lecture 6: distance-based multivariate analysis of variance · 7/16/19 1 lecture 6: distance-based...

7/16/19 1 Lecture 6: Distance-based multivariate analysis of variance Beta-diversity; ordination analysis 2 ISME J. 2016 Mar 25. doi: 10.1038/ismej.2016.37

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Page 1: Lecture 6: Distance-based multivariate analysis of variance · 7/16/19 1 Lecture 6: Distance-based multivariate analysis of variance Beta-diversity; ordination analysis 2 ISME J






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Measuringassociationofthe‘entire’microbiome withothervariables• Distancematricescapturesomeaspectsofthedata(e.g.microbiomecomposition,relativeabundance,phylogeneticrelationships).• Euclideandistance(square-rootofsumsofsquaredifferencesbetweencomponentsofthecentereddata)capturesthecovariancesofthevariables.• Canthesecharacteristicsbeusedtodrawassociationoftheentiremicrobiome withothervariablesofinterest(e.g.treatmentgroup,locusofsampling,etc.)?



• Applyanormalizationtothedata(e.g.relativeabundance);• Calculateadistancemetricbetweentheobservations(e.g.Unifrac,Jensen-Shannon,Chi-Square);• Performordinationand/orclusteringanalysistovisualizerelationshipsbetweenobservations;• Testfordifferencesbetweenpredefinedgroups(e.g.treatmentlevels,phenotypes)

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• Idea:SStotal =SSerror +SStreatments

• Ftest:F=[SStreatments/(I– 1)]/[SSerror/(nT - I)]• F=(variancebetween)/(variancewithintreatments)• I– numberoftreatments• nT – totalnumberofcases


ANOVAexamplea1 a2 a3

6 8 13

8 12 9

4 9 11

5 11 8

3 6 7

4 8 12

1. Withingroupmeans• Y1 =(6+8+4+5+3+4)/6=5• Y2 =…=9• Y3 =…=10

2. OverallmeanY=83. Betweengroupsumofsquares

• SStreatments =n1(Y1-Y)2+n2(Y2-Y)2+n3(Y3-Y)2=84• (k– 1)=3– 1=2

4. Withingroupsumofsquares• SSerror=68• (nT – k)=18– 3=15

5. F=(84/2)/(68/15)=42/4.5=9.36. Fcritical (2,15)=3.687. Conclusion:Thegroupeffectsarestatistically

significantlydifferent.8. Next:performpost-hocpairwiseteststodetectthe


SS1 SS2 SS3(6– Y1)2=(6– 5)^2=

11 9

(8 – 5)2 =9 9 1

(4– 5)2 =1 0 1

(5– 5)2 =0 4 4

(3– 5)2 =4 9 9

(4 – 5)2 =1 1 4


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• Adirectextensionoftheunivariate ANOVAtomultiplevariables.• SS=Σ(Yi – Y)T(Yi – Y)• SS=Σ d2,wheredistheEuclideandistancefromthecenter.



of a P-value using some method of permutation. I willdescribe the method, which I shall simply call non-parametric MANOVA, first for the one-way design andthen for more complex designs, followed by some eco-logical examples. I deal here only with the case ofbalanced ANOVA designs, but analogous statistics for anylinear model, including multiple regression and/orunbalanced data, can be constructed, as described byMcArdle and Anderson (in press).

The test statistic: an F-ratio

The essence of analysis of variance is to compare vari-ability within groups versus variability among differentgroups, using the ratio of the F-statistic. The larger thevalue of F, the more likely it is that the null hypothesis(H0) of no differences among the group means (i.e.locations) is false. For univariate ANOVA, partitioningof the total sum of squares, SST, is achieved by calcu-lating sums of squared differences (i) between indiv-idual replicates and their group mean (SSW, thewithin-group sum of squares; Table 1a), and (ii)between group means and the overall sample mean(SSA, the among-group sum of squares). Next, considerthe multivariate case where p variables are measuredsimultaneously for each of n replicates in each of agroups, yielding a matrix of data where rows are obser-vations and columns are variables. A natural multi-variate analogue may be obtained by simply adding upthe sums of squares across all variables (Table 1b). AnF-ratio can then be constructed, as in the univariatecase.

This multivariate analogue can also be thought ofgeometrically (e.g. Calinski & Harabasz 1974; Mielkeet al. 1976; Edgington 1995; Pillar & Orlóci 1996), asshown in Fig. 1 for the case of two groups and two vari-ables (dimensions). Here, SSW is the sum of thesquared Euclidean distances between each individualreplicate and its group centroid (the point corres-ponding to the averages for each variable, Fig. 1 and


Table 1. Calculations of within-group sums of squares for partitioning in (a) univariate ANOVA, (b) a multivariate analogueobtained by summing across variables, (c) a multivariate analogue equivalent to (b) obtained using sums of squared Euclideandistances, (d) the traditional MANOVA approach, which yields an entire matrix (W) of within-group sums of squares and crossproducts, and (e) the partitioning using inter-point distances advocated here, equivalent to (b) and (c) if Euclidean distancesare used

Univariate(a) One variable SSW ! "

ai ! 1 "

nj ! 1 ( yij – y–i.)2

Multivariate(b) Summed across variables SSW ! "

ai ! 1 "

nj ! 1 "

pk ! 1 ( yijk – y–i.k)2

(c) Geometric approach SSW ! "ai ! 1 "

nj ! 1 ( yij – y–i.)T( yij – y–i.)

(inner product, a scalar, based on Euclidean distances, correlations between variables ignored)

(d) Traditional MANOVA W ! "ai ! 1 "

nj ! 1 ( yij – yy–i.)( yij – yy–i.)T

(outer product, a matrix, based on Euclidean distances, correlations between variables matter)

(e) Inter-point geometric approach(a scalar, based on any distance measure, correlations between variables ignored) SS1 !


N – 1i ! 1 "

Nj ! i # 1 d2

ij $ijn

yij, univariate observation of the jth replicate (j ! 1,…, n) in the ith group (i ! 1,…, a); yijk, observation of yij for the kthvariable (k ! 1,…, p); yij, vector of length p, indicating a point in multivariate space according to p variables (dimensions) forobservation j in group i. A superscript !T% indicates the transpose of the vector, bars over letters indicate averages and a dotsubscript indicates averaging was done over that subscripted variable.

Fig. 1. A geometric representation of MANOVA for twogroups in two dimensions where the groups differ in location.The within-group sum of squares is the sum of squared dis-tances from individual replicates to their group centroid. Theamong-group sum of squares is the sum of squared distancesfrom group centroids to the overall centroid. (——) Distancesfrom points to group centroids; (•••••••) distances from groupcentroids to overall centroid; (!), overall centroid; ("), groupcentroid; (#), individual observation.

partitioning (in terms of ‘average’ differences amonggroups) has not been previously achieved usingBray–Curtis (or other semimetric) distances. However,the relationship shown in Fig. 2 can be applied toachieve the partitioning directly from interpointdistances.

Thus, consider a matrix of distances between everypair of observations (Fig. 3a). If we let N ! an, the totalnumber of observations (points), and let dij be the dis-tance between observation i ! 1,…, N and observationj ! 1,…, N, the total sum of squares is

1SST ! "


i ! l"N

j ! i # 1d2

ij (1)N

That is, add up the squares of all of the distances inthe subdiagonal (or upper-diagonal) half of the distancematrix (not including the diagonal) and divide by N(Fig. 3b). In a similar fashion, the within-group orresidual sum of squares is

1SSW ! "


i ! l"N

j ! i # 1d2

ij $ij (2)n

where $ij takes the value 1 if observation i and obser-vation j are in the same group, otherwise it takes thevalue of zero. That is, add up the squares of all of thedistances between observations that occur in the samegroup and divide by n, the number of observations pergroup (Fig. 3b). Then SSA ! SST – SSW and a pseudoF-ratio to test the multivariate hypothesis is

SSA /(a – 1)F ! (3)

SSW /(N – a)

If the points from different groups have different cen-tral locations (centroids in the case of Euclidean dis-tances) in multivariate space, then the among-groupdistances will be relatively large compared to the within-group distances, and the resulting pseudo F-ratio willbe relatively large.

One can calculate the sums of squares in equations(1) and (2) and the statistic in equation (3) from a distance matrix obtained using any distance measure.The statistic in equation (3) corresponds exactly to the statistic in equation (4) of McArdle and Anderson(in press), who have shown more generally how partitioning for any linear model can be done directlyfrom the distance matrix, regardless of the distancemeasure used. Another important aspect of the stat-istic described above is that, in the case of a Euclideandistance matrix calculated from only one variable,equation (3) gives the same value as the traditionalparametric univariate F-statistic.

This is proposed as a new non-parametric MANOVA

statistic that is intuitively appealing, due to its analogywith univariate ANOVA, and that is extremely relevantfor ecological applications. The results (in terms ofsums of squares, mean squares and pseudo F-ratios)obtained for individual terms in a multivariate analysis

can be interpreted in the same way as they usually arefor univariate ANOVA. The difference is that the hypoth-esis being tested for any particular term is a multivariatehypothesis.


The multivariate version of the F-statistic describedhere is not distributed like Fisher’s F-ratio under thenull hypothesis. This is so because (i) we do not expectthe individual variables to be normally distributed, and(ii) we do not expect that the Euclidean distance willnecessarily be used for the analysis. Even if each of thevariables were normally distributed and the Euclideandistance used, the mean squares calculated for the mul-tivariate data would not each consist of sums of inde-pendent %2 variables, because, although individualobservations are expected to be independent, individ-ual species variables are not independent of oneanother. Thus, traditional tabled P-values cannot beused. A distribution of the statistic under the nullhypothesis can be created, however, using permutationsof the observations (e.g. Edgington 1995; Manly1997). The only situation in which one could use thetraditional tabled probabilities would be if one had asingle variable that could reasonably be assumed to benormally distributed and one used Euclidean distancesfor the analysis.

