lecture 6 nash equilibrium - mit opencourseware · 2020-07-09 · • there are h hawks and d...

Lecture 6 Nash Equilibrium 14.12 Game Theory Muhamet Yildiz 1

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Page 1: Lecture 6 Nash Equilibrium - MIT OpenCourseWare · 2020-07-09 · • There are H hawks and D doves; Hand D large. • Animals are randomly matched and get "payoffs" as in left. •

Lecture 6 Nash Equilibrium

14.12 Game Theory

Muhamet Yildiz


Page 2: Lecture 6 Nash Equilibrium - MIT OpenCourseWare · 2020-07-09 · • There are H hawks and D doves; Hand D large. • Animals are randomly matched and get "payoffs" as in left. •

Road Map

1. Definition

2. Examples

3. Mixed-strategy Nash Equilibrium

4. Relation to other solution concepts

5. Population Dynamics


Page 3: Lecture 6 Nash Equilibrium - MIT OpenCourseWare · 2020-07-09 · • There are H hawks and D doves; Hand D large. • Animals are randomly matched and get "payoffs" as in left. •

N ash Equilibrium Definition: A strategy-profile s* =(Sj *, .. "sn *) is a

Nash Equilibrium iff, for each player i, and for each strategy Sj, we have

* * * * * ui(Sj , ... ,Si_ pSi ,Si+P'" ,sn)

> * * * * uJsJ , ... ,Si_ pSi ,Si+J'''' ,sn)'

i.e., no player has any incentive to deviate if he knows what the others play.


Page 4: Lecture 6 Nash Equilibrium - MIT OpenCourseWare · 2020-07-09 · • There are H hawks and D doves; Hand D large. • Animals are randomly matched and get "payoffs" as in left. •


Hawk-Dove game

(V V /2)(0,V )

(V ,0)⎟⎠⎞

⎜⎝⎛ −−


2 V < c


c V c V

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Page 5: Lecture 6 Nash Equilibrium - MIT OpenCourseWare · 2020-07-09 · • There are H hawks and D doves; Hand D large. • Animals are randomly matched and get "payoffs" as in left. •


Stag Hunt



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Page 6: Lecture 6 Nash Equilibrium - MIT OpenCourseWare · 2020-07-09 · • There are H hawks and D doves; Hand D large. • Animals are randomly matched and get "payoffs" as in left. •

Equilibrium in Mixed Strategies

What is a strategy? - A complete contingent-plan of a player.

- What the others think the player might do under various contingencies.

- A social convention

What do we mean by a mixed strategy? - The player is randomly choosing his pure strategies.

- The other players are not certain about what he will do.

- The distribution of the behavior in a society.


Page 7: Lecture 6 Nash Equilibrium - MIT OpenCourseWare · 2020-07-09 · • There are H hawks and D doves; Hand D large. • Animals are randomly matched and get "payoffs" as in left. •

Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium

• A mixed strategy profile a* =( a 1 *,000 ,an *) is a Nash Equilibrium iff, for each player i, at is a "best response" when all the other players play according to a* 0

• l.eo 0 1 of a j *() SI > 0 'Sj IS 0 a b est response to a_I * 0


Page 8: Lecture 6 Nash Equilibrium - MIT OpenCourseWare · 2020-07-09 · • There are H hawks and D doves; Hand D large. • Animals are randomly matched and get "payoffs" as in left. •


Stag Hunt



Assume: Player 2 thinks that, with probability p, Player 1 targets for Rabbit.



His payoff from targeting Rabbit: His payoff from targeting Stag:

U2(R;p) = . U2(S;p) =

She is indifferent iff

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Page 9: Lecture 6 Nash Equilibrium - MIT OpenCourseWare · 2020-07-09 · • There are H hawks and D doves; Hand D large. • Animals are randomly matched and get "payoffs" as in left. •

Mixed-strategy equilibrium in Stag-Hunt game

u 3

2 r---~~--------~

o o ~--------------~

p ° if p < 113 qBR (p)= q E [0,1] if P = 113

1 if p > 113


Page 10: Lecture 6 Nash Equilibrium - MIT OpenCourseWare · 2020-07-09 · • There are H hawks and D doves; Hand D large. • Animals are randomly matched and get "payoffs" as in left. •

Best responses in Stag-Hunt game q






Page 11: Lecture 6 Nash Equilibrium - MIT OpenCourseWare · 2020-07-09 · • There are H hawks and D doves; Hand D large. • Animals are randomly matched and get "payoffs" as in left. •

Relation to Other Solution Concepts

• Dominant Strategy => Nash Equilibrium

• Nash Equilibrium => Rationalizability


Page 12: Lecture 6 Nash Equilibrium - MIT OpenCourseWare · 2020-07-09 · • There are H hawks and D doves; Hand D large. • Animals are randomly matched and get "payoffs" as in left. •

• h = Pr(2 plays Hawk)

• d = Pr(2 plays Dove) • Indifference of 1 :

(V-c)h/2 +Vd = Vd/2

• h = Vic C

'---_( O_'_V)_....L..-/1,_/2_, /1,_/2---,) • Nash Equilibria = (h = Vic , d= (c-V)/c)


Hawk-Dove game

(V V /2)(0,V )

(V ,0)⎟⎠⎞

⎜⎝⎛ −−




c V c V


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Page 13: Lecture 6 Nash Equilibrium - MIT OpenCourseWare · 2020-07-09 · • There are H hawks and D doves; Hand D large. • Animals are randomly matched and get "payoffs" as in left. •

Evolution of Hawks and Doves

• There are H hawks and D doves; Hand D large.

• Animals are randomly matched and get "payoffs" as in left.

• The" payoff" of an animal is the number of its offsprings.

• What is the ratio of Hawks 1M years later?


Page 14: Lecture 6 Nash Equilibrium - MIT OpenCourseWare · 2020-07-09 · • There are H hawks and D doves; Hand D large. • Animals are randomly matched and get "payoffs" as in left. •

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14.12 Economic Applications of Game TheoryFall 2012

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