lbm 3 hemostasis sgd 17 .dox

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  • 7/21/2019 Lbm 3 Hemostasis Sgd 17 .Dox



    STEP 1

    - Ptechiae : small 1 until 2 mm small red or purple spot inthe body becausd of a minor hemorhage

    - Blood clotting disorder : the blood cant stop normaly

    - Trauma : feel scared that never feel again

    - Fever : reaction the body because infection

    STEP 2

    1. What the factors that aect blood clotti! "

    2. What the #echais# of he#ostasis "

    3. Wh$ the blood cat sto% or#al$ "

    &. Whe the %rocess of he#ostasis occ'red "

    (. What abor#alities i he#ostasis "

    ). What are the ca'se of he#ostasis "

    *. What the #or%holo!$ ad +siolo!$ of %latelet "

    ,. What -id of he#o+lia ad e%lai it "

    /. Ho0 relatio bet0ee fro# he#ostatis ad bloodclotti! "

    1. What are the resfactors ad 0hat is

    -oa!'latio st'dies "

    11. What are the basic dia!ostic dasar dia!osis

    %e#be-'a darah berdasar-a a%a

  • 7/21/2019 Lbm 3 Hemostasis Sgd 17 .Dox


    12. Maa4e#e 5 %ea!aa dari he#ostasis

    13. Pe#eri-sa $a 6 tro#bosit$a ba!ai#aa 6

    -oa!'lasi$a ba!ai#aa 7as-'larisasi$a se%erti


    STEP 3

    1. What the factors that aect blood clotti! "

    - Koagulation factors

    - Christmast factors : protease serin from hemostatis

    - PT! " Plasma Tromboplastin !ntecendent # : protease serin

    from hemostatis

    - !nti $emo%li& factors : co factor from hemotasis

    - Fletcher factors: the activation contact

    - Fit'gerald factor :The activation contact

    - (nfection : decrease the production of %broblast

    - Forage body ) benda asing :

    - *2 : needed for the sintesis of colagen

    - +mo&e : caused a lac& of o,igen in the blood

    - Preasure : ound here sutured to tight ill cause


    - Blood supply : ade.uate blood supply nedeed to supply

    o,igen to nutrient

    - Temperature

    - Protein and carbohidrat

  • 7/21/2019 Lbm 3 Hemostasis Sgd 17 .Dox


    - /utrient status

    - 0e%siensi of vitamin

    2. What the #echais# of he#ostasis "


    (mmediate vasoconstriction of the bloof vessels and

    inured and re3e, constriction of the small arteries

    and arterioles in the vicinity caused the initial

    slodon of blood

    The reaction of platelet and formation of the primary

    +tabili'ation of the plateler plug by %brin

    3. Wh$ the blood cat sto% or#al$ "

    Because the hemostasis pocces cant or& normaly

    Because the funtion of tromocyte decrease

    (t caused by a de4ect in one of the genes that determind

    ho the body ma&es blood clotting factors ((( or (5

    (f one of them have a problem caused blood clotting

    normaly for e,ample hemo%lia ! and B

    &. Whe the %rocess of he#ostasis occ'red "

    6hen our body getting inure and the blood out from our

    body and the factors of blood clotting or&

    6hen blood vessels ruptured

    (. What abor#alities i he#ostasis "

  • 7/21/2019 Lbm 3 Hemostasis Sgd 17 .Dox


    Tromositosis : hen the platelet is more than normal 7

    189999 ;89999

    $emo%lia : is genetics deseases that inheretage

    based on , lin&ed resesif

    Thrombositopenia : hen platelet count of less than

    199999)mmorphology : no nucleus 7 disc shape 7 si'e 2-

  • 7/21/2019 Lbm 3 Hemostasis Sgd 17 .Dox


    STEP *

    1. What the factors that aect blood clotti! "

    Essentials of Human DiseaseBy Leonard Crowley

    2. What the #echais# of he#ostasis "

  • 7/21/2019 Lbm 3 Hemostasis Sgd 17 .Dox



    >echanism of vasoconstrictionof blood vesselsin the small ound

    b# +econdary

    >echanism in volving coagulation factorsin plasmaandplateletsith the

    ultimate goalnets%brinformation7 occurs ina largeound


    Control mechanismthat preventse,cessivehemostasisnot




  • 7/21/2019 Lbm 3 Hemostasis Sgd 17 .Dox


    3. Wh$ the blood cat sto% or#al$ "

    8'e to a blood clotti! disorder.I a or#al %erso 0he i4'red6 %latelets 0ill stic-

    to each other ad for# a!!re!ates that co'ld sto%

    the blood co#i! o't. B't there are also %eo%le

    0ho !et h'rt a little6 the blood -e%t %o'ri! or

    di9c'lt berheti.bila e%erieci! these coditios6

  • 7/21/2019 Lbm 3 Hemostasis Sgd 17 .Dox


    it #eas there is a %roble# 0ith the %rotei i red

    blood cells is called the 7o Willebrad :W;.:o Willebrad disease :W8 is oe of the

    bleedi! disorder !ee dit'r'a- fro# his%arets. :o Willebrad factor is i#%ortat beca'se

    it cotrols bleedi! ad blood clotti! %rocess.I#%ortat for cotrolli! bleedi! ad blood

    clotti! %rocess.