Suppose the null hypothesis is true and the groupsare not really different (in terms of their compositionand/or their relative abundances of species, as measuredby the Bray–Curtis distances). If this were the case,then the multivariate observations (rows) would beexchangeable among the different groups. Thus, thelabels on the rows that identify them as belonging to aparticular group could be randomly shuffled (per-muted) and a new value of F obtained (called, say, F&).This random shuffling and re-calculation of F& is thenrepeated for all possible re-orderings of the rows rela-tive to the labels. This gives the entire distribution ofthe pseudo F-statistic under a true null hypothesis forour particular data. Comparing the value of F obtainedwith the original ordering of the rows to the distributioncreated for a true null by permuting the labels, a P-valueis calculated as

(No. of F & ≥ F)P ! (4)

(Total no. of F &)

Note that we consider the original observed value of Fto be a member of the distribution of F& under per-mutation (i.e. it is one of the possible orderings of thelabels on the rows). The usual scientific convention ofan a priori significance level of ' ! 0.05 is generallyused for interpreting the significance of the result, asin other statistical tests. It is also possible to view the


SSA – betweengroupsumsofsquaresSSW – withingroupsumsofsquaresSST– totalsumofsquares




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Table 1c). Note that this additive partitioning using ageometric approach yields one value for each of SSW,SSA and SST as sums of squared Euclidean distances.This geometric approach gives sums of squares equiv-alent to the sum of the univariate sums of squares(added across all variables) described in the previousparagraph. This differs from the traditional MANOVA

approach, where partitioning is done for an entirematrix of sums of squares and cross-products (e.g.Mardia et al. 1979; Table 1d).

The key to the non-parametric method describedhere is that the sum of squared distances between pointsand their centroid is equal to (and can be calculateddirectly from) the sum of squared interpoint distancesdivided by the number of points. This importantrelationship is illustrated in Fig. 2 for points in twodimensions. The relationship between distances tocentroids and interpoint distances for the Euclideanmeasure has been known for a long time (e.g. Kendall & Stuart 1963; Gower 1966; Calinski &Harabasz 1974; Seber 1984; Pillar & Orlóci 1996;Legendre & Legendre 1998; see also equation B.1 inAppendix B of Legendre & Anderson 1999). What isimportant is the implication this has for analyses based on non-Euclidean distances. Namely, an additive partitioning of sums of squares can be obtainedfor any distance measure directly from the distancematrix, without calculating the central locations ofgroups.

Why is this important? In the case of an analysisbased on Euclidean distances, the average for each vari-able across the observations within a group constitutesthe measure of central location for the group inEuclidean space, called a centroid. For many distancemeasures, however, the calculation of a central locationmay be problematic. For example, in the case of thesemimetric Bray–Curtis measure, a simple averageacross replicates does not correspond to the ‘centrallocation’ in multivariate Bray–Curtis space. Anappropriate measure of central location on the basis of Bray–Curtis distances cannot be calculated easily directly from the data. This is why additive


Fig. 2. The sum of squared distances from individualpoints to their centroid is equal to the sum of squared inter-point distances divided by the number of points.

Fig. 3. Schematic diagramfor the calculation of (a) a dis-tance matrix from a raw datamatrix and (b) a non-para-metric MANOVA statistic for aone-way design (two groups)directly from the distancematrix. SST, sum of squareddistances in the half matrix(!) divided by N (total number of observations); SSW,sum of squared distanceswithin groups ( ) divided byn (number of observations per group). SSA ! SST – SSW

and F = [SSA/(a – 1)]/[SSW/(N – a)], where a ! the num-ber of groups.


partitioning (in terms of ‘average’ differences amonggroups) has not been previously achieved usingBray–Curtis (or other semimetric) distances. However,the relationship shown in Fig. 2 can be applied toachieve the partitioning directly from interpointdistances.

Thus, consider a matrix of distances between everypair of observations (Fig. 3a). If we let N ! an, the totalnumber of observations (points), and let dij be the dis-tance between observation i ! 1,…, N and observationj ! 1,…, N, the total sum of squares is

1SST ! "


i ! l"N

j ! i # 1d2

ij (1)N

That is, add up the squares of all of the distances inthe subdiagonal (or upper-diagonal) half of the distancematrix (not including the diagonal) and divide by N(Fig. 3b). In a similar fashion, the within-group orresidual sum of squares is

1SSW ! "


i ! l"N

j ! i # 1d2

ij $ij (2)n

where $ij takes the value 1 if observation i and obser-vation j are in the same group, otherwise it takes thevalue of zero. That is, add up the squares of all of thedistances between observations that occur in the samegroup and divide by n, the number of observations pergroup (Fig. 3b). Then SSA ! SST – SSW and a pseudoF-ratio to test the multivariate hypothesis is

SSA /(a – 1)F ! (3)

SSW /(N – a)

If the points from different groups have different cen-tral locations (centroids in the case of Euclidean dis-tances) in multivariate space, then the among-groupdistances will be relatively large compared to the within-group distances, and the resulting pseudo F-ratio willbe relatively large.

One can calculate the sums of squares in equations(1) and (2) and the statistic in equation (3) from a distance matrix obtained using any distance measure.The statistic in equation (3) corresponds exactly to the statistic in equation (4) of McArdle and Anderson(in press), who have shown more generally how partitioning for any linear model can be done directlyfrom the distance matrix, regardless of the distancemeasure used. Another important aspect of the stat-istic described above is that, in the case of a Euclideandistance matrix calculated from only one variable,equation (3) gives the same value as the traditionalparametric univariate F-statistic.

This is proposed as a new non-parametric MANOVA

statistic that is intuitively appealing, due to its analogywith univariate ANOVA, and that is extremely relevantfor ecological applications. The results (in terms ofsums of squares, mean squares and pseudo F-ratios)obtained for individual terms in a multivariate analysis

can be interpreted in the same way as they usually arefor univariate ANOVA. The difference is that the hypoth-esis being tested for any particular term is a multivariatehypothesis.


The multivariate version of the F-statistic describedhere is not distributed like Fisher’s F-ratio under thenull hypothesis. This is so because (i) we do not expectthe individual variables to be normally distributed, and(ii) we do not expect that the Euclidean distance willnecessarily be used for the analysis. Even if each of thevariables were normally distributed and the Euclideandistance used, the mean squares calculated for the mul-tivariate data would not each consist of sums of inde-pendent %2 variables, because, although individualobservations are expected to be independent, individ-ual species variables are not independent of oneanother. Thus, traditional tabled P-values cannot beused. A distribution of the statistic under the nullhypothesis can be created, however, using permutationsof the observations (e.g. Edgington 1995; Manly1997). The only situation in which one could use thetraditional tabled probabilities would be if one had asingle variable that could reasonably be assumed to benormally distributed and one used Euclidean distancesfor the analysis.

Suppose the null hypothesis is true and the groupsare not really different (in terms of their compositionand/or their relative abundances of species, as measuredby the Bray–Curtis distances). If this were the case,then the multivariate observations (rows) would beexchangeable among the different groups. Thus, thelabels on the rows that identify them as belonging to aparticular group could be randomly shuffled (per-muted) and a new value of F obtained (called, say, F&).This random shuffling and re-calculation of F& is thenrepeated for all possible re-orderings of the rows rela-tive to the labels. This gives the entire distribution ofthe pseudo F-statistic under a true null hypothesis forour particular data. Comparing the value of F obtainedwith the original ordering of the rows to the distributioncreated for a true null by permuting the labels, a P-valueis calculated as

(No. of F & ≥ F)P ! (4)

(Total no. of F &)

Note that we consider the original observed value of Fto be a member of the distribution of F& under per-mutation (i.e. it is one of the possible orderings of thelabels on the rows). The usual scientific convention ofan a priori significance level of ' ! 0.05 is generallyused for interpreting the significance of the result, asin other statistical tests. It is also possible to view the


Obtainingp-values• TheF-statisticdoesnotfollowFisher’sF-ratioundernull,thereforeweneedtoevaluateit’sdistributionundernull.• Nullhypothesis:thereisnodifferencebetweengroups;therefore,wecancomputenulldistributionempiricallybyshufflingthegrouplabels.• ForeachreshufflingoflabelscomputeFstatistic,thep-valueisthen


partitioning (in terms of ‘average’ differences amonggroups) has not been previously achieved usingBray–Curtis (or other semimetric) distances. However,the relationship shown in Fig. 2 can be applied toachieve the partitioning directly from interpointdistances.

Thus, consider a matrix of distances between everypair of observations (Fig. 3a). If we let N ! an, the totalnumber of observations (points), and let dij be the dis-tance between observation i ! 1,…, N and observationj ! 1,…, N, the total sum of squares is

1SST ! "


i ! l"N

j ! i # 1d2

ij (1)N

That is, add up the squares of all of the distances inthe subdiagonal (or upper-diagonal) half of the distancematrix (not including the diagonal) and divide by N(Fig. 3b). In a similar fashion, the within-group orresidual sum of squares is

1SSW ! "


i ! l"N

j ! i # 1d2

ij $ij (2)n

where $ij takes the value 1 if observation i and obser-vation j are in the same group, otherwise it takes thevalue of zero. That is, add up the squares of all of thedistances between observations that occur in the samegroup and divide by n, the number of observations pergroup (Fig. 3b). Then SSA ! SST – SSW and a pseudoF-ratio to test the multivariate hypothesis is

SSA /(a – 1)F ! (3)

SSW /(N – a)

If the points from different groups have different cen-tral locations (centroids in the case of Euclidean dis-tances) in multivariate space, then the among-groupdistances will be relatively large compared to the within-group distances, and the resulting pseudo F-ratio willbe relatively large.

