leaders and managers

BMGN N320 Leadership and Team building Prepared for: Joanne Prepared by: Halima Hamda Maryam Date: 9 th , October, 2012 Differences between Leaders and Managers

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  • 1. BMGN N320Leadership and Team buildingPrepared for: JoannePrepared by: Halima Hamda MaryamDate: 9th, October, 2012

2. Leader Definition Example of successful leader Characteristics of a leader Manager Definition Characteristics of a Good Manager Management vs. Leadership Managers are Leaders 3. Leader: is the person who influences his group to achievethe organizational goals. 4. The word impossible is not inleaders dictionaries. No matterhow big the challenges, strongfaith, determination and resolve will overcome them.HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum 5. 1. Drive.2. Desire to lead.3. Honesty and integrity.4. Self-confidence.5. Intelligence.6. Job-relevant knowledge.7. Extraversion. 6. Planning and directing the work Setting goals Taking corrective action Often has a staff of people who report to him or her 7. Confidence Organization Value Others Respect Public Speaking Know When to Delegate Flexibility 8. Basic differences in management and leadership Management vs. LeadershipThingsPeopleControlEmpowermentDirectsCoaches EfficiencyEffectiveness 9. In today modern worldmarkets are Highly 10. Leadership Skills 11. The Difference Between Management And Leadership. (1997, Feb. 6). Retrieved October 3, 2012, fromUniversity of Edinburgh: http://www.see.ed.ac.uk/~gerard/MENG/ME96/Documents/Intro/leader.html Even smart people are confused by the management-leadership debate. (2011, march 11). Retrieved October 2,2012, from htc consult: http://htc-consult.com/new/even-smart-people-are-confused-by-the-management-leadership-debate/ Leader (disambiguation). (2012, September 26). Retrieved October 3, 2012, from Wikipedia, the freeencyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leader_(disambiguation) admin. (2011 , October 19). 25 Qualities and Characteristics of a Good Manager. Retrieved October 4, 2012,from PhD in management: http://www.phdinmanagement.org/25-qualities-and-characteristics-of-a- good-manager.html Government of Dubai Media Office. (2012, October 7). History & Biography. Retrieved October 7, 2012, from sheikh Mohammed: http://www.sheikhmohammed.co.ae/vgn-ext- templating/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=630d0cb40c7bd210VgnVCM1000004d64a8c0RCRD Nayab, N., & Edwards, G. (2011, April 7). Five Real-World Examples of Successful Leadership. RetrievedOctober5, 2012, from bright hub pm: http://www.brighthubpm.com/resource-management/120498- five-real-world-examples-of-successful-leadership/ P.Robbins, S., Coulter, M., Sidani, Y., & Jamali, D. (n.d.). Management Arab World Edition. Wong, A. S. (2007, July). Definition of a Leader. Retrieved October 2, 2012, from Web Design and Talking PowerPoint: http://www.vtaide.com/gleanings/leader.htm Woodruff, D. M. (1995, January). Become an effective leader. Retrieved October 1, 2012, from MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES: http://www.managementmethods.com/forms/Become%20an%20Effective%20Leader.dmw.pdf