ar as this )articular element o$ her goal isconcerne!, it coul! take centuries, i$ not millenia, to come to com)letion. /nce this is !one, shebelie"es that there is an un!erlying trigger that can be use! to resha)e the entire layer. /nce theentire layer is resha)e!, she can mol! it into li$e $orms utterly amenable to her style o$ control an!mani)ulation. .

(he Demon ueen o$ arasite6s )resence, not sur)risingly, is not *hat any being *oul! consi!er to bea con"entional entity. +nstea!, it is a highly o"ergro*n $ungal !isease calle! the Lytthys +n$estation.Among its other tactics, it lures beings into its )resence *ith hallucinogenic s)ores, s)ellcasting, an!$alse in!ications o$ the )resence o$ arti$acts an! stelae. /nce they become close enough, they arethen immobili&e! either )hysically or through other means, in$ecte! *ith other ty)es o$ s)ores 4Willsa"e DC @5, an! then 2uietly allo*e! to return to other $actions. So $ar the +n$estation has taken noma-or actions beyon! mislea!ing se"eral atrocity#le! $actions to their !eaths in the labyrinths an!

ca)turing minor members o$ other $actions that *ill not be misse!. Ho*e"er, this is not a situationthat is likely to last long into the $uture. (he in$estation so $ar can a$$ect a region *ithin miles o$ itscentral cluster o$ s)ores an! gro*ths but it !oes not control any stelae !irectly so $ar lest its)ossession o$ them alert the other $actions o$ Cogerron as to its )resence.

Non7demonic (actions: Although Cogerron is !ee) *ithin (he Abyss, the ancient nature o$ the layeran! the treasures containe! *ithin still attract attention $rom entities beyon! the !emonic. (heDes!erain !o not )ossess any )ermanent in$iltrators u)on the layer an! the circumstances *hich*oul! attract their attention to rescue beings, or other*ise inter$ere *ith its con$licts, are rare to the)oint o$ being un)rece!ente!.

-nt!ra#us: Although most beings that think o$ !aemons an! their in"ol"ement *ith (he Abyssassume that they are all mercenaries $ighting $or one si!e or another, this is in $act a some*hatincorrect assum)tion. Daemonic in"ol"ement e1ten!s to some !egree !ee) *ithin (he Abyss itsel$, as

the !aemons seek to either )romote one $action or another, or set the !emonic lor!s back in )ursuit o$ !raining as much *ealth an! )o*er out o$ as many si!es as )ossible $or their o*n sel$ish gain. /ne o$the most )rominent !aemons )resent u)on Cogerron is the )a*n o$ the !isgrace! $ormer /ino!aemon

Anthra1us, the accurse! Akaris the Bloate! 4<= HD yagno!aemon5.

Fagno!aemons occu)y a )lace o$ both )o*er an! )eril *ithin the !aemonic hierarchy o$ treachery an!betrayal. (hey are only a minor ste) a*ay $rom becoming nyca!aemons *ith all o$ the )o*er an!status that e"en the least o$ the greater !aemons )ossesses. Simultaneously, they are constantlythreatene! not only $rom those beneath them, but also by those that might su))ort lesser !aemonsagainst a yagno!aemon6s control o"er a region. +t *as in such a situation that Akaris the Bloate!

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$oun! himsel$. +n "engeance $or a slight 4real or imagine!5 against a !aemon o$ lesser )o*er, but *ith$ar more signi$icant allies than himsel$, Akaris *as horribly cursed  by a Hag Co"en *ith *hich themore )otent !aemon ha! ma!e alliance $or its o*n male"olent )ur)oses. (he name o$ the curse *asthe Patents of Stasis, an! the nature o$ the curse *as such that Akaris *oul! ne"er again be)romote!, im)risoning him in his )osition *ith little )o*er 7 an! less in$luence.

