least squares data fitting with applications

Least Squares Data Fitting with Applications Per Christian Hansen Víctor Pereyra Godela Scherer

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Title:Least Squares Data Fitting with ApplicationsAuthors:Per Christian Hansen, Technical University of Denmark; Víctor Pereyra, Stanford University; Godela Scherer, University of Reading.Keywords:Mathematics, computer science, physics, least squares data fitting, applications, data fitting, linear least squares problems, nonlinear least squares problems, algorithms.


Page 1: Least Squares Data Fitting with Applications

Least SquaresData F i t t ingwith Applications

Per Christian HansenVíctor PereyraGodela Scherer

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Least Squares Data Fitting withApplications

Per Christian Hansen

Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modeling

Technical University of Denmark

Víctor Pereyra

Energy Resources Engineering

Stanford University

Godela Scherer

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

University of Reading

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Foreword ix

Preface xi

Symbols and Acronyms xv

1 The Linear Data Fitting Problem 11.1 Parameter estimation, data approximation 11.2 Formulation of the data fitting problem 41.3 Maximum likelihood estimation 91.4 The residuals and their properties 131.5 Robust regression 19

2 The Linear Least Squares Problem 252.1 Linear least squares problem formulation 252.2 The QR factorization and its role 332.3 Permuted QR factorization 39

3 Analysis of Least Squares Problems 473.1 The pseudoinverse 473.2 The singular value decomposition 503.3 Generalized singular value decomposition 543.4 Condition number and column scaling 553.5 Perturbation analysis 58

4 Direct Methods for Full-Rank Problems 654.1 Normal equations 654.2 LU factorization 684.3 QR factorization 704.4 Modifying least squares problems 804.5 Iterative refinement 854.6 Stability and condition number estimation 88


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4.7 Comparison of the methods 89

5 Direct Methods for Rank-Deficient Problems 915.1 Numerical rank 925.2 Peters-Wilkinson LU factorization 935.3 QR factorization with column permutations 945.4 UTV and VSV decompositions 985.5 Bidiagonalization 995.6 SVD computations 101

6 Methods for Large-Scale Problems 1056.1 Iterative versus direct methods 1056.2 Classical stationary methods 1076.3 Non-stationary methods, Krylov methods 1086.4 Practicalities: preconditioning and

stopping criteria 1146.5 Block methods 117

7 Additional Topics in Least Squares 1217.1 Constrained linear least squares problems 1217.2 Missing data problems 1317.3 Total least squares (TLS) 1367.4 Convex optimization 1437.5 Compressed sensing 144

8 Nonlinear Least Squares Problems 1478.1 Introduction 1478.2 Unconstrained problems 1508.3 Optimality conditions for constrained

problems 1568.4 Separable nonlinear least squares problems 1588.5 Multiobjective optimization 160

9 Algorithms for Solving Nonlinear LSQ Problems 1639.1 Newton’s method 1649.2 The Gauss-Newton method 1669.3 The Levenberg-Marquardt method 1709.4 Additional considerations and software 1769.5 Iteratively reweighted LSQ algorithms for robust data fitting

problems 1789.6 Variable projection algorithm 1819.7 Block methods for large-scale problems 186

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10 Ill-Conditioned Problems 19110.1 Characterization 19110.2 Regularization methods 19210.3 Parameter selection techniques 19510.4 Extensions of Tikhonov regularization 19810.5 Ill-conditioned NLLSQ problems 201

11 Linear Least Squares Applications 20311.1 Splines in approximation 20311.2 Global temperatures data fitting 21211.3 Geological surface modeling 221

12 Nonlinear Least Squares Applications 23112.1 Neural networks training 23112.2 Response surfaces, surrogates or proxies 23812.3 Optimal design of a supersonic aircraft 24112.4 NMR spectroscopy 24812.5 Piezoelectric crystal identification 25112.6 Travel time inversion of seismic data 258

Appendixes 262

A Sensitivity Analysis 263A.1 Floating-point arithmetic 263A.2 Stability, conditioning and accuracy 264

B Linear Algebra Background 267B.1 Norms 267B.2 Condition number 268B.3 Orthogonality 269B.4 Some additional matrix properties 270

C Advanced Calculus Background 271C.1 Convergence rates 271C.2 Multivariable calculus 272

D Statistics 275D.1 Definitions 275D.2 Hypothesis testing 280

References 281

Index 301

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Scientific computing is founded in models that capture the properties ofsystems under investigation, be they engineering systems; systems in natu-ral sciences; financial, economic, and social systems; or conceptual systemssuch as those that arise in machine learning or speech processing. For mod-els to be useful, they must be calibrated against "real-world" systems andinformed by data. The recent explosion in availability of data opens upunprecedented opportunities to increase the fidelity, resolution, and powerof models — but only if we have access to algorithms for incorporating thisdata into models, effectively and efficiently.

For this reason, least squares — the first and best-known techniquefor fitting models to data — remains central to scientific computing. Thisproblem class remains a fascinating topic of study from a variety of perspec-tives. Least-squares formulations can be derived from statistical principles,as maximum-likelihood estimates of models in which the model-data dis-crepancies are assumed to arise from Gaussian white noise. In scientificcomputing, they provide the vital link between model and data, the finalingredient in a model that brings the other elements together. In their linearvariants, least-squares problems were a foundational problem in numericallinear algebra, as this field grew rapidly in the 1960s and 1970s. From theperspective of optimization, nonlinear least-squares has appealing structurethat can be exploited with great effectiveness in algorithm design.

Least squares is foundational in another respect: It can be extendedin a variety of ways: to alternative loss functions that are more robust tooutliers in the observations, to one-sided "hinge loss" functions, to regular-ized models that impose structure on the model parameters in addition tofitting the data, and to "total least squares" models in which errors appearin the model coefficients as well as the observations.

This book surveys least-squares problems from all these perspectives. Itis both a comprehensive introduction to the subject and a valuable resourceto those already well versed in the area. It covers statistical motivationsalong with thorough treatments of direct and iterative methods for linearleast squares and optimization methods for nonlinear least squares. The


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later chapters contain compelling case studies of both linear and nonlinearmodels, with discussions of model validation as well as model constructionand interpretation. It conveys both the rich history of the subject and itsongoing importance, and reflects the many contributions that the authorshave made to all aspects of the subject.

Stephen WrightMadison, Wisconsin, USA

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This book surveys basic modern techniques for the numerical solution oflinear and nonlinear least squares problems and introduces the treatmentof large and ill-conditioned problems. The theory is extensively illustratedwith examples from engineering, environmental sciences, geophysics andother application areas.

In addition to the treatment of the numerical aspects of least squaresproblems, we introduce some important topics from the area of regressionanalysis in statistics, which can help to motivate, understand and evaluatethe computed least squares solutions. The inclusion of these topics is oneaspect that distinguishes the present book from other books on the subject.

The presentation of the material is designed to give an overview, withthe goal of helping the reader decide which method would be appropriatefor a given problem, point toward available algorithms/software and, if nec-essary, help in modifying the available tools to adapt for a given application.The emphasis is therefore on the properties of the different algorithms andfew proofs are presented; the reader is instead referred to the appropriatearticles/books. Unfortunately, several important topics had to be left out,among them, direct methods for sparse problems.

The content is geared toward scientists and engineers who must analyzeand solve least squares problems in their fields. It can be used as coursematerial for an advanced undergraduate or graduate course in the sciencesand engineering, presupposing a working knowledge of linear algebra andbasic statistics. It is written mostly in a terse style in order to provide aquick introduction to the subject, while treating some of the not so well-known topics in more depth. This in fact presents the reader with anopportunity to verify the understanding of the material by completing orproviding the proofs without checking the references.

The least squares problem is known under different names in differentdisciplines. One of our aims is to help bridge the communication gap be-tween the statistics and the numerical analysis literature on the subject,often due to the use of different terminology, such as l2-approximation,


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regularization, regression analysis, parameter estimation, filtering, processidentification, etc.

Least squares methods have been with us for many years, since Gaussinvented and used them in his surveying activities [83]. In 1965, the paperby G. H. Golub [92] on using the QR factorization and later his devel-opment of a stable algorithm for the computation of the SVD started arenewed interest in the subject in the, by then, changed work environmentof computers.

Thanks also to, among many others, Å. Björck, L. Eldén, C. C. Paige,M. A. Saunders, G. W. Stewart, S. van Huffel and P.-Å. Wedin, the topicis now available in a robust, algorithmic and well-founded form.

There are many books partially or completely dedicated to linear andnonlinear least squares. The first and one of the fundamental references forlinear problems is Lawson and Hanson’s monograph [150]. Besides summa-rizing the state of the art at the time of its publication, it highlighted thepractical aspects of solving least squares problems. Bates and Watts [9]have an early comprehensive book focused on the nonlinear least squaresproblem with a strong statistical approach. Björck’s book [20] contains avery careful and comprehensive survey of numerical methods for both lin-ear and nonlinear problems, including the treatment of large, sparse prob-lems. Golub and Van Loan’s Matrix Computations [105] includes severalchapters on different aspects of least squares solution and on total leastsquares. The total least squares problem, known in statistics as latent rootregression, is discussed in the book by S. van Huffel and J. Vandewalle[239]. Seber and Wild [223] consider exhaustively all aspects of nonlinearleast squares estimation and modeling. Although it is a general treatiseon optimization, Nocedal and Wright’s book [170] includes a very clearchapter on nonlinear least squares. Additional material can be found in[21, 63, 128, 232, 242, 251].

We would like to acknowledge the help of Michael Saunders (iCME, Stan-ford University), who read carefully the whole manuscript and made amyriad of observations and corrections that have greatly improved the finalproduct.

Per Christian Hansen would like to thank several colleagues from DTUInformatics who assisted with the statistical aspects.

Godela Scherer gives thanks for all the support at the Department ofMathematics and Statistics, University of Reading, where she was a visitingresearch fellow while working on this book. In particular, she would liketo thank Professor Mike J. Baines and Dr. I Llatas for numerous inspiringdiscussions.

Victor Pereyra acknowledges Weidlinger Associates Inc. and most es-pecially David Vaughan and Howard Levine, for their unflagging support

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and for letting him keep his office and access to computing facilities afterretirement. Also Ms. P. Tennant helped immensely by improving many ofthe figures.

Special thanks are due to the professional handling of the manuscriptby the publishers and more specifically to executive editor Vincent J. Burkeand production editor Andre Barnett.

Prior to his untimely death on November 2007, Professor Gene Golubhad been an integral part of this project team. Although the book haschanged significantly since then, it has greatly benefited from his insightand knowledge. He was an inspiring mentor and great friend, and we misshim dearly.

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Symbols and Acronyms

Symbol RepresentsA m× n matrixA†, A−, AT pseudoinverse, generalized inverse and transpose of Ab right-hand side, length mcond(·) condition number of matrix in l2-normCov(·) covariance matrixdiag(·) diagonal matrixe vector of noise, length mei noise component in dataei canonical unit vectorεM machine precisionE(·) expected valuefj(t) model basis functionΓ(t) pure-data functionM(x, t) fitting modelN normal (or Gaussian) distributionnull(A) null space of Ap degree of polynomialP , Pi, Px probabilityPX projection onto space XΠ permutation matrixQ m×m orthogonal matrix, partitioned as Q = ( Q1 Q2 )r = r(A) rank of matrix Ar, r∗ residual vector, least squares residual vectorri residual for ith datarange(A) range of matrix AR, R1 m× n and n× n upper triangular matrixspanw1, . . . ,wp subspace generated by the vectorsΣ diagonal SVD matrix


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Symbol Representsς, ςi standard deviationσi singular valuet independent variable in data fitting problemti abscissa in data fitting problemU , V m×m and n× n left and right SVD matricesui, vi left and right singular vectors, length m and n respectivelyW m×m diagonal weight matrixwi weight in weighted least squares problemx, x∗ vector of unknowns, least squares solution, length nx∗ minimum-norm LSQ solutionxB, xTLS basic LSQ solution and total least squares solutionxi coefficient in a linear fitting modely vector of data in a data fitting problem, length myi data in data fitting problem‖ · ‖2 2-norm, ‖x‖2 = (x2

1 + · · ·+ x2n)1/2

perturbed version of

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Acronym NameCG conjugate gradientCGLS conjugate gradient for LSQFG fast GivensGCV generalized cross validationG-N Gauss-NewtonGS Gram-Schmidt factorizationGSVD generalized singular value decompositionLASVD SVD for large, sparse matricesL-M Levenberg-MarquardtLP linear predictionLSE equality constrained LSQLSI inequality constrained LSQLSQI quadratically constrained LSQLSQ least squaresLSQR Paige-Saunders algorithmLU LU factorizationMGS modified Gram-SchmidtNLLSQ nonlinear least squaresNMR nuclear magnetic resonanceNN neural networkQR QR decompositionRMS root mean squareRRQR rank revealing QR decompositionSVD singular value decompositionTLS total least squares problemTSVD truncated singular value decompositionUTV UTV decompositionVARPRO variable projection algorithm, Netlib versionVP variable projection

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Chapter 1

The Linear Data FittingProblem

This chapter gives an introduction to the linear data fitting problem: howit is defined, its mathematical aspects and how it is analyzed. We also giveimportant statistical background that provides insight into the data fittingproblem. Anyone with more interest in the subject is encouraged to consultthe pedagogical expositions by Bevington [13], Rust [213], Strutz [233] andvan den Bos [242].

We start with a couple of simple examples that introduce the basicconcepts of data fitting. Then we move on to a more formal definition, andwe discuss some statistical aspects. Throughout the first chapters of thisbook we will return to these data fitting problems in order to illustrate theensemble of numerical methods and techniques available to solve them.

1.1 Parameter estimation, data approximationExample 1. Parameter estimation. In food-quality analysis, the amountand mobility of water in meat has been shown to affect quality attributes likeappearance, texture and storage stability. The water contents can be mea-sured by means of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques, in whichthe measured signal reflects the amount and properties of different types ofwater environments in the meat. Here we consider a simplified exampleinvolving frozen cod, where the ideal time signal φ(t) from NMR is a sumof two damped exponentials plus a constant background,

φ(t) = x1 e−λ1t + x2 e

−λ2t + x3, λ1, λ2 > 0.

In this example we assume that we know the parameters λ1 and λ2 thatcontrol the decay of the two exponential components. In practice we do not


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Figure 1.1.1: Noisy measurements of the time signal φ(t) from NMR, forthe example with frozen cod meat.

measure this pure signal, but rather a noisy realization of it as shown inFigure 1.1.1.

The parameters λ1 = 27 s−1 and λ2 = 8 s−1 characterize two differenttypes of proton environments, responsible for two different water mobilities.The amplitudes x1 and x2 are proportional to the amount of water containedin the two kinds of proton environments. The constant x3 accounts for anundesired background (bias) in the measurements. Thus, there are threeunknown parameters in this model, namely, x1, x2 and x3. The goal of datafitting in relation to this problem is to use the measured data to estimatethe three unknown parameters and then compute the different kinds of watercontents in the meat sample. The actual fit is presented in Figure 1.2.1.

In this example we used the technique of data fitting for thepurpose of estimating unknown parameters in a mathemat-ical model from measured data. The model was dictated bythe physical or other laws that describe the data.

Example 2. Data approximation. We are given measurements of airpollution, in the form of the concentration of NO, over a period of 24 hours,on a busy street in a major city. Since the NO concentration is mainly dueto the cars, it has maximum values in the morning and in the afternoon,when the traffic is most intense. The data is shown in Table 1.1 and theplot in Figure 1.2.2.

For further analysis of the air pollution we need to fit a smooth curveto the measurements, so that we can compute the concentration at an arbi-trary time between 0 and 24 hours. For example, we can use a low-degreepolynomial to model the data, i.e., we assume that the NO concentrationcan be approximated by

f(t) = x1 tp + x2 t

p−1 + · · ·+ xp t+ xp+1,

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ti yi ti yi ti yi ti yi ti yi0 110.49 5 29.37 10 294.75 15 245.04 20 216.731 73.72 6 74.74 11 253.78 16 286.74 21 185.782 23.39 7 117.02 12 250.48 17 304.78 22 171.193 17.11 8 298.04 13 239.48 18 288.76 23 171.734 20.31 9 348.13 14 236.52 19 247.11 24 164.05

Table 1.1: Measurements of NO concentration yi as a function of time ti.The units of yi and ti are µg/m3 and hours, respectively.

where t is the time, p is the degree of the polynomial andx1, x2, . . . , xp+1 are the unknown coefficients in the polynomial. A bettermodel however, since the data repeats every day, would use periodic func-tions:

f(t) = x1 + x2 sin(ω t) + x3 cos(ω t) + x4 sin(2ω t) + x5 cos(2ω t) + · · ·

where ω = 2π/24 is the period. Again, x1, x2, . . . are the unknown coeffi-cients. The goal of data fitting in relation to this problem is to estimate thecoefficients x1, x2, . . ., such that we can evaluate the function f(t) for anyargument t. At the same time we want to suppress the influence of errorspresent in the data.

In this example we used the technique of data fitting for thepurpose of approximating measured discrete data: we fitted amodel to given data in order to be able to compute smootheddata for any value of the independent variable in the model.We were free to choose the model as long as it gave an ade-quate fit to the data.

Both examples illustrate that we are given data with measurement er-rors and that we want to fit a model to these data that captures the “overallbehavior” of it without being too sensitive to the errors. The difference be-tween the two examples is that in the first case the model arises from aphysical theory, while in the second there is an arbitrary continuous ap-proximation to a set of discrete data.

Data fitting is distinctly different from the problem of interpolation,where we seek a model – a function f(t) – that interpolates the given data,i.e., it satisfies f(ti) = yi for all the data points. We are not interestedin interpolation (which is not suited for noisy data) – rather, we want toapproximate the noisy data with a parametric model that is either given orthat we can choose, in such a way that the result is not too sensitive to thenoise. In this data fitting approach there is redundant data: i.e., more datathan unknown parameters, which also helps to decrease the uncertainty in

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the parameters of the model. See Example 15 in the next chapter for ajustification of this.

1.2 Formulation of the data fitting problemLet us now give a precise definition of the data fitting problem. We assumethat we are given m data points

(t1, y1), (t2, y2), . . . , (tm, ym),

which can be described by the relation

yi = Γ(ti) + ei, i = 1, 2, . . . ,m. (1.2.1)

The function Γ(t), which we call the pure-data function, describes thenoise-free data (it may be unknown, or given by the application), whilee1, e2, . . . , em are the data errors (they are unknown, but we may havesome statistical information about them). The data errors – also referredto as noise – represent measurement errors as well as random variationsin the physical process that generates the data. Without loss of generalitywe can assume that the abscissas ti appear in non-decreasing order, i.e.,t1 ≤ t2 ≤ · · · ≤ tm.

In data fitting we wish to compute an approximation to Γ(t) – typicallyin the interval [t1, tm]. The approximation is given by the fitting modelM(x, t), where the vector x = (x1, x2, . . . , xn)T contains n parametersthat characterize the model and are to be determined from the given noisydata. In the linear data fitting problem we always have a model of the form

Linear fitting model: M(x, t) =n∑j=1

xj fj(t). (1.2.2)

The functions fj(t) are called the model basis functions, and the numbern – the order of the fit – should preferably be smaller than the numberm of data points. A notable modern exception is related to the so-calledcompressed sensing, which we discuss briefly in Section 7.5.

The form of the function M(x, t) – i.e., the choice of basis functions –depends on the precise goal of the data fitting. These functions may begiven by the underlying mathematical model that describes the data – inwhich case M(x, t) is often equal to, or an approximation to, the pure-datafunction Γ(t) – or the basis functions may be chosen arbitrarily among allfunctions that give the desired approximation and allow for stable numericalcomputations.

The method of least squares (LSQ) is a standard technique for deter-mining the unknown parameters in the fitting model. The least squares fit

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is defined as follows. We introduce the residual ri associated with the datapoints as

ri = yi −M(x, ti), i = 1, 2, . . . ,m,

and we note that each residual is a function of the parameter vector x, i.e.,ri = ri(x). A least squares fit is a choice of the parameter vector x thatminimizes the sum-of-squares of the residuals:

LSQ fit: minx


ri(x)2 = minx


(yi −M(x, ti)

)2. (1.2.3)

In the next chapter we shall describe in which circumstances the leastsquares fit is unique, and in the following chapters we shall describe anumber of efficient computational methods for obtaining the least squaresparameter vector x.

We note in passing that there are other related criteria used in datafitting; for example, one could replace the sum-of-squares in (1.2.3) withthe sum-of-absolute-values:



|ri(x)| = minx


∣∣yi −M(x, ti)∣∣. (1.2.4)

Below we shall use a statistical perspective to describe when these twochoices are appropriate. However, we emphasize that the book focuses onthe least squares fit.

In order to obtain a better understanding of the least squares data fittingproblem we take a closer look at the residuals, which we can write as

ri = yi −M(x, ti) =(yi − Γ(ti)

)+(Γ(ti)−M(x, ti)

)= ei +

(Γ(ti)−M(x, ti)


i = 1, 2, . . . ,m. (1.2.5)

We see that the ith residual consists of two components: the data errorei comes from the measurements, while the approximation error Γ(ti) −M(x, ti) is due to the discrepancy between the pure-data function and thecomputed fitting model. We emphasize that even if Γ(t) and M(x, t) havethe same form, there is no guarantee that the estimated parameters x usedinM(x, t) will be identical to those underlying the pure-data function Γ(t).At any rate, we see from this dichotomy that a good fitting model M(x, t)is one for which the approximation errors are of the same size as the dataerrors.

Underlying the least squares formulation in (1.2.3) are the assumptionsthat the data and the errors are independent and that the errors are “whitenoise.” The latter means that all data errors are uncorrelated and of the

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same size – or in more precise statistical terms, that the errors ei have meanzero and identical variance: E(ei) = 0 and E(e2

i ) = ς2 for i = 1, 2, . . . ,m(where ς is the standard deviation of the errors).

This ideal situation is not always the case in practice! Hence, we alsoneed to consider the more general case where the standard deviation de-pends on the index i, i.e.,

E(ei) = 0, E(e2i ) = ς2i , i = 1, 2, . . . ,m,

where ςi is the standard deviation of ei. In this case, the maximum likeli-hood principle in statistics (see Section 1.3), tells us that we should min-imize the weighted residuals, with weights equal to the reciprocals of thestandard deviations:




= minx∑mi=1




. (1.2.6)

Now consider the expected value of the weighted sum-of-squares:















(Γ(ti)−M(x, ti))2



= m+m∑i=1

E((Γ(ti)−M(x, ti))2



where we have used that E(ei) = 0 and E(e2i ) = ς2i . The consequence of

this relation is the intuitive result that we can allow the expected value ofthe approximation errors to be larger for those data (ti, yi) that have largerstandard deviations (i.e., larger errors). Example 4 illustrates the usefulnessof this approach. See Chapter 3 in [233] for a thorough discussion on howto estimate weights for a given data set.

We are now ready to state the least squares data fitting problem interms of matrix-vector notation. We define the matrix A ∈ Rm×n and thevectors y, r ∈ Rm as follows,

A =

f1(t1) f2(t1) · · · fn(t1)f1(t2) f2(t2) · · · fn(t2)


...f1(tm) f2(tm) · · · fn(tm)

, y =




, r =





i.e., y is the vector of observations, r is the vector of residuals and thematrix A is constructed such that the jth column is the jth model basis

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function sampled at the abscissas t1, t2, . . . , tm. Then it is easy to see thatfor the un-weighted data fitting problem we have the relations

r = y −Ax and ρ(x) =m∑i=1

ri(x)2 = ‖r‖22 = ‖y −Ax‖22.

Similarly, for the weighted problem we have

ρW (x) =m∑i=1



= ‖W (y −Ax)‖22,

with the weighting matrix and weights

W = diag(w1, . . . , wm), wi = ς−1i , i = 1, 2, . . . ,m.

In both cases, the computation of the coefficients in the least squares fit isidentical to the solution of a linear least squares problem for x. Throughoutthe book we will study these least squares problems in detail and giveefficient computational algorithms to solve them.

Example 3. We return to the NMR data fitting problem from Example 1.For this problem there are 50 measured data points and the model basisfunctions are

f1(t) = e−λ1t, f2(t) = e−λ2t, f3(t) = 1,

and hence we have m = 50 and n = 3. In this example the errors in alldata points have the same standard deviation ς = 0.1, so we can use theun-weighted approach. The solution to the 50× 3 least squares problem is

x1 = 1.303, x2 = 1.973, x3 = 0.305.

The exact parameters used to generate the data are 1.27, 2.04 and 0.3,respectively. These data were then perturbed with random errors. Figure1.2.1 shows the data together with the least squares fit M(x, t); note howthe residuals are distributed on both sides of the fit.

For the data fitting problem in Example 2, we try both the polynomialfit and the trigonometric fit. In the first case the basis functions are themonomials fj(t) = tn−j , for j = 1, . . . , n = p + 1, where p is the degree ofthe polynomial. In the second case the basis functions are the trigonometricfunctions:

f1(t) = 1, f2(t) = sin(ω t), f3(t) = cos(ω t),

f4(t) = sin(2ω t), f5(t) = cos(2ω t), . . .

Figure 1.2.2 shows the two fits using a polynomial of degree p = 8 (givinga fit of order n = 9) and a trigonometric fit with n = 9. The trigonometricfit looks better. We shall later introduce computational tools that let usinvestigate this aspect in more rigorous ways.

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Figure 1.2.1: The least squares fit (solid line) to the measured NMR data(dots) from Figure 1.1.1 in Example 1.

Figure 1.2.2: Two least squares fits (both of order n = 9) to the mea-sured NO data from Example 2, using a polynomial (left) and trigonometricfunctions (right).

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Figure 1.2.3: Histograms of the computed values of x2 for the modifiedNMR data in which the first 10 data points have larger errors. The leftplot shows results from solving the un-weighted LSQ problem, while theright plot shows the results when weights wi = ς−1

i are included in the LSQproblem.

Example 4. This example illustrates the importance of using weights whencomputing the fit. We use again the NMR data from Example 1, exceptthis time we add larger Gaussian noise to the first 10 data points, withstandard deviation 0.5. Thus we have ςi = 0.5 for i = 1, 2, . . . , 10 (thefirst 10 data with larger errors) and ςi = 0.1 for i = 11, 12, . . . , 50 (theremaining data with smaller errors). The corresponding weights wi = ς−1


are therefore 2, 2, . . . , 2, 10, 10, . . . , 10. We solve the data fitting problemwith and without weights for 10, 000 instances of the noise. To evaluate theresults, we consider how well we estimate the second parameter x2 whoseexact value is 2.04. The results are shown in Figure 1.2.3 in the form ofhistograms of the computed values of x2. Clearly, the weighted fit gives morerobust results because it is less influenced by the data with large errors.

1.3 Maximum likelihood estimationAt first glance the problems of interpolation and data fitting seem to re-semble each other. In both cases, we use approximation theory to selecta good model (through the model basis functions) for the given data thatresults in small approximation errors – in the case of data fitting, given bythe term Γ(t) −M(x, t) for t ∈ [t1, tm]. The main difference between thetwo problems comes from the presence of data errors and the way we dealwith these errors.

In data fitting we deliberately avoid interpolating the data and insteadsettle for less degrees of freedom in the model, in order to reduce the model’ssensitivity to errors. Also, it is clear that the data noise plays an importantrole in data fitting problems, and we should use concepts and tools fromstatistics to deal with it.

The classical statistical motivation for the least squares fit is basedon the maximum likelihood principle. Our presentation follows [13]. Weassume that the data are given by (1.2.1), that the errors ei are unbiased

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and uncorrelated, and that each error ei has a Gaussian distribution withstandard deviation ςi, i.e.,

yi = Γ(ti) + ei, ei ∼ N (0, ς2i ).

Here, N (0, ς2i ) denotes the normal (Gaussian) distribution with zero meanand standard deviation σi. Gaussian errors arise, e.g., from the measure-ment process or the measuring devices, and they are also good models ofcomposite errors that arise when several sources contribute to the noise.Then the probability Pi for making the observation yi is given by

Pi =1


2πe− 1








12 ( eiςi )



The probability P for making the observed set of measurements y1, y2, . . . , ymis the product of these probabilities:

P = P1 P2 · · · Pm =m∏i=1


2πe− 1




= K


e− 1





where the factor K =∏mi=1


2π)−1 is independent of the pure-data

function.Now assume that the pure-data function Γ(t) is identical to the fitting

modelM(x, t), for a specific but unknown parameter vector x∗. The proba-bility for the given data y1, y2, . . . , ym to be produced by the modelM(x, t)for an arbitrary parameter vector x is given by

Px = K


e− 1





= K e− 1






. (1.3.1)

The method of maximum likelihood applied to data fitting consists of mak-ing the assumption that the given data are more likely to have come fromour model M(x, t) – with specific but unknown parameters x∗ – than anyother model of this form (i.e., with any other parameter vector x). The bestestimate of the model is therefore the one that maximizes the probabilityPx given above, as a function of x. Clearly, Px is maximized by mini-mizing the exponent, i.e., the weighted sum-of-squared residuals. We havethus – under the assumption of Gaussian errors – derived the weighted leastsquares data fitting problem (1.2.6). In practice, we use the same principlewhen there is a discrepancy between the pure-data function and the fittingmodel.

The same approach can be used to derive the maximum likelihood fitfor other types of errors. As an important example, we consider errorsthat follow a Laplace distribution, for which the probability of making the

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observation yi is given by

Pi =1

2ςie− |yi−Γ(ti)|

ςi =1

2ςie− |ei|ςi ,

where again ςi is the standard deviation. The Laplace density functiondecays slower than the Gaussian density function, and thus the Laplacedistribution describes measurement situations where we are more likely tohave large errors than in the case of the Gaussian distribution.