One can calculate the sums of squares in equations(1) and (2) and the statistic in equation (3) from a distance matrix obtained using any distance measure.The statistic in equation (3) corresponds exactly to the statistic in equation (4) of McArdle and Anderson(in press), who have shown more generally how partitioning for any linear model can be done directlyfrom the distance matrix, regardless of the distancemeasure used. Another important aspect of the stat-istic described above is that, in the case of a Euclideandistance matrix calculated from only one variable,equation (3) gives the same value as the traditionalparametric univariate F-statistic.

This is proposed as a new non-parametric MANOVA

statistic that is intuitively appealing, due to its analogywith univariate ANOVA, and that is extremely relevantfor ecological applications. The results (in terms ofsums of squares, mean squares and pseudo F-ratios)obtained for individual terms in a multivariate analysis

can be interpreted in the same way as they usually arefor univariate ANOVA. The difference is that the hypoth-esis being tested for any particular term is a multivariatehypothesis.


The multivariate version of the F-statistic describedhere is not distributed like Fisher’s F-ratio under thenull hypothesis. This is so because (i) we do not expectthe individual variables to be normally distributed, and(ii) we do not expect that the Euclidean distance willnecessarily be used for the analysis. Even if each of thevariables were normally distributed and the Euclideandistance used, the mean squares calculated for the mul-tivariate data would not each consist of sums of inde-pendent %2 variables, because, although individualobservations are expected to be independent, individ-ual species variables are not independent of oneanother. Thus, traditional tabled P-values cannot beused. A distribution of the statistic under the nullhypothesis can be created, however, using permutationsof the observations (e.g. Edgington 1995; Manly1997). The only situation in which one could use thetraditional tabled probabilities would be if one had asingle variable that could reasonably be assumed to benormally distributed and one used Euclidean distancesfor the analysis.

Suppose the null hypothesis is true and the groupsare not really different (in terms of their compositionand/or their relative abundances of species, as measuredby the Bray–Curtis distances). If this were the case,then the multivariate observations (rows) would beexchangeable among the different groups. Thus, thelabels on the rows that identify them as belonging to aparticular group could be randomly shuffled (per-muted) and a new value of F obtained (called, say, F&).This random shuffling and re-calculation of F& is thenrepeated for all possible re-orderings of the rows rela-tive to the labels. This gives the entire distribution ofthe pseudo F-statistic under a true null hypothesis forour particular data. Comparing the value of F obtainedwith the original ordering of the rows to the distributioncreated for a true null by permuting the labels, a P-valueis calculated as

(No. of F & ≥ F)P ! (4)

(Total no. of F &)

Note that we consider the original observed value of Fto be a member of the distribution of F& under per-mutation (i.e. it is one of the possible orderings of thelabels on the rows). The usual scientific convention ofan a priori significance level of ' ! 0.05 is generallyused for interpreting the significance of the result, asin other statistical tests. It is also possible to view the


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• Whenafactorhasmorethan2levels,itisnotimmediatelyclearwhichpairofgroupsaredifferentfromeachother.• Tofigurethisoutapost-hocpairwisetestsneedtobecarriedout.• Thet-statisticiscomputedassquarerootoftheFstatisticforthepaironly.• Pairwisep-valuesarecalculatedwithadditionalpermutations.• Multiplecomparisoncorrectionmaybenecessary.







• Two-wayMANOVA• Straightforwardextensionwithallinteractionsconsidered.

• Stratification/blockdesign• Whenaneffectistobedeterminedwithinthelevelsofanotherfactor• E.g.Locationofsamplingvs.treatment


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• BasedonZapala &Schork,PNAS2006.• SupposewehaveMpredictorvariables• Wetreatthemultivariate(𝑁×𝑃)data(microbiomeabundance,geneexpression,etc.)astheresponsevariable𝒀• Thebasicmultivariateregressionmodelis𝒀 = 𝑿𝜷 + 𝜀,• where𝜷 isthecoefficientmatrix,and𝜀 isanerrorterm.• Definethehatmatrixasusual𝑯 = 𝑿+𝑿 ,𝟏𝑿′.



• 𝑮 = −12𝑰 − 𝟏

𝒏𝟏𝟏+ 𝑫(𝟐) 𝑰 − 𝟏

𝒏𝟏𝟏+ ;

• ThenF = ;<(𝑯𝑮𝑯)/(>,1);< 𝑰,𝑯 𝑮 𝑰,𝑯 /(?,>)


• ThisishowPERMANOVAisimplementedinR/veganpackage,functionadonis().


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• PERMANOVAisdefinedforbalancedsamplesizes,butcanberewrittenfor𝑛A ≠ 𝑛C.• Homoscedasticityisanunderlyingassumption.• Doviolationsoftheseassumptionsleadtoundesiredbehaviors?

• Simulationtotesttheseasumptions:• LetXbe1,000dimensionaluncorrelatedstandardnormal• LetYbe1,000dimensionaluncorrelatedmultivariatenormalwitheachcomponent• mean=1/sqrt(1000)*e• S.D.=0.8

• Simulatedatawith𝑛A, 𝑛C ∈5,10,15,20

• ComputeEuclideandistances,PERMANOVAp-values



Effect: 0 Effect: 2 Effect: 4 Effect: 5

● ● ●

● ●


● ● ●

● ●

● ●

● ● ●

● ●

● ● ●

● ● ●

● ● ●● ● ●






5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20Observations in most dispersed sampleFr


n of




l hyp



Balanced sample size● No


Observationsin least dispersedsample


Empirical type I error and power (α = 0.05)



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• Whenbothhomoscedasticityandbalancedsamplesizesareviolatedadversestatisticalbehaviorcanbeobserved.• IfXisthemoredispersedsamplethen• 𝑛A < 𝑛C leadstotypeIerrorinflation,• 𝑛A > 𝑛C leadstolossofpower,• where𝑛A isthenumberofobservationsinthemoredispersedsample.



• ConsiderthesquareofWelcht-statistic𝑇M2 =A,CO P


• Ifwecanwrite𝑇M2 intermsofpairwisedistances,wecangeneralizeittomultivariatedata.• Wecanusepermutationtestingtoassessthesignificance.


Genome analysis

Multivariate Welch t-test on distances

Alexander V. Alekseyenko

Departments of Public Health Sciences and Oral Health Sciences, Program for Human Microbiome Research, TheBiomedical Informatics Center Medical University of South Carolina, 135 Cannon Street, MSC 200, Charleston, SC29466, USA

*To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Associate Editor: John Hancock

Received on April 1, 2016; revised on June 21, 2016; accepted on August 6, 2016


Motivation: Permutational non-Euclidean analysis of variance, PERMANOVA, is routinely used inexploratory analysis of multivariate datasets to draw conclusions about the significance of patternsvisualized through dimension reduction. This method recognizes that pairwise distance matrix be-tween observations is sufficient to compute within and between group sums of squares necessaryto form the (pseudo) F statistic. Moreover, not only Euclidean, but arbitrary distances can be used.This method, however, suffers from loss of power and type I error inflation in the presence of heter-oscedasticity and sample size imbalances.Results: We develop a solution in the form of a distance-based Welch t-test, T 2

W, for two samplepotentially unbalanced and heteroscedastic data. We demonstrate empirically the desirable typeI error and power characteristics of the new test. We compare the performance of PERMANOVAand T 2

W in reanalysis of two existing microbiome datasets, where the methodology hasoriginated.Availability and Implementation: The source code for methods and analysis of this article is avail-able at https://github.com/alekseyenko/Tw2. Further guidance on application of these methods canbe obtained from the author.Contact: [email protected]

1 Introduction

The PERMANOVA test (Anderson, 2001), has been proposed for

use in numerical ecology to test for the location differences in micro-

bial communities. The relationships between these communities are

typically described by ecological distance metrics (e.g. Jaccard, Chi-

Squared, Bray-Curtis) and visualized through dimension reduction

(also referred to as ordination in numerical ecology literature). The

PERMANOVA permutation test based on (pseudo) F statistic com-

puted directly from distances is a widely accepted means of estab-

lishing statistical significance for observed patterns. This test and

the extension of this paper are related to the multivariate Behrens-

Fisher problem (Krishnamoorthy and Yu, 2004) of testing the differ-

ence in multivariate means of samples from several populations. The

underlying statistics for both distance-based tests are related to the

Hotelling T2 statistic. The PERMANOVA is more general in allow-

ing for more than two populations to be compared simultaneously.

The distance-based geometric approach; however, forgoes the need

to estimate the covariance matrices. The cost of these geometric

approaches is that they only provide omnibus tests, which are un-

able to make inferences about individual components of the multi-

variate random vectors tested.

