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Your Trusted Channel Navigator NetAdvantage ® for WPF

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Your Trusted Channel Navigator


for WPF

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www.infragistics.comNovember 3, 2008

Summary Table Voluntary Product Accessibility Template

Section 1194.21 Software Applicationsand Operating Systems Accessibility

Supported. Please refer to theattached VPAT

Criteria Supporting Features Remarks and Explanations

Section 1194.22 Web Accessibility Not applicable:This functionality does not apply toInfragistics NetAdvantage WPFcontrols.

Section 1194.23 TelecommunicationsProducts

Infragistics NetAdvantage WPF controls arenot considered a telecommunicationsproduct.

Section 1194.24 Video and MultimediaProducts

Infragistics NetAdvantage WPF controls arenot a multimedia product.

Section 1194.25 Self-Contained, ClosedProducts

Infragistics NetAdvantage WPF controls arenot a self-contained product.

Section 1194.26 Desktop and PortableComputers

Infragistics NetAdvantage WPF controls aresoftware as defined under section 1194.21

Section 1194.31 Functional PerformanceCriteria

Supported. Please refer to theattached VPAT

Section 1194.41 (a) Information,Documentation and Support

Supported. Please refer to theattached VPAT

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Section 1194.21 Software Applications and Operating Systems - Detail Voluntary Product Accessibility Template

(a) When software is designed to run on asystem that has a keyboard, productfunctions shall be executable from akeyboard where the function itself or theresult of performing a function can bediscerned textually.

Fully supported:All NetAdvantage for WPF controlsthat accept focus provide keyboardsupport.

Criteria Supporting Features Remarks and Explanations

(b) Applications shall not disrupt ordisable activated features of otherproducts that are identified as accessibilityfeatures, where those features aredeveloped and documented according toindustry standards. Applications also shallnot disrupt or disable activated featuresof any operating system that are identifiedas accessibility features where theapplication programming interface forthose accessibility features has beendocumented by the manufacturer of theoperating system and is available to theproduct developer.

Fully supported:Infragistics NetAdvantage WPFcontrols enable individuals tocustomize their desktop elements,including resizing and rearrangingcontrols and choosing color, size,and format options.

Infragistics NetAdvantage WPFcontrols do not disrupt or disableaccessibility features of theoperating system. The toolsetallows developers to customize thelook and feel of components on aform so that they are usable bypeople using Assistive Technologies.The customization required forAssistive Technologies must beimplemented by the developer usingNetAdvantage WPF controls,depending on the specificapplication requirements andobjectives.

(c) A well-defined on-screen indication ofthe current focus shall be provided thatmoves among interactive interfaceelements as the input focus changes. Thefocus shall be programmatically exposedso that Assistive Technology can trackfocus and focus changes.

Supported with minor exceptions:Infragistics NetAdvantage WPFcontrols provide a well-defined on-screen indication of the currentfocus that moves among interactiveinterface elements as the inputfocus changes with minorexceptions.

Infragistics NetAdvantage WPFcontrols provide hover styles andselection styles that highlight theposition of the focus on the form.Focus rectangles are also usedalong with the system caret toindicate focus location withinNetAdvantage WPF controlelements.

(d) Sufficient information about a userinterface element including the identity,operation and state of the element shallbe available to Assistive Technology.When an image represents a programelement, the information conveyed by theimage must also be available in text.

Fully supported:Infragistics NetAdvantage WPFcontrols provide sufficientinformation about user interfaceelements and program elementsrepresented by images available intext in virtually all cases.

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(e) When bitmap images are used toidentify controls, status indicators, orother programmatic elements, themeaning assigned to those images shallbe consistent throughout an application'sperformance.

Not applicable:This functionality does not apply toInfragistics NetAdvantage WPFcontrols.

Criteria Supporting Features Remarks and Explanations

(f) Textual information shall be providedthrough operating system functions fordisplaying text. The minimum informationthat shall be made available is textcontent, text input caret location, and textattributes.

Not applicable:This functionality does not apply toInfragistics NetAdvantage WPFcontrols.

(g) Applications shall not override userselected contrast and color selections andother individual display attributes.

Fully supported:Infragistics NetAdvantage WPFcontrols provide functionality thatconforms to these criteria.

(h) When animation is displayed, theinformation shall be displayable in at leastone non-animated presentation mode atthe option of the user.

Not applicable:This functionality does not apply toInfragistics NetAdvantage WPFcontrols.

(i) Color coding shall not be used as theonly means of conveying information,indicating an action, prompting a response,or distinguishing a visual element.

Fully supported:Infragistics NetAdvantage WPFcontrols provide functionality thatconforms to these criteria.

(j) When a product permits a user toadjust color and contrast settings, avariety of color selections capable ofproducing a range of contrast levels shallbe provided.

