lead l e - barnett elementarybarnett.nebo.edu/sites/barnett.nebo.edu/files/sept2016... ·...

Calendar: September 5: Labor Day- NO SCHOOL September 6: PTA Meeting @ 9:30am PreK Open House 10-12 September 7: Preschool Begins September 12: The Great Leader Kickoff Family Event @ 6:30pm September 14: 4 th grade Utah State Fair Field Trip September 15: Room Parent Tea @ 3:30 September 16: Constitution Day September 19: All grades out at 12:00pm for District Staff Development. No PM KINDERGARTEN September 20: Dental Varnishing After School Robotics Class Begins September 22: School Community Council Mtg.@ 3:30pm September 23: School Pictures September 26: Vision Screening Principal’s Corner We are off to a great start to our new school year. Barnett is such a great place to be with an awesome group of dedicated teachers and students who work hard every day. Thank you for sending us such great kids. I have enjoyed the first few weeks of school so much and I honestly feel the only way it could run so smoothly is a direct result of the quality students and teachers here and the parental support that comes from home. I have an open door policy. If there are ever questions or concerns with something here at Barnett I am happy to discuss them with you. We also like to hear when we have done something right as well. Our goal is to help every student be successful at Barnett. Hopefully as you have been talking to your students at home and if you have entered our school this year you notice the Leader in Me program hard at work. This incredible program has already made a difference in the short time it has been implemented. I have enjoyed hearing 6 th graders sing the “Be Proactive” song while lunch working. I loved watching 5 th graders discuss the importance of greeting people by looking them in the eye and giving a good handshake. Students have come and told me they are leaders and have big responsibilities in their classroom. As a school we have set a school WIG! A Wildly Important Goal to be at school every day and have 90% attendance. We will continue to share how the Leader in Me program is working at school and also try to provide some home activities so you can use the 7 Habit language at home as well. Below is a summary of each habit and the week they will be taught in class. Then we will slow down and learn about a habit each month. Along with using the Leader in Me program we will continue creating great leaders through our PAWS to LEAD program. Barnett Bulldogs Paws to LEAD through Loyalty, Excellence, Achievement and Discipline.

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Page 1: LEAD L E - Barnett Elementarybarnett.nebo.edu/sites/barnett.nebo.edu/files/SEPT2016... · 2016-09-07 · Teachers will be doing things in the classroom every day with these attributes

Calendar: September 5: Labor Day- NO SCHOOL September 6: PTA Meeting @ 9:30am PreK Open House 10-12 September 7: Preschool Begins September 12: The Great Leader Kickoff Family Event

@ 6:30pm September 14: 4th grade Utah State Fair Field Trip September 15: Room Parent Tea @ 3:30 September 16: Constitution Day September 19: All grades out at 12:00pm for

District Staff Development. No PM KINDERGARTEN

September 20: Dental Varnishing After School Robotics Class Begins September 22: School Community Council Mtg.@ 3:30pm September 23: School Pictures September 26: Vision Screening Principal’s Corner We are off to a great start to our new school year. Barnett is such a great place to be with an awesome group of

dedicated teachers and students who work hard every day. Thank you for sending us such great kids. I have

enjoyed the first few weeks of school so much and I honestly feel the only way it could run so smoothly is a

direct result of the quality students and teachers here and the parental support that comes from home. I have an

open door policy. If there are ever questions or concerns with something here at Barnett I am happy to discuss

them with you. We also like to hear when we have done something right as well. Our goal is to help every

student be successful at Barnett.

Hopefully as you have been talking to your students at home and if you have entered our school this year you

notice the Leader in Me program hard at work. This incredible program has already made a difference in the

short time it has been implemented. I have enjoyed hearing 6th graders sing the “Be Proactive” song while lunch

working. I loved watching 5th graders discuss the importance of greeting people by looking them in the eye and

giving a good handshake. Students have come and told me they are leaders and have big responsibilities in their

classroom. As a school we have set a school WIG! A Wildly Important Goal to be at school every day and have

90% attendance. We will continue to share how the Leader in Me program is working at school and also try to

provide some home activities so you can use the 7 Habit language at home as well. Below is a summary of each

habit and the week they will be taught in class. Then we will slow down and learn about a habit each month.

Along with using the Leader in Me program we will continue creating great leaders through our PAWS to

LEAD program. Barnett Bulldogs Paws to LEAD through Loyalty, Excellence, Achievement and Discipline.

