lba in dalmatia barbaric

Modn Dalmatia covs mo than half of th Adiatic pat of Coatia, fom th Vlbit mountain ang on th nothwst to th bay of Boka Kotoska in Montngo on th southast. In  phistoy, as in th lat stags of histoy, th gion had th spaat mico gions: Nothn, Cntal and Southn Dalmatia. In contast to th wst Adiatic coast, which has wll-dfind majo cultual and intactiv  pocsss, LBA Dalmatia is a faily ill-xplod aa. Fom th scond half of th 19 th cntuy th fist occasional findings statd to mg, and w cognizd by local sc holas as Bonz Ag atfacts (Batovic ´ 1983, pp. 274-275 ). So fa, such data hav unfotunatly maind th basis fo ou undstanding of th piod. It is impot- ant to stss that th vast majoity of th LBA atfacts fom Dalmatia that a known today com fom unknown o vy ill-known achaological contxts. Thfo, ths atfacts a datd on th basis of th much mo dvlopd chonology of th Nothn Coatia and Pannonian Unfild cultu (Vinski-Gaspaini 1973, pp. 21-23). This is spcially th cas with finds datd to th B D and Ha A1. Th known bonz hoads fom th aa also fit in this pictu as thy w not found b y acha- ologists, and a thfo not compltly liabl. Only six of thm datd to LBA a publishd (Glog ovic ´ 20 00, pp. 11-16). Only fw mino modn xcavations hav bn undtakn, mostly in Cntal and Nothn Dalmatia. Unfotunatly not much has bn publishd (Batovic ´ 1980, p. 24; Id. 1983, pp. 278- 281). Poblms gading th lack of modn xcavations w cognizd by local scholas who dal with LBA. Paps by C ˇ ovic ´ (1 970 ), Bato vic ´ (1980 and 198 3), Ma ovi c ´ (1981 ) an d P oti c ´ (1 988 ) summais th known data. Mostly thy analysd th known inv ntoy and dw conclusions fom it, lying on th psnc of som widly spad bonz typs. 1 Th main diffncs in thi  paps concn chonological division of th Bonz Ag. C ˇ ovic ´ consids LBA in Dalmatia to h av lastd fom th scond half of th 13 th B.C. till th nd of th 8 th c. B.C., i.e. fom th fist wav of Agan migations to th Thacian-Cimmian invasion in th Pannonian gion of Coatia (C ˇ ovic ´ 1970, p. 7 0). Batovic ´ poposs a chonological division of th piod basd upon som local chaa ctistics of th bonz atfacts that mgd in th cous of th 11 th cntuy B.C. Accoding to him, 311 VeDrAN BArBArIC ´  * LATe BrONZe AGe IN DALMATIA: STATe OF reSeArCH * Faculty of Philosophy Split; vdba[email protected] 1 Thi conclusions w vy indicativ, but still only patial, sinc vy fw data on th natu of thos contacts, mostly  btwn nighbouing aas, can b dawn out of th matial without complt data. Som facts, lik influncs fom th Unfild cultu of Nothn Coatia and Pannonia thoughout th piod, xchang of idas with cntal Bosnia and som contacts with Italian gions, can hadly b disputd, but th data st still mains vy supficial.

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8/3/2019 Lba in Dalmatia Barbaric 1/13

Modn Dalmatia covs mo than half of th Adiatic pat of Coatia, fom th Vlbitmountain ang on th nothwst to th bay of Boka Kotoska in Montngo on th southast. In phistoy, as in th lat stags of histoy, th gion had th spaat mico gions: Nothn,Cntal and Southn Dalmatia.

In contast to th wst Adiatic coast, which has wll-dfind majo cultual and intactiv

 pocsss, LBA Dalmatia is a faily ill-xplod aa.Fom th scond half of th 19th cntuy th fist occasional findings statd to mg, andw cognizd by local scholas as Bonz Ag atfacts (Batovic 1983, pp. 274-275). So fa,such data hav unfotunatly maind th basis fo ou undstanding of th piod. It is impot-ant to stss that th vast majoity of th LBA atfacts fom Dalmatia that a known today comfom unknown o vy ill-known achaological contxts. Thfo, ths atfacts a datd onth basis of th much mo dvlopd chonology of th Nothn Coatia and Pannonian Unfildcultu (Vinski-Gaspaini 1973, pp. 21-23). This is spcially th cas with finds datd to th B D and Ha A1.

