le morte d'arthur

Le Morte d'Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away, or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org For your convenience, this text has been compiled into this PDF document by Camelot On-line. Please visit us on-line at: http://www.heroofcamelot.com/

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Post on 22-Feb-2015




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This is a public domain edition of the classic work "Le Morte d'Arthur" by Sir Thomas Malory. It can be redistributed freely.


Le Morte d'Arthurby Sir Thomas MaloryThis eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it !ive it away or re"use it under the terms of the #ro$ect %utenber! License included with this eBook or online at www.!utenber!.or!&or your convenience this te't has been compiled into this #(& document by )amelot *n"line. #lease visit us on"line at+http+,,www.heroofcamelot.com,Table of ContentsAcknowled!ements.........................................................................................................................-.B/BL/*%0A#1/)AL 2*T3 ........................................................................................................-4#03&A)3 *& 5/LL/AM )A6T*2 ............................................................................................-78olume /+..................................................................................................................................................9-B**: / ..............................................................................................................................................99)1A#T30 /. 1ow ;ther #endra!on sent for the duke of )ornwall and /!raine his wife and of their departin! suddenly a!ain. ......................................................................................................99)1A#T30 //. 1ow ;ther #endra!on made war on the duke of )ornwall and how by the mean of Merlin he lay by the duchess and !at Arthur. ............................................................................9.)1A#T30 ///. *f the birth of :in! Arthur and of his nurture. ....................................................9)1A#T30 8///. 1ow :in! Arthur held in 5ales at a #entecost a !reat feast and what kin!s and lords came to his feast. .............................................................................................................?)1A#T30 /6. *f the first war that :in! Arthur had and how he won the field. .........................-)1A#T30 6. 1ow Merlin counselled :in! Arthur to send for :in! Ban and :in! Bors and of their counsel taken for the war. .......................................................................................................9)1A#T30 6/. *f a !reat tourney made by :in! Arthur and the two kin!s Ban and Bors and how they went over the sea. ............................................................................................................