learning stochastic optimal policies via gradient descent

1 Learning Stochastic Optimal Policies via Gradient Descent Stefano Massaroli 1,? , Michael Poli 2,? , Stefano Peluchetti 3 Jinkyoo Park 2 , Atsushi Yamashita 1 and Hajime Asama 1 Abstract—We systematically develop a learning-based treat- ment of stochastic optimal control (SOC), relying on direct opti- mization of parametric control policies. We propose a derivation of adjoint sensitivity results for stochastic differential equations through direct application of variational calculus. Then, given an objective function for a predetermined task specifying the desiderata for the controller, we optimize their parameters via iterative gradient descent methods. In doing so, we extend the range of applicability of classical SOC techniques, often requiring strict assumptions on the functional form of system and control. We verify the performance of the proposed approach on a continuous–time, finite horizon portfolio optimization with proportional transaction costs. I. I NTRODUCTION In this work we consider the following class of controlled stochastic dynamical systems: ˙ x t = f (t, x t ,u t )+ g(t, x t ,u t )ξ (t) (1) with state x t X R nx and control policy u t U R nu . ξ (t) R n ξ is a stationary δ-correlated Gaussian noise, i.e. t> 0 E[ξ (t)] = 0 and s, t such that 0 <s<t it holds E[ξ (s)ξ (t)] = δ(s - t). The RHS of (1) comprises a drift term f : R × X × U R nx and a diffusion term g : R × X × U R nx×n ξ . This paper develops a novel, systematic approach to learning optimal control policies for systems in the form (1), with respect to smooth scalar objective functions. The link between stochastic optimal control (SOC) and learning has been explored in the discrete–time case [1] with policy iteration and value function approximation methods [2], [3] seeing widespread utilization in reinforcement learning [4]. Adaptive stochastic control has obtained explicit solutions through strict assumptions on the class of systems and ob- jectives [5], preventing its applicability to the general case. Forward–backward SDEs (FBSDEs) have been also proposed to solve classic SOC problems [6], even employing neural approximators for value function dynamics [7], [8]. A further connection between SOC and machine learning has also been discussed within the continuous–depth paradigm of neural networks [9], [10], [11], [12]. [13] e.g. showed that fully connected residual networks converge, in the infinite depth and width limit, to diffusion processes. A different class of techniques for SOC involves the ana- lytic [14] or approximate solution [15] of Hamilton–Jacobi– Bellman (HJB) optimality conditions. These approaches either restrict the class of objectives functions to preserve analytic tractability, or develop specific approximate methods which generally become intractable in high–dimensions. 1 The University of Tokyo, [email protected] 2 KAIST, [email protected] 3 Cogent Labs, [email protected] ? equal contribution authors Here, we explore a different direction, motivated by the affinity between neural network training and optimal control which involve the reliance on carefully crafted objective functions encoding task–dependent desiderata. In essence, the raison d’ˆ etre of synthesizing optimal stochastic controllers through gradient–based techniques is to enrich the class of objectives for which an optimal controller can be found, as well scale the tractability to high-dimensional regimes. This is in line with the empirical results of modern machine learning research where large deep neural networks are often optimized on high–dimensional non–convex prob- lems with outstanding performance [16], [17]. Gradient–based methods are also being explored in classic control settings to obtain a rigorous characterization of optimal control problems in the linear–quadratic regime [18], [19]. Notation: Let , F ,P ) be a probability space. If a property (event) A ∈F holds with P (A)=1, we say that such property holds almost surely. A family of X–valued random variables defined on a compact time domain T R {x t } tT is called stochastic process and is measurable if x t (A) is measurable with respect to the σ-algebra B(T)×F being B(T) the Borel-algebra of T. As a convention, we use R t s = - R s t if s<t and we denote with δ the Krocnecker delta function. II. STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Although (1)“looks like a differential equation, it is really a meaningless string of symbols” [20]. This relation should be hence treated only as a pre–equation and cannot be studied in this form. Such ill–posedness arises from the fact that, being ξ (t) a δ–autocorrelated process, the noise fluctuates an infinite number of times with infinite variance 1 in any time interval. Therefore, a rigorous treatment of the model requires a different calculus to consistently interpret the integration of the RHS of (1). The resulting well-defined version of (1) is known as a Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE) [21]. A. Itˆ o–Stratonovich Dilemma According to Van Kampen [20], ξ (t) might be thought as a random sequence of δ functions causing, at each time t,a sudden jump of x t . The controversies on the interpretation of (1) arises over the fact that it does not specify which value of x should be used to compute g when the δ functions are applied. There exist two main interpretations of the issue, namely Itˆ o’s [22] and Stratonovich’s [23]. Itˆ o prescribes that g should be computed with the value of x before the jump while Stratonovich uses the mean value of x before and 1 From a control theoretical perspective, if ξ(t) R is, for instance, a white noise signal, its energy R -∞ |F (ξ)(ω)|dω would not be finite (F (·) denotes the Fourier transform) arXiv:2106.03780v1 [cs.LG] 7 Jun 2021