Th known bonz hoads fom th aa also fit in this pictu as thy w not found by acha-ologists, and a thfo not compltly liabl. Only six of thm datd to LBA a publishd

(Glogovic 2000, pp. 11-16).Only fw mino modn xcavations hav bn undtakn, mostly in Cntal and NothnDalmatia. Unfotunatly not much has bn publishd (Batovic 1980, p. 24; Id. 1983, pp. 278-281).

Poblms gading th lack of modn xcavations w cognizd by local scholas who dalwith LBA. Paps by Covic (1970), Batovic (1980 and 1983), Maovic (1981) and Potic (1988)summais th known data. Mostly thy analysd th known invntoy and dw conclusions fomit, lying on th psnc of som widly spad bonz typs.1 Th main diffncs in thi  paps concn chonological division of th Bonz Ag.

Covic consids LBA in Dalmatia to hav lastd fom th scond half of th 13th B.C. till thnd of th 8th c. B.C., i.e. fom th fist wav of Agan migations to th Thacian-Cimmianinvasion in th Pannonian gion of Coatia (Covic 1970, p. 70).

Batovic poposs a chonological division of th piod basd upon som local chaactisticsof th bonz atfacts that mgd in th cous of th 11th cntuy B.C. Accoding to him,




* Faculty of Philosophy Split; [email protected] 

1 Thi conclusions w vy indicativ, but still only patial, sinc vy fw data on th natu of thos contacts, mostly  btwn nighbouing aas, can b dawn out of th matial without complt data. Som facts, lik influncs fom thUnfild cultu of Nothn Coatia and Pannonia thoughout th piod, xchang of idas with cntal Bosnia and somcontacts with Italian gions, can hadly b disputd, but th data st still mains vy supficial.

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LBA in Dalmatia covs th piod fom th 11th to th 10th cntuy B.C. (Batovic 1980, p. 22).This phas psnts th tansitional piod fom th Bonz to th Ion Ag. His agumnts a basd on th appaanc of som local bonz typs in th 11th and 10th cntuy B.C. that mak th oigins of indpndnt and cognizabl cultual phnomna among th Illyian communitisof  Delmatae and Liburni (Batovic 1980, pp. 30-31).

Th a facts suppoting both chonologis, but fo th puposs of this mting I shall con-cntat on th 12th an 11th cntuy B.C.

So fa, th known LBA matial fom Dalmatia coms fom sttlmnts (hill-fots, cavs and pil-dwllings), buials (in cists und ston mounds and in cavs), nclosus and hoads. Thmajoity of th achaological matial cam to musums as accidntal findings. Th lack of xca-vations also ntaild complt ignoanc of th potty. Only fw camics had bn collctd byth scond half of th 20th cntuy, and th potty collctd lat has nv bn systmaticallyanalysd. Gnally, scholas tnd to say that, accoding to thi own xpinc, th camics aof bad quality, a pooly dcoatd and in thi foms patly smbl th camics of Unfildand wst Balkan aas (Maovic 2002, p. 256; Batovic 1980, pp. 38-41).



Fig. 1. - Dalmatian sits mntiond in th txt. 1. Kastav; 2. Pivlaka; 3. Vsi; 4. Bnkovac; 5. Podumci;6. Dabar-Marina; 7. Benkovac; 8. Solin; 9. Vranjic; 10. Split; 11. Dugiš; 12. Rat kod Ložišća; 13. Orah;14. Vavaa; 15. Babino polj; 16 Škip.

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Fig. 2. - 1. Podumci; 2. Solin; 3 and 4. Split suoundings, unknown findspot; 5. Muc; 6-8. unknown pov-nience; 9. Lozisca, 10. unknown provenience; 11. Orah; 12. unknown provenience (1-4: after Protic

1988, fig. 17; 5-8: aft Protic 1988, fig. 14; 9-12: aft Protic 1988, fig. 12).

1 2

3 4








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Bonz matial fom th Ha A1 piod shows stong influncs of th Unfild aa of  Nothn Coatia (Potic 1988, p. 217; Batovic 1980, pp. 41-42; Glogovic 2000, pp. 13-14).