When Anthra1us *as ouste! by My!ianchlarus $rom the Siege Malicious, his $irst )riority *as naturally

to regain )ossession o$ it. (o this en! he has e"er since scoure! the Cosmos $or tools such as )o*er$ularti$acts or $orbi!!en lore to restore his lost )o*er. His tenure as /ino!aemon o$$ere! him thekno*le!ge o$ many )ossible a"enues to )ursue, inclu!ing Cogerron an! its !ea!ly secrets. (he2uestion then remaine! as to *hat ser"itor to sen! that might sur"i"e the !angers to *hate"er !egreehe consi!ere! !aemonically reliableI9 at last he $oun! such a minion in Akaris. Although e"en themighty Co"en#acte! !aemonIs lore *as no more com)lete than that o$ the lesser !emonic )o*ers inCogerron, he coul! insinuate to Akaris that a )articular ob-ect coul! be $oun! there, an arti$act too)o*er$ul $or Akaris to *iel! 4e"en consi!ering !aemonic ambitions5 but strong enough $or Anthra1usto regain his seat. +n return $or the success$ul retrie"al, Anthra1us *oul! rescin! the Patents of

Stasis an! )ro)el the yagno!aemon into a )lace o$ )o*er in the ne* era o$ his !ominance o"er 'ether)olitics. (hus Akaris *as sent, an! thus the !aemon hunts $or that most elusi"e o$ !emonic arti$acts,im)lie! to him by Anthra1usIs )oisone! li)s; The Rod of +ra;0r';Luu 4Anthra1us is more than a*areo$ the rince o$ +llusionsI interest in the layer5.

'aturally they are both lying to each other. (heir !eceits are so trans)arent that at this )oint, $or anytruth to )ass bet*een them beyon! the most basically $actual *oul! be shocking, a le"el o$ $alsehoo!e1treme e"en $or their kin!. Anthra1us kno*s that Akaris *oul! ha"e !one or sai! )ractically anythingto get a*ay $rom Gehenna 7 an! -ust as im)ortantly, to stay a*ay $rom the urnaces. Similarly, Akariskno*s that Anthra1us *ill ne"er actually li$t the Patents of Stasis, an! *ill )robably kill him instea!.Still, Akaris *as so *illing to get a*ay $rom the rest o$ the !aemons that he *illingly acce)te! *hat hesa* as esca)e $rom both the constant risk o$ !eath $rom the mani$ol! con$licts o$ Carceri an! the!aemonic hierarchy o$ (he Grey Wastes.

Akaris has ha! no success *hatsoe"er in $in!ing The Rod of +ra /0r' Luu. +n $act, Akaris thinks thatthe Rod of +ra /0r' Luu has absolutely nothing to !o *ith Cogerron an! is stalling Anthra1us as besthe can 4*hich isn6t "ery com)etently at all5 in or!er to a"oi! in$orming the 'ether ien! o$ his $ailings#or acting )ublically in a *ay that in!icates that he is taking the *rong )ath !irectly, an! risking beingslaughtere! by one o$ his un!erlings by an ambitious un!erling. Akaris is 2uite likely to en! u)

aban!oning Anthra1us entirely an! becoming yet another in!e)en!ent $action. Ho*e"er, this betrayalis not entirely !ue to his )urely e"il nature9 it is also the !irect result o$ contact *ith one o$ CogerronIsenigmatic contents, a rough $i"e#)ointe! star o$ )orous grey stone $oun! 2uite acci!entally. (his ob-ecthas altere! Akaris to a horri$ic !egree that he has thus $ar trie! to hi!e $rom his master, e"en as thestone *his)ers into his min! alien things that com)el him to aban!on Anthra1usIs mission entirely an! -oin the !arkness o$ the ma&e*orks belo*.

Akaris6 hi!eously *ar)e! $orm barely betrays any trace o$ his true origins as a yagno!aemon. +nstea!o$ the ty)ical arm that !rains the li$e $rom those that it touches, Akaris6 mouth has been mo!i$ie! intoan insectile sucking mouth)iece *hich !eals negati"e le"els, nee!le#shar)ene! at the en! like that o$a tick or other )arasitic insect. He is barely humanoi! an! his bloate! torso is co"ere! *ith a black an!bro*n s)otte! cara)ace that leaks a $oul ichor bet*een its -oints. lightless, he )ro)els himsel$ on legsthat scarcely seem to be o$ su$$icient si&e an! strength to mo"e him at all, much less *ith anymeasure o$ s)ee!.

