learn face reading

Learn Face Reading SUNDAY, 20 JANUARY 2013 What Do Your Eyes Say About Your Personality? WHAT DO YOUR EYES SAY ABOUT YOUR PERSONALITY? The face is a picture of the mind as the eyes are its interpreter. Cicero (106 – 43 BC). (The forerunner to,” The eyes are the mirror to the soul”?) This affirmation is many thousands years old and confirms what almost all of us instinctively feel: the eyes tell a lot about ourselves. The eyes and the look have an emotional impact that highly influences our communication with others. Popular wisdom doesn’t ignore that the look that avoid others can be originated by everything from a shy personality to a lack of honesty. We know also that a straight forward look belongs to the one eager to convince others or to the one that is franc and sincere.... The eyes are known to be the most expressive parts of a person's face. Eyes reflect our outlook, attitudes and level of openness. Check each eye separately. They may have slightly different shapes. The shapes and sizes, depth, and angle of eyes such as; large, small, round, oval, wide, bulging, close, narrow, etc., are all the variations that you will find in order to read a person's face. All these types of eyes and eye movements can determine what a person is thinking, feeling or concluding. Let’s look deep into our own hearts and souls, and if even for an instant look through each other’s eyes. So what does your eyes say about you? Find out below by scrolling down to find your particular eye shape.

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Learn Face ReadingSUNDAY, 20 JANUARY 2013

What Do Your Eyes Say About Your Personality?

WHAT DO YOUR EYES SAY ABOUT YOUR PERSONALITY?              The face is a picture of the mind as the eyes are its interpreter.” Cicero (106 – 43 BC). (The forerunner to,” The eyes are the mirror to the soul”?) This affirmation is many thousands years old and confirms what almost all of us instinctively feel: the eyes tell a lot about ourselves. The eyes and the look have an emotional impact that highly influences our communication with others. Popular wisdom doesn’t ignore that the look that avoid others can be originated by everything from a shy personality to a lack of honesty. We know also that a straight forward look belongs to the one eager to convince others or to the one that is franc and sincere....

The eyes are known to be the most expressive parts of a person's face. Eyes reflect our outlook, attitudes and level of openness.  Check each eye separately. They may have slightly different shapes.

The shapes and sizes, depth, and angle of eyes such as; large, small, round, oval, wide, bulging, close, narrow, etc., are all the variations that you will find in order to read a person's face. All these types of eyes and eye movements can determine what a person is thinking, feeling or concluding.

Let’s look deep into our own hearts and souls, and if even for an instant look through each other’s eyes. So what does your eyes say about you? Find out below by scrolling down to find your particular eye shape.

Eye Sizes Big Eyes Small EyesEye Shapes

Almond shaped Eyes Round Eyes Eye Width

Closed set Eyes Wide-Set EyesEye Depth

Deep set Eyes

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Prominent Eyes Protruding EyesEye Angles

Downward slanting Eyes Upward slanting Eyes Roving and unsteady EyesEye Lids

Hooded Eyes Drooping EyelidsEye Colors

Black Eyes Brown Eyes Blue Eyes Green Eyes Grey Eyes Hazel Eyes Red and bloody EyesSize of Iris

Large Iris Small Iris Floating Irises

Big EyesBig eyes mean you're very receptive, especially if they're light     coloured. You're very open-minded, with endless intellectual curiosity. You hate boredom and your vivid imagination makes you well suited to a creative career.Large eyes reflect a warm, sympathetic and romantic nature. Large eyes are generally considered more favorable, according to the art of Chinese face reading. They are associated with intelligence, shrewdness. Tend to be aroused quickly, imagines unusual erotic games but might need a little push to act them out. Large well-formed eyes are a sign of versatile observation and vivacity of feeling.Small Eyes

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Very small eyes (compared to the bone structure of the face) means you are extremely observant to details and what is happening around you.Small eyes may also indicate a perfectionist and attentive person. Small eyes tend to be jealous in relationships. Small eyes, if healthy and clear, indicate far sighted vision, and a shrewd mind so far as it goes. When someone has small eyes, she is said to be skilled at concentrating on details. She tends to view life from a narrow perspective, so she excels at being a specialist, i.e. teacher, researcher or some kind of expert. She finds it difficult to open up emotionally to strangers so it can take a while to get to know her well.