Accoding to Ksnija Vinski-Gaspaini (1973, p. 125), th 2nd phas in th dvlopmnt of thUnfild cultu was th tim whn th is vidnc of som kind of xpansion to th South,

whth by xchang of poducts of matial cultu, o du to som kind of population mov-mnts. Fo xampl, xcavation data fom th nothn Hzgovinian hill-fot of Vavaa, on of th fw xcavatd, show tacs of som changs in matial cultu connctd with th influncfom th Noth, but Covic agus that this chang can b connctd with lag population mov-mnts (Covic 1983b, pp. 411-412). As in Dalmatia, ths issus wait fo futh xcavation sults, but it is th gnal opinion that th was no significant inflow of th Unfild population fomthe North into Dalmatia (Batovic 1980, p. 42; Majnaric-Pandzic 1998, p. 214).2

A vy impotant atfact fom this piod is th violin bow fibula (fig. 2, 1-4). Only a fw of thm hav bn found in Dalmatia, and non fom a wll-dfind achaological contxt (Maovic

1999, pp. 15-16; Id. 1981, p. 22). This typ of fibula is vy common in th Unfild hoads of th 2nd phas, and all authos ag that th xampls found so fa a impots fom th (Vinski-Gaspaini 1973, pp. 112-125). Th chonology of th violin bow fibula fom Dalmatia is dis- putabl. Dpnding on th point of viw of th autho, thy a compad with th ons fom thUnfild hoads of ith th 2nd (Covic 1970, p. 74; Vinski-Gaspaini 1973, pp. 124-125) o th3d phas (Batovic 1980, p. 29-30).

Spahads and socktd axs (fig. 2, 5-12) a psnt in Dalmatia fom Ha A1. Sinc vyfw com fom wll-dfind contxts, thy a gnally datd Ha A1-Ha B2.

Accoding to th cunt stat of sach ths poducts could mostly b impots fom thUnfild aa, but th a also fw xampls of local poduction of socktd axs, chisls andspearheads in such settlements as Dugis (fig. 3) in Dalmatia, or Varvara (fig. 4) in Northern

Hzgovina (Maovic 2002, p. 253, fig. XXVII; Batovic 1980, p. 38). Considing th lack of aw matial fo thi poduction in Dalmatia (Fonbah 1995, p. 271), th must hav bnsom significant impots of ths itms fom th Unfild aa, and thfo a combination of soucs poviding th makt with th ndd goods.

Mtallugical activity at th hill-fot of Vavaa was immns. Th xcavations hav valdmoulds fo th poduction of spahads, chisls, pins, socktd axs and swods (Curcic 1900;Batovic 1980, p. 38). Th cnt poducd long swods of euopan typ and a local typ of shot swod with a solid gip (fig. 4, 1 and 4).

Two swods of Spockhoff Ia typ hav bn found in Dalmatia. On of thm blongs to thDaba-Maina hoad (fig. 5) (Glogovic 2000, pp. 13-14). This hoad psnts th bst xamplof th inflow of objcts fom th Unfild aa. Within th assmblag th is on xampl of a bonz chst-plat. This is th only on so fa found in Dalmatia, but this typ of amou is wlldocumntd within th 2nd phas of th Unfild cultu in Nothn Coatia (Vinski-Gaspaini1973, pp. 95-96). This hoad as a whol sms to b a dict impot fom th Noth.

In th Ha A2 piod significant changs occu in th body of th achaological matial, s- pcially among bonzs. Som kind of indpndnt local dvlopmnt taks plac in th nothn

2 It is also impotant to stss that in Nothn Dalmatia no changs occu in th buials it: skltal buials in th couch position main dominant in this phas and continu into th Ion Ag.

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Fig. 3. - 1-3. Dugis (after Marovic 2002, T. XXVII).




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 pat of Dalmatia. This is makd by th mgnc of a spcific typ of fibula, th achd fibulawith two discs on th ach (fig. 6, 4). In this pat of Dalmatia this typ of fibula dvlopd intoth fom which spad into th nighbouing gions of Istia, th hintland of th NothnAdiatic (th aa that was, in th Ion Ag, inhabitd by th  Japodes) and Picnum, on th oppo-

sit Adiatic coast (Batovic 1980, pp. 30-31). This was to b th lading typ of fibula fo almostth cntuis.

This typ of fibula is th fist indication of th mgnc of an indpndnt cultual phnom-non. In th lat cntuis this cultu would b connctd with th nam of th histoic  Liburni.