Due to Anthra1us an! Akaris6 "ery s)eci$ic interests, they control a com)arati"ely small number o$stelae. (he territory controlle! by them is similarly !iminuti"e com)are! to other $actions. or the

most )art its com)lement consists o$ those !aemons that balance bet*een being su$$iciently )atheticto be susce)tible to intimi!ation by Akaris an! the more !istant threat o$ Anthra1us )ersonally an!ha"ing enough might an! kno*le!ge to a"oi! $alling to Cogerron6s myria! tra)s an! other !angers.(hey inclu!e a si&able number o$ cano!aemons, a $e* nyca!aemons that are )articularly !isgrace!else*here in the De)ths Belo*, an! a massi"e array o$ !ergho!aemons that ha"e been mo!i$ie!through Anthra1us6 magicks to be unusually )otent *ithin the layer.

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T!p!onis: 8nity is a $oreign conce)t to the roteans $or the most )art, *ith little that they agreeu)on e1ce)t e1)eriencing Creation in all its $orms an! "arieties. /ne )articular element o$ !isunityamong the roteans is the "alue o$ )u&&les. /ne $action among them came to belie"e that sol"ing)u&&les *as in itsel$, a la*$ul acti"ity by )ro"i!ing an im)lication that )erha)s all )u&&les, "erbal,)hysical, or intellectual, coul! ha"e solutions an! hence *oul! su))ort the cause o$ /r!er. Another$action belie"e! instea! in the o))osite tenet9 that sol"ing )u&&les *as ne"ertheless a $orm o$e1)erience like any other#an! hence *orthy o$ being sought a$ter. /ne o$ the most intelligent an!

unortho!o1 among the Sol"ers 4as the best a))ellation a))lie! by those *ho use con"entionallanguage5 *as (h)honis 4<? HD +mentesh rotean5. E"entually, she !isco"ere! the e1istence o$ alayer that, accor!ing to all o$ her lore, seeme! to be a )u&&le in its o*n right. A )u&&le *hich she 2uitenaturally $elt the nee! to sol"e.

(his nee! became her o"erri!ing 4an! "aguely in$amous5 obsession, lea!ing to the $ormation o$ one o$ (he athless 'ightmare6s ne*est#an! most bi&arre $actions. She seeks to e"entually trigger all o$ thestelae in Cogerron simultaneously, this 6sol"ing6 the entire layer itsel$. (o*ar!s this en! she has settle!*ithin Cogerron an! !e!icate! hersel$ to $in!ing out as much about the stelae an! *hen )ossible,

acti"ating them. e* among the roteans actually $ollo* her. Still, there ha"e been a $e* that thinkthat the issue o$ Cogerron6s solution is su$$iciently interesting that they ha"e chosen to -oin her in (heAbyss. (h)honis has a loose conglomerate o$ t*o keketar, se"enteen naunet, an! a $e* !o&engith&erai laborers an! skirmishers in her $ollo*ing. Although any !emon or rotean seen as $ollo*ingher is run o$$ o$ or slain $or a))roaching the ma-or e1)e!itions there are also se"eral !emons 4notably,

an asakku obsesse! *ith in$licting insanity5 an! e"en a cou)le o$ mortal mages that assist her insol"ing *hat is in!irectly re$erre! to as (he Conun!rum.

(o stu!y (he Abyss in such !etail !oes not come *ithout conse2uence. E1ile *oul! connote unitythrough stigma among the roteans an! so no sanction coul! or *ill be a))lie! against her by otherso$ her kin!. +nstea!, it is the nature o$ (he Abyss an! o$ Cogerron itsel$ that has ma!e (h)honis an!those *ho agree! *ith her increasingly !istincti"e#an! increasingly t*iste!. (he athless 'ightmare isresha)ing an! mal$orming her as slo*ly an! surely as some o$ the layer6s less o"ertly male"olent$lora. She has alrea!y )hysically change! to some !egree, ac2uiring a"ages $rom the layer throughcircumstances that no one, es)ecially her, has 2uite com)rehen!e! as yet. (he changes in her mentalstate, although less ob"ious, are i$ anything $ar more !isturbing as her metho!s o$ stu!ying Cogerronha"e become -ust as cruel an! "icious as any !emon6s. (h)honis is *ell on her *ay to becoming oneo$ the $e* roteans in the history o$ the s)ecies to become utterly corru)te! by (he Abyss. She is alsothe last being to sus)ect that this is ha))ening.

