lecture 11 virtual private networks (power point)

Virtual Private Networks and IPSec ECE 4112

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  • 1. Virtual Private Networksand IPSec ECE 4112

2. What is a VPN?

  • VPN Stands for Virtual Private Network
  • A method of ensuring private, secure communication between hosts over an insecure medium usingtunneling
  • Usually between geographically separate locations, but doesnt have to be
  • Via tunneling and software drivers, computer is logically directly connected to a network that it is not physically a part of

3. Sidebar: What is tunneling?

  • Putting one type of packet inside another
  • Both parties must be aware of tunnel for it to work
  • Example in next slide - AppleTalk over IP Tunnel

4. Example: AppleTalk over IP Tunnel 5. What is a VPN? (cont)

  • Uses some means of encryption to secure communications
    • IPSec
    • SSH
    • Software could be written to support any type of encryption scheme
  • Two main types of VPNs
    • Remote-Access
    • Site-to-Site

6. What is a VPN? (cont)

  • Remote-Access
    • The typical example of this is a dial-up connection from home or for a mobile worker, who needs to connect to secure materials remotely
  • Site-to-Site
    • The typical example of this is a company that has offices in two different geographical locations, and wants to have a secure network connection between the two

7. Remote-Access Example 8. Site-to-Site Example 9. Why Use a VPN?

  • Originally designed as inexpensive alternative WAN over leased lines
  • Now mostly used to securely connect computers over the internet
  • Convenient
  • Lots of cheap and convenient protocols are insecure (IP, 802.11, etc)
    • Can now communicate securely over these insecure protocols

10. Why Use a VPN? (cont)

  • Example it can simplify security
    • (what is about to be proposed is not the most secure thing in the world so dont raise your hands and tell how you would make it more secure its just an example)
    • Assume simple security policy with IP based access management for example, an FTP server with site-licensed software on it for employees
    • Before VPN, complicated to allow access to FTP site for telecommuters or traveling employees
      • Train all employees to use SSH tunnel, etc
    • After VPN, employees offsite can still connect using an internal IP address

11. VPN Advantages

  • Improved Security
  • Consolidation of Scattered Resources
  • Transparency to Users
    • If set up properly
  • Reduced Cost (vs. Leased Lines)

12. VPN Disadvantages

  • Time Consuming Setup
  • Possibly Frustrating Troubleshooting
  • Interoperability with other Networks/VPNs
  • Small performance overhead
    • Should be negligible on todays hardware

13. VPN Security

  • In academic terms, VPN can provide Confidentiality, Integrity, and Authenticity
  • Security against determined hacker (read: academic attacks) depends largely upon underlying protocols used
  • Assuming security of SSH, IPSec, or other protocol used, should be secure

14. How are VPNs set up?

  • Many different types of setup
  • Vary in:
    • Amount of hardware used vs. amount of software used
      • All hardware based
      • All software based
      • Mixed
    • Amount of transparency to end-user
      • Does the user even realize that they are using a VPN?

15. How are VPNs set up? (cont)

  • The following is not an exhaustive list
    • Gateway to gateway
      • Using two VPN aware Gateways
    • End host to gateway
      • End host uses VPN Software
    • End host to end host
      • Both hosts use software
    • End host to concentrator

16. How are VPNs set up? (cont)

  • SSH over PPP
  • SSL over PPP
  • Concentrator using IPSec
  • Others (PPTP, L2TP, etc)

17. VPN via SSH & PPP

  • Point-to-Point Protocol over a Secure Shell connection
  • Establishing a Network Connection
    • Establish an SSH connection
      • VPN ClientVPN Server
    • Each have PPP daemons that will communicate through the SSH connection

18. VPN via SSL & PPP

  • Point-to-Point Protocol over a Secure Socket Layer connection
  • Secure Socket Layer
    • Built-in support for Host Authentication
    • Certificates

