lec 4 06_aug [compatibility mode]

Object Object-Oriented Programming Oriented Programming Lecture 4 Naveen Kumar

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ObjectObject--Oriented ProgrammingOriented Programming

Lecture 4

Naveen Kumar

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An object is anything that can be represented by data in a computer’s memory and manipulated by a computer program.

Numbers, texts, pictures, sound, video ….. So on

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An object can be something in the physical world or even just an abstract idea.

for example: An airplane, is a physical

object that can be manipulated by a


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A bank transaction is an example of an object that is not physical.

To a computer,

an object is simply something that can be represented by data in the computer’s memory and manipulated by computer programs

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The data that represent the object are organized into a set of properties.

NameName: : AI 379AI 379

OwnerOwner:: Indian AirlinesIndian Airlines

LocationLocation:: 39 52′ 06″N39 52′ 06″N 75 13′ 52″W 75 13′ 52″W

HeadingHeading:: 271271°°

AltitudeAltitude:: 19 m19 m

AirSpeedAirSpeed:: 00

MakeMake:: BoeingBoeing

ModelModel:: 737737

WeightWeight:: 32,820 kg32,820 kg

The values stored in an object’s properties, at any one time, form the stateof an object.

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ObjectObject--Oriented ProgrammingOriented Programming

Computer programs implement algorithms that manipulate the data.

In object-oriented programming, the programs that manipulate the properties of an object are the object’s methods.

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ObjectObject--Oriented ProgrammingOriented Programming

We can think of an object as a collection of propertiesand, the methods that are used to manipulate those properties.



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ObjectObject--Oriented ProgrammingOriented Programming

A class is a group of objects with the same properties and the same methods.

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ObjectObject--Oriented ProgrammingOriented Programming

Each copy of an object, from a particular class is called an instance, of the object.

The act of creating a new instance of an object is called instantiation.

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ObjectObject--Oriented ProgrammingOriented Programming

A class can be thought of as a blueprint for instances of its object.

Two different instances of the same class will have the same properties, but different values stored in those properties.

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ObjectObject--Oriented ProgrammingOriented Programming

The same terminology is used in most object-oriented programming languages.






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Introduction to Java


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Development tools-part of java development kit (JDK) Classes and methods-part of Java Standard Library (JSL),

also known as Application Programming Interface (API)

1. JDK: Appletviewer ( for viewing applets) Javac (Compiler) Java (Interpreter) Javah (for C header files) Javadoc ( for creating HTML description)

Java Environment

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2. Application Package Interface (API)Contains hundreds of classes and methods grouped into several functional packages: Language Support Package (String, Integer, Double, etc) Utility Packages (rand. num. gen., sys. date) Input/Output Packages Networking Packages (implementing networking appl. ) AWT Package (classes for painting graphics and images) Applet Package (web page using java)

Java Environment

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1. Java 1.0 (96)2. Java 1.1 (97)(Add new library, redefine applet handling and

reconfigured many features.)3. Java 2 (98)(Second generation). Version no:1.2 (Internal

version number of java library). Also known as J2SE [ Java 2 Platform Standard Edition].- Add swing, the collection framework, enhanced JVM etc.

4. J2SE 1.3 (2000)5. J2SE 1.4 (2002)6. J2SE 1.5 (2004)7. J2SE 1.6 (2006) [1.7-(2013), in queue 1.8 (exp in 2014) ]

The Evolution of Java

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In Java, comments are preceded by two slashes (//) in a line, orenclosed between /* and */ in one or multiple lines

When the compiler sees //, it ignores all text after // in the same line

When it sees /*, it scans for the next */ and ignores any text between /* and */

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/* Traditional "Hello World!" program. */

// package pack1; // import java.lang.System; class A { public static void main (String args[]) { System.out.println("Hello World!");

} }

Save program as A.java

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Java Program Structure

Package Statement Javac command compiles the source code A.java then,

generates A.class and store it under a directory which is called as name of the package

package statement if used must be the first statement in a compilation unit. Its syntax is:

package packageName; For example:

package pack1;

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Import Statement

The import statements are similar to #include statements in C and C++

In the above program, System class of java.lang package is imported into all Java programs by default. The syntax of import statement is as:

import fullClassName;

For example, the following import statement imports the System class from java.lang:

import java.lang.System;import java.lang.*;

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Classes and Methods

Class declarations contain a keyword class and an identifier (Ex: A) Class members are enclosed within braces. The syntax of defining a

class is shown below:

class A{ // program code


To execute a class, it must contain a valid main method It is the first method that automatically gets invoked when the program


public static void main (String args[]){

//instructions }