With the revived interest in numerical ecology fueled by the avail-

ability of DNA sequencing-based high-throughput microbial commu-

nity profiling, i.e. microbiomics, the PERMANOVA test is enjoying a

new wave of popularity. Several, cautionary articles have been pub-

lished noting the undesired behavior of the test in heteroscedastic con-

ditions (Warton et al., 2012). A definitive principled solution to this

issue is still lacking, however. The consensus is to ascertain the pre-

sence of heteroscedasticity using an additional test (e.g. PERMDISP;

Anderson, 2006; Anderson et al., 2006) in case of positive

PERMANOVA results and to report both with a disclaimer that the

attribution of positive PERMANOVA test to location or dispersion

VC The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. 1This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/),

which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact

[email protected]

Bioinformatics, 2016, 1–7

doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btw524

Advance Access Publication Date: 11 August 2016

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Keyequationsfor𝑇M2 derivation

• 𝑠A2 =1

SR SR,1∑ 𝑥[ − 𝑥\

2SR[]\ = 1

SR SR,1∑ 𝑑[\2SR[]\ ,

• Where∑ S[]\ denotesdoublesummation∑ ∑ S

\`[U1S[`1 .

• Let𝒁 = (𝑧1, … , 𝑧SRUSV) = (𝑥1, … , 𝑥SR, 𝑦1, … , 𝑦SV),

• �� − 𝑦O 2 = SRUSVSRSV


∑ 𝑧[ − 𝑧\2�

[]\ − 1SR∑ 𝑥[ − 𝑥\

2�[]\ −

1SV∑ 𝑦[ − 𝑦\

2�[]\ g.



𝐹 =

1𝑛A + 𝑛C

∑ 𝑑[\2SRUSV[]\[,\`1

− 1𝑛A∑ 𝑑[\2SR[]\[,\`1

− 1𝑛C∑ 𝑑[\2SRUSV


1𝑛A∑ 𝑑[\2SR[]\[,\`1

+ 1𝑛C∑ 𝑑[\2SRUSV


/(𝑛A − 𝑛C − 2)

𝑇M2 =𝑛A + 𝑛C𝑛A𝑛C


1𝑛A + 𝑛C

∑ 𝑑[\2SRUSV[]\[,\`1

− 1𝑛A∑ 𝑑[\2SR[]\[,\`1

− 1𝑛C∑ 𝑑[\2SRUSV


1𝑛A2(𝑛A − 1)

∑ 𝑑[\2SR[]\[,\`1

+ 1𝑛C2(𝑛C − 1)

∑ 𝑑[\2SRUSV


Howdothesecomparewhen𝑛A = 𝑛C or1

SR(SR,1)∑ 𝑑[\2�[]\ − 1

SV(SV,1)∑ 𝑑[\2�[]\ ?


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Empiricalperformanceof𝑇M2 vsPERMANOVA

Effect: 0 Effect: 4 Effect: 5

● ● ●

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● ●

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● ● ●● ● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●



● ●



● ●
















Frac.S.D.: 0.2Frac.S.D.: 0.8

Frac.S.D.: 1

5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20

Observations in most dispersed sample



of re


ed n

ull h




Balanced sample size● No




Observationsin least dispersedsample


Empirical type I error and power (α = 0.05)




Typicalexperimentalscenariosat𝑛 ≈ 10 or𝑛 ≈ 50

Effect: 0 Effect: 4 Effect: 5

● ● ● ●

● ● ●

● ●

● ●

● ● ●

● ● ● ●● ● ● ●● ● ● ●● ● ● ●● ● ● ●

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Frac.S.D.: 0.2Frac.S.D.: 0.8

Frac.S.D.: 1

8 9 10 11 12 8 9 10 11 12 8 9 10 11 12

Observations in most dispersed sample



of re


ed n

ull h




Observationsin least dispersedsample


Balanced sample size● No




Empirical type I error and power (α = 0.05)Effect: 0 Effect: 2 Effect: 5

●● ● ●

● ● ●


● ●




●● ●● ● ● ●● ● ● ●● ● ● ●● ● ● ●

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Frac.S.D.: 0.2Frac.S.D.: 0.8

Frac.S.D.: 0.99

48 49 50 51 52 48 49 50 51 52 48 49 50 51 52

Observations in most dispersed sample



of re


ed n

ull h




Balanced sample size● No




Observationsin least dispersedsample


Empirical type I error and power (α = 0.05)


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“paper” — 2016/6/21 — page 6 — #6

6 Alekseyenko

Table 2. Comparison of PERMANOVA and T 2W on mouse gut microbiome dataset.

Cecal microbiome Fecal microbiomeP-values P-values

Comparison N obs. H !2 d PERMANOVA T 2W N obs. H !2 d PERMANOVA T 2


C. vs. All Abx. 10 vs. 40 1.4 0.22 1.21 0.040 0.0001 10 vs. 36 1.4 0.29 1.34 0.015 0.0014

C. vs. Penicillin 10 vs. 10 0.85 0.12 1.90 0.00001 0.00002 10 vs. 9 1.1 0.07 1.94 0.015 0.015

C. vs. Vancomycin 10 vs. 10 1.8 0.08 2.26 0.00009 0.0001 10 vs. 9 1.6 0.21 2.70 0.00001 0.00002

C. vs. Tetracycline 10 vs. 10 1.2 0.12 2.05 0.00005 0.00005 10 vs. 10 1.0 0.07 1.89 0.007 0.006

C. vs. Van. + Tetr. 10 vs. 10 1.1 0.10 1.97 0.002 0.002 10 vs. 8 1.4 0.11 2.24 0.001 0.002

Table 3. Comparison of PERMANOVA and T 2W on human skin microbiome dataset.

P-valuesComparison N obs. H !2 d PERMANOVA T 2


Control vs. Lesion 49 vs. 51 1.07 0.014 0.77 0.0003 0.0002Control vs. Unaffected 49 vs. 51 1.04 -0.0006 0.60 0.5 0.5Lesion vs. Unaffected 51 vs. 51 0.97 0.004 0.62 0.07 0.07

(fecal vs. cecal). The antibiotic vs. control groups are separated along PC2.Note that for cecal samples the comparison of the controls against each ofthe antibiotic treatment groups individually are significant and similar forboth tests. This is expected because the design is balanced in these tests.

4.2.2 Skin microbiome in psoriasis datasetThe skin microbiome dataset consists of observations of skin microbialabundances from control subjects and from psoriasis subjects, whocontribute two samples from a lesion site and from symmetrical unaffectedsite. PERMANOVA and T 2

W tests produce similar significance values andinferences (Table 3), which is owed to the fact that the multivariate spreadis similar in all conditions, and sample sizes are larger and closer to beingbalanced.

5 DiscussionBy derivation T 2

W inherits the characteristics of the univariate unequalvariance Welch t-test. That test is recommended as a replacement forpooled variance t-test in all circumstances. Testing for unequal variancesby methods, such as PERMDISP, is not recommended before a choiceof the primary test is made. The main disadvantage of the Welch’s t-test compared to ANOVA is potential loss of robustness when violationsof normality are present (Levy, 1978). This issue, however, rests on thelimiting distributions of the tests. In our case, the inference is obtained bypermutation testing, which alleviates this concern. Thus T 2

W should alsobecome a first line replacement for PERMANOVA in simple two-samplecase.

Two-sample scenario is a common experimental design, but ageneral solution for k-level factors is still desirable. The behavior ofPERMANOVA under heteroscedastic conditions with k-level factorshave not been examined, but is suspected to suffer from similarshortcomings as in the two sample case. When heteroscedasticity issuspected, several remedial strategies can be implemented. First, avariance stabilizing transformation can be applied to the data to removeheteroscedasticity (McMurdie and Holmes, 2014). If transformation ofthe data is not desirable for any reason, other strategies could includedeveloping specialized sub-sampling and permutation-based strategies.For example, the data could be re-sampled m times at balancedsample sizes and an average PERMANOVA statistic computed FA =1m

Pi F

(i)A . This statistic could then be compared to the null distribution

generated by permuting the sample labels r-times and computing there-sampled FA(1), . . . , FA(r), where FA(j) = 1


Pi F

(i)A (j). The

significance can be determined by using regular permutation testingapproach to compare the number of times the obtained statistic is moreextreme than those observed under the null, i.e. p(r) =

Prj 1(FA >

FA(j)). This method ensures that the groups are balanced in eachcomparison, but may still lead to loss of power due to decreased effectivesample size in each sub-sampled comparison. This approach is reportedhere as a suggestion that needs further development and evaluation beforein can be implemented in practice. The final strategy for analysis of datawith arbitrary number of levels could involve the application of T 2

w toonly relevant pairwise comparisons with appropriate multiple comparisoncontrols in place.

AcknowledgementsThe author would like to thank Dr. Ali Shojaee Bakhtiari, Dr. Beth Wolfand three anonymous reviewers for reviewing and suggesting valuableimprovements to this work.

FundingAVA is supported in part by the NIH through 5R01CA16496402 from theNCI.

ReferencesAlekseyenko, A. V., Perez-Perez, G. I., De Souza, A., Strober, B., Gao, Z., Bihan,

M., Li, K., Methé, B. A., and Blaser, M. J. (2013). Community differentiation ofthe cutaneous microbiota in psoriasis. Microbiome, 1(1), 1–17.

Anderson, M. J. (2001). A new method for non-parametric multivariate analysis ofvariance. Austral Ecology, 26(1), 32–46.

Anderson, M. J. (2006). Distance-based tests for homogeneity of multivariatedispersions. Biometrics, 62(1), 245–253.

Anderson, M. J., Ellingsen, K. E., and McArdle, B. H. (2006). Multivariate dispersionas a measure of beta diversity. Ecology Letters, 9(6), 683–693.