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Learning Stochastic Optimal Policies via Gradient DescentStefano Massaroli1,?, Michael Poli2,?, Stefano Peluchetti3

Jinkyoo Park2, Atsushi Yamashita1 and Hajime Asama1

Abstract—We systematically develop a learning-based treat-ment of stochastic optimal control (SOC), relying on direct opti-mization of parametric control policies. We propose a derivationof adjoint sensitivity results for stochastic differential equationsthrough direct application of variational calculus. Then, givenan objective function for a predetermined task specifying thedesiderata for the controller, we optimize their parameters viaiterative gradient descent methods. In doing so, we extendthe range of applicability of classical SOC techniques, oftenrequiring strict assumptions on the functional form of systemand control. We verify the performance of the proposed approachon a continuous–time, finite horizon portfolio optimization withproportional transaction costs.


In this work we consider the following class of controlledstochastic dynamical systems:

xt = f(t, xt, ut) + g(t, xt, ut)ξ(t) (1)with state xt ∈ X ⊂ Rnx and control policy ut ∈ U ⊂ Rnu .ξ(t) ∈ Rnξ is a stationary δ-correlated Gaussian noise, i.e.∀t > 0 E[ξ(t)] = 0 and ∀s, t such that 0 < s < t it holdsE[ξ(s)ξ(t)] = δ(s− t). The RHS of (1) comprises a drift termf : R×X×U→ Rnx and a diffusion term g : R×X×U→Rnx×nξ . This paper develops a novel, systematic approach tolearning optimal control policies for systems in the form (1),with respect to smooth scalar objective functions.

The link between stochastic optimal control (SOC) andlearning has been explored in the discrete–time case [1] withpolicy iteration and value function approximation methods [2],[3] seeing widespread utilization in reinforcement learning[4]. Adaptive stochastic control has obtained explicit solutionsthrough strict assumptions on the class of systems and ob-jectives [5], preventing its applicability to the general case.Forward–backward SDEs (FBSDEs) have been also proposedto solve classic SOC problems [6], even employing neuralapproximators for value function dynamics [7], [8]. A furtherconnection between SOC and machine learning has also beendiscussed within the continuous–depth paradigm of neuralnetworks [9], [10], [11], [12]. [13] e.g. showed that fullyconnected residual networks converge, in the infinite depthand width limit, to diffusion processes.

A different class of techniques for SOC involves the ana-lytic [14] or approximate solution [15] of Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman (HJB) optimality conditions. These approaches eitherrestrict the class of objectives functions to preserve analytictractability, or develop specific approximate methods whichgenerally become intractable in high–dimensions.

1 The University of Tokyo, [email protected] KAIST, [email protected] Cogent Labs, [email protected]? equal contribution authors

Here, we explore a different direction, motivated by theaffinity between neural network training and optimal controlwhich involve the reliance on carefully crafted objectivefunctions encoding task–dependent desiderata.

In essence, the raison d’etre of synthesizing optimalstochastic controllers through gradient–based techniques is toenrich the class of objectives for which an optimal controllercan be found, as well scale the tractability to high-dimensionalregimes. This is in line with the empirical results of modernmachine learning research where large deep neural networksare often optimized on high–dimensional non–convex prob-lems with outstanding performance [16], [17]. Gradient–basedmethods are also being explored in classic control settings toobtain a rigorous characterization of optimal control problemsin the linear–quadratic regime [18], [19].