Following once again the maximum likelihood approach we arrive at theproblem of maximizing the function

Px = K


e− |yi−M(x,ti)|


= K e−Pmi=1




with K =∏mi=1


. Hence, for these errors we should minimize thesum-of-absolute-values of the weighted residuals. This is the linear 1-normminimization problem that we mentioned in (1.2.4).

While the principle of maximum likelihood is universally applicable, itcan lead to complicated or intractable computational problems. As an ex-ample, consider the case of Poisson data, where yi comes from a Poissondistribution, with expected value Γ(ti) and standard deviation Γ(ti)1/2.Poisson data typically show up in counting measurements, such as the pho-ton counts underlying optical detectors. Then the probability for makingthe observation yi is

Pi =Γ(ti)yi


and hence, we should maximize the probability

Px =m∏i=1

M(x, ti)yi





M(x, ti)yi e−Pmi=1 M(x,ti).

Unfortunately, it is computationally demanding to maximize this quantitywith respect to x, and instead one usually makes the assumption that thePoisson errors for each data yi are nearly Gaussian, with standard deviationσi = Γ(ti)1/2 ' y1/2

i (see, e.g., pp. 342–343 in [146] for a justification of thisassumption). Hence, the above weighted least squares approach derived forGaussian noise, with weights wi = y

−1/2i , will give a good approximation

to the maximum likelihood fit for Poisson data.

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The Gauss and Laplace errors discussed above are used to model addi-tive errors in the data. We finish this section with a brief look at relativeerrors, which arise when the size of the error ei is – perhaps to a goodapproximation – proportional to the magnitude of the pure data Γ(ti). Astraightforward way to model such errors, which fits into the above frame-work, is to assume that the data yi can be described by a normal distribu-tion with mean Γ(ti) and standard deviation ςi = |Γ(ti)| ς. This “relativeGaussian errors” model can also be written as

yi = Γ(ti) (1 + ei), ei ∼ N (0, ς2). (1.3.2)

Then the probability for making the observation yi is

Pi =1

|Γ(ti)| ς√

2πe− 1


“yi−Γ(ti)Γ(ti) ς



Using the maximum likelihood principle again and substituting the mea-sured data yi for the unknown pure data Γ(ti), we arrive at the followingweighted least squares problem:



(yi −M(x, ti)



= minx‖W (y −Ax)‖22, (1.3.3)

with weights wi = y−1i .

An alternative formulation, which is suited for problems with positivedata Γ(ti) > 0 and yi > 0, is to assume that yi can be described by a log-normal distribution, for which log yi has a normal distribution, with meanlog Γ(ti) and standard deviation ς:

yi = Γ(ti) eεi ⇔ log yi = log Γ(ti) + εi, εi ∼ N (0, ς2).

In this case we again arrive at a sum-of-squares minimization problem,but now involving the difference of the logarithms of the data yi and themodel M(x, ti). Even when M(x, t) is a linear model, this is not a linearproblem in x.

In the above log-normal model with standard deviation ς, the probabil-ity Pi for making the observation yi is given by

Pi =1

yi ς√

2πe− 1


“log yi−log Γ(ti)




yi ς√

2πe− 1


“log yiς



with yi = yi/Γ(ti). Now let us assume that ς is small compared to Γ(ti),such that yi ' Γ(ti) and yi ' 1. Then, we can write yi = Γ(ti) (1 + ei) ⇔yi = 1 + ei, with ei 1 and log yi = ei + O(e2

i ). Hence, the exponential

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factor in Pi becomes

e− 1


“log yiς


= e− 1


„εi+O(e2i )



= e− 1



+O(e3i )



= e−12 ( eiς )2

e−O(e3i )

ς2 = e−12 ( eiς )2


while the other factor in Pi becomes

1yi ς√


1Γ(ti) (1 + ei) ς


=1 +O(ei)

Γ(ti) ς√


Hence, as long as ς Γ(ti) we have the approximation

Pi '1

Γ(ti) ς√


12 ( eiς )2


Γ(ti) ς√

2πe− 1


“yi−Γ(ti)Γ(ti) ς



which is the probability introduced above for the case of “relative Gaussianerrors.” Hence, for small noise levels ς |Γ(ti)|, the two different modelsfor introducing relative errors in the data are practically identical, leadingto the same weighted LSQ problem (1.3.3).

1.4 The residuals and their propertiesThis section focuses on the residuals ri = yi − M(x, ti) for a given fitand how they can be used to analyze the “quality” of the fit M(x, t) thatwe have computed. Throughout the section we assume that the residualsbehave like a time series, i.e., they have a natural ordering r1, r2, . . . , rmassociated with the ordering t1 < t2 < · · · < tm of the samples of theindependent variable t.

As we already saw in Equation (1.2.5), each residual ri consists of twocomponents – the data error ei and the approximation error Γ(ti)−M(x, ti).For a good fitting model, the approximation error should be of the samesize as the data errors (or smaller). At the same time, we do not wantthe residuals to be too small, since then the model M(x, t) may overfit thedata: i.e., not only will it capture the behavior of the pure-data functionΓ(t), but it will also adapt to the errors, which is undesirable.

In order to choose a good fitting model M(x, t) we must be able toanalyze the residuals ri and determine whether the model captures thepure-data function “well enough.” We can say that this is achieved when theapproximation errors are smaller than the data errors, so that the residualsare practically dominated by the data errors. In that case, some of thestatistical properties of the errors will carry over to the residuals. Forexample, if the noise is white (cf. Section 1.1), then we will expect that theresiduals associated with a satisfactory fit show properties similar to whitenoise.

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If, on the other hand, the fitting model does not capture the mainbehavior of the pure-data function, then we can expect that the residualsare dominated by the approximation errors. When this is the case, theresiduals will not have the characteristics of noise, but instead they willtend to behave as a sampled signal, i.e., the residuals will show stronglocal correlations. We will use the term trend to characterize a long-termmovement in the residuals when considered as a time series.

Below we will discuss some statistical tests that can be used to determinewhether the residuals behave like noise or include trends. These and manyother tests are often used in time series analysis and signal processing.Throughout this section we make the following assumptions about the dataerrors ei:

• They are random variables with mean zero and identical variance,i.e., E(ei) = 0 and E(e2

i ) = ς2 for i = 1, 2, . . . ,m.

• They belong to a normal distribution, ei ∼ N (0, ς2).

We will describe three tests with three different properties:

• Randomness test: check for randomness of the signs of the residuals.

• Autocorrelation test: check whether the residuals are uncorrelated.

• White noise test: check for randomness of the residuals.

The use of the tools introduced here is illustrated below and in Chapter 11on applications.

Test for random signs

Perhaps the simplest analysis of the residuals is based on the statisticalquestion: can we consider the signs of the residuals to be random? (Whichwill often be the case when ei is white noise with zero mean.) We cananswer this question by means of a run test from time series analysis; see,e.g., Section 10.4 in [134].

Given a sequence of two symbols – in our case, “+” and “−” for positiveand negative residuals ri – a run is defined as a succession of identicalsymbols surrounded by different symbols. For example, the sequence “+ ++ − − − − + + − − − − − + + +” has m = 17 elements, n+ = 8 pluses,n− = 9 minuses and u = 5 runs: + + +, − − −−, ++, − − − − − and+++. The distribution of runs u (not the residuals!) can be approximatedby a normal distribution with mean µu and standard deviation ςu given by

µu =2n+ n−m

+ 1, ς2u =(µu − 1) (µu − 2)

m− 1. (1.4.1)

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With a 5% significance level we will accept the sign sequence as random if

z± =|u− µu|ςu

< 1.96 (1.4.2)

(other values of the threshold, for other significance levels, can be found inany book on statistics). If the signs of the residuals are not random, thenit is likely that trends are present in the residuals. In the above examplewith 5 runs we have z± = 2.25, and according to (1.4.2) the sequence ofsigns is not random.

Test for correlation

Another question we can ask is whether short sequences of residuals arecorrelated, which is a clear indication of trends. The autocorrelation of theresiduals is a statistical tool for analyzing this. We define the autocorrela-tion % of the residuals, as well as the trend threshold T%, as the quantities

% =m−1∑i=1

ri ri+1, T% =1√m− 1


r2i . (1.4.3)

Since % is the sum of products of neighboring residuals, it is in fact theunit-lag autocorrelation. Autocorrelations with larger lags, or distances inthe index, can also be considered. Then, we say that trends are likely to bepresent in the residuals if the absolute value of the autocorrelation exceedsthe trend threshold, i.e., if |%| > T%. Similar techniques, based on shortersequences of residuals, are used for placing knots in connection with splinefitting; see Chapter 6 in [125].

We note that in some presentations, the mean of the residuals is sub-tracted before computing % and T%. In our applications this should not benecessary, as we assume that the errors have zero mean.

Test for white noise

Yet another question we can ask is whether the sequence of residuals be-haves like white noise, which can be answered by means of the normalizedcumulative periodogram. The underlying idea is that white noise has a flatspectrum, i.e., all frequency components in the discrete Fourier spectrumhave the same probability; hence, we must determine whether this is thecase. Let the complex numbers rk denote the components of the discreteFourier transform of the residuals, i.e.,

rk =m∑i=1

ri e(2π ı (i−1)(k−1)/m), k = 1, . . . ,m,

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Figure 1.4.1: Two artificially created data sets used in Example 5. Thesecond data set is inspired by the data on p. 60 in [125].

where ı denotes the imaginary unit. Our indices are in the range 1, . . . ,mand thus shifted by 1 relative to the range 0, . . . ,m−1 that is common in sig-nal processing. Note that r1 is the sum of the residuals (called the DC com-ponent in signal processing), while rq+1 with q = bm/2c is the component ofthe highest frequency. The squared absolute values |r1|2, |r2|2, . . . , |rq+1|2are known as the periodogram (in statistics) or the power spectrum (insignal processing). Then the normalized cumulative periodogram consistsof the q numbers

ci =|r2|2 + |r3|2 + · · ·+ |ri+1|2

|r2|2 + |r3|2 + · · ·+ |rq+1|2, i = 1, . . . , q, q = bm/2c,

which form an increasing sequence from 0 to 1. Note that the sums excludethe first term in the periodogram.

If the residuals are white noise, then the expected values of the normal-ized cumulative periodogram lie on a straight line from (0, 0) to (q, 1). Anyrealization of white noise residuals should produce a normalized cumula-tive periodogram close to a straight line. For example, with the common5% significance level from statistics, the numbers ci should lie within theKolmogorov-Smirnoff limit ±1.35/q of the straight line. If the maximumdeviation maxi|ci − i/q| is smaller than this limit, then we recognize theresidual as white noise.

Example 5. Residual analysis. We finish this section with an examplethat illustrates the above analysis techniques. We use the two different datasets shown in Figure 1.4.1; both sets are artificially generated (in fact, thesecond set is the first set with the ti and yi values interchanged). In bothexamples we have m = 43 data points, and in the test for white noisewe have q = 21 and 1.35/q = 0.0643. The fitting model M(x, t) is thepolynomial of degree p = n− 1.

For fitting orders n = 2, 3, . . . , 9, Figure 1.4.2 shows the residuals andthe normalized cumulative periodograms, together with z± (1.4.2), the ratios

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Figure 1.4.2: Residual analysis for polynomial fits to artificial data set 1.

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Figure 1.4.3: Residual analysis for polynomial fits to artificial data set 2.

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%/T% from (1.4.3) and the maximum distance of the normalized cumulativeperiodogram to the straight line. A visual inspection of the residuals in theleft part of the figure indicates that for small values of n the polynomialmodel does not capture all the information in the data, as there are obvioustrends in the residuals, while for n ≥ 5 the residuals appear to be morerandom. The test for random signs confirms this: for n ≥ 5 the numbersz± are less than 1.96, indicating that the signs of the residuals could beconsidered random. The autocorrelation analysis leads to approximately thesame conclusion: for n = 6 and 7 the absolute value of the autocorrelation% is smaller than the threshold T%.

The normalized cumulative periodograms are shown in the right partof Figure 1.4.2. For small values, the curves rise fast toward a flat part,showing that the residuals are dominated by low-frequency components. Theclosest we get to a straight line is for n = 6, but the maximum distance 0.134to the straight line is still too large to clearly signify that the residuals arewhite noise. The conclusion from these three tests is nevertheless that n = 6is a good choice of the order of the fit.

Figure 1.4.3 presents the residual analysis for the second data set. Avisual inspection of the residuals clearly shows that the polynomial modelis not well suited for this data set – the residuals have a slowly varyingtrend for all values of n. This is confirmed by the normalized cumulativeperiodograms that show that the residuals are dominated by low-frequencycomponents. The random-sign test and the autocorrelation analysis alsogive a clear indication of trends in the residuals.

1.5 Robust regression

The least squares fit introduced in this chapter is convenient and useful ina large number of practical applications – but it is not always the rightchoice for a data fitting problem. In fact, we have already seen in Section1.3 that the least squares fit is closely connected to the assumption aboutGaussian errors in the data. There we also saw that other types of noise,in the framework of maximum likelihood estimation, lead to other criteriafor a best fit – such as the sum-of-absolute-values of the residuals (the 1-norm) associated with the Laplace distribution for the noise. The moredominating the “tails” of the probablility density function for the noise, themore important it is to use another criterion than the least squares fit.

Another situation where the least squares fit is not appropriate is whenthe data contain outliers, i.e., observations with exceptionally large errorsand residuals. We can say that an outlier is a data point (ti, yi) whose valueyi is unusual compared to its predicted value (based on all the reliable datapoints). Such outliers may come from different sources:

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• The data errors may come from more than one statistical distribution.This could arise, e.g., in an astronomical CCD camera, where we havePoisson noise (or “photon noise”) from the incoming light, Gaussiannoise from the electronic circuits (amplifier and A/D-converter), andoccasional large errors from cosmic radiation (so-called cosmic rayevents).

• The outliers may be due to data recording errors arising, e.g., whenthe measurement device has a malfunction or the person recordingthe data makes a blunder and enters a wrong number.

A manual inspection can sometimes be used to delete blunders from thedata set, but it may not always be obvious which data are blunders oroutliers. Therefore we prefer to have a mathematical formulation of thedata fitting problem that handles outliers in such a way that all data areused, and yet the outliers do not have a deteriorating influence on the fit.This is the goal of robust regression. Quoting from [82] we say that “anestimator or statistical procedure is robust if it provides useful informationeven if some of the assumptions used to justify the estimation method arenot applicable.”

Example 6. Mean and median. Assume we are given n − 1 samplesz1, . . . , zn−1 from the same distribution and a single sample zn that is anoutlier. Clearly, the arithmetic mean 1

n (z1 + z2 + · · · + zn) is not a goodestimate of the expected value because the outlier constributes with the sameweight as all the other data points. On the other hand, the median gives arobust estimate of the expected value since it is insensitive to a few outliers;we recall that if the data are sorted then the median is z(n+1)/2 if n is odd,and 1

2 (zn/2 + zn/2+1) if n is even.

The most common method for robust data fitting – or robust regression,as statisticians call it – is based on the principle of M-estimation introducedby Huber [130], which can be considered as a generalization of maximumlikelihood estimation. Here we consider un-weighted problems only (theextension to weighted problems is straightforward). The underlying ideais to replace the sum of squared residuals in (1.2.3) with the sum of somefunction of the residuals:

Robust fit: minx



)= min



ρ(yi −M(x, ti)

), (1.5.1)

where the function ρ defines the contribution of each residual to the functionto be minimized. In particular, we obtain the least squares fit when ρ(r) =12r

2. The function ρ must satisfy the following criteria:

1. Non-negativity: ρ(r) ≥ 0 ∀r.

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Figure 1.5.1: Four functions ρ(r) used in the robust data fitting problem.All of them increase slower than 1

2r2 that defines the LSQ problem and thus

they lead to robust data fitting problems that are less sensitive to outliers.

2. Zero only when the argument is zero: ρ(r) = 0 ⇔ r = 0.

3. Symmetry: ρ(−r) = ρ(r).

4. Monotonicity: ρ(r′) ≥ ρ(r) for r′ ≥ r.

Some well-known examples of the function ρ are (cf. [82, 171]):

Huber : ρ(r) =


2, |r| ≤ β

β|r| − 12β

2, |r| > β(1.5.2)

Talwar : ρ(r) =


2, |r| ≤ β12β

2, |r| > β(1.5.3)

Bisquare : ρ(r) = β2 log(




Logistic : ρ(r) = β2

(|r|β− log

(1 +|r|β


Note that all four functions include a problem-dependent positive parameterβ that is used to control the behavior of the function for “large” values ofr, corresponding to the outliers. Figure 1.5.1 shows these functions for thecase β = 1, and we see that all of them increase slower than the function12r

2, which underlies the LSQ problem. This is precisely why they lead to arobust data fitting problem whose solution is less sensitive to outliers thanthe LSQ solution. The parameter β should be chosen from our knowledgeof the standard deviation ς of the noise; if ς is not known, then it can beestimated from the fit as we will discuss in Section 2.2.

It appears that the choice of function ρ for a given problem relies mainlyon experience with the specific data for that problem. Still, the Huber

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Figure 1.5.2: The pure-data function Γ(t) (thin line) and the data withGaussian noise (dots); the outlier (t60, y60) = (3, 2.5) is outside the plot.The fitting model M(x, t) is a polynomial with n = 9. Left: the LSQ fitand the corresponding residuals; this fit is dramatically influenced by theoutlier. Right: the robust Huber fit, using β = 0.025, together with theresiduals; this is a much better fit to the given data because it approximatesthe pure-data function well.

function has attained widespread use, perhaps due to the natural way itdistinguishes between large and small residuals:

• Small residual satisfying |ri| ≤ β are treated in the same way as inthe LSQ fitting problem; if there are no outliers then we obtain theLSQ solution.

• Large residuals satisfying |ri| > β are essentially treated as |ri| andthe robust fit is therefore not so sensitive to the corresponding datapoints.

Thus, robust regression is a compromise between excluding the outliersentirely from the analysis and including all the data points and treatingall of them equally in the LSQ regression. The idea of robust regressionis to weight the observations differently based on how well behaved theseobservations are. For an early use in seismic data processing see [48, 219].

Example 7. Robust data fitting with the Huber function. Thisexample illustrates that the Huber function gives a more robust fit than theLSQ fit. The pure-data funtion Γ(t) is given by

Γ(t) = sin(πe−t

), 0 ≤ t ≤ 5.

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We use m = 100 data points with ti = 0.05i, and we add Gaussian noisewith standard deviation ς = 0.05. Then we change the 60th data point toan outlier with (t60, y60) = (3, 2.5); Figure 1.5.2 shows the function Γ(t)and the noisy data. We note that the outlier is located outside the plot.

As fitting model M(x, t) we use a polynomial with n = 9 and the leftpart of Figure 1.5.2 shows the least squares fit with this model, togetherwith the corresponding residuals. Clearly, this fit is dramatically influencedby the outlier, which is evident from the plot of the fit and as well by thebehavior of the residuals, which exhihit a strong positive “trend” in the range2 ≤ t ≤ 4. This illustrates the inability of the LSQ fit to handle outliers ina satisfactory way.

The right part of Figure 1.5.2 shows the robust Huber fit, with parameterβ = 0.025 (this parameter is chosen to reflect the noise level in the data).The resulting fit is not influenced by the outlier, and the residuals do notseem to exhibit any strong “trend.” This is a good illustration of robustregression.

In Section 9.5 we describe numerical algorithms for computing the so-lutions to robust data fitting problems.

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Chapter 2

The Linear Least SquaresProblem

This chapter covers some of the basic mathematical facts of the linear leastsquares problem (LSQ), as well as some important additional statisticalresults for data fitting. We introduce the two formulations of the leastsquares problem: the linear system of normal equations and the optimiza-tion problem form.

The computation of the LSQ solution via an optimization problem hastwo aspects: simplification of the problem structure and actual minimiza-tion. In this and in the next chapter we present a number of matrix factor-izations, for both full-rank and rank-deficient problems, which transformthe original problem to one easier to solve. The QR factorization is empha-sized, for both the analysis and the solution of the LSQ problem, while inthe last section we look into the more expensive complete factorizations.

Some very interesting historical paper on Gaussian elimination that in-cludes also least squares problems can be found in Grcar [109, 110].

2.1 Linear least squares problem formulationAs we saw in the previous chapter, underlying the linear (and possiblyweighted) least squares data fitting problem is the linear least squares prob-lem

minx‖b−Ax‖2 or min

x‖W (b−Ax)‖2,

where A ∈ Rm×n is the matrix with samples of the model basis functions,x is the vector of parameters to be determined, the right-hand side b isthe vector of observations and W is a diagonal weight matrix (possibly theidentity matrix). Since the weights can always be absorbed into A and b


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b∗ = Ax∗


Figure 2.1.1: The geometric interpretation of the linear least squares so-lution x∗. The plane represents the range of A, and if the vector b hasa component outside this subspace, then we have an inconsistent system.Moreover, b∗ = Ax∗ is the orthogonal projection of b on range(A), and r∗

is the LSQ residual vector.

in the mathematical formulation we can, without loss of generality, restrictour discussion to the un-weighted case. Also, from this point on, whendiscussing the generic linear least squares problem, we will use the notationb for the right-hand side (instead of y that we used in Chapter 1), whichis more common in the LSQ literature.

Although most of the material in this chapter is also applicable to theunderdetermined case (m < n), for notational simplicity we will alwaysconsider the overdetermined case m ≥ n. We denote by r the rank ofA, and we consider both full-rank and rank-deficient problems. Thus wealways have r ≤ n ≤ m in this chapter.

It is appropriate to remember at this point that an m × n matrix A isalways a representation of a linear transformation x→ Ax with A : Rn →Rm, and therefore there are two important subspaces associated with it:The range or column space,

range(A) = z ∈ Rm | x ∈ Rn, z = Ax ,

and its orthogonal complement, the null space of AT :

null(AT ) =y ∈ Rm | ATy = 0


When A is square and has full rank, then the LSQ problem minx ‖Ax−b‖2 reduces to the linear system of equations Ax = b. In all other cases,due to the data errors, it is highly probable that the problem is inconsistent,i.e., b /∈ range(A), and as a consequence there is no exact solution, i.e., nocoefficients xj exist that express b as a linear combination of columns of A.

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Instead, we can find the coefficients xj for a vector b∗ in the range of Aand “closest” to b. As we have seen, for data fitting problems it is naturalto use the Euclidean norm as our measure of closeness, resulting in the leastsquares problem

Problem LSQ : minx ‖b−Ax‖22, A∈ Rm×n, r ≤ n ≤ m (2.1.1)

with the corresponding residual vector r given by

r = b−Ax. (2.1.2)

See Figure 2.1.1 for a geometric interpretation. The minimizer, i.e., theleast squares solution – which may not be unique, as it will be seen later –is denoted by x∗. We note that the vector b∗ ∈ range(A) mentioned aboveis given by b∗ = Ax∗.

The LSQ problem can also be looked at from the following point of view.When our data are contaminated by errors, then the data are not in thespan of the model basis functions fj(t) underlying the data fitting problem(cf. Chapter 1). In that case the data vector b cannot – and should not – beprecisely “predicted” by the model, i.e., the columns of A. Hence, it mustbe perturbed by a minimum amount r, so that it can then be “represented”by A, in the form of b∗ = Ax∗. This approach will establish a viewpointused in Section 7.3 to introduce the total least squares problem.

As already mentioned, there are good statistical reasons to use the Eu-clidean norm. The underlying statistical assumption that motivates thisnorm is that the vector r has random error elements, uncorrelated, withzero mean and a common variance. This is justified by the following theo-rem.

Theorem 8. (Gauss-Markov) Consider the problem of fitting a modelM(x, t) with the n-parameter vector x to a set of data bi = Γ(ti) + eifor i = 1, . . . ,m (see Chapter 1 for details).

In the case of a linear model b = Ax, if the errors are uncorrelated withmean zero and constant variance ς2 (not necessarily normally distributed)and assuming that the m×n matrix A obtained by evaluating the model atthe data abscissas tii=1,...,m has full rank n, then the best linear unbiasedestimator is the least squares estimator x∗, obtained by solving the problemminx ‖b−Ax‖22.

For more details see [20] Theorem 1.1.1. Recall also the discussionon maximum likelihood estimation in Chapter 1. Similarly, for nonlinearmodels, if the errors ei for i = 1, . . . ,m have a normal distribution, theunknown parameter vector x estimated from the data using a least squarescriterion is the maximum likelihood estimator.

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There are also clear mathematical and computational advantages asso-ciated with the Euclidean norm: the objective function in (2.1.1) is dif-ferentiable, and the resulting gradient system of equations has convenientproperties. Since the Euclidean norm is preserved under orthogonal trans-formations, this gives rise to a range of stable numerical algorithms for theLSQ problem.

Theorem 9. A necessary and sufficient condition for x∗ to be a minimizerof ‖b−Ax‖22 is that it satisfies

AT (b−Ax) = 0. (2.1.3)

Proof. The minimizer of ρ(x) = ‖b − Ax‖22 must satisfy ∇ρ(x) = 0, i.e.,∂ρ(x)/∂xk = 0 for k = 1, . . . , n. The kth partial derivative has the form



2(bi −



)(−aik) = −2


ri aik

= −2 rTA( : , k) = −2A( : , k)Tr,

where A( : , k) denotes the kth column of A. Hence, the gradient can bewritten as

∇ρ(x) = −2ATr = −2AT (b−Ax)

and the requirement that ∇ρ(x) = 0 immediately leads to (2.1.3).

Definition 10. The two conditions (2.1.2) and (2.1.3) can be written as asymmetric (m+ n)× (m+ n) system in x and r, the so-called augmentedsystem: (




). (2.1.4)

This formulation preserves any special structure that A might have,such as sparsity. Also, it is the formulation used in an iterative refinementprocedure for the LSQ solution (discussed in Section 4.5), because of therelevance it gives to the residual.

Theorem 9 leads to the normal equations for the solution x∗ of the leastsquares problem:

Normal equations: ATAx = AT b. (2.1.5)

The normal equation matrix ATA, which is sometimes called the Gram-mian, is square, symmetric and additionally:

• If r = n (A has full rank), then ATA is positive definite and theLSQ problem has a unique solution. (Since the Hessian for the leastsquares problem is equal to 2ATA, this establishes the uniqueness ofx∗.)

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• If r < n (A is rank deficient), then ATA is non-negative definite. Inthis case, the set of solutions forms a linear manifold of dimensionn− r that is a translation of the subspace null(A).

Theorem 9 also states that the residual vector of the LSQ solution liesin null(AT ). Hence, the right-hand side b can be decomposed into twoorthogonal components

b = Ax+ r,

with Ax ∈ range(A) and r ∈ null(AT ), i.e., Ax is the orthogonal projectionof b onto range(A) (the subspace spanned by the columns of A) and r isorthogonal to range(A).

Example 11. The normal equations for the NMR problem in Example 1take the form 2.805 4.024 5.055

4.024 8.156 1.5215.055 1.521 50







giving the least squares solution x∗ = ( 1.303 , 1.973 , 0.305 )T .

Example 12. Simplified NMR problem. In the NMR problem, let usassume that we know that the constant background is 0.3, corresponding tofixing x3 = 0.3. The resulting 2 × 2 normal equations for x1 and x2 takethe form (

2.805 4.0244.024 8.156





)and the LSQ solution to this simplified problem is x1 = 1.287 and x2 =1.991. Figure 2.1.2 illustrates the geometry of the minimization associatedwith the simplified LSQ problem for the two unknowns x1 and x2. Theleft plot shows the residual norm surface as a function of x1 and x2, andthe right plot shows the elliptic contour curves for this surface; the uniqueminimum – the LSQ solution – is marked with a dot.

In the rank-deficient case the LSQ solution is not unique, but one can re-duce the solution set by imposing additional constraints. For example, thelinear least squares problem often arises from a linearization of a nonlinearleast squares problem, and it may be of interest then to impose the addi-tional constraint that the solution has minimal l2-norm, x = minx ‖x‖2, sothat the solution stays in the region where the linearization is valid. Be-cause the set of all minimizers is convex there is a unique solution. Anotherreason for imposing minimal length is stability, as we will see in the sectionon regularization.

For data approximation problems, where we are free to choose themodel basis functions fj(t), cf. (1.2.2), one should do it in a way that

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Figure 2.1.2: Illustration of the LSQ problem for the simplified NMRproblem. Left: the residual norm as a function of the two unknowns x1 andx2. Right: the corresponding contour lines for the residual norm.

gives A full rank. A necessary condition is that the (continuous) functionsf1(t), . . . , fn(t) are linearly independent, but furthermore, they have to de-fine linearly independent vectors when evaluated on the specific discrete setof abscissas. More formally:

A necessary and sufficient condition for the matrix A to have full rankis that the model basis functions be linearly independent over the abscissast1, . . . , tm:


αjfj(ti) = 0 for i = 1, . . . ,m ⇔ αj = 0 for j = 1, ..., n.

Example 13. Consider the linearly independent functions f1(t) = sin(t),f2(t) = sin(2t) and f3(t) = sin(3t); if we choose the data abscissas ti =π/4 + iπ/2, i = 1, . . . ,m, the matrix A has rank r = 2, whereas the samefunctions generate a full-rank matrix A when evaluated on the abscissasti = π(i/m), i = 1 . . . ,m− 1.

An even stronger requirement is that the model basis functions fj(t) besuch that the columns of A are orthogonal.

