leadership styles & communication

Leading in a Change Environment Based on: You Don’t Need A Title to be a Leader by Mark Sanborn And Leadership that Gets Results By Daniel Goleman

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Leading in a Change Environment

Based on:

You Don’t Need A Title to be a Leader

by Mark Sanborn


Leadership that Gets Results

By Daniel Goleman

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“You don’t need a title to be a leader”

Think of all the leaders you have worked for/with- Which of these leaders most appealed to you? Why? Which did not? Why? Share with your table

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“Leaders” Come in all sizes Come with different styles Come having different positions Come in different colors Come knowing that you have to affect the

heart as well as the head Come in __________ (fill in the blank)

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“Leadership That Gets Results”: Daniel Goleman

1. Coercive— “Do what I say.”

Effective in a natural disaster, working with problem individuals or when decisions have to be made quickly.

However, in most situations, coercive leadership inhibits the organization’s flexibility and dampens employees’ motivation.

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“Leadership That Gets Results” 2. Authoritative: “Come with me”

States the overall goal but gives people the freedom to choose their own means of achieving it.

Works well when the organization is adrift. Less effective when working with teams of


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“Leadership That Gets Results”

3. Affilitative: “People Come First” Effective when building team harmony and

increasing morale. Less effective because it allows poor

performance to go uncorrected. Also, often leaves employees wanting advice

which is rarely offered.

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“Leadership That Gets Results” 4. Democratic: “What do you think?

Effective in giving employees a voice which leads to organizational flexibility and generating fresh ideas.

Less effective as the price of this is endless meetings and confused employees who feel leaderless.

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“Leadership That Gets Results” 5. Pacesetting: “Do as I do.”

Effective in setting high performance standards and exemplifying a positive impact on those who are self-motivated and highly competent.

Less effective because some tend to feel overwhelmed and resent tendency to take over a situation.

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“Leadership That Gets Results” Coaching: “Try this now.”

Effective when employees are already aware of their weaknesses and want to improve.

Less effective when employees are resistant to changing their ways.

Because this style focuses more on personal development rather than work-related tasks, slow to get results.

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“Leadership That Gets Results”

The more styles a leader masters , in particular switching among all the styles as conditions dictate, the better the organizational climate.

Research has shown that the most successful leaders have strengths in the following: Self-awareness Self-regulation Motivation Empathy Social skills

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You Don’t Need A Title To Be A Leader: Mark Sanborn

There is something more powerful than having good leadership of an organization; having an organization where everyone knows when and how to lead.

People who lead – whether or not they have a title – strive to make things better for those around them.

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Principle 1: Self-Mastery Before you can reasonably expect to lead

others, you must first master yourself. Self-Mastery is based on the 3 C’s:

Character (Who they are) Competency (What they do) Connection (How they relate to others)

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Principle 2: Focus Focus and determination beat brains and

intellect every time. If you focus on the right things, and work at

them often, you will achieve exceptional results.

Genuine leaders have a clear agenda and sense of priority.

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Principle 3: Power with People Leadership is the art of getting

extraordinary performance from ordinary people.

Compliance is a poor but often used workplace tool to get people to do things

Leaders get results because of their power with people, not over them

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Principle 4: Persuasive Communication Objective of communication is to create understanding. While most people tell, leaders sell or persuade:

They build courage not fear. They build collective efficacy. They work from agreed-upon processes. They focus on outcomes that matter to all.

The tools that they use to help sell are clarity (knowing what is important and what you stand for) and stories (vivid examples that illustrate both the facts and emotional human side).

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Principle 5: Execution Genuine leaders have high IQ’s.

Implementation Quotient Pragmatic Idealism

One irrefutable test of a leader is the results he or she produces.

Having good ideas is not enough – you have to be able to implement good ideas!

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Principle 6: Giving Leadership is not about what you achieve,

but what you gave.

Servant Leadership!

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Conclusion Leadership is about choosing to make a

positive difference, at home, work or in one’s community.

Leadership is characterized less by one’s resume than by one’s legacy.

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How do you see your leadership reflected in others?

Pick a leader that you respect and admire. Think about how you respond to that

leader. Take a minute and respond to the following:

How do you see yourself as a leader reflected in the leader you admire?

Share with a partner.

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Questions to ponder: Are you building a strong resume, or

preparing to leave a lasting leadership legacy?

When leadership is asked for, do you take the lead or expect others to do so?

When there are times of stress do you add to it or reduce it?

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Be A Fred: Be a part of the answer not the problem. Always have the program not the excuse. Be a “let me do it” not “it’s not my job” kind of person. Have an answer for every problem not see a problem in

every answer. See a green near every trap not three sand traps near

every green. Say: “it may be difficult but it’s possible” not “it may be

possible but it’s too difficult”.

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Be a Fred!!