learning zeus

CYBER-ROBOTICS, INC. Learning to Us e Zeus

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Page 2: Learning Zeus



David NotestineCreator of the

Zeus Internet Marketing Robot

The Original Lin k Bu i l d in g Too l

Cyber-Robotics, Inc.67 Claude Scott RoadFranklin • NC 28734

Page 3: Learning Zeus

Z E U S U S E R ’ S M A N U A L C O N T E N T S S U M M A R Y

Copyright 2009, Cyber-Robotics, Inc. 3

Contents Summary

Cyber-Robotics, Inc. ..................................................................................... 1

WHAT’S NEW IN ZEUS AND THIS EBOOK...................................................... 9ZEUS INTERNET MARKETING ROBOT ..........................................................10HOW TO LEARN TO USE ZEUS ...................................................................17LET’S TALK ABOUT LINKING......................................................................19

Part 1 - Learning Zeus................................................................................ 21

QUICK ZEUS RUN THROUGH.....................................................................22THE FASTEST WAY TO LEARN AND USE ZEUS...............................................23SUPPORT ..............................................................................................27WALK THROUGHS – PAGE REFERENCE .......................................................29

Part 2 - Job Area Detail ............................................................................... 30

TRAIN JOB AREA ....................................................................................31FIND JOB AREA ......................................................................................39APPROVE JOB AREA ...............................................................................41CREATE JOB AREA .................................................................................49EMAIL JOB AREA ....................................................................................58MAINTAIN JOB AREA ...............................................................................73AUDIT JOB AREA ....................................................................................92

Part 3 - Customizing Your Link Directory’s Appearance ............................. 100

OPTION SETTINGS ................................................................................101HEADERS, FOOTERS, THEMEINDEX AND <HEAD> ......................................103LINKINFO PAGE....................................................................................105TEMPLATES .........................................................................................106

Part 4 - Zeus Power Users ........................................................................ 107

PROJECTS...........................................................................................108DATABASE ..........................................................................................115ZEUS FORM FILLER ...............................................................................119SQL EASY QUERY WIZARD.....................................................................132USING META KEYWORD PHRASES ZEUS FINDS IN HIGH-SCORING THEMESITES.137THEMED CONTENT DATATAGS ................................................................139THE FINE ART OF FINE-TUNING YOUR ZEUS ..............................................142ZEUS POWER TIPS ................................................................................151

Part 5 - Appendices .................................................................................. 168

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ZEUS TESTIMONIALS .............................................................................169REVIEWS FROM THE EXPERTS..................................................................172CYBER-ROBOTICS, INC. ........................................................................174DAVID NOTESTINE ................................................................................176ZEUS COLLECTIVE ................................................................................179SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING RUMORS CONCERNING ZEUS..........................182

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Table of Contents









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How to double your Email Link Request Acceptance Page 64

Theme Content Data Tags Page 139

Adds the ability to add unique text, html, scripts and content to each ThemeCategory page, in any location you wish. You may insert up to 10 differentcontent files for EVERY Theme Category page. This makes each ThemeCategory page unique in its own right, making it look less like pages that onlycontain links to other web sites. The added content to different pagesincreases the VALUE of the page to the web as a whole.

PageRank indicator Page 44

The PageRank indicator is in the ThemeSite Viewer, located in the Approve,Maintain and Audit areas.

Project File Locations Page 108

The Database and the other files that the Zeus program updates or uses tostore data, are installed in the Project folder and its subfolders.

The Default Project folder and its subfolders are located in each individualWindows User's "Application Data" and is

determined by the Operating System used on the installation computer.

By a recent Microsoft decree, program data files are not allowed in 'ProgramFiles'.

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Z E U S U S E R ’ S M A N U A L Z E U S I N T E R N E T M K T R O B O T

Copyright 2009, Cyber-Robotics, Inc. 10


Zeus is the most popular Link Marketing Software, on the Internet.

"Anyone Can Be A Webmaster, Some Can Be A Zeusmaster!"

Zeus is the original and most popular linking

program. It is the only Link Marketing Robotavailable on the Internet.

If you use Zeus and follow our marketing guidelines,you will have all the consistent, qualified web sitevisitors you want. The more energy you put into Zeus,the more traffic your web site will receive. Once youget that traffic, it doesn’t go away.

Immediate increase in web site traffic

Zeus creates immediate, diversified, qualified traffic to your web site, in numbersyou have always thought to be impossible. This is quickly accomplished througha series of steps utilizing website content, increased search engine activity to yourweb site and hi-quality, closely related reciprocal links.

Zeus creates thousands of reciprocal links, for your web site. A totally newconcept in generating web traffic, this revolutionary software product hasfeatures and benefits that enable it to create traffic to your web site. One goodreciprocal link can give you the same traffic as a major search engine and, with aZeus robot; you can have thousands of reciprocal links. Zeus generates both newand return visitors to your web site.

Qualified traffic

The best-qualified visitors are from reciprocal links to your site. Zeus simplifiesthe tedious task of reciprocal link generation by providing, a pool of qualified,theme-matching, reciprocal link prospects, from your Link Directory, with yourlink listing organized by themes or subjects.

It is a fact that reciprocal links bring you an amazing amount of qualified traffic,even more than all the search engines combined. This is what Zeus is all aboutand it works.

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Z E U S U S E R ’ S M A N U A L Z E U S I N T E R N E T M K T R O B O T

Copyright 2009, Cyber-Robotics, Inc. 11

Repeat traffic

Your Link Directory ensures your web site gets repeat traffic as it becomes aninternet-wide, web resource for the long-staying visitors to your website. Yourvisitor will make sure your Link Directory and web site are bookmarked intotheir favorites. Once you’re in their favorites, they return often.

Zeus is also an alternative approach to searchengines

Zeus was driving traffic to web sites before Link Popularity was a popularmarketing term. Zeus was designed to be an alternative marketing approach tosearch engine marketing, which wasn't helping web masters get the traffic theyneeded. Zeus is a software tool that helps web masters easily establish links, totheir websites. Links are the major source of traffic; return traffic to your LinkDirectory is a second source of traffic.

Then it was discovered that, because of the links to your web site, the searchengines send you traffic. One good link can bring you more traffic than all thesearch engines combined.

Remember that link marketing is the most important form of Internet marketing.Search Engine marketing is only one of the subsets of link marketing. After all,search engine results are only listings of links that webmasters have no controlover.

You will be amazed at the increase in your traffic. Zeus is as easy to use, for thebeginning web master, as it is for the most advanced and experienced. Someonenew to the Internet can train and utilize the features that have been proven overand over again. Zeus works if you do!

Saves you time

The Zeus Internet Marketing Robot was designed as a tool to find suitablequality web sites to exchange links with. Zeus saves you 95% of the timeinvolved in the tedious link process.

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Z E U S U S E R ’ S M A N U A L Z E U S I N T E R N E T M K T R O B O T

Copyright 2009, Cyber-Robotics, Inc. 12

Zeus integrates all the jobs AND data into one program, saving time andsimplifying everything involved in the process of trading links. Zeus finds websites for you to trade links with, organizes, emails and even creates your LinkDirectory for you, directly to your web site.

We offer proof that Link Marketing works and that Zeus is the best toolavailable for doing this time-consuming job.

Easily manage dozens of web sites

In the top file menu, Zeus now has a selection under "File" called, "NewProject". This makes it extremely easy to create new and manage old databases,for each of your web sites.

Matches the design of your web site

Your Link Directory is matched to the design of your web site perfectly, nomatter how complex your HTML code is.

How Zeus works

Zeus is an easy-to-use, intelligent, Internet marketing robot that traverses theweb, spidering web sites and creating a vertical themed, searchable LinkDirectory for any webmaster.

Train Zeus to find web sites that match your unique themes or subjects, and hezooms off to find thousands of them. Zeus then helps you to review andorganize them into vertically themed categories and possible inclusion withinyour Link Directory.

Quality content is quickly added to a website with dynamically changing, Zeus-generated, Link Directory pages. These themed pages are keyword-tuned toscore high in search engine rankings. Search engines also give higher rankings towebsites, with themed content that match each other’s sites, with mutualreciprocal links.

A contact manager is included that allows you to email an individuallypersonalized reciprocal link request to each website's Webmaster. Link Partnersreceive a preferential graphic and listing at the top of each directory page,providing a compelling reason to reciprocate the link.

Zeus is non-invasive to visited websites and follows all the Robotic Guidelines,as described throughout the Internet.

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Z E U S U S E R ’ S M A N U A L Z E U S I N T E R N E T M K T R O B O T

Copyright 2009, Cyber-Robotics, Inc. 13

Yep. Zeus takes work every day :-) You've heard it said before, anyone can be aWebmaster, only some can be a Zeusmaster.

Zeus is search engine friendly

Thousands of Zeus Internet Marketing Robots build the Internet links thatsearch engine robots trust and follow. Our software and users follow properguidelines, laid out by the major search engines. We listen to what the searchengine companies tell us to do.

Also, as we caution on the Cyber-Robotics.com Home Page:

"Using link-building programs that query or use the search engines for findingweb sites, data or information can penalize or even get your web site banned.This practice is expensive to the search engines as it over-taxes their serversand connections."

"Zeus creates true Incoming Links and Link Popularity and does notartificially create or inflate either."

As an added bonus, re-submission to search engines is a forgotten chore oncereciprocal links point towards your site.

Ease of use

Ease of use is the number one reason to try Zeus. You will be amazed at howeasy it is. Zeus has a very short learning curve.

Zeus is now just as easy to use, for the beginning web master, as it is for themost advanced and experienced. Someone, new to the Internet, can train andutilize all the features that we have proved repeatedly. Zeus works, if you do!


Zeus now has a "self-learning" feature. Previous versions of Zeus took hours oftraining, while the new Zeus takes just a few minutes. It does not require anyprior knowledge of the program.

EZ-Train even seeds your Zeus with its initial web sites, to visit! You heard itright! Keyword training and adding URLs has been automated.

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Copyright 2009, Cyber-Robotics, Inc. 14

Computer assisted instruction

Computer Assisted Instruction teaches vitally important marketing and Zeus useconcepts. It will not let you go on before understanding. Text pops upautomatically, at the points in the program where you must know an importantconcept. Do not shortcut these, for you will only be wasting time. Even if you’vehad years of web marketing experience, missing just one important conceptcould sabotage your marketing efforts.

User interface

We completely designed the layout, users interface and organization of the newZeus program. Zeus uses an outlook bar, for ease of operation and organization.This makes it easy to follow the steps you need to use Zeus successfully.

Job areas

Job area buttons are on the left of the program and structured in the order inwhich they are used. Start at the top and work your way down the job icons.

Complexity modes

With the new "User Experience Level" feature of Complexity Modes, the useronly gets the Zeus features that he needs, at his present stage of learning.

Built-in help

Zeus has a compiled help file available from the top menu bar,. It containsnormal contents, index and favorites features. We have also included built- in,mouse-over sensitive content.

Job area quick tours

Each job area has QuickTour viewlets. These teaching animations enable you tobecome familiar with the different Zeus jobs within a matter of seconds. Over adozen of these are incorporated into the program.

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Setup wizards

One of the most important new features is the new settings wizard. When youfirst start Zeus, basic set-up is a breeze. Six entries and four clicks, and Zeus isready to go out and find web sites.

Internet connection settings are simple. Even setting up for proxy servers orfirewalls is easy. We have accomplished this through our user-friendly wizards.

Reviewing, approving and maintaining web site data

Approving web sites also has its own job area. It practically requires no help tolearn, because of the intuitiveness of the program. Zeus tells you what you needto do, by a series of check marks and red Xs. You have to see it to believe it.

There are many new actions available from the action menu in the four differenttheme site viewer incarnations.

Add/edit has been redesigned. There is a float option that allows you to easilycopy and paste information from e-mail directly into Zeus. This is userselectable. Because of public demand, the annoying Message Box is nowselectable. You decide what you wish to pop-up or not.

Creation and uploading to your web site

The next step is to create your directory. After the directory is created, Zeusinstalls the pages directly to your web site, and then furnishes you a link to clickon, to visit your newly created and uploaded Link Directory.

The first time through, the FTP wizard makes it easy to enter your FTP settings.


Batch e-mailing is now easier and has a separate job area of the program.

Zeus makes it easy to customize your e- mail messages for each web site duringthe Approval process.


Zeus will visit or audit your entire existing Link Partners; to insure the reciprocallink agreement stays reciprocal. The audit area handles multiple links from thesame web site. The audit has its own job area with its own toolbars.

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Misc. features

The Access database has been upgraded and utilizes state-of-the-artnormalization techniques, relationships and indexes for faster data retrieval.

You can compact your access database from the menu bar.

Backing up your database is also available from the same menu bar.

Robot traversing logic has been extremely modified. Link and keywordextraction has been speeded up as much as 50 times. Many new code featuresmake Zeus even more stable than it was before. Every bug that has EVER beenreported by ANY user has been addressed in THIS version.

New controls have been added to Zeus. FTP, Mail, Toolbars controls, and newInfraGistics controls, update Zeus to all current programming technologies.State of the art re-sizing controls, allow the user to re-size and remember Zeusscreens easily.

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Z E U S U S E R ’ S M A N U A L H O W T O L E A R N Z E U S

Copyright 2009, Cyber-Robotics, Inc. 17


David Notestine

My name is David Notestine. I’m the creator and programmer of the ZeusInternet Marketing Robot.


If you use Zeus and follow our marketing guidelines, you will have all theconsistent, qualified web site visitors you want. The more energy you put intoZeus, the more traffic your web site will receive. Once you get that traffic, itdoesn’t go away. One of my first web sites, which I haven’t worked on orchanged anything on since 2001, still averages over 1000 visitors a day.

Zeus is the original and most popular linking program. It is the only LinkMarketing Robot available on the Internet.

We’ve learned a lot since 1997 as to what works and what doesn’t work, not justin Link Marketing, but in all forms of marketing. The majority of link marketingconcepts used by all webmasters today, Cyber-Robotics and our Zeus users havehelped develop. Those concepts have been shared with all.

To attain the goal of the original creators of the Internet, by hyper-linking the knowledge ofhumankind together through highly organized Vertical-Themed Link Directories andmaking that knowledge freely and easily available to everyone.

Themed linking or only linking to web sites of like content was a concept weoriginally came up with in 1997 to help attain our goal to help organize content,on the web, by creating highly organized Vertical-Themed Link Directories. Themajor search engines and all smart webmasters have followed this same guidelinethroughout the years. Google’s PageRank and search algorithms are based onthis concept along with many other major search engines.

We wrote the guidelines on linking etiquette or email link request guidelines;fighting and winning the link request spam war, so that link request emails wouldnot be considered spam.

We coined the phrases: Link Partner and Themed Linking.

Zeus quickly teaches you these concepts and more, which all successfulwebmasters use to market their web sites.

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Zeus works if you do, PERIOD! Or your money back!

Click on our testimonials page to prove it to yourself. You can find that link onour home page.

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Z E U S U S E R ’ S M A N U A L L E T ’ S T A L K A B O U T L I N K I N G

Copyright 2009, Cyber-Robotics, Inc. 19


Steps to Building Links

1. Find web sites to trade links with.

2. Visit web sites.

3. Choose ThemeSites from those websites.

4. Make notes to personalize your link trade request.

5. Find the email address of the webmaster.

6. Add ThemeSite information such as title, descriptions and the link, toyour web sites link page.

7. Email the ThemeSites asking for a link trade.

8. Make note of the email.

9. Receive email accepting your offer.

10. Update link page information

Link Marketing requires many programs

Programs used in Manually Building Links

Finding web sites Search engines, browser, programsVisiting web sites BrowserChoosing ThemeSites BrowserMaking notes Database programFinding the email address BrowserAdding ThemeSite information HTML editor, FTP programEmailing the ThemeSites Email programMaking note Database programReceive email Email programUpdate link page information HTML Editor, FTP program

To handle these steps in Link marketing requires a minimum of 7 differentprograms, but using separate programs doesn’t integrate your data and is verytime consuming and labor intensive.

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Copyright 2009, Cyber-Robotics, Inc. 20

Zeus integrates all the jobs AND data into one program, saving 95% of the timeand simplifying everything involved in what used to be the tedious process oftrading links. Zeus finds web sites for you to trade links with, organizes, emailsand even creates your Link Directory, directly to your web site.

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P A R T 1 -L E A R N I N G Z E U S

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Z E U S U S E R ’ S M A N U A L Q U I C K Z E U S R U N T H R O U G H

Copyright 2009, Cyber-Robotics, Inc. 22


Zeus is a smart internet robot that installs into any Windows computer, helpingyou to create a Link Directory that is automatically placed on your web site,located on any UNIX or Windows server, using FTP.

Let’s do a quick run thru of the program.

Please notice the order of the job icons on the left side of the program. Each Jobicon is a step that is involved in linking. Those steps go from top to bottom andare in the order that you will use them.

You train Zeus with personalized keyword training,so he can automatically search the internet, findingweb sites that match you easily provide.

A built-in browser allows you to visit those websiteshe finds and personally approve them to beincluded in your directory. An integrated relationaldatabase contact manager stores each web site’sdata.

Zeus’ email program makes it easy to send custom,personalized email link requests, all in one batch.

A Directory Manager and Creator simplify, withdrag-and-drop ease, the organization of your LinkDirectory, with one-click creation and automaticFTP placement, to your web site, on any server.

Zeus also audits your link trades so your link agreement, with other webmasters,stays reciprocal.

ALL these functions are integrated into one program.

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Z E U S U S E R ’ S M A N U A L F A S T E S T W A Y T O L E A R N Z E U S

Copyright 2009, Cyber-Robotics, Inc. 23


New users to the Internet usually learn Zeus the fastest. More experienced userstend to jump around clicking buttons and learning on their own. With Zeus, oneneeds to read the instructions. Not that it is hard, but Zeus is a very feature richprogram.

Do not jump around

There are marketing and Zeus program use concepts that you must understand,in the proper order, just as Zeus must be learned, in the correct order, if youwish to save time. Do not jump around clicking buttons!

Main Menu

The Main Menu is located at the top of your Zeus program. Use this menu tostart new projects, open existing projects, control your database, edit yoursettings, and open help topics and more. Most of these are for the moreadvanced users.

Status Bars

On the bottom of your Zeus program you will see 4 boxes called the Status Bars.

1st Status Box

Shows you the current Complexity Group you are in. See page 24.

2nd Status Box

Tells you the current function or job you are in.

3rd Status Box

It tells you the overall status of your Zeus program.

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4th Status Box

This is the current Zeus database you are using.

Tool Tips

If you hold your mouse cursor over certain buttons and objects, a small help boxwill pop-up. We call these Tool Tips.

There are many Tool Tips throughout your Zeus program. As you are gettingcomfortable with Zeus, we recommend that you read the Tool Tips throughoutthe program.

Content Sensitive Help

Many areas of the program have a green help box. When you move your cursorover a box, the help text in the box will change and explain, in more detail, whatyou need to enter or do, at this point.

Computer Assisted Instruction

Talking Computer Assisted Instruction, teaches vitally important marketing andthe Zeus program use concepts, and will not let you go on before you trulyunderstand the concept. These pop up automatically, at points in the program,where you must know an important rule. Do not shortcut these because you willonly waste time. Even if you’ve had years of web marketing experience, missingjust one important concept could sabotage your marketing efforts.

Complexity Modes

We have divided Zeus into threeComplexity Groups called Easy,Intermediate and Advanced. You areonly exposed to the simpler features ofZeus, in the beginning, using the EasyMode.

Easy Mode

If you are a new Zeus user, you should start in the Easy Complexity Group.Then as you become more familiar with Zeus, you can proceed to the moreadvanced features.

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Most importantly, the Computer Assisted Instruction and important what-to-do-next messages only appear in Easy Mode. Without them, you will bemissing important concepts and you will become lost.

Whether you use the more advanced features of Zeus is entirely up to you.The Easy Complexity mode will give you as much traffic as the Advancedmode.

By clicking the Intermediate and Advanced buttons, Zeus will open upfantastic features that you can learn at your leisure.


META Keyword

Uses META keyword phrases, that Zeus finds in high-scoring ThemeSites,in your keyword training.

For more detail, see page 137.



Zeus walks each selected ThemeSite and verifies that there are links toyou. He also searches for new fresh links and much more.

For more detail, see page 92.