Most scholas claim that this fibula had locally dvlopd fom a vaiant of th violin-bowfibula, th on with two buttons on th ach (Batovic 1980, p. 31). What still mains unanswdis th qustion aisd by th fact that th violin-bow fibula is xtmly a in Dalmatia and thatin Nothn Dalmatia it is compltly absnt (Potic 1988, p. 223; Batovic 1980, pp. 29-30). So,som qustions main to b answd about th oigin of this typ of fibula.

Along with ths nw typs of bonz poducts, in th Ha A2 piod Unfild bonz typs

continu to b psnt in Dalmatia (Potic 1988, p. 217). Nvthlss, it must b takn into con-sidation that Ha A2 is th piod whn th poduction of ths itms is documntd in Dalmatiaas wll as in th nighbouing aa of Hzgovina (in th hintland of Cntal Dalmatia). Whatth impuls fo th poduction of th nw bonz typs was mains unknown, but on can only psum that th mgnc of th nw typs was conditiond by th xistnc of som kind of dvlopd mtallugic poduction. Th bonz poduction vidncd at th Vavaa hill-fot issomthing that w hop to find in som sttlmnt in Dalmatia, in od to shd light on th m-gnc of th local bonz typs. Givn th cunt stat of sach, nw xcavations can ffctadical changs in ou knowldg.

Wapons psnt in Dalmatia suppot th pictu of intnsiv contacts of LBA Dalmatia withth Nothn Hzgovina mtallugic cnts. Ths a futh intnsifid in Ha A2 and lat, as

th psnc of shot, solid-gip swods in Nothn Dalmatia shows (fig. 6, 2-3). Ths swods,whos poduction is documntd at Vavaa, w distibutd in Nothn Dalmatia and its hin-tland as wll as in Istia and cntal Bosnia (Batovic 1980, pp. 36-37).

Th dvlopmnt which is cognizabl in th nothn pat of Dalmatia in Ha A2 bgan oncntuy lat in Cntal Dalmatia, in th Ha B1 piod. It is also makd by th mgnc of anw typ of fibula (fig. 6, 5) (Covic 1970, pp. 74-75; Batovic 1980, pp. 30-31), vy simila toon fom Nothn Dalmatia. This fibula, of th so-calld “Golinjvo” typ, is widspad in thfollowing cntuis and shows a vy high lvl of mtallugic skill.

In this piod som vy impotant bonz onamntal itms cam into fashion, such as “spc-tacl pndants” (fig. 6, 6) (Covic 1970, pp. 82-83). Such typs had an indpndnt dvlopmntin this aa, and gatly influncd th matial cultu fo th following th cntuis.

Typical sttlmnts of this piod a hill-fots (Coatian:  gradina). Thi spatial distibutionis wll documntd (Gaffny et alii 1997; Stancic et alii 1999; Kiigin et alii 2006), but only onhas bn xcavatd systmatically (Covic 1983b, pp. 393-394). Two oth typs of sttlmntsappa in th aa. On, with pil-dwllings, was xcavatd in th lat 50s and cntly publishd(Maovic 2002), and is an xampl of sttlmnt on th iv Ctina, a vy pomising acha-ological region in Central Dalmatia (Milosevic 2006). The other, a LBA enclosed farmstead in Nothn Dalmatia, was codd and xcavatd in th mid 80s (Chapman et alii 1996, pp. 130-133, 220-227).

Ths facts limit ou intptations bcaus hill-fots in th aa a in us fom th bgin-ning of th Bonz Ag and thoughout th Ion Ag (Bnac 1985, p. 190; Covic 1983a, p. 136;



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Fig. 4. - 1-6. Vavaa (1-2, 4-6: aft curcic 1900, sl. 3, 6, 8; T. I and T. II; 3: aft  covic 1983b, T. LVIII).







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Chapman et alii 1996, p. 153). Thi dating is mostly basd upon th compaison of sufac col-lctions of atfacts with th contmpoay vidnc fom nighbouing aas, spcially fomth fa btt known Unfild cultu of Nothn Coatia and th LBA cnts of Bosnia andHzgovina.

In Ha A1 th is a makd incas in th building of fotifid sttlmnts and th movmntof populations fom lowland sits to dfndd sits situatd on statgic points in contol of com-munication outs (Bnac 1985, p. 192; Potic 1988, p. 200; Chapman et alii 1996, p. 154).