Cho, I., Yamanishi, S., Cox, L., Methé, B. A., Zavadil, J., Li, K., Gao, Z.,Douglas Mahana, K. R., Teitler, I., Huilin Li, A. V. A., and Blaser, M. J. (2012).Antibiotics in early life alter the murine colonic microbiome and adiposity. Nature,pages 621–626.

Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. LawrenceErlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ, 2nd edition.




• Inunivariate caseWd* isequivalenttoW*.

• Let𝑥[~𝑁(0, 𝑠[),1. 𝑠[2 = 1;2. 𝑠12 = 1, 𝑠22 = 0.8, 𝑠m2 = 0.82;3. 𝑠12 = 1, 𝑠22 = 0.2, 𝑠m2 = 0.22.

• 𝑛[ ∈ {5, 10, 20, 40}.• NotethatunivariateW*testbasedonFdistributionapplieshere.

Hamidi et al. Microbiome (2019) 7:51 https://doi.org/10.1186/s40168-019-0659-9


W∗d-test: robust distance-based

multivariate analysis of varianceBashir Hamidi1,2, Kristin Wallace3, Chenthamarakshan Vasu4 and Alexander V. Alekseyenko1,2,3,5*

AbstractBackground: Community-wide analyses provide an essential means for evaluation of the effect of interventions ordesign variables on the composition of the microbiome. Applications of these analyses are omnipresent inmicrobiome literature, yet some of their statistical properties have not been tested for robustness towards commonfeatures of microbiome data. Recently, it has been reported that PERMANOVA can yield wrong results in the presenceof heteroscedasticity and unbalanced sample sizes.

Findings: We develop a method for multivariate analysis of variance,W∗d , based on Welch MANOVA that is robust to

heteroscedasticity in the data. We do so by extending a previously reported method that does the same for two-levelindependent factor variables. Our approach can accommodate multi-level factors, stratification, and multiple post hoctesting scenarios. An R language implementation of the method is available at https://github.com/alekseyenko/WdStar.

Conclusion: Our method resolves potential for confounding of location and dispersion effects in multivariateanalyses by explicitly accounting for the differences in multivariate dispersion in the data tested. The methods basedonW∗

d have general applicability in microbiome and other ‘omics data analyses.

Keywords: Welch MANOVA, Distance MANOVA, Heteroscedastic test

IntroductionBeta diversity analyses or community-wide ecologicalanalyses are important tools for understanding the differ-entiation of the entire microbiome between experimentalconditions, environments, and treatments. For these anal-yses, specialized distance metrics are used to capturethe multivariate relationships between each pair of sam-ples in the dataset. Analysis of variance-like techniques,such as PERMANOVA [1], maythen be used to deter-mine if an overall difference exists between conditions.The distances use all of the measured taxa informationsimultaneously without the need to explicitly estimateindividual covariances. The utility of these methods ishard to underestimate as virtually every recent majormicrobiome report has used some form of a community-

*Correspondence: [email protected] for Human Microbiome Research, Medical University of SouthCarolina, 135 Cannon Street MSC 200, 29425 Charleston, SC, USA2Biomedical Informatics Center, Medical University of South Carolina, 135Cannon Street MSC 200, 29425 Charleston, SC, USAFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

wide association analysis. On many occasions, the com-parison reveals major differences between the groups.However, one is not guaranteed to find one. For exam-ple, in Redel et al. [2], the authors have found that thereare significant differences in cutaneous microbiota in dia-betic vs. non-diabetic subject feet, but not on their hands(see fig. 5). This lack of difference is an important indi-cator about the potential pathobiological processes thatlead to diabetic foot ulcers. Therefore, getting the cor-rect result in such comparisons is important. The Redelet al. analysis can ultimately be achieved by pairwise com-parisons only (diabetic vs. non diabetic); however, manystudy designs have more than two groups that need to beconsidered simultaneously. Dietary intervention studiesamong others often include several experimental groups.For example, Cox et al. [3] analysis of the impact of dieton the murine gut microbiome included animal groupsreceiving low fat, high fat, and high fat with fiber supple-ment diets. Although it is possible to treat such designusing multi-way comparisons of dietary fat and dietaryfiber, a simultaneous analysis of all three groups can be

© The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to theCreative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver(http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.


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Hamidi et al. Microbiome (2019) 7:51 Page 4 of 9

Empirical evaluation ofW∗d type I error

The principal evaluation that is required to assurestatistical properties of W ∗

d is demonstration of appro-priate type I error control. For this purpose, we considerthe univariate heteroscedastic case with three groups,!x(k1)1



", k1 = 1 . . . , n1, k2 = 1 . . . , n2, and

k3 = 1 . . . , n3, of samples to compare, where n1, n2, n3are the numbers of observations in each group. We letx(k1)1

i.i.d.∼ N (0, 1) be the reference group and x(k2)2i.i.d.∼

N#0, s2

$and x(k3)3

i.i.d.∼ N#0, s4

$be the groups with

different variance s2 and s4, respectively, to introduce het-eroscedasticity. In our simulation, we let s2 = {1, 0.8, 0.2}to control the degree of heteroscedasticity in the rangefrom none to large. Finally, we let the sample sizes n1, n2,and n3 take values of 5, 10, 20, or 40 to generate data withvarying total sample size and degree of balance. For eachcombination of sample sizes and variance, we have per-formed 1000 simulations of the data for a total of 192,000datasets. Each dataset has been analyzed using our refer-ence implementation ofW ∗

d , PERMANOVA (adonis func-tion in R library vegan), and univariate Welch ANOVA(oneway.test in R library stats). For distance-based meth-ods, Euclidean distances have been used. Details of sim-ulation are available as a knitted R Markdown file inAdditional file 1. The simulation results comprise thefraction of rejected null hypotheses at α = 0.05 byeach test (Fig. 1a). A test properly controlling the type I

error is expected to have the fraction of rejections equalto the nominal error rate (0.05). Notice that the pro-posed W ∗

d test, in fact, produces the expected error ratesover the entire range of simulation parameters. Simi-larly to our previous observations in the two-group case,PERMANOVA is not robust to heteroscedasticity whensample size imbalance is present. Observe that wheneverthe number of observations in the reference group (theone with variance equal to 1) is smaller than that in theless dispersed groups, the fraction of rejections is overlyinflated, resulting in higher type I error. Also notice thatwhen there are more observations in the reference groupthan in others (e.g., n1 = 40, n2, n3 < 40), it is hardfor PERMANOVA to make the rejections, resulting inapproximately zero type I error.Interestingly, when we compare the raw p values

obtained from W∗d to those from the distribution

based asymptotic Welch test, we see a good con-cordance between the two (Fig. 1b). The variabilityaround the trendline is most likely due to Monte Carloerror associated with permutation testing and smallsample size. On the contrary, when PERMANOVAis compared to the distribution-based asymptotic test,the fit is clearly much noisier (Fig. 1c). The con-cordance is much smaller for tests involving groupswith larger degree of heteroscedasticity. The codeused to produce the plots in Fig. 1 is available asAdditional file 2.

Fig. 1 Evaluation of type I errors ofW∗d and PERMANOVA permutation tests. Simulation under the null hypothesis results for comparison ofW∗

d(Wstar), PERMANOVA (Permanova), and distribution-based Welch ANOVA F (WelchF) tests are presented. In panel a, we evaluate the fraction of nullhypotheses that have been rejected by each test at α = 0.05. The subpanels of a correspond to simulated datasets with corresponding number ofsamples in the non-reference groups, with columns corresponding to the least dispersed and rows corresponding to the most dispersed sample. Inpanel b, the raw p values fromW∗

d test are plotted against those for the same data with Welch ANOVA F test. In panel c, we do the same forPERMANOVA p values and color the points by respective degree of heteroscedasticity in the simulated dataset




Hamidi et al. Microbiome (2019) 7:51 Page 2 of 9

more intuitive. Hence, there is a need for methods thatcan compare more than two experimental groups at thesame time. PERMANOVA among other methods allowsfor such analyses.From the statistical stand point, community-wide anal-

yses test the hypothesis that the data from two or moreconditions share the location parameter (centroid or mul-tivariate mean). Caution, however, needs to be taken toensure that potential violations of assumptions do notlead to adverse statistical behavior of PERMANOVA. Twosuch assumptions that are commonly violated are themultivariate uniformity of variability (homoscedasticity)and sample size balance. We have previously shown thatsimultaneous violation of both assumptions leads to PER-MANOVA analysis with indiscriminate rejection and typeI error inflation or to significant loss of power up toinability to make any rejections at all [4]. Unfortunately,heteroscedasticity across conditions is a very commonfeature of microbiome data. Thus, new robust methodsare needed to ensure correct data analysis.We have previously described a T2

w test, which presentsa robust solution for comparing two groups of micro-biome samples [4]. The two-group scenario is common,but not universally satisfying as many study designs ofteninclude many different sample types, e.g., from affectedand unaffected sites of a study subject and from amatchedhealthy control [5] and interventions as in the Coxet al. [3] study mentioned above. Here we describe afurther extension of T2

w to allow for arbitrary numberof groups with possibly different within group variabil-ity to be compared using an omnibus test for equalityof means. Our method presents an advance to the state-of-the-art by introducing a way to compare data frommultiple conditions where heteroscedasticity is a nuisanceand only the differences between location of the data areimportant.

