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Post on 06-May-2015




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Done by my friends and I


Page 1: Leadership



Why did we choose this subject? Because the role of the leader is increasing these days and it is important to

have a deep understanding about the basic principles and skills. Plus, there

is a misconception between the leadership, management and authority.


By reading this search you will be able to:

-Define the leader

-describe the skills that make a good leader.

describe some common mistakes leaders do

-discuss factors affecting leadership

-distinguish between leader and managers

-discuss overlapping needs

-describe leaders' importance in hospitals.


Definition of leader

What makes a good leader?

Leaders mistakes

Factors of leadership

Leaders vs. managers

Overlapping needs

Leaders in hospitals


Done by,

Shatha jamal Al-


Noura Al- Enezi

Eidah Al-Ashammari

Alaa Al-Angari

Page 2: Leadership


Definition of leader

Leader is the person in the group who has

combination of personality and skills that

makes others want to follow his or her


Someone who has followers.

What makes a good leader ?

Leaders face the challenge of being part of a group while Simultaneously

leading it. This is hard to do and requires a mix of skill, hard work,

initiative, and discretion. Following are some tips that make a good


Confidence and Humility

if one isn’t confident, then action will not occur. Without action, there is

no change. Yet, paradoxically, a leader needs to have humility. No matter

how creative and bright one is, often the best ideas and thinking are going

to come from someone else. A leader needs to be able to identify that, have

good people around who have these ideas. This takes humility, or at least

lack of egocentricity. The leader is focused on the ends and doesn’t have to

see herself always as the creator of the strategy to get to that end.


Committed and dedicated hard working leaders will eventually develop

dedicated and hard working organizations regardless of who they start with

or the experience they bring to the job.

Attentive Listening

" Leadership is not about ability .It's about taking responsibility, exceeding expectation & taking charge"


Page 3: Leadership


The leader have two purposes for listening: to connect with people and to

learn from them.

The effective leaders are attentive listeners who pay attention to what is

being said, concentrate on the ideas and issues their followers raise, and

take appropriate actions that demonstrate their understanding and concern.

Their open door policies are truly ―open door‖, not just a

fancy catch-phrase used for self-promotion. Anyone with

a genuine concern or valuable contribution is welcomed

and encouraged to share it. Great leaders also listen to

their customers and do what is needed to meet and exceed

their expectations.


Someone who can see what needs to be done and help the team plan and

organize the getting it done. Management is getting things done through

people. While a writer or other visionary person may be very influential,

even seminal for the cause of change, this is not the quite definition of a

leader. A leader means, someone who is taking action, trying to get others

to do something they want to see done. .

Appreciation and Fair

It is said that the greatest human need is the need to be appreciated.

Leaders thank constantly, reward excellence, productivity, loyalty, and

ethical conduct. Great leaders do not allow problem employees to

accumulate in their team and disrupt other. They admonish the lazy,

irresponsible. They understand that every minute spent on a bad employee

who refuses to improve is a minute stolen from the good employees that

deserve the leader’s full attention and support.

Controlling Group Performance

" Before we can lead others, we must first learn to lead ourselves "

Page 4: Leadership


A group needs control as an engine needs a throttle— to keep it from

running itself into the ground. A group works together best when

everybody is headed in the same direction. If a plan is to be properly

carried out, someone must lead the effort. Control is a function that the

group assigns to the leader to get the job done. Control happens as a result

of recognizing the difference between where the group is and where the

group is going.


Good communicators can take a complex message and simplify it for

everyone to understand. People need to connect to you, and along with

charisma, communication is the most powerful weapon a leader can have.

A Good leaders know what they want. They don’t wait for others to act. A

Good leaders push themselves to act and find their own motivation. A

Good leaders take more risks. They know the biggest risk of all is inaction.

A Good leaders make more mistakes. They fail forward. A leader

should understand the needs and characteristics of each

participant of the group. This helps the leader to deal with each

person as an individual, to treat that individual with respect, and to help

the person grow.

Communicate through meetings, notes, e-mail, or with any means

necessary to get the point or message across.


It is the most important quality a leader must posses. Integrity alone will

not make an effective leader, but a leader without integrity will be

detrimental to the success of any organization. Integrity is necessary to

build trusting relationships.

" Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results "


Page 5: Leadership


What else ?

* Should be on time; always start meetings on time and finish them on


* look for leadership in others; continually inspire and motivate their

groups to dream, to be creative, and constantly improve.