+$ $e* roteans *ill ha"e much to !o *ith her 4es)ecially gi"en her recent changes5, there are e"en$e*er among the normal array o$ Abyssal !eni&ens that consi!er themsel"es in any *ay hersu))orters. +n some *ays, the !egree to *hich she is not belie"e! in her ambition actually )rotectsher. +$ (h)honis6 ambitions *ere taken more seriously she *oul! either be seen as a threat an!eliminate! or seen as a )otential resource to be use! until she coul! contribute no $urther to *hoe"ersought to mani)ulate her more e$$iciently.


T!e %renzy: A *oun!#like gorge se"en miles long $rom *hich s)ring ri"ers o$ black goo at each en!,the ren&y is al*ays $ull o$ the /nes Blin! Beneath, cro*!ing each other aroun! a singular sil"er rockat the center o$ the gorge. (he creatures s*arm o"er their brethren an! the rock, tearing each other

to )ieces or tram)ling them un!er$oot.

Des)ite the o"er*helming hostility o$ (he ren&y the ma-or $actions ha"e still ma!e $urti"e attem)ts toe1)lore it $or their o*n en!s. +n times )ast, a )re!ecessor o$ Lulith attem)te! to lure (he ren&y in itsentirety out o$ its location an! goa! it to attack e"ery $action that threatene! Demogorgon6s ambition

to control Cogerron. (his !irect attem)t $aile! so ba!ly that not only *ere most members o$ the$action at the time slain by the /nes Blin! Beneath, but as )unishment $or the $ailure, the barelysur"i"ing !emon *ho le! the attem)t *as gi"en o"er to the 8ngorthia1 an! slain. Since then attem)tsto both stu!y or mani)ulate (he ren&y ha"e been $ar more subtle#but e"en *ith increase! subtlety,

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$atalities still occur 2uite $re2uently. (he ren&y is an o$t#use! means o$ !is)osal $or both enemies an!o"erly ambitious subor!inates.

(he most notable !isco"ery *ith regar!s to (he ren&y has also been ha))ene! 2uite recently an! it*as ma!e by Abra1as6 (etra!. A$ter they !eci)here! *hen (he /nes Blin! Beneath *ere both s)a*ne!*ithin it an! *ere more acti"e throughout Cogerron, they reali&e! that (he ren&y is in some bi&arre*ay a timekee)ing or coor!inating system as to their creation an! their attacks against interlo)ers.

(his kno*le!ge is naturally guar!e! 2uite -ealously among them as it has enable! them to e1)lore $armore o$ (he athless 'ightmare !uring the )erio!s o$ relati"e malei!olon inacti"ity, or to !i"ert theirenemies into regions *here the /nes Blin! Beneath are $ar more acti"e. Ho*e"er, they ha"e yet tomake any serious attem)ts to mani)ulate (he ren&y itsel$, lest they ina!"ertently alert their ri"alsthat they ha"e $igure! out $ar more o$ its nature.

(he ren&y can be $oun! by any being that is enrage! or other*ise mentally !isturbe! *hen theattem)t to tele)ort to it is ma!e. (his !isturbe! state can be in!uce! either by class $eatures such asrage or through magic.