    If $o' do ot ha7e these factors6 the %latelets that

    there 0ill ol$ ho7er or #a$ ot be able to stic- toad 0ill ot for# a!!re!ates that coti'o's

    bleedi! occ'rs.Kapita Selekta Hematologi A.V. Hofbrand Edisi 4

    &. Whe the %rocess of he#ostasis occ'red "

    1asoconstriction due to local neural response7 and release ofendothelin from the endothelium

    2Primary hemostatic plug: due to platelet adhesion7 activation7degranulation"!0P7 T5!2# and recruitment of other platelets

  • 7/21/2019 Lbm 3 Hemostasis Sgd 17 .Dox


    mutations in the F@ gene cause hemophilia !7 the most common form of

    this bleeding disorder >ore than 17

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    ith early diagn#sis% pe#ple with "#n illebrand disease can lead n#rmal% acti"e

    li"es. ,e#ple with mild cases may n#t re0uire treatment% but sh#uld a"#id taking drugs

    that c#uld aggra"ate bleeding% such as aspirin and ibupr#fen% with#ut first c#nsulting

    with a d#ct#r. #re seri#us cases may be treated with drugs that increase the le"el #f

    "#n illebrand fact#r in the bl##d #r with infusi#ns #f bl##d fact#r c#ncentrates. !t is

    imp#rtant f#r pe#ple with "#n illebrand disease t# c#nsult with their d#ct#rs bef#re

    ha"ing surgery% ha"ing dental w#rk% #r gi"ing birth% s# that pr#per precauti#ns can be

    taken t# pre"ent e$cessi"e bleeding. #u may be referred t# a hemat#l#gist% a d#ct#r

    wh# speciali7es in the treatment #f bl##d dis#rders.

    +umber : http://www.hemat#l#gy.#rg/,atients/8l##d-9is#rders/8l##d-l#ts/52.asp$% ; biosbccnet

    Tro#bosito%eia %e'r'a 4'#lah tro#bosit


    a ?angguan produ&si trombosit oleh mega&ariosit- 0epresi mega&ariosit &arena obat7 bahan &imia7 virus- Bagian dari &egagalan sum-sum tulang :

    o !nemia aplasti&

    o Aeu&imian a&ut

    o +indrom mielodisplasiti&b Penghancuran trombosit di darah tepi

    - (diopathic thrombocytopenic purpura "(TP#- 0isseminated intravascular coagulation "0(C#- 0rug induced immune trhrombocytopenia

    c 0istribusi tida& norma+indrom hipersplenisme : terado pooling trombosit dalam liend !&ibat pengenceran!&ibat transfusi masif

    Tro#bo%ati -elaia f'!si tro#bosit1 Trombopati herediter

    a Platelet pool storage disease = gangguan pelepasan !0P

    gangguan agregasi trombositb Tromboasthenia ?lan'man= gangguan reseptor ?P ((b-(((a pada

    permu&aan trombosit agregasi gagal = autosomal resesifc +indrom bernard-soulier= gangguan reseptor ?P (b tida& teradi

    adhesi dg v6Fd Penya&it von 6illebrand= tida& terbentu& v6F tida& teradi adhesi

    platelet2 Bentu& didapat

    a !&ibat terapi aspirin= gangguan sintesis thrombo&sin !2

    mencegah agregasib $iperglobulinemia
  • 7/21/2019 Lbm 3 Hemostasis Sgd 17 .Dox


    c Kelainan mielopoliferatifd ?agal ginale Penya&it hati menahun

    :o Willebrad=s 8isease

    Timbul &arena sintesis v6F menurun 7 menga&ibat&an :

    - ?angguan adhesi trombosit- >enurunnya a&tivitas F((( C dalam plasma

    Klasi%&asi :

    1 Tipe ( : penurunan sintesis v6F2 Tipe (( a : gangguan sintesis multimer v6F besar dan sedangTipe (( b : pembentu&an multimer v6F besar dan sedang sehingga cepat

    di&eluar&an dari darah< Tipe ((( : sintesis v6F sama se&ali tida& ada

    Manifestasi Klini&

    - Perdarahan sedang7- epista&sis sea& &ecil7- menorrhagi- perdarahan dari lu&a- postoperasi- Perdarahan besar- $ematom