Notation: Let (Ω,F , P ) be a probability space. If a property(event) A ∈ F holds with P (A) = 1, we say that suchproperty holds almost surely. A family of X–valued randomvariables defined on a compact time domain T ⊂ R xtt∈Tis called stochastic process and is measurable if xt(A) ismeasurable with respect to the σ-algebra B(T)×F being B(T)the Borel-algebra of T. As a convention, we use

∫ ts

= −∫ st

if s < t and we denote with δ the Krocnecker delta function.


Although (1) “looks like a differential equation, it is really ameaningless string of symbols” [20]. This relation should behence treated only as a pre–equation and cannot be studiedin this form. Such ill–posedness arises from the fact that,being ξ(t) a δ–autocorrelated process, the noise fluctuates aninfinite number of times with infinite variance1 in any timeinterval. Therefore, a rigorous treatment of the model requiresa different calculus to consistently interpret the integration ofthe RHS of (1). The resulting well-defined version of (1) isknown as a Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE) [21].

A. Ito–Stratonovich Dilemma

According to Van Kampen [20], ξ(t) might be thought asa random sequence of δ functions causing, at each time t, asudden jump of xt. The controversies on the interpretation of(1) arises over the fact that it does not specify which valueof x should be used to compute g when the δ functions areapplied. There exist two main interpretations of the issue,namely Ito’s [22] and Stratonovich’s [23]. Ito prescribes thatg should be computed with the value of x before the jumpwhile Stratonovich uses the mean value of x before and

1From a control theoretical perspective, if ξ(t) ∈ R is, for instance, a whitenoise signal, its energy

∫∞−∞ |F (ξ)(ω)|dω would not be finite (F (·) denotes

the Fourier transform)








] 7





after the jump. This choice leads to two different (yet, bothadmissible and equivalent) types of integration. Formally,consider a compact time horizon T = [0, T ], T > 0 andlet Btt∈T be the standard nξ-dimensional Wiener processdefined on a filtered probability space (Ω,F , P ; Ftt∈T)which is such that B0 = 0, Bt is almost surely continuous in t,nowhere differentiable, has independent Gaussian increments,namely ∀s, t ∈ T s < t ⇒ Bt − Bs ∼ N (0, t − s)and, for all t ∈ T, we have ξ(t)dt = dBt. Moreover, letφt := g(t, xt, ut). Ito and Stratonovich integral calculi are thendefined as

∫ T0φtdBt = lim|D|→0

∑Kk=1 φtk−1

(Btk − Btk−1)

and∫ T

0φtdBt = lim|D|→0



(φtk − φtk−1

)(Btk −

Btk−1), respectively, where D is a given partition of T,

D := tk : 0 = t0 < t1 < · · · < tK = T, |D| =maxk(tk − tk−1) and the limit is intended in the mean–square sense, (see [24]) if exists. Note that the symbol “”in dBt is used only to indicate that the integral is interpretedin the Stratonovich sense and does not stand for functioncomposition. In the Stratonovich convention, we may use thestandard rules of calculus2 while this is not the case for Ito’s.This is because Stratonovich calculus corresponds to the limitcase of a smooth process with a small finite auto–correlationapproaching Bt [25]. Therefore, there are two different inter-pretations of (1): dxt = f(t, xt, ut)dt + g(t, xt, ut)dBt anddxt = f(t, xt, ut)dt + g(t, xt, ut) dBt. Despite their name,SDEs are formally defined as integral equations due to thenon-differentiability of the Brownian paths Bt.

From a control systems perspective, on one handStratonovich interpretation seems more appealing for noisyphysical systems as it captures the limiting case of multiplica-tive noise processes with a very small finite auto–correlation,often a reasonable assumption in real applications. However, ifwe need to treat diffusion terms as intrisic components of thesystem’s dynamics or impose martingale assumptions on thesolutions of the SDE, the Ito convention should be adopted.In particular, this is always the case of financial applications,where stochastic optimal control is widely applied (see e.g.[26]).