T!e Lae o( "cales: 'ot a lake at all, this !e)ression is $ille! *ith a truly immense s2uamous s)e*er4racono!icon9 ?= HD, ColossalP5 that *rithes in near#eternal slumber. (he amor)hous creature hasnot been kno*n to lea"e the sinkhole it lairs in but it has a*akene! to !e"our creatures that come tooclose to its shoreI, an! *ill breathe on creatures *hose )resence it $in!s o"erly onerous. Des)ite the

!angers, se"eral e1)e!itions ha"e sought the means to $orce the creature to "acate the s)ot in thee"ent it is guar!ing some great treasure or im)ortant ca"ern entrance beneath its !*elling. So $arnone o$ them ha"e been )articularly success$ul in this e$$ort. (he 0ake o$ Scales is locate! near theSlithering 3ale an! is about a *eek6s tra"el a*ay using the best kno*n labyrinths an!)assage*ays. Tele"ortation& or "laneshiftin$ !irectly to the 0ake re2uires one being *ithin the grou)that is ca)able o$ !amaging others *ith its breath.

Mar7Mota!: So name! $or the *or! car"e! out in Abyssal letters into the stone arch that marks thelocation 4a *or! that has no kno*n meaning5, Mar#Motah stan!s in the mi!!le o$ a still )on! o$ thick,grey li2ui!. (hough the li2ui! is nothing like *ater, numerous assassin "ines, mobile )lant monsterssuch as Corru)te! 4Bo3D5 ten!riculoses, an! teeming masses o$ insect#like )ests s*arm the area,though *hat these last $ee! u)on, i$ anything, is unkno*n. Mar#Motah is other*ise some*hat )laci!an! contains no imme!iately !iscernible menaces other than the in!igenous li$e. Ho*e"er, it hascease! $or some time to be occu)ie!. (he All#Watcher also seems !ra*n to any acti"ity in Mar#Motah

*ithin a "ery short time, coming to in"estigate an! kill anything it $in!s there not o$ the layerIsin!igenous inhabitants *ithin a )erio! o$ <!? minutes. urther, though it may also be !ue to the All#Watcher, se"eral small garrisons ha"e sim)ly "anishe! *ithout a trace *hen near to the )on!, an! the"arious e1)e!ition lea!ers ha"e all cut their losses an! cease! trying to e1)lore Mar#MotahIssigni$icance#*ith one notable e1ce)tion; Abra1as. (he 0or! o$ 'ames almost constantly obser"es Mar#Motah through the (etra! at a minimum 7 e"en though !oing so may alert Ba)homet6s minions as totheir interest. +n$re2uently, he also rotates his minions there e"ery $e* !ays $or short )erio!s to cast!i"inations u)on the arch be$ore the All#WatcherIs in"ariable arri"al.

(here are also se"eral other ine1)licable elements o$ Mar#Motah. Abyssal as a language iscom)arati"ely recent, an! in $act, $ar )ost!ates the a))arent creation o$ Cogerron as a layer. Ho*e"er,no in"estigation con!ucte! through magic 4an! at a sa$e !istance5 has in!icate! that the constructiono$ Mar#Motah is any less ancient as than the layer itsel$. Beings that remain aroun! Mar#Motah $orlonger than t*enty $our hours $in! themsel"es the bene$iciaries o$ a non!etection e$$ect that is

"irtually im)ossible to eliminate $or aroun! $orty t*o hours a$ter*ar!s. Ho*e"er, the e$$ect itsel$ canbe )enetrate! by other beings that ha"e similarly bene$itte! $rom Mar#Motah at any other time !uringtheir li"es.

Mar#Motah can be reache! through magic by any being that has ha! its name altere! in a $un!amentalsense. As the *or! magic necessary $or such an alteration is rare 4although not sur)risingly, kno*n to(he (etra!5 u)on those occasions in *hich other $actions *ish to reach it, tra"el is ty)ically a long an!ar!uous o"erlan! )rocess. So $ar only the $action o$ Demogorgon has success$ully ma!e the attem)t.