Example 14. In general, for data fitting problems, where the model basisfunctions fj(t) arise from the underlying model, the properties of the matrixA are dictated by these functions. In the case of polynomial data fitting,it is possible to choose the functions fj(t) so that the columns of A areorthogonal, as described by Forsythe [81], which simplifies the computationof the LSQ solution. The key is to choose a clever representation of thefitting polynomials, different from the standard one with the monomials:

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fj(t) = tj−1, j = 1, ..., n, such that the sampled polynomials satisfy


fj(ti) fk(ti) = 0 for j 6= k. (2.1.6)

When this is the case we say that the functions are orthogonal over thegiven abscissas. This is satisfied by the family of orthogonal polynomialsdefined by the recursion:

f1(t) = 1f2(t) = t− α1

fj+1(t) = (t− αj) fj(t)− βjfj−1(t), j = 2, . . . n− 1,

where the constants are given by

αj =1s2j


ti fj(ti)2, j = 0, 1, . . . , n− 1

βj =s2j


, j = 0, 1, . . . , n− 1

s2j =


fj(ti)2, j = 2, . . . n,

i.e., sj is the l2-norm of the jth column of A. These polynomials satisfy(2.1.6), hence, the normal equations matrix ATA is diagonal, and it followsthat the LSQ coefficients are given by

x∗j =1s2j


yi fj(ti), j = 1, . . . , n.

When A has full rank, it follows from the normal equations (2.1.5) thatwe can write the least squares solution as

x∗ = (ATA)−1AT b,

which allows us to analyze the solution and the residual vector in statis-tical terms. Consider the case where the data errors ei are independent,uncorrelated and have identical standard deviations ς, meaning that thecovariance for b is given by

Cov(b) = ς2 Im,

since the errors ei are independent of the exact Γ(ti). Then a standardresult in statistics says that the covariance matrix for the LSQ solution is

Cov(x∗) = (ATA)−1ATCov(b)A (ATA)−1 = ς2 (ATA)−1.

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We see that the unknown coefficients in the fit – the elements of x∗ – areuncorrelated if and only if ATA is a diagonal matrix, i.e., when the columnsof A are orthogonal. This is the case when the model basis functions areorthogonal over the abscissas t1, . . . , tm; cf. (2.1.6).

Example 15. More data gives better accuracy. Intuitively we expectthat if we increase the number of data points then we can compute a moreaccurate LSQ solution, and the present example confirms this. Specificallywe give an asymptotic analysis of how the solution’s variance depends onthe number m of data points, in the case of linear data fitting. There is noassumption about the distribution of the abscissas ti except that they belongto the interval [a, b] and appear in increasing order. Now let hi = ti − ti−1

for i = 2, . . . ,m and let h = (b− a)/m denote the average spacing betweenthe abscissas. Then for j, k = 1, . . . , n the elements of the normal equationmatrix can be approximated as

(ATA)jk =m∑i=1

h−1i fj(ti)fk(ti)hi '




' m

b− a

∫ b


fj(t)fk(t) dt,

and the accuracy of these approximations increases as m increases. Hence,if F denotes the matrix whose elements are the scaled inner products of themodel basis functions,

Fjk =1

b− a

∫ b


fj(t)fk(t)dt, i, j = 1, . . . , n,

then for large m the normal equation matrix approximately satisfies

ATA ' mF ⇔ (ATA)−1 ' 1mF−1,

where the matrix F is independent of m. Hence, the asymptotic result (asm increases) is that no matter the choice of abscissas and basis functions,as long as ATA is invertible we have the approximation for the white-noisecase:

Cov(x∗) = ς2(ATA)−1 ' ς2


We see that the solution’s variance is (to a good approximation) inverselyproportional to the number m of data points.

To illustrate the above result we consider again the frozen cod meatexample, this time with two sets of abscissas ti uniformly distributed in[0, 0.4] for m = 50 and m = 200, leading to the two matrices (ATA)−1

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Figure 2.1.3: Histograms of the error norms ‖xexact − x∗‖2 for the twotest problems with additive white noise; the errors are clearly reduced by afactor of 2 when we increase m from 50 to 200.

given by 1.846 −1.300 0.209−1.300 1.200 −0.2340.209 −0.234 0.070


0.535 −0.359 0.057−0.359 0.315 −0.0610.057 −0.061 0.018


respectively. The average ratio between the elements in the two matricesis 3.71, i.e., fairly close to the factor 4 we expect from the above analysiswhen increasing m by a factor 4.

We also solved the two LSQ problems for 1000 realizations of additivewhite noise, and Figure 2.1.3 shows histograms of the error norms ‖xexact−x∗‖2, where xexact = (1.27, 2.04, 0.3)T is the vector of exact parameters forthe problem. These results confirm that the errors are reduced by a factorof 2 corresponding to the expected reduction of the standard deviation bythe same factor.

2.2 The QR factorization and its roleIn this and the next section we discuss the QR factorization and its role inthe analysis and solution of the LSQ problem. We start with the simplercase of full-rank matrices in this section and then move on to rank-deficientmatrices in the next section.

The first step in the computation of a solution to the least squaresproblem is the reduction of the problem to an equivalent one with a moreconvenient matrix structure. This can be done through an explicit fac-torization, usually based on orthogonal transformations, where instead ofsolving the original LSQ problem (2.1.1) one solves an equivalent problemwith a triangular matrix. The basis of this procedure is the QR factoriza-tion, the less expensive decomposition that takes advantage of the isometricproperties of orthogonal transformations (proofs for all the theorems in thissection can be found in [20], [105] and many other references).

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Theorem 16. QR factorization. Any real m× n matrix A can be fac-tored as

A = QR with Q ∈ Rm×m, R =(R1


)∈ Rm×n, (2.2.1)

where Q is orthogonal (i.e., QTQ = Im) and R1 ∈ Rn×n is upper triangular.If A has full rank, then so has R and therefore all its diagonal elements arenonzero.

Theorem 17. Economical QR factorization. Let A ∈ Rm×n have fullcolumn rank r = n. The economical (or thin) QR factorization of A is

A = Q1R1 with Q1 ∈ Rm×n, R1 ∈ Rn×n, (2.2.2)

where Q1 has orthonormal columns (i.e., QT1 Q1 = In) and the upper trian-gular matrix R1 has nonzero diagonal entries. Moreover, Q1 can be chosensuch that the diagonal elements of R1 are positive, in which case R1 is theCholesky factor of ATA.

Similar theorems hold if the matrix A is complex, with the factor Q nowa unitary matrix.

Remark 18. If we partition the m×m matrix Q in the full QR factoriza-tion (2.2.1) as

Q = ( Q1 Q2 ),

then the sub-matrix Q1 is the one that appears in the economical QR fac-torization (2.2.2). The m × (m − n) matrix Q2 satisfies QT2 Q1 = 0 andQ1Q

T1 +Q2Q

T2 = Im.

Geometrically, the QR factorization corresponds to an orthogonalizationof the linearly independent columns of A. The columns of matrix Q1 are anorthonormal basis for range(A) and those of Q2 are an orthonormal basisfor null(AT ).

The following theorem expresses the least squares solution of the full-rank problem in terms of the economical QR factorization.

Theorem 19. Let A ∈ Rm×n have full column rank r = n, with the eco-nomical QR factorization A = Q1R1 from Theorem 17. Considering that

‖b−Ax‖22 = ‖QT (b−Ax)‖22 = ‖(QT1 bQT2 b




= ‖QT1 b−R1x‖22 + ‖QT2 b‖22,

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then, the unique solution of the LSQ problem minx ‖b−Ax‖22 can be com-puted from the simpler, equivalent problem

minx‖QT1 b−R1x‖22,

whose solution isx∗ = R−1

1 QT1 b (2.2.3)

and the corresponding least squares residual is given by

r∗ = b−Ax∗ = (Im −Q1QT1 )b = Q2Q

T2 b, (2.2.4)

with the matrix Q2 that was introduced in Remark 18.

Of course, (2.2.3) is short-hand for solving R x∗ = QT1 b, and one pointof this reduction is that it is much simpler to solve a triangular system ofequations than a full one. Further on we will also see that this approach hasbetter numerical properties, as compared to solving the normal equationsintroduced in the previous section.

Example 20. In Example 11 we saw the normal equations for the NMRproblem from Example 1; here we take a look at the economical QR factor-ization for the same problem:

A =

1.00 1.00 10.80 0.94 10.64 0.88 1...


3.2 · 10−5 4.6 · 10−2 12.5 · 10−5 4.4 · 10−2 12.0 · 10−5 4.1 · 10−2 1


Q1 =

0.597 −0.281 0.1720.479 −0.139 0.0710.384 −0.029 −0.002...


1.89 · 10−5 0.030 0.2241.52 · 10−5 0.028 0.2261.22 · 10−5 0.026 0.229


R1 =

1.67 2.40 3.020 1.54 5.160 0 3.78

, Qb =



We note that the upper triangular matrix R1 is also the Cholesky factor ofthe normal equation matrix, i.e., ATA = RT1 R1.

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The QR factorization allows us to study the residual vector in moredetail. Consider first the case where we augment A with an additionalcolumn, corresponding to adding an additional model basis function in thedata fitting problem.

Theorem 21. Let the augmented matrix A = (A , an+1 ) have the QRfactorization

A = ( Q1 Q2 )(R1



with Q1 = ( Q1 q ), QT1 q = 0 and QT

2 q = 0. Then the norms of the leastsquares residual vectors r∗ = (Im − Q1Q

T1 )b and r∗ = (Im − Q1Q


1 )b arerelated by

‖r∗‖22 = ‖r∗‖22 + (qT b)2.

Proof. From the relation Q1QT

1 = Q1QT1 + qqT it follows that Im −

Q1QT1 = Im −Q1Q


1 + qqT , and hence,

‖r∗‖22 = ‖(Im −Q1QT1 )b‖22 = ‖(Im −Q1Q


1 )b+ qqT b‖22

= ‖(Im −Q1QT

1 )b‖22 + ‖qqT b‖22 = ‖r∗‖22 + (qT b)2,

where we used that the two components of r∗ are orthogonal and that‖qqT b‖2 = |qT b| ‖q‖2 = |qT b|.

This theorem shows that, when we increase the number of model basisfunctions for the fit in such a way that the matrix retains full rank, thenthe least squares residual norm decreases (or stays fixed if b is orthogonalto q).

To obtain more insight into the least squares residual we study theinfluence of the approximation and data errors. According to (1.2.1) wecan write the right-hand side as

b = Γ + e,

where the two vectors

Γ =(Γ(t1), . . . ,Γ(tm)

)T and e = (e1, . . . , em)T

contain the pure data (the sampled pure-data function) and the data errors,respectively. Hence, the least squares residual vector is

r∗ = Γ−Ax∗ + e, (2.2.5)

where the vector Γ−Ax∗ is the approximation error. From (2.2.5) it followsthat the least squares residual vector can be written as

r∗ = (Im −Q1QT1 ) Γ + (Im −Q1Q

T1 ) e = Q2Q

T2 Γ +Q2Q

T2 e.

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We see that the residual vector consists of two terms. The first term Q2QT2 Γ

is an “approximation residual,” due to the discrepancy between the n modelbasis functions (represented by the columns of A) and the pure-data func-tion. The second term is the “projected error”, i.e., the component of thedata errors that lies in the subspace null(AT ). We can summarize thestatistical properties of the least squares residual vector as follows.

Theorem 22. The least squares residual vector r∗ = b − Ax∗ has thefollowing properties:

E(r∗) = Q2QT2 Γ, Cov(r∗) = Q2Q

T2 Cov(e)Q2Q

T2 ,

E(‖r∗‖22) = ‖QT2 Γ‖22 + E(‖QT2 e‖22).

If e is white noise, i.e., Cov(e) = ς2Im, then

Cov(r∗) = ς2Q2QT2 , E(‖r∗‖22) = ‖QT2 Γ‖22 + (m− n) ς2.

Proof. It follows immediately that

E(Q2QT2 e) = Q2Q

T2 E(e) = 0 and E(ΓTQ2Q

T2 e) = 0,

as well as

Cov(r∗) = Q2QT2 Cov(Γ + e)Q2Q

T2 and Cov(Γ + e) = Cov(e).


E(‖r∗‖22) = E(‖Q2QT2 Γ‖22) + E(‖Q2Q

T2 e‖22) + E(2ΓTQ2Q

T2 e).

It follows that

Cov(QT2 e) = ς2Im−n and E(‖QT2 e‖22) = trace(Cov(QT2 e)) = (m− n)ς2.

From the above theorem we see that if the approximation error Γ−Ax∗is somewhat smaller than the data error e then, in the case of white noise,the scaled residual norm s∗ (sometimes referred to as the standard error),defined by

s∗ =‖r∗‖2√m− n

, (2.2.6)

provides an estimate for the standard deviation ς of the errors in the data.Moreover, provided that the approximation error decreases sufficiently fastwhen the fitting order n increases, then we should expect that for large

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enough n the least squares residual norm becomes dominated by the pro-jected error term, i.e.,

r∗ ' Q2QT2 e for n sufficiently large.

Hence, if we monitor the scaled residual norm s∗ = s∗(n) as a function of n,then we expect to see that s∗(n) initially decreases – when it is dominatedby the approximation error – while at a later stage it levels off, when theprojected data error dominates. The transition between the two stages ofthe behavior of s∗(n) indicates a good choice for the fitting order n.

Example 23. We return to the air pollution example from Example 2. Wecompute the polynomial fit for n = 1, 2, . . . , 19 and the trigonometric fit forn = 1, 3, 5, . . . , 19 (only odd values of n are used, because we always needa sin-cos pair). Figure 2.2.1 shows the residual norm ‖r∗‖2 and the scaledresidual norm s∗ as functions of n.

The residual norm decreases monotonically with n, while the scaledresidual norm shows the expected behavior mentioned above, i.e., a decayingphase (when the approximation error dominates), followed by a more flator slightly increasing phase when the data errors dominate.

The standard error s∗ introduced in (2.2.6) above, defined as the residualnorm adjusted by the degrees of freedom in the residual, is just one exampleof a quantity from statistics that plays a central role in the analysis ofLSQ problems. Another quantity arising from statistics is the coefficient ofdetermination R2, which is used in the context of linear regression analysis(statistical modeling) as a measure of how well a linear model fits the data.Given a modelM(x, t) that predicts the observations b1, b2, . . . , bm and theresidual vector r = (b1 −M(x, t1), . . . , bm −M(x, tm))T , the coefficient ofdetermination is defined by

R2 = 1−‖r‖22∑m

i=1(bi − b)2, (2.2.7)

where b is the mean of the observations. In general, it is an approximationof the unexplained variance, since the second term compares the variance inthe model’s errors with the total variance of the data. Yet another usefulquantity for analysis is the adjusted coefficient of determination, adjR2,defined in the same way as the coefficient of determination R2, but adjustedusing the residual degrees of freedom,

adjR2 = 1− (s∗)2∑mi=1(bi − b)2/(m− 1)

, (2.2.8)

making it similar in spirit to the squared standard error (s∗)2. In Chapter11 we demonstrate the use of these statistical tools.

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Figure 2.2.1: The residual norm and the scaled residual norm, as functionsof the fitting order n, for the polynomial and trigonometric fits to the airpollution data.

2.3 Permuted QR factorization

The previous section covered in detail full-rank problems, and we saw thatthe QR factorization was well suited for solving such problems. However,for parameter estimation problems – where the model is given – there isno guarantee that A always has full rank, and therefore we must also con-sider the rank-deficient case. We give first an overview of some matrixfactorizations that are useful for detecting and treating rank-deficient prob-lems, although they are of course also applicable in the full-rank case. Theminimum-norm solution from Definition 27 below plays a central role inthis discussion.

When A is rank deficient we cannot always compute a QR factorization(2.2.1) that has a convenient economical version, where the range of A isspanned by the first columns of Q. The following example illustrates thata column permutation is needed to achieve such a form.

Example 24. Consider the factorization

A =(

0 00 1

)=(c −ss c

)(0 s0 c

), for any c2 + s2 = 1.

This QR factorization has the required form, i.e., the first factor is orthog-onal and the second is upper triangular – but range(A) is not spanned bythe first column of the orthogonal factor. However, a permutation Π of the

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columns of A gives a QR factorization of the desired form,

AΠ =(

0 01 0

)= QR =

(0 11 0

)(1 00 0


with a triangular R and such that the range of A is spanned by the firstcolumn of Q.

In general, we need a permutation of columns that selects the linearlyindependent columns of A and places them first. The following theoremformalizes this idea.

Theorem 25. QR factorization with column permutation. If A isreal, m× n with rank(A) = r < n ≤ m, then there exists a permutation Π,not necessarily unique, and an orthogonal matrix Q such that

AΠ = Q

(R11 R12

0 0


m− r , (2.3.1)

where R11 is r × r upper triangular with positive diagonal elements. Therange of A is spanned by the first r columns of Q.

Similar results hold for complex matrices where Q now is unitary.The first r columns of the matrix AΠ are guaranteed to be linearly

independent. For a model with basis functions that are not linearly de-pendent over the abscissas, this provides a method for choosing r linearlyindependent functions. The rank-deficient least squares problem can nowbe solved as follows.

Theorem 26. Let A be a rank-deficient m×n matrix with the pivoted QRfactorization in Theorem 25. Then the LSQ problem (2.1.1) takes the form

minx ‖QTAΠ ΠTx−QT b‖22 =


∥∥∥∥(R11 R12

0 0








miny(‖R11y1 −R12y2 − d1‖22 + ‖d2‖22


where we have introduced

QT b =(d1


)and y = ΠTx =




The general solution is

x∗ = Π(R−1

11 (d1 −R12 y2)y2

), y2 = arbitrary (2.3.2)

and any choice of y2 leads to a least squares solution with residual norm‖r∗‖2 = ‖d2‖2.

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Definition 27. Given the LSQ problem with a rank deficient matrix Aand the general solution given by (2.3.2), we define x∗ as the solution ofminimal l2-norm that satisfies

x∗ = arg minx‖x‖2 subject to ‖b−Ax‖2 = min .

The choice y2 = 0 in (2.3.2) is an important special case that leads tothe so-called basic solution,

xB = Π(R−1

11 QT1 b



with at least n−r zero components. This corresponds to using only the firstr columns of AΠ in the solution, while setting the remaining elements tozero. As already mentioned, this is an important choice in data fitting – aswell as other applications – because it implies that b is represented by thesmallest subset of r columns of A, i.e., it is fitted with as few variables aspossible. It is also related to the new field of compressed sensing [4, 35, 235].

Example 28. Linear prediction. We consider a digital signal, i.e., avector s ∈ RN , and we seek a relation between neighboring elements of theform

si =∑j=1

xi si−j , i = p+ 1, . . . , N, (2.3.3)

for some (small) value of `. The technique of estimating the ith elementfrom a number of previous elements is called linear prediction (LP), and theLP coefficients xi can be used to characterize various underlying propertiesof the signal. Throughout this book we will use a test problem where theelements of the noise-free signal are given by

si = α1 sin(ω1 ti) + α2 sin(ω2 ti) + · · ·+ αp sin(ωp ti), i = 1, 2, . . . , N.

In this particular example, we use N = 32, p = 2, α1 = 2, α2 = −1 and nonoise.

There are many ways to estimate the LP coefficients in (2.3.3). Oneof the popular methods amounts to forming a Toeplitz matrix A (i.e., amatrix with constant diagonals) and a right-hand side b from the signal,with elements given by

aij = sn+i−j , bi = sn+i, i = 1, . . . ,m, j = 1, . . . , n,

where the matrix dimensions m and n satisfy m+n = N and min(m,n) ≥ `.We choose N = 32 and n = 7 giving m = 25, and the first 7 rows of A and

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the first 7 elements of b are

1.011 −1.151 −0.918 −2.099 −0.029 2.770 0.8752.928 1.011 −1.151 −0.918 −2.099 −0.029 2.7701.056 2.928 1.011 −1.151 −0.918 −2.099 −0.029−1.079 1.056 2.928 1.011 −1.151 −0.918 −2.099−1.197 −1.079 1.056 2.928 1.011 −1.151 −0.918−2.027 −1.197 −1.079 1.056 2.928 1.011 −1.1511.160 −2.027 −1.197 −1.079 1.056 2.928 1.011




The matrix A is rank deficient and it turns out that for this problem we cansafely compute the ordinary QR factorization without pivoting, correspond-ing to Π = I. The matrix R1 and the vector QT1 b are

7.970 2.427 −3.392 −4.781 −5.273 1.890 7.5100 7.678 3.725 −1.700 −3.289 −6.482 −0.5420 0 6.041 2.360 −4.530 −1.136 −2.7650 0 0 5.836 −0.563 −4.195 0.2520 0 0 0 ε ε ε0 0 0 0 0 ε ε0 0 0 0 0 0 ε





where ε denotes an element whose absolute value is of the order 10−14 orsmaller. We see that the numerical rank of A is r = 4 and that b isthe weighted sum of columns 1 through 4 of the matrix A, i.e., four LPcoefficients are needed in (2.3.3). A basic solution is obtained by setting thelast three elements of the solution to zero:

xB = (−0.096 , −0.728 , −0.096 , −1.000 , 0 , 0 , 0 )T .

A numerically safer approach for rank-deficient problems is to use the QRfactorization with column permutations from Theorem 25, for which we get

Π =

0 0 0 0 0 1 01 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 1 0 0 0 00 0 0 1 0 0 00 0 0 0 1 0 00 1 0 0 0 0 0


R11 =

[email protected] 1.747 −3.062 −4.725

0 7.833 −4.076 −2.1940 0 5.972 −3.4340 0 0 5.675

1CCA , d1 =



1CCA .

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The basic solution corresponding to this factorization is

xB = ( 0 , −0.721 , 0 , −0.990 , 0.115 , 0 , 0.027 )T .

This basic solution expresses b as a weighted sum of columns 1, 3, 4 and6 of A. The example shows that the basic solution is not unique – bothbasic solutions given above solve the LSQ problem associated with the linearprediction problem.

The basic solution introduced above is one way of defining a particulartype of solution of the rank-deficient LSQ problem, and it is useful in someapplications. However, in other applications we require the minimum-normsolution x∗ from Definition 27, whose computation reduces to solving theleast squares problem

minx‖x‖2 = min



11 (d1 −R12y2)y2



Using the basic solution xB the problem is reduced to


∥∥∥∥xB −Π(R−1

11 R12





This is a full-rank least squares problem with matrix Π(R−1

11 R12


). The

right-hand side xB and the solution y∗2 can be obtained via a QR factor-ization. The following results from [101] relates the norms of the basic andminimum-norm solutions:

1 ≤ ‖xB‖2‖x∗‖2


1 + ‖R−111 R12‖22.

Complete orthogonal factorizationAs demonstrated above, we cannot immediately compute the minimum-norm least squares solution x∗ from the pivoted QR factorization. How-ever, the QR factorization with column permutations can be considered asa first step toward the so-called complete orthogonal factorization. This is adecomposition that, through basis changes by means of orthogonal transfor-mations in both Rm and Rn, concentrates the whole information of A intoa leading square nonsingular matrix of size r × r. This gives a more directway of computing x∗. The existence of complete orthogonal factorizationsis stated in the following theorem.

Theorem 29. Let A be a real m × n matrix of rank r. Then there is anm×m orthogonal matrix U and an n× n orthogonal matrix V such that

A = URV T with R =(R11 00 0

), (2.3.4)

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where R11 is an r × r nonsingular triangular matrix.

A similar result holds for complex matrices with U and V unitary. TheLSQ solution can now be obtained as stated in the following theorem.

Theorem 30. Let A have the complete orthogonal decomposition (2.3.4)and introduce the auxiliary vectors

UT b = g =(g1



m− r , V Tx = y =(y1



n− r . (2.3.5)

Then the solutions to minx ‖b−Ax‖2 are given by

x∗ = V



), y1 = R−1

11 g1, y2 = arbitrary, (2.3.6)

and the residual norm is ‖r∗‖2 = ‖g2‖2. In particular, the minimum-normsolution x∗ is obtained by setting y2 = 0.

Proof. Replacing A by its complete orthogonal decomposition we get

‖b−Ax‖22 = ‖b−URV Tx‖22 = ‖UT b−RV Tx‖22 = ‖g1−R11y1‖22 +‖g2‖22.

Since the sub-vector y2 cannot lower this minimum, it can be chosenarbitrarily and the result follows.

The triangular matrix R11 contains all the fundamental information ofA. The SVD, which we will introduce shortly, is a special case of a completeorthogonal factorization, which is more computationally demanding andinvolves an iterative part. The most sparse structure that can be obtainedby a finite number of orthogonal transformations, the bidiagonal case, is leftto be analyzed exhaustively in the chapter on direct numerical methods.

Example 31. We return to the linear prediction example from the previoussection; this time we compute the complete orthogonal factorization fromTheorem 29 and get

R11 =

−9.027 −4.690 −1.193 5.626

0 −8.186 −3.923 −0.3730 0 9.749 5.3910 0 0 9.789

, g =




V =

−0.035 0.355 −0.109 −0.521 −0.113 −0.417 0.6340.582 −0.005 0.501 −0.103 0.310 −0.498 −0.2370.078 0.548 0.044 0.534 0.507 0.172 0.347−0.809 0.034 0.369 0.001 0.277 −0.324 −0.163

0 −0.757 −0.006 0.142 0.325 −0.083 0.5430 0 −0.774 0.037 0.375 −0.408 −0.3050 0 0 −0.641 0.558 0.520 −0.086


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This factorization is not unique and the zeros in V are due to the particularalgorithm from [78] used here. The minimum-norm solution is

x∗ = V


11 g1


)= (−0.013 , −0.150 , −0.028 , −0.581 , 0.104 , 0.566 , −0.047 )T .

This solution, as well as the basic solutions from the previous example, allsolve the rank-deficient least squares problem.

Example 32. We will show yet another way to compute the linear predic-tion coefficients that uses the null space information in the complete orthog-onal factorization. In particular, we observe that the last three columns ofV span the null space of A. If we extract them to form the matrix V0 andcompute a QR factorization of its transpose, then we get

V T0 = Q0R0, RT0 =

0.767 0 00.031 0.631 00.119 −0.022 0.6260.001 0.452 0.0600.446 0.001 0.456−0.085 0.624 0.060−0.436 −0.083 0.626


Since ART0 = 0, we can normalize the last column (by dividing it by itsmaximum norm) to obtain the null vector

v0 = ( 0 , 0 , 1 , 0.096 , 0.728 , 0.096 , 1 )T ,

which is another way to describe the linear dependence between five neigh-boring columns aj of A. Specifically, this v0 states that a7 = −0.096a6 −0.728a5 − 0.96a4 − a3, and it follows that the LP coefficients are x1 =−0.728, x2 = −0.096, x3 = −0.096 and x4 = −1, which is identical to theresults in Example 28.

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Chapter 7

Additional Topics in LeastSquares

In this chapter we collect some more specialized topics, such as problemswith constraints, sensitivity analysis, total least squares and compressedsensing.

7.1 Constrained linear least squares problems

The inclusion of constraints in the linear least squares problem is often aconvenient way to incorporate a priori knowledge about the problem. Lin-ear equality constraints are the easiest to deal with, and their solution isan important part of solving problems with inequality constraints. Boundconstraints and quadratic constraints for linear least squares are also con-sidered in this chapter.

Least squares with linear constraints

Linear equality constraints (LSE)

The general form of a linear least squares problem with linear equalityconstraints is as follows: find a vector x ∈ Rn that minimizes ‖b−Ax‖2subject to the constraints CTx = d, where C is a given n× p matrix withp ≤ n and d is a given vector of length p. This results in the LSE problem:

Problem LSE: minx ‖b−Ax‖2 subject to CTx = d. (7.1.1)

A solution exists if CTx = d is consistent, which is the case if rank(C) = p.For simplicity, we assume that this is satisfied; Björck ([20], pp. 188) ex-


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plains ways to proceed when there is no a priori knowledge about con-sistency. Furthermore, the minimizing solution will be unique if the aug-mented matrix

Aaug =(CT



has full rank n.The idea behind the different algorithms for the LSE problem is to

reduce it to an unconstrained (if possible lower-dimensional) LSQ problem.To use Lagrange multipliers is of course an option, but we will insteaddescribe two more direct methods using orthogonal transformations, eachwith different advantages.

One option is to reformulate the LSE problem as a weighted LSQ prob-lem, assigning large weights (or penalties) for the constraints, thus enforcingthat they are almost satisfied:


∥∥∥∥( λCT





, λ large. (7.1.3)

Using the generalized singular value decomposition (GSVD), it can beproved that if x(λ) is the solution to (7.1.3) then ‖x(λ) − x‖2 = O(λ−2),so that in fact x(λ)→ x as λ→∞. The LU factorization algorithm fromSection 4.2 is well suited to solve this problem, because p steps of Gaussianelimination will usually produce a well-conditioned L matrix.

Although in principle only a general LSQ solver is needed, there arenumerical difficulties because the matrix becomes poorly conditioned forincreasing values of λ. However, a strategy described in [150], based onHouseholder transformations combined with appropriate row and columninterchanges has been found to give satisfactory results. In practice, as [20]mentions, if one uses the LSE equations in the form (7.1.3), it is sufficientto apply a QR factorization with column permutations.

To get an idea of the size of the weight λ we refer to an example byvan Loan described in [20], pp. 193. One can obtain almost 14 digits ac-curacy with a weight of λ = 107 using a standard QR factorization withpermutations (e.g., MATLAB’s function “qr”), if the constraints are placedin the first rows. Inverting the order in the equations, though, gives only10 digits for the same weight λ and an increase in λ only degrades thecomputed solution. In addition, Björck [20] mentions a QR decompositionbased on self-scaling Givens rotations that can be used without the “risk ofovershooting the optimal weights.”

Another commonly used algorithm directly eliminates some of the vari-ables by using the constraints. The actual steps to solve problem (7.1.1)are:

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1. Compute the QR factorization of C to obtain:

C = Q


)⇐⇒ CT = ( RT1 0 )QT .

2. Use the orthogonal matrix to define new variables:(uv

)= QTx ⇐⇒ x = Q



and also to compute the value of the unknown p-vector u by solvingthe lower triangular system RT1 u = d.

3. Introduce the new variables into the equation

‖b−Ax‖2 =∥∥b−AQQTx∥∥

2≡∥∥∥∥b− A( u




where the matrix A = AQ is partitioned according to the dimensions


): A = ( A1 A2 ), allowing the reduced n− p dimensional

LSQ problem to be written as

minv‖(b− A1u)− A2v‖2. (7.1.5)

4. Solve the unconstrained, lower-dimensional LSQ problem in (7.1.5)and obtain the original unknown vector x from (7.1.4).

