leading in the knowledge economy

Transform ation Into a Transform ation Into a Knowledge-Based Economy” Knowledge-Based Economy” Michael Andrew , Et isalat Michael Andrew , Et isalat Author of How toThink Like a CEO andAct Like a Leader Pract ical Ins ights for Performance andResults Pract ical Ins ights for Performance andResults December 20, 2010 December 20, 2010

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Keynote presentation at a government sponsored conference on what and how the UAE government can to take a leading role in the knowledge economy


Page 1: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

““Transform ation Into a Transform ation Into a

Knowle d ge -Base d E conom y”Knowle d ge -Base d E conom y”

Michael Andrew, EtisalatMichael Andrew, Etisalat

Author of How to Think Like a CEO and Act

Like a LeaderPractical Insights for Performance and ResultsPractical Insights for Performance and Results

December 20, 2010December 20, 2010

Page 2: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

O bje ctive sO bje ctive s

Insights for the UAE to Grow and Insights for the UAE to Grow and Prosper in the Knowledge EconomyProsper in the Knowledge Economy

How Senior Leaders Must Think and Act How Senior Leaders Must Think and Act to Make it Happento Make it Happen

Page 3: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

U AE VIS IO N 2021U AE VIS IO N 2021

“We want to be among the best countries in the “We want to be among the best countries in the world by 2021. In a strong and safe union, world by 2021. In a strong and safe union, knowledgeable and innovative Emiratis will knowledgeable and innovative Emiratis will confidently build a competitive and resilient confidently build a competitive and resilient economy. They will thrive in a cohesive society economy. They will thrive in a cohesive society bonded by its identity, and enjoy the highest bonded by its identity, and enjoy the highest standards of living within a nurturing and standards of living within a nurturing and

sustaining environment”sustaining environment”

Page 4: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

If Every Company (Or Government) If Every Company (Or Government) Has a Winning Vis ion, Then Why Has a Winning Vis ion, Then Why

Doesn’t Every Company (or Doesn’t Every Company (or Government) Win?Government) Win?

I t ’s no t what t he v ision is, it ’s what t he v ision does

Peter Senge – Former Director of the Center for Organizational Learning at MIT Sloan School of Management


Do , o r do no t . T here is no t r y – Yoda


Why predic t t he f ut ure when we can creat e it ?--- GE

Page 5: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

Vis ionVis ionis about foresight....andis about foresight....and

ExecutionExecutionwhich leads towhich leads to

Realizing UAE ’s Aspiration Realizing UAE ’s Aspiration for 2021for 2021

Results with IntegrityResults with Integritywhich leads towhich leads to

LeadershipLeadershipis aboutis about

Page 6: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

Do the Do the Right ThingRight Thing

Do the Do the Wrong ThingWrong Thing

Do it Do it WellWell

Do itDo itPoorlyPoorly



Page 7: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

Transform ing to a Knowle d ge Transform ing to a Knowle d ge

E conom yE conom y

Does senior leadership have a clear and broadly shared understanding of how global competitiveness and the global economy may be different 5 or 10 years from now?

Are we looking farther out more than other countries?

Is the viewpoint about the future reflected in short-term priorities and actions?

Are we adapting our management/leadership styles to get the MOST out of knowledge professionals?

Page 8: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

Transform ing to a Knowle d ge Transform ing to a Knowle d ge

E conom yE conom yWhat will give us the Competitive Advantage - “UNIQUE” and “DIFFICULT TO REPLICATE?”

Will we set new rules of economic transformation or will we follow others? Will we compete within an existing industry and global economic structure or will we compete by shaping the future? Do you want to be the “author” of this transformation?

What percentage of your time is spent on ex t erna l rather than int er na l issues? The 40%-30%-20% model (Prahalad’s and Hamel’s Competing For The Future)

Page 9: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

U AE Progre ss !U AE Progre ss !

TOP 25% in INNOVATION INDEX (according t o Economic I nt e l l igence Unit )

TOP 25% in KNOWLEDGE INDEX (according to The World Bank)

Page 10: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

What YO U C an d o as a Le ad e r What YO U C an d o as a Le ad e r

in the Knowle d ge -Base d in the Knowle d ge -Base d

E conom y and H e lp U AE E conom y and H e lp U AE

Ach ie ve Vis ion 2021Ach ie ve Vis ion 2021

Page 11: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

The Purpose of Bus ine s sThe Purpose of Bus ine s s

A bus ines s that makes nothing but moneyis a poor kind of bus ines s .

Henry Ford – Founder Ford Motor Company

Page 12: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

The E conom ics of Focus ing onThe E conom ics of Focus ing on

E m ploye e s 1E m ploye e s 1 s ts t (the Knowle d ge (the Knowle d ge

Profe ss ionals ) and C ustom e rs 2Profe ss ionals ) and C ustom e rs 2 ndnd

T reat cust omers l ike guest s andempl o y ees l ike peop l e .

