learning to howl: introduction

Learning to Howl A Legacy Challenge: Introduction

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Page 1: Learning to howl: Introduction

Learning to HowlA Legacy Challenge: Introduction

Page 2: Learning to howl: Introduction

“It should have been you on that stake.” The words of his sister penetrated his sleep. She stood at his bedside decisive eyes boring into him.

“You don’t mean that.” He replied, attempting to maneuver subtly out of the position of vulnerability.

Page 3: Learning to howl: Introduction

His denial of her conclusion sent her into a fit. The thin woman became visibly livid as she threw her arms in frustration forcing his back against the bed.

“Look at you…What have you done…” She accused, glaring at him as if he were some insect in need of a quick death. She recomposed herself before confirming her conclusion . “You must turn yourself in to the brothers; they are the only ones that can save you now that you have chosen this path.”

Page 4: Learning to howl: Introduction

“Madeline…” He pleaded with her for reason.

“Father was right Jacques.” It was then that the recumbent man realized his sister was not looking at him…she was looking through him. He stilled himself as he knew her decision was final. Her faith driven conclusion negated any sanctuary his role as her brother may have granted him.

Page 5: Learning to howl: Introduction

She turned from him, her heels clicking against the wood panel flooring as she headed towards the armoire.

“Madeline, you have to see reason.” He wasn’t willing yet to let her go. “I have seen reason, Brother Gregory has shown me reason.” Jacques closed

his eyes at this reply, this was not reason…

Page 6: Learning to howl: Introduction

His sister paused as if she would turn around. “Try to understand Jacques, what I do is for the greater good.” She continued towards the armoire.

Jacques sneered in response. “You sound like one of their sermons Maddy…” He used the endearment gingerly, hoping it would sway her back to him.

Page 7: Learning to howl: Introduction

“Please…” He pleaded once more as he swung his legs over the side of the bed.

“He warned me of the methods of dissuasion you would use.” Her tone was so soft, as if she were committing a chore.

“Brother Gregory.” Jacques hung his head as he caught the silver glint from the corner of his eye. He caught the tightness of her cheek as she smiled in reply, the actual curve of her mouth mercifully hidden by the furniture she faced.

Page 8: Learning to howl: Introduction

“The lord’s path is not always so easy…sometimes our tasks are not what we would dream of preforming. But through him I have sanctity in my actions.” She chanted softly as if it were a morning hymn.

“You are my sister…” He stated studying her form in the mirror before continuing, “and for that I love you.”

Page 9: Learning to howl: Introduction

“Yes…what I do is for the greater good.” She softly confirmed as she closed the doors to the armoire.

Page 10: Learning to howl: Introduction

“Although you may not understand, take heart that I know best.” She stated as she turned to face the bed.

Page 11: Learning to howl: Introduction

Jacques found himself fleeing the last sanctuary he had left that night. His twin sister was the only one who believed in him enough to disregard the cautions of the world and harbor him. Yet even that love and belief in him was no opponent when faced with the realities she had been cautioned against. Her lord…the brother’s lord…scorned him for honesty.

As he ran his thoughts turned away and instinct took hold. Instinct and adrenaline drove him further into the brush and further from humanity.

Page 12: Learning to howl: Introduction

Madeline LaCroix’s shoulders rose and fell as she opened the door to let in the night. She had been cautioned by her father and by the monastery that she should not intervene in the dealings of the church when it came to her brother…her twin.

She inhaled deeply clutching the silver blade in her hand she stepped outside. She had no choice but to follow the teachings of Brother Gregory. He was, after all, in direct conversing of the lord.

Page 13: Learning to howl: Introduction

Madeline shuddered as she stepped slowly into the mouth of the woods. The threat of the life that inhabited was looming heavily. The distant sound of the unsavory wildlife that ruled the night seemed not so distant to the wiry young woman.

It was as if she could feel the eyes on her.

Page 14: Learning to howl: Introduction

Her breathing quickened slightly as the howl of a wolf could be heard in the night. Her eyes scanned the tree lines praying to find nothing.

“Jacques!” She called out in fear as she heard the crack of a branch behind her. “Jacques please!” She cried out…the predator now fearful of the hunt.

Page 15: Learning to howl: Introduction

“Madeline?” The soft voice called as a hand touched her waist. “Brother Gregory!” She exclaimed, an immediate rush of relief washing over

her. “Is the task complete?” Averting her eyes she shook her head. “Forgive me, it escaped.”

Page 16: Learning to howl: Introduction

“Do not chide yourself my girl. What we hunt is elusive and holds the tongue of the devil.” He pulled her close to him, and her hands slipped around his neck.

“You are not angry with me?” She asked a smile playing upon freshly painted lips. “I am simply glad you are safe, it is my job as shepherd to his flock.” He smiled

Page 17: Learning to howl: Introduction

The monk pulled the young woman into a tight embrace, inhaling the fragrances of her freshly applied perfume. As his eyes opened Brother Gregory tightened his grip slightly on Madeline.

“You need to get home my girl.” He spoke softly. Something was not right in these woods.

Page 18: Learning to howl: Introduction

“Will you not accompany me Brother?” She asked, her hand lingering a moment in his.

“Of course.” He said, hesitating as he looked around him. He felt a presence here that disturbed him…these woods were far from safe, and this woman’s home resided on their edge.

Page 19: Learning to howl: Introduction

The monk turned to leave, his eyes turned upwards towards the heavens. “Give me the strength, my lord, to see the words I have stated to their end” He prayed out in fear.

Brother Gregory’s steps hastened.

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“Let us make haste Madeline.”