This approach has the advantage that there are fewer unknowns in eachsystem that need to be solved for and moreover the reformulated LSQproblem is better conditioned since, due to the interlacing property of thesingular values: cond(A2) ≤ cond(A) = cond(A). The drawback is thatsparsity will be destroyed by this process.

If the augmented matrix in (7.1.2) has full rank, one obtains a uniquesolution x∗C , if not, one has to apply a QR factorization with column per-mutations, while solving problem (7.1.5) to obtain the minimum-lengthsolution vector.

The method of direct elimination compares favorably with another QR-based procedure, the null space method (see, for example, [20, 150]), bothin numerical stability and in operational count.

Example 74. Here we return to the linear prediction problem from Ex-ample 28, where we saw that 4 coefficients were sufficient to describe theparticular signal used there. Hence, if we use n = 4 unknown LP coef-ficients, then we obtain a full-rank problem with a unique solution givenby

x∗ = (−1, 0.096, −0.728, −0.096 )T .

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If we want the prediction scheme in (2.3.3) to preserve the mean of thepredicted signal, then we should add a linear constraint to the LSQ problem,forcing the prediction coefficients sum to zero, i.e.,

∑4i=1 xi = 0. In the

above notation this corresponds to the linear equality constraint

CTx = d, CT = (1, 1, 1, 1), d = 0.

Following the direct elimination process described above, this corresponds tothe following steps for the actual problem.

1. Compute the QR factorization of C:

C =


= QR =

0.5 0.5 0.5 0.50.5 0.5 −0.5 −0.50.5 −0.5 0.5 −0.50.5 −0.5 −0.5 0.5



2. Solve RT1 u = d ⇔ 2u = 0 ⇔ u = 0.

3. Solve minv∥∥b− A2v


A2 = A

0.5 0.5 0.50.5 −0.5 −0.5−0.5 0.5 −0.5−0.5 −0.5 0.5


giving v = (−0.149, −0.755, 0.324 )T .

4. Compute the constrained solution

x∗C = Q




0.5 0.5 0.50.5 −0.5 −0.5−0.5 0.5 −0.5−0.5 −0.5 0.5





It is easy to verify that the elements of x∗C sum to zero. Alternatively we canuse the weighting approach in (7.1.3), with the row λCT added on top of thematrix A; with λ = 102, 104 and 108 we obtain solutions almost identicalto the above x∗C , with elements that sum to −1.72 · 10−3, −1.73 · 10−7 and−1.78 · 10−15, respectively.

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Figure 7.1.1: Constrained least squares polynomial fits (m = 30, n = 10).The unconstrained fit is shown by the dashed lines, while the constrainedfit are shown by the solid lines. Left: equality constraints M(x, 0.5) = 0.65and M ′(x, 0) = M ′(x, 1) = 0. Right: inequality constraints M ′(x, ti) ≥ 0for i = 1, . . . ,m.

Linear inequality constraints (LSI)

Instead of linear equality constraints we can impose linear inequality con-straints on the least squares problem. Then the problem to be solved is

Problem LSI: minx ‖b−Ax‖2 subject to l ≤ CTx ≤ u, (7.1.6)

where the inequalities are understood to be component-wise.There are several important cases extensively discussed in [20, 150], and

Fortran subroutines are available from [88]. A good reference for this partis [91]. A constrained problem may have a minimizer of ‖b−Ax‖2 thatis feasible, in which case it can be solved as an unconstrained problem.Otherwise a constrained minimizer will be located on the boundary of thefeasible region. At such a solution, one or more constraints will be active,i.e., they will be satisfied with equality.

Thus the solver needs to find which constraints are active at the solution.If those were known a priori, then the problem could be solved as an equalityconstrained one, using one of the methods we discussed above. If not, thena more elaborate algorithm is necessary to verify the status of the variablesand modify its behavior according to which constraints become active orinactive at any given time.

As we showed above, a way to avoid all this complication is to usepenalty functions that convert the problem into a sequence of unconstrainedproblems. After a long hiatus, this approach has become popular again inthe form of interior point methods [259]. It is, of course, not devoid of itsown complications (principle of conservation of difficulty!).

Example 75. This example illustrates how equality and inequality con-straints can be used to control the properties of the fitting model M(x, t),

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using the rather noisy data (m = 30) shown in Figure 7.1.1 and a poly-nomial of degree 9 (i.e., n = 10). In both plots the dashed line shows theunconstrained fit.

Assume that we require that the model M(x, t) must interpolate thepoint (tint, yint) = (0.5, 0.65), have zero derivative at the end points t = 0,and t = 1, i.e., M ′(x, 0) = M ′(x, 1) = 0. The interpolation requirementcorrespond to the equality constraint

(t9int, t8int, . . . , tint, 1)x = yint,

while the constraint on M ′(x, t) has the form

(9t8, 8t7, . . . , 2t, 1, 0)x = M ′(x, t).

Hence the matrix and the right-hand side for the linear constraints in theLSE problem (7.1.1) has the specific form

CT =

t9int t8int · · · t2int tint 10 0 · · · 0 1 09 8 · · · 2 1 0

, d =




The resulting constrained fit is shown as the solid line in the left plot inFigure 7.1.1.

Now assume instead that we require that the model M(x, t) be mono-tonically non-decreasing in the data interval, i.e., that M ′(x, t) ≥ 0 fort ∈ [0, 1]. If we impose this requirement at the data points t1, . . . , tm, weobtain a matrix C in the LSI problem (7.1.6) of the form

CT =

9t81 8t71 . . . 2t1 09t82 8t72 . . . 2t2 0...


...9t8m 8t7m . . . 2tm 0


while the two vectors with the bounds are l = 0 and u =∞. The resultingmonotonic fit is shown as the solid line in the right plot in Figure 7.1.1.

Bound constraints

It is worthwhile to discuss the special case of bounded variables, i.e., whenC = I in (7.1.6) – also known as box constraints. Starting from a feasiblepoint (i.e., a vector x that satisfies the bounds), we iterate in the usual wayfor an unconstrained nonlinear problem (see Chapter 9), until a constraintis about to be violated. That identifies a face of the constraint box and aparticular variable whose bound is becoming active. We set that variableto the bound value and project the search direction into the corresponding

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Figure 7.1.2: Gradient projection method for a bound-constrained problemwith a solution at the upper right corner. From the starting point x we movealong the search direction h until we hit the active constraint in the thirdcoordinate, which brings us to the point x1. In the next step we hit theactive constraint in the second coordinate, bringing us to the point x2. Thethird step brings us to the solution at x3, in which all three coordinates areat active constraints.

face, in order to continue our search for a constrained minimum on it. SeeFigure 7.1.2 for an illustration. If the method used is gradient oriented,then this technique is called the gradient projection method [210].

Example 76. The use of bound constraints can sometimes have a profoundimpact on the LSQ solution, as illustrated in this example where we returnto the CT problem from Example 72. Here we add noise e with relativenoise levels η = ‖e‖2/‖b‖2 equal to 10−3, 3 · 10−3, 10−2 and we enforcenon-negativity constraints, i.e., l = 0 (and u =∞). Figure 7.1.3 comparesthe LSQ solutions (bottom row) with the non-negativity constrained NNLSsolutions (top row), and we see that even for the largest noise level 10−2

the NNLS solution includes recognizable small features – which are lost inthe LS solution even for the smaller noise level 3 · 10−3.

Sensitivity analysis

Eldén [74] gave a complete sensitivity analysis for problem LSE (7.1.1), in-cluding perturbations of all quantities involved in this problem; here we spe-cialize his results to the case where only the right-hand side b is perturbed.Specifically, if x∗C denotes the solution with the perturbed right-hand sideb+ e, then Eldén showed that

‖x∗C − x∗C‖2 ≤ ‖A

†C‖2 ‖e‖2, AC = A (I − (C†)TCT ).

To derive a simpler expression for the matrix AC consider the QR factor-ization C = Q1R1 introduced above. Then C† = R−1

1 QT1 and it follows

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Figure 7.1.3: Reconstructions of the CT problem for three different rel-ative noise levels η = ‖e‖2/‖b‖2. Top: LSQ solutions with non-negativityconstraints. Bottom: standard LSQ solutions.

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that if Q = ( Q1 Q2 ) then I − (C†)TCT = I − Q1QT1 = Q2Q

T2 and

hence AC = AQ2QT2 = A2Q

T2 . Moreover, we have A†C = Q2A

†2 and thus

‖A†C‖2 = ‖A†2‖2. The following theorem then follows immediately.

Theorem 77. Let x∗C and x∗C denote the solutions to problem LSE (7.1.1)with right-hand sides b and b + e, respectively. Then, neglecting second-order terms,

‖x∗C − x∗C‖2

‖x∗C‖2≤ cond(A2)



This implies that the equality-constrained LS solution is typically lesssensitive to perturbations, since the condition number of A2 = AQ2 is lessthan or equal to the condition number of A.

Least squares with quadratic constraints (LSQI)If we add a quadratic constraint to the least squares problem, then weobtain a problem of the form

Problem LSQI: minx ‖b−Ax‖22 subject to ‖d−B x‖2 ≤ α, (7.1.7)

where A ∈ Rm×n and B ∈ Rp×n. We assume that

rank(B) = r and rank(AB

)= n,

which guarantees a unique solution of the LSQI problem. Least squaresproblems with quadratic constraints arise in many applications, includingridge regression in statistics, Tikhonov regularization of inverse problems,and generalized cross-validation; we refer to [121] for more details.

To facilitate the analysis it is convenient to transform the probleminto “diagonal” form by using the generalized singular value decomposition(GSVD) from Section 3.3:

UTAX = DA, V B X = DB , b = UT b, d = V Td, x = Xy.

The matricesDA, DB are diagonal with non-negative elements α1, α2, ..., αnand β1, β2, ..., βq, where q = minp, n and there are r values βi > 0. Thereformulated problem is now



2= min



(αiyi − bi

)2 +m∑n+1



subject to∥∥d−DBy




(βiyi − di

)2 +p∑r+1

d2i ≤ α2. (7.1.9)

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A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a solution is that∑pi=r+1 d

2i ≤ α2. The way to solve problem (7.1.8)–(7.1.9) will depend on

the size of the term∑pi=r+1 d

2i .

1. If∑pr+1 d

2i = α2, the only y that can satisfy the constraints has as

first r elements yi = di/βi, i = 1, . . . , r. The remaining elementsyi are defined from the minimization of (7.1.8). The minimum isattained if

∑ni=1(αiyi − bi)2 = 0 or is as small as possible, so that for

i = r + 1, . . . , n we set yi = bi/αi if αi 6= 0 and yi = 0 otherwise.

2. If∑pi=r+1 d

2i < α2, one could use the Lagrange multipliers method

directly – cf. Appendix C.2.1 – but it is also possible to try a simplerapproach to reach a feasible solution: define the vector y that mini-mizes (7.1.8), which implies choosing yi = bi/αi if αi 6= 0 as before.If αi = 0, then try to make the left-hand side of the constraints assmall as possible by defining yi = di/βi if βi 6= 0 or else yi = 0.

3. If the resulting solution y is feasible, i.e., it satisfies the constraints(7.1.9), then x = X y is the LSQI solution.

4. If not, look for a solution on the boundary of the feasible set, i.e.,where the constraint is satisfied with equality. That is the standardform for the use of Lagrange multipliers, so the problem is now, for

Φ(y;µ) =∥∥b−DAy


2− µ


2− α2


find yµ and µ so that ∇Φ = 0.It can be shown that the solution yµ in step 4 satisfies the “normal


ADA + µDTBDB)yµ = DT

A b+ µDTB d, (7.1.11)

where µ satisfies the secular equation:

χ(µ) =∥∥d−DByµ


2− α2 = 0.

An iterative Newton-based procedure can be defined as follows. Startingfrom an initial guess µ0, at each successive step calculate yµi from (7.1.11),then compute a Newton step for the secular equation obtaining a new valueµi+1. It can be shown that this iteration is monotonically convergent to aunique positive root if one starts with an appropriate positive initial valueand if instead of χ(µ) = 0 one uses the more convenient form



− 1α2

= 0.

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Therefore the procedure can be used to obtain the unique solution of theLSQI problem. This is the most stable, but also the most expensive numer-ical algorithm. If instead of using the GSVD reformulation one works withthe original equations (7.1.7), an analogous Newton-based method can beapplied, in which the first stage at each step is


∥∥∥∥( A√µB

)xµ −




Efficient methods for solution of this kind of least squares problem havebeen studied for several particular cases; see [20] for details.

7.2 Missing data problems

The problem of missing data occurs frequently in scientific research. Itmay be the case that in some experimental plan, where observations had tobe made at regular intervals, occasional omissions arise. Examples wouldbe clinical trials with incomplete case histories, editing of incomplete sur-veys or, as in the example given at the end of this section, gene expressionmicroarray data, where some values are missing. Let us assume that themissing data are MCAR (missing completely at random), i.e., the proba-bility that a particular data element is missing is unrelated to its value orany of the variables. For example, in the case of data arrays, independentof the column or row.

The appropriate technique for data imputation (a statistical term, mean-ing the estimation of missing values), will depend among other factors, onthe size of the data set, the proportion of missing values and on the typeof missing data pattern. If only a few values are missing, say, 1–5%, onecould use a single regression substitution: i.e., predict the missing valuesusing linear regression with the available data and assign the predictedvalue to the missing score. The disadvantage of this approach is that thisinformation is only determined from the – now reduced – available data set.However, with MCAR data, any subsequent statistical analysis remains un-biased. This method can be improved by adding to the predicted value aresidual drawn to reflect uncertainty (see [152], Chapter 4).

Other classic processes to fill in the data to obtain a complete set areas follows:

• Listwise deletion: omit the cases with missing values and work withthe remaining set. It may lead to a substantial decrease in the avail-able sample size, but the parameter estimates are unbiased.

• Hot deck imputation: replace the missing data with a random valuedrawn from the collection of data of similar participants. Although

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widely used in some applications there is scarce information aboutthe theoretical properties of the method.

• Mean substitution: substitute a mean of the available data for themissing values. The mean may be formed within classes of data. Themean of the resulting set is unchanged, but the variance is underesti-mated.

More computationally intensive approaches based on least squares andmaximum-likelihood principles have been studied extensively in the pastdecades and a number of software packages that implement the procedureshave been developed.

Maximum likelihood estimation

These methods rely on probabilistic modeling, where we wish to find themaximum likelihood (ML) estimate for the parameters of a model, includingboth the observed and the missing data.

Expectation-maximization (or EM) algorithm

One ML algorithm is the expectation-maximization algorithm. This algo-rithm estimates the model parameters iteratively, starting from some initialguess of the ML parameters, using, for example, a model for the listwisedeleted data. Then follows a recursion until the parameters stabilize, eachstep containing two processes.

• E-step: the distribution of the missing data is estimated given theobserved data and the current estimate of the parameters.

• M-step: the parameters are re-estimated to those with maximum like-lihood, assuming the complete data set generated in the E-step.

Once the iteration has converged, the final maximum likelihood estimatesof the regression coefficients are used to estimate the final missing data.It has been proved that the method converges, because at each step thelikelihood is non-decreasing, until a local maximum is reached, but theconvergence may be slow and some acceleration method must be applied.The global maximum can be obtained by starting the iteration several timeswith randomly chosen initial estimates.

For additional details see [149, 152, 220]. For software IBM SPSS: miss-ing value analysis module. Also free software such as NORM is availablefrom [163].

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Multiple imputation (MI)

Instead of filling in a single value for each missing value, Rubin’s multipleimputation procedure [152], replaces each missing value with a set of plau-sible values that represent the uncertainty about the right value to impute.Multiple imputation (MI) is a Monte Carlo simulation process in which anumber of full imputed data sets are generated. Statistical analysis is per-formed on each set, and the results are combined [68] to produce an overallanalysis that takes the uncertainty of the imputation into consideration.Depending on the fraction of missing values, a number between 3 and 10sets must be generated to give good final estimates.

The critical step is the generation of the imputed data set. The choiceof the method used for this generation depends on the type of the missingdata pattern (see, for example, [132]). For monotone patterns, a parametricregression method can be used, where a regression model is fitted for thevariable with missing values with other variables as covariates (there is ahierarchy of missingness: if zb is observed, then za for a < b, is also ob-served). This procedure allows the incorporation of additional informationinto the model, for example, to use predictors that one knows are relatedto the missing data. Based on the resulting model, a new regression modelis simulated and used to impute the missing values.

For arbitrary missing data patterns, a computationally expensive MarkovChain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method, based on an assumption of multi-variate normality, can be used (see [220]). MI is robust to minor departuresfrom the normality assumption, and it gives reasonable results even in thecase of a large fraction of missing data or small size of the samples.

For additional information see [132, 149, 152]. For software see [132].

Least squares approximation

We consider here the data as a matrix A withm rows and n columns, whichis approximated by a low-rank model matrix. The disadvantage is that noinformation about the data distribution is included, which may be impor-tant when the data belong to a complex distribution. Two types of methodsare in common use: SVD based and local least squares imputations.

SVD-based imputation

In this method, the singular value decomposition is used to obtain a set oforthogonal vectors that are linearly combined to estimate the missing datavalues. As the SVD can only be performed on complete matrices, one workswith an auxiliary matrix A

′obtained by substituting any missing position

in A by a row average. The SVD of A′is as usual A

′= UΣV T . We select

first the k most significant right singular vectors of A′.

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Then, one estimates the missing ij value of A by first regressing the rowi against the significant right eigenvectors and then using a linear combi-nation of the regression coefficients to compute an estimate for the elementij. (Note that the j components of the right eigenvectors are not used inthe regression.) This procedure is repeated until it converges, and an im-portant point is that the convergence depends on the configuration of themissing entries.

Local least squares imputation

We will illustrate the method with the imputation of a DNA microarray.The so-called DNA microarray, or DNA chip, is a technology used to ex-periment with many genes at once. To this end, single strands of comple-mentary DNA for the genes of interest – which can be many thousands –are immobilized on spots arranged in a grid (“array”) on a support that willtypically be a glass slide, a quartz wafer or a nylon membrane.

The data from microarray experiments are usually in the form of largematrices of expression levels of genes (gene expression is the process bywhich information from a gene is used in the synthesis of a functional geneproduct), under different experimental conditions and frequently with somevalues missing. Missing values occur for diverse reasons, including insuf-ficient resolution, image corruption or simply due to dust or scratches onthe slide. Robust missing value estimation methods are needed, since manyalgorithms for gene expression analysis require a complete matrix of genearray values.

One method, developed by Kim, Golub and Park [145] for estimatingthe missing values, is a least squares-based imputation approach using theconcept of coherent genes. The method is a local least squares (LLS) algo-rithm, since only the genes with high similarity with the target gene, theone with incomplete values, are used. The coherent genes are identifiedusing similarity measures based on the `2-norm or the Pearson correlationcoefficient. Once identified, two approaches are used to estimate the miss-ing values, depending on the relative sizes between the number of selectedsimilar genes and the available experiments:

1. Missing values can be estimated either by representing the target genewith missing values as a linear combination of the similar genes.

2. The target experiment that has missing values can be represented asa linear combination of related experiments.

Denote with G ∈ Rm×n a gene expression data matrix with m genesand n experiments and assume m ≫ n. The row gTi of G representsexpressions of the ith gene in n experiments. Assume for now that only

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one value is missing and it corresponds to the first position of the first gene,G(1, 1) = g1(1), denoted by α for simplicity.

Now, among the genes with a known first position value, either the knearest-neighbors gene vectors are located using the `2-norm or the k mostsimilar genes are identified using the Pearson correlation coefficient. Then,based on these k closest gene vectors, a matrix A ∈ Rk×(q−1) and twovectors b ∈ Rk and w ∈ R(q−1) are formed. The k rows of the matrix Aconsist of the k closest gene vectors with their first values deleted; q variesdepending on the number of known values in these similar genes (i.e., thenumber of experiments recorded successfully). The elements of b consist ofthe first values of these gene vectors, and the elements of w are the q − 1known elements of g1.

When k < q − 1, the missing value in the target gene is approximatedusing the same-position value of the nearest genes:

1. Solve the local least squares problem minx∥∥ATx−w∥∥


2. Estimate the missing value as a linear combination of the first valuesof the coherent genes α = bTx.

When k ≥ q − 1, on the other hand, the missing value is estimated usingthe experiments:

1. Solve the local least squares problem minx ‖Ax− b‖2.

2. Estimate the missing value as a linear combination of values of exper-iments, not taking into account the first experiment in the gene g1,i.e., α = wTx.

An improvement is to add weights of similarity for the k nearest neighbors,leading to weighted LSQ problems. In the actual DNA microarray data,missing values may occur in several locations. For each missing value thearrays A, b and w are generated and the LLS solved. When building thematrix A for a missing value, the already estimated values of the gene aretaken into consideration.

An interesting result, based on experiments with data from the Stan-ford Microarray Database (SMD), is that the most robust missing valueestimation method is the one based on representing a target experimentthat has a missing value as a linear combination of the other experiments.A program called LSimpute is available from the authors of [145].

There are no theoretical results comparing different imputation algo-rithms, but the test results of [145, 238] are consistent and suggest thatthe above-described method is more robust for noisy data and less sensitiveto k, the number of nearest neighbors used, than the SVD method. Theappropriate choice of the k closest genes is still a matter of trial and error,although some experiments with random matrices point to thresholds forit [156]. See also [250].

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7.3 Total least squares (TLS)The assumption used until now for the LSQ problem is that errors arerestricted to the right-hand side b, i.e., the linear model is Ax = b + rwhere r is the residual. A new problem arises when the data matrix A isalso not known exactly, so both A and b have random errors. For simplicity,the statistical hypothesis will be that the rows of the errors are independentand have a uniform distribution with zero mean and common variance (amore general case is treated in [106]). This leads to the total least squares(TLS) problem of calculating a vector xTLS so that the augmented residualmatrix (E r ) is minimized:

Problem TLS: min∥∥( E r )


Fsubject to (A+ E)x = b+ r. (7.3.1)

We note that

‖( E r )‖2F = ‖E‖2F + ‖r‖22.

The relation to ordinary least squares problems is as follows:

• In the least squares approximation, one replaces the inconsistent prob-lem Ax = b by the consistent system Ax = b′, where b′ is the vectorclosest to b in range(A), obtained by minimizing the orthogonal dis-tance to range(A).

• In the total least squares approximation, one goes further and re-places the inconsistent problem Ax = b by the consistent systemA′ x = b′, finding the closest A′ and b′ to A and b, respectively, byminimizing simultaneously the sum of squared orthogonal distancesfrom the columns ai to a′i and b to b′.

Example 78. To illustrate the idea behind TLS we consider the followingsmall problem:

A =(


), b =



The TLS solution xTLS = 1.618 is obtained with

E =(−0.2760.447

), r =



Figure 7.3.1 illustrates the geometrical aspects of this simple problem. Wesee that the perturbed right-hand side b+r and the perturbed first (and only)column A+ E are both orthogonal projections of b and A, respectively, onthe subspace range(A+E). The perturbations r and E are orthogonal to band A, respectively, and they are chosen such that their lengths are minimal.Then xTLS is the ratio between the lengths of these two projections.

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LSQ problem



b′ = Ax∗




TLS problem





Figure 7.3.1: Illustration of the geometry underlying the LSQ problem(left) and the TLS problem (right). The LSQ solution x∗ is chosen such thatthe residual b′ − b (the dashed line) is orthogonal to the vector b′ = Ax∗.The TLS solution xTLS is chosen such that the the residuals b′−b and A′−A(the dashed lines) are orthogonal to b′ = A′ xTLS and A′, respectively.

We will only consider the case when rank(A) = n and b /∈ range(A).The trivial case when b ∈ range(A) means that the system is consistent,(E r) = 0 and the TLS solution is identical to the LSQ solution.

We note that the rank-deficient matrix case, rank(A) < n, has in prin-ciple only a solution in the trivial case b ∈ range(A). In the general caseit is treated by reducing the TLS problem to a smaller, full-rank problemusing column subset selection techniques. More details are given in ([239],section 3.4). The work of Paige and Strakoš [180] on core problems is alsorelevant here. The following example taken from [105], p. 595, illustratesthis case.

Example 79. Consider the problem defined by

A =

1 00 00 0

, b =



The rank of A is 1 and the matrix is rank deficient, with b /∈ range(A), sothere is no solution of the problem as is. Note that

Eε =

0 00 ε0 ε

is a perturbation, such that for any ε 6= 0 we have b ∈ range(A + Eε), butthere is no smallest ‖Eε‖F.

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The TLS problem and the singular value decompositionLet us rewrite the TLS problem as a system:

( A b )(


)+ ( E r )


)= 0,

or equivalently

C z + F z = 0 with z =(



where C = ( A b ) and F = ( E r ) are matrices of size m × (n + 1).We seek a solution z to the homogeneous equation

(C + F ) z = 0 (7.3.2)

that minimizes ‖F‖2F . For the TLS problem to have a non-trivial solutionz, the matrix C +F must be singular, i.e., rank(C +F ) < n+ 1. To attainthis, the SVD

C = ( A b ) = UΣV T =n+1∑i=1


can be used to determine an acceptable perturbation matrix F . The singu-lar values of A, here denoted by σ′1 ≥ σ′2 ≥ ... ≥ σ′n, will also enter in thediscussion.

The solution technique is easily understood in the case when the singularvalues of C satisfy σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ ... ≥ σn > σn+1, i.e., when the smallestsingular value is isolated. Since we are considering the full-rank, non-trivialcase, we also have σn+1 > 0.

From the Eckart-Young-Mirski Theorem 43, the matrix nearest to Cwith a rank lower than n + 1 is at distance σn+1 from C, and it is givenby∑ni=1 σiuiv

Ti . Thus, selecting C +F =

∑ni=1 σiuiv

Ti implies choosing a

perturbation F = −σn+1un+1vTn+1 with minimal norm: ‖F‖F = σn+1.

The solution z is now constructed using the fact that the vi are or-thonormal, and therefore (C + F )vn+1 = 0. Thus, a general solution ofthe TLS problem is obtained by scaling the right singular vector vn+1 cor-responding to the smallest singular value, in order to enforce the conditionthat zn+1 = −1:

zi =vi,n+1

−vn+1,n+1, i = 1, 2, . . . , n+ 1. (7.3.3)

This is possible provided that vn+1,n+1 6= 0. If vn+1,n+1 = 0, a solutiondoes not exist and the problem is called nongeneric.

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A theorem proved in [106] gives sufficient conditions for the existence ofa unique solution. If the smallest singular value σ′n of the full-rank matrixA is strictly larger than the smallest singular value of ( A b ) = C, σn+1,then vn+1,n+1 6= 0 and a unique solution exists.

Theorem 80. Denote by σ1, . . . , σn+1 the singular values of the augmentedmatrix ( A b ) and by σ′1, . . . , σ′n the singular values of the matrix A. Ifσ′n > σn+1, then there is a TLS correction matrix ( E r ) = −σn+1un+1v


and a unique solution vector

xTLS = −(v1,n+1, . . . , vn,n+1)T /vn+1,n+1 (7.3.4)

that solves the TLS problem.

Moreover, there are closed-form expressions for the solution:

xTLS = (ATA− σ2n+1I)−1AT b

and the residual norm:

‖AxTLS − b‖22 = σ2n+1

(1 +


(uTi b

)2(σ′i)2 − σ2



The following example, taken from pp. 179 in [20], illustrates the difficultyassociated with the nongeneric case in terms of the SVDs.

Example 81. Consider the augmented matrix:

( A b ) =(

1 00 2

), where A =



The smallest singular value of A is σ′1 = 1, and for the augmented matrixis σ2 = 1. So here σ′n = σn+1, and vn+1,n+1 = 0, and therefore no solutionexists. The formal algorithm would choose the perturbation matrix from thedyadic form for A+ E =

∑ni=1 σiuiv

Ti ; then

( A+ E b+ r ) =(

0 00 2

)and it is easy to see that b+ r /∈ range(A+ E), and there is no solution.

There are further complications with the nongeneric case, but we shallnot go into these issues here primarily because they seem to have beenresolved by the recent work of Paige and Strakoš [180].

In [239] p. 86, conditions for the existence and uniqueness of solutionsare given, as well as closed form expressions for these solutions. In [239]p. 87, a general algorithm for the TLS problem is described. It solves

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line with normal (x,−1)

ri = ai·x− biSS

di = (ai·x− bi)/√x2 + 1



• (ai, bi)

(ai, x·ai)

Figure 7.3.2: Illustration of LSQ and TLS for the case n = 1. The ithdata point is (ai, bi) and the point vertically above it on the line is (ai, ai·x),hence the vertical distance is ri = ai·x− bi. The orthogonal distance to theline is di = (x·ai − bi)/

√x2 + 1.

any generic and nongeneric TLS problem, including the case with multipleright-hand sides. The software developed by van Huffel is available fromNetlib [263]. Subroutine PTLS solves the TLS problem by using the partialsingular value decomposition (PSVD) mentioned in Section 5.6, therebyimproving considerably the computational efficiency with respect to theclassical TLS algorithm. A large-scale algorithm based on Rayleigh quotientiteration is described in [25]. See [155] for a recent survey of TLS methods.

Geometric interpretation

It is possible to give a geometric interpretation of the difference between thefits using the least squares and total least squares methods. Define the rowsof the matrix ( A b ) as the m points ci = (ai1, . . . , ain, bi)

T ∈ Rn+1, towhich we try to fit the linear subspace Sx of dimension n that is orthogonal

to the vector z =(



Sx = span(




)| a ∈ Rn, b ∈ R, b = xTa


In LSQ, one minimizes∥∥∥∥( A b )(





(cTk z

)2z =



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which measures the sum of squared distances along the n + 1-coordinateaxis from the points ck to the subspace Sx (already known as the residualsri). For the case n = 1, where A = (a1, a2, . . . am)T and x = x (a singleunknown), the LSQ approximation minimizes the vertical distance of thepoints (ai, bi) to the line through the origin with slope x (whose normalvector is (x,−1)T ); see Figure 7.3.2.