Almond Shaped EyesAlmond-eyed persons possess self-discipline and know how to control their urges. Almond eyes have a slight curve on the top and bottom eyelids with most of the iris showing. This eye shape is longer than it is high. This shape is considered exotic because it conveys a sense of mystery. Individuals with almond eyes are sensitive, warm and yet exhibit caution and control over how best to express their emotions. They are considered to have more common sense than larger eyed people. These individuals are balanced in that they are open enough to receive and cautious enough to evaluate what they have gotten.

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Round Shaped EyesThe round eye is nearly as wide as it is long. Round-eyed people have highly curved upper and lower lids and almost all of their irises show. These individuals are usually gregarious, emotional, and speak their minds easily. They tend to be dramatic and can have intense mood swings. These people are usually bold and possess abundant charm that can easily soothe ruffled feathers that they may cause. A variation of round eyes is large eyes. Large eyes are longer and the lower lid is straighter. These individuals live by their emotions and tend to be impulsive. They are usually quite attractive to the opposite sex and are sociable and charming. These individuals tend to be artistic and need to be creative to be happy. They do not like strict rules or confinement and enjoy living in their fantasy world. 

Closed Set EyesSomeone with a small eye distance: That person has a very powerful ability to concentrate. When he concentrates, he becomes much focused, hates to be

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disturbed and may easily become stressed as a result. That person has a deep interest in details. If you are telling him a story, then make sure that you include small details that other people may have no concern for. That's the beauty of face reading! It teaches you how to deal with each person based on his specific personality that person may also have low tolerance especially if he was emotionally sensitive. People with small eye distance may find it very hard to tolerate temperature changes, traffic jams and external influences. This low tolerance acts as a multiplier to external stressful influences which in turn results in making them angry more often.

Wide Set EyesThe distance between the two eyes determines eye set. The average distance between the two eyes is one eye length. Anything over that distance is considered to be wide-set eyes and by contrast, narrow-set eyes are shorter than one eye length between the eyes. People with wide-set eyes are usually adaptable, flexible and tolerant. They tend to see life from a broad perspective and may have trouble concentrating on details. They are usually innovating thinkers and can appreciate alternative views of life.

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Deep Set EyesPeople with deep-set eyes are intense, progressive and observant. They are usually into creative and writing fields.  Those with deep set eyes are observers by nature. They like to observe whatever is happening and build conclusions about it. You may be talking to one of them while thinking that he's listening to you when he's actually analyzing your words and testing their validity. The person with deep set eyes is very private and reluctant to reveal to much of her personality to others. She likes to play her cards close to her chest, which can make her seem rather secretive at times and emotionally withdrawn.

Prominent Eyes

If someone has prominent eyes you can conclude that they are bright and happy and you may consider the person as a kind-hearted, friendly and approachable individual   and they deal with things or people in a mild way which sometimes is equivalent to pessimistic approach.

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Protruding EyesThose with bulging eyes are not as calm as those with deep set eyes. They may be very energetic and like taking part in everything that they hear about. Ignore them and they will hate you and probably be very offended and hurt. A person with protruding eyes will experience bad luck between 35 to 40 years old. A husband of lady who possesses protruding eyes will also encounter lots of failure when she is between 35 to 40 years old.

Downward Slanting Eye

A down-turned eye is just the opposite in that the outer corner of the eye is lower than the inner corner. These individuals are more prone to pessimism and discouragement. A devoted lover - happily lets partner to dominate. 

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Upward Slanting EyesThe slant of the eye is determined by whether one corner of the eye is higher than the other. When the outer corner is higher than the inner corner, this is an upturned eye and may be referred to as cat’s eyes. These individuals are generally optimistic, curious and ambitious. They can quickly spot an opportunity and are often entertaining and clever. The upward slanting eyes show an opportunistic person and someone who gets what he wants.

