lecture 5.0 properties of semiconductors. importance to silicon chips size of devices –doping...

Lecture 5.0 Lecture 5.0 Properties of Semiconductors

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Post on 28-Dec-2015




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Lecture 5.0Lecture 5.0

Properties of Semiconductors

Importance to Silicon ChipsImportance to Silicon Chips

Size of devices– Doping thickness/size– Depletion Zone Size– Electron Tunneling dimension

Chip Cooling- Device Density– Heat Capacity– Thermal Conductivity

Band theory of SemiconductorsBand theory of Semiconductors

Forbidden Zone – ENERGY GAP



Silicon Band Structure - [Ne]3sSilicon Band Structure - [Ne]3s223p3p22

Fermi-Dirac Probability Fermi-Dirac Probability Distribution for electron energy, EDistribution for electron energy, E

Probability, F(E)=



–Ef is the

Fermi Energy

Number of Occupied StatesNumber of Occupied States


Density of States


Difference between Difference between Semiconductors and InsulatorsSemiconductors and Insulators

Material Eg(eV)

InSb 0.18

InAs 0.36

Ge 0.67

Si 1.12

GaAs 1.43

SiC 2.3

ZnS 3.6

NiO 4.2

Al2O3 8

kBT =0.0257 eV

at 298˚K

Probability of electrons in Probability of electrons in Conduction BandConduction Band

Lowest Energy in CBE-Ef Eg/2

Probability in CBF(E)= (exp{[E-Ef]/kBT} +1)-1 )

= (exp{Eg/2kBT} +1)-1

exp{-Eg/2kBT} for Eg>1 eV @ 298K

kBT =0.0257 eV

at 298˚K

Variation of Conductivity with TVariation of Conductivity with T=d/dT

Intrinsic Conductivity of Intrinsic Conductivity of SemiconductorSemiconductorCharge Carriers – Electrons– Holes

= ne e e + nh e h

# electrons = # holes ne e (e+ h)

– ne C exp{-Eg/2kBT} ne=2(2 m*e kBT/h2)3/2 exp(-Eg /(2kBT))Ef=Eg/2+3/4kBT ln(m*h/m*e)


Semiconductor Photoelectric EffectSemiconductor Photoelectric EffectLight Absorption/Light Emission

(photodetector)/(photo diode laser)

Absorption max =hc/Eg

Light Emitting DiodeLight Emitting Diode

Photodiode LaserPhotodiode Laser

Color depends on band gap, Eg


Pb 0.37 0.27 0.33 IR detectors

Eg>3.0 transparent

Diode LaserDiode Laser

Extrinsic Conductivity of SemiconductorExtrinsic Conductivity of Semiconductor

Donor Doping Acceptor Dopingn-type p-type

p= 2(2 m*h kBT/h2)3/2 exp(-Ef/kBT)

Law of Mass Action, Nipi=ndpd or =nndn


Extrinsic Conductivity of SemiconductorExtrinsic Conductivity of Semiconductor

Donor Doping Acceptor Doping

Electron DensityElectron Density

Dopant Concentration effects Electron




Intrinsic Range– Exponential with T

Extrinsic Range– Promoted to CB

– Decreasing , – Joins Intrinsic

Majority/minority Carriers

= ne e e + nh e h

Majority/minority CarriersMajority/minority Carriers

Conductivity= ne e e + nh e h

n-type ne>>nh Low number of holes due to

recombination.Law of Mass Action

– Nipi=ndpd – (For p-type Nipi =nndn )

Extrinsic Conductivity of SemiconductorExtrinsic Conductivity of Semiconductor

Donor Doping Acceptor Dopingn-type p-type

Ed = -m*e e4/(8 (o)2 h2)Ef=Eg-Ed/2 Ef=Eg+Ea/2

Effective MassEffective Mass


Wafer SalesWafer Sales

Following PRIME GRADE Si wafers are all single-side polish $14.50 each for 25 wafers each $11.00 for 50 or more (we can double side polish)– 4" P<111> 3.0-6.6 ohm-cm– 4" N<100> 4.0-6.0 ohm-cm– 4" P<111> 7.0-21.6 ohm-cm– 4" P<100> 12.0-16.0 ohm-cm– 4" P<111> 3.0-5.0 ohm-cm


GaP Wafer2" Undoped (100) $180.00 each 2" S doped (111) $180.00 each
