learning experiences for - virginia tech · learning experiences in partnership with vt...

Learning Experiences for empowerment, resilience, and engagement Convener: David Brinberg, Professor of Marketing Discussants: Catherine Cotrupi , Jessica Davis, and Mary Case, VT Engage Respondents: Mae Hey, Postdoctoral Research Fellow Miguel Andres Guerra , PhD Candidate, Civil Engineering

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Post on 22-Jul-2020




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Page 1: Learning Experiences for - Virginia Tech · learning experiences in partnership with VT Engage-or-Sharing information and ideas on how to connect our interests in collaboration with

Learning Experiences for em powerm en t, res ilien ce, an d

en gagem en t

Con ven er: David Brin berg, Profes sor of Marketin g

Discussan ts : Cath erin e Cotrupi , J es s ica Davis , an d Mary Case, VT En gage

Respon den ts : Mae Hey, Pos tdoctora l Research Fellow Miguel An dres Guerra , Ph D Can didate, Civil En gin eerin g

Page 2: Learning Experiences for - Virginia Tech · learning experiences in partnership with VT Engage-or-Sharing information and ideas on how to connect our interests in collaboration with

Today’s Objectives Plan tin g th e seed to crea te

em powered, res ilien t, an d en gaged learn in g experien ces

in partn ersh ip with VT En gage-or-

Sh arin g in form ation an d ideas on h ow to con n ect our in teres ts

in collabora tion with com m un ity!

Page 3: Learning Experiences for - Virginia Tech · learning experiences in partnership with VT Engage-or-Sharing information and ideas on how to connect our interests in collaboration with

Individuation within community helps optimal function

Page 4: Learning Experiences for - Virginia Tech · learning experiences in partnership with VT Engage-or-Sharing information and ideas on how to connect our interests in collaboration with

-activity-Find a partner

and introduce yourself the way that the team did.

Include details about your life that speak to your identities and your current purpose.

Page 5: Learning Experiences for - Virginia Tech · learning experiences in partnership with VT Engage-or-Sharing information and ideas on how to connect our interests in collaboration with

-activity- Use the paper provided to describe yourself using the framework

What do you do

socially and with your


What doyou do to express yourself emotionally?

What do you do physically?

What do you do intellectually?

Thinking and


Making and Doing

Gathering and Sharing

Feeling and Expressing

Page 6: Learning Experiences for - Virginia Tech · learning experiences in partnership with VT Engage-or-Sharing information and ideas on how to connect our interests in collaboration with

VT EngageMiss ion

We collaborate with communities, students, & faculty

to cultivate sustainable, mutually beneficial

partnerships through

engaged service, learning & reflection.

•Authentic community partnership•Awareness of self & civic identity•Development of active citizens•Responsible action grounded in scholarship

VT En gageCore Values

Page 7: Learning Experiences for - Virginia Tech · learning experiences in partnership with VT Engage-or-Sharing information and ideas on how to connect our interests in collaboration with

Service-Learn in g th rough VT

En gage

● Course requirements and syllabus development

● Community partnership building

● Articles and readings● Reflections

● Assessment and Evaluation● Theory

● Local (NRV)● Roanoke and beyond

● Weekend and Weeklong Engagement● International


Com m un ity Con n ection s

Page 8: Learning Experiences for - Virginia Tech · learning experiences in partnership with VT Engage-or-Sharing information and ideas on how to connect our interests in collaboration with

Traditional Service Learning

•Focus: student experience, curricular outcomes

•“Meeting individual needs but not usually as political action intended to transform structural inequalities”

CriticalService Learning

• Focus: community-identified need, social change

•Students see themselves as agents of social change and use experiences to address and respond to injustice in communities

•Complex thinking and reasoning skills, social responsibility, critical community issues

•Service for an ideal___•Service to an individual

Page 9: Learning Experiences for - Virginia Tech · learning experiences in partnership with VT Engage-or-Sharing information and ideas on how to connect our interests in collaboration with

Teaching User-Centered Design for Sustainable Infrastructure Through Role

Play and Experiential Learning

Page 10: Learning Experiences for - Virginia Tech · learning experiences in partnership with VT Engage-or-Sharing information and ideas on how to connect our interests in collaboration with


Lecture 1:● Traditional approach

Lecture 2:● Charrette based module

Lecture 1:● Design thinking Empathy module


Page 11: Learning Experiences for - Virginia Tech · learning experiences in partnership with VT Engage-or-Sharing information and ideas on how to connect our interests in collaboration with






ROLE PLAYING(Charrette Design)


Page 12: Learning Experiences for - Virginia Tech · learning experiences in partnership with VT Engage-or-Sharing information and ideas on how to connect our interests in collaboration with
Page 13: Learning Experiences for - Virginia Tech · learning experiences in partnership with VT Engage-or-Sharing information and ideas on how to connect our interests in collaboration with
Page 14: Learning Experiences for - Virginia Tech · learning experiences in partnership with VT Engage-or-Sharing information and ideas on how to connect our interests in collaboration with
Page 15: Learning Experiences for - Virginia Tech · learning experiences in partnership with VT Engage-or-Sharing information and ideas on how to connect our interests in collaboration with
Page 16: Learning Experiences for - Virginia Tech · learning experiences in partnership with VT Engage-or-Sharing information and ideas on how to connect our interests in collaboration with
Page 17: Learning Experiences for - Virginia Tech · learning experiences in partnership with VT Engage-or-Sharing information and ideas on how to connect our interests in collaboration with

-activity-Brainstorm your ideas for your involvement within your communities and the potential for collaboration between your campus-self and your community-self.

Planting the seed to create empowered, resi l ient, and engaged

learning experiences in partnership wi th VT Engage

Sharing information and ideas on how to connect our interests in col laboration wi th communi ty!

Page 18: Learning Experiences for - Virginia Tech · learning experiences in partnership with VT Engage-or-Sharing information and ideas on how to connect our interests in collaboration with

How does your unique interaction with community help to identify or meet a need?

How can VT Engage enhance this community


What do you do

socially and with your


What doyou do to express yourself emotionally?

What do you do physically?

What do you do intellectually?

Thinking and


Making and Doing

Gathering and Sharing

Feeling and Expressing

Page 19: Learning Experiences for - Virginia Tech · learning experiences in partnership with VT Engage-or-Sharing information and ideas on how to connect our interests in collaboration with

Design the collaboration:

How will the activity knit

the community together?

How will the activity be emotionally satisfying?

How will the activity provide opportunity for

physical growth?

How will the activity provide opportunity for intellectual growth?

Intellectual Physical


Page 20: Learning Experiences for - Virginia Tech · learning experiences in partnership with VT Engage-or-Sharing information and ideas on how to connect our interests in collaboration with

-Group Work-