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Piecemeal Menagerie /ne o$ the most !isturbing locales in Cogerron, in a layer itsel$ that o$tenstymies the bi&arre thoughts o$ the Abyss6 !eni&ens, is the iecemeal Menagerie. +t is name! as such$or t*o reasons. (he $irst, an! most notable, is that it consists o$ a series o$ !is)lays o$ !emons, noneo$ *hich ha"e been $oun! any*here in (he Abyss since the ascension o$ lauros an! the selection o$the ueen o$ Chaos as his Consort. (he secon! is that those !emonic )risoners o$ the menagerie arenot store! intact . ather, they are )reser"e! in "arious con$igurations o$ "iscera, bo!y )arts, an!$orms that are not )hysically connecte! to each other, but at the same time, manage to kee) the

)risoners ali"e. +t a))arently utili&es techni2ues similar to those once use! by the more bi&arre2li))othim, only $ar more ancient in or!er to kee) creatures ali"e in a )hysically !iscontinuous $ormat.

/)ening the 6!is)lays6 is !i$$icult an! in all o$ the better kno*n recor!e! history o$ the iecemealMenagerie it has only been success$ully accom)lishe! by a $ormer $action member that once ser"e!Demogorgon an! Abra1as himsel$ !uring Madness and Bile#but be$ore the layer became better kno*nthroughout (he Abyss. rom *hat !isco"eries ha"e been ma!e o$ it, all o$ the hearts are missing, an!seem to ha"e gone missing not long a$ter the initial burst o$ !isco"eries once the secrets o$ reachingCogerron esca)e! the control o$ Ba)homet. (he iecemeal Menagerie is locate! *ithin ten miles o$

(he ren&y an! se"eral hun!re! $eet !o*n*ar!s into the subterranean labyrinths. (here are multi)le)ath*ays !o*n*ar!s to it o$ lesser or greater !egrees o$ !i$$iculty to access an! the ca"erns are o$"arying !egrees o$ stability.

(he iecemeal Managerie can be reache! by any being that is someho* )hysically !isconnecte! $rom

itsel$ yet remains sentient. 0iches *ith their )hylacteries )resent or &he!in )ossessing multi)le hosts4)articularly ekimmu5 are common means by *hich the region can be reache!. +n another o!!ity o$the iecemeal Menagerie, attem)ting to o)en a !is)lay *ill almost in"ariably )ro"oke the creationan!or the attack o$ the /nes Blin! Beneath. +n com)arison, carrying any arti$act or item o$ Cogerron*ill )re"ent such an attack, an! in $act seems to inhibit the ruhin malei!olon $rom inter$ering *ith anybeing )ro1imate to those bearing such an item. (his eccentricity has allo*e! $or the e1ten!e!e1)loration o$ the iecemeal Menagerie, although *ith little success so $ar.

T!e Pyramid: /ne o$ the only kno*n com)leteI structures abo"egroun!, this $i"e#si!e! )yrami! o$"iolet, rank $lesh is cro*ne! *ith three *ithere!, alien arms gras)ing clusters o$ eyes clou!e! o"er*ith cataracts yet still mo"ing beneath blinking )ur)le sclera. (he yrami! is continually gro*ing an!shrinking in no !iscernible )attern, but it is al*ays more than large enough $or a multitu!e o$ Colossalcreatures to !*ell *ithin. (he entrance to the yrami! is a great, )uckere! ori$ice that seems tores)on! to any creature not o$ the un!ea! ty)e 4it !oes not seem ca)able o$ !etecting the un!ea!5

that a))roaches it by o)ening *ith a horri! sucking soun!. Sometimes this )ortal unleashes numerousthorn#stu!!e! tentacles, torrents o$ )oisonous $eculence, or $locks o$ $ange! ma*s on *ings, but atother times it has allo*e! creatures to enter the e!i$ice unmoleste! or create! )ortals to otherabo"egroun! locations in Cogerron 4ne"er the un!ergroun! ma&e*orks5. (he interior o$ the yrami!stinks o$ unbelie"able rot an! !ecay, an! is lit by coursing streams o$ luminescent tumors that eru)t inseries, lea!ing creatures !ee)er into the bo*els o$ the structure. 3ast ulcers o)en in the *alls an!$loor, !ischarging )oisonous gases or "icious beasts, an! it is seemingly im)ossible to a"oi! the slimymuck that coats e"ery sur$ace. (he yrami!, uni2uely, seems to ha"e no !iscernible metho! by *hichit can be tele)orte! to, although it is )ossible to tele"ort  to any o$ the stelae nearby *ithcom)arati"ely little trouble. What, i$ any, meaning this )articular anomaly has remains unkno*n tothis !ay.