The TLS approach can be formulated as an equivalent problem.From the SVD of ( A b ) and the definition of matrix 2-norm we have∥∥( A b ) z

∥∥2/ ‖z‖2 ≥ σn+1,

for any nonzero z. If σn+1 is isolated and the vector z has unit norm, thenz = ±vn+1 and the inequality becomes an equality

∥∥( A b ) z∥∥2

2= σ2

n+1.So, in fact the TLS problem consists of finding a vector x ∈ Rn such that∥∥∥∥( A b )



2∥∥∥∥( x−1



=‖Ax− b‖22‖x‖22 + 1

= σ2n+1. (7.3.5)

The left-hand quantity is∑mi=1

(aTi x−bi)2

xTx+1, where the ith term is the square

of the true Euclidean (or orthogonal) distance from ci to the nearest pointin the subspace Sx. Again, see Figure 7.3.2 for an illustration in the casen = 1.

The equivalent TLS formulation minx ‖Ax− b‖22 /(‖x‖22 + 1) is conve-

nient for regularizing the TLS problem additively; see next section. Formore details see Section 10.2.

Further aspects of TLS problems

The sensitivity of the TLS problem

A study of the sensitivity of the TLS problem when there is a uniquesolution, i.e., when σ′n > σn+1, is given in [106]. The starting point for theanalysis is the formulation of the TLS problem as an eigenvalue problemfor CTC =

∑n+1i=1 viσ

2i v

Ti (i.e., σ2

i are the eigenvalues of CTC and vi arethe corresponding eigenvectors). The main tool used is the singular valueinterlacing property, Theorem 4 from Appendix B. Thus, if x ∈ Rn and



)= σ2




then x solves the TLS problem.

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One interesting result is that the total least squares problem can beconsidered as a de-regularization process, which is apparent when lookingat the first row of the above eigenvalue problem:

(ATA− σ2n+1I)xTLS = AT b.

This implies that the TLS problem is worse conditioned than the associatedLSQ problem.

An upper bound for the difference of the LSQ and TLS solutions is

‖xTLS − x∗‖2‖x∗‖2


σ′n2 − σ2



so that σ′n2 − σ2n+1 measures the sensitivity of the TLS problem. This

suggests that the TLS solution is unstable (the bounds are large) if σ′

n isclose to σn+1, for example, if σn+1 is (almost) a multiple singular value.

Stewart [231] proves that up to second-order terms in the error, xTLS isinsensitive to column scalings of A. Thus, unlike ordinary LSQ problems,TLS cannot be better conditioned by column scalings.

The mixed LS-TLS problem

Suppose that only some of the columns of A have errors. This leads to themodel


(‖E2‖2F + ‖r‖22) subject to ( A1 A2 + E2 )x = b+ r, (7.3.6)

with A1 ∈ Rm×n1 and A2, E2 ∈ Rm×n2 . This mixed LS-TLS problemformulation encompasses the LSQ problem (when n2 = 0), the TLS problem(when n1 = 0), as well as a combination of both.

How can one find the solution to (7.3.6)? The basic idea, developedin [95], is to use a QR factorization of ( A b ) to transform the problemto a block structure, thereby reducing it to the solution of a smaller TLSproblem that can be solved independently, plus an LSQ problem. First,compute the QR factorization ( A b ) = QR with

R =(R11 R12

0 R22

)R11 ∈ Rn1×n1 , R22 ∈ R(n2+1)×(n2+1).

Note that ‖F‖F = ‖QTF‖F and therefore the constraints on the originaland transformed systems are equivalent. Now compute the SVD of R22 andlet z2 = vn2+1 be the rightmost singular vector. We can then set F12 = 0and solve the standard least squares problem

R11 z1 = −R12 z2.

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Note that, as the TLS part of z has been obtained already and thereforeF22 is minimized, there is no loss of generality when F12 = 0. Finally,compute the mixed LS-TLS solution as

x = −z(1 : n)/z(n+ 1), z =(z1



7.4 Convex optimization

In an earlier section of this chapter we have already met a convex optimiza-tion problem: least squares with quadratic constraints. But there are manymore problems of interest and some of them are related to the subject ofthis book.

Convex optimization has gained much attention in recent years, thanksto recent advances in algorithms to solve such problems. Also, the effortsof Stephen Boyd and his group at Stanford have helped to popularize thesubject and provide invaluable software to solve all sizes of problems. Onecan say now that convex optimization problems have reached the pointwhere they can be solved as assuredly as the basic linear algebra problemsof the past.

One of the reasons for the success is that, although nonlinear, strictlyconvex problems have unique solutions. General nonlinear programmingproblems can have goal landscapes that are very bumpy and therefore itcan be hard to find a desired optimal point and even harder to find a globalone.

An important contribution in recent times has been in producing toolsto identify convexity and to find formulations of problems that are convex.These problems look like general nonlinear programming problems, but theobjective function f(x) and the constraints gi(x) and hi(x) are required tobe convex:

min f(x)subject to gi(x) ≤ 0, i = 1, ...,m

hi(x) = 0, i = 1, ..., p.

In the past 30 years several researchers discovered that by adding aproperty (self-concordance) to these problems made it possible to use inte-rior point methods via Newton iterations that were guaranteed to convergein polynomial time [167]. That was the breakthrough that allows us nowto solve large problems in a reasonable amount of computer time and hasprovided much impetus to the application of these techniques to an everincreasing set of engineering and scientific problems.

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A notable effort stemming from the research group of S. Boyd at Stan-ford is M. Grant’s cvx MATLAB package, available from http://cvxr.com.van den Berg and Friedlander [240, 241] have also some interesting contribu-tions, including efficient software for the solution of medium- and large-scaleconvex optimization problems; we also mention the Python software cvxoptby Dahl and Vandenberghe [56]. A comprehensive book on the subject is[30].

7.5 Compressed sensing

The theory and praxis of compressed sensing has become an importantsubject in the past few years. Compressed sensing is predicated on thefact that we often collect too much data and then compress it, i.e., a gooddeal of that data is unnecessary in some sense. Think of a mega-pixeldigital photography and its JPEG compressed version. Although this is alossy compression scheme, going back and forth allows for almost perfectreconstruction of the original image. Compressed sensing addresses thequestion: is it possible to collect much less data and use reconstructionalgorithms that provide a perfect image? The answer in many cases is yes.

The idea of compressed sensing is that solution vectors can be repre-sented by much fewer coefficients if an appropriate basis is used, i.e., theyare sparse in such a base, say, of wavelets [164]. Following [34, 35] we con-sider the general problem of reconstructing a vector x ∈ RN from linearmeasurements, yk = ϕTk x for k = 1, . . . ,K. Assembling all these measure-ments in matrix form we obtain the relation: y = Φx, where y ∈ RK andϕk are the rows of the matrix Φ.

The important next concept is that compressed sensing attempts toreconstruct the original vector x from a number of samples smaller thanwhat the Nyquist-Shannon theorem says is possible. The latter theoremstates that if a signal contains a maximum frequency f (i.e., a minimumwavelength w = 1/f), then in order to reconstruct it exactly it is necessaryto have samples in the time domain that are spaced no more than 1/(2f)units apart. The key to overcoming this restriction in the compressed sens-ing approach is to use nonlinear reconstruction methods that combine l2and l1 terms.

We emphasize that in this approach the system y = Φx is under-determined, i.e., the matrix Φ has more columns than rows. It turns outthat if one assumes that the vector x is sparse in some basis B, then solvingthe following convex optimization problem:

minex ‖x‖1 subject to ΦB x = y, (7.5.1)

reconstructs x = Bx exactly with high probability. The precise statement

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is as follows.

Theorem 82. Assume that x has at most S nonzero elements and that wetake K random linear measurements, where K satisfies

K > C · S · log N,

where C = 22(δ+1) and δ > 0. Then, solving (7.5.1) reconstructs x exactlywith probability greater than 1−O(N−δ).

The “secret” is that the Nyquist-Shannon theorem talks about a wholeband of frequencies, from zero to the highest frequency, while here we areconsidering a sparse set of frequencies that may be in small disconnectedintervals. Observe that for applications of interest, the dimension N inproblem (7.5.1) can be very large and there resides its complexity. Thisproblem is convex and can be reduced to a linear programming one. Forlarge N it is proposed to use an interior-point method that basically solvesthe optimality conditions by Newton’s method, taking care of staying feasi-ble throughout the iteration. E. Candes (Caltech, Stanford) offers a numberof free software packages for this type of applications. Some very good re-cent references are [240, 241].

As usual, in the presence of noise and even if the constraints in (7.5.1)are theoretically satisfied, it is more appropriate to replace that problemby minex ‖x‖1 subject to ‖Φ x − y‖2 ≤ α, where the positive parameter αis an estimate of the data noise level.

It is interesting to notice the connection with the basic solution of rank-deficient problems introduced in Section 2.3. Already in 1964 J. B. Rosenwrote a paper [209] about its calculation and in [193] an algorithm and im-plementation for calculating the minimal and basic solutions was described.That report contains extensive numerical experimentation and a completeAlgol program. Unfortunately, the largest matrix size treated there was40 and therefore without further investigation that algorithm may not becompetitive today for these large problems. Basic solutions are used insome algorithms as initial guesses to solve this problem, where one gener-ally expects many fewer nonzero elements in the solution than the rank ofthe matrix.

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Chapter 8

Nonlinear Least SquaresProblems

So far we have discussed data fitting problems in which all the unknown pa-rameters appear linearly in the fitting modelM(x, t), leading to linear leastsquares problems for which we can, in principle, write down a closed-formsolution. We now turn to nonlinear least squares problems (NLLSQ) forwhich this is not true, due to (some of) the unknown parameters appearingnonlinearly in the model.

8.1 Introduction

To make precise what we mean by the term “nonlinear” we give the followingdefinitions. A parameter α of the function f appears nonlinearly if thederivative ∂f/∂α is a function of α. A parameterized fitting model M(x, t)is nonlinear if at least one of the parameters in x appear nonlinearly. Forexample, in the exponential decay model

M(x1, x2, t) = x1e−x2t

we have ∂M/∂x1 = e−x2t (which is independent of x1, so is linear in it) and∂M/∂x2 = −t x1e

−x2t (which depends on x2) and thus M is a nonlinearmodel with the parameter x2 appearing nonlinearly. We start with a fewexamples of nonlinear models.

Example 83. Gaussian model. All measuring devices somehow influ-ence the signal that they measure. If we measure a time signal gmes, thenwe can often model it as a convolution of the true signal gtrue(t) and an


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instrument response function Γ(t):

gmes(t) =∫ ∞−∞

Γ(t− τ) gtrue(τ) dτ.

A very common model for Γ(t) is the non-normalized Gaussian function

M(x, t) = x1e−(t−x2)2/(2x2

3), (8.1.1)

where x1 is the amplitude, x2 is the time shift and x3 determines the widthof the Gaussian function. The parameters x2 and x3 appear nonlinearlyin this model. The Gaussian model also arises in many other data fittingproblems.

Example 84. Rational model. Another model function that often arisesin nonlinear data fitting problems is the rational function, i.e., a quotientof two polynomials of degree p and q, respectively,

M(x, t) =P (t)Q(t)


p + x2tp−1 + · · ·+ xpt+ xp+1

xp+2tq + xp+3tq−1 + · · ·+ xp+q+1t+ xp+q+2, (8.1.2)

with a total of n = p+ q + 2 parameters.Rational models arise, e.g., in parameter estimation problems such as

chemical reaction kinetics, signal analysis (through Laplace and z trans-forms), system identification and in general as a transfer function for alinear time-invariant system (similar to the above-mentioned instrumentresponse function). In these models, the coefficients of the two polynomi-als or, equivalently, their roots, characterize the dynamical behavior of thesystem.

Rational functions are also commonly used as empirical data approxi-mation functions. Their advantage is that they have a broader scope thanpolynomials, yet they are still simple to evaluate.

The basic idea of nonlinear data fitting is the same as described inChapter 1, the only difference being that we now use a fitting modelM(x, t)in which (some of) the parameters x appear nonlinearly and that leads toa nonlinear optimization problem. We are given noisy measurements yi =Γ(ti)+ei for i = 1, . . . ,m, where Γ(t) is the pure-data function that gives thetrue relationship between t and the noise-free data, and we seek to identifythe model parameters x such that M(x, t) gives the best fit to the noisydata. The likelihood function Px for x is the same as before, cf. (1.3.1),leading us to consider the weighted residuals ri(x)/ςi = (yi −M(x, ti)/ςiand to minimize the weighted sum-of-squares residuals.

Definition 85. Nonlinear least squares problem (NLLSQ). In thecase of white noise (where the errors have a common variance ς2), find a

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Figure 8.1.1: Fitting a non-normalized Gaussian function (full line) tonoisy data (circles).

minimizer x∗ of the nonlinear objective function f with the special form

minxf(x) ≡ min


12 ‖r(x)‖22 = min




ri(x)2, (8.1.3)

where x ∈ Rn and r(x) = (r1(x), . . . , rm(x))T is a vector-valued functionof the residuals for each data point:

ri(x) = yi −M(x, ti), i = 1, . . . ,m,

in which yi are the measured data corresponding to ti and M(x, t) is themodel function.

The factor 12 is added for practical reasons as will be clear later. Simply

replace ri(x) by wi ri(x)/ςi in (8.1.3), where wi = ς−1i is the inverse of

the standard deviation for the noise in yi, to obtain the weighted problemminx 1

2 ‖Wr(x)‖22 for problems when the errors have not the same variancevalues.

Example 86. Fitting with the Gaussian model. As an example, weconsider fitting the instrument response function in Example 83 by theGaussian model (8.1.1). First note that if we choose gtrue(τ) = δ(τ), adelta function, then we have gmes(t) = Γ(t), meaning that we ideally mea-sure the instrument response function. In practice, by sampling gmes(t) forselected values t1, t2, . . . , tm of t we obtain noisy data yi = Γ(ti) + ei fori = 1, . . . ,m to which we fit the Gaussian model M(x, t). Figure 8.1.1 illus-trates this. The circles are the noisy data generated from an exact Gaussianmodel with x1 = 2.2, x2 = 0.26 and x3 = 0.2, to which we added Gaussiannoise with standard deviation ς = 0.1. The full line is the least squaresfit with parameters x1 = 2.179, x2 = 0.264 and x3 = 0.194. In the nextchapter we discuss how to compute this fit.

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Example 87. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. This is atechnique that measures the response of nuclei of certain atoms that possessspin when they are immersed in a static magnetic field and they are exposedto a second oscillating magnetic field. NMR spectroscopy, which studies theinteraction of the electromagnetic radiation with matter, is used as a non-invasive technique to obtain in vivo information about chemical changes(e.g., concentration, pH), in living organisms. An NMR spectrum of, forexample, the human brain can be used to identify pathology or biochemicalprocesses or to monitor the effect of medication.

The model used to represent the measured NMR signals yi ∈ C in thefrequency domain is a truncated Fourier series of the Lorentzian distribu-tion:

yi 'M(a,φ,d,ω, ti) =K∑k=1

akeıφke(−dk+jωk)ti , i = 1, . . . ,m,

where ı denotes the imaginary unit. The parameters of the NMR signal pro-vide information about the molecules: K represents the number of differentresonance frequencies, the angular frequency ωk of the individual spectralcomponents identifies the molecules, the damping dk characterizes the mo-bility, the amplitude ak is proportional to the number of molecules present,and φk is the phase. All these parameters are real. To determine the NMRparameters through a least squares fit, we minimize the squared modulus ofthe difference between the measured spectrum and the model function:



|yi −M(a,φ,d,ω, ti)|2 .

This is another example of a nonlinear least squares problem.

8.2 Unconstrained problems

Generally, nonlinear least squares problems will have multiple solutionsand without a priori knowledge of the objective function it would be tooexpensive to determine numerically a global minimum, as one can onlycalculate the function and its derivatives at a limited number of points.Thus, the algorithms in this book will be limited to the determination oflocal minima. A certain degree of smoothness of the objective function willbe required, i.e., having either one or possibly two continuous derivatives,so that the Taylor expansion applies.

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Optimality conditionsRecall (Appendix C) that the gradient ∇f(x) of a scalar function f(x) ofn variables is the vector with elements


, j = 1, . . . , n

and the Hessian ∇2f(x) is the symmetric matrix with elements

[∇2f(x)]ij =∂2f(x)∂xi∂xj

, i, j = 1, . . . , n.

The conditions for x∗ to be a local minimum of a twice continououslydifferentiable function f are

1. First-order necessary condition. x∗ is a stationary point, i.e., thegradient of f at x∗ is zero: ∇f(x∗) = 0.

2. Second-order sufficient conditions. The Hessian ∇2f(x∗) is pos-itive definite.

Now we consider the special case where f is the function in the nonlinearleast squares problem (8.1.3), i.e.,

f(x) = 12


ri(x)2, ri(x) = yi −M(x, ti).

The Jacobian J(x) of the vector function r(x) is defined as the matrix withelements

[J(x)]ij =∂ri(x)∂xj

= −∂M(x, ti)∂xj

, i = 1, . . . ,m, j = 1, . . . , n.

Note that the ith row of J(x) equals the transpose of the gradient of ri(x)and also:

∇ri(x)T = −∇M(x, ti)T , i = 1, . . . ,m.

The elements of the gradient and the Hessian of f are given by





[∇2f(x)]k` =∂2f(x)∂xk∂x`







and it follows immediately that the gradient and Hessian can be written inmatrix form as

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∇f(x) = J(x)Tr(x),

∇2f(x) = J(x)TJ(x) +m∑i=1




= −[∇2M(x, ti)


= −∂2M(x, ti)∂xk∂x`

, k, ` = 1, . . . ,m.

Notice the minus sign in the expression for ∇2ri(x). The optimality con-ditions now take the special form

∇f(x) = J(x)Tr(x) = 0 (8.2.1)


∇2f(x) = J(x)TJ(x) +m∑i=1

ri(x)∇2ri(x) is positive definite. (8.2.2)

The fact that distinguishes the least squares problem from among thegeneral optimization problems is that the first – and often dominant –term J(x)TJ(x) of the Hessian ∇2f(x) contains only the Jacobian J(x)of r(x), i.e., only first derivatives. Observe that in the second term thesecond derivatives are multiplied by the residuals. Thus, if the model isadequate to represent the data, then these residuals will be small near thesolution and therefore this term will be of secondary importance. In thiscase one gets an important part of the Hessian “for free” if one has alreadycomputed the gradient. Most specialized algorithms exploit this structuralproperty of the Hessian.

An inspection of the Hessian of f will show two comparatively easyNLLSQ cases. As we observed above, the term

∑mi=1 ri(x)∇2ri(x) will

be small if the residuals are small. An additional favorable case occurswhen the problem is only mildly nonlinear, i.e., all the Hessians ∇2ri(x) =−∇2M(x, ti) have small norm. Most algorithms that neglect this sec-ond term will then work satisfactorily. The smallest eigenvalue λmin ofJ(x)TJ(x) can be used to quantify the relative importance of the twoterms of ∇2f(x): the first term of the Hessian dominates if for all x neara minimum x∗ the quantities |ri(x)| ‖∇2ri(x)‖2 for i = 1, . . . ,m are smallrelative to λmin. This obviously holds in the special case of a consistentproblem where r(x∗) = 0.

The optimality conditions can be interpreted geometrically by observingthat the gradient ∇f(x) is always a vector normal to the level set thatpasses through the point x (we are assuming in what follows that f(x) is

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Figure 8.2.1: Level sets L(c) (in R2 they are level curves) for a functionf whose minimizer x∗ is located at the black dot. The tangent plane is aline perpendicular to the gradient ∇f(x), and the negative gradient is thedirection of steepest descent at x.

twice differentiable, for simplicity). A level set L(c) (level curve in R2) isdefined formally as

L(c) = x : f(x) = c.The tangent plane at x is y ∈ Rn | ∇f(x)T (y−x) = 0, which shows that∇f(x) is its normal and thus normal to the level set at x.

This leads to a geometric interpretation of directions of descent. Adirection p with ‖p‖2 = 1 is said to be of descent (from the point x) iff(x+ tp) < f(x) for 0 < t < t0. It turns out that directions of descent canbe characterized using the gradient vector. In fact, by Taylor’s expansionwe have

f(x+ tp) = f(x) + t∇f(x)Tp+O(t2).

Thus, for the descent condition to hold we need to have ∇f(x)Tp < 0,since for sufficiently small t the linear term will dominate. In additionwe have ∇f(x)Tp = cos(φ)‖∇f(x)‖2 where φ is the angle between p andthe gradient. From this we conclude that the direction p = −∇f(x) is ofmaximum descent, or steepest descent, while any direction in the half-spacedefined by the tangent plane and containing the negative gradient is also adirection of descent, since cos(φ) is negative there. Figure 8.2.1 illustratesthis point. Note that a stationary point is one for which there are no descentdirections, i.e., ∇f(x) = 0.

We conclude with a useful geometric result when J(x∗) has full rank.In this case the characterization of a minimum can be expressed by usingthe so-called normal curvature matrix (see [9]) associated with the surfacedefined by r(x) and with respect to the normalized vector r(x)/ ‖r(x)‖2 ,defined as

K(x) = − 1‖r(x)‖2





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Then the condition for a minimum can be reformulated as follows.

Condition 88. If J(x∗)T (I − ‖r(x∗)‖2K(x∗))J(x∗) is positive definite,then x∗ is a local minimum.

The role of local approximations

Local approximations always play an important role in the treatment ofnonlinear problems and this case is no exception. We start with the Taylorexpansion of the model function:

M(x+ h, t) = M(x, t) +∇M(x, t)Th+ 12h

T∇2M(x, t)h+O(‖h‖32).

Now consider the ith residual ri(x) = yi −M(x, ti), whose Taylor ex-pansion for i = 1, . . . ,m is given by

ri(x+ h) = yi −M(x+ h, ti)= yi −M(x, ti)−∇M(x, ti)Th−


T∇2M(x, ti)h+O(‖h‖32).

Hence we can write

r(x+ h) = r(x) + J(x)h+O(‖h‖22),

which is a local linear approximation at x valid for small h. If we keep xfixed and consider the minimization problem

minh‖r(x+ h)‖2 ' min

h‖J(x)h+ r(x)‖2, (8.2.3)

it is clear that we can approximate locally the nonlinear least squares prob-lem with a linear one in the variable h. Moreover, we see that the h thatminimizes ‖r(x+ h)‖2 can be approximated by

h ≈ −(J(x)TJ(x))−1J(x)Tr(x) = −J(x)†r(x),

where we have neglected higher-order terms. In the next chapter we shallsee how this expression provides a basis for some of the numerical methodsfor solving the NLLSQ problem.

As a special case, let us now consider the local approximation (8.2.3) ata least squares solution x∗ (a local minimizer) where the local, linear leastsquares problem takes the form

minh‖J(x∗)h+ r(x∗)‖2.

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Figure 8.2.2: Histograms and standard deviations for the least squaressolutions to 1000 noisy realizations of the Gaussian model fitting problem.The vertical lines show the exact values of the parameters.

If we introduce x = x∗ +h, then we can reformulate the above problem asone in x,

minx‖J(x∗)x− J(x∗)x∗ + r(x∗)‖2,

which leads to an approximation of the covariance matrix for x∗ by usingthe covariance matrix for the above linear least squares problem, i.e.,

Cov(x∗) ' J(x∗)†Cov(J(x∗)x∗ − r(x∗)


= J(x∗)†Cov(r(x∗)− J(x∗)x∗


= J(x∗)†Cov(y)(J(x∗)†)T . (8.2.4)

Here, we have used that r(x∗) = y−(M(x∗, t1), . . . , M(x∗, tm))T and thatall the terms except y in r(x∗) + J(x∗)x∗ are considered constant.

The above equation provides a way to approximately assess the uncer-tainties in the least squares solution x∗ for the nonlinear case, similar tothe result in Section 2.1 for the linear case. In particular, we see that theJacobian J(x∗) at the solution plays the role of the matrix in the linearcase. If the errors e in the data are uncorrelated with the exact data andhave covariance Cov(e) = ς2I, then Cov(x∗) ' ς2



Example 89. To illustrate the use of the above covariance matrix estimate,we return to the Gaussian model M(x, t) from Examples 83 and 86, withexact parameters x1 = 2.2, x2 = 0.26 and x3 = 0.2 and with noise levelς = 0.1. The elements of the Jacobian for this problem are, for i = 1, . . . ,m:

[J(x)]i,1 = e−(ti−x2)2/(2x23),

[J(x)]i,2 = x1ti − x2



[J(x)]i,3 = x1(ti − x2)2



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The approximate standard deviations for the three estimated parametersare the square roots of the diagonal of ς2


)−1. In this case weget the three values

6.58 · 10−2, 6.82 · 10−3, 6.82 · 10−3.

We compute the least squares solution x∗ for 1000 realizations of the noise.Histograms of these parameters are shown in Figure 8.2.2. The standarddeviations of these estimated parameters are

std(x1) = 6.89 · 10−2, std(x2) = 7.30 · 10−3, std(x3) = 6.81 · 10−3.

In this example, the theoretical standard deviation estimates are in verygood agreement with the observed ones.

8.3 Optimality conditions for constrainedproblems

In the previous section we reviewed the conditions for a point x∗ to be alocal minimizer of an unconstrained nonlinear least squares problem. Nowwe consider a constrained problem


12 ‖r(x)‖22 , (8.3.1)

where the residual vector r(x) is as above and the set C ⊂ Rn (called thefeasible region) is defined by a set of inequality constraints:

C = x | ci(x) ≤ 0, i = 1, . . . , p,

where the functions ci(x) are twice differentiable. In the unconstrainedcase, it could be that the only minimum is at infinity (think of f(x) =a + bx). If instead we limit the variables to be in a closed, bounded set,then the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem [79] ensures us that there will be atleast one minimum point.

A simple way to define a bounded set C is to impose constraints onthe variables. The simplest constraints are those that set bounds on thevariables: li ≤ xi ≤ ui for i = 1, . . . , p. A full set of such constraints(i.e., p = n) defines a bounded box in Rn and then we are guaranteed thatf(x) will have a minimum in the set. For general constraints some of thefunctions ci(x) can be nonlinear.

The points that satisfy all the constraints are called feasible. A con-straint is active if it is satisfied with equality, i.e., the point is on a boundaryof the feasible set. If we ignore the constraints, unconstrained minima can

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Figure 8.3.1: Optimality condition for constrained optimization. Theshaded area illustrates the feasible region C defined by three constraints.One of the constraints is active at the solution x∗ and at this point thegradient of f is collinear with the normal to the constraint.

occur inside or outside the feasible region. If they occur inside, then the op-timality conditions are the same as in the unconstrained case. However, ifall unconstrained minima are infeasible, then a constrained minimum mustoccur on the boundary of the feasible region and the optimality conditionswill be different.

Let us think geometrically (better still, in R2, see Figure 8.3.1). Thelevel curve values of f(x) decrease toward the unconstrained minimum.Thus, a constrained minimum will lie on the level curve with the lowestvalue of f(x) that is still in contact with the feasible region and at theconstrained minimum there should not be any feasible descent directions.A moment of reflection tells us that the level curve should be tangent tothe active constraint (the situation is more complicated if more than oneconstraint is active). That means that the normal to the active constraintand the gradient (pointing to the outside of the constraint region) at thatpoint are collinear, which can be expressed as

∇f(x) + λ∇ci(x) = 0, (8.3.2)

where ci(x) represents the active constraint and λ > 0 is a so-called La-grange multiplier for the constraint. (If the constraint were ci(x) ≥ 0, thenwe should require λ < 0.) We see that (8.3.2) is true because, if p is adescent direction, we have

pT∇f(x) + λpT∇ci(x) = 0

or, since λ > 0,

pT∇ci(x) > 0,

and therefore pmust point outside the feasible region; see Figure 8.3.1 for anillustration. This is a simplified version of the famous Karush-Kuhn-Tucker

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first-order optimality conditions for general nonlinear optimization [139,147]. Curiously enough, in the original Kuhn-Tucker paper these conditionsare derived from considerations based on multiobjective optimization!

The general case when more than one constraint is active at the solution,can be discussed similarly. Now the infeasible directions instead of beingin a half-space determined by the tangent plane of a single constraint willbe in a cone formed by the normals to the tangent planes associated withthe various active constraints. The corresponding optimality condition is

∇f(x) +p∑i=1

λi∇ci(x) = 0, (8.3.3)

where the Lagrange multipliers satisfy λi > 0 for the active constraintsand λi = 0 for the inactive ones. We refer to [170] for more details aboutoptimality constraints and Lagrange multipliers.

8.4 Separable nonlinear least squares problems

In many practical applications the unknown parameters of the NLLSQproblem can be separated into two disjoint sets, so that the optimizationwith respect to one set is easier than with respect to the other. This sug-gests the idea of eliminating the parameters in the easy set and minimizingthe resulting functional, which will then depend only on the remaining vari-ables. A natural situation that will be considered in detail here arises whensome of the variables appear linearly.

The initial approach to this problem was considered by H. Scolnik inhis Doctoral Thesis at the University of Zurich. A first paper with gen-eralizations was [113]. This was followed by an extensive generalizationthat included a detailed algorithmic description [101, 102] and a computerprogram called VARPRO that become very popular and is still in use. Fora recent detailed survey of applications see [103] and [198]. A paper thatincludes constraints is [142]. For multiple right hand sides see [98, 141].