New Project / Open Project

Start a new project for another web site or open an existing Zeus project.

For more detail, see page 108.

Built-in Help

Our Help is not just about Zeus, but about Internet marketing in general.

Everything you need to know about driving consistent, qualified traffic to yourweb site is only a few clicks away. Why not take advantage of this information?Every webmaster says, “If I only could ask someone who really knows and get

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honest answers.” We are answering your questions! Why not invest a few hoursand save hundreds?

Quick Tours

Quick tours are designed to quickly show you each area of the program. Thereare located in most windows of Zeus.

They can be located by looking for the link: Quick Tours, located on the mainwindows of Zeus.

My Assurance

I can assure you, that after the initial learning curve, things get very easy. You areonly learning what you absolutely need to market your web site successfully.Zeus is actually very intuitive.

We are here to help you just as we have already helped thousands of otherwebmasters. I designed Zeus with a lot of input from software engineers fromthe major search engines. The work you do and the jobs automated by Zeus hasautomated, have been carefully designed to maximize your efforts withoutjeopardizing your web site.

Zeus users, new to the Internet, that follow directions, can setup Zeus within 4hours. Experienced webmasters usually require up to 15 hours, with the last 4hours spent reading the instructions.

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Our users have rated Cyber-Robotics a 4.3 out of possible 5 for Support andService satisfaction. We pride ourselves on answering questions quickly, IF theuser SUBMITS IT PROPERLY through our Support link, which is available fromwithin the program or our web site.

When a support question is haphazardly sent to one of our many email addresses,we will not receive it, because it will not have the proper email routing codes werequire to combat the over 200,000 spam messages we receive every day.

We do not offer phone support, but we do quickly answer EVERY supportquestions through our Support CommDesk, during our business hours. Ninetypercent of submitted customer questions are already answered in our easy-to-findSupport Library.

Support Library

The support library is the central area for contacting us, getting help from oursupport department or getting common questions answered quickly.


Click Support on our web site’s main navigation buttons.

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You will be taken to our Support Library:

Clicking on Zeus Mkt Robot

You can see everything is very organized. We have answers to questions, webmarketing articles and online-seminars in addition to other important areasthat you will need to be successful with Zeus and your marketing endeavors.

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Copyright 2009, Cyber-Robotics, Inc. 29


Training Zeus

Keyword training See Page 31Have web sites for Zeus to visit See Page 33Trouble in keyword training See Page 142

Creating your directory the first time


Find a few ThemeSites See Page 39

Train Zeus with keywords or phrases See Page 31Have web sites for Zeus to visit See Page 34Have Zeus find ThemeSites See Page 39

Approve ThemeSites See Page 41

FTP Wizard See Page 49

Designing your Link Directory to match your web site

Free version See Page 101Headers and Footers See Page 103Templates See Page 106

Upload your Link Directory to your web site See Page 56

Daily Work

Approve See Page 41Create See Page 49Email See Page 58Maintain See Page 73

Monthly Work

Auditing See Page 92

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P A R T 2 - J O BA R E A D E T A I L

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Zeus is a True Internet Robot that finds web sites with whom you can trade links.The first step is training Zeus to find web sites that match the themes or subjectsyou are looking for.

Zeus relies on keyword and keyword phrases to score web sites he visits.

Keyword Uniqueness and Tightly Themed Directory Categories are concepts thatmust be mastered to properly use Zeus.

Training Concepts

Keyword Uniqueness

The number one key to proper training:

"Always use keywords or keyword phrases that pertain to the subjects or themes of theweb site you want Zeus to find."

"The more unique your keywords to your training theme, the better Zeus will performwhen selecting and scoring visited web sites."

You will TRAIN Zeus with keywords unique to your themes or subjects.

Describes the subjects or theme of your web site or the type of web site youwant Zeus to find.

The best words are words or phrases that would ONLY be found in a website like the ones you are looking for, and no other. Don't worry too muchabout getting it right the first time. It is easy to adjust your keywords laterusing the Keyword Manager.

Tightly Themed Link Directory Categories

If you have a Parrot web site, you wouldn’t link to an automotive web site.

The best way to learn about Theme categories and Theme tightness is to goto the ZeusCollective.com and type in a word that describes your web site.You’ll be able to see what other Zeusmasters are using for Theme categoriesand learn that you will be to include in your Link Directory, many more websites than you initially thought.

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EZ Keyword Trainer Tab

The EZ Keyword trainer makes it easy to find keywords and train your Zeus forall types of Themes and Subjects.

1. To start the EZ Keyword Trainer click the 'StartEZ Keyword Training' button at the top.

2. Type in a unique keyword or keyword phrase that best describes the websites you wish to find.

3. Click

Zeus displays a list of keywords in about 60 – 90 seconds.

4. Check the boxes next to the keywords or phrases that could only befound in websites you are looking for as potential link partners.

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5. Click 'Keep Training'.

6. If you are having trouble finding enough words, you can change thecurrent training word manually by entering another word or phrase, orclick the 'Change Training To' drop down box.

7. If finished, click ‘Finish Training’

Don't worry too much about getting it right the first time. It's easy to changeyour keyword uniqueness later using the Keyword Manager.

Web Sites to Visit Tab

If you used the EZ Keyword Trainer, you should already have web sites forZeus to visit.

If there are not any URL addresses to visit, add the address to another website, that matches your subject or Themes, that you know contains links.

Zeus uses these initial websites to find even more links to other web sites thatwill match your keyword training.

This area shows the next 500 web sites your Zeus will visit.

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Adding URL Addresses to visit

To add a web site to the list, type in its URL address, then click the 'Add'button.

Setting URL Address for a Priority Visit

Select one or more URL addresses that you would like Zeus to put at the topof the list to visit, then click the ‘Visit First’ button. These web sites will bemoved to the top of the list.

Deleting URL Addresses to visit

To remove a web site to visit, highlight the URL in the list, then click the'Remove' button.

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Manual Keyword Training Tab

Adding a keyword or phrase

To add a keyword to Zeus keyword training, type a keyword or keywordphrase, into the textbox.

Selecting Uniqueness

Click on the appropriate category button to assign that keyword to auniqueness category. There are 5 uniqueness categories.


Just ignore these words. They have nothing to do with your web site butare not common words.


Words like 'at', 'the', 'about', etc.

Slight Unique:

These words are similar to the theme of your web site.


These words are very important to the theme of your web site.

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Very Unique:

If this word appears in a web page, you want to know about this web site.These are words only found in a site like yours.

Tip: Using the words in the index of a book, on your training subject, makeskeyword training quick and easy. Using phrases, i.e.: "internet marketing" or"web marketing" dramatically improves training efficiency, reduces traversingtimes and lowers bandwidth used to find ThemeSites.

Keyword Manager Tab

Your Keyword Manager makes it easy to manage your training keywords andallows you to move them from one uniqueness group to the next very easily.

The Keyword Manager will help you to fine-tune your Zeus keywords. You willbe able to move keywords from one Uniqueness category to another, or evendelete them. During your initial keyword training, you may have includedkeywords that are common to other non-themed sites. Because of this, the non-ThemeSites are being scored incorrectly as ThemeSites. There are probably onlya few words that caused the higher score. You can then move a keyword fromone Uniqueness category to another to adjust the way Zeus is scoring websites.You may even have to delete that specific keyword.

Try to select words unique only to your web sites themes. For example, if theword would only appear in a web site exactly like yours, you should assign VeryUnique. If the word is important to your site but could be found in others, give ita lower rating. The best words with the highest ratings are words that wouldONLY pertain to the theme of your site and no others.

Using a Bird Theme example:

If the word is bird, you may want to assign it to Slight Unique, if the word isavian, then choose Unique. The word bird could be found on a lot of sitesNOT pertaining to the actual bird sites you are looking for, while avian wouldprobably be unique to actual bird sites.

Example: You may find that a keyword like 'egg', when trying to find birdaviaries, will also find you fish hatcheries and the like. You can move thisparticular keyword to another Uniqueness category or delete it. That will stopZeus from finding incorrect sites.

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Moving keywords or phrases into other Uniquenesscategories

Click a Uniqueness button to display the keywords assigned to thatUniqueness category.

Select the keywords to be moved. You may use the Shift and Ctrl buttons toselect multiple keywords.

Click the new category you would like the keywords moved to.

Delete keywords or phrases

After following the steps above and selecting the keywords you wish todelete, click the ‘Delete’ button.

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TIP: Hold your cursor over each uniqueness button and read the green helpbox at the bottom for an explanation of each.

Keyword Manager Status Bar

The Keyword Status bar at the bottom of the Train area gives you the statusof your keyword training. It includes the totals for each Uniqueness categoryplus the total words trained.

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The Find job area is where Zeus finds web sites to trade links with.

Click the 'Find Web Sites' button.

There really isn't that much to know about the Find job area. Zeus takes care ofhimself. The longer your Zeus is online, exploring the Internet, the moreThemeSites or potential link partners he will find.

Your Zeus automatically explores the web intelligently, collecting data from websites whose web pages contain keywords you chose during his training. With goodkeyword training, he is virtually automatic.

He doesn't download an entire web site to find out if this is a web site you want ornot. He scans a few web pages and either goes to the next web site or stays toexplore.

If he stays, Zeus extracts hyperlinks, host email addresses, other email addresses,keywords, META contents, descriptions, titles and theme uniqueness, from everyweb page he visits. Zeus scores the web site using his keyword training, and if highenough, saves the web site for you to look at in the Approve area

Hold your mouse cursor over the numbers at the bottom and the buttons at thetop to get a brief understanding of what each one means.

If you would like to view and help select the next 500 web sites Zeus will visit,click the 'Edit Next 500' button at the top.

After Zeus has found enough ThemeSites click the 'Pause' button at the top andwait a few seconds for Zeus to stop. You will know he stops when the Mode Boxin the bottom left corner says "PAUSE".

Now you’re ready to approve or disapprove the ThemeSites Zeus has found foryou.

IMPORTANT: Never let Zeus find more web sites than you can Approve thenext day. This is covered in the CAI.

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TIP: Take a few minutes each week to teach your robot more keywords andThemes. This pays off in increased ThemeSites for your Link Directory.

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When you click on the Approve icon, Zeus shows you any new ThemeSites hehas found.

The jobs you do here should NOT be automated as it’s is very important inlinking strategies, to do them.

Tip: You should try to spend a few minutes every day reviewing and sorting thenew ThemeSites, deleting the ones you don't want. This helps train Zeus. If youwait too long, you will have a large job on your hands organizing all of them inyour Link Directory, and Zeus may be finding many sites that you don't want.

Viewing and Saving ThemeSites in the Approvedarea

Automatic ThemeSite Sort

When you first open the Approve Tab, all-new ThemeSites that Zeus hasfound to show you; will be placed one after the other in the Approvewindow.

ThemeSite Navigation

Click the forwards, backwards, beginning and end Approve navigationbuttons to view each ThemeSite that Zeus has found.

Saving Changes

Any changes or selections you make are automatically saved.

3 Goals to Approve

There are 3 goals for each ThemeSite that you think is a potential Link Partner,are:

1) To assign a Theme Category to the ThemeSite.

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2) To select an email address for the ThemeSite.

3) Personalize your email link trade request

Adding or Selecting Theme Category Pages

Your Link Directory will be organized by your Theme category choices. TheTheme Categories you add and select will be the individual pages of your LinkDirectory. If you assign a ThemeSite with the Theme ‘Bird Clubs’, anindividual ‘Bird Clubs’ Link Directory page will be created when you uploadyour Link Directory. Any additional ‘Bird Club’ ThemeSites you will select tobe included on this page.

Concentrate on organizing your ThemeSites. Start building a Link Directorywith different Themes categories and ThemeSite listings. It's important youstart organizing your ThemeSites as soon as possible.

Zeus will build you a Link Directory page for each one of these Themes. Youwant to have as many Themes as possible. Ask yourself what type of visitoryou are looking for and think of Themes to match.

Using Keywords as Theme Categories

Use an important keyword for your Theme Category if possible. Each oneof your Theme pages will be created around this keyword. These pages willbe tuned to give it the highest result in the search engine listings whensomeone enters this keyword to be searched. You will be amazed at thenumber of visitors these pages will send to your web site when the searchengines finally use them. Try to have many Theme pages with importantkeywords as your Theme Categories.

How to add a new Theme Category to a ThemeSite

Type the new Theme Category that you want to assign to the currentThemeSite, into the 'Select - Add Theme Category ' text box. The newTheme Category is automatically saved.

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How to assign a ThemeSite to an already existing ThemeCategory

Once you have assigned a Theme Category to a ThemeSite you can assignit to another ThemeSite by simply selecting it in the drop-down box.

Selecting an Email Address

It's important when you select a Theme Category for a ThemeSite, that yougo ahead and select an email address to receive email correspondence fromyou. This saves you the trouble of having to review the ThemeSites a secondtime. Make sure that you select the correct contact by going through thewebsite and checking to see who handles the links. It could be the webmaster,or it could be someone else.

Selecting an Email Address

Use the two email list boxes on the right to selectan email address that will receive emailcorrespondence from you. Click on an emailaddress to select it. It is now stored in the databaseas the address to send email to for this ThemeSite.

Tip: DO NOT click on more than one email address. If a webmasterreceives more than one email, they could consider it Spam and probablywill not be pleased with your request for a reciprocal link trade.

Marking a ThemeSite as NO EMAIL

If the ThemeSite has an email address in the Email List Boxes but youdon't want to send them an email, then you need to mark the site as NOEMAIL by clicking the 'Email' button at the top. The ThemeSite will notbe included in your email sorts.

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If the ThemeSite does NOT have an email address in the Email ListBoxes, then the site is automatically marked as NO EMAIL. TheThemeSite will not be included in your email sorts.

Personalizing your link trade request email

Customizing your email request saves you time in the long run, as itincreases your percentage of web masters accepting your trade linksrequest. You may want to listen to an audio in our seminar area of our website that will teach you how to raise your acceptance percentage fromaround 15% to up to 80%.

See Page 66 use on how to use the personal comment MailMerge tag.

Using Zeus Form Filler to fill link submission forms

See page 119

PageRank Indicator

The PageRank indicator is on the ThemeSiteViewer, located in the Approve, Maintain andAudit areas.

PageRank is displayed for every web page you visit in the Zeus browser.

The PageRank is stored in the database when Zeus finds a new ThemeSite. Thedatabase entry is also ‘freshened’ when you view the ThemeSite.

There is a new PageRank sort in the 'Sort ThemeSites By' drop-down selectiontextbox. The sort orders the highest PageRanked web sites first.

You can use the PageRank in EZ SQL Query to create custom queries based onPR. See page 132.

PageRank is not automatically stored for old ThemeSites already in your DB.You can manually store them by displaying them in the ThemeSite Viewer.When the PR bar displays, the PR is stored for that ThemeSite

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Using the Approve Check Mark indicators

The green checkmarks mean that you have accomplished your tasks for thisThemeSite. Xs mean you may have something to do.

In the image above, you can instantly see that a Theme Category has not beenselected, the ThemeSite is not included in the directory yet and an email addresshas been found but not selected.

Deleting a Web Site

Click the Delete button to delete a ThemeSite from your database.

A window will open asking you to verify the deletion, click Yes.

Click Cancel and this verification window will no longer open for deletionsduring the current Zeus session.

Before deleting a web site, fine-tune any keywords that may be causing Zeus toscore web sites incorrectly. See page 142 for fine tuning your Zeus

Q: What if the current ThemeSite is not similar to the theme of my web site?

A: Click the 'Delete' button, but remember this action will also mark all thehyperlinks found in the deleted web site to 'Not Visit'.

Q: What if the current ThemeSite is within my web sites theme but is not apotential Link Partner?

A: Don't delete it. Follow the instructions below.

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Note: You must have the ProVersion to do this.

You don't want to delete yourcompetitors from your ZeusDatabase.

Step 1: Put your competitorsinto a Theme Category called'Competitors'.

Step2: Now click on the'Theme Tab '.

Step 3: Right click the red highlighted Theme Category. Go to 'Properties thisPage'. Then uncheck 'Include in Directory'.

All of the web sites in this Theme Category will NOT be included in your LinkDirectory. At a later time you can send Zeus, using the Audit, to visit these websites and extract their links.

Ice burg analogy

Note: You must have the Pro Version to do this.

Never delete a ThemeSite that falls into thetheme of your web site. Clicking the Deletebutton will delete the current ThemeSite from thedatabase. This action will also mark all thehyperlinks found in the deleted web site to notvisit. If these hyperlinks are again found in a realThemeSite, they will be marked 'To Be Visited'.

Example: Maybe the ThemeSite is in your theme, but it doesn't have a linkpage. Put it into a Theme Category called 'No Link Page'. Now click on the'Theme Tab ' and Right click the red highlighted Theme Category. Go to'Properties this Page'. Then uncheck 'Include in Directory'. Every ThemeSitein this category will NOT be listed in your links directory. At a later time youcan come back to these web sites and see if they have a links page.

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Fine-Tuning your Keywords

If Zeus doesn’t find web sites or finds the wrong ones, YOU have it trainedincorrectly with the wrong keywords

You can also look at the keywords that Zeus used to score a web site makinghim think it is a web site you want.

In the beginning, you may spend 3 or so sessions, fine-tuning a few keywords orphrases. Once you get it right, Zeus will consistently find perfect web sites.

You also may not understand a link-marketing concept. It will save you a lot oftime if you would take our online seminar, ‘Using Link Building Tools Properly’.If you are going to trade links using Zeus or not, you will WANT to spend thetime to watch and listen to this presentation. It will be time well spent.

For details, see page 142

Theme Tab

The Theme tab is the same for the Approve, Maintain and Audit area.

See Maintain Job area, page 84.

Misc Tab

The Misc tab is the same for the Approve, Maintain and Audit area.

See Maintain Job area, page 89.

Action Menu

Load this ThemeSite’sHome Page into defaultbrowser

This opens your default browserand loads the Home Page of thecurrent ThemeSite

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Load this web page into default browser

This opens your default browser and loads the displayed web page of thecurrent ThemeSite

ThemeSite Information

You can get more information about each ThemeSite by clicking one of theoptions under the ‘Action’ menu located on the top-menu bar of Zeus.

Each option will be loaded in your default browser. This option is veryimportant when reviewing your ThemeSites.

Tip: If you can't find an email address on their web site, use the 'WhoIsDomain Information' or 'Site Information - Alexa' options.

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In this Job Area you can manage your Link Directory structure, preview yourdirectory and upload your directory.

FTP Wizard

The first time you open the Create Job Area the FTP wizard will open. Here youwill enter your FTP settings that your web host gave you.

Tip: Hold your cursor over each settings box for more information.

Now click the 'Next' button.

Creating a /Links/ Directory on your Web Server

After you enter your FTP settings and click the 'Next' button Zeus will take youto this part of the wizard.

Your first step here is to find your main web site home page. This file is usuallynamed index.html or index.htm.

You might need to search for your home page file using the folders on the left.

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When you find the 'index' file double-click it and your web site home page willload in your default browser. Then follow the pop-up instructions.

If Zeus loaded your web site's home page in your default browser then you're inthe right folder. Zeus will ask you if your home page was displayed in yourbrowser. Click Yes.

Now Zeus will need to create a folder called 'links'. Click Yes and Zeus willcreate it.

Now you’re ready to preview and upload your directory.

Directory Manager Tab

The Directory Manager uses a TreeView control to show your directory in agraphical, hierarchical fashion. It shows your ThemeIndex or gateway page, withyour main Theme Pages as children below it

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Cutting, copying and pasting, along with dragging and dropping, is possible withboth Theme Pages and ThemeSites. You can select and drag any Theme Pageinto another Theme Page, causing the one dragged, to be a sub-child of the onedropped on. ThemeSites may have multiple listings with just a copy and paste ora drag and drop.

Most actions are executed from the right-click, pop-up menu. The right-click,pop-up menu will change depending on whether you have selected ThemePages, ThemeSites or ThemeSite data.

Theme sub-categories or multi-tiers - PRO Version Only:

The ThemeIndex page is the gateway into your Link Directory or highestdirectory tier. Your Link Directory should link from your website'snavigational system through the ThemeIndex page. If you are using the PROTemplates and have changed your ThemeIndex variable, then the name youhave substituted will be shown in place of ThemeIndex.