"lit!ering ,ale: (he closest a))ro1imation Cogerron has to any central location is the Slithering 3ale7 as it is *ithin ten miles o$ most o$ the best kno*n entrance )oints u)on the layer. +t is name! as

such !ue to the )resence o$ a uni2ue an! !isturbing $orm o$ )lant li$e )resent there; a uni2ue $orm o$"ine that resembles nothing else as much as a $orm o$ eyeless an! hea!less ser)ent 4they are notseemingly relate! to Gra&I&tIs "i)er trees5. (hese range any*here $rom $i"e to ten $eet long an! are o$ 

"arious sickening colorations. (hey seem to be s)a*ne! by some )henomenon or origin locate! at thebottom o$ the "ale. Ho*e"er, such rare attem)ts as ha"e been ma!e to !isco"er ho* this isaccom)lishe! ha"e only re"eale! that the "ale is se"eral thousan! $eet !ee) an! that the slithering"ines seem to be s)a*ne! $rom all )oints $rom *ithin the "alley *ithout !iscernible )attern.

(he Slithering 3ale is one o$ the most stable locations *ithin Cogerron in terms o$ tele)ortation or)laneshi$ting. Carrying or bearing any kin! o$ re)tilian scale or skin, e"en a small $ragment, is

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su$$icient to kee) a grou) o$ beings using either means o$ trans)ort together. /ther*ise, the samescattering e$$ect a))lies, but *ill only mo"e beings *ithin ten $eet o$ each other instea! o$ $ar moresigni$icant !istances.

T!e T!eater o( Gouges: A))earing to be a roun! crater melte! into the groun! o$ Cogerron, the)itte! sur$ace o$ the (heater im)risons numerous !emons an! other creatures that t*itch in agonyan! are unable to $ree themsel"es. Anything that trea!s on the soli!#seeming stone o$ the (heater

may $in! the groun! su!!enly turn into li2ui! as it tries to a!! to the collectionI alrea!y beingtormente! *ithin its embrace. E"ery $e* moments, s)urs eru)t $rom the crater $loor to im)ale theim)risone! creatures 4they also rise u) to stab lo*#$lying creatures, $orcing a e$ sa"e DC >< in or!erto a"oi! them, an! they can reach creatures u) to t*o hun!re! $eet in their air5, tearing them to)ieces o"er an! o"er again9 these stony s)ikes seemingly )re$er to enter any ori$ices )resent in such)risoners, an! the resulting scenes o$ carnage !e$y all sane !escri)tion, )articularly on the rareoccasions that mortals ha"e stumble! across the (heater o$ Gouges. 'o creature caught by the(heater seems ca)able o$ !ying !es)ite the continual "iolations. At the e1act center o$ the crater isone o$ the stelae, though *hether it create! the (heater or is merely !e$en!e! by it none can say 4the

im)risone! creatures are unable to communicate through their eternal agony an! their su$$eringsim)e!e attem)ts at normal communication5.

(he (heater, un$ortunately, is one o$ the easiest regions to reach *ithin Cogerron as it can be !one*ith the )resence o$ any being that is )hysically su$$ering *hen the attem)t

at tele"ortation or "laneshiftin$ takes )lace. or this reason it is o$ten use! as a means o$ 6!is)osal6$or those beings that are attem)ting to get ri! o$ ri"als *hether *ithin their $action or *ithout#bymis!irecting them in such a *ay that the (heater *ill !o their *ork $or them, *ithout e"er being seenas !irectly res)onsible $or their !emise.