* Learn how to like people

* Be exciting and enthusiastic

* Cultivate a sense of humor

Mistakes leaders make

You want to be an effective leader? Don't make these mistakes!

Leadership is an art form. Even though some people are "born" leaders it

is an attribute that can be learned. However, to be a truly effective leader

sometimes it is more important to know what not to do than what to do.

Some of the common mistakes include:

1. Not knowing what others think about you and your management


Mutual respect is one of the most important aspects of leadership. Ask for

feedback on a consistent basis from your direct reports, peers, and


2. Zealously guarding your own turf.

Many leaders believe they have to be ―one up‖ on others in order to protect

their positions and territory. Instead, look at the big picture and what’s in

the best interests of the company rather than your own individual interests.

3. Sitting and waiting for “the big plan” to be handed to you.

Page 6: Leadership


An effective leader will seize the moment and take the initiative to create

his own ―big plan‖ based on his long-term goals and outcomes. And he

will ensure the plans aligns with the company’s.

4. Being glued to your chair.

With the development of e-mail, the Internet and wireless phone

technology, many leaders make the mistake of spending too much time in

the office rather than interfacing with their team.

Leaders need to structure their daily tasks as well

as devoting time to talk with their employees.

5. Unwilling to Lead By Example

"Do as I say not as I do." That statement is no longer good enough. To be a

great leader you must be willing to get your hands dirty and show your

people how it's done when the circumstances warrant it

6. Forgetting to pay attention to the bigger, global climate in which

your company operates.

It’s important to stay on top of technology trends, competition, and general

market trends. The more aware you are of what’s going on in the world,

the more you will be able to contribute to your company’s long-term goals.

" Good leaders must first become good servants"

Page 7: Leadership


Factors of leadership

There are four major factors in leadership:

1- Follower

Different people require different styles of leadership. For example, a new

hire requires more supervision than an experienced employee. A person

who lacks motivation requires a different approach than one with a high

degree of motivation. You must know your people! The fundamental

starting point is having a good understanding of human nature, such as

needs, emotions, and motivation.

2- leader:

. You must have an honest understanding of who you are, what you know,

and what you can do. Also, note that it is the followers, not the leader who

determines if a leader is successful. If they do not trust or lack confidence

in their leader, then they will be uninspired.


You lead through two-way communication. Much of it is nonverbal. For

instance, when you "set the example," that communicates to your people

" "The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you" "The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant."

"The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant."

Page 8: Leadership


that you would not ask them to perform anything that you would not be

willing to do. What and how you communicate either

builds or harms the

relationship between you and your employees.


All are different. What you do in one situation will not

always work in another. You must use your judgment to decide the best

course of action and the leadership style needed for each situation. For

example, you may need to confront an employee for inappropriate

behavior, but if the confrontation is too late or too early, too harsh or too

weak, then the results may prove ineffective.

Various forces will affect these factors. Examples of forces are your

relationship with your seniors, the skill of your people, the informal

leaders within your organization, and how your company is organized.

Leaders vs. managers

―you manage things; you lead people.‖ – Grace Murray Hopper

As Hopper indicates, leadership and management are two different things.

We need to train our team leaders to be leaders as well as managers.

Leaders managers Focus on things Focus on people

Do things right Do the right things

*Plan Inspire

*Organize Motivate

*Control Build

Follow the rules Shape entities

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader"

Page 9: Leadership


* The highlighted activities are common (leaders & managers)

leadership - overlapping needs

The basic principle of leadership can be summed up as a balancing act of

overlapping needs:

Task needs – Enable the group to achieve the task

Team needs – Build and maintain the team

Individual needs – Develop the individual

For a leader, it is important to focus the right amount on each of these

overlapping needs.

A micro-manager is focusing too much one area and reigning as tight

control as possible over the team’s tasks. By doing this, they are not

paying enough attention to the team or the individuals. They need to learn

to let go of detailed control to gain overall control of the team.

Page 10: Leadership


Don’t throw our poor team leaders in at the deep end – get them support,

get them training and let them lead their team to greatness!

in hospital

In the radiology department, workers may face some problems

along their day. The nature of the problem can be:

- Technical

- People (workers, patients and their relatives)

- Ethical

- Safety

- Financial

The leader in such situations imparts a sense of personal

power, self direction. He/she provides greater understanding and control

of events.

During long work times in hospitals, he/she will be there when needed to

inspire and encourage the team. The good leader can bring his/her team all

together which affect the quality of work in the department.


"People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."