lazy billy and the taka-taka monster by vidya vasudevan

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  • 8/9/2019 Lazy Billy and the Taka-Taka Monster by Vidya Vasudevan


    Lazy Billy and the Taka-takamonster

    Can you please get down,Billy?Billy did not seem to hear.

    Meow, meo.w he purred andcuddled closer. Manyadesperately tried to coax thegrey cat on her lap to move.

  • 8/9/2019 Lazy Billy and the Taka-Taka Monster by Vidya Vasudevan


    Wake up lazybones. Its mybirthday and grandpa will be

    arriving soon she muttered .But Billy simply refused tobudge. Oh Billy! Youre sostubborn. Without exerciseyoull become fat and even themice will not be scared of you,silly Billy she scolded.

    Billy liked to doze almost the

    entire day. And that too onManyas lap. Even mummyand Manyas elder brother,Praful had tried to coax Billybut failed.

    Exasperated, Manya closed hereyes. I wonder what gift

  • 8/9/2019 Lazy Billy and the Taka-Taka Monster by Vidya Vasudevan


    grandpa is bringing me thistime she thought stroking Billy

    who lay still on her lap.

    It had to be something veryspecial she knew just like the

    wheelchair he had presentedon her last birthday.

  • 8/9/2019 Lazy Billy and the Taka-Taka Monster by Vidya Vasudevan


    Grandpa was such fun and sherecalled those piggyback rideshe had given her when she wassmall. The hours would fly with

    grandpa narrating stories fromthe Ramayan, Mahabharath, ofthe Kanchenjunga mountain andthe Teesta river.

  • 8/9/2019 Lazy Billy and the Taka-Taka Monster by Vidya Vasudevan


    Manya, time to go. The busfrom Kalimpong will be arrivingany moment said Prafulpushing her wheelchair outside,down the path to the littlehillock near their house from

  • 8/9/2019 Lazy Billy and the Taka-Taka Monster by Vidya Vasudevan


    where she could see the road.Billy opened his eyes and lifted

    his head from the folds ofManyas dress. Meow. hepurred gazing around,wondering what the excitementwas about.

    Good morning, sleepyhead. Whydont you climb down and meetMunna and Panna. Manya

    prodded Billy when she saw twodonkeys belonging to herneighbor grazing nearby. Asusual, Billy refused to budge.Gr.., gr..

    Hearing the sound, Manyalooked up. It was the bus.Grandpa had arrived.

  • 8/9/2019 Lazy Billy and the Taka-Taka Monster by Vidya Vasudevan


    Hurray! she shouted hugging him.

    Look, Grandpa. The cherry tree you

    planted is in full bloom and two magpiesvisit our garden everyday she said

    showing him the flowers as they neared

    the house.

  • 8/9/2019 Lazy Billy and the Taka-Taka Monster by Vidya Vasudevan



    I smell something yummy, littlebirthday girl uttered grandpasniffing the air . He was right.Mummy had baked loads of his

    favourite butter cookies. Yipee!Is that hot chocolate yelledgrandpa spotting the flask.

  • 8/9/2019 Lazy Billy and the Taka-Taka Monster by Vidya Vasudevan


    After the long bus ride, Grandpawas very hungy. Manya, put

    the cat down. Lets cut thecake he said eyeing the cookiesand the flask. Everyone laughed.

    Oh grandpa! Not so easy. Billysimply refuses to budgegrumbled Manya.Hmm..seems like a verynaughty kitty. Now everyone,

    close your eyes for a secondinstructed grandpa.

  • 8/9/2019 Lazy Billy and the Taka-Taka Monster by Vidya Vasudevan


    Seconds later opening her eyes,Manya was astonished.

    One flying leap, Billy was out ofher lap and disappeared quicklythrough the window. Whoa!Billys an acrobat she thought.

    Hey! Manya. Thats one veryactive cat. Youve trained him

  • 8/9/2019 Lazy Billy and the Taka-Taka Monster by Vidya Vasudevan


    well. I wish I could do that. Iwould win the high jump trophy

    at school muttered Tangu,Manyas best friend who hadarrived, just in time to witnessBilly the acrobat in action.Oh Tangu! Thats so funny saidmummy laughing so much thattears rolled down her cheeks.

  • 8/9/2019 Lazy Billy and the Taka-Taka Monster by Vidya Vasudevan


    Wow! Grandpa, Youve done theimpossible. But what was that

    sound I heard? Manya wascurious.

    Very simple. Its a Chinesedrum rattle he replied holding

    up a strange object.When he shook it, it made ataka-taka noise.

  • 8/9/2019 Lazy Billy and the Taka-Taka Monster by Vidya Vasudevan


    Happy Birthday, Manya. Hopeyou like it. It can make

    rhythmic sounds. Try it atmusic class in school headded.

    Ah! So this is the monsterwhich frightened Billy saidPraful when he saw it.

    Thanks grandpa!

    I love your taka-taka monsterwhispered Manya gazingtowards the window. It was true.Birthdays were always extraspecial when grandpa was


  • 8/9/2019 Lazy Billy and the Taka-Taka Monster by Vidya Vasudevan


    The EndWritten by Ms. Vidya Vasudevan

    [email protected]: 44 yearsCategory: Over 16 years

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]