UnivariateWelchMANOVAUnivariate solutions for a heteroscedastic test to comparek-means deal with finding asymptotic distributions for∑wj(xj − µ)2, as defined later in Eqs. (2) and (3). Welch’ssolution [6] is perhaps the most known and well adoptedin statistical literature. Next we briefly describe it, as wewill build on extending this statistic to multivariate data.Suppose we observe data from k populations xj =(x(1)j , . . . , x(nj)j

)with potentially unequal number of obser-

vations, nj for j = 1, . . . , k, in each. Let xj and s2j denote themeans and variances for each sample. TheWelch ANOVAstatistic is:

W ∗ =∑wj(xj − µ)2/(k − 1)

1+[2(k − 2)/(k2 − 1)

]∑ hj, (1)


wj = nj/s2j , (2)µ =

∑wjxj/W , (3)

W =∑

wj, and (4)hj = (1 − wj/W )2/(nj − 1). (5)

The Welch test uses F(k − 1, f ), for f =(k2 − 1

)/(3/∑ hj

)distribution to draw inference with

W∗ [6].

Calculation of multivariateWelchW-statistic ondistancesTo derive a Welch W ∗ statistic suitable for analysis ofmicrobiome data,W ∗

d , we follow the same approach as wedid in our derivation of T2

w. We first demonstrate that inthe univariate case,W ∗

d can be expressed in terms of sumsof pairwise square differences. Next we observe that thesesums represent the squares of the univariate Euclideandistances, which allows for a direct extension of the W∗

dstatistic computation for multivariate Euclidean distancesand in fact any arbitrary distance or dissimilarity metric.The derivation of the statistic in terms of dissimilaritiesmakes it suitable for analysis of microbiome data via apermutation test.We have previously shown [4] that the sample variances

can be written as:


nj (nj − 1)



(x(p)j −x(q)j


= 1nj (nj − 1)





where x(p)j and x(q)j denote p-th and q-th observations inthe j-th level, d(j)pq is the distance between them. Hence:

wj = nj/s2j = (nj − 1)n2j





. (7)

Now consider:k∑

j=1wj(xj − µ)2 =


j=1wj(xj −


i=1wixi/W )2 (8)



wjW 2

⎝Wxj −k∑






wjW 2

⎜⎝W 2x2j −2Wxjk∑





⎟⎠ (10)

Hamidi et al. Microbiome (2019) 7:51 Page 2 of 9

more intuitive. Hence, there is a need for methods thatcan compare more than two experimental groups at thesame time. PERMANOVA among other methods allowsfor such analyses.From the statistical stand point, community-wide anal-

yses test the hypothesis that the data from two or moreconditions share the location parameter (centroid or mul-tivariate mean). Caution, however, needs to be taken toensure that potential violations of assumptions do notlead to adverse statistical behavior of PERMANOVA. Twosuch assumptions that are commonly violated are themultivariate uniformity of variability (homoscedasticity)and sample size balance. We have previously shown thatsimultaneous violation of both assumptions leads to PER-MANOVA analysis with indiscriminate rejection and typeI error inflation or to significant loss of power up toinability to make any rejections at all [4]. Unfortunately,heteroscedasticity across conditions is a very commonfeature of microbiome data. Thus, new robust methodsare needed to ensure correct data analysis.We have previously described a T2

w test, which presentsa robust solution for comparing two groups of micro-biome samples [4]. The two-group scenario is common,but not universally satisfying as many study designs ofteninclude many different sample types, e.g., from affectedand unaffected sites of a study subject and from amatchedhealthy control [5] and interventions as in the Coxet al. [3] study mentioned above. Here we describe afurther extension of T2

w to allow for arbitrary numberof groups with possibly different within group variabil-ity to be compared using an omnibus test for equalityof means. Our method presents an advance to the state-of-the-art by introducing a way to compare data frommultiple conditions where heteroscedasticity is a nuisanceand only the differences between location of the data areimportant.

UnivariateWelchMANOVAUnivariate solutions for a heteroscedastic test to comparek-means deal with finding asymptotic distributions for∑wj(xj − µ)2, as defined later in Eqs. (2) and (3). Welch’ssolution [6] is perhaps the most known and well adoptedin statistical literature. Next we briefly describe it, as wewill build on extending this statistic to multivariate data.Suppose we observe data from k populations xj =(x(1)j , . . . , x(nj)j

)with potentially unequal number of obser-

vations, nj for j = 1, . . . , k, in each. Let xj and s2j denote themeans and variances for each sample. TheWelch ANOVAstatistic is:

W ∗ =∑wj(xj − µ)2/(k − 1)

1+[2(k − 2)/(k2 − 1)

]∑ hj, (1)


wj = nj/s2j , (2)µ =

∑wjxj/W , (3)

W =∑

wj, and (4)hj = (1 − wj/W )2/(nj − 1). (5)

The Welch test uses F(k − 1, f ), for f =(k2 − 1

)/(3/∑ hj

)distribution to draw inference with

W∗ [6].

Calculation of multivariateWelchW-statistic ondistancesTo derive a Welch W ∗ statistic suitable for analysis ofmicrobiome data,W ∗

d , we follow the same approach as wedid in our derivation of T2

w. We first demonstrate that inthe univariate case,W ∗

d can be expressed in terms of sumsof pairwise square differences. Next we observe that thesesums represent the squares of the univariate Euclideandistances, which allows for a direct extension of the W∗

dstatistic computation for multivariate Euclidean distancesand in fact any arbitrary distance or dissimilarity metric.The derivation of the statistic in terms of dissimilaritiesmakes it suitable for analysis of microbiome data via apermutation test.We have previously shown [4] that the sample variances

can be written as:


nj (nj − 1)



(x(p)j −x(q)j


= 1nj (nj − 1)





where x(p)j and x(q)j denote p-th and q-th observations inthe j-th level, d(j)pq is the distance between them. Hence:

wj = nj/s2j = (nj − 1)n2j





. (7)

Now consider:k∑

j=1wj(xj − µ)2 =


j=1wj(xj −


i=1wixi/W )2 (8)



wjW 2

⎝Wxj −k∑






wjW 2

⎜⎝W 2x2j −2Wxjk∑





⎟⎠ (10)

Hamidi et al. Microbiome (2019) 7:51 Page 2 of 9

more intuitive. Hence, there is a need for methods thatcan compare more than two experimental groups at thesame time. PERMANOVA among other methods allowsfor such analyses.From the statistical stand point, community-wide anal-

yses test the hypothesis that the data from two or moreconditions share the location parameter (centroid or mul-tivariate mean). Caution, however, needs to be taken toensure that potential violations of assumptions do notlead to adverse statistical behavior of PERMANOVA. Twosuch assumptions that are commonly violated are themultivariate uniformity of variability (homoscedasticity)and sample size balance. We have previously shown thatsimultaneous violation of both assumptions leads to PER-MANOVA analysis with indiscriminate rejection and typeI error inflation or to significant loss of power up toinability to make any rejections at all [4]. Unfortunately,heteroscedasticity across conditions is a very commonfeature of microbiome data. Thus, new robust methodsare needed to ensure correct data analysis.We have previously described a T2

w test, which presentsa robust solution for comparing two groups of micro-biome samples [4]. The two-group scenario is common,but not universally satisfying as many study designs ofteninclude many different sample types, e.g., from affectedand unaffected sites of a study subject and from amatchedhealthy control [5] and interventions as in the Coxet al. [3] study mentioned above. Here we describe afurther extension of T2

w to allow for arbitrary numberof groups with possibly different within group variabil-ity to be compared using an omnibus test for equalityof means. Our method presents an advance to the state-of-the-art by introducing a way to compare data frommultiple conditions where heteroscedasticity is a nuisanceand only the differences between location of the data areimportant.

UnivariateWelchMANOVAUnivariate solutions for a heteroscedastic test to comparek-means deal with finding asymptotic distributions for∑wj(xj − µ)2, as defined later in Eqs. (2) and (3). Welch’ssolution [6] is perhaps the most known and well adoptedin statistical literature. Next we briefly describe it, as wewill build on extending this statistic to multivariate data.Suppose we observe data from k populations xj =(x(1)j , . . . , x(nj)j

)with potentially unequal number of obser-

vations, nj for j = 1, . . . , k, in each. Let xj and s2j denote themeans and variances for each sample. TheWelch ANOVAstatistic is:

W ∗ =∑wj(xj − µ)2/(k − 1)

1+[2(k − 2)/(k2 − 1)

]∑ hj, (1)


wj = nj/s2j , (2)µ =

∑wjxj/W , (3)

W =∑

wj, and (4)hj = (1 − wj/W )2/(nj − 1). (5)

The Welch test uses F(k − 1, f ), for f =(k2 − 1

)/(3/∑ hj

)distribution to draw inference with

W∗ [6].