    He#o+li A da B

    $emo%li ! dan B merupa&an gangguan fungsi &oagulasi herediter

    Patogenesis :

    1 $emo%li ! disebab&an def F((( clotting activity "F(((C# dapat &arena

    sintesis menurun atau pembentu&an abnormal2 $emo%li B7 &arena def F(5

    8e+siesi :it

  • 7/21/2019 Lbm 3 Hemostasis Sgd 17 .Dox


    < Fungsi vit K dihambat oleh anti &oagulan

    $ematologi Klini& E

    &.8I>8isse#iated Itra7asc'lar >oa!'latio

    Adalah s'at' sidro#a -lii- $a! disebab-a oleh

    de%osisi +bri siste#i- da %ada saat $a! sa#a

    ter4adi -eceder'!a %erdaraha da tro#bosis.

    He#atolo!i ade Ba&ta

    ). What are the ca'se of he#ostasis "

    !bnormal bleeding can occur due to a variety of vascular system disorders

    either hereditary or ac.uired This disorder is most seringdiumpai cause

    bleeding in the clinic sually a mild s&in bleeding and lasted &uranglebih

    ;@ hours

    The cause of this disorder could be due to:

    -structure of abnormal blood vessels

    -the process of in3ammation or immune reaction

    - !bnormal tissue perivas&uler

    He#atolo!i ade Ba&ta

    *. What the #or%holo!$ ad +siolo!$ of %latelet "

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  • 7/21/2019 Lbm 3 Hemostasis Sgd 17 .Dox


  • 7/21/2019 Lbm 3 Hemostasis Sgd 17 .Dox


    his person has low levels of or is missing completely factor ** (Also called FI

    or factor I deficiency) Hemophilia is *0 times more rare than type A! Factor

    I deficiency is different ,eca"se it can show "p in ,oth males and females!

  • 7/21/2019 Lbm 3 Hemostasis Sgd 17 .Dox


    11. What are the basic dia!ostic dasar dia!osis

    %e#be-'a darah berdasar-a a%a

  • 7/21/2019 Lbm 3 Hemostasis Sgd 17 .Dox


  • 7/21/2019 Lbm 3 Hemostasis Sgd 17 .Dox


    12. Maa4e#e 5 %ea!aa dari he#ostasis

    a.8e+siesi -o#%le-s fa-tor :III ata' ;a-tor 7o 0illebrad6 d'a dari

    !a!!'a herediter %erdaraha $a! seri! dite#'-a6 disebab-a

    oleh -elaia -'alitatif ata' -'atitatif $a! #e!eai fa-tor


    8e+siesi fa-tor :III ii #e$ebab-a he#o+li A.

    He#o+li A adalah %e$a-it herediter terseri! $a! #e$ebab-a

    %edaraha seri's.

    Tera%i$a de!a if's fa-tor :III.

  • 7/21/2019 Lbm 3 Hemostasis Sgd 17 .Dox


    Tabel Klasifikasi dan Gejala Hemofilia

    Klasifikasi Gejala Kadar FVIIIHemofilia Aberat

    Perdarahan spontan tanpa adapenyebab berupa trauma atautindakan operatif. Perdarahanspontan dapat terjadi pada saatmelakukan aktivitas sehari-hari.Pada umumnya ditemukan pada usiadini bahkan kurang dari satu tahun.

    < !" unit # mlplasma

    Hemofilia Asedang

    Perdarahan yang sukar # tidak dapatberhenti pada trauma atau tindakan

    operatif. Pada umumnya terdeteksipada saat ekstraksi gigi atau operasiminor seperti sirkumsisi.

    !" $ !% unit # ml


    Hemofilia Aringan

    Perdarahan yang sukar # tidak dapatberhenti pada trauma atau tindakanoperatif yang lebih berat.

    !%" -!&' unit # mlplasma fa-tor I@ He#o+lia B6 %e$a-it christ#as

    s'at' %e$a-it $a! secara -liis tida- da%at dibeda-a de!a

    he#o+lia A.

    Pe$a-it ii dia#a-a %e$a-it christ#as -area berdasar-a

    a#a %asie $a! %erta#a #e!ida% %e$a-it ii.