A separable nonlinear least squares problem has a model of the specialform

M(a, α, t) =n∑j=1

aj φj(α, t), (8.4.1)

where the two vectors a ∈ Rn and α ∈ Rk contain the parameters to bedetermined and φj(α, t) are functions in which the parameters α appearnonlinearly. Fitting this model to a set of m data points (ti, yi) with m >n+ k leads to the least squares problem

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f(a, α) = mina,α

12‖r(a, α)‖22 = min


12‖y − Φ(α)a‖22.

In this expression, Φ(α) is an m× n matrix function with elements

Φ(α) = φj(α, ti), i = 1, . . . ,m, j = 1, . . . , n.

The special case when k = n and φj = eαjt is called exponential data fitting.In this as in other separable nonlinear least squares problems the matrixΦ(α) is often ill-conditioned.

The variable projection algorithm – to be discussed in detail in the nextchapter – is based on the following ideas. For any fixed α, the problem


12‖y − Φ(α)a‖22

is linear with minimum-norm solution a∗ = Φ(α)†y, where Φ(α)† is theMoore-Penrose generalized inverse of the rectangular matrix Φ(α), as wesaw in Chapter 3.

Substituting this value of a into the original problem, we obtain a re-duced nonlinear problem depending only on the nonlinear parameters α,with the associated function

f2(α) = 12‖y − Φ(α)Φ(α)† y‖22 = 1

2‖PΦ(α) y‖22,

where, for a given α, the matrix

PΦ(α) = I − Φ(α)Φ(α)†

is the projector onto the orthogonal complement of the column space of thematrix Φ(α). Thus the name variable projection given to this reductionprocedure. The solution of the nonlinear least squares problem minα f2(α)is discussed in the next chapter.

Once a minimizer α∗ for f2(α) is obtained, it is substituted into thelinear problem mina

12‖y − Φ(α∗)a‖22, which is then solved to obtain a∗.

The least squares solution to the original problem is then (a∗,α∗).The justification for the variable projection algorithm is the following

theorem (Theorem 2.1 proved in [101]), which essentially states that theset of stationary points of the original functional and that of the reducedone are identical.

Theorem 90. Let f(a, α) and f2(α) be defined as above. We assume thatin an open set Ω containing the solution, the matrix Φ(α) has constant rankr 5 min(m,n).

1. If α∗ is a critical point (or a global minimizer in Ω) of f2(α) anda∗ = Φ(α)†y, then (a∗,α∗) is a critical point of f(a, α) (or a globalminimizer in Ω) and f(a∗, α∗) = f2(α∗).

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2. If (a∗,α∗) is a global minimizer of f(a, α) for α ∈ Ω, then α∗ isa global minimizer of f2(α) in Ω and f2(α∗) = f(a∗, α∗). Further-more, if there is a unique a∗ among the minimizing pairs of f(a, α)then a∗ must satisfy a∗ = Φ(α∗)†y.

8.5 Multiobjective optimizationThis is a subject that is seldom treated in optimization books, although itarises frequently in financial optimization, decision and game theory andother areas. In recent times it has increasingly been recognized that manyengineering problems are also of this kind. We have also already mentionedthat most regularization procedures are actually bi-objective problems (see[240, 241] for an interesting theory and algorithm).

The basic unconstrained problem is


where now f ∈ Rk is a vector function. Such problems arise in areas ofinterest of this book, for instance, in cooperative fitting and inversion, whenmeasurements of several physical processes on the same sample are used todetermine properties that are interconnected.

In general, it will be unlikely that the k objective functions share a com-mon minimum point, so the theory of multiobjective optimization is differ-ent from the single-objective optimization case. The objectives are usuallyin conflict and a compromise must be chosen. The optimality concept ishere the so-called Pareto equilibrium: a point x is a Pareto equilibriumpoint if there is no other point for which all functions have smaller values.

This notion can be global (as stated) or local if it is restricted to aneighborhood of x. In general there will be infinitely many such points. Inthe absence of additional information, each Pareto point would be equallyacceptable. Let us now see if we can give a more geometric interpretationof this condition, based on some of the familiar concepts used earlier.

For simplicity let us consider the case k = 2. First of all we observe thatthe individual minimum points

x∗i = arg minx

fi(x), i = 1, 2

are Pareto optimal. We consider the level sets corresponding to the twofunctions and observe that at a point at which these two level sets aretangent and their corresponding normals are in opposite directions, therewill be no common directions of descent for both functions. But that meansthat there is no direction in which we can move so that both functionsare improved, i.e., this is a Pareto equilibrium point. Analytically this isexpressed as

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Figure 8.5.1: Illustration of a multiobjective optimization problem. Thetwo functions f1(x) and f2(x) have minimizers x∗1 and x∗2. The curve be-tween these two points is the set of Pareto points.



= 0,

which can be rewritten as

λ∇f1(x) + (1− λ)∇f2(x) = 0, 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1.

It can be shown that for convex functions, all the Pareto points areparametrized by this aggregated formula, which coincides with the opti-mality condition for the scalar optimization problems


[λf1(x) + (1− λ)f2(x)], 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1.

This furnishes a way to obtain the Pareto points by solving a number ofscalar optimization problems. Figure 8.5.1 illustrates this; the curve be-tween the two minimizers x∗1 and x∗2 is the set of Pareto points.

Curiously enough, these optimality conditions were already derived inthe seminal paper on nonlinear programming by Kuhn and Tucker in 1951[147].

A useful tool is given by the graph in phase space of the Pareto points,the so-called Pareto front (see 8.5.2.) In fact, this graph gives a completepicture of all possible solutions, and it is then usually straightforward tomake a decision by choosing an appropriate trade-off between the objec-tives. Since one will usually be able to calculate only a limited numberof Pareto points, it is important that the Pareto front be uniformly sam-pled. In [190, 194], a method based on continuation in λ with added dis-tance constraints produces automatically equispaced representations of thePareto front. In Figure 8.5.2 we show a uniformly sampled Pareto front fora bi-objective problem.

The ε-constraint method of Haimes [114] is frequently used to solve thistype of problem in the case that a hierarchical order of the objectives is

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Figure 8.5.2: Evenly spaced Pareto front (in (f1, f2) space) for a bi-objective problem [190].

known and one can make an a priori call on a compromise upper valuefor the secondary objective. It transforms the bi-objective problem into asingle-objective constrained minimization of the main goal. The constraintis the upper bound of the second objective. In other words, one minimizesthe first objective subject to an acceptable level in the second objective(that better be larger than the minimum). From what we saw before, theresulting solution may be sub-optimal.

A good reference for the theoretical and practical aspects of nonlinearmultiobjective optimization is [161].

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Chapter 9

Algorithms for SolvingNonlinear LSQ Problems

The classical method of Newton and its variants can be used to solvethe nonlinear least squares problem formulated in the previous chapter.Newton’s method for optimization is based on a second-order Taylor ap-proximation of the objective function f(x) and subsequent minimization ofthe resulting approximate function. Alternatively, one can apply Newton’smethod to solve the nonlinear system of equations ∇f(x) = 0.

The Gauss-Newton method is a simplification of the latter approach forproblems that are almost consistent or mildly nonlinear, and for whichthe second term in the Hessian ∇2f(x) can be safely neglected. TheLevenberg-Marquardt method can be considered a variant of the Gauss-Newton method in which stabilization (in the form of Tikhonov regular-ization, cf. Section 10) is applied to the linearized steps in order to solveproblems with ill-conditioned or rank-deficient Jacobian J(x).

Due to the local character of the Taylor approximation one can onlyobtain local convergence, in general. In order to get global convergence, themethods need to be combined with a line search. Global convergence meansconvergence to a local minimum from any initial point. For convergenceto a global minimum one needs to resort, for instance, to a Monte Carlotechnique that provides multiple random initial points, or to other costliermethods [191].

We will describe first the different methods and then consider the com-mon difficulties, such as how to start and end and how to ensure descentat each step.


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9.1 Newton’s method

If we assume that f(x) is twice continuously differentiable, then we can useNewton’s method to solve the system of nonlinear equations

∇f(x) = J(x)Tr(x) = 0,

which provides local stationary points for f(x). Written in terms of deriva-tives of r(x) and starting from an initial guess x0 this version of the Newtoniteration takes the form

xk+1 = xk −(∇2f(xk)


= xk −(J(xk)TJ(xk) + S(xk)


k = 0, 1, 2, . . .

where S(xk) denotes the matrix

S(xk) =m∑i=1

ri(xk)∇2ri(xk). (9.1.1)

As usual, no inverse is calculated to obtain a new iterate, but rather a linearsystem is solved by a direct or iterative method to obtain the correction∆xk = xk+1 − xk(

J(xk)TJ(xk) + S(xk))

∆xk = −JT (xk)r(xk). (9.1.2)

The method is locally quadratically convergent as long as ∇2f(x) is Lip-schitz continuous and positive definite in a neighborhood of x∗. This followsfrom a simple adaptation of the Newton convergence theorem in [66], whichleads to the result

‖xk+1 − x∗‖2 ≤ γ ‖xk − x∗‖22 , k = 0, 1, 2, . . . .

The constant γ is a measure of the nonlinearity of ∇f(x), it depends onthe Lipschitz constant for ∇2f(x) and a bound for


2, the

size of the residual does not appear. The convergence rate will depend onthe nonlinearity, but the convergence itself will not. The foregoing resultimplies that Newton’s method is usually very fast in the final stages, closeto the solution.

In practical applications Newton’s iteration may not be performed ex-actly and theorems 4.22 and 4.30 in [143, 183] give convergence results whenthe errors are controlled appropriately.

Note that the Newton correction ∆xk will be a descent direction (asexplained in the previous chapter), as long as ∇2f(xk) = J(xk)TJ(xk) +

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S(xk) is positive definite. In fact, using the definition of positive definitematrices one obtains, by multiplying both sides of (9.1.2)

0 < ∆xTk(J(xk)TJ(xk) + S(xk)

)∆xk = −∆xTk J

T (xk)r(xk).

Therefore, the correction ∆xk is in the same half-space as the steepestdescent direction −JT (xk)r(xk). Although the Newton correction is adescent direction, the step size may be too large, since the linear model isonly locally valid. Therefore to ensure convergence, Newton’s method isused with step-length control to produce a more robust algorithm.

One of the reasons why Newton’s method is not used more frequentlyfor nonlinear least squares problem is that its good convergence propertiescome at a price: themn2 derivatives appearing in S(xk) must be computed!This can be expensive and often the derivatives are not even available andthus must be substituted by finite differences. Special cases where Newton’smethod is a good option are when S(xk) is sparse, which happens frequentlyif J(xk) is sparse or when S(xk) involves exponentials or trigonometricfunctions that are easy to compute. Also, if one has access to the code thatcalculates the model, automatic differentiation can be used [111].

If the second derivatives term in ∇2f(xk) = J(xk)TJ(xk) + S(xk) isunavailable or too expensive to compute and hence approximated, the re-sulting algorithm is called a quasi-Newton method and although the conver-gence will no longer be quadratic, superlinear convergence can be attained.It is important to point out that only the second term of ∇2f(xk) needsto be approximated since the first term J(xk)TJ(xk) has already beencomputed. A successful strategy is to approximate S(xk) by a secant-typeterm, using updated gradient evaluations:

S(xk) 'm∑i=1


where the Hessian terms ∇2ri(xk) are approximated from the condition

Gi(xk) (xk − xk−1) = ∇ri(xk)−∇ri(xk−1).

This condition would determine a secant approximation for n = 1, but inthe higher-dimensional case it must be complemented with additional re-quirements on the matrix Gi(xk): it must be symmetric and it must satisfythe so-called least-change secant condition, i.e., that it be most similar tothe approximation Gi(xk−1) in the previous step. In [67], local superlinearconvergence is proved, under the assumptions of Lipschitz continuity andbounded inverse of ∇2f(x).

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9.2 The Gauss-Newton methodIf the problem is only mildly nonlinear or if the residual at the solution (andtherefore in a reasonable-sized neighborhood) is small, a good alternative toNewton’s method is to neglect the second term S(xk) of the Hessian alto-gether. The resulting method is referred to as the Gauss-Newton method,where the computation of the step ∆xk involves the solution of the linearsystem (


∆xk = −J(xk)Tr(xk) (9.2.1)

and xk+1 = xk + ∆xk.Note that in the full-rank case these are actually the normal equations

for the linear least squares problem


‖J(xk) ∆xk − (−r(xk))‖2 (9.2.2)

and thus ∆xk = −J(xk)†r(xk). By the same argument as used for theNewton method, this is a descent direction if J(xk) has full rank.

We note that the linear least squares problem in (9.2.2), which definesthe Gauss-Newton direction ∆xk, can also be derived from the principle oflocal approximation discussed in the previous chapter. When we linearizethe residual vector r(xk) in the kth step we obtain the approximation in(8.2.3) with x = xk, which is identical to (9.2.2).

The convergence properties of the Gauss-Newton method can be sum-marized as follows [66] (see also [184] for an early proof of convergence):

Theorem 91. Assume that

• f(x) is twice continuously differentiable in an open convex set D.

• J(x) is Lipschitz continuous with constant γ, and ‖J(x)‖2 6 α.

• There is a stationary point x∗ ∈ D, and

• for all x ∈ D there exists a constant σ such that∥∥(J(x)− J(x∗))Tr(x∗)∥∥

26 σ‖x− x∗‖2.

If σ is smaller than λ, the smallest eigenvalue of J(x∗)TJ(x∗), then for anyc ∈ (1, λ/σ) there exists a neighborhood so that the Gauss-Newton sequenceconverges linearly to x∗ starting from any initial point x0 in D:

‖xk+1 − x∗‖2 6cσ

λ‖xk − x∗‖2 +


2λ‖xk − x∗‖22

and‖xk+1 − x∗‖2 6

cσ + λ

2λ‖xk − x∗‖2 < ‖xk − x

∗‖2 .

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If the problem is consistent, i.e., r(x∗) = 0, there exists a (maybe smaller)neighborhood where the convergence will be quadratic.

The Gauss-Newton method can produce the whole spectrum of conver-gence: if S(xk) = 0, or is very small, the convergence can be quadratic,but if S(xk) is too large there may not even be local convergence. Theimportant constant is σ, which can be considered as an approximation of‖S(x∗)‖2 since, for x sufficiently close to x∗, it can be shown that∥∥(J(x)− J(x∗))Tr(x∗)

∥∥2' ‖S(x∗)‖2 ‖x− x∗‖2 .

The ratio σ/λ must be less than 1 for convergence. The rate of convergenceis inversely proportional to the “size” of the nonlinearity or the residual,i.e., the larger ‖S(xk)‖2 is in comparison to ‖J(xk)TJ(xk)‖2, the slowerthe convergence.

As we saw above, the Gauss-Newton method produces a direction ∆xkthat is of descent, but due to the local character of the underlying approx-imation, the step length may be incorrect, i.e., f(xk + ∆xk) > f(xk). Thissuggests a way to improve the algorithm, namely, to use damping, whichis a simple mechanism that controls the step length to ensure a sufficientreduction of the function. An alternative is to use a trust-region strategyto define the direction; this leads to the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithmdiscussed later on.

Algorithm damped Gauss-Newton

• Start with an initial guess x0 and iterate for k = 0, 1, 2, . . .

• Solve min∆xk ‖J(xk) ∆xk + r(xk)‖2 to compute the correction ∆xk.

• Choose a step length αk so that there is enough descent.

• Calculate the new iterate: xk+1 = xk + αk∆xk.

• Check for convergence.

Several methods for choosing the step-length parameter αk have been pro-posed and the key idea is to ensure descent by the correction step αk∆xk.One popular choice is the Armijo condition (see Section 9.4), which uses aconstant αk ∈ (0, 1) to ensure enough descent in the value of the objective:

f(xk + αk∆xk) < f(xk) + αk∇f(xk)T∆xk= f(xk) + αkr(xk)TJ(xk)T∆xk. (9.2.3)

This condition ensures that the reduction is (at least) proportional to boththe parameter αk and the directional derivative ∇f(xk)T∆xk.

Using the two properties above, a descent direction and an appropri-ate step length, the damped Gauss-Newton method is locally convergent

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y x∗ f(x∗) J(x∗)TJ(x∗) S(x∗)8 0.6932 0 644.00 03 0.4401 1.639 151.83 9.0527−1 0.0447 6.977 17.6492 8.3527−8 −0.7915 41.145 0.4520 2.9605

Table 9.1: Data for the test problem for four values of the scalar y. Notethat x∗, J(x∗) and S(x∗) are scalars in this example.

and often globally convergent. Still, the convergence rate may be slowfor problems for which the standard algorithm is inadequate. Also, theinefficiency of the Gauss-Newton method when applied to problems withill-conditioned or rank-deficient Jacobian has not been addressed; the nextalgorithm, Levenberg-Marquardt, will consider this issue.

Example 92. The following example from [66] will clarify the above con-vergence results. We fit the one-parameter model M(x, t) = ext to the dataset

(t1, y1) = (1, 2), (t2, y2) = (2, 4), (t3, y3) = (3, y),

where y can take one of the four values 8, 3,−1, −8. The least squaresproblem is, for every y, to determine the single parameter x, to minimizethe function

f(x) = 12


ri(x)2 = 12

[(ex − 2)2 + (e2x − 4)2 + (e3x − y)2


For this function of a single variable x, both the simplified and full Hessianare scalars:

J(x)TJ(x) =3∑i=1

(tiexti)2 and S(x) =3∑i=1

ri(x)t2i exti .

Table 9.1 lists, for each of the four values of y, the minimizer x∗ and valuesof several functions at the minima.

We use the Newton and Gauss-Newton methods with several startingvalues x0. Table 9.2 lists the different convergence behaviors for every case,with two different starting values. The stopping criterion for the iterationswas |∇f(xk)| ≤ 10−10. Note that for the consistent problem with y = 8,Gauss-Newton achieves quadratic convergence, since S(x∗) = 0. For y = 3,the convergence factor for Gauss-Newton is σ/λ ' 0.06, which is smallcompared to 0.47 for y = −1, although for this value of y there is still linearbut slow convergence. For y = −8 the ratio is 6.5 1 and there is noconvergence.

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Newton Gauss-Newtony x0 # iter. rate # iter. rate8 1 7 quadratic 5 quadratic

0.6 6 quadratic 4 quadratic3 1 9 quadratic 12 linear

0.5 5 quadratic 9 linear−1 1 10 quadratic 34 linear (slow)

0 4 quadratic 32 linear (slow)−8 1 12 quadratic no convergence

−0.7 4 quadratic no convergence

Table 9.2: Convergence behavior for the four cases and two different start-ing values.

Figure 9.2.1: Single-parameter exponential fit example: the scalarsJ(x)TJ(x) (left) and ∇2f(x) (right) as functions of x and y (the white linesare level curves). The second term in ∇2f(x) has increasing importance asy decreases.

To support the above results, Figure 9.2.1 shows plots of the Hessian∇2f(x) and its first term J(x)TJ(x) (recall that both are scalars) as func-tions of x and y, for x ∈ [−0.7, 0.7] and y ∈ [−8, 8]. We see that thedeterioration of the convergence rate of Gauss-Newton’s method, comparedto that of Newton’s method, indeed coincides with the increasing impor-tance of the term S(x) in ∇2f(x), due to larger residuals at the solution asy decreases.

For large-scale problems, where memory and computing time are lim-iting factors, it may be infeasible to solve the linear LSQ problem for thecorrection ∆xk to high accuracy in each iteration. Instead one can use oneof the iterative methods discussed in Chapter 6 to compute an approximatestep 4xk, by terminating the iterations once the approximation is “accu-

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rate enough,” e.g., when the residual in the normal equations is sufficientlysmall:

‖J(xk)TJ(xk) ∆xk + J(xk)Tr(xk)‖2 < τ‖J(xk)Tr(xk)‖2,

for some τ ∈ (0, 1). In this case, the algorithm is referred to as an inexactGauss-Newton method . For these nested iterations an approximate Newtonmethod theory applies [61, 143, 183].

9.3 The Levenberg-Marquardt methodWhile the Gauss-Newton method can be used for ill-conditioned problems,it is not efficient, as one can see from the above convergence relations whenλ→ 0. The main difficulty is that the correction ∆xk is too large and goesin a “bad” direction that gives little reduction in the function. For suchproblems, it is common to add an inequality constraint to the linear leastsquares problem (9.2.2) that determines the step, namely, that the lengthof the step ‖∆xk‖2 should be bounded by some constant. This so-calledtrust region technique improves the quality of the step.

As we saw in the previous chapter, we can handle such an inequalityconstraint via the use of a Lagrange multiplier and thus replace the problemin (9.2.2) with a problem of the form


‖J(xk) ∆xk + r(xk)‖22 + λk‖xk‖22


where λk > 0 is the Lagrange multiplier for the constraint at the kth itera-tion. There are two equivalent forms of this problem, either the “modified”normal equations(

J(xk)TJ(xk) + λkI)

∆xk = −J(xk)Tr(xk) (9.3.1)

or the “modified” least squares problem


∥∥∥∥( J(xk)√λkI

)∆xk −




. (9.3.2)

The latter is best suited for numerical computations. This approach, whichalso handles a rank-deficient Jacobian J(xk), leads to the Levenberg-Marquardtmethod, which takes the following form:

Algorithm Levenberg-Marquardt

• Start with an initial guess x0 and iterate for k = 0, 1, 2, . . .

• At each step k choose the Lagrange multiplier λk.

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• Solve 9.3.1 or 9.3.2 for ∆xk.

• Calculate the next iterate xk+1 = xk + ∆xk.

• Check for convergence.

The parameter λk influences both the direction and the length of the step∆xk. Depending on the size of λk, the correction ∆xk can vary from aGauss-Newton step for λk = 0, to a very short step approximately in thesteepest descent direction for large values of λk. As we see from theseconsiderations, the LM parameter acts similarly to the step control for thedamped Gauss-Newton method, but it also changes the direction of thecorrection.

The Levenberg-Marquardt step can be interpreted as solving the normalequations used in the Gauss-Newton method, but “shifted” by a scaledidentity matrix, so as to convert the problem from having an ill-conditioned(or positive semidefinite) matrix J(xk)TJ(xk) into a positive definite one.Notice that the positive definiteness implies that the Levenberg-Marquardtdirection is always of descent and therefore the method is well defined.

Another way of looking at the Levenberg-Marquardt iteration is to con-sider the matrix

√λkI as an approximation to the second derivative term

S(xk) that was neglected in the definition of the Gauss-Newton method.The local convergence of the Levenberg-Marquardt method is summa-

rized in the following theorem.

Theorem 93. Assume the same conditions as in Theorem 91 and in ad-dition assume that the Lagrange multipliers λk for k = 0, 1, 2, . . . are non-negative and bounded by b > 0. If σ < λ, then for any c ∈ (1, (λ+b)/(σ+b)),there exists an open ball D around x∗ such that the Levenberg-Marquardtsequence converges linearly to x∗, starting from any initial point x0 ∈ D:

‖xk+1 − x∗‖2 6c(σ + b)λ+ b

‖xk − x∗‖2 +cαγ

2(λ+ b)‖xk − x∗‖22


‖xk+1 − x∗‖2 6c(σ + b) + (λ+ b)

2(λ+ b)‖xk − x∗‖2 < ‖xk − x

∗‖2 .

If r(x∗) = 0 and λk = O(∥∥J(xk)Tr(xk)


), then the iterates xk converge

quadratically to x∗.

Within the trust-region framework introduced above, there are severalgeneral step-length determination techniques, see, for example, [170]. Herewe give the original strategy devised by Marquardt for the choice of the pa-rameter λk, which is simple and often works well. The underlying principlesare

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• The initial value λ0 should be of the same size as ‖J(x0)TJ(x0)‖2.

• For subsequent steps, an improvement ratio is defined as in the trustregion approach:

%k =actual reduction

predicted reduction=

f(xk)− f(xk+1)12∆xTk (J(xk)Tr(xk)− λk∆xk)


Here, the denominator is the reduction in f predicted by the local linearmodel. If %k is large, then the pure Gauss-Newton model is good enough,so λk+1 can be made smaller than at the previous step. If %k is small(or even negative), then a short, steepest-descent step should be used, i.e.,λk+1 should be increased. Marquard’s updating strategy is widely usedwith some variations in the thresholds.

Algorithm Levenberg-Marquardt’s parameter updating

• If ρk > 0.75, then λk+1 = λk/3.

• If ρk < 0.25, then λk = 2λk.

• Otherwise use λk+1 = λk.

• If ρk > 0, then perform the update xk+1 = xk + ∆xk.

A detailed description can be found in [154].The software package MINPACK-1 available from Netlib [263] includes

a robust implementation based on the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.Similar to the Gauss-Newton method, we have inexact versions of the

Levenberg-Marquardt method, where the modified least squares problem(9.3.2) for the correction is solved only to sufficient accuracy, i.e., for someτ ∈ (0, 1) we accept the solution if:

‖(J(xk)TJ(xk) + λkI) ∆xk + J(xk)Tr(xk)‖2 < τ‖J(xk)Tr(xk)‖2.

If this system is to be solved for several values of the Lagrange parameterλk, then the bidiagonalization strategy from Section 5.5 can be utilizedsuch that only one partial bidiagonalization needs to be performed; formore details see [121, 260].

Example 94. We return to Example 92, and this time we use the Levenberg-Marquardt method with the above parameter-updating algorithm and thesame starting values and stopping criterion as before. Table 9.3 comparesthe performance of Levenberg-Marquardt’s algorithm with that of the Gauss-Newton algorithm. For the consistent problem with y = 8, the convergenceis still quadratic, but slower. As the residual increases, the advantage ofthe Levenberg-Marquardt strategy sets in, and we are now able to solve thelarge-residual problem for y = −8, although the convergence is very slow.

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Gauss-Newton Levenberg-Marquardty x0 # iter. rate # iter. rate8 1 5 quadratic 10 quadratic

0.6 4 quadratic 7 quadratic3 1 12 linear 13 linear

0.5 9 linear 10 linear−1 1 34 linear (slow) 26 linear (slow)

0 32 linear (slow) 24 linear (slow)−8 1 no convergence 125 linear (very slow)

−0.7 no convergence 120 linear (very slow)

Table 9.3: Comparison of the convergence behavior of the Gauss-Newtonand Levenberg-Marquardt methods for the same test problem as in Table9.2.

Figure 9.3.1: Number of iterations to reach an absolute accuracy of 10−6

in the solution by three NLLSQ different methods. Each histogram showsresults for a particular method and a particular value of ζ in the perturbationof the starting point; top ζ = 0.1, middle ζ = 0.2, bottom ζ = 0.3.

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Example 95. This example is mainly concerned with a comparison of therobustness of the iterative methods with regards to the initial guess x0. Weuse the Gaussian model from Examples 83 and 86 with noise level ς = 0.1,and we use three different algorithms to solve the NLLSQ problem:

• The standard Gauss-Newton method.

• An implementation of the damped Gauss-Newton algorithm from MAT-LAB’s Optimization Toolbox, available via the options’LargeScale’=’off’ and ’LevenbergMarquardt’=’off’ in the func-tion lsqnonlin.

• An implementation of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm from MAT-LAB’s Optimization Toolbox, available via the options’Jacobian’=’on’ and ’Algorithm’=’levenberg-marquardt’ in thefunction lsqnonlin.

The starting guess was chosen equal to the exact parameters (2.2, 0.26, 0.2)T

plus a Gaussian perturbation with standard deviation ζ. We used ζ = 0.1,0.2, 0.3, and for each value we created 500 different realizations of the ini-tial point. Figure 9.3.1 shows the number of iterations in the form of his-tograms – notice the different axes in the nine plots. We give the number ofiterations necessary to reach an absolute accuracy of 10−6, compared to areference solution computed with much higher accuracy. The italic numbersin the three left plots are the number of times the Gauss-Newton method didnot converge.

We see that when the standard Gauss-Newton method converges, it con-verges rapidly – but also that it may not converge. Moreover, as the startingpoint moves farther from the minimizer, the number of instances of non-convergence increases dramatically.

The damped Gauss-Newton method used here always converged, thus wasmuch more robust than the undamped version. For starting points close tothe minimum, it may converge quickly, but it may also require about 40iterations. For starting points further away from the solution, this methodalways uses about 40 iterations.

The Levenberg-Marquardt method used here is also robust, in that it con-verges for all starting points. In fact, for starting points close to the solutionit requires, on the average, fewer iterations than the damped Gauss-Newtonmethod. For starting points farther from the solution it still converges,but requires many more iterations. The main advantage of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, namely, to handle ill-conditioned and rank-deficientJacobian matrices, does not come into play here as the particular problemis well conditioned.

We emphasize that this example should not be considered as representa-tive for these methods in general – rather, it is an example of the perfor-

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Figure 9.3.2: Convergence histories from the solution of a particularNLLSQ problem with three parameters by means of the standard Gauss-Newton (top) and the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (bottom). Each fig-ure shows the behavior of pairs of the three components of the iterates xktogether with level sets of the objective function.

mance of specific implementations for one particular (and well-conditioned)problem.

Example 96. We illustrate the robustness of the Levenberg-Marquardt al-gorithm by solving the same test problem as in the previous example bymeans of the standard Gauss-Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt algorithms.The progress of a typical convergence history for these two methods is shownin Figure 9.3.2. There are three unknowns in the model, and the startingpoint is x0 = (1, 0.3, 0.4)T . The top figures show different componentpairs of the iterates xk for k = 1, 2, . . . for the Gauss-Newton algorithm(for example, the leftmost plot shows the third component of xk versus itssecond component). Clearly, the Gauss-Newton iterates overshoot beforethey finally converge to the LSQ solution. The iterates of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm are shown in the bottom figures, and we see that theyconverge much faster toward the LSQ solution without any big “detour.”

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Characteristics Newton G-N L-MIll-conditioned Jacobian yes yes (but slow) yesRank-deficient Jacobian yes no yesConvergence S(xk) = 0 quadratic quadratic quadraticConvergence S(xk) small quadratic linear linearConvergence S(xk) large quadratic slow or none slow or none

Table 9.4: Comparison of some properties of the Newton, Gauss-Newton(G-N) and Levenberg-Marquardt (L-M) algorithms for nonlinear leastsquares problems.