Within the scope of this paper, we will mainly adopt theStratonovich convention for consistency of notation. Nonethe-less, all results presented in this manuscript can be equiv-alently derived for the Ito case. Indeed an Ito SDE can betransformed into a Stratonovich one (and viceversa) by theequivalence relation between the two calculi: for all t ∈ T∫ t

0φs dBs =

∫ t0φsdBs + 1


∫ t0



∂x φ(i)s ds.

B. Stratonovich SDE

We will formally introduce Stratonovich SDEs followingthe treatment of Kunita [27], [24]. For 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ T wedenote by Fs,t the smallest σ-algebra containing all null setsof F with respect to which, for all v, w ∈ T such that s ≤v ≤ w ≤ t, Bw −Bv is measurable. Fs,ts≤t;s,t∈T is calleda two–sided filtration generated by the Wiener process and weset write Ft = F0,t for compactness. Then, Ftt∈T is itself

2see e.g. Ito’s Lemma in Stratonovich form [24, Theorem 2.4.1], wherethe chain rule of classic Riemann–Stieltjes calculus is shown to be preservedunder the sign of Stratonovich integrals.

a filtration with respect to which Bt is Ft–adapted. Further,we let f, g to be bounded in X, infinitely differentiable inx, continuously differentiable in t, uniformly continuous in uand we assumme the controller utt∈T to be a Ft–adaptedprocess. Given an initial condition x0 ∈ X assumed to be aF0 measurable random variable, we suppose that there existsa X-valued continuous Ft-adapted semi–martingale xtt∈Tsuch that

xT = x0 +

∫ T


f(t, xt, ut)dt+

∫ T


g(t, xt, ut) dBt, (2)

almost surely. Path–wise existence and uniqueness of solu-tions, i.e. if, for all t ∈ T, two solutions xt, x′t such that thatx0 = x′0 satisfy ∀t ∈ T xt = x′t almost surely, is guaranteedunder our class assumptions on f, g and the process utt∈T3.

If, as assumed here, f , g are functions of class C1,∞ in(xt, t) uniformly continuous in u with bounded derivativesw.r.t x and t, and utt∈T belongs to some admissible controlset A of T → U functions, then, given a realization of theWiener process, there exists a C∞ mapping Φ called stochasticflow from X×A to the space of absolutely continuous functions[s, t]→ X such thatxt = Φs(xs, uss≤t;s,t∈T)(t) s ≤ t; s, t ∈ T;xs ∈ X (3)

almost surely. For the sake of compactness we denote the RHSof (3) with Φs,t(xs). It is worth to be noticed that the collectionΦs,ts≤t;s,t∈T satisfies the flow property (see [24, Sec. 3.1])∀s, t, v ∈ T : s < v < t ⇒ Φv,t(Φs,v(xs)) = Φs,t(xs)and that it is also a diffeomorphism [24, Theorem 3.7.1], i.e.there exists an inverse flow Ψs,t := Φ−1

s,t which satisfies thebackward SDE

Ψs,t(xs) = xs−∫ t


f(v,Ψs,v(xs), uv)dv

−∫ t


g(v,Ψs,v(xs), uv) dBv.

being Btt∈T the realization of the backward Wiener processdefined as Bt := Bt −BT for all t ∈ T. The diffeomorphismproperty of Φs,t thus yields: Ψs,t(Φs,t(xs)) = xs.

Therefore, it is possible to reverse the solutions ofStratonovich SDEs in a similar fashion to ordinary differentialequations (ODEs) by storing/generating identical realizationsof the noise process. From a practical point of view, under mildassumptions on the chosen numerical SDE scheme, approxi-mated solutions Φs,t(xs) satisfy ∀xs ∈ X Ψs,t(Φs,t(xs)) →xs in probability as the discretization time-step ε → 0 [28,Theorem 3.3].