Duing th 12th and 11th cntuis B.C. significant changs occu in th cultual landscap of Dalmatia. Spatial analyss combind with xcavations hav shown that in th LBA stuctus suchas dy-ston walls on pastu land, agicultual claanc cains, tacing walls and lag dy-ston nclosus w built in Nothn Dalmatia fo th fist tim (Chapman et alii 1996, p. 151).This pattn is noticabl in most pat of Dalmatia. Lag invstmnts of human labou includdalso th building of lag fotifications and ston buial mounds. This implis that a hiachicalsocity xistd, at last to som dg.

It is also vy intsting to notic that in th 11th

c. B.C. all Dalmatian sits with amb findsa in th titoy of th communitis which had statd thi own dvlopmnt by that tim. Thissms to cospond with th mgnc of local bonz typs. Such cicumstancs point to thxistnc of som kind of élit within ths communitis using amb as pstigious matial.

Fonbah (1995, p. 276) agud that th pocss of statification of LBA Dalmatia socitishad not poducd stong and oganizd élits by that tim. Accoding to him, on of th indicatos pointing to that is th absnc of lag quantitis of luxuious goods such as amb.

Taking all ths facts into considation, on can only suppos that th social dvlopmnt inDalmatia was undway in th LBA, but, so fa, not much can b said about it.

Th a th Ha A1 and A2 buial sits with amb finds fom Dalmatia (Pivlaka, Vsiand Vanjic), with a total of 27 amb bads found (Palavsta 1993, pp. 50-51, 65; Fonbah 

1995, p. 276). each gavs containd Tiyns-typ amb bads, whil two of thm containd alsoAllumi-typ amb bads. Th invntoy of th Pivlaka gav is phaps th most intsting,as it containd 16 gn glass bads, togth with th Tiyns- and Allumi-typ amb bads(Batovic 1983, T. XLIV).

In Cntal Dalmatia th amb bads w found in th gav at Vanjic, na Split, and datd,on th basis of th accompanying goods, to th scond half of th 10 th c. B.C. (Maovic 1967, p.8). Th amb bads could wll b old than th st of th gav goods, falling within ou p-iod (Palavsta 1993, pp. 275, 290). Togth with th bonz itms and th amb, fiv glass bads w also found in th gav (Maovic 1967, p. 8).

Anoth sit with glass bads fom Ha A1 and A2 Dalmatia is on th island of Mljt, at thBabino polj sit, wh 16 small blu glass bads w discovd by non-xpts (Maovic1969, pp. 16-19).

All th Coatian scholas ag that th LBA glass bads so fa known fom Dalmatia a most pobably impotd fom th Noth Adiatic poduction sits (Batovic 1983, p. 319; Cadalli1992, p. 395). Th psnc of Tiyns amb bads that has bn documntd at Fattsina(Ngoni Catacchio 1972, p. 17; Palavsta 1993, p. 251) and th distibution of th Allumi bads (Cadalli 1992, pp. 397-398) mak a cas fo claiming that th vast majoity of Ha A1 andA2 amb and glass fom Dalmatia could b of Noth Adiatic povninc.

rminiscntial of that tad could b th psnc, in a buial cav in Cntal Dalmatia(Maovic 1999, p. 20), of a bonz pin (fig. 6, 1) found togth with matial of Ha A1 and A2.

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Fig. 5. - Daba-Maina hoad (aft Batovic 1983, pl. XLIX).

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(Th pic is th only on of its typ fom th ast coast of th Adiatic). Simila pins hav bnfound at Pschia (Müll-Kap 1959, pls. 13, 3; 104, 27).

On wll-known pic, th miniatu Makaska ingot, has aisd a lot of qustions and doubtsgading its povninc and dating. Considing th infomation availabl concning this at-

fact, it is still had to say anything pcis gading its oigin and achaological contxt. Wknow fo su that it was puchasd by Si John evans togth with ight oth objcts and thathis son, Si Athu J. evans, considd all ths objcts to b pat of on hoad (evans 1906, p.360).

