leadership negotiations & change primer


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Post on 06-May-2015




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Attempt to distill leadership, change, conflict, and negotiations into a simple yet powerful primer for a specific audience.


Page 1: Leadership Negotiations & Change primer

Leadership, Change, &Negotiations…a primer. Presented by Ed Hernandez

Page 2: Leadership Negotiations & Change primer

LCN Primer – By Ed Hernandez

Why Lead?Leadership is…

Everyone Listens to you? You listen to everybody? Or…a relationship?

Leadership is a relationship between those who aspire to lead and those who choose to follow. Sometimes the relationship is one-to-many. Sometimes it’s one-to-one. But regardless of whether the number is one or one thousand, leadership requires engaging others.

-The Leadership Challenge (5th Edition), 2012, (p30)

How do you engage others…Start with Why!

Page 3: Leadership Negotiations & Change primer

LCN Primer – By Ed Hernandez


Next time you are networking, don’t ask what you do for a living…ask why you do it?

Are leaders born or made? Yes, of course, all leaders are born. We’ve never

met a leader who wasn’t! The truth is that leadership is an observable set of

skills and abilities that…can be strengthened, honed, and enhanced if we have the motivation and desire, the practice and feedback, and the role models and coaching.

-The Leadership Workshop Facilitator’s Guide (4th Edition), 2012, (p6)

Page 4: Leadership Negotiations & Change primer

LCN Primer – By Ed Hernandez

Traits of effective leaders.

“They practice what they preach”

“They walk the talk”

“Their actions are consistent with their words”

“They actions are consistent with their words”

“They put their money where their mouth is.”

“They do what they say they will do.”

Page 5: Leadership Negotiations & Change primer

LCN Primer – By Ed Hernandez

How do you (as leaders) affect change?

It depends… What it depends on:

Why…change is needed or desired What…is being changed and who will it impact How…will this improve or change the status quo

Page 6: Leadership Negotiations & Change primer

LCN Primer – By Ed Hernandez

Lewin’s Change Model

Lewin’s Why to Change… "Motivation for change must be generated before

change can occur. One must be helped to re-examine many cherished assumptions about oneself and one's relations to others.”

This is the first stage in “Unfreezing” from which change begins…preparing the organization to accept that change is necessary, which involves break down the existing status quo before you can build up a new way of operating.

Page 7: Leadership Negotiations & Change primer

LCN Primer – By Ed Hernandez

Lewin’s Change Model (cont.)

Change…is the only constant – Heraclitus, Greek philosopher

In order to accept the change and contribute to making the change successful, people need to understand how the changes will benefit them. Unfortunately, some people will genuinely be

harmed by change…you need to foresee and manage these situations.

Time and communication are the two keys to success for the changes to occur.

Re-freezing…creating a new and safe sense of stability in the new ways of working.

Page 8: Leadership Negotiations & Change primer

LCN Primer – By Ed Hernandez

But how do you make change succeed?

Kotter’s 8 Step Model furthers Lewin’s thoughts… Create a sense of urgency (Un-freeze) Form a powerful coalition Create a vision for change Communicate the vision Remove Obstacles Create short-term wins Build on the change Anchor the change in corporate culture (Re-freeze)


-Mindtools, 2013

Page 9: Leadership Negotiations & Change primer

LCN Primer – By Ed Hernandez


As leaders, or change agents, you must leverage lessons from your peers, mentors, or coaches to remove obstacles…as change means the potential for conflict.

How do you resolve conflict? Do you negotiate or advocate for your position

or an interest? Do you get your way, give away the farm, or


Page 10: Leadership Negotiations & Change primer

LCN Primer – By Ed Hernandez


Is Conflict good or bad? How do you feel a/b conflict? What do you think a/b conflict? What are the consequences of conflict?

Conflict is a process that begins when one party perceives / believes that some other party is, has been, or will be negatively affecting something that party cares about.

Someone is, was, will be frustrating your goals.

Page 11: Leadership Negotiations & Change primer

LCN Primer – By Ed Hernandez

Major Approaches to Handling Conflict

E Kass, Negotiations Seminar, 2013

Page 12: Leadership Negotiations & Change primer

LCN Primer – By Ed Hernandez

Negotiating is a strategy to resolve conflict.

Questions to ask: Do I care a/b this person after this issue is

resolved? Will I ever see this person again? Do I need to even negotiate with him/her? What is my BATNA?

Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement What is their BATNA? Is it a fixed pie or can we expand the offering?

What is it that we really want?

Page 13: Leadership Negotiations & Change primer

LCN Primer – By Ed Hernandez

Distributive vs. Integrative Negotiations

Distributive Negotiations occur when there is a fixed pie or a belief of limited and scare resources. Knowledge is power…don’t lose it. Be ready to walk away (what is your reservation

point…when does it become a ‘bad’ deal)

Integrative leans towards ‘expanding the pie’ How to expand the pie:

Asking questions a/b interests and priorities Sharing information on your interests/priorities Brainstorm ideas to meet those interests

Page 14: Leadership Negotiations & Change primer

LCN Primer – By Ed Hernandez

10 Best Strategies for Negotiators

1. Be Prepared

2. Diagnose the fundamentals structure of the negotiation

3. Work the BATNA

4. Be willing to walk away

5. Master Paradoxes (contradictory elements)

6. Remember the intangibles

7. Actively manage coalitions

8. Savor and protect your reputation

9. Remember that rationality and fairness are relative

10.Continue to learn from the experience-Essentials of Negotiation, R Lewicki, 2011, (p251)