Calculation of multivariateWelchW-statistic ondistancesTo derive a Welch W ∗ statistic suitable for analysis ofmicrobiome data,W ∗

d , we follow the same approach as wedid in our derivation of T2

w. We first demonstrate that inthe univariate case,W ∗

d can be expressed in terms of sumsof pairwise square differences. Next we observe that thesesums represent the squares of the univariate Euclideandistances, which allows for a direct extension of the W∗

dstatistic computation for multivariate Euclidean distancesand in fact any arbitrary distance or dissimilarity metric.The derivation of the statistic in terms of dissimilaritiesmakes it suitable for analysis of microbiome data via apermutation test.We have previously shown [4] that the sample variances

can be written as:


nj (nj − 1)



(x(p)j −x(q)j


= 1nj (nj − 1)





where x(p)j and x(q)j denote p-th and q-th observations inthe j-th level, d(j)pq is the distance between them. Hence:

wj = nj/s2j = (nj − 1)n2j





. (7)

Now consider:k∑

j=1wj(xj − µ)2 =


j=1wj(xj −


i=1wixi/W )2 (8)



wjW 2

⎝Wxj −k∑






wjW 2

⎜⎝W 2x2j −2Wxjk∑





⎟⎠ (10)

Hamidi et al. Microbiome (2019) 7:51 Page 3 of 9


j=1wjx2j − 2



i,j=1wiwjxixj +



wjW 2






j=1wjx2j − 2



i,j=1wiwjxixj +





i,j=1wiwjxixj (12)

= 12W


j=1wjx2j − 2



⎠ (13)

= 12W


i,j=1wiwjx2j −2


i,j=1wiwjxixj +



⎠ (14)

= 12W


i,j=1wiwj(xi − xj)2 (15)

= 1W

i<jwiwj(xi − xj)2. (16)

Equation (16) means that ∑j wj(xj − µ)2 can be

expressed as weighted sum of squares of pairwise inter-group mean differences, which makes for a convenientexpression to compute. Finally, we have previously shownthat squares of mean differences can be expressed in termsof squares of pairwise sample differences [4], i.e:

(xi − xj

)2 = ni + njninj


ni + nj



(z(i,j)i − z(i,j)j





(x(p)i − x(q)i

)2+ 1




(x(p)j − x(q)j



⎥⎥⎦ ,


where z(i,j) =(z(i,j)1 , . . . , z(i,j)ni+nj


(x(1)i , . . . , x(ni)i ,

x(1)j , . . . , x(nj)j). The squares of the pairwise differences

under the summations in Eq. (17) can be thought of as thesquares of the pairwise Euclidean distances in one dimen-sion. This allows us to generalize the univariate EuclideanWelch ANOVA to MANOVA with arbitrary distances,where the distances can be suitably defined for the dataat hand, including all of common distances used withmicrobiome data.Note that in contrast to the PERMANOVA statistic, the

distance-based T2w and W ∗

d explicitly account for poten-tially unbalanced number of observations and differencesin multivariate spread in the two samples. Finally, observethat W ∗

d reduces to T2w when k = 2, as W ∗ reduces to

Welch t-statistic.As with T2

w, the exact distribution of the multivariatedistance-basedW ∗

d statistic is dependent onmany factors,

such as the dimensionality of underlying data, distribu-tions of the random variables comprising the data, theexact distance metric used, and the number of groupscompared k. To make a practical general test, we usepermutation testing to establish the significance. To doso, we compute W ∗

d (i) on m permutations of the origi-nal data, for i = 1, . . . ,m, and estimate the significanceas the fraction of times the permuted statistic is greaterthan or equal to Wd, i.e., p = 1


i 1(W ∗

d ≤ W∗d (i)


Here, 1(.) designates the indicator function. Larger pvalues are more easily estimated with permutations asthe number of more extreme permuted statistics willbe quite large. For smaller, p values often, the precisep value is not necessary, but only an indication if itis smaller than a particular threshold (e.g., 0.01). As arule of thumb, to conclude that a p value is less thana threshold α, we recommend performing at least 5/αpermutations.Confounder modeling and repeated measures are often

key elements of microbiome study design. These can beaccounted for in permutation testing procedures usingrestricted permutation. For example, the effect of a dis-crete valued confounder can be removed from the p valuecalculation by restricting permutations to only withinthe levels of the confounding variable. This amounts toan application of stratified analysis of variance. Similarly,restricting permutations to within individual subjectsonly results in a repeated measures analysis. Notice thatthe test statistic under restricted permutationsremains the same, but the null distribution ischanged to reflect the desired comparison. Methodsfor W ∗

d and these restricted permutation methodsare available in our reference implementation athttps://github.com/alekseyenko/WdStar.When multiple means are compared with W ∗

d , a statis-tically significant result may prompt the question aboutattribution of the differences to a specific group orgroups. Post hoc testing procedures are used to performthat kind of analysis. There are many possible ways todesign the post hoc testing procedures, but the guidingprinciple due to potential for loss of power to multi-ple testing should be to minimize the number of testsperformed. For this reason, in addition to all possiblepairwise (one versus one) tests, it may be interestingand relevant to test one group versus all others. In thisscenario, samples from one experimental group are com-pared to pooled samples from the remaining groups.The statistical test for this comparison can equivalentlybe either T2

w or W∗d on two level factors. We illustrate

the use of one versus all post hoc procedure in ourapplication example in “Application example: colorectalcancer disparity and microbiome” section and providecorresponding computation routines in our referenceimplementation.

Hamidi et al. Microbiome (2019) 7:51 Page 2 of 9

more intuitive. Hence, there is a need for methods thatcan compare more than two experimental groups at thesame time. PERMANOVA among other methods allowsfor such analyses.From the statistical stand point, community-wide anal-

yses test the hypothesis that the data from two or moreconditions share the location parameter (centroid or mul-tivariate mean). Caution, however, needs to be taken toensure that potential violations of assumptions do notlead to adverse statistical behavior of PERMANOVA. Twosuch assumptions that are commonly violated are themultivariate uniformity of variability (homoscedasticity)and sample size balance. We have previously shown thatsimultaneous violation of both assumptions leads to PER-MANOVA analysis with indiscriminate rejection and typeI error inflation or to significant loss of power up toinability to make any rejections at all [4]. Unfortunately,heteroscedasticity across conditions is a very commonfeature of microbiome data. Thus, new robust methodsare needed to ensure correct data analysis.We have previously described a T2

w test, which presentsa robust solution for comparing two groups of micro-biome samples [4]. The two-group scenario is common,but not universally satisfying as many study designs ofteninclude many different sample types, e.g., from affectedand unaffected sites of a study subject and from amatchedhealthy control [5] and interventions as in the Coxet al. [3] study mentioned above. Here we describe afurther extension of T2

w to allow for arbitrary numberof groups with possibly different within group variabil-ity to be compared using an omnibus test for equalityof means. Our method presents an advance to the state-of-the-art by introducing a way to compare data frommultiple conditions where heteroscedasticity is a nuisanceand only the differences between location of the data areimportant.

UnivariateWelchMANOVAUnivariate solutions for a heteroscedastic test to comparek-means deal with finding asymptotic distributions for∑wj(xj − µ)2, as defined later in Eqs. (2) and (3). Welch’ssolution [6] is perhaps the most known and well adoptedin statistical literature. Next we briefly describe it, as wewill build on extending this statistic to multivariate data.Suppose we observe data from k populations xj =(x(1)j , . . . , x(nj)j

)with potentially unequal number of obser-

vations, nj for j = 1, . . . , k, in each. Let xj and s2j denote themeans and variances for each sample. TheWelch ANOVAstatistic is:

W ∗ =∑wj(xj − µ)2/(k − 1)

1+[2(k − 2)/(k2 − 1)

]∑ hj, (1)


wj = nj/s2j , (2)µ =

∑wjxj/W , (3)

W =∑

wj, and (4)hj = (1 − wj/W )2/(nj − 1). (5)

The Welch test uses F(k − 1, f ), for f =(k2 − 1

)/(3/∑ hj

)distribution to draw inference with

W∗ [6].

Calculation of multivariateWelchW-statistic ondistancesTo derive a Welch W ∗ statistic suitable for analysis ofmicrobiome data,W ∗

d , we follow the same approach as wedid in our derivation of T2

w. We first demonstrate that inthe univariate case,W ∗

d can be expressed in terms of sumsof pairwise square differences. Next we observe that thesesums represent the squares of the univariate Euclideandistances, which allows for a direct extension of the W∗

dstatistic computation for multivariate Euclidean distancesand in fact any arbitrary distance or dissimilarity metric.The derivation of the statistic in terms of dissimilaritiesmakes it suitable for analysis of microbiome data via apermutation test.We have previously shown [4] that the sample variances

can be written as:


nj (nj − 1)



(x(p)j −x(q)j


= 1nj (nj − 1)





where x(p)j and x(q)j denote p-th and q-th observations inthe j-th level, d(j)pq is the distance between them. Hence:

wj = nj/s2j = (nj − 1)n2j





. (7)

Now consider:k∑

j=1wj(xj − µ)2 =


j=1wj(xj −


i=1wixi/W )2 (8)



wjW 2

⎝Wxj −k∑






wjW 2

⎜⎝W 2x2j −2Wxjk∑





⎟⎠ (10)

Page 14: Lecture 6: Distance-based multivariate analysis of variance · 7/16/19 1 Lecture 6: Distance-based multivariate analysis of variance Beta-diversity; ordination analysis 2 ISME J





Hamidi et al. Microbiome (2019) 7:51 Page 6 of 9

Fig. 2 PCoA plot of the JSD distances between CRC microbiome samples. African-American distal (red) samples appear to be separated on PC1from the samples in the proximal AA (black) and Caucasian (gray) and Caucasian distal (orange) samples. Likewise, the plot suggest that themultivariate spread may differ dramatically in the compared groups with AA distal samples being most concentrated relative to the other groups

may not be sufficient to deem the observed effect sizessignificant.Nonetheless, the race and location interaction model

achieves significance (p < 0.05) with W ∗d test (Table 2).