Your visitors would enter your directory through the ThemeIndex page andwould be able to access the links to the Alternative Energy, AlternativeLifestyles, Alternative Rock & Roll and Alternative Science Theme Pagesthrough the Alternative Sites Theme page.

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Tip: You can have as many sub-tiers or sub-child Theme pages as you wish.In the example image, you could have Theme Pages as children, off theAlternative Science, sub-sub-children off those and so on and so on.

Drag and Dropping, Cutting and Pasting

Creating sub-categories can be as easy as dragging and dropping a ThemePage onto another, thus making the one dragged a Theme sub-category page.You can also use Cut and Paste with the right-click pop-up menu.

Creating new Theme pages

You can also create new Theme pages to create a parent for your Themepages. To organize Alternative sites under the Theme Page categoryAlternative Sites, as in the above step's image, create a new blank page to bethe parent of the sub-categories. Right-click the ThemeIndex page, selectCreate New Page from the pop-up menu, name it Alternative Sites, and thenclick the OK button.

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Refreshing the TreeView

Now that you have created a new Theme page named Alternative Sites, itappears at the bottom of the Theme Tab list. To alphabetize the list again,right-click anywhere in the window and select Refresh from the pop-upmenu. The new page is now under the different Alternative pages near thetop in alphabetical order.

To move the Theme Pages under other Theme Pages

Left-click the Alternative Energy Theme Page and drag and drop it to theAlternative Sites Folder. Do the same for the other pages you want to add assub-children to the Alternative Sites Theme category.

Tip: You can also use the right-click, pop-up menu to cut and paste theseTheme category pages to the Alternative Sites Theme Page.

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Listing ThemeSites and their data

Right-click a Theme Page and go to 'List ThemeSites'. The title for allThemeSites belonging to that Theme Page is listed in red type. ReciprocalLink Partners are grouped, at the top of the list, in bold type.

Listing ThemeSite data

Double-clicking the ThemeSite title will display the data for that ThemeSite.Various information is listed that pertain to it. Tip: Double-clicking the'Themes Included In' property will list the other Theme pages in which theThemeSite is listed.

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ThemeSite Properties

A ThemeSite can be listed in many Theme pages. You can also have completeTheme Page positioning control for each listing. You may have a ThemeSitelisting in the 'Link Partner' section, 'Other Important Links' section or both.

Included in Directory

If this is selected and checked, the listing will be included in the 'OtherImportant Links' section of the Theme Page.

Link Partner

If this is selected and checked, the listing will be included in the 'LinkPartner' section of the Theme Page.

Differences between the Directory Manager and theTheme Tab

Theme tab

This is the tab used to assign a theme to a reciprocallink site. It is used while in the Approve, Email,Maintain and audit areas.

When you are in the Theme tab, located in the'Approve', 'Maintain', 'Maintain' or ‘Audit’ job areas,EVERYTIME you are clicking a Theme category, inthe Theme tab, it is being added to that Theme. Oneclick, it's added. The purpose of the Theme tab is to

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be able to QUICKLY add a ThemeSite to as many Theme categories asyou want. All other functions in the Theme tab should be done with theright-click context pop-up menu.

Directory Manager in Create Job Area

If you need to adjust the structure of your Link Directory beforeuploading, use the Directory Manager Tab. Clicking Theme categories DONOT add. The directory Manager is the area you want to use for design,maintenance and organization.

Preview Directory Tab

Before previewing your Link Directory, you may want to customize it.

Make your Link Directory pages by Previewing Your Link Directory. Your LinkDirectory will be built in your \links\ folder (see page 108 for locations) on yourhard-drive. All your directory pages are there, already properly linked to eachother. Any time you need to refresh your Link Directory after making aThemeSite addition, change or edit, you can Preview it, which will re-build yourdirectory, thus making the changes visible in the Preview browser.

To preview your Link Directory simply click the 'Preview' button at the bottom.Wait a moment while Zeus creates your directory pages on your hard-drive.

Now you can view and navigate through your Link Directory.

Create Directory Tab

In this tab, you will create and then upload your Link Directory.

Click the 'Start' button and wait while Zeus creates and uploads your directory.

Your Link Directory has been uploaded to your web site.

Note: If there were errors during the process you need to check your FTPsettings by clicking 'Tools > Options' then the FTP tab.

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In the box below the 'Start' button, you will see the URL to your Link DirectoryIndex page.

Click the box and copy the URL into your computers clipboard. Use this URL tolink to your Link Directory.

Tip: Free version Zeus users can use the options at the bottom to customizetheir directories. Pro version users will use Templates.

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In this Job Area, you will send a reciprocal link Email Request Message to everyweb site in the current sort.

All ThemeSites, that have not been sent an email, will automatically be loadedready for you to send a link request.

Email Job Area Toolbar

The Email toolbar has a minimum of controls. The Sort of your ThemeSites isautomatic when you clicked the Email job button. Your ThemeSite Viewer hasbeen sorted with all ThemeSites that meet the following criteria:

o Email Address is selected

o An email has not been sent to that ThemeSite

o A theme category has been selected

o They are included into the directory

o They are not a Link Partner

This starts the batch emailing. See page 64

This toggles whether you see a lot of messages thatdescribe what’s happening during the emailing processing.

Email Controls

For its simplicity, the Email Controls and Indicators are extremely powerful.These simple controls:

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1) Keep track of which email addresses to which you have selected to send anemail. You can select one email address or many. Click on the addresses youwish to include, normally only one!

2) Display the last date email was sent.

3) List the email that was sent.

4) Keep complete histories of every outgoing email.

5) Enable you to add and edit individual email messages.

6) Preview your messages.

7) Test your email system.

8) Easily add custom messages and personal touches to your email.

9) Automatically add your link information to email messages.

Email address selection

The email address you have selected to receive emails is highlighted. Tochange it, click on it to unselect it, then click another email address to selectit.

Email history

A history of each email message sent is displayed by message ID, emailaddress and date sent. They are sorted with the most current message listed atthe top.

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Email composition area

Selection of an email message to send

Click the down arrow on the Email Composition drop down menu.

Select the email message you wish to send.

Tip: Selecting _Help.txt then clicking the 'Edit' button will load a Helpand Index page containing useful information. This Help text file may beedited to suit your needs.

Preview existing email message using Notepad

When clicked this button displays your message based on all selectionsmade in the Email Composition. You may experiment by selecting anddeselecting various options then clicking Preview.

Edit existing email message using Notepad

This button edits the email message file selected in the dropdown list.

Select a message to be edited by using the drop-down list box. Then clickthe Edit button in the Email Composition area in the ThemeSite Viewer.

If nothing is selected then the Help or information page is loaded.

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Zeus uses Notepad to create or edit email text messages.

Create custom email messages

Use Notepad to create your own various outgoing email messages. To loadNotepad, click the Edit button in the Email Composition area in theThemeSite Viewer.

Important: The first line of your email message will be the subject andwill not appear in the message body.

Create a new email message in Notepad

Use the command path File/New located on the top menu bar inNotepad.

Save an email message in Notepad

Be sure to save any new or old messages into the folder /email/messagesdirectly off your Zeus application folder.

\email\messages folder (see page 108 for locations)

This allows them to be listed in the drop-down selection box after clickingRefresh.

Exit Notepad

Click the X in the upper right corner of Notepad or click through thecommand path File / Exit.

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Refresh drop-down selection box

After creating a new text message in Notepad, you must click Refresh sothe Dropdown list is updated.

After clicking the Refresh button, there will be, nothing selected in thedropdown list.

Testing email setup before sending email

When the Test box is checked ALL the email messages are sent to your emailaddress. If you select eight email addresses to be sent, you will receive eightemails. No email will be sent to those email address selected and the databasewill not be marked or affected in any way. This is the best way to test youremail setup.

Sending batch link request email messages:

1) Click the down arrow on the Email Composition drop down menu.

2) Select the Request.txt link exchange request, email message from the 'EmailComposition' drop-down box.

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3) Before you send an email for the first time, you will need to edit the defaultmessage. Click the 'Edit' button.

The message will open in Notepad so you can make changes.

It is very important that you fully customize your email message, as theyshould reflect your own personality and web site content.

a) Create a new email message (page 61).


a) Edit an existing message (page 60).

b) Use the Personal Comment tag to personalize each email messageautomatically (page 66).

c) Use MailMerge tags to auto-insert data into your email message, uniqueto each ThemeSite (page 67).

d) Follow proper email guidelines (page 68).

e) After you have made the changes click 'File > Save' (page 61).

4) Click the 'Preview' button and make sure that the message is exactly as youwant it to be before you send it. If there is a ThemeSite in the current sort andyou can see it and its data, you will see its data automatically inserted in youremail message where the MailMerge tags are located.

Close the preview when you are finished.

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5) Click the 'Email All in Sort' button. This will send an email to all ThemeSitesin the current sort.

Read carefully and respond to the various message boxes that Zeus willdisplay. Zeus will now send emails to every ThemeSite currently in the Emailsort.

If you are using the <Personal Comment) MailMerge tag, Zeus will stop, letyou view each ThemeSite, add a personal comment, then go on to emailingthe next ThemeSite. This makes it very easy to customize each email with apersonal comment, proving to the webmaster receiving the request, that youvisited his web site.

6) You can stop the emailing at any time by clicking the 'Email All in Sort'button again. Zeus will remember which ThemeSite he was stopped on andcontinuing mailing from that point on, when you click the ‘Email All In Sort’button again.

DOUBLE the Number of Link Partners you get!

Zeus Version makes it easier to attract those great Link Partners. There isnothing like offering a potential Link Partner an incentive to become one. Thiswill double or triple your acceptance percentage.

For every 100 email link requests we send for Cyber-Robotics, we are gettingabout 70-80 approvals!

There is NOTHING YOU HAVE TO DO except SELECT the email messagesthat include the free eBook; "Common Sense Web Marketing".

When Zeus Version 4 is installed, the installation package installs the 170 page"Common Sense Web Marketing" eBook into the Zeus installation folder, plus 3new email messages, ready to be sent to your potential Link Partners. Theseemail messages are:

o Request.w.Book.txt,

o LinkPartner.w.Book.txt

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o Changes.w.Book.txt

How it works

When you create a new Zeus project, the eBook is copied to that Projects/links/ folder. When you update or upload your Link Directory to your website, the eBook is uploaded ONE TIME ONLY to your web site's /links/folder.

The new email messages include a special <BOOKLINK> Mail Merge tagthat automatically gets filled in, with the correct link for a Link Partner todownload the FREE eBook.

The 'Request.w.Book.txt' offers the FREE eBook incentive:

"We only link and conduct business using professional standards, as set forth in thebook: "Common Sense Web Marketing". To thank you for linking with our web site,it would be my pleasure to send you a copy of the book, absolutely free (170 pages)."

The 'LinkPartner.w.Book.txt' message sends them the link:

"Here is the link to download the "Common Sense Web Marketing" book I promisedyou: <booklink>"

'Changes.w.Book.txt' also includes the link:

"To thank you for linking with our web site, I'd like to give you the book "CommonSense Web Marketing" (170)pages). Here is the link to download: <booklink>"

Offering the eBook "Common Sense Web Marketing" as an incentive to tradelinks will increase the number of link trades you will get.

If you DO NOT want to use the eBook as an incentive, delete the eBook fromthe Zeus installation folder. The file to delete is:“Common.Sense.Web.Marketing.pdf”

Using MailMerge Tags when creating your owncustom email messages

Zeus will insert database field data directly into any message created by a user byusing simple tags in the email text. This allows Zeus users to have total controlof all email message content.

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When MailMerge tags are placed in the email text message, Zeus replaces thesetags with the proper data fields for each email message to each ThemeSite.

Example: When Zeus finds the MailMerge tag <url>, it will be replaced withthe URL address of the ThemeSite receiving the email.

To use MailMerge tags in your email messages

1) Create your text message (page 61) incorporating the special MailMergetags (page 67).

2) Save your text message in your email messages folder, a sub folder that islocated in your Zeus installation folder, on your computer (page 61).

\email\messages\ folder (see page 108 for locations)

3) Click the Email Composition 'Refresh' button so the message will bedisplayed in the drop-down selection box (page 62).

4) Select the newly created MailMerge message using the Select EmailMessage, drop-down selection box, located in the ThemeSite Viewer's EmailComposition area (page 60).

5) Preview your message by clicking the Preview button (page 60).

6) All MailMerge tags will be replaced with the proper data, unique to eachThemeSite, as Zeus sends email to all ThemeSites.

<personal_comment> MailMerge Tag:

When the <personal_comment> MailMerge Tag is used, Zeus will stop,while emailing, when this tag is encountered during the composing of theemail. You will be prompted for a personal comment to include in the emailmessages to the selected email addresses. You could include something like,"I really like the animations you had on your home page.", "... and loved yourbackground image" or "I loved the content on ... page". This personalcomment must prove, beyond any doubt to the person receiving it, that youpersonally visited their website.

Edit the message to your own personal style. Only include the MailMerge datatags you feel are important. Do not include them all. Your message will havetoo many blue links in it if you do. Change the order of the MailMerge tags.Your email message MUST look unique from all others.

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MailMerge Tags and what they insert into your emailmessages:

<URL> Inserts the URL of their web site.

<personal_comment>You will be prompted to add a personalcomment to be included in the email message.

<linkpageurl>Inserts the URL to your main Link Directorypage.

<theme>Inserts the Theme Category name where youadded their web site.

<ThemeSitePageURL>Inserts the URL where their web site is locatedin your Link Directory.

<mywebsiteurl> Insert the URL of your web site.

<myname> Inserts your name.

<myemailaddress> Inserts your email address.

<linkpageinfo>Inserts the URL of the page with info created tohelp others add a link to your site on their website.

<title>Inserts their web site title that is used in yourlink pages.

<description>Inserts their web site description that is used inyour link pages.

<booklink>Inserts the link to the free eBook incentive:”Common Sense Web Marketing”

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Email Guidelines

Asking another webmaster for a reciprocal link is standard practice on theInternet. Webmasters have been asking other webmasters for reciprocal linkssince the beginnings of the Internet. The very nature of the web is linkingwebsites to one another. It is of even higher importance, now that AltaVista haschanged its ranking algorithms and the others are sure to follow.

If a webmaster considers your email Spam then he can report you. If your emailsare unique, without commercials, and are personalized with unique personalinformation about the webmaster's website that you are emailing, then it wouldbe hard to call your email Spam.

All Zeus users must be responsible in the operation of their Zeus MarketingRobot. This includes following simple rules and guidelines during the emailingoperations of your robot.

If you are including websites in your Link Directory just because you want tosend an email and possibly get a link, then you are spamming in mind and spirit.The webmaster who receives this kind of email is not a happy camper. He isproud of his achievements in creating traffic to his site over the last few years,millions of hits every month, only to receive an email asking him to link to awebsite, that in no way can remotely match his website or be useful for hisvisitors. This is Spam. Do you remember the phrase 'reciprocal links'? Pleasechange it to Reciprocal Themed Links. This is important!

In the Link Directories, we maintain at Cyber-Robotics, we only send outreciprocal link requests to those websites that already have links on their websitesAND are actively looking for more Link Partners. It is easy to know, as they willhave something posted in their link areas. Every email we send is personalizedwith something nice about their website to prove we actually visited it.

DO NOT commercialize your email in any way:

1) It should not look like Spam or people will think it is.

2) Do not include ANY links in your email except links to your website.

3) Keep it short and to the point. Ask for a reciprocal link and that's it.

4) This message should only be a few lines and not a long narrative with rulesand guidelines. Save that for your ThemeIndex page on your Link Directory.

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Change the email reciprocal link messages that areincluded with Zeus:

It is possible for webmasters to receive the same basic message from anotherZeus operator. Each reciprocal link request MUST look different. DO NOTSKIP THIS SUGGESTION.

Do not use Let's Trade Links as your email subject. Let's trade links isprobably the most used email Subject line on the Internet today. If you usethis Subject line then you are sending the same one as everyone else. It willnot be accepted or worse, it will look like Spam.

Personalize every email message:

Send email using the MailMerge feature with the <personal_comment> tag.

When the <personal_comment> MailMerge Tag is used when using themanual Send Email button, Zeus will stop when this tag is encounteredduring the composing of the email. You will be prompted for a personalcomment to include in the email messages to the selected email addresses.You could include something like, "I really like the animations you had onyour home page.", "... and loved your background image" or "I loved thecontent on ... page". This personal comment should prove beyond any doubtthat you personally visited their website.

Do's and Don'ts:

Email a copy of your reciprocal link request message to your ISP and askthem what they think. You should be able to be honest with your ISP.

Send one email to your ThemeSites and if they don't want to trade links, DONOT send them any more requests that might bother them.

Do your email daily. Sending 50 -75 emails daily is a lot different than sending800 emails in one day because you only want to organize your ThemeSitesonce a week.

Zeus is not designed to send Spam

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"I have done everything in my power to keep Zeus from beingused by spammers and I will not allow Zeus to be used byspammers."

If someone wanted to send Spam with Zeus he would have to go throughevery ThemeSite that Zeus finds, then manually select every email addressesand a Theme Category for each one. In addition, Zeus only extracts a fewemail addresses per website. If someone wanted to go to all that trouble, thenhe could probably send Spam with Zeus, but there are many easier ways to doit. It would be easier to Spam with a normal mail program. Zeus is notefficient, for sending Spam, and was designed this way on purpose.

There is very little difference in using Zeus as an email programthan if you used your default mail program:

Before you can send a reciprocal link request, you have to explore theirweb site, decide if you want to include them in your Link Directory, selecta message and choose an email address. In addition, you have to select aTheme category to include them in your Link Directory. It is no differentthan your default email program sending to those on a personal addresslist that you've used your browser to find and explore their website.Consider Zeus as an automatic browser and contact manager, with anemail program attached.

The main difference between Zeus and your default email program is thatZeus saves you all the legwork of finding the web sites to trade links with.He will also list some of the email addresses found in each web site, evensorting them by host or other email. Listing them makes it easy for you toselect one email address to send your personal request to. Not all emailaddresses will be listed from the website, as Zeus will only list so manyfrom each page. This is necessary to keep Zeus from being used by thosetrying to Spam.

Email FAQs

Q: How much control do I have over my email message?

A: The MailMerge feature is available for all versions of Zeus. The MailMergefeature gives you total control over your outgoing email messages. You simplycreate a text message inserting simple MailMerge tags and Zeus automaticallymerges the data from the ThemeSite database into your message. This allows youto have TOTAL control over the placement of Data in email correspondence.

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Q: I'm confused. When I generate emails asking for the Link Directory, does itcome out of my office computer where Zeus resides, or is the email generatedout of my host's computer?

A: It's works through your computer, through your ISP's SMTP server. It workslike any third party mail program like Eudora, Outlook, etc.

Q: Tell me an easy way to send a second email one month later without havingto go through 2000 links. What I'm saying is that I add links every day and whenit comes to a second email will have to manually go through the database andsend email one by one. That is simply impossible.

A: I don't know if there is an easy way. I have been talking to older experiencedusers of Zeus and I find that most do a sort by Email Not Sent, Not LinkPartner, then go through these changing the email address to another listed,checking the checkbox to personalize each email and adding a bit of triviadirectly related to the ThemeSite being viewed. They then manually click theSend Email button one ThemeSite after another. Those that follow this policyhave few problems and receive great results. It's hard for someone to call anemail spam when it's personalized.

Q: Will I have problems?

A: If you follow the above guidelines, then I doubt you will have problems.Webmasters have been doing this since the beginnings of the Internet. The mainthing is that you don't cause your ISP any unwanted work by having to write anemail explaining to their Service provider why you are not spamming. From abusiness standpoint, they have to weigh the amount of work they would have todo answering to their service provider against the returns you give to them. Theywill have to ask the question to themselves: "Are you worth the $16.95 permonth you give to your ISP?"


AOL does not allow third party mail programs. You may want to considergetting another ISP for your Internet connection. There is absolutely nothingwe can do to change this. They want you to stay inside and not stray. Gettingconnected through a real ISP is easy and can usually be done in a few minutesover the phone. You will be surprised that you didn't do it sooner. If youwant to send email through AOL, then you will have to look at eachThemeSite, preview the email message, and then copy and paste that info intoyour AOL Mail Client.

Q: I finally received the following reply from AOL regarding this question.Now, what does it mean?