T!e -ll72atc!er: (he All#Watcher is a Colossal tree#sha)e! construct o$ mottle! gray an! cyanoticblue rubbery $lesh co"ere! *ith eyes, )resumably un!er the )er)etual control o$ the Malign Sentienceo$ the layer 4or )erha)s it is e"en the source o$ this e$$ect5, an! resembling in many *ays an o"erseerbehol!erkin. +t seems to roam the e1)anses o$ Cogerron at ran!om an! can a))ear any*here on thelayer Ho*e"er, as yet, it has not crosse! )aths *ith the )rimary cam)s o$ the $actions because o$ the"astness o$ the (orment. (he All#Watcher seems to be connecte! to the un!erlying mechanism o$ the

layer, resetting the stelae regar!less o$ their s)eci$ic criteria other*ise 4it a))arently has a)reternatural sense in terms o$ !etecting *hen their mechanisms are !isturbe!, an! can reset stelae*hile ignoring any s)eci$ic con!itions re2uire!5 *here"er it can an! killing e"erything that it comesacross. +t can ren!er itsel$ invisi'le, mo"es e$$ortlessly bet*een s)aces on the sur$ace 4an! )ossiblybeneath5, an! seems to rea))ear shortly a$ter it is !estroye!. +t is a))arently *ithout intellect ors)eech an! ignores all attem)ts to communicate *ith it. Whate"er it is, *hether a guar!ian or )art o$the layer itsel$, it seems "irtually i$ not truly in"ulnerable. (hus $ar, se"eral o$ the $actions, s)eci$icallythose *ith a min! to conser"e their $orces, ha"e !e)loye! multi)le teams o$ ser"itors to !i"i!e theattention o$ the All#Watcher by sol"ing se"eral stelae at once. (he All#Watcher o$ten interru)ts itscourse to a!!ress a ne* stelaIs change *hich has le! to occasional cycles o$ causing the creature tochase solutions in a circle $or !ays at a time. E"entually, ho*e"er, the creature *ill al*ays break theconsistency o$ this beha"ior or another con!ition *ill alter the cycle 4such as another $actionIs e$$ortsor the actions o$ CogerronIs other inhabitants5.

$nes 'lind 'eneat!: (he massi"e ma&es belo* the sur$ace labyrinths o$ Cogerron are occu)ie! bymonstrosities kno*n sim)ly as the /nes Blin! Beneath. (heir a))earance strongly im)licates that theyare 2li))othim because o$ their alien )hysiologies an! the !egree o$ terror an! $ear that they in$licte"en u)on other !emons. +n $act the /nes Blin! Beneath are not 2li))oth at all, but something $armore insi!ious an! alarming. (he /nes Blin! Beneath are ruhin malei!olon uni2ue to Cogerron that

are literally create! by the interaction o$ the layer6s "isitors 4or as Cogerron sees them, in"a!ers5 *iththe layer itsel$. (hey are the congeale! terror an! $ear o$ Cogerron6s )otential "ictims gi"en )hysical$orm in or!er to 6!e$en!6 it. (he /nes Blin! Beneath ha"e no set a))earance, but they are al*ayshorri$ying. (heir only common beha"ioral trait is that they are "icious, near#min!less )re!ators thatattack any li"ing thing !ra*ing their attention, es)ecially in the ma&e*orks an! areas such as the

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ren&y *hich they $re2uent. /nce *ithin the ma&e*orks, the /nes Blin! Beneath *ill al*ays arri"e toattack the in"a!ers *ithin %!>P% hours.

Cogerron .no&ledge /t!e planes0 Table

Knowledge (the

planes) DCSample Information Acquired


Cogerron is a la!"rinthine la"er fought o*er !" most of the ma;or

A!"ssal factions !ecause of the presence of *alua!le and rare artifactsthere%

2&Cogerron can !e accessed from an" of its portals with unsol*ed

 pu$$les or items or situations with similar s"m!olog"%

+0ou are aware of Cogerron/s !etter 'nown dangersas well as the morerecogni$a!le stelae and the means !" which the" are triggered%

+&The two powers of The A!"ss that appear to ha*e disco*ered Cogerron

first are A!ra,as and 8aphomet%

10ou are aware of most of the ma;or factions residing in Cogerron andthe nature of their forces present within the la!"rinthla"er%

1& Cogerron appears to predate the era of qlippothic dominance%