Roving and unsteady Eyes

Unevenly set eyes convey a unique meaning. Firstly, the person is capable of seeing things from a different perspective and applying lateral thought processes to resolving problems. These people will analyze your comments and observations with a "left-of-field" mentality. Often you will be amazed at the impromptu insights that they offer. If you are looking for someone with a flair for shifting paradigms - then here's your man or woman. These people become invaluable assets to a company looking for ingenuity in its approach. 

Hooded Eyes

They will be happy to help others even if it means they will be disadvantaged in some way, they are won't stress over the details. But because this type of person will keep their thoughts to themselves, other people can't reciprocate because they wouldn't know when this person needs help. They will think the person always looks happy. However, this person is actually worried about everything, even things that shouldn't worry them. At

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the same time, this type of person is willing to take it for the team. Often, someone else will take credit for their work, thus causing them to be held back on their professional life.

Drooping Eyelids

A person with sleepy eyes will look sleepy even if they are wide-awake. That is, their eyes are not just small, but their eyes lids close together for a sleepy look. If the eyes are drowsy, she is fond of the opposite sex and has loose morals.These types of people are extremely attentive to details, calculating, especially when it comes to money. They will always have savings. However, they will not have much in terms of their relationship with their own children.  

Black Eyes

People who have black eye color are often considered as trustworthy and responsible. They don’t like to tell much about themselves and are also known to have strong spiritual bent. Hence they are mostly termed as secretive people. However they are passionate and lively as well. They don’t leave their friends in need. They are optimists and won’t rest when they have to demonstrate they have to do something. They know how to prove their worth to others.


Brown Eyes

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The brown eye color is much common and people who have that are considered as attractive, confident and adorable. They are independent people who love to make new friends, are polite and caring. They can cheer people up and make them laugh. They have affectionate nature and care very much about their family. Also an important feature of brown eyed people is that they are self confident and very determined, persevering people. They are nature lovers, spiritual and can be very strong headed at times.

Blue Eyes

People who have blue eyes should get happy about the fact that their eye color is very desirable and is often associated with youthfulness. It has been noted that the blue eyed people mostly have long lasting relationships. They are pretty, peaceful, kind and smart. Those who have deep blue eyes are spiritual people and also possess a good power of observation. Deep blue is a sign of gentle love. Light blue colored eyes represent flirtation. 

Green Eyes

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Green eyes are often considered as having a certain mystery in them. People with green eyes are found to be mostly curious by nature and are intelligent. They go well together in their relationships and are passionate people. They have an incredible zest for life who want to live life fully .Jealousy is a factor which is often termed as the negative feature of their personalities.

Grey Eyes

It has been observed that people with grey eyes are wise and gentle individuals and are the least aggressive. They are known for their sensitivity, a flexible attitude and their inner strength. They possess a style of analytical thinking and are rational and clear in their thoughts.

Hazel Eyes

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People with Hazel eye color are often termed as elegant, sweet-natured, patient, mannerly, and faithful. They are independent and courageous people who like diversity and are not much hesitate in trying out new things. Rather they willfully accept the challenges. Most of them are fun loving and spontaneous people.

Red and bloody Eyes

This one is more obvious. If red veins appear in the whites of the eyes, this person has an extremely bad temper. In Chinese medicinal terms, it means they have too much fire in their chest cavity, so they should drink more tea and water to reduce the fire. Otherwise if they lose their temper, it will only increase the fire in them, causing a vicious cycle. In addition, they should be careful from the age of 35 to 40 and avoid coming in conflict with the law or officials.

Large Iris

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One of the important areas in face reading on eyes is also to look at the person's iris. The iris represents the water element, meaning the wealth ability. If someone possesses big iris, he or she is able to enjoy superb wealth. They usually set high goals for themselves. They cannot hide affections and emotions.Small Iris

Those who have more sclera compared to iris are usually people who put themselves above others. They are normally selfish and will attempt to achieve what they aim through whatever means possible.Floating Irises

The late Princess Dianna and Michael Jackson share a feature of the eyes. They possess floating irises also known as sampaku. The whites are visible under the iris. This indicates an inner turbulence - a person at odds with the world. Though spiritual in nature, they are hard to please or understand and have very high expectations of others. Sometimes it denotes premature death.

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