lecture 4 the syllable. syllables words consist of a consonant followed by a vowel. words consist of...

Lecture 4 Lecture 4 The Syllable The Syllable

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Lecture 4Lecture 4

The SyllableThe Syllable


Words consist of a Consonant followed by a Words consist of a Consonant followed by a Vowel.Vowel.

Distortion of adult speech by children is common Distortion of adult speech by children is common and typical.and typical.

However, this distortion obeys certain unwritten However, this distortion obeys certain unwritten and unconscious laws.and unconscious laws.

These laws govern the way segments are These laws govern the way segments are abstractly connected in clusters known as abstractly connected in clusters known as Syllables.Syllables.

Segments that are not consistent with these laws Segments that are not consistent with these laws are not pronounced.are not pronounced.

The Core SyllableThe Core Syllable

The core syllable is made up of a The core syllable is made up of a Nucleus preceded by an Onset:Nucleus preceded by an Onset:

O(nset)O(nset) N(ucleus)N(ucleus)


The Core SyllableThe Core Syllable

Some languages only have CV syllables.Some languages only have CV syllables. More commonly, languages allow for More commonly, languages allow for

syllables of greater complexity.syllables of greater complexity. The core syllable is, however, found in The core syllable is, however, found in

every language.every language. The fact that CV syllables are cross-The fact that CV syllables are cross-

linguistically attested offers an interesting linguistically attested offers an interesting parallel with their invariable occurrence in parallel with their invariable occurrence in early child language.early child language.

Sonority and the SyllableSonority and the Syllable

What motivates the CV configuration?What motivates the CV configuration? Some sounds are more sonorous than Some sounds are more sonorous than

others.others. Vowels have more sonority than Vowels have more sonority than

consonants.consonants. Therefore, sonority goes up from the Therefore, sonority goes up from the

onset to the nucleus.onset to the nucleus.

The CodaThe Coda

Syllable structure can be considerably Syllable structure can be considerably richer than CV.richer than CV.

The segmental string that makes up a The segmental string that makes up a word like word like /// ‘captain’ does not fit into / ‘captain’ does not fit into the core syllable’s template.the core syllable’s template.


The CodaThe Coda

Segments that are not affiliated to a Segments that are not affiliated to a syllable fail to be pronounced.syllable fail to be pronounced.

Syllables act as Syllables act as licenserslicensers of phonetic of phonetic material.material.

Therefore, /p/ and /n/ must be part of Therefore, /p/ and /n/ must be part of a syllable, as both are pronounced in a syllable, as both are pronounced in the English word ‘captain’.the English word ‘captain’.

The CodaThe Coda

Syllable structure in English admits more Syllable structure in English admits more segmental material than the core syllable.segmental material than the core syllable.

This is licensed through the Coda.This is licensed through the Coda.


The RimeThe Rime

Consider the following:Consider the following:AA BB CC[[] pat] pat [[] pat] pat [[] pat] pat[[] bat] bat [[] pan] pan [[] pit] pit[[] cat] cat [[] pad] pad [[] pot] pot[[] fat] fat [[] pack] pack [[] put] put

The three groups exhibit the same amount of The three groups exhibit the same amount of phonetic overlap: [phonetic overlap: [] in A, [] in A, [] in B, and [] in B, and [ … … ] in ] in C.C.

However, ONLY the ones in group A rhyme with However, ONLY the ones in group A rhyme with each other.each other.

The RimeThe Rime

Rhyming is not just a matter of overlap.Rhyming is not just a matter of overlap. The overlap must affect a certain position within the The overlap must affect a certain position within the

syllable:syllable: N + Cd.N + Cd. The nucleus and the coda group together in a constituent The nucleus and the coda group together in a constituent

called Rime (R):called Rime (R):



Basic Syllable TypologyBasic Syllable Typology

The nucleus is essential to the syllable.The nucleus is essential to the syllable. Onsets and codas are optional.Onsets and codas are optional. So, the basic syllable types are:So, the basic syllable types are:

ONON ONCdONCd NCdNCd NN The core syllable template can undergo a number of changes:The core syllable template can undergo a number of changes:

-- delete the onsetdelete the onset ONON NNC C / _____ V / _____ VCVCV VV

-- insert a codainsert a coda ONON ONCdONCd C / V _____C / V _____CVCV CVCCVC

-- delete the onsetdelete the onset ONON NCdNCdand insert a codaand insert a coda C C / _____ V / _____ V

C / V _____C / V _____CVCV VCVC


The core syllable CV is the simplest.The core syllable CV is the simplest.

-- No operationsNo operations The VC is the most complex.The VC is the most complex.

-- Both operations (deletion & insertion)Both operations (deletion & insertion) The V and CVC have intermediate The V and CVC have intermediate


-- One operation (deletion OR insertion)One operation (deletion OR insertion)



hehe is is teeth teeth areare


Children acquire simpler syllable types Children acquire simpler syllable types before the more complex ones.before the more complex ones.

The presence of a more complex type in any The presence of a more complex type in any one language presupposes the presence of one language presupposes the presence of its simpler counterpart(s).its simpler counterpart(s).

Syllable-related historical change tends to Syllable-related historical change tends to go in the direction of greater syllable go in the direction of greater syllable simplicity.simplicity.

In languages with a rich range of syllable In languages with a rich range of syllable patterns, simpler syllables are more patterns, simpler syllables are more frequent in syllable inventories and in frequent in syllable inventories and in language use.language use.