Fully supported:Infragistics NetAdvantage WPFcontrols provide functionality thatconforms to these criteria.

Section 1194.21 Software Applications and Operating Systems - Detail Voluntary Product Accessibility Template

(k) Software shall not use flashing orblinking text, objects, or other elementshaving a flash or blink frequency greaterthan 2 Hz and lower than 55 Hz.

Fully supported:Infragistics NetAdvantage WPF controlsprovide functionality that conforms tothese criteria.

(l) When electronic forms are used, theform shall allow people using AssistiveTechnology to access the information,field elements, and functionality requiredfor completion and submission of theform, including all directions and cues.

Not applicable:This functionality does not apply toInfragistics NetAdvantage WPFcontrols.

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Section 1194.31 Functional Performance Criteria - Detail Voluntary Product Accessibility Template

(a) At least one mode of operation andinformation retrieval that does not requireuser vision shall be provided, or supportfor Assistive Technology used by peoplewho are blind or visually impaired shall beprovided.

Supported in the following WPF controls:xamDataPresenter, xamDataGrid,xamDataCarousel, xamCarouselListBox,xamEditors, xamRibbon, xamOutlookBar,xamMonthCalendar, xamTabControl

Criteria Supporting Features Remarks and Explanations


b) At least one mode of operation andinformation retrieval that does not requirevisual acuity greater than 20/70 shall beprovided in audio and enlarged printoutput working together orindependently, or support for AssistiveTechnology used by people who arevisually impaired shall be provided.

Not Applicable:This functionality does not apply toInfragistics NetAdvantage WPFcontrols.

(c) At least one mode of operation andinformation retrieval that does not requireuser hearing shall be provided, or supportfor Assistive Technology used by peoplewho are deaf or hard of hearing shall beprovided

Not Applicable:This functionality does not apply toInfragistics NetAdvantage WPFcontrols.

(d) Where audio information is importantfor the use of a product, at least onemode of operation and informationretrieval shall be provided in an enhancedauditory fashion, or support for assistivehearing devices shall be provided.

Not Applicable:This functionality does not apply toInfragistics NetAdvantage WPFcontrols.

(e) At least one mode of operation andinformation retrieval that does not requireuser speech shall be provided, or supportfor Assistive Technology used by peoplewith disabilities shall be provided.

Not Applicable:This functionality does not apply toInfragistics NetAdvantage WPFcontrols.

(f) At least one mode of operation andinformation retrieval that does not requirefine motor control or simultaneous actionsand that is operable with limited reachand strength shall be provided.

Fully supported:Infragistics NetAdvantage WPFcontrols provide functionality thatconforms to these criteria.

Note to AT Users: Upon the release of software upgrades, there is often a lag between the softwarerelease date and the time it takes for some Assistive Technology vendors to upgrade their softwareand device drivers to support the new releases. The vendor’s porting timeframe may be a factor indetermining when you decide to upgrade to take advantage of new features. Microsoft provides thesoftware code within its products to make those products “ready” for the AT devices and works closelywith AT vendors in an effort to decrease time to market for new versions of AT products. Microsoftencourages both end users and purchasers of AT to contact their AT vendor to determine the currentcompatibility of their AT with Microsoft products.

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Section 1194.41 Information, Documentation, and Support - Detail Voluntary Product Accessibility Template

Section 1194.41 (a) Product SupportDocumentation


Criteria Supporting Features Remarks and Explanations


Documentation is provided in digitalformat for customers on the Web andavailable for no-charge download at

Section 1194.41 (b) Accessibility andCompatibility Features

Supported Infragistics NetAdvantage WPF controlshave accompanying Help documentationlisting accessibility and compatibilityfeatures. An individual may access andview Help topics online or may select atopic for print.

1194.41 (c) Support Services Supported Infragistics Developer Support is familiarwith such features as keyboard access andother options important to people withdisabilities.

This document is for informational purposes only. INFRAGISTICS MAKES NO WARRANTIES,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS DOCUMENT. The information contained in this documentrepresents the current view of Infragistics, Inc. on the issues discussed as of the date of publication.Because Infragistics must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted tobe a commitment on the part of Infragistics, and Infragistics cannot guarantee the accuracy of anyinformation presented after the date of publication.

© 2004 - 2008 Infragistics, Inc. All rights reserved. Infragistics, the Infragistics logo, and NetAdvantage areregistered trademarks of Infragistics, Inc. xamDataPresenter, xamDataGrid, xamDataCarousel, xamEditors,xamCarouselListBox, xamRibbon, xamOutlookBar, xamMonthCalendar and xamTabControl are trademarks ofInfragistics, Inc. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the respective property of their owners.

Revised 11/03/2008Infragistics regularly updates its websites and provides new information about the accessibility of products as that information becomes available.

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