leadership webinar: a k-12 policy framework for competency education

www.inacol.org A K-12 Federal Policy Framework for Competency Education: Building Capacity for Systems Change Maria Worthen Vice President, Federal & State Policy; iNACOL Lillian Pace Senior Director of National Policy; KnowledgeWorks

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This webinar focused on the recently released iNACOL report entitled: A K-12 Policy Framework for Competency Education: Building Capacity for Systems Change. The report co-authors will describe the barriers and opportunities within federal education policy frameworks and identify how the federal government is in a unique position to catalyze and scale student-centered learning approaches. To download a copy of A K-12 Federal Policy Framework for Competency Education: Building Capacity for Systems Change, please visit http://bit.ly/cwk12fedpolicy


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A K-12 Federal Policy Framework for Competency Education: Building Capacity for Systems ChangeMaria WorthenVice President, Federal & State Policy; iNACOLLillian PaceSenior Director of National Policy;


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PresentersMaria Worthen

VP, Federal & State Policy


Lillian Pace, Senior Director of National Policy KnowledgeWorks

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What is the Federal role in K-12 education?

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Competency Education1. Students advance upon mastery.

2. Competencies include explicit, measurable, transferable learning objectives that empower students.

3. Assessment is meaningful and a positive learning experience for students.

4. Students receive timely, differentiated support based on their individual learning needs.

5. Learning outcomes emphasize competencies that include application and creation of knowledge, along with the development of important skills and dispositions

-Patrick & Sturgis

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• New CompetencyWorks Issue Brief

• iNACOL/KnowledgeWorks collaboration

• First report of its kind – comprehensive analysis of policies to support competency education for K-12 in a federal policy context

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Considerations that informed the report

• Timing• Articulation of systemic barriers• Supporting, not inhibiting states and

districts• Actions that policymaker can take• Case studies• Beginning of a conversation

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Federal Role in Accountability

Ensure Equity &


Build an Educated Citizenry

National & International Comparisons

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Current Federal System Vision for the FutureMeasures school effectiveness by % proficient on annual summative assessments

Measures school effectiveness by multiple measures of growth and pace along learning progressions

Drives a narrow instructional focus on tested high-stakes subjects in order to avoid annual sanctions

Drives continuous improvement of student learning in a wide range of subjects to ensure that all students progress toward graduation

Expects schools to get 100 percent of students to proficiency on state standards at the same pace

Expects students to master standards and aligned competencies at a pace to be on track to graduation

Provides annual, after-the-fact data on school and subgroup performance on state summative assessments

Provides real-time data on student and subgroup performance, growth, and pace toward mastery of standards/competencies

Requires states and districts to use school and subgroup data to rate and intervene in schools annually

Helps educators and leaders make real-time decisions to provide personalized supports for every student and school

Provides annual data for stakeholders about the quality of districts and schools

Provides real-time information for stakeholders about the quality of educational options and programs

Prevents states and districts from piloting new methods of accountability

Enables states and districts to continuously improve the system by piloting new methods of accountability

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Accountability 3.0 – New Hampshire’s Emerging Vision

• Incentivize districts to implement local performance assessments in exchange for greater autonomy in selecting accountability indicators and measures.

• Require districts to administer a state summative assessment, at a minimum in grades 4, 8, and at least once in high school.

• Require districts to establish annual measurable targets for accountability purposes.

��• Require districts to demonstrate a clear vision and

the capacity for high-quality execution.

��• Establish a locally developed performance

assessment pilot for high schools.

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Accountability Barriers

• Federal time-based accountability policies fail to emphasize continuous improvement of student learning.

• Federal law does not include flexibility for states to use multiple measures for federal accountability calculations.

• Federal accountability indicators do not measure student progress toward mastery of competencies aligned to standards.

• Federal requirements regarding annual classification of schools and districts for improvement can inhibit continuous improvement.

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Questions for Further Discussion

• What types of indicators and measures are necessary to track student progress through competencies aligned to standards?

• What types of indicators and measures should trigger federally required supports and interventions? When should these occur?

��• What changes in reporting are needed to better communicate

student progress so that stakeholders will focus on the continuous improvement of learning for all students?

• How could the accountability system account for competency-based elements such as a shift from traditional levels (i.e., middle to high, high to college) to stages of learning across the trajectories?

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Federal Policies to Enable Change

• Establish a competency-based accountability pilot program that permits individual states to develop systems that drive continuous improvement of student learning using multiple measures, at multiple points in the year.

• Conduct a national evaluation of states piloting competency-based accountability systems to determine their impact on student academic achievement, college readiness, college access and matriculation, and employment outcomes.

• Request a study of all time-based federal policies and regulations, and develop a plan to eliminate or replace these policies.

• Require states to have a plan in place that describes how they will ensure that student progress is identified in real time, and that all students receive supports and interventions when they need it.

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Contact Information

• Maria Worthen, VP Federal and State Policy, iNACOL. [email protected]

• Lillian Pace, Senor Director of National Policy, Knowledgeworks. [email protected]