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Metropol Parasol. Seville, Spain. Exploring Spain: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Course Description Course Information SASP2 Fall 2015 Dr. Mercedes Rowinsky-Geurts 1 | Page This course will explore significant issues in Mediterranean Spain. Knowledge acquired in SASP1 will be applied. Active learning is a significant component of the course and attendance is essential reach a successful outcome. SASP2 / Fall 2015 / Wilfrid Laurier University

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Metropol Parasol. Seville, Spain.

Exploring Spain: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Course Description

Course InformationSASP2 Fall 2015 Dr. Mercedes Rowinsky-Geurts

Class: T & R 8:30-9:50 Classroom: DAWB 2-104

Office: BA410 Office Hours: T & R 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.

email: [email protected]

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This course will explore significant issues in Mediterranean Spain. Knowledge acquired in SASP1 will be applied. Active learning is a significant component of the course and attendance is essential reach a successful


SASP2 / Fall 2015 / Wilfrid Laurier University

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SASP2 has been designed to apply the strategies explored during SASP1. Through practical application of those concepts, students will be able to continue developing good habits that could assist them to reach the desired academic goals.

What type of learner are you? Learning suggestions:1

Draw or outline the information Diagram sentences Take notes and make lists Colour code, highlight, circle and underline

words Use flashcards Use mind maps

Use word association Watch videos Repeat facts with eyes closed Participate in groups discussions Record notes after writing them

Study in short blocks Go on field trips Study with others Use memory games and flash cards

1 Adapted from: http://www.onlinecollege.org/what-type-of-learner-are-you/

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Learning Objectives:

During the course students will be able to:

develop skills necessary to

achieve academic success

reflect on their learning styles

monitor progress and find

solutions for those areas where

more support is needed

plan and evaluate strategies for

academic success

work efficiently within the time

frame presented

achieve a better understanding of

what is needed to be successful in


present a cohesive understanding

and outcomes upon completion of

the course

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course calendar…This is a tentative schedule of the six weeks. This will evolve and change as we move forward according to the needs of the group.

Week 1FoodReadings:

“Dietary guidelines for the Spanish population” http://journals.cambridge.org/download.php?file=%2FPHN%2FPHN4_6a%2FS136898000100043Xa.pdf&code=d70746f0c537c2d4799cf8f415584175

“Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet Pattern Has Declined in Spanish Adults”http://jn.nutrition.org/content/142/10/1843.short

Week 2Events that Shaped the Region: Immigration Readings:“The Politics of Immigration: Why Spain is Different”http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/mediterranean_quarterly/v015/15.4encarnacion.pdf “Foreign Immigration in Spanish Rural Areas and Small Towns: Current Situations and Perspectives”http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Miguel_Solana/publication/26630571_Foreign_immigration_in_spanish_rural_areas_and_small_towns_current_situation_and_perspectives/links/54985dbe0cf2519f5a1de120.pdf (if you can’t open it, Google: Foreign_immigration_in_spanish_rural_areas_and_small_towns_current_situation_and_perspectives to find the document.

Week 3Spain: Urban vs RuralReading:“Exploring the Social Face of Urban Mobility: Daily Mobility as Part of the Social Structure in Spain”http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1468-2427.2008.00778.x/pdf

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Week 4Gaudi: Playing with FormsReading:“Antonio Gaudi: Structure and Form”http://www.jstor.org/stable/1566905?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

Week 5

Spanish Identity and FilmReading:“The Body and Spain: Pedro Almodovar’s All About My Mother”http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/10509200490262433

Week 6 Gender Violence: SpainReading:“Intimate Partner Violence in Spain”http://vaw.sagepub.com/content/9/3/302.full.pdf+html

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To succeed in class… Read the syllabus/blog

frequently Meet assignments’ deadlines Communicate with your peers Communicate with me Participate in class

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Active class participation2:

Active learning…is generally defined as any instructional method that engages students in the learning process. (Prince 2004)

Students will be actively involved in the learning process, inside and outside class.

Some examples: ReadingA chance to question as they read: clarificationWritingOpportunities to share ideas: construct meaningTalkingConnecting ideas and points of view ListeningHearing other voicesReflectingAn opportunity to improve, change, revise

Learning BlogAfter each week, you will include an entry in your LB on MLS.There will be a LB for each week in the Dropbox area. The Dropbox is time sensitive, so be aware of the deadlines.