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From: Acme

To: [email protected]


I just installed a program that needs me to provide my "SMTP Host" formy email server system. There is another blank for my email address, so Idon't know what they are asking for. I use AOL for all my email services.What should I put in this data box? Thanks for your help.


AOL does not support the use of third party mail clients. In order toaccess your mail, you must either use the AOL client or you can use AOLMail on the Web at http://aolmail.aol.com

Is this their way of saying they consider this spam?

A: No this is their way of forcing you to do it their way.

Q: I also have a pop-email account with unlimited redirects, mail lists, autoresponders, etc, with my web host which I have set up to redirect all my mailto addresses there thru the AOL email interface. Should I be using Zeus onthat account and NOT redirect to the AOL email interface?

A: Yes, you can use Zeus on that account but I always advise everyone,whether they send email or not, to never use the same business for their webhosting and ISP connection. This is entirely too much power for someone tohold over you.

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In this job area, you will learn how to sort your database, send out emails,and add/edit ThemeSites and much more.

There are three tabs in the Maintain Job Area:

Maintain Tab – see page 73

Theme Tab – see page 84

Misc Tab – see page 89

The purpose in this Job Area is to maintain and upkeep your LinkDirectory.

Maintain Tab

Sorting Your Database

When you view the Maintain Tab, you will see the 'Sort ThemeSites By' dropdown box.

Try sorting now, by selecting 'Email Not sent, Not Link Partner' in the 'SortThemeSites By' dropdown box.

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Directly to the right of the navigation buttons is ThemeSites in this Sort -This number indicates how many ThemeSites are in the current Sorted Set,not the current total of ThemeSites in your database.

There are many different ways to sort your ThemeSites. Go ahead and dosome sorts until you feel comfortable.

Using Search Text to Sort your ThemeSites:

Some sort options such as 'URL using Search Text', 'Title using SearchText' and 'Theme using Search Text' require you to enter or select text inthe 'Text to Search By' drop-down text box. The 'Text to Search By' drop-down box will only appear when you sort using search text.

'URL using Search Text' will allow you to find a particular ThemeSiteeasily by using a portion of the URL address.

Example: Typing birds into the Search Text will return petbirds.com,wildbirds.com, birds.com etc.

'Title using Search Text' allows you to search by Title using a portion ofthe title.

'Theme using Search Text' requires you to select a Theme from the drop-down box.

Advanced Sorting using the SQL Easy Query Wizard

See page 132

Making a ThemeSite a Link Partner

1) Load the ThemeSite in the 'Maintain ThemeSite Viewer'.

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Note: If you need more help read the "Using Search Text to Sort yourThemeSites" on this page.

2) Now click the 'Partner' button.

The current ThemeSite will now be listed as a Link Partner in your LinkDirectory. Link Partners are located at the top of your Theme Pages with animage next to them.

Tip: If you do not want the current ThemeSite to be included in the normallistings, un-click the 'List It' button.

Manually Adding a New ThemeSite:

Click the 'Add' button located at the top.

The 'Add a ThemeSite' window will pop-up.

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2) Enter the web site's URL address into the 'URL Address' text box. Thenfill out as much information as you can.

Tip: Click the 'Fetch' button to retrieve the web site's title and descriptiondirectly from the Internet.

3) Click the 'Save' button.

4) Now you can add the new ThemeSite to a Theme Category.

Add and Edit Buttons

The Add or Edit window enables you to easily add or change the informationin your ThemeSite database.

1) Add a web site, and all it's information to be included in the ThemeSitesdatabase and Link Directory.

2) Add a web page type web site so that Zeus will include it in theThemeSites and Link Directory.

3) Edit Link Directory listing information belonging to any ThemeSite in thedatabase.

4) Have Zeus visit or re-visit a web site and spider it so that he can refreshthe data and look for new links.

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The 'Add' and 'Edit' buttons are located at the top of the Maintain window.

The 'Add' button allows you to manually add a ThemeSite and it's relevantinformation.

The 'Edit' button allows you to edit information about the ThemeSite in thecurrent sort record.

URL address

This address may be a web page or a web site. Zeus will make thedetermination of whether an address is a web page or a web site, after userentry.


The title is the name of the web site. A counter to the right of this textboxwill simplify entry by counting the length of your entry.


Give a description of the website. A counter to the right of this textboxwill simplify entry by counting the length of your entry.

Fetch Button

After you add a URL, you can click this button and Zeus will fetch theweb sites Title and Description.

Clean Button

This cleans up text garbage in the ThemeSites Title and description.

Pages Found

This is the number of pages, belonging to this web site, which Zeus wouldnormally find if spidered. These are pages not necessarily visited andscored.

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Links Found

The number of hyperlinks Zeus would find, in this web site, linking orbelonging to other web sites.


This is the score Zeus would give this web site after spidering it.

Email address

Email address of the owner or webmaster you wish to receive emailcorrespondence.

Do not ever let Zeus visit check box

When this is checked by the user or automatically checked by Zeus, thissite will not be visited.

Audit This Site check box

The site will be set to Audit and check for your reciprocal link. PRO Only

Priority visit by Zeus check box

Zeus will mark this ThemeSite as a priority visit before all other normalweb sites waiting in the URL list. If Do not ever let Zeus visit or This is aFrames site is checked then this option will be unchecked when the Savebutton is clicked.

How do I Add a web site, and all its information, to beincluded in the ThemeSites database and the LinkDirectory?

1) Click the 'Add' button

2) Enter a web site address into the URL address textbox using one of thefollowing formats:


3) Enter the Title, Description, etc.

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Tip: Click the 'Fetch' button and Zeus will access the Internet and retrievethe Title and Description from their home page...

4) Select the checkboxes.

If it's a web site, you will have all available checkbox options.

Do not ever let Zeus visit - Check this to never visit.

Audit this site - Audit. PRO Only

Priority visit by Zeus - Check if you want a priority visit before otherURLs waiting to be visited

5.) Click the 'Save' button.

How do I Add a web page type web site so Zeus willinclude it in the ThemeSites and the Link Directory?

1) Click the 'Add' button

2) Enter a web page type web site address into the URL address textboxusing one of the following formats.


3) Enter the Title, Description, etc.

Tip: Click the 'Fetch' button

4) Select the checkboxes.

If it's a web site, you will have all available checkbox options.

Do not ever let Zeus visit - Check this to never visitAudit this site - Audit. PRO OnlyPriority visit by Zeus - Check if you want a priority visit before otherURLs waiting to be visited

5.) Click the 'Save' button.

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How do I Edit Link Directory Listing informationbelonging to any ThemeSite in the database?

Sort the ThemeSite database and position the ThemeSite you want to edit inthe ThemeSite browser window.

Click the 'Edit' button at the top of the window.

Edit any of the data displayed.

Click the 'Save' button.

How do I Have Zeus visit or re-visit a web site and spiderit so he can refresh the data and look for new links?

1) Sort the ThemeSite database and position the ThemeSite you want to editin the ThemeSite browser window.

2) Click the 'Edit' Button at the top of the window

3) Check the 'Priority visit by Zeus' box.

4.) Click the 'Save' button.

Deleting a ThemeSite:

1) When a ThemeSite is loaded into the 'Maintain ThemeSite Viewer' click the'Delete' button at the top.

2) A window will pop-up that says, "Delete this ThemeSite?" Click Yes.

Note: This action will also mark all the hyperlinks found in the deleted website to not visit. If these hyperlinks are again found in a real ThemeSite, they

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will be marked 'To Be Visited'. For more on this subject click here. Forinformation on what to do with competitors click here.

Sending Emails Manually

In this example, we are going to send request emails to 'Email Not sent, NonLink Partners'.

1) Do a sort by selecting 'Email Not sent, Not Link Partner' in the 'SortThemeSites By' drop-down box.

See page 73 for sortingSee page 132 for advanced sorting

2) Now choose your request message from the 'Email Composition' drop-down box on the right.

Note: Make sure you have already edited the default Zeus request message. Ifyou need more help with the Email Controls click here.

Now click the 'Send Email' button.

That's it! You're finished with this ThemeSite.

4) Now click the button to show the next ThemeSite. Then click the'Send Email' button.

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Email Controls

Many email controls and features are common to the Email, Maintain andAudit job areas. All common features are explained in detail in the Email jobarea. See pages 58 - 72.

Email features unique to the Maintain job area are explained below on page82.

Email address selection Page 59

Email History Box Page 59

Email Composition area Page 60

Selection of an email message to send Page 60

Preview existing email message using Notepad Page 60

Creating and editing email messages Page 60

Edit an existing email message using Notepad Page 60

Create custom email messages Page 61

Using MailMerge tags to auto-insert data Page 65

Create a new email message using Notepad Page 61

Save an email message in Notepad Page 61

Exit Notepad Page 61

Refresh drop-down selection box Page 62

Testing email setup before sending email Page 62

Email Guidelines Page 68

Sending Email to current ThemeSite

The 'Send Email' button sends email to addresses, which have been selectedand highlighted, in the email list boxes.

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Note: If the 'Send Email' button is not enabled or it's dim, click on the Hostor Other Email list boxes and it will be activated.

To send an email to the ThemeSite, currently displayed in thecurrent sort list:

1) Be sure at least one email address is selected and highlighted. Tip: IfNone found is displayed, navigate to a page containing an email addressand click on the email address.

2) Choose your message.

3) Click the 'Send Email' button.

Progress Indicator

A simple red progress indicator, alerting you when the email is actuallybeing sent.


Directly below the Progress Indicator, the Sending Status will be displayedin red text and keep you notified of the email sending status.


Allows you to cancel the email procedure.

Testing the email setup

When the Test box is checked ALL the email messages are sent to your emailaddress. If you select eight email addresses to be sent, you will receive eightemails. No email will be sent to those email address selected and the databasewill not be marked or affected in any way. This is the best way to test youremail setup.

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Theme Tab

The Maintain Theme tab area is the same as in the Approve, Email and Auditjob areas.

The Theme Tab uses a TreeView control to show your Link Directory in agraphical, hierarchical fashion. It shows your ThemeIndex or gateway page, withyour main Theme Pages as children below it.

Cutting, copying and pasting, along with dragging and dropping, is possible withboth Theme Pages and ThemeSites. You can select and drag any Theme Pageinto another Theme Page, causing the one dragged, to be a sub-child of the onedropped on. ThemeSites may have multiple listings with just a copy and paste ora drag and drop.

Most actions are executed from the right-click, pop-up menu. The right-click,pop-up menu will change depending on whether you have selected ThemePages, ThemeSites or ThemeSite data.

The basics of Theme sub-categories or multi-tiers - PROVersion Only

The ThemeIndex page is the gateway into your Link Directory or highestdirectory tier. Your Link Directory should link from your website's

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navigational system through the ThemeIndex page. If you are using the PROTemplates and have changed your ThemeIndex variable, then the name youhave substituted will be shown in place of ThemeIndex.

Your visitors would enter your Link Directory through the ThemeIndex pageand would be able to access the links to the Alternative Energy, AlternativeLifestyles, Alternative Rock & Roll and Alternative Science Theme Pagesthrough the Alternative Sites Theme page.

Tip: You can have as many sub-tiers or sub-child Theme pages as you wish.In the example image, you could have Theme Pages as children, off theAlternative Science, sub-sub-children off those and so on and so on.

Drag and Dropping, Cutting and Pasting

Creating sub-categories can be as easy as dragging and dropping a ThemePage onto another, thus making the one dragged a Theme sub-category page.You can also use Cut and Paste with the right-click pop-up menu.

Creating new Theme pages

You can also create new Theme pages to create a parent for your Themepages. To organize Alternative sites under the Theme Page categoryAlternative Sites, as in the above step's image, create a new blank page to bethe parent of the sub-categories. Right-click the ThemeIndex page, selectCreate New Page from the pop-up menu, name it Alternative Sites, and thenclick the OK button.

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Refreshing the TreeView

Now that you have created a new Theme page named Alternative Sites, itappears at the bottom of the Theme Tab list. To alphabetize the list again,right-click anywhere in the window and select Refresh from the pop-upmenu. The new page is now under the different Alternative pages near thetop in alphabetical order.

To move the Theme Pages under other Theme Pages

Left-click the Alternative Energy Theme Page and drag and drop it to theAlternative Sites Folder. Do the same for the other pages you want to add assub-children to the Alternative Sites Theme category.

Tip: You can also use the right-click, pop-up menu to cut and paste theseTheme category pages to the Alternative Sites Theme Page.

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Listing ThemeSites

Right-click a Theme Page and go to 'List ThemeSites'. The title for allThemeSites belonging to that Theme Page will be listed in red type.Reciprocal Link Partners are grouped, at the top of the list, in Bold type.

Listing ThemeSite data

Double-clicking the ThemeSite title will display the data for that ThemeSite.Various information is listed that pertain to it. Tip: Double-clicking the'Themes Included In' property will list the other Theme pages that theThemeSite is listed in.

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Load ThemeSite in Default Browser

Select a ThemeSite by clicking the Title. Right-click the ThemeSite to showthe pop-up menu. Click 'Load ThemeSite in Default Browser' from the menuto load this ThemeSite into Internet Explorer, Netscape or any defaultbrowser.

Load ThemeSite in Approve ThemeSite Viewer

Select a ThemeSite by clicking the Title. Right-click the ThemeSite to showthe pop-up menu. Click 'Load ThemeSite in ThemeSite Viewer' from themenu.

ThemeSite Properties

A ThemeSite can be listed in many different Theme category pages. You canalso have complete Theme Page positioning control for each listing. You mayhave a ThemeSite listing in the 'Link Partner' section, 'Other Important Links'section or both.

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Included in Directory

If this is selected and checked, the listing will be included in the 'OtherImportant Links' section of the Theme Page.

Link Partner

If this is selected and checked, the listing will be included in the 'LinkPartner' section of the Theme Page.

Misc tab

In this tab you can view the keywords Zeus used to score the ThemeSite, or youcan add a comment and banner to the listing.

There are three boxes within this Tab:

Banner Graphics – Used to add a banner or image below the ThemeSite’slisting. See page 89

Review Comments – Used to add a reviewer’s comment below theThemeSite’s listing. See page 90

Keywords Used to Score ThemeSite – Very important to the success ofZeus finding the correct ThemeSites - See page 91

Adding Banner Graphics

Click on the 'Misc' tab in the Maintain Job Area.

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1) In the 'BANNER GRAPHIC' box, enter the graphic's full URL address.Include the http://

2) Click the 'Test Banner Graphic Address' button. If the URL address iscorrect, this will load a banner preview into the bottom box.

3) Click the 'Save' button.

The graphic will be added to the current ThemeSites listing in your LinkDirectory. It will appear below the description.

Adding Review Comments

Click on the 'Misc' tab in the Maintain Job Area.

1) Type a comment into the 'ThemeSite Review Comment' box.

2) Click the 'Save' button.

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This adds a comment to the Link Directory listing about the currentThemeSite. It will appear below the description. HTML is OK.

Example: You might want to say something like "This site has greatinformation about Jaguars."

Keywords Used To Score ThemeSite

This box will show you which keywords Zeus used to score the currentThemeSite.

You can use this information to Fine Tune your Zeus.

Note: Fine Tune means to keep your Zeus from finding garbage sites.

For more information on Fine Tuning Zeus, read the following two pages:

Keyword Training to find the correct ThemeSites. See page 142

Keyword Manager is used to adjust keywords that Zeus is trained with.See page 36

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During an audit:

1) Zeus walks each selected ThemeSite.

2) Verifies links to you. If the ThemeSite is a Link Partner, it keeps the reciprocalpart of your reciprocal link agreement, reciprocal.

3) Searches for new fresh links to other possible ThemeSites.

4) Refreshes the ThemeSites data, except for Title and Description.

5) Finds dead links, web pages not found, 404s, etc.

6) Tracks any number of links from one site notifying you if even one changes.

7) Notifies you of a low score, making you aware a site may have changed itssubject. This keeps those embarrassing sites out of your Link Directory.

The 3 Basic Steps of Auditing

1.) Select those ThemeSites you wish to Audit. See page 93.

You can select a single Theme page, a single ThemeSite, an entire section ofyour Link Directory, your entire Link Directory or whatever is sorted in theThemeSite Viewer to be audited.

When you select ThemeSites for an Audit, Zeus resets ALL ThemeSites thatmay not have been visited, that were selected for the last Audit, to be auditedagain. ALL Audit results and Summary are also rest. Stored incoming links arenot affected.

2.) Start the Audit. See page 94.

3.) Viewing the results. See page 95.

After Zeus has finished walking each ThemeSite selected, review the problemThemeSites in your Audit Viewer, manually verifying links to you that Zeuscould not verify. Each problem site is displayed in the ThemeSite Viewer witha result narrative of what happened during the Audit at the bottom.

Note: You can resize the results section for better viewing.

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Step 1 - Select those ThemeSites you wish to Audit

You can select which ThemeSites to Audit using the 'Theme Tab DirectoryManager' or 'Sort ThemeSites By' drop-down box.

Using the 'Theme Tab Directory Manager' to selectThemeSites:

a) Open the 'Theme Tab Directory Manager'.

b) Select the Theme Page that lists the ThemeSites you wish to Audit. Chooseone area of your Link Directory at a time.

c) Right-click to display the pop-up menu.

d) Select 'Audit ThemeSites from this page'.

The ThemeSites listed on this Theme Page and ALL the ThemeSites listed on its sub-children Theme pages will be audited.

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Using the 'Sort ThemeSite By' drop-down box to selectThemeSites:

a) Sort the ThemeSites using any sort from the 'Sort ThemeSite By' drop-down box.

b) Select 'Set Current ThemeSite Viewer Sort to Audit' from the 'Audit' drop-down button.

Step 2 - Start the Audit

After selecting ThemeSites to Audit, this window will display. Click Yes to startthe Audit.

If you don't want to start the Audit at this time, click no. At a later time you canselect 'Start Audit' from the 'Audit' drop-down button.

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Step 3 - Viewing the Results

After the audit is finished

When Zeus has finished walking the ThemeSites, selected for Audit, you willsee the following window displayed.

Click Yes to view the results of the Audit. The ThemeSites with problems orneeding attention will be sorted into the Audit ThemeSite Viewer.

Tip: For more information about each ThemeSite, read the red window at thebottom.

Viewing audit results using the ‘Sort ThemeSites By’drop-down selection box

You can sort the Audit results into the Audit ThemeSite Viewer using the'ThemeSites finished Audit w/ problems' sort in the 'Sort ThemeSites By'area.

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Using the After Audit menu

You can sort the Audit results into the Audit ThemeSite Viewer using the'After Audit' menu and then selecting 'Sort ThemeSites Finished w/ problemsinto the TSV'.

Audit Summary Report:

Click the 'After Audit' button then go to 'Audit Summary Report'. The SystemMessages window will display the results. It includes a summary of what Zeusfound and also suggestions you should follow.

Incoming links storage

An incoming link is stored in the database when it is:

a) Found by Zeus during normal exploration,

b) Found by Zeus during an Audit

c) You can manually enter it in various ways

These stored incoming link pages are visited first during the next Audit, thuscutting down the Audit time.

Manually storing an incoming link into the database

Zeus will automatically store an incoming link to your website when it iswalking the Internet looking for ThemeSites or during an Audit.

There will be times you will have to manually store an incoming link into thedatabase:

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a) Zeus may not recognize a link to your site when the webmaster is using achi script code that re-directs to your site.

b) The ThemeSite may have too many pages for Zeus to load.

To manually store an incoming link page

You can store incoming links to your web site in the following ways:

a) Manually navigate to the page the link is on and if Zeus finds it in thehtml page, it is automatically stored as a link to you into Zeus’ database.

b) Manually click on the link to your web site.

c) Enter the url in the ThemeSite Viewer's Add or Edit window.

d) Selecting the 'Store Link' button then storing the url address from theclipboard.

e) Selecting the 'Store Link' button then inputting an incoming page's urladdress in a pop-up textbox.

f) Selecting the 'Store Link' button then selecting Link is on this page.

Help Find a Link Button:

This feature is automatically turned on when you make someone a Link Partner.

As you manually navigate a ThemeSite, in the Audit ThemeSite Viewer, eachpage is verified for your link. If found it is automatically stored for future Audits.

This is the Red window, which pops up for a few seconds, alerting you as towhether Zeus found a link on that page.

Pressing this button on the Auditor Screen will toggle the 'Help Find a Link'feature on and off. When this feature is on, the button will be indented.