We consider the optimal control problem for systems ofclass (1) interpreted in the Stratonovich sense. In particular,we aim at determining a control process utt∈T within anadmissible set of functions A to minimize or maximize inexpectation some scalar criterion Ju of the form

Ju(x0) =

∫Tγ(t,Φ0,t(x0), ut)dt+ Γ(Φ0,T (x0), uT ), (4)

3Note that less strict sufficient conditions only required uniform Lipsichitzcontinuity of f(t, xt, ut)+ 1


∑nξi=0 g

(i)(t, xt, ut)[∂g(i)(t, xt, ut)/∂x] andg(t, xt, ut) w.r.t. x and uniform continuity w.r.t. t and u.


measuring the performance of the system. Within the scopeof the paper, we characterize A as set of all control processesurt∈T which are Ft–adapted, have values in U and such thatE[∫T ‖ut‖22]dt ≤ ∞. To emphasize the (implicit) dependence

of Ju(x0) on the realization of the Wiener process, we oftenexplicitly write Ju(x0, Btt∈T).

A. Stochastic Gradient Descent

In this work we propose to directly seek the optimalcontroller via mini-batch stochastic gradient descent (SGD)(or ascent) optimization [29], [30]. The algorithm worksas follows: given a scalar criterion Jα(x0, Btt∈T) de-pendent on the variable α and the Brownian path, it at-tempts at computing α∗ = arg minα E[Jα(x0, Btt∈T)] orα∗ = arg maxα E[Jα(x0, Btt∈T)] starting from an initialguess α0 by updating a candidate solution αk recursivelyas αk+1 = αk ± ηk



ddαJαk(x0, Btit∈T), where N

is a predetermined number of independent and identicallydistributed samples Btit∈T of the Wiener process, ηk is apositive scalar learning rate and the sign of the update dependson the minimization or maximization nature of the problem.If ηk is suitably chosen and Jα is convex, αk converges inexpectation to the minimizer of Jα as k → ∞. Althoughglobal convergence is no longer guaranteed in the non–convexcase, SGD–based techniques have been employed across ap-plication areas due to their scaling and unique convergencecharacteristics. These methods have further been refined overtime to show remarkable results even in non–convex settings[31], [32].

B. Finite Dim. Optimization via Neural Approximators

Consider the case in which the criterion Ju has to beminimized. Locally optimal control processes u = utt∈T ∈A could be obtained, in principle, by iterating the SGDalgorithm for the criterion Ju in the set A of admissiblecontrol processes. Since A is at least in L2(T→ U) we couldpreserve local convergence of SGD in the function-space [33].An idealized function–space SGD algorithm would computeiterates of the form

uk+1 = uk − ηkN



δuJu(xs0, Btit∈T)

where uk is the solution at the kth SGD iteration, δ/δ(·)is the variational or functional derivative and Ju satisfiesδE[Ju(xs, Btt∈T)]/δu = E[δJu(xs, Btt∈T)/δu].

At each training step of the controller, this approach wouldthus perform N independent path simulations, compute thecriterion Ju and apply the gradient descent update. While localconvergence to optimal solutions is still ensured under mildregularity and smoothness assumptions, obtaining derivativesin function space turns out to be computationally intractable.Any infinite-dimensional algorithm needs to be discretized inorder to be practically implementable. We therefore seek toreduce the problem to finite dimension by approximating uktwith a neural network4.

4Here by neural network we mean any learnable parametric function uθwith some approximation power for specific classes of functions.

Let uθ,t : θ, t 7→ uθ,t be a neural network with parametersθ ∈ Rnθ which we use as functional approximators for can-didate optimal controllers, i.e. uθ,t ≈ u∗t ∀t ∈ T. Further, wedenote fθ(t, xt) := f(t, xt, uθ,t) and gθ(t, xt) := g(t, xt, uθ,t)and the optimization criterion

Jθ(x0) =

∫Tγθ(t,Φs,t(x0))dt+ Γθ(T,Φs,T (x0)) (5)

with γθ(·, ·) = γ(·, ·, uθ,t) and Γθ(·, ·) = Γ(·, ·, uθ,T ). Then,the optimization problem turns into finding via gradient de-scent the optimal parameters θ, by iterating

θk+1 = θk − ηkN



dθJθk(x0, Btit∈T). (6)

If strong costraints over the set of admissible controllers Aare imposed, the approximation problem can be rewritten ontoa complete orthogonal basis of A and uθ is parameterized by atruncation of the eigenfunction expansion, rather than a neuralnetwork.