Som scholas, ld by H.W. Catling (1964, p. 269, not 3), ith doubtd o jctd th pos-sibility that it was puchasd at Makaska, suggsting that in th invntoy nots of Si John evansth sit nams could b mistakn. Thy favoud th sit of Makasyka at Cypus as th findingspot and th plac wh th itm was puchasd. By contast, Coatian scholas fo th most patsuppotd th position of Buchholz (1959, pp. 28, 35, 37) (oftn without mntioning th opposdopinions), who considd Makaska as th finding spot and datd th pic aound 1200 B.C.3 It

was usd as a majo pic of vidnc fo contacts with th Agan.Aft considing th pics fom th “hoad”, diffncs in thi lativ dats ld LuciaVagntti (1971, p. 213) to psum that th pics had bn bought to Makaska fom somwhls. Maovic (1984, p. 59, not 44) noticd that two flat axs fom th “hoad” a commonwithin th achaological matial fom Dalmatia, whil th oth typs a not psnt th. Hsupposd it possibl, considing th natu of antiquity tad and collctions of th tim, that th“hoad” consistd of pics collctd fom diffnt sits, Makaska includd. Dunja Glogovic(2000, p. 15, not 4) publishd th contnt of an invntoy cad fom th Ashmolan Musum,wh ths itms a kpt. Sh pointd to th fact that bsids th city of Makaska, Dalmatia isalso namd th as a gion wh th ingot and th “hoad” w found. Futh on, sh claimsthat it is hadly possibl that Si John evans could hav mistakn both sit and gion.

Taking all this into considation, it is almost ctain that it cannot b qustiond whth thitms w puchasd at Makaska. Nvthlss, th xact oigin of th finds obviously cannot b stablishd in this way.

A fw potty shds hav statd a dbat about th contacts btwn th Agan and thastn Adiatic coast. Two pics of diffnt vssls found at th sit of Skip (on th islandof Brac) seem to be of Mycenaean origin, and are currently dated to the LH IIIB/IIIC period(Gaffny et alii 2002, p. 33; Kiigin 2006, p. 19). Ths a th only ons to hav bn found inDalmatia thus fa, and th qustion mains opn as thi oigin. What maks th cas vn mointsting is th appaanc of th Skip sit. This hill-fot sit, unlik all th oth simila sits inDalmatia, posssss impssiv fotifications built of lag (up to 1.5 by 0.7m) ctangula ston blocks (Kiigin 2006, figs. 4 and 5). Ths fotifications a uniqu on this sid of th Adiatic,and hav always invitd diffnt intptations. Thi similaity to th Hllnistic fotifications psnt in th aa mad a cas fo attibuting thm to Hllnistic influnc, but sachs hav povn that thi constuction is somwhat diffnt. Skip walls w suppotd fom th insidwith an athn bank, whil Hllnistic walls in this aa hav two facs. Apat fom that, no IonAg mains hav bn found so fa on th sit.



3 Th a som opinions in th Coatian litatu that doubt Buchholz’ classification of th Makaska ingot. Thy con-sid it to b of his typ 2 instad of 3, and dat it in 14th-13th c. B.C.: Batovic 1973, p. 66; Majnaric-Pandzic 1998, p. 202.

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Fig. 6. - 1. Podumci; 2. Bnkovac; 3. Kastav; 4. Vsi; 5. unknown povninc; 6. Vanjic (1: aft Marovic

1999, fig. 7; 2-3: aft Batovic 1983, pl. XLVI; 4: aft Batovic 1983, pl. XLIV; 5: aft Batovic

1983, pl. XLVIII; 6: aft Protic 1988, fig. 16).

1 2 3


5 6

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On of th abov-mntiond shds was found within this athn bank, what ld th discov-s to assum that th walls w built und Mycnaan influnc (Gaffny et alii 2002, p. 33;Kiigin 2006, p. 19). As th situation is not so cla,4 all this still awaits confimation.

Whn w summais th facts, w can b ctain about fw things. evidnc points to th con-nctions with th Unfild aa, th a som poofs of intnsiv xchang with NothnHzgovina, and stong indications of som kind of contacts and tad with Nothn Adiatic.Unfotunatly, th achaological pictu of Dalmatia in th 12th and 11th c. B.C. givs us littl info-mation about all thos aspcts that a lvant in any sious attmpt to undstand this piod.

It is vidnt that only nw xcavations, togth with spatial and nvionmntal analysswill giv us nw and liabl sults. Th psntd data, although dficint in many ways, aintiguing and stimulat sach. rcnt systmatic suvys on Cntal Dalmatian islands andin th Ctina gion (Gaffny et alii 1997; Stancic et alii 1999; Kiigin et alii 2006; Milosevic1998) show gat potntial. Ou plan is to pfom xcavations at th ky locations on th Cntal

Dalmatian islands that hav stong sufac vidnc of LBA and Ion Ag matial, hoping thatth sults will impov ou knowldg of th piod.5


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I was witing this pap.

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