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Display the Stored Incoming Links:

Click on the 'Check Link Pages' button, moving the cursor down into the 'Loadan Incoming Link Page to Check'.

The stored incoming pages will be displayed on a sub-menu. Clicking one of theURLs listed will load the page directly into the Audit ThemeSite Viewer. TheHelp Find A Link feature will be toggled on (explained above) helping you toverify that the link is on the page.

The check mark next to the url address means it was verified in the last Audit.

Tip: Use the Theme Tab to display stored incoming link pages by double clickingthe 'Reciprocal Link Pages' in the ThemeSite properties.

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Audit Email Controls

Many email controls and features are common to the Email, Maintain and Auditjob areas. All common features are explained in detail in the Email job area. Seepages 58 - 72.

Email address selection Page 59

Email History Box Page 59

Email Composition area Page 60

Selection of an email message to send Page 60

Preview existing email message using Notepad Page 60

Creating and editing email messages Page 60

Edit an existing email message using Notepad Page 60

Create custom email messages Page 61

Using MailMerge tags to auto-insert data Page 65

Create a new email message using Notepad Page 61

Save an email message in Notepad Page 61

Exit Notepad Page 61

Refresh drop-down selection box Page 62

Testing email setup before sending email Page 62

Email Guidelines Page 68

Theme Tab

The Theme tab is the same for the Approve, Maintain and Audit area.

See Maintain Job area, page 84.

Misc Tab

The Misc tab - same for Approve, Maintain, Audit area Page 89

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Click 'Tools > Options' in the Main Menu.

Your 'Options and Settings' window will pop-up. Click the 'Directory' Tab.

You have the option of filling out the 4 boxes below your 'Link Directory Title'.Move your cursor over each box for more information.

Link Directory Title

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OPTIONAL - Image to appear at the top of all Themepages

OPTIONAL - Directory Page Background

OPTIONAL – Owner of the Copyright

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If you purchased a Zeus Services Package, the following is designed by ourServices department at no extra charge. Please check your Welcome emailthat contained your registration code.

You also have the option of using the 4 buttons at the bottom. When you click abutton, Zeus will open the file in Notepad. You can add your own HTML code tothese files. Move your cursor over each button for more information.

To save your changes click the 'Apply' button then the 'OK' button.

HTML Header

Whatever you add to this file will be inserted directly after the <Body> tag inEVERY Link Directory page.

This is usually the HTML code that makes up your web site’s Header andperhaps its navigation system.

This is the main file that customizes your Link Directory to match the design ofyour web site.

HTML Footer

This file will be inserted directly before the ending </Body> tag on every LinkDirectory page. This file is also used to match your Link Directory to the designof your web site.


This file creates the body of the ThemeIndex which is the HTML page that isthe gateway into your Link Directory. It usually has an extensive navigationsystem to enable users to go directly to discrete areas or pages of you LinkDirectory.

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This file contents is inserted just before the ending </HEAD> tag on everyLink Directory page. It is used to place JavaScript, META tags or whatever youwish into the <HEAD> area of your Link Directory pages.

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If you purchased a Zeus Services Package, the following is designed by ourServices department at no extra charge. Please check your Welcome emailthat contained your registration code.

Every web site should include a page available to other webmasters that has yourweb site's information including text, title, descriptions, banners and graphics thatshows them how to easily add your link to their web site.

You will have to create this page with your HTML Editor. Zeus can't make thispage for you, as it will be different for each web site. You can place it anywhere onyour web site but it’s best to put into your ‘links’ folder on your web site.

This page should include the following correct information:

your web site's URL Addressyour web site's Titleyour web site's Descriptionyour web site's graphics

When finished creating this page, enter the URL address into the 'Your Link Info'box by clicking 'Tools > Options' then the 'Web Site' tab.

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If you purchased a Zeus Services Package, the following is designed by ourServices department at no extra charge. Please check your Welcome emailthat contained your registration code.

If you are a Pro Zeus user, you can use Templates to further customize the look ofyour Link Directory.

There is a very comprehensive Template section on our web site:


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Current Zeus database or project

A project consists of the files and directories that one web site needs. To seewhat project you are currently working in, look to the lower right of the statusbar.

File Locations for Install, Projects, Files andTemplates :

The Zeus program is installed in "C:\Program Files\Zeus\".

The Database and the other files that the Zeus program updates or uses to storedata, are installed in the Project folder and its subfolders.

The Default Project folder and its subfolders are located in each individualWindows User's "Application Data", determined by the Operating System used on theinstallation computer. By Microsoft decree, program data files are no longer allowedin 'Program Files'.

The current Zeus database file is indicated by the path located at the lower, right-corner of Zeus. This will tell you where your Zeus Project files are located.

Data Application Folders

The folders highlighted in Red below, are created in 'File > New Project'.

The folders in Black are created when Windows was installed (these files mustexist - do not delete them or rename them).

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Older Zeus users before Zeus Version 4.2.37

C:\Program Files\Zeus\

This was the default location for Zeus users with older Projects beforeVersion 4.1.37,. These Zeus users may want to copy and paste their entireProjects folders to the new locations set by Microsoft. This is not our idea,but part of Microsoft's answer to a secure operating system. You will bemoving it in the future. Vista is the start of these new OSs.


OS(C:)\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Zeus Projects\Default\


C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserName\Local Settings\ApplicationData\Zeus Projects\Default\

Win95, Win98

C:\Windows\Local Settings\Application Data\Zeus Projects\Default\

Projects Folder Structure:

These default folders and files are created for you using 'File > New Project'

Zeus Projects

Default - This Folder name is the name of the Project. (The name of otherProjects will change as you create them)

Zeus.mdb - The Access Database

sets - Form Filler data files

linking.xml Blank.xml sets.dtd

includes -

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content - Content unique to each theme Link Directorypage.

Default is empty

email -


messages - Email message templates

_Help.txt Changes.txt Changes.w.Book.txt LinkPartner.txt LinkPartner.w.Book.txt Now Partner.txt Request.txt Request.w.Book.txt

links - Link Directory HTML pages are created here before FTPupload. Everything in this folder gets uploaded to your web sites server. This isthe only folder that needs to be uploaded.

o star.gif (used to highlight Link Partner listings)o Common.Sense.Web.Marketing.pdfo LinkInfo.htm (created in the Link Directory design process)o Search.txt (Index for z_Search Link Directory search. Only

created and uploaded if optional z_Search is installed)o ????.htm (Zeus creates one of these for every one of your

Theme Categories during Link Directory creation)

misc - Link Directory templates and design files used for

Link Directory creation

footerinfo.txt - html inserted at the bottom of each LinkDirectory page (created in the directory design process)

headerinfo.txt - html inserted at the bottom of each LinkDirectory page (created in the directory design process)

themeindexinfo.txt - html inserted into the Index page.

Usually a link request form (created in the LinkDirectory design process)

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themeindex_template - Advanced - Master Index

Template file. html and DataTags (created in the LinkDirectory design process)

themepage_template.txt - Advanced - Master ThemePage Template file - html and DataTags (created in the

Link Directory design process)

queries - Custom SQL queries created by user. The following aredefault queries installed by 'New Project'

Audit 404 Errors.qry Email Sent Before Date and NOT Partner.qry Email Sent Before Date and Partner.qry Email Sent Before Date.qry Email Sent Between Two Dates.qry Included in Directory.qry Link Partner = True.qry

Your Second Project - You would create this in 'File > New Project' and itwill create and install ALL default Files and Folders as described above.









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New Project

You can have multiple Zeus projects. As many as you like on one computer.

Example: You have 3 different web sites and you want to use Zeus for eachone.

1) Open the Advanced Complexity Group.

2) In the Main Menu click 'File > New Project'.

3) The 'Create a new Zeus Project' window will pop-up.

Note: The above graphic might not look like yours. It varies depending onwhich version of windows you are using.

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4) Click the 'Create New Folder' button and name the new folder. It doesn'tmatter what the name is.

5) Open the new folder by clicking the 'Open' button.

Your new Zeus project has been created.

Open an Existing Zeus Project

Using ‘File > Open’

1) In the Main Menu click 'File > Open Project'.

2) Search you hard drive for the zeus.mdb project file that you want to open.

3) Double-click the file to load it into Zeus.

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Using the recent database files list

1) In the Main Menu click 'File', and then select a Zeus project from the list.

That project will open in Zeus.

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The Database menu, located in thetop menu bar, gives you some greatdatabase management tools to keepyour Zeus database in top form. TheZeus database is an Access databasenamed Zeus.mdb.

You can load your Zeus.mdb databasein Office Access or Excel.

Zeus also creates an automatic backupname Zeus.bak when you shut Zeusdown.

Compact Database

Compacting a database is a very important function that will cleanup all deletedrecords, re-index and keep your database in fast working shape.

Main Menu

Clicking Compact from the Database drop-down menu, starts theCompacting process. You can follow along by looking at the status bar at thebottom of the Zeus program.


Every 10th time you close your Zeus program, this dialog box will bedisplayed. Click Yes and Zeus will quickly compact your database.

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Backup Database

Main Menu

Selecting Backup from the drop-down menuwill enable you to quickly backup yourZeus.mdb database. You just need to select afolder on your computer, a backup device oranother computer on your network.

Zeus creates the file name consisting of yourFolder’s Title and the current date. This makesit very easy to organize and archive yourbackup.

To restore a database, locate a backup and rename it to Zeus.mdb, thenreplace the bad database.


Every 3rd time you close your Zeus program, this dialog box will bedisplayed. Click Yes and Zeus will quickly backup your database to thelocation of your choice.


This Resets the current database. It deletes all URLs, ThemeSites, history, theworks. It allows you to reuse the database if you should desire. Be careful!Everything is deleted.

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Delete or Edit Data in Tables

Do NOT modify tables unless you are sure you know what you are doing!

Delete all URL addresses inthe URL Table

This deletes the history of sitesZeus has visited and also siteshe will visit. ThemeSites anddata associated with those willnot be deleted.

Delete all Email Addressesin the Email Table

Deletes every email address inthe database, including thoseassociated with your ThemeSites.

Delete all Theme Keywords and Words to ignore

Deletes all keyword training leaving Common words.

Delete all Common words

Deletes words like ‘a, the, about, like, it, etc.’

Delete all Theme Sites

Be careful, as this deletes ALL data associated with ThemeSites. It leaveskeyword training and URL addresses that have been visited and will bevisited next.

Change all URL Addresses in the URL Table to visited

Mark all ThemeSites to re-visit

This allows you to easily mark all your ThemeSites for a visit so you canfind more links and perhaps freshen up email addresses and other data thatpertains to that ThemeSite.

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Deletes ALL Email Addresses, Email History and ReciprocalLink Records not belonging to a ThemeSite

This is a cleanup of orphaned data that is not associated with any existingThemeSites.

Database and Table Structure

If you are one of those people who like to look under the hood of cars to seehow things work, double-click the white lightning bolt in lower right corner ofZeus program

Zeus will display in an easy to copy textbox, the entire database structure. Tables,fields and indexes are easily viewed. There is no reason for an average user toneed this feature, but some have asked.

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Open the Zeus Form Filler by clicking the FormFiller button, located to the upper right area of theZeus program. This will only be available in theApprove, Maintain and Audit job areas.

It will load a new Internet Explorer window which in turn will load the form filler.Click the Fill button on the form filler to fill the form fields.

The Zeus Form Filler is a heavy-duty form filler thatyou use to automatically fill out link submissionforms. You can also configure it to fill out any typeof form. You have total control on how the FormFiller operates.

Form Filler works by looking at the HTML sourcecode of the web page you are viewing in the Zeusbrowser or the Internet Explorer window that willsometimes be open.

When it finds a form that needs filling out, theForm Filler automatically opens.

It looks at each of the input boxes, in the HTML,and finds the name of each input form field. Thefollowing is the HTML source code for one textboxthat would allow one to enter the Title of their website.

<input type="text" name="title" size="20">

The image to the right has a blue arrow pointing to Form Fillers entry for a Titleinput text box.


Form Filler is great for automatically filling Text and Commet boxes. Basicallythe form parts that require typing. You will still need to click Radio Buttons,Check Boxes and Drop-Down selection boxes.

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Editing the Name / Value Pair

Click the link tothe right of Title toopen the Edit windowfor Title.

You can see the Nameis Title and its Value isHome of Widgets andThings. Both of thesecan be changed tomatch your web site.

To edit or change any of the values, enter them, then Click OK.

The delete button resets the Name / Value pair, allowing you to enter a newset.

The Up / Down buttons move the Name/Value entry up and down the list to better organizeyour Name / Value pairs. Notice how clicking the Upbutton has moved the Title Name / Value pair abovethe Telephone Name / Value pair.

That’s easy Now something a little harder.

Advanced Tab – Pattern Matching

The Zeus Form Filler needs word patterns to compare against whatever theHTML input source code has in it. Webmasters use all kinds of words to nametheir HTML input boxes. In the example above, the webmaster used Title butthey might have used anything, maybe site_name or site_tit.

<input type="text" name="site_name" size="20"><input type="text" name="site_tit" size="20">

If that were the case, the Form Filler would not have recognized the name andwould not know what Value to use, in its Name / Value pairs.

We need to add entries into the Title to match those extra names, so that nexttime it will recognize them.

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Click the link tothe right of Title.The Edit windowopens.

Click the Advancedtab.

Click Add

Enter site.*name

Click OK

Your Edit window should look like the image above.

You just entered a Regular Expression that will match various versions ofsite_name.

The .* is a wild card entry that matches anything in it’s place. Its use insite.*name would match:


Regular Expressions give the Zeus Form Filler tremendous power. I will coverthe basics of Regular Expression later in this chapter. You can use the basics ofRegular Expressions or use the very advanced pattern matching that RegularExpressions offers. Most high quality programs and hi-end computer languagessupport Regular Expressions. You cannot get more pattern matching power.

Set Operations

The Zeus Form Filler uses XML sets tostore its Name / Value pairs and theirassociated Regular Expressions. XML waschosen as the data storage type so you couldmake use of the information in any way youwished, since it is a Windows standardformat and can be directly loaded by manyprograms including Excel and others.

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Each XML set in the Form Filler provides 26 Name / Value pairs and you canhave as many XML sets as you wish.

Set operations are based around the current set you have loaded.


This xml set is already installed onto your Zeus during installation. It containsa common set to use for Link Form submission. It has 26 Name / Valuepairs with associated Regular Expressions for each. It should work fine forsubmitting Link Forms but you may want to tweak it more by adding moreRegular Expressions.

You could make different sets for filling out different types of on line forms.Contests, real estate, shareware submission, etc. can all be handled by theZeus Form Filler.

Add New Blank Set

To add a new blank set,

1. Load the Blank XML set, by clicking the down arrow on the drop-down selection box and clicking on the Blank set.

2. Select the ‘Add New Set by Copying’.

3. Name the new set in the input box that comes up, click OK

The new blank set will be loaded.

You can have as many XML sets as you wish.

Copy Set to create new

To copy a set,

4. Load the set you wish to , by clicking the down arrow on the drop-down selection box and clicking on the desired set.

5. Select the ‘Add New Set by Copying’.

6. Name the new copied set in the input box that comes up, click OK

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The new copied set will be loaded.

You can have as many XML sets as you wish.

Rename Current Set

1. Load the set you wish to rename by selecting it in the drop-downselection box.

2. Select ‘Rename Current Set’ in the drop-down selection box.

3. Enter the new name in the input box that comes up. Click OK.

Delete Current Set

1. Load the set you wish to Delete by selecting it in the drop-downselection box.

2. Select ‘Delete Current Set’ in the drop-down selection box.

3. Verify your decision in the input box that comes up. Click OK.

Zeus Integration

The Zeus Form Filler is a stand-alone program and is also integrated to Zeus.

Storing the Form Filled in a ThemeSite’s History

o If Zeus is in the Approve, Maintain or Audit job modes,

o there is a form loaded in the new Internet Explorer window and

o you click the Fill button,

o then click the Submit button on the form.

The Form Filler will ask if you wish tostore an entry into the History of thatThemeSite that is currently being viewed in

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the ThemeSite Viewer.

Form Filler record 'Form Filled' in History with date and .xml set used.

You must close the Internet Explorer window after submitting the form torefresh the ThemeSite's history.


The Linking.xml set that is installed as the default XML set contains examplesof what a set would be for filling out Link Submission Forms

It includes a Name / Value pair called ThemeSitePageURL with its value as<ThemeSitePageURL> instead of actual data.

<ThemeSitePageURL> is one the email merge tags. See page 65

The Form Filler will insert the correct url address to the Link Directory pagethat has the current ThemeSite's listing in the Link Directory. It’s URLaddress is correct so your potential Link Partner will know what Theme theyare in and what the address is to their Link Directory listing

Integrates to Zeus and automatically fills <THEME> and<THESITEPAGEURL> form fields with the correct information.


<Theme> works exactly as <ThemeSitePageURL> but will only passthrough the Theme category name. It is not included as a Name / Value pairin the Linking.xml set but can be added if you wish.

Opening Form Filler

To open the Form Filler:

o You can right-click any web page in Internet Explorer. Select ‘Zeus FormFiller’ in the pop-up menu.

o Click the Form Filler icon running in the task bar

o Click Start > Programs > Zeus > Form Filler.

o Click the desktop icon

Every time Internet Explorer loads, form filler can be available to fill forms.

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If the button is enabled, then you can click it to fill the form in thecurrent Internet Explorer window.


Click the Options tab for various options :

Select whether youwant the Form Fillerto pop-up whenthere is a form to befilled

- Default is checked

This option shows help tooltips if you place yourcursor over various parts of the form filler.

- Default is checked

Causes the Form Filler window to float overother windows so access to it is available at alltimes.

- Default is checked

Allows easy access to the Form Filler window.Click or double-click to make Form Filler open.

Right click for a popup menu for easy access to set Form Filler to pop-up ornot to pop-up to fill forms.

- Default is checked

Causes the Form Filler to be loaded at Windows startup. Used incombination with ‘Show Icon on System Tray’, gives the user easy access toall Form Filler features.

- Default is UN-checked

After clicking the Fill button, Form Filler fills out the Form Fields in theHTML web page, using the Name / Value pairs and Regular Expressions,stored in Form Filler’s XML set.

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There will be times that the Regular Expressions you have for a Name /Value pair will not match the Input name in the html page. The Form Fillerwill leave the text entry blank.

Normally, the only way you could find out the HTML name is to look at theHTML source code on the web page.

If you check this option: ‘Unfilled fields – Show Name’ the Form Filler willinsert the name of the Input Textfield into the actual text field.

The text field will be filled with thephrase Name=?????. Dependingon your version of InternetExplorer, it may or may not bedisplayed in Red. The phrase afterthe phrase ‘Name=’ is the name ofthe Input Field

You can now add the RegularExpression to that Name / Valuepair if you feel that the name is ageneric enough one that other webforms may have the same name.

1. Click Edit next to the nameof the Name / Value pair.

2. Click the Advanced tab.

3. Click Add to enter anotherRegular Expression.

4. Click the Fill button to tryand fill the form with thenew Regular Expression tomatch the Name in theName / Value pair.

Text Snippet Features

The Text snippet features are very goodand I find myself using Form Filler to

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quickly get text snippets into the clipboard. I find it’s great for answering email,common answers to questions and even program code phrases. You can getmost text snippets into the clipboard in 2 clicks along, with an infinite number in4 or 5 quick clicks, no waiting.

Placing your cursor over a Name will cause the Value of that Name to pop-upinto a tooltip box. This allows you to quickly see what the value of each of yourName / Value pairs.

Drag and Drop, Copy and Paste

You can Drag and Drop TO and FROM all program labels and icons totext editors, textboxes, HTML pages

Click Name to Copy Value into clipboard

Click Name label to put the Text Value into the Windows ClipBoard. Whenyou click on the Name Label, you'll hear a ding that means it was put into theclipboard.

Click Drag and Drop Hand

Click the , holding the left mouse button down, drag the text Value intotext boxes or web pages

Drag and DropTo and FromEdit Window

You can Copy andPaste or drag anddrop TO and FROMthe Edit window

Drag and Drop To and From theName Label

Drag Text data to Name Label, to change or add it

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Form Filler is great for keeping and organizing all of your repetitious text thatyou would normally have to type each time. You are 2-4 clicks to any snippet.

