learning to code in an online word

8 th Central and Eastern European Software Engineering Conference in Russia - CEE-SECR 2012 November 1 - 2, Moscow Ben Bederson Learning to Code in an Online World University of Maryland Computer Science Dept. Human-Computer Interaction Lab

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Talk at 8th Annual Central and Eastern European Software Engineering Conference in Russia Nov 2, 2012 Moscow, Russia Note that original (downloadable) .pptx file has embedded videos.


  • 1. 8th Central and Eastern EuropeanSoftware Engineering Conferencein Russia - CEE-SECR 2012November 1 - 2, MoscowLearning to Code in an OnlineWorld Ben BedersonUniversity of Maryland Computer Science Dept.Human-Computer Interaction Lab

2. What is Learning? 3. What Does Technology Offer? 4. Technology & Education 5. MOOC Popularization Sebastian Thrun Peter Norvig 6. MOOCs Trending 7. Anatomy of a MOOC 8. Udacity 9. Why the Excitement? Cheaper Better learning Broader access 10. Why the Success? Free Short videos Focus on content, not talking head Built-in activities Community of students Name-brand suppliers 11. ContentUdacity (14 courses)Coursera (198 courses) Intro to CS Networked life (U Penn) Intro to Physics Social Network Analysis (U Mich) Intro to Statistics Probablistic Graphical Models (Stanford) Algorithms Neural Networks (Toronto) Differential Equations Computational Investing (Georgia Tech) Web Development Computer Vision (Stanford) Software Testing Comp. Photography (Georgia Tech) Software Debugging AI Planning (Edinburgh) Programming Languages Control Mobile Robot (Georgia Tech) Intro to Theoretical CS Natural Language Proc. (Columbia) How to Build a Startup Computational Neuroscience (U. Wash) Design of Computer Linear Algebra (Brown)Programs Computer Vision (Berkeley) Artificial Intelligence Applied Cryptography 12. Or, Roll Your Own https://code.google.com/p/course-builder/ 13. Google CourseBuilder 14. Stanford Class2Gohttps://github.com/Stanford-Online/class2go 15. Video Not The Only Online Strategy Features: Learn by doing Did I get this? Learning objectives Exams 16. Sufficient to Teach Programming Skills? 17. Live Coding www.codecademy.comJavaScriptJQueryHTML/CSSPythonRuby 18. Live Coding www.khanacademy.org 19. Live Diagramming www.pythontutor.com 20. Submit Server marmoset.cs.umd.edu 21. Inspiration by Competition 22. Online ONLY Not The Only Strategy Blended learning / Flipped classroom Lectures Homework Homework Class work 23. Peer Learning 24. Peer LearningSearchParty - http://search-party.appspot.com/ 25. Student View 26. Student View 27. Teacher View - Queries 28. Teacher View - Words 29. Teacher View - Responses 30. Teacher View - Students 31. Does Online Learning Work? Three Studies 32. Does Online Learning Work? Three Studies1)Introductory Statistics classesBlended Learning styleCompared across 6 public universities Learning the same as in classroom 25% reduction in time spent 33. Does Online Learning Work? Three Studies2)Small liberal arts college10 courses (biology, chemistry, economics, math,French)Blended Learning style Disadvantaged students did just as well Nearly 100% retention Performed better than traditional classes in all but 1 course 34. Does Online Learning Work? Three Studies3) Meta Studyno difference between online & face-to-faceBut, wide variability depends on the detailsExs meta-studies of 232 distance education studies: http://rer.sagepub.com/content/79/3/1243.short http://rer.sagepub.com/content/74/3/379.abstract 35. Does Online Learning Work?Other studies generally show: no difference between online & face-to-faceBut, wide variability depends on the detailsExs meta-studies of 100s of distance educationstudies: http://rer.sagepub.com/content/79/3/1243.short http://rer.sagepub.com/content/74/3/379.abstract 36. Are We Done? Retention Cheating Assessment Feedback Certification / Credentials Quality of course Effectiveness of approach 37. Suggestions Consider blended approaches Consider motivation attrition a big problem Consider cheating anonymity risky 38. Questions?Benjamin B. BedersonComputer Science DepartmentHuman-Computer Interaction LabInstitute for Advanced Computer StudiesUniversity of Marylandwww.cs.umd.edu/~bederson @bederson