Page 2: LEAD L E - Barnett Elementarybarnett.nebo.edu/sites/barnett.nebo.edu/files/SEPT2016... · 2016-09-07 · Teachers will be doing things in the classroom every day with these attributes

Teachers will be doing things in the classroom every day with these attributes and we have reminders

throughout our school on how to lead by following rules and being examples. We will celebrate teacher,

student, and class leaders at a monthly Bulldog Pride Assembly. Thank you for supporting us in our effort to

create positive change at Barnett. I have included in this Newsletter our school expectations and procedures in

an easy to read chart. I will also have the chart on our school webpage. That way as parents you can easily see

what we are teaching our students about being safe, respectful, and responsible here at school and reinforce

these ideas at home as well.

We are still looking to catch all students who are making good choices and giving them a Barnett Brag Note.

They then take this note to the office and get their name added to the “Principal’s 200 Club.” These students

will have a chance to win various prizes and have their picture in the paper. We always want to be known for

focusing on the positive things that students do at Barnett.

Finally, I wanted to make you aware of Barnett Elementary’s Facebook Page. Go to

www.facebook.com/BarnettElementary, LIKE us and start to receive updates on the great things happening at

school and with Barnett PTA. You can also follow us on Twitter. Our Twitter handle is @BarnettBulldogs. Be

sure to check out our website regularly for up-to-date information as well at http://barnett.nebo.edu/ . This year

our school has also joined Instagram! Follow us at barnett.elementary on Instagram to see pictures/videos of the

great things happening every day at Barnett!

--Have a great month, Mrs. Stoddard

7 Habits of Highly Effective Kids

Habit 1: Be Proactive(You’re in Charge)- Taught Aug. 29-Sept. 2

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind (Have a Plan)- Taught Sept. 6-9

Habit 3: Put First Things First(Work First, then Play)- Taught Sept. 12-16

Habit 4: Think Win-Win! (Everyone Can Win)- Taught Sept. 19-23

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand then to be Understood (Listen Before you Speak)-

Taught Sept. 26-30

Habit 6: Synergize (Together is Better)- Taught Oct. 3-7

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw (Balance Feels Best)- Taught Oct. 10-14

For more info go to: www.theleaderinme.org

Stay informed and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!


@Barnett Bulldogs


Page 3: LEAD L E - Barnett Elementarybarnett.nebo.edu/sites/barnett.nebo.edu/files/SEPT2016... · 2016-09-07 · Teachers will be doing things in the classroom every day with these attributes

School Pictures School pictures will be on Friday, September 23.

Pictures packets will be coming home soon with more

information and prices. If you want to order pictures, please

return the order form and the money to your child’s teacher by

picture day. You can also send in the code if you paid online.

Since we want all children to have their picture included in

the class picture, all children will have their picture taken on

the 23rd regardless of whether money or a code is returned or

not; however, if you have not paid for pictures on that day

with cash, check or credit card, you will not be able to

purchase a packet. Picture retakes will be on October 27th

and you may purchase packets at that time.

Shoes are Required! Nebo School District Policy requires that all students must wear shoes during PE classes. Children will not be able to participate in socks, bare feet, or flip flops, so please make sure your children wear appropriate footwear on their PE days. Thanks.

When your child is absent . . . We appreciate you taking the time to let the office know when your child is absent. You can also let us know ahead of time when you will be on vacation. Please call 465-6000 to report absences before 9:15 am. Thanks so much for your help.

Page 4: LEAD L E - Barnett Elementarybarnett.nebo.edu/sites/barnett.nebo.edu/files/SEPT2016... · 2016-09-07 · Teachers will be doing things in the classroom every day with these attributes

Introducing your PTA Board: President: Mauri Crandell Treasurer: Kari Waite President Elect: Secretary: Jessica Burdick

The PTA wants to send a HUGE thank you to all the volunteers who have helped already this year with registration, lunch and recess duty, and the book fair. Here’s how you can know about future opportunities to help at school: 1. Follow our school Facebook page.

2. Make sure you are on our email list. If you do not get emails and would like to,

send your name and email address to [email protected].

3. Join PTA!

4. Come to our monthly meetings. We meet the first Tuesday of the month at 9:30am

at the school. September 6th and October 4th are the next couple we have coming up.

We would love your input.

5. Room Parent Tea will be held September 15th at 3:30. This meeting will give

Room Moms a chance to visit with teachers about needs for the upcoming year.

Start thinking about PTA Reflections

This year’s theme is: “What is your Story?”

You can go to www.utahpta.org/reflections to find categories and rules.

More information will be coming home soon!

Barnett T-Shirts Still need a school t-shirt? You are in luck! We will sell t-shirts at

Family Night on September 12th during the Ice Cream Social. They are

$6 and you can pay with cash, check, or card.