Regular Expression Pattern Matching

Regular Expressions areused to match a webpage's HTML Form InputName. When a RegularExpression matches, theForm Filler uses theValue associated with thatRegular Expression to fillthe Input Form text box.

Regular Expressiontutorials are available throughout the Internet and entire books have been writtenon Regular Expressions. I’ll cover the basics to get you started.


Regular Expression Basic Tutorial

When we write a regular expression, we are writing a description of a possiblestring.

Regular expressions give us extreme power to do pattern matching on text ofany kind and they are a universal description for matching regular strings.

When we discuss regular expressions, we discuss "matching". If a regularexpression "matches" a given string, then that string is what we are lookingfor and if it does not match, then the string is not what we are looking for.

Simple Characters

In regular expressions, generally, a character matches itself. The onlyexceptions are regular expression special characters. To match one of thesespecial characters, you must put a \ before the character.

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For example, the regular expression abc matches a set of strings that containabc somewhere in them. Since * happens to be a regular expression specialcharacter, the regular expression \* matches any string that contains the *character.

The * Special Character

As we mentioned * is a regular expression special character. The * is used toindicate that zero or more of the previous characters should be matched.Thus, the regular expression a* will match any string that contains zero ormore a's.

Note that since a* will match any string with zero or more a's, a* will matchall strings, since all strings (including the empty string) contain at least zeroa's. So, a* is not a very useful regular expression.

A more useful regular expression might be baa*. This regular expression willmatch any string that has a b, followed by one or more a's. Thus, the set ofstrings we are matching are those that contain ba, baa, baaa, etc. In otherwords, we are looking to see if there is any "sheep speech" hidden in our text.

The . Character

The next special character we will consider is the . character. The . will matchany valid character. As an example, consider the regular expression a.c. Thisregular expression will match any string that contains an a and a c, with anypossible character in between. Thus, strings that contain abc, acc, amc, etc.are all strings that this regular expression matches.

The | Character

The | special character is equivalent to an "or" in regular expressions. Thischaracter is used to give a choice. So, the regular expression abc|def willmatch any string that contains either abc or def.

Grouping with ()s

Sometimes, within regular expressions, we want to group things together.Doing this allows building of larger regular expressions based on smallercomponents. The ()'s are used for grouping.

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For example, if we want to match any string that contains abc or def, zero ormore times, surrounded by a xx on either side, we could write the regularexpression xx(abc|def)*xx. This applies the * character to everything that is inthe parentheses. Thus we can match any strings such as xxabcxx, xxabcdefxx,etc.

The Anchor Characters

Sometimes, we want to apply the regular expression from a defined point. Inother words, we want to anchor the regular expression so it is not permittedto match anywhere in the string, just from a certain point.

The anchor operators allow us to do this. When we start a regular expressionwith a ^, it anchors the regular expression to the beginning of the string. Thismeans that whatever the regular expression starts with must be matched atthe beginning of the string. For example, ^aa* will not match strings thatcontain one or more a's; rather it matches strings that start with one or morea's.

We can also use the $ at the end of the string to anchor the regular expressionat the end of the string. If we applied this to our last regular expression, wehave ^aa*$ which now matches only those strings that consist of one or morea's. This makes it clear that the regular expression cannot just look anywherein the string, rather the regular expression must be able to match the entirestring exactly, or it will not match at all.

In most cases, you will want to either anchor a regular expression to the startof the string, the end of the string, or both. Using a regular expressionwithout some sort of anchor can also produce confusing and strange results.However, it is occasionally useful.

Regular Expression Shortcuts

Writing out regular expressions can be problematic. For example, if we wantto have a regular expression that matches all digits, we have to write:


It would be terribly annoying to have to write such things out. For example,for ranges of values, we can use the brackets, []'s. So, for our digit expressionabove, we can write [0-9]. \d will also match that very same thing.

However, as you learn about all the regular expression shortcuts, rememberthat they can all be reduced to the original operators we discussed above.

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They are simply short ways of saying things that can be built with regularcharacters, *, (), and |.

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This feature is one of the most powerful tools you will have to help you in yourmarketing endeavors. Zeus builds an unbelievable amount of information gatheredfrom the Internet, and the SQL Easy Query Wizard allows you to sort and findinformation anyway your mind can envision.

SQL is a computer language developed to communicate with a database. It’s calleda database query when you ask the database to return some information you need.This feature enables you to sort the database any way you could possibly imagine.

SQL can get extremely complicated and require many hours of research to doeven simple queries.


Email Sent after a certain date:

SELECT * FROM ThemeSites WHERE EmailNumber = 1 ANDDateEmailSent > #06/14/1999# ORDER BY DateEmailSent DESC;

The beauty of Zeus’ Easy Query is that all the complex SQL commands andsyntax is hidden from you, without you losing any of the benefits. You can see theactual SQL if you wish but it is not necessary.

You communicate with the database in simple English terms and Easy Query doesthe querying of the database. This gives you unlimited options on organizing yourdata, but takes the complexity out of it.

You can use the SQL Easy Query Wizard in the Email, Maintain and Audit Jobs.

To start the SQL Easy Query Wizard, click the SQL icon to the right of the SortDatabase By: selection box.

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The wizard will open with the following window:

The easiest way to get familiar with the wizard is to load a few of the sampleQueries.

Click the Load Query button:

A standard Windows Open dialog window will open:

Click on the Included in Directory query, and then click the button.

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Easy Query is now loaded with a previously saved query. When you click the

button, the ThemeSite Viewer will be loaded with all ThemeSitesthat are included in your Link Directory.

The Sort By: area allows you to sort by various means, either ascending ordescending.

Adding New Conditions

You can add more conditions.

Once a condition is listed, you can click on it’s Entity, to change its variable tosort by. You can specify anything you want that is a field in the database. It caninclude anything having to do with ThemeSites, Email History, Audit, LinkDirectory or Directory Listings. See image below.

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Try experimenting with adding more conditions. You cannot hurt anything andthis is the best way to learn.

Once you have selected an Entity, you can then select the Condition that isavailable for that particular Entiry. Different Entities have different Conditions.

Create more Queries using the ones you have saved as a base. You can save anunlimited amount of Queries and they will be unique for every Zeus Project thatyou have. Each Project’s queries are saved in a sub-folder called ‘queries’ for each

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Project. You can copy and paste these from one project to another or sharethese with friends.

You can type any comments you want into the Description area and they will besaved along with your query.

You cannot make a mistake because if a Query you create is valid, Easy Querywill let you know:

If a query is invalid, you will be alerted the same way.

If you would like to see the actual SQL statement that Easy Query creates, click

the button. You can then see why you would not want to create the SQLstatements yourself

Click the button to hide the Generated SQL Statement..

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Most Zeusmasters don't know that Zeus is finding and storing lots of greatMETA Keyword phrases, it finds in high-scoring ThemeSites, as it travels theInternet. This is an easy way to continue your Zeus’ training.

To use these great keyword phrases

1) Click the ‘Intermediate’ complexity mode in the lower left corner of the Zeusprogram.

2) Click 'Train' job image on left of Zeus program.

3) Click the 'Keyword Manager' tab.

4) Click the 'New Meta' button. Look at the hundreds of GREAT keywordphrases Zeus has found!

5) Select keyword phrases and move them into Uniqueness categories, using theKeyword Manager. Delete the ones you don’t want.

These phrases are not used for scoring until you move them into categories. Zeus will onlystore a maximum of 500 at a time.

Zeus criteria for storing these META keywords:

o Your Zeus must have an IQ of at least 2500 (Click Help > About)

o The ThemeSites visited must be using META Keyword tags.

o There must be a score in the Moving Averages for the ThemeSite visited.

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o The ThemeSite’s score must be double the normal back-out score.

Basically, once your Zeus is trained well, it sucks up ALL the META keywordphrases it finds in high-scoring ThemeSites and allows you to use them. Do thisoften.

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<|THEMED_CONTENT_1|> Data Tags for AdvancedSEO Professionals

SEO expert, Dave Ross, suggested this feature:http://www.facialhairremover.co.uk

Adds the ability to add unique text, html, scripts and content to each ThemeCategory page, in any location you wish. You may insert up to 10 different contentfiles for EVERY Theme Category page. This makes each Theme Category pageunique in its own right, making it look less like pages that only contain links toother web sites. The added content to different pages increases the value of thepage to the web as a whole.

New Content DirectoriesZeus creates a new set of content directories for each Project.

These new directories are:

\includes\content\ (see page 108 for locations)

How To:

To insert the contents of a file into a specific location, on any Theme Categorypage (It does not matter what the content is, as long as it is text).

Create the content file:

Using a text editor, create the content you wish inserted into a particularTheme Category page. In this example, the Theme Category page you wantthe contents to be inserted into is: 'African Parrots'

Name the content file : africanparrots1.txt and save it in:

\includes\content\africanparrots1.txt (see page 108 for locations)

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File Naming Rules:

o Use the entire Theme Category name

o Make all letters lowercase

o Take all spaces out of name

o Add 1-10 at end of name

o Add the extension .txt


Web Hosting Services


Insert <|THEMED_CONTENT_1|> DataTag

Insert the <|THEMED_CONTENT_1|> DataTag into your LinkDirectory Template where you wish the Content file to appear:

\links\misc\themepage_template.txt folder (see page 108 for locations)

You can have 10 different DataTags in your themepage_template. Think ofthe DataTags as locations, for extra content in your Template.


When Zeus is creating the Link Directory pages, he looks in the/includes/content/ folder for file matches to the Theme Category page he iscurrently building. If there is one, he inserts the contents of that file into theTheme Category page, at the location of the DataTag.

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In the example above, the contents of webhostingservices1.txt is inserted inplace of the <|THEMED_CONTENT_1|> DataTag, BUT ONLY in the'Web Hosting Services' Theme Category page.

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"A great aid in helping you master Zeus."

You've downloaded a Zeus and now you've set out to be a veritable web deity, inyour field. The training session you first ran went smoothly and now you haveyour keywords in the database. It seems so simple... just let your Zeus find allthose websites you want to trade links with. You just know that you're going to beon top in a few days and your website will be overflowing with visitors.

After running Zeus, all night, you awake to find he has found hundreds ofwebsites. Oh yeah! You've done it... wait a minute! What sort of websites arethese? They have nothing to do with what you’re looking for! What went wrong?

While Zeus can do a great job finding sites, he must have proper keyword training.If your Zeus is finding garbage sites, you simply have the wrong keywords. Thesolutions are simple. Get rid of the keywords that weren’t so unique by editingyour keyword choices! You should also adjust your settings. This is fine-tuning,the key to success with Zeus.

Word Uniqueness

Right about now you’re saying that you understand the concept of worduniqueness. In case you don’t, here it is again: It is the probability that the wordsyou choose will only be associated with the subject you’re trying to find. That’spretty much it, except that it isn’t that easy. There are a number of tricks you willlearn with your Zeus, and in the next part you’ll find out more about this subject.

Taking Your Time

The first time you ran your Zeus you were probably mesmerized as it ranthrough the web. After an hour or so perhaps, you wanted to get to the nextstep. You taught him all the keywords you wanted. However, and this will bestressed throughout the following pages, training a Zeus to do exactly what youneed is quite a task. There is a lot your Zeus can do, but you need to help himalong the way, and this will be an ongoing task, the first few sessions, as youtrain Zeus.

Will this take time, you ask? Yes, it will. Nevertheless, you will be richly rewardedby your Zeus’ capabilities.

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Finding Unique Keywords

Perhaps the hardest part of training your Zeus is keyword training. You have tocome up with at least 100 keywords, by varying degrees of uniqueness, and placethem in three main categories; Slight Unique, Unique and Very Unique (Ignoreand Common aren’t used to score). Nevertheless, determining uniqueness isdeceptively simple. You may think that the subject that you’re dealing with istruly outstanding and one of a kind. In fact, that’s probably not the case at all.

Let’s use two extreme examples – Carnivorous Plants and Internet Marketing.Obviously, there will be plenty of one of a kind words and phrases in the firstcategory; Nepenthes, flytraps, pitcher plants, sundews et cetera. No problemthere. However, the latter category will have words that are not as unusual andtherefore harder to single out; marketing, affiliates, advertising and publicity toname a few. These are words found on millions of web pages. Therefore, whatyou think as unique might not be.

Carnivorous plants, as a subject, encompasses quite a spectrum of words andphrases that are unique to that field of knowledge, but there are still words thatmight not be unique to it The keyword phrase Venus flytrap, for instance,contains the word Venus, which is a goddess, a planet and a name brand; at leastflytrap is more unique. So, how do you get around this problem?

Internet marketing has very few unique keywords when taken individually, asyou have seen. Words like “Internet”, “marketing” and “programs” can befound anywhere, even in sites dealing with something as off-beat as carnivorousplants. However, taken together as the phrase “Internet marketing program”they are very unique. Phrases are the best tools when you really want to home inon a particular area.

Even after doing this, your Zeus may go off course and find the wrong sites.You need to look at the sites themselves and see what is leading your Zeusastray.

Looking At The ThemeSites

The only way to see what keywords are incorrectly steering Zeus is to look at thesites he has found. This allows you to locate those problem keywords, whichZeus is using to score those garbage sites. This is key to getting the most out ofyour Zeus and giving you the best results.

The first thing you’ll need to do is click on the 'Misc' tab in the Maintain JobArea when a ThemeSite is loaded in the sort. Now you can view what keywordsZeus used to score them. Bring up the Keyword Manager by clicking the 'Train'button then go to the 'Keyword Manager' tab.

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Using The Keyword Manager

There are two parts to the Keyword Manager, the most crucial part being thelower section, the Keywords used to score the current ThemeSite window. Theupper section, the Show the keywords window, allows you to make theadjustments. Let’s take a look at the two sections.

The Upper Section

This is the section of the Keyword Manager that allows you to view thekeywords you trained Zeus with.

The Lower Section

This is the section of the Keyword Manager that gives you the ability to movethem around to different keyword categories.

What To Do If Your Zeus Is Finding The WrongWebsites

If Zeus is finding sites you don’t want him to find, then you may have to deletesome keywords. Each ThemeSite was scored based upon the keywords Zeusfound in its pages, and those keywords can be examined using the 'Misc' tab inthe Maintain Job Area when a ThemeSite is loaded in the sort. The keywords heused to score are the ones that you taught him during your initial training. Lookcarefully at these keywords, one after the other. Once you’ve isolated theproblem keywords, simply delete them using the Keyword Manager in the TrainJob Area. You can also replace single keywords with keyword phrases. This willkeep your Zeus from finding unwanted websites.

Changing & Managing Keywords

Once you have an idea of what keywords your Zeus used to score theThemeSites, you now have an opportunity to manage them. The upper portionof the Keyword Manager window is where you do this. To move the keywordsto another category, you’ll need to locate what category they’re in. In the upperportion of the Keyword Manager is the Show Keyword window and the buttonsused to show them.

Once you’ve located the keyword, select it by clicking on it. Just below the ShowKeyword Window are the buttons used to change their category (in a sectionconveniently labeled “Change the keywords to this category”). Just click the

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category you want to change it to and Zeus will move it there. You can evenmove multiple keywords by just clicking as many as you need, but only to onecategory.

There is the possibility that some of the words your Zeus is finding are simplynot the ones you want. If that’s the case, use the 'Manual Keyword Teacher' tabin the Train Job Area. Not only can you enter individual words, you can also addkeyword phrases.

Tip: If a keyword shows up in every ThemeSite you delete, you may simply haveto move the keyword to Common or Ignore, or you may have to delete it. You’llhave to be ruthless.

Getting Past 100 Keywords

This particular problem might be called the “100 Keyword Syndrome”. Younoticed that the first time you ran Zeus a message came up and prompted you,saying “Congratulations! You have trained your Zeus with 100 keywords!” Inother words, Zeus could now find websites. You would have been tempted tojump right in there and let it. Don’t. While 100 keywords may be just enough toaccomplish your task, it would be better to have as many keywords as possible.The more keywords you have, the better your odds.

How Zeus Scores

The way your Zeus knows how to score the ThemeSites that he finds, is simplearithmetic. This is actually something that you can control, and by doing so youmay insure even greater success. First, a brief explanation of how Zeus does this.

If you look in your Keyword Manager, you see how you have five categories:Ignore, Common, Slight Unique, Unique and Very Unique. When you assign thekeywords to these categories, you are assigning a default numeric value to them-Slight Unique = 3, Unique = 5, Very Unique = 10

These are the default settings, and you can see them by going to Tools/Optionsthen the 'Score' tab. You’ll notice that Ignore and Common aren’t in there.Basically, they are zero value and not even used in the scoring (Figure 15). Thereare three factors that Zeus uses for scoring; the Importance Factor, the SourceFactor and the Backup Limit.

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Importance Factors And Source Factors

Now, look at the next box. These are your Source Factors, what Zeus is going toscore.

You’ll notice that Title has the high score and that Page Text has the lowest.When Zeus enters a website site, he looks to see how the keywords you’ve givenhim are used. Let’s say the keyword “Trans Am” is rated as Very Unique. Withthe default settings, the word importance factor equals 10. Now, let’s say that thekeyword “Trans Am” is in the title. Zeus simply multiplies the importance factortimes the source factor, in this case 10 x 5, which gives a score of 50.

When he finishes with the page he adds everything up and gets a score for thatpage. Once he’s finished with the number of pages defined in the Start AvgScore at page #, he starts a moving average in the Data Window. If the averagescore goes below the Back Out Limit Zeus backs out of the website, deciding it’snot a ThemeSite.

If he decides it’s a ThemeSite and stays, he loads page after page until he reachesthe Page Load Limit. While Zeus is doing this, you can watch the results in theData Window by clicking the 'Data' button while Zeus is searching the web.

Now that the explanation is out of the way, here comes the cool part; you canchange the settings.

Changing Score Settings

Let’s say that you have only a handful of Very Unique keywords. You can adjustthe Score Settings for that category, by making it higher. You can also adjust theSource Factors to reflect what you’re looking for. Let’s say that you want to givea high score to a website with the word “Cosmic” in the title. All you wouldneed to do is crank up the Very Unique keyword setting to a really high setting(such as 500), make “Cosmic” you’re only Very Unique keyword, and change theSource Factor for Title to a higher number (say 50). Now, if the keyword“cosmic” pops up in the title of a site, it would receive a score of 25,000!However, is that what you’re looking for? You can also adjust the Back OutLimit up or down. If you want to be even more specific in your search, give thata higher value. You’ll still need to have other keywords to find relevant sites.Make sure that your Minimum Words To Learn Setting reflects the number youhave!

Zeus will only score a word the number of times specified in the “Max Words toScore pr. pg”.

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The important thing to realize is how the settings affect your outcome. This isthe heart of the way Zeus operates and where most of your success (andproblems) will arise. Along with the keywords you choose, the settings areextremely crucial.

There are still other tricks you can use. All of the values in the Score Settingswindow can be adjusted. Let’s look at more Score Settings.

Back Out Limit

In the Misc Settings area there are more boxes that you can adjust to improveand focus your search even more. Just below the Back Out Limit box is the StartAverage Score at page # setting. As mentioned previously, Zeus starts averagingthe score on a per page basis. This controls where you’d like to have Zeus startthe averaging. The lower that number, the faster he starts the average score sothe quicker he makes a decision whether it’s a ThemeSite or not. Raising thesetting means Zeus will wait a little longer before starting the average score, thusputting off the decision as to whether the current website is a ThemeSite.

Max Words To Score

Next is the “Max Words to Score” setting. Simply put, this is how many timesany keyword will be used in scoring a page.

Page Load Limit

Finally, you have the “Page Load Limit” setting. This is how many pages yourZeus will look through per site. The higher the number, the deeper Zeus willsearch. You could effectively search an entire website by setting that number to ahigher value. The downside of this, however, is that there are sites out there thatmay have nothing in them useful, and your Zeus may waste a lot of time goingfrom page to page. Zeus only explores the ThemeSite as long as the Page LoadLimit has not been reached. By changing these factors, you can groom your Zeusto have even more success. But wait, there’s more…

Advanced Settings

One of the neat things about Zeus, is that it has built in all of these great ways toprogram it. As you’ve seen, there are a lot of ways to adjust what Zeus is lookingfor. At this point you’ve used the Score Settings window. Now, we’re going touse the “Advanced Settings”, found in Tools/Options then the 'Advanced' tab.