Complex NucleiComplex Nuclei

Consider the following:Consider the following:



The two words have the same syllable structure The two words have the same syllable structure

(ONCd).(ONCd). However, do they fit the same syllable template (CVC)?However, do they fit the same syllable template (CVC)?

Complex NucleiComplex Nuclei

Syllable structure is built on the timing tier, not on the Syllable structure is built on the timing tier, not on the melody tier:melody tier:



xx x x x x xx xx xx xx x x xx x x xx

beatbeat bit bit bite bite CV:CCV:C CVC CVC CVVC CVVC

Complex OnsetsComplex Onsets

To accommodate words like To accommodate words like flagflag, , gladglad, , dressdress, and the like, , and the like, the representation must allow for onsets with two timing the representation must allow for onsets with two timing slots:slots:



x xx x xx xx

flagflag CCVCCCVC

More on SonorityMore on Sonority

A syllable is made up of a segment of A syllable is made up of a segment of high sonority flanked by segments of high sonority flanked by segments of lower sonority.lower sonority.

A syllable is a Cluster of Sonority, A syllable is a Cluster of Sonority, defined by a sonority peak.defined by a sonority peak.

And, speech is a sequence of such And, speech is a sequence of such sonority clusters.sonority clusters.

Branching Onsets in EnglishBranching Onsets in English

Bi-consonantal Onset Clusters:Bi-consonantal Onset Clusters:plainplainpraypray


Branching Onsets in EnglishBranching Onsets in English

The first timing slot is filled with an The first timing slot is filled with an obstruent.obstruent.

The second timing slot is filled with a The second timing slot is filled with a liquid.liquid.

The opposite order is never attested.The opposite order is never attested. Why?Why?

Conditioned TemplatesConditioned Templates

The obstruent + liquid clusters can be The obstruent + liquid clusters can be formalized by formalized by imposingimposing it into syllable it into syllable templates:templates:



ObOb LqLq

Sonority HierarchySonority Hierarchy

A more plausible account, however, is offered by A more plausible account, however, is offered by the “Sonority Hierarchy”:the “Sonority Hierarchy”:

44 VowelsVowels Most SonorousMost Sonorous33 LiquidsLiquids22 NasalsNasals11 ObstruentsObstruents Least SonorousLeast Sonorous

The Syllable Sonority Profile:The Syllable Sonority Profile:ii -- risesrisesiiii -- reaches a peakreaches a peakiiiiii -- fallsfalls

Sonority HierarchySonority Hierarchy[sli:p][sli:p]











s l i: p


Sonority HierarchySonority Hierarchy*[lsi:p]*[lsi:p]











l s i: p


Sonority SequencingSonority Sequencing

The sonority profile of the syllable is The sonority profile of the syllable is regulated by a universal principle:regulated by a universal principle:The Sonority SequencingThe Sonority SequencingThe sonority profile of the syllable The sonority profile of the syllable must rise until it peaks, and then fall.must rise until it peaks, and then fall.

So, an onset such as So, an onset such as lsls, the converse , the converse of existing of existing slsl, would violate the , would violate the Sonority Sequencing Principle.Sonority Sequencing Principle.


Although they are consistent with the Although they are consistent with the Sonority Sequencing, (stop + Sonority Sequencing, (stop + fricative) or (stop + nasal) clusters fricative) or (stop + nasal) clusters do not occur in English onsets.do not occur in English onsets.

Is their absence from English Is their absence from English arbitrary?arbitrary?

Sonority DistanceSonority Distance

Sonority Distance may vary:Sonority Distance may vary:((stopstop + + fricativefricative))11 -- 11 == 00((stopstop + + nasalnasal)) 22 -- 11 == 11((stopstop + + liquidliquid)) 33 -- 11 == 22 In many languages, the segments of complex subsyllabic In many languages, the segments of complex subsyllabic

constituents need to satisfy a minimum of sonority constituents need to satisfy a minimum of sonority distance.distance.

This requirement is formalized through the Minimal Sonority This requirement is formalized through the Minimal Sonority Distance parameter.Distance parameter.

For English, this parameter is set as follows:For English, this parameter is set as follows:Minimal Sonority Distance in English OnsetsMinimal Sonority Distance in English OnsetsThe minimal sonority distance between the two elements of The minimal sonority distance between the two elements of an English complex onset is 2.an English complex onset is 2.

Summing upSumming up

Syllables are abstract structures which cannot themselves Syllables are abstract structures which cannot themselves be pronounced.be pronounced.

Children’s utterances consist principally of CV syllables.Children’s utterances consist principally of CV syllables. There are no languages where CV syllables are not There are no languages where CV syllables are not

attested.attested. Syllable structure is richer than the core syllable.Syllable structure is richer than the core syllable. Syllable complexity can be measured against the optimal Syllable complexity can be measured against the optimal

CV configuration.CV configuration. Syllable structure is built on the timing tier.Syllable structure is built on the timing tier. The distribution of vowels and consonants within a syllable The distribution of vowels and consonants within a syllable

is a consequence of sonority differences between these two is a consequence of sonority differences between these two classes of sounds.classes of sounds.

The constraints on possible branching onsets in English are The constraints on possible branching onsets in English are also explained by the principle of Sonority Sequencing and also explained by the principle of Sonority Sequencing and the Minimal Sonority Distance.the Minimal Sonority Distance.

Next Week - 10 & 11Next Week - 10 & 11


Key QuestionsKey Questions

(pages 318)(pages 318)