Write a brief comment or query regarding the material covered in class. Think about the variety of exercises done in class, which ones are the ones that help you the most with your learning. Express yourself freely and respectfully. It’s in the reflective process of your learning that you will find insightful resources on how to learn better. These tools will be useful and applicable to other classes in thefuture. Add any drawings, pictures, or any other material toyour Learning Blog that you may seem relevant to how the learning process is going or related to your personal experience with the material covered in class.

2 Rubrics for the course components will be available on MLS.

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Grade Breakdown

This course is based on a Pass or Fail outcome, but the work will be distributed accordingly and formative feedback will be given.

The marks will be symbolic but students need to have passing marks in order to obtain a Pass in the course.

Active class participation: 35%Learning Blog: 10%Reflective Responses: 30% (6% each)Group oral report on reading: 10%Final learning reflection: 15%

Active Lea


Learning B



ve Resp


Oral Rep






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Reflective Responses

The course has weekly readings. Students will have to complete the readings before class and prepare a reflective response: 1 page long, double space, Times New Roman font, size 12. A template will be provided by the instructor.

On the left column, you will have

First box: Objective Summary and Highlights –as the headline

Second box: students need to enter the article’s bibliographical reference

Third box: your main ideas or points presented in the article + two significant quotes from the material: “…………………………………………………..” (p. xxx) that may showcase what has captured your imagination.

The second column will be the reflective piece.Each response could cover some of the following questions:

What are your initial reactions to the reading? How do the readings fit with your own experiences? How have your ideas changed as a result of the readings? What new behaviours are you encouraged to try?

Space is limited, so try to be concise.3

Oral Reports

The class will be divided in groups. Each group will prepare a presentation on one of the topics presented in class. The presentation is 10’ and the group will be able to make it as creative as possible. The essential components of the presentation are:

New information on the topic must be presented Visual elements need to be included Everyone in the group has to participate in the

whole process: preparation & presentation

3 Adapted from: https://www.tru.ca/__shared/assets/reflective_learner19767.pdf

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Final Reflection

The final reflection will be a 3 page piece approximate 700 words.Find a title suitable to your paper. This piece is a reflection of the material learned and on the learning process as a whole, but make references to the content of the course and the teaching methodologies experienced during the course.4

Brainstorm/ make a mind map of your main ideas / connect to your responses on each point.

Some valuable resources for writing: Check your grammar and understand why certain issues with your writing may

be easily solved. Visit: https://www.grammarly.com/ How to cite: http://www.easybib.com/ How to write a reflective piece: http://www.slideshare.net/b.nicolls/how-to-


Attendance: Due to the nature of this course, it is essential to your progress that you attend class regularly. Note that your participation in class constitutes a substantial part of your grade. Since unexpected occurrences such as illness and emergencies do arise, you will be requested to inform your instructor about these absences. Please, note that lectures are intrinsically linked to the material of the course and you are expected to attend.

Course Format and Etiquette:

This is an interactive lecture course in which your active participation as a learner is not only encouraged but required. What does this mean? It means that you: (a) come to all scheduled classes with the assigned work done in advance; (b) that you listen to, and take notes, interactively with the lectures; (c) that you are prepared to engage with the course materials with thoughtful insight. Cell phones and other electronic communication devices should be turned off during class. If they must be left on, they should be turned to a setting that will not be disruptive to others.

4 Adapted from: http://www.wikihow.com/Write-a-Reflection-Paper#/Image:Write-a-Reflection-Paper-Step-8-Version-2.jpg

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Wilfrid Laurier University uses software that can check for plagiarism. Students may be required to submit their written work in electronic form and have it checked for plagiarism.

Students with disabilities or special needs are advised to contact Laurier’s Special Needs Office for information regarding its services and resources. Students are encouraged to review the Calendar for information regarding all services available on campus.

If you feel unsafe walking home or uncomfortable walking to your vehicle, call WLU FOOT PATROL and someone will escort you. This is a service provided to evening students by students.

FOOT PATROL – Ext. 3688 or 886-FOOT

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