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The Advanced Settings allow you to control the way your Zeus learns as well ashow he runs. By changing Teach With settings, Zeus will only use those specificareas during training.

Just below the Teach With section are the Misc settings. The first one, “PageSize Limit” tells your Zeus what the maximum size of the pages should be. Thisis shown in bytes, so the default of 200,000 is actually 192 KB. It is in your bestinterest not to mess with the “Page Size Limit” setting; some dastardlywebmasters out there have decided to make pages with the express purpose oftrapping robots. These pages tend to be pretty big, so as long as your Page SizeLimit is set at around 192 KB you should be okay. You can go lower, of course,but the default setting we find works best.

The next box is the “Minimum words to learn” setting. You’re probably thinkingright now “Hey, I thought 100 words was the minimum. What gives?” Well,guess what? You can actually crank that number down even lower! The reasonwe default to 100 words is it allows the Zeus user time to get used to the wholeconcept. It is too tempting to just plug in a few words and to let your Zeus go.Not advisable. The more words you have, the better your searches. If you wantto look for sites with just a few specialized words or phrases (such as “planetaryeco-synthesis”…. pretty obscure stuff), then you can do that. But the best way tosecure the best number of links is to make sure you have as many uniquekeywords and phrases as possible.

Now we come to a timer of sorts, the “Load Fault Countdown” box. You’llnotice that its default is 240 seconds. You really don’t want it any higher unlessyou’re on a high-speed line. You can set it to a higher number if you feel yourconnection isn’t fast enough. The Load Fault Countdown timer is your Zeus’failsafe mechanism. It controls how long your Zeus waits for a server torespond, then how long your Zeus waits for pages to load. If the timer runsdown to zero in either case, your Zeus moves on.

Keyword Phrases

Sometimes single words by themselves are not specific enough. Webmastersknow this and sometimes use combinations of words in their Meta keywords intheir HTML source code. These phrases are even more specific then singlewords and the more of them you have, the better Zeus works. A good way tofind these phrases is to visit a ThemeSite your Zeus has already found using yourdefault browser, such as Netscape or Internet Explorer and look at the sourceHTML. Many webmasters use these phrases as Meta keywords.

There is still the possibility that the Keyword Phrases that you’d like to use aren’tin the sites you’ve visited. You can add them using the Manual Word Teacher;simply type them in and assign them to the category that you need.

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Now that we’ve gone over a few tricks, it’s time to try running your Zeus again.Use the secrets that you’ve learned. By this time, you should be able to have yourZeus look for anything. Your level of success will be proportionate to theamount of time you spent during this learning curve.

Frequently Asked Questions

Chances are, if you are like most Zeus users, you have a lot of questions. You’renot alone. Many other Zeus users before you have asked a lot of questions aswell, so we at Cyber-Robotics took the time to compile them into a number ofFAQ’s, which can be found at –

http://www.cyber-robotics.com/library/Library.html .

But, to help you out (and that’s why we’re here), we’re including a few of thequestions below:

Q: How do I change the priority of different keywords? I made the wrongdecision in assigning priority of my keywords.

A: Use the keyword manager. Open the Train Job Area then go to theKeyword Manager tab. The top buttons are used to display the keywords andafter selecting keywords you may use the lower keys to change theiruniqueness by clicking on the appropriate button.

Q: I'm just getting 1-2 ThemeSites per hour (about the same on both a broadtheme and a more narrow one). Are you using the default settings or somethingelse?

A: I mostly use the default settings. The number of ThemeSites found per daycan be greatly increased by lowering your Page Load Limit. The default is 20.I know Gail at toolady.com uses a setting of 10. I sometimes use 15. The newZeus is extremely efficient in finding the pages containing hyperlinks andemail so you can lower this. Remember that your goal is to find ThemeSitesand really nothing else, so the least amount of pages looked at, the moreThemeSites, in any given time, you will find. If it's too low then you will haveto be searching for email and there is the possibility he will not find enoughnew URLs to replenish the ones used. Zeus spends most of his time in eachThemeSite looking at the number of pages specified in Page Load Limit. Ifthe site isn't really a ThemeSite then Zeus' time is being wasted.

He is only loading 3 pages in non-themed sites before backing out. Thissetting is in the Start Avg Score @ Page. This doesn't count the Robots.txt

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page. If you set it to 3 then he will load 3 pages plus the robots.txt page andso on. I do not know of a reason to change this from a 2 but it's there ifneeded.

Q: How does Zeus score a web site when he finds and determines whether it is aThemeSite or not?

A: Zeus will score every site he visits using the Keywords you selected duringtraining. Zeus scores Keywords higher when they are found in certain areas.They have a higher score if they match the words found in Titles,Descriptions, or META Keyword tags. These are furnished by the webmasterwho built the web site Zeus is currently visiting. For example, a word youassigned Very Unique if found in the META tag will score the highest, whilea Slight Unique word found in the page text will score the lowest. All theword scores are added and a total score is derived. When the average scorefor the web site falls below the Back out Limit, Zeus backs out of the currentweb site and goes on to the next one. As long as the average score stays highenough Zeus will stay and visit page after page until he reaches his Page LoadLimit. (default is 20 pages). He will then save the data he has extracted fromthe web site.

Spending More Time

There is still one more thing you need to do: Take your time doing it! It is veryimportant, and we can’t stress this enough. You need to spend consistent timewith your Zeus, at least a couple hours each time you run him during the initialtraining phase! This is the best and only way to achieve a high level of success.Once you’re satisfied with your Zeus’ intelligence, let him run on his own, butcheck on him from time to time to make sure that he’s being a good robot. If,for some reason, he still won’t find what you’re looking for, go over the entireprocess again. Time consuming? Yes, but it is necessary to locate any problemareas you may have overlooked.

If you follow these steps, your Zeus will return with more useful sites. Justremember that there is a correlation between the time spent and your results; themore the better. Ultimately, your Zeus will unerringly find the ones you wantafter two or three fine-tuning sessions.

Keyword Manager, 34

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This chapter includes:

Zeus Power Tips that make Zeus more powerful or easier to use.

Zeus short cuts

Undocumented features in Zeus.

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When your Zeus finds the wrong web sites

While Zeus can do a great job finding sites, he must have proper keywordtraining. If your Zeus is finding garbage sites, you simply have the wrongkeywords. The solutions are simple. Get rid of the keywords that aren’t sounique, by editing your keyword choices. This is called fine-tuning, the key tosuccess with Zeus

How Zeus Scores - Every keyword found in a web site that matches one ofyour keywords, that you used to train Zeus, will raise that web site's total score.The web site must reach a certain score before Zeus thinks it qualifies as apotential Link Partner or ThemeSite that you would like to trade links with. Thekeywords he uses to score these web pages are the ones that you taught himduring your initial training..

Uniqueness of Keywords - A keyword is Unique if it is only found in the websites that you are looking for. The more Unique the keywords that you trainZeus with, the better he will do in finding only the web sites you want.Keyword phrases are always more Unique than single keywords.

Fine-Tuning Your Keywords - While approving web sites in the Approve Jobarea and you find a web site you don’t want in your Link Directory,

1. Click the 'Misc' tab to the left of the ‘Approve’ window.

2. View the keywords Zeus used to score that site. Look carefully at thesekeywords.

3. Delete the problem keywords using the ‘Keyword Manager’ tab in the‘Train’ Job Area.

This keeps your Zeus from finding unwanted websites.

Quantity of Keywords - While 100 keywords may be enough to find web siteswith; it would be better to have as many keywords as possible. The morekeywords you have, the better your Zeus will work. Keyword phrases workbetter.

Consistency of Training - Once you’re satisfied with your Zeus’ intelligence,let him run on his own, but, in the beginning, DO NOT find more than 50 or soThemeSites at a time. If, for some reason, Zeus is still finding a few incorrectweb sites, fine-tune again. There is a direct correlation between the time spenttraining your Zeus and the better web sites he finds.

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After two or three fine-tuning sessions, your Zeus will provide you with greatweb sites to trade links with.

How to add, edit or delete new web sites to visit

There are times you may want to control the order in which Zeus will visit websites. You can add competitors, add web sites in Themes you want to add or‘steer’ Zeus using the ‘Web Sites to Visit’ tab in the ‘Train’ job area.

Click the 'Train' job icon on the left side of the Zeus program.

Click the 'Web Sites to Visit' tab at the top of the program.

Web Site Visit Order - This text box shows the next 500 web sites your Zeuswill visit. They will be visited in the order shown.

To add a web site for Zeus to visit next - type in the web site address, thenclick the 'Add' button.

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To remove a web site - highlight the URL in the list, and then click the'Remove' button. This deletes any sites you do not want Zeus to visit.

To change the ‘Priority’ of visits - To have certain web sites visited first,select them, then click the ‘Visit First’ button.

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Approve the web sites Zeus finds often


This is the number one mistake new users make.. Zeus learns from thedeletions of incorrect web sites he’s found and the keyword fine-tuningadjustments you have to make to keep him on track. If you follow thesedirections, your Zeus will not waste time following dead ends and diluting thedatabase by storing unrelated web sites, to visit. You will find more web sites,to trade links with, in a shorter amount of time.

Many users, once they’ve initially trained their Zeus with 100 keywords ormore, will oftentimes let their Zeus loose on the web to run and run, sometimesfor weeks, without ever checking to see if he is finding the correct web sites.

It is impossible (or very rare) that your Zeus is correctly trained with perfectlycorrect, unique keywords, from the start. There is absolutely no reason to buildup hundreds of web sites without approving them every day that Zeus runs. Ifyou don’t have time to approve web sites one day, then don’t run Zeus untilyou approve the ones he’s already found.

The most successful Zeusmasters will let Zeus run overnight, then approve thehundred or so web sites found, BEFORE letting Zeus run again.

Letting Zeus run, without approving found web sites, defeats the purpose andwastes your time.

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Adding personal comments to include in link traderequest emails

A personal comment included in the Link Trade Request email to theWebmaster you are trying to trade links with, will increase your link approvalpercentage 400% to 500%. It is well worth the time. Instead of a 15% to 20%return, you can get a 70% to 90% return, if it is properly written.

While you're approving a ThemeSite in the Approve Job Area, type a personalcomment into the Comments box, below the Zeus browser window. In theimage below, the ‘personal comment’ text box is highlighted in yellow

You could include something like: "I really like the animations you had on yourhome page.”... and loved your background image" or "I loved the content on...... page".

When you email for a link trade, Zeus will stop and display the followingwindow.

Double-click the text box and your personal comment will be automaticallyentered into the text box. Click 'OK' and your comment will be included in yourout-going email message

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(Double-click the text box each time the personal comment box appears.)

Your personal comment will prove, beyond any shadow of a doubt, to theperson receiving it, you personally visited their website.

IMPORTANT: Keep the MailMerge Tag: <personal_comment> in the Requestemail. Your comment is replaced at the location this Tag is placed in themessage.

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Making Zeus speed up

Zeus has a Fail-Safe mechanism called the ‘Fault Counter’. When a new pageis loaded, this counter is reset to 240. It counts down every second and if itreaches 0, a new page or web site is loaded. Most times, 0 is never reached.

Changing this setting to a smaller number will speed up your Zeusdramatically. The faster your connection, the lower the setting can be. To editthis number, click Tools in the top menu, click Options, then when the Optionswindows opens, click the Advanced tab.

Try a setting of 150 first and then gradually try smaller numbers. If Zeus startsacting strangely, then raise the setting.

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Using MailMerge tags in the Subject of your linktrade request message

The number one timesaver in Link Trading is the personalization of your Linktrade request message to another Webmaster.

Un-personalized emails, sent by lazy Zeusmasters, will result in a 10-15%return. For every 100 emails sent, only 10 to 15 will agree to trade links.

Personalizing your request, letting them know you visited their site, findingsomething nice to say about it and offering them a free gift to trade links, canresult in a 70-80% return. Personalization of these messages will actually saveyou hundreds of hours, in the long run. Use your imagination to make anoriginal message.

To edit the Subject of your emails:

Click the Email job area.

Select a message in the Email Composition drop-down selection box.

Click the Edit button.

The first line in the text of your message is used as the subject.

The following tags can be used in the Subject OR the Body of the outgoingemail request. At the time of mailing, these tags are replaced with theappropriate information, at the exact spot they are inserted in your message..

<URL> Their website address

<personal_comment> Personal Comment box contents

<linkpageurl>. Your Link Directory

<theme> The Theme category they are listed in

<ThemeSitePageURL> The actual address of their listing

<mywebsiteurl>. The address of your web site

<myname> Your name

<myemailaddress> Your email address

<linkpageinfo> Info to add a link to your website:

<title> The Title of their web site

<description> The Description of their web site

Send a test message to check the outgoing emails. This gives you an idea ofhow it will look to web masters when they receive your request to trade links.

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Use your own META tags and keywords in your LinkDirectory pages:

Zeus creates automatic META tags for every Theme category page you have inyour Link Directory. There are some Zeusmasters who might want tocustomize these.

You can customize the META tags in some pages or all of them. The pages youdon’t customize, Zeus will still add the automatic tags.

Click the ‘Directory Manager’ tab in the ‘Create’ Job Area.

Right-click the Theme category page you would like to customize theMETA tags.

Go to 'Properties of this page'. Select 'Edit <HEAD>'.

Paste something like the following into the text box::

<TITLE>add title here</TITLE>

<META name="keywords" content="add keyword here, add keyword here,add keyword here">

<META name="description" content="add description here">

Click 'Save' then 'Finish'. Now create and upload your Link Directory.

You are actually replacing everything between the <HEAD> and </HEAD>tags for the page you edit. You must include your <TITLE> tags.

This is a great way to add JavaScript or any other code you need to includebetween the <HEAD> tags of individual Link Directory pages.

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Editing templates to use columns for navbars in yourTheme category pages

Open the 'themeindex_template.txt' file located on your hard-drive usingWindows NotePad or any text editor:

/links/misc/ (see page 108 for locations)

Find this line of code that creates the ‘Link Menu’: type NavBar.

<||NavBarSubTemplate IncludeIfMoreThan="0" ThemeDelimiter=" | "CharacterBetweenThemeAndNumber="_" Mode="LinkMenu"||>

Edit it in Windows NotePad or any text editor to this:

<||NavBarSubTemplate IncludeIfMoreThan="0" ThemeDelimiter=" "CharacterBetweenThemeAndNumber=" " Mode="Columns"HowMany="2"||>

Change the 2 in 'HowMany=' to however many columns you would like.

Create and Upload your Link Directory.

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Removing the red score text under each LinkDirectory listing:

Some ZeusMasters don’t like the Scores, Number of Pages Found and LinksFound, that are printed under each Link Directory listing. This is the default.

If you would like to remove this and you have the PRO version:

1.) Using Notepad, open your 'themepage_template.txt' file located in the 'misc'folder on your hard-drive.

/links/misc/themepage_template.txt. (see page 108 for locations)

2.) Remove the following code that is listed 2 times:

<CITE><FONT FACE="Arial,Helvetica,Verdana" SIZE=1 COLOR="RED">

<|#PAGES|> pages found, <|#HYPERLINKS|> links found, <|SCORE|> score


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Send one email at a time:

1.) Open the Maintain job area by clicking the ‘Maintain’ icon on the left sideof Zeus..

2.) Sort your ThemeSites called 'Email Selected, Not Sent, Theme, Included,NOT Partner'. This sort loads the ThemeSites that:

Have an email address selected.

Have an email that has not been sent.

Have a theme Category selected.

Are selected to be included into your Link Directory.

Are NOT Link Partners.

3.) Select your email request message from the 'Email Composition' drop-downselection box (if you have not edited the default request message, you need todo so now).

4.) Click the 'Send Email' button in the bottom right corner.

5.) Fill in the Personal Comment text box to prove, beyond any shadow of adoubt, you visited their web site.

An email will be sent to that one site.

6.) Click the next ThemeSite, green-arrow button at the top, to load the nextThemeSite.

7.) Click the 'Send Email' button to send an email to that site. Repeat steps 1though 6.

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Rename Link Directory page file extensions:

How to rename the page extension:

The page file extension is the .html part of the following URL address:

You must have the Pro version to do this.

Some times a webmaster might want their file extensions to be something elselike:



.HTMor many other extensions.

The reasons are varied; from wanting to match the rest of their web site toenabling scripting in the Link Directory pages.

How to:

Close Zeus.

Use a text editor, like Notepad, to open the themepage_template.txt text file.The themepage_template.txt is located in the misc folder on your hard-drive.

\links\misc\ themepage_template.txt (see page 108 for locations)

At the bottom of the themepage_template.txt you will see the following code:


Edit the extension to the extension of your choice. For example: ".asp"


Click File > Save.

Start Zeus.

Click 'Tools > Options' then the ‘Web Site’ tab. Change the URL in the 2ndbox to your new extension name.

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Make a site a link partner:

Open the Maintain Job Area. Do a sort called 'URL using search text'. Entertheir URL into the box and press Enter on your keyboard. The site will beloaded into the Maintain Viewer. Now click the 'Partner' button at the top andun-click the 'List It' button.

The web site is now labeled a Link Partner and will be moved to the top of thelistings with an image next to it.

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Manually adding a web site to your Link Directory:

Open the Maintain Job Area. Click the 'Add' button at the top. Fill in the URL,Title and Description. Click the 'Save' button. The website will be loaded intothe Maintain Viewer. Use the 'Select - Add Theme Category' drop-down box toadd the site to a category.

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How to rename the Link Directory folder:

How to rename the Link Directory folder name:

You must have the Pro version to do this.

Close Zeus.

Using a text editor like Notepad, open the themepage_template.txt text file. Thethemepage_template.txt is located in the misc folder on your hard-drive.

\links\misc\ themepage_template.txt (see page 108 for locations)

At the bottom of the themepage_template.txt you will see the following code:


The above tag allows you to name the Link Directory folder to anything youwant. It could be "resources" for instance. Change the word in quotation marks.Click File > Save.

Now change the name of the folder on your web server to the new name.

Start Zeus.

Click 'Tools > Options' then the Web Site tab. Change the URL in the 2nd boxto match your new folder name. Then click the FTP tab. Change the /links/ tothe new name. Click 'Apply' then 'OK'.

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Our customers are constantly sending us testimonials and we are proud to have

the most loyal users of any software product on the Internet. These are a few ofthe current testimonials when this book was published. Click the link at the end ofthis chapter to view hundreds more.

June 8, 2005

"I purchased Zeus about 6 months ago and started an online web directory called theWho's Who Guide of Art. Within a few months and many hundreds of Art relatedwebsites being listed I found that the traffic was up to about 750 unique visitors eachday. The search engines had found the website and so now I'm getting link partnervisitors along with search engine traffic as well."

"I then started a more General Directory called the Who's Who Guide. I add websitesto the Guide, exchange links, get search engine traffic and now between the twoWho's Who Guide's I get about 1500 visitors each day."

"Many of my categories get #1 placement in many search engines including Google,Yahoo and MSN.

I believe that David's philosophy about building relationships with webmasters isunbeatable. It works and you get all the perks for building good content and wellstructured directories."

David J. Smith

http://www.whoswhoguide.com andhttp://www.vagabondstudio.com

Home Page

Search Engine Ranking Search Engine Keyword (click to see) Date

# 1 Yahoo "whos who" 6/8/05

# 1 and 2 Google "whos who guide" 6/8/05

# 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Yahoo "whos who guide" 6/8/05

# 1 and 2 MSN "whos who guide" 6/8/05

# 7 Google "ceiling murals" 6/8/05

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May 26,2005

"Absolutely fantastic! I had been struggling to get Google to notice my site beforeZeus. After only two months I've went from PR 0 to PR 5. What an outstandingprogram. Thank you."

John Handling

http://1from-homebase-2u.com Home Page

http://1from-homebase-2u.com/links/index.html Zeus Directory

May 18, 2005

"I have been a Zeus user for over 3 years. Over that time I have witnessed a steadyincrease in traffic, peaking to over 10,000 visitors a day from 2,000 link exchanges."

"The beauty of the Zeus design is the link pages are sorted into themes. This meansthat traffic flows around the link exchanges as well as from the search engines. Zeushas given me 3 "above the fold" search engines listings for: JEWELLERY CLOCKSWATCHES that have lasted several years. As the Zeus system keeps to the spirit ofethical link exchange it remains a legitimate way to gain search engine patronage."

