leaky gut syndrome

By:Judi Maria Before jumping into Candida diet, it is vital to know about what is Candida? Candida is yeast which is a part of gut flora. A group of organisms lives in mouth and intestine and causes weakening intestinal wall, which also hurts the blood stream and passes through entire body. It is a form of fungus which causes fatigue, obesity also, apart from this it eventually damages body tissues and can cause havoc to immune system. Candida is present in everyone and it varies in proportion among all the human beings. Candida overgrows when there is change due to antibiotics or due to stress also. Human beings consumption of food had changed massively, excessive intake of sugar carbohydrates, people are mechanized to stressful lives which proportionately increase candida. Symptoms of Candida include Constipation, feelings of unreality, memory loss. It also causes muscle weakness, depression. The best

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Post on 25-May-2015



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In the alternative medical community, the leaky gut syndrome is the term given to a specific diagnosis. Leaky gut syndrome initiates itself by beginning to damage and corrode the intestinal linings.There are various causes of the leaky gut syndrome, the most common of which are prescription drugs, processed and fermented food products, irregular and unhealthy eating habits, gluten intolerance etc.Anti inflammatory nutritional supplements and probiotics must be ingested regularly and a clean and healthy diet must be followed if one wishes to rid the body off of leaky gut syndrome.


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By:Judi Maria

Before jumping into Candida diet, it is vital to know about what is Candida? Candida is yeast which is a part of gut flora. A group of organisms lives in mouth and intestine and causes weakening intestinal wall, which also hurts the blood stream and passes through entire body. It is a form of fungus which causes fatigue, obesity also, apart from this it eventually damages body tissues and can cause havoc to immune system.

Candida is present in everyone and it varies in proportion among all the human beings. Candida overgrows when there is change due to antibiotics or due to stress also. Human beings consumption of food had changed massively, excessive intake of sugar carbohydrates, people are mechanized to stressful lives which proportionately increase candida.

Symptoms of Candida include Constipation, feelings of unreality, memory loss. It also causes muscle weakness, depression. The best method to clean candida is to flush out candida from the intestine. So it involves mainly three steps; Diet should be controlled and body maintainenace should be followed. Next, Candida already present in the body should be eliminated from the body through proper medication and reintroducing foods into the body which kills candida in the body. And finally good bacteria should be introduced into the body which safeguards the intestine. To follow these steps and protect the body from the diseases like

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constipation proper intake of candida diet is essential.

Candida diet should be followed after killing the candida in the body through proper colonic irrigation. After the body is cleansed from Candida to improve the immune system of body candida diet should be followed which involve proper proportion of coconut oil, onion sea weed, garlic and other foods which are kills fungal poison in the body. Fruits which are rich in sugar should be avoided because they supply food to yeast to grow. It is better to be away from glutinous foods, aged cheese also.

Constipation is common when Candida is present in the body .There are certain constipation remedies to drink warm water, milk or warm lemon water before going to bed. Constipation remedies also involve avoiding oily foods especially chicken, deep fried foods. Thus, these are the few issues regarding Candida diet and constipation remedies which cause health disturbances. So, to stay away from these maintain sound healthy body is important.

Live microorganism in our body has many good effects such as helping our immunity system remain stronger, fighting against protecting the attack of any disease etc. Thus they are called friendly bacteria. This friendly bacteria is one of the most helpful elements in our body and their presence is very much vital for our body to remain fit and fine. The bacteria is found in our in various forms. One of which is Candida. Full name of this is Candida albicans. This is a form of yeast which normally resides into our body and is placed in the digestive tract as well as in the vagina. Our immunity system along with the live microorganism keeps a check on its levels. Humans are prone to many diseases some are less dangerous whereas some are more dangerous. The treatment is charted out after diagnosing any disease. Some more complicated and higher stages of diseases require intense treatment; sometimes anti-biotic is administered to recover from illness. These antibiotics may lead to killing of friendly bacteria present in our body or there are other reasons due to which the immunity system gets weakened. In such cases, the growth of this yeast is unchecked and uncontrolled.

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Our body is at its healthy best when everything is under control and in check; any imbalance in any system leads to some or the other complications such as poor memory, craving for sweet, depression, skin infections, oral cavities, vaginal yeast infection. Weakened immune system caused by this scenario leads to more dangerous diseases like AIDS. Doctors administer a pro- biotic diet for such patients. This is called candida diet. This type of diet has various components which alter the growth of yeast and favor friendly bacteria to grow. This diet includes consumption of no sugar, at the most less than 60 grams per day sugar is allowed. Doctors recommend consumption of any dishes including yeast is to be completely avoided till recovery and the intake should be restricted thereafter. They also suggest some constipation remedies to patients for overcoming problems caused due to weaker intestine. Maintaining a healthy balance of diet, exercise and mental health are simple yet very much effective solutions to keep illnesses at bay. Including them into our daily life have great benefits. A healthy body with healthy mind is a most productive combination!

There are many diseases prevailing in the market and there are numerous causes for them too. Some of the major causes of the disease which we are prone to are because of the viruses or bacteria either increasing or decreasing in our lives. So basically there is a disease which is known as Candida, it is basically growth of bacteria in the tract form the stomach to the vagina. There are many reasons through which this thing can be avoided or treated properly. The doctors suggest that the best way to deal with this disease is through a controlled diet. There are

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some thing which you should strictly avoid during your treatment for Candida or when you are detected with the bacteria in the body. The following things should be avoided:

You should avoid sugar because it promotes the growth of yeast in the body. The doctors also recommend a low carbohydrate food which is the food like the chicken, shellfish, vegetables that are non-starchy etc which can keep the carbohydrates levels in check.

Secondly avoid foods that contain any type of yeast. This basically includes fermented foods like the bread which is made with yeast, any type of cheese, tomato paste or puree, the mushrooms and hard drinks like beer.

So you have to maintain a strict diet and follow it for the time period your medical practitioners has told you to do so. The average time period for which you have to be on this diet is around 4 weeks minimum and some people even go on months with it. But it is very important that you follow it and allow the doctor to decide how long it would be prolonged. This also depends upon the severity of the disease in your body, some people are even told to go on months of such strict candida diet and trust me you need a very strong will power to exercise such strict diets. There are many remedies available over the internet too. You can try the ones which have been written as to be safe to try at home. There many remedies like the constipation remedies, dandruff remedies etc. so it is very important for you to make sure that you follow such small and handy remedies from home rather than going on chemical or medical aids and treatments. After all we all want to a side effect free life.

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