Remark 1 (Heuristics): As common practice in machinelearning, the proposed approach relies heavily on the followingempirical assumptions

i. The numerical estimate of the mean gradients will beaccurate enough to track the direction of the true dJθ/dθ.Here, estimation errors of the gradient will be introducedby the numerical discretization of the SDE and thefiniteness of independent path simulations.

ii. The local optima controller reached by gradient de-scent/ascent will be good enough to satisfy the perfor-mance requirements of the control problem.

In order to perform the above gradient descent we thereforeneed to compute the gradient (i.e. the sensitivity) of Ju withrespect to the parameters θ in a computationally efficientmanner. In the following we detail different approaches todifferentiate through SDE solutions.


The most straightforward approach for computing path–wisegradients (i.e. independently for each realization of Btt∈T)is by directional differentiation5 i.e.











where the quantities dxt/dθ and dxT /dθ can be obtained withthe following result.

Proposition 1 (Path–wise Forward Sensitivity): Let St =dxt/dθ. Then, St is a Ft-adapted process satisfying

dSt =


St +∂fθ∂θ





∂xtSt +



] dB


Proof: The proof is an extension of the forward sensitivityanalysis for ODEs (see [34, Sec. 3.4]) to the stochastic case.Given the SDE of interest

xt = x0 +

∫Tfθ(t, xt)dt+

∫Tgθ(t, xt) dBt

5Differentiability under the integral sign follows by our smoothness as-sumptions


differentiating under the integral sign w.r.t. θ givesdxtdθ

















] dB


and result follows setting St = dxt/dθ. That differentiatingunder the integral sign is allowed follows by our assumptionson fθ and gθ and by an application of [24, Lemma 3.7.1] tothe augmented SDE (xt, θ).

The main issue with the forward sensitivity approach is itscurse of dimensionality with respect to the number of param-eters in θ and state dimensions nx as it requires us to solvean nx×nθ matrix–valued SDE for the whole time horizon T.At each integration step the full Jacobians ∂fθ/∂θ, ∂gθ/∂θare required, causing memory and computational overheadsin software implementations. Such issue can be overcome byintroducing adjoint backward gradients.

Theorem 1 (Path–wise Backward Adjoint Gradients): Con-sider the cost function (5) and let λ ∈ C1(T → X) be aLagrange multiplier. Then, dJθ/dθ is given by














where the Lagrange multiplier λt satisfies the following back-ward Stratonovich SDE:

dλ>t = −[λ>t







∂xt dB



λ>T =∂Γθ∂xT

Lemma 1 (Line integration by parts): Let T be a compactsubset of R and r : T → Rn, v : T → Rn such that ∀t ∈T, t 7→ rt := r(t) ∈ C1 and t 7→ vt := v(t) ∈ C1. We have∫T〈rt,dvt〉 = 〈rT , vT 〉 − 〈r0, v0〉 −

∫T〈drt, vt〉.

Proof: The proof follows immediately from integrationby parts using drt = rtdt, dvt = vtdt.

Proof: (Theorem 1) Let L be the Lagrangian of theoptimization problem and the process λt ∈ C1(T → X) anFt-adapted Lagrange multiplier. We consider L of the form

L = Jθ(x0)−∫T〈λt,dxt − fθ(t, xt)dt− gθ(t, xt) dBt〉

= Γθ(xT ) +

∫Tγθ(t, xt)dt

−∫T〈λt,dxt − fθ(t, xt)dt− gθ(t, xt) dBt〉

Since dxt− fθ(t, xt)dt− gθ(t, xt) dBt = 0 by construction,the integral term is always null, dL/dθ = dJθ(x0)/dθ andthe Lagrange multiplier process can be freely assigned. Thus,