"Zeus has a link management database that makes dealing with link partners botheasy and quick. I am not a link professional, I prefer to spend my time developing myjewellery site. Zeus gains me 40 man hours per week."

http://www.walshbrothers.co.uk Home Page

http://www.walshbrothers.co.uk/links/index.html Zeus Directory

Search Engine Ranking Search Engine Keyword (click to see) Date

# 1 Google "Jewellery" 5/18/2005

# 4 Google "Clocks" 5/18/2005

# 5 Google "Watches" 5/18/2005

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May 14, 2005

"I have used Zeus for almost 3 months and it has helped me to move my site up thesearch engine scale quickly with a dramatic traffic increase as well as increasedrevenues. I would not have been successful this quickly without the help of the Zeuspackage. The package was easy to use and to update for my unique requirements."

Mark StewardPresident,Choice Accessories, LPhttp://www.choiceaccessories.com Home Page

http://www.choiceaccessories.com/partners.htm Zeus Directory

Search Engine Ranking Search Engine Keyword (click to see) Date

# 1 Google "wildlife patches" 5/14/2005

# 1 MSN "wildlife patches" 5/14/2005

# 1 MSN "wildlife ringtones" 5/14/2005

# 2 Google "wildlife ringtones" 5/14/2005

# 2 MSN "animal patches" 5/14/2005

# 8 Google "animal patches" 5/14/2005

More Testimonials

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URLwire announced the original Web launches ofAmazon.com, Weather.com, Wine.com/Virtual Vineyards,OnSale, Link Exchange, Dell, Rodney.com, Infobeat, The BBC,Kellogg's, MoMA, Law.com, MyPoints/CyberGold, Visa.com,and sites for Ziff-Davis, The New York Times, The DiscoveryChannel, Microsoft, AOL, About.com/The Mining Company, TheAMA and cyber-robotics.com.

Eric Ward, The Father of Link MarketingNamed as "One of the Web's 100 Most Influential People"

"You should feel free to purchase Zeus. Zeus itself is only atool. It is the user's approach and technique that determine ifZeus is being used to its maximum benefit. Zeus itself does notbring traffic to your site. It is the sites that link to your site thatbring traffic to your site, and you seek those links in a number ofways, one of which is using a tool like Zeus."

Eric Ward

Academy Of Web Specialists

"A site that links to you can only increase yourlink popularity not decrease it.....let me introduceto you a terrific program that will help you findhundreds, if not thousands, of sites related toyours to which to link:Zeus The Internet Marketing Robot." Bill GentryReview

MENSA International JournalHaakon Rian UelandSmartWare Editor

"In order to get a good placement in the search engine,having an optimized website isn’t enough. You need linksfrom other sites – reciprocal links – and preferably from siteswith a similar theme to yours. ----- Since I am writing aboutthis here, there is a smarter way: Zeus the Reciprocal LinkGenerator! Complete Review


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John BuchananAuthor of the book "The Insider's Guide to Dominating TheSearch Engines,"Publisher of a free monthly newsletter "The Search EngineBulletin."

"Zeus is a software program that was designed to automate thetask of finding reciprocal links for you, leaving you free toconcentrate on your business, customers and promotion. It'ssole purpose is to crawl the Web and find sites that match yourcriteria, and then get them to link to you." Article

Terry PlankSearch Engine Marketing Consultation

"As Director of Training for the Academy of Web Specialists, Ihave ample opportunity to know the Search Engine Marketinglandscape. I can say unequivocally that Zeus is one of the top 4essential tools for developing a successful Web site. Not onlythat, whenever I have a question about Link Marketing, DavidNotestine, the developer of Zeus, has proven time after time tobe right on target with his observations and his advice. It's aproven product developed by a knowledgeable SEMprofessional."

Rudy DeDominicisProducer of Computing and Technology.

"The Zeus Marketing Robot is probably one themost best kept secrets in aggressive onlinemarketing... Cyber Robotics provides a freedemo version of this software that you candownload and see for yourself how effective arobot can be in online marketing." CompleteReview

Derek GalonAuthor of the book "The Savvy Way to Successful WebsitePromotion"

"Exchanging links may take an incredible amount of time.Searching for proper websites, emailing with link exchangeoffers, maintaining links database all that is really a timeconsuming task, but well worth doing nonetheless.Recently I found an amazing tool to make this task mucheasier it is called “Zeus”. It can automate the wholeprocess for you." Complete Review

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Cyber-Robotics, Inc.


We invented integrated Link Building tools in 1997.

We work closely with the Search Engines. I often meet with the designers of manyof them and I take their input and their suggestions and I incorporate everythingthat I hear from them, into Zeus

This gives us a unique perspective on linking and link building tools.

We single-handedly fought the Link Request “Spam Wars”. We created the emailguidelines web masters should follow in linking. We’ve spent years responding toand working with Internet forums, marketing experts, bulletin boards and usergroups, in formulating proper guidelines

We were there long before “Link Popularity” was even a phrase. We were therewhen people thought that you didn’t want links, on your site, because they madepeople leave. This concept is insane. I don’t think that any of us has ever felt“trapped” in a site, feeling like, “Oh my gosh, there are no links, so I’m trappedhere.

It’s only recently that link marketing has become accepted and I firmly believe thatit has been accepted, for all the wrong reasons. It has only been accepted for whatit can do for your search positioning. This is totally wrong.

We’ve learned a lot since 1997 as to what works and what doesn’t work, not just inLink Marketing, but also in all forms of marketing. The majority of link marketingconcepts, used by all webmasters today, Cyber-Robotics and our Zeus users havehelped develop. Those concepts have been shared with all.

Themed linking or only linking to web sites of like content was a concept weoriginally came up with in 1997. Our goal was to help organize content, on theweb, by creating highly organized Vertical-Themed Link Directories.

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To attain the goal of the original creators of the Internet, by hyper-linking the knowledge ofmankind together through highly organized Vertical-Themed Link Directories and makingthat knowledge freely and easily available to everyone.

The major search engines and all smart webmasters have followed this sameguideline throughout the years. Google’s PageRank and search algorithms arebased on this concept along with many other major search engines.

We wrote the guidelines on linking etiquette or email link request guidelines. Wefought and won the link request spam war, so that link request emails would notbe considered spam.

We coined the phrases: Link Partner and Themed Linking.

Zeus quickly teaches you these concepts and more, which all successfulwebmasters use to market their web sites.

Zeus works if you do, PERIOD! Or your money back!

Click on our testimonials page to prove it to you. You can find that link on ourhome page.

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CEO - Cyber-Robotics, Inc.

The author is David Notestine, the creator of the Zeus

Internet Marketing Robot, which is recognized as theoriginal and most popular link marketing software on theInternet. His controversial Internet marketing views arebeing embraced by webmasters throughout the web, asthe truth about website marketing. Mr. Notestine is alsothe creator the world's first collective search engine:www.zeuscollective.com.

“I’ve had my own businesses, all of my life, so I apply proper real-world business techniquesto my Internet businesses.”

“I’ve been guiding Web Masters in their link and real-world marketing campaigns since1997. I’ve met hundreds of web masters and I hear their success stories. My views onmarketing, I share through marketing articles, newsletters, lectures, seminars and webcontent from my cyber-robotics.com web site”

“If people use Zeus and apply our real-world marketing techniques, to marketing their websites, they’re successful”.

“I have never heard one story where someone used Zeus and didn’t make it. But, likeeverything in life, Zeus does take work”.


November 1996 – Present

CEO, Owner, Marketer, Website Designer, Developer and Chief DesignEngineer

Developer of the Zeus Internet Marketing Robot. Programmed the Zeusapplication and constructed the Cyber-robotics.com website, including onlineshop, secure pages and numerous CGI scripts.

Skills used: HTML, javascript, Visual Basic 6, Visual C, Perl, CGI, FrontPage,various email, ftp, http browser and system controls, MySQL, PHP, TCP/IP,

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Windows API. Operating systems: UNIX, NT4, Windows 2000, Windows 98,Windows 95 and msdos. Apache and NT servers.


November 2000 – Present

To attain the goal of the original creators of the Internet, by hyper-linking theknowledge of humankind together through highly organized Vertical-ThemedLink Directories and making that knowledge freely and easily available toeveryone.


April 1999 – Present

Webmaster, Script and Development Manager

Toolady.com site was a beta test site for the Zeus robot. I setup the basicinfrastructure and wrote or edited the over 40 CGI scripts that helped to createthe success of this outstanding website. Toolady.com is currently at 4,000,000hits monthly and the largest, most active Avian / Parrot website in the world.


December 1998 – Present

Webmaster, Marketer, Website Designer, Script and Development Manager

Crownjewels.com was the web site for the 35 Crown Jewels Jewelry stores andalso became one of the beta test sites for the Zeus robot. I setup theinfrastructure, web site design and wrote or edited the over 60 CGI scripts thathelped to create the success of this outstanding website. This web site iscurrently averaging 750,000 hits monthly, even though it has been ignored since2002.

Crown Jewels

September 1989 - Present

Crown Jewels was a themed jewelry business which grew in sales from $8,000 itsfirst year to sales of $600,000 in 2001.

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Prior skills, knowledge and positions

In the 1970's:

David built the first microcomputer, in the state of Texas, utilizing the 4004chip.

He continued his studies with programming, digital electronics andmicroprocessor design, with Heath Educational systems

For over 2 years, he served as the Texas State Educational Technical Advisorfor microcomputers. He setup state vocational, high school and collegecurriculum, pertaining to microcomputers and state-of-the-art electronics.

David wrote the first Computer Assisted Instructional course formicrocomputers - Basic Programming, marketed by Software Toolworks.

Wrote the Slip instructional language, for microcomputers.

David designed Input/Output hardware card for Heath H8 microcomputer.

In the 1980's:

He setup and consulted on various microcomputer retail stores, for ZenithData Systems. He worked in wholesale microcomputer distribution, trainingmanagement, sales and support personnel.

Founded and managed First Capitol Distributing Company, Distributor forZenith Data System computers. This company became ZDS's largestwholesale distributor in the world.

Founded and setup First Laser Systems interfacing lasers to microprocessors.

Interfaced the first electronic Kronos time clock and wrote the software forone of the first computerized payroll and time accounting systems.

He was instrumental in founding the Tele-robotics industry, by starting andmanaging Tele-Sel, a developer of hi-tech robotic hardware and softwareutilizing the phone lines. He developed the first working automatic dialingmachine.

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To attain the goal of the original creators of the Internet, by hyper-linkingthe knowledge of mankind together through highly organized Vertical-Themed Link Directories and making that knowledge freely and easilyavailable to everyone.

The Zeus Collective gives Link Directory examples and models that webmasters

can look at, so you can compare your Link Directory with others.

Order against chaos

How does the Zeus Collective differ in the final analysis from a link exchangethat might receive a banning of a site?

The Collective is nothing more than a pointer to the Zeus-generated linkdirectories. Search engines can't follow the Collective pages that require userinput in text boxes. Your own Zeus-generated Link Directory will create thetraffic you receive from the search engines. Once you have reciprocal links, yourtraffic will come. Then, when you don't really need the traffic anymore becauseof your reciprocal links, the search engines start sending it to you. The conceptof present day search engine marketing is like putting the cart in front of thehorse. Put them in a clearer perspective and you will have a more accurateunderstanding of them. The very nature of the web is linking, not storing theentire Internet in a database.

This goes back to the very basics of why Zeus exists and the birth of the ZeusCollective.

The Zeus Collective is here

All the knowledge of humankind, found by intelligent Web Robots, andorganized by the Collective minds of their human Robot Operators; the futureof man's disbursement of human knowledge is born, without the limitations ofwork force, CPU cycles, bandwidth and computer resources. This Collectiveguarantees the scalability, to fill the voids of knowledge, left by the rapidlygrowing Internet; no matter how fast it grows.

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The story of the Zeus Collective

Deep within the cyber-energetic strands of the Web, a newly trained Zeus Robotcasts its first probe into the vastness of the Internet. Leaving the shelter of hisHome site, he shyly advances on his first visit. His actions and reactions are insync with the 4 Laws of Web Robotics; he must obey. He will know the web sitethat he's looking for, when he finds it, but this is not the one. He travels to thenext site and finds a site that matches his programmed key words. The robotrapidly scans the site and finds all the links he needs to visit other like sites.

The visits have started! The Robots are here!

He travels now with more boldness. He's learning and is more confident thathe'll find the sites of his Training. Filled with hope, he arrives at the next website, devours the first HTML page, and then the second and the decision ismade. Is this a ThemeSite? Yes! He has now found two ThemeSites! He slowsdown now, less in a hurry, to extract the links and data this web site has to offer,storing all to show his Operator.

Curious, the Webmaster from the explored web site, ventures from his cyber-kingdom to visit the Home world of the First Robot. The Webmaster nowunderstands and soon one more newly trained Robot shyly ventures out fromanother web site. More and more Robots come forth from their Home worlds toexplore and re-define cyber space. This has all been created from the wake leftby the First Robot. Now there are many, each with their own wakes ofunderstanding being created behind them, as they traverse the Web.

The Robots are connecting all of the Themed web sites. Hordes of new visitorstravel the cyber-highways built on the concept of connecting together sites withcommon Themes. There are hundreds of Robots now and their numbers aregrowing faster and faster. Internet resources called Link Directories are beingcreated and uploaded automatically to their Home websites by, what are now,thousands of Robots; one Link Directory for each of the Home worldsbelonging to each Robot. These become resources, consisting of thousands oforganized links and are the extension of each Robot Operator's mind andpersonality; the Trainer Webmaster.

Robot extracted data is molded into consistently used, garbage-free, Vertical-themed, web resources. Zeus-generated Link Directories are being born at aphenomenal, geometric growth rate. The other, less evolved search engine

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robots become curious when so many reciprocal links are found pointing toRobot Home worlds. They visit, like flies to honey, and find the bait/food good.So good, that they serve up the Link Directory Theme Pages created by the ZeusRobots, first in the query results. They recognize the knowledge but do notunderstand.

Soon visitors requesting knowledge at the search engine websites only receiveZeus-generated Theme Pages in the top 30. It's the only true knowledge!

There are thousands of Zeus Robots now. Have they finished? No, it’s only juststarting. The Trainer of the First, throws the virtual switch linking all of theRobots. They obey and instantly the Zeus Collective is born. A massive searchengine linking, those requesting information, to the knowledge organized in thethousands of Link Directories. A search engine of Link Directories has beencreated. Suddenly, there are huge amounts of Web traffic, for ALL belonging tothe Collective. Information is dispensed without noise or garbage.

The Collective is a perfect meld of human webmasters, well versed in theirrespective fields, to intelligent search engine robots that update the location ofthe knowledge. This symbiotic relationship is copied thousands of timesthroughout the web, with webmasters benefiting from increased traffic to theirwebsites. While this happens, the Collective benefits from knowing where theorganized knowledge is located. Visitors to the Collective, when knowledge isdispensed, are sent back to the Link Directories to receive the knowledge theyneed.

As the web grows so does the Collective. Every piece of this perfect cyber-organism is benefiting from the others, with no energy being wasted. It is avirtual perpetual motion machine, without load or cost to itself.

The internet is now easily searchable and you must be a part of it.

Science Fiction or Reality?

Visit http://www.zeuscollective.com

And learn the Truth.

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It has come to our attention that some people believe that Google is penalizing

users of Zeus.

Google thought enough of the Zeus program and it’s users to actually make astatement to dispel the rumor. That’s a first for Google, to stand up for asoftware-marketing program! There isn't any fact in this rumor, as you can read inGoogle's statement.

"Like any other program, Zeus is a tool that can be used or misused. Google judges the qualityof a site partly by the quality of the pages that site links to. If a webmaster links to poor-quality or spammy sites, that can affect his or her site's ranking. As a program that activelyengages in searching out links, Zeus can amplify that factor. Webmasters who use Zeus shouldbe extremely careful - adding links to sites tagged as spam can lead your site to be tagged asspam, and Zeus can clearly play a role in that process."

Matt CuttsGoogle Software Engineer and Spam Czar

Zeus was driving traffic to web sites before Google was a popular search engineand Link Popularity was a popular marketing term. Zeus was designed to be analternative marketing approach to search engine marketing, which wasn't helpingmost web masters get the traffic they needed. Zeus is a software tool that helpsany web master easily establish links to their websites. Links are the major sourceof traffic, with return traffic to your Link Directory, a second source of traffic.Then it was discovered that because of the links to your web site, the searchengines sent you traffic. One good link can bring you more traffic than all thesearch engines combined.

The real Google dance

See photos of Matt Cutts of Google, beautiful Google girls and me (DavidNotestine) at Google headquarters, the First Annual Google Dance 2002,Internet.com and Danny Sullivan's Search Engine Strategies Conference in SanJose, CA and the speakers-only white water rafting trip, hosted by Jamie Low.http://www.cyber-robotics.com/about/ses/index.htm

I attend many Internet conferences, which gives me a chance to meet and talk tomany of the search engine representatives. I gave the presentation on 'Link

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Building Tools' at Internet.com and Danny Sullivan's Search Engine StrategiesConference in San Jose, CA.

While there, I talked to Matt Cutts of Google about Zeus, after his presentationto the attendees of SES. He stated that Google is happy with the quality andtheme tightness of Zeus directories. He also said that Google did not have ANYproblems with Zeus directories, as long as the Zeusmaster did not misuse theZeus software product, with bad intent. Mr. Cutts said we could quote him.

During his presentation, Matt stated that linking to another website is a "vote ofconfidence from a webmaster". This includes those using Zeus software. Thisvote of confidence is that the page or web site linked to is what it claims to be. AWebmaster casts his vote of confidence by linking to a high-quality page orwebsite, and honestly describing the page or web site by using good descriptivetext, in the link.

If a Webmaster links their web site to a spammy site, it then affects their PageRank or search engine rankings. The same is true with a Webmaster using Zeus.Someone linking to or from a web site that uses a Zeus Link Directory shoulduse the same consideration, used in normal linking. A Zeus site is not beingnegatively judged, any more or any less than a site not using Zeus. Linking yourweb site to a Zeus Link Directory is not automatically a bad thing. Judge a website using Zeus, just as you would judge a web site not using Zeus.

When Zeus Link Directory pages lose some of their PageRank or search engineimportance, the same criteria are used to lower them as with any other link page.This criterion could include a webmaster's intent to trick or manipulate thesearch engines, broken links, linking to low-quality sites, disorganization and/ornot staying within your themes.

In summation, a webmaster's intent, quality of links, organization, page activityand theme tightness, all play a factor in getting other webmaster's to agree totrade links, receiving return-visitor traffic and search engine rankings.


Rumors, on one of the search engine forums, discussed how thethemeindex.htm page, Zeus creates as an index to it's Link Directory, was beingpunished by Google and those that used Zeus would therefore lose theirPageRank. They automatically assumed that ALL Zeus directories are badneighbors. There were approximately 10 pages of posts. The thread was finallystopped but not before many webmasters took it upon themselves to spreadmisinformation.

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If Google wanted to punish Zeus Link Directories, why wouldn't they look for alink to us? That's much easier. Google still knows when it's a Zeus LinkDirectory. Why does our web site, Cyber-Robotics.com still have greatPageRank? Why would Google punish something that only helps them in theirPageRank analysis?

A quality Zeus Link Directory will be rewarded with higher search enginerankings if they change the name of their themeindex.htm page to another name.Google considers those Zeus users, who reach the level of expertise necessary todo so, to have a longer learning curve, investment in time, money and expertise,in creating their directories.

Just as any webmaster should not have older, non-active, low-quality link pageson their web sites, a webmaster using Zeus, should not have older, non-active,low-quality Zeus directories, on their website. These link pages or Zeusdirectories should be un-linked by webmasters so they cannot be found by thesearch engines.

I feel it's wonderful that Google thinks enough of us to go to the time andexpense to add changes to their code that negates older, in-active Zeusdirectories.

Using the PRO version Templates gives full control of the look and feel of theLink Directory. Change the themeindex.html name to something else, if you like.The HTML in a customized Zeus Link Directory is no different than onecreated entirely by hand. To help you create a generic, customized LinkDirectory, Peter has created this Help page as a guideline: http://www.cyber-robotics.com/support/Generic_Link_Directory.htm

These are just a few of the active, established Zeus directories, linking to us, withgreat PageRank from Google. There are hundreds more.