lecture 3 - molecular interactions

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  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    Molecular Interactions

    Eastern Screech Owl

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    Molecular Interactions

    • Ionic interactions

    • Covalent interactions

    • Hydrogen Bonds

    • Van der Waals Interactions

    • Hydrophobic Interactions

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    Chemical Bonding

    • Elements that have a completely filled outermost (valence) electron shell

    belong to family called Noble gases (He, Ne, Ar, etc.)

    • Filled valence electron shells represent the most energetically stable arrangement

    • Other elements attempt to acquire this stable arrangement by sharing or

    transferring electrons with other atomsThis is the basic reason why chemicals react with one another.

    • Electron transfer or sharing results in the formation of chemical bonds.

    Sharing of electrons (covalent bond formation) only occurs when electrontransfer (ionic bond formation) is highly unfavorable

    • Ionic bonds and covalent bonds are the extremes along a continuum of electron


    • covalent bonds in which there is uneven sharing of electrons are called Polar.

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    Ionic Bonds

    • Your textbook calls them electrostatic interactions. They are sometimes also

    called: charge-charge interactionsion-pairing interactions

    salt bridges (when occurring in proteins between charged amino acids)


    • A charged group on one molecule, or a charged atom, is attracted to and binds

    with a molecule carrying the opposite charge.

    • Ionic bonds form only when an element is able to lose one or two (rarely 3) electrons

    and the other element is able to accept 1 or 2 (rarely 3) electrons.

    Carbon, for example, would need to lose or gain 4 electrons to engagein ionic interactions (so it doesn’t form ionic bonds!). 

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    Consider NaCl, common table salt:

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    NaCl is a solid where Na cations and Cl anions are held together by

    charge-charge interactions in a crystalline array.

    When exposed to water, H2O molecules solvate the ions and shield their charges from

    each other.

    Ionic interactions are very important in biology (recall the 5 essential ionized elements

    required by life (Ca2+

    , K+

    , Na+

    , Mg2+

    , Cl-

    ). These play a role in enzymatic reactions andhelp stabilize DNA, RNA, and protein molecules.

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    Type Bond Strength (kJ/mol)

    Covalent >210

    Ionic 4-80 

    Covalent Bonds

    • Result from electron sharing rather than transfer.

    • Two (or more) atoms may share electron pairs to attain the energetically

    favorable Noble gas configuration in their valence shells.

    • Covalent bonds are much stronger than ionic bonds.

    • The non-metal elements are much more likely to engage in covalent bond formation.

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    Notice that the non-metals include the elements most abundant in living things.


    Lets consider Carbon… 

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions




    ++- -





    Carbon atom

    (6 protons, 6 neutrons

    6 e-)

    Hydrogen atom







    CH4, methane

    + -







  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions








    CH4, methane

    + -





    Note that the structure of methane can also be drawn as a Lewis structure


  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    This is because the electron pairs

    in each bond repel each other.

    109.5o is the maximum separationof bonds.

    Minimal repulsion means the

    energy of the system (the molecule)

    is lowest, and most stable.


  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    Carbon can covalently bond with itself as well

    C-C bond # pairs length (pm) Bond strength (kJ/mol)

    single 1 154 355

    double 2 134 614

    triple 3 120 839

    Bond Strength

    the amount of energy

    required to break thebonds

    (ethane) (ethene) (ethyne/acetylene)

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions




    e- shared

    evenlye- shared



    polar covalentbond


    Periodic Table - Electronegativity Trends Electronegativity isthe propensity for

    an atom to attract

    electrons to


  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    Electronegativity difference between interacting atoms defines the bond






    Electronegativity difference

    O-Ca 3.5 - 1.0 = 2.5

    O-H 3.5 - 2.1 = 1.4

    O-O 3.5 - 3.5 = 0

    0-0.4 Covalent bond

    0.4- 2.0 Polar covalent bond

    >2.0 Ionic bond



  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    Periodic Table - Electronegativity Trends

    Characterize bonds between following elements as ionic, polar

    covalent, covalent:

    a) N-H

    b) O-H

    c) C-H

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    Other Non-covalent Interactions

    1. Hydrogen bonds (H bonds)

    2. Van der Waals interactions

    3. Hydrophobic interactions

    All of these are weaker than covalent bonds, but are very important

    in biological structures.