9.4 Additional considerations and software

An overall comparison between the methods discussed so far is given inTable 9.4. The “yes” or “no” indicates whether the corresponding algorithmis appropriate or not for the particular problem. Below we comment onsome further issues that are relevant for these methods.

Hybrid methods

During the iterations we do not know whether we are in the region wherethe convergence conditions of a particular method hold, so the idea inhybrid methods is to combine a “fast” method, such as Newton (if secondderivatives are available), with a “safe” method such as steepest descent.One hybrid strategy is to combine Gauss-Newton or Levenberg-Marquardt,which in general is only linearly convergent, with a superlinearly convergentquasi-Newton method, where S(xk) is approximated by a secant term.

An example of this efficient hybrid method is the algorithm NL2SOL byDennis, Gay and Welsch [65]. It contains a trust-region strategy for globalconvergence and uses Gauss-Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt steps ini-tially, until it has enough good second-order information. Its performancefor large and very nonlinear problems is somewhat better than Levenberg-Marquardt, in that it requires fewer iterations. For more details see [66].

Starting and stopping

In many cases there will be no good a priori estimates available for the ini-tial point x0. As mentioned in the previous section, nonlinear least squaresproblems are usually non-convex and may have several local minima. There-fore some global optimization technique must be used to descend from un-desired local minima if the global minimum is required. One possibility isa simple Monte Carlo strategy, in which multiple initial points are chosenat random and the least squares algorithm is started several times. It is

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hoped that some of these iterations will converge, and one can then choosethe best solution. See, e.g., [131] for an overview of global optimizationalgorithms.

In order to make such a process more efficient, especially when functionevaluations are costly, a procedure has been described in [191] that savesall iterates and confidence radiuses. An iteration is stopped if an iteratelands in a previously calculated iterate’s confidence sphere. The assumptionunderlying this decision is that the iteration will lead to a minimum alreadycalculated. The algorithm is trivially parallelizable and runs very efficientlyin a distributed network. Up to 40% savings have been observed from usingthe early termination strategy. This simple approach is easily parallelizable,but it can only be applied to low-dimensional problems.

Several criteria ought to be taken into consideration for stopping theiterative methods described above.

• The sequence convergence criterion: ‖xk+1 − xk‖2 ≤ tolerance (nota particularly good one)!

• The consistency criterion: |f(xk+1)| ≤ tolerance (relevant only forproblems with r(x∗) = 0).

• The absolute function criterion: ‖∇f(xk+1)‖2 ≤ tolerance.

• The maximum iteration count criterion: k > kmax.

The absolute function criterion has a special interpretation for NLLSQproblems, namely, that the residual at xk+1 is nearly orthogonal to thesubspace generated by the columns of the Jacobian. For the Gauss-Newtonand Levenberg-Marquardt algorithms, the necessary information to checknear-orthogonality is easily available.

Methods for step-length determination

Control of the step length is important for ensuring a robust algorithm thatconverges from starting points far from the minimum. Given an iterate xkand a descent direction p, there are two common ways to choose the step-length αk.

• Take αk as the solution to the one-dimensional minimization problem

minα ‖r(xk + αk p)‖2.

This is expensive if one tries to find the exact solution. Fortunately,this is not necessary, and so-called soft or inexact line search strategiescan be used.

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• Inexact line searches: an αk is accepted if a sufficient descent condi-tion is satisfied for the new point xk +αk p and if αk is large enoughthat there is a gain in the step. Use the so-called Armijo-Goldsteinstep-length principle, where αk is chosen as the largest number fromthe sequence α = 1, 1

2 ,14 , . . . for which the inequality

‖r(xk)‖2 − ‖r(xk + αk p)‖2 ≥ 12αk‖J(xk)p‖2


For details see, for example, chapter 3 in [170] and for a brief overview see[20] p. 344.


In addition to the software already mentioned, the PORT library, avail-able from AT&T Bell Labs and partly from Netlib [263], has a range ofcodes for nonlinear least squares problems, some requiring the Jacobianand others that need only information about the objective function. TheGauss-Newton algorithm is not robust enough to be used on its own, butmost of the software for nonlinear least squares that can be found in NAG,MATLAB and TENSOLVE (using tensor methods), have enhanced Gauss-Newton codes. MINPACK-1, MATLAB and IMSL contain Levenberg-Marquardt algorithms. The NEOS Guide on the Web [264] is a source ofinformation about optimization in general, with a section on NLLSQ. Also,the National Institute of Standards and Technology Web page at [265] isvery useful, as well as the book [165].

Some software packages for large-scale problems with a sparse Jacobianare VE10 and LANCELOT. VE10 [264], developed by P. Toint, implementsa line search method, where the search direction is obtained by a trun-cated conjugate gradient technique. It uses an inexact Newton method forpartially separable nonlinear problems with sparse structure. LANCELOT[148] is a software package for nonlinear optimization developed by A. Conn,N. Gould and P. Toint. The algorithm combines a trust-region approach,adapted to handle possible bound constraints and projected gradient tech-niques. In addition it has preconditioning and scaling provisions.

9.5 Iteratively reweighted LSQ algorithms forrobust data fitting problems

In Chapter 1 we introduced the robust data fitting problem based on theprinciple of M-estimation, leading to the nonlinear minimization problemminx

∑mi=1 ρ (ri(x)) where the function ρ is chosen so that it gives less

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weight to residuals ri(x) with large absolute value. Here we consider theimportant case of robust linear data fitting, where the residuals are theelements of the residual vector r = b − Ax. Below we describe severaliterative algorithms that, in spite of their differences, are commonly referredto as iteratively reweighted least squares algorithms due to their use of asequence of linear least squares problems with weights that change duringthe iterations.

To derive the algorithms we consider the problem of minimizing thefunction

f(x) =m∑i=1

ρ (ri(x)) , r = b−Ax.

We introduce the vector g ∈ Rm and the diagonal matrix D ∈ Rm×m withelements defined by

gi = ρ′(ri), dii = ρ′′(ri), i = 1, . . . ,m, (9.5.1)

where ρ′ and ρ′′ denote the first and second derivatives of ρ(r) with respectto r. Then the gradient and the Hessian of f are given by

∇f(x) = −ATg(x) and ∇2f(x) = ATD(x)A, (9.5.2)

where we use the notation g(x) andD(x) to emphasize that these quantitiesdepend on x.

The original iteratively reweighted least squares algorithm [8] uses afixed-point iteration to solve ∇f(x) = 0. From (9.5.1) and (9.5.2) andintroducing the diagonal m×m weight matrix

W (r) = diag (ρ′(ri)/ri) for i = 1, . . . ,m, (9.5.3)

we obtain the nonlinear equations

ATg(x) = ATW (r) r = ATW (r) (b−Ax) = 0

orATW (r)Ax = ATW (r) b.

The fixed-point iteration scheme used in [8] is

xk+1 =(ATW (rk)A

)−1ATW (rk) b

= argminx‖W (rk)1/2 (b−Axk) ‖2, k = 1, 2, . . . (9.5.4)

where rk = b − Axk is the residual from the previous iteration. Hence,each new iterate is the solution of a weighted least squares problem, inwhich the weights depend on the solution from the previous iteration. Thisalgorithm, with seven different choices of the function ρ, is implemented

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in a Fortran software package described in [50] where more details can befound.

A faster algorithm for solving the robust linear data fitting problem –also commonly referred to as an iteratively reweighted least squares algo-rithm – is obtained by applying Newton’s method from Section 9.1 to thefunction f(x) =

∑mi=1 ρ (ri(x)); see ([20], section 4.5.3) for details. Accord-

ing to (9.5.2), the Newton iteration is

xk+1 = xk −(ATD(xk)A

)−1ATg(xk), k = 1, 2, . . . . (9.5.5)

We emphasize that the Newton update is not a least squares solution, be-cause the diagonal matrix D(xk) appears in front of the vector g(xk).O’Leary [171] suggests a variant of this algorithm where, instead of updat-ing the solution vectors, the residual vector is updated as

rk+1 = rk − αk A(ATD(xk)A

)−1ATg(xk), k = 1, 2, . . . , (9.5.6)

and the step-length αk is determined via line search. Upon convergencethe robust solution xk is computed from the final residual vector rk as thesolution to the consistent system Ax = b − rk. Five different numericalmethods for computing the search direction in (9.5.6) are compared in [171],where it is demonstrated that the choice of the best method depends onthe function ρ. Wolke and Schwetlick [258] extend the algorithm to alsoestimate the parameter β that appears in the function ρ and which mustreflect the noise level in the data.

As starting vector for the above iterative methods one can use the or-dinary LSQ solution or, alternatively, the solution to the 1-norm problemminx ‖b−Ax‖1 (see below).

The iteratively reweighted least squares formalism can also be used tosolve linear p-norm problem minx ‖b−Ax‖p for 1 < p < 2. To see this, wenote that

‖b−Ax‖pp =m∑i=1

|ri(x)|p =m∑i=1


= ‖Wp(r)1/2 (b−Ax)‖22

where Wp(r) = diag(|ri|p−2). The iterations of the corresponding Newton-type algorithm take the form

xk+1 = xk + ∆xk, k = 1, 2, . . . , (9.5.7)

where ∆xk is the solution to the weighted LSQ problem

min∆x‖Wp(rk)1/2 (rk −A∆x)‖2, (9.5.8)

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see (Björck [20], section 4.5.2) for details. Experience shows that, for pclose to 1, the LSQ problem (9.5.8) tends to become ill-conditioned as theiterations converge to the robust solution. Special algorithms are neededfor the case p = 1; some references are [6, 51, 153].

For early use in geophysical prospecting see [48, 219].

9.6 Variable projection algorithm

We finish this chapter with a brief discussion of algorithms to solve theseparable NLLSQ problem introduced in Section 8.4, where we listed someimportant properties of this problem. The simplest method of solution thattakes into account the special structure is the algorithm NIPALS [256],where an alternating optimization procedure is employed: the linear andnonlinear parameters are successively fixed and the problem is minimizedover the complementary set. This iteration, however, only converges lin-early.

The variable projection algorithm, developed by Golub and Pereyra[101], takes advantage instead of the explicit coupling between the param-eters α and a, in order to reduce the original minimization problem to twosubproblems that are solved in sequence, without alternation. The nonlin-ear subproblem is smaller (although generally more complex) and involvesonly the k parameters in α. One linear subproblem is solved a posteriorito determine the n linear parameters in a. The difference with NIPALS isperhaps subtle, but it makes the algorithm much more powerful, as we willsee below.

For the special case when φj(α, t) = eαjt, the problem is called expo-nential data fitting, which is a very common and important application thatis notoriously difficult to solve. Fast methods that originated with Prony[204] are occasionally used, but, unfortunately, the original method is notsuitable for problems with noise. The best-modified versions are from M.Osborne [175, 176, 177], who uses the separability to achieve better results.As shown in [198], the other method frequently used with success is thevariable projection algorithm. A detailed discussion of both methods andtheir relative merits is found in chapter 1 of [198], while the remainingchapters show a number of applications in very different fields and whereeither or both methods are used and compared.

The key idea behind the variable projection algorithm is to eliminatethe linear parameters analytically by using the pseudoinverse, solve forthe nonlinear parameters first and then solve a linear LSQ problem forthe remaining parameters. Figure 9.6.1 illustrates the variable projectionprinciple in action. We depict I − Φ(α)Φ†(α) for a fixed α as a linearmapping from Rn → Rm. That is, its range is a linear subspace of dimensionn (or less, if the matrix is rank deficient). When α varies, this subspace

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Figure 9.6.1: The geometry behind the variable projection principle. Foreach αi the projection I − Φ(α)Φ†(α) maps Rn into a subspace in Rm(depicted as a line).

pivots around the origin. For each α the residual is equal to the Euclideandistance from the data vector y to the corresponding subspace. As usual,there may not be any subspace to which the data belong, i.e., the problemis inconsistent and there is a nonzero residual at the solution. This residualis related to the l2 approximation ability of the basis functions φj(α, t).

There are several important results proved in [101], [227] and [212],which show that the reduced function is better conditioned than the originalone. Also, we observe that

• The reduction in dimensionality of the problem has as a consequencethat fewer initial parameters need to be guessed to start a minimiza-tion procedure.

• The algorithm is valid in the rank-deficient case. To guarantee con-tinuity of the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse, only local constantrank of Φ(α) needs to be assumed.

• The reduced nonlinear function, although more complex and there-fore apparently costlier to evaluate, gives rise to a better-conditionedproblem, which always takes fewer iterations to converge than the fullproblem [212]. This may include convergence when the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for the full function does not converge.

• By careful implementation of the linear algebra involved and use ofa simplification due to Kaufman [140], the cost per iteration for thereduced function is similar to that for the full function, and thusminimization of the reduced problem is always faster. However, in

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hard problems this simplification may lead to a less robust algorithm[172].

The linear problem is easily solved by using the methods discussed in previ-ous chapters. There are two types of iterative methods to solve the NLLSQproblem in the variable projection algorithm:

• Derivative free methods such as PRAXIS [263] require only anefficient computation of the nonlinear function

f2(α) = 12‖y − Φ(α)Φ(α)† y‖22 = 1

2‖PΦ(α) y‖22.

Instead of the more expensive pseudoinverse computation it is possibleto obtain PΦ(α) by orthogonally transforming Φ(α) into trapezoidalform. One obtains then a simple expression for the evaluation of thefunction from the same orthogonal transformation when applied toy. For details see [101].

• Methods that need derivatives of r(α) = y − Φ(α)Φ(α)† y. In[101], a formula for the Fréchet derivative of the orthogonal projec-tor PΦ(α) was developed and then used in the Levenberg-Marquardtalgorithm, namely:

Dr(α) = −[P⊥Φ(α)D(Φ(α))Φ(α)† + (P⊥Φ(α)D(Φ(α))Φ(α)†)T ]y.

Kaufman [140] ignores the second term, producing a saving of up to25% in computer time, without a significant increase in the numberof iterations. The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm used in [101] and[140] starts with an arbitrary α0 and determines the iterates from therelation:

αk+1 = αk −(Dr(αk)√





At each iteration, this linear LSQ problem is solved by orthogonaltransformations. Also, the Marquardt parameter λk can be deter-mined so that divergence is prevented by enforcing descent:

‖r(αk+1)‖2 < ‖r(αk)‖2.

The original VARPRO program by Pereyra is listed in a Stanford Uni-versity report [100]; there the minimization is done via the Osborne mod-ification of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. A public domain version,including modifications and additions by John Bolstadt, Linda Kaufmanand Randy LeVeque, can be found in Netlib [263] under the same name.It incorporates the Kaufman modification, where the second term in theFréchet derivative is ignored and the information provided by the programis used to generate a statistical analysis, including uncertainty bounds for

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Figure 9.6.2: Data, fit and residuals for the exponential fitting problem.

the estimated linear and nonlinear parameters. Recent work by O’Learyand Rust indicates that in certain problems the Kaufman modification canmake the algorithm less robust. They present in that work a modern andmore modular implementation. In the PORT library [86] of Netlib thereare careful implementations by Gay and Kaufman of variable projectionversions for the case of unconstrained and constrained separable NLLSQproblems, including the option of using finite differences to approximatethe derivatives. VARP2 [98, 141] is an extension for problems with multi-ple right-hand sides and it is also available in Netlib.

The VARPRO program was influenced by the state of the art in comput-ing at the time of its writing, leading to a somewhat convoluted algorithm,and in a way most of the sequels inherited this approach. The computa-tional constraints in memory and operation speeds have now been removed,since for most problems to which the algorithm is applicable in standardcurrent machinery, results are produced quickly, even if multiple runs areexecuted in order to try to get a global minimum. In [198, 228] there is adescription of a simplified approach for the case of complex exponentials,where some efficiency is sacrificed in order to achieve a clearer implemen-tation that is easier to use and maintain.

Example 97. The following example from [174] illustrates the competitive-ness of the variable projection method, both in speed and robustness. Givena set of m = 33 data points (ti, yi) (the data set is listed in the VARPRO

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code in Netlib), fit the exponential model:

M(a, α, t) = a1 + aα1t2 + aα2t

3 .

We compare the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for minimization of thefull function with VARPRO, which uses the reduced function. The twoalgorithms needed 32 and 8 iterations, respectively, to reduce the objectivefunction to less than 5 · 10−5; this is a substantial saving, considering thatthe cost per iteration is similar for the two approaches. Moreover, thecondition numbers of the respective linearized problems close to the solutionare 48845 and 6.9; a clear example showing that the reduced problem isbetter conditioned than the original one. Figure 9.6.2 shows the fit and theresiduals for the VP algorithm. The autocorrelation analysis from Section1.4 gives % = −5 · 10−6 and T% = 9.7 · 10−6, showing that the residuals canbe considered as uncorrelated and therefore that the fit is acceptable. Theleast squares solution for this problem is

a∗ = (0.375, −1.46, 1.94)T , α∗ = (0.0221, 0.0129)T .

As explained in Section 3.5, the sensitivity of this solution can be assessedvia the diagonal elements of the estimated covariance matrix



In particular, the square roots of the diagonal elements of this matrix areestimates of the standard deviations of the five parameters. If we use theestimate ς2 ' ‖r(x∗)‖22/m, then these estimated standard deviations are

0.00191, 0.204, 0.203, 0.000824, 0.000413,

showing that the two linear parameters a2 and a3 are potentially very sen-sitive to perturbations. To illustrate this, the two alternative sets of param-eters

a = (0.374, −1.29, 1.76)T , α = (0.0231, 0.0125)T

anda = (0.378, −2.29, 2.76)T , α = (0.0120, 0.0140)T ,

both give fits that are almost indistinguishable from the least squares fit.The corresponding residual norms are

‖r(x∗)‖2 = 7.39 · 10−3, ‖r(x)‖2 = 7.79 · 10−3, ‖r(x)‖2 = 8.24 · 10−3,

showing that the large changes in a2 and a3 give rise to only small variationsin the residuals, again demonstrating the lack of sensitivity of the residualto changes in those parameters.

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9.7 Block methods for large-scale problems

We have already mentioned the inexact Gauss-Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt methods, based on truncated iterative solvers, as a way to dealwith large computational problems. A different approach is to use a divide-and-conquer strategy that, by decomposing the problem into blocks, mayallow the use of standard solvers for the (smaller) blocks. First, one subdi-vides the observations in appropriate non-overlapping groups. Through anSVD analysis one can select those variables that are more relevant to eachsubset of data; details of one such method for large-scale, ill-conditionednonlinear least squares problems are given below and in [188, 189, 191].

The procedure works best if the data can be broken up in such a way thatthe associated variables have minimum overlap and only weak couplings areleft with the variables outside the block. Of course, we cannot expect theblocks to be totally uncoupled; otherwise, the problem would decomposeinto a collection of problems that can be independently solved.

Thus, in general, the procedure consists of an outer block nonlinearGauss-Seidel or Jacobi iteration, in which the NLLSQ problems correspond-ing to the individual blocks are solved approximately for their associatedparameters. The block solver is initialized with the current value of the vari-ables. The full parameter set is updated either after each block is processed(Gauss-Seidel strategy of information updating as soon as it is available),or after all the block solves have been completed (Jacobi strategy). The ill-conditioning is robustly addressed by the use of the Levenberg-Marquardtalgorithm for the subproblems and by the threshold used to select the vari-ables for each block.

The pre-processing for converting a large problem into block form startsby scanning the data and subdividing it. The ideal situation is one in whichthe data subsets are only sensitive to a small subset of the variables. Hav-ing performed that subdivision, we proceed to analyze the data blocks todetermine which parameters are actually well determined by each subset ofdata. During this data analysis phase we compute the SVD of the Jaco-bian of each block; this potentially very large matrix is trimmed by deletingcolumns that are zero or smaller than a given threshold. Finally, the rightsingular vectors of the SVD are used to complete the analysis.

Selecting subspaces through the SVD

Jupp and Vozoff [138] introduced the idea of relevant and irrelevant param-eters based on the SVD. We write first the Taylor expansion of the residualvector at a given point x (see §8.2):

r(x+ h) = r(x) + J(x)h+O(‖h‖22). (9.7.1)

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Considering the SVD of the Jacobian J(x) = U ΣV T , we can introducethe so-called rotated perturbations

p = σ1VTh,

where σ1 is the largest singular value of J(x). Neglecting higher-orderterms in (9.7.1) we can write this system as

r(x+ h)− r(x) = J(x)h =r∑i=1


)pi ui,

where σi/σ1 are the normalized singular values and r is the rank of the Ja-cobian. This shows the direct relationship between the normalized singularvalues, the rotated perturbations pi = σ1v

Ti h, and their influence on the

variation of the residual vector. Thus,

‖r(x+ h)− r(x)‖22 =r∑i=1



p2i ,

which shows that those parameters pi that are associated with small normal-ized singular values will not contribute much to variations in the residual.Here we have assumed that all the components of the perturbation vectorh are of similar size.

The above analysis is the key to the algorithm for partitioning the pa-rameter set into blocks, once a partition of the data set has been chosen.Let RIk denote the row indices for the kth block of data with m[k] elements.Given a base point x, calculate the Jacobian J(x)[k] for this data set, i.e.,J(x)[k] has only m[k] rows and less than n columns, since if the data havebeen partitioned appropriately and due to the local representation of themodel, we expect that there will be a significant number of columns withsmall components that can be safely neglected. Then the procedure is asfollows:

1. Compute the SVD of J(x)[k] and normalize the singular values bydividing them by the largest one.

2. Select the first n[k] normalized singular values that are above a giventhreshold, and their associated right singular vectors.

3. Inspect the set of chosen singular vectors and select the largest com-ponents of V [k]in absolute value.

4. Choose the indices of the variables in parameter space correspondingto the columns of V [k] that contain large entries to form the set CIk ofcolumn indices. This selects the subset of parameters that have mostinfluence on the variation in the misfit functional for the given dataset.

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With this blocking strategy, variables may be repeated in different subsets.Observe also that it is possible for the union of all the subsets to be smallerthan the entire set of variables; this will indicate that there are variablesthat cannot be resolved by the given data, at least in a neighborhood ofthe base point x and for the chosen threshold. Since this analysis is local,it should be periodically revised as the optimization process advances.

Once this partition has been completed, we use an outer block nonlinearGauss-Seidel or Jacobi iteration [173] in order to obtain the solution of thefull problem. To make this more precise, let us partition the index setsM =1, 2, . . . ,m and N = 1, 2, . . . , n into the subsets RIk and CIk,i.e., the index sets that describe the partition of our problem into blocks.Each subproblem can now be written as


12‖r(x)[k]‖22 subject to x = x∗i , i ∈ 1, 2, . . . , n − CIk, (9.7.2)

where r(x)[k] is the sub-vector of r(x) with elements r(x)ii∈RIk . In otherwords, we fix the values of the parameters that are not in block k to theircurrent values in the global set of variables x∗. Observe that the dimensionof the subproblem is then m[k] × n[k]. By considering enough subsets k =1, . . . ,K we can make these dimensions small, especially n[k] and thereforemake the subproblems (9.7.2) amenable to direct techniques (and globaloptimization, if necessary).

One step of a sequential block Gauss-Seidel iteration consists then insweeping over all the blocks, solving the subproblems to a certain level ofaccuracy, and replacing the optimal values in the central repository of allthe variables at once. A sequential block Jacobi iteration does the same,but it does not replace the values until the sweep over all the blocks iscompleted.

Since we allow repetitions of variables in the sub-blocks, it is prudentto introduce averaging of the multiple appearances of variables. In the caseof Jacobi, this can be done naturally at the end of a sweep. In the case ofGauss-Seidel, one needs to keep a count of the repetitions and perform arunning average for each repeated variable.

Parallel asynchronous block nonlinear Gauss-SeideliterationThe idea of chaotic relaxation for linear systems originated with Rosenfeldin 1967 [211]. Other early actors in this important topic were A. Ostrowski[178] and S. Schechter [221]. Chazan and Miranker published in 1969 adetailed paper [43] describing and formalizing chaotic iterations for theparallel iterative solution of systems of linear equations. This was extendedto the nonlinear case in [159, 160].

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The purpose of chaotic relaxation is to facilitate the parallel implemen-tation of iterative methods in a multi-processor system or in a network ofcomputers by reducing the amount of communication and synchronizationbetween cooperating processes and by allowing that assigned sub-tasks gounfulfilled. This is achieved by not requiring that the relaxation follow apre-determined sequence of computations, but rather letting the differentprocesses start their evaluations from a current, centrally managed value ofthe unknowns.

Baudet [10] defines the class of asynchronous iterative methods andshows that it includes chaotic iterations. Besides the classical Jacobi andGauss-Seidel approaches he introduces the purely asynchronous method inwhich, at each iteration within a block, current values are always used.This is a stronger cooperative approach than Gauss-Seidel and he showsin numerical experimentation how it is more efficient with an increasingnumber of processors.

We paraphrase a somewhat more restricted definition for the case ofblock nonlinear optimization that concerns us. Although Baudet’s methodwould apply directly to calculating the zeros of∇f(x), we prefer to describethe method in the optimization context in which it will be used. We usethe notation introduced above for our partitioned problem.


f(x) = 12‖r(x)‖22 =


12‖r(x)[k]‖22 =



where the data are partitioned into K non-overlapping blocks. An asyn-chronous iteration for calculating minx f(x) starting from the vector x0 isa sequence of vectors xk with elements defined by

x[k]j = argmin

xf(x)[k] for j ∈ CIk

subject tox

[k]j = xj for j 6∈ CIk.

The initial vector for the kth minimization is

x[k] = (x1(s1(k)), . . . , xn(sn(k))),

where S = s1(k), . . . , sn(k) is a sequence of elements in Nn that indicatesat which iteration a particular component was last updated. In addition,the following conditions should be satisfied:

si(k) ≤ k − 1 and si(k)→∞, as k →∞.

These conditions guarantee that all the variables are updated often enough,while the formulation allows for the use of updated subsets of variables “as

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they become available.” Baudet [10] gives sufficient conditions for the con-vergence of this type of process for systems of nonlinear equations. Theconvergence of an asynchronous block Gauss-Seidel process and as a spe-cial case, the previously described sequential algorithm, follows from thefollowing theorem proved in [188].

Theorem 98. Convergence of the asynchronous BGS L-M itera-tion. Let the operator

T (x) = x− (J(x)TJ(x) + λI)−1J(x)Tr(x)

be Lipschitz, with constant γ, and uniformly monotone with constant µ, ina neighborhood of a stationary point of f(x), with 2µ/γ2 > 1. Then T isvector contracting and the asynchronous Levenberg-Marquardt method forminimizing 1

2‖r(x)‖22 is convergent.

As we indicated above, an alternative to this procedure is a chaoticblock Jacobi iteration, where all the processes use the same initial vectorat the beginning of a sweep, at the end of which the full parameter vectoris updated. In general, asynchronous block Gauss-Seidel with running av-erages is the preferred algorithm, since Jacobi requires a synchronizationstep at the end of each sweep that creates issues of load balancing.

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Appendix A

Sensitivity Analysis

A.1 Floating-point arithmetic

The classic reference for finite precision arithmetic is Wilkinson’s mono-graph “Rounding Errors in Algebraic Processes” [255], while a more recenttreatment is Higham’s “Accuracy and Stability of Numerical Algorithms”[128]. Almost any numerical analysis book has an introductory chapterabout this topic. Here we list some of the basic ideas used in our text.

Digital computers use floating-point representation for real and complexnumbers based on the binary system, i.e., the basis is 2. Real numbers arerewritten in a special normalized form, where the mantissa is less than 1.Usually there is the option to use single (t-digit) or double (2t-digit) lengthmantissa representation and arithmetic. If we denote by fl(x) the floating-point computer representation of a real number x, and by ⊕ the floating-point addition, then the unit round-off µ (for a given computer) is definedas the smallest ε such that in floating-point arithmetic: fl(1)⊕ ε > fl(1).

For a binary t-digit floating-point system µ = 2−t. The machine epsilonεM = 2µ is the gap between 1 and the next larger floating-point number(and, thus, in a relative sense, gives an indication of the gap between thefloating-point numbers). Several of the bounds in this book contain the unitround-off or the machine precision; it is therefore advisable to check the sizeof εM for a particular machine and word length. A small Fortran program isavailable from Netlib to compute the machine precision for double precisionand can be adapted easily for single.

Representation error. The relative error in the computer represen-tation fl(x) of a real number x 6= 0 satisfies

|fl(x)− x||x|

≤ µ,


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implying that fl(x) ∈ [x(1− εM ), x(1 + εM )].Rounding error. The error in a given floating-point operation ~,

corresponding to the real operation ∗, satisfies

fl(x)~ fl(y) = (x ∗ y)(1 + ε), with |ε| ≤ µ.

To measure the cost of the different algorithms described in the bookwe use as the unit the flop. A word of warning though: its definition differsfrom one author to the other; here we follow the one used in [105, 128],which is also common in many articles in the literature.

Definition 1. A flop is roughly the work associated with a floating-pointoperation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division).

In March 2011 the cheapest cost per Gigaflop (109 flops) was $1.80,achieved on the computer cluster HPU4Science, made of six dual Core 2Quad off-the-shelf machines at a cost of $30, 000, with performance en-hanced by combining the CPUs with the Graphical PUs. In comparison,the cost in 1984 was $15 million on a Cray X-MP.

A.2 Stability, conditioning and accuracy

A clear and concise review of these topics can be found in [57, 128, 237].One general comment first: given a t-digit arithmetic, there is a limit to theattainable accuracy of any computation, because even the data themselvesmay not be representable by a t-digit number. Additionally, in practicalapplications, one should not lose sight of the fact that usually the data,derived from observations, already have a physical error much larger thanthe one produced by the floating-point representation.