19. VPN via SSL & PPP (cont)

  • Establishing a Network Connection
    • Initial Handshake for secure communication
    • Hello messages establish:
      • SSL Version, support for Cipher suites, and some random data
    • Key is determined separately from handshake
    • SSL Connection Complete!
    • Data transferred over the link

20. VPN via Concentrator

  • What is a Concentrator?
    • Concentrator is NOT a gateway or firewall
    • Specialized device that accepts connections from VPN peers
    • Authenticates clients
    • Enforces VPN security policies
    • Takes overhead of VPN management and encryption off of gateways and local hosts

21. VPN via Concentrator (cont)

  • Steps to Establish VPN
    • Set up Concentrator (add users, specify authentication mechanisms, set IP address ranges, etc)
    • Install client software
    • Client runs software when wants to be on VPN

22. Other Methods

  • Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
    • Microsofts Implementation of VPN
    • Data is first encapsulated inside PPP packets
    • PPP packets are then encapsulated in GRE packets and sent over the link
  • PPTP uses two connections
    • One for the data being sent
    • Another for a control channel

23. Other Methods (cont)

  • Any technology can be used
    • Must have hardware or software to support it
  • Another example: L2TP on Gateways
    • Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol
    • Supported by routers
    • If two routers support L2TP, and are properly configured, then VPN is set up between routers
    • Transparent to end user

24. Intro to IPSec

  • Created to add Authentication, Confidentiality, and Integrity to IP traffic
  • Designed to combat specific shortcomings in IP
  • IPSec is large and implementation is complicated
  • What follows is a high-level overview
  • As will see in lab, need not be used only as VPN technology can be stand alone

25. Intro to IPSec (cont)

  • IP Sec VPN
    • IP Sec is a protocol used in many VPNs
  • Two main modes
    • Transport
    • Tunnel
  • Two main services
    • AH (Authentication Header protocol)
    • ESP (Encapsulating Security Protocol)

26. Intro to IPSec (cont)

  • Authentication Header protocol
    • Offers Authenticity and Integrity
    • Uses cryptographic hash
      • Covers entire packet, including static header fields
    • If any part of original message changes, it will be detected
    • Does not encrypt message
    • Can be used to authenticate
      • Prevents IP Spoofing

27. Intro to IPSec (cont)

  • Encapsulating Security Protocol
    • Provides Integrity and Confidentiality
    • Encrypts payload
    • If used in tunnel mode, encrypts original IP header

28. Intro to IPSec (cont)

  • Transport Mode

Or Real IP Header IP Options IPSec Header Payload (For example, TCP and Payload) ESP Header Could be either AH Header Authenticates Over Encrypts Over 29. Intro to IPSec (cont)

  • Tunnel Mode

Or GW IP Header IPSec Header Real IP Header Payload (For example, TCP and Payload) ESP Header Could be either AH Header Authenticates Over Encrypts Over 30. Intro to IPSec (cont)

  • AH and ESP can be used together
    • Tunnel ESP through AH transport packets
  • Want to protect cryptographic keys
  • Internet Key Exchange protocol (IKE)
    • Secure way to exchange session keys based on shared secret
    • Can also use certificates (public key cryptography)

31. Resources

  • Books:
    • Building Linux Virtual Private Networks
      • Oleg Kolesnikov, Brian Hatch
    • Linux Server Hacks
      • Rob Flickenger
    • Network Security
      • Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman, Mike Speciner

32. Resources (cont)

  • Lecture Slides by Wenke Lee (see below)
  • Websites:
    • http://vpn.shmoo.com/
    • http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/VPN-HOWTO/
    • http://www.onlamp.com/lpt/a/3009
    • http://www.cisco.com/warp/public/471/how_vpn_works.shtml
    • http://www.cc.gatech.edu/classes/AY2004/cs4803_fall/ipsec_1.ppt
    • http://www.cc.gatech.edu/classes/AY2004/cs4803_fall/ipsec_2.ppt