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    Hydrogen Bonds

    • A functional group can become a Hydrogen bond donor whenever an H atom is

    covalently bonded to an atom that is very electronegative (such as N or O)

    because the H atom takes on a partial + charge, as shown below:

    • an unequal sharing of electrons: electrons spend more time around

    the strongly electronegative Oxygen making it more negative and the

    hydrogen more positive (i.e. polar covalent bond)

    δ- δ+

    O H this separation of partialcharge is called a DIPOLE

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    • Hydrogen bonding involves a DONOR where the H atom has partial

    + charge and an electronegative ACCEPTOR group

    δ- δ+

    donor acceptor

    dashed yellow lineis the hydrogen bond


  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions



  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    • Hydrogen bonding is an extremely important form of bonding in biological systems

    • They are weaker than covalent bonds, but numerous bonds between molecules

    contribute great stability.

    • Hydrogen bonding contributes (a little) to formation of the DNA double helix.

    • They are strong enough to impart stable interaction but weak enough to be broken

    when necessary (e.g. during DNA replication)

    base-pairing between

    guanine and cytosine in DNA

    is mediated by 3 H bonds

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    Questions: In the above diagram

    1. Which groups are the H bond donors and which are the H bond acceptors?

    2. Can you assign partial charges to each atom involved in the H bonds?

    3. What are the names of the groups participating in the H bonding?

    V d W l I t ti

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    Van der Waals Interactions

    • Van der Waals forces are relatively weak but important electrostatic interactions

    that arise when neutral (uncharged) groups carrying a dipole

    approach each other.

    • This can occur even between molecules that do not have a permanent dipole

    because of random fluctuations in the distribution of electrons around atoms.

    • They are incredibly important to the structure of all large molecules like DNA and

    proteins and to all matter.

    • Maximum interaction strength occurs when groups are separated by a precise

    distance called the van der Waals distance.

    Too far apart = no interaction

    Too close = repulsion takes over

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    Three types of Van der Waals Interactions

    1. Dipole-dipole. Occur between

    molecules containing permanent dipoles.

    Hydrogen bonds are a special type of this


    2. Dipole - induced dipole. A permanentdipole in one molecules induces dipole in

    another resulting in attractive force.

    3. Induced dipole-induced dipole. Random

    fluctuations in electron distribution in one

    molecule sets up temporary dipole. This induces

    dipole in adjacent molecule, resulting in

    interaction. Weak but very important to the

    cohesiveness of everything.

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    The importance of van der Waals interactions

    in the macroscopic world

    How do Geckos adhere to smooth surfaces?

    Tokay Gecko (Gekko gecko)Geico Gecko

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Dec 19, 2006; 103(51): 19320 –19325.there are about 1 million spatulas per foot pad

    H d h bi I i

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    Hydrophobic Interactions

    • Hydrophobic interactions occur between molecules that cannot interact with water.

    Consider mixing oil and water. Oil molecules are called APOLAR because theycannot interact with water (through Hydrogen bonding).

    • They therefore coalesce together (interacting with each other through

    Van der Waals forces) and in doing so minimize their surface area contact

    with water molecules.

    • Hydrophobic interactions (should really be called the “Hydrophobic Effect”) are

    very important to structure of DNA and proteins and membranes in cells.

    T B d St th (kJ/ l)

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    Type Bond Strength (kJ/mol)

    Covalent >210

    Ionic 4-80

    H bonds 4-20

    Van der Waals 2-4

    Hydrophobic 3 

    • Weak though they may be, non-covalent interactions are integral to structure

    and function of biomolecules like nucleic acids and proteins and many

    other structures and processes in biological systems.

    • We will return to these interactions many times when we consider the structures

    of water, nucleic acids, and proteins in future classes.

    Relative strengths ofbonding interactions

  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    The 6 p-orbital electrons form a system of π (pi) bonds where the electrons are

    de-localized around the ring


  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions


    An aromatic ring has a net negative charge above

    and below the plane of the ring.

    It has a net positive charge around perimeter of ring

    these are called π-π or π-stacking interactions


  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions



    These are called cation-π interactions

    Interactions involving the π system of

    aromatic structures are importantin the structures of nucleic acids and



  • 8/18/2019 Lecture 3 - Molecular Interactions