Page 5: LEAD L E - Barnett Elementarybarnett.nebo.edu/sites/barnett.nebo.edu/files/SEPT2016... · 2016-09-07 · Teachers will be doing things in the classroom every day with these attributes

Box Tops

Collection Day: Friday, September 9th

Top 2 Classes will win a Sno-Cone Party!

Please bring all items to your classroom.

**Keep Capri Pouches separate from Box Tops!

Labels for Education:

--Labels is closing their program.

We will be collecting Labels

through DECEMBER—

**Please go through your food storage

and cut off all Labels and turn them in

so we can redeem our points.

We need 40 more Tyson Chicken!

Page 6: LEAD L E - Barnett Elementarybarnett.nebo.edu/sites/barnett.nebo.edu/files/SEPT2016... · 2016-09-07 · Teachers will be doing things in the classroom every day with these attributes

Barnett Elementary

School Expectations & Procedures

Learning Environment

Be Safe

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

Arrival & Dismissal Stay on sidewalks

Use Crosswalks

Walk your wheels across cross walks and on school grounds

Keep hands & feet to your self

Walk straight to where you are expected before & after school

Use appropriate & friendly language

Hold door open for the person behind you

Keep hands & feet to self


Follow adult directions

Sit & study or read when waiting inside

Play safely when walking outside

Leave the school building using assigned exits for your class

Arrive on time

Leave on time

Hallways Walk facing forward

Keep line(s) straight

Walk to the right

Let others pass

Keep your pace at a walk

Hold door open for person behind you

Keep hands and feet to self

Respect displays in hallway


Follow adult directions

Respect displays in hallways

Stay together as a class

Go straight to where you are going

Playground Follow game rules

Play with & use equipment appropriately

Stay within designated boundaries

Report unsafe equipment or people

Play fairly & include everyone

Share equipment

Use appropriate & friendly language

Keep hands and feet to self

Use a respectful tone of voice

Be respectful to adults


Follow adult directions

Put equipment away

Respond to the whistle

Get permission to use the bathroom,

get a drink or leave the playground.

Inside Recess Follow game rules

Walk in the classroom

Stay in the classroom or designated area

Use materials appropriately

Follow classroom rules

Play fairly & include everyone

Share and use materials appropriately

Use appropriately & friendly language

Keep hands and feet to self

Use a respectful tone of voice


Follow adult directions

Put materials away

Get permission to use the bathroom,

get a drink or leave the room

Respond to adult signals

Cafeteria Walk quietly

Carry the tray with two hands

Eat your own food

Face table, feet on the floor, bottom on the bench

Use appropriate and friendly


Stay in line and wait patiently

Keep hands & feet to self

Be respect to adults


Follow adult directions

Raise hand for help

Eat politely

Throw away all trash & leave your

area clean

Raise hand to be excused

Bathrooms Get permission to use the bathroom

Use toilet, sink, and urinals appropriately

Wash hands

Respect others privacy


Flush, wash and leave

Use soap, paper towel & toilet paper


Leave the bathroom area clean & dry

Tell an adult when there is a problem

Library Follow adult direction

Follow library rules

Walk in the library

Keep hands & feet to self

Share & take turns

Use appropriate & friendly language

Be respectful of adults & others


Use equipment/materials with care

Follow adult directions

Clean up after yourself

Put materials away

Act appropriately in line

Push in chair

Computer Lab Sit the right way

Walk in the lab

Use internet appropriately

Keep hands & feet to self

Share & take turns

Use appropriate & friendly language


Use assigned equipment/materials

appropriately & responsibly

Follow adult directions

Clean-up & put materials away

Push in chairs


Follow adult directions

Follow game rules

Play with & use equipment appropriately

Report unasafe equipment or people

Keep hands & feet to self

Share & take turns

Use appropriate & friendly language

Encourage others

Use equipment/materials


Follow adult directions

Clean up after yourself

Put materials away

Assemblies Walk & sit facing forward

Keep space between you and others

Stay with your class

Carry your chair the correct way.

Enter & exit quietly

Be silent during presentation

Keep hands & feet to self

Be a good audience


Follow adult directions

Listen to presenter

Wait to be dismissed

Office Get adults attention appropriately

Have an office or phone pass

Get adults assistance

Use kind words and actions


Follow adults directions

Use office phone with permission

Page 7: LEAD L E - Barnett Elementarybarnett.nebo.edu/sites/barnett.nebo.edu/files/SEPT2016... · 2016-09-07 · Teachers will be doing things in the classroom every day with these attributes