Observe that as expected the difference between the dis-tal and proximal cancers alone is not significant, but incombination with race suggest existence of differentialinteraction. These nuances are not captured by the anal-yses with PERMANOVA, which yields unremarkable pvalues. Interestingly, there is a discrepancy in test resultsfor the primary effect of the race at 0.05 significancethreshold, which is well within the gray zone of beingnotable. However, the discrepancy of PERMANOVA andW ∗

d in the interaction term is a clear illustration forutility of our method. In the presence of heteroscedastic-ity and sample size imbalance, one might doubt the resultby PERMANOVA. Next, we demonstrate the applicationof the post hoc procedures described in the methodssection. Significance of the interaction term may dic-tate additional questions about which groups differ from

Table 2 Significance of the primary and interaction effects byPERMANOVA andW∗

d tests

Covariate PERMANOVA p value W∗d p value

Race 0.064 0.047

Location 0.907 0.908

Race and location 0.282 0.037

the rest. We demonstrate the use of one versus all posthoc testing by comparing each group with the rest ofthe samples (Table 3). As expected, these indicate a sig-nificant difference (p < 0.05) in the microbiome ofthe AA distal CRC samples from the rest, and a trendfor difference of the Caucasian distal samples. Note thatthe interpretations of these results might differ if mul-tiple comparison issues are taken into account. Due tothe pilot nature of these data, we do not perform anyformal corrections, as our goal is to determine the plau-sibility of significant differences, which are to be evalu-ated in appropriately sized datasets where power is nota concern.Epidemiological literature indicates that AA and CA

have notable differences in the prevalence of colorec-tal neoplasia in the proximal and distal colorectumat both the precancerous [21–24] and invasive stages[25]. Numerous lifestyle and dietary factors associ-ated with dysbiosis (e.g., red-meat intake, sedentary

Table 3 One versus all post hoc comparisons of the interactionterms

Group T2w statistic W∗d p value

AA distal 8.88 0.039

CA distal 1.93 0.075

AA proximal 0.36 0.936

CA proximal 0.70 0.665

Hamidi et al. Microbiome (2019) 7:51 Page 6 of 9

Fig. 2 PCoA plot of the JSD distances between CRC microbiome samples. African-American distal (red) samples appear to be separated on PC1from the samples in the proximal AA (black) and Caucasian (gray) and Caucasian distal (orange) samples. Likewise, the plot suggest that themultivariate spread may differ dramatically in the compared groups with AA distal samples being most concentrated relative to the other groups

may not be sufficient to deem the observed effect sizessignificant.Nonetheless, the race and location interaction model

achieves significance (p < 0.05) with W ∗d test (Table 2).

Observe that as expected the difference between the dis-tal and proximal cancers alone is not significant, but incombination with race suggest existence of differentialinteraction. These nuances are not captured by the anal-yses with PERMANOVA, which yields unremarkable pvalues. Interestingly, there is a discrepancy in test resultsfor the primary effect of the race at 0.05 significancethreshold, which is well within the gray zone of beingnotable. However, the discrepancy of PERMANOVA andW ∗

d in the interaction term is a clear illustration forutility of our method. In the presence of heteroscedastic-ity and sample size imbalance, one might doubt the resultby PERMANOVA. Next, we demonstrate the applicationof the post hoc procedures described in the methodssection. Significance of the interaction term may dic-tate additional questions about which groups differ from

Table 2 Significance of the primary and interaction effects byPERMANOVA andW∗

d tests

Covariate PERMANOVA p value W∗d p value

Race 0.064 0.047

Location 0.907 0.908

Race and location 0.282 0.037

the rest. We demonstrate the use of one versus all posthoc testing by comparing each group with the rest ofthe samples (Table 3). As expected, these indicate a sig-nificant difference (p < 0.05) in the microbiome ofthe AA distal CRC samples from the rest, and a trendfor difference of the Caucasian distal samples. Note thatthe interpretations of these results might differ if mul-tiple comparison issues are taken into account. Due tothe pilot nature of these data, we do not perform anyformal corrections, as our goal is to determine the plau-sibility of significant differences, which are to be evalu-ated in appropriately sized datasets where power is nota concern.Epidemiological literature indicates that AA and CA

have notable differences in the prevalence of colorec-tal neoplasia in the proximal and distal colorectumat both the precancerous [21–24] and invasive stages[25]. Numerous lifestyle and dietary factors associ-ated with dysbiosis (e.g., red-meat intake, sedentary

Table 3 One versus all post hoc comparisons of the interactionterms

Group T2w statistic W∗d p value

AA distal 8.88 0.039

CA distal 1.93 0.075

AA proximal 0.36 0.936

CA proximal 0.70 0.665

Hamidi et al. Microbiome (2019) 7:51 Page 6 of 9

Fig. 2 PCoA plot of the JSD distances between CRC microbiome samples. African-American distal (red) samples appear to be separated on PC1from the samples in the proximal AA (black) and Caucasian (gray) and Caucasian distal (orange) samples. Likewise, the plot suggest that themultivariate spread may differ dramatically in the compared groups with AA distal samples being most concentrated relative to the other groups

may not be sufficient to deem the observed effect sizessignificant.Nonetheless, the race and location interaction model

achieves significance (p < 0.05) with W ∗d test (Table 2).

Observe that as expected the difference between the dis-tal and proximal cancers alone is not significant, but incombination with race suggest existence of differentialinteraction. These nuances are not captured by the anal-yses with PERMANOVA, which yields unremarkable pvalues. Interestingly, there is a discrepancy in test resultsfor the primary effect of the race at 0.05 significancethreshold, which is well within the gray zone of beingnotable. However, the discrepancy of PERMANOVA andW ∗

d in the interaction term is a clear illustration forutility of our method. In the presence of heteroscedastic-ity and sample size imbalance, one might doubt the resultby PERMANOVA. Next, we demonstrate the applicationof the post hoc procedures described in the methodssection. Significance of the interaction term may dic-tate additional questions about which groups differ from

Table 2 Significance of the primary and interaction effects byPERMANOVA andW∗

d tests

Covariate PERMANOVA p value W∗d p value

Race 0.064 0.047

Location 0.907 0.908

Race and location 0.282 0.037

the rest. We demonstrate the use of one versus all posthoc testing by comparing each group with the rest ofthe samples (Table 3). As expected, these indicate a sig-nificant difference (p < 0.05) in the microbiome ofthe AA distal CRC samples from the rest, and a trendfor difference of the Caucasian distal samples. Note thatthe interpretations of these results might differ if mul-tiple comparison issues are taken into account. Due tothe pilot nature of these data, we do not perform anyformal corrections, as our goal is to determine the plau-sibility of significant differences, which are to be evalu-ated in appropriately sized datasets where power is nota concern.Epidemiological literature indicates that AA and CA

have notable differences in the prevalence of colorec-tal neoplasia in the proximal and distal colorectumat both the precancerous [21–24] and invasive stages[25]. Numerous lifestyle and dietary factors associ-ated with dysbiosis (e.g., red-meat intake, sedentary

Table 3 One versus all post hoc comparisons of the interactionterms

Group T2w statistic W∗d p value

AA distal 8.88 0.039

CA distal 1.93 0.075

AA proximal 0.36 0.936

CA proximal 0.70 0.665


• BasedonTangetal.Bioinformatics 2016.• SupposewewanttoconsiderKdistancessimultaneously,𝑫1,… ,𝑫r.• Wewouldliketoknowthesignificanceoftheentireensemble• Determinewhichindividualdistanceperformsbest


Genome analysis

PERMANOVA-S: association test for microbialcommunity composition that accommodatesconfounders and multiple distances

Zheng-Zheng Tang1,*,†, Guanhua Chen1,*,† andAlexander V. Alekseyenko2,3,4

1Department of Biostatistics, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN 37203, USA, 2BiomedicalInformatics Center, 3Department of Public Health Sciences and 4Department of Oral Health Sciences, MedicalUniversity of South Carolina, Charleston, SC 29403, USA

*To whom correspondence should be addressed.†The authors wish it to be known that, in their opinion, the first two authors should be regarded as joint First Authors.

Associate Editor: Inanc Birol

Received on November 12, 2015; revised on May 6, 2016; accepted on May 11, 2016


Motivation: Recent advances in sequencing technology have made it possible to obtain high-throughput data on the composition of microbial communities and to study the effects of dysbiosison the human host. Analysis of pairwise intersample distances quantifies the association betweenthe microbiome diversity and covariates of interest (e.g. environmental factors, clinical outcomes,treatment groups). In the design of these analyses, multiple choices for distance metrics are avail-able. Most distance-based methods, however, use a single distance and are underpowered if thedistance is poorly chosen. In addition, distance-based tests cannot flexibly handle confoundingvariables, which can result in excessive false-positive findings.Results: We derive presence-weighted UniFrac to complement the existing UniFrac distances formore powerful detection of the variation in species richness. We develop PERMANOVA-S, a newdistance-based method that tests the association of microbiome composition with any covariatesof interest. PERMANOVA-S improves the commonly-used Permutation Multivariate Analysis ofVariance (PERMANOVA) test by allowing flexible confounder adjustments and ensembling mul-tiple distances. We conducted extensive simulation studies to evaluate the performance of differentdistances under various patterns of association. Our simulation studies demonstrate that thepower of the test relies on how well the selected distance captures the nature of the association.The PERMANOVA-S unified test combines multiple distances and achieves good power regardlessof the patterns of the underlying association. We demonstrate the usefulness of our approach byreanalyzing several real microbiome datasets.Availability and Implementation: miProfile software is freely available at https://medschool.vanderbilt.edu/tang-lab/software/miProfile.Contact: [email protected] or [email protected] information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

VC The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. 2618This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits

unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Bioinformatics, 32(17), 2016, 2618–2625

doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btw311

Advance Access Publication Date: 19 May 2016

Original Paper

at MU

SC Library on January 10, 2017



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