Let us formally define a mathematical problem by a function that relatesa data space X with a solutions space Y, i.e., P : X (data)→ Y(solutions).Let us also define a specific algorithm for this problem as a function P :X → Y. One is interested in evaluating how close the solution computedby the algorithm is to the exact solution of the mathematical problem.

The accuracy will depend on the sensitivity of the mathematical prob-lem P to perturbations of its data, the condition of the problem, and onthe sensitivity of the algorithm P to perturbations of the input data, thestability of the algorith.

The condition of the mathematical problem is commonly measured bythe condition number κ(x). We emphasize the problem dependency, so,for example, the same matrix A may give rise to an ill-conditioned leastsquares problem and a well-conditioned eigenvector problem.

A formal definition of the condition number follows.

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Definition 2. The condition number is defined by

κ(x) = supδx

‖P (x+ δx)− P (x)‖2‖P (x)‖2



If the mapping P is differentiable with Jacobian [J(x)]ij = ∂Pi∂xj

, the aboveformula can be replaced by

κ (x) =‖J(x)‖2 ‖x‖2‖P (x)‖2


The condition number κ (x) is the leading coefficient of the data perturba-tion in the error bound for the solution.

Among the possible formalizations of the stability concept, backwardstability is a convenient one; an algorithm is backward stable if it computesthe exact solution for slightly perturbed data, or in other words, quoting[237], an algorithm is backward stable if “[it] gives the right answer to nearlythe right question”: P (x) = P (x) = P (x + ∆x). The perturbation of theinput data ‖∆x‖2 is the backward error. Formally,

Definition 3. The algorithm P is backward stable if the computed solutionx is the exact solution of a slightly perturbed problem; i.e., if

P (x) = P (x)

for some x with

‖x− x‖2‖x‖2

= O(εM ).

One can bound the actual error in the solution P (x) of a problem withcondition number κ(x) if it is computed using a backward stable algorithmP (x) : ∥∥P (x)− P (x)


‖P (x)‖2= O(κ(x)εM ).

In words, a backward stable algorithm, when applied to a well-conditionedproblem, yields an accurate solution, and if the backward error is smallerthan the data errors, the problem is solved to the same extent that it is actu-ally known. On the other hand, the computed solution to an ill-conditionedproblem can have a very large error, even if the algorithm used was back-ward stable, the condition number acting as an amplification factor of thedata errors.

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Appendix B

Linear Algebra Background

B.1 Norms

Vector norms

The most commonly used norms for vectors are the l1-, l2- and l∞-norms,denoted by || · ||1, || · ||2, and || · ||∞, respectively. These norms are definedby:

• ‖v‖1 =∑ni=1 |vi|.

• ‖v‖2 =(∑n

i=1 |vi|2) 1

2 =(vTv

) 12 (Euclidean norm).

• ‖v‖∞ = max1≤i≤n |vi| (Chebyshev norm).

A useful relationship between an inner product and the l2-norms of itsfactors is the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality:∣∣xTy∣∣ ≤ ‖x‖2 ‖y‖2 .Norms are continuous functions of the entries of their arguments. It followsthat a sequence of vectors x0,x1, . . . converges to a vector x if and only iflimk→∞ ‖xk − x‖ = 0 for any norm.

Matrix norms

A natural definition of a matrix norm is the so-called induced or operatornorm that, starting from a vector norm ‖ · ‖, defines the matrix norm asthe maximum amount that the matrix A can stretch a unit vector, or moreformally: ‖A‖ = max‖v‖=1 ‖Av‖. Thus, the induced norms associated withthe usual vector norms are


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• ‖A‖1 = maxj∑ni=1 |aij | .

• ‖A‖2 = [max(eigenvalue of (ATA))]12 .

• ‖A‖∞ = maxi∑nj=1 |aij | .

In addition the so-called Frobenius norm (Euclidean length of A consideredas an nm-vector) is

• ‖A‖F =(∑n


∑mi=1 |aij |2

) 12

= trace(ATA)12 .

For square, orthogonal matrices Q ∈ Rn×n we have ‖Q‖2 = 1 and ‖Q‖F =√n. Both the Frobenius and the matrix l2-norms are compatible with

the Euclidean vector norm. This means that ‖Ax‖ ≤ ‖A‖ ‖x‖ is truewhen using the l2-norm for the vector and either the l2 or the Frobeniusnorm for the matrix. Also, both are invariant with respect to orthogonaltransformations Q:

‖QA‖2 = ‖A‖2 , ‖QA‖F = ‖A‖F .

In terms of the singular values of A, the l2 norm can be expressed as ‖A‖2 =maxi σi = σ1, where σi, i = 1, . . . ,min(m,n) are the singular values of Ain descending order of size. In the special case of symmetric matrices thel2-norm reduces to ‖A‖2 = maxi |λi|, with λi an eigenvalue of A. This isalso called the spectral radius of the matrix A.

B.2 Condition number

The condition number of a general matrix A in norm ‖·‖p is

κp(A) = ‖A‖p∥∥A†∥∥


For a vector-induced norm, the condition number of A is the ratio of themaximum to the minimum stretch produced by the linear transformationrepresented by this matrix, and therefore it is greater than or equal to 1.In the l2-norm, κ2(A) = σ1/σr, where σr is the smallest nonzero singularvalue of A and r is the rank of A.

In finite precision arithmetic, a large condition number can be an in-dication that the “exact” matrix is close to singular, as some of the zerosingular values may be represented by very small numbers.

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B.3 Orthogonality

The notation used for the inner product of vectors is vTw =∑i viwi. Note

that ‖v‖22 = vTv. If v,w 6= 0, and vTw = 0, then these vectors areorthogonal, and they are orthonormal if in addition they have unit length.

Orthogonal matrices. A square matrix Q is orthogonal if QTQ = Ior QQT = I, i.e., the columns or rows are orthonormal vectors and thus‖Q‖2 = 1. It follows that orthogonal matrices represent isometric trans-formations that can only change the direction of a vector (rotation, reflec-tion), but not its Euclidean norm, a reason for their practical importance:‖Qv‖2 = ‖v‖2, ‖QA‖2 = ‖AQ‖2 = ‖A‖2.

Permutation matrix. A permutation matrix is an identity matrixwith permuted rows or columns. It is orthogonal, and products of permu-tation matrices are again permutations.

Orthogonal projection onto a subspace of an inner productspace. Given an orthonormal basis, u1, u2, . . . , un of a subspace S ⊆X , where X is an inner product space, the orthogonal projection P : X → Ssatisfies

Px =n∑i=1


The operator P is linear and satisfies Px = x if x ∈ S (idempotent) and‖Px‖2 ≤ ‖x‖2 ∀x ∈ X . Therefore, the associated square matrix P is anorthogonal projection matrix if it is Hermitian and idempotent, i.e., if

PT = P and P 2 = P.

Note that an orthogonal projection divides the whole space into two or-thogonal subspaces. If P projects a vector onto the subspace S, then I−Pprojects it onto S⊥, the orthogonal complement of S with S+S⊥ = X andS ∩ S⊥ = 0. An orthogonal projection matrix P is not necessarily an or-thogonal matrix, but I−2P is orthogonal (see Householder transformationsin Section 4.3).

An important projector is defined by a matrix of the form PU = UUT ,where U has p orthonormal columns u1,u2, . . . ,up. This is a projectiononto the subspace spanned by the columns of U . In particular, the pro-jection onto the subspace spanned by a single (not necessarily of norm 1)vector u is defined by the rank-one matrix Pu = uuT


Gram matrix. The Gram matrix or Grammian Gram(A) of an m×nmatrix A is ATA. Its elements are thus the n2 possible inner productsbetween pairs of columns of A.

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B.4 Some additional matrix propertiesThe Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula gives a representation ofthe inverse of a rank-one perturbation of a matrix in terms of its inverse:

(A+ uvT )−1 = A−1 − A−1uvTA−1

1 + vTA−1u,

provided that 1 + vTA−1u 6= 0. As usual, for calculations, A−1u is shorthand for “solve the system” Ax = u.

The next theorem presents the interlacing property of the singu-lar values of A with those of matrices obtained by removing or adding acolumn or a row (see [20]).

Theorem 4. Let A be bordered by a column u ∈ Rm, A = (A,u) ∈ Rm×n,m ≥ n. Then, the ordered singular values σi of A separate the singularvalues of A as follows:

σ1 ≥ σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ σ2 ≥ ... ≥ σn−1 ≥ σn−1 ≥ σn.

Similarly, if A is bordered by a row v ∈ Rn,

A =(


)∈ Rm×n, m ≥ n,

thenσ1 ≥ σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ σ2 ≥ ... ≥ σn−1 ≥ σn−1 ≥ σn ≥ σn.

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Appendix C

Advanced CalculusBackground

C.1 Convergence ratesDefinition 5. Let x∗, xk ∈ R for k = 0, 1, . . . The sequence xk is said toconverge to x∗ if


|xk − x∗| = 0.

The convergence islinear if ∃ c ∈ [0, 1) and an integer K > 0 such that for k ≥ K,

|xk+1 − x∗| ≤ c |xk − x∗| ;

superlinear if ∃ ck −→ 0 and an integer K > 0 such that for k ≥ K,

|xk+1 − x∗| ≤ ck |xk − x∗| ;

quadratic if ∃ c ∈ [0, 1) and an integer K > 0 such that for k ≥ K,

|xk+1 − x∗| ≤ c |xk − x∗|2 .

Definition 6. A locally convergent iterative algorithm convergesto the correct answer if the iteration starts close enough. A globallyconvergent iterative algorithm converges when starting from almostany point. For minimization, this is not to be confused with finding theglobal minimum of a functional on a compact domain (see below).

Global and local minimum: x∗ is a global minimizer of a functionf : Rn −→ R on a compact domain D if f(x∗) ≤ f(x), ∀x ∈ Rn. x∗ is alocal minimizer inside a certain region, usually defined as an open “ball” ofsize δ around x∗, if f(x∗) ≤ f(x) for ‖x− x∗‖2 < δ.


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C.2 Multivariable calculusThe gradient and Hessian of a scalar function of several variables f(x) area vector and a matrix, respectively, defined by

∇f(x) ≡ (∂f/∂x1, ..., ∂f/∂xn)T , ∇2f(x) ≡[




For a vector function of several variables

r(x) = (r1(x), r2(x), . . . , rm(x))T ,

with each rk(x) : Rn → R, we denote by J(x) the Jacobian of r(x) and byGk the Hessian of a component function rk:

J(x) =[∂ri∂xj

], Gk(x) =



Definition 7. Descent direction p of a function f : Rn −→ R.p is a descent direction at xc for a function f(x) if for sufficiently

small and positive α ‖f(xc+αp‖ < ‖f(xc)‖. Alternatively, p is a descentdirection at xc if the directional derivative (projection of the gradient ona given direction) of the function f(x) at xc in the direction p is negative:Of(xc)Tp < 0.

Theorem 8. Taylor’s theorem for a scalar function.

If f : Rn −→ R is continuously differentiable, then, for some t ∈ [0, 1] ,

f(x+ p) = f(x) +∇f(x+ tp)Tp.

If f(x) is twice continuously differentiable then, for some t ∈ [0, 1],

f(x+ p) = f(x) +∇f(x)Tp+ pT∇2f(x+ tp)p.

A necessary condition for x∗ to be a stationary point of f(x) is that∇f(x∗) = 0. The sufficient conditions for x∗ to be a local minimizer are∇f(x∗) = 0 and ∇2(x∗) is positive definite.

The derivative DA(x) of an m × n nonlinear matrix function A(x),where x ∈ Rk is a tri-dimensional tensor formed with k matrices (slabs)of dimension m× n, each one containing the partial derivatives of the ele-ments of A with respect to one of the variables of the vector x. Thus, thesecond derivative of the vector function r(x) is the tri-dimensional tensorG = [G1, ...,Gm].

The derivative of the orthogonal projector PA(x) onto the column spaceof a differentiable m × n matrix function A(x) of local constant rank canbe obtained as follows.

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Lemma 9. (Lemma 4.1 in [101]) Let A†(x) be the pseudoinverse of A(x).Then PA(x) = AA† and

DPA(x) = P⊥A(x)DAA† + (P⊥A(x)DAA

†)T ,

where P⊥A = I − PA(x).

Definition 10. A function f is Lipschitz continuous with constant γ in aset X ⊆ R if

∀x, y ∈ X, |f(x)− f(y)| ≤ γ |x− y| . (C.2.1)

Lipschitz continuity is an intermediary concept between continuity and dif-ferentiability. The operator V : Rn → Rn, is Lipschitz continuous withconstant γ in a set X ⊆ Rn if

∀x, y ∈ X, ‖V (x)− V (y)‖2 ≤ γ ‖x− y‖2 .

V is contracting if it is Lipschitz continuous with constant less than unity:γ < 1. V is uniformly monotone if there exists a positive m such that

m ‖x− y‖22 ≤ (V (x)− V (y))T (x− y).

V is vector Lipschitz if

|V (x)− V (y)| ≤ A |x− y| ,

where A is a non-negative n×n matrix and the inequality is meant element-wise. V is vector contracting if it is vector Lipschitz continuous with ‖A‖ <1.

Lagrange multipliers

Lagrange multipliers are used to find the local extrema of a function f(x)of n variables subject to k equality constraints gi(x) = ci, by reducing theproblem to an (n−k)-variable problem without constraints. Formally, newscalar variables λ = (λ1, λ2, . . . , λk)T , one for each contraint, are introducedand a new function is defined as

F (x,λ) = f(x) +k∑i=1

λi(gi(x)− ci).

The local extrema of this extended function F (the Lagrangian), occur atthe points where its gradient is zero: ∇F (x,λ) = 0, λ 6= 0, or equivalently,

∇xF (x,λ) = 0, ∇λF (x,λ) = 0.

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This form encodes compactly the constraints, because

∇λiF (x,λ) = 0⇔ gi(x) = ci.

An alternative to this method is to use the equality constraints to eliminatek of the original variables. If the problem is large and sparse, this elimina-tion may destroy the sparsity and thus the Lagrange multipliers approachis preferable.

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Appendix D


D.1 Definitions

We list some basic definitions and techniques taken from statistics that areneeded to understand some sections of this book.

• A sample space is the set of possible outcomes of an experimentor a random trial. For some kind of experiments (trials), there maybe several plausible sample spaces available. The complete set ofoutcomes can be constructed as a Cartesian product of the individualsample spaces. An event is a subset of a sample space.

• We denote by Prevent the probability of an event . We oftenconsider finite sample spaces, such that each outcome has the sameprobability (equiprobable).

• X is a random variable defined on a sample space if it assignsa unique numerical value to every outcome, i.e., it is a real-valuedfunction defined on a sample space.

• X is a continuous random variable if it can assume every value inan interval, bounded or unbounded (continuous distribution). It canbe characterized by a probability density function (pdf) p(x)defined by

Pr a ≤ X ≤ b =∫ b


p(x) dx.

• X is a discrete random variable if it assumes at most a countableset of different values (discrete distribution). It can be characterizedby its probability function (pf), which specifies the probability


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that the random variable takes each of the possible values from sayx1, x2, . . . , xi, . . .:

p(xi) = PrX = xi.

• All distributions, discrete or continuous, can be characterized throughtheir (cumulative) distribution function , the total probability upto, and including, a point x. For a discrete random variable,

P (xi) = PrX ≤ xi.

• The expectation or expected value E [X] for a random variable Xor equivalently, the mean µ of its distribution, contains a summary ofthe probabilistic information about X. For a continuous variable X,the expectation is defined by

E [X] =∫ ∞−∞

x p(x) dx.

For a discrete random variable with probability function p(x) theexpectation is defined as

E [X] =∑∀i

xi p(xi).

For a discrete random variable X with values x1, x2, . . . , xN and withall p(xi) equal (all xi equiprobable, p(xi) = 1

N ), the expected valuecoincides with the arithmetic mean

x =1N



• The expectation is linear, i.e., for a, b, c constants and X, Y tworandom variables,

E [X + c] = E [X] + c,

E [aX + bY ] = E [aX] + E [bY ].

• A convenient measure of the dispersion (or spread about the average)is the variance of the random variable, var [X] or ς2:

var [X] = ς2 = E [(X − E(X))2].

In the equiprobable case this reduces to

var [X] = ς2 =1N


(xi − x)2.

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• For a random sample of observations x1, x2, . . . , xN , the followingformula is an estimate of the variance ς2:

s2 =1

N − 1


(xi − x)2.

In the case of a sample from a normal distribution this is a particularlygood estimate.

• The square root of the variance is the standard deviation, ς. It isknown by physicists as RMS or root mean square in the equiprob-able case:

ς =

√√√√ 1N


(xi − x)2.

• Given two random variables X and Y with expected values E [X] andE [Y ] , respectively, the covariance is a measure of how the values ofX and Y are related:

CovX,Y = E(XY )− E(X)E(Y ).

For random vectors X ∈ Rm and Y ∈ Rn the covariance is the m×nmatrix

CovX,Y = E(XY T )− E(X)E(X)T .

The (i, j)th element of this matrix is the covariance between the ithcomponent of X and the jth component of Y .

• In order to estimate the degree of interrelation between variables in amanner not influenced by measurement units, the (Pearson) corre-lation coefficient is used:

cXY =CovX,Y

(var [X] var [Y ])12.

Correlation is a measure of the strength of the linear relationshipbetween the random variables; nonlinear ones are not measured sat-isfactorily.

• If CovX,Y = 0, the correlation coefficient is zero and the variablesX,Y are uncorrelated .

• The random variables X and Y , with distribution functions PX(x),PY (y) and densities pX(x), pY (y), respectively, are statistically in-dependent if and only if the combined random variable (X,Y ) hasa joint cumulative distribution function PX,Y (x, y) = PX(x)PY (y) or

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equivalently a joint density pX,Y (x, y) = pX(x)pY (y). The expecta-tion and variance operators have the properties E [XY ] = E [X] E [Y ] ,var [X + Y ] = var [X] + var [Y ]. It follows that independent randomvariables have zero covariance.

• Independent variables are uncorrelated, but the opposite is not trueunless the variables belong to a normal distribution.

• A random vectorw is awhite noise vector if E(w) = 0 and E(wwT ) =ς2I. That is, it is a zero mean random vector where all the elementshave identical variance. Its autocorrelation matrix is a multiple of theidentity matrix; therefore the vector elements are uncorrelated. Notethat Gaussian noise < white noise.

• The coefficient of variation is a normalized measure of the disper-sion:

cv =ς


In signal processing the reciprocal ratio µς is referred to as the signal

to noise ratio.

• The coefficient of determination R2 is used in the context oflinear regression analysis (statistical modeling), as a measure of howwell a linear model fits the data. Given a modelM that predicts valuesMi, i = 1, . . . , N for the observations x1, x2, . . . , xN and the residualvector r = (M1− x1, . . . ,MN − xN )T , the most general definition forthe coefficient of determination is

R2 = 1−‖r‖22∑N

i=1(xi − x)2.

In general, it is an approximation of the unexplained variance, sincethe second term compares the variance in the model’s errors with thetotal variance of the data x1, . . . , xN .

• The normal (or Gaussian) probability functionN(µ, ς2) has meanµ and variance ς2. Its probability density function takes the form

p(x) =1√2πς




(x− µς


• If Xi, i = 1, . . . , n are random variables with normal distributionsN(0, 1), then


2i has a chi-square distribution with n degrees

of freedom. Given two independent random variables Y, W with chi-square distributions with m and n degrees of freedom, respectively,

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the random variable X,

X =Y/m


has an F-distribution with m and n degrees of freedom, F (m,n).

• The Student’s tn random variable with n degrees of freedom is de-fined as

tn =Z√χ2n/n


where Z is a standard normal random variable, χ2n is a chi-square

random variable with n degrees of freedom and Z and χ2n are inde-


• The F-distribution becomes relevant when testing hypotheses aboutthe variances of normal distributions. For example, assume that wehave two independent random samples (of sizes n1 and n2 respec-tively) from two normal distributions; the ratio of the unbiased esti-mators s1 and s2 of the two variances,

s1/n1 − 1s2/n2 − 1


is distributed according to an F-distribution F (n1, n2) if the variancesare equal: ς21 = ς22 .

• A time series is an ordered sequence of observations. The orderingis usually in time, often in terms of equally spaced time intervals, butit can also be ordered in, for example, space. The time series elementsare frequently considered random variables with the same mean andvariance.

• A periodogram is a data analysis technique for examining the fre-quency domain of an equispaced time series and search for hiddenperiodicities. Given a time series vector of N observations x(j), thediscrete Fourier transform (DFT) is given by a complex vector oflength N :

X(k) =N∑j=1

x(j)$(j−1)(k−1)N , 1 ≤ k ≤ N ,

with$N = exp((−2πi)/N).

• The magnitude squared of the discrete Fourier transform components|X(k)|2 is called the power. The periodogram is a plot of the powercomponents versus the frequencies 1

N ,2N , ...

kN , ....

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D.2 Hypothesis testingIn hypothesis testing one uses statistics to determine whether a givenhypothesis is true. The process consists of four steps:

• Formulate the null hypothesis H0 and the alternative hypothesis Ha,which are mutually exclusive.

• Identify a test statistics t that can be used to assess the truth of thenull hypothesis from the sample data. It can involve means, propor-tions, standard deviations, etc.

• Determine the corresponding distribution function, assuming that thenull hypothesis is true and, after choosing an acceptable level ofsignificance α (common choices are 0.01, 0.05, 0.1), determine thecritical region for t (see details below).

• Compute the t for the observations. If the computed value of the teststatistics falls into the critical region, reject H0.

In other words, the test of a hypothesis on the significance level α is per-formed by means of a statistic t and critical values tα and tα so that

1− α = Pr tα ≤ t ≤ tα , 0 ≤ α ≤ 1

if H0 holds. The hypothesis H0 is rejected if t falls outside the range [tα, tα].This guarantees that H0 will only be erroneously rejected in 100 × α% ofthe cases.

For example, assume that we have approximated m observationsy1, y2, . . . , ym with a linear model Mfull with n terms and we want to knowif k of these terms are redundant, i.e., if one could get a good enough modelwhen setting k coefficient of the original model to 0. We have the residualnorms ρfull and ρred for both possible models, with ρfull < ρred.

We formulate the hypothesis H0: the reduced model is good enough,i.e., the reduction in residual when using all n terms is negligible.

Under the assumption that the errors in the data y1, y2, . . . , ym arenormally distributed with constant variance and zero mean, we can choosea statistic based on a proportion of variance estimates:

fobs =ρred − ρfull


m− nk


This statistic follows an F -distribution with k andm−n degrees of freedom:F (k,m − n). The common practice is to denote by fα the value of thestatistic with cumulative probability Fα(k,m− n) = 1− α.

If fobs > fα, the computed statistic falls into the critical region for theF -distribution and the H0 hypothesis should be rejected, with a possibleerror of α, i.e., we do need all the terms of the full model.

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Activation function, 232Active constraint, 127, 156Aerodynamic modeling, 242Annual temperature anomalies, 213Asynchronous

block Gauss-Seidel, 190iterative methods, 189method, 117

Autocorrelation, 15, 216, 218test, 14

B-spline, 260B-splines representation, 203Back-scattering, 258Backward stable, 88, 265Basic solution, 41, 42, 91, 94, 97, 145Bidiagonalization, 99–102, 112

methodGolub-Kahan, 111LSQR, 111

BlockGauss-Seidel, 117, 224Jacobi, 117methods, 117, 186nonlinear Gauss-Seidel, 186, 259nonlinear Jacobi, 186

Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, 156Bound constraints, 126, 127

Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, 267CFL condition, 254CGLS solution convergence, 116Chaotic relaxation, 117, 188Chebyshev

acceleration, 107

method, 107norm, 267

Chi-square distribution, 278Cholesky factor, 34, 66, 114Coefficient of determination, 38, 278

adjusted, 38, 216Complex exponentials, 184Compressed sensing, 4, 41, 91, 121,

144Computed tomography (CT), 110Condition number, 55, 268

estimation, 88Conjugate gradient method, 109Control vertices, 205Covariance, 31, 277

matrix, 31approximation, 155method, 81

Cubic splines, 203

Data approximation, 2Data fitting, 4

problem, 1Data imputation, 131Derivative free methods, 183Descent direction, 153, 272Direct methods, 65, 91Distribution function, 276

Eckart-Young-Mirski theorem, 53Elastic waves, 258Euclidean norm, 267Expectation, 276

F-distribution, 279


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Feasible region, 156Finite-element simulation, 238First-order necessary condition, 151Fitting model, 4, 13, 16Flop, 264Fréchet derivative, 50Frobenius norm, 268

Gaussiandensity function, 11distribution, 10, 11errors, 12model, 147, 155probability function, 278

Gauss-Newtondamped, 167direction, 166inexact, 170method, 163

Generalized cross-validation, 197Genetic algorithm, 248Geological

medium, 259surface modeling, 221

Geophone receiver array, 259Givens rotations, 71

fast, 72Globally convergent algorithm, 271Global minimum, 271Global optimization, 177, 241Gradient vector, 272Grammian, 28

matrix, 65Gram-Schmidt

modified, 77orthogonalization, 70, 75

Ground boom signature, 242

Hessian, 28, 152, 163, 165, 272Householder transformations, 71, 122Hybrid methods, 176Hypothesis testing, 280

IEEE standard shapes, 252

Ill-conditioned, 191, 207, 223Jacobian, 168, 176

Ill-conditioning, 191Inexact methods, 186Interlacing property, 80, 123, 141,

270Interpolation, 3Inverse problem, 129Iterative

methods, 105, 107, 108, 119process, 117refinement, 85

Jacobian, 272

Kronecker product, 209, 210Krylov

iterations, 194process, 111subspace, 108

methods, 225

Lagrange multipliers, 158, 273Lagrangian, 273Laplace

density function, 11distribution, 11errors, 12

Large-scale problems, 105Least squares

data fitting problem, 6fit, 5, 7, 9overdetermined, 68recursive, 81

Least squares problemscondition number, 47large

linear, 117linear, 25

constrained, 121minimum-norm solution, 93modifying, 80rank deficient, 39

Least squares solution

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full-rank problem, 34Level curves, 63Level of significance, 280Level set, 153Levenberg-Marquardt

algorithm, 170asynchronous BGS iteration, 190direction, 171implementation, 250method, 170programs, 178step, 171

Linear constraints, 121equality, 121inequality, 125

Linear data fitting, 4Linearized sensitivity analysis, 255Linear least squares applications, 203Linear prediction, 41Lipschitz continuity, 273Local

minimizer, 156, 271minimum, 151

Locally convergent algorithm, 271Log-normal model, 12LU factorization, 68

Peters-Wilkinson, 93

Machine epsilon, 263Matrix norm, 267Maximum likelihood principle, 6, 9Minimal solution, 145Model basis functions, 4Model validation, 217Monte Carlo, 176Moore-Penrose

conditions, 53generalized inverse, 182

Multiobjective optimization, 160Multiple initial points, 176

random, 163Multiple right-hand sides, 184

Neural networks, 231

training algorithm, 231Newton’s method, 163NIPALS, 181NMR, 7

nuclear magnetic resonance, 2,248

spectroscopy, 150problem, 29

Non-dominated solutions, 248Nonlinear data fitting, 148Nonlinear least squares, 147, 148

ill-conditioned, 201large scale, 186

separable, 158, 231, 234, 236unconstrained, 150

Non-stationary methodsKrylov methods, 108

Normal distribution, 14Normal equations, 28, 65Normalized cumulative periodograms,

16Numerically rank-deficient problems,

192Numerical rank, 92

Operator norm, 267Optimality conditions, 151

constrained problems, 156Order of fit, 4Orthogonal factorization

complete, 43Orthogonal matrices, 269Orthogonal projection, 269

derivative, 49

Parameter estimation, 1Pareto

equilibrium point, 160front, 161, 248

equispaced representation, 161optimal, 160

Pearson correlation coefficient, 277Permutation matrix, 269Perturbation analysis, 58

Page 174: Least Squares Data Fitting with Applications


Piezoelectric transducer, 251Poisson data, 11PRAXIS, 183, 252Preconditioning, 114Probability density function, 275Probability function, 275Probability of an event, 275Projection matrix, 48Proper splitting, 107Proxies, 238Pseudoinverse, 47Pure-data function, 4, 10

QR factorization, 33, 70, 94economical, 34full, 82pivoted, 39, 96rank-revealing, 95

Quadratic constraints, 129

Randomness test, 14Random signs, 14Random variable, 275

continuous, 275discrete, 275

Rank deficiency, 191Rank-deficient problems, 91Rational model, 148Regularization, 192, 241Residual analysis, 16Response surfaces, 238, 244Root mean square, 277

Sample space, 275Second-order

sufficient conditions, 151Secular equation, 130Seismic

ray tracing, 259survey, 258

Sensitivity analysis, 59, 127Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury

formula, 270Sigmoid activation functions, 244

Signal to noise ratio, 278Singular value, 50, 110

normalized, 92Singular value decomposition, 47, 50

economical, 50generalized, 54, 122, 129partial, 140

Singular vectors, 50Stability, 88Standard deviation, 185, 277Standard error, 37Stationary methods, 107Stationary point, 272Statistically independent, 277Steepest descent, 153Step length, 177Stopping criteria, 114Sum-of-absolute-values, 5, 11Surrogates, 238SVD computations, 101Systems of linear equations

parallel iterative solution, 188

Taylor’s theorem, 272Tensor product, 209

bivariate splines, 208cubic B-splines, 222data, 224fitting, 224

Tikhonov regularization, 118, 163Toeplitz matrix, 41, 88Total least squares, 136Truncated SVD, 118

Uniformly monotone operator, 273Unitary matrix, 34Unit round-off, 263UTV decomposition, 98

Vandermonde matrix, 57Variable projection, 231, 235, 249

algorithm, 181, 183principle, 181

Variance, 276

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VARP2, 184VARPRO program, 183, 236Vector

contracting, 273Lipschitz, 273norms, 267

Weighted residuals, 6White noise, 5, 14

test, 14, 15vector, 278