∫Tγθ(t, xt)dt

− d

∫T〈λt,dxt − fθ(t, xt)dt− gθ(t, xt) dBt〉

Note that, by Lemma 1, we have∫T 〈λt,dxt〉 = 〈λt, xt〉 |T0 −∫

T 〈dλt, xt〉. For compactness, we will omit the argument of

all functions unless special cases. We havedJθdθ



dxTdθ− λ>T


+ λ>0dx0






)dt+ dλ>t

















] dB



which, by reorganizing the terms, leads todJθdθ





+ λ>t∂fθ∂θ






∂θ dB

(i)t +


− λ>T]




[dλ>t +






λ>t∂giθ∂θ dBit


Finally, if the process λt satisfies the backward SDE dλ>t =



+ ∂γθ∂xt

]dt −∑nξ

i=1 λ>t∂g


∂xt dB


t , λ>T = ∂Γθ∂xT

.The criterion function gradient is then simply obtained bydJθdθ













Note that if the integral term of the objective functionis defined point–wise at a finite number of time instantstk, i.e.

∫ Ts

∑Kk=1 γθ(tk,Φ


(xs))δ(t − tk)dt, then the RHSof the adjoint state SDE becomes piece–wise continuous in(tk, tk+1], yielding the hybrid stochastic dynamics

dλt = −∂fθ∂xt



∂xtλt dB

(i)t t ∈ (tk, tk+1]

λ−t = λt +∂γθ∂xt

t = tk

where λ−t indicates the value of λt after a discrete jump, or,formally, λ−t = limst− λs.


We evaluate the proposed approach on a classical problem infinancial mathematics, continuous–time portfolio optimization[26]. We consider the challenging finite–horizon, transactioncost case [35].

A. Optimal Portfolio Allocation

Consider a two–asset market with proportional transactioncosts, all securities are perfectly divisible. Suppose that in sucha market all assets are traded continuously and that one of thethem is riskless, i.e. it evolves according to the ODE

dVt = rtVtdt, Vs = v ∈ Rwhere the interest rate rt is any Ft-adapted non–negativescalar–valued process. The other asset is a stock St ∈ R whosedynamics satisfy the Ito SDEs

dSt = µtSt + σtStdBt, Ss = s ∈ Rwith expected rate of return µ : T → R and instantaneousvolatility σ : T→ R+ Ft-adapted processes.


Now, let us consider an agent who invests in such marketand is interested in rebalancing a two–asset portfolio throughbuy and sell actions. We obtain

dVt = rtVtdt− dπit + (1− α)dπdt

dSt = µtSt + σtStdBt + dπit − dπdt(8)

where πit, πdt are nondecreasing, Ft-adapted processes indicat-

ing the cumulative amount of sales and purchases of the riskyasset, and α > 0 is the proportional transaction cost. Here welet dπit = uitdt, dπdt = udtdt and ut = (uit, u

dt ). An optimal

strategy ut for such a portfolio requires specification of autility function, encoding risk aversion and final objective ofthe investor. Explicit results for the finite horizon, transactioncost case exist only on specific classes of utilities, such asisoelastic [35]. As a further complication, the horizon lengthitself is known to greatly affect the optimal strategy. As anillustrative example, we consider here a portfolio optimalitycriteria where high levels of stock value are penalized, perhapsdue to hedging considerations related to other already existingportfolios in possession of the hypothetical trader:

Ju =

∫ T


(rtVt + µtSt − νS2t σt)dt+ rTVT + µTST

to be maximized in expectation for some constant ν > 0. Thesame methodology can be directly extended to cover genericobjectives, including e.g different risk measures, complexstock and interest rate dynamics, and more elaborate transac-tion cost accounting rules. We then obtain a parameterizationuiθ,t, u

dθ,t of the policies uit, u

dt as follows. In particular we de-

fine feed–forward neural networks Nθ : R2 → R2; (St, Vt) 7→(uiθ,t, u

dθ,t) taking as input the instantaneous values of the

assets, uθ,t = Nθ(Vt, St) = `L ϕ `L−1 · · · ϕ `0(Vt, St),where `k are linear affine finite operators, `kx = Akx + bk,Ak ∈ Rnk+1×nk , bk ∈ Rnk+1 and ϕ : R→ R is any nonlinearactivation function thought to be acting element–wise. Thevector of parameters θ is thus the flattened collection of allweights Ak and biases bk.B. Numerical Results