Tom Peters – Thought Leader, Author, Former McKinsey Director

Page 13: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

Practical H ow-To’s Now and Practical H ow-To’s Now and


• Stay One Step Ahead (Strategic Foresight = 40%x30%x20%)

• Leverage Knowledge & Human Capital

• Enable Action & Productivity with the Knowledge Workers

Page 14: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

• Current & Potential External Realities• Corporate Considerations• Internal Capabilities• So What?• Now What?• McKinsey 7S, SWOT, Welch’s View, Drucker’s View

• Thinking Innovatively Like Google’s “70-20-10”

Th inking S trate gically (Like a

C E O )

Page 15: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

S atis fiedS atis fiedConsumersConsumers

Unsatis fiedUnsatis fiedConsumersConsumers





UnexploitedUnexploitedOpportunitiesOpportunitiesThe Easy


From CK Prahalad and Gary Hamel

Page 16: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

The S trate gic R e le vance The S trate gic R e le vance

of the Intangible Asse ts and the of the Intangible Asse ts and the

G re ate st C orporate Asse t: G re ate st C orporate Asse t:

H um an C ap italH um an C ap ital

The only irreplaceable capital an organization pos s es s es is the

knowledge and ability of its people.

Andrew Carnegie – Indus trialis t and Philanthropis t

Page 17: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

E nhance Your Know-how E nhance Your Know-how

and “Know-WH O ”and “Know-WH O ”

A wis e man makes more opportunities then he finds .

Francis Bacon – English Philosopher and Politic ian

Page 18: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

S urround Yourse lf with S urround Yourse lf with

Pe ople S m arte r than You !Pe ople S m arte r than You !

Behind an able man there are alwaysother able men.Chinese Proverb

Page 19: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

S urround Yourse lf withS urround Yourse lf with

Attitud e ve rsus Aptitud eAttitud e ve rsus Aptitud e

Nothing g reat was ever achieved without enthus ias m.

Ralph Waldo Emerson – Author, Poet, Philosopher

Page 20: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

Le ad e rs FacilitateLe ad e rs Facilitate

A leader is bes t known when people barely know he exis ts . When his work is done, his aim fulfilled,

they will s ay, “We did this ours elves .”Lao-Tse – Ancient Chinese Philosopher, 6th Century BC

Page 21: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

Le ad e rs S e rveLe ad e rs S e rve

Every pers on I have known who has been truly happy,

Has learned how to s erve others .

Albert Schweitzer – Philosopher, Physician, NobelPeace Prize Winner

Page 22: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

Le ad e rs Mod e lLe ad e rs Mod e l

We mus t become the change we want to s eeMohandas Ghandi

Leaders hip is practiced, not s o much in wordsas in attitude and actions .

Harold S. Geneen – Business Executive

Page 23: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

E le vate Your Le ad e rsh ip R oleE le vate Your Le ad e rsh ip R ole

• Think Outwardly into the Future – “Control Your Destiny or Someone Else Will!”

• Build Capability and Continue to Focus on Performance – “Chief Development Officer”

• Leverage Human Capital and Intangible Assets – they are the make-or-break corporate competencies

• Hatch and Harvest Innovation • Drive Transformation, Take the Lead!• Lead with Education, Learning, Development• Think Like a CEO and Act Like a Leader• Enhance Everyone’s Know-How and Know-WHO

Page 24: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

Thank YouThank You

Page 25: Leading in the Knowledge Economy


Cus tomerCus tomerLoyaltyLoyalty


S atis fiedS atis fiedEmployeesEmployees

Cus tomerCus tomerS atis factionS atis faction


Quality ofQuality ofS ervice orS ervice orProductsProducts


HR Processes ,HR Processes ,S ys tems ,S ys tems ,CorporateCorporate

Management,Management,E tcE tc

The R e ve nue /Profit C hainThe R e ve nue /Profit C hain

Page 26: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

Fortune ’s Most Ad m ire dFortune ’s Most Ad m ire d

• People ManagementPeople Management• InnovationInnovation• Use of Corporate AssetsUse of Corporate Assets• Quality of ManagementQuality of Management• Social ResponsibilitySocial Responsibility• Product/Service QualityProduct/Service Quality• Long-Term InvestmentLong-Term Investment• Financial SoundnessFinancial Soundness

Page 27: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

The G lobal D e m ograph ic The G lobal D e m ograph ic

S h iftS h ift

Implications for Managing Implications for Managing Knowledge Workers? Knowledge Workers?

Implications of Market ValueImplications of Market Value versus Book Value? versus Book Value?

Page 28: Leading in the Knowledge Economy

Age nd aAge nd a

• ““What?” -“So What?” – “Now What?” of the What?” -“So What?” – “Now What?” of the Knowledge-Based EconomyKnowledge-Based Economy

• How The UAE Can Make it Happen and Be a How The UAE Can Make it Happen and Be a Leader in the Knowledge-Based Economy (and Leader in the Knowledge-Based Economy (and What YOU as a Leader can do)What YOU as a Leader can do)

- Thinking Like a CEO (The Executive - Thinking Like a CEO (The Executive Perspective)Perspective)

- Acting Like a Leader (Leading for Results)- Acting Like a Leader (Leading for Results)