    Tera%i$a de!a if's fa-tor I@ $a! saat ii s'dah tersedia secara


  • 7/21/2019 Lbm 3 Hemostasis Sgd 17 .Dox


    B'-' A4ar Patolo!i Edisi * 6?obbis lotti! ti#e5#asa %e4edala

    &.4'#lah tro#bosit

    (.%roto#bi ti#e 5 %las#a %roto#bi ti#e

    ).acti7ated %artial tro#bo%lasti ti#e

    *.tro#bi ti#e

    a.Hitung darah dan pemeriksaan sediaan hapus darah

    Memastikan kemungkinan adanya trombositopenia, tindakan ini mungkin dapat

    menemukan penyebabnya, missal leukemia akut

    b.Uji skrining pembekuan darahMemungkinkan penilaian terhadap system "ekstrinsik"

    dan "intrinsik"pembekuan darah juga perubahan sentral fibrinogen menjadi fibrinc.

    c.Masa perdarahan

    Pemeriksaan yang berguna untuk fungsi trombosit yang abnormal, termasukdiagnosis

    defisiensi VWF. Masa perdarahan juga memanjang padatrombositopenia tetapi normal

    pada perdarahan abnormal yang disebabkanoleh sebab vasculard.

    d.Uji fungsi trombosit

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    Pemeriksaan yang paling berguna adalah agregometri trombosit yangmengukur

    penurunan serapan cahaya dalam plasma kaya trombosit sejalan dengan agregasi


    e.Uji terhadap fibrinolisis

    Meningkatnya kadar activator plasminogen yang bersirkulasi dapat dideteksi dengan

    dengan adanya pemendekan masa lisis bekuan euglobulin.

    Sejumlah metode imunologik untuk mendeteksi produk pemecahanfibrinogen atau fibrin

    dalam serum . pada pasien yang mengalamipeningkatan fibrinolisis dapat

    dideteksi kadar plasminogen dalam darahyang rendah


    13. Pe#eri-sa $a 6 tro#bosit$a ba!ai#aa 6

    -oa!'lasi$a ba!ai#aa 7as-'larisasi$a

    "diopathic #hromoc$topenic %urpura ("#%)

    IT# adalah elainan ai$at trom$ositopenia yan! tida dietahui penye$a$nya %idiopati)& tetapi ternyata

    dietahui $ahwa se$a!ian $esar elainan ini dise$a$an oleh proses imun& arena itu dise$ut 'u!aautoimmune

    thrombocytopenic purpura.

    #ada IT# 'umlah trom$osit menurun dise$a$an oleh trom$osit diiat oleh anti$odi& terutama I!(. nti$odi

    terutama ditu'uan untu reseptor (# II$*IIIa pada trom$osit. Trom$osit yan! diselimuti anti$odi emudian

    difa!ositir oleh marofa! dalam +, terutama lien& ai$atnya ter'adi trom$ositopenia.

    (am$aran lini IT#& yaitu ) onset pelan den!an perdarahan melalui ulit atau muosa $erupa petei&

    eimosis& easy bruising& menorrha!ia& epistasis atau perdarahan !usi/ 0) perdarahan # 'aran!& tetapi fatal/

    dan 1) splenome!ali& ter'adi pada 23 asus.

    #ada IT# elainan la$oratorium yan! ter'adi4 ) darah tepi4 trom$osit palin! serin! antara 2.222-52.222*mm1/ 0)

    sumsum tulan!4 me!aariosit menin!at& multinulear& disertai lo$ulasi/ dan 1) imunolo!i4 adanya antiplatelet I!(

    pada permuaan trom$osit atau dalam serum. 6an! le$ih spesifi adalah anti$odi terhadap !p II$*IIIa atau !p I$.

    7ia!nosis IT# dite!aan $ila di'umpai4 ) !am$aran lini $erupa perdarahan ulit atau muosa/ 0)

    trom$ositopenia/ 1) sumsum tulan!4 me!aariosit normal atau menin!at/ 8) anti$odi antiplatelet %I!() positif&

    tetapi tida harus demiian/ dan 5) tida ada penye$a$ trom$ositopenia seunder %Bata& 0229).

    1. Hemophilia A (classic hemophilia) - leads to the production of a defective Factor VIII. This isthe most common form of hemophilia and is due to a X chromosome-lined recessive !ene.It is most common in males.

    2. Hemophilia B (Christmas disease)- leads to the production of a defective Factor IX."emophilia B is due to a defective !ene lined to the X chromosome and is most commonlyfound in males.

    3. Von Willerand!s Disease- the result #f a lack #f effecti"e "#n illebrands act#r. !t is

    due t# an aut#s#mal d#minant gene and #ccurs e0ually in males and females.

  • 7/21/2019 Lbm 3 Hemostasis Sgd 17 .Dox


    on 6illebrand disease is an inherited condition that results hen the blood

    lac&s von 6illebrand factor7 a protein that helps the blood to clot and also

    carries another clotting protein7 factor ((( (t is usually milder than hemophilia

    and can a4ect both males and females on 6illebrand disease is classi%ed

    into three di4erent types "Types 17 27 and