In particular, we choose three–layer feed–forward neuralnetworks with thirty–two neurons per layer, capped with asoftplus activation ϕ(x) = log(1 + exp(x)) to ensure πiθ, π

be nondecreasing processes.The optimization procedure for strategy parameters θ has

been carried out through 100 iterations of the Adam [36]gradient–based optimizer with step size 0.03. The asset dy-namics and cost parameters are set as α = 0.05, r = 0.04,µ = 0.23, σ = 0.18. We produce 50 path realizations duringeach training iteration and average the gradients. The assetdynamics are interpreted in the Ito sense and have beensolved forward with the Ito–Milstein method [37], which hasbeen converted to Stratonovich–Milstein for the backwardadjoint SDE. Figure 1 shows different realization of portfoliotrajectories in the (St, Vt) state–space for four different valuesof ν, [0, 0.25, 0.5, 1]. The trajectories agree with plausiblestrategies for each investment style; risk–seeking investors(ν = 0) sell Vt to maximize the amount of stock owned atfinal time T , and hence potential portfolio growth. On theother hand, moderately risk–averse investors (ν = 0.25) learnhybrid strategies where an initial phase of stock purchasing is

Optimal Portfolio Allocation

0 5





Portfolio Expected Returnν = 0 ν = 0.25 ν = 0.5 ν = 1

0 1 2

0 5





Portfolio Volatility

0 5 10

Fig. 1. Realization of (St, Vt) trajectories under learned strategies for fourinvestors with different degrees of risk aversion, encoded in ν, with a portfolioinitialized at (1, 0) at time 0. Different path realizations generated by thestrategies are shown, along with their mean. [Left] Portfolio evolution againstrtVt+µtSt [Right] Portfolio evolution against S2

t σ. Each strategy suits thecorresponding risk aversion level.

followed by a movement towards a more conservative portfoliowith a balanced amount of St and Vt. The policies uiθ, u

are visualized in Figure 2, confirming the highly non–linearnature of the learned controller. It should be noted that for astrategy to be allowed, the portfolio has to remain above thesolvency line Vt + (1 − α)St ≥ 0 [35], indicated in the plot.We empirically observe automatic satisfaction of this specificconstraint for all but the investors with lowest risk aversion.For the case ν = 0, we introduce a simple logarithmic barrierfunction as a soft constraint [38].


Computing path–wise sensitivities through stochastic dif-ferential equations has been extensively explored in the litera-ture. In particular, forward sensitivities with respect to initialconditions of solutions analogous to Proposition 1 were firstintroduced in [27] and extended for Ito case to parameterssensitivities in [39]. These approaches rely on integratingforward matrix–valued SDEs whose drift and diffusion requirefull Jacobians of fθ and gθ at each integration step. Thus, suchmethods poorly scales in computational cost with large numberof parameters and high–dimensional–state regimes. This issueis averted by using backward adjoint sensitivity [40] where avector–valued SDE is integrated backward and only requiresvector–Jacobian products to be evaluated. In this direction,[28] proposed to solve the system’s backward SDE alongsidethe adjoint SDE to recover the value of the state xt and thusimprove the algorithm memory footprint. Further, the approachis derived as a special case of [24, Theorem 2.4.1] and onlyconsiders criteria Jθ depending on the final state xT of thesystem.

Our stochastic adjoint process extends the results of [28]to integral criteria potentially exhibiting explicit parameterdependence. Further, we proposed a novel proving strategybased on classic variational analysis.


Optimal Portfolio AllocationLearned Allocation Policies





ν = 0





ν = 0.25





ν = 0.5





ν = 1




















Fig. 2. Learned buy–sell strategies uiθ, udθ over the state–space (St, Vt). The strategies are highly non–linear, and empirically agree with investment strategies

at different risk aversion degrees. In example, the risk–seeking investor ν = 0 balances uiθ, udθ to purchase the maximum amount of stock possible while

remaining above the solvency line Vt + (1− α)St ≥ 0.


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